mqfx · 1 year
baekrang tramp stamp on his hip..... exhibiting slut behaviors I see
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deltastra · 2 months
Tower of God Season 2 OP Thoughts
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As I am a Webtoon reader, THIS POST WILL HAVE SPOILERS SO ANIME-ONLIES BEWARE but to be honest, I would say my whole blog is spoilers for anime-onlies so keep that in mind!
I was so unsure at first but to be fair, maybe the trailer didn't do a good job of hyping up the OP for me. I still liked it, but I was unsure. Now, however, I am SO on board with this song. TY NiziU!!
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Starting off with Bam drowning?? That's cold! But a good way of showing to the anime-only audience that Bam was not forgotten and the story is still following him in a way!
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I want to point out the cut-from-paper style that the studio is using for this OP. I'll give more thoughts about this towards the end of the post! But for now, I love it!
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Team Sweet and Sour looking at Viole with fear is so </3 I do like that rotating angle with them surrounding Viole!
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Ah! Also another thing I noticed when watching episode 1, the studio isn't trying to hide Bam's eyes. They're making it very obvious that Viole is Bam. And you know what, good for them. Let's face it, a lot of us weren't thinking that there is no way Viole wasn't Bam when we first read the Webtoon right? I do wish they only showed his eyes during impactful scenes though. But that's just my opinion!
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This is like my second favourite part in the OP. Seeing that animation of Bam struggling to reach his friends from Season 1 looks so real. It feels like FUG is LITERALLY pulling him away from them while hes desperately trying to go back. A wonderful way to show how FUG treated Bam. The animation of his arm movements feel so real.
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AND THAT SPLIT SECOND WITH HIM PULLING DOWN THE SCENE AND WE SEE THE STARS? I LOVE THE PAPER LOOKING LIKE IT WAS RIPPED! It brings back that paper style the OP is doing. Also the way Bam tries to reach his friends only to fail and we see the stars instead? Love it. He was betrayed cause of those stars when you think about it. Of course this split second has some other meaning but as of now I don't remember. Still one of my favourite scenes from the OP though! One of my favourites....the top goes to...you'll see. (I believe you all know)
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I ACTUALLY FORGOT ABOUT THIS STORYLINE, THE OP REMINDED ME OF IT. I won't read that part of season 2 again, I'll experience it through the anime to remind myself.
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HAHAHA I LOVE THIS SCENE WITH THEM. IT GIVES ANIME-ONLIES SO MUCH CONFUSION. Like if you were an anime-only and you saw THIS. What would you think?
Why is Khun helping her? Are they in love, why are they holding hands like that??? Maybe he's pretending to like/help her! Who are those people in the back??? Hahahahahaha. Love it. (Also I plan to make a post on my thoughts on Rachel one day. and spoilers, it won't be a rant post. I hope I remember to make that post though, lol)
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YOOO ITS FUG! HWARYUN AND HA JINSUNG YOU BOTH LOOK GREAT! It's so nice to see them aga-AYO WHOS THAT GUY AT THE TOP???? FUG EXPLAIN YOURSELVES. Also Karaka I see you there buddy, you're not sneaky.
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The princesses! Love their new looks! Also I noticed Yuri's VA changed?? Why?? Could someone tell me?
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I remember in 2016, I was like, "woah it would be so cool if this Emily app was real!".......haha.......chatgpt............anyway
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Why is she so perfect, like what's her secret? SIU BRING HER BACK PLEASSEEEEEEEEEE. Also I liked the lip-syncing part! It felt off when I first saw it, but it grew on me!
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Don't do this to me.....the way they smile at eachother please don't do this to me :((((
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HORYANG CAUGHT IN 4K!!! Okay but tbh I forgot he had a crush on her.
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Ngl the transition to the song here felt like a betrayal cause I thought the beat was gonna drop lol.
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Not going to screenshot all of the parts here cause it will take time. I just want to say, THIS IS HOW YOU DO FORSHADOWING WITHOUT IT COMING ACROSS AS "SPOILERS". I loved TOP by Stray Kids but man, looking back at that OP, THEY SHOWED US NOTHING. At least this feels more packed and shows you what you can expect. in fact, you can even come back to this OP after the cour and go "Ohh so THAT's what that scene was forshadowing!" Love it!
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The sillies! I love them so much!!!!!!!!!! They felt like a family which I loved....It's so nice to see them again. Also maybe I'm looking too deep into it, but I love how they show Viole with no colour while the rest of the team is coloured. I like to see it as the team providing Bam some happiness in his life as Viole. I don't know, that's just me. I'm sappy when it comes to them.
