#they could use Elise??? maybe??? wouldn’t that be cool? no need for the kiss just a girl who has half a god inside her! no need for romance!
shadyteacup · 3 years
May i ask fanfiction with dazai osamu and chuuya nakahara where fem! Reader aka their s/o falls asleep ln them and then they become SUPER OVERPROTECTIVE like somebody is like: i can take that pretty lady so you can rest and then they take a merf gun or some kind of weapon or like does something and are like: TOUCH HER AND YOURE GONE
Hey, there! This was fun to write!
Tw: Some blood in Chuuya's part, but nothing gory..
Lemme know if this is what u wanted ;)
Dazai was looking out of the window, observing the passing scenery. He loved train rides. They somehow calmed him. Observing the fast approaching trees and watching them zoom past, was a favorite pass time of his. You and Dazai had gone to visit a client in the neighboring city, and Dazai had insited on traveling via train.
Both of you were sitting side by side, shoulders touching, as you shared one ear bud each. You were playing the music today. Your choice in songs was quite diverse. You could vibe to chaotic metal, noisy edm, soft guitar songs and  famous classicals like Beethoven's Für Elise.
Today, you had decided to play soft songs. They had a calming effect. It was much needed too, as your mission had been quite tiring.
Dazai felt a weight on his shoulder. Moving his head to the side, he saw your sleeping face. Your cheek was smushed on his shoulder, and stray hair was strewn a over your nose and forehead.
He smiled softly at the adorable sight. He gently nuzzled his face on your head, craving your touch.
He was never so possessive and touchy before. You had completely changed him. Now, he couldn't stand being away from you for five minutes. He always needs to have some form of physical contact with you. It can be as simple as a touch of your shoulders, or your hand in his, or as elaborate as a bear hug, or a gentle kiss.
It was the rush hour, so you both had to share a booth. The man sitting opposite you both kept stealing glances at you. Dazai, ofcourse, noticed this. He decided to ignore it. He knew how beautiful you were. It was obvious that a beauty such as you would gather male attention. He had encountered so many men and women that had tried to woo you. But you had always stayed with him. You loved him, afterall. And he loved you. So he pretended to not have noticed the man's glances. Unfortunately, he can't control who should and shouldn't look at you.
"Nice woman you've got there, lad!"
The man spoke up. He was looking at Dazai, trying to get a reaction out of him.
Dazai merely glanced at him, giving him a look that said 'mind your business'.
The man shifted his full attention towards you.
Smirking, he leaned ahead a bit, trying to get a closer look at you.
"You wouldn't mind being a good boy, and sharing this lovely lady, would you?"
That was it. Dazai snapped.
The man felt a cool sensation below his jaw. He looked down to find himself face-to-face with the barrel of a gun. His eyes widened, and he gulped.
Dazai leaned forward, ensuring that you weren't disturbed, and spoke near the man's ear.
"Leave before I feed your brain to the stray dogs."
His low, dangerous voice, and murderous gaze was more than enough for the man to stumble out of the booth, and run away.
The slight movement and the man's scared apologies and 'Please don't kill me's stirred you awake. You blinked, looking at Dazai.
"What happened?"
He smiled at you, shaking head, and planting a kiss on your forehead.
"Nothing, love. Needed to take care of a pest. Everything's alright."
You look at him, confused, but nod your head anyway.
"I love you, Y/N."
"I love you too, Osamu :)"
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"That's the last of them."
You say as you kick a man on the head, knocking him out.
Chuuya walks over to you, admiring the large number of men you had successfully neutralized.
"That's...amazing, love."
He pecks your lips.
You try to shove him away.
"I'm all bloody, Chuu!"
He grins, hugging you.
"So am I!"
You giggled, giving in and wrapping your arms around his waist. You and Chuuya had been tasked to take down an organization that was meddling in the Mafia's affairs. When you both got to the location, you realized that there were many more men than they had anticipated. It didn't matter, though, as both of you were extremely skilled at combat, and had strong abilities. It was tiring, nonetheless.
"You did such a great job, Y/N. I'm so proud of you."
Chuuya said as he kissed the top of your head. You were the most badass woman he had ever come across, and he was smitten. Your fearlessness and bravery always drives him mad. He loves it when you take control of the situation, and effortlessly drop your enemies to the ground. Swag practically flowed through your veins.
But everybody has a soft side, and he was the lucky guy who got to experience yours.
When you didn't answer back, he looked down, only to hear soft snores.
'Did she fall asleep? While standing up?'
He says softly, only to hear no response. He chuckled at your adorable form, and picked you up, bridal style.
He began making his way out of the now ruined building, avoiding the rubble and the multiple bodies strewn across the floor. He could have flown out of here, but he was too tired to use his ability.
On his way out, he encountered a woman. She seemed to belong to the organization. If he remembered correctly, she was one of their founders. He hadn't seen her in the place, so maybe she just arrived to the scene.
"Well, well, well! Look what we have here!" She said, taking a step closer and peering at you.
"What a beauty! Bet she'd look much prettier on my bed. Don't you think so, Mr. Executive?"
Chuuya snapped. He activate his ability. The woman felt a sharp object on her neck. Chuuya had used his ability to hold a dagger to her neck. Multiple blades floated in the air, a red glow surrounding them, as they aimed themselves at the woman.
She chuckled.
"Don't get me wrong, dear! You took everything from me. I deserve a good time, don't you think?"
Her smug smirk was wiped off her face when a teeth shattering punch shook her face. Chuuya stood before her, his blue eyes piercing into her with malice and poison.
She stumbled back into the wall, falling on the ground.
He walked up to her, grabbing her hair and forcing her bleeding face to meet his gaze.
"You want a good time?!! I'll show you how great a time you can have in the dungeons!"
She spat out blood.
Chuuya bent down to her level.
"I'll make you beg for death when I'm done with you."
He knocked her out, calling for backup to take her into lockup.
He looked back to see you sleeping soundly inspite of the ruckus he had just caused. He had used his ability to keep you floating safely in the air, and allowing him to move and strike the disgusting woman.
He smiled at you.
"I'll never let anyone hurt you, darling."
He said, softly kissing your forehead.
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joonkorre · 3 years
(love) is a heartache
@drarrymicrofic prompt: hope is a heartache - léon
let it be known that harry goes through life purely on vibes. half of his reasons why for every decision at his big age are “idk imma just hope for the best”
People’s hearts twinge sometimes. For Draco, he can barely remember the last time he doesn’t have these twinges. It’s pretty normal at this point.
“No, it’s not,” Pansy says. She’s a Healer, so she’s probably right. But Draco prefers to ignore that.
“Leave it be,” Draco murmurs, lips against her scalp, “I’m fine. Say, are you free tomorrow?”
“Yeah. You want to go somewhere?”
“Mm. Sleep.”
They go out the next morning, Pansy in thick makeup and Draco practically drunk under nine layers of Charms. The air is a bit humid, which seems to get worse when the bustling street intensifies in volume into a roaring din. Pansy pulls him under an awning, yanking at his sleeve a bit to try out her disgusting sugary coffee. She always does this whenever she wants to take his attention away from something, which means he just has to look at exactly where she’s doesn’t want him to. As his lips wrap around her lipstick-stained straw, he glances up.
Across the street, a couple strolls through a gushing crowd. Fiery red hair, airy laughter, a pale arm wrapped around her fiancé’s waist. Curls of black, sleek spectacles, a protective palm on his fiancee’s shoulder. They make the perfect picture, a vibrant oil painting. Their existence is formed from bold strokes of sunlight and starburst kisses, with the focal point being a shock of phthalo green and cadmium lemon, two minute specks that make all the difference. As all good paintings do, they pin the viewer on the spot, as if the viewer himself is a thing to behold. Then they shift away.
The exhibit moves forward and out of sight. It’s closing time, the viewer has overstayed his welcome.
Something leaps in Draco’s chest and splatters on the floor of his stomach. Placing her hand over his heart, Pansy frowns at him. She doesn’t ask why Potter stared at someone who looked like a stranger to him. Only tells him to start finding answers.
Months later, on the most awaited day in recent Wizarding history, there’s a knock on Draco’s door.
He throws on a sweater, and a throw, too, for good measure. Ambling to the door, he checks the mail slot before peeking through the peephole. Nobody but a package is outside. Draco hums and unlocks his door, crouching down the moment it opens. What feels like soft satin brushes against his cheek, cool and smooth. With a flash, a pair of shiny dress shoes appear before him.
Draco peers up as he rises, hands around the package. Potter has his maddening Invisibility Cloak slung over his arm, his roguish charm heightened by a perfectly fitted three-piece suit. A tiny posy is pinned on his left lapel, muted green hellebores with a few sprigs of privet berries. He’s dressed like a man in love.
Draco feels something he hasn’t felt in months at the sight. He’s trained himself to suppress it the moment it showed itself and has been relatively successful until now. The sting, without warning, bursts from within his chest, calling forth a slight wince. Potter’s brows furrow.
"How do you know where I live?"
“How long has this been going on?”
Draco frowns. “Pardon?”
“That,” Potter gestures at Draco’s chest. “The heartache.”
He rears back. What the hell is he supposed to say to that? At Potter’s unchanging expression, Draco shoves his hair out of his face with a quiet huff and puts a hand on the doorknob.
“It’s none of your business. Please leave.”
“It is, actually,” Potter stops the closing door with one arm.
“Excuse me? We haven't had a proper conversation in more than a decade and suddenly you want to act like we're friends? Leave, now.”
“Listen to me. How can it not be my business when I feel it, too?”
“Check with a Healer, then. If you can put past grudges aside, I can hand you Pansy Parkinson’s business card,” Draco grits through his teeth, pushing against the door with his entire body, his throw slipping to the ground.
“Draco, stop, I already know, stop.”
“Know what? No, I don't care. Leave at once, else I’d alert the Aurors.”
A rough slam sends Draco staggering back. Potter pants, hard lines on his face. His chest heaves under his crisp white shirt, its top two buttons unclasped, and he steps over the threshold, closing the door.
“You think they’d believe you?”
The pain shoots from his chest to the rest of his body, and for several seconds, his lungs wouldn’t work. He whips his head away from Potter, who groans and sags against the wall.
“I told you to leave.”
“I’m sorry, that was a shitty thing to say,” Potter says immediately, sweat dotting his temples.
After an uncomfortable pause, clearing his throat, he picks up the near-forgotten package from the carpet. His hand feels around the outline of the object within, rectangular and heavy. Glancing at Draco, he says hoarsely. “I know why you bought this book.”
“Know this, know that, you know nothing,” Draco lunges forward, only for Potter to twist out of the way and raise the package out of his reach.
“The Life-long Burden of Dark Curses: A Caution by Elise Arrowlane, limited edition,” he says, unbothered by Draco’s slackened jaw. “You ordered it from the new bookstore on Diagon months ago. You were small and old and grey, but I recognized you. I always could.”
“Okay,” Draco sneers, “so you’re a stalker. Old news. Anything else?”
“There’s no need to order one. I would’ve borrowed it from Hermione if you had only asked,” Potter says. “Instead, I got curious and read it for myself. That’s how I connected the dots about the heartache, how I realized we’ve both had it since that day years ago.”
“Oh, the day you slashed me into ribbons and almost cut through my heart?” Draco clenches his jaw.
Being able to shout this ugly kind of truth into the perpetrator’s face feels oddly liberating. That is, if liberation also comes with a specific kind of agony that makes Draco want to fall to his knees.
“Dark Magic leaves a mark on both the wizard and their victim, doesn’t it? No need for a book to tell us that,” Potter says, the harsh afternoon glow of him gentled by the soft lamplight in Draco’s hallway. “In certain cases, it even leaves a link. A connection.”
Draco bites the inside of his cheek and looks away. The only consequence from that horrid night was his fucked up heart and nothing else, nothing at all. Whatever Potter is insinuating, he hates it. He hates this. He hates him.
“How are you so sure there’s a connection.”
“I wasn’t,” Potter says. “The Healers said it’s a health thing I developed after the War and I just needed to avoid strenuous activity. I didn’t think much of it, but then I read the book and realized that it usually flared up whenever you watched me.”
Scoffing, Draco turns and stalks into the kitchen. Walking past the boiling kettle, he throws a cabinet door open and grabs a mug, his hand trembling.
“Interesting how my health suffers when I see the bastard who quite literally carved me open.”
“I was eating dinner when I thought I was going to die of a heart attack at 23,” Potter continues. Draco pulls the drawers out, unable to find a single bag of tea for several excruciating moments. “The next day, I was reading about your mother’s death on the Daily Prophet. That was the first sign.”
Grabbing a rag and wetting it, Draco wipes the countertop even as he’s just done so last night.
“When Ginny saw you on the street during our date and extended her hand toward you, you shook it. But your heart ached.
“I saw you looking at the picture of Ginny and I kissing on the front page of Witch Weekly. Your hair was brown and your back was curved, but I saw you. Your heart ached.
“When I announced my engagement to her on the Battle of Hogwarts’s 10th Anniversary, you were clapping along with everyone else. But your heart ached.”
Draco throws the rag on the counter. The kettle whistles, a piercing sound. “What’s your point? Are you here purely to flaunt your relationship and imply that I’m in love with Ginevra Weasley? If so, I got it. Thank you so very much, it’s been enlightening. Now get out.”
“The point is,” Potter says, lifting the kettle off the burner to pour it into Draco’s mug, placing his tea bag in, “unless the article about you being gay was wrong, Ginny isn’t the one you’re in love with.”
“What arti—” Draco stops. “That was years ago.”
His sexuality was leaked to some irrelevant gossip rag, not even making the front page. Nobody noticed, nothing changed, and it hasn’t entered his mind in what feels like forever until Potter reminds him.
“I remember.”
“You—” Draco frowns. His eyes strain on the cup of tea until they hurt. He squeezes them shut, sighing. “It doesn’t prove anything. Perhaps I’m jealous of my childhood nemesis having a better life than me, ever thought of that?”
“Yeah,” Potter says, “I’ve thought about this a lot. Which is why I’m here. To make sure.”
Draco takes it in, then, unable to help himself, curls his lips at Potter and his attire. At his artfully gelled hair, his hanging bow tie, the elegant boutonniere on the lapel of his dark blue suit. His empty ring finger.
“Couldn’t you have chosen a better date to make sure? Preferably before your wedding day?”
Potter steps closer. A respectable distance away, but closer.
“I could’ve, but I spent most of those days in denial. Then the dots connected and I couldn’t deny it anymore, so I decided to just go through with the wedding regardless, be with the woman I loved. Hoped that maybe the odd emotions I had would go away,” he shrugs, raising his eyes to meet Draco’s. “Saw Ginny at the end of the aisle and, well, I couldn’t stop thinking that it should’ve been someone else. All this time, I’ve thought that she didn’t feel… right in my arms, but I pushed it down. And there she was in that white dress.
“Seeing that today was the last straw. I had to leave.”
Draco’s breath catches in his throat. Swallowing it down, he grabs his mug, scooping out the tea bag just to have something to do. He takes a sip without blowing, ignoring its scalding heat.
“That was stupid.”
“You’re so fucking stupid,” Draco can feel a headache building. “That was a horrible decision. I never imagined you—you!—out of all people, could be this irresponsible. What the fuck.”
“You’re right.”
“Of course I am. Merlin, that poor fucking woman. If your purpose here is to make me feel bad for Ginevra and all 300 of her relatives for once in my life, you’ve succeeded, congratulations.”
“I’m sorry.”
“Don’t say that to me, say that to—oh, you’d do what you want no matter what I say, wouldn’t you?”
“Depends on the situation.”
“‘Depends on the situation,’ he says,” Draco mocks, getting a carton of milk from the fridge to save his bitter, bitter tea. Potter doesn’t reply. Stirring the milk in, Draco lets out a heavy sigh.
“What do you want me to do about this?” He says. “I didn’t make you run out of your own wedding. If you expect me to take the blame for your inane decisions, the first person I Floo wouldn’t be the Aurors, but Ginevra Weasley herself.”
A small smile graces Potter’s lips. “I don’t expect anything from you but honesty.”
Draco squints.
“And how will you know if what I say is a lie? Will you reject my genuine answer if it’s not what you want to hear?”
“That won’t be a problem,” Potter says. “I trust your heart will speak the truth for us both.”
There’s a pang in Draco’s chest, and judging from the twitch of Potter’s brow, he can feel it too. Not another word is said, the two men merely facing each other from across a tiny kitchen, considering. Draco can feel the warmth of sunlight beaming through the little window and coating his nape as he leans against the sink, earl grey on his tongue. Lovely citric notes of bergamot drift up his nose. He closes his eyes. What to do, what to do.
Weightless oxfords clack against the yellowed tiles, clear and bright in Draco’s ears. Fabric rustles as Potter slips a hand into his pocket only to retrieve it a second later. Draco lets himself be cornered, barely glancing at the wool-clad arms caging either side of his waist. A clink catches his attention, however, and he tilts his head to the left.
Millimeters beside Draco’s hand on the counter, glinting in the sun, is a wedding band. Draco knows Potter and Ginevra’s in and out, has examined the picture on that day’s issue of the Daily Prophet more times than he should have. He knows the marquise droplets of Ginevra’s gems and the chevron curve of her ring, the blankness of Potter’s own band a dream and a question in his mind.
The band that’s resting on the counter is different. Rustic gold and a fissure in the middle, the fertile earth splitting open to reveal a stream of diamonds, a sparkling river. Draco sets his mug to the side and holds the ring up close, his finger smoothing over the grooves of its texture.
“Did you make a stop at a jewelry store before breaking into my home?” He asks.
“No,” Harry murmurs. Draco looks at him in surprise. “I’ve had this with me for months.”
A pause.
“I thought you said you were in denial.”
“I was, but I knew, somewhat, that I wanted someone else,” Harry’s head lowers, slow and careful, until his forehead rests against Draco’s shoulder. “I told myself that I just liked the way it looked, had to get it in case I didn’t want the other ring anymore. But I got it a size smaller. Been carrying it in my pocket ever since.”
Draco’s heart throbs and throbs. Large hands circle his waist, bunching up the back of his sweater and pressing him close, chest to chest. A blanket of pure heat envelops his body as he breathes in the timeless saffron and neroli of cologne, half-lidded eyes pinned on the band he’s given. Oh, dear, he thinks, and again when it settles at the base of his ring finger with ease, as if it belongs there and never left. Oh, dear.
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avengerscompound · 4 years
The Tower: Family - 8
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The Tower: Family An Avengers Fanfic
Series Masterlist PREVIOUS //
Pairing:  Avengers x OFC, Bruce Banner x Bucky Barnes x Clint Barton x Wanda Maximoff x Steve Rogers x Natasha Romanoff x Tony Stark x Thor x Sam Wilson x OFC (Elly Cooper)
Word Count: 1534
Warnings:  Pregnancy
Synopsis: With new powers, Thor now living on Earth full time, a wedding to plan, and Natasha and Wanda expecting, a lot is changing for Elly and her large and rather unconventional family.  When Elise’s parents try to reestablish connections, Elly questions what being a family actually means.
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Chapter 8: Return to the Tower
Our honeymoon was over too soon, though I couldn’t pretend I wasn’t missing my babies like crazy.  We picked them and the puppies up from Sam’s sister and took them straight to the tower.
It was strange going back to the tower but not in a bad way.  I had a lot of happy memories attached to the building.  This was where I fell in love with my family.  Going up in the elevator, all of us crammed together - we were going home.
The elevator opened up right into the penthouse.  It was a huge open space, the ceiling seemed to start at what would be normally two stories above us and funneled up as it got to the window on the opposite side, so it was several stories of glass overlooking the city and acted as the focal point of the room.  Closest to the window was an open circular sitting area that had a modern chandelier hanging over it.  It was slightly raised and there were plenty of seats for all of us and more to sit around, and despite how large it looked, it also looked cozy and inviting.  In the center of the space, a glass spiral staircase led to the upper floors, and running down the middle of it was a glassed-in fountain, the water running right down the glass.  My immediate thought seeing it was that it would be a great place to put the glass Thor and I had inadvertently made.
Directly to the left and right of the elevator were rooms split into two levels each with stairs running up in a curve along the lower level.  The bottom level of each was a solid wall with large dark wood doors, while the top levels had glass walls.  Along with sculptures and other decorative pieces, there were various paintings, photographs on the solid walls.  None matched and yet they all worked together.  It included things like a Monet, photographs of the city skyline from the early 40s, artwork featuring the Avengers that you could find in poster form at Walmart, and photos we’d taken of each other or the kids, printed onto canvas.
“Alright, so,” Tony said as we spilled into the entryway.  The puppies immediately just took off, running around and sniffing everything.  “On the left, there’s a cinema room on the bottom and games and playroom on the top.  On the right is the kitchen and above it a home gym.”
He led us toward the sitting area.  “The bedrooms are all upstairs,” he said as we passed the stairs.  “I cut the number for us down to just three.  One big family one and two spares for when we might need space.  There are more kids’ rooms and a nursery.”  We reached the sitting area which brought the rest of the space into view.  On the right was a dining area with a large glass table and a bar at the far end.  To the left was some more entertaining space. Couches, a big-screen TV, and a grand piano.  “There are bathrooms at either end and obviously more upstairs.  What do you think?”
“It’s perfect, Tony,” Steve said.
Clint collapsed down on one of the couches and put his feet on the coffee table.  “I think to celebrate our triumphant return to the city, we should order a bunch of pizza.”
“What a surprise that you’d suggest that, Clint?”  Natasha said, sitting down next to him.
“What?  Pizza is good,” Clint argued.
“You heard the man, FRIDAY,” Tony said.  “You know what we like.”
“Yes, sir,” the AI replied.
“Where’s dis?”  Riley asked as she walked over to the window and pressed her face against it.
“This is our new home,” Tony answered.  “What do you think?”
“Dis isn’t home,” Pietro said.  “No…”
“Oh, honey,” Bruce cooed, going down on one knee and drawing Pietro close with one large green hand.  “We still have the other house and this one means you get to go to a nice school.”
“But I wike da outside.  Dis too high up,” Pietro sobbed, his lip quivering.  “And my books.”
“Come here, bumblebee,” Bruce said, scooping him up.
Pietro started crying and hid his face in Bruce’s arm.  “I wanna go home.”
Bruce carried Pietro over to the window.  “Your books and toys and clothes are all in your bedroom.  We can take you to the park and look - look at all the things you can see up here.”
Pietro poked his head up from where he was hiding it in Bruce’s arm.  “So much,” he said in a hushed voice.
“Pretty cool, huh, buddy?”  Clint said.  “And there’s a garden just downstairs with a slide and even a pool.  We can go there every day with the puppies.”
“This is where your new brothers and sisters will be born and where you’ll start making lots of friends who are your age,” Bruce soothed.
“Kids?”  Riley asked.
“Daddy Tony worked really hard on your bedrooms too,” Bruce said.
