#anyway I just went through my old NU lists and got a whiplash for some of the side pairings I had in more niche novels asdsaffvd
danhoemei · 3 years
Hi...who are your top 5 favorite side-pairings (can be canon or fanon) from all of the danmei novel that you've finished? Why you like them?
Thanks so much 🌻
Welcome back ✨ First of all, so very sorry for letting your ask sit in my inbox for so long and collect dust dfvbdkfjvgb I’ve been so busy lately.
Also hhhhh this question is hella hard because I suddenly realised how many side pairings I like for so many different reasons xdd so I went with the pairings I read at least one fic about.
(In no particular order)
Let’s be real, this pairing is a mine for comedic shenanigans and an epitome of oblivious pining idiots in love. There are basically a lot of tropes I enjoy and sqh is one of my fav characters from svsss so it’s fun to read things from his pov. Peak comedy tinged with angst and sweetness, from distrust to I-will-kill-for-you, hurt and untrusting person finally letting it sink in that they are loved and they will go feral for their loved one, a constantly mistreated and used by others person finally getting something back and realising that they are worthy and loved... *clenches fist* yeah.... 
Tbh canon bingqiu didn’t really make it for me, their relationship felt so toxic and on strings, and I needed quite a few fics after finishing the book to actually Feel them. Another of my dissatisfactions was lqg who was left just like that, never having his (hella obvious) feelings seen, validated, or at least acknowledged. And he’s one of my fav characters ever xdd so I want him to be happy ;-; But liushen didn’t feel right for me as well unless it was an AU or we kill off binghe, because in my eyes this obsessed demon would never let anyone else have his shizun, over his (literally) dead body.
Then I stumbled upon acernor’s bingliushen fics. And let me tell you, I’ve never been keen on threesomes or polyamory, for me if there was any doubt in the relationship caused by a third party I felt anxious and insecure and was not enjoying the story, I just needed two people madly in love with each other, happy and sure. But then I gave acernor’s fics a try and BAM *fanfares* a new door opened and I experienced a galaxy brain moment, realised how soft and wholesome and completing polyamory can be, and that was it for me. Everything fit into place, bingqiu actually falling in love and sorting out their communication and relationship, lqg getting his share of love and even more than he’d ever thought of, all three of them finding what they need in each other then living happily and together and I AM SOFT SDKJFDFBKJE
So ye acernor doesn’t even know how much I’ve been reorganised because of their fics (not only when it comes to shipping >2 characters together but also my own approach to relationships lmao) and that they literally inspired me to take a shot at writing my own explicit fic xd and here I am now 
Yeah they were tragically harmful to each other and those around because of their inability to communicate and open up to each other and handle their traumas. And yeah I wish happiness for them. I dwell on AUs in which they can be happy together after all they went through, with them admitting what they want and living with it. I am weak for characters who are misunderstood and have difficulties with opening up, so shen jiu especially has a soft spot in my heart. But yqy needs to be there with him for me to feel complete, because these two can’t live without each other whether they like it or not, as we very well know from the novel. And I want them to experience cosiness of happiness, peace for these two stitched souls T-T
I don’t even ship them as in headcanon ship, my headcanon is 3zun or at least xiyao and/or nielan. But I love jiang cheng too much (another grumpy character who can’t say their feelings clearly huh xd) and want him to be happy. I saw so many arts and read quite a few fics with xicheng, and I just really enjoy this dynamic even though I don’t consider it fitting to my view of the canon story. In short, energetic fiery mind meeting a calm and soothing partner, bonus for lxc hiding a storm behind that calm especially when it comes to his desires ;d Explosive characters being tamed is kinda a thing for me ajkvnfdkjvsd 
I am weak and soft for them, and weep for their tragic story every single time. They were so harmonious together, like two sides of the same coin, complementing each other and completing each other. They shared the same dream and I like to think that they would create a really good and open sect which would set an example for others. Thus, Yi city arc absolutely annihilated me, stepped on the pieces of my soul while sprinkling my tears on itself like perfume then spun around and walked away laughing. I need AUs with these two being happy with their adopted daughter a qing ;____; 
There are so many more but this time I will keep to the limit of 5 xD unless someone asks ;d
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