#any semblance of control camaraderie or family
andi-o-geyser · 1 year
haha guess who finally bit the bullet and watched The Solitary Clone. it was me. *cries*
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kryzobi-wan · 4 years
Dancing in the Dark
"What kind of monster was he, to wish for beauty?"
Just a whole lotta touch-starved, lonely Ben Solo feeling a lot of feels when the Force decides to connect him to Rey <3 Completely self-indulgent Reylo angst and fluff. Plus a little slow dancing 🥲
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Ben Solo had learned what it meant to be lonely. Growing up surrounded by droids instead of family taught a kid that particular lesson pretty quickly. Still, that aching longing for human connection never quite left him, even after so many years of immersing himself in the cool, unfeeling darkness in hopes that it would drown out that part of himself. He had everything he had ever wanted, he tried to convince himself. Power, control, strength… it should have been enough.
But that flicker of light—of warmth—within him that he never could quite get rid of felt like the piercing, burning bite of a lightsaber wound on his flesh. If the light was supposed to bring comfort and peace, then why did its presence hurt so much?
After his solitary childhood and early adulthood, it shouldn’t have been possible to feel any more lonely than he already did. Then she had come crashing into his life, entangling their respective destinies in a mess of unacceptable feelings and emotions, and leaving Kylo more unbalanced than he had ever been since joining the First Order. Her light had illuminated the truth of every crude approximation of connection Kylo had forged over the years in his chosen place of belonging. Where once the officers of the First Order, the Knights of Ren, even Hux, had provided some semblance of stability and companionship, he now saw them for what they were: hollow, resentful beings who couldn’t care less if he lived or if he died.
For a few brief moments he had thought that Rey might fill the gaping hole this realization left in the very depths of his soul. How naïve that had been. Now she had left him, scorned him, and he was truly on his own, with not even the sickening but constant presence of Snoke to keep him company.
Weeks passed. Hux had finally stopped reprimanding Kylo for his failure on Crait, and in fact hadn’t spoken to him in days, leaving him without even that sense of consistency. In the quiet isolation of his chambers, the weight of his father’s death at his hand finally settled firmly on his shoulders. With Snoke gone, his recollection of that fateful moment came with a different kind of clarity that was most unwelcome. This kind of introspection was dangerous, and he did his best not to entertain it. But he was weak. His thoughts involuntarily drifted to those peaceful moments in his childhood—as rare as they were—where for just one moment he thought his parents might really care, that he wasn’t truly alone. The ache of soured happiness came attached with those memories, now that he had been disillusioned from their lies.
Looking at him now, it was hard to believe that he had once believed in the beauty of the galaxy. Ben—Kylo—remembered a time when the stars seemed brighter, the air more pure and refreshing. When he could feel the bubbling of joy and frivolity in his chest, giving him the sensation of weightlessness as he passed through life ignorant of how truly alone he was.
Oh, how he longed for that beauty.
He had always been drawn to such things. The artful strokes of calligraphy, flowing from the tip of his pen. The feeling of soft, green grass between his fingers, and the touch of cold, crisp water on his toes. The gentle lilt of music playing somewhere in the distance, the tune floating through his bedroom window as he closed his eyes in sleep.
What kind of monster was he, to wish for beauty?
There was no such thing. Kylo Ren could never be worthy of it. Every beautiful thing he touched met its end sooner or later. He was poison to it, so fundamentally contrary to everything it stood for that it could be corrupted by his mere presence.
Perhaps it was a good thing that Rey had closed their connection. Since that moment on Crait when she looked down on him in his defeat, he had only seen her a handful of times, and only long enough for her to scowl at him and shut him out.
So he was alone. As usual.
Wandering the halls of the new flagship star destroyer, Kylo was acutely aware of this fact. Some days were worse than others, but this was bad as it got. Something inside him was begging for someone—anyone—to see him. To remind him that he wasn’t just some ghostly apparition with no corporeal form.
Not a single passing trooper or officer acknowledged him.
Perhaps it was his own fault. After all, you can’t have both the fear of your subordinates and the good opinion of them. He had chosen what made sense for the leader of an army, and he refused to consider any other option. He was the Supreme Leader of the First Order. He did what he had to do.
As it turns out, it’s lonely to be the one on top of the pyramid.
Kylo passed by a group of stormtroopers, his cape billowing behind him. They seemed to be celebrating something, perhaps one of them had received a promotion or passed a particularly difficult round of training. They patted each other on the back, excitedly chattering in low whispers about whatever it was that spurred this reaction. Despite the armor and helmets, he could see the camaraderie they shared. They were happy.
That was enough to trigger another episode.
They were coming more frequently now. It was different than his bursts of anger and violence, where he could reach some sort of catharsis by tearing apart his immediate surroundings with the slash of his fiery weapon. This kind of attack did quite the opposite, causing him to shut down completely, barely able to move or speak until he could manage to calm himself down to an acceptable level. His breathing quickened and he was forced to grab onto the wall to stabilize himself.
Kylo sucked in a deep breath as he willed the prickling of tears in his eyes to go away. He felt exposed without his mask. His traitorous expressive face betrayed every emotion that he felt, leaving him vulnerable. He couldn’t let his subordinates see this weakness, or he’d be ousted by a mutiny before the end of the day cycle. No, he had to get away before he went catatonic. Stumbling and suddenly dizzy, Kylo made his way toward his chambers. The lights on the walls and ceiling swirled in his vision like the flash of stars through hyperspace, and it was all he could do to remain upright as he burst into his quarters and shut the door behind him. Immediately upon entering, he ripped his cape and the outer layer of his tunic off, feeling suffocated by them. Removing his heavy boots, he focused on the chill of the cold durasteel floors seeping through his dark socks, connecting him to his surroundings.
With a flick of his wrist, he turned out the lights and collapsed onto the nearest chair, resting his head atop his knees, and clasping his hands behind his head as he tried his best to stop trembling. He allowed the quiet darkness to envelop him like a blanket, hiding the tears as they streamed from his eyes.
Whenever this happened, it felt as if the air around him was pressing inwards as it slowly crushed him. He needed something real, something physical to ground him. No matter how tightly he clutched at his own body, how much he pressed the heels of his hands into his eyes in an effort to stem the flow of tears, it was not enough. The pain radiated outward from himself. It was as if he were a bomb threatening to explode at any moment, at which point he would cease to exist entirely. He could be floating in the lifeless vacuum of space for all that he felt. There was nothing to hold him together.
Completely and utterly alone.
He was well-practiced by now in self-treating these sudden attacks. It may take several minutes, but eventually he would be able to breathe out one last shuddering breath and still the shaking in his shoulders and knees. The floor stilled beneath him, and he no longer felt like his screams were trapped inside his body, begging to be let out.
All he felt in the wake of an episode like this, was numb.
He stared tiredly at the floor, now propping his head up on his hands as exhaustion flooded his body.
It was frustrating, feeling so out of control of one’s emotions. Despite the fact that his master was now dead and gone, he could still feel the disappointment he would have had in his apprentice. The words Snoke would have said echoed through his mind.
Pathetic. Weak. You are too unstable. The darkness will reject you. Your emotions cause you to fail. Everyone who ever claimed to care about you threw you away like garbage, but you can’t stop needing them.
Perhaps he had been projecting a little when he said those last words to Rey.
As if his thoughts had caused it, he suddenly felt the familiar shift in the Force that signaled the start of a connection. The rumbling sounds of his ship faded into a comfortable silence that was, for once, welcome in the aftermath of his anxiety attack.
He breathed out a sigh of relief before opening his bleary eyes and lifting his head slightly to peer about his room. She was nowhere to be seen.
Just as he was about to stand to go look for her, Rey appeared in his doorway, looking irritated and disappointed as usual as her eyes settled on him. She promptly turned with a huff and disappeared from view as fast as she had come, though the connection remained open.
“Rey, wait,” Ben (because he was always Ben during these connections) called out to her before she could shut him out. He stood abruptly, rushing to stand in the doorway. She stilled, her back to him and apparently awaiting his next words before she decided to leave him anyway or not. “Please don’t go,” he hated how fragile the words sounded as they escaped his lips.
Rey let out a tired breath. “I can’t do this anymore.”
Panic began to rise in Ben’s stomach again as he felt Rey start to force the connection closed. “Stay! Please, just for a few more moments,” he said desperately. He was starting to feel dizzy again. He wanted to pretend just for a little while that he wasn’t alone. Once he regained his stability, she could leave if she wanted. He just needed someone for a few minutes to keep him from falling apart.
As if she could sense this, she turned to face him, setting her jaw firmly as she stared at him with caution behind her eyes. Relief flooded his veins, and before he could stop himself, he reached out with one hand and clutched Rey’s arm, using it to keep himself upright. She didn’t move a muscle, though she stared at him as if she wanted nothing more than to step away from him. He bowed his head, breathing deep, calming breaths in and out.
“Thank you,” he said softly after a moment.
