#anti-prom related rant
blaintism · 2 years
Not to like cause controversy but I always find it weird when Blaine antis single out prom queen (aside from the obvious) because I think Kurt does some not great stuff to Blaine in this episode.
He outs Blaine's trauma to Burt and Finn, and Blaine honestly looks so uncomfortable in that moment that it's hard to watch.
And after telling Blaine they don't have to go to prom if it makes him uncomfy, essentially then guilt trips Blaine because he's not thrilled about an outfit that will get them attention.
Noticing these things doesn't make me anti Kurt (love him in fact) because there's context outside of what I've said right there, not least of which he's literally like a human teenager, but a bunch of other stuff.
Blaine antis can see the nuance in Kurt's reactions to stuff even when he does not great things but can't give Blaine the same grace. Especially in this specific ep when Blaine's whole mini arc is about learning to face his own demons by offering the courage to Kurt that he didn't have for himself (in his eyes)
Anyway I guess tldr it's the hypocrisy that gets me more than anything.
Also I think a lot of Kurt stans erase Kurt's harder edges when discussing him but that's a rant for another day.
i agree with basically everything you said!!!
i think the truth of the (very, very small) conflict in prom queen is that they’re both right. or at least both are coming from extremely valid places. kurt may be disappointed at blaine’s lack of enthusiasm, and blaine may feel uncomfortable about the entire situation, but if you allow yourself to look at both of their perspectives without incredible bias neither is being unreasonable. blaine had the crap beat out of him. it’s a sad truth that this kids first thought in this situation is the danger going to prom with his boyfriend would put him in. on the flip side, kurt doesn’t want to change himself for bullies and really wants this thing to be okay.
but i do think he’s not thinking about blaine’s feelings as well as he could. which is why i hate that they leave it off on ‘i’m wearing this and you can come if you want.’ maybe seeing them talk that out would be nice. plus the fact that when blaine tells him about the whole thing the first thing he says is ‘this is perfect now we can stand up to the bullies at my school.’ what a weird line lol
but it’s the truth at the end of the day that a lot of these people give way more consideration to kurt’s (or sebastian’s???) nuances than they blaine’s. which is sinister to me. i think a flaw that makes kurt compelling is that he DOES have a tendency to be a little manipulative when something has upset him. i think it’s a very real and relatable thing especially for a character at that age!!
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itsjinkibitch · 4 years
This blockhead bitch makes me sick. Who needs enemies when you got an ex/best friend like Dawson. Someone that'd rather keep all of y'alls love lives hostage than admit he lost the girl. JOEY DOESN'T WANT YOU 🗣 If you're not going to respect your friends, at least repeat yourself bro.
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honey-bird-04 · 4 years
this is my first post
Hullo. This is my 3rd time rewriting this, because sumthin’ kept fucking up every time I tried to write it. But let’s hope this time goes smoothly cause I got a lot to say. I don’t have anywhere else to put this, so I decided, why not come to Tumblr and see what everyone else thinks. So, let’s get started. I have been a Gleek since I was in 6th grade. And as much as I know that the show is cringey and hard to watch, my sister and I genuinely enjoyed it (although now we mostly watch it ironically). And we always had a favoritism system going, our favorite characters were blatantly obvious, and we were fishing for least favorite characters when we could. So, our lists of favorite characters/ships looked a little something like this: Favorites: -Kurt Hummel -Finn Hudson -Rachel Berry -Santana Lopez -Brittany S Pierce -Blaine Anderson Least favorites: -Quinn Fabray -Noah Puckerman -Terry Schue -Sue Sylvester -Jessie St James -Sebastian Smythe Favorite ships: -Finchel -Klaine -Brittana -Wemma And even though that doesn’t seem like there’s anything wrong with that set up in particular, I’m going to explain to you why my views have changed. Especially on my least favorite characters. And disclaimer!! Any and all of these characters that I list on my least favorites have nothing to do with race, gender, disability, sexuality etc. They are solely based on personality and how their actions affected others. That’s it. That’s what I’m basing it off of. Same goes for my favorite characters as well. And believe me I will give a lengthy explanation for each and every one of them I promise. So I’m going to be listing the least favorites from LEAST bad/toxic to MOST bad/toxic. And don’t be upset if one of your favorites are on here. Just because I don’t like them doesn’t mean you can’t like them. Just make that clear. These are only things that I’ve picked up