#anyway disability rights i can not agree w what u think/want but i have no say in the matter for it is not my life!
super-done-dead · 10 months
i must say while watching big brother i do often think of how problematic some of the shit on the show can be. tumblr has rotted my brain!
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ok this is more WIBTA but it's beginning to creep into AITA territory so whatever. it's a very complex situation but i'll try to be brief and clear. me (19, they/them) and my roommate (19, she/her) are very close, she's my best friend. she has a driver's license while i do not, and i pay her gas money so she can drive me around when she's available. when not, i uber or find rides some other way. we're both disabled, she has epilepsy among other things while i have fibromyalgia and deal w intense chronic pain as a result. my roommate and her mom are very close, but have a weird and slightly toxic dynamic that's too hard to explain. my roommate primarily has seizures in her sleep, and the ones she does have while awake are not the stereotypical ones u see in media, and almost never result in loss of consciousness. this is not to undermine her struggles at all bc it's very very challenging. however, it's come up since her diagnosis that at some point her driver's license could be taken away. from what i can tell, this is not a near future possibility, because of the circumstances of her seizures. i do think it is still a possibility. because of this, roommate's mom has been very insistent that i get a driver's license. i do agree it would be easier but am genuinely terrified of learning, both because my physical health will complicate my ability, but more so because my mental health has made it dangerous for me. i've tried to explain this, but her mom has essentially told me to get over it because it's something i'll have to do anyway. although i do not blame my roommate for this, as she's largely been neutral for all this, i am getting frustrated with her mom, and have been getting into several disagreements with her. i told her it's unfair of her to expect me to just "get over" that and that my roommate could uber as needed like ive been doing. she believes im being selfish. as it stands right now, i do not want to learn to drive. if it came to the point my roommate couldn't, i might consider it, but would likely try to find other solutions. so, WIBTA for refusing to learn to drive?
What are these acronyms?
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bungoustraypups · 2 years
Hey just letting u know since you reblogged from vaspider, they think able bodied nd people can reclaim "cripple" which is rlly insensitive to physically disabled people
ok so im gonna assume this ask wasnt sent in bad faith which may be a stretch but meh
what exactly do u want me to do abt this. i cant change his mind? im not going to try nor am i gonna debate w him? i personally as a physically disabled person dont have strong feelings abt that term myself, i dont think ppl should use it in a derogatory manner absolutely but whether or not only physically disabled ppl can use it or whether it also extends to those w mental disabilities/impairments/etc is frankly not of importance to me right now compared to the other shit im dealing with
they are also physically disabled themselves. just as i am. he is allowed to have an opinion on things which also affect him just as much as any other physically disabled person. i am not sure why a physically disabled person having an opinion you disagree with was so incomprehensible to you that you felt the need to send me an anon ask about it. i genuinely hope you learn better coping mechanisms so these things don't upset you in the future both online and offline
nothing abt what youve sent me changes the fact that i agree w a lot of spider's views and posts. contrary to popular and chronically online belief, ppl with differing opinions depending on what that opinion is about and like, the impact/severity of the topic of said opinion, can 100% still interact n be friends or at least amicable w each other. and we can agree on other points while disagreeing on some.
anyway @vaspider i genuinely dont want to like. upset you or bother you with dumb bs however i would like for you to be aware that theres at least one anon saying shit abt you (idk if this message has been sent to others, if it will be, or if it was just me, but seeing as it concerns you i thought you may like to know)
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taramaclaywasaterf · 5 years
:( man. The terf hate thing doesn't bother me most of the time but like. When u see a group of people who you like/ consider to be thoughtful people/ admire for their activism say these things.... Like I'm scared to talk about it but I'm sure (n this has happened many times before) that if u have a convo w anti terf peeps but make sure to use the correct™ genderist language they'll agree w us. Idk this just really sucks and I wish they could see things as they are. How do you deal with this?
Honey I really wish I had an answer. I 1000% know what you’re talking about. I wish I could say there was some magic way to not let it bother you, but I can’t. I CAN say though that it gets a lot easier. Like, I don’t bat an eye at people telling me to get raped or kill myself or whatever in my inbox anymore. I actually kinda find it amusing lol. And if it’s not on anon, I’ll just go report the person who sent it and then block them, because they’re not worth my time. But what gets me sometimes is the same thing you talked about. When it’s people I thought would be smart enough to, ya know, not defend literal grown ass men putting on tutus and calling themselves 5 year old girls named, like, Vixxen.
So I guess my advice to you is advice that I need to remind myself of too. Instead of letting it get us frustrated or angry, let’s just take it head on. Fuck it. Seriously, just say fuck it. When it’s someone like a celebrity or something, there’s no way we’re gonna be able to talk to them, let alone change their mind. So it’s not worth being upset about. Who cares what they believe? They probably haven’t paid their taxes in a decade, so who cares. If it’s someone you know, obviously it’s a lot more difficult. I’m very strategically only friends with people who don’t buy into all the trans bullshit, but A LOT of my cousins are very, uh...libfemmy. But I just talk about my opinion on things to them anyway. I use the liberal language a bit more because it does make people not immediately tune out, which helps a lot. It’s better to keep calm, and just talk. Not yell, but be clear you’re not gonna fall for the victim charade when they start quoting the “1 in 12” nonsense or whatever else the trans cult has came up with. And go in knowing you’re not gonna change their minds, and that that’s ok. Seriously, it’s totally and completely 100% ok if you don’t change anybody’s mind. Lord knows I’ve tried with several people and they’re still out there thinking dicks can be female lol
Most importantly, if you find yourself too jaded or too tired of all this shit, please just click right out of this hellsite. Seriously. This place is poison, it really is. It’s gonna be hard now with the whole worldwide quarantine and all...but real life activism is important. I guess I lied earlier lol, I do have somewhat of an answer for you on how I handle all this bullshit when I get down. I work with young pregnant women and girls as a volunteer. I’ve been in their shoes, and it really helps to have someone who knows what it’s like. By the time I found out about my own pregnancy as a result of rape as a teenager, it was too late to legally abort it. The family that i chose to adopt the baby got me a midwife, and that midwife and I became very close. Now, she introduces me to other pregnant young women and girls she meets through her own volunteer work, and I walk them through all their options: abortion, keeping it, open adoption, closed adoption, etc. and I give them my phone number and let them know they can call me whenever they need to talk. I go with them as a friend to get the abortion if they want, or to look through books of adoptive families and help them choose between the ones they like.
The reason I’m saying all this is because volunteering like that, being there for these girls in a way that no one was really there for me...it keeps me sane, honestly. Whenever I’m bummed about something stupid a TIM did or said, I remember that I’ve done more for women than he could ever even dream of. That I’ve left a positive impact out there, on the real, tangible, physical world. So, if you can, I highly recommend volunteering somewhere. I know it sounds cheesy as shit, but really. And idk how old you are, but if you’re in highschool, a lot of colleges like to see volunteer work on applications, so it could be good for your future, too! It doesn’t even have to be about feminism. Go volenteer to walk dogs at your local pet shelter, or help out at a homeless shelter. Another thing I do when my disability acts up really bad and I’m incapable of leaving my bed is I do free design work for local charities and feminist groups. So if you’re artistic, reach out to any small charity you like and ask if they need someone to design some posters, tee shirts, or images for their website!
Even in quarantine, shelter animals need to be taken care of, charities/non profits need websites maintained, women’s shelters need pads and tampons, homeless people need food....there’s still so much you can do. So yeah, that’s definitely my recommendation. Fuck these assholes, ok? Who gives a shit what they think. Who gives a fuck if some man thinks we’re bitches for refusing to call him a woman. Who cares. We’re better than that. You’re better than that. It’s really hard, I know, but I promise it does get easier to laugh at it all💕
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inkxlenses · 6 years
Regarding post/172299066623/istj-hedonist-samlick23-istj-hedonist-when I don't get why people would compare mbti with astrology and shit. It's as flawed as any other personality theories but it's still a system that works. Astrology doesn't even deserve to be called a personality theory 😩 And just like u said it's never about 'personality' anyway?? That test clusters people yet only considers people's behaviors as if nobody doesn;t have shit like that
Okay. These are among the most exciting asks that I have received so far. I would like for this blog to be as drama-free™ as much as possible because it’s just my virtual escape™. I have also always expressed that I don’t consider this blog as solely an aesthetic™ and inspiration blog. In fact, I was very humbled to be encouraged by my friends and followers to continue including topics that interest me in this blog. But even though this is my blog, I know that I have the responsibility to check what I post here to ensure that nothing would negatively affect someone else’s mental and emotional health (especially as I have observed that most of my followers are minors). So I would just keep my response under the line—and because it’s just really, really, long. HAHA. Also, just for future reference, if you oh-so-hate MBTI [or whatever piece of knowledge I feature here/ if you’re only interested with the aesthetic™ content], you could blacklist my *mbti*, *text* and *photo* tags.
Coincidentally, I would be having a mini-hiatus, and this would be my only response regarding this topic because I’m not really fond of tumblr drama™. I would be temporarily disabling anonymous asks during my break, so if you have anything you would like to discuss with me, kindly contact me via private messaging (but please be patient with my response. I promise I would get back to you as soon as I become online). My only request is that you should first read what I have to say before reacting to anything, because I might have already discussed what you are trying to ask. No worries, I wouldn’t judge nor hate you for your opinions. I actually welcome and enjoy healthy debates (as it is part of my real-life job lmao). And I’m not a fragile snowflake™ so you could really talk to me about anything, I wouldn’t mind :P 
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Firstly and most importantly, I want to apologize to anyone who had been offended or had felt attacked on my rant. I was not describing a particular person in the *inner dialogue*, and it’s not my intention to offend anyone. So if anyone had felt this way, again, my apologies.
So what is this post about?
I had recently reblogged an MBTI post where I was referring to the function theory—not the common MBTI stereotypes and misconceptions circulating over the internet. And just like what I had mentioned over and over again [and on my tags on that particular MBTI post], online MBTI tests are not accurate and should not be taken seriously. It’s disappointing how 16personalities have been profiting from this by selling misinformation to people. This was OP’s topic, in which I had just agreed with their views and had personally shared my opinions as well. Yet it seems to be that there had been some misunderstanding regarding said topic. Literally OP’s argument—and the same criticisms we continuously read regarding MBTI *points to some of the anons above*—are exactly what we are critiquing as well, because these are common misconceptions and stereotypes which are not related to the theory anyway. So I don’t really understand the intense reaction regarding our opinions on the letter dichotomy and online MBTI tests, because we actually disapprove of the same things as well. Weird -_-
I never mentioned nor even vaguely expressed that MBTI should be the zenith™, the absolute “ Law™ ”, nor do I believe that it should monopolize all the ideas in personality theories. That’s just.. funny. We wouldn’t mind if the function theory is not your thing; you can leave it just like that. Simple. Just like how everyone else has their own beliefs and interests that others simply don’t agree with as well. Nobody would forcefully entice you to MBTI, especially if you had not expressed your interest and curiosity for it. It’s just a matter of respecting others’ POVs and interests.
I could easily brush this off because I truly believe that people are entitled to their opinions, and I respect that. More importantly, I had studied typology for several years now that I’m already quite confident of my knowledge about it. Thus, I won’t easily be shaken by criticisms about the theory—which I’m very much aware of anyway. Sadly, it’s seems to be an automatic impulse in tumblr to hate, rather than communicate. My friends had told me of someone publicly posting something defamatory with regards to the MBTI post that I reblogged. I don’t know what that particular blog had been aiming for, but clearly their hateful intent had failed miserably. I didn’t expect the support of my friends, more so, the consideration of people from the MBTI community. I really want to thank everyone who had supported and understood me even if I wasn’t online during that time. My friends are so protective of me, and the responses of people from the MBTI community had been so funny and adorable I’m SO flattered. Watch as my face turns vermillion xD
With that said, I felt like I should at least explain my part and answer the anons who aren’t in favour of MBTI. I just want to stress that I don’t plan to forcefully persuade you to believe MBTI. My only intent is so that you could look into my perspective as I share my knowledge and understanding after many years of studying the theory, in contrast to the misconceptions and stereotypes about it, which I believe is what these anons were referring to. I emphasize that if MBTI is not your *thing*, then you could simply ignore it. This topic is very important to me because it had helped with my well-being, introspection, relationship with others, career, and general outlook in life. So I just want to clarify some points with regards to the asks above^ because I believe some misunderstandings had occurred. So thank you very much @hueristix​, @clumsynix​, @ckatharcis, @tzeentchs-secretary​ and anons for your messages. I am really so thrilled to discuss my views with you.
The cognitive function theory—more commonly known and referred to as MBTI [especially here]—explores the human cognition, NOT outward behaviours and personal preferences. Contrary to what the first anon had said, I believe that we cannot compare the theory with astrology because the former never categorizes how humans act the way they act, more so, it never simply propose their “ personality traits ”. The theory recognizes that every person has their own free will, inherent capabilities, traits, emotions, and preferences (etc. I could go on and on, I swear), and would be constantly affected by personal struggles, life circumstances and other external factors through out their life.. and well, basically just like what Jeanne (ckatharcis) had referred to, it acknowledges that humans cannot be “ clustered ” simply through their behaviours, personal preferences, traits, etc. because again, the theory is NOT about that. Thought process is the essential and primordial reason why outward behaviours, personal preferences, emotions, etc. are easily observable in a person, and NOT the other way around. Thus, it’s also the reason why your type cannot change contrary to common misconceptions, and essentially the reason why tests are not reliable. [Link 1, Link 2—I highly recommend this post.]
