#anyway assesment soon? we shall see
fckmeupflorida · 6 months
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sasha-rochester · 7 years
Dossier #2
Marcelloix Noudenet (@andarion) Observations:  Clever and quickly able to take charge when it’s necessary. Polite, sociable, and well liked among the association. He certainly seems to be a reliable member, and isn’t afraid to take the initiative. I appreciate that. Thoughts: By now, the initial dislike I had for him is gone. I understand he is someone who is merely defensive over his assets, and understandably so. He’s still cunning, and very effective when it comes to discreetly taking care of potential problems. We seem to get along well, and he certainly doesn’t mind stirring the pot when it’s necessary. If I didn’t have to keep a leash on D’hio, I’d certainly appoint him to be my right hand.  K’alya Basari ( @swordandpen ) Observations: I have finally struck a deal with her. My previous assesment was correct--she seems to care little for the dance of sociability and charm. I don’t really think that she sees through it, I simply think that she doesn’t care. As far as she’s concerned, you’re wasting her time by attempting to entertain her.  That’s fine by me. At the end of the day, she will unknowingly take care of an enemy of mine while making her business grow in Ul’dah. Two birds with one stone.  She also seems to surround herself with company one might see as distasteful, but I can’t really criticize her since I’m not really better in that aspect. Thoughts: I appreciate her brutal honesty, in a way, it’s refreshing not to go through the same song and dance with every individual I meet. For now, I think her and I see mostly eye-to-eye on professional matters. Anthony  Crawford ( @aegir-ffxiv ) Observations: He seems to be very excitable, friendly, and sweet. It’s almost as if Ul’dah hasn’t quite jarred him yet. He isn’t as cutthroat as his brother, but he’s certainly very clever. I also appreciate his enthusiasm towards new business ventures--A spirit of initiative is certainly something he doesn’t lack.  Thoughts: I really do like him. He’s endearing, in a way. I almost have the impulse to befriend him. Almost. I admit some of his attiudes have caused me to crack a smile and even laugh before. He’s not really a concern, but sometimes I wonder where the real Anthony ends and Maximillian’s Anthony begins. I will speak of this further in my next entry. Maximillian Crawford Observations: I don’t mean to be the pot calling the kettle black, but goodness, he’s arrogant even by Ul’dahn standards--To the point many people might see him as rude. Perhaps I’m being harsh, but he could have at least shaken my hand after having a business meeting. For his sake, I hope he learns a thing or two from Anthony, he seems to be the more charming one of the pair. That said, Maximillian seems to be very controlling of his brother, perhaps even possessive. I recall his expression when they were separated into different teams during our last event, and he seemed... Displeased. Normally I’d say it’s a very close attachment to his brother, but in context, it just seems like the personality of someone who is overly controlling and domineering. I’m sure he is attached to Anthony, after all, they are brothers... But this attitude reminds me of my mother. I chalk it up to him thinking he always knows what’s best. This may be a hinderance upon Anthony’s development as a person. Externally, people might think Anthony is the least stable one of the pair, but I think otherwise. It doesn’t seem entirely healthy. Mayhaps I’m too judgemental. Thoughts:  Despite his peculiar attitudes, I will give credit where it’s due: He is certainly cunning, and has a mentality that seems to be very aggressive when it comes to business. In that sense, he reminds me of D’hio a bit. In conclusion, Maximillian reminds me of two people who tried to kill me in the past, which doesn’t paint an entirely flattering image. I don’t see him as a threat, but I will certainly keep a close eye on him. I can’t say I entirely trust him. D’hio Maimhov Observations: One would think that after I’ve been hosting him in my manor on-and-off, I’d have more observations than: “I don’t trust him” or, “He’s just biding his time to try to ruin me.” But no.  I still don’t trust him, and I fear he tries to steer me away from the association. We all know how it starts, a nudge here, a whisper there... He is well versed in the arts of manipulation. Still, I’d be remiss if I didn’t aknowledge that so far he has been very cooperative, but I know he will only remain this way as long as I have something he wants. At least he’s talking to X’elo again. Thoughts: Perhaps I’m being harsh, but I could have him chained to a wall with spikes under his feet and I still would see him as a threat. I know he’s an opportunist and I know that he would throw me into the abyss if it meant benefitting him. I will never take my eyes off him. Not for a second. Sylastair Wolfheart ( @sylastair ) Observations: The more I see of him, the more I see him as a threat. He has this ability to turn the tides in a room in his favour, all while seeming harmless to those around him. It’s certainly an admirable skill, but one I fear to have in an enemy.  He is able to take tense situations and quickly diffuse them with his laid-back attitude, friendliness, and humor. Very clever.  Thoughts: I need him on my side. Of all the people in the board, he is the biggest threat because of his ability to influence people--Even though he doesn’t strike me as the type who wants to be a leader. After all, his facade relies on him seeming harmless, and having a position of blatant influence would immediately make others watch him more closely. I’ve done my research. I know he is in trouble with certain criminal groups in Kugane. I also know his casino is caught in the middle of a monetary battle of sorts. This situation can work in my favour if I offer to aid him, I just have to make sure I won’t get dragged into a bigger mess if the situation spirals out of control. We’ll see. Vilde Eres ( @vildexiv ) Observations: He’s always quiet. He seems to care very little for wealth or power, which is why I’m surprised he’s still in the board. He seemed open to business, however, though I admit I had to paint a picture of generousity and kindness for him.
