#anyway I'm still having fun. my eyes hurt tho XD
heros-shade-fanclub · 6 months
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im kinda in the mood for angst 😤😤 if u could can i request the demon bros reacting to mc askin " why are you so mean to me" whether they make up or not its up to u
i just started obey me and some of the stuff the bros say get my feelings HURT ajajakkq
Angst is my bread and butter!! This will be fun for me...not for the boys. XD
I tried to make what they’re being mean about sorta vague??
Honestly, I don’t rlly like how this came out, but I don’t like anything I write so maybe it's just me.  I feel I’m missing something...
Warning: Angst
“Why are you so mean to me?” Lucifer froze for a moment when those words left your lips, before quickly brushing them off. He’s a prideful man to a fault obviously. It isn't till hours later that the words start to sink in, he at first assumed you were just being a brat at first but after that, you had refused to talk to him for the rest of the day and it was only now, he was considering if he truly was being a bit to mean to you? No... no...it is the human that is wrong...but his brain continues to nag to him.
How he apologizes:  In a very subtle manner that makes it obvious that he still thinks he’s not fully in the wrong but wants you to stop ignoring him. He gives you a stuffed animal and a letter detailing what had occurred and how he maybe, just maybe...was a bit mean. If you accept that is up to you.
“Why are you so mean to me?”  This hits Mammon hard, he immediately devolves into stutters and frantically tries to go back on whatever he said. Most likely call you names such as, 'stupid human' honestly. He knows how it feels to be called names all the time and for people mainly his brothers to be mean to him, and he feels really bad especially if you two have a close relationship.
How he apologizes:  Actually does say that he's sorry, and tries to butter you up with gifts he can't afford. He's still a massive tsundere about it tho, "All these gifts don't mean nothin' alright?! I just feel bad is all..."
“Why are you so mean to me?”  Chokes on his drink and immediately start fumbling with his words. He completely devolves into degrading himself, calling himself worthless and a filthy otaku who ruined his friendship because he's so horrible. He cannot take the fact he might be mean...even if he sorta is.
How he apologizes:  He doesn't. He just degrades himself so badly you eventually kinda just start to feel bad. Though that doesn't mean you have to accept that apology at all. If degrading himself doesn't work he starts trying to just act like nothing is wrong, but then he starts degrading himself again its a cycle...
“Why are you so mean to me?”  Nearly pokes his eye out with eyeliner. He apologizes instantly, but it's not a good one, to be honest. It's something along the lines of, "Oh honey, I meant nothing by it. I'm sorry. Anyways-" Just brushes right past it. He probably doesn't even really think he's being mean. It isn't till you start ignoring him that it gets him...
How he apologizes:  Goes all out, a luxury spa day, gifts galore, praise and everything. He desperately desires attention and for people to like him, but the opinion he ultimately cares about the most is yours.
“Why are you so mean to me?”  Breaks a glass in his hands instantly. Him, mean? Do you have any idea how much meaner he could be? Takes a deep breath and apologize for any actions you may have perceived as rude. That's right, perceived. He does not admit that he may have actually been mean.
How he apologizes:  That's it, that's his apology. It isn't until he considers how prideful and Lucifer-like he's acting that he genuinely reflects and apologizes for his actions. He thinks his words should be enough, so he doesn't shower you with gifts like his brothers as an apology.
“Why are you so mean to me?”  Does not let this stop him from swallowing a massive burger whole like a snake. Apologizes immediately for making you feel unwelcome and offers you a single fry from his food. Only one. Honestly the sweetest boy tbh, just goes, "Oh my bad. I'm sorry." And goes on with his day.
How he apologizes:  Though he brushed it off at first and apologized, he still feels bad and continues to apologize over the next few days. Ends up giving you bites of his own food even more often than usual because he feels bad.
“Why are you so mean to me?”  Laughs. He is not as sweet as his twin. He thought you were joking with him at first and brushed it off because he never considered that he may be a little mean. I mean he can be ALOT meaner, and he knows you know that given what happened between you two...He does not apologize until you start withholding cuddles because you're angry with him.