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Nice job covering Khun lol. It legit took me about a week to realise that it was him because I forgot he wore that at the Hand of Arlene.
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I love them so much.
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Alright now let me just yap a little about my overall thoughts on the Opening as a whole!
You see, I....saw the OP when it leaked. I tried my hardest to ignore but I was too curious. What were the leakers saying about this looking trash? The style is genuinely unique!
I adore the cut-from-paper style, so what if they're only doing it to save money? They did cost-cutting WHILE making the OP as unique as possible. I would glady take this style over black screen with text and short animated scenes of Bam fumbling. (Yea I went there)
Besides, the opening does a great job of hyping you up and showing you JUST ENOUGH of what you can expect, the rest is up to you to figure out. All the forshadowing is done perfectly, only webtoon readers can pick up on the clues, while anime-onlies have the pleasure of going "OMG I FINALLY UNDERSTAND THIS"! It's a win-win for both of us!
Overall, a fantastic opening to the new season, I look forward to see what they'll do with Cour 2. Will it be paper-style as well? Who knows... But for now, i can say that...
WE ARE SO BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!
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solarbin · 6 years
Okay, I know it’s kinda late in the game to make reaction posts about WL but here I am with a considerable amount of feelings and thoughts at this point that I just wanna jot them down cause I’m hella infuriated and this should help me sort things out for myself. So, let's go, episode 9 under the cut. 
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First things first, most of the scenes between these two have been what I’ve affectionately dubbed “watching a plank and a board,” although I think I’d find a plank and board more interesting than them that’s beside the point I guess. Very rarely do I see them just... you know.. talk to spend time with one another and truly understand/get to know the other. Or, when they are shown talking, it’s always about exposition to further the plot or an argument breaks out so I fail to even see how they have any genuine chemistry at all, but I digress. (and lookie there, right by the end of this scene they’re arguing. Again. Not even playful bantering with each other, these two just bloody argue and make each other upset or cause the other to act childish. I just... If you’re gonna write a romance, try to make one that makes me at least give a crap, please.)
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So, besides Hongbin’s character, the only other one I found enjoyable was this lovely woman. She’s so precious, I love her. She’s sassy and takes no shit which is just enjoyable to watch. I especially loved her logical conclusion that not everything has to be solved by magic, haha. Including that by rubbing it in a millennial’s face that all she has to do to find granny #2 is just to track down by her GPS location! LOL
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//beleaguered sighs//  
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Waiter Jaewook ₍՞◌′ᵕ‵ू◌₎♡
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//Scoffs// I don’t know what I find funnier, the fact that the director gets jealous of a hired help that just happens to be the “love rival” (you “won” the girl’s heart, why are you being a bitch?) or the fact that the director helps out with the restaurant when HE’S THE REASON THEY HAVE TO WORK SO HARD FOR THE MONEY TO PAY RENT. Take a moment to let that sink in. He’s the BUILDING OWNER, they can’t take a day off anymore cause they have to pay that asshole rent when they originally owned the building but he acquired it in a roundabout way. I’m just.... does he not remember WHY they’re forced to work and never take a day off? Good job on continuity errors, writers.
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Wow, what a--
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Nevermind--he’s got it. (He’s right, you know.) 
I mean, not to go off on a tangent here, but obviously the (precious) granny hired Jaewook to help while she’s gone since we’ve already established that both grannies like him (I mean, who best to help out than a favorite customer and their favorite webtoon writer LOL). So, pushing the love triangle away for a minute, Chohong has no right to cast Jaewook’s help (and quite frankly, his livelihood since he needs the money) aside. Bad form, Chohong. This officially did it for me when it came to her character. I’ve legitimately stopped caring about her at this point. Like, just because of the circumstances, she rather treats the person who’s helping her and her family coldly and cruelly than to instead politely excuse him from work with his pay with grace and kindness. There is no reason to be a dick about it even if it puts you in an awkward situation over the fact you know that person has feelings for you while you’re techinically with someone else. 
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SNORTS  (He’s right, you know.)
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//beleaguered sighssssssss//
I hate over-possessiveness.
I don’t feel like putting a screenshot of the next scene, but might I say, I’m living for the secretary's savagery towards his boss, the renowned jerk. Because... ///whispers// he’s right, you know.
