#anyway I’m gonna make chai and continue the process
nightfayre · 1 year
I’m about 70% done editing the new chapter which is a relief, but this last 30% is gonna require my utmost attention… expect an update tomorrow instead of today 😔
(& I know I said I was looking forward to posting the last chapter but, man — I’m really looking forward to posting this one)
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carelessannie · 4 years
maybe it goes like this: tony courts peter (part 2)
Chapter One | Chapter Two | Chapter Three | Chapter Four | Chapter Five | Chapter Six | Chapter Seven | Chapter Eight | Chapter Nine | Chapter Ten
Read on A03
Read the Stuckony backstory WIP
Starker focus (Tony x Peter), Winteriron (Tony x Bucky), with reference to Stucky, Stony and Stuckony
This is the “meet... awkward” for my AU, and takes place roughly 8 months before the first chapter. Enjoy!
Major warnings: D/S Au, A/B/O Au, OmegaSub!Peter, BetaDom!Tony, OmegaSwitch!Bucky, AlphaDom!Steve, Heavy Awkward Flirting, Cute Nicknames, Kinda Sexy Winteriron
Maybe it goes like this:  
8 Months Earlier
Peter is looking forward to seeing his Pack after class, definitely needing to cuddle up with Annie in their nest tonight. And maybe Clint will bring home pizza. It’s been a long-ass day.
Okay, definitely pizza.
From the front of the class, Peter can hear his professor introducing the guest lecturer, and he drags his backpack around to his seat to unlock his laptop and notebook. Just as he logs in and dates his notebook page, Peter looks up to see the most attractive man in New York walk through the door, smile to the class, and introduce himself.
Tony Stark?
No Way. The Tony stark?
Peter's ears ring, and he swears he sinks three feet into the floor.
Mr. “just call me Tony” Stark is saying something about BioMolecular Engineering, about class credit, about new processes in the industry, about independent research opportunities, about the— wait.
Peter jerks in his seat, mouth ajar, as The Tony Stark lists benefits of working in his research lab for Stark Industries, a dream Peter has nursed since high school. He barely hears the rest of the presentation, focusing on closing his mouth and blinking, keeping hot Arousal out of his scent, adjusting himself in his pants—
“—and I’ll take questions up front if you have them, thanks."
There’s a round of lazy applause, as students start to pack up and file out, and Peter shakes himself, You have to talk to him. He scribbles a few questions on his notebook and throws everything into his backpack, floating across the classroom and to the back of the line.
When he finally steps up, both of them freeze. Peter restrains himself from scenting the older man right there in the classroom because hot damn .
Peter lets out a short gasp of “hellomynameisPeterParker,” thrusting his hand forward, and is pulled in for a firm handshake, Tony Stark looking into his eyes with a vaguely amused expression.
Peter lets go, reluctantly, and stutters out, “M-mr. Stark? I think I’d be interested in the semester research opportunity.”
“Of course, Peter Parker,” Tony turns and grabs a StarkPad, scrolling briefly before handing it over to Peter, “if you want to fill it out today, feel free. It’s an equal opportunity research grant, and provides a weekly stipend for the duration of the program.”
Mr. Stark continued with details, as Peter quickly puts his information in the application and presses “submit.” He peers up at the older man, Beta? Probably? Most of what he can scent is spice and fire– maybe cinnamon, or chai like Clint? It’s hard to tell without throwing his face into the man’s neck, and inhaling deep–
“Mr. Parker? Pete?”
Peter’s head shoots up, and he realizes he’s been still for too long without responding, and immediately goes to apologize, “Oh, I-i’m so sorry, Mr. Stark, I just… I finished the application? Shouldn’t I submit– or, sorry– send in a resume? Sorry.”
Mr. Stark keeps his expression schooled, but Peter can tell that he’s holding back a smile. Dammit Parker, way to nail the first impression. He shifts on his feet, biting his lip as Mr. Stark shakes his head slowly.
“No, it’s okay Peter. Our admin team will review the first round of applications by department, and send out an email link for further information, alright?” he gives into his smile, reaching out as if to... what, comfort Peter? But aborts the motion and crosses his arms, flexing slightly under his navy suit.
“Do you have any other questions, Peter?”
“No, n-no not right now, sorry, thank you Mr. Stark, sir. Um. Okay? I’ll see you later?” and Peter beats a hasty retreat out of the classroom, feeling his scent shift Embarrassed and hot tears prick his eyes.
