r6shippingdelivery · 1 year
Here's a rare pair I don't think I've seen anywhere....
Finka x Kali
Eh, to each their own, I just don't ship anyone from Nighthaven with anyone. The Rainbow defectors are on thin fucking ice even if I liked them before (which isn't the case for some), and in general I tend to avoid ships with them nowadays unless the whole NH is ignored/doesn't exist in the fanfic... As for Kali in particular, I only ship her with a well aimed punch to the face 🤷😂
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dreamcast641 · 1 month
RAINBOW SIX OC: Lilja Järvinen
there it is a bit with lilja's bio that for sure it will not be completed fully as I want to make a sort of bio like r6s operators in future plus she doesnt have a reference draw for her yet so...I'll reblog if any change is made :D --------------------------------- GENERAL INFOS
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Full name: Lilja Järvinen
aliases/nicknames: One of the first thing that Harry did as soon as she joined the rainbow six is to think about how to refer to her and ''hound'' was what came into his mind immediately. Later then Lilja decided to just translate it into her native language, becoming it ''koira''but she likes the hound one as well
Age: around 30-35 years old
Gender: cis Female
Pronouns: she/her
Sexual orientation: Unknown, probably bisexual
Date of birth: April 30th
Place of birth: Rovaniemi, Laplan, finland
Current residence: Unknown
Nationality: finnish
Spoken languages: Finnish(main), Swedish(second one learned) and english
Affiliations/organizations: Rainbow six, utti jager regiment, finnish army
Occupation: K-9 operative with certification got with training and working with police and army dogs and robotic engineer with a egree in automation engineering, computer engineering
Rank: Unknown
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(temporary reference)
By the national average, Lilja is a rather short woman who stands at around 166 cm tall. She is slim and athletic, with messy blonde hair, freckles scattered across her cheeks and nose, and eyes with partial heterochromia on both irises that are both blue and brown in color, which are easily distinguishable between the two. She is the one who usually wears heavy, long clothes that are uncomfortable when it comes to grabbing objects and that hide her body well. She wears glasses because she is astigmatic, which she removes to use contact lenses when she has to work in the field. more facts about her aspect: -Lilja has a lot of bite wounds on her body, done of course by the dogs she worked in the past with most of them being reactive ones that easily snapped when something even small bothered them. The most visible one is on her left cheek that resembles a two cut done by a feline instead of a dog and people usually asks her how could a dog do such damage; -She always wanted a tattoo on her left cheek that resembled a dog jaw but changed her mind when she wasn't allowed to do so in the army. -She doesn't hide her body due to insecurity, in fact, she also can wear swimming costumes and bikinis, she just prefers baggy clothes over normal ones.
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Favorites and personality traits
-Color: Mint green
-Food: Lihapullat (finnish meatballs)
-Drink: Hot chocolate
-Song: Killer by Mareux
-Flower: Lilly of the valley
-Hairstyle: wolfcut Moral alignment: Chaotic good MBTI: INTP Personality overview:
Lilja is a reserved woman by nature, she doesn't like to talk to people too much and generally prefers to be alone. Sometimes she seems detached and lost in her thoughts, it almost seems like her brain is constantly working, constantly creating new thoughts. Which isn't necessarily a bad thing, as she always has new ideas that she can implement in the form of robotic objects useful to her team. She seems to prefer small speeches to long, deep ones, which is often not in good taste with other operators and those in command, but she often ignore the thoughts of others. This doesn't mean she's a totally insensitive person, she just doesn't know how to relate to people without seeming weird, which leads her to avoid social situations most of the time.
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Name: Lilja ''hound/koira''Järvinen Side: defender Squad: Nighthaven (she probably joined them because they were more willing to fund her projects) Speciality: Anti-gadget, Intel and trapper Unity: Utti jaeger regiment support battalion/support company-trains conscripts in support tasks and handles logistics in cooperation with the Logistics Centre.