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The guilt on her face is also relieving. Yes, you have the man you know that saved you from dying--not the CPR aspect since that couldn’t save anyone! LOL but his “kiss” did technically bring her back--and that loves you unconditionally but you actively push him out like a nuisance despite his viewpoint of acceptance towards someone who’s different from the norm! (Wow, that almost sounds like the chicken girl from moorim, funny that.) I remember reading a comment saying Jaewook always says the right things but in the end, he’ll lose for... reasons which is sadly the truth. Also, here’s the thing, I don’t like blaming female characters for things that shouldn’t be their fault, since I understand it’s hard to let down someone who feels something for you but you don’t return those feelings, but in these drama’s the female lead never properly addresses things so it’s on them for being a shithead towards someone that does care about them and I can’t stand that. 
Carrying on to the next scene where she gets upset at the director for casting out the thought of witch’s existing, like seriously.... what was she honestly expecting?! She clearly wanted to hear him say the exact same thing Jaewook did about acceptance but got a bucket of cold reality washed over her lol. Good. You deserve it.
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I don’t have it in me to blame Hongbin on this one (or... Jaewook technically since this is a writing issue due to culture and systemic male entitlement) but I’m tired of toxic masculinity in kdramas. 
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I’m going to address the elephant in the room.................. Lee Hongbin looks more comfortable cuddling a male than the precious Jin Kijoo. There, I said it. My EunwooxJaewon/Jin Kijoo stan heart is partly shattered. But I’ll survive knowing how effortlessly gay bin can be with his friendo Gongchan.
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(I already commented on this but just quick recap) Was this really necessary? Did we have to really do this? Did my heart have to truly suffer? The answer is no to all the above. 
So the last part of this episode is dedicated to the second granny which was a better love story than this love triangle mess. Not to mention, way more exciting than the dry, bare-boned romance between the director and Chohong, which I find so laughable at this point. The director/producer of this series claimed they had phenomenal chemistry and I’m about to whip out a magnifying glass because... bitch where?????? 
Anyway, We’re fortunately at the home stretch! Thank god. After episode 10 is subbed, that just leaves us with two more episodes left! Next week shall be the end and hopefully, Binnie will get a different role that is less in this nature of trope-y-ness cause I’m just tired. 
Thank you to anyone that reads this :’) I hope my venting and commentary was entertaining at least. ;;;; I’ll probably make reaction posts to the last remaining episodes.
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shinahbee · 3 years
May favorites 2021!
June 05. 2021
Finally finished with all my assessment tests and now I’m free to do whatever, except I can’t do much cause we are still in a third lock down, I’m really sad since all I’ve been seeing is plant nurseries updating their instagram stories of all the new plants they are getting in. Dammit can’t go.  I have 16 plants now, it all starts with one and then your space becomes a jungle.lol.
I still don’t have any drama recommendations for you so that will be blank for a while. As for manga/webtoons I have two I want to discuss that I’m currently reading and enjoying, I see the list I have since starting the monthly favorites again and um..there’s like 33 titles, and these are filtered titles meaning I have read more than that.lol. I hope you all are enjoying the recommendations, I realized from seeing this meme, that I always seem to not remember the names of antagonists in these stories and I end up giving them nick names; harry potter, incest red head, boss...(then found out his name is pilwon, started to call him pil-shit.lol), scum red head, pimp, ass hat, tarzan...etc. wow. Then this meme came along and explained everything as to why I do this and it made so much sense.
Replace " crazy general" with "scum" I wish I still remembered where I got this screenshot from, think it was on twitter.
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So apparently I don’t care enough to remember is what it is, rightfully so because they are all scum.
I’m still thinking about what to draw for my digital art, I might actually draw fan art for a character’s birthday next week, I usually don’t do this but I think the last one I made didn’t do this person justice.lol. I also plan on drawing some more shounen ai series art, like the draw 6 characters “seme” edition,  don't worry I haven’t forgotten about it.
Okay on that note let’s get started! Have fun reading!
No dramas this month ...again
1) whose baby is it? (Ongoing)
2) Social temperature (Ongoing)
3) Salad days (Ongoing)
4) To be or not to be (Ongoing)
5) Path to you (Completed)
6) Here u are (Completed)
7) BJ Alex (Completed)
8) No way, vampires don't exist (Completed)
9) Unintentional love story (Ongoing)
10) Karasugoka don’t be shy! (Completed)
11) Semantic Error (Ongoing)
12) Tied up in Twins (Completed)
13) My Suha (Ongoing)
14) Crash into me (Completed)
15) Dine with a vampire (Completed)
16) Inner beauty (Completed)
17) False memories (Completed)
18) Hand in Hand (Completed)
19) Stanning 101 (Completed)
20) Private lessons (Completed)
21) Behind the scenes (Completed)
22) Turn off the camera (Ongoing)
23) Murderous lewellyn candlelit dinner (Ongoing)
24) Unrippened expression (Completed)
25) Oh! My assistant (Completed)
26) The good teacher (Completed)
27) My purrfect boss (Completed)
28) The sales department’s cupid (Ongoing)
29) Pearl boy (Ongoing)
30) Hold me tight (Completed) + side story (Ongoing)
31) The third ending (Ongoing)
32) Stigma (Completed)
33) December rain (Completed)
Updates on ongoing titles:
This is the section where I update you on the previous series I’ve talked about, each month can contain different series depending on what I have to discuss.