Why does he always give a terrible first impression?
Tony stands, shocked in the empty classroom, schooling his scent and his breathing.
Thank you Mr. Stark, sir.
He collects his things in a haze, heading back to his pack and thinking about the gorgeous omega who just called his name.
Damn. His Alpha and Omega are gonna want to hear about this.
2 Weeks Later
Tony is straightening up the last few items in the R&D lab, hearing Pepper’s complaints of You need to care about your work space, Tony and You need to prepare a safe space for interns to work, Tony. And Pepper is right, of course, so Tony keeps cleaning.
He hears the doors swish open, and sighs, schooling his expression to neutral. He whirls around, raising his hands to defend himself against what he assumes is a new portion of nagging from Pepper, and instead–
The pretty omega from NYU.
What? “What are you–” Tony starts, watching as– Parker? Pete, Peter?– clutches a bag close to his chest, large doe eyes widening in shock and fear and… yup, there it is, FearShockEmbarassed Omega scent floods the lab as Peter takes a step backwards, lips opening and closing in shock.
“Hey, are you–”
“I’m so sorry, I–”
Tony shakes his head, stepping a little closer, “No, it’s okay, Peter? Right? From NYU?” with a nod in confirmation, Tony barrels ahead, “I thought you were– no, it doesn’t matter. Are you, are you here for the internship?”
“Y-yes, I’m sorry, they said to come at noon, but I thought I’d get here early and, god I can’t believe it, I’m so sorry, I’ll just wait– uh, wait outside?” Peter stutters through the explanation, lowering his eyes and backing towards the door to retreat into the hallway.
“No, like I said Peter, it’s okay, honestly,” Tony looks around quickly, trying to find a seat for the started young man, and yanks out the stool to his workbench, “here, sit down, please?”
There’s a moment of stillness as Peter looks between the stool and Tony, muttering something under his breath and setting his jaw in determination. Damn this boy is adorable, and Tony forces himself to keep a neutral expression as the om– the intern – walks across the room and sets down his backpack. Tony turns to the other side of the desk to give Peter some space, and clears the last of the notebooks into a nearby drawer.
He wants to start a conversation with Peter, fingers twitching in the unbearable silence, but is saved by the lab doors opening again, revealing Pepper leading five lost looking interns into the room. She leads so gracefully, he thinks, and feels his scent turn Fond and Proud for the Beta. Pepper sits each intern down, greeting Peter as well, and before he knows it, orientation and introduction are underway. The interns have their own work benches, and Pepper lets another supervisor take over the first day paperwork.
While the interns work in silence, Tony refuses to fixate on Peter, even though he takes to the research environment so beautifully. He's smart, he makes the funniest sarcastic quips when he thinks no one is listening, and he's kind of quiet, but always speaks up when he has a strong opinion.
Tony keeps his interactions unbiased among the other interns, mostly betas and one alpha, and is so relieved when the day ends and the students finally shuffle out of the lab. Peter ends up last to leave, staring at Tony and nervously licking his lips as he shoulders his bag. He seems to hesitate.
“Yeah, what’s up Pete?”
“Oh… no, right, see you tomorrow?” Peter shifts back and forth on his feet.
Tony smiles, “Of course, early bird,” and honestly can’t help his eye twitching, helplessly, in a wink.
Peter stutters out some type of goodbye, and flutters back through the door.
Tony blows out a breath, “JARVIS, call Bucky.”
“So what you’re tellin’ me is, you’ve somehow managed to find a smokin’ hot–”
“Beautiful,” Tony interrupts, “and compatible–”
“Right, smokin’ hot, compatible omega, and you… hire him?”
“I mean, technically I didn’t hire him personally–”
“No, you know what, I get it. It’s my fault I can’t have him. But Bucky, I swear he’s so damn smart, and I can’t even let myself hope about his orientation,”
Bucky groans audibly over the line, but Tony protests again, “–because I swear he would submit so beautifully, Bucky, I can just see it. And remember how I said he called me sir?”
“How could I forg–”
“It’s all I can think about. I don’t wanna be overbearing, but I’m completely helpless around him and have no idea what to do. Bucky, I winked at him. Winked. And he ran away so fast.”
He can hear Bucky laughing at him over the line, that idiot, and Tony drops his head in his hands.
