#anti-woke bs
werewolf-cuddles · 10 days
A good way to get video game recommendations is to see what games straight white broflakes are complaining is woke
At this point, the word "woke" has lost all meaning and has been reduced to yet another culture war buzzword.
I swear, 9 times out of 10, when I see someone complaining about something being "woke", it's literally just because there's a pride flag in it or one of the lead characters is black or something stupid like that.
And then, when one of these games flops for one reason or another, they'll blame it on it being "woke", and not the actual flaws in the game itself.
Like, Starfield didn't suck because you could choose your pronouns, it sucked because it was fucking boring. Concord didn't fail because of pronouns either, it failed because of its painfully outdated and uninspired mechanics, and the fact it launched at full price when most of its contemporaries are free to play.
Honesty, I can't imagine being miserable enough to waste so much time and energy obsessing about shit like this. It's just a pointless waste. I'd rather spend my time playing games I love, than complaining about games I hate.
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angrygreengxrl · 1 year
Things that could have been adressed in Loki series but were not for some reason:
Lokis Jotun heritage
Thanos choking Loki to death
Thor and Loki reunion and the sun shining on them again
Lokis issues with selfdaubt, feeling unloved, feeling evil, hopeless and helpless
Some more Norse mythology
Loki finally making a ONE goddamn healthy friendship
What we got:
Loki being side character in his own series
More trauma
Selfcest and Toxic friendship/workmate
Nothing from the past adressed except destruction of asgard whish is actually more trauma no healing
Woke female Loki variant that requires making OG Loki weaker and dumber so she could seem strong and girlboss
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ikariokami · 28 days
I just want to play the fun space shooty game without other people getting pissed that I enjoy it, is that so much to ask?
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cherrytea556 · 5 months
Anti woke people when 'personal pronouns' are mentioned in english class: 🤬😠
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Every major instance of Girl Power they’ve tried to do in the mcu has been the most shallow, performative, pseudo-feminist shit I’ve ever seen. And it’s very telling that mainstream fans eat it up so much.
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I need a new therapist :(((
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sasquatch-turtleneck · 8 months
because jason dohring doesn't use social media ever. jason doesn't know how to use twitter or even instagram. his twitter is handled by his agent
ah, true, still i find it strange, the account liking random stuff like that.
#like JD can be as inactive as he wants to be#i won't force him to be super active on social media but like#his twitter randomly likes concerning stuff i feel#and if it was his agent liking that post. maybe they should learn to be a bit better at handling the accounts they have access to#incase they like something very very very weird#because based on what i know about conservatives. they are all massive freaks#it all starts with being anti-whatever the current most unconventional thing is#whether it's poc or lgbtq+ people or disabled people#then they will start talking about how it's to save the kids but then they don't give a single shit about kids in actual danger#because the kids in Gaza? the kids in Congo? kids living in poverty? they don't care about them#but if it makes them look like heroes. they will pretend to care for an unborn child that won't have a good life if their would-be parents#were forced to have a kid. like you aren't gonna have a good life if your parents don't want kids. i can guarantee you that#but conservatives don't care. they just like knowing they're still privileged#soooo i might recheck JD's likes in a few days and if there's weird stuff#like pro-life bs or “trans women aren't real women” or “end wokeness. white people aren't represented anymore”#then i know the agent is a weird conservative fuckface#and if the agent likes weird stuff on Jason's account. it could look like Jason is a weird fuck who for example supports fascism#and if i was Jason. I wouldn't like people thinking that I'm some fascist because of something my agent liked#but that's just me
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is Jewish Voice for Peace actually Jewish? I've heard a couple different things about that but no sources
@gryphistheantlerqueen also asked:
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Whooo boy. So this has been sitting in the inbox for a few months, I wrote up a draft, and then it just sat... until this past week, when some new JVP BS hit the fan and gave me the kick to finish it.
Verdict: Not Actually Jewish
(updated verdict after finding out about the “self-managed conversion” and “teacup mikvah”) Jewish, technically, and that "technically" is doing a lot of heavy lifting, and is actively debatable without access to a detailed breakdown of JVP’s actual membership rolls. 
