#anyway 2024 is shadow’s year im so excited
yamham154 · 8 months
sonic x shadow generations killed me and scavenged my corpse so here’s a meme
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also a doodle from an idea one of my coworkers gave me
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sunliv · 2 years
watched the sonic movie again. crying screaming yelling etc
#THAT’S HIS DAD! THAT’S HIS MOM! THOSE ARE HIS PARENTS!!!!#HE’S GOT A BROTJER!!!!! HE’S GOT TWO BROTHERS!!!!!!#HE GOES SUPER!!! SUPER SUPER SUPER SUPER#GOLDEN AND FLYING AND EVEN FASTER AND UNBEATABLE#PROJECT SHADOW!!!! FUCK!!!!!#SOMETHING UNDER ‘ROBOTNIK’ FROM 50 YEARS AGO!!!!!! A BLACKSITE!!!!! FUCK!!!!!!!!#ouguh and when Shadow’s legs start showing up while the dude’s like ‘my god…’ like SAME BRO#im so so so so so fucking excited for the third movie GOD wont 2024 come FASTER#but it’s ok! i’m a very patient girl! i can wait!!#thank you mystery skulls animated for teaching me patience <3#anyway im losing my mind over this what yall up to lol#this is always my reaction#i watvhed it on the living room and my mom sat there bc. bc. and then complains it when i watch it at my speed (rewatching the same scene 7#times) like oh im sorry YOU decided to sit here smh🙄 /lh#oh im so excited for the next movies#i’ve been thinking abt it what kind of stories they could make…#im imagining what games can be incorporated and whatnot#obv sa2 is gonna be in the 3rd movie yeah but like whqt else#they put 2 ans 3&k together and we’ve yet to see Amy i’m lowkey hoping they put cd in the next one! although metal would prolly make things#harder bc we cant have 2 sonic clones in the same movie right? and idk ig sa2 has plenty of story on its own but still! also Amy is VERY#important for Shadow’s turning point at the end of sa2 so she must show up righ???#i can see cd showing up too.. or at least a PART of cd… idk idk#then i thought abt since the next movie will be shadow when’s the THIRD s hedgehog show up right? do u think 06 will ever be adapted…….#they could use Elise??? maybe??? wouldn’t that be cool? no need for the kiss just a girl who has half a god inside her! no need for romance!#anyway. what abt unleashed. oh can you imagine the werehog????? please please plea#ok so i am DEF looking too much into it but Eggman DOES howl in this movie and comment on super sonic ‘you look good’ NOT ‘you look festive’#which COULD leave it open for unleashed stuff… idk idk i just like to dream skdnkfmf#liv.txt
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softjaeyvn · 2 months
August 9, 2024 | 1:21am
heyyy,, sooo its been a minute since i last updated my blog and 2023 has been a wild year with a lot of ups and downs, but im not really gonna talk about those stuff tonight.
today and the past few days has been kinda hard for me despite being on break from school. idk if i told you guys but i passed (well, reconsidered) my dream university! ust has always been the dream for me and never in a million years would i have traded it for anything. i was both excited and anxious on moving to schools, the expectations, the new environment, the people, and the overall culture. you can’t imagine the happiness i felt when i got accepted here in ust. many times during the reconsideration process i have felt on giving up but i pursued with it just to get in to my dream university.
now, i’m currently in my senior year of high school (yahoo) and ill soon be graduating ust-shs! ever since i was a kid, i had my eyes on which dream profession i would pursue when i grow up. but lately, i became undecisive on which course i’ll take in college. since i’m really into photography and filming, i kinda wanna take ab communication arts and my friends also adviced me to take ab comm instead of bs tourism since ab comm is more broad when it comes to picking your job in the future and i read that you don’t really have to take bs tourism to become a flight attendant so all roads lead me to ab comm right? but the reason i’m conflicted between these two is because of (1) most of my friends that is my blockmates are leaning towards bs tourism. so if i take ab comm, i would probably have to make new friends again. but there’s also a part of me that wants to distance myself from them since i had trauma with most of my blockmates. mostly because they don’t cooperate much and only do the tasks last minute and i dont like doing last minute works, (2) i researched the subjects from ab comm and bs tourism and compared them from one another. im nervous for thesis writing which ab comm has on 2nd year up until 3rd? i think. anyways, im not really that good in research and my last research took a toll on me bc of how incompetent my groupmates were. one even had the audacity to use chatgpt to search for our theoretical framework AND didn’t show up during the defense day. and lastly (3) my ate graduated from the same course (ab comm) with latin honors (cum laude) and that just makes me want to achieve latin honors too. no one’s really pressuring me to achieve anything and its mostly just me putting pressure on myself to do well so that i can match the efforts and achievements my relatives had. idk but to me, if i don’t achieve something in the course taken by one of my relatives before, i would think i’m not working hard enough and that i’m a failure. if i apply for ab comm then that pressure would be put onto me by myself. i don’t want to become a shadow of one of my relatives that graduated with latin honors just because i enrolled the same course as her and couldn’t match her achievements. all im saying here is that i’m insecure of how smart my family is and im not. they all achieved something in life while im just here. existing.