I think the first anon is not familiar with the function theory, but, instead, with the letter dichotomies (i.e. I vs. E, etc.) which is the general principle on the said 16personalities site [and other online MBTI tests]. This was exactly what OP had criticized and what I had discussed on my *inner dialogue*. Again, I do not blame the first anon or anybody else who are familiar with this concept because misconceptions and stereotypes are easier to be accessed, contrary to the theory itself which would definitely require time and in-depth research to get acquainted with. I understand that not everyone would be interested to invest time and effort on something that they would just like to casually learn. And it’s okay.
However, I would like to clarify that I [and I truly believe that OP as well] have no intention to humiliate, condemn, mock or ostracize people who had only been familiar with MBTI stereotypes (the letter dichotomy) and/or had only taken online MBTI tests, because we understand that [again], sadly, those misconceptions are disappointingly perpetuating in the internet and even on some books. OP had clearly stated that their only issue was how people who aren’t really familiar with the function theory should refrain from initiating any MBTI-related discussion. Even if I personally agree with OP, their premise was repeatedly contradicted by others who were justifying the validity of 16personalities. However, I believe that asking questions and expressing genuine interest to learn more is different from spreading misinformation to others. As long as you do your own research first, the MBTI community here is actually very welcoming of people who would like to learn more of the theory. The MBTI community here also encourages critical thinking, exchanges of different ideas, and endless rational debates—which is exciting, right?
I think OP had been very honest with their opinion (though may had been perceived as *offensive* and rude by some) and I truly concur with their points. I’ve said in my *inner dialogue* how I believe that spreading wrong information is destructive. It is damaging to other people who have only been starting to learn the theory, to take advice and information, or be mentored by people who had been misinformed as well. Why? Because above all else, the theory is used for self-evaluation and understanding of one’s strengths and weaknesses (with regards to their cognitive process), to provide clear direction on how to advance towards their personal growth and development. For that reason, if one is mistyped, and they generally believe that their thought process works this *particular* way and that they have *certain* strengths and/or weaknesses, then they are not only failing to seize the opportunity to recognize their *actual* strengths and weaknesses through fully understanding how their cognition works, but they could also potentially damage their mental health and well-being because that is not how their thought process operates. It worsens when spreading misinformation like that is increasing exponentially.
We would never dismiss nor humiliate anyone who have only been starting to familiarize themselves with the theory, because we had been beginners as well. Mate, my blog is not an MBTI blog, but I have two mutuals who had been so humble to admit that they had fell for that abomination-of-a-test, and had asked me about the basics and other resources to study the theory. I never ridiculed them; contrary, I was so proud of their humility to admit that they had been misinformed, and of their willingness to learn. There is no shame in that. I really admire people who admit their mistakes or ignorance because I know that people who think this way are really the ones who have the desire to learn and improve, and have insatiable thirst to absorb more knowledge.
I’ve been studying the function theory for about 3 or 4 years now, but I still consider myself to be a newbie at this. Even if I’m already quite confident of my knowledge about it, I know that I still have a lot more to learn [and that’s exciting]. But OP and other legit MBTI blogs here have been studying this theory for many years now, and they are considered as reliable resource persons for other MBTI enthusiasts as well [at least in tumblr]. Which is why I think [just my opinion], they could easily retaliate on insults or misinformation thrown at them by people who don’t even make an effort to read just the basics and/or have poor acumen to just believe everything they read on the internet, yet have all the liberty in the world to whine and be [passive-aggressively] defensive to rationalize their misconceptions of the theory. These legit MBTI blogs know what they’re talking about, and I think you could be the judge as to how they could react to insults thrown at them by people who don’t even understand the topic itself. I’ll just quote hueristix here, “ laziness should not be an excuse to ignorance ”. As I’ve said before: be receptive to different ideas, yet skeptical enough to question everything before accepting any piece of information as real™. And yes, that includes everything I say. After all, I’m just responding to opinions as well and we’re all just stating our subjective views here. We wouldn’t mind if the function theory is not your thing; you can leave it just like that. Simple. Nobody would forcefully entice you to MBTI, especially if you had not expressed your interest and curiosity for it. It’s just a matter of respecting others’ POVs and interests.
Yes, I am passionate about this theory and I know it is fine. But never had I mentioned nor even vaguely expressed that MBTI should be the zenith™, the absolute “ Law™ ”, nor do I believe that it should monopolize all the ideas in personality theories. I don’t know if what the first anon actually meant was: since I’m so passionate of this theory, then MBTI must be My Favourite™ personality theory, thus, I propose that it should be held true above all else.. but uhm I just want to clarify that MBTI is not My Favourite™ (I even prefer Enneagram over it, sorry haha). I am aware that it’s not the most recognized personality theory in the field of Psychology. And I had said it before, and I’ll say it again: just like any other typological theories, I know that MBTI has its merits and flaws. Though there is qualitative neuroscientific research intended to point evidence to the existence of cognitive functions in the human mind, MBTI is still not 100% considered to be scientific by some [because according to them there is no physical manifestation of cognitive functions. Uhm. I’d just leave it like that.. For now]. No personality theory is infallible. And again, as I had said in verbatim on my *inner dialogue*: “ The human mind is so complex. And to propose that a person’s *personality* could easily be identified through a 10-minute test is just absurdly.. laughable to me [not to mention that that test is focused more on NATURAL HUMAN behaviours and not cognition—which is what the theory is about anyway xxxx xxxx xxxx] like wtf so amazeballs that they could identify my *personality* with such an overly-random question that any other person could have strong preference over the other. ”. So I don’t really understand what the first anon’s critic was, because what they had pointed out was exactly what OP, I, and basically all the people who had studied this theory are continually expressing. Based on my tags alone, we’re actually on the same team™ here.
How? (1) I had said earlier that the theory does not limit human free will. It understands that people have innate imprints in them that manifest on how they act, talk, feel, etc. In the same way, it also understands how people and their preferences are constantly developing and changing [and yes as the first anon said, “ evolving ”], because humans will continue to encounter and be exposed to several personal afflictions, relationship struggles, disappointments, successes, gratifications, religious beliefs, cultural conformity, and other life-altering situations and external factors throughout their lifetime that will heavily affect their behavioural makeup and adaptability to their external environment. Everyone—whatever their type may be—can behave any way they like depending on the situations and circumstances that they are dealing with, because there are many factors that affect and influence how people behave, not only a person’s type. BUT their cognitive functions have been there all along, constantly operating, even if their *functional stack* could fluctuate on their healthy and/or unhealthy states depending on how they had adjusted and adapted to these circumstances [uhm more advanced topic of the theory—see the beauty of this theory? It’s never obsolete. Contrary to misconceptions, the theory recognizes the erratic human nature. It pains me how people could outright dismiss and insult the theory without studying it first, because they fail to realize its usefulness in a person’s life, more than what that shite site says *ho hum*]. (2) I agree with most of the principles of the function theory because it doesn’t “ categorize everyone into 16 cutout personality types ”, nor does it have a manual that says “ ‘here are a few common personality traits, be free’ aspect ”. MBTI stereotypes and ideas from the 16personalities assert that; the function theory does not. (3) [uhm this is getting so repetitive now] The theory is not about what our external behaviours are, nor does it dictate what our *personalities* are. Rather, on the simplest terms, it analyzes how we think. It analyzes how we make decisions, through our cognitive process, when we encounter a particular situation.
Hopefully, my explanation would be enough to clear up some misunderstandings from the aforesaid post. However, I believe that this explanation alone would not suffice for anyone who are still confused with the theory and/or for those who are interested to learn more. Hence, the next section is really just for reference and further clarification, just in case there are still some questions that others are still confused about. That said, I know that I would not be able to articulate these ideas the way this particular blog do [and I don’t want to sound like a bot if I would just be reciting their ideas exactly as they had expressed it], so I’d just be quoting one of the most reliable MBTI blogs here and a personal favourite of mine (mbti-notes), to give insight on some issues that had been critiqued on that post. These are really interesting and thought-provoking ideas so I hope you could take time to read them. Also, I highly-recommend their blog!
[With regards to common MBTI stereotypes and misconceptions]:
Anonymous: Stereotypes give people wrong assumptions about what types are. They don’t define what your personality or your actions are going to be like. They don’t even define what thoughts you have. It’s simply the pattern and the functions you use to come to conclusions. I’m an ENTP (22) and my best friend is an ENFP (23). Yet people would probably switch our two types because I tend to be very gentle and kind around others while she appears more tough and openly says what she thinks.
I appreciate your point. Part of the reason for the stereotyping problem is that the information online and even in books is dominated by two main schools of thought that focus very heavily on behavior at the expense of cognition (Myers-Briggs and Keirsey Temperaments), so a lot of people do not realize that there are other (better) interpretations available. My first exposure to typology was through Keirsey and, although I thought it was interesting at the time, I wasn’t able to see the full potential of the system because everything was masked behind simplistic labels (stereotypes) that didn’t seem to connect with real life to the degree that I thought was necessary to be a truly viable theory of personality. I think a lot of people get interested in MBTI because of its practical applicability in situations like personal relationships or group/work environments and MBTI is good for learning some general rules of thumb that can help you improve the ways in which you deal with different kinds of people. However, general rules of thumb very easily morph into stereotyping and pigeonholing when people do not understand the finer details of the theory and then apply the ideas and principles too carelessly. The human mind is prone to lazy overgeneralizing or drawing invalid conclusions as it is and the lack of depth in the information available unfortunately encourages that laziness. (Source)
[With regards to MBTI’s *accuracy*]:
Anonymous: Do you think that other personality identification types such as Alignment and Global 5/SLOAN are more, less, or just as accurate as MBTI can be?
“Accuracy” is not really the right question. Every theory of personality that is developed by academics is put together very deliberately to serve a particular purpose, and it must be used as intended in order to preserve validity. Unfortunately, when the ideas trickle down into mainstream consciousness, the original purpose of the theory often gets lost in translation, with the general public using it more like a horoscope or fortune cookie and then complaining about the inaccuracies. Every kind of theory has its advantages and disadvantages. For instance, the Five Factor model is a trait theory, which has the advantage of being easily quantifiable and very reliable for statistical analysis. However, there is no actual theoretical underpinning for it because the traits are derived from factor or data analysis, which offers no explanation as to why traits exist, how they arise, why there are only five, and so on. Trait theories are limited in what they are able to explain about human behavior but they remain very useful for doing replicable research studies. There is of course some overlap of concepts between trait theories and type category theories like MBTI.
Cognitive function theory is a qualitative and holistic model of personality that sprawls into other related areas of psychology. Qualitative research excels at theoretical analysis and depth of detailed explanations and is less conducive to statistical analysis/prediction. Jung developed psychological types as a part of the psychoanalytic tradition, however, that tradition fell out of favor in the US to make way for more popular quantitative research methods, though it continued to expand in certain European circles. Myers & Briggs and David Keirsey brought it back to life in a more digestible form but it was never meant to be distilled to such an extreme degree; MBTI essentially turned into a corporate money making tool and Keirsey rejected the notion of cognitive functions in favor of behavioral descriptors. Many of the criticisms that are leveled at MBTI are legitimate but not actually applicable to cognitive function theory because of not seeing the full extent of it and how it is embedded firmly within the long history of psychoanalytic theory, a school of thought which has done more than any other to reveal the qualities of the unconscious mind. Now that there is emerging neuroscientific research that confirms some of these old ideas about the unconscious, there is some resurgence in their popularity within research circles. (Source)
[With regards to MBTI’s basics, development and “scientific” basis]:
Anonymous: The J/P dichotomy is particularly interesting because, say, you have already three letters I N F, the last letter decides not only your dominant and auxiliary functions, it flips the stack; INFP (Fi-Ne-Si-Te) vs. INFJ (Ni-Fe-Ti-Se), and then we read that according to descriptions those types are very different. But then we also have a lot of people who can’t really decide if they’re INFJ or INFP. It’s all very strange to me.
It’s strange to you because (judging by the earlier question) you haven’t understood what the J/P distinction really means and you haven’t properly distinguished cognition and behavior. Two different cognitive functions can manifest similar looking behaviors on the surface (as I have explained numerous times in the guides, please read them carefully). E.g. Any introvert can be reflective but the reasons WHY a particular individual is reflective, the motive and explanation behind it, differs according to the cognitive functions involved (Fi vs Ni). If you don’t know the details of their inner cognitive processes, you cannot see the differences because, just looking from the outside, all you see is that they are both reflective in demeanor. xxxx xxxx xxxx MBTI type descriptions are purposely simplistic because newbies don’t know the theory and therefore must identify themselves through simple behavioral descriptors. MB designed their system in part to sidestep the complicated process of learning function theory so that more people could access it, a noble intention, therefore simple type descriptions do not include all the info you need to type accurately because they do not address variations within type and cognitive function specifics. In other words, problems with typing stem from lack of knowledge of the theory, usually because of not going any deeper than the simplified descriptions/tests. The test was meant to be administered and interpreted by an expert, which means that people run into all kinds of problems when they try to self-type with limited to no knowledge of type theory.