In general summation, JVP is a far-left radical antizionist group that is headed by a few visibly antizionist Jews and whose membership rolls are either a strong minority or outright majority of non-Jews, based on variable statistics that they've released. Although they claim that the “majority of their members and staff are Jewish”, this seems to be both statistically unlikely and actively suspicious due to their noted tendency to instruct even non-Jewish members to speak #AsAJew on social media, and their instructions to do “self-managed conversions”.  However, due to their title, they are very popular with people who want a Jewish Stamp Of Approval for demonizing Israelis and Zionist Jews as a result. In effect, they are Jewish in the same way that people like Candace Owens and Hershel Walker are Black—as self-tokenizing minorities who throw the rest of their ethnic group under the bus in exchange for power and political access.
And despite the claims that they are “inspired by Jewish values and traditions” (as put on their website) and “oppose anti-Jewish hatred,” JVP routinely engages in antisemitic rhetoric, up to and including blood libel and antisemitic conspiracy theories, and acts as a shield against non-Jews who also engage in antisemitic rhetoric so long as the non-Jews in question remember to shout "For Palestine!" first. This is not an exaggeration. 
The primary example of their in-house antisemitic rhetoric is their "Deadly Exchange" program, where they explicitly and conspiratorially blame Israel as being responsible for American police brutality and militarization. However, for all of their fearmongering and blame-casting on the subject—as if American cops needed outside help in brutalizing minorities or gaining military-grade handmedowns from the Pentagon, both of which are explicit claims of the "Deadly Exchange" program—they have a hard time actually identifying specific deaths associated with the international training seminars they're holding up as responsible.
One of the the closest they've come to a specific allegation is claiming that "former St. Louis County police chief Timothy Fitch trained with the Israeli military three years before Michael Brown’s killing and the Ferguson uprising." (Note: this was in a video that appears to have since been made private.) But Darren Wilson worked for the Ferguson PD, not the St. Louis PD, and Fitch retired months before the killing. So he was in a completely different police department, and this is the closest JVP comes to pointing to specific deaths or acts of brutality that they blame on Israel. Everything else is literal fearmongering--up to and including the classic conspiratorial tropes of "secretive Jewish governmental influence".
JVP has also happily supported the words of white supremacists like Richard Spencer, taking his “You could say that I’m a white Zionist in the sense that I care about my people," statement at face value, using it as the basis for entire articles where they compared Zionism to White Supremacy as a deliberate misrepresentation of the ideology that is common on the extreme political Left (you can compare that treatment again with how Candace Owens treats the word "Woke" on the Right). Even when the Charlottesville "Unite the Right" march happened, JVP wasted no time in comparing Zionism with the very ideology fueling the people chanting "Jews Will Not Replace Us," saying that Zionism is "Jewish racial supremacy" and calling for a universal condemnation of the ideology as a form of White Supremacy... which was the exact sort of message that many of those same White Supremacists would have happily agreed with.  So JVP is essentially siding with literal White Supremacists,  even as they claim that "Jews are not the primary victims of White Supremacy."
JVP also engages in Holocaust revisionism, such as with this lovely quote from Cecilie Surasky, the deputy director of JVP, “I believe it is critical to situate the genocide of Jews in a broader context, and not as an exceptional, metaphysically unique event. Some 6 million Jews died, but another 5 million people were also targeted for annihilation.”
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(another quote, from an article by Surasky, which compares Netanyahu to Hitler.)
This is just straight revisionism of the entire Holocaust and the unique fixation the Nazis had on the Jews. Literally, even when they were losing, they were diverting resources from the war just to kill more Jews. Quote Hitler himself, "Jews must be prevented from intruding themselves among all the other nations as elements of internal disruption, under the mask of honest world-citizens, and thus gaining power over these nations." The very basis of the Nazi ideology paints Jews as an existential threat to the human race's peace and security—a far cry from JVP's claim that the Jewish suffering in the Holocaust wasn't unique or exceptional.
Additionally, JVP ignores or re-envisions Mizrachi Jewish history. They call the very term Mizrachi “Zionist rhetoric,” and refer to Mizrachi “immigrants,” (“Deadly Exchange,” pg. 16-17), and claim “the Israeli government facilitated a mass immigration of Mizrahim” (“Our Approach to Zionism”) as though those weren’t the direct result of the mass expulsion of and violence against Jews in MENA countries. These weren’t immigrants, these were refugees. 