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Primary weapons: -Assault rifle, RK 95
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-9.00 submachine gun 2000
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-pump-action shotgun remington police
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Secondary weapon:
-Pistol 80/Pistol 80-91
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-Smoke grenade -Frag grenade -Claymore
LOADOUT PART 2: Unique ability:
''K-9 puppies'' Highly intelligent robotic dogs with different speciality based on the selected one. They can be used as attack weapons, anti gadget, trapper or intel. They are all comanded by a tablet which makes you vulnerable to the attackers that can sneak and kill you. The robotic dogs are not vulnerable to bulletts or explosives. BIOGRAPHY
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neaura-nightsong · 1 year
There's been a lot of talk about Energy Drinks lately, especially due to the news about their potential anti-aging properties. So, I figured it was time for a deeper dive into Energy Drinks and their reputation for being unhealthy: https://www.nighthavensentinel.net/2023/06/energy-drinks-dispelling-myths-and.html
#energydrink #energydrinklove #health #drinks
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riotshotguns · 2 years
Okay you know what I feel like I should repay you because you've in the past inadvertently helped me by letting me gain enough vague knowledge of R6Siege to pretend I've played it to get like 50¢ from a survey so: Tell me about Lion! He seems like a guy you're eager to talk about
OH BOY TYSM glad i could help you get like 50¢ from a survey with my insanity . i’m sorry for all the information you’re about to lesrn he sucks so fuckign bad but i love him so much
so basically lion was a super rebellious teenager in a very well-off conservative catholic family and he ruined his life when he was 18 by fucking up and getting his at the time girlfriend pregnant. he begged her to get an abortion because his family is so religious they’d absolutely kill him if they found out, she said no, he tried to pressure her into it and she left, it was a whole thing. they did find out and disowned his ass and he, now faced with being kicked out of the house with absolutely nothing at 18, went on a depression and fear fueled bender and landed in the hospital . absolutely sucked 0/10 bad time
so when he got outta this hospital he decided he ws gonna clean up his life by joining the military and try to be a good person. wild choice but yk its a military fps game what do you expect . he also became catholic again which i mean yeah sure fine i guess thats his choice. after a while (like a Long while) his unit’s chaplain arranged a meeting with the ex girlfriend and the child, and he was like “oh SHIT my actions have consequences this child almost didn’t exist” and now makes an effort to be in his son’s life even though the kid grew up calling someone else dad bc the gf got married at some point i think? idk regardless lion tries to be a good parent despite his past fuckups and i like that about him
but anyway so lion joins the gign, then gets recruited for cbrn which is like . anti-bioterrorism basically, where he meets doc and twitch (two other gign operators that r in the game) during an ebola outbreak. lion, being a quarantine specialist, decides to quarantine a bunch of infected people to prevent the spread of the virus. doc is NOT happy about this because hes hardcore humanitarian and wants to try to help them. because of lion’s shitty quarantine practices they wind up dying, and doc has blamed him ever since which is totally fuckin fair . they both had a lot of mean things to say to each other, namely that lion lacks empathy and that doc’s belief that People Should Not Die If It’s Preventable is a liability. the two have been actively hostile towards each other for a long time, but have reached a stable point in the past couple seasons. theyre both beginning to move on and work together to lead wolfguard, which is rainbow’s rescue unit essentially
so now with all the backstory shit out of the way, what i like about this wretched beast; he sucks, he fucked up a whole lot, but he’s trying so very hard to do better for the people he cares about and for himself. he’s confident and even cocky when it comes to his combat skills but he absolutely does not trust his civilian instincts because of the things he’s done in the past so he’s really, really bad at interacting with people . he tends to come off as an arrogant asshole (which is kind of true honestly) and has gotten into fights with so so many other members of rainbow because he’s just so full of fuckin attitude. he also canonically likes heavy metal and cats and is fascinated by virology and vector control :] and when he’s not doing stuff for team rainbow he tries to help his community by volunteering for various stuff
in conclusion; i love this wretched beast. he’s the reason i got into r6 and i rotate him in my brain every day because he is just Inch Resting to me. i could talk about my nighthaven lion thoughts BUT tahts not even canon adjacent that’s just me being insane so i will save that for another day . sorry for the 800 page essay i just fjskgkakkgks lion my beloved . i will leave you with this picture of him bc i like it :]
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fonfan121 · 3 years
Veronica “Watcher” Strickland
Position: Attacker 
Organization: NIGHTHAVEN Special Intervention Group 
Name: Veronica Strickland 
Nickname: Watcher 
Date of birth: February 20 (Age 30) 
Place of birth: Red Bluff, CA 
Height: 1.66m (5'4") 
Weight: 57kg (125lb) 
Veronica Strickland was born and raised in the township of Red Bluff, California under a Major in the United States Army for a father and a JAG Corp Attorney for a mother. Achieving high grades in computer sciences and mathematics, she eventually got degrees in both comp sci and electronic engineering with plans to move out to Silicon Valley. 