and I’ve noticed throughout the show and watching back important clips and such from the show. Coming in at #7: Mercedes Jones: I know what’s coming already. And I’m going to have to tell y’all this loud and clear. Mercedes is not a diva. She’s just a bitch. I’ve never liked Mercedes, and not because she was black, but just because she had an awful personality and she was awful to the people around her. I think the only time I really saw her being nice to someone was when she was dating Sam, or when she was dating that football player. And a few times when she was with Kurt. The main problem I have with her is in S1E3: Bust Your Windows, she busted Kurt’s front windshield all because he had a crush on someone else. And I can guarantee you guys this. If a guy did that to a girl, like if Kurt had done that to Mercedes instead, y’all would’ve been outraged. She had no reason to bust his window like that and then get all sassy to him when he got upset about it. Coming in at #6: Santana Lopez: And this is another character that y’all are so set on saying that she’s a diva. But no. Santana is a straight up bitch. And before you guys say “she was closeted/insecure/outed!” etc, Kurt was also insecure and closeted in the first season and he was never rude to anybody in the way Santana was. And secondly, Finn didn’t out her until S3E6: Mash Off, and I can tell you she had been acting like a huge bitch way before then. All I have to do is pull up all of the times she’s been anti-semetic to Rachel, fatphobic to Finn and Lauren, attacked people’s insecurities and was just being god awful. One of my least favorite scenes from her is when she went on that entire rant about why Blaine and Kurt didn’t work out, and she attacked Kurt’s teeth, his sexuality, his dancing, his s3xual appeal, and just about everything Kurt was insecure about. All because he said that he thought Santana and Brittany were too young to get married. And I honestly agreed with him, Britt and San were 19. Definitely too young to get married, and Kurt was just trying to relate his failure with Blaine to warn them that getting married this young wasn’t something that they wanted to do. But no. Santana didn’t listen to him trying to reason with her, she just told him basically “you suck, Blaine really hates you, get your crap together.” And I have always had a problem with it. Not to mention she called Quinn a slut. And no matter what situation you are in, I don’t believe it’s okay to call any girl a slut. Actually, I don’t think it’s okay to call anybody a slut. Because I’m bringing this back. If Finn had called Quinn a slut, you guys would be all over him and cancelling that character so fast, but as soon as Santana says it, it’s okay? That never sat right with me either. And again, the way she relentlessly bullies Rachel for everything she’s insecure about, especially her height and nose is not okay. It doesn’t matter how much you dislike someone. Making fun of her nose to the point where as soon as she breaks it, she’s immediately thinking of getting a nose job. That is not okay. And there’s a speculation that Santana was the one who pushed Rachel over the edge to try and fall into bulimia. And I don’t doubt it. Santana is not a nice person. And her internalised homophobia does not excuse anything that she’s said or done. Not to mention she has Britt wrapped around her finger and she knows that she’ll do anything she asks. Like when Santana was fantasizing about forcing Britt to break up with Artie if she became Prom Queen because it would be “the law of the land” that is absolutely inexcusable. Because we all know Britt is naive and has some sort of DD or autism, and the characters in the show take that and use it to their advantage. Especially Santana. Coming in at #5: Artie Abrams: Now before you come for my ass, let me tell you. I actually used to really like Artie. He was pretty high up on my ranking Glee characters lists that I used to make all the time. But now that I’ve rewatched and I’ve noticed more things, I just cant like him with a good conscience. Remember in season 1 when Tina told him that she doesn’t really have a stutter? Well, if you remember, he broke up with her after that. But if you were closely watching the show, you should’ve realised that Tina has some sort of social anxiety, (not that I’m excusing her faking a disability), but she has a reason for doing it. She (presumably) took up the stutter because she needed a way to avoid having to speak so much in public. Which is totally understandable! Artie didn’t have to break up with her. She confided in him to finally tell him what she had been hiding for so long and he just breaks up with her??? Are you kidding? That just goes to show that one of the only reasons he was dating her was because of her disability. If he broke up with her so fast for not actually having one. Even though she had an actual reason that she did it. Another thing about Artie that I hate is that he called Britt stupid. And that is a huge deal. Everyone in the school calls Britt stupid or something along those