tommygrace · 2 months
I'm a fan of grace and tommy x grace who was harassed by the user mrkdvidal and his followers. I didn't even get into arguments, but there he was, harassing us and sending his friends to us. It will sound ridiculous, but now I'm a little afraid to show my love for Grace and her union with Tommy after that experience. Reminded me of that whole anti-grace tag incident 🤣😭
Aww yes, most of us Grace fans went through that. I did have a fight with him, to defend Grace, because he started insulting her, and calling her a bitch, and the actress, and he tagged her, then I saw it, and I defended her, he became completely aggressive, he went to my blog and started insulting everything I wrote on my blog. There I realized that this person is completely sick in the head, it was clear that he was not normal. But that didn't stop me from continuing with my blog, and from continuing to love Grace, and I love her much more after that, and I love being on this Team. I began to analyze Tommy and Grace, and the two marriages, and Lizzie's fans began to attack me anonymously, insulting, or threatening, things like that. So my advice is to ignore them and continue loving this great couple Tommy and Grace, and our queen Grace.
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evita-shelby · 2 years
👏👏👏 thank you they don’t look really happy together like “oh sh*t we had a baby and got married now what”
Yes and then there's this thing Grace has where she is no longer proud of being Irish and saysbher family is British (which Tommy corrects)
And i get this tragic vibe about her like none of the Graces we see are the real one, cuz she spent so much time being anyone else but her that she has no clue how to be herself.
Like how can you form a relationship where there is no trust nor any sense of safety to be yourself between two people.
Like just look at this scene where they are alone
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Grace in these two looks like sex is all they seem to be compatible in.
And then you have tommy literally being relieved that she is figuratively blind to the real him, the one who is a gangster stuck having to be rich people's pet assassin.
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I wish she had been left alive so we could have this farce of a marriage fall apart because they really were two strangers who desperately wanted to have something that was merely the idea and potential of something never meant to be.
Its very Daisy and Gatsby, and even ends with someone being shot to death on a case of mistaken identity
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all-mirth-no-matter · 10 months
Ok so rewatching s1 of Peaky, I got again to ep5 and the scene where Tommy puts the black star in the diary and he tells Grace about his Kimber plans. Homeboy literally tells you that no one knows what he’s telling you, not even his fam.
I remember watching this for the first time and being CONVINCED that Tommy knew in this moment that Grace was the leak. His eye shift at the end of e4 when Polly tells him the cops came had me convinced that he was looking at Grace in that scene and that him specifically telling her something “no one knows” was his test.
I can’t tell you how so disappointed I was when that wasn’t the case.
And like, what’s her plan in that situation? I can get behind her telling after she learns about the guns location, but since we didn’t see that in her two last scenes with Campbell before the faceoff, I can only assume that she reported it in as soon as she heard. So say she hadn’t figured out where the guns were when she did, and then Kimber day gets there and the police show up — you’re getting caught, your cover is blown, and you’re a bad spy.
And don’t get me wrong, of course situations and events happened so all the points are moot. But still. Was really looking forward to Tommy being smarter than his dick.
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Hi! Everybody who writes quite scathing posts about Grace Burgess, I understand that maybe I'm asking a lot, but if it's not too difficult, could you please use 'anti grace burgess' tag? You see, it has its own specific purpose. Therefore anyone who doesn't enjoy your thoughts on that subject could block the tag to keep those posts from hitting their dashes. Be respectful, it's not hard. Thanks in advance.
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sinnbaddie · 2 years
It’s funny Grace dies because the necklace she’s wearing is cursed by Romani because we all know she wouldn’t respect Tommy’s roots. Like even if he explained why she should take off the necklace she would’ve thought it was stupid bc she’s a dumb racist lol
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somepeakyblinders · 11 months
Why isn’t the “anti grace burgess” tag used?? Especially when people know that there are fans who like her?? Is it really that hard??
I’m just here to have a good time.
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emotionalcadaver · 1 year
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Part 13: Dance of Darkness
Fandom: Peaky Blinders
Pairing: Tommy Shelby x Grace Burgess x OC
Summary: Tommy and Lucy spend a little more time with May.
Word Count: 3,445
Notes: Warnings for references to violence.
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Chapter 8: Temptation
“What happened here?” Lucy asked, brushing her fingers along the scrape that marked Tommy’s right temple.
“I went to the Digbeth Kid’s grave site to give his mother the first payment from the fund,” he said glumly.
“She hit you?”
“Only a few times. It was the ring that scratched me.”
“Mm,” she ghosted her fingers along the red markings once more before dropping them. “How was the meeting with Campbell?”
Tommy let out a bitter chuckle, leaning back in his chair. “You remember those Irish people who blew up the Garrison? The ones I had you look into?”
“Irene O’Donnell and Donal Henry?”
“Mhm. They’re working with Campbell.”
She straightened. “Irish working for the King?”
“Funny, isn’t it?”
“What did they want?”
He reached into a drawer, and pulled out a file, handing it to her. “For me to kill this man.”
Thumbing through the pages, she frowned. “Why?”
“They weren’t particularly forthcoming with that information.”
“Hm…” she rested the knuckles of one hand against her lips as she scanned over the papers. “You tell Campbell about how Henry meets with anti-treaty Paddies in the backroom of the Mother Red Cap in Saltley?”