She was instead encouraged by her family to join the military, which she eventually agreed to. During her enlistment she was drafted into the Military Intelligence Corp mere weeks before being deployed abroad. Veronica took to the challenge and performed exemplary in her field. Most notably during Operation Pipeline Surf, where she was brought in to assist an understaffed intel team working for the Navy SEALs, including one Meghan "Valkyrie" Castellano. 
 After her enlistment expired, Veronica took a job offer from an R&D company affiliated with the Department of Defense. During this time she would develop and patent several surveillance tech pieces and programming codes. In doing so she caught the attention of NIGHTHAVEN whose leader personally offered a lucrative position among their ranks, in return for using her tech in the field. PSYCHOLOGICAL PROFILE
Strickland is, if I had to sum it up in one word: loyal. Those who do right by her get treated the same way, if not more so. She does not judge those she doesn't know yet, but instead will hold a modicum of respect for them until being proven otherwise. 
That being said, it does not mean she blindly follows others. Her records state she has argued with superiors surprisingly frequently, usually regarding resource management or what she thinks are questionable orders. 
Veronica's relatively short time in the military I believe has ironically, instilled some form of an anti-authority mentality. Upon digging into her files it seems to have stemmed from the supposed misuse of resources, general incompetence and bureaucracy of the US Army, experience s from both home and abroad which explains why she left so quickly and jumped on the opportunity to work with a more tight-knit group such as NIGHTHAVEN. 
I believe she could be a key figure in building bridges between Rainbow and NIGHTHAVEN, though I am unsure as to whether she will be up to or even be willing to do the task. She has made several acquaintances on the "other side of the fence" and this could lead to problems down the line for her, if she has to pick a side... Should it come to that. 
 - Dr. Harishava "Harry" Pandey, Director of Rainbow
Device: Ballistic Armor Military Laptop "Black Box"                                  Operator: Specialist Veronica "Watcher" Strickland                                  Evaluation Lead: Specialist Grace "Dokkabei" Nam 
Since I'm not allowed to discuss the inner workings of Watcher's "Black Box" due to legal reasons, I'll have settle with how it works. From what I can tell it uses some kind of replication code to create the camera loop footage, then replace it over the original which by itself isn't too special. What is special is how she managed to get it to access, replicate and replace almost anything on the same system. Another interesting choice was to use our defuser "lunchboxes" as a carry case, it looks and sounds practically identical which has big decoy potential in training matches. 
Echo has managed to isolate his drones from the other camera systems and Mozzie's pest code seems to cause an error in the process, but everything else becomes a casualty until the whole system reboots. It's almost evil in its design and if Rainbow couldn't get sued into oblivion, I would totally take a peek under the hood. 
 - Dokk
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thegrandbunny · 5 years
Ubisoft has unveiled Operation Shifting Tides, detailing its latest wave of content headed to Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege. The final seasonal update of 2019 delivers new Operators Kali and Wamai, accompanied by a reworked Theme Park.