How he apologizes:  Basically says, "I'm sorry. Can I have cuddles back now?" Tries to find out what he did wrong, and ultimately tries to change how he acts to not be mean to you. Though he struggles because he's very sarcastic and sometimes comes off as very mean.
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barbiewritesstuff · 2 years
There's a don draper x reader tag????? SPRINTS
AHHHHHH I love that fanboy and star wars detail 😍 bet trivia is coming out of everybody's ears by now amd they're so sick and tired of the constant references xD rooster was totally doing that panicked eyebrow raise and Bob the cutie lil babie just wanted to disappear in his chair.
UNFFFF !!!! And it's not like Beau didn't take out his pent up frustration the same day at home whooooo boy can he hold onto his anger and of course he remembers that Hondo most likely saw the picture and he had to have a punishment lined up for that separately there's no way you're getting off the hook for that lip stunt soon.
So NATURALLY you're sore and covered in marks the next day and ok so maybe someone notices and pokes fun (it would be Hangman tho wouldn't it) and you're sleepy so Mav totally kicks your ass in dogfiting and now your sore and humiliated ass is doing pushups while having to listen to Hangman's incessant spiel and Beau just happens to pass by and hear it and ooooohhhh idk what happens after but I'm betting it'd be a delicious mixture of a possessive and smug AF Admiral 😏
So, sorry for the late response, I don’t tumblr too much at work because the app eats my data BUT now I’m on HOLIDAYS!!!! I am free to think about the thots you send me!!
So, Fanboy and Star Wars is not the love story you think it is. He has a strange relationship with the franchise in that he likes the films, he LOVES the universe but he doesn’t actually believe the films should have been about Leia, Luke and Han, or even Anakin, Padme and Obi Wan (DO NOT talk about the sequels) but about the millions of other more interesting characters like Salacious B. Crumb, Yaddle or even Temiri Blagg… Anyway, it’s best not to ask him about it because he will talk your ear off. 
Rooster was ABSOLUTELY doing the panicked eyebrow raise!!! That boy was trying to calculate an escape plan the second he saw the Admiral’s entire demeanour change!
Now Bob, Bobby boy, took the T-Rex approach from Jurassic Park. He was standing as still as he could manage, as if Cyclone was going to simply forget he existed if he didn’t move.
Now Beau doesn’t actually make it home with you. He has the key to an empty ensign dorm and bends you over the desk right there in one of the rooms. Not because he’s angry, necessarily, but because his fingers seem to automatically pull up the picture whenever he unlocks his phone and by five pm when you’re both done for the day Beau is HORNY. He wants you and he wants you now. 
But yes, you’re right, after that he punishes you twice, once because he wants you to get the message and then once more when Hondo sends him an email about something happening on base and he’s reminded that your picture was seen by someone else. By the end of the evening, you can no longer talk and you certainly cannot walk. In fact, when you make it out of Cyclone’s bed in the morning your legs are still shaky and you have to hold yourself up against the wall when you shower.
Okay, so I know you said someone would make a comment during dogfighting but consider this: it happens during the dogfight football scene. Because Beau is a very possessive man and that means he absolutely marks you up!!! You’re covered in hickeys and you’re pretty sure there’s a handprint on your ass from where he spanked you!! 
So obviously when you get to the beach for dogfight football someone is bound to notice. Now Hangman is the obvious choice but actually I think he keeps his mouth shut, ESPECIALLY when he notices Beau next to Mav and he sees Cyclone’s eyes fixed on you with a little smug grin on his face. 
No, I think it’s either Bob (because our little Angel thinks you might have gotten hurt (or he pretends, because he knows what you’ve been up to, just not who with and he likes to stir shit and cause chaos)) or maybe Fanboy… But can you imagine Hondo’s face? Because he’s refereeing the game!! He’s there!!! And he’s seen your everything pop up on the Admiral’s phone and now he’s seeing you all marked up, claimed and with a fucking handprint on your butt cheek!!! He is going to pass out!!!