“It’s true,” Tony agreed.  “Your bed is up in the roof and has a special walkway to it, so it looks like your bed is in a tree.  And Riley’s looks like a pirate ship.  And if you don’t want to sleep in different rooms, that’s okay, because the wall can move the wall and you’ll be in the same room.”
“An’ my books are hewre?”  Pietro asked.
“Yeah, all your books are here,” Bruce assured him.  “Will you give it a go?  For us?” 
“Otay,” Pietro said, softly.
“Why don’t we all have a nice movie night?”  Steve suggested.  “We can make some popcorn and eat our pizza while we watch Frozen.”
“Yeah!”  Riley said, bouncing over to him.  Steve scooped her up and spun her upside down, making her squeal loudly and a breeze pick up in the room.
“Then let's go make some popcorn!”  He carried her out to the kitchen, and Bruce followed after him carrying Pietro.”
“So, how’s this gonna work?”  I asked, taking a seat on the couch.  “I mean, staff wise and going into work.”
“Well for starters, you’re not doing Avengers stuff while you’re pregnant, so you don’t have to worry about going into work,” Tony said, folding his arms over his chest.
“If I knew you were going to be such a pest, I wouldn’t have said yes,” I snarked.
Clint snorted.  “Like you didn’t know he was going to be like that.”
“We all do agree though.  You guys need to take it easy while you’re pregnant.  No missions and backing off on the training,” Sam said.  “Even Nat.”
Natasha shrugged.  “It’s true.”
“Traitor,” I pouted.
“The labs are still here, including your one,” Tony said.  “You can still do that, and I’m going to focus more on R&D over Avenging too.”
“Fine,” I huffed.
Clint started laughing and he put his arm around me and pulled me close.  “You’re worse than the twins.”
“The landing bay for the Quin is directly under the garden,” Tony said.
“And there are offices here as well as the training arena.  So we’ll keep up with what we can here, and when we’re needed we’ll use the Quin,” Sam said.  “Probably one or two of us will go over to the compound every day, but by Quin, it’s only a half-hour.  Hopefully, it starts running without us being there all the time and we’ll just be desk-jockeys unless it’s something big.  And then with all the new enhanced popping up, hopefully, we can basically bow out of the hero-ing game and focus on the training and parenting game.”
“That’ll be good,” Bucky hummed, stretching back on the couch and putting his hands over his head.  “Maybe I can go back to school.”
“That would be wonderful, Bucky,” Wanda said.  “This could be a chance for all of us to get the things we missed out on.”
I smiled and hummed, curling into Clint’s side.  “We’ll almost be normal.”
“There ain’t nothing normal about us,” Clint said, pulling me close.
“We may not be normal, but we are happy,” Thor said.  “That is better.”
“Yeah, it is, you big softie,” Sam teased.  Thor laughed, pulling Sam close and kissing his cheek.
“The pizza has arrived, do you want security to bring it up?”  FRIDAY announced.
“Yes, please, FRIDAY,” Sam said,
Steve came out holding both the twins and he was followed by Bruce who had a huge bowl of popcorn in one hand and a box of soda’s under his arm.  “Come on you lot,” Steve announced.  “Time to have some family time with our kiddos, who we missed so much.”
The kids giggled and kicked their legs and we all got up and followed after them.  The pizza arrived as we were heading into the cinema room.  Clint and Sam collected it and Bucky called the dogs along.  They immediately followed him into the darkened room thanks to his new powers and jumped up onto the recliners with the kids.  As I settled into the large reclining seat and Wanda tucked herself into my side, pulling a blanket over both of us, I relaxed.  It was good to finally be home.
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sunflowerhae · 4 years
Fratboy lucas😳👀 yes 🅱️lease oml
AN•I made it a bit angsty, a bit fluffy👼🏻☁️ also this is long ahha, Ik it’s not like, FRATBOY fratboy, but I actually quite like it! lemme know what u think! Also this means I get to make a wayv masterlist eye-
This party was sweltering hot and you were not having a good time. First off, your dorm mate -Elise- left you almost immediately to go talk to a boy from this frat named Johnny, and second, you knew literally nobody else here, as far as you could see.
It wasn’t your fault, though. I mean, sure, you barely left your room unless it was to go to the canteen, your classes, the library, or to the silent films they showed at the theatre every Friday night, along with your two friends Mark and Renjun (who were both from this very frat, yet you couldn’t find either). And yeah, maybe you didn’t talk to people unless you were apologizing for bumping into them, or texting them about a group project. And okay yes, it took Elise two weeks to hear more than three words out of your mouth at a time.
But, honestly, it wasn’t your fault.
You got into this school on a scholarship, and you’d be dammed if you lost it because you stopped focusing on your grades. Elise had to beg -and bribe- you to come to this NCT frat party with her, yet she leaves you five minutes in.
Fuck this, I’m going home. You thought to yourself as you hastily made your way to the door. You had texted your two friends to see where they were, yet neither answered; or even read them, for that matter. As you rounded into the hallway leading to the door, you halted with wide eyes. This seemed like an episode of wipeout to you. The floor was covered in an unknown, slippery substance, and the hallway definitely had way too many people in it for it to NOT be a health code violation. You tried mapping out the cleanest and fastest way to the door, but came up short - besides one.
Okay, you technically lied when you said you didn’t talk to anyone for fun.
Because how could you not talk to Wong Lucas when he was the most beautiful person you’ve ever met?
You remember the day you two met like it was yesterday, and not your freshman year, almost two years ago.
It was almost 12 am, and the library would be closing any second. You boringly walked up and down the aisles, dangling your workers card lanyard to the rhythm of your footsteps. You hated working the night shift at the library, but were just thankful that you had gotten a job right off then bat, anyway, so you barely complained (key word: barely).
The bookshelf hallways were - as usual for this time - empty. As you almost always did (because you were lazy), when you got to the very last shelf, you didn’t even bother to check it, just doing a small turn and continuing the way you came - until you heard the familiar sound of what sounded like a book falling on the floor. Working in a library, you were used to the sound of books being dropped on accident; so much to the point that you didn’t even flinch anymore. But this time, you were quite scared. You considered taking the trek up to the front desk where your much larger coworker, Jaehyun, would have been able to check whatever the sound was. However, you didn’t want to seem helpless, you’re an adult, for Pete’s sake.
So you took the closest weapon you saw - a book on the shelf next to you - and slowly walked where you heard the sound. Rounding the bookshelf, you expected to see a scary, old man with a black trench-coat and a hook hand (in a college library, sure).
What you saw, instead, was a TALL boy with honey colored hair and a purple hoodie standing against the bookshelf with his eyes closed and his head rested against the shelf. A deep sigh suddenly came from him, and when he opened his eyes and moved to reach and grab the book that he undoubtedly dropped, he almost yelled at your sheepish figure and wide eyes staring at him, near the corner.
With his eyes opened, and his head rested normal on his shoulders, you could get a good look at him, and saw that you knew exactly who he was. Wong Lucas; on the football team, if you’re not mistaken. A new member of the NCT frat, along with your new friend Renjun from your physics class, and his best friend, Mark. Extremely popular, especially for a freshman. You were for sure intimidated by him now; not because he was a bigger human than you, but because he was looking at you with a gaze of anger.
Wait what did I do?
“Listen, can you all stop? I just want to study, and I already have to come in at late times to be alone. There’s 100s of boys on this campus, leave me alone, please.” You didn’t really know what to say, but you were definitely annoyed, and also humored.
He really thought you were one of his stalkers.
“Um. I work here. Just coming by to say we’re closing in 5 minutes. If you could get what you needed and come check out, or get it tomorrow. Thank you!” You walked away, but you didn’t miss the rose color that slowly painted his face.
He came up to the register not even three minutes later, a poetry book called “The Worlds Wife” slipped between his fingers, a book you actually had your own copy of. You said nothing while checking him out, just smiled at him while handing the book to him. You expected him to leave right after, but he scratched his neck while staring at his feet, apologizing for what he said and asking if you wanted to stop by the 7-11, or have him walk you home - the rose color on his cheeks still prominent.
Your new roommates words repeated in your ears -“you need to get out”- like a mantra as you uncharacteristically accepted his offer (Jaehyun - who was standing to the side, finishing up closing the computer system - was so shocked he had his mouth open like a fish).
You agreed to get slushies from your local 7-11, and you both sat on the curb, laughing about anything and everything for what seemed like hours - and it was. You were pleasantly surprised to see that he was actually such a good person, with kind values and hilarious jokes. He walked you to your dorm, and kissed your cheek as a goodnight, after getting your number, and watched you walk into your dorm before leaving himself.
After that moment, it was midnight date adventures and movie nights (that usually turned into more), for the next year. He had asked you to be his girlfriend two dates after that first night, and kissed you two after that one. You loved him, and wanted to show everyone; wanted to hold his hand while walking across campus, go on coffee dates between classes, and tell everyone that Wong Lucas was yours.
Lucas did not.
He loved you, and did want to do those things with you, but he said it was because of who he was. He had girls asking him out 24/7, and they were easily jealous. If they caught wind that you two were dating, he feared that they would rip you to shreds. You loved that he cared for you, that he wanted to protect you, but it hurt that he kept you hidden from the people in his life. I mean, not even Renjun or Mark - who were in his frat - knew you two had been dating for a year.
When you had told him you were going to his frats party, he was immediately turned off to the idea. He didn’t want to worry about you, because he wouldn’t be able to be around you. You were so mad, so fed up, that it resulted in probably the worst fight of your relationship.
“Why?” You didn’t want to yell. You didn’t want your RA to come knocking and see Lucas, because god forbid anyone know you two even knew each other.
“You know why, y/n! No one knows we’re together!” You can tell he didn’t want to yell, either - most likely for the same reason. That assumption from you just made your blood boil even more.
“Yeah, why! Why can’t we tell anyone, xuxi? We’re almost juniors in college! We’re not kids anymore, this secret dating thing is bullshit!”
“Because I don’t want you getting hurt, y/n!”
“No, just admit what it’s really about. Admit that you don’t want to be seen with me, a nerd, a loser-“
“Yeah! Is that what you want to hear, y/n? Yes, it’s because you’re a loser, you’re lame, you only have two friends and don’t talk to anyone else. Why must I always be the social one? Why can’t you just go socialize with people, huh? Why couldn’t I have a girlfriend cooler than you, better, more like me?! Yes, I’m embarrassed by you! you satisfied, y/n?” He just about yelled, and you were waiting for the pounding from your RA, or a grouchy neighbor, that never came.
Lucas didn’t say anything, just stared at the ground. When you let out a mumbled, “you should go,” he didn’t hesitate to push past you and slam your door in his way out, making you flinch.
You feared you two might break up from this one, and it seemed he felt the same as he pulled the girl leaning on him - from his spot on the wall - closer, and whispered something in her ear that made her laugh.
He had a beer in his one hand, so you knew he was most likely drunk.
And you were right, he was drunk. By the time he got back to his frat house, he had finally calmed down enough from your fight to rationally think about it, and he immediately wanted to run to his car and drive straight back to you. He felt terrible for saying the things he did amidst his anger. Yet, when he was about to leave, he was roped into the party prep committee, and couldn’t leave. I mean, what could he say?
My girlfriend needs me? No, they wouldn’t believe he has a girlfriend - he didn’t come off as the type, and they would assume he just didn’t want to help. He should have told them, like you wanted so long ago.
So when he hadn’t been given an opportunity to text or call you, he figured that it might be for the best, and you needed time to cool off. And he definitely needed a drink after the lecture he got by his fellow brothers about how he never gets laid at parties, and nows’ the moment. When he was drunkenly shoved into the arms of Soojin - a member of a sorority on campus, and the girl who goes around constantly claiming that she will one day have Lucas (you hated her, she did not know you existed) - he just accepted it, because maybe it would get his brothers off his back, maybe it would get soojin off his back, and it’s not like you’d know. You weren’t there, right? You wouldn’t have come after that fight, right?
Wrong, definitely wrong. Wrong when he looked up from his gaze on Soojin, because he had smelt your delicious and amazing perfume that he loved so much. Wrong when he locked eyes with your own teary ones, trying to scoot past their bodies morphed together, while mumbling an almost incoherent “excuse me” that no one but someone looking would have seen. Wrong when you broke free from the tight space, and speed out of the house, and he didn’t even move, just stood there staring at your retreating figure while Soojin laughed about something that happened, not even knowing what just went down. Wrong when he never went after you, and never called or texted you for a week. Wrong, all wrong.
That week was hell for both you and Lucas.
No one new you too were even dating, so when Renjun and Mark came over because you hadn’t been answering their texts, only to find you burrito wrapped in a blanket with an absurd amount of mac-n-cheese, they assumed you failed a test or something and gave you WRONG words of encouragement (they tried). When Lucas was doing terribly at practice, and was acting completely out of it, nobody asked if he was having relationship troubles. They did ask if he was having girl problems, and when he was about to say yes, his teammates went into a ramble about how taxing a bad one night stand can be on a person. Lucas chose to stay quiet.
He felt like a wimp.
Was he really that much of a loser that he didn’t even try to get you back? Did he even deserve you at all?
However, one night - exactly a week later - Lucas grew a pair (fallopian tubes, of course. Men are whimps and women are TOUGH so from here on out when I say grow a pair, I mean grow a pair of Fallopian tubes) and mapped out the perfect plan to get you back.
Two days later, you were walking through the quad with your head down, on your way to the library, when you smelt a heavy aroma of flowers. When you looked up, you couldn’t believe what you saw.
The whole quad, almost every square inch, was filled with yellow and white daisies.
Yellow and white, your favorite colors. Daisies, your favorite flower.
When you looked around for some source, you locked eyes with a boy who was already looking right at you.
He was wearing a blue tux, and was standing in the center of the daisies with one single rose in his hand. When you slowly approached him and got close enough, he took your hand in his, gave you the rose to hold in your other.
“I know I’m just some lame frat boy. I know I’m a complete loser that thinks a good time is listening to trash music while getting drunk and high, and I don’t deserve someone as amazing as you. I mean, Look at you, and this is you on a regular day.” He was referring to what you were wearing. You had your hair softly curled, and was sporting a yellow, mid-thigh length dress with flowers on it and pure white vans with with yellow, banana socks. You thought you looked basic, but you had to agree that you fit in to the scenery. “I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have said the things I did, and I shouldn’t have made you keep our relationship a secret. You’re a grown woman, and can handle yourself. I love you so much, and I don’t want to lose you. Please, forgive me.” After a few seconds of your silence, a familiar voice came from your left, and when you turned around, you saw a crowd of people had gathered, and Renjun and Mark stood at the front, with mark filming, and renjun shouting,
“KISS HIM!” You chuckled at your best friends words, and when you turned back to a hopeful looking Lucas, you wrapped your arms around his neck, and pulled him into a fairy tale kiss, standing in that daisy field.
The ending is out of character and weird, I know, but I was thinking of Bigfish when I wrote it 😳👉👈 anyway I hope you enjoyed it!👼🏻☁️
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pikachugirl1250 · 5 years
I guess no one’s made a post with quotes from the amazing Sonic ‘06 dub so here’s my master post:
“Oh man, I hope somebody fucks up the fireworks.” *literally 3 seconds later, the entire place is being blown up*
“O N E!” *said by Sonic in front of Elise*
“We always miss the ice cream airship, Tails!”
“Hey Rouge, hey Rouge, hey Rouge, we found the computer room.” “Oh fuck the computer room! We can play so much Fortnite in here, dude!”
“So, this is the fabled Tilted Towers.” *the whole cast bursts in laughter*
“That’s what you get for unironically having 69 in your name!”
“Going through the floor. Who do you think you are, Danny Phantom or something?” “My shadow...that’s how I got my name!”
*Mephiles (I’m sorry, Memphis) comes out, violently coughing, then laughs menacingly* “Welcome to Tilted Towers. My name is Memphis Tennessee and I am part lizard.”
“In your future, it looks like you will kiss seven girls. How lucky for you.” “Joke’s on you, if you a true copy of me, you’d know I’m gay!”
*after the Iblis battle* “And then we ate it.”
“I’m not even gonna pretend you were talking about Fortnite. I just really love bringing up my favorite game whenever I can.”
“They don’t treat you like a friend, they treat you like an item.” *the cast starts to laugh hard* “Sometimes I wish I could be more than just an accessory...but unfortunately, as a gamer, I don’t get respect.” “I’m not a gamer, so maybe they’ll respect me!” “That just makes you a beta cuck.” *the cast chokes in laughter*
“OH! OH MY GAWD, SOMEONE HELP ME!” ... “I had to trap Sonic in the hell dimension cause he disrespected gamers.”
“PUBG’S OLD NEWS, EGGMAN! Tetris 99’s where it’s at!”
“Tell it to us in excruciating detail, Tails.” “Well, it was a whole dream— Bye!” “You knew that was coming, you asshole.” *said by Ryan*
“You’re heavy!”
*both Shadow and Rouge turn around quickly* “Sorry, I thought I heard a cat.”
“All around me are familiar Blazes, worn out Blazes, worn out Blaze— IS THAT WHAT A HOUSE LOOKS LIKE?”
“I am happy with myself. I have a Positive Mental Attitude!” “Gawd I wish that were me.”
*a butterfly lands on Sonic’s nose* “This is food, Elise.”
“YOU MUST NEVER RAP AGAIN, OR ELSE THE WORLD WILL BE DESTROYED!” “Have you even heard my mixtape? It’s fire!”
“Aw dammit, I missed my opportunity on Sonic’s next album!”
“You don’t make this fun cause you’re sad!” “I’m always sad!”
“I flushed them down the terlet.”
“Listen, you got any weed on you?” “No, what are you the only one who smokes weed here, Knuckles? Except for maybe Rouge. Rouge?” “Speak for yourself, motherfucker!”
“That’s the last fucking time you confuse me with that blue asshole. You did it once before, you did it again. You did it at our wedding, Rouge.” “You just look so much alike!”
“You know, maybe things aren’t so bad. I’m here, I got the nice ocean breeze. Just alone with my thoughts.” “Hey Silver.” “GAWDDAMMIT!”
“So, lemme get this straight. You’ve been dating...Sonic? The hedgehog? The blue one? Looks like this?” “I guess? If that’s my story arc, then yes!” *the cast snickers, then bursts into laughter as Amy examines Elise* “Yep, I can kill ya.”
“Wait, Sonic, which of us is the bride? Sonic! SONIC, I NEED AN ANSWER!”
“Go on, Shadow, don’t you support gay rights?”
“Here, do you want some weed?” “I do not have lungs, so I cannot smoke weed. But I will take it anyway, and put it directly into my brain cells. Here we go.” *Omega puts the weed into his chest cavity* “Downloading Weed.exe” “HOLY SHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIT”
“I was actually meaning to ask you a question: Are you seeing anyone right now? Cause there’s no one sexier than myself.” *Memphis chuckles* “Why? Are you interested because, um, I was actually thinking you and I are pretty similar.” “Bruh, I wouldn’t be asking if I wasn’t interested.”
“If you die in the game, you die in real life, Shadow the Hedgehog.” “How did you know Sword Art Online was my favorite anime? You should have known that I had terrible taste.”
*I would put it in Omega’s confessions, but the bit is that he’s being ignored*
“Shadow, you are my greatest creation of all time from the battle royale, and now look at you.” “Wait, hold on. Are you my dad?” ... “Well, if you’re my daddy, it makes the last dub horrifying. Gawd.”
“Now I carry around my boyfriend wherever I desire.”
“I didn’t have fun at all. My eyeliner’s ruined, my arms hurt, I got kicked in the head. I hate everything, and I didn’t even know I could do that.”
“How many times are you gonna run? I’ve captured you 17 different times!” “I feel like it’s gonna be at least 18.” *long pause, with a faint wheeze, then hysterical laughter from the cast* “The caucasity of this bitch.”
“If someone hacked into my Fortnite account, I’m going to have a birth of cactuses out of my asshole.” “Currently being hacked.” *Eggman lets out a high pitched scream*
“Hm, the desert. Count how many sand is here, Omega. That’s your first mission.” *Omega slowly counts*
“Omega! Count the number of grains of sand in this room!” “Omega slowly counts again*
“You guys suck. Really, I can’t believe I used to date you. You used to be cool, dude.” “Have you met me? I was really cool.” “You’re sexy as fuck, but you’re also a dickhead.”
“Omega, count how many mouths he has!” “Okay.” *was about to count, but Shadow interrupts* “Yeah, exactly! You ain’t got no mouths, bitch!”
“Silver, you know what? You’re a twink. Imma go smoke some weed now.” “How long were you waiting to say that?” “The whole dub, baby!”
“Silver? I’m almost proud of you.” *gasp* “That’s the most proud of me you’ve ever been!”
“Elise. Guess what?” “What?” “I can never die!”
“Now I have all the colors of the rainbow, and I can unleash my true gay power!” *maniacally laughs* “Now everyone’s my boyfriend!”
“I think the power of friendship can bring him back. If we unite as friends.” “I. Will fucking. End you.”
“I remember this worked well when I was trying to summon Animal Crossing for Switch.”
“You guys wanna start a polyamorous marriage?” “Sure!”
“Didn’t you guys feel that? That breeze? It penetrated my heart.” “Sorry, that was me, I farted.”
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kumeko · 4 years
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Title: maybe I heard your small voice, asking for help
A/N: For the @hyphenzines Kith & Kin zine! I could resist writing the Nohr & Corrin siblings.
i. Xander
 The doors to the throne room were as large and imposing as ever. Standing in front of them, Xander studied the intricate patterns carved onto the huge wooden slabs. The torches flickered nearby, casting shadows in the reliefs, and the mural felt darker than it had in his childhood. Though perhaps that had more to do with his father, who’d changed from a benevolent father to a cruel man who toyed with family and subjects alike.
 Shaken out of his thoughts, he turned to find Leo and Elise approaching him anxiously. Elise played with her fingers as she smiled, a nervous habit she hadn’t outgrown. Leo adjusted his collar once more; no doubt it had been turned inside out just moments ago. “Leo, Elise,” Xander greeted, smiling automatically. The sight of his siblings was all it took to relax him, to lesson the weary ache in his heart.
“Did Father call you too?” Leo asked, coming to a stop next to him. As serious as ever, he straightened his spine and rolled back his shoulders.
 “What do you think he wants us for?” Elise asked, standing on his other side. She reached out and grabbed Xander’s hand, her palm cool and clammy.
 War, he almost answered. There was no doubt that was the case. His father had gone from peaceful to a warmonger, ready to attack Hoshido at the slightest provocation. No, he didn’t even need a provocation. It was Iago’s fault, he hoped, he prayed. Let it be something easy to dismiss, something that can be fixed, and not his father’s true nature.
 “I’m not sure,” he answered instead, holding his sister’s hand tight. He gave her a reassuring smile. “But we will find out.”
