knbposting · 2 months
kagz shows clear signs of being totally avoidant about his own emotional or mental health issues to the point that when he does have to confront something emotionally challenging, he cuts everyone off around him so that he can process everything by himself. in complete isolation. that's sad as HELL like ?? i don't really get why more people don't talk about how sad kagami's past is
exhibit A: losing in the inter-high and cutting himself off from his team, basically shutting down while he reassess what losing meant for him in the long run (as basketball has always been his lifeline, and it's viewed as the only thing he's good at)
exhibit B: never ever talking about his parents at all. he mentions that his dad was never around (having to have nannies), and that they were MEANT to live in japan again together but dad bailed last minute. he brushes it off and slots this into "things i dont want to think too much about"
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ilikekethcupsblog · 1 year
The fact that Rufus would've preferred if Mateo died whilst they were cuddling with each other is what keeps me up at night, the mere fact that knowing if ONLY. IF FUCKING ONLY Mateo had like decided to stay in bed he would've been alive, like you know how embarrassing it is to DIE by fucking tea. Likeeeeeeeeeeeeee, but anyways I am not okay with the ending of they both die at the end and because of that you all will have to suffer because of that LMAOO
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carmenized-onions · 19 days
Okay first off LOVE whiny Carmen oh you don’t need to up and just being pouty he doesn’t have her attention.
but then Tony taking him to breakfast and the Italian ice im!!! Him getting a reminder that mikey did love him was proud of him and that he did in fact remember his fave flavour and thought of him whenever tony ordered one. AND THE TABLE CARVING STORY
The whole but he’s pouty about the hot plate sharing coz no he should be a little more special the confidence with which he wants that!!!! he really is falling freely
also the while I could make it better for food love love love
Before we chat, I have to note somewhere, because it made me laugh internally. The beat sheet for Friday-- Like, the rough outline, alone, is 3k. That's so. I'm so pleased, with my stupid self. I am excited and scared, for however long this is going to be. I don't think I've ever written a single chapter that was more than 8k. Who knows if this'll be the record breaker, we'll find out together.
ANYWAYS. :))) I love writing lil moments of Tony knowing Carmen through Mikey because it becomes like, an irrefutable acknowledgement that Carm's brother loved him enough to talk about him enough to the point where he was memorable-- And that's just rrrrrrrraaagghhghghgGGGHHHH it's fun, it's fun for me.
He was so troubled, this chapter, really went from being cute pouty to absolutely distressed and bothered over being irrelevant pouty-- Feel like pouty is too weak a word, by then.
Listen, I feel like I sound like I'm complaining, when I say this, but it's not that, it's more like me yelling at the audience behind me in the theatre when no one has a reaction to a thing I had a reaction to and I'm wondering if I'm a freak.
THE HE COULD DO IT SO MUCH BETTER? AND YOU'RE THE FIRST ONE SAYIN ANYTHING ABOUT IT???!?!?!?1 (I really appreciate it, I do, it makes me feel less freak like)
I do get though that that line came right before he derailed into a full mental spiral about Tony and Mikey, so like, I get it, but likeeeeeeeeeeeeee i'm just sayin
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ilikekethcupsblog · 1 year
The fact that Rufus would've preferred if Mateo died whilst they were cuddling with each other is what keeps me up at night, the mere fact that knowing if ONLY. IF FUCKING ONLY Mateo had like decided to stay in bed he would've been alive, like you know how embarrassing it is to DIE by fucking tea. Likeeeeeeeeeeeeee, but anyways I am not okay with the ending of they both die at the end and because of that you all will have to suffer because of that LMAOO
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