#anyone else here a KAMISATO CLAN ENJOYER
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festival preparations 🍂🎐
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Spending Halloween together
Characters: Ayaka/Yae Miko/Hu Tao/Ganyu/Mona x gn!reader
Warnings: Yae being Yae, other than that, just fluff
a/n: It’s September, which means that it’s basically October already, which means that it’s almost Halloween. And as an average Halloween enjoyer it is my duty to remind everyone about it.
Anyway, hope you enjoy!
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Ayaka always heard about people dressing up as all kinds of monsters, ghouls, and magical beings for Halloween, but her status as the eldest daughter of the Kamisato clan always became a hindrance, stopping her from joining in, leaving her to simply watch as others had fun whenever her schedule gave her a moment to spare. And while she had already come at peace with the thought of never being able to dress up herself, after meeting you, her fortunes seemed to turn.
While Ayaka felt bad for sneaking off without telling anyone else, whenever you noticed and shot her a re-assuring smile, her worries would vanish within an instance. And even though the costume you had put together for her wasn’t the most amazing thing, the fact that you got her one in the first place was enough to make butterflies appear in her stomach.
Over the next couple of hours, Ayaka had the time of her life. While she had often imagined being on one of the many festivals for Halloween herself, reality surpassed her expectations tenfold. And while seeing other’s costumes, playing the different games, and visiting all kinds of shops was exciting, before Ayaka knew it, she began spacing out while staring at you whenever the two of you stood still.
“Liking my costume, aren’t you?”, your joking voice suddenly snapped her out of her thoughts, and while the mask she wore did a great job at hiding her face, you still knew that her face was turning red at your sudden call out.
“I- Sorry, I was spacing out”, she admitted before letting her head hang in embarrassment, only for you to give her hand a small squeeze and shooting her a quick smile once again.
“Don’t worry Aya-”, you stopped yourself from speaking her name when you remembered that you were surrounded by countless of people, “my dear, I was only teasing you.”
While it was obvious that you were only using the pet name to not blow her cover, it still caused her face to turn even redder, not being used to it but definitely not disliking it either.
“Understood… my dear.”
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Yae Miko
The time before Halloween was one filled to the brim with people anticipating the day to come. People would buy costumes, decorations, and horror novels, and Yae, being the businesswoman that she was, wouldn’t let such an opportunity pass.
So, while others would go around collecting candies, tell each other horror stories and overall have a great time, you were stuck behind a counter, having been “asked” by Miko to help with the publishing house for the day. Only to find yourself bored pretty quickly.
“Was it that necessary to ask me to help out? There barely are any customers. Anyone wishing to read a horror novel on Halloween already bought one”, you complained to Yae, seeing her relaxing on a comfortable looking chair while reading the book in her hands, leaving you to do all the actual work.
“Oh my, was it such a cruel thing of me to ask you to spend some time with me?”, she was quick to twist your words, something that, while usually leaving you to scramble for an answer, only got a sigh out of you this time.
“No, but couldn’t we do something else? I don’t know what, but something less boring than sitting here and waiting for anyone to be interested in purchasing a novel”, you suggested while leaning back in your own seat, feeling utterly bored, only for the Guuji to let out a small laugh.
“Fufu, so you want to do something else with me, don’t you? I didn’t expect you to be that nau-”
“STOP IT!”, you screamed out while your face turned all kinds of red, causing Yae to amuse herself even more, before you finally managed to somewhat regain your composure. “Y-You know exactly what I meant, so don’t try to make this sound weird”, you tried scolding her, only for be interrupted by the sound of the front door opening, leaving Miko to give you a smug face.
“Looks like you won’t be bored for much longer.”
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Hu Tao
Even if you tried to, it would have been impossible for you to forget that Halloween was just around the corner, with Hu Tao reminding you whenever she had the possibility to, acting more and more happy with each day closer while refusing to tell you what it was that the two of you would do.
When the day actually arrived, only for Hu Tao to start dragging you from door to door in attempts of collecting candy, something you hadn’t exactly expected to do as an adult, you had to say that you were positively surprised by her decision to do something so-… normal. You had fully expected her to set Liyue harbour ablaze in one final “epic prank”, so you definitely weren’t complaining about asking its residence for candy instead.