lines (even Santana) and as soon as she finds the one guy who doesn’t think that way of her, he breaks her trust. She technically did cheat on him, but as I said earlier, she bends to Santana’s every order and she has some sort of DD or autism and didn’t understand that it was cheating. She even told Artie she didn’t understand it. And instead of sitting her down and explaining to her and giving her a second chance to prove her new knowledge to good use, he just calls her stupid and makes her cry. And then this one is obvious. Artie didn’t fucking wear c0ndoms while he was having s3x with those two girls in New York and didn’t actually tell them he had chlamydia. Which just pissed me off so much it makes me angry just talking about it. Coming in at #4: Finn Hudson: Oh ho ho. Finn Hudson makes me so angry. Let me just start off with everything he did (and didn’t do) to/for Kurt. Starting with the infamous “faggy scene” after Kurt tried to make amends with Finn for all the arguing they had been doing by redecorating their room. As ugly as it looked (lmao), he did his best to try and appeal to what a straight guy would like without making it too masculine so he would feel comfortable sleeping in there too. He tried to appeal to Finn’s interests as well as his own and had to do it all on short notice. But as soon as Finn saw it, the first thing he said was “are you freaking insane?” and Kurt just deflated. If you watch the scene, you can see it. You can physically see Kurt’s hard work all go to waste because of that comment. But then Finn follows it up with saying “I can’t live here, I’m a dude.” That line for me is the one that really made me dislike Finn very very strongly, because he not only said Kurt wasn’t a man to his face, he also views Kurt as nothing but his sexuality. That is further proven when he describes how uncomfortable he is around Kurt just because Kurt has a crush on him. And yes, Kurt was creepy, but after then, when they started living together, he just tried his best to make Finn feel as welcome and as comfortable as he can make him feel. But then sees that everything has been pointless, because Finn makes it a point to tell him that he puts his underwear on in the shower before he comes out when Kurt’s around. And that’s just fucked up. And a lot of people say that Finn “didn’t mean it” when he said the f-slur, but let me tell you something. You don’t just accidentally say something twice out of anger. If you really didn’t mean it, you would apologise right when it left your mouth. But Finn’s lack of an apology only proves that he meant every word of what he said. Next is when Finn refused to help Kurt out with Karofsky. I can only talk briefly about this because it actually makes me so fucking mad I can’t explain it. So, Rachel asks him to help Kurt out and confront Karofsky, right? And Finn refuses. Because, and I quote: “We both know I can help him more if I stay on top.” And I think he even says “Kurt will be fine” too, completely ignoring the fact that Kurt is so terrified to go to school, he’s losing weight (there are speculations that he cuts), but Finn doesn’t care about that. He only cares about the fact that he needs to stay popular. Oh and the fact that Karofsky plays right guard and wont guard him during the football game is he’s pissed and they’ll lose. He picks FOOTBALL and POPULARITY over his soon-to-be stepbrother’s MENTAL/EMOTIONAL/PYSICAL H E A L T H. I cannot explain how angry that makes me. Not to mention, the amounts of times he’s played victim. Especially with Rachel. One time that really pisses me off is when he goes “have you ever thought about what I’m going to do in New York?” and Rachel starts stammering over herself and assuring him that she’ll find something that he fits into since he doesn’t know what he’s going to do with his future. And then he asks her about California and Puck’s pool business. Even though he knows Rachel has been set on New York and NYADA since she was a little girl. He knows that she has all of those ambitions and she has an entire plan in her life and she’s already trying to shift those plans to fit Finn in with her. And for him to tell her that he wants her to give all of that up to come with him and Puck to California is actually more selfish than Rachel is. Oh! And not to mention he outed Santana too. Let’s not forget that. In front of basically the whole damn school too. He also kissed Emma. And he also cheated on Rachel with Quinn. And then actually broke up with Rachel when she made out with Puck a bit because she wanted to get him back for cheating on her and sleeping with Santana (even though it doesn’t excuse what she did at all, I just think Finn was being a hypocrite.) And he also cheated on Quinn with Rachel in the first season, and he led Rachel on for the entire first season, Or most of it at least. Coming in at #3: Mr. Schue: I’m just gonna speed through this: -He was a creep/pedo with both the girls and the boys -He had a savior complex and tried to force Emma’s OCD away and fix it instead of help her -He encouraged Emma’s crush