Rey nodded once but said nothing. Her silence had become the usual ever since Crait, and as much as it pained him, he was grateful that this time she at least acknowledged his existence.
Once upon a time, she had told him he wasn’t alone. That had meant everything to him, even if it didn’t mean the same things to her. He just wanted to feel like he did in that moment. When they had touched hands, he felt a flutter of happiness and a spark of hope that he never thought he’d feel again. He saw a flash of beauty, like something had peeled back the dark shroud that obscured his view of the galaxy. For the briefest of moments, he thought he could be happy with her. That neither of them would ever have to be alone for the rest of their days.
Ben’s eyes flashed up to where his gloved hand met her skin, and the hairs on the back of his neck prickled, a chill running up his spine. He lost himself in the feel of human contact, nearly becoming overwhelmed by the sensation after so long without it. Perhaps the only thing keeping him from completely breaking down was that layer of leather still between them.
Slowly, as if he were not even in control of his own movements, his other hand gingerly brushed against the same arm, inspecting the fresh scar there. His hands were trembling as they traced the contours of her arm, down, down, down to her hand where they stopped, cradling her fingers with the softest touch.
“Ben?” Rey finally spoke, breaking him out of his entranced state. He looked up to her, tears pooling in his eyes once more. His hand instinctively tightened around hers.
“Will you dance with me?”
His words were unexpected. There was something about being there, with her, that made him wish more than ever for the things of beauty in this galaxy. They seemed to have reached a temporary truce, considering the fact that Rey hadn’t ripped her hand away from his yet. He couldn’t help himself.
“What?” Rey asked incredulously. She looked at him as if he had grown a second head. Ben began to feel the tug of her hand against his, hesitating but wanting to let go.
“I just—” Ben stepped closer, patting her hand lightly with one of his and bowing his head again to look only at their hands rather than her face. He shook his head in disappointment with himself as it became clear that he didn’t have the words to articulate what he was trying to say.
I need you, he finished in his mind, but Rey seemed to hear it loud and clear. Her eyes softened, though a hint of hesitation remained.
Ben’s gaze snapped back to hers, his mouth parted slightly in surprise that she had actually said yes. Something like nervousness or excitement fluttered in his stomach, leaving him momentarily breathless.
He nodded, speechless and blurry-eyed, and dropped her hand long enough only to remove his dark gloves, casting them carelessly on the floor. When he stepped into her space again, the corners of his trembling lips teased the smallest hint of a smile, which was reflected in his widened, somehow younger-looking eyes.
Slowly, in his disbelief that this was really happening, Ben scooped up each of her hands in his own, clutching them to his sweater-clad chest. There was no music, but the beating of their hearts seemed to be amplified in the space that stretched between them and their bond. It was the only sound they could hear, aside from the shaky breaths each was breathing in anticipation for this new closeness, this tender moment.
Rey moved one hand to Ben’s shoulder, allowing him to wrap his arm around her. His palm splayed across her back, reveling in the feeling of her textured taupe-colored wrappings on his fingertips. Electricity sparked where their hands met, and he saw it again. A vision of beauty. Togetherness. The rightness of it all.
He pulled her in close, resting his cheek against her silky brown hair and closing his eyes to soak in the peacefulness of the moment as they began to sway. Fresh tears trailed down his cheek, mingling with her hair. She hesitantly leaned her head into his chest and brought her hand up to the hair at the nape of his neck, stroking it comfortingly. It was almost as if she knew exactly what he was feeling, exactly why he had asked her to stay. Could she really see through him that easily? Or was the bond stronger than they thought? If so, what could that mean?
He knew who she was. She was a nobody, right? Then why did she feel like everything to him?
Oh, he was in so much trouble.
They danced, in the calming darkness of the night. Peace washed over Ben Solo, evening his breathing to quiet, content breaths. There were so many things he wanted to say; confessions he needed to get off his chest, apologies, explanations… but nothing could get past the lump in his throat. Instead, he contented himself with looking out the viewport behind Rey, taking in the majesty of the stars beyond. Long ago, he had lost the sense of wonder and awe he used to feel when immersed in the view of open space. The endless black expanse began to feel empty and cold. It reflected his own loneliness back at him.
How had he missed the numerous stars and planets that dotted the sky? They shone brightly, their warmth reminding him that there would always be life, hope, and a future—beyond.
Skywalker… Ben heard an unfamiliar voice, gravelly but laced with amusement. Still looking to the horizon…
The world around them had disappeared. The two swayed and twirled amidst the infinite vastness of space, and Ben felt weightless, like they were floating through the galaxy without a single worry or care. There was no Resistance, no First Order, no Jedi, and no Sith. There was only Rey, and the stars that illuminated her glistening eyes.
That same sense of awe, the hope and contentment of his boyhood innocence, filled his heart with every brush of her hand against his, every time their eyes met, the beating of her heart next to his own…
Rey pulled back a few inches, enough that she could tilt her head back to study his face. The hand he was holding in his dropped before she placed it on his other shoulder, her hands firmly but gently gripping them. If Ben were told that her touch was the one thing keeping him from shattering into a billion pieces, literallyholding him together, he would believe it without question. Her fingers tangled in the loose fabric of his thin sweater, rubbing soft circles over his skin. It was a comfort he was not used to, a balm for the crawling discomfort of starvation from human contact which he had felt for so long.
His eyes fluttered closed and he could scarcely breathe. They continued to sway as Ben moved his free hand up to Rey’s face, experimentally trailing his fingertips over her skin with a touch so light, she might not have even noticed had she not been so in tune with what he was feeling.
When he opened his eyes again, he observed her image through his lashes, unbothered by the sadness or pity she held for him in her eyes. He did not care what thoughts or emotions kept her here, he was just glad that she was.
In his exploration of the contours of her face, his hand brushed against a stray piece of her hair, drawing his intense focus away from her soft skin. He held it lightly between his thumb and forefinger in fascination and wonder, tousling it gently before following the path of her hair to the three buns at the back, which he threaded between his fingers.
Following his lead, Rey cupped a hand over his jaw, setting his nervous system ablaze. It was almost too much to handle. His head dipped forward until his forehead was practically touching hers, all the while they continued to sway. Their breaths mingled in the space between them, mere inches separating their lips from each other’s.
Before the situation could slip any further out of Ben’s control than it already had, Rey pulled back, her body stilling as she stared at him as if in study. His arms felt suddenly empty, but the sharp pain of loneliness from earlier had faded to a dull ache. He no longer felt like he was at risk of imploding, which was a relief to his tormented soul.
Eyes meeting hers, he silently conveyed his gratefulness for what she had done, finding words to be insufficient. He worked his jaw absentmindedly as his gaze flicked over her features, trying to gauge what she might be thinking in that beautiful mind of hers.
Without warning, she rushed forward and enveloped him in her arms, wrapping them around his neck and holding him tightly. The embrace was as short as it was sudden, but it was like heaven coming down to him. He had barely managed to reciprocate the action before she released him and stepped back, seemingly unsure of what to say.
Her voice came back in little more than a whisper, and he thought he saw a tear escape from the corner of her eye. “I understand,” was all she said, her jaw firmly set in that look of determination that Ben was so used to seeing.
And maybe she did.
Of all the people in the universe, Rey would know the heartache of loneliness better than anyone. All those years alone, waiting for the return of those who could never come back… Maybe she needed this as much as he did.
Rey stared intently into his eyes, and it felt like she was able to see directly into his soul. She nodded, perhaps in answer to his line of thinking. Perhaps it was just a gesture to reassure Ben that everything would be okay. Either way, he felt a part of himself melt away under the influence of her light, leaving him with a sense of peace unlike anything he’d ever felt.
With that, she closed her eyes and bowed her head, disappearing without consequence.
Ben breathed out a breath that he didn’t realize he had been holding, stumbling backwards to his couch to think. The ghost of her touch on his skin remained, and it brought him a lasting comfort.
He should have felt scared, or worried, that his mortal enemy knew his vulnerabilities and sorrows so intimately, but he wasn’t. He had shared with her a moment of beauty and of happiness, and something about it told him it would be a significant turning point in the story of the Jedi Killer and the Last Jedi.
As he drifted off to sleep that night, he could have sworn that he felt her gentle touch on his forehead, brushing through his dark wavy hair in comforting strokes. Tender words of encouragement graced his ears, and whether they were real or imagined, he took them to heart.
He dreamed.
Of the cool, still waters of a lake.
The light of the moon reflecting on its glassy surface.
The velvety blackness of the night sky,
Decorated with the pinpricks of diamonds glittering from above.
And the mountains,
Standing strong and steadfast in the distance,
A friendly shadow on the horizon.
He dreamed.
The woman in his arms,
Illuminating the world around her,
Her light shining like the sun,
Her smile a warm glow that nurtured his soul.
And he danced.
