sparrowmoth · 2 years
username change: hersilentlanguage → sparrowmoth
I've thought about this change for a long time and finally decided to go ahead and get rid of the gendered language in my username to better reflect where I'm at now. Nothing else is changing here! <3
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ravenwolfie97 · 1 year
*slams your door wide open*
sincerely, an autistic trans guy who has too much interest in language
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ochrepaints · 2 years
Just made a small update to my rules! 
The gist of it is that if I write something upsetting or triggering to you without correctly tagging it, or if I write with a muse you find upsetting or problematic, please let me know and I will take steps to rectify the situation. I try to keep myself informed on muses which might upset people (which is why you don’t see me writing with B.illy H.argrove on here) but if I miss one, please just let me know!
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sukuna-dees-nuts · 5 months
this is for @nessieartss!! based on this (it was me that asked, surprise) and also the first part of this art
i hope you enjoy!! older brother sukuna lives rent free in my brain right now and i love him being a bastardman
“Ay, what the fuck was that?!” Sukuna shouts as Yuuji cackles in glee. His character races into first place, winning the Grand Prix. Sukuna' goes from first place to fourth. “You threw a red shell right after a blue shell! That's fucking cheating!”
Yuuji shrugs, lounging back against the couch and drops the controller next to him. “Don't hate the player, hate the game,” he says with a grin and pulls out his phone. “Those dishes aren't gonna wash themselves.”
Sukuna grunts as he tosses the controller onto the coffee table. “I hate both the player and the game.”
“And the game hates you!” the younger boy calls out after his brother's retreating figure.
Turning his attention back to his phone, Yuuji’s grin melts into a soft smile when he sees Yuko's name on a Snapchat notification. He glances over his shoulder to make sure that Sukuna is still in the kitchen before tapping on the notification. It won't be anything inappropriate, but he knows for a fact that if Sukuna saw that his younger brother was texting a girl, Yuuji wouldn't hear the end of it. 
The Snapchat shows a picture of a latte with the classic tulip foam art and a caption that reads: ‘I think I'm finally getting the hang of this latte foam art!’
Yuuji holds his phone out to take a picture of himself, giving Yuko a big smile and a thumbs up. 
‘That's so good!! Ur a professional now. If I ordered one, would u make me a cat???’
“Yo! Can I put this cast iron pan in the dishwasher?” Sukuna asks from the kitchen. He waits for a response and gets nothing. “I’m about to put this pan in the dishwasher!” Again, no response. Rolling his eyes, Sukuna makes his way back out to the living room. “Dude, if this pan gets ruined, it’s gonna be your fault—”
Sukuna cuts himself off when he catches sight of a picture of a girl on his little brother’s screen. Immediately, he reaches over the couch and snatches the phone out of Yuuji’s hand. “Oh! Who is this?” he gasps, bringing the screen closer to his face for a better look. “Do you have a girlfriend little bro?”
“Hey!” Yuuji scrambles, turning around to lean over the back of the couch in an attempt to grab his phone back. Sukuna places his hand on Yuuji’s forehead, keeping him at arm’s length as he looks over the picture. “Give me back my phone!”
Smacking Sukuna’s arm away, Yuuji vaults over the back of the couch and decides to try and wrestle his phone back from his brother. It doesn’t work, however. The two grapple for a few moments and the next thing Yuuji knows, Sukuna has his arm wrapped around his brother’s neck, holding him in a firm headlock. It isn’t enough to hurt him, but it’s enough to keep him from trying to escape, knowing that it’s futile. 
“Who is she, huh?” Sukuna presses as he slides Yuuji’s phone into his pocket and begins rubbing his knuckles on the top of Yuuji’s head. 
“I’m not gonna tell you!” Yuuji laughs, trying in vain to smack Sukuna’s hand away from his head. 
“Well, I’m not letting you go until I get some answers,” the older boy states, rapping his knuckles against Yuuji’s forehead. Then he pinches Yuuji’s nose. 
Weighing his pros and cons, Yuuji relents. “Okay, okay! I’ll tell you! Just let me go.”
Sukuna snorts. “Nah, if I let you go right now, you’ll just try to punch me and I won’t get what I asked for.”
Yuuji groans. His brother knows him too well. “Her name is Yuko. She’s just a friend. I haven’t asked her out… yet,” he grumbles the last word.