And as for the question of “Are they Jewish?”, well...
Statistically, they are not representative of the Jewish population as a whole, 90% of whom identify as some degree of Zionist in the sense of “Supporting Jewish self-determination.”  One does not need to be Jewish to join JVP, as they proudly state on their website. Their membership rolls are also extremely obfuscated, and the fact that they encourage their followers, whether Jewish or not, to post and speak “as Jews” on social media makes it even more difficult to figure out what percentage of their membership is actually Jewish.  Furthermore, they have instructions for their members to engage in “self-conversions” that are not acceptable to Jewish law or tradition, and misuse/appropriate other sacred Jewish traditions to the point that “blasphemy” is an accurate description, with their instructions on the mikvah (a sacred bath) being outright offensive.  
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(note that one has to be completely nude and bare of any adornment or makeup to use the mikvah, which is a pure pool of collected rainwater to be immersed in, for context on the above... misuse.  Trying to claim this as being “in line with sacred Jewish tradition” is like trying to claim to be Catholic while also saying that the Pope is the Antichrist and that using beer and a doughnut for the Eucharist is acceptable. For more information on mikveh, see: The Jewish Virtual Library, Aish, myjewishlearning, or Chabad.
There's also no altar.
The irony of asking people not to appropriate while doing this is astonishing.)
It’s also telling that they straight up say they are “claiming” the practice as their own.
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Furthermore, JVP has hosted panels on “antisemitism” in the past... headed by people who are not only not Jewish, but who have been credibly accused of antisemitism in the past.  
JVP has also endorsed The Mapping Project Boston, which was a Boycott, Divest, and Sanction (BDS) subsidiary, listing every “Zionist” organization in Boston, Mass. This included Jewish schools, elder homes, community centers, disability centers, and more; all of them painted with scary and misleading “links” to non-Jewish organizations to insinuate Jewish control of the state and city governments, invoking age-old antisemitic tropes of a conspiracy of Jews as they did so:
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(first image is the Mapping Project, the second is a 1938 Nazi political cartoon)
The Mapping Project also, and this is my personal favorite, accused Harvard University of doing “racist science” for engaging in archeological and genetic studies of Jews and Jewish history.  Tellingly, BDS actually disavowed The Mapping Project (albeit for bad optics, not for the rank antisemitism they were promoting)... but JVP has not, even though the Mapping Project’s entry for the ADL reads as follows:
Masquerading as a “civil rights” group, the ADL is a counterinsurgency and espionage organization whose mission is to protect the mutual interests of the US and Israeli governments, and to eliminate solidarity among oppressed peoples, especially concerning Palestine. The ADL spies on and criminalizes activists (using its connections to governments, police, schools, and corporations) while undermining their work by pushing its own state-sanctioned, pro-“Israel” agenda. And while the ADL claims to represent Jews and to fight “antisemitism” on their behalf, the organization has supported anti-Jewish state violence and sanitized Nazis. The ADL cannot be reformed: it must be dismantled and whatever resources it has should go towards repairing the many harms it has done. (Emphasis added.)
Of course, JVP has also engaged in similar conspiracy-toned antisemitic dogwhistles, such as this fun bit from their first Deadly Exchange video:
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So clearly (to me at least), they have no problems with The Mapping Project’s tone and presentation.  
And this isn’t even going into JVP’s routine promotion of blood libel, their egregious double standards, their approving of pogroms, their active support for Hamas terrorists and demonization of Hamas’ victims, their attempted revisionism of Jewish history, their abject rejection of Jewish culture, and their other actions that show not just bias, but outright hatred for 90% of the world’s Jews.  
As one commentator put it, JVP as an organization is very much like Autism Speaks is to Autistic people--a thinly disguised hate group that views the people they’re supposedly speaking for as the problem, and themselves as promoting the Solution.  To this moderator, they’re the equivalent of the Association of German National Jews, who were also known as the Jews for Hitler; they wanted to abandon Judaism and embrace Naziism... and they got sent to the gas chambers anyway.  