These conflicts about my course in college just scratch the surface on why i’m ranting right now. since i’m already a senior, i’m entitled to take all the cets from the big 4 universities. upcat was the first among the four that opened its doors for admissions, of course i wouldn’t miss the chance to apply so i did. as i’m writing this, it would only be 1 day left till i take upcat. i’m already getting burnt out because i wasted my time goofing around instead of reviewing for this. i asked for reviewers from my friend that attended a review session today and watched some of its lecture videos then got to answering a mock test. idk what i was honestly expecting what my grade would be but i was surprised that i got only a 30% and that is definitely not good. i know that that’s what i get for not reviewing enough but i was still somehow disappointed with it.
now, this wouldn’t really be a big of a deal for me since i’m only taking the test for added experience, im already thankful that i got accepted in ust. i just think of it as bragging rights for when i do pass. it’s honestly rewarding to see a “congratulations” on the screen and people would immediately think you’re so smart because you passed one of the most hardest to pass cets in the country.
why am i ranting over this? you might ask. ever since i got enrolled here in ust, the tuition fee is not a joke. 50k for one semester, that would equal to 100k for just one school year. now, i know that this is the consequence for enrolling in a prestigious university but the desire to get into my dream university blinded me from these kinds of things. now that i’m in my senior year, the fees increased by 4% and went from 50k to 60.5k for one semester. and that really took a toll in both me and my mom’s finances. we already applied for a voucher from peac since the start of my junior year but it has still yet to be applied so my mom is still paying full installments for my tuition fee. we also recently applied for a scholarship from our local city to try and somehow get discounted prices for my tuition. but, if my application doesn’t get approved, i will probably say goodbye to ust sooner.
When i was still choosing on what university ill go to for shs and college, staying in ust wasn’t really my plan at all. in fact, i thought that i’ll just take shs in ust and then transfer universities after. but that changed when i experienced what it’s like to become a thomasian to the point where i grew fond of the campus and lore and even the people that are just so so friendly and welcoming. i didn’t wanna leave so soon. i don’t want to suddenly leave after just 2 years of staying there. i want ust to become my second-home up until i graduate college.
my mom has been urging me to review and do well for upcat because it’s a state university and doesn’t have tuition fees (they probably still have but lower compared to ust) and given our current financial situation, she badly wants me to pass upcat. but i don’t really see myself in that institution and i just don’t think i have the mental capacity to pass that exam. now, its putting pressure on me because i might lose my chance of staying in ust in college, this might be my last year in ust and being a tomasino; or i might lose my mind if i ever do pass upcat and become an isko for college. i’ve already heard stories from seniors that they got delayed from graduating at up because of how hard it is to study there, and their thesis there are supposedly individual work which just goes back to my rant over me being conflicted with my course to take in ust (i hate research and im scared of thesis).
i honestly would love to study in up but im just being realistic with myself, i may bite more than what i can chew but that doesn’t mean i’m over optimistic to myself. i don’t want to have an expectation brought unto me just because im studying in ust or up. i really do hope i get the chance to stay in ust because i can’t see myself in any other university other than ust. ust has only been my home for a year and it has been a life-long dream to study here. i have yet to experience many thomasian traditions and i don’t wanna leave just yet.
ps: it’s been 2 days since treasure’s 4th anniversary! im really proud of them. i probably wouldn’t be the person i am today if i haven’t met them
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