“Yeah. I also told him that he needs to take care of Henry first before I even think of taking on the assignment.”
She closed the file and handed it back to him. “Good. Donal Henry’s an ass.”
“You’ve never even met him.”
“I know what you’ve told me about him. And I’ve heard the reports from our men who have followed him. That’s more than enough to convince me.”
∗ ∗ ∗ 
“Donal Henry’s dead,” she told Tommy as soon as the doors to the office were shut behind her. “They just found the body and confirmed it.”
Looking up from his desk, Tommy’s eyes darted away, nodding.
“So, shall we start planning the murder, then?”
“I suppose so.”
They began to pour over the file Campbell had given Tommy in earnest. Lucy kept chancing glances up at Tommy as she leaned back in one of the chairs in front of his desk, a leg crossed over the other. He was hunched over his papers, sighing and pressing his fingers to his temples, massaging circles into them while he cleared his throat. It was unsettling to see him looking so anguished and stressed, to the point that she considered suggesting to him that he just let her take the whole assassination on by herself.
Brows furrowing, Tommy pulled his hands back, staring at the bloodied smear that stained his fingertips. The rubbing had torn open the scabs on his temple from where the Digbeth Kid’s mother had struck him. He stared at his hand for several long moments, before closing the file and putting it in a drawer, clearing his throat as he stood to get a drink from the shelf, wiping a rag over his fingers.
There was a knock at the door, Lizzie poking her head in to tell them that there was someone here about the accounts clerk position they’d put an advertisement for in the paper. There was mumbling outside the office as Lizzie ushered the man in, and then approaching footsteps, the door closing.
Lucy looked over her shoulder to see the boy smiling, and grinned to herself, turning back to face Tommy’s desk as she shook her head fondly. Good to know that the incident back at the auction hadn’t scared him off, she supposed. 
He was a stubborn one, not dissuaded by Tommy’s attempts to tell him that the position was already filled, listing off his qualifications after setting his application down and taking the empty seat next to Lucy in front of the desk. 
When he was done, Tommy put his glass of whiskey down and picked up the phone, setting it down in front of Michael.
“You phone your mother,” he gestured to Lucy and she stood, following him as he headed to the door. “Good luck.”
Lucy snorted. “Poor kid,” she said, once the doors were closed. Tommy chuckled.
“He did make a compelling argument for himself, though.”
“Mhm. And it would be nice to have the vacancy finally filled. The work’s starting to pile up. You think Polly will actually agree to it?”
Tommy sighed as they headed for the doors leading outside, shoving his hands into his pockets. “Maybe. She’s been better, since he got back, but she’s still…”
“She’s very protective of him.”
He hummed in agreement. “But could cause issues. And not just regarding this. You heard him in there. He’ll be eighteen by the end of the week. I think she still sees him as a little boy, in a lot of ways.”
“Not exactly the way that a young man wants to be treated,” Lucy huffed, pulling on her cap as they stepped out onto the street. “Only so much we can do, though.”
“Mm. I’ll try talking to her. Give her some assurances.”
∗ ∗ ∗ 
“May!” Lucy rushed through the kitchen into the main part of the betting shop, heading straight for the brunette standing in the middle of it all, wide eyed and looking a little lost. John was standing in front of her, incredibly close. “It’s good to see you again.”
“Hello, Lucy,” May greeted, looking relieved at the presence of a familiar face. 
“Sorry that I’m late,” Tommy cleared his throat as he came in behind her. “There was a family matter. Esme, keep it locked up for a minute.”
“Yes, Thomas,” Esme said.
“I’ll show you around,” Tommy told May. John didn’t move, continuing to stare at Tommy with a mischievous look on his face.
“John, scram,” Lucy said. He snorted, but spun on his heel and headed to his office.
May began to wander about curiously, eyes still wide as Tommy explained where the offices were and how they conducted business.
“When I drove into Small Heath I thought I was going to get murdered. Then I mentioned your name. It was like being escorted to see a king,” May leaned against the desk across from them.
“You came here to get my girl, right?” Tommy asked. Lucy bit her lip at the potential double entendre that was there, elbowing him just lightly enough to be subtle. He shot her an amused look for a fraction of a second.
“Right,” May said.
“Come with us, then,” Lucy beckoned with her head, and May followed them outside and down the road to Charlie’s yard, where the horse was being kept.
“This is Charlie. Charlie, this is May Carleton,” Lucy introduced them. “And Curly.”
Curly waved excitedly at May while Charlie gave her a respectful nod. 
“Go get her, Curly. Go on,” Tommy said. The stableboy rushed off, returning a moment later leading the gorgeous gray filly by the reins. 
“She looks in very good condition considering she’s not been out on the gallops,” May began to approach the horse, assessing her. Tommy stroked the horse’s snout. Lucy gave her a little kiss between the eyes. 
“So what time is your box van coming?” Tommy asked.
“You’ve got time to take the lady to the Garrison. Show her the spa and the tearooms,” Charlie said.
“Very funny,” Lucy glowered at him playfully.
“I’d like that. Why not?” May interjected. Lucy shot Tommy a look. He shrugged.
“All right, then.”
“Do you keep other horses at the yard?” May asked, as they began the walk to the pub.