Thoughts: I can’t be fully honest about my intentions with him simply because we don’t see eye to eye. I care about gil and power, he doesn’t. Professionally, a difference like this can lead to problems if not approached with caution. I don’t think he’ll be terribly opposed to my tactics as long as we share some common ground, however, so I’ll maintain the steps I’ve been following for this dance so far. Drakkaern Vesperius ( @theexplodingdragon ) Observations: His ego seems to be as large as it is fragile. I knew Caorline would attempt to push one of hers towards me, but I expected someone more like Milo. Drakkaern is nothing like Milo. Perhaps all Caroline cares about is academic excellency, frankly, it doesn’t surprise me.  He’s intelligent and I appreciate the fact he is always present during meetings, even if he is probably spying for Caroline. At this point, I do not care. I need to commission him soon, anyway. I do often wonder how much information Caroline has fed him, and the thought honestly infuriates me. No matter. I shall keep my personal thoughts separate from business. Thoughts: On rare occassions I do think I can overlook his alliances and see him as a potential friend. He is well mannered, cultured, intelligent, and dominant when necessary.  I need to commission him for the association soon. We’ll see. He’s the member I’ve spent the most time with, and yet, I feel like I know him the least. He’s also very nosy, but that doesn’t surprise me from one of Caroline’s favorites. Anyhow, this concludes this dossier. I will continue to study every member closely. 
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Ashley Sarah:
I know the game just started but I'm already super excited!!! Maybe it's just the theme or maybe it's the hosts idk?? I can't wait to see what happens!!! As for my tribe?? I'm happy to see some glad to meet new ones and targeting ones that already getting on my nerves.
Sydney, Zakriah, Liana and Dom all hate me, born to die.
I LOVE LOVE LOVE my tribe but I’m really nervous, I think I’ll be good through the first vote at least but I’m excited about my tribe and excited that it’s going to be a double tribal this round!  I hope Ashley has good feelings about her tribe too!
yall this game is going to be so messy dsfnfuehuei, i won’t stop until nicolas and julia rae are voted off.
I fucking hate Nicolas and Sydney. it's either going to be me or one of them as the first boot. I do have logan on my side and I have Liana.
Dom: IM SUDDENLY TRYING IN THIS GAME, kait is on board with getting Nicolas and Sydney out, logan is down and liana is with me. Kait said that she likes brian so brian might be with us.
FUCK THESE RATS. Why the fucking hell is Queen Amanda getting targetted round one. This is ugly as fuck like fucking fuck fuck. Daisy is playing her regular ass messy game where she runs around telling everybody a random name of somebody she hasnt talked to and just going up to people like "I've heard Amanda". Amanda, Ruthie, and I have a threesome going with a possible kicker of Chris. We are lowkey trying to circulate Zack, mainly because he is scary at comps and friends with ugly fucking people ie Nicolas and Matthias. Anyway I am just gunna sit here and eat my hat while I shit a brick.
