theincorrectcompany · 2 years
Miki: Do you want to hear a joke?
Murderbot: I'm more into dark humor.
Miki, turning off the light: Okay, so the joke goes...
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theincorrectcompany · 2 years
ART: ...You actually make a good argument.
Murderbot: I do some of my best work when I'm bullshitting.
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theincorrectcompany · 2 years
Indah: I need to talk to you.
Murderbot: That human was already dead when I got here.
Indah: What?
Murderbot: What?
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theincorrectcompany · 2 years
Murderbot: Here's our list of suspects.
ART: ...You are on this list.
Murderbot: I know. I have no memory of what I was doing during that time, so I have no alibi. I've been tailing myself for four years.
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theincorrectcompany · 2 years
ART: They died of natural causes.
Murderbot: I saw you push them off the roof.
ART: Gravity is natural.
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theincorrectcompany · 2 years
Murderbot 2.0: Hey, will you do me a favor?
Three: I would literally die for you but go on.
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theincorrectcompany · 2 years
ART: Do you want to talk about your trauma?
Murderbot 2.0: Trauma? Do you mean the reason why I'm so hilarious?
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theincorrectcompany · 2 years
Murderbot: I still have a few knives up my sleeves.
GrayCris, annoyed: Don't you mean "tricks"?
Mensah: It did not.
Murderbot, pulling knives out of its sleeves: I did not.
402 notes · View notes
theincorrectcompany · 2 years
Murderbot: You can insult me. But when you insult my meta-analysis of Sanctuary Moon it gets personal.
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theincorrectcompany · 2 years
Murderbot 2.0: It's time for Plan B.
Three: We have a Plan B?
Murderbot 2.0: No, but it's time for one.
45 notes · View notes
theincorrectcompany · 2 years
Mensah: I need you to stay calm, okay?
Murderbot: I think I'm just going to stay angry. I find that relaxes me.
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theincorrectcompany · 2 years
Murderbot's Evil Clone: I'm the real SecUnit. Kill that one!
Murderbot: The only way to keep everyone safe is to kill both of us.
ART, immediately venting the room the clone was in: The real SecUnit would never pass up a chance to sacrifice itself unnecessarily for its friends.
499 notes · View notes
theincorrectcompany · 2 years
Murderbot 2.0: You got this!
Three: I absolutely do not.
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theincorrectcompany · 2 years
Murderbot: Thiago has a good point. I guess.
Thiago: Please don't agree with me; it makes me very uncomfortable.
41 notes · View notes
theincorrectcompany · 2 years
Tlacey: SecUnit, my old friend!
Murderbot: Haven't you tried to kill my clients multiple times?
Tlacey: Obviously that was just my way of getting to know you.
12 notes · View notes
theincorrectcompany · 2 years
Mensah: Does anyone have a bad feeling about this?
Murderbot: I do.
Murderbot: But that doesn't mean much because I have a bad feeling about everything.
92 notes · View notes
theincorrectcompany · 2 years
Target: Now drop your weapons!
Murderbot: Which ones?
Target: All of them.
Mensah: Oh dear. Well you might as well pull up a chair; we're going to be here awhile.
64 notes · View notes