#anyamyomus friends
papers4me · 3 years
pal! fruits basket real trailer is here!
hi! thanks for notifying me! I rarely see trailers for anything unless they are shown on youtube recommendations when I watch youtube! lol. That’s how much I rarely check anything!
I’ll try to refrain from analyzing anything for fear of spoiling myself. so here quick list of things that caught my eye!
Tohru screaming & tohru crying! YES! I know this sounds horrible, lol. but for real this means it’s tohru’s turn to open her lid! Finally my tohru will be a character on her own for her own issues rather than the mother figure, fixer, momma’s good daughter, helper, supporter, sound advice giver, angel in the sky (literally), worrier for others, that she was for two seasons & 52 eps so far!! Nothing is wrong with her being all that but I craved for her to be more than your typical shoujo girl who helps the entire cast & just fall in love cuz why not. I wanted depth! a path that is hers alone! to know tohru’s true self! looks like I’m getting that! YES!!!! happy~~~~~~~~~
“ I just don’t want the curse or anyone else to take kyo from me”. Did tohru really say that?? Is she focusing on herself? her wants? Did she move from breaking the curse for the entire cast to focusing on things beyond any magical bonds or any altruistic purposes? Is this character growth?! OMG! Tohru, are you gona climb that spot for my fave female protag in all anime?!!!!!
Lots of kyoru stuff all painted with tenderness, vulnerability, yearning & softness with a dash of heartbreaking sadness!
That hug through the sheets though~ damn! lovely imagery & epic symbolism with the white sheer sheet! points for the writer for envisioning it & points for the director for good execution.
“ I won’t be disillusioned” I’m sorry but, What? lol!
Machi is smiling. Machi is blushing.Yup this ship is sailing with no worries as it should. Don’t worry yuki, she’ll accept you 100%. I have no doubts in my mind. Your progress keeps going steady as clear as ever!
Why does akito hates Isuzu more than the rest of the zodiac? I mean she abuses all, but Isuzu gets disowned by akito, told to die, pushed from the window & now chocked! The hate is real with this one! perhaps it ties with akito’s insecurity as a woman? sense Isuzu is so womanly while akito poses as a guy? Love to see more that!
Akito looked like a baby when shigure gave her the flower & said I love you. What? like her head is nearly as big as the flower itself. Perhaps it’s the zodiac bond’s “ i love you” cuz his zodiac spirit is tied to her.
Kureno gets stabbed by Akito? Drama intensify & I’m here for it!
Expected to see kyokyo vs kyo issues. But perhaps it’s too dark for the trailer? that has knife stab? shudders! kinda glad I didn’t see any of that, amplify the anticipation!
Ropes breaking imagery will never look as satisfactory than this! Break’ em all!
lots to say but I’ll shut up & restrain from seeing the trailer again. It worked. It regained my faith in the story, the writer & the director! lots of things I wasn’t satisfied with in se02 that seemed touched upon here. happy~~
~Gotta admit watching tohru cry is heartbreaking, especially when it comes to her mother’s death. grief is one of the most individual experiences that are so hard to portray as it takes so many shapes & ppl deal so differently from each other... whether it’s their personality, issues, the closeness of the deceased or how they departed or any external factors. It sucks especially cuz you can be okay afterwards, months or years after, but then it comes swinging full force with an uncovered memory or even a dream.~ sigh~ Tohru coped by talking to her mom as if she’s alive, going as far as talking to a silent frame in front of others, I’m thankful that the narrative never presented this as cute or perfectly normal. It screams heartbreaking & lonely to me... despite all the cast surrounding her.
Anyway~ I’m excited & happy for furuba season 3! thanks for the notifying me! Note: kindly do not answer any of my questions in the post.
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papers4me · 4 years
fellow fruba friend here! What are your expectations on what each of the four main characters will achieve or gain at the end?
hi fellow furuba friend! by the main four, I suppose you mean yuki, kyo , tohru & shigure! All the traumatized characters in furuba deserve all the best & everything good given to them. They are all genuinely broken souls & I love them all. However, not everybody will actually be given everything for realistic reasons.