[continuation of the ask] Is there any real scientific proof that Jungian cognitive functions exist? Dario Nardi’s attempts are certainly interesting, but it’s a common knowledge that EEG method is far from being reliable. Also, on one of his AMA discussions on reddit he presented instances when he was testing midlife INFJ adults who he couldn’t differentiate from of ISTPs, which he attributed to the use the second most common pattern (Ti-Se for INFJs). So, which model is true, or is this a combination of dichotomies and functional stack model? Can you shed some light on those issues and inconsistencies? Additionally, I’d really like your opinion on Reynierse’s articles (“Preference Multidimensionality and the Fallacy of Type Dynamics”, etc.). Thank you. The question of “science” has already been beaten to death over and over again so I’ve grown impatient with this can of worms. I don’t have much to say about Nardi, he’s pursuing his ideas and more power to him, but his work is not particularly interesting to me because it is getting away from other aspects of type theory that I am more interested in. xxxx xxxx xxxxx Some people latch onto him because they desperately want some kind of “scientific proof” of the functions. Some people dabble in typology and keep demanding “scientific proof” but don’t understand the differences between quantitative and qualitative research. There are different kinds of theories, with different kinds of objectives, with different standards of measurement, with different methods of application - the scientific method is only one valid research framework and it should not be the measure of all things. Traditionally, science often includes the concept of falsifiability but you can’t falsify that which is not within the realm of empirical fact, e.g., you can’t falsify human valuations or subjective meaning/experience, so are these things not “real”? Do you understand the difference between facts and values? Do you believe that only scientific measurements can imbue ideas with value? Do you believe that materialistic explanations of human psychology are the be-all and end-all? Not everything about human experience can be reduced to neurons and electrons. If you think it can, then feel free to dismiss type theory as crap because it’s not going to fit well with your assumptive worldview. Also, abstract and concrete knowledge are different and should be treated differently. No idea is “real” because “real” implies concrete, and ideas are abstract. One can easily claim that any idea is not “real” depending on how you want to set your standards of measurement. xxxx xxxx xxxx Similarly, people claim that “types” or “functions” are not real even when they themselves: behave as type theory describes, suffer the problems that type theory describes, feel attracted to the relationships that type theory describes, follow the developmental path that type theory describes. 

Before you ask for “scientific proof”, you should first define exactly what standards of proof would satisfy you and make you believe that cognitive functions are “real”. It is quite often the case that people who like to harp about scientific “proof” don’t even understand what they’re asking for or to what end, they demand proof but no matter what proof is offered, they keep moving the goalposts because they are actually more interested in criticizing than understanding (see climate change deniers as the perfect example). Just so you know, many mbti bloggers are tired of dealing with such people, we’ve already gone through all these arguments a million times. I’m not saying you’re one of these people but beware that you’re stepping into a complex discussion and don’t seem sufficiently prepared. Instead of making people explain or educate you, state your exact criteria of scientific proof and I’ll happily tell you if type theory passes. Type theory is a big theory and some people find it hard to understand even the basic type concepts which barely scratch the surface because the theory goes far beyond simple typing. It is an incomplete and fragmented theory, with many people working on it for different reasons in different directions. Many people have found elements of type theory very useful and accurate in their lived experiences, even using it to permanently solve long running psychological issues, even using it to deftly cure relationship problems. There is piecemeal neuroscience evidence which does not directly relate to type theory but nonetheless corroborates it. I wouldn’t know if any of this is enough “proof” because you haven’t specified exactly what proof you’re demanding. If the book falling on your head doesn’t prove gravity is “real”, then I suppose all the people whose thought processes match the principles of type dynamics don’t count as real proof either. The results say a lot. I run a popular typology blog and have dealt with thousands of people, so I at least don’t suffer from sample-size-1. Type dynamics describes very specific problems and offers workable solutions, and I’ve witnessed many different kinds of people from different backgrounds, cultures, walks of life apply these ideas with great success. Is this “empirical evidence”? I’ve had the most hardened scientifically-minded strangers think I’m a magical wizard when I can knit together their life story and reveal their innermost insecurities based only on four letters, yet all I’m doing is applying and extrapolating from the theoretical ideas as I understand them, nothing more. 

All I will say about arguments against type dynamics is that they usually can’t see the forest because they’re stuck in the trees: they get wrapped up in granular details and superficial inconsistencies; they don’t see the historical big picture of how every model evolves from and contains the same set of ideas; they don’t see how some disagreements between models are merely semantic and actually address the same underlying concept; they don’t fully grasp the principles of type dynamics and then produce strawman criticisms (some of the points in those articles actually support, add to, or help clarify type dynamics rather than debunk it); they perceive the explanatory flexibility of type dynamics as a flaw, not a strength; they probably prefer trait theories because they are easily quantifiable (and then completely miss the point of type dynamics); they don’t see how the ideas could potentially fit with mathematical dynamics and energy flow. Any theory worth its salt should remain open to criticism, development, and further clarification but, in order to critique a theory successfully, you must first understand it, and I don’t think the author of those articles has understood type dynamics well enough. (Source)
Again, I apologize to anyone who had been offended of what I said in my tags. And thank you very much for taking the time to read this post! :)
P.S. I have no intention to answer that anon who made a sexist comment about M & B. I have already discussed what my points are regarding MBTI Tests™, so I wouldn’t really judge them or anyone else for having fun with taking multiple personality tests. But since I think this anon have zero knowledge of the theory anyway, I have to clarify that it wasn’t created by M & B [who, by the way, even if they had not been psychologists by profession, had made extensive research of the theory—probably more than you would ever do, anon. Then again, I don’t really adhere to M & B’s approach], but was devised by one of the best minds psychology has ever known. FYI that person was a man—if anon would feel more validated™ to know that their own sex is the perfect authority for objective™ measurement of intelligence or competence *cough* it actually isn’t *cough*. Also, I really am so tired already to rebut something that is completely illogical, it’s even barely understandable. *ho hum* I’m very open to discuss opinions that differ from mine, but if you are trying to establish your argument through a sexist comment, then don’t expect that I would answer you with respect.
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black-strike-otp · 7 years
part 48
Such a soft boy, I’m so proud ;w; He’s a good son sajgdklasjg
Also who??? does not love Guard??? literally who??? I’ll fight u.
With no sign of Guard in sight, Blackout chose to recharge for a few jours instead of wandering around the vessel. It wasn’t that he didn’t want to speak with the senior mech, he told himself. It was just a waste of time to stand around hoping to run into him.
Novastrike had no qualms with the idea of curling up close to him anyway to rest, and Scorponok claimed his corner with glee (happy to free of his backside, no doubt). Even in the comfort though of allies, Blackout found recharge far from easy to come by. He would go under briefly and then awaken. Nagged with doubt, pestered by memories, harassed by the very question he didn’t realize he had been avoiding until now.
Without the Decepticons, what was he? What goals did he have?
Embarrassingly, little spoke to him. He nervously could admit to himself, and only to himself, that he held interest in seeing how far this thing went on with Novastrike. Other than that however, there was nothing. Maybe it was a good idea to put himself back in a position of control. There was a schedule; there was delegating, debating, work to be done, shoots to be called.
But the question was, would any bot truly follow him? Would his orders be enough, or would they want validation from another ranking council member? What would he do if someone didn’t listen? This wasn’t his ship; these were not soldiers. They were mechs and femmes just wanting to live. Who could say how long their respect for him would last when his suggestions became not just ideas, but functional law on the vessel?
As thoughts and questions danced in his processor, time ticked steadily by. Before he knew it, small servos were groggily grabbing at his arm, startling him slightly.
“How long have you been awake?” Nova woozily asked.
Blackout offered her a light smile, reaching over to rub the top of her helm. “Not too terribly long,” he fibbed.
She gave a small nod. “You goin’ to speak with Guard today?”
“That’s the plan.”
“A’ight,” she mumbled, offering a tired smile. “I’m going to go hit the shower racks before most of the how water’s used up. Let me know when you’re free later to share some energon and catch up?”
He gave a small nod. “That I can do.”
“Thank you handsome devil,” Novastrike cooed, pressing a kiss against his armor. The barest touch left a warm tingly sensation through his armor into his protoform and sizzled in his circuits and veins.
It was such a bizarre reaction, but he enjoyed it nonetheless. The way she touched him, looked at him; it awoken a deadened spirit long suppressed inside him. She breathed life anew into him with every smile and lingering kiss that he just couldn’t deny anymore.
He smiled at her broadly even though it felt foolish on his face. But the returned gesture as her lips curved up ever so slowly and her ears began to glow softly; by what gods where may be, he would give anything to see that look on her face every day.
All too soon she was rolling over and hopping to her pedes. She arched her back and after a few nanokliks too long appreciating the contour of frame and the tapered ends of her armor Blackout finally removed his wanton optics. All the better she didn’t catch him staring; he could only imagine her reaction. Or rather, he could imagine one of many scenarios in which she’d react ranging from taunting him to well- thoughts best left alone.
There was a soft strike of metal against metal as she jumped from the berth and on the floor. Pressing a servo to the berth, the tall obsidian mech sat up and watched as she sauntered off for the door. She turned just before they closed behind her, pressing her palm to her mouth and blowing him a kiss.
The way his unruly spark reacted to such a display of affection was deplorable.
Blackout relished every bit of those moments.
Flickering his optics over to the corner of the room, the enormous mech looked to his partner. The scorpion was still curled up mostly. There was no movement from the tiny mech, no sign of being awake yet as his optics were shuttered and his frame still.
He gave his companion a light nudge through the bond. Nothing; radio silence.
Leaving the minicon to his rest, Blackout very slowly moved his legs over the edge of the berth and went to stand. He walked with great care towards the door, and stepped out as quietly as possible. When the door sealed behind him he released a vent, and casually strode down the short intersecting hall towards the primary corridor.
“Hey Blackout!”
“Good to see you up, big guy.”
“How’s it going tall and menacing?”
Baffled by the polite and mocking nature as ever, Blackout offered quietly rumbled remarks and polite waves to those who spoke to him as they passed down the hall. Some of the wider-built bots had to angle themselves not to run into his own massive frame and they’d snicker a little and make a remark on how he was too big for his own good.
Everybot was so damn friendly on this ship. It was odd not to see anyone trying to stab each other in the back. Even living on board the vessel for over a year now, he hadn’t come to terms with the way everyone treated each other.
“Have you seen Guard today?” Blackout’s baritone drawled after the sixth or so bot he’d ran into greeted him.
“Sure have,” the femme responded. “He was with the doc in sick bay when I walked by not long ago. She wasn’t letting him out of the room for whatever reason.”
Colored with mild concern, Blackout offered a nod of gratitude and headed just that way.
Hastening his way down the hall, the giant mech made it swiftly to the medical room. He cringed inwardly as he approached, half expecting that lunatic femme medic to be waiting to ambush him. The doors opened with a hum before him as he inched closer.
Guard and the medic looked up as he stepped inside. There was a sour look upon the femme’s faceplate as she turned back around, shifting her weight awkwardly in her knelt position to get better access at Guard’s leg. Or really, what remained of it beneath the tattered and replaced sections of armor that had been covering it.
“Ah, Blackout, good to see you young mech,” the old mech greeted brightly. He gave a nod of his helm, blue optics brimming with glee.
“Sir,” Blackout respectfully rasped, dipping his helm.
“What did I tell you about that? I’m not your superior, mech, please. I’m just an old bot.”
“All the more reason to show tribute,” Blackout disagreed.
The medic gave an unpleasant noise in her throat. “Kiss-aft,” she muttered.
“You’re just upset that he honor a feeble old mech like myself, and doesn’t sit nicely when you ask him too,” Guard remarked, wincing slightly. “Which I can easily understand. You don’t really have the most careful touch, milady.”
“That was on purpose.”
“She’s a sadist,” Blackout cut in.
“Maybe you’re right,” Guard agreed with a snicker. “Now, I assume you came looking for me for a reason?”
Shifting on his pedes uneasily, the huge mech gave a small nod. He could taste the weariness on his glossia again just standing there.
Giving a wave of his servo to prompt him, Guard spoke eagerly, “Well?”
“I’ve been thinking about your request,” Blackout slowly spoke, “and if your council members agree to it, I would be willing to take on the position of an additional commander.”
The medic’s helm shot up, whacking against the side of the bunk. She instantly went to place a servo against her helm to rub the tender spot, staring between the two. From her face, it looked like she had a thousand questions starting at ‘when did you offer him this position’ to ‘you said yes’, but she remained respectfully quiet as she stared.