Mod Joseph
(and also just... a general experience/exposure to them on social media, where even the most progressive actions taken by Israel, such as the recent ruling regarding queer Palestinians being able to claim sanctuary in Israel, being labeled as “pinkwashing”)
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lives4lovesworld · 5 months
Truly wish dany/targaryens stans would stop bothering. The amount of daily posts that aim to "counter" or even pander to nonsensical anti bs is excessive and after years quite honestly boring and tedious.
Quite frankly I fail to understand what we gain from this, adhering to a holier-than-thou moral code, especially since no one else is compelled to even pretend to do so? Is the goal here for them be completely distorted to the point they resemble other characters? antis supposed favorites? As uninteresting to us as they subconsciously are to their stans? Which is the real problem here and the reason why they are the way they are (hypocritical stealing clowns and nuisances?) But perhaps I have a completely different less-morality-bound approach to consuming media in my free time than the rest of my fellow stans.
No downplaying/refuting Valyrian blood purity, empathizing non-Valyrian marriages, pointing out the origin of slavery are found in Old Ghis and not the Freehold, no opting for the most gracious interpretation of members of House Targaryen will ever stop antis from painting and hypocritically single out everything Targaryen/Valyrian related as kkk- or "imperialistic" coded or whatever woke buzzword of the day. They live to pretend-clutch their pearls and hold only them to modern standards of a fantastical utopia, while every other feudal character can be as archaic as expected from their pseudomedvial upbringing with their houses being wardlords
Speaking for me, I STAN their blood purity and incest. For me, IT IS a defining characteristic of House Targaryen that makes them unique, no matter how "problematic" it may be. I STAN it because GRRM fabricated scandalous, passionate love stories that I chose to interpret as consensual and politically advantageous, that brought forward incredible, magical gorgeous characters able to ride dragons that inspire love and envy alike. Who shine all the brighter when one contrasts them with literally any other characters and unions that are and breed doomed mediocrity and are born out of stale duty. I perhaps have a bais for pure blooded Targaryens that look the part than any prefect bastards or half breeds, or targ x targ to any other couple.
I also stan cruel Maegor, particularly for showing Oldtown its place and declawing the Militant Faith because I enjoy reading about the presumptuous Christian Vatican equivalent getting its ass handed to them. I stan Rhaenyra and she still can be a pampered proud princess-turned-queen. The same way I prefer canon Daemon as a rogue, an ambitious prince who seduced his brother's heir with perhaps also political hopes in mind and because he wanted his gorgeous niece as a bride instead of his cold barren wife. A legend that slay the pathetic cunt that was his nephew.
And while I'm at it: I also refuse to care about every "likeable"/pitiful character simply because it would be the "morally right" thing to do, nor will I root for the characters I like to do it. I don't care for Helaena and her children, nor the strong boys or any half-considered-"poc" Targaryen, nor will I even pretend to see "reason" in the greens actions, nor do I even want to see Dany "overcome her hatred"/bais against the usurper's dogs and any descendants of them. Or for her to be that altruistic to turn away from the throne to save humanity.
No amount of "call-out-posts" what a misogynist, racist, cultist, classist or elistist I am will change that because why OH WHY should I give a fuck about what anyone online thinks of me. Why should I allow anyone to bully me into streamline my enjoyment?
Especially by the people that do not even have the decorum of pretend to have any sort of decency. So they can use the most misogynistic, classist language and expect submission to their attempts to rule fandom spaces with iron fists and delusions, and canonize their favorites' sainthood and entitlement to feudal supremacy often only because they ✨️suffered prettily✨️ and fit some anesthetics while I must tolerate them trying to scold me into caring so greatly about fictional grey faceless mass of common people that would die were my favorites to pursue their ambitions. Meanwhile the same people would have any would-be-subjects die of famine and cold as long as their favorites get their crowns GRRM would never grant them in canon anyway. Give me a break. And let's not even start on how dragons and incest are suddenly the solutions as long as they don't belong and is not practiced by Targaryens.
