bikesabbath · 2 years
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Affiche temporaire du concert du 14 juillet d'1234 à GZ, en attendant confirmation du 4ème groupe. Sérigraphie à venir très très vite... #lowlife #doctrina #croisette #gz #grrrndzero #1234 #lyon #punk #postpunk #synthpop #feuxdartifices #antifrance #michelsardou #poster #artwork #bikesabbath https://www.instagram.com/p/CfEIJPPjCuE/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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antifrance –> philippelebonducdebourgogne
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These are Non petroleum base engine antifreeze coolant concentrate, formulated using advanced organic acid technology (OAT) and works over wide operating temperature range for effective engine cooling in all climates. It is used in all types of automotive vehicles/industrial engines' radiators, for protection against winter freezing and summer boil out.
Easy miscibility with water.
Excellent cooling properties.
High boiling point and low freezing point.
Noncorrosive and antirust.
An ideal medium which lubricates continuously bearings, seals and other critical parts of water pumps.
Protects all metals including aluminum
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worldcupofficial · 1 year
sometimes antisocial always antifrance
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plumshark · 4 years
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galatur · 7 years
I do mostly agree with anti france's post except (since this issue was brought up in that post, I respond to it) I'm not gonna back down on so-called "support for deeply antisemitic & armed religious movements" (sic) or "celebration of people who killed civilians" (sic) (I mean, if I were running guns I might not send them to Hamas since there are better options imo, but I believe in solidarity with Hamas, a mass Palestinian organisation, despite anti-Semitism in their theory and/or activities)
I mean… shit is complex and specific historical conjunctures can lead to a need to give some measure of critical support to national liberation forces that have some backwards views, not excluding anti-semitic ideological views in some cases. Because struggle is always contradictory, and demanding a 100% correct political line can be a way to just avoid taking any part in support for righteous liberation struggles.
But really, way to miss the point of that post entirely. Like, here is a post that lists like two dozen ways that Jews are held to different standards in activist movements and organizations, and details some of the microaggressions and larger aggressions that we suffer and put up with because we believe in justice and want to put the needs of the larger movement ahead of any narrow sectional interest; as well as calling out the structural antisemitism that underpins that whole situation. You read all of that and your comment is “but what about when I need to support groups that want to kill Jews sometimes?” - like what the fuck is wrong with you, to focus on that in the context of this post?
If you sincerely meant well by this ask, I’m sorry for getting worked up about it, but honestly take a minute for self-reflection of why you felt so stung by this one line in the whole post that you had to write up a whole ask around it. Really.
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imaghosttown · 4 years
There’s something, admittedly morbidly, funny about Napoleon invading a country and making them a democracy
and then the first time they vote on their delegates
he goes no you voted wrong, now your country doesn’t exist anymore. 
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german-milfs · 3 years
rules: you can usually tell a lot about a person by the music they listen to! put your music library on shuffle and list the first 10 songs, then tag 10 people
unforgettable▪︎nat king cole
el paso▪︎marty robbins
silver for monsters▪︎marcin przybyłowicz
plastic love (プラスティック・ラヴ)▪︎mariya takeuchi 竹内 まりや
school day▪︎santo & johnny
rhymes like dimes▪︎mf doom
weird science▪︎oingo boingo
paper cuts▪︎nirvana
rhinestone cowboy▪︎madvillain
mandus▪︎jessica curry
tagging: @porkue @nonpsychotic @iminsaneandcrazygirl420420 @aloudlyprofoundduck @m0thling @antifrance @girlbossiruka @novac @la-tigresa98 @ptsilenthill
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if u never want me to ever think about u sexually there's only one thing that works and it's that u gotta smoke. super easy. lifelong antifrance repeller.
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lounesdarbois · 2 years
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CV, rubrique "diplômes".
Aux aptères qui demandent "Attends mais t'es qui, tu as fait quoi toi?", l'on peut retourner les "questions-repère" : Qu'as-tu fait physiquement pendant les émeutes de 2005? / Qu'as-tu fait pendant la guerre en Syrie? / Pendant les manifs Gilets Jaunes? / Qu'as-tu fait pendant les émeutes BLM? Qu'as-tu fait quand tu croisais une PAB accompagnée? Es-tu "vacciné(e)"? On peut aussi dresser la liste non-exhaustive qui suit.