I'm having mystic falls flashbacks but instead of there just being one Christian who hates me there's literally half this tribe that hates me I need to stop playing Tumblr games
I AM FREAKING OUT RIGHT NOW OH MY GOSH.  So Nick want’s to form an alliance of him, me, amanda and chris and I’m not going to turn down an alliance!!  I don’t know if Amanda even likes me but I want to work closely with her in this game because I really like her and we’ve never worked together!! Also Chris seems nice and I keep hearing good things so this is exciting!  I heard someone say Amanda’s name so I told Nick of course!  And we decided to throw another name out and he suggested Zack so I told Daisy I heard Zack and she freaking said from who? and I’m just like I BARELY KNOW YOU I DON’T KNOW HOW YOU DO THINGS and now I’m just freaking out, I told her in a nice way that I’d rather not say who told me and oh my gosh I can’t wait to be the first one out, I’ve got to figure out a way to work this southern charm so I stay!  (party)
omg im so shady ruthie told me she heard zacks name and she was considering telling zack so i told him myself to get on his good side aksmdkdmf, so basically i talked to nicholas and andrew and i think i'm in a great place w both of them and they both wanna work w me and nicholas suggested voting for chips but andrew thinks we could use him as a number which is true bc he doesn't really do much else oop. and then nicholas said amanda which is perfect bc she's barely talked to me or anyone it seems. and then i'm talking to ruthie and she says she heard zack but she won't tell me who told her and she was like, being super sweet, all innocent saying how she might tell zack bc she would wanna know if it was her, etc. now here's the thing. i think zack is shady. which may partially be bc of his recent switzerland confessionals but also bc he was talking in tribe chat all day but not answering my pms! so i wouldn't mind seeing him gone, but ik there isn't gonna be a majority on him. people like him and stuff, and i'm very certain that it was someone just randomly throwing his name and nothing will really come of it. so i figured i could earn some brownie points by telling him before ruthie could, but also telling him that ruthie was thinking of telling him so that he doesn't get upset at her and end up exposing me for being shady
ok so far I think I'm doing alright. I really thought I was going to be first boot because Andrew and chips don't like me and theyre very involved in the survivor community so like,, they have a lot of connections BUT I talked to chips and I think I could get him not to hate me maybe??? and Nicholas told me that Andrew wants out Amanda and doesn't want to vote me out which I'm ok with. I want to make a sinnoh alliance with me, Nicholas, ruthie, colin, zack, and Andrew because that's majority and I feel like I can trust them. I was trying to get on nick's goodside bc he has many connections but this man is so hard to TALK TO!!! but I'm going to talk to him a lot because I really cant have him hating me rn, that would literally be the end of me bc literally everyone on the other tribe hates me so I don't wanna be fucked during merge. by the looks of it, I think Amanda is going to go this tribal and if she doesn't, as long as it isn't me I'm ok. ruthie and Nicholas both told me no one has said anything about voting me out so I think I'm good!!! the only people I haven't talked to is zack and Andrew but I think I could get good with them easily,,,, I think ill be able to work with daisy bc she hosted me before and I don't think she really knows a lot of people on this tribe?? idk but I feel like if I can get on her good side, her and brian would be good allies to have during merge. next immunity, I'm going to try rly hard to get a good score so my tribe will want to keep me around so I can win immunity for sure ^-^ but ya idk tomorrow ill be more active in peoples pms and right now I'm just going off of previous relationships to keep me safe!
Ashley Sarah:
wow go Brian so much going on with telling others where searching is hmm maybe they are honest maybe not?? We shall see !! First challenge was fun tho and I think it's a pretty good group and curious to see how tribal goes and if people vote personal or smart
OK so the vote is between Amanda and zack apparently. Tbh I'm good either way, I'm close with neither of them. I'm less close with Amanda but! Whatever the rest of the tribe wants.
Also there was talk of a bb sinnoh pre-made and that would be so good for me. Stay tuned hehe!
So apparently bitches already want me gone week one NOT TODAY ASSHOLES.
Ashley Sarah:
first tribal always sucks but let's hope it's not too messy
uh so amanda should be going. i hear shes a sweet gal but she never messaged me so adios queen! nick is pretending like he has a majority on zack but i don’t think thats the case. i might make an alliance soon with daisy/ruthie/julia/andrew for majority purposes but idk
btw here’s a confession/tribe assesment
Labonair (Red Tribe)
• Ashley - Seems very friendly, hoping we get a chance to talk more
• Brian - The eventual winner
• Dom - we haven’t really spoken at all, though thats mostly my fault/the hosts fault for starting the game on fkn Canada day
• Kait - LOVE her tho we’ve clashed personally in the past I think it’s 100% behind us and I would totally consider her a friend, hoping we can make some magic happen
• Liana - love her as well, but we’ve played in THREE games and one mini together and except for one quit we both voted each other out of them so who knows!! Also she would be TERRIFYING as a gamer if allowed to play alongside Chips (again, LOVE him but we’ve clashed in other games) so hoping one of them goes before swap/merge
• Logan - Obviously a big fan of Logan as he’s a dear friend of Daisy’s and therefor a dear friend of mine
• Nicolas - looking like he’s going to be the first boot, which sucks because I literally have no reason to vote him out except to vote with the majority (or so I’ve been told)
• Ryan (See Dom)
• Sydney (See Ryan)
• Zakriah - (See Ryan, Sydney, and Dom)
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