Murderous lewellyn candlelit dinner:
So this has been updated for a while now and I recently have just been catching up with it, last time I believed that I mentioned that shevon and lewellyn were interested in each other and apparently they did end up dating, but of course with caution on shevon’s part, as he knows that his boy friend is a murderer. Shevon had been offered a good opportunity to become a full fledged writer by a person scouting him, which honestly sounds fishy to me because this dude approached him by going to his place and just saying that he had been looking for him since he saw some his past articles that were not published during his free lance writing days.
It seemed like this dude was legit working for a good publishing company when shevon was invited over to visit. So of course he wanted to take that opportunity the only thing is that he had to come to this guys house to write as they don’t have work space or something...also sounding fishy...lol. I cannot even tell you how rapey this sounds, my fight or flight senses are tingling...
I honestly don’t remember what happened next but he wanted to tell lewellyn that he got a job as a witter when he took the opportunity and the b guy asks if he had someone waiting for him when shevon decided to leave, he didn’t out fight day he had a boyfriend/lover he just said that he a had a puppy waiting for him at home...I guess he was being cautious in case this dude gets murdered next if he were to introduce lewellyn to him.
I read a bit of the Korean raws and theres this part that did not make sense to me later where I’m sure this part is supposed to be a flashback, lewellyn was in jail and shevon was a policeman watching over him...I’m like okay I’m confused as to how we got here, guess I’ll have to wait to read the translations in English when they are released.
The sales department’s cupid:
Umm...I feel like I didn’t update this yet, it’s actually completed in korean, so i’ll give a small summary of some events that happened that I remember, the two main characters are seeing each other and of course people try to get in the way. There ‘s this pink haired new employee that really likes one of the characters and he wanted taejun to essentially hook them up, but taejun had feelings for that person already so he was reluctant, this of course causes an plethora of misunderstandings, lol the most basic plot point in all these stories, but they solved their issues and it turns out pink haired dude was already matched up with this other dude in their company...okay, I don’t know about you guys but this dude compared to the pink hair boy, he looks like a giant fridge, I’m like why the heck are these “ seme” type characters built like bank safes and the other dude is like a twig...this dude is going to kill him with his penis...lmao. This is one of my pet peeves in manga/webtoons where they can’t be the same size human, it just seems unrealistic. Anyways, the two main characters get together in the end. That’s it...to be honest it’s not all that great, I recommend it if you want something cute to read but the story itself was not really a stand out compared to other ones I’ve read.
Welcome to Heaven (18+)
Welcome to the wholesome stories of manga/webtoons, last month I talked about some of the more serious tones stories and it was something that brought up a lot of serious discussions that had to be brought to light. But for this month I’m going to talk about some wholesome stories that I am currently enjoying.
Warning some of these stories have mature themes so please be over the age of 18 if you do decide to read them!
Mr. Miss:
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“After being outted by his first love in high school, Juho has been struggling in his romantic endeavors ever since. One evening after a distasteful phone call with a cheating ex, Juho sees someone has been staring at him. Juho recognizes Kang Jaemin, an old high school classmate. Juho and Jaemin briefly catch up on each other's lives when Juho makes a surprising offer for Jaemin to stay the night at his place to which Jaemin agrees. This chance encounter leads Juho and Jaemin to explore a connection they didn't get to have when they were in high school. Perhaps Jaemin's honesty will be enough to give Juho the courage to love and trust someone again.”
I went into this without having any expectations and I was surprised at how some of these characters are really well written, it starts off with jaemin who is an office employee who hates his job..Lmao don’t we all? And he was in a really crappy mood because of a situation that happened at work but he came across a cafe and noticed that someone was arguing over the phone aggressively. Realizing that it was an acquaintance from high school he approached him and they started talking again. That person was juho and apparently jaemin wanted to be friends with him during high school but of course the “ first love” of juho’s was a cock block and literally distance juho from others so he was not able to make any friends, all the friends he made were from that person’s circle...ok first red flag right here, if anyone does this to you tell them to f*ck off , they have no right to decide on who you can and can’t be friends with.
