annieluxury · 1 year
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24766 · 3 years
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La salida de la cárcel del demiurgo o 1, se logra tras eliminar los 1000 yoes del alma hasta dejar al “yo” que más prevalezca. Requiere del rechazo de los “ismos” perpetuados por el y sus concilios de falsos arcontes y su raza elegida. Desde el rechazo de la supuesta belleza de naturaleza vampirica y canibal que se devora a sí misma: MAYA. Hasta el rechazo de las ideologías que confunden y transgreden el alma evitando la transmutación a espíritu. El deseo más grande debe ser fundirte en el fuego eterno del 0; de lo incognoscible... #antidemiurgico #antimaya #antinatalista #antisem #antisionista #antimarxista #anticomunista #antidemocracia #antiestatista #anticapitalista #antimason #antisinarquico #antinuevoordenmundial Si al leerme, te enojas o reflejas un sentimiento de rechazo es por el simple hecho de que ya eres parte de la entelequia demiurgica que se encargó de enseñarte cómo admirar la obra privada de un ente maligno como si fuese una maravilla;tú alma es parte del 1 que no acepta el rechazo a su creación. https://www.instagram.com/p/CMUp4ForU_E/?igshid=2omcni2ydb3e
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azizsudairi1 · 4 years
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«The rise of a new king of humanity and the fall of evil » A book by Aziz Sudairi that will soon be published....the book is finally finished and ready ! « Nepotism in the age of good and evil in modern age by Aziz Sudairi 2020 ##aziz_sudairi @aziz_sudairi aziz_sudairi #writers #writersofinstagram #novel #antidictatorship #antitotalitarianism #anti #future #antimason #humanity #theKing (at San Luis de los Franceses) https://www.instagram.com/p/B_Sp7bvHKrv/?igshid=9ak9reurqkus
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antimasonchristian · 2 years
Hello   or  should  i  say  ALOHA   from  HAWAII  .
I  want  to  thank  TUMBLR  for  keeping  my site  on  here .  been  dealing  with  a  lot of  issues .
By  the  way  the  CIA  FBI  controlled  TWITTER  knocked  me  off  their  site .
Appears  that  somebody  has  put  a  contract  on  my  life .   All  under  the  guise  of  the  PATRIOT  ACT ,  associated  with  the  DEEP  STATE  and  FREEMASONS .
20  years  ago  i  wrote  a  story  about  2  people  taking  advantage  of  my  ex  wife  about  6  months  after  our  divorce ,  and  taking  advantage  of  my / our  children .  About  10  years  after  a  3  year  battle  in  court ,  after  i  emotionally  was  sound  again  i  wrote  this  story .  Today ...  the  way  things  have  gone  tells  me  that  she  (  their  mother ) must  have  been  paid . 
GUESS  WHAT  ......  They  are  a   BIG  operation  here  in  HAWAII  too .    
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endlesschoices9 · 4 years
Could you toxic people please use #antimason instead of #mtflmason cause I wanna share my love for him??
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expfcultragreen · 4 years
And this timelines alexs friends who are their ghost theyfriend soulmates might have other soulmates, or none
We dont have to stress about who else is porting who in, and dont do an exorcism
Its should be noted that in this timeline we've only ever been in the same place once, at a food not bombs thing, and alex took a photo...of course
Alex also seems to channel mae west, vincent price, joan of arc who doesnt speak english but still loves self-immolation, hunter s thompson, antinazi/antiracist penece-doing hitler, antimason/antiracist penenace-doing nixon, bela lugosi, a southern lady who is probably mae west doing a voice but thats unclear, collapsed timeline (???) versions of Isabella rosellini and luke forester, who are both alive and online in this timeline...also kevin Rrrrrrrrrrichards has been in the mix
And for a second or two a couple times a month we've got tony, dear deer tony...like a patronus
And suzy is alive and has always been, has been all along, and loves the batch of us
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goodgodfather · 6 years
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Who do you think of when you think of modern fashion? (Currently designing new line of shirts and hoodies) #captainMorgan #CaptainWilliamMorgan #TheMorganAffair #WilliamMorgan #AntiMason #AntiNero #MasonicMurder #secretnomore #MasonLies #FreeMasonLies #corruptsecrecy (at Batavia Cemetery) https://www.instagram.com/p/BqagyMBHEfX/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1l6tcwp2upo4y
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young-zee-blog · 6 years
FREEMASONS WORSHIPING LUCIFER #antimason #antiilluminati #fallenangels #thehumanrace #jesustheonlyway #kingofkings👑 #the144 #thearmorofgod (at Fear of God Satellite)
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fraterfan · 5 years
Respuestas A Los Antimasones
Respuestas A Los Antimasones
La multiplicación de actos violentos, las palabras desmedidas, los asaltos a nuestros lugares de encuentro (incendios, charcos de orina a la puerta de un templo, robos, etc.) y los discursos de odio contra nosotros nos empujan a responder a las diversas acusaciones hechas sin fundamento.