Rainbow Six Siege reveals Shifting Tides' Kali and Wamai Operators
Taking to the Rainbow Six Siege Pro League Finals, Ubisoft detailed two new playable Operators on the horizon, under the Nighthaven Special Intervention Group. Kali leads the charge as a fresh Indian attacker, equipped with the CSRX-300 bolt-action sniper rifle, boasting high-damage capable of instantly downing foes. It doubles with the new LV Explosive Lance, an underslung launcher capable of eradicating gadgets either side of soft and reinforced walls. She provides a much-needed alternative to Thatcher, especially valuable as Pick and Ban finds its home in Ranked.
Holding the defensive line in new Kenyan specialist Wamai, with an alternative anti-projectile gadget set to rival existing Operator Jager. The Mag-NET system provides a creative solution to countering throwables and launchers, capturing device mid-flight, resetting their timer, and detonating them from a new position. Pairing that interruption with smart positioning can turn gadgetry back on attackers, rather than the binary counter offered by Jager.
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Ubisoft also debuts its Theme Park rework under Shifting Tides, among the latest of map refreshes in Year 4. With a focus on improving its identity and competitive flow, it brings a drastic shift in tone, shaking up its texture palette with a traditional vibrant Hong Kong aesthetic. The map also abandons contentious elements of the original 2017 design, removing the Rail Platform and blocking Arcade Entrance. The dark and grungy Gargoyle and Haunting Dining are retired too, now substituted with the Throne Room and Armory.
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While Ubisoft hasn't unveiled a formal release date for Rainbow Six Siege Operation Shifting Tides, it makes a Technical Test Server (TTS) debut on November 11, 2019. Three weeks of testing indicates a release around December 3, hitting Xbox One, PlayStation 4, and PC.
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r6shippingdelivery · 2 years
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Can we talk about how Nighthaven's latest operator is a psychopath who scared even the psychologist doing his evaluation?
“There is a coldness to him that makes me wonder what would have occurred had I not met his qualifications” - yup, completely normal stuff going on this job interview, not alarming at all...
As a child he had to defend his mother from an armed assailant, and that I can applaud tbh! But the fact that his agression was so precise and overwhelming that it send the attacker on a coma from which he never recovered, and Grim has no trauma from the incident (he was a child!!) is worrisome.
Then a former commander of his talks about how Grim deployed the soldiers under his command in a “dehumanizing yet effective” way, cause he only sees other people as tools? Boy, the red flags keep piling up!
And of course, Kali is all “yeah he doesn’t have trauma cause he doesn’t give a shit”, cause apparently this is the sort of people she wants in NH... and I’m not surprised at all, since her bio described her as being little better than a criminal overlord, so yep, it fits she’d want to hire psychopaths like Grim.
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r6shippingdelivery · 2 years
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Fun fact: since quitting from the military isn't as easy as in a normal office job, the ops who ditched Rainbow (and their respective CTUs!!!) for NH are now considered criminals in their countries for desertion.
Once you're in the military you are contractually obligated to see your commitment through, and cannot be discharged (aka, be allowed to quit) unless for medical reasons. So they can only quit once the term they signed up for is over. Besides, since they're on loan to Rainbow, if they quit their CTUs Rainbow would be notified too, and I doubt everyone would be so surprised by them leaving.
But that's not all! As @shadowfirecat brought to my attention, apparently Grim could also be considered a criminal in his country:
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So, I can only see two possible answers to all this:
A) The writers didn't research jackshit and are going just for the cool and shock factor, Hollywood style (points in favor: the atrocity that was Thunderbird's comic, with Nokk firing live ammo on the base aiming at a fellow operator, and she received no punishment whasover).
B) The writers actually know and it's intentional that Kali is surrounding herself with people considered criminals in their countries, all to heighten their dependence on her and make her control more absolute. She (and NH) by extension, are the clear antagonists and this whole situation is by design.
So what do you think?
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r6shippingdelivery · 2 years
What are your thoughts on these operators being the ones to join Ela in going to NIGHTHAVEN: Fuze, Caveira, Oryx, and Nøkk?
I dislike the idea of any operator joining Nighthaven cause I despise NH and I think they're the worst thing to happen in the Siege universe. Aside from that, the only one I'd have strong feelings about if he joined them is Fuze, and I'm incredibly happy and proud he rejected them. For the rest, it could be reasoned or come out of nowhere as much as the ones who joined NH in canon... that is to say, unless it's actually explained more, some come off as total selfish assholes, and the same would happen with anyone else.