Although you couldn’t wholeheartedly call what she was doing “asking”, Hu Tao almost acting like a debt collector at times.
“Trick or Treat!”, Hu Tao said her lines the moment she saw the door open, only for the person on the other side to shut it in a panic once they heard her voice, causing her to march up to the door and knock once again. “Sir, it appears like your door might have accidentally get closed by a strong wind current, but don’t worry. We are only here for sweets”, she stated loud enough to make sure the person on the other side could hear her, only for you to put your hand on her shoulder, hoping to convince her to leave the poor soul alone.
“We should just leave them alone, I doubt we’ll get anything from them”, you reasoned, only for Hu Tao to quickly turn around, shoot you a wide smile and nod, not before looking at the door number though, seemingly taking a mental note to bless them with one of her “funny” pranks the next time she had the time.
“Alright, we are leaving. But feel free to check out the Wangsheng Funeral Parlour, we are having a special Halloween sale at the moment!”, she shouted her goodbyes before grabbing you hand and dragging you to the next door, making you silently wonder how many complaints you’d have to deal with the next morning.
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It took quite a lot of convincing to make Ganyu decide to stay at home on Halloween instead of going to work like she always used to do. And while she at first had her doubts if it was alright for her to participate in an exclusively human tradition, she quickly found herself enjoying the process of decorating your home, putting up one décor after another until there were none left.
But no matter how much she enjoyed the day so far, the real challenge was yet to come. And while you re-assured you over and over again, that the children going from door to door wouldn’t care one bit if they got their sweets from someone fully human or half-human, she couldn’t help but continue feeling nervous.
“Wow, Miss your horns look great!”, one of the children at the door said in awe, leaving Ganyu to somewhat freeze up. But before she could respond and lie about them being props, another one spoke up, “Yeah, they almost look real. Where did you get them?”
“O-Oh, I made them myself”, she decided to use the chance to play along, only for the children’s’ eyes to light up.
“Oooooh. Can I touch them?”, the third one excitedly asked.
“What?”, Ganyu couldn’t help but feel taken by surprise, not knowing how to respond, and almost agreeing to their requests simply to not disappoint them. Only for you to come out of nowhere and help her out.
“Sorry, but it took us quite some effort to make them look so real. So, we don’t want to take any risks and accidentally destroy the costume. We want to preserve it for the other guests, after all”, you explained before giving each of them their share of candies, causing them to nod before saying their goodbyes and leaving.
“See? They didn’t seemed bothered a bit.”
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Mona wasn’t that interested in Halloween, while she understood why children liked it, as an adult it seemed more like a chore like something that could be considered fun. Having to buy sweets for the children or risk getting your home bombarded with eggs definitely wasn’t what she expected to spend her already limited funds on, while dressing up as monsters or other “spooky” stuff seemed a bit too childish for her.
That being said, your thoughts on Halloween slightly differed from hers.
“How often do I have to tell you, I’m not dressing up as a witch”, Mona stated before letting out a frustrated sigh. “It’s childish”, she added, only for you to jokingly gasp.
“I think it’s not. I mean, I’m wearing a costume myself, do you think I am childish for it?”, you asked, only for her to respond by not responding at all. “Actually, don’t answer that.”
“I have to uphold my dignity, dressing up doesn’t exactly fit the image of a great astrologer”, she eventually said, only for you to look at the giant hat in your hand before glancing at the giant hat on her head.
“Sorry to tell you, but you already walk around in a giant hat, I don’t even think anyone would realise that you were dressing up if you donned another giant hat”, you countered, only for the two of you to continue arguing for what felt like hours.
“I’ll treat you to a nice dinner if you do it”, you eventually offered, instantly shutting Mona up as she stared at you with a confused look.
“Are you… trying to bribe me with dinner?”, she asked, only for you to shamelessly nod your head, causing her let out another sigh. “Why are you so insistent on me dressing up?”
“Because today’s Halloween and dressing up is part of the experience, no matter if child or adult. It’s about the most fun tradition one can participate, and I think you would look really cute dressed up as a witch”, you muttered the second part just loud enough for her to hear it, and while she’d normally reprimand you for saying something like that, Mona knew well enough that it had no affect on you. And so, the astrologer let out one last sigh before finally conceding defeat.
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