Satisfied, Sukuna releases his hold on his brother and hands Yuuji's phone back. 
In the midst of the struggle, Sukuna hadn’t noticed his own phone had fallen out of his pocket. It dings and Yuuji is the first to snatch it off the ground, curious to see who would be texting Sukuna. His jaw drops at the name displayed on the lock screen.
Sukuna quickly plucks his phone from Yuuji’s hand and goes back to the kitchen as Yuuji shouts after him, “Dude, why is Megumi texting you? And why is there a heart next to his name?!”
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Sometimes I remember that I was at a job one time and shape of you came on the radio and my supervisor went on a whole tangent about how the song is bullshit because bodies are gross and do gross things and like…what a terrible mindset to have
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emblazons · 7 days
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"Do you not see, Eleven?"
El & 001 + Mike Wheeler & Martin Brenner Parallels see also: Vecna' using El's trauma to manipulate(!) her ⤷ inspired by @heroesbyler & my own commentary (x)
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softshuji · 10 months
Whoever thinks hanma doesn't do aftercare and leaves you like that is a bit funny to me ngl like we just know, we know, he's gonna bring you on his chest to smoke a cigarette and make you laugh till you end up falling asleep curled up against him I take no criticism I'm never wrong.
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corvidcorgi · 10 months
Honestly my biggest advice for any Tumblr newcomers but also for longtime users is to turn on Post Timestamps in your Dashboard Preference settings.
We talk about how one of the strengths of Tumblr is that people aren't shy about interacting with posts that are months or years old, that there's no shame in circulating content that might be considered outdated on other platforms. That it's fun to see people's art or memes or shitposts, that they generally hold up no matter how old they are and that we don't and shouldn't cringe about that. And this is true.
But it's also absolutely fuckawful for news or activism purposes.
I cannot tell you how many times people I follow have reblogged articles that are years out of date -- not just two years (2021 was two years ago no matter how fake that feels), but six or more. I've seen them lament over bad news from 2017, clearly shocked and horrified what they perceive as current events.
It's a prime outrage and misinformation engine. It's straight-up bad, not just from a misinformation standpoint but from a mental health standpoint, to be moved to fury or despair by "the state of things" from over five years ago.
That news is important, to give the context of its time and as a benchmark for how we got where we are now, but if you think what happened in 2017 is current events, you will miss what's actually happening right now. Don't risk acting on outdated information.
You get no opportunity to say, "Huh, I wonder if we've made any progress since then," or check how the situation's evolved. You can't give the benefit of the doubt to a stranger who made a bad take and hope they've grown, because you don't know if that post was made two weeks ago or half a decade ago. Things can change for the worse or change for the better and you'd have no idea.
And if you want another upside to timestamps, more positive than just "This is bad for both your information literacy and your mental health," it's genuinely really sweet and fun to see that someone's goofy post from 2012 is still making the rounds. GIFsets from 2013 for a show that went off the air in 2011 getting reblogged in 2023 make you feel the enduring love and community that show generated.
It's vital to know that bad news may be old news, and uplifting to see the parts of Tumblr's history that are still bringing joy to people. Turn on your Post Timestamps. Do it today.
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bulldog-butch · 1 year
this is not about anything to do with my tumblr but i need you all to hear me right now. if you don’t have dental insurance and are not going regularly to a dentist you Need to be taking care of your teeth. and before you come at me with “well i’m neurodivergent or disabled and it’s really hard for me” trust me, i understand. i struggle constantly to brush and floss regularly. but if you’re not going to get your teeth regularly cleaned and you’re not rigorously taking care of your teeth and gums or are blessed with great genetics in that department, then you are going to pay the price in a big way at some point. and i mean that both metaphorically and literally.