Any ways, jaemin wanted to reacquaint himself with juho and they began to hang out a few times where jaemin made it apparent that he was really interested in him. Juho however didn’t think jaemin was serious due to his past relationships not working out, so therefore he just thought jaemin was going through a phase of just wanting to hook up with a guy. I feel like i’ve seen this plot line so many times and it was getting a little boring, but of course jaemin didn’t spend an eternity questioning his sexuality like how other main protagonists do when they find out they are interested in the same sex. Jaemin knew that he liked juho and it didn’t matter what gender he was. So instead of accepting right away juho wanted to take it slow and wanted to just hang out with jaemin as friends for now. He told this situation to his gal friend “yejin” and she is one of the best well written female characters in BL that I have seen at all. This girl was not afraid to call juho out on his bull sh*t and trying to convince him that the only reason he can’t accept anything is because he’s afraid of getting hurt and he’s only dated assholes, so when someone great comes along he doesn’t want to accept the reality of it. Juho thinks by being “gay” he was ruining the life of another person just because he likes the same sex, and that is not okay, for even thinking that, since none of this is his fault, she said that he deserves to be with a good person.
She also got mad at juho when he was still thinking of his first love even though that dude screwed him over completely, she’s seen how much of a wreck he was when that happened and didn’t want him to get hurt again. She even wanted to take her girl friend with her to beat up the dude that hurt juho.lol.
I honestly love this girl. Every protagonist needs a friend like her, maybe then they would not get involved with sh*tty people...smh. Apparently she also knew jaemin, they had gone to the same cram school for art, and knew good things about him.
Jaemin said something to juho when they graduated high school that they should meet up sometimes, but juho disappeared because of a scandal involving that “first love” dude and there were rumors of him being gay and ruining that dudes life, so people were insulting him on graduation day, jaemin cut a lot of “those” friends out of his life because of that, it was his way of defending juho’s honor. Guys...jaemin is such a good person, he does so much for juho not expecting anything in return , he really wanted to support him as a friend if nothing else.
I think juho’s way of thinking is right considering all the things that happen to him having one failed relationship after another can take a toll on you mentally, I think what was more confusing for him is that his first love and jaemin both say the same sweet words but with different intentions. The first love guy obviously was manipulative and obsessive where as jaemin’s intentions were clear and honest since all he wanted was for juho to sincerely be happy. As a reader you can see all of this but juho can’t, so from his perspective being skeptical is a good thing because you’ll just never know what will happen.
As you read you’ll get to see the juho’s back story and how his feelings were manipulated by the first love character, let’s call him ass hat, I do know his name but he doesn’t deserve to be known, so i’ll address him as this. Ass hat and juho were family friends and theyre families were really close so essential they also became close, outside of ass hat’s friend circle, juho was not seen engaging with other people, until jaemin and juho were assigned to do class prep work together in the morning and they started talking only to get interrupted by ass hat. Since then juho and jaemin only had minor exchanges since every time he tried to talk to juho , ass hat would always be there to grab his attention. So one day jaemin caught juho and ass hat kissing in the classroom and realized that they were in a relationship so he kind of backed off. Until graduation he was smoking out in the back of the school and juho was called out by ass hat’s posy and ridiculed him for pushing his feelings onto ass hat, basically accusing him for coming onto a friend that wasn’t interested. Turns out ass hat got caught and didn’t want to suffer from his family ridiculing him for being gay so he accused juho of starting it fist....this mother f*cker...and this dude has the audacity to call him again and act like they can start over...wtf is wrong with you? What is wrong with these stupid people who don’t know when to quit...
Anyways, there was a classmate getting married and invited some people in high school to get together and they wanted to invite jaemin and ass hat insisted they invite juho...to make him look like a good person, but we all know that’s a f*cken lie. Jaemin originally didn’t want to go but he could not stand seeing juho be torn by this dude messing up with his life any further, trash needs to be taken out right way! So he went to the gathering and confronted ass hat and even got into a fight with him.lol. yas...good job boy! Juho should be the one to punch this ass hat but of course he’s experiencing so trauma that that cannot be fully healed, even with time. After the tussle juho was called over by the guy who hosted the gathering and juho went to jaemin and ignored ass hat when he thought he was there to see him..LMAO this loser, you’re so delusional...