 Seeing their determined nods, his heart broke a little. This was not how a child was supposed to visit their parents, with trepidation and fear. This was not how siblings were supposed to look out for one another, protecting each other from the enemy within. For as long as he could, Xander had tried to keep his siblings away from their father’s commands, away from the bloodshed and nightmares.
 Unfortunately, he could shield them from it no longer.
 Still, there was one last thing he could do. While Leo wouldn’t appreciate it if he held his hand, Xander made sure to keep close to him. If their father gave any gruesome command, he’d claim it first. If Leo or Elise provoked his ire, he’d receive the brunt of it.
 Xander was the crown prince, and he couldn’t hope to protect the country if he couldn’t even protect his siblings.
   ii. Camilla
Lamp in one hand, Camilla raised her other to knock on the study. At this late hour, she was certain she’d find Xander nestled between shelves, his nose in some book as he tried to find a solution to their country’s problems. Despite their father’s best attempts to bring Nohr to ruin, Xander was just as steadfast in his desire to hold the country and its people together. Personally, she was certain that it would end in tears.
 Not that it would stop Xander from trying. His refusal to accept otherwise was a trait she both admired and worried over—one of these days, he was going to die from his convictions. She just knew it.
 Her lamplight was steady, brightly lighting a small circle around her. Inside the study, Camilla heard pure silence. How odd. She had knocked twice now and yet there was no voice calling her in, no rustling papers or books slamming shut. Pushing open the door, Camilla peeked inside. “Xander?”
 Still no response. Worried now, she forced her way in. The library was dark except for a single candle at the far end. Alert, Camilla slowly made her way to her brother. It wasn’t like him to be so silent—had an assassin come? Had he been poisoned earlier? As far as she could tell, there was no other presence in the library but that did little to assuage her fears.
 “Xander?” she murmured when she spotted his profile. His golden hair looked almost brown in the dim light. Three quick steps and she was next to him, lowering her lamp as she gazed onto his face.
 Softly, Xander breathed in and out, his chest rising shallowing. He was alive then. Good. A few more minutes of watching and listening and Camilla sighed, relaxing her shoulders. Her brother was asleep, nothing more. For all the threats Nohr held, none of them had reached him tonight.
 Still, it was highly unusual for him to sleep like this. Even her best smiles did little to convince him to retire. Camilla studied his face, the dark eyes, the furrowed brow, the stern expression that refused to melt even while unconscious. Their father’s war had worn out Xander. Setting down her lamp, Camilla smiled. Luckily, she had prepared for situations like this.
 Camilla moved toward a nearby chest. Quietly, she lifted it. It creaked in the night air and she winced. Fortunately, her brother was still asleep. Reaching in, she pulled out a blanket. To be perfectly honest, she had prepared it for Elise or Corrin; her two younger sisters often fell asleep in the midst of their studies. It always made an adorable sight, finding Corrin sprawled on a table or Elise with her face pressed against an ink-stained page, the writing now imprinted on her skin.
 And now Camilla had one more image to add to her collection of sleeping siblings: Xander leaning back on his chair, slumbering so deeply he didn’t so much as twitch when she gently draped the blanket around his shoulders. Stifling a giggle, she pressed a soft kiss on his forehead. Hopefully that would help smoothen his brow. He was far too young to have worry wrinkles.
 As she picked up her lamp once more, an unfurled scroll caught her eye. She glanced at Xander before leaning forward to read it. It was yet another missive from Father, another order to raze a village. No wonder her brother had that expression; for all his strength, her brother’s heart was soft and weak. It was the sign of a good king, but not of a good soldier.
 Camilla glanced at her brother once more. There was little she could do to ease the weight on his shoulders—he just wouldn’t let her.
 This, however, was something she could accomplish. Let the blood that covered his hands stain hers too, the red haunting his dreams enter hers as well. Camilla pocketed the scroll.
 One day, he would share his burden with her. Until then, she just had to take it.
   iii. Leo
“I don’t think I’m getting any stronger,” Corrin bemoaned, hunching forward slightly in her seat. Behind her, Jakob clicked his tongue and she immediately sat ramrod straight, her shoulders rolled back and chest out. Leo had heard tales of Jakob’s demonic training, but this was the first time he’d seen it in person. Impressive. When Jakob coughed approvingly behind her, she continued, her hands curled into a fist. “I mean, I can’t even scratch Xander!”
 Her voice echoed in the high-vaulted ceiling of the dining room, the only castle-like part of the Northern Fortress. Leo hated travelling here; the path was long and unforgiving, almost as much as the fortress itself. It was also unfortunately the only way to see Corrin. They couldn’t get her out of here soon enough.
 “What?” Elise laughed scornfully. “He’s Xander, silly! No one can beat him.”
 Leo wanted to object, but unfortunately it was true. His older brother had unrivaled strength, no matter how much training Leo put in. Even Camilla couldn’t best Xander. “Yet,” he still interjected.
 Elise gave him a look before shrugging. “Fine. Yet.”
 “I’m not trying to beat him,” Corrin protested, shaking her head. As emotive as ever, she gestured with her hands. “I just want to hit him once! He’s always dodging and I feel like a kid swinging my sword—”
 “You are a kid,” Leo interrupted, smirking when she glowered at him.
 “So are you!” Narrowing her eyes, Corrin gritted her teeth. He was pretty sure this was going to end in another duel, which was fine by him. “Actually, you’re younger than me.”
 “Guys!” Elise rapped them on their hands, thoroughly annoyed. “Do you have to do this every time?”
 Leo opened his mouth to argue but Elise glared at him. “Ugh, fine.” There was no point in getting on both of their bad sides. Especially since he had to deal with her all the way home. Rolling his eyes, he turned away. At the side, Jakob was pouring tea, a slight smile on his face. No doubt he was enjoying—
 Jakob’s eyes widened, surprise evident on his face. Just what had shocked him? From where he was seated, Leo couldn’t make out anything but the golden colour of the tea. Just as quickly, the butler schooled his expression into a neutral one, placidly picking up the entire tray and returning to the kitchen with it.
 Corrin and Elise hadn’t noticed the scene at all. Leo glanced at them for a second before getting up.
 “Where are you going?” Corrin asked, looking up at him curiously.
 Before he could reply, Elise guessed, “Fixing his collar?”
 Immediately, Leo flushed a dark red. Was his collar inside out once more? The blasted thing was somehow always on the wrong way and while he was used to the running joke amongst his siblings, that didn’t make it any easier to bear. Automatically, he reached up to check his collar. Seam wasn’t visible, check. Colours were the right side out, check. Elise bursting into laughter because she was pulling his leg, check. Glaring at her, he stalked out of the room, ignoring his sisters as they laughed and asked him to stay.
 As he left the dining room, he spotted Jakob’s prim figure hurriedly walking down the hallways. “Jakob!” Leo called out, catching the servant’s attention.
 “Yes, milord?” Jakob turned around; his expression carefully neutral. He really did only smile for Corrin, then.
 Not that it mattered, that wasn’t what Leo was here for. “What’s wrong with the tea?” he asked, getting straight to the point. When Jakob flinched, he added, “Don’t hide it.”
 “So you noticed.” Jakob frowned, glaring down at the teacups on the tray. “Someone tried to poison you.”
 “Poison?” Leo paled. It wasn’t uncommon, he had experienced this type of political sabotage before, but that was in the court at Castle Krakenburg. Not in the backwaters of the Northern Fortress. He had hoped that Corrin, at least, would have been spared the shenanigans that king’s consorts put them through.
 “Yes.” Jakob’s grip on the tray tightened, his tone harsh. “I had anticipated this but it seems my efforts didn’t cover everything.”
 Anticipated? Then Jakob had an idea on who it was. Leo looked over his shoulder, at the doors to the dining room. Inside, Corrin and Elise were still laughing, their voices the only bright spot in this castle. Xander was busy with battle and politics, Camilla in quietly assisting him, and Leo…
 Leo wasn’t strong enough to help either of them.
 No, that wasn’t quite right.
 “Who is it?” he asked, his hand curling into a fist. He might not be able to fight side by side with his siblings yet, but he was more than adept in dealing with internal threats.
 Whoever it was would rue the day they tried to harm his family.
   iv. Corrin
 “Ouch!” Corrin flinched as Jakob gently dabbed her scraped knees.
 Crouched before her, he paused, his cotton swab hovering over her skin. His sleeves were rolled back in an attempt to keep the blood from his pristine white shirt. Worry lined his face as he asked, “Are you okay?”
 “It’s fine! Please keep going.” Corrin smiled reassuringly. Honestly, she didn’t know what she did to deserve his attention like this. If only others could see how kind Jakob was—even Elise didn’t entirely believe her when she said he smiled often. “It’s supposed to sting, after all.”
 “Hmm…” Looking unconvinced, he resumed his ministrations, albeit more tenderly than before. “You need to be more careful. You could have avoided at least half of these injuries.”
 Corrin bit back a groan. She should have expected this; Jakob’s kindness was almost always followed by his admonishments. “I know. I should have dodged that last attack.”
 “Xander gave you the exact same one last week,” he reminded her sternly. “And you had far fewer bruises then than you do now.”
 “He’ll be disappointed.” Corrin sighed, shoulders slumping. Honestly, how were her siblings so good at combat? Xander was stupidly strong, Camilla adapted to anything thrown at her, and Leo kept his wits both on and off the battlefield. It was tiring trying to keep up, to get her strength to match theirs. Still, that was why she had asked Jakob to train her privately; it was the only way she wouldn’t fall behind. “I have to master the attack today.”
 “You should let your knees rest,” Jakob rebuked. As though to prove his point, he prodded her knee once more and she couldn’t hide the flinch in time. “You’ll only be slower now.”
 “Just one more time?” Corrin pleaded. “I think I almost have it.” When he opened his mouth, she added, “I promise to take a break until tomorrow after.”
 “Will you?” Jakob looked up at her. Softer now, he asked, “Must you push yourself so? You are safe here and we will protect you from any danger. Despite whatever disaster Felicia causes in housekeeping, she’s quite capable in the battlefield. And I…” His hand curled into a fist. “I would die before you’re harmed.”
 “Jakob…” Touched, Corrin grabbed his hand. Slowly, she uncurled his fist before intertwining their fingers. “I don’t want to be protected—I want to protect you too. Everyone’s doing so much for me, I want to give something back. Not just for my siblings, but for you too. I want to stand side by side with you, not safe at a distance.”
 He didn’t look entirely convinced but he relented with a sigh. “Just one more, and then you rest for two days.” Jakob gave her a stern glare. “Do you agree with that, Lady Corrin?”
 Her name and title. He was angry. She nodded meekly. “Yes.”
   v. Elise
 Elise flipped through her closet, pushing aside dress after dress. In times like these, when the world was on the brink of war, it was best to wear something bright but sober, something that wasn’t frivolous but still somehow cheerful. It was a tough balance to keep. Even more so when all of her siblings insisted on dressing like they were about to attend a funeral or walk onto the battlefield.
 Hilariously enough, Odin was the only one who wore something appropriately themed and Elise paused to reflect on her brother’s retainer. There was something wrong when the man who spoke about blood-thirsty hands and the DARKNESS of his soul was the only one who tried to keep spirits up.
 A knock on the door broke her from her reverie. Camilla called out, “Elise? Are you ready, darling?”
 “Almost!” Elise pulled out a yellow and white dress and slipped into it. To be honest, it was a little childish, but it was better that way. As much as she wanted to be seen as an adult, that wasn’t needed right now.
 No, what was needed was her grumpy pouts and wide smiles, the last strands of childhood innocence that she could deliver. Elise wasn’t blind. It wasn’t hard to notice that Xander trained on an almost daily basis, pushing himself beyond his limits. Or that Camilla flew away from the castle secretly at night and the next morning her axe gleamed brightly and smelled of lemons. There was a reason that the politicians were afraid of Leo, or that Corrin was trapped away in a fortress instead of here with them.
 War was brewing. The servants talked about it in hushed voices, as though their whispers couldn’t reach her ears. War was brewing and there was nothing she could do to stop it or to aid the efforts. Elise was not a fighter, she never had been, and picking up a sword now wouldn’t make her helpful.
 “Ready!” Elise chirped, yanking open her bedroom door.
 Leaning against a wall, Camilla turned to her. Her eyes lit up and she grabbed Elise’s hands, twirling her around. “Oh, you look positively darling!” Pulling Elise closed, she hugged her tight. “You’re so cute, Elise!”
 “Camilla!” Elise whined, struggling to breathe. “We’re going to get late!”
 “Right, right.” Camilla sighed, letting go. “Xander and Leo should see you too, I suppose.”
 “You suppose?” Elise raised a brow, laughing. “You’re so silly!”
 “Not as silly as you.” Affectionately, Camilla bopped her on the nose, a tender smile on her face.
 There it was. The very reaction she was hoping for.
 Elise wasn’t a fighter, but she was a healer and the first lesson any medic learned was to keep a smile for their patient. And if pretending she knew nothing eased her siblings’ burden just a little bit, then that was what she’d do.
   vi. Nohr
 Xander stared at the tent wall, taking a deep breath as he steadied himself. Despite his best efforts, not only was Nohr at war, but all of his siblings had been dragged into it. If he had been stronger—no, it was too late for those thoughts. What had happened had happened. All that was left was to make the best of it.
 Turning around, he scanned everyone sitting around the strategy table. Camilla sat closest to him. While her smile was light, her battle axe stood ever ready at her side. Next came Corrin, looking nervous but alert. Considering how many firsts she’d experienced in the past few weeks, she was handling the situation better than he’d expected. At the end of the table was Leo, a book in hand. No doubt he was ready with some sharp criticism of a plan, always prepared to prove himself even though he had no need to. And Elise…
 Xander swallowed as his eyes fell on his youngest sister. She smiled up at him brightly and out of everyone, he wished he could have shielded her the most. He could still feel her small hands in his, her scared eyes whenever a thunderstorm occurred or their father’s ire was provoked.
 “I’m sorry.” The words slipped out before he could stop it.
 “For what?” Corrin asked, perplexed.
 It was too late to take it back. Xander clasped his hands behind his back and bowed his head slightly. “I wish I could have handled this on my own but unfortunately, it has come to this. Nohr needs you.” He paused, then shook his head. “I need you.”
 “Xander…” Camilla stood up. Stepping closer, she rested a hand on his arm and smiled sweetly at him. “I have been waiting for you to say those words for ages.”
 He blinked. “You were?”
 “Yes,” Corrin piped up, standing too. “What do you think I’ve been training for? I want to help you.”
 “Did you honestly think you could do this without me?” Leo scoffed, but his expression was pleased.
 Elise nodded, jumping up and grabbing his other hand. “I’m glad, really.” She glanced at everyone else before returning her gaze to him. “Now we don’t have to hide anything—we can share our problems. There’s nothing we can’t do, as long as we’re together.”
 Together. Xander looked up to find all of siblings staring at him expectantly. Perhaps he had been going at this wrong the whole time. Instead of shielding them, maybe he should have relied on them.
 Well, he could correct that mistake now. It seemed he still had much to learn. Smiling tenderly, Xander gripped Elise’s hand tightly. “Very well then, we will do this together.”
 That was what family did, after all.
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asteraegis · 5 years
a pwp smut this time lads
this stupid porn what plot came from the phrase “never trust a pirate” and well i’m sorry jacob and arno. its 4421 words.
TAGS: MMM/frotting/PWP/biting/sub-dom/outdoor sex/rimjob/blowjob/fingering/ABO/Fryeway/Edno/Jano/JAE/spit-roasting/edging/facials/licking/mistake
Edward Kenway lurched forward, shoving Jacob Frye down and biting his neck, inducing a pained whimper to come from the brunette as the blonde grinded his pelvis against him. The pair had gone outside to survey the grounds like they were instructed, but decided bird watching was more important. And then curling up against each other was. And then one thing led to another and Edward was in Jacob’s lap and the two were breathing deeply into each other’s mouths.
Jacob tucked his hand underneath Edward to unzip their jeans, both of them hard and pressing into the other. Edward rubbed himself against Frye’s cock, Jacob barely able to reach his fist in the space to grasp their members. His grip was firm but not tight, letting him slide across the shafts. Sweat dripped down their skin from being out in the summer heat, though their animalistic greed blinded them to any unpleasant scent as Edward moved to lick up Jacob’s jaw to his lips, kissing him briefly then moving on to nip his ear. He propped himself up with one arm over Jacob, his other hand holding his partner’s face, who turned a bit so he could suck on Edward’s thumb. Kenway chuckled, pulling his head back to look at him. Jacob had puppy-like softness in his eyes and a rosy-red blush on his cheeks mixing with his freckles. He grunted as Edward moved to kiss under his jaw, then move back to the teeth marks he left earlier to nurse the wound he gave him.
Jacob’s fingers slipped about their cocks keeping them pressed together. He traced up the veins to the heads, circling the pink skin then returned to following the veins’ curves, repeating this path. The two men’s hips gently bucked, essentially treating Jacob’s fist as one would a fleshlight. Edward groaned as Jacob bit down on his thumb, wrenching his hand away from his mouth to put his face in its place. They licked and nipped at each other, Edward curling his fingers in Jacob’s free hand. They dug their nails into their knuckles, playing a game of mercy to get the other to reel back so they could control them. Edward’s hold was hardened from years of naval work and Jacob just couldn’t take it anymore, gasping and releasing his hand, yelping afore abruptly being silenced by the corsair’s lips. He moaned into his mouth in response and Edward smiled against him, moving down to his elbow on one side so he could run his fingers through Jacob’s hair. Jacob’s raw knuckles stung from the grass’ touch, though the repetitive motion of his hand and forceful kissing that kept him short of breath masked the sting. He inhaled harshly through his mouth, causing him to cough as Edward pulled back, sitting up with his thighs straddling Jacob’s waist.
“Don’t exert yourself yet, mate, I’m just warming up,” Edward leered.
He bucked his hips faster, Jacob tilting his head back to swear as his fingers trembled. Kenway laughed, taking Jacob’s hands away and thrusting them into the ground to pin him still as he grinded his pelvis across his dick, the two erect with precum dripping little by little as they reached climax. Frye squirmed and started arching his back, his moans becoming sharper as he neared orgasm. Edward grinned while he watched Jacob’s body brace itself, but a sudden sound of boots on the walkway not far off from them cut off his observing. He rushed to put a hand over Jacob’s lips and laid still against him so to hide behind the shrubs. Jacob furrowed his brows and attempted to protest, but a quick shh from Edward and a flexed palm to his mouth led him to get the message and he tried to relax himself as well.
The pair stared through the small gaps in the bushes to see who was approaching, holding their breaths as someone came into view. Arno Dorian stomped down the path with a frustrated visage. They watched him go by, muttering in French to himself before entering a cabin off the side of the path. Once he entered, the two flipped their heads to look at each other and nodded.
“I think I might go pay pisspot a visit,” Edward sneered at Jacob, hopping to his feet and zipping himself up.
Jacob sat up and grabbed his wrist as he went to leave. “What? What about this?” he huffed at him, gesturing to his erection.
“Finish yourself off, mate, with any luck I’ll get Arno in the same position as I had you.”
“Hey!” Jacob whined. “Now that’s not fair!”
Edward shrugged as he sauntered off. “Finder’s keeper’s, Jake. If you still got stamina, stop by in around twenty or so minutes, just don’t make yourself obvious, you know Arno hates us conspiring against him. And maybe freshen up a bit, he won’t appreciate your musk. I’ll work something out with him in the meantime.”
The pirate left the Englishman with a wink and headed toward the cabin. He peaked through the window at the room inside. Arno was sitting over a stack of papers with a bored look in his eyes, rubbing his temples. Edward smirked and went to open the door. Time to give him a little break, he thought as he entered. Arno glanced up from his busywork, Edward pretending to be startled to see him there.
“Arno? Hell you doin’ in here?” he asked him.
Arno rolled his eyes. “What does it look like?”
Edward leaned up against the doorframe. “Looks to me like you picked a short stick, eh?” Arno nodded as Edward crossed the room to the bathroom. “Well, if you don’t mind, it’s blazin’ out and I’d like to rinse myself off.”
“I guess that’s fine.”
Edward left the bathroom door slightly ajar, claiming it was so the room wouldn’t steam up. In truth, it was so, from his position at the desk, Arno’s wandering gaze driven from a bored mind could see him undress. And his jaded eyes did just that. Arno watched as Edward lifted his shirt off and tossed it aside, beads of sweat dripping across his tattoos, dropping down the sword on his spine. The skin on his legs shone as he kicked off his boots and pushed down his jeans with his briefs, Arno gulping as he caught a glimpse of Edward’s dick. He adjusted himself in the chair, trying to focus back on the documents laid out in front of him, but his fingers started fidgeting with the pen in his hand and his eyes shot up once he heard the water turn on. Edward stepped in behind the curtain and ran a bar of soap over his body, smiling to himself when he heard Arno clear his throat.
He stepped out of the shower and dried himself with a towel that had been hanging on the wall, wrapping it around his waist as he exited the bathroom. He made sure the towel hung low, so that his musculature was framed. One wrong step and the cloth would be on the floor, exactly what both the men were hoping for. Edward sauntered over to a short bureau and took a stashed pair of joggers from it, slipping into them from under the towel. The rag fell to the ground and he bent over to pick it up, catching Arno’s distracted gaze in his as he came back to his feet with a smirk.
“Need something, Frenchie?” he pondered, urging Arno to catch onto his meaning with a crooked grin.
He rolled his eyes but his reddening cheeks denied his attempt at a cool attitude. “No.”
Edward’s gaze looked almost wolfish as he moseyed over to the desk, abandoning the towel on the floor to plant his hand down over the paper Arno was pretending to be focused on. “You sure?”
Arno leaned back in his chair and avoided looking straight into Edward’s eyes. “… Can’t you see I’m busy?”
“Oh really?” Edward swiped the papers away, swung his legs over the desk, and sat down. He took a sip from Arno’s mug, then reached out to tilt his chin up, forcing him into eye contact. Arno tried to break the gaze, but with Edward sitting in front of him like that where else was he to look? At his bare chest? The ceiling? His crotch? “Busy with what, I don’t see anything to do on this desk except, well…”
Arno sighed as Edward’s grin grew. “I hate you.”
The corsair laughed. “More than Jacob?”
“Almost,” he huffed, jerking forward to kiss him.
Edward slid off the desk and grabbed Arno by the waist, shoving him against the wall. He began unclasping the buttons on the Frenchman’s shirt but stopped after the first few.
“Are you wearing Elise’s Templar cross necklace, mate?” Edward asked, furrowing his brows.
“Relax, it’s just a keepsake, I’m not here to launder information to her, now can you get back to undressing me or are you too scared?” he scoffed.
Edward shrugged and went back to kissing Arno and undoing his shirt, leaving his button down hanging open then unzipping his jeans to rub his groin. Arno moaned into his mouth as his hand fondled him roughly, Edward’s other hand untwining its fingers through his chestnut locks.