Comments greatly appreciated! I hope you all enjoyed! Much love, Reylos <3
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bestworstcase · 4 years
Since Gilbert took over Corona in the latest chapter, I wanted to know like, what is his relationship with his brothers? Do he and Frederic usually get along? Is it a kind of "I was supposed to inherent the throne" kind of deal? Also how does he feel about Arianna, Punzel, and Eugene?
alrighty so!!
gilbert is the middle sibling; fred’s older, ludolf is younger. i don’t think he has much, if anything, in the way of ambition to rule—he’s very much a traditionalist and that includes buying into the system of monarchy and frederic having the “right” to rule as the eldest son.
however he absolutely is not the kind of person who could loaf around being a rich prince all his life, and since the temple didn’t appeal to him (too boring) and neither did diplomacy (too delicate), as a young man he enlisted in ingvarr’s battalion and served as an officer in the hvassjarn war, which was a fairly significant war ~20 years ago involving, primarily, a territorial dispute between ingvarr and seland, with their respective allies getting dragged into the mix (and quintonia stuck in the middle like “god damn it, guys, again?).
and that is an environment in which gilbert definitely thrived. he always has a very black and white, us-vs-them mentality that suited him well for war; he liked the military camaraderie of the battalion, the physical and mental challenges of battle, and the... simplicity? of the whole conflict. i think any political nuances that existed were entirely lost on him and in his mind it was a very straightforward... we (the seven kingdoms) are the good guys, we want the land, seland/the hĺessian alliance doesn’t want to give us the land, therefore they are bad and we’re fighting them. 
buuut then the war ended, and he retired with honors from the battalion and returned home to corona, where... there was really nothing for him to do except advise frederic and involve himself with the king’s watch, which is the closest thing corona has to a standing army. and i think he found that sort of boring and unfulfilling / ended up being to restless to ever... like start a family of his own. 
i figure in the last 20 or so years he’s been in and out of corona a fair amount for diplomatic reasons, and he doesn’t... enjoy that, but it’s something he can do to Serve Corona, which he’s very keen to do. because he’s very patriotic. but like, in general, he isn’t a man who... can exist without an enemy, if that makes sense? he needs a them to be in opposition against, and in times of peace there’s really not. a clear cut them
and then of course in this same time frame his baby niece was kidnapped and he was heartbroken about that and dealt with that heartbreak by, even moreso than frederic did, looking for someone to blame...
...which is where his hatred of saporians really started to boil over. like he was never not bigoted against them, but when he was a younger man i think it really was more just the average... thoughtless dismissal / distaste and casual distrust of saporian culture that Most Coronans have. but after rapunzel was kidnapped gilbert a) looked at the exploding popularity of saporian separatism and went “clearly Those People stole, and probably killed, my infant niece,” and then b) generalized separatism to all saporians and entrenched himself further and further in that bigotry until he got to... where he is today, which is something goes wrong and his knee-jerk reaction is to be like “the saporians did this somehow”
when the saporians / the coalition between the separatists and the syconium started actually seriously laying the groundwork for a rebellion, gilbert was already mentally primed to jump straight to saporians are the enemy and we need to treat this like a war...
...which frederic repeatedly refused to do. and gilbert was legitimately distressed about this, because in his mind, saporians are The Enemy/not coronan, and they’re a dire threat to corona, and he can see very clearly that they’re going to become a worse threat if something isn’t done, and... frederic is doing nothing about it. [what fred is actually doing is applying moderation and recognizing that saporians are part of corona too, but that. doesn’t register as doing anything, in gilbert’s brain]
so gilbert is like UH??? because it feels to him like he’s the only sane person left in the room and everyone else is just sitting on their butts with their heads in the sand. and he really doesn’t know what to do about it other than loudly and insistently asking fred to Do Something, but that keeps... not... working...
and then the saporians steal the journal of herz der sonne. this compromises herzingen’s security in a MAJOR way, and gilbert is able to wring a couple concessions out of it... but it’s nowhere near what he feels is enough, in his mind the task force (under sir peter’s command, not his) is a token gesture at best. it’s not going to fix anything. 
and then his niece gets kidnapped AGAIN! and STILL nothing changes! the witch who kidnapped and hurt her gets coddled [this is how gilbert interprets sir peter chewing out the guards he catches roughing her up] and lackadaisical security allows her to not just escape but also murder a guard on the way out. and still nothing changes except for a handful of arrests and interrogations that don’t really go anywhere.  
so gilbert is getting very frustrated and uneasy and upset, and he feels like the only person taking this huge burgeoning crisis seriously...
...and that’s where he’s at when cass dips and leaves her note confessing to stealing the journal, and gilbert is like. HOLY SHIT. THIS HAS GOTTA CHANGE THINGS. and he pushes very very hard for more stringent measures, and for the most part he gets them, but that ends up being, in his mind, too little too late, because just a couple weeks later socona revolts and almost thirty coronan guards die. (and there’s also the report from falke that two of the guards stationed in socona were traitors lol)
and then in the scene with him and sir peter in the hospital in artois, gilbert very much sees that... sir peter is not going to emotionally be able to handle a war where cassandra is on the other side, so he’s like. weighing up the odds he can get frederic to remove sir peter from the commandership and he’s like... Doubt.
so that’s the point at which gilbert commits himself to a coup, because he is at his wit’s end and in his mind it’s either... a leader who is better prepared for war steps up to steer corona through this, or the saporians destroy corona forever, and as much as he doesn’t want it to come to forcibly removing frederic from power he feels like it’s his only choice, because frederic is too soft and sir peter is too emotionally compromised by. everything. 
and then it’s uh. about a month, give or take a bit, for gilbert to actually put the coup together—which is a FAST turn around, but he’s able to pull it off because a lot of the king’s watch is very unhappy about how sir peter has been handling the whole “saporians keep killing guards” and “cassandra was a traitor” situations, and it doesn’t take a whole lot of effort to get enough of them on his side for a coup to be possible. and then he waits until the next opportunity presents itself and rolls in with a plan and the backing of corona’s closest thing to an army at his back and strong-arms frederic into abdicating to facilitate a “peaceful” transfer of power. and now frederic and arianna are under a soft house arrest rip them
*deep breath* 
anyway all of that is a long winded way of saying in gilbert’s mind, he’s 100% the Virtuous Underdog Hero who is Selflessly Stepping Up to save corona from its Well Meaning But Incompetent Leaders in a Time of Dire Consequence. so that’s where he was coming from. 
as for his relationships with his family:
- he loves frederic but does not respect him very much, because the events of benighted / fred completely losing any semblance of control he had over the separatists eroded gilbert’s respect for him pretty signifcantly. (prior to benighted, i think gilbert felt pretty favorably about frederic’s leadership; he approved heartily of the crackdown, though he kept trying to nudge fred to go even harder to clean up those last few hotspots of separatism in southern corona)
- he also loves ludolf but ludolf confuses him because ludolf is perfectly content with his life as a rector and gilbert is just kinda like. but isn’t it boring. but he keeps that thought to himself because gilbert is a fairly devout man and he respects ludolf’s decision to devote his life to the temple quite a bit even if he absolutely does not get it. he does however think that ludolf, and the whole temple really, is Too Soft and Too Idealistic to function in reality
- he clashes with arianna a lot on political grounds because they have almost no common ground in their opinions on the direction corona should go, but he likes her as a person and thinks she’s generally a good fit for frederic / he’s pleased to have her as a sister in law. they just. have a no politics at the dinner table sort of agreement. because otherwise they Will fight.
- he was firmly, if silently, convinced that rapunzel was dead until she strolled back into herzingen. after that he was delighted to be wrong, and very happy for fred and ari’s sake in addition to just happy to have his niece back / for the chance to get to know her. i think a lot of his pushing and some of the desperation he has in benighted comes in part from a desire to protect rapunzel, though he sorta conflates her safety with the safety of corona as a whole in a way that frederic doesn’t. 
- he... did not like eugene at all at first, and still doesn’t like him very much. he thinks eugene is a rude, ignorant layabout who is taking advantage of frederic’s and arianna’s gratitude and he does not like that rapunzel is involved with him and he was PISSED after the botched proposal. i think fred and ari had to tag team him to get him not to just like. explode at eugene, and that only worked because gilbert knew other people were chewing eugene out for the whole thing. he has warmed up to eugene very slightly since then, because eugene started to get his act together and stopped acting so lazy. but he still is definitely like, hoping rapunzel will dump him and kick him out of the palace soon lbjkskdjlfjksd
- he’s very big on the Idea of family, even though he was never able/ready to start a family of his own (which i think... is something that bothers him a bit, though not something he dwells on). so the coup is something he genuinely didn’t want to do to frederic, but he did it because he felt it was for the greater good / he had to put his personal feelings aside to do the Right Thing. and in general he wants and tries to have good personal relationships with his family.
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madamhatter · 6 years
“ fine. you’ll never see me again, okay? ” ( sin leaving sophie after a fight post marriage ?? )
- ; phrases that really hit you where it hurts / accpt / @saeiqas
   Her life was anything but picturesque for the eldest of three, destined for misfortune and plainness throughout the rest of her years. As the retainer to her father’s legacy, the flighty sparrow who’d rushed between duties meant for five bodies versus one, she knew that expectations on her were heavier than gold. But, support and care were void from her relationship with her guardian or those who relied on her; all the expectations of her were required from her (and the complication of emotions that weren't “appropriate”). 