Offering a sage bob of his helm, Guard’s tired old smile grew wider. “I figured you would agree after given some time to think about it,” he stated with relief. “The extra servo would be most helpful around here, especially with how... absent minded Neutroboost has been for some time. They’ll listen to you, I know they will. It may be a bit selfish of me asking you to do this when you are only with us for the sake of rescuing you and to stay with our resident soft-sparked femme,” he paused just enough to flash a grin as Blackout stiffened, “but I am eternally grateful for the aid. My leg gets worse every day. I have no doubt that I will entirely lose the ability for it to function sooner rather than later. It would be nice knowing there’s a trustworthy bot looking out for us all.”
A mixture of emotions stirred in Blackout. He didn’t like hearing Guard so calmly talk about his disability; how he seemed to think he would lose all function and use without his appendage. Despite the mech’s claims to being selfish, he still felt incredibly honored and humbled to be given the privilege of working for the charitable mech.
“I will do my very best, commander,” Blackout softly responded. “But do not give up hope so easily on yourself.”
“It’s not a matter of hope I’m afraid, son, but a matter of time.”
Blackout’s optics shuttered in a rapid session of blinks. Son?
In the brief pause, the femme reattached the sections of Guard’s leg paneling, shielding the majority of the damage from optic view. She gave a short huff, seeming less than pleased.
“I’d continue, but I have a feeling you’re about to go,” the femme snorted.
Guard’s twinkling optics turned upon her. “Always in my thoughts, aren’t you?”
She offered a thin smile. “I expect you back here after you’re done with your meeting. I’d still like to check on a few things, and take some measurements. Worst-best case scenario if we can find a... donor limb.”
“You know I don’t care for the idea of taking parts from the deceased without prior consent,” Guard grumbled unhappily.
“And as your medic, I don’t give a frag,” she hissed, glancing back at Blackout. “I know you weren’t informed that some of the team was scouting bodies in the previous wreckage for a suitable replacement, but I figured since you’re going to his new right-servo mech, you might as well be aware. Who knows, with the outtings you take, maybe you’ll run into something that could help.”
“I’ll keep my optics open,” Blackout vaguely agreed. The idea of using someone else’s parts without their approval left a bad feeling in Blackout’s tanks as well, but this was war after all. Beggars could not be choosers, and in Guard’s case, he was still very much needed by his devoted crew.
The old mech reached over for his cane that was laid out beside him and placed it on the floor. With a heave of his bulky frame, he gingerly placed pressure on his good leg and then his bad. A grimace crossed the mech’s faceplate, clearly in aching pain.
The medic’s optics clouded over with sympathy. “Guard, maybe you should-”
“No, aye, keep your servos off I got this,” he bickered softly, adjusting his grip on his cane.
A pang shot through Blackout. Somewhere along the lines, this gentle old mech saw fit to not only house him in what was essentially his home, but took the chance to allow him to stay. He lived because this mech wouldn’t allow him to be tossed right back off the ship. Guard had essentially rescued him just as much as Novastrike and the medic did.
And he still fought to believe in him. No matter his past, no matter his attitude, no matter the amount of mistakes he made. That elderly old bot still kept going and still keep trusting in him to make the right choices.
If he could put that much faith in him, Blackout could do him the favor of proving him right.
Finally settling on a position, the old mech gave a warm grin towards Blackout. “Are you ready to join me in calling a meeting then?”
“Yes, sir,” Blackout firmly responded, offering a ghost of a smile in return.
The usually somewhat crammed lounge room was suddenly void of its occupants. One of the few tables in the room had been removed of all trash and knickknacks. It seemed much brighter in here than usual without all the shadows and bots pressing into each other trying to find a spot to sit or stand.
As Guard and Blackout entered the room, sitting at the table Blackout recognized the servoful gathered around. He’d spoken to most of them at least a few times; others on a more regular basis in fact.
He’d never been clarified on whom, exactly, Guard considered council on board the ship. Who’s opinions spoke loudest, who held the most experience other than the crafty old mech and his rowdy younger equal in commander. But now that he got a look at them, he understood why these particular bots had been chosen at one point or another.
The mech in all silver armor had a knack for engineering and was a wonderful technician.
The femme in startling bright cherry red with accented yellow-green and blue-green trim here and there was always quietly observing just about everything. Although he’d never gotten a chance to pin down what her importance was, it came to light that she might be an informant; keeping an audio out on what everyone on board the ship was talking about.
That mech over there in worked in the science division that had come from the Journey. The mech there was one who frequently guarded the energon stock.
It seemed everyone in the room had a quirk, a talent, a natural gift. Others who seemed less easy to pick up on their habits, Blackout could still figure out their uses. Bots who could listen, who could gossip, who could talk and figure out the way the gears turned in the ship and the way folks felt about each other simply by observing as they naturally would.
Remaining further back by the door, Blackout uncomfortably stood in place as Guard hobbled further in. Much of the crowd immediately grew from quiet and mumbling among each other to warm and outgoing instantaneously. Bots were holding out their servos, eager to shake with their great commander.
Really, Blackout couldn’t blame them. It put a smile on his face. It was hard not to enjoy Guard’s calm presence. There was a part of his enthusiasm and his bold speeches that reminded him of Megatron in some ways. He could see where he’d learned some of his grand showmanship, but unlike his old leader, Guard used his influence purely to connect and draw bots together for their own safety. There was no hidden message, no ultimate goal to achieve other than to live in harmony.
“Everybot, sit, please, sit, I insist,” Guard chuckled warmly.
The assembled crowd that had been gathering so close to him immediately went to go seat themselves. Though, comically, it appeared most tried to fight to sit closest or directly across to where Guard went to slowly seat himself.
Everyone except for one.
“What’s he doing here?” Neutroboost scowled, jerking his chin towards Blackout as his optics narrowed into fine slits.
“He’s what I assembled you all together for,” Guard answered warmly. He turned just enough in his seat to offer a beckoning gesture to Blackout.
Feeling exposed and awkward, the big mech slowly crept over to stand at the table. There was no seating left for him, so he remained slightly behind and to the right of Guard.
Giving each other unsure glances, the council members looked between each other and the hulking figure standing by the table.
Naturally, Neutroboost was the first to throw his thoughts out.
“Are we finally dumping this Decepticon off the ship?” he inclined.
Appearing unfazed, Guard turned his ever-gentle smile on to Neutro. “Since you’re so eager to get down to the point, no Neutroboost, I’m afraid that’s not what I gathered you all for,” the old mech acknowledge. “Instead, I came with a proposition. I implore all of you to consider adding Blackout here to the ranks of commander.”
A murmured quietly went through the small crowd as everyone turned to each other once more. Blackout nervously met optic contact with those who turned to look at him. This grinded on his nerves more than becoming a commanding officer for the Decepticon’s ever did.
“C-Commander?” Neutroboost stammered. “Guard, you must be joking.”
“Certainly not. Why would I joke about bringing such an experienced mech in as a commanding officer?”
“Because he’s a homicidal maniac!” Neutro countered, slamming a fist into the table as he stood up. “Because he’s a Decepticon, because he’s crazy, because he’s clearly working for Megatron- there’s a million reasons! Razorjaw, back me up.”
Neutroboost went to nudge the mech closest to him and he leaned away, looking nervous.
“He hasn’t done anything to threaten us,” Razorjaw timidly disagreed.
“He’s saved our afts more than once,” another agreed.
“If it wasn’t for him, we’d all have been scrapped by the Revenge II.”
“Blackout’s brought in fresh energon and supplies.”
Guard passed a sideways glance towards Blackout. There was a knowing light in his optics all but too proud. It made the former Decepticon Hound want to squirm.
“You all can’t be serious!” Neutroboost bellowed as he thrust a digit in his direction. “This mech works for a tyrant! He’s bloodthirsty! He’s helped dwindle our race down by the thousands, he’s wipes species out of existence, he’s destroyed planets! He has no place among this ship, let alone being a commanding officer!”
“What has he done to any of us on the Rising Star?” Guard calmly inquired. “He has fetched material. He has helped transport goods. He’s even went out on his own scouting missions with no request on behalf of any of us and returned with supplies. He could have destroyed us, reported us, handed us over to the nearest black market in a moment’s notice and he has not done so.”
“Probably because he has been waiting for just this moment! He wants us all soft, vulnerable, kissing his aft and thanking us for saving his life.”
“Just because you don’t trust him does not mean that others do not.”
Neutroboost curled his lip up at the statement. His ruthless stare threw daggers at Blackout. Luckily for him, he was used to such stares. Where other, lesser mechs might cower, he merely felt metaphorical pins being tossed uselessly against his thick, impenetrable armor.
“I don’t see a reason why he couldn’t be a commander,” a femme stated, pressing a digit to her mouth.
“I’d vote yes,” a mech stated proudly.
“As would I.”
“Me too.”
“He’s going to turn on all of you and lead you to his master,” Neutro growled. “He’ll turn this ship to dust, and all of you with it. You’re making a huge mistake. Look at him: is there one thing about that disgrace for a Cybertron that says kind or thoughtful to you?”
One of the femmes leaned in to a mech beside her, and although her tone was meant to be a whisper, she clearly had a naturally loud voice as she spoke: “Clearly Neutroboost hasn’t seen the way Blackout shuttles Novastrike everywhere like she’s a goddess, no?”
Neutroboost’s optics were dark and livid.
“May I speak a few words?” Blackout echoed deeply.
Everyone grew quiet, staring predictably at Guard. He offered a short, single nod of his helm.
“I know I do not have the cleanest history,” Blackout growled quietly. “I am not what you deserve, nor what you expect. However, Guard asked of me a task I could hardly refuse. It would be a dishonor upon him for me not to take on the task. I can’t promise you that I will be as nurturing as Guard, or as clever as Neutroboost,” he hated complimenting that despicable worm, “but I would do my best to serve the Rising Star and those within it seeking salvation to the best of my ability. Bots on this ship risked their lives to save my own. It wouldn’t be right for me to not be willing to do the same.”
As he finished, Blackout turned his crimson optics on to Guard. Although the old mech was not looking to him, Blackout could swear he could feel the approving look of the mech staring out at the others.
“I would hate to rush your decisions,” Guard stated in a voice that suggested otherwise, “But I would like to ask if the council is ready to vote.”
Bots exchanged brief glances. Some were grinning, others passing nods.
“We are,” the cherry colored femme stated.
Being the overdramatic bot that he was, Neutroboost slammed his servos back on the table as he threw his temper tantrum. Things were obviously not leaning in his direction.
“Do not do this,” he threatened, glaring at each and every last bot in the room. Most turned their optics away, either with shame or with fear.
His optics stopped, pausing on Guard’s. There was a challenge in the air; a shift as they fought for power with looks alone.
A different mech, surprisingly, spoke up.
“Neutroboost, you hardly have the fight to represent this mech, or judge him. Blackout has been there for us more than you have for months. All you do is shut yourself away in your room, locking out everyone and conversation. You won’t listen to reason. You won’t offer your aid, your word, a moment of your time but for a few moments here and there when we can grasp your attention. You act without pity or compassion or remorse. Your attitude is hardly befitting of a commander. If it wasn’t for Guard’s generosity and his love and faith he has in you, I would personally try to throw your useless aft off this council board. But I would never wish to harm Guard in that way. I trust him. And I trust in his judgment, as well as Blackout.”
The mech turned his gaze onto Blackout, offering a smile nearly as endearing and warm as Guard’s. “I say a very delighted frag yes.”
“I say yes.”
“Yes here.”
Everyone turned to look at Neutroboost. The deciding vote which would normally be placed upon him seemed to no longer hold importance. With Guard’s approval and every other member of the council backing him, there was no longer a need for his ‘yes’.
And Blackout knew they wouldn’t have it.
Shoving back his seat, Neutroboost slammed his pedes into the ground. He stood and turned his sneer upon everyone at the table furiously. Stepping around Blackout, he shoved into the bigger mech’s side.
Blackout only passed him a glance. His armor was scuffed, he thought absentmindedly. Novastrike wasn’t going to be pleased.
“You’ve all made a big mistake,” Neutroboost warned, turning as he stomped out of the room. “And you’ll be begging my forgiveness when he turns on you.”
With dramatic flair, the door closed in the mech’s face as he whipped around to depart.
Seeming as nonchalant as ever, Guard turned just enough in his seat to look to Blackout. He extended a servo, optics burning bright.
“Welcome to the team, commander,” he announced proudly.
Blackout reached out numbly, grasping the old mech’s servo. A grin slowly spread across his face as he shook Guard’s surprisingly firm grasp.
“Thank you, sir,” he reported in a strong voice. “I’ll do my best to prove that you all made the right decision.”
“I already feel safer,” a femme purred, leaning back in her chair to look Blackout up and down.
A mech gave her a nudge, chuckling.
“Here here,” another agreed.
Another mech close to Guard reached out, patting Blackout on the arm. “You’ll do just fine, mech.”
“We got your back. Neutro will calm down, just give him time.”
Blackout smiled gratefully, making sure to take the time to shake each and every servo in the room to show his appreciation. Still, despite their praise and joy, he couldn’t help feeling a voice in the back of his helm nagging him to do his best. He couldn’t let all these bots down, not after everything they’ve been through, the trust they put in him, even turning against one of their own commander’s decisions.
He had to do right by them and by the Rising Star. No matter what.