Edward reeled back, Arno gasping a little as the hand on him tightened. He whimpered as Edward tugged on his hair so he would face him. “While I’ve got you cornered, why not have a little fun, aye?”
He released his hair and dropped to his knees, keeping his gaze focused on Arno’s. The corsair tugged down Arno’s pants and trousers then spat into his hand. He reached under him and pressed his middle and index finger to his taint and began rubbing as he licked up Arno’s shaft to the tip of his cock before putting his lips around it to blow him. His tongue circled it as he moved his head up and down his dick, taking Dorian in as far as his throat would allow him, glancing up every now and then to make sure he was doing his job perfectly. Arno clenched his fists as Edward tucked himself inside him, following the same back and forth motion as his mouth. He curled the two fingers inside, stroking him and sending a tingling sensation up Arno’s spine. He began panting lightly, feeling light in his stomach as Edward toyed with his undercarriage. He wanted to moan but didn’t want to give him the satisfaction of knowing he had him in the palm of his hand, pleasing him without even having to think about his actions. Edward pulled his fingers out of him and took his lips off Arno’s cock then smiled, drool shining at the corner of his mouth.
“Turn around.”
“You heard me, Frenchie.”
Arno did so reluctantly, and Edward stroked his hands slowly up the Frenchman’s thighs to his ass, clutching it in his palms and digging his fingers into the skin. He kissed down his lower back’s spine to his rim where Edward began to lick him. Arno’s ears flushed red along with his face’s cheeks, he always found something like this so embarrassing. His legs stiffened and he shuddered from Edward’s warm breath tickling him. Kenway sat back on his heels, Arno turning his head to see why he had stopped.
Edward’s soft expression caught him off guard when he peeked at him. “Oi, try not to be so tense, mate.”
He nodded and Edward slapped his ass, snickering as Arno yelped. He moved forward to return to tonguing his ass, gripping Arno’s hips in place for him. Arno hid his face behind his arms with his forehead against the wall, wondering if this was Edward’s plan the moment he had entered the cabin. Meanwhile, outside, Jacob sat in a fresh pair of checkered jeans and a loose t-shirt, staring in the window at the pair through the opening between the curtains. That lucky bastard, he thought as he watched Edward eat away at Arno. Jacob felt himself harden and went to touch himself but stopped. Ed said to just wait, he’s definitely got something planned, right? he thought, though his body continued to nag him as he ignored it and watched the other men inside.
Edward licked up to Arno’s lower back again and began to kiss up his clothed back to his neck, pressing his body against him so he could feel that he was just as aroused. Arno flinched at the feeling of him nudging against his ass, Edward’s hands wrapping around his waist and pulling him closer. He blew in Arno’s ear and laughed when he squirmed in response.
“I want you riding me on the floor, Frenchie,” he whispered in his ear.
Arno rotated to face Edward, his back to the wall now. “Quit calling me that and maybe I will.”
Edward cocked his head to look at Jacob through the window for a brief second then grabbed Arno by the shoulders, shoving him to the floor. “All right then, pisspot, ride me.”
Arno landed on his back with a hard thud and even Jacob from outside winced. He glared at Edward, who wore a pompous smirk as he mounted him, his thighs below Arno’s. The brunette pushed him off to the side and flipped to straddle his waist, wrenching down the joggers so Edward’s cock stood in front of Arno. He spat into his hand and grabbed it by the shaft, Edward grunting as the hand tightened around him.
“If you want to be rough with me, you’re going to have to do better than that,” Arno growled.
“Aye, I know, mate,” Edward chided, yanking his face down toward him by Elise’s necklace. “And I will, Templar.”
Arno went to spit some harsh words back at him, but from the angle on the floor that Edward pulled him into he caught a glimpse of Jacob peeping through the window and gasped. Edward turned his head and glowered at the man outside, overturning Arno to the side and getting to his feet.
“Wait here,” he snarled, pulling his joggers back in to place. “I will be coming back.”
Edward kicked open the door and began marching over to Jacob, who cowered against the wall.
“W—why do you look so angry? I thought you had a plan that involved me joining!” he blurted out as he was hauled by his shirt to his feet.
Edward slammed him against the wall and put his lips to Jacob’s ear. “Relax, mate, it’s all an act. You’ll get yours soon enough, just you wait.”
“Says the man that blue-balled me not even thirty minutes ago,” he grumbled.
Edward tossed Jacob to the floor in front of Arno. The Frenchman glared at him. “How long have you been watching us?”
Jacob sat up, only to be pushed back down by Edward’s foot to his chest. Frye shot daggers at him, who shot them right back. “Not long.”
“Bullshit, mate,” Edward hissed, kicking Jacob’s side to make him cough out yet another pained whimper. The pirate turned his attention to Arno. “Well? What say you? How should we deal with him?”
Dorian knelt down next to Jacob then looked at Edward. “I think we should finish taking care of this, don’t you?” he said, gesturing at his own erection.
Edward shared a glance with Jacob as if to say I told you you’d get yours afore sinking down to join Arno, grinning at him with a mischievous aura practically radiating from his body. “Aye, that’s a fine idea.”
The two began wrestling off Frye’s clothing until he was laying there naked on the floor before them. Edward took the belt out of Jacob’s belt loop and tightened it around his hands then once again pulled his cock out from his joggers, rubbing himself to get it stiff once more while motioning for Arno to settle over the Englishman’s groin. Arno scowled at Jacob’s worried expression, grabbing his dick under him.
“I see you’re hard as hell,” he said, a dark glower spreading over his eyes. “Pervertir.”
“I swear I wasn’t watching you gents that long,” Jacob professed, squirming a little in Arno’s hold. “I—I just was curious as to why Ed was taking so long to return to his post. That’s all! Honest—”
Edward shook his head, forcing himself into Jacob’s mouth, who choked as his head was lurched back so he couldn’t watch Arno take him inside of him. Arno and Edward both swayed their hips slowly at first, though Kenway smacked Jacob’s face when he tried to peek down his nose at Arno.
“Oi, eyes up here, mate,” Edward snapped with a smirk, knowing full well the poor man couldn’t see much past the cock over his face.
Jacob groaned, his voice tickling Edward’s skin. He swore under his breath, reaching around to pull Frye’s head up so he’d need to take more down his throat. Arno in the meantime rocked back over his lap, bucking his hips while stroking his own cock. He bit his lip, burrowing his other hand’s fingers into Jacob’s thigh as he braced himself so he could buck harder. Edward watched Dorian hasten his ride over Frye. Arno was angry with Jacob and unafraid to take out his frustration by drilling himself with the other man’s cock. His roughness made the Londoner’s stomach tense up, clearly feeling conflicted about how he was pinned to the floor. His arms were stuck above his head with Edward’s shins resting over them and his hands were itching to be released from the belt. The corsair kept his strokes into Jacob’s mouth slow and moved back so they were no longer deep down his friend’s throat either. He then reached back and unclasped the belt, slapping Jacob’s wrists when he tried to move his arms from the position. Frye wrinkled his brows, lapping at Edward’s tip with his tongue while quietly moaning from Arno’s roughhousing. Edward noticed the two brunettes were becoming red faced and their bodies were quivering more so he snapped his fingers at Arno.
“Stop, now,” he demanded, leaning forward on his knees to take Arno by his chin. “Calm the fuck down, you’ll ruin the fun.”
“The hell is that supposed to mean?” Arno panted staring into his eyes. “I thought we were just using him.”
Edward chuckled to himself for a moment before returning Dorian’s frown. “Of course, you do, Frenchie,” The blonde’s hand dropped down and gripped Arno by the throat then slammed him to the floor on his back. He pinned him by the wrists and flipped his head around to face Jacob. “Pull out, dumbass, and come grab his hands.”
Arno was flustered, writhing under Edward. “Hey! What on Earth are you doing?!”
Jacob pulled himself out of Arno then moved to the front of the others to hold his arms down while Edward moved his hands to pick up Arno’s thighs and thrust himself inside. The Frenchman gasped when he was penetrated a second time as Kenway didn’t care to be gentle upon entering him, sticking his full cock into him with a smug grin. He stroked his hand up Arno’s body to his neck, clasping his fingers around it and making his grip firm. The smaller man gasped and fidgeted under him, uncomfortable with how he was being restrained to the floor.
Edward’s smile was malicious as he leaned into Arno’s face. “Aw, what’s wrong? Can’t break free?”
“Fuck… Fuck you,” he choked out.
Edward laughed, looking up to Jacob. “Help me flip him, mate.”
The two twisted Arno around, holding him in place while he whined on and on about how this wasn’t what he wanted. Edward shoved his face down against the wooden floor, laughing when French insults were directed at him.
“I don’t have a damn clue what ya said, Frenchie, you’re gonna have to try a different tactic if you wanna piss me off,” he said with a leering gaze down to Arno’s dirty look. Edward yanked him back by his hair, making the brunette wince and yelp, his body contorted uncomfortably on his elbows and knees. “How ‘bout ya give Jakey something special, hm?”
Jacob snickered, moving to sit in front of Arno on the floor and take his chin between his index finger and thumb. “It’s only equality, Frenchie, no need to look so angry.”
Edward forced Arno’s head down to Jacob’s groin, keeping a steady pace as he fucked him. “Your turn to give a little.”
“You fucking bastards, remind me to never trust either of you ever again,” he growled afore Jacob took control of his head and stuffed his cock down his throat, making him gag in the process.
“Oh, don’t worry about Jake, sweetheart. This was my scheme and ya know what they say, don’t you?” Edward gripped Dorian’s hips tight while making eye contact with Jacob. “Never trust a pirate.”
The sailor picked up his pace, knowing that Arno was already near coming and being rough with him was only going to speed up the inevitable. Frye did feel a tad sorry for the Frenchman, loosening his hold on his hair so he could suck him at his own speed. Edward’s white knuckles left Arno’s hips with pink prints across the skin, moans crawling out his lips from deep in his throat. Edward thrusted himself ruthlessly against Arno’s backend, his body shaking trying to keep from giving in and dropping against the floor. His knees burned from rubbing against the wood floor and Jacob glanced nervously at the blonde, who didn’t seem to care he was physically hurting Arno. Jacob laid his legs out so that Dorian could press his elbows into his thighs so his shirt’s sleeves wouldn’t keep slipping on the floor. Edward noticed Jacob performing his little acts of charity and smiled to himself. I give him the chance to be cruel and he chooses to be kind, how darling, he thought to himself, slowing down to feed Arno’s ass long, deep strokes. Edward reached his right hand around to clasp his fingers around the Frenchman’s cock, squeezing its base between his fingers to make the man groan and arch his back.
Edward leaned down to press his chest against Arno’s back. “You want to come, don’t ya, Frenchie?” he murmured in his ear, chuckling from the desperate whine he got in response. “That’s what I thought.”
Kenway pulled out of Arno and drew him back on top of him, himself laying on the floor now, holding Arno’s cock and giving it the last few touches needed to come. His cum sprayed up his stomach across his naval in long white ropes, his ribcage heaving as Edward finally let him catch his breath. Jacob gulped, feeling his own member twitch just from the sight of Arno sprawled out in front of him with semen dripping down his skin.
The blonde raised his eyebrows at Jacob. “You gonna finish yourself off, mate?”
Jacob startled a bit, adjusting himself to sit forward. “Uh, right, of course.”
He began jerking himself off but Edward snapped his fingers to draw his attention back to them. He pushed Arno to sit up and yanked Arno’s head back by his ponytail. “Finish on his face.”
“What?!” the two brunettes both were shocked by Edward’s demand.
The pirate stood, still holding Arno’s head in place with one hand while he jerked himself off with his other. “I wasn’t asking.”
Jacob stood up and moved in front of Arno with hesitation, though his cock quivered in his fingers as he lined himself up with the kneeling man’s face. Arno shut his eyes and pressed his lips tight together, not exactly amped about this position he was forced into. Jacob came shortly after, sticky white strings lining his nose, lips, and chin. Edward grinned deviously then kicked Jacob’s knees, making the Englishman drop down to kneel in front of Arno. He yelped and went to glare at Kenway but soon shut his eyes to avoid Edward’s cum from getting in them. Both of the brunettes sat in front of each other, chagrinned and with cum striping their faces to match Arno’s stomach.
Edward laughed at the two men while he stuffed his dick into his joggers. He grabbed them both by their hair, entwining his fingers tight in their locks. “Why don’t you two help clean up, hm?”
They stared anxiously at each other’s face but a firm tug on the back of the head helped them listen. Jacob licked Arno’s chin first then trailed his tongue across the Frenchman’s lips. He moved on to lap up the cum off Arno’s nose, glad he came earlier in the day so there wasn’t as much for him to clean. Arno sighed but nevertheless moved to return the deed, licking up Jacob’s jaw and over his cheek before moving to lick off the cum on his lips.
“All right then, captain,” Arno hissed the words out as he glared at Edward. “We’ve finished.”
Edward shook his head. “Not by a longshot, Jacob ain’t done yet.”
Jacob furrowed his brows but soon caught on, looking to Arno’s stomach. “What?! Why must I clean up that too? Isn’t it your turn now?”
The corsair smiled with devilish intent in his eyes. “Nope.”
“That’s not fair!” Arno shouted at him.
“Never said I was, lad, now hurry up, Jake, we haven’t got all day,”
Jacob huffed but moved his head down regardless upon Edward’s release of his hair. He licked up Arno’s abdomen until the only thing shining on his skin was sweat and Frye’s saliva. Edward let go of Arno’s head and moved to kick on his shoes and grab his clothes.
“Where are you off to?” Arno called after him as he went to open the door.
Edward pointed to the clock on the wall then shrugged. “Lunch.”
Jacob and Arno sat on the floor, jaws agape, watching with fire in their eyes as the pirate simply left out the door.
“That smug bastard,” Jacob muttered to himself.
The two stood to replace their clothes, murmuring to themselves about how rude Edward was being afore tugging on their own shoes and trotting after him, not exactly satisfied by their force-fed appetizer but now with a true understanding on where the phrase ‘never trust a pirate’ came from.
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BRO I WANT A MYSTIC MESSENGER SHIP!!!! You already know my name! I always tell everyone that I am a mixture of a dolphin and lin Manuel miranda: talented but I don't shut up. Big musical energy with every genre of music imaginable. I love food and going to cool places and Disneyland! Movies are also a big yes for me (specifically marvel, star wars, disney, pixar!) I love art and am planning on getting a major in graphic design! I've been told that I am very positive and can get along with anyone
Aye, that’s my best friend!! I included details that you didn’t put down, because I love you <333 
I pair you with Zen!
He was enraptured by your positivity, and knew immediately that he was going to be in love with you. He was super impressed with your ability to get along with Jumin, even if you didn’t like him, yet at the same time, super pissed and jealous. 
 Adding on to that, he was equally happy and irritated that you got along so well with the rest of the RFA. He knows deep down that you only have eyes for him, but he’s still very insecure about it. He’s a majorly jealous guy. 
 He is absolutely glad that you share his hatred for cats. Although it may be for a different reason than his allergy, he is so thrilled that you will decline cat-related guests and try to change the subject whenever talk drifts to anything in the realm of felines.
 He is fascinated by your art, and tries to get you to teach him at first, but decides that it’s a hopeless cause. He absolutely begs you for a painting for his birthday (of course it would be of himself, because what a narcissist), and probably cries when you give it to him. Once he receives it, he will absolutely not stop hugging and cuddling you for the rest of the day. Most likely, he hangs it front in center where he can stare at it and show it to anyone who visits.
 He will get you lots of graphic design jobs by putting your name and work out within his musical community, and eventually you get many job offers to design promotional posters for musicals. Some of them Zen star in, some have nothing to do with him. He knows you are capable of finding work without his help, but he wants you to have as many opportunities as possible, because he knows what it’s like to be starting out and struggling to force your way into the field.
 This mans doesn’t hate animals, but isn’t totally in love with them, either. He had never really been around horses before, and never thought he would be nervous around them at all. But, when you took him out to the barn, he was unexpectedly intimidated by them. Eventually, he grew used to them, and would probably even ask for you to teach him to ride (nothing complicated, just simple walk, trot, canter) after learning that it’s actually good excercise. He gets really annoyed whenever they snot and sneeze on him though.
 He could be convinced to get a dog, and whenever you were off staying the night visiting family or friends, he would cuddle with it as much as possible because it reminded him of you. Plus, he would take it out on runs with him whenever he couldn’t sway you to go.
 He knows that you hate running and hiking, which are two of his favorite hobbies. He’ll try his best to get you to go on walks, maybe even a run or hike if you’re really feeling generous. He rarely succeeds, but when he does, he’s usually met with complaints throughout the activity. 
 He absolutely cherishes the chill nights he spends with you watching movies on weekends. Although you both love your friends in the RFA, you haven’t exactly been innocent of cancelling plans with the group on Friday nights to stay home for cuddles and film. He always teases you for your youthful taste in movies, but deep down those are some of his favorites, too. 
 If you two ever showered together, it would be 100% just singing show tunes together. Broadway is his passion, and he was even more smitten with you when he discovered that it was yours too. His favorite to perform with you is Something Rotten, because not only do you get super into it, but he loves the aesthetic and vibes of that musical. Whenever you two sing God I Hate Shakespeare, he is totally thinking about Jumin the entire time and you think it’s hilarious.
 He knows he could never be as good as Alex Brightman in your eyes, but desperately wants to be at least your second favorite musical actor. At first he was jealous, but eventually just gave up and accepted it as reality. You made him promise that if he ever did a show with Alex Brightman, he would get him to meet you.
 He secretly has a fund that he puts a little bit of money into every month in order to save up to take you to Disneyland. He knows you’re obsessed with the place, and since he’s never been, he knows that you’d be the best tour guide. He loves all the rides, especially the ones that go fast, bonus points if they remind him of riding his motorcycle.
 You had to give him a full on lecture of the importance and greatness of food. The minute you discovered that the only thing he had in his fridge was beer and the occasional convinience store salad, you knew there needed to be a change. He constantly reprimanded you about some of your food choices not being healthy for the skin, but after weeks of ignoring those comments, he decided that they weren’t doing any good. He tried to cook for you, but was really bad at it.
 He could never be convinced to go to any of your favorite fast food places, such as Taco Bell, so you would have to go with Yoosung or Seven if you wanted to go with company. Seven was always down to go, but you would tire a little of Zen bombarding you with questions about if Seven did anything weird afterwards. However, Zen loved going to Whole Foods with you. The two of you could spend hours in there.
 You would always introduce him to new music, and he thoroughly enjoyed it. He often wanted you to make him playlists, and you were always happy to oblige. One of his guilty pleasures was Fifth Harmony, and once you caught that you would not let it go. Whenever you didn’t have guests, the two of you would perform your hearts out to those songs. Zen insisted that you could have a career on stage if you wanted it, but you declined immediately every time.
 If the two of you knew you would be having a late night, or if you guys just couldn’t sleep, you would pull up bootleg musicals on the tv and watch them together all night. You two would sometimes watch the bootlegs of his own musicals, which would spark old memories from him, and he would begin to tell stories of crazy interactions with the cast and crew of those shows. You would have to beg him to play his oldest content, such as his debut in Thai’s Tea Leaf and Cube World. He would cringe at his old performances from his teenage years, and although you would poke fun at him for a little bit, by the end you were showering him in love and affection. Your favorite thing was to play Seven’s video that got Zen famous in the first place.
 The two of you always praise each other all the time. It eventually will escalate to a full blown war of love and affection, and at some points it would get so extreme that the rest of the RFA would have to step in. You two were each other’s biggest fans, and would make sure the other knew it. Zen treats you like a goddess at all times, absolutely no exceptions. 
 He would make an attempt at quitting smoking if you asked him to, and would try so hard. He loves you more than anything, and understood that it was for his own health. 
 He wants to show you off always. You’re the best thing that has ever happened to him, and he wants everyone to know not only that you are his, but that he is yours. Lots of PDA, this boy can’t help it. Nothing too intense, but lots of handholding and cheek/forehead kisses because he can’t contain himself.
“This couch isn’t big enough for the two of you! Why are you even here?” Zen raised his voice, desperately trying to drag Seven and Yoosung off of your couch. You only watched from the safety of the wall, stifling laughter.
“Because we know you two have been cancelling plans to watch movies! So, we figured we’d have to invite ourselves over for movie night if we ever wanted to see you again.” The redhead rolled his eyes, making himself comfortable. It was clear that he had no intentions of leaving anytime soon.
“I could report you for breaking and entering, you know.” Zen grumbled, while you sighed and put the movie in, knowing that you would be joined by two extra guests that night.
“But you won’t.” Seven stretched out even more, pulling Zen down next to him. “Move, it’s starting.” Infinity War began blaring through the speakers as you made your way back to the couch, not even caring who was with you as long as Zen was there and you got to watch Marvel and see Chris Pratt on screen. 
“Oh sorry, Elise. There’s not room here. Yoosung, Seven, one of you two idiots, move to the floor-”
“It’s fine!” You smiled as you interrupted him, but it was a troublesome smile. The kind of smile that Zen had come to learn would result in mischief. 
“Are you sure? Because there isn’t any room to sit down right now.” He looked at you, red eyes filled with caution while Yoosung was immersed in the beginning of the movie. Only Seven seemed to be aware of the situation, and was smirking while trying to hide a chuckle.
“Sure there is!” You were able to make yourself a seat without kicking anyone off the couch by planting yourself right in Zen’s lap, leaning back against him knowingly. Although you couldn’t see it, you knew his face was bright red. If it were just the two of you, he wouldn’t have cared in the slightest and would have even encouraged it, but the two dorks of the RFA were sitting beside you two.
“Elise, come on-” You held a finger up and shushed him.
“Zen, I swear if you interrupt Chris Pratt with a lecture on your ‘beast’ or whatever, you’re sleeping alone tonight.” That shut him up immediately, and he suffered through the entire two and a half hour long movie, despite his legs going numb halfway through.
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peaceisadirtyword · 6 years
Secrets IV (Modern!Ivar/Reader)
A/N: I wanted to post this yesterday, but I had to rewrite it because I didn’t like what I had done... I’m still not happy with this result, but I don’t know what to change anymore 😂 I tried to fix it at the end, but I don’t know if it worked. 
Thanks for all the messages and the support, you are the best💞 I hope you like this one!
Inspiration: This work was inspired by Griffenholm Confessionals a work by @laketaj24 @akamaiden @ivarsshieldmadien @ivarswickedqueen
Warnings: A bit of smut, Ivar is an asshole again, mentions of sex and violence, the Lothbroks are a warning themselves.
Words: 2966 
Part 1  Part 2 Part 3
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gif isn’t mine 
Ivar grabbed your hips, thrusting into you faster and faster, grunting into your ear. You arched your back, moaning loudly and closing your eyes. You were so close... His lips hovered over your neck, and suddenly you felt him biting your neck and gasped. Your nails dig on his shoulders, pulling his body closer to yours. The muscles of his back moved under your fingers. It was delicious. 