Somos conscientes de que los masones , como tantos otros colectivos, somos meros chivos expiatorios…
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pjvila · 5 years
Respuestas a los antimasones
Respuestas a los antimasones
La multiplicación de actos violentos, las palabras desmedidas, los asaltos a nuestros lugares de encuentro (incendios, charcos de orina a la puerta de un templo, robos, etc.) y los discursos de odio contra nosotros nos empujan a responder a las diversas acusaciones hechas sin fundamento.las
Somos conscientes de que los masones , como tantos otros colectivos, somos meros chivos expiatorios sin…
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peopleofvermont · 7 years
Six Letters from John Quincy Adams to Edward Livingston on Masonry, 1833
Page 23: Mr. Slade published in a pamphlet, under the responsibility of his name, his own Essays, and those of his adversaries; and this procedure was in the same spirit of fairness and candor, which marked his whole management of the controversy. I recommend to you the serious and attentive perusal of the pamphlet; for if it should serve no other purpose than to preserve you and the General Grand Royal Arch Chapter of the United States form the reiteration of insult and slander upon the people of a highly respectable state of this Union, it will have a just claim to your grateful acknowledgements. Insult and slander upon the people of Vermont, who by their votes at the last presidential election, as well as by their suffrage at two succeeding elections for the executive and the state legislature, have signally vindicated the cause of Antimasonry. To this result it is obvious that Mr. Slade’s Essays upon the Masonic Penalties did in an eminent degree contribute. It was impossible that they should fail to produce their effect upon the minds of an intelligent and virtuous people. These Essays carry with them internal and irresistible evidence in refutation of the charge against the Antimasonic presses of Vermont, proffered by the committee of the General Grand Royal Arch Chapter of the United States. The Essays on the Masonic Penalties are not less remarkable for their moderation, delicacy, and tenderness to the adherents of masonry than for the close and pressing cogency of their arguments against the institution of masonry. They charge not the adherents of masonry, but masonry itself, with the murder of Morgan, and all its execrable progeny of crimes.
Page 26: Mr. Slade’s Essays upon the Masonic Penalties, were published in Vermont in 1830, a year after the appeal of the 200 masons. The charter of incorporation of the Masonic Lodges in Vermont were revoked but he Legislature of that state in 1831. An Antimasonic Governor and Council and Antimasonic Electors of President and Vice President of the United States were elected in 1831 and 32—the last within one month before the meeting of the General Grand Royal Arch Chapter of the United States. These were all significant indications of the verdict, passed by the people of Vermont upon the appeal of 200 masons of 1820. But upon all these the Committee of the Grand Royal Arch Chapter of the United States observe a “dignified silence.” Like the Rhode Island Grand Lodge, with regard to the kidnapping and murder of Morgan by the Royal Arch Masons, they knew nothing about it! 
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expfcultragreen · 3 years
"kiriyama just got handed a fan" formation, here, people; masons are drivebying nonmasons starting with known antimasons and former masonsphere people
Obama was an op and it wasnt magic you needed but its also a unique circumstance of manipulation; dont judge everyone scapegoated by the old masons who wanted to validate you, by what one dude who hated his dad wanted everyone who got burned by that admin to put on scapegoats
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peopleofvermont · 7 years
Boston Masonic Mirror, 1830
Page 9: Appeal to the People of Vermont. On the subject of the Antimasonic excitement; by the Lodge of Freemasons in the County of Orange, and the Valley of the White River.