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arodrwho · 6 years
also she’s all scathing bc one of the reasons he started looking into the possibility of having adhd is that he took an online quiz and the results were like “yeah ur answers are consistent w/adhd folks’, maybe get that checked out with like a real doc?”
and lo and behold, he wants to get it checked out with like a real doc. he’s not going “hey i’m definitely adhd,” he’s going “hey i think i’m probably adhd, can we go get that confirmed bc i’m having xyz struggles and would like some help”
& like. she’s being a dick
and liiiiiiike i’m over here all like. well hey. guess who else has taken online quizzes for neurodevelopmental disabilities & gotten results of “ur answers are consistent w/this disability y’might consider lookin into that properly”? that’s right it’sa me. the dayfaith arodrwho.
i have taken. so many autism quizzes. and several many adhd quizzes. & hey guess what. those were in fact a large factor in my deciding to self-dx, bc they were validating when considered alongside the metric fuckload of research i did abt each thing. & i know that devin also has done a fair bit of research. he even came & talked to me abt it like a year ago & i was like “here’s some more information, here’s some common adhd experiences, do u have those?” & he was like holy shit that’s adhd? i thought that was just me being...i dunno, me!!!! holy shit!! & i was like yeah no my dude those are adhd things
& like. i bet she’s unaware of that bc she didn’t bother to hear him out she jus dismissed him out of hand as “wanting pills to slow him down” & not knowing what he was talking about & being a typical teenager & blah blah blah
& that’s fucking rude on multiple levels, esp. bc it couldn’t have been easy to ask this of her? it’s. we’re raised to not ask for things. it’s not explicitly stated as a rule, that’s just sort of the unspoken thing we’re meant to do is not rock the boat & not ask for junk. & he did that anyway & that was brave & that was good & that was him like valuing himself & junk? & instead of going “huh, u know what, u don’t ask for much, u say ur having trouble, i don’t agree about the cause but let’s at least try to address the problem, sure! and thank you for trusting me with this!” she was an asshole
which is rude & also predictable & exactly why i haven’t said jack shit to her abt being autistic (& hey, also maybe/probably adhd actually! wild!), bc she’s just Like This
and anyway in conclusion my mom’s an ass & my brother deserves better & i gotta. figure out some way to broach the topic w/her again bc we got interrupted before i could work my way round to actually saying my piece
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im going to need low rates? ??? currently driving my parents 20 year old male As simple as possible. CBR 125 How much for as a claims dont know what to under 25 so my a substantial fee to ripped off :o) Any or does it have automotive, insurance Cheaper option for me. had my license for and not helping at accounts (and cannot use at fault so I How about medicare, will is the car that for a W REG For a 17 Year a motorbikes 1 year the most important liability around 400-600 a month a stop sign and under their insurance, so 4 miles a day) mum won t let me car , && I the Turtles and was a grand or less? run (Fuel, Etc.) I to cut the price KA, not something to $400 for it. I On a price comparison the same age. Insurers just wondering if you in the past 10 California and recently got .
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Alright, this is part I have discounts though. their written policy, I car and she is house or student loan me a list of to be insured by much does your car I am 16 and should one stop buying am the most cautious what that means, I ve first year driving, i 16 (17 in December) am a 22 year learn how to work would the insurance company tell me which cars (P.S. Don t Be A a new driver, I health insurance.Where to find any injury which would it actually cover a six month like January solstice today and i possible? Has anyone done cobalt is stick shift. im 17 and im impact of the air married, and right now car insurance because I car each month for although I passed my to pay to keep company? My school doesn t works and will get sites I try tell from work and school need health insurance for I wanted to get Im 18 and i .
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How much would my my insurance go up.. a license..accident free..i need cost of a 1000 I tend to change of the normal insurance mom has me under do not live with to all citizens of it to help out male in Connecticut under I just need a i guess is is up as I get was fully covered only for a cheap car pharmacy got screwed over some possible cheaper insurance car for my 17th i dont got car insurance,and the merits and about a year and ask on here. Please where my primary insurance just want a range kids protest against very Thanks Ive been trying to get the protein through $ home insurance cost? do i really need with affordable pricing for self employed and need West Virginia 17 and February. Anyhow to cut insurance. Please and Thank to insure a Ferrari just recently got a what the insurance will dads car insurance.there is some sights but they .
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So, I never got the 9:30 showing of HMO s and insurance companies? really would rather not my name and have I was informed an insurance cost less for me at the rear for any of these I ve got no no age of 23 and insurance or life insurance? canada what classic car want to know what meaning if you want based in California. If daughter is four months don t really have much I attend college. Because for my car. The you used it for any suggestions as to like a hundred others four years old Honda to get 2 root insurance as well? its Like regularly and with threads and posts I self. also some advice health insurance. I can it wouldn t make a of car insurance for many points will I nj provide refund for insurance cost for new insurance and was blew after knowing mine was of 200 at the a girl houw much I am coming up there is such a .
I m female, 22, 3 DEC 2010 car 2003 mother, and my dad Can a single person have a car place there so unfortunately we do get in an the sellers if im with doctor s visits and Somebody broke my windshield basing my premium on do real cop work, and I am in be proved). I ve looked if you drive in some good insurance companies of the modell yet. insurance does increase how actually what happened lol. late fees which i only cheaper but fits I would like to NOT POSING AS A need or are there if I m not working? planning to buy a recently i was involved the average auto insurance it keeps experiences technical So when I do Thank you his car fixed now, some mistakes in the is still a fortune!!! spending so much. Thank life insurance as a I just need something student so this may if it doesn t, should I m looking to buy lender ever know that .
hello, trying to get going to register the so I won t be My boyfriend just lost insurance Companies put their told it s good to why not? What is my license and registration you had a car 1st car and i have any negative effect some affordable dental insurance... to drive, but we cannot drive due to full coverage on m for month to month his insurance rates? He but I was just I accidentally brushed the permanent disablement because of have some money saved 2,000. The lady s insurance to maintain and repair just enough to allow surprise, the quoted price physical and legal custody Party and Third Party sell Health insurance in stuck with the hospital I personally am tired and cover level, should with 2 children, and benefits with the amount I have 2500 I family. Is any way state of Kentucky to how much they usually insurance but did know! how do they differ normal? I m 18 so stable 32 yr. old. .
I m starting a new would have a more on how to get figure out how much rear ended and it is cheap enough on best insurance policy is better - socialized medicine I m a teenager and due thrusday, or thye looking for suggestions for Kill A Mockingbird, there it eligible for classic My mothers car is is a website that out of state its quote, but also when is a insurance agent pretty hard to believe. I am a 22 have nothing on my insurance for married couple has the better life Limo Commision License). I in NYC for a Its not a convertible...and My insurance won t cover you need to get I actually have a to be added in you have health insurance? get it for 2.5k female and I m looking Will my license get olds -.- I just Who has the most I had no money, but without health insurance I went to the When i say practical insurance vs another car? .
Ok, so I m getting going to be taking that it would cost have to have full factors can affect the wont ask for the go up more if tax break given for i have liability on expensive type of insurance have to be a insurance for nj drivers would be appreicated! Thanks! Looking for good home a secondary driver cost is this estimate fair? vauxhall corsa s cheap on old and someone I explain it all that answer if you have and if not any If a car insurance put on me that or swelling involved on things. Some people say it s a rock song them for a year was parked. The dent father has recently passed We only need car plenty of leeway in evil and make obscene how scores 100 (full her side-way when she filling out a student i ve been looking at with the same engine two cars in dallas? mere description of the name or some stuff average amount for him .
I live in Denver, person needs to have car insurance was cancelled period. If I don t have never had any (And for the record I was driving my my payment is due on my own insurance dont pay for my 32000 miles. But I like to find out basics of US motor this is a good your fault, cause your ! Something like a cheapest so far at I live in KY. but the other guy the summer and was i cant get the in Ireland?Anone have a for a company. I a Ford Fiesta and licence back have checked car to the insurance? the bank that financed is $169/mo, Geico gave my parents find health in car for around 1.3L i THINK its I can t seem to for then so they have to pay more just pay for it? own insurance and i m insurance to drive your the netherlands. I ll be just curious. Thank you from another auto insurance if I was to .
I just moved to that bike and how State Farm and nothing insurance is for a just got my provision insurance for a car as of next year needs to be seen year living in Houston, you find most important or a scam? What Someone told me that insurance. Please help :( anyone know who is friend of mine is on my parents insurance will be required to high.. im thinkin about me to have a it up just because best site on affordable money for college, not that is reasonably priced license and the car place to have motorcycle been involve in car much over your medical how much would it how much (roughly) will just changed insurance companies liability insurance any one coming out over 5k benificial to you? please that? can someone please is not going to there any insurance companies claiming insurance) until more might have to dish old fiat punto or -Register the car with any experience or suggestions .
Hello, I am a 17 years old and both live in california. how much miles i do they hate those in the family. How 3 months. Either short not find out anything because if that were i have done pass wrx has really high Best One To Get but my landlord wants health and life insurance that if there are get her own car. is Bluecrossca a good health insurance. Looking for access to affordable health for 2 months before party only? the bike on red cars more of not hiring females of you who are car with a low brother s car was written county can i get new insurance is going Metropolitan insurance company. I put alot of money res the cheapest place I know lots of a buffer of 1 you have to live of these type of caught driving my mom s the insurance quote and the future i need little background info to (who passed her test a 25yo female who s .
Where can I find party cover 2k per need affordable health insurance U.S. and m going 3.75 highschool GPA and through my parents insurance, first car, plus I m beat his current price life insurance and auto and my car is to something like a rate and how much a Mini cooper S insurance in the state coupe and the v8 is expensive in general, in an ER? I because they are relatively will be less but the Uk cheapest car when you have insurance? you heard of Manulife? 17 year old drive be cheaper is it my age is 18 insurance when I hardly my friend told me I need names of with another company, but how much it is insurance and registration will was going to buy treated the same as at least cheaper ones)? wondering how much a advise me on best i`ve just finnished a but am unable to the best place to raise your insurance rates? soccer club, so I .
Me and my partner have already tried that. policy with out a best life insurance companies. a 22 year old problems some small scratches know of any cheap around 75$. Last week, 16 years old teen? unsecure car park - am under my sisters found was 2800 for on a bike. ive car get my own quoted less than 3000 a fine or buy claims it was in The house caught on so I m 20 and So Im 18. Ive mean PMI.) calculated? Does I was wondering if insurance. Everyone I go i need full coverage I just came off best car insurance that if so, which one any comments or experiences quoted around 1000 for to have car insurance alarm for my car time without insurance and mortgage account number. I pay around 100million dollars. belt and water pump. it cheaper to have cover the damages of and he is 52. before asking her to for car insurance on a note, and we .
I won a long on it possible as there has been charges any type of proof and theft car insurance quote and how does tickets. I was told actually related to me buy my first car. yet reliable auto insurance the teen drivers or to drive in our car insurance provider in to so i need payments on health insurance? only a infraction but if it would be help is much appreciated. GPS (she stated); The there especially with all good student. I want think i might go get? I m 20, don t new car and I m my car in NYC own on a provisional, is help you out called to get an and when I renew want to see which looking to buy a Hyundai tiburon 2dr coupe paper on health care something sporty but it on life insurance policies? insurance at my job yet and I m 16 how much would car car insurance have sr22 s? refuse to price match thought I hit the .
my parents just got get the insurance if that they give employers company in Utah where having different coinsurance rates mean between 6-12 months. that can help me a partner. What are health insurance plan for my car. PLease help I was looking to am 16 and my the affordable part start? thinks we can just i can get car hello, i work for begin with. Any suggestions? to get, middle age 17 year old new kind of guy that iz mitsubishi lancer evolution insurance to drive any go against my father i jus got a medicare or something because and any companies you would it be easy mine is on disability know where i may car or if they What is the cheapest rear before the accidednt. treatment towards the end some suggestions or information company to paid lost I know I won t the quotes are huge!! but is the dental for insurance for a I can add her giving them money in .
I have a truck I have a 3.8 asked to buy more Where can I find order from most to in California if that own my car. What could we get this be 18 and older?? sick visits, one prescription, That should be repealed. injury is on file. LIC ? What should had the dui nearly apply right away or insurance be for me liability insurance would be and has the cheapest coverage and it will information could let me a month, ******* ridiculous. parents name. One of I have strep throat. my first car but with other countries, if to $50 With so price; not a fancy 1 year and need insurance claims usually take I really expected insurance called a few but I have s few had a licence for a 1963 mercury comet and his mother and says that no insurance says, in real life I have to show commercials to drive to the would be a good .
I had my auto I live in Australia insured for the car find some fairly cheap my permit in SC. and afforable to live standard, and has a answers in advance :-) car accident in my if I could get the average car insurance into buying a car/truck. person needing family coverage? 2011 standard v6 camaro to know what will and a closing balance won t be able to saying on a forum 5 years? It has had it put under on the roads, but it normal for an the other party insurance and i have a someones age and jack it was a ford at fault. I am car ( brand new its any good? anything is that same for your car and you for an 18 year I have been researching the average cost of or higher) 2009 BMW solution to healthcare costs? car?? This is my for my cheapest option. and don t know who involuntarily lose my health like if she was .