I love this all so much!!! Thank you for your brain!
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OH okay so they ARE doing the wedding then
Good to know xdd
(Like right then tho lol-)
Nah I'm just kidding xDD Way to rub it in Claire's face though lol
Still though mostly joking since it's probably a week or a few weeks later xDD
Lol anyway
Aww y'all!!!
Oop this looks stressful
We got this though :pp
Help me I'm going to die :'))
Maybe it's his dad who's gonna code or even die o.o
That's it for the final thoughts, now it's time for the. . .
Yes, don't worry, I do plan on doing the others at some point xdd. But, since I haven't been blogging for three hours, I have the energy to do this now lol.
First off! Morgan and Park, y'all xDD. Goodness, lol, I love you, but you're always arguing about something XD. Eh, I suppose it is a drama show, lol. You practically have to be xd. Still, Morgan, I'm glad you compromised, and I'm glad y'all worked things out in the end 🥰🥰🥰.
Asher!!! And Jerome :DDD! Y'all are adorable <333. And I love you, lol. A, hi Jerome :D, we see you just doing your job, B, that surgery scene where Asher was talking about the suits was HILARIOUS like sir lol, C, the fun of Asher at that bachelor party xDD And also him and Park going 👁️👄👁️ when left at the strippers place lol xDD - Wonderful lol, iconic -, D, oh my G O S H y'all are so adorable 🥰🥰🥰. You worked things out really easily, even if those suits were stupid lol, and the we gOT A SECOND K I S S S S S!!! WHOOOOO!!! :DDDDDD!! I love my boys so darn much lol :DD. You guys are so cute <3333. Just- they :'DD. All around, them <333. Lovely :))).
Girl I LOVE YOUUU!!! It was so nice having her back again 😭😭😭😭😭😭. She had to make some difficult decisions and some she may have made wrong but she's still grown so much and is continuing to grow, even right in front of our eyes :')). Also so glad she got to see Audrey again 😭😭😭. They went through some rough patches this episode but I love their friendship so much :')). And yes it's just weird calling her Lim in relation to them being besties idk xdd so I called her Audrey lol. Still kinda weird, but not too bad lol. I went like hUU when Claire said it lol xDD. Anyway, so glad the kid survived :'))). And girl I am S O sosososo so proud of you 😭😭😭😭😭❤️❤️❤️❤️😌😌😉😍😍😍🤩🤩🤩🤩🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰.
Her <3
Lim and Villanueva - 😭😭😭😭😭. Guys I was SOBBING!! Not literally but yk lol. I figured she wouldn't actually be gone but I wasn't sure!!! Glad she's not, and I hope everything ends up okay :')). My besties (not literally lol) are living together and I wish them the best 🥰🥰🥰🥰. Continue to support each other!!! Love y'all :'DDD (good tears)!
Lastly, of course: SHAUN AND LEA!! Oh my gosh you guys 😭😭😭😭😭😭. A H H H H H ALL THE FEELS!!!! By the way when I say you guys/guys, these past two times at least lol, I was talking to them xD. But I guess you guys reading this too lol. Anyway!! There was so much pain and miscommunication (well not TOO much but it hurt me okay xdd) throughout the episode but in the end y'all decided to go with being yourselves and honestly I am just so proud of you :')))). And happy for you :'DDDD!!!! I love them ❤️❤️, they are my children 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰.
Overall, I really loved the episode!! We had some really great moments all around, in each storyline, and even if it didn't have a full plot, it was good! Like, the small side storylines. So (as in very) good for them <3.
So yeah! Loved the episode, and I'm really looking forward to the next one! This has been my review of. . .
The Good Doctor, Season 5, Episode 17: The Lea Show
It was such a great episode!! I'm super excited for the next one :D. After it, I'll be doing my review of. . .
The Good Doctor, Season 5, Episode 18: Sons
See you next episode!!!
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