on him even while he was married -He twerked with a bunch of minors -Suspended a minor for not wearing a bra she was uncomfortable in -He dealt really badly with Rachel’s crush on him -Never listened to his students’ input -hallucinated children while he was sick -Was very awkwardly touchy with his students -His best friend was 19 -refused to stop twerking even when offered the exchange for a trans student to use a staff bathroom to avoid getting bullied -overreacted after finding out Terry wasn’t pregnant Now the moments you’ve all been waiting for. Coming in at #2: Noah Puckerman: Now I was stuck on Puck for a while, I didn’t think he really was that bad of a guy for a long time. But just one thing Quinn says was enough to sway me and put him this high on my list. In one of the earlier episodes, Puck starts teasing her and being a dick after finding out she’s pregnant. And so she says: “You got me drunk off of wine coolers and I was feeling fat that day...” Now if you break that sentence down, she literally says “you got me drunk.” implying that Puck himself wasn’t drunk when this all took place. Meaning, Noah Puckerman r@ped Quinn Fabray. She never cheated on Finn. Puck purposely got her drunk just so he could get what he wanted. Especially considering she never put out and she was president of the Celibacy Club. Now must I say anything else? No. I didn’t think so. And finally, coming in at #1: Blaine Anderson: I know Blaine is everyone’s smol bean gay bb boy. (*gag) but I have to tell you that he is not a good person whatsoever. I’ll give him credit though. In the 2nd season he was really sweet and I actually really liked him. But as the seasons progressed, he got worse. In S3E5, Blaine and Kurt go to a gay bar together, and Kurt helps Blaine out after he gets too drunk. Then as soon as he tries to get Blaine in the car, Blaine starts coming onto him and kissing his neck and trying to convince him to have s3x with him, even though Kurt keeps repetitively saying no. And then he plays the victim after Kurt blows up at him and says “well I’m sorry for trying to be spontaneous and fun!” and then proceeds to walk home, getting mad at Kurt for nothing. Then in another episode. I think it was later in season 3, Kurt meets Chandler. And Blaine had been ignoring him for a while before that, so Kurt starts talking to Chandler only because he makes him feel good about himself. And he obviously thought it was okay because Blaine did the same thing with Sebastian but called him all the time and flirted with him and dirty danced with him etc. So when Blaine goes through Kurt’s phone, he finds the messages and makes a huge deal out of it and accuses Kurt of cheating on him. Then publicly humiliates him in front of the Glee club with a song about cheating. And then proceeds to go and cheat on him anyway. And then as soon as they were going to NYADA together, Blaine didn’t like all the attention Kurt was getting after he started to get more fit and more attractive and he was extremely jealous of him and over protective, not letting Kurt have any other male attention. At all. And Blaine is just super stingy with Kurt and doesn’t let him live his life and then pays victim whenever he gets confronted by him. Oh and not to mention he dated the one person that made Kurt’s life a living hell for the longest time and decided to rub it in his face. So there we have it folks. My new least favorite Glee characters and all the reasons why. Thank you for coming to my TED Talk.
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tarnishedhalo · 5 years
Andrew Michael Riley
Tumblr media
—    basics.
▸     is    your   muse    tall    /   short    /    average? At six feet, three inches {190.5 cm} , Riley is considered tall by most standards. His combat boots add another two inches to that. Most days he averages a little less than that after spinal surgery, which means compressed he is somewhere near 6ft1.
▸     are    they   okay    with    their   height? He is a little angry that the removal of bone has taken away some of his spine, he’s used to being one of the tallest things in the room and is used to commanding a certain level of respect and an air of intimidation, but its mostly the pain management that is his issue with that. Don’t ask him how he feels about his ‘baby’ brother being a full three inches taller.
▸     what’s    their   hair    like? Riley has always kept his hair short, except for about three years as a teenager when he let it grow free range. He didn’t quite care for that. During his stint with the Air Force it was high and tight. Now that he is a civilian again {well, technically he’s part of the police force but he maintains that THAT doesn’t count. Okay, whatever, son.} it’s a lot longer on the top than it ought to be and he keeps it in a kind of purposefully messy set of spikes. His hair has gone from a deep blonde in childhood to a natural cinnamon-dark brown, sometimes darker in the winter. When you take out the varying amounts of styling product from his hair, it’s every bit as soft and thick as his sister’s.
