anti-zionism is not antisemitic, but that does not preclude anti-zionists being antisemitic
do not allow yourself to be sucked into antisemitic conspiracy theories about the purposes/intent behind the synagogue tunnels. while there are systemic issues within judaic institutions, the hassidic community included, do not allow the injustice of a secular government that bears the star of david to push you into assumptions and stereotypes. even a little research will tell you that the tunnels are about building expansion.
on this note, let us remind ourselves that zionism is rooted in antisemitism. beyond tenants in jewish scriptures, zionism requires the antisemitic belief that jews are not/cannot be loyal to any state/people other than israel and fellow jews. this notion pre-dates the creation of the colonial state of israel. the idea that jews are inherently untrustworthy and traitors has been played up time and time again, most notably pre-WWII to justify laws and policies limiting jewish freedoms and citizenship. for anyone familiar with french history, you will know the role this sentiment played in the Dreyfus Affair, which changed all of europe's relationship with/view of its jewish populations.
the zionist project will soon be used against jews outside of israel. regardless of how the war ends, israel has embedded itself in the world's perception of jewish identity, in one way or another. do not be surprised when politicians and media outlets begin questioning jewish loyalties in the aftermath of the genocide, particularly if western governments are able to hide their participation in the ethnic cleansing of palestinians. if this is reframed as a jewish aggression or an aggression committed solely by israel as Biden and Trudeau and Macron and whoever bravely pleaded with Netanyahu to limit civilian casualties, then imagine how much easier it will be to pose jews as a domestic threat.
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sodiumsorbae · 2 years
i don't understand how people are justifying buying the harry potter game??? like, okay you donated to a trans charity, wicked, pog, sick as fuck, but like,,, this is the antisemetic game right? the one where you and your pet slave go and stop the antisemetic goblin caricatures from commiting blood libel??
I do not believe that you can truly death of the author yourself out of something where the creator uses your money to fund bigoted causes, but even if you could, even if JKR wasn't going to use the money to make trans people's lives more miserable, if she were the forward thinking femminist she thinks she is, the game itself is bigoted and harmful the game! not just jkr, the actual fucking content of the game perpetuates incredibly harmful stereotypes that are already becoming more entrenched in our society today
i do not mean to imply that JKR's rhetoric around trans people is not harmful, but its astounding to me that the antisemitsism is treated like a footnote, especially given the current state of affairs, with people like Kanye West
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genderkiller · 4 years
dear fucking gods every time i remember that antisemitism exists i get this SWELL OF RAGE inside of me and i want to go outside and swing a large hammer into a nazis stomach and proceed to apologise to every jewish person individually for any struggle theyve ever had ever /srs
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stephendavid · 8 years
'Radical Syrian Cleric, Sheikh Mohammed Rateb Al-Nabulsi, who openly calls for the death of Jews and Gays speaking in Central Florida. Sh. Al-Nabulsi found a welcoming home at the Islamic Society of Central Florida - Imam Musri's Mosque, AlBir Mosque in Kissimmee, Islamic Society of Pinellas County Mosque, and a Embassy Suites Banquet Hall in Tampa for the American Muslim Leadership Council of Tampa, FL.... Imam Mohammad Musri on January 7, 2014 invited this Hate Sheikh into his Mosque. Imam Mursri was interviewed by Channel 9 reporter Field Sutton on why he would invite such a controversial figure to his Orlando, FL Mosque. Imam Musri did not condemn his friend Al-Nabulsi's hate speech against the Jews. In fact, Musri ignored those anti Jewish comments thinking Mr. Sutton was referring only to Sh. Al-Nabulsi's anti gay remarks.... Imam Musri was the voice of the Orlando Muslim community after the Pulse Nightclub terrorist attack. Imam Musri spoke a message of love, togetherness, and that Islam had nothing to do with the attack by ISIS Jihadi, Omar Mateen.... This is serious business because Imam Musri is well respected in the Jewish, Christian, Gay, and interfaith communities. Imam Musri has built these relationships over many years telling these local leaders exactly what they need to hear to build bridges of friendship. Then while Imam Musri thinks nobody is looking, he shows what lies underneath his slick polished veneer. Underneath that veneer of bridge building lies a man who reveres an Islamic scholar who calls for the murder of Jews and Gays. Imam Musri had the opportunity to set the record straight condemning Al-Nabulsi with Channel 9 News reporter Field Sutton, but he did not. How many followers of Islam in Central Florida who went to hear the Hate Sheikh speak agree with his views on the killing of Jews and Gays? How many people who hear Sheikh Mohammed Rateb Al-Nabulsi's incitement to violence against Jews and Gays will act upon it? In light of the Pulse nightclub terrorist attack, Ft. Lauderdale airport attack, San Bernardino attack, Ft. Hood terrorist attack, bomb scares to 3 Jewish facilities in Orlando, this question can no longer be ignored.' -- Alan Kornman, Family Security Matters READ IT ALL
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