#anyway all this to say that yeah next friday the 19th is looking like the chapter 1 release date
burning-academia-if · 9 months
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All choice indicators are in, I just need to finish the stat pages and then I can release Chapter 1-
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floof-writes · 2 years
also. not to request two prompts. but i just read your tag on the post so i want to give you something to live vicariously through: the chain playing d&d together
I had a very in character moment and wrote a thousand or more words for all the requests I've gotten so far. Instead of living vicariously this turned into torturing Four with my own pain. Do note that I do these in whatever order I want and other asks are on their way.
Title: To Kill A God
Words: 998
“Hey, just checking, you’re still good for Dnd on the fifth, right?” Four asked, their fingers and all but Legend’s name crossed. He’d resorted to actually calling people at this point so they’d respond.
“Wait, that’s on the fifth? I can’t, Ravio and I are going antiquing that night.” 
One of the colors wouldn’t stop thinking ‘f’ and instead of letting Blue’s obscenities come out Four took a very deep breath. “Antiquing,” he repeated. “On Dnd night.” 
“Yeah sorry, he’s only in town for so long,” Legend said, but he didn’t sound sorry at all. Four couldn’t believe it. This was like, the fourth time in a row they’d canceled, and it was because of antiquing? It was like nobody even cared what happened to the lich king!
“Plan on the twelfth then,” Four managed before hanging up. He chucked his phone at his bedspread and crumpled up the list.
“Hey Warriors, when did you say your leadership retreat was again?” 
“Starts the Friday after next. The twelfth, I think?”  
Four’s face dropped. “I hate you,” Blue said, but Red thought that was too mean and backtracked. “But like, not actually. I love you.” They frowned. “I just hate you right now,” Vio clarified. 
“Sorry,” Warriors said, wincing. 
8 People Who Pay Income Taxes + Wind Play Pretend Every Friday
Oct 3, 7:03
Next session is on the 19th. Be there or be square. 😡:)
Don’t hate me…
Warriors, don’t do this
I don’t get back until like 1 am on the 19th 
Four demonstrated extreme maturity and did not rip up their session notes, but it was a very close thing. 
“That’s okay, Sky, it would suck to lose your scholarship, you should definitely study,” Four said very very nicely, even though his insides were turning into lava. “How about the thirty first?” he said tightly.
“Isn’t that Sadie Hawkins?” Time said, and why Time knew that but not the correct way to eat cereal was beyond Four. 
“School dances are the worst, Time,” Four said, gagging. “We have Dnd.” 
“Wind’s totally gonna get asked though,” Legend said with a snicker, carting his brand new antique clock through his and Sky’s dorm room. “And he won’t say no.”  
Four flipped him off.
Mom said it’s my turn on the valid
Oct 17 9:17
Did anybody get asked to Sadies?
*looks Titania in the eyes while eating all her apples*
No lol
Mi patria es la mar 
Punishing me for wondering what rocks taste like is thought crime
Ha. Suck it, Legend. 
“Finally, Dnd tonight!” Four shouted, practically bouncing down the school hallway with Wild on his heels. “You’re in charge of bringing food by the way.” 
“Obviously,” Wild scoffed, rolling his eyes. Then he stopped. “Wait, tonight?” 
Four’s gut went cold. “Yes tonight, where’ve you been?” 
“But tonight’s Sadies!” 
“And nobody is going! I asked, remember?” 
“No, you asked if anybody got asked! Four, I did the asking!”
“It’s a girl’s choice, dipshit!” 
“Well it’s not like a girl was gonna ask him!” Wild shouted back. His face went red and he added more quietly, “And maybe I was having more of a girl day anyway.” 
Oh for Hylia’s sake, Four suddenly felt like a very strong competitor for Wild’s idiot title. Sure, Wild had been questioning for awhile, but this was the first time he’d said anything definitive about it. But couldn’t Wild have his highschool romance on a night that wasn’t dnd night? Four hid his face behind his AP Stats textbook and walked away. 
“Hey, you can’t get mad at me for rebelling against gender norms, Four!” Wild called after him. “Gender is a social construct!” 
Even God can’t hear us here
Nov 3, 7:13
Wild stop changing my name to ‘real life furry’
Okay real talk for a second, I think Four might implode if we don’t play soon 
Wild Child 💛🤍💜🖤
Real talk: he bought me a calendar last week
Oh! Muppets right?
Wild Child 💛🤍💜🖤
Nah mine was pride themed?
Guilt motivated?
Wild Child 💛🤍💜🖤
Oh no doubt
*and you all thought I couldn’t RP a barbarian*
I think he’s just given up at this point
Can we all commit to next Friday, November 10th, 6 O’clock? 
Four glared at the screenshot Legend had sent them, but beneath Time’s question was six whole ‘yes’s’ so he would take it. 
8 Flaky Whores + Four Play Pretend Every Friday
Be there or somebody’s body is gonna get harmed
Nov 10, 5:24
Wild Child 💛🤍💜🖤
[A selfie of Wild, who has a butterfly bandage on their temple and scratched up arms and hands. Behind them, Hyrule is in a hospital bed, looking ridiculously banged up but offering a thumbs up to the camera anyway. Wind is giving him bunny ears and Twilight has his head in his hands.]
Wild Child 💛🤍💜🖤
Hiking accident beat you to it Four
*and you all thought I couldn’t RP a barbarian*
[A picture of Four with his face resting on a pillow of crumpled up character sheets and dice. His DM screen has half-fallen on his head. Warriors looks on in distaste and concern.]
*and you all thought I couldn’t RP a barbarian*
He’s been like this for twenty minutes
Wild Child 💛🤍💜🖤
Hyrule says he’s sorry but also he has a Grade 2 concussion so like take it with a grain of salt
God is Dead 🌈
The Lich King kills all of you 
God is Dead 🌈
Except Hyrule’s sorcerer because he’s too high to understand his sins
God is Dead 🌈
The end
Wild Child 💛🤍💜🖤
What about me? 
God is Dead 🌈
You specifically go to hell
Wild Child 💛🤍💜🖤
God is Dead 🌈
Dragon Hoard
God is Dead 🌈
I hate all of you
Wild stop changing my name to ‘real life furry’
So… next Friday?
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