After this juho came to love jaemin even more than he did before they started dating, it turned out jaemin meant a lot to him ever since he talked to him on the last day of high school ceremonies and how he encouraged him and wanted to keep in touch with him. Juho’s family found out then that he was gay and so they were not on good terms, the older brother went ballistic and threatened him, which made juho leave, after he left he went through several jobs until he came to work at this cafe, he saw jaemin walking in a crowd of people during university, but he didn’t say anything to him. Because juho had that fall out with his family he was thinking of how it would affect jaemin if he were to come out to his family. I like how jaemin made it clear that he was not going into this relationship with an end goal, he’s not thinking about how it’s going to end, he’s thinking about now and all the stuff that he’s going to have to deal with he will take care of it when that time comes. To be honest, he’s a fully grown adult and he can make his own choices, how other people will take it is on them, even if your family doesn’t understand your choice, they will eventually come around. they both made the effort to stop antagonizing over things that can't be changed and live in the moment.
Okay so I’ll end that here since it’s pretty much caught up with the updates, please read this series, I’ve never seen a more healthier way to go into a relationship as displayed with these characters, most of these romantic development scenarios always have load of misunderstanding and it gets really predictable and boring, but jaemin didn’t want to waste time misunderstanding and says that they need to talk about what’s bothering them now. That’s a really good way to handle things instead of us readers suffering a good 20 chapters of this going downhill because neither character know how to talk about their problems. So far great story and good development of characters and well written females! in shounen ai, I don’t know what it is but the women written manga/webtoons but they are always the bad person or the scum getting into between your characters and I did not like that portrayal it was kind of disrespectful, so hats off to this for having a great female character like yejin. I also definitely had friends like that in high school where I felt out of place being there and eventually cut ties with them, I didn’t like how they treated me and never contacted them after.lol. So this manhwa is incredibly relatable in all aspects in life.
Liveta (18+):
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“Luna and Formicarium are rival factions plotting to seize a territory called Liveta. The Luna family have the upper hand in the area, and thus Victor Luna, notorious for his killing sprees, resides there as de facto ruler. Enter Yohan, a bumbling puppy-dog type who has become a Formicarium spy out of dire circumstances. When Yohan meets Victor under the guise of being his guard, he is expecting sharp edges and a fiery temper... But the first thing Victor wants to confirm about Yohan isn’t his trustworthiness, but the size of what’s in his pants.”
This manhwa is really interesting because I almost dropped this series right in the middle, but because I stuck with it, things got better after wards. I’ll explain that a little later.
So this series starts off by a dude running away from a gang of people chasing him and the dude was dead the next day, yohan was meeting up with van, who is a bodyguard for the district leader’s little brother named victor. Van is essential going to a meeting in luna for a couple days and needed someone he can trust to watch over victor for a couple days, hence he chose yohan from recommendation. Yohan is a “gray” which means that he isn’t a Luna or formicarium citizen, he and his brother were orphans when they were young and was assimilated into working in neural land, neither citizen of both the districts, but greys are not treated very well and are usually bullied by other district citizens and other grays. The districts usually waged war and the weaker ones joined the stronger ones and eventually ended with two districts that are the most powerful. The war became so tiresome they decided to leave the land they call “Liveta” unclaimed and neutral territory that separates the two powerful districts...so think of this like how Canada and the States are separated by the border, these two lands are separated by the boundary land “ Liveta”. As a protective measure both districts will have citizens get a tattoo of their district on their body to distinguish people in the neutral land once people started inhabiting the area from other districts.
Grays also assimilated into groups called the “cleanup crew” which they do cleanup work for the other districts as a way to not get treated badly and bullied by the district citizens. Basically you need to work for the people to stay alive. So yohan works as a cleanup crew member for many years to keep him and his brother alive, his brother is terminally ill and had to be hospitalized, so yohan only calls his care taker to check up on his brother from time to time while working. This will all be explained in chapter 14 in detail so don’t panic if you don’t really get it at first, there is so much history and detail you would think you were reading a shounen manga.lol.
So yohan was trusted by van to watch over victor as his bodyguard while he is away and yohan not only is a gray but is spy for formicarium, this was not something he wanted to do, but because it was a way for him to get his brother into better medical care he decided to see the district leader and made a deal with him. Yohan was in panic due to the rumours surrounding victor as the demon who massacred so many people that his family banished him to liveta. So that image of him alone was enough to make him fear for his life.
Van made it clear not to let victor go out at night and cause trouble, I wasn’t sure what he meant by that but later on in the chapter you realize that victor is sort of a sex addict, he goes out at night and look for one night stands to sleep with, he has these dark bags under his eyes due to insomnia and needs intercourse to wear him out enough to sleep. Lol. Omg. That’s so sad.