“Tommy has a stallion. I have a chestnut filly. We take them out riding, whenever we get the chance,” Lucy said. May nodded.
It was quiet in the Garrison, when they stepped in. Empty.
“I just had it done up. There was a fire,” Tommy went behind the bar, asking May what she would like to drink. 
“It’s so early, but gin.”
Lucy hopped into a chair at the bar. May slid into the space next to her. Close enough that Lucy could smell the flowery scent of her perfume. Tommy grabbed a bottle and a glass, placing it in front of May and pouring the clear booze until it nearly touched the rim. May looked somewhat horrified.
“Goodness. With something?”
Tommy’s eyes darted to the glass of liquor, up to May, then back again. Lucy pressed her knuckles to her lips to try to hide her smile. He looked so utterly confused. Like the idea of a mixed drink was an entirely new concept to him.
“Like what?”
“Tonic water or…”
Lucy giggled. Tommy turned back around to stare at the shelf of booze behind him. “Uh…” he cleared his throat. “We have, um…cordial,” he snatched up the bottle, went back to May, nodding to her glass. “There’s not much room in there, but…” he poured the cordial in, stopping just when she was worried that the glass might overflow. He gave Lucy a glass of whiskey, before pouring one for himself.
“Do you want to fuck me, Mrs. Carleton?” he asked, turning to face her, leaning against the bar in front of May, who looked like she’d been dangerously close to choking on her drink. Lucy raised her eyebrows. Wouldn’t exactly have been the approach she personally would have taken in regards to them all getting into bed together. But she couldn’t deny Tommy’s success rate, so she’d let him work without interjection. “Perhaps because I…perhaps because I represent something to you?” he pulled out a cigarette. “We should have this conversation before the booze starts talking for us,” he explained at May’s perplexed expression, striking a match.
May looked to Lucy, eyes wide. Lucy just smiled at her, shrugging. Betting that the woman was smart enough to be able to figure out the whole arrangement on her own without needing it spelled out for her. May’s eyes darted between them. Yes, definitely smart enough.
She spoke slowly, clearly choosing her words carefully, as she explained that she was there purely because of the horse. And the money Tommy was paying her to train her. 
Lucy eyed her carefully, not entirely sure she believed her. But certainly not willing to push the subject anymore, should she be wrong. Tommy let it go as well, simply raising his glass in a toast to their horse and the Derby. Lucy clinked her glass with his before drinking.
“So is that what you say to women?” May asked.
“Sometimes,” Lucy volunteered. Tommy shot her a look. She just grinned around another sip of her drink.
“Only if I don’t know what they want,” he said.
“And what if they don’t want to fuck?” it sounded funny, to hear such a seemingly posh woman curse like that.
“Then life is simpler.”
“You want a simple life?”
Tommy scoffed, placed both hands against the bar. “Do I look like a man who wants a simple life, eh?”
“So what do you want?”
“For what I’m paying you, Mrs. Carleon,” Tommy leaned forward. “I want a horse that will pay out at Epsom on an each-way bet.”
May reached out and pulled the cigarette box Tommy had left on the bar and pulled it closer to her, fumbling with it as she began to talk about the background checks she had done on him. He had no credit record, but she had heard about the medals he’d won for his time in France.  
Tommy looked down, face contorting for a moment, just a moment. Like it almost always did whenever someone brought up his medals. “Does that really impress you, Mrs. Carleton?”
“Call me May.”
Lucy felt one side of her lips pull up in a smile. Aha. Progress.
“And you…” May turned those big doe-eyes onto Lucy. “I heard quite the shocking stories about you when I made some enquiries about you in London.”
Lucy bit her lip, setting her glass down and fingers almost immediately starting to fidget with her rings. “Yes, I’m sure you have.”
May frowned. “We need not discuss it any further, if you’d prefer. You hardly know me, but…” she straightened up in her seat. “I am sorry for what happened to you.”
Lucy blinked. So few people had actually said that to her. She wetted her lips. “Thank you,” she was not quite sure what else to say. 
“You seem to have done quite well for yourself, though…”
“Mm. Yes, I suppose you could say that,” Lucy looked to Tommy, who was leaning against the bar in front of her, watching the interaction shrewdly. One side of his lips pulled up when he caught her glancing at him.
“When I saw you two at the auction I was certain that you had to be married,” May was looking between them curiously. 
“We’re not.”
She raised an eyebrow, looking half amused. “Yes, you said that before,” her eyes danced in a way that made it clear her words were not intended to be malicious or even prying. “And yet it still seems to me that you are married, in just about everything but in name.”
“You didn’t seem shocked when I asked you about fucking,” Tommy pointed out.
May chuckled. “I think you’ll find, Mr. Shelby, that the posh can be just as debauched as the poor. In that we are the same. The scandals I could tell you about…”
“Well, we need to arrange a time to talk that,” Lucy grinned. “I’m always eager to collect good blackmail material should I ever need it.”
May laughed. “I would enjoy that, I think, so long as you’re willing to tell me tales of life as a gangster,” she looked them both over. “I think that this partnership will be quite informative and educational for all of us.”
The door opened, and Finn stepped in to inform them that the box van had arrived. Tommy dismissed him.  
“You know, I still don’t know what you’re going to call your horse,” May commented.