Now, deep within the Southern Seas, a contract created beyond their years by now phantoms to this realm had been the latest in a line of mishaps. Far from home, far from company, far from her life, Sophie was bound by ink to a greater mystery known to man. It was a union that was destined for failure. 
Despite the stubbornness to locate loopholes, the drive to exploit diction in a contract older than their own lives, the tenacity to refuse marriage unless conditions were made, she has found herself to be a wife. Though with the technicalities she harnessed and sharp tongue she wielded, Sophie formally arranged a system of checks and balances for the newly established and officiated marriage. 
One of the agreements imposed by Sophie (without better thought) was constructing their “relationship” to where he continued in the indulgences of sin, the leisure of fertilized grapes and appreciative flesh of his concubines.  Positioning herself not as a burden and barrier to his common practices and routine, in theory, would’ve facilitated their future betrothal with minimal infringements to their lifestyle. Conceiving the layout of tolerance and cushioning the radical change would’ve sufficed in their lawfully dreaded union. 
If they kept to their routines, diminishing interactions outside of their obligations, Sophie guaranteed that their future wouldn’t allude to the treacherous marriage both knew would come. 
Contracts, by written or oral compromise. followed one rule: it must be abided by. Head turned in the opposing direction, melancholic in the silence of tolerance and practiced etiquette to play ignorant,  Sophie dared not utter a word. Alas, reckless was he who held the world in his palms but, his gaze was to the horizon, with any objectable plan and action within his cutch. Power without supervision, however, only encouraged a spiral of control to the intoxication of arrogance. Sophie Hatter never shied from asserting herself to remind him of moderation.  Though, her talk remained brief. 
Mahrajan, among the many festivals and public holidays, were the times in which the peculiarness of their relationship was found. To be found within the crowds was common for the wife of the King of the Seven Seas, she partook in the festivities with her genuinely tired smile. Yet, she flocked to the civilians, remaining in her customary plain attire, greeting many old faces and checking on the families. However, as she proudly twirled on her feet, lost to the flow of music and energy, she had been worlds apart from her partner. 
Sinbad, on the contrary, remained his most trusted of camaraderie – his Eight Generals – lavishing in the day’s reaps and marveling over the country he knew to be his family. Nevertheless, he joined the joyous occasion with loved ones, be it his underlings or those who flocked to his body. And, never had it been with the “loving” wife. 
However, Sophie never bothered with the strangeness of their arrangement. All she did was passively stare from afar, which over time, turned to bitter glares. Her folded hands devolved to crossed, tight arms over her chest. A soured expression resided on her face the further she caught herself looking with each passing month. 
Turmoil was non-negotiable; to be against her own word was beyond her comprehension. Whatever spite that armed her mind with silent vengeance and pettiness only churned her, trifling with her plans. Her fists squeezed, her skin turning ghostly white, whenever she refrained from commenting when she witnessed his infidelities leisure. She swallowed her pride and picked at the flesh at the center of her palm, over the scars that littered the entirety of both of her arms. 
 Nevertheless, she had been the parasite, the fiend who’d taken upon herself to measure distance through each backlash and riposte against one who’d been determined to be an anomaly of miracles. 
The patience she held onto grew shrill anytime her eyes met with his, her scorn flashing across her eyes. With the question emerging whenever Sinbad caught her, the woman ignored her husband’s suspicion and concern. Though, dismissively, she commented clearly whenever they crossed paths, “Have fun.” 
At that point, the High King of Sindria searched only for answers and was cursed with throbbing headaches and frustration over his wife’s ever-changing attitude. Sweeter than primroses when outside of the palace, docile yet excitable when in the presence of Sindria’s future, eager to know his creation, his pride and joy that was his destiny – his country and his people; however, the flower wilted within his reach, transforming to vixen with eyes only wanting to pry and unravel all she could of his being, almost always with judgmental eyes – almost pained whenever he spotted her at the corner of his eyes when she passed by. Yet, something lingered like a fondness, an unsung softness. And, the light in her eyes twinged, fading in moments when he went through his business. 
The breaking point was finally met when Sophie’s tongue loosened and her true blunt nature emerged. To stare Sinbad down to the sun-bursting yellow eyes, to criticize him relentlessly from the beginning days to the moment they stood in front of another, to accuse him of the inconsideration of others’ emotions for his own ploys, the courtyard only turned to an amalgamation of trials and tribulations.
He, in turn, wasn’t complacent, he known currents more treacherous and chaotic than such a debacle. However, in turn of every inquiry her way, he only questioned her motive, her actions, her everything, trying to dig deeper to the point of what truly was her essence. All that built up where empty scenarios that were created with each new unanswered question, all there was the remains of their languishing relationship in the fresh cemetery full of wildflowers that twisted around the vineyards and architecture. 
Refusing to meet his eyes, rebelling through the most childish of actions with her back turned towards him, Sophie gritted her teeth into her gums. A shaky breath escaped her heated body, how the temper swelled hotter than torrid wildfires and how the fire swelled in the pit of her stomach. 
Silence occupied their distance, disarming the married couple, only leaving the unresolved tension wide open for all the flies and maggots to satisfy their appetite. With their relationship rotting with each second, Sinbad finally spoke: 
“Fine. you’ll never see me again, okay?”
A dagger buried into her womb, the thin side of the blade repeatedly sawing through her, it all occurred the moment he dared mention that. While her body remained stiller than a corpse, her hand clenched desperately to the fabric of her shirt above her heart. Her mouth parted without any sound or breath leaving, only the vacancy of her unintelligible emotions escaping in the night silence.  
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You don’t mean that. Please don’t make me imagine that. Sinbad, none of this is funny and that’s the worst offense of them all. Please don’t leave me. 
“Sinbad, I–” She choked on her words. “Wait,” Sophie cleared her throat, forcing herself to speak with heavy thought in each word. Her pleads struggled out as she maintained her composure, her hand still trembling. She shut her eyes, swallowing her heart, as she finally turned to him.
“If you need to, I won’t stop you.” Every saturated emotion of her true self vanished when she met his eyes once more, coolly acknowledging his proclamation. Who was she to argue against a King’s word? Who was she to feel her heart shriveling the moment his hardened gaze was as loveless as ever? 
Only the quietly bland “good nights” were exchanged as their eyes stuck to another, animosity bleeding through their formalities. 
If her own presence ailed him greatly and even sickened herself to the point of forgetting herself, she should’ve considered Sinbad’s words to have some semblance of weight. Troubling her mind was unattainable and uncooperative emotions, troubling him was simply her existence. To remedy such conflict of interest and tension, perhaps, distance was the answer.
Sweeping through her own cramped office to her belongings neatly stacked in the corner of the bedroom, a simple gesture from her wrist sent her magic to work. Every object to her name, be it her own materials, books, clothing, accessories, drawings, creations, and many more, flew into the air and began sorting into shelves and boxes as tightly as possible through the most utmost respect to size and color. 
Leaving these rooms she haunted spotless of her presence was only the beginning. Sophie soon loosened her braid and tightened it into a ponytail. Garments belonging to her “status” (as plainly as they were) were discarded, folded, and placed away. Slipping into her black tights, tucking in her white cotton-pressed shirt, buttoning her gray jacket, and flattening the length of her knee-tall skirt, she resorted to her traveler’s attire. 
“Come,” the sorceress reached out her arm, unphased at the thought of her magic being known at this point. Her qualms were secondary to her problem-solving. Her broom came flying into her hands and she tapped the front of her boots into the pristine floors, spotting his empty space on their mattress.
He must be out in the “entertainment” district, drinking away the facts of this horrendous life we have. He must be reconsidering accepting this situation. Inebriated beyond the point of comprehensive choice-making, he’ll find more solace there than here with a stranger like me,  an idiot who is lost beyond words with what is going on with me. 
Fastening her bag over her shoulder, gathering last-minute writing utensils and paper, she snapped her finger as her broom floated at her midriff. Stationing herself and straddling properly on the broom, she glanced back once more to the lifestyle of hopelessness she only more than ever regretted, if not for her strange daydreams. 
Turning her cheek, adamant to stick to her word now, she chewed on her tongue and left past the open windows. 
The silhouette of the sorceress was accentuated by the high risen moon, only a speckle of dust in the radiant capital of parties and dreams. Past the bustling resident district, past the orchards, and past the outskirts of the city, the witch continued onward to the horizon to where she could better hear the oceans crashing against the sands, to where the busy lives of man were nothing more than echoes to her reclusive ears.
Sophie only found herself in the company of the stars, moon, and ocean when she made contact with the beach far from the ports. The forests were behind her but, she kept relatively close to the waterside as the tip of her boots grazed the sand in landing. 