Introduction. At a meeting of Delegates from the several Lodges in the county or Orange and part of the comity of Windsor, convened at Chelsea, on the 16th December, A.L. 6829.—for the purpose of taking into consideration the excitement on the subject of Freemasonry.—Samuel Austin, was appointed Chairman. Jacob K. Parish, Secretary. It was Resolved, That it is expedient to publish an Address to the People of Vermont, on the subject of the present antimasonic excitement. Resolved, that Wyman Spooner, Hon. D. Azro A. Buck, and David Palmer, M.D. be a committee to prepare an Address, in pursuance of the preceding resolution.
In conformity with the above resolutions, the following Appeal has been prepared and submitted to the several Lodges represented in convention; by whom it has been unanimously accepted, and is now respectfully offered to the People of Vermont.
Page 17: Appeal to the People of Vermont, On the subject of the Antimasonic excitement; by the Lodges of Freemasons in the County of Orange, and the Valley of White River. 
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peopleofvermont · 7 years
Masonic Mirror, 1829
Page 57: Notwithstanding all that we have said upon this subject, the existence of masonry may still be a moral evil; but the present is not the time for a candid, dispassionate discussion of this subject,t and had therefore, better be let alone. But has political anti-masonry ever exhibited one republican feature, one christian principle, or one amiable quality? Had the anti-masons confined themselves to truth and argument—had they addressed themselves to the understandings, the consciences of the people, instead of appealing to the worst passions of human nature, we might have taken no interest in the contest; or, perhaps, have joined them in their opposition; but when they would invade the right of suffrage, when every man who is not a mason, and will not subscribe to their political dogmas, is proscribed, and treated as a malefactor, we must defend ourselves and our rights, if not the masonic institution. We call upon the people of Vermont to view this subject, candidly and dispassionately; and then we call upon them to act as republicans and lovers of their country.
Page 70: Anti-Masonry in Vermont.—The anti-masonic party of New York, having been detected and exposed in their hypocritical pretensions and base designs; having become the legitimate objects of scorn and ridicule, among the enlightened freemen of that state, and having been satisfactorily assured that the excitement cannot much longer resist the avenging spirit of insulted reason, nor with any degree of success confront the powerful reaction which is already beginning to exhibit itself, have selected the people of Vermont for their next victim! They have chosen this state as their last stay—the “forlorn hope” of their sinking interests. Their emissaries have gone forth; the work of desolation has commenced, and already we hear the infuriate cry, of the still more infuriate clan. Elated by frequent success, uncontrolled by reason and ungoverned by laws, human or divine, they rush onward, regardless of consequences, and fearless of defeat. Their course is rapid, but it is the course of infamy and destruction. They will find the end, before they are sensible that they have made a beginning. The materials with which they would erected their Pandemonium in Vermont, are not of the gullable genus—they cannot be concverted to the uses of infidelity, nor to the purposes of political villainy. Nature designed them neither for the one nor for the other:—education and common sense will shield them from the attacks of ignorance and fanaticism: their inflexible virtue will render them impervious to the shafts of infidelity and demoniac fury. The people of Vermont are not that multiform, heterogeneous compound which composes the population of the western part of New York. They are an honest, candid, intelligent and thinking yeomanry—the bone and muscle of the Republic—and the blasts of fanaticism will sweep by them unheeded and unfelt. The ravings of religious bigots and the rantings of designing, abandoned political jugglers, will excite in their bosoms, no other emotions than those of pity and contempt. They have pity for the mental weakness and delusion of the bigot, and contempt for the perfidy and baseness of the juggler.—They mourn the moral depravity of both.