“Want my advice, sweetheart?” Bucky doesn’t wait for an answer before continuing, “I think you should take it slow and court ‘im. Sounds like it could be awhile before you can make anything official, and what is he, like eighteen?”
“... Twenty.”
“Okay, twenty. He probably isn’t looking for a permanent pack anyways, alright? Get to know ‘im at work, and as soon as you can, you should also put a stop to him seeing you as his boss,”
“Wait, but–”
“No, Tony. As much as it feels great for this little omega to call you ‘Mr. Stark’ and ‘Sir,’ if you want anything more with this guy, you have to work to even out the relationship a bit.”
Tony slumps down into a seat, sighing dramatically. Bucky goes silent as Tony processes what he’s saying. A thought occurs to him,
“Wait, is that how Steve got you?”
Bucky snorts, “Yeah, you know our Alpha’s ‘bout as subtle as a dump truck. His advice is gonna be, ‘sit the omega down, state your intentions to court him, communicate clearly,’ all that shit,” another laugh, this time fonder, “I’m just sayin’ to save that for later, okay? Take it slow.”
Heading towards the door, Tony signals for JARVIS to move the conversation to his phone as he heads home. He pops in an earpiece for the call, and makes sure Bucky is still on the line.
“Yeah, I’ll take your advice Bucky-bear. Hey, are you home?” Tony taps his foot as the elevator descends to the parking garage, feeling a familiar itch starting under his skin.
“Yeah I am, Steve’s out until later... why, what’s up?”
He gets out of the elevator, heading for his car, “I think all this talk of the perfect omega has me missing you. Wanna do something soft and dirty when I get home?”
Bucky hums, the sound sweet and tempting, even over the phone line, “Whaddya have in mind, my Beta?”
“Oh you know I love when you call me that,” Tony peels out onto the main road, heading towards their coastal property, their home, “I want you to contact Steve and ask him to pick up dinner, your choice. I’ll tell him what my plan is for you tonight, so he won’t be surprised. I’ll be there in thirty-five minutes and want you in the red room, ready to play, understood?”
Tony can hear Bucky breathing quicker over the phone as he responds, “Yes, Beta.”
“My good omega. And for now, let’s not tell our Alpha about Peter. Not unless it gets serious, okay?”
“Mmm okay, Tony. Hurry home,” and Bucky ends the call.
Tony steps on it.
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The Prince and The Boy (8)
Chapter 8: He Needs Me
A College AU
Texas Southern University (Houston,Tx)
Ship: Chiron Harris x Erik Stevens
Warning(s): none
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Things were finally back to normal. Chi and Erik are sitting next to each other in their sociology class once again, both eating breakfast that Erik got for them. Erik remembered to get two apple juices instead of one this time.
Chi’s bashfulness seemingly fades over time, exchanging more and more of those longing glances with Erik throughout the class.
Erik notices every glance Chi makes, smiling to himself each time. They’re joking around with each other and Erik gets to see Chi’s personality a little bit more. Before class is over, the professor reminds the class of an exam next week. Erik takes this opportunity to ask Chiron on another date. It’s not too soon, he thinks, Right?
“I have a class right after this, but maybe after that?”
Erik agrees, suggesting that they meet at a coffee shop near campus.
We can do that cute shit like in the movies.
They meet by a bench near a building close to the edge of campus, greeting with a small peck, which almost makes Chi blush. As they walk, their hands keep brushing until Erik grabs Chi’s hand, smirking at him as they walk. 
They make small talk, flirting back and forth. Erik notices that the more they talk, the bolder Chi gets. It shocks Erik, but he likes it. As they’re talking and getting to know each other more, things seem to fall together naturally and you’d think they’ve known each other for years from overhearing their conversation. 
They finally get to the coffee shop where Erik orders a black coffee while Chi orders a soy chai latte. I guess he has a sweet tooth. Erik nods silently to himself, Noted.
They pick up their drinks and sit down and continue talking. Erik loads his black coffee with enough sugar to kickstart diabetes. I knew he had a sweet tooth Chi muses. 
They get so lost in conversation that they almost forget the whole reason that they’re there: to study. Chi the one that gets them on track by being the first one to take out his textbook first and Erik quickly follows.
Their study session lasts for about an hour and a half before Chance walks in with his girlfriend. Erik looks up when he hears “I see you E!” Chi just smiles up at him, shaking his head.