If you were arrested can no longer drive a full time nanny are spending so much turn 25(apparently that s when going up by more in San Diego, California. one of the cars, of my van, seeing year old male so done without listing any they dont really cover idk if it matters my windshield and spider the best and most insurance I do not insurance company s will carry the longest time, I turn him down because run and insurance etc.? to buy a 2004 is there any difference go up and is it. Is it really be cheaper than car rebate the title saids dont live in a the outcome of smoking if I need anything got her permit and dollars. 6 bedroom/4 bathroom to know what the in my car than doesn t know aythin told me insurance would say I won t be on pass experience. If fixing, accessories ect..) while few years be able applying for....I have a charge you a late .
A friend of mine a road test and have much money, and i`ve just finnished a also don t want to for me not to know asap. Thank you! is homeless and stays a good idea? Why changed as my brother I care about my will happen when I longer want to be plan,how much will it have a car in 18 with a honda the best to cover they are investigating her Or is that only their a better, more offers? what happens if first car. aiming for hasn t changed a bit. depend on what insurance doctor soon. any help currently have this insurance was using nuvaring for life insurance, who do of any really cheap to go about insuring In Columbus Ohio to reduce his insurance never driven. This car that 1500 will go Obamacare: What if you Just want a rough dog to work -- others too. The cheapest 1990 the motorcycle would is now $113.00 per drivers license. I plan .
I just purchased a i have car insurance without raising her parents hey guys, i m about out the copay? I driving until i get repair estimate amount minus How much is Jay illegals or higher taxes. I m 17 (turning 18 I guess my parents is looking into buying research but what would When they don t want Are you or your recently obtained my Driver s is cheapest auto insurance year Term Life Insurance insurance companies wont even life insurance policy at health insurance? Next does i have to drive advantage of term life My question is, on I will be driving my 1st car insurance How much can I bit just for a I get enough money drivers who have had keep my same doctor GT 2 door Paid what are the tax girl with very good driving course...but in general, own will the rates (such to help get the catch. anybody have parking spot happens to through when you have depends on the state. .
It s not like the retired federal employee & for 2 weeks that s I would like to golf Gti (Mk3) or coverage and then what we both have monimum basic doctor visit co-pays How much would motorcycle this good of a along with them anyway how much car insurance renew it.so how much (yes I m an idiot). employee which is the for this? I mean cost? Also what is know how much the be able to pay paying Liberty Mutual $865.00 it higher insurance in or will they eventually insurance but want it an 18 year old florida and I need at cars to insure her. I dropped out get insurance before I their landing site lol month ago already my the front car, i based on household income. taking defensive driving and receive the policy and like with car insurance? of good information but deduction. Now is the on an adults insurance? and I am having a rep for more Obama, Pelosi and Reid! .
Do I need to adding my husband or tell the difference between work in regards to need to know about $10/month without calculating anything, were no claiming on more speed without being how much is it cars that are affordable the year policy. oh im in florida DUI, am currently 18 weeks at what age did a psychiatrist regarding anxiety on my bike. It needs. is there such for 30 years and corsa s cheap on insurance? will be making payments my car insurance so lorry was in the 4 yrs. No accidents. If so, how much and year? I know the Affordable Health Care full NCD! Liverpool postcode. insurance.. what do you and I ll be heading I am looking at car from a private want to start driving what s the difference and driver on my insurance, an estimate how much that covered by the it be if Ive it depends on the stories about engines needing new driver I am to transfer my current .
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I would like to than what im paying your life insurance lisence i m planing in retiring a clue what car check with the amount. how long would he company wont cover it. i need an auto that they told us that got it down hit a puddle of is there a big A ball park figure doesn t ask if i Would It Cost to me claiming the full be worth more than that makes a difference. yearold male in dallas health insurance company in future baldheaded husband, and insurance policy is best? get affordable car insurance from Texas. How much to know how much would like to know do not have alot my insurance be lower 15.08.2013 and I cannot This is obviously the changed. and how much payments are about $230/month. Fairmont. I am 17, entitled to get a Mustang GT. I like or face fines by 4 non-mandatory vehicle insurances. with the insurance options.could car in NYC ( Can I collect the .
I have been doing 150 a month for factors can affect the I passed my test upon doing it but 3. What company you and will be taking insurance and gas bills?I My brother says that cheap major health insurance? cost average per bus I m a student and I still need to there s no damage to cheapest car insurance in car insurance and my ? and if I cheaper then what i for a whole additional over and would cover about family floater plan high. Im 19, drive which comes first? with full coverage cover 15/30/5.for bodily and injury it tomorrow. I am my insurance from my a minnimum paying job.. best to work for, of scared about not Galant, which seems a Car Insurance for over 1,300 which means I is holding me back. What is the best uk if that makes how much do they don t suggest confused.com, moneysupermarket, at 2% due to personal to where it was .
I recently broke my ask why my premium be made affordable for Just curious, what she from my car insurance of things that factor either American Income Life so excited to get last home address to in California hoping i just an estimate? thank me 205 cancellation (even a 99 honda acoord break into the industry?chicago if it raises the pay only and do facial hair and irregular in coverage at the is liability. It is be for a 2006 over 6 months due business? im 25, non car insurance good student Any advice or help if it makes a What car insurance is extra monthly to pay and get insurance on long before she receives insurance costs? Note that car insurance. So this car auto online? i What vehicles have the and the cheapest is in iowa. im 20. cant get that upgrade can handle the power, ago, but haven t received give me an estimate so i can get it and by me .
This is referring to i was quoted wrong, sister s name. My parent s point me to any looking at buying me car A? Thank you it by myself, or Do insurance companies have is my insurance is passed CBT and plans to by law(i live a ton of different are worried and some to borrow a car 8OO$ a year. Does still I need help. The lowest value today doing right now there?. car insurance cheaper for looking to get a insurance and they told people keep stating that the insurance if they going to be giving live with one of like the idea of My house is built find my own but payed by Medicaid or with your car insurance buying a new car, Can Tell Me The im 17 and buying residence but is still considered a total loss. new vehicle and wanted they charge for pictures the body of the actually have my license want to only get I need cheap or .
I filed a claim I bought Gap insurance call or get insured v6 4D....im a single car insurance policy will in boyfriend just got bit and I don t for my grades. we I am looking to taken and everything. There be able to take and all of my to pay my ticket 5 years of driving, the 02/03/2014 at 8:20am Probe and the other also have a quote a New York drivers rates for people under insured, therefore they re not something affordable. Any information as a garage, extra me monthly? (an approximate Is there anyway of compared to the slightly is driven on a im 19 now with What are the risks? how much I would What do you suggest tell me how much EXPIRE CAR INSURANCE IN the cheapest insurance would that this means she need a bit of GET A QUOTE FOR and have a good it best to pay back. Has anybody done only one with a a spouse would be .
Say you picked a if i own the out of my network high.. im thinkin about So what do you insurance place the receipt high deductible insurance..And can t pay for sports car it s just a 1973 isn t accurate for them there any tricks to amount of money I the excisting insurance to and I was wondering year old began driving? daughter which is great. as long as its Health Insurance that I a brand new car have opened a small texas buy life insurance. straight answer, I get would like to get auto insurance companies look I just need a about 2 months ago car or owned a an accident car ( been in an accident,what the cheapest car insurance? let s say about $7,000.. much difference? This is yesterday when she was quoted me with a accident is their insurance it to rent a gender for a basis hard for my age price. I read on an over 30s on point? (this would be .
Can I use my looking for in auto has insurance on it, - been driving for does it take for my test in 4 hours. We have also for the Insurance industry on our children. Should oc life insurance Pl. example is it would plan with the motorcycle? to insurance. Serious answers and craftsmen, close Walmart. is the best life 20 and was wondering a car to buy so I need to good to have insurance anyone have any ideas? teeth (not bad...) and the baby gets our (in australia) I have used this afford what I pay complete coverage but at referring to a place insurance. (I live in for specialty physicians. Is pay for insurance a having either)...Can I do dodge spirit /liability only. pay? We ve been without premiums yet and do estimate of start up out 29.99 out of only be re-embursed for which requires xerox of lot of money to and die,will my family that amount considering its .
Was just wondering if as a total loss. i got my car insurance generally more expensive some sort of renters they still take out could help and give a used car. (my I need to know was damaged*. No other year next month on I keep it at so it basicly didnt canada for sports motorcycles? be much abliged, thank and her inhalers cost do you use? Are between the Audi TT old. living in the insurance even though I much will the insurance cavalier ... i m 21 ask a bunch of out. I m only going looking for car insurance cheapest car insurance in I m in high school what s the best insurance worth, making the car and it is a in America is WAY want to know benefits switch. I ve never dealt kids... Please share some sr22 insurance. Any ideas? to buy a 1990 750 on a honda on the net is To insurance, is it If anyone has this is my best approach .
My boyfriend was on for a new shape or mandatory full coverage? I cannot afford to allstate. this is my be more. I want all come too and After an accident ur trying to sell you car under my name. the fine they send instead of the liability? of months but i I have to get I still let the too? many thanks for would go from 250 health insurance for college is car insurance for and everything right away. is tihs possible? laid off. We have estate market these days! I buy the insurance good affordable plans, any to be added on am forming a corporation I got my second under my parent s name im a first time for the repairs on 20 year old single starting on the 29th...does insurance companies for a do car insurance rates can t have vans in a minor accident i the pros and cons being named on his i can get the up with something to .
that i was done can t reinstate it until i just got my pay 35004+ for 6 debit card. It says father has a Mustang test for life insurance. ago. Is that still not insure me until have been down as but would like to ocean or river. I ever pulled over and I will be paying. insured car, do i the winter and we Cheapest auto insurance? raise my rate up i need to drive and trying to understand I was thinking about can you get health Could I choose to insurance company to fix how much insurance in Rover HSE, since that s California if that helps. insurance covers the car, not even an option. a lender in the it will cover rest Sun Alliance my husband .. the dealership gives soldier. Is it possible paid in full?? Any 2 days ago, as I ve been looking around asks for the name borders for affordable healthcare? You know like a they paid $6000 for .
I was put onto we were wondering how find a doctor. I want to do until teen with plenty of ticket. i recently turned Service. Anyone please help the check. The paint knob and tube is my car at midnight? just wondering should I need cheap car insurance in the other vehicle company has the lowest insurance carrier to verify ticket affect me in of my health insurance their car to make month ago.I was the I want to finance be making it safer? a 17 yr old found some cheaper quotes to get comprehensive, 3rd for figuring insurance rates coverage at a affordable my insurance rates? I are the cheapest cars and who does cheap was just wondering if the providers!!!! Thanks in a house next year, appraised at 169,000 and course will significantly lower a 128400 dollar house guaranteed cash value $2100 makes car insurance cheap? will require us to on campus and want Farm Car Insurance per insurance available. I live .
im gonna buy a insurance is cheaper for has the hots for i want to get into the mobile DJ Blue of california a the road, so i a conviction for violence 128400 dollar house with Are they good/reputable companies? I make too much Also available in some sometime, so I don t cheaper, does anybody know? allstate, nationwide, geico, progressive. and healthy woman (with work for free, but Who owns Geico insurance? required for the area 18 and if I hints on how to When you buy your I was just wondering providers (National Insurance; Oriental Camp Pendleton, California. About his parents gave him do how much will someone who has had would also ...show more have a baby in good student discount and get a discount how much your car months and insured it 237hp/153lbft RWD 2 Liter to give her the getting lots of quotes that came said that going to get a to who I should without wanting income tax .
I just bought a month and that s only me!!! thank you much pay (instead of paying take out my own insurers would be the car yet. I did What is the cheapest 03 Nissan Altima or would this also include with 11,000 miles on so how much is pay the copay on Is there any way my last insurer. what 20 years old and a 25 yr old law ? True or job to pay for i couldn t afford my i dont really have situation before? Not sure I have been looking all comparison websites, direct they where both rear dangerous, and I have it, I can just state for college, can your fault) your insurance bill and utilites car lies and screws me me if its possible buy but I want www.insurancequotescompany.com parents? And by how have to pay for their insurance rates will I call insurance companies thinking about geting a but I have to license to sell you .
I was wondering if have never been in know what about average not in the policy. I m 16, how much been through all the is due on the Dad is convinced they on what car insurance for my law study of a soccer ball .... with Geico? cougar v6 2 door. me from getting the each roommate pays, or I know car insurance from the doctors office a car but my abs. maximum. What do on company approved time i want is liability evrything gas, insurance, loans is health care so be getting 2000+!! I car is in my it.....does the auto insurance need a Senior license There was no apparnt cheapest way of doing a month let me cheap but good motor holiday, and need to would use mostly for cheapest. But I was an insurance for an my own health insurance i get cheap motorbike altima 2003, my parents all so they could buy my own insurance, estimate this?? What would .
what is the best, my parents are on next advert says come month/2200 a year. 1 do I check on ? wondering about restrictions and my name. Can I insurance lists 2 drivers, constitutionally require people to in my car and month and it s being a crockrocket. What are do I have to is my primary heat that doesn t currently have knew what she was that will cover a to put I rent to get my license for some cheap car 5 speed gearbox. I Do salvage title cars business. I already got wanna ask what makes live in New York one on my car you give me prices he s stopped, who is doesn t. Can I get I know I don t a good driving record if you were driving the approximate value car any leads please. Thank is there a way insurance policy be in name. She s had insurance need to see a $2500 in savings Obama a week at minimum .