You moaned his name clenching your legs around his waist. God, his voice sounded even better when he moaned into your ear.
And then you woke up. 
It was the middle of the night, and you were sweating, panting and tangled in your sheets. Oh fuck. 
You couldn't believe you dreamed with Ivar. 
You unlocked your phone. It was three in the morning, and you didn't feel like going back to sleep. 
Elise was sound asleep, and you couldn't just wake her up to talk to her... And of course you couldn't tell her you had a wet dream with Ivar. 
You got up from your bed, taking a hoodie and your warm, furry boots. It was cold outside, but as hot as you were in that moment, you could have been in shorts in the middle of the North Pole. 
You walked out of the room, putting on your hoodie and closing the door behind you. You really needed to cool down. 
"I've been trying to go to bed with her for a month, Ubbe, a fucking month" Hvitserk groaned "And the closest I got was touching her breasts under her shirt... I feel like I'm fifteen again"
"Thank god, finally one smart girl" Ubbe laughed "She probably knows you're an asshole, and that's why she's making it more difficult"
"That's why I have to go with Margrethe at least twice a week... I have my needs and she's not fulfilling them"
"She's not a machine whose only purpose in life is 'fulfilling your needs', Hvitserk"
He sighed, rubbing his eyes. 
"Could you please shut up?" Ivar groaned from his bed "It's three in the morning, go to sleep"
"I can't sleep, Ivar, I'm horny"
"Ubbe, hold him down while I cut off his dick, let's see if he's horny after that"
"Ivar, no threats past midnight"
"I'm gonna text her" Hvitserk took out his phone, unlocking it. 
"I'm sure she's asleep" Ubbe raised a brow "Like normal people"
Ivar clenched his jaw, looking at the ceiling from his bed. He had spent the last three weeks looking at you. He even had problems to concentrate in Old Norse Mythology, his favorite class, that day you decided to wear your skirt a bit higher than usual. He had noticed the way you licked your lips before answering a question in class, and how you frowned and bit your lip in maths, whenever you didn't understand what the teacher was saying (which was, honestly, every single class). He had noticed your stares, too, and that was what bothered him the most. Surely, you looked at him with pity. Poor little Ivar, who cannot walk. 
He didn't like it. He hated the way you managed to get all his attention by only entering the room. The only time he had felt something like that was with Freydis... But you weren't her, you weren't his beautiful Freydis... He couldn't possibly like you. 
The fact that the last time he saw you you were in bed with his brother, with Hvitserk's hand under your skirt and your disheveled hair and swollen lips, panting and trying to fix your shirt, blushing when he entered the room... Didn't help.
Besides, he had to be focused. He had to help his father with those new alliances he was making in England as his older brother Björn was too busy traveling around southern Europe, Ubbe wasn't too interested in the family business, Hvitserk had his head in other things (usually, between Margrethe's legs) and Sigurd... Well, Sigurd in his opinion was stupid so he wouldn't be really useful. 
The future of his family depended on him, and he needed to have a cleared mind. 
"Don't tell her to come here" Ivar scoffed, turning around in his bed to face the window.
"Why do you hate Y/N so much?" Ubbe seemed amused "She never did anything to you, she was actually really nice"
"That's why, she's too nice, we shouldn't trust her" 
"She is the one who shouldn't trust us" Ubbe replied, sighing. 
"Another party?" You frowned, looking at Elise as she applied some make up "How many parties do they do?"
"They've only done two this year... Hasn't Hvitserk told you?"
"He texted me earlier but I didn't read his message" you shrugged "I think I'm staying here tonight"
"Why?" Elise stopped and looked at you, pouting "You said the same last time and you ended up having the best time ever" she smirked "Come on, Y/N!"
"I just don't feel like partying tonight, and I should study a bit"
"Are you seriously studying on a Friday night?"
You sighed, taking your textbooks out and sitting on your bed. 
"What about Hvitserk?" She insisted "Are you going to leave him alone?" 
"I'm sure he'll survive" you raised a brow.
The truth was, you had been avoiding him since you had that dream with Ivar. You felt really bad, hooking up with one brother and dreaming about fucking the other, and you hated that, whenever Hvitserk kissed you and you closed your eyes, you thought about Ivar. 
"Are you seriously not coming?" asked Elise, biting her lip. 
"No, go and have fun" you smiled "And if Hvitserk asks, just tell him I needed to catch up with maths"
"Okay... Can I borrow your blue top?"
23:00. You hadn't been studying for more than an hour and you were already bored as fuck.
You unlocked your phone, sighing, maybe if you took a break...
Y/N, princess, are you coming to the party tonight?♥️
Come on, Y/N, come with me
I don't want to be alone tonight baby :(
I miss you
You bit your lip, feeling like the worst person in the world. How could you be obsessed with his brother when he was that cute with you?
And you had avoided him for days, not ever answering his texts... He had been really nice since you arrived, and you probably should give him some explanation. 
Surely, you'd feel better. 
Sighing, you closed the book, getting up and opening the wardrobe, taking out some hoodie and a pair of jeans. 
Okay, Y/N, you go, you talk to Hvitserk and you leave, you thought while taking off your pajamas and getting dressed. Don't drink.
The night was cold, and you shivered a little while you walked to the house. There was people drinking everywhere, and you honestly couldn't understand how could they be outside with that cold. 
Inside, you started looking for Hvitserk, which would probably be difficult because you could swear that the entire school was there. 
You saw Ubbe with Sigurd and some friends, but no trace of Hvitserk. 
"Y/N!" You heard your name, and turned around to face a very drunk Elise, dressed on your blue top and with a beer on her hand "You came! Let me guess, Hvitserk convinced you" she giggled, winking at you. 
"Something like that, yeah" you smiled "Have you seen him? I'm looking for him but I can't find him"
"I saw him going upstairs" she drunkenly leaned into you so you could hear her over the loud music "But be careful, Ivar is upstairs too"
You smiled and thanked her.
"See you later, have fun" she winked at you and let you go, giggling. 
No one dared to go upstairs, where it was said that the Lothbroks had some rooms for when they brought their flings. There was an empty corridor, with some doors at both sides. You couldn't hear anything, and you weren't going to start opening the doors randomly to try and find Hvitserk. 
Biting your lip, you took out your phone and unlocked it, opening Hvitserk's contact. 
Where are you? 
You waited some minutes, but he didn't reply. He was probably drunk, maybe smoking with Ivar in some room.  Maybe if you walked next to the doors you could hear them...
Finally, behind the last door of the corridor, you heard voices. Ivar's voice. 
He was speaking danish, and he sounded angry, as always. You pressed your ear against the door, trying to find out if he was talking to Hvitserk. 
"Well I don't have time to deal with that, kill him and end of it" Ivar changed to English. 
"It's not that simple, Ivar, if Aelle finds out that we have killed him..." another man, whose voice you didn't recognize, replied him. 
"What is he gonna do? He's just a boy, and he's trying to fuck with us, deal with him, teach Aelle I'm not my father"
"I think that a simple warning would make him learn his lesson"
"Fine, don't kill him, but I want him in the hospital tomorrow morning" 
You froze. What was he talking about? Who was that man? 
I hope this is a fucking prank, you thought, feeling a bit dizzy. 
During the last month, you had heard rumors about the Lothbroks; you'd heard that they were involved with the mafia, that they had deals with very dangerous people, that they trafficked with weapons and drugs... But you didn't really believed them. How could Ubbe and Hvitserk, as nice as they were, be involved with those things? 
The smartest thing would have been going downstairs, go back to the school and sleep, forget about that conversation and try to talk to Hvitserk. 
But no, you couldn't move. 
"Okay, I'll let you know when..."
Then a loud noise startled you. It was like something had fallen down. Immediately, the voices in the room stopped, and you looked down, gasping when you saw that your phone had slipped out of your hoodie's pocket, and was now on the floor. 
You picked it up quickly, but before you could turn around and run away, the door opened and you found yourself face to face with a really angry Ivar, glaring at you.
He grabbed your arm roughly, shoving you inside the room and slamming the door closed. 
Hvitserk wasn't in the room, and the man you had heard talking to Ivar was with his arms crossed and smirking down at you.
"What the fuck are you doing here?" Ivar yelled at you shoving you against the wall, with a threatening glare. 
"You're the worst spy I've ever seen, love" the man laughed. He was blonde and had long hair, and was even a bit taller than Ivar. 
"I... Was looking for Hvitserk" you tried to escape Ivar's grip. 
He snatched your phone from your shaking hand, ignoring your protests. 
"She wasn't recording" Ivar relaxed a bit, tossing it across the room. 
"Why would I record? I didn't understand half of the things you said" you protested, glaring at him. 
"And why were you listening, hm?" His blue eyes were fixed on yours. 
"Ivar, I have to go, I'll call you later... Go easy on her" the blonde man chuckled, winking at you before disappearing through the door, closing it. 
"I was just looking for Hvitserk, I swear, I didn't mean to..."
"Well he's not here, were your parents too busy ignoring you to teach you that it's really rude to eavesdrop another people's conversation?"
You clenched your jaw, glaring at him.
"You are an asshole"
He smirked at your reaction, finally letting go of your arm. You rubbed your wrist, still glaring at him and looking around the room. 
It looked like a normal room, with a single bed, a wardrobe and a table. On the table there were some papers, photos and... Was that a gun? Your eyes widened, and you stepped back, trying to get to the door. 
"Where do you think you're going?" Ivar sat on the bed, leaving his crutch on the floor next to him. 
"Downstairs, I am going back to the school" 
"Do you really think I'm going to let you go this easy after finding you outside this room and listening to a private conversation?"
You tensed up, eyeing the gun. Ivar followed your eyes and laughed when he saw the gun. 
"Don't worry" he took it, making you flinch "That would be just in case you can't keep your mouth shut" he put in inside one drawer, closing it. 
You relaxed a bit, but still tried to get as far away from him as you could. 
"Ivar, I won't say anything, no one would believe me anyway" you sighed "Just let me go, please"
He sighed, licking his lips and smiling softly.
"Come here, Y/N"
Oh, he knows my name, you thought, sarcastically. 
You approached him slowly. He rolled his eyes impatient, and reached to grab your hoodie and pull you closer to him, making you gasp and put your hands on his shoulders to avoid falling down on top of him. 
You gulped. It was the closest you had been to him, and you couldn't help but blush furiously when you remembered the last dream you had with him. 
His hands went to the back of your knees, making you sit on his lap, straddling him. 
He looked so damn good, with his beautiful eyes lit up with mischief, a smile on his swollen lips and his hands on your waist, keeping you in place.
"My brother told me you wouldn't let him in your bed yet" he whispered, tilting his head to one side "Poor Hvitserk, he's suffering... Don't you feel bad for him?"
"Why?" He licked his lips "No one has ever resisted my brother's charms" he said in a mocking tone. 
"It's none of your business" you glared at him.
"What you heard earlier was none of your business either" he pressed his lips together "And you did it anyway..."
"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to, just let me go" you tried to get up, but he kept you in place. 
"I need to make sure you won't say anything" he replied, and before you could react, Ivar pressed his forehead against yours "And then you can go back to tease my brother's cock" 
Before you could smack his head away and tell him to fuck off, he kissed you, hard. 
You moaned almost immediately, closing your eyes and kissing him back. You felt him smirk into the kiss and as much as you wanted to whip that smile off of his lips, his mouth pressed against yours felt amazing. 
It was even better than your dream. 
His hands grasped your ass, making you grind against him, as he broke the kiss and his lips descended down your neck, nibbling and sucking at your soft spot. You tried your best to avoid moaning, but it was too much. 
His hands roamed over your body, under your hoodie. He massaged your breasts and smirked when you gasped. 
"Let's see if you let me go a bit more far than my brother" he muttered into your ear, his fingertips traveling down your belly and unbuttoning your jeans. 
He put his hand inside your jeans, making you moan loudly. 
The smartest thing would have been to smack his hand away, get up and walk out of the room. 
But you weren't being really smart that night. 
His fingers put your underwear aside, caressing your sex and pressing down on your clit. You moaned again, closing your eyes and moving your hips against his hand. 
And then he introduced two of his glorious fingers into you.
You gasped, tangling your hands into his hair and biting your lip. Ivar groaned, biting your neck roughly and making you whimper in pain. 
"You're tight..." He growled "Hvitserk would love this"
You wanted to protest, but you couldn't even speak.
His thumb massaged your clit as he curled his fingers, reaching your g-spot and making you cry out. 
"Can you take another one?" He whispered against your lips "Or are you too tight?"
You tensed up when he inserted a third finger into you, stretching your walls. You gasped in pain, but pressed your body closer to him, still moving your hips. 
"Very good, love" he kissed you again, thrusting his fingers inside you slowly, and you moaned in reply. 
You were close. It was too soon, but you had wanted him for too long, and his husky and deep voice whispering into your ear, encouraging you to moan louder and louder for him. 
And just when you were about to cum, legs shaking and walls starting to clench even more, he stopped. 
You gasped, pouting and glaring at him. 
"Promise me you won't say anything" he told you grabbing your face and making you look at him "You will forget about what you heard earlier, won't you?"
"I won't tell anyone" you promised, whining "I will forget everything please just... Let me..." You moved your hips again, making him chuckle.
"What do you want, Y/N?"
"Make me cum" you begged "Please, Ivar..."
"You're so needy" he started thrusting his fingers again, rubbing your clit roughly.
You came moaning his name, arching your back and moving your hips desperately. 
Ivar helped you ride the orgasm, and then he took out his fingers, putting them in his mouth and sucking on them while looking straight into your eyes. 
You blinked, still dizzy, and licked your lips just before he kissed you again. You could taste yourself on his tongue. 
"Good girl, Y/N" he whispered, smiling "Now leave and forget about everything... Hvitserk's in other room, but I think he's not alone so.. Be careful".
Tags: @mblaqgi @alicedopey @cbouvier23 @lol-haha-joke @hallowed-heathen @ivarslittlebadgirl @naaladareia @tephi101 @captstefanbrandt @love-hate-love @titty-teetee @thisisparadisemylove @readsalot73 @moondustmemories @memememememe1-blog @dreamtheraphy @rravenss @vikingalexthedane @thevikingsheaux @therealcalicali @thehanneloner @fuckthatfeeling 
Thank you for reading, I hope you enjoyed it! I’ll try to post the next part on Friday, but I can’t promise anything because I’m traveling to Russia and I don’t know if I will have internet connection. If I can’t, I'll post it next Monday. 
Before leaving I’ll post an Ivar x Reader requested by @tephi101 (and I’ll try and post all of your ideas and requests in the following weeks💕)
442 notes · View notes
fear of change }} drabble.
cw: emotional abuse, cheating, drinking, drugs
     “So where’s Nicki at, she didn’t wanna come for the big announcement?” Casey stood in a circle, Jax beside him, then Margo Anderson -- a model he'd recently done a shoot with -- and then Patrick Frazier, who asked the dreaded question. A few years back, Margo and Patrick used to date, and during that time, they went on a few double-dates with the Sawyers, but lately it was becoming more common to see Casey with Jax, even on the night of his big announcement that Leaving Independence was going back on tour.
     “She’s been pretty busy lately is all,” he claimed, shrugging. It wouldn’t be the first or last time Nicole’s habits took priority over things like this, and it wouldn't the the first or last time he had to lie about it. Once upon a time, Nicole claimed a seat front-and-center to every Leaving Independence show, but now he couldn’t even expect that from her, so there was no way he could expect her to show up to this. The two of them earned their title as well-known party animals after their wedding, in which they both exchanged vows outrageously drunk, and then stumbled their way down the isle to throw up through their entire reception. It was the lifestyle everyone associated them with, but while Casey had become more tame to some extent, he was now linked by law to watch as Nicole declined further and further.
     “Well hopefully she makes the next one, I miss seeing her,” Margo mused, shrugging.
     “Yup…” Casey took a long swig of some cocktail Patrick handed him, his face souring a bit at the taste. “Maybe the next one,” he said passively.
     “She’s gonna start getting worried about you and Jax hangin’ out so much. Then she’ll start to show up,” Patrick teased, shoving Casey’s shoulder.
     Casey rolled his eyes, downing the last half of the drink, pointing at Patrick with his eyebrows perked up. “You, sir, are outta your mind,” he insisted, but Patrick would never know how right he was, and Nicole probably didn’t realize how worried she should have been. For the last year, Casey and Jax had stealing kisses behind closed doors, sneaking around behind the backs of everyone who knew them. They got away without suspicion because they were already close friends, as well as business partners. They’d been playing together for years, and Jax was even a groomsman at Casey’s wedding. No one aside from the stranger parts of the online world seemed to think much of them. Even Casey’s band mates didn’t know how close they’d become. Nicole especially, being dazed on something more often than not, was completely oblivious.
     “Are you sure you have to go home? It’s only midnight,” Jax muttered, his hands resting on Casey’s sides. The two of them stood in the entryway of his apartment, where they’d been struggling to part ways for a half an hour or so because they kept getting caught up talking. Casey leaned his back against the front door, his hands cupping either side of Jax’s face.
     “I’m sure,” he said, stealing another kiss from him, remaining close enough after parting that he could feel Jax’s breath on his lip any time he spoke, causing chills to run along his spine, sending a surge through his heart.
     “Really sure?” Jax asked.
     “Yes, really sure,” Casey whispered, smiling. “If Nicole wakes up puking or something, I don’t want her to be alone or wake the kiddo up. Plus I still have to get the house in some kinda order. You see, this wouldn’t be such a hardship if you would ditch your plans and come over tomorrow.”
     “You know where I stand on that,” Jax stated, smiling.
     “And you know where I stand on this,” Casey remarked with sharp eyes, finally prying himself away. “I’ll be around okay?”
     “Me too. Lemme know things are cool when you get back.” Jax stepped out of the way so Casey could open the door.
     “Why, so you can rub it in my face that I should have stayed?”
     “Alright, smart ass, maybe it is time for you to go.”
     When Jax said that, Casey couldn't help but wonder if the double-meaning was intentional. He paused for a moment, then scoffed a little, still with a smile tugging faintly at the corner of his lip. "You're probably right," he agreed. “I love you.”
     "Yeah, yeah. Love you too...” Jax grinned.
     “Thanks man,” Casey waved to the cab driver that got him there before stumbling up to the door, where he proceeded to fumble with the lock on their door, practically the only thing they had left to fix in the place. The sound was punctuated by a loud croak, followed by a loud bang. “Ow, shit,” Casey backed away from the entryway table, where he hit his hip trying to get in. He wasn’t used to the layout quite yet. In their old apartment, it was easier to navigate in the dark because there weren’t many places to go, and there wasn’t a whole lot to bump into. The new house was like a death trap in the dark.
     Elise’s door was shut, the light turned off.Their door was also closed, but he could see in the crack underneath the door that a light was on. He stood with his hand on the knob, drawing a deep breath through his nose, then exhaling it through his mouth. The potential that she could have been awake was almost enough to make him turn around, but when he got into the room, she was far beyond the realm of sleep. If not for the subtle rise and fall of her chest, he'd have assumed the worst. Nicole never left any evidence behind. There was never paraphernalia strewn about, or bottles laying around, but he was sure they were there somewhere. The blood dried to her upper lip told him everything he needed to know, though in the back of his mind, he knew he wasn’t much better. Casey and Nicole’s only difference was their ability to function through their vices. In fairness to Nicole, Casey had also been dealing with his for a lot longer. 
     He looked down at her, laid out on her back with her arm over her eyes, with no chance of rising from whatever stupor she’d thrown herself into. She used to work out regularly, to the point of being able to beat him in an arm wrestle with little effort at all on her part, but she’d become frail in the last year or so. If he did manage to wake her, he never knew what state he would find her in. It was a gamble between dealing with a normal, but clearly tired -- and perhaps even remorseful -- version of Nicole, or a crazed version of Nicole that could throw punches while still bawling her eyes out. Unsettling as it had been to establish this, Casey had learned the hard way that it was better not to find out.
     He stared at her for a long time, his stomach in knots and not just from drinking. It pained him to think that there was a time when they were younger that she would have attended that party. They would have stayed until the party ended, and then gone off on some kind of adventure, and after that they would return home and fall asleep together until the following afternoon. Those days were long gone, and every time he saw Nicole now he found himself missing them more and more, but that relationship -- that world he longed to return to -- no longer existed. The person he married would have never struck him in anger, nor abandoned him on important nights like this. All in all, everything they’d built together seemed to be withering away.
     The wild nights and deep conversations he loved sharing with Nicole, he was now sharing with someone else, though that didn’t mean Nicole meant nothing to him. She could never mean nothing to him. There was a part of Casey that would always cling to the hope of waking up with everything back to normal, having simply experienced a really long, horrible nightmare. He’d have even settled for a change of heart, followed by the reconstruction of their marriage, but the ache in his chest was too real to chalk it up to a bad dream, or a phase. This had to be the end, or close to it. He couldn't tell anyone; he wouldn't tell anyone. He loved Nicole, and couldn't stand for anyone to hate her over it, or think of the two as anything other than what they had always been.
     So, what was he supposed to do? How was he supposed to accept the end?
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     Even with Jax waiting on the other side, Casey couldn't bring himself to climb over that wall. A part of him was still fighting that change with everything in him, running from the ultimate confrontation by leaning over and kissing her forehead, because feigning normalcy was a lot better than accepting something so devastating -- something so foreign. He pulled the covers over her and turned out the light, opting to sleep on the couch for the night.
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concubine-mamas · 7 years
Livilla My Room Lines
Friendship Invite
“Yes? Did you need something organized, Lord/Lady Corrin?”
“What do you want? I-I mean, uh, I’m here to serve you whenever you want!”
“Not surprising you wanted me, since your other servants are mostly trash... I mean, uh, I’ll get started cleaning!”
“Just gag me already... Well, I guess I have to serve both of you now, so hurry up and tell me what to do.” (invite while married)
Friendship quotes
“You’re pretty childish. Er, not that I’m saying anything against you.”
“Thanks for the break from work. A delicate flower like myself needs time to relax!”
“Ooh, next time I could dress you up in a nice outfit! Don’t worry, you’ll be more fashionable than you’ve ever been before!”
“I always thought nobles were all a bunch of lazy, good for nothing twits. But... You’re not so bad. I guess I was wrong about that. I never thought I’d be happy about that.” (A-Rank)
Lover Entrance quotes
“Welcome back! Are you trying to make me jealous, spending so much time away from home?”
“Welcome back, Corrin. Did you want a massage or tea? I’m happy to get anything for you!”
“Hey! I knew you’d be coming back soon. I-I wasn’t spying or anything!”
“Phew, those baths are sooo nice. Got in a nice soak and I feel so fresh now. My face is probably all red now, huh?”