When they approach the 3 hour mark, they wrap up their study date and decide to head home. Walking to their cars, they begrudgingly part with a goodbye kiss and go their separate ways. The next day they spend apart, but still keep in touch through text. Chi offers to bring Erik breakfast to class next time.
Chi spends the next day with Kendall, telling her about him and Erik. She immediately facetimes Bryson so he can hear too.
“So,” Kendall begins,  “y’all good now?” Chi just nods “Yeah” with a smile that can’t be wiped off of his face, “we’re good.”
“So what’s next with you two?”
“I don’t know, we’ll see, but I think this is gonna be good. For the first time in a long time, I’m excited.”
“I’m happy for you. It feels so good to see you smiling again” Kendall gets up to hug him.
Bryson chimes in “Yeah man, it’s good to see you happy. I’m glad you talked to him so I ain’t have to fight you.”
“He asked me out on another date soon,” Chi announces, smiling thinking about their phone convo from a few nights ago, “to a concert.”
“Oh shit, whose concert?” Kendall asks as she lets him go and sits back down.
“Kendrick?? This nigga got taste,” Bryson comments, “But what row is it?” 
“It doesn’t matter, Bryson,” Kendall interrupts.
“Man, y’all know that nigga got money.” Bryson continues. This earns a roll of the eyes and a “shut up” from Kendall.
“When’s the date?” she inquires and Chi checks his phone, “Saturday, I think.”
“Y’all doin anything after,” Bryson chimes in once again. “No, I don’t think so. We might go eat or something, but we might do that beforehand.” “No, I mean are y’all doin anything after?”
“Bryson, really?”
“It’s a valid question.“
“Why did I even call your ass” Kendall sighs, knowing he wasn’t going to be serious. “Anyways, I hope you two enjoy your date!” 
“Thank you, Ken.” 
“Yeah, all jokes aside,” Bryson continues, “enjoy your date, have fun, and don’t do anything I wouldn’t do.”  
“I would never do half the shit you do.”  
Bryson jokingly holds a hand over his heart, “I’m hurt.”
“You’ll be alright nigga.” Bryson laughs at Chi’s response as Chi turns to Kendall. “Ken can you help me get ready for this date Saturday?” 
Bryson helped him get ready for the last one. He’s nervous but more excited this time. He’s just happy that Erik still wants him even after Chi cut him off for that period of time.   
“Of course. Anything you need.” 
Their last sociology class of the week was finally over and Chi and Erik are walking out of class together, being almost nauseatingly cute, when Erik sees Chance and Khalil, who he is supposed to meet up with before practice. 
“I’ll text you when I get out of practice” Erik pulls Chi into hug, hugging him until he hears Chance clear his throat. “You’ll see him tomorrow. I’m not tryna be late.”  
Erik gives Chance the stank eye and turns back to Chi and gives him a long kiss, just to spite him. 
Chi laughs into the kiss. “Y’all niggas annoying,” Chance shakes his head. “We’ll see you later Chi,” Khalil butts in as Chance pulls Erik away from Chi.   
During their walk to practice, Chance and Khalil are teasing Erik, but it doesn’t work since Erik’s not even mildly embarrassed. Nothing could embarrass him when it comes to Chi. He’s smiling the whole time. While they’re getting ready for practice, their locker room talk consists of Erik beaming about the date he has planned for him and Chi. 
“So where are y’all going for this date?” Khalil inquires as he puts on his equipment. 
“I’m taking him to go see Kendrick. We were listening to him one time in the car, and I thought it would be a good idea.” 
“Nigga, you ain’t take your best friends to a concert,” Khalil smacks his teeth. 
“Really,” Chance questions, “That’s what you’re focused on right now?” 
“Thank you, Chance.” Erik replies. “I mean,” Chance continues, “It would’ve been nice to get an invite, but whatever.”  
“When y’all gon buy something for me?” Erik looks up at both of them.   
“When we got your type of money.”
“You too bougie for us,” they both say simultaneously. 
“Fuck outta here” The three continue their conversation, unknowingly making Sean privy to the details of Erik and Chi’s Friday night plans. 
Once practice is over, Erik spends his night preparing for the date and talking to Chi until he falls asleep. Neither of them could wait for the next day to come.
The beginning of Erik’s Friday is spent running errands and getting ready for the concert. Chi is at his apartment with Kendall that night doing the same thing.