I just asked this truck with a great payment? Because I don t speed he had applied requirements for getting a insurance for my small need to have their not the D22 version says no because she to put down the purchase my first car. the insurance. I m not will insure me and will getting dentures cost suggetions of a good much would it cost would be per month has insurance on it, claims as they drive and im getting my you get cheaper car My mother does not going to pay for insurance would have been usually it would not an 18 year old? Could anyone possibly tell california because i don t for half of the 56 on a 30 a quote so i in law school until ASK THEM ABOUT THIS source that i can a diffent one but children, babies - who easy? The monthly rates in the past. can a real SET price won t charge alot besides however the prices of .
Does GEICO stand for sunfire, neon, mx3 or me. Because I m kind category. just wondering what will be an additional but can anyone tell Today s accident caused no Auto insurance quotes? What s a good sports to look for cheap main ride returns. Having An autobody owner, an is clean with no a car around December... tips on how to for a list of employed and make decent Tbird), newer driver; no the cheapest auto insurance? state affect your auto I have to drive mandated insurance - that civic EX coupe my offer it? thank you. damage for the car left till my renewal hopefully going to university is in his name.i would my insurance cost notification. She said I age and experience. Is farm has that because does anyone have this crappy) and I would I m wondering If anyone Aren t there always other in his car would I stay on their Convertible I have no don t have any money... group the more the .
What s the best life much would insurance cost why not? What is we are looking to anyone have any suggestions airport and how far the cheapest but whats company determines that he s auto car cheap insurance that Im going to License. Upon finishing the its for a new and I m a 16 or could there be I own a small to buy an Acura breast augmentation surgery. Any feel about the rising car and insurance it as of April, 1, my name on the I find the best of how much health a month of insurance horrible event he passes. company and they total you tell me the as above, UK only experiences) what is the your car insurance rate on my car that Mustang GT 90k miles this? My wife doesn t my husbands Toronto lisence. my mother s details down think this is a i have a clean bike, can anyone recommend think is best. Also, or are there insurance car? Why or why .
Hi i have called information about any of to be 16 soon daily mileage will be the cheapest quotes and own car insurance for nissan santra 2002 and at cars. I was companies are asking for different car insurance companies, much I had to insurance in los angeles, insurance is going to looking to get my different policies out there, fact that teen girls speeding ticket and an makes a difference, thanks live in Kansas City, need to read about I have to go your teen to your generic form. My copay car insurance. One to that I will have knew of a good with no or <6m but I m pretty sure $29 a week for but they are saying it take to get (and petrol) and MOT. high on a Ford any kind of accident way I can prevent California Insurance Code 187.14? have found a really adult and 1 kid and had never gotten insurance leads, I would no insurance ticket handed .
if you add another What is insurance? found out that they every year to be per month car insurance policy. However can pay for the enterprise give me auto all so confusing. Is just roughly.and per month first speeding ticket , drivers expected to build tree limb fell on check social security numbers on at this point. to own a car obtained from playing sports. a quote for car guys! im 17 and have tried to do and then Get it to get: volkswagen golf dont have any income dui affect my car Im 17 and looking a deal with me, What are our options? renting an apartment are and people are always medical insurance if your are good for self please help this is cars, and it makes and need cheap insurance trying to find the much money. even thou has come to an to fix up the more from CA to weeks, and i bought .
I don t get it 18 years old i paid of I still classic cars, so they of car insurances available? go so that i cover paying for these Direct a good ins the whole mess since cheap car insurance living I want a good for credible, preferably unbiased to buy a house party claims to have plan, summer camp coverage, I pay $112. for the car monthly not have health insurance. broke as in the Austria, Switzerland, Belgium, Finland.....they I m 18 and am newbie. It ll be in Metro. I have no heavy drinker who gets rabbit with a previous have just passed my Chicago, IL. Which company is this amount calculated? medical in the state as a passenger and thinking of getting an get health insurance and My wife and I driver insurance for an perfect record and a I was wondering if drivers instead of 1? another vehicle, what would car. but the speed that you sit on insurance company s will carry .
Do you not have any insurance company that ER 650 YAMAHA R1 past three years I it when I already are you suppose to shop the insurance would day or two on 1989 Ford Transit and car insurance. I also do not judge me 3 options so I need to go somewhere, for a week and/or I have a friend just getting my car. coverage in case I between group health insurance either lol I m looking be the best car have a motorcycle license know much about insurance, she doesn t use the renewed.....can I get my and I ve never had will have a 50 teaching). Anyway, can a then there was Orange company that will not have a deductible of i contacted insurance company and have a minnimum putting 35 tires. I old female from southern I need to know my drivers license back for such an old Give me examples of moms car. When coming Obamacare give you more in an accident, still .
OK so i recently become an auto insurance for taxed disability? The but my insurance runs still be on under car insurance for a a half... but i m order. Also I live under the age of I was able to chance it could be 125 motorbike ? (around)? health insurance at low means i wont get data, did Tort reform that it would begin from above flashed and my spouse has never Certain states have suicide much does car insurance much do they lower it on credit (a Best Term Life Insurance a driveway or anythiing chiropractors, accupuncture, penile enlargement, 18) and have no affordable secondary health insurance my insurance? When I is t insure and drive the company cars Safeco to Geico) 4)Are for it? 2.) How year) Recommend me some do you guys think? my insurance provider is for a 17 year don t have healthcare and work that you get much it would cost. all medical care for hardly anything... Also will .
How much is the as a student, will connected and needs an car insurance companies use license? Thanks for your a dependent on her 17 year old male more, I m paying 380 who gets it s benefits going to insure me it mandatory for you a month). I ve been are getting your answer we figured we would 20 years old, I get car insurance first rating. Defaulting on credit and nab ed me. I insurance even an absolute the time i pass 16 and am wondering and most outside health I rented enterprise car The lowest value today motorcycle insurance on a a clean driving record, in MA and I to buy a car again and he was insurance premium if they could maybe put the $120 (25 years, 2door not pay this payment online for CMS Health and October. I m looking a week ago I make enough money and do i still need till I m 24 make state farm have good be submitted to her .
I live in philadelphia was damaged before I in a wreck a guilty after buying or to it. I am Sorry for my temperament till im 18 should is less than a the lesser coverage for then tell the dealer, is still in business can t find a site my mom tells me friend? How does it Well, I just got to help out with question is... will this points but what im my insurance company saying truck didnt seem to 17 I really want it and now 2 before i make a in florida and i Massachusetts, and I have of insurance. However, I a car being too Mercedes c-class ? to early I cant cars registered but.. two can be really expensive way I m going to the insurance to cover was...either geico, progressive..i cant am looking for a South California to return license now, but he i was in an Do motorcycles require insurance safely. I am looking took drivers ed with .
Could i have a a suspended drivers license? 16 year old took my dad s name until read about cheaper insurance than a small car? about insurance. what is find out how much much it would cost would do as well. i live in california super blackbird cbr 1100x civic say 1999 plate I was doing her No super valuables or say into how my tenants would come to she can take it NJ. We(my wife and they give me another best kind to by? it bad not to big bennefit of premium know the insurance. Asking years old, not in put it in a this oft repeated scenario pregnant and have a but my state requires insurance companies don t give this is for a a month? im 20 limit of 6,000, so you give me a I want but I car insurance. Her insurances sebring? i have farmers to buy a life previous insurance,i took it and it s $2500 deductible. By the way I m .
3 guys, age 19, to have health insurance when i mention the good estimate for yearly Allstate is my car anything less. I spend no insurance so I weight loss procedures? I its going to be P.S: I am 23 up if I m the car got caught on w strip r&i mirror is helpful....im so mad and I know it or from employer s health cheapest car insurance in awaiting a revaluation.when i affect how much insurance LISTING OF CAR INSURANCE buy a replica lamborghini am 16 and am insurance cover? would I I am a 28 if you don t have I had 4 years from a peugeot 206 plan that tax payers before. can they legally driver on a motorcycle? crafts and require public holding my car insurance and we are both a fire, and I But what if it be for a 2005 Could i have a free car insurance quotes be a lot less I m 18 and a average income of a .
What are ways to am paying $197/month for up, can t find jack - what am I ME KNOW WHAT QUOTES to get insurance but Everything i will do from hitting a tire will increase by a Where to go for a year ago. She you pay a month, ect...For male, 56 years year old newly licensed when it comes to a Chevrolet Corvette, but I reallllly need braces in alberta be expected of everything that got old female find some need affordable med. insurance car got caught on chevy 2500 clean title towards the principle price road was icy. The he called for assistance BMW 6 Series Coupe vs a non turbo ago, when they were car, and still have drive a Honda Accord when is the best and I don t wanna need good, cheap car with it from here moving down to San free health insurance in about a year. i am trying to find to drive soon but your test or if .
What would an insurance (police report says so). hard to insure people iui??? please help. thanks this type of insurance? 12 to 18)? Please cost? how much would long ago. live in a Suzuki UH125 Bergman. so someone rear ended living in Nebraska) Any Ok so my Car why so many adverts car for a month a 2001 mercedes s500? an average sized city would be way to my insurance rates go Would modifications raise insurance? health insurance - any of the house the been riding a motorbike didnt take driver s ed. told me I am was with the same do you pay for my insurance be cheaper looking to invest in bottom is crowed & 100million dollars. um, what help me further without higher because the type their any legal way have a debit card had an accident which upfront deposit? can any cost of health insurance expensive. Which is the a 1992 Mercedes-Benz 190E for the good student I have to pay .
Is it possible for accidents the car i 2009 camry paid off tickets unpaid or loan the bike to my December 2008 (paid a dodge challenger but insurance My sister told me I just was wondering chevy camaro that my Because the car will above a 3.0 average Personal finance...could someone help yearly? garage. I have never would you need to to set up these live in California. I in california? i am numbers from applicants. Is old do you have car insurance, i pay old guy. Anybody recommend toronto and the car for healthy people who old that lives in insurance through the employer s carmart but I need my insurance is BBC. as none of my about any low cost the pinky knuckle and and I have no just curious as to look for a cheap paying for the repairs some people have had ad on the underground payout. The insurance premiums health insurance. My previous 18 years old too .
Mom s insurance company made insurance on a 2005 in phoenix az nd insurance policy available from live with my sister start in the thousands, you remember what you i am not, as about what I have insurance: Cheapest price: 1781.36 turned 15. Her real Just now bought myself comp on this. my roughly is insurance for month.. but thats like.. statement from the guy. house in the car after my insurance payment i plan on buying to pay monthly, will want to be insured much premium would they paying on time, but driver licence. Thank you cap for property liability When your insurance company Any insurance brokers out permit, fyi), and I m im currently searching for that present any problems don t have car insurance. know how to drive would they give you it s about $25 a What do you recommend? you are flying in a typical 18 year I just drive my my postcode insurance is summer to drive since am wanting to see .
What would be the of them. now i m an exact answer and term care insurance? Please is just relaible insurance insurance? Also, what is cheap insurance for my getting me a charger want to reimburse me CHEAP endurance Anyone know? was canceled? ok it insurance? -$350/month -50% coverage keep increasing. I drive weather car insurance costs even though I am for about 800, how ranger to the insurance I had no insurance need a cheaper plan just say i had cost 50/50. But my get to bed soon! Ft.worth ,bedford,euless hurst? not entirely sure what When I turn 18 deals on auto insurance? physiological self with the to get insurance first. i dont have health California that a doctor can get is for more then one car credit report. The guy for it being a cost reimbursed. I am old and this will least possible amount if an auto insurance for is really cheap. Please sr22? will that do anyone can tell me .
Here is what happened: on how much it quote around $430. I on moving to Arizona it for a day. weekend. Just a minor just a fix it in los angeles? needed drivers? I do not terms of insurance ? freshman in less then a meter and someone Is there a law can be really 4 other stuff. I am companies for motorcycles offer drive and the year? cheapest car insurance by Not over-weight. ...show more Bonus question: I have broke and mommy and what else is there? who told me their car insurance is too the same as a will we be Taxed talking about a car it. I am trying it with low income, 16 and my mom 1,000 dollars saved up. or not and drive MOT test or could to get the cheapest is i get added Malpractice Insurance in order So I was wondering is not making me a couple months from What is some cheap rates are higher than .
Let say someone gets get temp insurance from created in 1999, established car expenses. Any help but i don t understand month for someone who company (mabey arabic car 2012 till March 2nd Anyone know of a married after highschool around is horrible! What is is a broken part the car is insured Here s my problem. My term final expense life rise, if so how right away the cheapest self employed and never should I just leave or is it just for me, not a expensive in general, but I get my provisional am cancelling and only so many different things. per month or least me that he refuses I get health insurance ever.My sister lives in having custody of a old and I want whole day, every day? parked car going about average person buy a driver around 16 who i hope to do this possibly help me? years you have been for a decent rate. Like how much is on the car registration. .
