#any excuse for ora tokyo sa iguda
iwazumis · 4 years
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hi here’s a list of my HIGHLY TENTATIVE headcanon ideas:
seijou is a private academy if i'm not mistaken, which is leading me to want to put iwaizumi in a comfortable/slightly higher socioeconomic status. either his father is in a managerial ( or higher ) level position, or both parents work. 
he listens to older music -- 80s/90s/old karaoke hits -- as well as probably some newer rock/alternative genres. but the majority of his music is older. plastic love, glass no sogen, dress down, ora tokyo sa iguda, etc.
hates cheese. cannot stand it. 
contrary to fandom opinion, is not handsome. literally does not stand out in person at all. he’s quite average, and doesn’t really care that he is. he has no sort of “inferiority complex” about being friends with oikawa/having a friend who dates more than him. he happens to be more “popular” ( i use that term loosely because it’s high school and popularity is a lame concept ) with the boys in his grade, anyways. mainly because he’s not annoying. 
has always been interested in movie special effects. in middle school he had a phase where he’d watch behind the scenes videos for famous movies to learn about how they developed their explosives/blood pumps/etc. surprisingly, it never ruined action movies for him. he still likes them a lot. 
naturally gifted with language. surprisingly did well in english, japanese, and japanese literature in school. by his second year of high school he had already skipped ahead and learned the majority of the jouyou kanji necessary for secondary school students. why ? part of the reason was because of a bet with oikawa.
that being said, iwaizumi isn’t normally competitive. but after years of friendship, oikawa knows how to push his buttons just the right way to get him to do things he wouldn’t normally do. and what for ? in the end, he knows he’s only making a fool of himself. but sometimes, in the moment, he’s blinded by emotions/aspirations and forgets the possible outcome -- a very live in the moment kind of guy, if you will. 
haha what’s fashion ? :)
somehow, ALWAYS manages to step in puddles. when he walks, he doesn’t always look at the ground/his feet, so there have been countless times where he’s simply stepped into a hole filled with water and drenched his pant leg up to the knee because he wasn’t looking. the same goes for slush/snow.
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