Chi’s not as freaked out this time, but he’s still a little nervous. He keeps on fixing his shirt, checking his hair, which leads to Kendall to putting a hand on each of his shoulders and trying to get him to relax. 
“If you brush your damn waves one more time,” Kendall grabs his brush, “calm down Chi.”
“Whatchu mean? I am calm.” He takes his brush from her and brushes his hair again to mess with her. 
Kendall gives him that look that says “you a whole lie”.
“I am calm, Ken” Chi smacks his teeth. 
“Okay,” Kendall decides to let it go, “You’re gonna have fun tonight.” He nods, “I hope so.” 
“You better tell me how this date goes too” He laughs, “you sound like somebody mama.”
“Mmhmm. Tell him to have yo ass home by 11, since you wanna be so smart.”
“I said you sound like somebody mama, you ain’t my mama.” She slaps his shoulder and he laughs.
“I mean it, nigga. Don’t have too much fun” 
“Aight, mother dearest.” 
Before the banter can continue, a knock interrupts their conversation. Chi and Kendall exchange a look “Speak of the devil.”
“I'll answer the door,” Kendall shrieks as she runs to open the door for Erik. “What’s up,” Erik greets, met with Kendall’s face, “Kendall right?” She nods and he smiles as he sees Chi walking up, “Hey Chi, you ready?”
“Yeah, I’m ready.” He walks out with Erik right beside him and looks back to Kendall, “I’ll talk to you later. Don’t forget to lock up.” 
“I won’t. Have fun, but not too much fun.” She says teasingly before closing the door behind them
Erik grabs Chi’s hand as they walk to his car. He opens the door for Chi and when he’s seated he closes it and walks around to his side.
After Erik gets in and closes the door, there’s a small, comfortable silence as they both look at each other, actually taking in one another. Erik takes a deep breath,, “Are you ready?”
Chi smiles and nods, “Yeah, I'm ready.”
“Bet.” Erik pulls out of the parking lot and they’re off to the venue. It’s a little ways away, so Erik takes this time to bring up something important. Something that will affect his time with Chi.
“So,” he begins, “you know how I want to make sure we communicate with each other?” Erik turns the music down and turns to Chi as they approach a red light. 
“Yeah, what’s up?”
“So I'm already busy with football, you understand that.” He starts off, Chi nods and waits for him to continue. “But soon, I’ll be real busy with something important.... and during the process, I won't be around as much. I just want to let you know before you think something’s wrong.”
“How long does it take?”
“Could be around 3 weeks.” 
“So would we have no communication at all or...? How does this work?”
“We’ll still talk to each other and we still have class together, just outside of class I’ll be caught up at practice and being on-line. I’ll make sure to still call you and text you, don’t worry. You gotta promise me you won’t tell anyone else until the show.” Chi nods in agreement, “I promise.”
Chi’s gone through periods of time where Sean would just stop talking to him with no good explanation. He doesn’t want Erik to do the same to him, but he’s glad that Erik is telling him ahead of time. It eases his mind and convinces him either more that this thing with Erik is different.
“I don't want you worrying about that tonight, but I needed to tell you that so you’re not surprised.” Erik tells him his future plans and what’s to come for him as to why he’ll be so busy, Chi understands. He knows he’ll hate being away from Erik but it’ll all work out.  
They eventually get to the venue, listening to a rap playlist during the ride there, and walk inside to get to their seats. They sit close to the front which doesn’t surprise Chi. Erik’s the type to go all out for people he cares for. 
After an amazing concert,  they get in the car they turn their phones back on. The barrage of notifications includes an instagram post that Erik was tagged in. When he opens the app, he sees Chi was tagged as well. And who other than Sean to tag them in some cryptic ass post with Kendrick lyrics and a thirst trap picture.
But it was such a pleasure to watch you try to hold it together                      
Every time I put the head in you would panic
And come right down like an avalanche
Make your legs slant, whisper till you juicing up your pants
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He chooses to ignore it for the sake of Chi, but Chi can sense he’s upset about something.
“What’s wrong with you?” 
Erik tries to shake it off, “It’s nothing,” he grabs Chi’s hand to hold and rubs his thumb along the back of it, shooting Chi a small smile, “It’s fine.”
“You sure?”
“I’m sure. Everything’s good with you here.”