Now, the kindling of fire comforted her as she set camp, rethinking every action and line, charting every other path she should’ve taken. She sat at the front of the flames, huddling close. Her hands, however, were clinging to the fabric of her shirt as she took a deep breath – plummeting back to lay in the sand…to sob. 
Loneliness was a part of her inevitable lifestyle, her fate. Yet, the wound to her heart continued to bleed as her arms covered her face, shielding her from the unwanted voices that’d tear her limb to limb if they found her in such a state. Hot tears trailed down her face as the rolling currents were louder than her cries of realization and pain. 
Pathetic, aren’t I? I don’t want this, I don’t want to feel any of this. It isn’t meant for me, I don’t deserve it; there’s only more suffering that’ll come from it. But, I want to be looked at, I want to be touched, I want to be felt, I want something as impossible as his attention without the pity of this tragedy. Why did I open my mouth? Why couldn’t I have just been satisfied with these arrangments? Why did I want to be selfish?
When did this even start? How come I can’t stop this? What’s going to happen if this continues? Who do I think I am for feeling this way? And why do I want him to love me? 
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The ocean was the guide to all who wanted to see the world.  Capricious currents to halcyon tides were among the power and beauty of the sea for the tumultuous motions couldn’t be controlled nor predicted. No matter, it shimmered in the moon and sun upon the ocean tops. Yet, underneath, the depths of the sea were like an abyss with only mystery shrouding the true intentions of its turbulent strategy.
However, the stars were a farther distance and couldn’t ever be touched; only through the illusion of a hand held to the sky, it could be imagined. However, the scattered constellations were navigators for being so far, aiding with their glimmer with those lost within the rifts of life. All that was shining was beyond human touch but, it was beautiful. 
Perhaps, this was why there was the space in-between the water and sky. To reach out with hopes only ended with cold air between your fingers, making one realize how impossible it truly was. 
TLDR: Sophie realizes she fucked up and unexpectedly realizes her own feelings. 
Also, she went back after three days to the palace. She definitely returned to the city to help out residents (and customers). She definitely kept out of general sight. But, I’m too lazy to write that. 
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ecobalt · 3 years
Lessons Learned from Security and Critical Event Management
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More than two years ago, the world was jettisoned into crisis mode with the emergence of COVID-19. Everyone—from families to companies to countries—went into lockdown mode. Even though we distanced ourselves from others, there was a sense of unity, of camaraderie. We were in this together.
Since that time, frayed nerves became even more tenuous. Politics were interjected into policies, driving a wedge between populations who were, for a brief time, united. Supply chain shortages continue to wreak havoc on a country used to abundance and business owners struggle to keep their doors open because of employee shortages. Businesses that were already adopting temporary changes to keep their doors open, need to keep their options open for even more creative solutions or to modify those solutions already in place.
In the risk, security, and incident response industry, five areas emerged as focal points. As the crisis continues, and mental health becomes even more tenuous, these segments continue to be critical areas for focus.
Automation is essential for critical event management
Stripe, Dropbox, Slack, WhatsApp, Uber, Airbnb, and Kickstarter were all launched during the last financial crisis. Each model disrupted its industry by streamlining its processes and saw significant success by embracing automation.
Now the security sector itself needs to adopt automation processes. Automation is one of the biggest improvements that the industry can leverage for critical event management. It allows managers to regain control over ever-increasing security issues and build trust.
Automation is also critical in reacting to crises. Consider, for example, the increased focus on the Black Lives Matter movement. During a time of heightened emotions and a call for change, other disruptive factions have brought a dangerous element to peaceful protests. With hundreds or even thousands of people coming together in a small area, malevolence can insert itself quickly.
Automating security measures decreases response times and empowers personnel to quickly react to an escalating event.
People come first during incident response processes
COVID-19 is hopefully slowing down, but that’s difficult to see at this time, even as the long-term repercussions increasingly become obvious. However, the organizations that will get back to a semblance of normalcy will be those that put employees at the forefront. That humanize interactions and that care for each and every one. The individual will become the cornerstone. The growth spirit that organizations need to get through this worldwide crisis will mean putting people first.
The security community is no exception. Putting people first will mean that they are at the center of your decision-making. That we understand the fundamental reasons why we plan each and every action.  At the end of the day, it all comes back to the way we treat each and everyone during an incident.
Before starting planning, if we stop for a moment and ask ourselves:
1- How can I make sure my people (employees, customers, public members, etc.) get what they need when it counts?
2- What is important for them at any given point in time during and after the incident?
3- How will they feel about the situation?
4- Am I helping each one of them?
If everyone works in harmony in dealing with the issue, your organization will get back on its feet fast and even sometimes stronger.
Employees should now—and rightly so—be involved in the incident response process.
Allow them, for example, to quickly signify any problematic situation and to contribute to the recovery. All this will:
Strengthen the resilience of the organization
Create a feeling of confidence and security
Limit interruptions and disruptions
Increasing this focus will ultimately promote strong growth for the organization.
Optimizing resources is essential for critical event management
In addition to causing irreparable damage to individuals and their families, this crisis has had significant economic consequences.
The security industry must quickly find ways to be cost-efficient while continuing to carry out our responsibilities. It will become essential to promptly put in place the technologies necessary to improve efficiency in security management while enhancing our response to various incidents.
Consider, for example, how the airline industry has been impacted by security risks, even in flight. Travelers’ tempers are short because flights are continually postponed or cancelled because of sick personnel, and enforcing new regulations such as mask mandates has created even more resistance.
More than ever, security is essential. The best security managers have been those who demonstrated the increased improvement in organizational resilience in a tight financial environment.
Incident response protocols need to be in place
All of this will only be possible through the development or adoption of incident response protocols. Every incident, whatever it is, follows a response protocol (whether it is planned or not).
Criminals and potential active killers are effective because they planned to set into motion a series of events or demands quickly. Nobody knows where or when this is going to happen, but security has to be trained to react quickly.
In January 2022, for example, a gunman entered a synagogue in Colleyville, TX, and took four people hostage. In all, an estimated 200 law enforcement personnel responded to the situation, and the hostages were rescued without injury. The gunman was killed. Strict protocols are necessary for all levels of security, including cybersecurity, physical security, business continuity, IT recovery, health and safety, and emergency management. These protocols put people at the center, allow continuous optimization and automate most actions.
Along with COVID-19, social and political upheaval has introduced uncertainty in just about every facet of our lives. We have adjusted to these challenges, but it’s essential that we continue to look at ways to put our people first, automate processes, minimize unnecessary costs, and focus on providing optimized security
Is your organization ready for critical event management?
Consider Cobalt, the world’s only comprehensive critical response software. Incidents are bound to happen, and you want to feel assured that they will be handled as quickly as possible–according to plan, and without complicated processes for your response teams. Cobalt provides the easiest, most effective way to coordinate your response team and track progress for all major and minor incidents.    Subscribe today and get up and running in 24 hours with fast, efficient critical event management software.
Originally Posted on Cobalt Intelligence
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evanaaml · 7 years
Chapter 6: Detour
Once Team EVGN, Terra, and Acqua left the woods in the pickup truck, it was like the events prior had never happened; the day still went on as expected. Animals kept on running about. Birds continued to chirp in the trees. The sun went on shining down over the world. Life was as it should be.
Funny how a fight to the death put something like this into perspective.
It was now past noon, Terra figured they’d reach his and Acqua’s home in a few hours. Assuming, of course, that no other Grimm would appear. The hunters, although more relaxed, kept an eye out for danger. There was no telling what would happen now that there were active Grimm about.
For the time being at least, the drive was peaceful. Eallgréne and Nickel sat in the cab of the truck with Terra behind the wheel. Nickel had the window down and was letting the breeze blow through his hair as his hat rested on his lap. Eallgréne sat in the middle, a bit squeezed in, but content. The wind blowing through the open windows helped him feel less enclosed.
Behind Eallgréne was a small, rectangular window, which was slid open to allow communication with the girls in the bed of the truck. There they laid across, (Violette on the driver’s side, Gael on the passenger side), using the sides of the bed to support them. Acqua sat directly under the window, asking questions to the huntresses; something that she had been doing since they left the forest. She was in awe of them and kept wondering what their profession was like.
“So you both must be, like, SUPER strong to swing those weapons, right!?”, Acqua asked. Gael and Violette blushed a bit at the remark. They were both flattered by the compliments, and it meant more coming from a child who looked up to them.
When hunters first start out, they’re no more than teenagers, trying to become like the hunters they hear about and admire. So after the years of training and struggling, it’s a culture shock to them when they, in turn, become the hunters that the younger generation look up to. It was somewhat embarrassing, and the two women now felt what it must have been like for the hunters they ogled as kids and teens.
“Well, you do have to have some fitness to be a huntress”, Gael said with a blush, not wanting to come off like a show off.
“Is it ok if I try to pick it up?”, Acqua asked, pointing to Llamrei, which laid beside Violette, going down the length of the truck bed. Violette looked at her lance, then to Acqua.