Tommy hesitated, thinking it over. “The horse will be called Grace’s Secret.”
Lucy almost dropped her glass, jerking with the name, eyes widening as she stared at Tommy, heart suddenly aching with the reminder of the woman that they both missed so much.
∗ ∗ ∗ 
“Well, don’t you both look fancy,” Lucy grinned as she stepped out of her flat, locking the door behind her. 
Polly smiled, smoothing down the material of her dress, tightening her fur coat around herself. “Thank you, Lucy.”
Tommy had gone by to pick up Polly before Michael’s birthday party, and to talk about the possibility of employment for Michael. “I see that no one is sulking or has a black eye, so I’m assuming talks went well?” she asked, as all three of them began to walk towards the Garrison.
“We had to bump up the rate to four bob,” Tommy, said flashing Polly a good natured smile. “And I promised to keep him away from the old business.”
“Fair enough.”
As she walked past him when he held the door open to the pub, he whispered into her ear. “You look nice.”
She felt herself blush. She wasn’t even wearing anything all that exciting. Just a somewhat nicer, more form fitting suit than the ones she wore normally. “Thanks.”
Arthur, John, Finn, and Esme were all already crowded into the snug. Plopping down in a chair next to Tommy, Lucy nudged Arthur with the toe of her shoe.
“How’s London treating you?”
“Oh, it’s the best, Luce. You’ve got to come down, sometime. See the club now, eh? Now that we’re in charge,” he grinned at her from over his glass. She nodded politely. Arthur and the Black Country boys had taken Sabini’s club, the same one that they’d visited when leaving their message to Alfie. Arthur was technically in charge of running it. Considering the man’s new proclivity for snow, she wasn’t entirely sure how long that arrangement would be able to go on.
The door opened. “There he is. Look,” Arthur straightened as Polly came in with Michael. Everyone stood, cheering in congratulations, wishing Michael a happy birthday. Tommy handed him a leather case, inside of which Michael found a golden pocket watch, and when he informed that his employment had been accepted, his face broke into a massive grin. Tommy raised a toast, and they all clinked their glasses together. 
Lucy leaned subtly into Tommy’s side, smiling as everyone at the table started to play a round of cards.
“If I find out you’re cozying up to me to sneak a look at my cards, I’ll be very cross with you,” Tommy threatened into her ear, even as his thigh pushed against hers under the table.
“Pfft. I don’t know what you’re talking about. It’s just a little cramped with so many people in the snug, that’s all.”
“Mhm,” he snorted. She beamed at him, looking him up and down. She couldn’t wait to get him in the privacy of their own home later, where she could snuggle up to him openly without fear of anyone noticing. 
When she looked across the table, it was to find Polly staring at them, eyes narrowed. Lucy shifted, her warm mood cooled somewhat at having those dark eyes staring at her, somehow accusingly, though Lucy couldn’t possibly imagine what for.
Polly was too smart not to have some notion of what was going on between them. While they were not open about their relationship, they also weren’t always the most restrained when it came to certain things–touching specifically. They were constantly struggling–and more often than not failing–to not hold hands, brush against each other, link arms as they walked…and they’d admittedly gotten even sloppier with it as the years went by.
No, certainly Polly had to know what was going on between them. There was no way she didn’t, even if none of them actually acknowledged it.
And yet, for some reason, the thought of it finally being made official just how much Polly knew about their relationship terrified her.
∗ ∗ ∗ 
He watched as the men around him unloaded the crates from the boats, giving a vague, noncommittal answer as Johnny Dogs asked him how his life had been.
“But Tom, really, come on. How is it? You know I hate to see you not even married yet,” Johnny crowded in closer, grinning. “I have a fine looking cousin, she would make your life hell. You deserve her. We haven’t had a good old wedding in a long time,” he chuckled. Tommy smiled, eyes glancing over to where Lucy was helping to coordinate the unpacking, running a hand through her auburn hair. “Surprised that you haven’t hitched yourself to your lovely Red Demon yet. Pretty and wild as she is.”
Tommy shot him a look. Johnny laughed. “Not as subtle as you think you are, Tom. I see things,” he pointed to his eyes, still smiling gleefully.
“Lucy isn’t interested in marriage, Johnny,” Tommy said. And it wasn’t like he was ever going to push the issue on her. And he couldn’t argue with her reasoning; the expectations and duties that came with being a wife certainly were not the type of things that Lucy would enjoy. Sitting at home all night, cooking, cleaning…no. His Lucy needed to be a part of the action. Running about with them men. Or else she would lose her mind from boredom. It wasn’t something he was in any rush to do, either. They loved each other. They were together. That was all that really mattered to him. Though she knew that the offer was open, should she ever want it. 
“Too wild to truly be tamed, eh? Nothing wrong with that,” Johnny laughed good naturedly.
“Have you had a look inside these boxes, Johnny?” Tommy asked, eager to steer the conversation in a less personal direction.
“Why do I want to look at car parts, Tommy, when I haven’t even got a car?”
He put an arm around Johnny’s shoulders, explaining in a low voice how he wouldn’t mind should one piece of merchandise go, ahem, missing, every now and then. But no more than that. That would be tax. And they didn’t pay tax. Johnny mumbled his understanding. 