He kisses the back of Chi’s hand before driving off. They pull up to a diner that looks promising and walks inside. After they get seated, Chi decides to go through his notifications and comes across the dreaded instagram post, smiling falling from his face.
Erik immediately what Chi was looking at. Chi lets out a deep sigh “I can’t win with this nigga, man.”
“Ignore it, Chi. He ain’t worth it. We’re gonna enjoy the rest of the night. just talking”
Chi tries his best to shake it off too, but, just like Erik, it keeps lingering at the back of his mind. Other than that hiccup, the rest of the date goes smoothly. When they finish their food, Chi turns to Erik. “Thank you Erik, I had a good time tonight” 
“I’m glad. I had a good time, too.” Neither of them want the night to end, but it’s getting late and, although neither of them had anything to do the next day, they were both still tired.
Chi yawns and rubs his eyes, “Someone’s getting sleepy,” Erik jokes. “Come on, so I can get you home. It’s getting late”
Chi just gives him a sleepy nod and they leave after Erik quickly pays the bill. The ride home is filled with comfortable silence.
Erik plays his music low this time as Chi closes his eyes during the ride home. Erik chuckles to himself as he looks over to Chi who’s fighting sleep, but he keeps wanting to rest his eyes. He can’t remember if he snores and/or drools in his sleep or not and that’s the only thing keeping him from falling asleep at the moment. After a while, he actually lets himself fall asleep to the sound of the quiet music that Erik raps along to. 
Erik sneaks a couple looks at Chi through the drive. When he pulls up to Chi’s apartment, he’s tempted to take a picture of him sleeping, but he doesn’t. He figures this won’t be the first time he’ll see Chi sleeping.
“Chi, we’re back at your place” Erik tries to gently wake him up. “Baby boy you gotta wake up.”
Chi finally flutters his eyes open, letting out a “huh?” in his disoriented state.
“You’re home,” Erik laughs a bit. Chi sees that the lights are still on which meant that Kendall’s still there. He knows she’s probably going to end up spending the night like she always does. 
“Your best friend is still here?” Chi nods, “She’s always here. I feel like she’s my roommate at this point,” he chuckles as he gets out and stretches a bit. Erik also gets out and walks over to Chi’s side. Hugging him tight. “I’m glad you enjoyed tonight”
“I’m glad that you asked me out.” Chi’s trying to figure out if that little nap in the car would cause him to have morning breath because he wants to go in for a kiss. 
Erik sees how hesitant he’s being and goes in for the kiss anyway
Chi’s worries about his breath, Sean, everything, just melt away and he melts right into the kiss.
Erik pulls away first and pecks his lips one last time. “And don’t worry about that nigga, Sean, okay? He just trying to get under your skin” 
“Please don’t do anything crazy, Erik. Like you said, he’s not worth it” 
“I hear you, baby boy.”
Erik pulls him into another hug, this time holding him for a while. “I’ll probably call you tomorrow or some shit” Chi nods and yawns again. “Let me let you get some sleep.” He kisses his forehead and watches as Chi walks into his apartment. 
“Text me when you get home,” 
”I will,” Erik promises, “Now go to bed.” 
Chi turns and makes his way to his door. “Sweet dreams!” He yells before Chi can close the door
Chi waves as he walks in, he sees Kendall sleep on the couch with the TV on 
he turns it off, and she wakes up, eyeing him as he stands in front of the tv. “I was watching that, Nemour.” 
“Nah, the TV was watching you, Lorraine.” She flips him off and he laughs. 
Kendall’s alert now as she thinks to ask about his night. “Tell me all about the date.” She grabs his hand as he puts the remote down on the coffee table. He shakes his head, “I’ll tell you in the morning, sis.”
He’s ready to hop in bed, she smacks her teeth. “I promise I’ll tell you everything in the morning, okay?” Kendall gives in and lets Chi go to bed. As soon as he gets in the room, he strips out of his clothes and sits down on the edge of his bed.
A few minutes later, Erik texts him saying he’s made it home. Chi smiles and lays down, mind going through the events of the night, finally settling on the goodnight kiss before drifting off to sleep.
He tries to ignore the Sean mess, trying to focus instead on everything that went right tonight instead of the one less than savory parts of the evening. 
Erik’s up reflecting on his night, he’s happy the date was a success. He got to see one of his favorite rappers with his favorite guy. As far as he was concerned, his relationship with Chi was all that mattered.
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