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r6shippingdelivery · 4 years
hello :) this was open so i thought i’d shoot my shot hehe
any headcanons on how nighthaven fits into rainbow? like how the members interact with the rest of the ops? or any thoughts regarding rhem really
please and thank u :)
Hi there! And of course, the inbox is open and y’all are welcome to send asks, headcanon requests, my (admittedly biased) opinion, or whatever you want 😄
I’m going to be upfront and say that, in my opinion, Nighthaven was a mistake, lore wise. Adding a group of PMCs, having the unofficial second in command of Rainbow -Ash- epxress her disapproval, introduce Nighthaven with a video that had them painted in weird/suspicious vibes, and then... do nothing at all with that conflict? Well, I mean, Harry makes them do like the military olympics or some other bullshit on the Stadium, but otherwise this fantastic potential for conflict within the team and weaving a plot around that has been absolutely wasted.
Furthermore, I hate all of the Nighthaven attackers so far 😅 I think they’re both deeply unlikable, but you asked for headcanons, not a rant, so let’s go! This was just a preface to let my feelings about them clear, since I won’t be very kind to Nighthaven in my headcanons and/or stories. If that bothers anyone cause you really like them, fair enough, you can keep scrolling now. Otherwise, follow me:
Nighthaven fits into Rainbow like two puzzle pieces that aren’t meant to connect but that someone jammed together all the same.
Ash loudly opposed their recruitment and seems to harbor a personal dislike of Kali (which I totally understand). We also know Kali blocked in some capacity Mira’s evaluation of her gadget, calling in her lawyers at one point when the director of R&D was making sure this new technology was safe and up to the standards of Rainbow. So I can’t imagine there’s much love lost between those two either. The fact Kali seems abrasive, ruthless, and used to being obeyed without delay doesn’t seem to put her in a good position to make many friends among counter-terrorist operators, who probably see her little group with some degree of distrust too (but that’s just my opinion).
Wamai seems pretty particular to talk with, and it’s my personal belief he might play up the “weirdness” part of his personality to see how people react to it. However, I can see him bonding in some capacity with Valkyrie (and maybe Blackbeard too). Not only was that concept art of the two having a running endurance competition, but they also share a common interest in swimming and the seas.
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He showed a certain interest/friendly overtures with Fuze, since both spent  a lot of time in the shoot house, testing various strategies against each other. (literal excerpt from his gadget evaluation record). Until Kali put an end to that, since she feared Fuze might be getting too familiar with her proprietary technology. I think Wamai’s loyalty to Kali is admirable, but ultimately what would keep him from becoming more comfortable around the rest of Rainbow. He could eventually belong in Rainbow, if it wasn’t because he’s first and foremost Kali’s henchman.
Then we have Ace. *Sighs*. He is definitely good at his job, and he got into Nighthaven because he once saved Kali’s life and she offered him to work for her as repayment. Ace’s problem, simply put, is that he’s a self-centered attention whore. He only cares for his job because of the good publicity it garners him on social media, and he seems to cultivate an image/persona he puts in display and has nothing to do with how he actually is. As Harry puts it:  “His persona drives him to be congenial and to excel in working closely with his peers, at least until the time comes to give a post-mission interview. “ That last part makes me believe he’s the sort to throw his teammates under the bus when something goes wrong, as long as it allows him to save face and keep getting the public adoration he craves above all. 
I believe this thirst for applause would irritate Doc beyond belief, who at first would be excited to have a paramedic on the team. But after meeting the man, not so much. Kapkan didn’t sound very thrilled with him on the report he did, more like he was skeptical and grudgingly admitted his skills lived up to his reputation - meanwhile he had only praises for Melusi. By his own nature, and that deceptively humble and altruistic public persona, I think he would alienate many of the more practical and no-nonsense operators.