“Good man,” he patted him on the back, stretching up until he caught Lucy’s eye and beckoned for her to follow him. She jogged over to him, and he began to make his way up the stairs, where Billy Kitchen met him halfway.
“I put an iron door on. We’ve got bars on the windows and across the skylights,” Billy reported.
“So what will you be keeping in here, Tommy?”
“Temptation, Billy,” was all he answered, vaguely. “Temptation.”
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misstressshelby · 3 years
Grace and Tommy
If you're a Grace fan this probably isn’t the post for you. But I've been saying how Tommy isn't in love with Grace just the idea of her so I thought I'd explain.
Something that I have a hard time grasping is why Tommy would take her back after she snitched on him. He states time and time again that loyalty is the most important thing to him. So I think the only reason is that he chooses to ignore it for the most part. He thought that Grace was his one chance at a good life and love after the war. He clings to that feeling to help him to escape all the horrible things in his life.
The thing to remember in S1 Grace is playing a character to get close to Tommy. He thinks that she’s a posh girl who got involved with the wrong guy and had to run away from home. He's created this version of Grace in his head of a rich girl who is trying to make her own way in life. She sees him at his lowest when he killed a horse and then he’s retraumatized after brutally killing a man. Instead of being afraid of him, she comforts him. Even at this point in the show, Tommy thinks that he’s unforgivable and has a lot of self-hatred. I think her accepting his bad side and not running away makes him think he’s not this horrible unlovable person. Also, Tommy isn’t in a good place mentally at this point. S1 is his ‘healthiest’ season but he’s still not sleeping, abusing drugs, fresh out of a war, the stress from his family, the guns, etc. He’s very vulnerable even he tries to act like he’s untouchable. After he sleeps with her he tells her that he doesn’t hear the shovels anymore. He’s already created this life for them together in his head where they’re partners in life and business. This is probably the first time in YEARS that Tommy has felt peace or happiness. Probably the first time he thought he could have love after Greta died. So of course he’s going to associate that feeling with Grace. That one perfect moment. After all, love is blind and sometimes unfortunately we overlook the bad stuff and focus on the good. He holds onto that feeling for two years and winds up putting Grace on a pedestal even though canonically she, not a good person. ( it’s Peaky blinders no one is a ‘good’ person)
So fast forward to S2 Grace is a completely different person, I’ve noticed this is when a lot of people stopped liking her myself included. This is the ‘real’ Grace in my opinion. She comes across as a spoiled brat most of the time. She lies to her husband (very easily might I add) and in my opinion, uses Tommy to get pregnant. Then when she meets Tommy to have an affair she's offended that he calls her out on it. She almost leaves when he jokes about her being armed because she thinks she’s above guns and violence now. She still mad that he didn’t drop his business and family to run away to New York. ‘Not worth a toss of a coin this time?’ She comes across as arrogant in her interaction with May. She just assumes that Tommy will take her back when she appears out of thin air after two years. This is a completely different Grace than in S1. But Tommy is so attached to this ‘perfect’ life they could have together he overlooks it. He is the king of compartmentalizing after all.
Then in S3, their relationship isn’t that great. Sure they have some cute moments but they argue more than anything. Grace wants him to be completely legal. He doesn’t tell her about the Russian (he may love her but he’ll never trust her). When he does tell her about it he doesn’t tell her the whole truth. They’ve been together two years and have a baby but she doesn’t know what he like when he’s stressed? They’re even having an argument at the Gala before she dies. It seems like they’re coming out of the ‘honeymoon' phase. Their marriage probably wouldn’t have lasted long or been a happy one. But she gets shot before any of that can happen. So all Tommy has to remember her by is the idealistic version he created in his head.
If you've read this far feel free to send me a message on what you think about Grace and Tommy. I love to hear ya'lls theories!
@adaisnotashelby I finally made it! lol
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winged-fool · 3 years
Okay here's what I don't like about Grace. I just don't understand her motivations in s1. She double crosses Tommy and undermines his business and then tries to persuades him to abandon the empire he's been building. And I'm supposed to believe she's the greatest love of his life? Pass
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vole-mon-amour · 3 years
When you look at literally any picture of a character and think: 'Die already.' Except that the character is already dead but still haunts another character.
When will this annoying speaking nonsense finally leave Thomas alone? When will the writers stop milking this? It's been annoying since s1, but now this is just... piss off already maybe?
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fandom-puff · 4 years
Okay so I saw that you write a lot for peaky blinders, I've never seen it but many of my friends said it really good, so can i ask you what do you think of it? Also idk I kinda trust your opinion so I would really appreciate if you told me if it's worth it/what does it talk about! :D 💗💗💗
(Gif creds to owners)
Okay SO I’m gonna try not to give too much away ;)
I absolutely LOVE peaky blinders.
First of all: it’s so visually pleasing??
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The music??? 10/10
Who knew I needed to hear arctic monkeys in 1920s Birmingham??
The actors??? 15/10
Cillian is a perfect Tommy Shelby, and he commands such attention and respect when he’s on screen, even though most of the other characters are taller than him he is still hella intimidating.
(With the exception of grace) I LOVE the female characters. Ada is such a badass feminist icon. Polly grey takes no shit from her scary gangster nephews. Esme is not afraid to kick off at tommy.