“Well, it’s not sharp like Gael’s weapon, so I suppose it’s safe enough, come here”, Violette allowed. Acqua cheered and carefully moved closer to Violette, making sure not to trip while the truck was moving. She sat just in front of Violette, (with the knight making sure she was balanced), and wrapped her hands around Llamrei’s hilt. Gael watched with joy as the child attempted to pick up the long weapon. While she managed to lift the handle and base of the weapon off the bed of the truck, she struggled to get it any higher than that. Eventually, she released the handle, collapsing in exhaustion.
“That’s a lot heavier than I thought!”, Acqua admitted.
“It was a good try, sweetie”, Gael said supportingly. Violette nodded.
“Indeed it was. You should be quite proud of yourself, Lady Acqua”, Violette added. Acqua smiled at the cute title given to her. Terra, overhearing the conversation from the cab, smiled to himself.
“My daughter’s takin’ a liking to your partners”, Terra noted. Eallgréne chuckled.
“And they’ve takin’ a liking to her as well”, Eallgréne replied.
“So you said you were on your way to Vale, right? What for?”, Terra asked.
“Visiting family and friends, mostly. I have a sister who lives there who I haven’t seen in awhile. Maybe we’ll pick up a job while we’re there, too", Eallgréne answered. He intentionally left out details of the mission, which Nickel picked up on. There was no need to drag this family into matters. Terra certainly had no reason to suspect that they were hiding anything, and left it at that.
“Well we were lucky that you all decided to make that trip. Let me tell you, what those Grimm could have done to us doesn’t come close to what my wife would have done to me if something happened to Acqua”, Terra joked. Nickel scoffed.
“Mrs. runs the house, does she?”, Nickel asked. Terra chuckled.
“Pretty much. She doesn’t like me traveling these long, risky distances to sell our goods; likes it even less when Acqua comes. But she understands that its our living. We love where we live, and don’t mind working to sustain ourselves. But living a bit aways from any town really takes a toll on you as far as Grimm are concerned”, Terra explained.
“No hunters living in your area?”, Eallgréne asked.
“Not a lot of people in general, much less hunters. A couple people within walking distance, but for the most part we’re just farmers with a lot of open land. Makes it quiet, but also dangerous”, Terra replied.
“Have the farmers hired hunters to clear out the area?”, Nickel asked.
“Every now and then we do. But you have to understand, lien is hard to save up for farmers. Many of us are just squeaking by with what we got. And up until recently, the Grimm haven’t been a huge issue. This attack wasn’t the only one, there were a couple since the beginning of the month…can’t think of a time where attacks were that frequent”, Terra explained.
“Well, if those Beowolves were the cause, they won’t be a problem anymore”, Nickel stated.
“Let’s hope you’re right”, Terra said.
“Does beg the question though of where they came from. This area isn’t the only one to have sudden Grimm arrivals. It seems like they’re multiplying. But why now?”, Eallgréne asked aloud. Nickel and Terra couldn’t come up with an answer.
Meanwhile, Acqua continued to chat with the lady hunters. As she did, she took note of Gael’s fox ears, and although she didn’t want to come off as rude, she couldn’t help but stare. Gael, having a quick eye, noticed easily; but didn’t mind. She was accustomed to people staring. It was actually refreshing in this case; Acqua seemed genuinely curious, and not judgmental like most people were.
“…Would you like a closer look?”, Gael asked. Acqua, embarrassed that she had been spotted looking, blushed.
“I-I’m sorry”, Acqua replied. Gael giggled.
“No, it’s ok sweetie. Here”, Gael said. She moved closer to Acqua and tilted her head towards Acqua. With the cat out of the bag now, she had no reason to be shy, and so got a closer look at Gael’s ears. The ears twisted this way and that, Gael intentionally moving them for the little girl. Acqua looked at them in wonder.
“Is it hard? Moving them like that? I can’t move my ears”, Acqua admitted. Gael smiled.
“It’s not too hard. I can’t move my human ears either. But my fox ears are different; I can move them easily, and I can hear out of them better too”, Gael explained. Acqua appeared amazed at these facts. To her, it was no different than having a super power; one outside of a hunter’s semblance.
Acqua found that she couldn’t resist, and she reached up, scratching Gael behind the ears. Upon doing this, Gael immediately smiled and sighed. Acqua giggled.
“My dog likes being scratched there too”, Acqua admitted. Hearing this, Terra turned his head to see Acqua scratching Gael.
“Acqua! Don’t be rude! I’m so sorry, mam, we don’t have faunus in our area; she’s never learned how to be social with them. She doesn’t mean to be disrespectful”, Terra explained, apologizing sincerely.
“Oh, no! It’s alright, I promise! She’s not being disrespectful. She’s genuinely curious, which is perfectly acceptable for someone her age. And I’m sure she’ll learn well with you as a father”, Gael assured. Terra, knowing now that she was ok with Acqua’s curiosity, smiled in response.
“Well, if it’s alright by you. Thank you”, Terra said. Gael leaned down towards Acqua, who was now worried that she might have been unintentionally insulting to her.
“By the way, a lot of faunus are too embarrassed to admit this, but pretty much all of us LOVE to be scratched behind the ears”, Gael confided with a wink. Acqua giggled and reached up to scratch Gael behind the ears again. Hitting the sweet spot, Gael all but collapsed, leaning further towards Acqua to get scratched. Violette couldn’t control her fits of giggles; she could easily see Gael’s leg twitching. Seeing this from the cab, Eallgréne and Nickel laughed.
“Looks like Acqua found Gael’s weak spot, took her down in one move!”, Nickel said with a laugh.
“Well, Gael is Miss one-hit KO”, Eallgréne joked.
“I’m about to take YOU out in one-hit in a second, bub!”, Gael yelled from the bed of the truck. Terra and Nickel burst into laughter at the threat.
“Sounds like you’ve all been friends for a long time”, Terra stated.
“Yeah, you can say that. Back in hunter school, Gael and I were paired up as partners, then we were teamed with Nickel and Violette, so we’ve all known each other for almost a decade”, Eallgréne explained.
“Well you all seem inseparable, nice to see a camaraderie like that among friends and teammates”, Terra stated.
“Yeah…inseparable”, Eallgréne replied. Hearing the words Terra said so easily struck a cord within Eallgréne. Not wanting to keep the conversation going, he kept silent, looking down at the floor of the cab. He was lost in thought, and it was picked up on by Nickel sitting next to him. The hunter sighed, turning to glance back at his partner in the bed of the truck. Their minds were in the same place. Violette’s eyes met his, and they both knew what the other was thinking.
Violette then looked down to Gael, who was at this time still being scratched by an entertained Acqua. However, the faunus’ attention was no longer focused on the girl, but instead on the words of her former partner.
It was times like this that she cursed herself for being born with hearing like hers. She spaced out, thinking back to a time long gone. Seeing her like this concerned Violette. She knew all too well what her friend was thinking about, and she didn’t want her to return to that kind of state of mind again.
Not like before.
It was an uneventful trip the rest of the way. Little more was discussed amongst the group; with the exception of Acqua, who couldn’t help but ask more and more questions to the women she looked up to. Just before the sun began its descent, they had reached their destination.
Acqua and Terra’s home was immediately on the side of the road, with the driveway extending right into it. The house itself fit the ideal picture of home to the hunters, with a wooden porch and a white picket fence along the sides. It was a two-story building with white siding, green shutters, and a brick chimney poking out of the black-shingled roof. Off to the right was a large red barn, which housed, (what the hunters assumed), their farm equipment or animals. All behind the house were massive fields of corn and wheat, with smaller sections divided up for other produce.
Terra pulled into the driveway and turned the engine off. As he did, he turned to the men beside him.
“Welcome to our little home. It’s not much, but it’s ours”, Terra exclaimed.
“It’s a wonderful home, Terra”, Eallgréne complimented. The girls hopped out of the back of the truck just as the screen door to the house opened.
Out walked a young woman, about Terra’s age. She wore a white apron over a green short-sleeved shirt and a long, peach colored skirt. She had long brown hair and bright green eyes. She stopped on the porch when she noticed the group of hunters.
“Mommy! Look at my new friends!”, Acqua beckoned.
“Yes, I see dear. Hello, nice to meet you”, the woman said politely as she walked down the porch steps. It was clear she was confused to see this group arrive unexpectedly at her doorstep, but didn’t let it dissuade her hospitality.
“Everyone, I’d like you to meet my wife, and Acqua’s mother, Ciel. Sweetie, these are Eallgréne, Gael, Nickel, and Violette”, Terra introduced. Team EVGN took their bows or waved to Ciel, who waved back to them with a smile.
“Yeah, they saved us from Grimm!”, Acqua admitted bluntly. The sudden admission immediately caused Ciel to lose her smile and have more cause for concern. Terra sighed, hoping to ease her into the situation. So much for that.
“Oh no! Are you two ok!? You’re not hurt, are you!?”, Ciel asked in concern.