Aruni I can see integrating fully and gladly into Rainbow. She has history with Thermite and they’re old friends. She’s a recent addition to Nighthaven, and only in it to get access to cutting edge prosthetic technology. She was in the Royal Thai Police, and after her accident, she became a private detective. Her story would garner the sympathy of many, I wager, and she has Thermite to vouch for her. She seems to have aided Twitch in the mandatory evaluation of her gadget, and she was enthusiastic when Twitch made some suggestions to modify it. She’s a recent addition, but Aruni is the only Nighthaven member I can see truly fitting in Rainbow.
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r6shippingdelivery · 2 years
Going off that other guys ask, if kali won't let Ace, the man who saved her life (ungrateful bitch) in on the plan then why would any of the defectors or grim be in on what's going on?
According to Kali's bio, an "inner circle" of NH operatives exists, aka, those closest to her. I guess those would be the ones in the know for her plans. So far, the only confirmed operator we have in this group is Osa. We also know Ace isn't. No idea where the others might fall, but my especulation is:
Wamai: part of the inner circle. It was the first op Kali brought with her so I'd take that as a sign of her trust in him, plus he seems pretty loyal. Moreover, NH's introduction trailer was from Wamai's pov, seeing Kali as a shark while he heard her talk with someone on the phone (presumably, Harry). After that she tells him to "prep for phase 2" and he smirked. (Shifting tides intro video)
Aruni: not in the know of Kali's plans. Her only attachement ot NH seems to be the profit of receiving the best prosthetics for her, and she has too many ties with Rainbow (her friendship with Thermite, she travelled with Twitch and Nomad, well regarded by Mira)
Grim: impossible to tell at this point, we don't have enough info.
The Rainbow defectors: not in the inner circle/in the know of her plans. They're too new, it's too risky. Before, Kali will want to "break them and forge them anew" (aka, manipulate the hell out of them) to make sure none of them will start having second thoughts. So far, Smoke seems the most integrated in NH, welcoming Ela to the "family" when she defected, so if any of them is gonna be inducted in Kali's inner circle, my bet is on him.
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r6shippingdelivery · 2 years
Who do you think has regrets for leaving Rainbow?
Ideally, all of them should! Realistically, though:
I hope Pulse has some big fucking regrets. Not only he turned his back on his team and long-time friend who introduced him to his girlfriend, and said girlfriend, he left for a lame ass reason. If you feel you lost your spark, you take a fucking vacation, not betray your teammates and friends of years, and the organizations and work you dedicated your life to!
And Finka. If her neurodegenerative illness is the reason she took up NH's offer, to have more (and supposedly better) resources, that makes sense. She's terrified and feels cornered and out of options, but that also means she didn't do it cause she truly believes in NH's way or whatever, she's probably gonna feel regret from leaving rainbow, and her friends & comrades, and doing that without giving any explanations.
IQ, Smoke & Ela have all very selfish motives for their betrayal, but it's in accordance to their characters (obsessing over being the best, wanting more pay/more thrill/less rules, throwing a bratty tantrum over family matters), so I don't think they really have much -or any- regrets so far. I'd bet IQ thinks Rainbow is too short-sighted, Smoke thinks they have too many rules and not enough action, and Ela doesn't give a crap, she's just acting out and punishing Zofia in hopes that will magically make her sister understand what's going on in her head.
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r6shippingdelivery · 2 years
I assume doc was only relived that the official NH ops have left and not the defectors.....though I can't blame if he never liked smoke, pulse or ela that much to begin with
I admit I burst out laughing with that last line 😂😂
The Nomad quote admits that things were tense when NH left (taking some ops with them), but that later Doc got calmer and relieved. I don't think he was relieved Smoke, Ela or Pulse left, but he's relieved NH isn't poisoning the well constantly, and as a Doctore he knows sometimes you have to take off tissue that was infected so the wound can heal. Besides, once you remove Kali and her manipulations, Osa rabidly defending her, Wamai sort of being the silent enforcer/bodyguard, etc, I understand perfectly why people would be relieved - if you've ever had a toxic person around, you know how freeing it is when they're not there, the atmosphere seems much lighter.
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