Page 193: The great leading interests and the political parties which have divided people since the declaration of independence, to wit: Wigs and Tories, Federalists and Republicans, Clintonians and Bucktails, Jacksonites and Adamsites, have invariably found masons as much on one side as the other; and Freemasons have been as much divided and politically opposed to each other as other men. This circumstance, which all know to be a fact, ought to silence, forever, the charge, that masons, as an association, even undertake to control political measures; and, if so great a proportion of our representatives have been masons, it is on account of the character and reputation they sustain as honest and capable men, and not because they are wheedled into office by the concerted plots and intrigues of masonry. Let us take another view of the subject: If eleven-twelfths of the legislative members are masons, there is no doubt but a great majority have been masons for a long time past, and indeed ever since the state of Vermont was a government; and it is also very probable that a good majority of the government of other states, likewise the general government and the framers of the constitution were masons. It is certain that Franklin, Jefferson, Lafayette and Washington were masons. If your statement should prove anywhere near correct, there is no possible doubt that both the general and state governments have been full and completely in the hands of Freemasons, ever since the declaration of independence. Now what does this fact speak?—Let the happy people of Vermont tell. Let the prosperity and independence of our common country, which is the asylum for the oppressed of all nations and is the envy and astonishment of all the governments of Europe—let the freedom and equal rights we possess which were never so well understood and enjoyed by any people under Heaven—Let the honor of our nation which stands with preeminent dignity above every other nation in the world; I say let these declare whether our government has been wickedly or wisely administered.
Page 414: Antimasonry in Vermont.—The editor of the Farmer’s Herald, published at St. Johnsbury, Vt., has, for some time past, devoted a portion of his excellent paper, to the development of antimasonic wickedness and prescription. To this part of his paper, he gave the very appropriate title of “The Friend.” In the broadest sense, it has been a firm and active friend to the best interests of the community, and to the Church of Christ. It has met the enemy with a vigor and decision of purpose, that has seldom failed to produce a salutary effect. But, believing that the excitement is sufficiently allayed, and that the principles and motives of the men, by whom it has been cultivated, are clearly understood by the people of Vermont; consequently, that the power to produce further harm, is gone; the editor is about to withdraw from the contest, so far as to discontinue the appropriation of a specific portion of his paper to that object. He promises, however, to keep an eye to the subject; and, should occasion require, he will again enter the list against the proscriptive monster. The Friend has been of important service, not merely to the Masonic Institution, but to the community in general. We, therefore, regret the early determination to discontinue it.—The editor is not a Mason. He engaged in the cause solely from a conviction that it was his duty, as an honest man, a christian, and an editor, so to do. Having discharged this duty, he returns to more agreeable pursuits, in which we wish him prosperity and happiness. Mr. Jewett remarks that, when he took up the pen in defense of the abused and persecuted; anti masonry, under the guise of religion, “was making a desperate threat at vital godliness. A justly offended God never before let loose a scourge as dreadful, upon the churches in this region. We trust the chastisement has been sanctified to many and let to much prayer and humiliation. Our primary subject was to allay bitterness and excite christian feeling.—We may have effected little or nothing; but be that as it may, antimasonry has now become a mere political stalking horse, and christians are returning to a better state of feeling, except in a few churches.” We are really happy to hear this; and if Mr. Jewett has been instrumental in reinforcing peace and harmony to a single church, and we doubt not that he has, he will hereafter regard it as the proudest act of his life. He has industriously labored to preserve the church from the pollution of anti masonry, and it must be a matter of great satisfaction to him, that he has not labored in vain. it is not surprising that there are yet a few infected churches in the State of Vermont; but it is a matter of satisfaction that there are but few. By proper management, the disorder may be dispelled entirely from the church, and from civilized society; to both of which, it has too long been a reproach and a curse. 
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goodgodfather · 6 years
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Monument to the memory of Captain William Morgan reads: Sacred to the memory of Wm. Morgan, a native of Virginia, a Capt. in the War of 1812, a respectable citizen of Batavia, and a martyr to the freedom of writing, printing and speaking the truth. He was abducted from near this spot in the year 1826, by Freemasons and murdered for revealing the secrets of their order. #antimason #knowyourhistory #masonicoccult #masonicmurder #TheTruthAboutFreeMasonry #TheTruthAboutAmerica #TrueSecrets #KnowTheTruth #Gnosis #Gnosticism #OccultSecrets #enddespotism #EndEvil #endtyranny #secretsocieties #AmericanRevolution #Patriots #FoundersofAmerica (at Batavia Cemetery) https://www.instagram.com/p/BqYEffMnrOR/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=rng42owiv8zl
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