Grenoble 2004, les normies nous appelait fachos parce que les cailleras on pissait sur eux, et l'enseigne de Foot Locker leur lieu de pèlerinage, avait grâce à certains camarades "amené pavillon". Skyrock insultait la France h24 et disait en gros "fume du shit et donne ta sœur aux envahisseurs". Toute la rage vient de là, de ce que tout, absolument tout était faux dans ce que l'on nous avait appris à l'école.
Novembre 2005 émeutes de banlieue. La seule GAV de toute la France pour avoir éteint des feux de voiture dans Échirolles qui flambait avec un extincteur chourré à l'hôtel Mercure de la place Grenette. Personne bougeait.
Hong Kong 2006, entré en Air India avec un sac et 20 euros en poche et zéro diplôme. 2008 viré du territoire pour travail sans titre de séjour et 5 chiffres en euros sur un compte en banque.
2008-10 Paris-Londres-Bruxelles-Las Vegas, vent de face dans un panier de crabes côté en bourse, facho haï des bobos-métisso-antifrance sortis de leurs écoles de commerce de putes, et je les TRINGLAIS et ils me PAYAIENT ces PUTES.
2013, testament au cas où, direction Syrie à mes frais.
2015, toute ma famille française rompt avec moi pour "fascisme" et me convoque dans le 7e à Paris pour m'indiquer que je suis cette fois, "définitivement rejeté".
2015-18 USA, Italie, Albanie, Hollande, Ukraine.
2019 pas encore racontable.
2020-21 pas encore racontable.
Mais tout ça c'est rien. Et toi t'as fait quoi, toi? Petite PUTE. :-)
Le crève-cœur c'est que ce genre de combat, que d'autres ont mené mieux que moi, plus loin, plus beau, n'est pas racontable. Nous n'avons même pas une forme artistique propre qui permette de se raconter, de dépasser et de contenir les actes dans une OEUVRE. Oh, ça peut faire sursauter pourtant c'est vrai: certains morceaux de rap se rapprochent au plus près de cette forme que je cherche, et pour peu que l'on en changerait juste quelques paroles, ils diraient exactement la vraie rage de l'intérieur, parce que la mélodie, les réverbes, les échos derrière soulèvent l'ensemble. C'est pourquoi peu de gens peuvent me, peuvent nous, comprendre, et que chercher à s'expliquer est déjà baisser son froc.
Il ne reste que l'émotion de la première minute trente secondes de ce morceau, et tant pis pour les explications, moi ça me parle. Un jour si tout va bien je vous raconterai tout.
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“Chained” (hybrid) (antifred, if you're up for it)
This wasn't exactly a new situation for 53759, get tied down, have her organs ripped out, get dumped in her room, rinse and repeat. But something was different this time. Instead of being dumped in her room she was transported to a different alter! This wasn't supposed to happen!! Just what kind of deal was made that she had to be traded entirely for?? But for some reason, she wasn't tied down anymore? Curious and confused, the hybrid sat up and winced as her body stitched itself together.
"What is going on?"
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meadow-of-muses · 4 years
(=゚ω゚)ノ (antifred and his little flower)
Hazel blushed a dark red as the collar went around her throat. She looked up at who she thought was Fred but it seemed off. She tilted her head slightly,
"Your not Fred."
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diioonysus · 5 years
Yugoslavia was bombed by the US just 20 years ago yet this w/arfr/ame person is just out there sprouting shit like i hate eastern europeans hope they all get colonized and die haha. Also their blog is just a weird cringefest and they have a whole antifrance tag with 1 post about actual french colonization history and all the rest like "the french are all idiots and should get killed and their language is a joke lulz". These people are just bullies hiding behind pseudo social justice politics to
(spread hate. No person who cares about marginalized people would show such lack of empathy or would refuse to listen and learn. I hope staff pays attention to the reports and they get deleted. Also you handled this with so much grace and patience and all edits are amazing keep up the good work)
she’s an actual psychopath who’s riding the wave of “wokeness” on tumblr, that or she has some problems in life. And thank you so much, I deal with these types of people all the time, so it gets easier and easier to deal with their shit! xxx
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selkiesomber · 5 years
why reblog my post Frenchie, im antifrance :/
I am also anti France lol. If this is about my username Frenchie is my name. France do b sucking lol
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