(1)-I’ll start with the easiest: Yuki. Yuki’s wish was stated so early in SE01, ep12 & ever since things have been moving so straight forward towards his goal: discovering his own self, finding friends who accept him w/o a mask & finding love. As Se02 is heavily focused on him, he got all that & more. it is very clear that the writer has decided that Yuki is the character that will get everything:
He opened his lid, faced akito & his fears & started laughing more.
He is shedding his mask & the prince persona.
He realized his familial feelings to tohru.
He accepts & supports tohru/kyo as couple & doesn’t feel envy/sadness.
He faced his mother calmly & decided his future. Altho he doesn’t need her any more, it is clear that he is civil with her & doesn’t blame her. She thinks of him as a tool that helps her glows & I’m sure she views his success as part of her & in the future, she’ll proudly say that’s my son if he was brought as a topic in any social gathering. My point is, given yuki’s stance to forgive the past, he won’t cut ties with her.
He completely forgiven his brother & is proud of him publicly.
He got a friend who is a mix of the two person yuki envies the most : kyo & aya. Also, kakeru is very designed to fit yuki in every way, so even if yuki never got anymore friends, kakeru is the one for life.
Altho yuki’s story could still be good without romantic love in canon as it can be hinted as sth he’ll get once he’s in college, he is getting a romantic love now with someone who doesn’t pity him nor admires him, sees the real him. Someone whom yuki can be a “tohru” to her & “support” her & be a “kyo” to her in the same way he’s been observing kyo & envying him for being the only one to see the real tohru. Yuki will be the only one to see the real machi.
What more can I say...What more can the writer give yuki.. I’ve been thinking hard... but I duno...perhaps sth to do with kyo & their views of each other.
I’ll leave number #10 open cuz I’m sure there’s more the writer will give him..but I duno regarding which character...um... shigure? The writer has been impersonating yuki so much in Se02 & giving us direct lessons thro his voice as much as I wish she tones it down as this disrupts the flow of a story, making yuki speaks on behalf of other characters whose voice has been blocked, it also doesn’t trust the viewers/readers to “learn the lesson” without directly given to them. So I’m positive 100% there will be more yuki telling us learned lessons us especially after critical moments similar to some of SE02 big eps.
(2)-Kyo: Kyo is always given one ep of inner thoughts per season. However, each ep is big & so influential for both his character development & the story’s plot as a whole. His thoughts were essentially blocked at first for mystery reasons due to his involvement with kyoko but ever since Se02, ep9 it was exposed that he knows her, it’s now blocked for building the “climax” reasons. However, the writer is skilled in writing kyo as a character that is easily read, someone who doesn’t know how to act, so you can decipher his feelings from his actions. I don’t mind him not giving inner thoughts if his actions can replace that & communicate his feelingsto the viewers  which is so well-done with kyo but badly done with tohru,(but more on tohru later). what I expect for kyo... it is hard to say!!! It depends on how the writer will solve kyoko’s damned “ I won’t forgive you” words!!! Cuz i see this as one of the most difficult plot twists & obstacles. Kyo’s issues are different from yuki. It isn’t abt self discovery, warmth, or finding friendship or love. It is abt having a right to live, guilt & believing that he isn’t harmful, kyo knows that there are few ppl who loves him but to him these few ppl are the most important ppl in the world, he doesn’t want to hurt them. His life experiences has taught him that his loved ones always end up dying in his place. he carries immense guilt & self-loath. So what to expect... i duno.. Moreover, kyo being the opposite of yuki, so I don’t think he’ll be given everything even if he, just like yuki, deserves everything good. There are things in kyo’s life that cannot be fixed.
Kyo will for sure open his lid, but it will be ugly cuz he’ll have to confess abt his mom’s suicide & him witnessing/being involved in kyoko’s death. He’ll have to tell tohru kyoko’s devastating words & her last painful moments. I duno what to expect beside pain!!!!