Lover Events
“Hm? What a nice nap, and then waking up to your face. I must be in heaven!” (waking up, good)
“Ah-! Hey! What’s the big idea!? Wake me up like a storybook princess next time!” (waking up, bad)
“Heehee, thanks. I feel way better now! We should take a bath together sometime.” (cooling down after bath)
“Welcome back, my dear! I got you some flowers. Aren’t I the sweetest wife ever?” (present)
“Hey, get someone else to do your work one of these days. We should spend every minute of every day together...” (after any action is taken)
Lover bonding quotes
“I’m so happy we’re together... Do you know how much I love you? I’m glad you love me just as much.”
“Even if we spent the rest of our lives together, it wouldn’t be enough for me. Maybe I’d be satisfied if it was eternity, though.”
“Close your eyes! T-there’s a, uh, speck of dust on your nose. Yeah, that’s it! *~fade to black~* OK, maybe I lied just to get a kiss.” (kiss kiss)
“I love you so much it feels like I’d wither up and die without you. I know you’d never leave me though, because we’re soulmates. Besides... I’d hate for the both of us to die young.”
(Illegal petting minigame)
“I always spend a lot of time on my hair! So don’t mess it up.”
“Wah!? T-this is unexpected.”
“I AM really pretty, aren’t I? Takes a lot of work, I’ll tell you that.”
“Uh... Are you praising me?”
“Did you invite me here just for this...?”
“Is there something on me?”
“I’ll work hard from now on, so don’t forget to praise me lots!”
“I guess Elise takes after me a lot when it comes to looks, huh.”
“This jewel matches my eyes. It’s my favorite color.”
“I love roses. Especially when they’re a pretty purple color!”
“A-ah! Hey! Don’t touch there!”
“That tickles! N-no, I don’t like being tickled! Stop it!”
“I love you so much.”
“Hey... You better love me more than anyone.”
“Heehee, feel free to do whatever you want.”
“What is it? Can I do something for you?”
“My heart feels fit to burst with you around!”
“Ah~ My Prince Charming~”
“Hm... I see you with other girls a lot. You won’t miss them, right?”
“How much do I love you? Tell me how much you love me first~”
“I’ll make you feel so good you won’t think of anyone else...”
“I love you. I can’t even begin to say it enough. I love you!”
“Your hand is so warm. Are you nervous?”
“We must be soulmates...”
“How did I ever love anyone else before you?”
“Hey... Tell me I’m your one and only.”
“Heehee, behave yourself!”
“You’ll make me blush~”
“I get it, I get it! But you’ll have to wait until later.”
“You belong to me, got it? Because I won’t lose to anyone when it comes to making you happy.”
(My Castle lines / Shop lines / Battle lines)
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purplehawke · 7 years
Can you write kiss #8 for Leliana and your warden (or someone else, if you don't ship her with an oc)?? Thank you!
8. A First Kiss–Leliana x f!Mahariel [Prompt List Here!]
[Read on Ao3]
Leliana joins Mahariel as shetakes guard again.
It’s a welcome gesture. Nightwatches are lonesome affairs, and a companion makes the job easier. Especiallya pretty, talkative one with a nice voice and entertaining stories. Veryentertaining stories.
“Tell me the one about thenoble with the birds in her hair.” Mahariel grins at her companion as they sitside by side at the guard post, keeping each other warm in the cool night air.
Leliana raises an eyebrow. “Youmean the one about Lady Elise?”
“Yes, her. Creators, what possesseshumans to put live birds in their hair?”
“Fashion, of course. It isOrlais.”
Mahariel snorts. “Live birds.In her hair. Mythal’enaste!”
“I admit, it was ridiculous byour standards as well. The court talked for weeks, and here I am all this timelater, still telling it now.”
Leliana smiles and Maharielhums in agreement, their eyes meeting over the fading glow of the campfire. Leliana’s,Mahariel notes, look almost like Tamlen’s. Safe. Familiar. Warm.
Almost everything else isdifferent. Tamlen was forest, elfroot, and halla. Leliana is scented soaps, theflower she calls Andraste’s Grace, shoes and music. They both use bows, butwhere Tamlen was trained to hunt and protect, Leliana is trained for adifferent type of kill. His voice was best for scouting calls and mimicking thehalla, hers is for enthralling an audience and encouraging her allies.
In the end, he’s gone, and she’shere. Leliana was with her at the Circle tower, at Redcliffe, in the depths ofthe Deep Roads. They’ve spent so many nights together—talking after dark, tradingstories and secrets and laughter as they keep watch; stolen moments ofhappiness as they scrape together the troops Ferelden needs to fight theArchdemon. And for all the life she has left, Mahariel can’t bear to give thatup.
“I like talking with you,” Maharielreplies, breaking the silence. “Hearing you, listening to your stories, tellingmine. After leaving my clan, I never thought—it’s good to have someone to calllethallan. To have a companion again.”
Leliana pauses, her eyes stilllocked with Mahariel’s. “I trust you. I know you will be there when I need you.You are our leader, and my friend, and sometimes, I think that maybe we couldbe more than that…”
Mahariel’s breath nearly stops.More. “Do you mean that?” she breathes, her eyes wide and night airburning her lungs. She had hoped, of course, but didn’t really think—
“I… yes, I do.”
She doesn’t know how anOrlesian lady would do these things. Or an Andrastian, or another Warden, oreven a bard. A good Dalish wouldn’t be doing this at all. Not with a human, nota Chantry sister. But no, that part of her life shattered a long time ago, andCreators forgive her, if she can find a source of light and happiness in this horrorof taint and death she will take it.
“Come here.”
Leliana moves closer andMahariel reaches upwards to cup her cheek, drawing her thumb across the smoothskin of Leliana’s jaw. She smells like soap and campfire and leather armor, and—didshe use scented oils again? Huh. Her eyes flutter closed as she leans intoMahariel, and it’s effortless to tilt her jaw and guide Leliana’s lips to herown.
Kissing Leliana is like feelingthe warmth of sunlight for the first time after weeks in the Deep Roads. Lelianahums in pleasure and Mahariel smiles against her, tilting her head for a betterangle and pulling back just enough to catch Leliana’s lip between her teeth.
Leliana gasps. She’s beenwaiting for this, Mahariel can tell, because barely a moment passes beforeLeliana melts against her, hands curling around her waist and back, pulling theirbodies together.
And it feels good. Lelianamoves to deepen the kiss and Mahariel lets her, and when Mahariel pulls back it’sto climb on her lap and kiss her again, her own head spinning as Lelianapeppers kisses up her collarbone and neck. It’s the nip on the ear that doesher in because she lets out her own gasp, and that’s the moment she thinksLeliana decides to get as many of them out of her as she can while keeping allher armor on.
It feels like an age has passedbefore they finally separate, cheeks flushed and lips bitten, but still holdingone another in a loose embrace.
“I didn’t think I could havethis again,” Mahariel whispers, reaching up to brush a stray lock of hairbehind Leliana’s ear.
“Nor did I.”
“Even if I didn’t expect this,I—I’m glad my love is you.”
Leliana’s breath hitches, andit’s Mahariel’s turn to be surprised as the unimaginably human love of her lifetakes her hand and pulls her back on her lap for round two.
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namjoonsteeth · 7 years
Ruin The Friendship V
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Title: Ruin The Friendship (mini-series) Part 5
Word-Count: 5.1k
Pairing: Jay Park/ Reader (kinda)
Summary: Best friends to lovers. Inspired by Ruin The Friendship - Demi Lovato.
Genre: Smutty Fluff
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 6
I leave Jay’s bed in the morning before he even wakes up. I thought I was ok last night, that I’d come to a resolution, but when I opened my eyes and felt his arms around me all I felt was how cold he was last night. I spent my life brushing Jay’s antics under the rug, forgiving his actions as quickly as they came solely because it’s what I thought I was supposed to do as his friend, his best friend.
Today I feel a little betrayed. I’d always given a hundred and ten percent of myself into the relationship between us back when it was only platonic. I couldn’t help the hurt deep in my chest at the inkling that he had been accusing me of maybe wanting the attention or even choosing it over him.
“Men are idiots,” I mumble to myself, pulling a wide tooth comb through my wet hair. My apartment seems foreign and maybe a little neglected. I’d spent most nights at Jay’s over the last few weeks and even when I didn’t, I was only home long enough to fall into bed. I can’t remember the last time I’d used my stove or even opened my fridge.
My phone rings from my bedroom. I pull the towel around my body tighter. Pulling the phone to my ear, I don’t bother checking who it is first.
“You’re still mad at me,” my boyfriend’s voice sounds so tired, like he literal just woke up. It’s nearly eleven, he’s usually awake by now but granted we both had a late night.
“I’m not mad, I’m just a little disappointed,”
He groans into the phone. “Don’t say that, Y/n. That’s worse than you being mad at me,”
“I know. That’s why I said it. Listen I’m in the middle of sorting my hair out. Can I talk to you later?”
“Jay,” I shoot back at him.
“You left,” he says. “You said you would stay,”
“I never said I wouldn’t go home, Jay. It was late, so I stayed the night. And second, how do you think I felt when you left me ass naked on your couch? Or when you’d had your fill and decided I wasn’t worth even talking to,”
“I don’t want to fight with you, Y/n,”
“Oh trust me this isn’t a fight yet. We’ve had plenty so I’m surprised you can’t tell the difference,”
He’s quiet for a long time. I roll my eyes up at the ceiling waiting for him to come up with something else. He’s used to getting his way in all aspects of his life. He works harder than anyone I know to ensure that he’s always on top. What he says goes. Not this time. Not with me.
“I over-reacted, I know. But don’t give up on me-,”
I scoff interrupting him. “Stop being so fucking dramatic. I’m not giving up on anything. You can’t treat me like a toy, Jay. I’m not some girl who’s just itching to make you happy and do whatever you want,”
“I know, Y/n. I know. What do you want me to say?”
I sigh and pull the towel tighter around, getting cold as my body dries off.
“I don’t want you to say anything, Jay. I want to get some work done. I want you to go do whatever it is you usually do. And I want to sleep because I’m living on four hours of sleep right now,”
“So I can’t see you today,” he says softly.
“I don’t know. I’m still irked beyond belief. I’ll call you,”
He scoffs. “You’ll call me? Ok, Y/n. Let me know when you’re over your little-,”
“You’re the one who fucked up, Jay. Don’t act like I’m not justified in wanting to be away from your possessive ass. I said I’ll call you, so I’ll call you,”
I feel the tears prick behind my eyes again. I can’t do this. The tension, the angst. I don’t know how to function. I look up at the ceiling, willing the tears to pull back in. I don’t know why I can’t just keep it together.
“Are you crying?”
Instead of answering his question, I wipe my eyes. I fail at making my sniffle as quiet as possible.
“We’ll talk,” I whisper. “We’ll talk. Just let me have a few hours,”
I sit on the edge of my bed.
“Ok, baby,” he says quietly.
I flop back on my bed when we hang up. It’s a new relationship I keep reminding myself. You could think you know everything about a person. You could think you know how they’ll react in any given situation. And yet, this hostile Jay replays in my head dragging me away from the club, leaving me discarded after he’d fucked me, refusing to talk to me, and then expecting a few sweet words and kisses was the resolution.
We need space. We need to set some boundaries in this new relationship. And we need to come to an understanding that he’s done taking his frustrations out on me.
I get dressed and head to my studio to start sorting through whatever is left before Bora leaves me all alone for three days. I’m hit with how much I actually have to do. There are at least four groups who are on the schedule for consultations and fittings for several different events. I focus my attention entirely on the work in front of me. I’m so focused, I don’t have time to be stressed out about Jay or anything else for that matter.
When I’m done, I feel accomplished, my head seems a bit clearer, and I can admit to missing Jay just a little. Not enough to call him yet. Maybe that’s what we need, time to miss each other.
When he’d get these pockets of substantial time at home, we put pressure on ourselves to make time for each other, to stay involved despite our busy schedules. Now, it seems like it has become expected for us to see each every night. Don’t get me wrong, I much rather prefer going to bed and waking up next to him, but it’s starting to feel like maybe we’re moving a little quick.
I roll my eyes at myself. With the amount of time we’ve known each other, this shouldn’t feel like a new relationship. Still, we’re navigating, discovering, even more, layers about each other day by day. We’re finding things we don’t like and that’s a new concept for both of us.
Y/n: I’m going out to meet up with friends after work. I’ll see you after if you’re not busy
He texts back within seconds.
Jay: I’ll be over
I’m meeting Bora, Elise, and Chae-won at a coffee shop a few minutes away from my office. It’s been too long since I’ve seen Chae and I miss her terribly. Elise and the other hand I could honestly do without. She has always been intrigued by my relationship with Jay.
Very early she’d taken the platonic status of our relationship as an excuse to get closer to him. Back then I couldn’t really do anything about her inquiries.
The three of them are seated at a table in the back of the cafe. Bora is deep in conversation, talking animatedly about something with her purple hair swinging around her ears. Chae smiles and stands from her chair when she sees me. Her arms come around me tightly, my face pressed into her teased long dark hair.
“Girl, it’s been too long!” She tells me. Chae and I have always been close. She’s from New York, and we bonded over how much we miss home sometimes.
“I know, you got married and decided you didn’t need us anymore,” I laugh. Chae rolls her eyes at me but smiles wide taking her seat again. I sit between her and Bora, across from Elise.
“Hey, Y/n,” she says.
“How are you?” I ask her.
It’s always awkward but we try. Her long blonde hair is pulled into a tight severe ponytail. She’s a model, finding it easier to get work in Korea because she’s a foreigner. She fits the standards of beauty here, and good for her. I just always found her tactic a bit...manipulative.
We all fall into conversation, catching up on each other’s lives. The four of us together never go too deep into our lives. I’m sure Elise has a deep stimulating conversation with Chae-won or even Bora but when we’re together, we keep it as surface level as possible.
“Did you forget to give Jay my number again,” Elise’s crystal blue eyes narrow on me.
I’ve always made excuses; leaving early before she’d gotten a chance to hand her information off, or pretending it had gotten lost in the bottom of my purse. By now she has to know that it’s not going to happen.
“Actually, Elise, I don’t think I will,” I say taking a sip of the coffee Bora had gotten for me.
Elise’s smile drops, her eyebrows raising to her hairline.
“God, Y/n. You’re so protective,”
I laugh shrugging my shoulders. “It’s not like that. He’s just seeing someone,”
“Is it serious?” She asks me.
“A few weeks, I think, but-“
She interrupts me, her mega smile back in place. “So it’s not. I don’t mind competition. And you’ll be my foot in the door right?”
“No, I really won’t,” I laugh. “It’s me, Elise. We’re together. I’m not trying to be an asshole but he’s kind of my man now,”
Her light eyes narrow on me, her long fingernails tapping against her cup. “You’re kidding. Wait, that girl in the picture he posted a week ago? That’s you?”
I shrug shooting her a look that I hope looks apologetic rather than smug. I am a little, though. Being close to Jay has always made me feel a bit smug; like I was in on some secret that everyone wanted to know. He’s cool, he’s popular, he’s the elusive bad boy that no one can get to.
“You said you weren’t into him,”
“Come on, Elise. You can’t actually be mad. You told me you just wanted to sleep with him,” Chae-won chimes in.
“Yeah, but it was common knowledge that I called dibs,”
“Actually, Y/n had dibs on him for the last fifteen years,” Bora says nonchalantly.
“But you said you’d help me,” Elise pushes out her bottom lip.
“I lied,” I wince. “Listen I feel a little bad, but I’m not going to just let him go just because he’s missing out on one chance to get his dick wet again,”
“This is ridiculous, does everybody know about this?” She asks us incredulously.
Bora and I shrug. Chae looks like she’s bored of this conversation. “No, Elise, but it’s been pretty obvious they were going to get together, you noticed too,”
“Yes but, what happens to bros before hoes,”
“Oh hush, Elise, you know this doesn’t apply to Y/n and Jay,” Chae says.
Elise crosses her slender arms over her chest. “I feel cheated,”
“There are hundreds of other guys in the city trying to be Jay Park, pick one,” Bora tells her.
“So that’s it? It’s set in stone that she gets to just take the guy I like,”
“You sound like a child,” Bora laughs, pushing her short hair behind her ears.
“I’m leaving,” I announce. I’m wasting time. This whole conversation is a waste of time. I could be cuddled up to my boyfriend instead of explaining myself to someone who pretends to be a friend of mine.
I think she used to like getting under my skin about Jay. A Cheshire smile at the knowledge that if he had decided to link up with her, there wasn’t anything I could do. Now there’s plenty. It’ll be a cold day in hell when I pass anything from her on to my boyfriend, and even then it’d be a stretch.
“I’ll call you,” Chae says.
I hate that she seems to have to pick sides. I don’t want her too. There really isn’t any reason to. There’s no way that Elise is even playing the game to even get her own side, and if she is, she’s playing by herself.
I call Jay on my way home.
“Hey, I’m almost home. Are you coming over?”
“Yes, baby, I’m still coming over,” we’re quiet for a second longer than normal. It’s awkward and I hate how it brings a lump to my throat. Maybe I’m blowing this out of proportion; dragging it out. I’m not sure, I just know that I want nothing more than to have his arms around me again.
“Listen, we’ll talk about this and then we’re done with it ok?”
“Whatever you want, Y/n,”
“I want us to be ok, Jay,”
“We are, baby. We’re fine. We just need to make sure we’re on the same page,” he tells me. “And we are, I think. We’re fine,” he repeats. I don’t know if it’s for his benefit or mine.
He promises to meet me outside of my place in a few. I tell him he doesn’t have to leave work just to spend the rest of the day with me. He calls me ridiculous before hanging up. My pace seems to pick up at the thought of seeing him. I don’t know if this is the love or infatuation part of our relationship, but either way, I’m almost jumping into his arms when I see him waiting for me right outside my place.
My arms wrap around his neck, my lips falling onto his cheek. He kisses my neck before pulling back to kiss my mouth quickly.
He looks too good to just be some guy meeting up with his girlfriend. A black T-shirt stretches across his chest, his ever-present cap hiding his face just a bit.
I lead him up to my apartment, my hand tangled in his. We’re silent, both trying to figure out what to say. I left. I think he’s a bit scared of what that meant.
“I got you something,” Jay whispers as his arms cage me between his body and the door. I lean into him as I unlock my door.
There are roses on every flat surface of my small apartment. Thick bundles with silky ribbons tying them together.
“You broke into my place,” I laugh.
Jay’s arms come around my waist, his chin resting on my shoulder. His head tilts against mine. “Yeah well, you weren’t talking to me so I had to figure something out,”
I pick up a vase that sits on my coffee table. Jay moves with me, watching me bring the flowers to my face. I run my fingers over the silky petals.
“They’re so pretty, but you didn’t have to,” I tell him setting my vase down.
Jay pulls me tight against his body. I feel good here. It’s still weird that I know what he feels like, but it’s right. We aren’t meant to be anything other than what we are in this moment.
“I did, Y/n. I wanted to. I know that I hurt your feelings. I just want you to know that I hear you. I need to chill out, and I’m sorry,” he drops his arms but spins my body so that I’m facing him.
He leans in, his nose brushing against mine. He’s so close, his warm breath washes over my mouth. I’m dying to eliminate the space between us, but that’s not the adult thing to do. Ideally, we come to an agreement that he’ll no longer be an asshole, and I’ll continue to give him shit about everything. It’s how we work. It’s how it’s always been. He doesn’t get to change the rules just because I’ve given up my panties. Still, I miss his mouth enough to not care even for just a second. I lean in first, pressing my lips against his. His mouth opens immediately, welcoming my tongue against his bottom lip. He pulls back after only a few seconds, his lips hot pink and glistening.
“I’m a dickhead,” Jay says against my mouth. His lips drag against my skin as I pull my fingers through his hair.
“You’re right,” I sigh as his lips move to the corner of mine before peppering down to my neck. “You can make it up to me,”
I feel him smile against my skin. “What can I do? Whatever you want is yours,” he tells me.
I try to focus on one train of thought. One favor I can cash in, but there’s a fury of scenarios flashing through my head, giving me too many options. His head between my thighs, tattooed hands wrapped around them, his chest against mine, my legs wrapped around his waist.
I pull away from him, grabbing his hand I lead him toward my bedroom. His fingers intertwined with mine as he walks behind me.
I stop in the middle of my room. He watches me pull my clothes off slowly. His eyes roam every piece of skin that’s revealed. He lingers on my chest, my hips and right below. I climb onto my bed and cross my legs out in front of me.
“I want a striptease,” I smile at him.
His head drops down to his chest, his shoulders shaking with laughter. When he looks up, there’s that wide smile that I think about all day, gums and all. He really is beautiful. He’d kill me if he knew I think he’s beautiful above anything else. But he really is. He licks his lips before his face goes serious.
“We doing this no music?”
“Just you baby,” I say trying not to smile.
He nods at himself before shaking out his limbs like he’s gearing up for a fight. His hips start to move first, swiveling in a circle. He rolls his body, pulling off his T-shirt at the same time. I’m torn between swooning and laughing hysterically. His lips move like he’s mouthing a song that’s playing in his head, his brows wrinkling in concentration. Jay swings the shirt in the air before slinging it my way.
I can’t help the cackle that escapes my lips as it lands on my face. I move it aside to see he’s still concentrating on his dance. His hips shimmy out of his joggers and fall to the floor leaving him in his dark boxers.
“Ok, Ok,” I laugh as his thumb hooks into the waistline of the underwear.
“Did I do good?” He smiles at me.
“Yeah, you did good. Come,” I beckon him to climb on my bed. I’ve come to like him in my bed better than his. We seem average here in my apartment, and I prefer that more than anything else. Here in the comfort of my worn in springs and curtains that blocked any semblance of light just how I like it, he’s irrevocably mine. My bed’s smaller, my air a little drier, there’s a hump in my mattress, still, it’s home with Jay.
I watch him climb the short distance, his muscles flexing. He holds his body above mine, his face so close I can see the faint hairs on his upper lip that he’ll shave in the morning. His forehead drops to my shoulder.
“I missed you,” he says. I’ve seen him this morning and every night beforehand but I understand him. There’s a contented comfortability we’d developed a long time ago. He’s not always here, but I feel him like he is. I know that he is a phone call away and that’s enough.  Today felt like eggshells constantly chipping away more and more every time I thought about texting him.
I trace my fingers over his high cheekbones. The way he’s looking at me, I can’t help but want to fall in love with him all over again from start to finish. The way I feel about him, the way we feel about each other, it’s expansive, making my chest feel so wide. I think about all the things we’ve done together, all the times we’d skipped classes back home just so we could go to his tournaments. We have always been a little bit together with the way we are, testing the fragile boundaries of our relationship.
“Thanks for the roses,”I say, kissing his cheek. He turns his head, taking my mouth. His tongue moves against mine so softly that I melt against him. He pulls away leaning his forehead against mine.
“No more fighting,” he tells me.
“We weren’t fighting,” I lie.