Alfie Solomons (once you’re introduced to him) is SUCH an interesting character and Tom hardy plays this calculating, eccentric cockney amazingly.
There are of course, some drawbacks. I really dislike Grace Burgess as a character, and Tommy’s interactions with her seem to me to be VERY naive and out of character for him. If you read through some of my fics, you will know just how much I can’t stand her. I’m also not the biggest fan of Michael but I think that’s a pretty unpopular opinion.
Also just a head up, it’s about gangsters so there’s a fair bit of violence. There’s also drug use and quite a few raunchy scenes.
All in all, I’d definitely recommend!!
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craziigamerchick · 4 years
Tommy x Grace - Tommy x Lizzie Anti-Parallels
I wanted to make a breakdown post about how both relationships have the same things happen (baby, marriage, May, working for Tommy) but have totally different outcomes. This is really long. Just warning you.
lets start with season 1:
The church confession vs sidewalk pickup
He sets them both up for failure. “You’re a good catholic girl aren’t ya?” and “That’s 8 bloody pounds.”
Offers them a job. Grace - book keeper and Lizzie - prostitute (she’s supposed to have quit). They both accept.
They both get upset when they realize he is calling them out. “you pull a pint like someone who’s thinking about it” “John will make his own decision but he will have all the facts”
The face caress. This actually what made me realize how similar these scenes were.
He takes Grace from the street to a church while with Lizzie he just stays on the street.
He’s happy Grace accepted the offer but upset Lizzie did.
When Grace gets upset and goes to leave he stops her but with Lizzie he lets her go.
Him and Grace kiss after the face caress where Lizzie slaps his hand away.
In the scene with Lizzie he constantly has the upper hand but with Grace, she knocks him off balance a bit “and perhaps mine”.
END RESULT: GRACE - Tommy leaves first and both are feeling pretty good. LIZZIE - Lizzie leaves first and both are upset
season 2:
Sex scene with Lizzie vs sex scene with Grace
SEX. I think this is the only similarity but I could be missing something.
L&T are almost fully clothed where G&T are naked 
L&T have groaning. G&T there is only music.
Lizzie does most the talking afterwards in their scene. Tommy does most of the talking with Grace.
Tommy leaves Lizzie right after and stays the night with Grace
The lighting is more warm with L&T and more cool with G&T
Pays Lizzie money and not Grace.
END RESULT: GRACE - he stays the night with her  LIZZIE - he leaves right away
First scene after both women have accepted the job
Tommy wants a letter delivered
Tommy tells Lizzie the information of the letter and she is actually the one that writes it. With Grace he doesn’t let her in on the details of the letter he wants her to deliver.
Grace is brought up in the scene with Lizzie (her letter from NY). Lizzie is not in G&T scene.
Tommy and Lizzie are together when scene ends. Tommy leaves during scene with Grace.
Grace asks questions. Lizzie none, just relays information.
Lizzie seems to be awed by who the letter is to (churchill) and Grace comes off as suspicious of him having her deliver a letter to his sister.
Grace over steps her bounds with the champagne and Lizzie does everything pretty much perfectly
END RESULT: GRACE - Tommy leaves and Grace is upset with him. LIZZIE - Tommy stays and him and Lizzie are in good spirits with each other
Using Lizzie at the end of s2 vs using Grace with Kimber (both are at the races)
Tommy uses both women. Grace to close the deal with Kimber and Lizzie to get Russel alone.
He instructs them about their apparel. Lizzie to undo 2 buttons. Grace to wear a red dress.
Neither lady is too pleased with him and both let him know it.
Tommy makes it in time to save Grace from getting raped but not Lizzie
He never planned on saving Grace but did where as he planned on getting to Lizzie on time but didn’t
Once he seen what Kimber was doing to Grace he rushed in but when you could clearly hear what was going down with Lizzie and Russel, he kept at the same pace till he made it to them (wtf though. this will never fail to piss me off. like you can clearly hear Lizzie in pain and he can’t even run to her)
There was dancing and flirting with Grace but none of that with Lizzie. Lizzie tried to convey her feelings to Tommy but he wasn’t even paying attention.
Grace kept her voice a whisper when told what to do even when pissed. Lizzie raised her voice and even threatened Tommy.
Tommy kills Russel but not Billy Kimber (not then)
He tried to comfort Lizzie (she ain’t having it) but not Grace
Tommy made it to Grace because he came early where with Lizzie he would have made it in time even though he had to go around if he wouldn’t have went to Campbell to just to gloat about Grace’s feelings for him. 
He put his plan in jeopardy to save Grace and put Lizzie in jeopardy to gloat to his enemy.
MY THOUGHTS: There has to be way more that I’m missing but these aren’t just one scene each and there is so many layers behind all of the scenes.
END RESULT: GRACE - Doesn’t get raped and leaves with Tommy. Lizzie - Gets raped and leaves separately from Tommy
Season 4
Lizzie with May and Grace with May
both women have little snark fest with May over Tommy
May comes to the area both are already at
The women that start the snark are the ones that Tommy favors the least at that moment
May is the aggressor with Grace in her scene whereas Lizzie is the aggressor in her scene with May.