Yohan didn’t realize that until victor asks him to shower and take his clothes off.lol.
But because of this development, yohan and victor get to know each other really well to the point where they started to catch feelings for one another, at this point I was like, this is awesome...the story is moving along well, I like both victor and yohan’s developing relationship and them as characters. Then this sh*t happened....
Let me just remind you all that I don’t understand the concept of “threesomes” this development puts me off of reading manhwa many times. So what happens is that yohan and victor visit the bar that yohan likes to hang out in and ran into one of yohan’s friend, we are going to call him “Tarzan” lol. So Tarzan and yohan were part of the cleanup crew and got close due to being the same age. They all went to drink together and Tarzan asks how they knew each other and victor straight up says that they are sex friends..lmao. Yohan didn’t want victor to wander off again alone so he held his hand while they were drinking and this sets off a not so great memory of victor and his ex-boyfriend, and made victor impulsively suggest to Tarzan that they should sleep together tonight...and Tarzan accepts to much of yohan’s objection..lol. yeah this is such a stupid plot point, if you like threesomes, that’s your problem...but let me just say this, I don’t care how close you are your homies are, it is not okay to sleep with your home boy’s love interest/ partner...whatever. This is not okay, if it was a stranger and you didn’t know them, then that makes more sense to me, but you know this person...the next time you see them you’re going to be like, we all had sex together with the same person.
Lmao this was when I was like okay...I’m out, don’t think I’m going to continue. But then I checked out the raws and realized that it was literally nothing, maybe just added content to make yohan realize that he has feelings for victor whether he denies it or not. The story so far gets better from this point on...but knowing that I almost dropped this was pretty funny because of that ordeal. Honestly it would have been fine without it, because in the middle of yohan standing aside and just letting Tarzan and victor do their thing he was looking at a portrait of victor and his sister and it seemed like an important scene.
Then followed by them inviting yohan to “join them”. Ugh...I’m like how did you insert an important scene with this being here?
Anyways, yohan and victor’s relationship is developing really well and I love yohan, he is literally my ideal type manifested, there had not yet been a manhwa character that is remotely close to my ideal but he’s incredibly close to my type. Now saying this, Van is also my type as well, I’m glad he’s getting some character development in the more recent chapters because I want to know more about him too. i'm just saying read this manhwa if not for the plot then for the good looking men! there's plenty of them!
So I’ll stop here, but if you like a story that is BL but more heavily focused on story rather than people having sex for no reason then this is for you. I like stories that have more of that shounen anime feel but is still is clearly bl without having it shoved into your face. There are sex scenes because of victor’s situation being not able to sleep, so it’s not just showing sex for no reason.lol. though there still is a lot of fan service with the whole threesome thing.
Please give this a read if you are interested and of the age of 18. I recommend it.
Trash segment (18+)
a.k.a the part of the series where I shit on your favorite manhwa/manga/webtoon etc. Joking but not really, you have been warned.
This is the new section where you’re going to find titles that I dropped and the reasons why I discontinued the series all together, fair warning if you triggered by people criticizing your favorite series then you may want to skip this section all together. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion and not every series that is “popular” or well liked by others will be like by all...therefore if there is content that makes a person uncomfortable enough to stop the series, that is on them and please don’t judge them for their morals.
So to recap, the series that I mentioned dropping so far are
Love or Hate
Yours to claim
Wistful summer
The sound of fire
Okay so for this week I’ll only feature one since I could not really think of any that I recently dropped, this one I’m thinking of dropping as it stands now since I’m sure the plot will be frustrating if I read more.
Kiss damnation:
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“A campus hotshot, Yoon Kyunghoo doesn’t enjoy investing much of his time when meeting up with people and prefers light and fun relationships with others. As he steps out to take a smoke, he coincidentally witnesses a gay couple kissing for the first time in his life. 2 months later, his sunbae invites him out to drink along with his co-worker Siyoon who Kyunghoo remembers from somewhere. As Siyoon removes his glasses, he then realizes that Siyoon was one of the gay couple he witnessed kissing before.Will Kyunghoo have some kind of realization? Will Siyoon have a change of heart towards Kyunghoo?”
When I first saw this, I thought the art looked really nice but the cover already says much about the story without me reading it.lol. As you can tell it’s a love triangle which already is a turn off for me personally. I’m a veteran of reading trash and now I just reject it as soon as possible.