To make this clear: this post is NOT a not-so-subtle incognito-anti post of ✨️i lOve all mY wAr CrimInaL eUqally!;' LeT tHeM bE mAd AnD unHinGed uwu,"! love all mY mOderAte chAsTe hoPes Of the fUtUres and mAd imPeriAlistS. 🥰✨️
I simply wanted to say; perhaps we should NOT GIVE A FUCK, "own" the """""bad""""" and be "problematic" and "irrational" in our selective love for characters and houses like EVERYBODY FUCKING ELSE.
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Any thoughts on Finkelstein?
i respect him a lot for what hes done in shifting the discourse on palestine, especially as an anti zionist jew who is very vocal and unrepentant about it. in college we had him speak at our jewish voice for peace event and he yelled at this right wing zionist kid we hated so it was cool. it seems like hes on a weird like ironic podcast cumtown dimes square adjacent loop right now getting interviewed by adam friedland and the like? which is a bummer but its not really surprising to me that he would get involved in bs cancel culture war shit, since he was actually cancelled in a more real way than most of these people, and also has a tendency to be very contrarian and kind of offensive. i wish he was not on this anti woke shit because hes so great at arguing with zionists. so i have my critiques, even in his own writing that i feel is very valuable, like his book the holocaust industry. i think has some very crucial ideas and criticism in it but also has quite a few flaws, in this article it goes into it. i think his strength lies more as like a polemic speaker and public figure than like as a writer.
also this video is the best and i just love his voice.
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I heard the news. You need to start gatekeeping battletech fast before the Warhammer refugees turn the community into endless BS discourse.
Also sorry about what happened with Archon. He was a bit of an asshole at times but he's still a nice guy who didn't deserve it.
Don't worry. We are.
I've been spamming the Pride Anthology everywhere. Plenty of UwUmech posting and discussion how factions can get weird with gender.
Hell, the official subreddit got effectively couped by the OG mod (who'd been inactive for years) returning in a moment of crisis to completely nuke the rest of the (generally bigoted, specifically anti-LGBT/woke, possibly pro-Nazi) mod base, all over the controversy of the aforementioned Pride Anthology (which had official approval from CGL and featured some of their fiction writers, though the anthology was apocryphal, free, not distributed by CGL, and not officially official). After the initial controversy, CGL stepped up and made a new official subreddit, which then re-merged with the original sub after the mods got nuked, and this time the subreddit is both considered fully official and has CGL staff on the mod team iirc.
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jkjmbtsarmy · 2 months
Jikook posts masterlist
I don’t always make posts like this, but periodically I will. So if you’re looking for them I’ll have them all listed here.
➡️ last updated: August 11, 2024
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The one where Jimin gay panics thanks to VHope
The one where Jungkook loses on purpose to share a room with Jimin
The one where Jungkook climbs a mountain to bring Jimin snow
The one with the SUS BV Jikook hide and seek moment
The one where it’s Jungkook’s job to lift Jimin (feat. Taemin)
The one with ‘WHO’ billboard
⟭⟬💜 ⟭⟬💛⟭⟬💜 ⟭⟬💛⟭⟬💜 ⟭⟬💛 ⟭⟬
Calling Out Anti-Jikook BS
Can’t take the Cult serious
Featuring Taehyung 🆕
⟭⟬💜 ⟭⟬💛⟭⟬💜 ⟭⟬💛⟭⟬💜 ⟭⟬💛 ⟭⟬
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liberalsarecool · 1 year
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For all the trash and their anti-woke BS, seems racist songs about small town white insecurities are not good for business.
Maybe Jason could write a song about failing and shame. They say hard times produce good songs.
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greatqueenanna · 2 months
I've seen Frozen 2 antis make the claim that the Four Spirits are not a benevolent as the movie showcases, or say they're downright sinister. Reasons being is because they also punished The Northuldrans by locking them in the midst, or question why they didn't destroy the damn themselves. Same goes for Ahtolhallan, who I seen people question why would they freeze Elsa, the Fifth Spirit. I've also seen people blame Ahtolhallan for taking Elsa away from Arendelle claiming it hypnotized her or some bs *rolls eyes*. I've also seen others blame both for Agnarr & Iduna's deaths (the latter being a Northuldran).
What do you think about this?