Grace wins/has the last word with May whereas May gets the last word with Lizzie
After L&M had words Tommy still tried to hook up with May but after G&M had words Tommy never tried to hook up with her again (while grace was alive)
Tommy is pissed with Lizzie about it but we never find out what he thinks about G&M
END RESULT: GRACE - Has the last word and May leaves instead of waiting for Tommy. LIZZIE - Lizzie doesn’t get the last word and May waits for Tommy
Pregnancy announcement  
both announce to Tommy they’re pregnant when he has other things on his mind
both tell him he’s the father and he believes both of them.
“a baby Thomas” and “a little you and me”
At first he tells Grace to pass it off as her husband’s but implies to Lizzie to get rid of it 
He’s shocked with Grace and lost for words but just stone faced with Lizzie
Grace tells him I love you but Lizzie never says anything like that
He tells Grace he will figure out what to do later whereas he tell Lizzie how it’s going to go down right away
He gets lost in the moment with Grace but with Lizzie his mind is still stuck with what happened (killed 3)
He plans on Marrying Grace (after he doesn’t die) and plans on just giving Lizzie a house and Money
He leaves WITH Lizzie but leaves Grace to keep with his plan
MY THOUGHTS: Tommy isn’t in a good headspace for the news with either one. He seems happy about it with Grace but to me it’s more happy that she loves him than that she is pregnant. I don’t think he came across as unhappy with Lizzie but more like oh ok we’ll deal with it. I definitely think it showed the disconnect between Lizzie in Tommy this scene but more on that during this next section.
END RESULT: GRACE - He’s happy and the scene ends with them going separate ways with future unknown. LIZZIE - He’s not happy (not mad though) and the scene ends with them leaving together and future plans known
Garrison murders aftermath vs I killed 3 (during pregnancy announcement)
Tommy is in a bad mental place because of what just happened
Both try to give comfort (Lizzie the handhold and Grace the hug)
Grace is able to bring comfort to Tommy (the closed eyes when they are hugging) whereas Lizzie tries but it doesn’t work. 
Grace seen what Tommy did but Lizzie only heard about it
Grace brings Tommy comfort because they just saw each other murder someone and can understand what the other is feeling whereas Lizzie hasn’t done that yet and can’t connect on that level
Grace and Tommy are interrupted by Moss whereas Tommy breaks it up with him and Lizzie
Grace kind of puts Tommy in that situation whereas Lizzie has nothing to do with it (not directly at least but it did all start because she was dating Angel)
MY THOUGHTS: Grace brings Tommy comfort for this sort of thing because she’s seen him at his worst and vice versa and she understands. They just get each other on a deeper level. Lizzie tries to comfort him with the handhold but when she bends down to him they bump heads (ouch) and she doesn’t know what to say to bring comfort. They also don’t keep the forehead touch going on like G&T do. She brings up the baby but that’s not what he needs right at the moment. It’s telling right before she goes in to tell him, he is looking at Grace’s picture. Longing for comfort from the person who gave it to him before. This scene is where Lizzie also tells Tommy if he thinks she would get rid of their baby he doesn’t know her (showing he doesn’t really know her. which is also shown in the “WTF was that” scene about May). Yet, he’s told Grace they “know each other”. 
END RESULT: GRACE -  Moss breaks up their hug and Tommy is still upset and not hiding it. Then he walks her home and they share a cigarette (showing they’ve become closer as it’s more intimate).  LIZZIE -  Tommy breaks up the hand hold and pulls himself together even though he is still upset and drives her home but we don’t see it.
Season 5
Lizzie shoots gun vs Garrison murders
Both women are wearing maroon
Both walk out with the gun and start shooting
Tommy is stunned both times
There are 2 other men involved
Tommy’s life is threatened both times when each woman comes out 
Both shoot twice
Both save Tommy’s life 
Happens at night
Lizzie doesn’t shoot anybody, just in the air but Grace shoots and kills one of the men
Lizzie speaks and then Tommy. For Garrison murders, Tommy speaks and then Grace.
Lizzie keeps the gun pointed at Tommy but Grace never points it at him (towards him at Byrne but not at him)
Tommy looks hurt that Lizzie is pointing gun at him and upset with Grace for shooting when he told her to just point
In the pub both men are IRA and at the house both men are Gypsies
Both men live with Lizzie but both men die with Grace
Happens inside with Grace and outside with Lizzie
Grace and Tommy get hurt but Lizzie and Tommy are both fine
Tommy and Lizzie help both men (Lizzie calls ambulance for Aberama and Tommy helps Johnny inside) whereas Grace and Tommy kill both men
Lizzie walks inside during scene and Tommy heads that way too but Grace and Tommy both just stand there till the next scene
Lizzie was shaking holding the gun but Grace was steady (she has training)
L&T sex scene in bedroom vs G&T sex scene at Ada’s
close up on their faces at the beginning
the lighting is similar in color
the kissing is very audible in both scenes
the hand gripping the furniture
Lizzie lays down how things are going to go whereas Grace is trying to figure out
Grace touches Tommy’s face but Tommy is the one touching Lizzies face
Tommy focuses mainly on Lizzie’s body but focuses only on Grace’s face
the music is loud during G&T scene but low on L&T
heavy moaning during L&T during the sex but music takes over during G&T
G&T kiss most of the scene but L&T there is only a bit of it
Tommy throws Lizzie on the bed but walks Grace to the couch carefully
bed vs couch
there is some stripping in L&T but putting the clothes back on for G&T
Grace wants to make sure there is nobody else and Lizzie is ok with their being others as long as he follows her rules
MY THOUGHTS: The Lizzie and Tommy scene also reminded me of the May and Tommy scene from season 2. Lizzie and May are both wearing the same color of nightwear and they go the desk then the bed in both scenes. Which could also parallel the wedding episode where Grace and Tommy start kissing at the desk but move to the bed also. He is more gentle with Grace than the other two and there is more kissing. Grace is also wearing purple where the other 2 appear to be wearing light pink.