Jay shakes his head smiling at me.
“We’re going to always get into it, Jay. We just need to know where it stops,”
He raises an eyebrow at me. I already know what he’s going to say. “This morning, you didn’t want to see me, understandably. What changed,”
“Someone asked me to pass on her number to you today. I might have gotten jealous,”
“You? Jealous? After all the shit you gave me,”
“It wasn’t drag you out the club jealous, Jay. It was, you’re mine and I’m a hundred and ten percent sure she’d still try to fuck you if given the chance,”
“And that made you not mad at me anymore?” He guesses.
“No, it made me understand that the dynamic of our relationship is not the same anymore. There are boundaries and rules people abide by in relationships. And just because we’ve known each other forever doesn’t mean we’re exempt from these expectations,”
I watch Jay’s eyes flick to my lips before he decides to actually kiss me. He’s so soft and sweet, a side of him I’m not quite used to. Of course, he ruins it a second later.
“Sometimes, y/n, you just talk so much and I have no idea what you’re talking about,”
I roll my eyes and fall onto my pillow. He’s close, using his arms to hover over my body.
“You are such an asshole,” I laugh at him. “You’re an asshole and you don’t give a shit either,”
Jay laughs too before dipping his head and kissing the corner of my mouth. “I’m kidding. I get it, and you’re right. The way I acted, it won’t happen again,”
“Ok, cool. Now that that’s out the way, I want one more thing tonight,”
He raises an eyebrow. “What,”
I lean in close to him. “I want you to fuck me like you did last night,”
He drops his head against my shoulder. “You really are my fucking dream come true,” he laughs slightly.
I feel his words deep in my bones. I want to be his dream come true. I want to be everything he wants. I hope I am, because I know for sure he’s the one I’m supposed to be with. His mouth moving on my shoulder brings goosebumps to my bare skin.
When he pulls back, he looks deathly serious. His eyes darken, the set of his jaw harden. He’s so fucking hot, I want to burn this image of him in my head. I know for a fact I’ve never been more attracted to another person in my life.
“Lay on your stomach, Y/n. Put that ass in the air,”
I do as I’m told. We separate so I can lie with my chest pressed into my mattress, my knees drawn up so that my bare behind sticks up in the cool air. I can feel his eyes on me. I feel exposed. Like he’s seeing too much of me. His hand smooths over my back, up so that his fingers curl around my neck. His hips press against me. The only thing separating us is the thin cloth of his boxers.
I move my hips, grinding against the bulge that presses exactly where I need him to be. I feel him start to harden against me. I’m pulsing, salivating, every nerve in my body is lit up ready for whatever he’s going to give to me. He feels perfect and he’s not even inside me yet.
“Don’t wait,” I say, the side of my face pressed into my pillow. “I want you now,”
The fingers on my neck reach round teasing my lips.
“Open,” he instructs.
He sets two fingers against my tongue. When he draws I close my lips around them, my tongue swirling. He releases a sigh, pulling them free.
He pushes the two fingers against my entrance, before pulling back and entering me again. His fingers move against me so slowly that I can feel him everywhere. He’s insanely good at what he does, pulling sound from my lips in deep moans.
He bends over me, his lips coming against my shoulder. His fingers continue to work, his free arm comes around me to hold me up. My knees start to give out but he has me, pulling me tight against his chest.
“Come on baby,” he says against my skin. I don’t want to cum yet; not without him inside me.
“Not without you,” I say, my voice shaky.
His hand moves against me faster. He’s not giving me a choice. His knuckles touch my clit with each flick of his wrist and I’m falling fast. My breath comes out rough as my knees finally decide they can’t take it anymore. I collapse onto my stomach, shuddering around him.
“Jay, please,”
“What do you want, Y/n,”
“You,” I beg. I feel him move behind me. He reaches beside me to pull out a foil Square from my night table.
Without warning, he falls into me, quick and hard. His hips move against mine so roughly that I’m moving up my mattress. He steadies me with hands gripping my ass, kneading my flesh with his hands. Without warning, his hand comes down hard against my skin. The sound is followed by my moans into the pillow.
“You feel so fucking good, baby,” he says through clenched teeth.
He doesn’t feel close enough. I reach back, searching for his hand. I pull it so that his body covers mine. Our skin is slippery, flushed like we’re running miles. He feels so good I don’t think I can last any longer than the next few seconds.
“Oh fuck,” I say as I feel myself start to cum again. I shake around him. He continues to move his hips roughly against me. The arm I’ve pulled around me holds my chest like he’s holding himself down to earth with me.
He squeezes at my flesh, his fingertips hard against my skin. His mouth touches my shoulder and neck every few seconds. He makes rough grunts like he’s lost somewhere. I’m spent, ready to drop down on to my bed but he holds me still.
“Shit,” he calls out. He falls on me, his chest moving rapidly against my back.
We lay still for minutes, catching our breaths. Jay’s fingers smooth my hair out of my face. He reaches for my hand, intertwining our fingers while we lay together.
He gets up too soon. He disposes of the condom and brings another hot cloth to clean me up. He climbs into bed beside me again.
My phone lights up on my table. It’s Bora. She’s sent me a screenshot of some gossip blog post.
“Shit,” I curse.
“You ok? What’s wrong?” His arm wraps around my waist, pulling me against his body. He sounds exhausted, his face pressed into my back.
I look at my phone one more time before handing it back to him. I can’t read the article but it’s easy to pick my name out in among the symbols. Right below it, a blurry photo of Jay and I outside of the club pressed tightly together. No one can see my face, but it’s obvious Jay had his tongue down someone’s throat, and I’m guessing it’s finally confirmed to be me.
“Jay Park’s new girlfriend Y/n, sources say the two have only been seeing each other for a few weeks but are already in a serious relationship. The couple were first seen at Henz nightclub this past weekend,”
Jay sits up and hands the phone back to me.
“I mean, I’m not surprised,” I sigh looking up at my ceiling.
“This can be from anybody. We haven’t kept it from any of our friends,”
“No, no this was too quick. I know who this came from. I met with Elise earlier today, she has friends on all of these online blogs,”
“I thought you guys were friends,”
I shrug. “Not really. She likes you. Or rather she wants to fuck you. Regardless, I told her it’s not going to happen,”
“And she leaked information because she’s mad?” He asks. “What is she, fifteen?”
I roll my eyes and pull him to lay again. His arms come around me, pulling me against his chest. I’m not worried. I refuse to let anything she does affect me and my life. So what if people know I’m dating Jay. We’ve been seen more than once together at parties, though even then some people assumed. Even if it’s confirmed, it doesn’t affect anything. We won’t let it.
“She’ll get over it,” I say.
“If you don’t have a problem, then neither do I,” Jay tells me. “But you’ll let me know if it becomes an issue, ok baby?”
I kiss his neck and nod in agreement. I’m not too worried. I’m annoyed but there’s hardly any damage done.
“Let’s order food,” he suggests.
“You read my mind. You go ahead and wake me when it gets here,”
“All you do is sleep,” he scoffs. I watch him stand and stretch. He’s so lean, and muscular, and pretty. And mine. I smile at myself. If I wanted to I know I could have him back inside me within seconds. At some point, I have to draw a line no matter how difficult it is to force myself to live outside of fucking my hot man every minute.
“I’m worn out. Blame yourself,” I say wrapping my arms around his abandoned pillow.
He pulls his boxers on. “Oh, you thought we was done? You not getting any more sleep for the night. Rest up, baby,”
Anticipating rolls in my stomach but I roll my eyes at him pretending that I’m not eager to have him on top of me.
“Feed me first,” I tell him.
His lips pull into a devastating smirk, his eyebrow raises. “I’ll definitely feed you something,”
He leaves me watching him, my appetite for food replace with an appetite for his skin. He thinks he’s so slick. I have tons of tricks that I haven’t shown him yet and I think it’s time to bring them out.
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thelittlesttimelord · 4 years
The Littlest Timelord: The Death of the Doctor Chapter 20
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TITLE: The Littlest Timelord: The Death of the Doctor Chapter 20 PAIRING: No Pairing RATING: T CHAPTER: 20/? SUMMARY: The Doctor’s death is looming on the horizon and Elise is growing every day. What the Doctor doesn’t know is that he has 200 years to teach Elise all he knows. Amy, Rory, and River let Elise in on their secret, because River knows she will keep it. What will Elise do when he’s gone?
River walked down the corridor of Stormcage dressed in Regency era clothing as alarms went off around her. She picked up the guard’s phone. “Oh, turn it off. I'm breaking in, not out. This is River Song, back in her cell.”
The alarms stopped going off.
“Oh, and I'll take breakfast at the usual time. Thank you.”
She hung up and saw two figures standing there.
One was smaller and the other was dressed like a Roman.
“Oh, are you boys dressing up as Romans now? I thought nobody read my memos,” River said.
They stepped out of the shadows.
It was Rory and Elise.
“Doctor Song. It's Rory. Sorry, have we met yet?” he asked, “Time streams. I'm not quite sure where we are.”
“Yes. Yes, we've met. Hello, Rory. Hello, Ellie.”
Elise had grown once again in her absence.
“What's wrong?” Rory asked.
River let out a shuddering breath. “It's my birthday. The Doctor took me ice skating on the River Thames in 1814, the last of the great Frost Fairs. He got Stevie Wonder to sing for me under London Bridge. And of course you were there, little star.”
“Stevie Wonder sang in 1814?”
“Yes, he did. But you must never tell him.”
“We've come from the Doctor too.”
“Yes, but at a different point in time.”
“Unless there's two of them.”
River smirked. “Now, that's a whole different birthday.” She pulled out her diary as Rory said, “He needs you.”
River found the entry she was looking for. “Demon's Run.”
“How…how did you know?” Rory asked.
“I'm from his future. I always know. Why on Earth are you wearing that?” “The Doctor's idea.”
“Of course. His rules of engagement. Float like a butterfly, sting like a bee.”
“…Look ridiculous.”
“Have you considered heels?”
“They've taken Amy. And our baby. The Doctor's getting some people together. We're going after her, but he needs you, too.”
“I can't. Not yet, anyway.”
“I'm sorry?”
“This is the Battle of Demon's Run. The Doctor's darkest hour. He'll rise higher than ever before and then fall so much further, and I can't be with him till the very end.”
“Why not?”
“Because this is it. This is the day he finds out who I am.”
“Come on, Elise. She’s obviously not going to help.���
Rory stalked off, back to the TARDIS.
“I’m sorry,” River told Elise.
“Happy birthday, mum.”
“Thank you, little star.”
Elise ran after Rory.
“Was that Rory I saw?” a voice asked.
River turned to face the redhead. “Yes, it was. What are you doing here?”
“You didn’t think I wasn’t going to visit you on your birthday? I’m hurt.”
River laughed and hugged the redhead.
They sat down on River’s bed.
“Now, tell me what’s been happening.”
“Well, it all started when…”
The TARDIS landed and they split up.
“Elise, go with Vastra and Jenny,” the Doctor told her.
Elise had been rather fascinated with Vastra, even though her first interaction with the Silurians had been less than pleasant.
They made their way to the control room and surprised the two men at the controls.
“Go on, resist. I am ever so hungry,” Vastra threatened.
“Now, dear. Which button controls the lights?” Jenny asked.
One of the men pointed and Jenny pressed that button, causing all the lights to go out. They gave the Doctor enough time to execute his plan, then turned the lights back on. Vastra and Jenny tied up the two men.
“Clever, isn't he?” Jenny asked as they watched the soldiers and the Headless Monks kill each other.
“And rather attractive,” Vastra added.
“You do realize he's a man, don't you, ma'am?”
“Mammals. They all look alike.”
“Oh, thank you.”
Elise laughed. They were just like River and her father. She hoped she found someone she could banter with like that one day.
“Was I being insensitive again, dear? I don't know why you put up with me,” Vastra said.
“Vastra!” Elise yelled, seeing one of the soldiers going for the door lock.
Vastra spun around and stung him with her tongue like Alaya had done to Mac.
“Stop. Wait. Listen to me,” the commander said, “I am disarming my weapon pack. Monks, I do this in good faith. I am now unarmed. All of you, discharge your weapon packs. The Doctor is trying to make fools of us. We are soldiers of God. We are not fools. We are not fools. We are not fools. We are not fools.”
The soldiers and him repeated the phrase over and over again.
“Colonel Manton is regaining control,” Vastra said.
“Where's the Doctor gone?” Jenny asked.
Strax appeared next to Manton. “This base is now under our command.”
“I have a fleet out there. If Demon's Run goes down, there's an automatic distress call.”
“Not if we knock out your communications array. And you've got incoming…” the Doctor said.
“Danny Boy to the Doctor. Danny Boy to the Doctor.”
It was the Spitfires!
“Give 'em hell, Danny Boy.”
“Target destroyed.”
“Yes!” Elise cheered, clapping.
Vastra smiled at the small Timelord. Elise was beaming from ear to ear and her eyes were sparkling.
The Doctor joined them in the control room. “What did you think?”
“That was amazing!” Elise praised him.
The two high-fived.
The Doctor sat in the chair while they waited for Colonel Manton. He was marched in by Strax at gunpoint.
“All airlocks sealed. Resistance neutralized.”
“Sorry, Colonel Manton. I lied. Three minutes forty two seconds,” the Doctor said.
“Colonel Manton, you will give the order for your men to withdraw,” Strax ordered.
“No. Colonel Manton, I want you to tell your men to run away.”
“You what?”
“Those words. Run away. I want you to be famous for those exact words. I want people to call you Colonel Run Away. I want children laughing outside your door, because they've found the house of Colonel Run Away.” The Doctor stood up and got in his face. “And, when people come to you, and ask if trying to get to me through the people I love…is in any way a good idea, I want you to tell them your name. Oh, look, I'm angry. That's new. I'm really not sure what's going to happen now.”
A woman’s voice spoke. “The anger of a good man is not a problem. Good men have too many rules.”
The Doctor turned.
It was the eye-patch lady Amy spoke about.
“Good men don't need rules. Today is not the day to find out why I have so many,” the Doctor said.
“Give the order. Give the order, Colonel Run Away,” the woman told him.
When they came to the room where Amy was being held, they found Amy and Rory kissing while crying.
“Ew, kissing and crying. I'll…I'll be back in a bit,” the Doctor said.
Elise agreed. They turned to leave when Rory said, “Oi, you two. Get in here, now.” They came down steps and walked over to Amy, Rory, and their baby.
“My daughter. What do you think?” Rory asked.
The Doctor smiled. “Hello. Hello, baby.”
Rory knelt down so Elise could see her.
“She’s so tiny!” Elise said.
“Melody,” Amy told them.
“Melody? Hello, Melody Pond,” the Doctor said.
“Melody Williams,” Rory corrected.
“…Is a geography teacher. Melody Pond is a superhero,” Amy said.
The Doctor sniffed Amy. “Well yes, I suppose she does smell nice. Never really sniffed her. Maybe I should give it a go. Amelia Pond, come here.”
The two of them hugged.
“I'm sorry we were so long.”
“It's okay. I knew you were coming. Both of you. My boys.”
“Oi!” Elise said.
Amy laughed. “And you, little miss.”
“It's okay. She's still all yours. And really, you should call her mummy, not big milk thing. And it’s Elise, not Blue Eyes.”
“Okay, what are you doing?” Amy asked.
“I speak Baby.”
“No, you don't.”
“I speak everything, don't I, Melody Pond?” The Doctor messed with his bowtie. “No, it's not. It’s cool.”
Amy laughed.
Vastra entered the room. “Doctor? Take a look. They're leaving. Demon's Run is ours without a drop of blood spilled. My friend, you have never risen higher.”
River’s words echoed in Rory and Elise’s head.
He'll rise higher than ever before and then fall so much further.
The Doctor parked the TARDIS and Rory, Amy, and Melody immediately left.
Evidently, Melody didn’t like the TARDIS noise.
“Is Melody gonna travel with us?” Elise asked as the Doctor carried a wooden cot. She wouldn’t stop asking questions about Melody.
“Maybe not until she’s older.”
“So does this mean she’s like my cousin or something?”
“Well not technically.”
“So, just a friend then?”
“Open the other door, would you?”
Elise opened the other door and the Doctor carried the cot out.
“She's not hungry, she's tired. Sorry, Melody, they're just not listening,” he said.
“What's this? Melody?” Amy asked.
“Very pretty, according to your daughter.”
“It's a…it's a cot,” Rory said.
“No flies on the Roman. Give her here,” the Doctor said.
Amy handed Melody to the Doctor. “Hey, there we go.”
The Doctor placed her in the cot.
“But where would you get a cot?” Rory asked.
“It's old. Really old. Doctor, er, do you have children?” Amy asked, “Besides Elise.”
Elise was too old to have even slept in it.
“Have you ever had children?”
The Doctor ignored the question. “No, it's real. It's my hair.”
“Who slept in here?”
“Doctor, we need you in the main control room,” Vastra said over the intercom.
“Be right there! Things to do. I've still got to work out what this base is for. We can't leave till we know.” He started to walk off, but Amy went after him.
“But this is where I was? The whole time I thought I was on the TARDIS, I was really here?” she asked.
“Er, Centurion, permission to hug?”
“Be aware, I do have a sword,” Rory said.
“At all times.”
They hugged.
“You were on the TARDIS, too. Your heart, your mind, your soul. But physically, yes, you were still in this place.”
“And when I saw that face looking through the hatch, that woman looking at me.”
“Reality bleeding through. They must have taken you quite a while back. Just before America.”
“That's probably enough hugging now,” Rory told him.
The Doctor pulled away.
“So her Flesh avatar was with us all that time. But that means they were projecting a control signal right into the TARDIS wherever we were in time and space,” Rory said.
“Yeah, they're very clever,” the Doctor said.
“Who are?” Amy asked.
“Whoever wants our baby,” Rory said.
“But why do they want her?”
“Exactly,” the Doctor said.
“Is there anything you're not telling us?” Rory asked, “You knew Amy wasn't real. You never said.”
“Well, I couldn't be sure they weren't listening.” The Doctor started to walk off.
“But you always hold out on us. Please, not this time. Doctor, it's our baby. Tell us something. One little thing,” Amy said.
“It's mine,” the Doctor told them.
“What is?” Rory asked.
“The cot. It's my cot. I slept in there.” He smiled and left them with their baby and Elise, who hadn’t taken her eyes off Melody.
“Oh, my God. It's the Doctor's first stars,” Amy said. Amy wiped Melody’s face with the prayer leaf Lorna had given her.
“Drop your weapons. State your rank and intent,” Strax said, “I found it listening at the door.”
It was the soldier from earlier.
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asteraegis · 5 years
that evandra fic lmao
So it’s set in a sort of “kingdom au”, which is basically the same rules of modern day where everyone is alive but it’s a fantasy medieval period. It isn’t as smutty as my edawale and fryeway fics because evie has class unlike edward but there is sex in it eventually. 3604 words 
Tags are: wlw, mention of animal death, a fuckton of kissing, cunnilingus, metaphors like that one lesbian sea shanty in odyssey (it’s a dyke/hozier thing), evie crushing big motherfuckin time, kassandra being kassandra
The view outside my modest stained-glass window taunted me as I sat nearly consumed by my studies. Ink I swiped over while writing painted my right hand’s palm and little finger indigo, smudging my forehead as I tried to soothe a fierce headache.
I stood and opened the window, leaning out against its ledge, feeling the breeze play with my loose hair. The crisp air blowing in from the alpines and lush forest gave me a welcomed shiver, a nice change in comparison to the stuffy room I had been holed up in all morning.
“I have got to get out of here,” I muttered, stepping away from the sights and wiping my hands and face clean with a handkerchief.
Abandoning my satin sleepwear, I slipped into a cornflower blue linen gown, tugging the most comfortable sandals in my possession on and descending down stairs of marble, my small travel purse in hand. A walk would do me justice afore I went mad in these walls.
Coming toward the palace mess hall, I decided to grab myself a canteen and loaf of bread seasoned with rosemary, setting these items in my bag next to my leather back journal and dirk. As I left the room and began to make my way toward the doors, my brother that thinks himself to be a jester with the rights of a noble cut in my path.
“Well, well, well! What’s this? The kingdom’s recluse of a princess is leaving her chamber?” Jacob chaffed. “Did the books tell you to give them some space, Evie?”
I rolled my eyes. He really never would understand that with nobility comes more than swordfights and feasts.
“I just want to go for a stroll, Jacob,” I replied, ‘course my reply came out like a hiss as I pushed pass him.
“Like, out in the garden?”
“No, a bit farther, down by the stream.”
“Oooh, an adventure you’re set on! Hope your books can protect you from bears and wolves,” he sneered.
I swallowed as to keep my temper, knowing he just wanted to get a rouse out of me. Turning around with a forced smile, I said to him, “I have a dagger with me, Jacob. How about you see if Arno needs pestering, hm?”
“Hmph, if you’re that desperate to be alone, enjoy your stroll, sweet sister!”
Jacob left and as did I, at last escaping the palace’s walls. I exchanged brief ‘hellos’ with the other noblewomen, Aveline, Elise, and her majesty Amunet, who were having a spot of tea and gossip under a grand willow tree. I strode toward the ivy strangled gate, then went forth venturing down the old river-stone path. Small finches and doves made songs overhead while egrets scouted for salamanders in the bank’s reeds. Squirrels darted in front of me as I headed for my long-time favorite hideaway, a tiny spring hidden by willows, oaks, and looming boulders. I could hear the faint call of its humble waterfall, teasing my skin that longed to stand under the gentle flow. A scenic cove, just for me and plenty to sketch while I lay in a bed of clovers, or, better yet, I could wade in the calm waters naked and let nature shoo my stress away.
But alas my daydreaming was interrupted by a frantic young buck knocking into me as it dashed across the stream elsewhere. I glared at the deer from my spot on the ground, rising to my feet quickly when I laid my eyes on what he had been chased by. A lean, taupe-coated wolf stalked out of the shrubs toward me, seeming to decide I would make and easier meal than the deer. My hand whipped my dirk in front of me and I stood my ground, clutching the blade in my sweaty palms and doing my best not to appear afraid, my heart beating wildly. The wolf went to lunge and I stabbed my knife into its fur, missing a puncture on the animal as I found myself more focused on avoiding its claws. The beast came at me again, pouncing on top of me. I held it back away from my face with my forearms, its teeth biting inches from my nose. The wolf had swatted my measly blade out of my hand from its last attack and from this angle I was beginning to wonder if maybe I should have spent more time sparring with Jacob rather than cooped up at my desk or in the library.
Just as things began to appear bleak, the wolf yelped and fell over, staggering to its feet with a fresh arrow lodged in its neck. Another arrow pierced its chest, giving me time to grab my dirk and finish the mad dog off, panting while my eyes scanned the vicinity for who had helped me.