“Yes, dear. We’re both ok, thanks to them. The Grimm ran us off the road, but these hunters helped us”, Terra explained, trying to play off the danger to ease her conscience. Ciel looked to her husband and daughter with fear, confusion, and concern, but eventually sighed. Seeing that Acqua and Terra were clearly alright, she tried to calm down. Her heart was still racing from the fear, but it would subside.
“Well, as long as you’re ok”, Ciel said. She then turned to the hunters. “Thank you all so much for helping my family. I’m truly grateful, I don’t know what I would have done if anything would have happened to them. Will you be staying with us tonight?”.
“I hope it’s ok, I offered them the chance to rest up here for the night. They’re on their way to Vale, so since I’m going there anyway, it’ll save them a trip. Plus, well, Acqua kinda wants them to have a sleepover now”, Terra explained. The later statement prompted a slight giggle from Ciel.
“Well, if Acqua insists, then I guess we don’t have a choice in the matter. But no, that makes sense. And it’s the least we can do for you for helping us”, Ciel said, agreeing with her husband’s reasoning.
“Your hospitality is greatly appreciated. I promise we’ll be as small a burden as possible”, Eallgréne replied.
“Well, most of us at least”, Gael said with a smirk, turning to Nickel.
“WELL, ALRIGHT! No need to give them that kind of presumption!”, Nickel complained. This prompted a laugh from the group.
“I’m sure you’ll be a fine house guest…though I do request that you not smoke inside”, Ciel stated, pointing to Nickel’s cigar. By this point, it was nothing more than a smoldering nub; having been smoked since they departed the woods. Nickel shrugged, removing the cigar from his mouth and extinguishing it.
“Not a problem”, Nickel said. Suddenly, the sound of a dog barking echoed from the house. In the time that Ciel began talking to the group, Acqua had run in quick and grabbed their pet, and was now running down the stairs with it right beside her. It was a golden retriever, with a red bandana tied around its neck. Acqua and the dog approached the group.
“This is Copper! Say hi to my friends, Copper!“, Acqua said to the dog. The retriever looked at the group and whined in an excited manner, its tail wagging furiously. Acqua then began scratching Copper behind the ear, much like she did with Gael earlier. The dog panted and leaned into the scratch, closing its eyes and looking like it was smiling. Acqua giggled. “See, he likes it too”. Gael giggled as well.
“It’s nice to meet you, Copper. My family has a ton of pets too. Always nice to run into a puppers”, Gael replied. Acqua stopped scratching Copper and the dog looked at the new guests more intently. His tail wagged more in excitement as he approached the group.
The dog walked up to Eallgréne and looked up at the archer. He smiled, patting the dog on the head briefly. On normal accounts he would have given more attention to the dog, but he was still in conversation with Acqua’s parents, and so stopped shortly. Copper then approached Nickel. He smelled the hunter, but then sneezed from the smell of smoke and moved on, (this prompted laughter from a couple of the people). Copper then reached Gael, and was immediately drawn to her. Sensing the animal traits, the dog immediately became more excited, jumping up on Gael and trying to lick her face. Gael smiled and hugged the dog.
“Hehe, he’s adorable! A friendly floofer!”, Gael said with glee. Gael had a fondness for animals, but dogs were among her favorites. Copper hopped down and Acqua grabbed Gael and Violette by their hands.
“Come on, I’ll show you around! Let’s go, Copper!”, Acqua declared, tugging the women on. The girls, followed closely by the retriever, then walked towards the house. The men and Ciel watched the group with a shared smile across their faces.
“I think it’ll be tough for her to see you all leave tomorrow, she’s already become good friends with you all”, Ciel said with a smile.
“She’s a good child”, Eallgréne stated.
“She is. One thing I don’t like about this area, as much as I love it, is that there aren’t a lot of kids around. Thankfully she has her school to play and socialize, but even still she doesn’t get to be around a lot of people. This is good for her”, Ciel explained.
“I’m sure the girls will make sure she gets a lot of attention tonight”, Nickel said.
“Well let us get moving then. We’ll set up a place for you all tonight and then we can work on dinner. Hope you don’t mind sleeping on couches, we don’t have enough beds for everyone”, Terra explained. Nickel laughed.
“Do you know how many times we’re all stuck sleeping outside on the ground or in sleazy motels while on missions? A couch in a nice house like this will feel like a night in a resort to us”, Nickel explained. Eallgréne laughed.
“He’s not wrong. It’s more than enough for us all”, Eallgréne added.
“That’s good to know. Well, enough standing around then. Feel free to freshen up in our bathroom and make yourselves at home”, Ciel stated. With that, the remainder of the group walked towards the house.
It wasn’t long before the sun began its descent. Team EVGN took the time they had to clean themselves up and prepare for the night. The fight had worn them down and made them filthy; nothing felt better than a warm shower to them. The group also helped prepare their makeshift beds by moving furniture around the house, and even helped with the cooking when the time came.
The rest of the time was spent relaxing. Gael and Eallgréne, still recovering from the aura transfer, did the most resting, which proved difficult for Gael, as she yearned to play with Acqua more and did so when she could despite it.
Dinner was had at their dinning room table, which luckily was large enough for the group of seven. A spread of bread, vegetables, fruit, and a large ham was placed around the table. Team EVGN, appreciative for such a meal, thanked their hosts and dug in.
The meal lasted longer than expected, with conversation taking up a lot of the time. Tales of past missions and adventures were told, which entertained Acqua, and even the parents quite a bit. They weren’t used to company, much less such an interesting group, and it was a pleasant experience for the family. The style of discussion was also varied. From Eallgréne’s modest approach towards his exploits, to Violette’s imaginative words, everyone had their own unique take. Nickel’s proved to be the most entertaining; not just for what stories were told, but for his constant “word substitution” with the child present.
When they had finally finished, the team helped with cleaning up and prepared for bed. Knowing that Ciel was uncomfortable with their weapons laying about in the open, the group agreed to keep them out of view in a closet to put her at ease. The hunters would spend the night in the living room, which was the largest of the rooms in the house. The girls would share the large couch, each taking an end. Nickel and Eallgréne each had their own, smaller couches to sleep on. Acqua, despite having her own bed to sleep in, wished to stay downstairs with the group, (so that she could experience the “sleepover” she wanted). She laid on the floor with Copper on a pile of pillows and blankets. With the parents heading upstairs for the night, they wished the group a good night’s rest and departed.
Whether they would get that good night’s rest, of course, was still up to debate.
Acqua was excited for the sleepover; something she never had before. And admittedly, her excitement rubbed off on the hunters. Gael and Violette had gotten close to Acqua over the day, and seeing how excited and happy she was made them equally joyous. Nickel and Eallgréne were more subdued, but it was undeniable that they too were sharing in Acqua’s emotions.
“So, what are the things you like most about being a hunter!?”, Acqua asked, making sure to speak somewhat softly so as to not wake her parents. The hunters all smiled on hearing the question; they knew, or rather, just about knew, what it was that strived them.
“I think it’s a combination of things. I don’t feel that the average hunter loves what they do for only one reason”, Gael explained. Acqua listened in intently, hugging her pillow tightly. Gael went on. “With me, I love the adventure, but, I also love helping people…I always felt like I was destined for more, not just to live my life in Menagerie. I wanted to see the world, meet new people, go on adventures. And…well, I guess, when all is said and done, I want to look back at my life, with fond memories of adventures past, and say that with all the people I helped…the people I made a bond with…that I have no regrets”.
Acqua’s eyes widened on the explanation. To feel something so heartfelt meant a lot to the little girl. Being a hunter was something many children aspired to. It was no different to them than being a hero of legends and myths. But too often, imagination and lore seemed to give people the wrong assumption of what it truly meant to be a hunter. To hear that perspective from one first-hand, and for it to be exactly as she imagined, it truly made Acqua feel in awe.
“Well put, Gael”, Violette, (who sat on the opposite end of the long couch), replied. Gael blushed slightly. Acqua turned to Violette.
“What about you, Violette?”, Acqua asked. Violette put her finger to her chin in deep thought.
“Hmm, well, I’d have to say it’s the distinctive experiences. Not everyone can say they were a hunter. We’re a select group. And, as Gael put it, if I’m able to help those in need while also doing something that’s truly one-of-a-kind, then I’ll take it”, Violette answered. Acqua giggled.
“Hehe, I guess someone who is unique likes to do unique things, huh?”, Acqua asked. Violette smiled.
“Very, truly”, Violette replied with a wink. Acqua then looked to Nickel, who laid on his own couch, his feet hanging over one end. His hands were crossed, supporting the back of his head. He turned to Acqua when it fell silent to see her looking at him, and chuckled.
“I don’t think you’d want to know why I do it”, Nickel replied. Eallgréne, who was on the opposite side of the room from him, smirked.
“Still following that old mantra of yours from school? What was it again?”, Eallgréne asked. Nickel smiled.
