homiu-l · 5 years
The Hong Kong Government has proposed a bill to amend the Fugitive Offenders Ordinance, which will allow the Government to extradite fugitive offenders to countries or regions without Extradition Agreements with Hong Kong, including the rest of the People’s Republic of China.
The Bill will also remove the legislature’s power to scruntize such extradition arrangements, thereby centralizing the decision-making to the executives.
This controversial Bill would allow the authorities in the People’s Republic of China to arrest people in Hong Kong, or even confiscate their properties, through issuing Extradition Requests to the Hong Kong Government.
Therefore, we urge the US Government to voice opposition on such amendments, and review the existing Extradition Agreement with Hong Kong.
- We the People petition "Extradition Law Amendment in Hong Kong - Threat to Personal Safety and Freedom"
To my mutuals and followers,
I have to share what’s happening in my hometown right now, because I can't be sure if I still can tell the truth, or even access on the internet in the future.
Hong Kong citizens has been lived under the threat of our own democracy and freedom of speech (not about the political correctness opinions, but the basic human rights of call out injustice authority without worries for personal safety in this situation) being taken away once the governance of People’s Republic of China take over. This is the least thing we ever asked for.
https://www.facebook.com/hk.nextmedia/videos/664747860664324/ Many of us came out today to join the ongoing protest, while we still can.
https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-china-47810723?intlink_from_url=https://www.bbc.com/news/topics/cp7r8vglne2t/hong-kong&link_location=live-reporting-story https://www.hongkongfp.com/2019/06/07/hkfp-voices-hong-kongs-extradition-law-plan-threat-human-rights-say-70-ngos-open-letter/  (Some articles explaining the concerns and possible dangers of Hong Kong citizens) (I’m not sure the conflicts about Tumblr userbase and news articles but PLEASE read some of these to understand what are we facing)
I can't give fine words to describe more details due to influent language, yet I still hope more of you know about this, to hope Tumblr learn more about what is happening outside America and other Western countries.
Because I can already foresee some day in the future, I may lose the chance to tell truths and facts forever.
And I believe people in Tumblr, whom always bear a deep caring on social issues, deserve to know what happened.
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daydreamerballerina · 5 years
Why Hong Kong in such an uproar?
Please give us a chance by spreading this to your surrounding. Hong Kong needs your help. It will just spend you 2 mins. Thank you.
Liberate Hong Kong, revolution of our time
Five demands, not one less
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clairdelunascent · 5 years
you all may hate the over abundance of political posts involving Hong Kong i’ve been posting as of late, but i truly don’t care and i will proudly use this platform to raise any awareness for this as i possibly can. if you have a problem with that... well to be blunt, i’m an aquarius so don’t tell me what to do. unless you enjoy wasting time ;)
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eleventhquarter · 4 years
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“A little yellow book with a big message” - Bleak House Books
Slow Burn Book Store - A very new online book store, launched at MABF, with an Asian focus. This book was made to record four major movements in Hong Kong history. Anti-Hong Kong Express Rail Link Movement (2010) Occupy Central (2011) Umbrella Revolution (2014) Anti-extradition Law Movement (2019) My family is from Hong Kong, I’ve been there two times. When I picked up this book and spoke to Nikki from Slow Burn, I realised I am quite disconnected from that part of my culture, despite wishing I was more immersed in it. Even though this book is completely in Chinese, I thought it might be useful of me to research these movements.
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This is some “Kung Fu Hustle” stuff!
Bamboo use is an art form in Hong Kong.
Go HongKongers!
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andyfatty · 5 years
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mamemomi · 5 years
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Hong Kong News:
This is #WAR now. 9/2 (2 September 2019), beginning of school year and the 1st day of general strike. HK #nazi Police Force started rounding up passengers, especially secondary school students and who in black clothes, at every metro station.
Strongly believe that, HK #chinazi Government is developing white terror atmosphere in Hong Kong to prevent anything happens on 10/1 (1 October 2019), the establishment day of #PRC.
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vizkage · 5 years
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20190805 the town that was born in. 😢#teargas #antiextraditionlaw #nochinaextradition #tsuenwan #hongkong https://www.instagram.com/p/B0yjO1xjjuV/?igshid=5ywxklh7cw0e
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xpressor · 5 years
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#lennonwall #standwithhongkong #fivedemands #fivedemandsnotoneless #antiextraditionlaw #antiextraditionbill (at Kornhill Plaza 康怡廣場) https://www.instagram.com/p/B21DPnHgQa0/?igshid=1xlj23f6548th
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decorwiselove · 5 years
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Hong Kong police fire to their people! #612 #protest #antiextraditionlaw #hongkong https://www.instagram.com/p/BynFYEZhl3y/?igshid=xozixvo70eys
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whatsthesound · 5 years
Got to see Yo La Tengo in their first HK solo show -- playing behind most recent album, deceptively named 'There's a Riot Going On' -- and they closed with 'Take Care', a cover from my all-time favorite album, essentially dedicated to the city's young protesters.... who it turned out were engaged in an impromptu action just around the corner.
(A comment about the show. Was remarkable during the quiet first set, how so many folks in this $65 a ticket show, were just loudly chatting around the bar, muscling over the vibe from the stage)
This version (h/t Doom & Gloom from the Tomb) is from years back, accompanied by Damon & Naomi.
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fivedollarsxd · 5 years
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Some of you may have heard of the protests happening in Hong Kong -
People are protesting against a controversial extradition bill that allows the Chinese government to arrest people in Hong Kong. 200 million people have marched the streets on 12 June (which is nearly 1/3 of the HK population) but the government is still not backing down. 
Protests are still ongoing and this is our most desperate call for international attention. Please reblog if you see this post - this is the least you can help to save my home city. Thank you.
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williamli-dev · 5 years
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#FreedomForHongKong #AntiELAB #hongkongprotests #discoverhongkong #香港反送中 #FreedomHK #protest #antiextraditionlaw #figure (at Wan Chai District) https://www.instagram.com/p/B2bmODnDk6H/?igshid=19eknslcnn92z
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sakithepooh · 5 years
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但有一個夢,不會死,記著吧;無論雨怎麼打 自由仍是會開花。 #香港 #hongkong #反送中條例遊行 #antiextraditionlaw #香港加油 #wearehongkonger #ynwa #堅守五大訴求 #reallifehk (在 維多利亞公園) https://www.instagram.com/p/B1TD6O2pdIp/?igshid=1jdaql7au4x6t
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mmillu · 5 years
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Im fuckin in 放低工作,換取香港嘅自由 #減少傷亡 #咩方法都要試下 #希望你可以為自己屋企出分力 #mmillu #肥青系列 #肥莉 #全港三罷 #罷工罷課罷市 #香港加油 #天祐香港 #我係香港人 #hongkong #strike #savehongkong #homekong #antiextraditionlaw (at Hong Kong) https://www.instagram.com/p/B0uxP5yjimS/?igshid=4uvvqvuk554k
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Hong Kong, this evening.
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