Firstly seeing a couple kiss in front of you doesn’t make you gay...I’m like why is he having this realization having witness two men almost kiss.lol. The guy that kyunghoo saw was a friend of his sunbae who is a teaching assistant named siyoon. He was interested after he had a dream of siyoon trying to kiss him after a night out drinking. But of course there’s always that other dude being the main love interest, he of course is a professor from kyunghoo’s department. I’m like ...am I reading private lessons again? Lmao another dilf -like teacher not wanting to be in a relationship and is looking for only sex...I’m like not this again. Dude, just go to a brothel, why do you have to involve someone who has romantic feelings for you just to let them down?
This is manhwa plot garbage, I’m so tired of these dumb ass horny old men preying on younger males, it’s literally disgusting, and you would think they would have their shit together being older but it’s the opposite. Lol.
Anyways, professor glasses only wanted a physical relationship with siyoon , they knew each other because siyoon had him as a tutor when he was younger and that encounter made him have feelings for him, I guess because he admired him. Anyways there is only 6 chapters translated in English so I’m just going to quit while I’m ahead, cause I know where this plot is going, if siyoon ends up with kyunghoo then that’s fine but this professor garbage is going to get in the way of their development and it’s going to annoy the sh*t out of me.
If you like this, go ahead and read it but I personally don’t need a reiteration of private lessons when that already exists and I’ve already read that.lol.
oh this trash list is getting longer every month....
Mashiro no oto:
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“Setsu Sawamura runs away from his small home village following the death of his grandfather, the legendary shamisen master Matsugorou Sawamura. On his deathbed, Matsugorou told Setsu to give up the shamisen if he was only going to imitate others instead of playing in his own way. Grieving, Setsu heads for Tokyo, hoping that the big city can inspire him to discover his own unique playing style. But Tokyo defies his expectations by drowning out all other sounds with the deafening noise of its city life. Concerned about her son, Setsu's rich and successful mother, Umeko, waltzes back into his life and forces him to enroll in Umezono Academy. At the school, he meets Shuri Maeda, a girl who is fascinated by the Tsugaru shamisen and wishes to perform a song her grandmother once heard a long time ago. Shuri starts up a shamisen appreciation club and convinces Setsu to teach the members how to play the instrument. As he becomes more involved with the club, will Setsu be able to recover his love for the shamisen and discover the unique sound he lacks?”- my anime list
This is one of those gems in which anime and music crosses over and it’s really interesting to feature classical music with a classical instrument like the shamisen, this instrument is interesting cause it’s like the olden day version of a guitar and it only has three strings, but it looks really hard play. If I ever get a chance to try playing I would like to see how to play this instrument, I was always interested in playing the hard when I was younger and was thoroughly disappointed when I joined band and realize that instrument did not exist here.lol.
This anime has some interesting characters,  setsu is like a wandering musician following in his grand father’s footsteps in playing the shamisen, but also finding his own defining sound that resonates with people that listen to his music. In his journey he met people that were going through their own struggles and got involved with a club that was formed from a person who was interested in playing shamisen. This anime has a good small group of characters that bond together over music and its really great and whole some especially when setsu was able to let all of his club members shine in their playing, even if he had more experience and skill he didn’t be little their effort. So give this a watch, I think if you like music you’ll like this genre.
I haven’t talked about this series yet but I’m currently watching Tokyo revengers and I really like the girl who sang the ending song, her name is Eill, and I went down the rabbit hole of her music and now I’m stuck.lol.
Her sound is very much like Dean and Hoody if you know k-pop, you know that type of music I mean, but obviously she sings in Japanese, it just has that k-pop r&b feel. Please give her music a listen I’ve been loving all her songs!
Ending note:
Alright! Finally reached the end, thank you all for reading my favorites, I would have added more recommendations but I think having two features will be better in terms of length because I like to elaborate on the series. Which some people have told me they hated, but I honestly don’t care, since I know there are people who like to be thoroughly informed if they don’t want purchase the series and don't end up reading it because it sucked.
Wish people told me to avoid the incest ones, I wouldn’t have spend ink and coins all together just because the series is recommended as a “popular” series. I’m basically doing the work for you by reading and making a review, if you don’t like it then don't read the post, I don’t know why that’s so hard.
But to those who actually read it and took some of my recommendations in consideration, thanks for reading and I hope you will continue to read these, I have a lot of them to talk about but I’m also trying to organize them by themes to make it easier.
With that being said, if There is anything you’d like to recommend me, in whatever category, feel free to comment below. Leave a like if you want to see this continue!
Thanks take care of your selves!
Instagram: shinb_art
Tumblr: shinahbee
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