if you’re not taking good care, then your are building up tartar which if left unchecked (aka getting a dental cleaning) are going to lead to gum recession and bone loss, neither of which are reversible without surgical intervention such as a gum graft (but those suck and aren’t the most successful). but i also mean you will literally pay the price as in monetarily, likely for the rest of your life. once you develop gum disease you have to get a more specialized kind of cleaning that’s expensive often even if you do have dental insurance, and after you have that you’re bumped to a completely different kind of maintenance cleaning which is not often covered by insurance as well and it’s also double the price of a standard cleaning
i’m not saying any of this to scare people, or cause anxiety, i’m saying this because i actually feel so bad for young people who come in to get a cleaning and it’s been 2-3 years and suddenly they’re paying thousands of dollars instead of the $100-$200 it would be to get a cleaning every six months or so. if you’re at all able it will save you so much in the long run to pay for a cleaning out of pocket, but if you’re not able to, just do everything you’re able to to keep things going at home
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lilliryth · 6 months
pet peeve: when the fic has albert refer to chris as “christopher” or even “redfield” to hammer in the fact that he’s strictly anti-colloquial when there exist literal compilations of him barking “chris Chris chris.Chris cHris CHRIS chrisssssCHRRRIISSS” across each installation of the resident evil franchise
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Pet peeve but in today’s Dracula Abraham Van Helsing is wrongly spelled because the van should be lower case if you write the whole name. You should only capitalise the van if you only use the last name, so it’s professor Van Helsing and Abraham van Helsing
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ninadove · 1 year
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As smart as Clive is (you can fight me on this), it is my deepest conviction that Hershel bought his bullsh*t for exactly 0 second
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unlikelypandahologram · 4 months
Hot take: "Love the Way You Hate Me" by Like a Storm is a Megop song
i am almost...genuinely shocked i haven't seen this song on ANY megop playlist i've ever seen on here because. have you heard the fucking lyrics. this is a megop song from megatron's POV so hard it hurts
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yeah this all sounds in-character so far. but there's MORE
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i don't think optimus would call megatron a freak specifically but calling each other insane and afraid definitely sounds like a conversation they've had at least once in [insert whatever continuity you want here]. also, love how "take another shot at me" can be taken literally lmao
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this is just megs dissing the fuck out of both prime and the primacy. then we hit the crown jewel of this thing
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UH?? HELLO?? if these lyrics don't sum up the ENTIRE basis of megatron's character across the whole franchise then absolutely NOTHING does, holy shit
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and it closes out with megatron going on (and on and on and on) about how much he loves it when optimus fucking hates him. truly and perfectly iconic <3
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airinssweater · 1 year
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Hello Welcome home fandom :3
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snarkspawn · 7 months
✨ Commissions opening soon ✨
I know it took me a while (understatement) but I'm finally going to open a couple of commission slots this weekend!
A few people have been asking to be notified in advance so this is your official heads up :D
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soulrph · 10 months
so i've been seeing a lot of people worrying that they're not writing or doing or saying the right thing on the dash, and in business studies, they talk a lot about the intended or target audience of a specific service, product, etc. and i think that if we were to apply that same logic to the rpc or writing communities within tumblr and as a whole, it might help ease that very familiar anxiety when we lose a follower, or when we worry that a quiet dash is somehow reflective of our writings.
for example, the huge amount of people who reached out to me about concerns that they were doing something wrong, because they're losing followers, i think we need to reframe that whole mindset. when we write content, it's for a specific audience of people who like the same things that we like and write about.
we can't change the opinions of people who, for example, don't like angst, and if people don't feel comfortable writing anything more than a peck on the cheek, that's absolutely their choice, also! and so, when we might lose a follower, or several followers, it's a hell of a lot more likely that they just unfollowed because they didn't vibe with the same things you vibed with, and there's nothing wrong with what you wrote, there's nothing wrong with their opinions, but neither are going to change, so it's for the best that we part ways. right?
i have this theory that the rpc in particular is so hyper-aware of certain toxic behaviours, or the history of call-out culture, that maybe we instinctively assume we DID do something wrong when someone unfollows or blocks us. but it's really not the case at all. tumblr is a place of strong opinions, and if we did something wrong to warrant the block or unfollowing, then we'd definitely be told about it. there's absolutely zero doubt in my mind as to that. so when we lose a follower, it's more than likely just a difference in tastes or opinions. nobody did anything wrong. establishing healthy boundaries is a good thing! and much more to the point, the people that remain mutuals with you ARE the intended audience of your content, because they stayed, because they like your work.
TL;DR: unfollowing someone or blocking them is not a bad thing. being unfollowed or blocked by someone is also not inherently a bad thing. we are all individual people with different interests and aversions, likes and dislikes, and there's no sense in trying to transform them to suit a different audience. it just means that you're not catering to your own comforts and likes, and it'll lead to bitterness and unhappiness in what should be a perfectly enjoyable hobby. now go forth, drink water, grab a snack, and get some fresh air!
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