“Live fast, die young, and look good doing it”, Nickel replied. The two men laughed to themselves at the response. Gael and Violette sighed; it was just like Nickel to have an answer like that. Which made it all the more surprising when he added to it. “But, seriously?…I like being active. I never liked sitting around, being in one place for too long. My family business, it involves a lot of that. I love the business, but it’s not my style. Being a hunter, constantly on the move, constantly fighting, constantly having your heart race; I can’t get enough of it”.
With Nickel’s answer, that left only one person left. Acqua turned to Eallgréne, leaning over a sleepy Copper to do so.
“What about you?”, Acqua asked. Eallgréne was silent for a moment. He took the question to heart, and thought about how best to phrase it to Acqua.
“What is it I like about being a hunter? Well, for me, it’s less about what I like and more about why I do it. I do this…because I have to”, Eallgréne replied.
“You have to? Why?”, Acqua asked, her head tilted in confusion. Eallgréne turned towards the little girl, giving her more of his attention.
“This world of ours, when you think of it, what are your thoughts? When I think of it, I think…it’s a beautiful place. It truly is. As are many of the people and animals that inhabit it. But, there is a darkness that plagues it. The Grimm namely, but other sources of evil are out there too. I’ve seen, first hand, what this darkness is like. And I believe that I have the capabilities to help put an end to it. Maybe not by myself, but I can do my fair share. So that people like you, can appreciate the beauty this world and its inhabitants have to offer, without fear of that darkness…that’s my favorite part of being a hunter…to say that I made a difference”, Eallgréne replied. Acqua smiled at the answer. Though it wasn’t as visible, Gael did the same.
“Wow…“, Acqua said in amazement. She then looked off to the side, as if in deep thought. Team Evergreen noticed this.
“You look like you’ve got something on your mind”, Eallgréne stated. Acqua turned to look at the archer.
“Well…it’s just…”, Acqua said before trailing off. Eallgréne could tell she was nervous over something. He gave her a reassuring look, and she finally lamented. “…do you think I can be a huntress?”.
There was a moment of silence between the teammates. The question came out of nowhere, and threw them off guard. There was no real easy way to answer this question. Not just because of the difficulty of becoming one, but the danger involved.
“Is this something you just decided? Or have you thought of this before?”, Gael finally asked. Acqua turned to her.
“Sorta both, I guess? I didn’t think about being a huntress…but I thought about the things that make you all like it before. And I guess…if being a huntress is what it takes to do those things…then it’s what I want to do too?”, Acqua explained. The team looked to one another, trying to figure out what the others were thinking.
“Listen kid, being a huntress, it’s a he-…it’s a tough job”, Nickel said, catching himself from saying something the others might take as foul language. “Not everyone can become one. You’re young, so no one can say you aren’t made for it yet. But it’s still not an easy job”.
"There’s a lot to be proud about, and like, about being a huntress. But it’s still not something I’d recommend to anyone”, Eallgréne stated.
“How come?”, Acqua asked.
“Because we understand from experience what it’s like. We’ve been through a lot over the years, sweetie. We’ve all pushed our bodies beyond our limits, put ourselves in life-threatening situations…and experienced loss of the worst kinds…being a huntress is noble, but it’s not for the faint of heart”, Gael explained.
“So…you’re saying…that I shouldn’t be one?”, Acqua asked, almost sounding crushed. Violette shook her head.
“Not at all, Lady Acqua. What we’re saying is, it’s something you need to put a lot of thought into. What helps with you is that you’re young. You have years to think it over. Do so; and, hopefully, by the time you’re old enough, you’ll know if it’s right for you”, Violette detailed. Acqua thought over the explanation, and eventually nodded.
“Ok, I’ll do that…thank you”, Acqua replied. The group all nodded in response.
“Take the decision to heart, and in time, you’ll know if it’s your destiny”, Gael said. Eallgréne turned back into the couch.
“Alright everyone. Time to hit the hay. Tomorrow is a big day for us, and we’ll need our rest”, Eallgréne stated.
“That’s right…tomorrow, we return to Vale, and Beacon”, Violette stated. The group settled in and tried to sleep. But the words Violette said weighed on them heavier than they thought. To return to where their journey started, where they first met.
It was gonna be a long night.
I want to close this chapter by thanking, (once again), @gaelfox and @ss61noah for their help in getting me back on my feet. For those who didn’t know, I was suffering heavily from a bout of depression, a common thing that comes from my OCD. I was alone, I was scared, and I was down. I reached out for help, and they both showed concern and care for me. The smallest actions can have the biggest impact on you when you need it most. I ask that you don’t ignore the signs. If you have a friend, or family, or even know a stranger who seems to be suffering with something, lend help. A shoulder to cry on, an ear to listen, a body to hug. Mental health awareness is a big thing, please spread the word, thank you.
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myaksh10me-blog · 5 years
A Complete Guide To Getting Started With A Remote Team
Coronavirus prevention is on the rise and there is a possibility that quarantines (mandatory or otherwise) and lockdowns could go into effect increasing the count of team members who work from home (WFH). Given the widespread interruptions, it does make sense to future-proof your organization by making a remote WFH team.
Organizations around the globe have rolled out mandatory remote work. Whether you are a WFH veteran or a newbie, here’s what you need to do to stay productive. Some of us will be working from home for the very first time and this means figuring out how exactly to stay on task in a "new" environment that may not lend itself to productivity. 
However, there are amazing ways to avoid getting stir-crazy and empowered to deliver results, from the way you talk to your team to set up a good workspace.
In this blog, I'll be sharing some invaluable insights to keep your organization protected, progressive, and futuristic to efficiently manage difficult situations like the one presently faced by the world due to the deadly Coronavirus.
Work From Home Can Work Really Well
You may have read this statement, "Working remotely is the future of work." Well, let me correct it. It is the PRESENT. 
Today, a growing number of organizations across the world are looking for remote workers whether it's to offer it as a benefit or to fill in the talent gap in their area. Truth be told, people are even considering career changes in this direction and organizations are embracing the remote work culture. What a wonderful era to live in, huh?
So, what does working remotely really mean?
Remote work is any part-time, full-time, or project-based job that an individual is doing from outside the organization's brick-and-mortar structure. All work is done through a laptop (smartphone, tablet, or desktop) and the power of the Internet.
Crank up the communication
Coronavirus or not, the basic fundamental to working remotely from home is comprehensive and clear communication with your boss and team members - and knowing exactly what's expected of you and them. 
It is important to remember here that most employees spend their workdays in close proximity to their boss and team members that means communication is effortless and easy, to say the least. However, that's all out the window with remote working from home, and there is an increased possibility of communication breakdown if your workplace isn’t used to remote working. There could be a possibility that your boss is not used to managing team members virtually. For example, your organization might not have a ready-to-go suite of tools for remote workers such as the video conferencing app Zoom or the chat app Slack.
‘Treat it like a real job’
The biggest mistake that you could do with remote working from home is not to treat it like a real job. Try something more deliberate instead of lying in your comfy bed with a laptop. The most amazing part is that the fix could be something as simple and easy as plopping down your computer, moving a nightstand into a corner that is away from distractions, and sitting in an upright chair. 
This would also serve as a positive signal to those who live with you that you should not be disturbed as you are "at work." The point is to create positive and healthy boundaries within your home that your family members understand. I would like to highlight here that it becomes easier to unlock the benefits of remote work with a dedicated workspace where you can concentrate.
Avoid feeling isolated
Truth be told, the abrupt and enforced nature of the transition from an office to a home environment even with the most amazing tools at your side could leave some of us struggling to get accustomed to the change. With coronavirus, it’s not clear for how long people will be at home. For instance, working parents will find it difficult to work harder if children are at home as schools are closed. This means close communication with managers – who will need to be understanding – would be crucial.
Team Managers should encourage members of the team to stay high on morale and productivity. For this, a series of semblance of normalcy and camaraderie in unconventional ways could be tried out. This may include remote happy hours or virtual pizza parties where people dial in and share a cocktail on Skype or Slack. Believe me, it is an amazing way to bond. Yes, you can call that weird but everything is fun when everyone is feeling weird. The “we’re all in this together” mentality is awesome as it adds a little bit of lightness and levity to the otherwise difficult remote work environment.
The point is to make time for casual conversations and ‘water cooler’ chat.”
‘Keep spirits up’
I can understand that these are painful and stressful times. Worrying about elderly loved ones or sick colleagues, friends, family, and extended family members and all those negative headlines and fighting the urge to go panic buying for sanitizers and toilet papers can put work emails on the back burner.
To ensure everyone is in the right mood to work remotely, we must engage in as much face-to-face interaction online as possible through video calls or regular meetings with no agenda, such as grabbing a drink or a coffee.
If you are a manager, it is time for you to acknowledge that these are difficult times and your primary job is to be a cheerleader for your team.
Initially, working remotely from home can be a bit of a challenge. However, it does make sense to stay away from crowded places with a contagious illness around us as this preventive measure greatly minimizes the likelihood of transmission. 
Until the coronavirus is brought under control, the advantages of remote work surely outweigh the inconvenience. As long as things are handled the right way, your organization could surely be as productive as ever.
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