There are a few critiques here, so I'll tackle one at a time.
The Spirits punished The Northuldrans by locking them in the mist.
This critique is a common one, and one that I actually think is valid. Whether it is coming from a genuine place of confusion or just trying to throw as much shade towards the Spirits as possible, this critique is actually a bit tricky to rationalize, because the film itself and the writers never really answered why the Northuldrans are also trapped in the mist.
We know that the initial reason as to why they were trapped as well was because in early drafts, Yelena was also a villain along side Runeard. To what extent she was a villain or her reasoning behind being a villain we are not sure of.
However, after this was changed, there was no updated explanation given as to why they were trapped as well. As far as I know, anyway.
Thus, we're only left with speculation.
Maybe the Spirits felt that since the Arendellians and Northuldrans immediately went to fight one another instead of investigating what happened, both groups were deemed as prejudiced. This one I don't really like though because the Northuldrans are the victims, so it doesn't make sense to trap them if they were only defending themselves.
Another explanation is that the purpose of the mist was to hide away the magic and protect the forest - so the Arendellians and the Northuldrans were just in the wrong place at the wrong time. This one is the more likely scenario.
As the purpose of the mist was to protect the magic and forest, maybe the Northuldrans were also being protected. I like this one, but I don't think the Spirits have favorites, as they are neutral to humans in general and will help anyone who respects them and go against who ever hurts them, regardless of who they are.
Why did they not destroy the dam themselves?
There is actually a couple reasons as to why this is.
The spirits were asleep all these years until Elsa woke them up.
If they destroy the Dam without getting the innocents out of Arendelle first, then innocents will be killed that had nothing to do with Runeard's treachery.
They wanted someone who actually benefited form Runeard's treachery to right the wrongs of the past. Anna and Elsa, being royal heirs to Runeard and benefiting from his reign, had to do something about this.
If they destroy it themselves, then no one learns anything because no one would know why they did it in the first place. Arendelle just rebuilds and continues their old behaviors.
Why would Ahtohallan freeze Elsa?
I actually wrote a Tid-Bit on this very question. You can go check it out here.
Ahtohallan hypnotized Elsa.
I think Elsa makes it pretty clear that she wants to follow Ahtohallan's call. She was interested in her since childhood; and when she hears her for the first time, the reason she is reluctant is not because she doesn't want it, but she's afraid of making a mistake and ruining the life and love she's gained.
Ahtohallan and the Spirits are to blame for Agnarr & Iduna's deaths.
In this case, the thing that they might be trying to blame is Ahtohallan and the Nokk. First off, Iduna and Agnarr chose to look for Ahtohallan - she never forced them to go to her.
And second, the spirits were asleep at this time, so the Nokk couldn't have caused their deaths. The Dark Sea is already known for being a dangerous area, without any mention of the Nokk - as Elsa and Anna both were concerned that they went there.
Ahtohallan holds the memories for every living thing and is the source of magic. Of course the way to her will be dangerous.
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olderthannetfic · 51 minutes
do we have dub and sub wank on this blog yet?
Anyway, I've been recently into video games and I'm mostly into tactical or turn based jrpg. I asked on a forum if the game I was thinking of downloading has dual voices (jp and eng), and if not, if there was anywhere I could get the "undub" version (basically they replace the English voices with the original). I grew up on subbed anime, so 99% of times I prefer Jp voices.
Obviously, I hit a nerve and a couple of people replied to my post trying to tear me a new one, calling me a disrespectful, ungrateful weeb. It's not like I don't understand their frustration, since I've seen posts similar to mine trying to insinuate that English dub is inherently bad and inferior, often with a side of anti-woke bs. Still, my post had none of that so I'm not going to coddle their overreaction.
Instead of telling them the truth, I decided to make up a sob story about how I'm a 3rd gen Japanese immigrant who can understand Japanese but not read it. Due to a lot of factors, video games and anime with Japanese voices are the best way I connect with my mother tongue. They kept apologizing, while I was "the bigger person" and forgave them lmao. Hopefully they'll think twice next time they try to attack a random person
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animation-4-life · 1 year
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This gave me a good laugh and with all the anti-woke bs going on about the uswnt it was much needed
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