“forgiveness/ or lack of ” is kyo’s theme!! will tohru forgive him?? I duno! I find it hard to believe tohru-my-mom-is-my-idol” will do that unless sth changes. But It really doesn’t matter if tohru does or doesn’t, cuz kyo himself will NEVER forgive himself!! There’s comfort in being punished. ppl with genuine hearts & conscious, don’t like escaping punishment for their wrong deeds. If kyo believes truly that he’s at fault somehow, he’ll want to be punished.  
Kyo has stated that “ I won’t take anything away from you anymore” thinking abt tohru. He has given up on her cuz he believes he took her mom from her. His thought process is very realistic & his actions are very logical & matches his trauma, so I don’t know where this will lead to.. I know the writer won’t be cruel with him more than his story already is, but it is so complicated!!!! He can’t accept tohru’s love!! she shouldn’t!!
Unlike yuki’s mother, kyo’s father refuses anything regarding kyo & doesn’t even consider him human. He pushes forward for his imprisonment. I don’t see the writer giving kyo’s father the tiny redemption moment she gave yuki’s mom. Nothing will make kyo’s dad be proud of kyo as he considers kyo to be the cause of all his misfortune. Kyo’s dad is the person kyo shouldn’t & mustn't become. However, kyo got another father who truly loves him & is already proud of him. I love that the writer didn’t cut off kyo’s attachment to his bio dad simply caz he got shisho. Kyo’s dad is a huge reason of why kyo is traumatized. it is not the curse itself. it is the toxic broken home. Every toxic thought in kyo’s mind is imprinted there since early age intentionally by his dad & unintentionally by his mom. So how do I expect kyo will overcome his mom’s gohst & his dad’s demon? I duno too! T_T. ..XD.
his mom & kyoko are dead. If kyo believes he’s the reason...how he’ll ask forgiveness?? I love the theme of dealing with broken things that can’t be fixed. The writer will forever be one of my best authors if she convinced me that she can handle such tough theme.
I feel like I’m repeating I duno a lot, but yeah kyo’s story could go so many directions!!!! but I have trust that wherever it goes, it will be as satisfying as yuki’s. The writer has chosen to put kyo’s behind for epic climatic showdown, it will be thrilling, painful, dramatic & so satisfying. kyo will not be furuba’s tragic ending, the writer showed she prefers ’s optimistic & positive paths despite the trauma. Besides, kyo is tied to tohru, no way such kind soul will be crushed twice by losing her mom & her first love.
(3)-Tohru: The female protagonist with everything individual & personal abt her pushed until Se03 with the most minor foreshadowing & the most trivial symbolism. lol..She doesn’t have eps of inner thoughts abt her own issues like yuki & she doesn’t have big influential eps abt her like kyo... what did she have so I can predict: (a) the nightmare which tells us tohru is still grieving her mom’s loss & (b) the little flashbacks where it shows sth bad traumatized her when she was a baby & it involves her mom locking her? or sth. (c) tohru telling rin that she has things she can’t give up. I don’t have predictions for tohru. I have wishes. I want her to want things for herself. screw the curse, the sohma’s issues, the mom-tohru, the savior-tohru, the supporting-tohru. All that is typical tropes done many times already. Give me a unique female protag who can be kind, but is hurt by her own kindness, someone so altruistic & realizes that I can choose my self first!!! it is okay to be first for once!! Give me someone who even after showing the world I’m okay & optimistic is NOT okay & optimistic but is actually scared & lonely despite all the love surrounding her by the ppl she “saved”. a female protag pursuing her OWN happiness shrewdly but kindly in the most epic combination! This is the tohru I want. how she’ll decide to forgive kyo? I duno. I’ll cheer if she did & I’ll cheer if she didn’t. both situations suit tohru’s mindset.
(4)-Shigure:big giant I duno...lol.. I need to understand this dude first!! He’s the most intriguing. 
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