▸     do    they   spend    a    lot   of    time    on   their    hair/grooming? Riley’s daily regimen takes about an hour. Twenty minutes of that is his hair alone, twisting and prodding it into the spiky look he prefers. He uses Aesop’s Classic Shampoo and Conditioner. This is followed by Murdock London Monmouth Sea Salt Spray and Aesop’s Violet Leaf Balm to get things flowing in the right direction.  Then comes a wet shave with Trufitt & Hill 1805 Shaving Cream and a straight razor, followed by toner, aftershave, moisturizer, and finally anti-aging eye cream and sunscreen.
The polished look is finally finished with a light mist of Aqua di Gio cologne.
▸     does   your   muse   care   about   their   appearance/what    others    think? Riley is extremely particular about his appearances. He leans toward suits that are crisply pressed and personally tailored. The only items he’s ever bought off the rack are the occasional jeans he wears and his combat boots. He believes that appearances very much dictate other people’s opinions and that one should always look their best. That is one of the reasons his sister’s ...ah... eclectic second hand fashions actually embarrass him. His father had a heavy hand in Riley’s opinions about presentation. 
—    preferences.
▸     indoors    or   outdoors? Outdoors ▸     rain    or   sunshine? Sunshine though misty rain isn’t bad. ▸     forest    or   beach? Beach, forest...they are all pretty much the same. ▸     precious    metals   or    gems? Gold and platinum. ▸     flowers    or   perfumes? Perfumes. You can tell a lot by scent alone, and scent based memories are usually the strongest and most easily recalled. ▸     personality    or   appearance? Appearance for initial attraction but if the personality doesn’t follow suit, he will walk the other way very quickly. ▸     being    alone   or    being    in   a    crowd? Riley not only loves a crowd, but he also happens to like being the centre of attention. He’s used to dominating any room he is in. ▸     order    or   anarchy? Riley has always followed Orders. First his father’s, then his coaches, then the government’s, and now his department chief. That being said, he feels that there is room for limited anarchy, especially when the orders are extremely stupid or dangerous for the welfare of others. ▸ painful    truths    or   white    lies?  A white lie never hurt anybody, if done for the right reasons. ▸     science    or   magic? ~turns to stare at the Camera like in the Office~ ▸     peace    or   conflict? Riley thrives on conflict and adrenaline as well as a need to prove his own validity. ▸     night    or   day?  Night is best for unwinding after a hard day, finishing a bottle or two, and maybe playing guitar. ▸     dusk    or   dawn?  One doesn’t matter but he’s usually up before dawn and already getting done with his PT. ▸     warmth    or   cold?  Riley absolutely loathes the cold and can’t really deal with it in more than small doses any more, not that he’s ever really been a huge fan, especially not after Minoq. ▸     many   acquaintances    or    a   few    close    friends? Riley is that guy that knows EVERYONE. And he does like a crowd when he’s doing things like playing sports or music. However, when you break him down he has a small handful of friends he’d trust with his life. ▸     reading    or   playing    a    game? He prefers games and sports to reading. He can be still but he would rather be in motion.
—    questionnaire.
▸     what    are   some    of    your   muse’s    bad    habits? Smokes a pack a day {Marlboro red shorts}, though he swears he’s quitting. He’s been quitting for three years now. He drinks like a fish, to self medicate both his physical pain and his PTSD. He also self medicates with medical marijuana. He’s an adrenaline junkie. He’s borderline emotionally/psychologically abusive though he isn’t aware of it most of the time, and specifically relating to his sister. He’s arrogant, he’s abrupt. He hogs the bed covers.
▸     has    your   muse    lost    anyone   close    to    them?     how    has   it    affected    them? His first wife’s ‘miscarriage’ which he later found out...wasn’t an accident. His mother who abandoned him before he was two years old. No, he’s not over it. No, he doesn’t want to talk about it. No you can’t make him. Fuck off.