END RESULT: LIZZIE - Her and Tommy seem to have a deal in place about how their relationship is going to be going forward. GRACE - Her and Tommy’s future is still uncertain
Lizzie’s Birthday vs G&T Wedding
A big party with lots of people at the arrow house
they keep guests waiting while they have sex
enemies are in attendance
someone gets shot
Neither woman knew about the enemy until the party
Tommy does business during the party
after sex we see both ladies pulling up their stockings on one leg
Tommy doesn’t want the Russians near his house but invites Mosely there
Worries about Grace being embarrassed and threatens his people over it but let’s Mosely embarrass Lizzie and says nothing (she has to save face by saying Mosely fell asleep early even though Lizzie just told Polly they fucked)
Polly is friendly with Lizzie but not with Grace
G&T dance but we watch other people dance (swans) instead at Lizzie’s party
the person that gets shot at the wedding dies but Linda lives 
Lizzie interacts with the enemy whereas Grace doesn’t
Tommy tries to hide the stuff from Grace but doesn’t Lizzie
L&T have sex once whereas G&T have sex twice
Loud moaning during sex with L&T, none with G&T
Sex is fully clothed with L&T but with sex scene we do see G&T are completely naked
Tommy warns Lizzie about the enemy beforehand but Grace has to get the information out of Tommy after it’s started going down
Enemy has ties to Lizzie but Russians have nothing to do with Grace
END RESULTS: LIZZIE - Tommy gives her more information about what’s going on and gets comfort from her (they end the scene together). GRACE - Her and Tommy get interrupted during sex and he goes to take care of their son and look out the window (a sign of worry/anxiousness)
So that’s all the scenes but here are some other details where they are the same but opposite:
Had a child with Tommy. GRACE - a boy and named after a real actor. LIZZIE - a girl and Ruby because she might grow up to be an actress herself according to Polly (also Ruby is red and Grace was wearing a sapphire which is blue and we all know red and blue are opposites).
Tommy asks Lizzie if she wants to fuck (also uses that vulgarity on other women) but never uses that vulgarity with Grace. 
Lizzie has threatened Tommy with a Gun 2x even though they have never been enemies but Grace who was his enemy never did.
In S5 Lizzie represents the black swan (she has it on her coat in episode 1) and Grace the white swan (there is an article about it). Now go look up the ballet Swan Lake....
Tommy has insulted both of them (”I still pay for it in my head” and “you’re used to be undercover”), Lizzie takes it while Grace smacks him.
Both are/were his wife. Lizzie is alive but Grace is dead.
His wedding ring with Lizzie is a plain one but a special one with Grace (can anyone tell me what’s engraved on it?).
He makes promises to both of them and breaks them. Lizzie gets angry and storms out whereas Grace says something about and Tommy makes her come with him (scene with RIP Charlie)
When the women order drinks, Grace ordered the champagne and Lizzie the Vodka tonic. 
He’s given them both gifts. He gave Lizzie money as a gift in 4x1 and Grace the sapphire in 3x2
When Tommy introduced his wife to Mosley he called her Elizabeth (he calls her Lizzie right after that). Her and Polly are both standing there and both of their names are Elizabeth. It felt like that was on purpose by the writers (Polly’s actress even says she is like his wife but without the sex). His work wife (who he is related to) and real wife share the same name...ughh gross. I know Mosely already met Polly and everything but the writers love to show us about how Tommy and Polly are the Head of the family. It just felt wrong. 
Which I also think the only reason Polly likes Lizzie for Tommy is because she knows she’ll never lose him to her. She knows Lizzie has no sway over Tommy and she can stay his true wife/partner. I say “true” because Tommy does tell Lizzie things but as we see in S5E1 he tells Polly more (and Lizzie is not happy about it).
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evita-shelby · 1 year
Just saying, if Grace was supposed to be a person to root for why did she spend her wedding wanting Tommy and his family to conform to her racist ass family's expectations?
A person who wants you to 'behave' to gain the approval of her family, same family who was disgusted by the poc around them and particpates in the oppression of poc at an international scale, is still racist even if she only communicates it in winces, grimaces and accusing your aunt of wanting to fuck you.
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nyarnamaitar · 5 years
Grace’s character and her relationship with Tommy are the least interesting parts of Peaky Blinders and that’s on that. 🤷‍♀️
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The best thing about my unplanned hiatus is that I understood that if you really like something then please don't go on the internet to read what other people think about it, and even more, why they might not like what you like. It's worth nothing.
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sinnbaddie · 2 years
I’m currently watching Peaky Blinders and got to the part where Grace dies. It’s about time I was waiting for this !
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