A tall, muscular woman with scarred olive skin appeared from the bushes, adorned with garments crafted from animal hide I’m sure she fashioned herself. She replaced her bow back behind her, drawing near me with an out stretched hand.
“Are you all right, milady?” she asked, standing over me.
I took her hand and she pulled me effortlessly upright. “I’m, uh, I’m fine, thank you,” I stammered out, taking a step back from her as I felt my cheeks flush from admiration, thankfulness, and her closeness.
“That’s good to hear. Judging by your gold circlet and dress’ dye, you’re one of the princesses from the palace over yonder, no?” she inquired as she picked my satchel from the ground.
“Yes, I was bored and wanted to visit the spring a little north of here,” I said, taking the purse and setting my blade away.
“Might I accompany you, then? To ensure your safety, your highness?”
My heart fluttered at the mere thought of spending time with this heaven-sent Amazonian-esque woman. “Yes! Yes, of course! Oh, and please, ‘your highness’ is sweet, but just call me Evie.”
She smiled warmly, her honey eyes ensnaring my gaze. “Thank you, miss Evie. My name is Kassandra, should you be curious to know.”
“Then many thanks to you, Kassandra.”
We got to the spring in no time. Really, I would have likely been fine alone, but it was nice sharing the path with her while she explained that she was a mercenary, paid by a tanner to collect fox pelts. She was searching this area for the little vulpine creatures when she heard the wolf growling. At the hideaway, the ethereal beauty felt even more fantastical with Kassandra’s presence. She stared in awe of the surrounding area while I shamelessly watched her skin become dotted by the mist’s droplets coming from the falls.
She turned to me with that same charming smile but with childlike wonder in her gaze. “I’m sorry, your high—Evie, do you mind if I stay with you for a bit longer? Please, this place is one of the loveliest views I’ve ever seen.”
“Oh, not at all, Kassandra, I wouldn’t mind your presence. In fact, I have a rosemary loaf, should you be hungry and want to split it with me. It’s the least I can offer for your saving of my life,” I told her, doing my best not to appear desperate for her to stay.
“Really, Evie?” she was beaming from my answer. “I would love to share a meal with you!”
I couldn’t help but grin the entire time we ate together, her telling me that she came from the naval kingdom to the west and answering all the questions I asked about sea travel between bites.
“I’d love to go sailing someday,” I sighed finishing my half as she swallowed hers.
“Well, should your kingdom’s queen allow it, I would gladly petition to take you out,” she said, then hastily continuing with, “um, sailing, take you out sailing.”
It’s a wonder a woman could have such stunning charm, vast natural knowledge, and a kindhearted soul and still appear human by slipping up on her words. I leaned against the oak behind where we sat, giggling at her embarrassed expression. “I’m sure lady Amunet wouldn’t mind.”
Kassandra seemed glad to hear that, standing and facing the spring. “Um, would it be too awkward if I soaked in the water, miss Evie?”
Of course, I wouldn’t mind you being naked, I thought, Who would? “No, it’s fine if you do, Kassandra, please, go right on ahead.”
She thanked me, though it’s not like I own the spring and can dictate who is allowed to use it. I took my journal out of my bag to sketch the dragonflies dancing across lily pads and the rippling surface, but mainly to give Kassandra some privacy while she disrobed. Half way through drawing the body of the insect, my eyes wandered away from the paper and in her direction. She flipped her fur shawl off and unclasped her undershirt, revealing her back. Her skin was visibly sweaty, she must have been exploring for a while before coming across me. Next, she stepped out of her boots and pants, laying her clothes on a stone by the spring. Kassandra waded slowly into the water, moving her arms out to feel the cool, clear liquid swirl around her fingers. I couldn’t look away despite wanting to give her space, after all I had just met her. I found myself flipping to a blank page and sketch her figure as she wiped her hands over her body. I knew it was wrong to draw her nude without her consent, but I wanted to keep her image forever in my mind when I inevitably had to return to the palace and my dusty books. She unbraided her hair and dipped her head under the water. She flung her head back, her hair slinging sprinkles of beads across the surface.
I felt my cheeks warm. It was like watching a nymph play in a river, and I felt her aura pulling me toward her. I set the journal away and took off my sandals, Kassandra turning when she heard me rustling, the sunlight glistening off her wet chest and drenched locks. I gave a friendly smile to make myself feel less of a creep. “I think I might join you, Kassandra, it is terribly humid out and the spring is taunting me.”
It’s true I was being taunted, but it wasn’t by the spring. No, this woman’s body was like a siren’s call, awakening lust with its silent song only your soul could hear.
“It does feel quite refreshing, Evie.”
I lifted my gown up and over my shoulders, pulling down my panties and folding them next to my shoes and purse. Kassandra moved to help me into the spring so I wouldn’t slip, though her standing so near with my hand in hers made me feel light headed, her image clouding my mind. Her chivalry is nice and all, but this might get dangerous if she keeps it up.
The water embraced me, though I ached for the hand I was holding to clutch me instead. My thoughts flooded my common sense as I developed a dazed look in my eyes, staring down her wet frame. To rest my head against her neck, to feel her lips trail down my bosom, to press myself against her, to become one in this secret place. It was immoral of me to think of this as I had been betrothed to another who I loved, but he could never compare to her grace. She just held herself with an air of confidence, like she’s had eras of practice with women of all backgrounds, like she was a mythical creature that comes out whenever a woman heaves a melancholy sigh. I wish a gorgon would come and petrify us in this state so I could stand locked in Kassandra’s eyes with her for the next century. Better yet, to be a stone Kassandra carves so I could feel her press into my body day in day out and smooth me over and over until she’s done with me and I can stare at her without her notice.
“Uh, milady Evie, your hand.”
Her voice startled me and I flicked my eyes down, realizing I was still holding onto her. I released, blushing and staring into the water away from her. “Oh, oh my, I’m sorry about that.”
God, I’m such a dunce sometimes.
She chuckled. “It’s quite all right, dear, I don’t mind you staring.”
My eyes widened. She knows I’ve been staring at her this entire time, I thought, a hot feeling settling in my arms. Of course, she knows, I hadn’t managed to keep my eyes off her for long since she saved me. I’m such a harlot, I haven’t known her for longer than an hour, what am I doing?
“Kassandra, I’m sorry I’ve been lost on you for so long. I know I’m being rude, after everything you’ve done for me in this short time, I really shouldn’t be acting so stricken right now,” I was chagrinned, my desire for her drowning my senses.
She placed her palm to my shoulder, reaching around with her other hand to tilt my chin towards her, snagging my eyes in hers yet again. “Evie, I swear to you whatever you have been daydreaming about is nothing compared to what I yearn to do for you. You’re stunning, you’re intelligent, you’re sweet to me despite our class differences and short time being together, and you being ashamed of yourself for your mind makes you appear restrained. Let me help you release your tenseness; I promise to give you the attention you need.”
I was shocked, to say the least. That this, goddess, would want to treat me so. “Kassandra, I—”
She took both my wrists in her fingers and pulled me near. “Evie, I would build a shrine for you, I would sacrifice myself if it meant to stay with you forever in the afterlife, I want to worship you as the nobility you refuse to accept yourself as. Please, allow me to do this for you.”
This has to be a lucid dream, there is no way this woman is real, she can’t be serious right now, I thought. “Kassandra, you’re lying, you can’t actually want to—”
She leaned in and kissed me on my lips, holding me still for a moment before pulling back. “Did that feel like a lie, miss Evie?”
I’ll be honest, it didn’t. It felt like I had just passed away in my bed and cherubs were leading me to heaven. I closed my eyes for a moment then looked up at her. “Do that again. Everywhere.”
She shown a grateful smile and leaned into me again, our lips fitting together as she undid my hair and tossed my circlet to my things. Kassandra and I made out, our tongues touching at first on accident but then just because neither of us cared. We backed toward the small waterfall, it cascading down us as Kassandra ran her fingers through my hair. Losing a battle with my self-control, I found my arms wrapping around her neck and tugging her against me while I leaned against the wet stone. True, the shower and rocks were freezing, but her touch warmed me so, I could barely notice. She led me away, our lips not once parting, and laid me across a large horizontal stone that stuck out of the spring.
She pulled back for us to get proper breaths and Kassandra held my face in her left hand. “Evie, may I touch here?” she asked, gesturing toward my pelvis.
I nodded. “I did say everywhere.”
“Yes, of course, you’re right.” She lowered her face toward my neck, her breath tickling me. “Everywhere.”
She smelt like petrichor, so close to me, and I knew that today she’d ensure that, every time it rained, she would come to my memories. Her hands held my hips as she trailed her lips down my body like I had desired them to earlier. Kassandra licked at the water that clung to my breasts but didn’t stay fixated on them for too long like a man would, she knew exactly where she needed to be.
Her mouth continued down to my naval and then she spread my legs, a firm grip on both of my thighs. I moaned softly from her teasing kiss she left on my clitoris, her hot breath exciting me. Kassandra’s tongue started at the base of my vagina, coming slowly back up to where she had kissed. She circled it with the underside of her tongue, never lingering too long on one side. Her right thumb came down below her chin and rubbed my perineum, pushing down on it as she closed her lips around my clit. I felt my hips twitch; it had been so long since someone else did this for me. My hands reached down and clutched the back of her head, pulling her closer. I heard her chuckle, muffled against me. She knows that she has me now under the control of her mouth, flicking her tongue up and down like she was flipping a switch.
I felt a sense of hiraeth at her mercy. She had me biting my bottom lip, she could easily make me come quickly but she wanted to make sure she made this feeling last as long as possible. Never has anyone ate me slowly to savor their meal, it’s usually because they’re unsure what to do. I tangled my fingers in her chestnut hair, tilting my head back to moan, her sucking making me gasp.
“Oh, fuck,” I whispered under my breath and she decided it was time to finish me off.
I gasped, my pelvis tingling, my finger tips feeling like they had been burnt, they felt numb but not in a painful way. My toes curled, my clitoris trembling as she kept licking at me, not letting it come up for air. Arching my back from the stone, I wrapped my legs around her shoulders like I had before with my arms. I released her from my thighs’ hold after I steadied my breath and she came to kiss me again, her body over mine. I swung my arms and legs over her, pulling Kassandra down against my skin. She set herself so her thigh would rub against me again, taking one of my hands down to feel her. Kassandra was wet too, from more than the spring, I could feel her pulsing in my palm. I rubbed her clitoris between my fingers, her moaning into my mouth and her hand that get her propped up over me nearly slipping. It made me happy to know I was making her feel as I did earlier. She kept my hand steady on her, guiding my fingers to tell them exactly what she wanted. She backed off from kissing me as she came from my hand, her voice sounding so delicate doused in pleasure. Kassandra pressed her body against mine and kissed me again, this time I could tell it was to make up for her mouth not being able to say “thank you” at the moment.
She stood slowly and I sat up on the stone. She laughed, pointing toward the buck from earlier standing at the spring’s edge, sniffing at us from afar. “It appears we have a peeping tom.”
I giggled, moving to my feet, feeling that Kassandra had stolen part of my heart. The cool water around my pelvis made me shiver again, just not because it was cold. We waded hand in hand back to our belongings, the deer running off from us approaching. Kassandra and I got dressed and she kissed the top of my head.
“Would you mind if I walked you back to the palace’s gate, my princess?” she cooed in my ear.
“Of course not,” I entwined my fingers in hers. “And if you stay in the area, I’ll see about having you knighted in this kingdom, too. You deserve it after proving your ‘worthiness’ today.”
She snorted from her laughter which made me laugh too, leaning against her as she led me back down the path. The poor wolf from earlier was being scavenged by an eagle, which chirped at Kassandra as we passed it. I moved off of her when we neared the queen’s demesne as to not appear to any onlookers that I had been having a little affair while my fiancé was away. Luckily for us, the only person that saw us was the visiting Auditore prince, and he has plenty of scandals of his own to deal with.
I hugged her goodbye, Kassandra assuring me that this wouldn’t be the last time I see her, especially after I pointed out which window was mine with a wink. She kept her eyes on me until I had entered the palace and from outside my window, I could see her petting the eagle. She waved goodbye and walked off into the forest she came from. That night as I laid with my face in my pillow, I thought of her and decided to flip through my rough sketches of her. In my bag I discovered she had left a glove in my bag alongside one of the bird’s speckled feathers. I held them close to my chest, knowing that this night’s memory would last a lifetime, if not longer, then set them next to me in my bed, dreaming of Kassandra and all the things she did for me.
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pindaleng · 7 years
Asks Part 2 - 150 asks
blackdowning asked:
all of the taylor asks please and also all of the 150 asks from a couple days ago thanks
Get ready for a ride
1. Who was the last person you held hands with?
Teasingly with my friend Holly
2. Are you outgoing or shy?
Shy af
3. Who are you looking forward to seeing?
My bestie @blackdowning :’)
4. Are you easy to get along with?
I think so! Unless we’re good enough friends that all I do is find ways to antagonize you
5. If you were drunk would the person you like take care of you?
Romantic “like”? Hope so but don’t know them that well ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 
6. What kind of people are you attracted to?
People with really nice smiles and laughs and have a great sense of humor because help me if I have to explain memes or can’t make them laugh (because I’m hilarious)
7. Do you think you’ll be in a relationship two months from now?
Lol no way
8. Who from the opposite gender is on your mind?
Thinking of what to text @blackdowning
9. Does talking about sex make you uncomfortable?
10. Who was the last person you had a deep conversation with?
My roommates!
11. What does the most recent text that you sent say?
"New year old me my bed is probs gross now“
12. What are your 5 favorite songs right now?
King of My Heart - Taylor Swift
Bad At Love (Stripped) - Halsey
Over You - Miranda Lambert
Over You - Ingrid Michaelson, A Great Big World
Can I Be Him - James Arthur
13. Do you like it when people play with your hair?
Um idk, if I’m comfortable with them?
14. Do you believe in luck and miracles?
Yupperdoodles :)
15. What good thing happened this summer?
Discovered Wynonna Earp and Carmilla :’)
16. Would you kiss the last person you kissed again?
Yikes nope
17. Do you think there is life on other planets?
18. Do you still talk to your first crush?
LOL nope but he likes my Facebook roasts to our mutual friend sometimes
19. Do you like bubble baths?
What kind of person doesn’t??
20. Do you like your neighbors?
Don’t know my apartment neighbors but maybe the ones across the hall could smoke less weed that’d be great
21. What are you bad habits?
Scratching my head and releasing dandruff, rubbing my face as it’s peeling, shaking my leg, staying up late doing nothing, procrastinating, etc.
22. Where would you like to travel?
Want to go to Japan one day! But otherwise not sure. Europe in general, Australia, Canada? Places with good food and comfortable living arrangements.
23. Do you have trust issues?
Why is this question in so many asks yes I do move on what a clingy question jeez
24. Favorite part of your daily routine?
Going on tumblr
25. What part of your body are you most uncomfortable with?
...all of it? :’)
26. What do you do when you wake up?
Grumble about being awake
27. Do you wish your skin was lighter or darker?
Uhhh I think I’m pretty okay with how it is rn
28. Who are you most comfortable around?
My besties
29. Have any of your ex’s told you they regret breaking up?
Yikes no thank goodness
30. Do you ever want to get married?
Probably! #TaxBenefits
31. If your hair long enough for a pony tail?
32. Which celebrities would you have a threesome with?
Um threesome friendship? Elise Bauman and Natasha Negovanlis cuz I’d be a third party observer as they forget about me and just get to watch them be super great all the time 
33. Spell your name with your chin.
34. Do you play sports? What sports?
In a badminton class rn! I’ve also played sports for funzies like tennis, volleyball, swimming, and basketball
35. Would you rather live without TV or music?
Heck that’s hard. Without TV? Especially if they couldn’t have music in them. But like I’m such tv fandom trash it would be so hard.
36. Have you ever liked someone and never told them?
Hahha yes
37. What do you say during awkward silences?
Um nothing or how’s it going or 
38. Describe your dream girl/guy?
Super funny. Great listener. Eye crinkles when they smile/laugh. Bright smile. Laugh that makes flowers grow. Driven.
39. What are your favorite stores to shop in?
There was a store in Epcot Japan that I could spend like my entire life in. Craft stores, and department stores with plaid/button ups/dressy clothes
40. What do you want to do after high school?
Um in college rn so... college?
41. Do you believe everyone deserves a second chance?
42. If your being extremely quiet what does it mean?
I’m either super exhausted or irritated or uninterested
43. Do you smile at strangers?
Yess’m because I get unreasonably bothered when people don’t smile at me cuz then I think I did something wrong lmao
44. Trip to outer space or bottom of the ocean?
Um bottom of the ocean like under a bajillion pounds of water how cool is that
45. What makes you get out of bed in the morning?
Responsibility and food
46. What are you paranoid about?
47. Have you ever been high?
Tried but didn’t work
48. Have you ever been drunk?
Erp yep
49. Have you done anything recently that you hope nobody finds out about?
Um secret projects
50. What was the colour of the last hoodie you wore?
51. Ever wished you were someone else?
All the time??
52. One thing you wish you could change about yourself?
Me? :’)
53. Favourite makeup brand?
Uh covergirl? Don’t really wear makeup 
54. Favourite store?
Teeturtle (online store) has pretty nifty stuff
55. Favourite blog?
56. Favourite colour?
57. Favourite food? 
58. Last thing you ate?
White Cheddar Cheez-its
59. First thing you ate this morning?
Milk with instant coffee, but first actual food PB&J
60. Ever won a competition? For what?
Once was a winner of a letter to santa competition my local newspaper hosted when I was a kiddo and got a stuffed bear
61. Been suspended/expelled? For what?
Nope I’m too much of a goody two shoes
62. Been arrested? For what?
For stealing people’s hearts ;) jk never been arrested
63. Ever been in love? 
Don’t think so
64. Tell us the story of your first kiss?
Was leaving their house and then awkwardly talked for forty minutes by their door then fill in the blank
65. Are you hungry right now?
I literally always am so
66. Do you like your tumblr friends more than your real friends?
Um tumblr friends r real friends
67. Facebook or Twitter?
68. Twitter or Tumblr?
69. Are you watching tv right now?
70. Names of your bestfriends? 
Internet and Food
71. Craving something? What?
Sushi and love
72. What colour are your towels?
Red and pink
72. How many pillows do you sleep with?
Just one
73. Do you sleep with stuffed animals?
I have some on my bed!
74. How many stuffed animals do you think you have?
Ummm 15-20?
75. Favourite animal?
76. What colour is your underwear?
Wouldn’t you like to know ;)
77. Chocolate or Vanilla?
78. Favourite ice cream flavour?
Mint Chocolate Chip
79. What colour shirt are you wearing?
80. What colour pants?
Blue jeans
81. Favourite tv show?
82. Favourite movie?
Ugh hard one I don’t really have a fave. I really like Now You See Me1 and 2, the Pitch Perfects, The Carmilla Movie, Almost Adults, The Big Short, Polar Express, and I’m sure I’m messing some
83. Mean Girls or Mean Girls 2?
Who tf likes Mean Girls 2 better??????????
84. Mean Girls or 21 Jump Street?
Mean Girls
85. Favourite character from Mean Girls?
86. Favourite character from Finding Nemo?
87. First person you talked to today?
My roommate Holly
88. Last person you talked to today?
So far, my other roommates Hope and Victoria
89. Name a person you hate?
Nick St. Clair
90. Name a person you love?
Betty Cooper
91. Is there anyone you want to punch in the face right now?
Anybody I want to fite sum1
92. In a fight with someone?
Don’t think so
93. How many sweatpants do you have?
Many many
94. How many sweaters/hoodies do you have?
Also many lots love sweaters and hoodies
95. Last movie you watched?
How To Lose A Guy In 10 Days
96. Favourite actress?
Just one??? 
97. Favourite actor?
uhhh Chris Wood maybe? Tom Hanks?
98. Do you tan a lot?
Did when I played tennis in high school
99. Have any pets?
No :(
100. How are you feeling?
Great B)
101. Do you type fast?
Decently quick!
102. Do you regret anything from your past?
SO MANY but also trying to just accept it instead of feel bad about it
103. Can you spell well?
104. Do you miss anyone from your past?
105. Ever been to a bonfire party?
Um not like super cool burning couches and ten feet tall fires but just chill roasting marshmallows ones yeah
106. Ever broken someone’s heart?
107. Have you ever been on a horse?
Yes! It was fun
108. What should you be doing?
Studying for exams stop attacking me
109. Is something irritating you right now?
110. Have you ever liked someone so much it hurt?
Hm I don’t think so
111. Do you have trust issues?
I'm against monopolies so you could say I have issues with trust (anti-trust get it haha I’m hilarious give me money)
112. Who was the last person you cried in front of?
113. What was your childhood nickname?
Awk didn’t really have one
114. Have you ever been out of your province/state?
115. Do you play the Wii?
Uh duh it’s great
116. Are you listening to music right now?
117. Do you like chicken noodle soup?
Who doesn’t?
118. Do you like Chinese food?
119. Favourite book?
120. Are you afraid of the dark?
121. Are you mean?
Average ye
122. Is cheating ever okay?
I use google all the time for my hws so I hope so
123. Can you keep white shoes clean?
Lol no my white shoes rn are getting pretty dirty
124. Do you believe in love at first sight?
Yes <3
125. Do you believe in true love?
Yes <3 <3
126. Are you currently bored?
Yes but I also have a heck ton of stuff I need to do oop
127. What makes you happy?
Making other people laugh/smile
128. Would you change your name?
If it would make it sound cooler yah
129. What your zodiac sign?
130. Do you like subway?
Delish I might get some soon
131. Your bestfriend of the opposite sex likes you, what do you do?
132. Who’s the last person you had a deep conversation with?
Literally this was already a question who made this
133. Favourite lyrics right now?
London girl with an attitude We never told no one but we look so cute Both got way better things to do But I always think about it when I'm riding through - Bad at Love by Halsey
134. Can you count to one million?
Is that before or after seven
135. Dumbest lie you ever told?
Idk if it’s the dumbest but in an interview I said I knew what a company did and then said it wrong but they hired me anyways so who rly won
136. Do you sleep with your doors open or closed?
137. How tall are you?
138. Curly or Straight hair?
Straight in reference to hair
139. Brunette or Blonde?
Brunette? Closer to black hair
140. Summer or Winter?
141. Night or Day?
142. Favourite month?
143. Are you a vegetarian?
144. Dark, milk or white chocolate?
Dark chocolate ftw
145. Tea or Coffee?
146. Was today a good day?
Yeah :)
147. Mars or Snickers?
Um Milky Way should count under Mars right
148. What’s your favourite quote?
“No matter what happens in life, be good to people. Being good to people is a wonderful legacy to leave behind”
149. Do you believe in ghosts?
How else do u explain how a russian nesting doll ended up in my apartment freezer when neither me nor my roommates did it.
150. Get the closest book next to you, open it to page 42, what’s the first line on that page?
Uh literally don’t have a book near me rn might update later when I find one
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