▸     what    are   some    fond    memories   your    muse    has? The feel of the wind on his face when he was doing high-altitude low-opening jumps with the rest of his unit. The summer he spent restoring his ‘65 Mustang, affectionately named Sally. Dancing with his sister at the prom he created for her. Graduating Superman school for USAF Pararescue.
▸     is   it    easy    for   your    muse    to   kill? He’s a soldier. He does what he has to do. End of question.
▸     what’s    it   like    when    your   muse    breaks    down? In a word, UGLY. Riley doesn’t cry. When he breaks down it is either a cold, logically based rage, or its a foaming-at-the-mouth kind of rant that will last hours, ranging over a dozen topics starting and ending in whatever made him angry. He has on two occasions been SO monumentally furious that he’s laid hands on his sister, and he regrets them both deeply, even though he has never brought himself to apologise for those incidents. He almost put his ex-wife in the hospital once but was stopped by his wingman, Sam “Falcon” Wilson. Conversely, he absolutely hates when other men use their size and their strength to antagonise or abuse women, and he is more likely to become physically violent in the woman’s defense. On exceedingly rare occasions, when his PTSD is triggered, Riley will bury himself in a small, tight space, and drink himself unconscious.
▸     is    your   muse    capable    of   trusting    someone    with   their    life? There is a handful of people. If you have to ask if you’re on the list, the answer is...no.
▸     what’s    your   muse    like    when   they’re    in    love? Riley in love. It is an all consuming, possessive kind of thing. He is exceptionally generous with his money and his time. He remembers small things and will showcase that in elaborate ways, trying to make it as special as possible, whether it’s a picnic in Central Park, going away for a weekend in Europe, or lavish gifts that remind him of what the other person likes. He is particularly thoughtful and likes to take care of the other person especially when they aren’t the type that does so for themselves. He likes to cook for them, as food is kind of an expression and treat all in one. He will clean up after them whether that’s a little housework, or a murder scene. He will write songs or learn their favourites and serenade them.  Riley is even more of a romantic than his sister, and he doesn’t believe that there is anything you can’t or shouldn’t do for the person you love, regardless of legality. Self-sacrifice, bending until broken. And being in love certainly isn’t restricted to romantic relationships, he is this way with those few people he considers friends and family.  And he swears to God, one more Lannister joke and someone is going to die.
Tagged by: @ronmanmob​ {{Thanks darling!}}
Tagging: Anyone who wants to! Steal then Tag away!
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oldguardaudio · 7 years
Pamela Geller Report -> Leading Muslim Group Calls for Ramadan ‘Jihad’ Alongside Trump, Farage, May Headshots
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…the girl’s father was waiting with a gun. The 22 year old was tied up, had his clothes removed, doused in gasoline while being threatened to be burned to dead. The father also pointed the gun several times to the 22 year old’s head and pulled the trigger in a faked execution. The father also raped the young man several times.
Manchester jihadi’s imam filmed waging jihad in Libya despite claiming he was there to help his family
Mustafa Graf, 46, appeared alongside elders at Didsbury Mosque at a press conference on Wednesday, condemning the atrocity which killed 22 people and distancing themselves from Abedi.
Iran’s Hassan Rouhani Calls for War on Islamophobia — Not Terror
Iran’s Hassan Rouhani has called on Muslim leaders around the world, post-Manchester terror bombing, to step up their fights against Islamophobia.
Egypt strikes jihad bases in Libya after 28 Coptic Christians killed in ambush
Egyptian fighter jets struck militant bases in eastern Libya late Friday in retaliation for an attack by masked gunmen on a caravan of Coptic Christians that left 28 people dead.
Donald Trump to Palestinian Authority’s Abbas: ‘You Tricked Me’
President Donald Trump reportedly yelled some angry words at Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas, calling the PA leader deceitful for claiming to be a promoter of peace.
Palestinian Authority Shelled Out $1 Billion in 4 Years to Terrorists
The Palestinian Authority has paid out more than $1 billion to terrorists and their families over a four-year span — a practice critics see as a government-sponsored OK for terrorism.
“Moderate” Indonesia: Police arrest more than 140 men at gay sauna party
Indonesian police have arrested more than 100 men in a weekend raid on a gay sauna in the capital Jakarta, a day before two men are to be publicly flogged for having same sex relations.
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