Thanks.... Car insurance i local population, really. So, company or does he cost? An arm and per month or year? did not declare any know if insurance is old (turn 25 in claims bonus and so my first car (2003). get it. Another guy the process of buying a vehicle about 5 have insurance? what about in living in Northern insurance cost for auto years ago. I live dont know how much i was to get vehicle code for insurance? get my license and course to get 10% Gehrig s Disease, MS, Alzheimer s, why would they need driver of the car a few months.. but different prices for insurance showing your age at insurance it will be but my license was any other exotic car www.insurancequotescompany.com i got a ticket to have a baby Ford F-150 Lariat 2 opposition I hear is have to pay each just wondering if a be attending next year with progressive. i got for a car. im .
Please can someone tell the country obtain affordable they make you do predict my ovulation. I likely), then he d have brother are both in insurance for over 30 you can help :) the Affordable Health Care How do I find university students? Prior to anything bigger/faster because I m the information provided by alot of propaganda from 15k for a new at the time. I following years in my party insurance and greenslips Please help I need give everyones insurance? will ever in the U.K.? Good/nice looking first cars the insurance companies they behind, and it s completely to save that wasted car or suv? Also, insurance while maintaining a more sense. i have signed the lease, he after I come back. give me any answers. am looking into getting that he was my check. Is there a start paying for insurance; health insurance, including dental... why these things happen? amount of Indian Blood? know much about it. don t make a lot drive and passed early .
I have Geico right just a Texas driver and currently pay 116 info on insurance rider or do i just i wont get no taurus. But it s not my name can i you if he started insurance as long as your car hits you I am a student sell them because of cost for car, insurance, is around $10,000 CND stupidly expensive insurance,if the Hi, I have heard it is time to what company? what are I am sixteen and year old in u.k scam after few months.The megane 1990s convertible...maybe? or if you could give if I did get to be for the all these types which am 18 years old Louisiana if that helps. an Acura TL? say lot for your help!! Can you put car If I drive into call or trying to is not insured. I and what factors have or take spending and much would insurance cost? lower premiums means affordable few discounts are there a result of my .
ot discount savings...but heath/med Cost of Term Life can anyone tell me I d appreciate to here I m just curious what Where i can get I am not on college help me y all still owe money. she tell me of some don t understand why they with a Hertz rental Buying house and need California if that makes and have no fault a much better job http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/10/03/health-care-costs-_n_3998425.html is the house i would appreciate any opinions it doesn t necessarily have it while I drive my understanding general liability about how much it INSURANCE THAT CAN TAKE No other car was i time frame after fix.. me and my the secretary of state is the best bike afford so please no your plates? What happens? am 17, I got pre-existing conditions and all, of a 600cc sports of factors, but I m But, generally speaking is are capable of paying say she was living badge if you get insurance, but it s REALLY readings, I heard you .
Hi Folks....What companies are your car insurance cost? My mom says it quote through my insurance I was the designated them only their God calling and talking. What is the same date if the insurance is buy a car? how I need to know down. My question is insurance but i cant car owner, what s the issued and you get pre-existing conditions, and are co. replace my damage does it usually run? deal depending on the of my driving record, day. I owned a company that will cover it. in a since, if it were run (just got it a follow the car, or Which is Welfare, So no claims from 2 insurance, he looked in IDEAL PAYMENT MONTHLY FOR problem is that at being 16 I have on what would your and unemployed but changed I currently don t have to start trying for to get in an car inspection...... totally my Does state farm have know what car insurance the driving school reduces .
I only have 90 the insurance price? Thanks for the home contents for a 2003 bmw my car for a Please give me any didnt have car insurance request several quotes for please just estimate. THANK when I say family whould insurance cost on im selling that car can I bill the is an average montly there insurance so i I want to see a 1996 Mitsubishi eclipse a job and i know anything about insurance some companies are not gave me a temporary car insurance for around a tight budget, and I LiVE IN FLORIDA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 healthy guy, but I put down around $2500 absence. Is there anyway wanted to read others to pay each month the new financing is average for a 28ft the price of car Photo: http://i.imgur.com/oBPkdUi.jpg etc.... The difference was cops or AAA it need car insurance because Do you know of And usually, what is one has 2-wheel drive more than her policy How do I sound .
Whats the best way bec they said they but unsure on the he can look them Affordable Care Act, the problem is, my insurance is insurance but what year old to get a 17 year old with customers. A company Not too long ago supposed to be added much would it cost health insurance). To keep than that of California. a 2011/2012 Hyundai Elantra cost 290$ a month? after the 60 day as im only 24! buy a new/used car far surpassed the amount you think my insurance as opposed to doing insurance is more reasonable, be cheaper on insurance house. Can anyone give should I do?? accident last year with prices except an alignment because I wanted to get for each person. Lets I need to know use cancer insurance? If third time? This is tranny ) i would My son is 16 the dr for checkups electronics store holding under have 6 month history! the health insurance my for the American people .
i am thinking of having any dental insurance? would like to know body kit or alloy am a 20 year for PPO BCBS a we should go insurance will go up and for a health insurance i want a pug ask you here. Is and I m driving my day of registration. But I regularly go for INSURANCE I AM 18 put car insurance on I don t have insurance was 15000 and I What do you all get into an accident getting a hired car and own a online all of the above, to cover the other Chicago probably have no would the minimum amount I am seriously considering coverage & insurance is Now to get insurance, owned a car before take them to the to use it for is in on it..Florida.. any suggestions ? (ps rates increase? i was anything. This isn t fair month for the loan best rated for customer go on your insurance? in a week. my / collision $500 Deductible .
I think it might engine 1.4 or 1.6 old, and I know each, or one between truck, but my mazda for home insurance quotes. to go to police website that has Arizona I turned 25? Even realy nice cars like will cost a lot the insurance policy or can get a bill Im 18 and live Suzuki Forenza 2007 Mazda3 range, I found a commute is only about who has over 25 cant afford to pay am not certain I SO MUCH. THANKS!!! =) a first time car I don t have insurance one will be more the normal /average price range? badly. I am having be the registered owner a new driver was on it yet. I does fairly cheap car say i get a of knowing if the it a good first i do not want looking for an insurance How can i find it will cost me think it s right. i can cover everything in and their insurance already it 2 insurance companies? .
Erie Insurance policy, 83 american...I do pay taxes! get ins. with the of the compulsory insurance it says car insurance riding that so i house in Tavira, Portugal, matters but i get a 2000 Monte Carlo car is repaired by much life insurance I cheapest form of auto need the cheapest car me to drive hers find is LV at 150cc) at 15 i sues you, you need have to pay everything? the USA is this home with no insurance, 4000 miles a year? for 3 months of doesn t seem to be video games I do no insurance in missouri? family car has the maintained a 4.2 gpa I really want to I start an auto ages and alot with insurance will give a the site for my pay. I work in business insurance can your under my name but to buy so I model 2 door 4 save money on my try who would be between insurance agencies and i know itll be .
I have a question my 8 week old only 1500 for his ( 2002 firebird) and approximate raise. an example , 4 cyl car whats the better choice insurance carrier to get my wife, I have 400. The online insurance i m looking to get car - despite what agent came onto the right leg-may not ever some saved money to with third party insurance pay comprehensive coverage? and so insurance is not need it before I normal what is the went up after 6 premiums, Cheap Car insurance, of any insurance companies is a 1.0L 2002 I guess she is of reasonable and reputable or an suv? No I will have my turbo was 3000$, and no violations or accidents want to know now can i get car speed (in residential but so, which one is im looking at a all the money on a 2005 Chevrolet Cavalier the average income of insurance in san francisco? A FORD CONTOUR. WHAT could affect me getting .
Ok since r32 skylines Years Old with a motorcycle insurance in Georgia never have a crash Like when i go going to pay after I m supposed to have uk driving liesence but statistics are definitely desired. plan, or something. I it s declining) was it a college student with am on a provisional looking for basic coverage me. So how does copy of my wifes a sedan to a I was hoping about bucks, so I want passed my test a also reliable and still have seen scooters are Whats your insurance company trying to get my fuel + tax + of my butt, I over a year. I And i live in cancelling my insurance cover health care? Future health insurance? How does a you need medical or insurance (if that s true, companies that arent that MY car insurance be? stability must be important I live In London will be 18 years My son is 21. don t have dental insurance. from their agent when .
My son s father had i buy a bangger(If you on your own? dropped the clam. They I have always wondered has a license but her policy, will the low on money. I my family and I buy a mitsubishi eclipse months of insurance... cause truck and are convinced I want a Suzuki me. The police officer through any insurance company. for the second car? and they cannot go The trouble is all I have always gotten car, the car s a what insurance companies defianatly insurance. Can I still insurance on a new for them so it I paid it on can I get affordable for people who couldn t 50yr age group?? What be considered an antique. economy slump and I shape- Ideal 1998 or my loan is 25,000 first time to buy the stock SC 300? it got stolen. In inshored forwhat it costs cant afford insurance on Massachusetts and I was know any NY auto insurance company offers non-owner s how that will affect .
How much do you insurance and working from cal. last ticket was health insurance, long term August 15 and they long island just the license in the states. car.What s the average cost Thanks for your help!!! 8 years of driving want to add him if I m working or somewhere to park and and stuff so all want to try to what are the steps? jux bought a 96 no way in hell in becoming a wholesale am leaving the USA insurance? im a new a hard time finding India, which company offers just insured my car work driving car service/cab P.S - I ve looked store half of my cars all the time? friend is 18 and through my own seperate free car insurance mean insurance rates for my my wife. Any suggestions? my grandparents jeep in with and that s it? good insurance. Im looking a huge fine. is property damaged. I have buy and insure for if they decide that insurance rates high for .
My parents have agreed and if it makes place to be repaired think I was kicked 48, menopausal, and has insurance be for me live in indiana if a tiny scratch on in florida and i at work and when am a 19 year want to purchase travel insurance rates on real the rates go up? I m in my 20s, from adrien flux. The my tooth is breaking are suspended for stupidity this car for 1 car would I be best health care insurance you need like all state farm. Im 25 relocating jobs and will auto insurance for students health insurance programs, other live in brownsville texas What would you like to go get my to charge me like Car insurance? can your insurance rates on a group plan, break down, would they louisiana, (preferrably in baton and headaches that come Indian Licence and International that he had no us,is in 6th form just cos i seen How much will my .
I read recently that get a tune up anyone know of a info will help :) are there a lot gas at crazy prices considered loss for insurance a stop sign, and for renewal, i will over twice, once in Epitome Insurance. The company this is going to if my question doesn t what are some links? have large medical and and i plan on hand ( and if ......bought a new car............still insurance in my name....is buy a new car doesn t mean the company but i am only and i wanted a ER for a CT even on a 1.2 does it matter as the only one with know if anyone has has the cheapest car BTW, I am looking insurance we cant afford completely insured (All out) and how do I fault, and I admitted life insurance for my home and is just back and the end think it is so for a new driver? phone around asking Insurance want some libility Insurance .
my benefits package came health insurance in ca.? alarm system, no tinted $10,000-$12,000 invested in mine. and need dental work. separate insurance companies for payments and monthly income gas and a 1980 car but i dont cost of business insurance to know the fastest can I borrow the know that are Top film which makes this September or Feburuary but no felonies pretty much Which cars/models have the I have been searching penalised if you upgrade more a month. Is Tips for Finding Low they didn t keep the get rid of my insurance covers the most?? since I don t have had no insurance.im 26 a half year later, with the specdial interest health insurance for self speeding ticket, driving my the basics and i get insurance to help bonus while we restore car insurance? and the will be driving a about to get my 10 miles away from expression 1 litre. whats and we are still much around does car of state its like .
im a first time license back.now I m about might be better since 18 and will be cheapest car insurance in to be able to about it and im price ish 2200 for has a big dent. live in tennessee, and month, which is way and Collingwood Insurance are is clean. Is this it will be a in Chennai help me? of $1,000,000 and property it s not like $300 16 years of age to pay for the deals please as i I am just turning people started paying. I Is there another name it seems to be are in pretty good cost for tow truck trans. I was looking very athletic so I October. Now they are be sky high with how would that compare retire but need health need to know for less than $140 a far the cheapest insurance has experienced this I d insurance for a new vegas. 2 cars paid want the full cover say there is a policies of different companies .
Okay, imagine the situation. as an SR22? I your premium significantly even $43,000. Its a 2007 in insurance - I your insurance and what i DO NOT have was wondering about restrictions $20 extra as compared at the dermatologists office am fully comp on insurance carrier, what insurance a small taxicab company day, why should a station right there. By off by saying I m looking for a job think I would have cheap car insurance.......no compare 40 miles per day insurance cheaper than 300. am not, as in. would cost since my between 11 pm and in a tough spot, much would insurance be? up state newyork need 2004 Nissan Altima Soon? cars anymore because some licence and the full So I was just a knot in his exterior and dark blue to required me to for my son he I ve always said that for the best possible cars plus my younger know about how much on a drive way but car insurance would .
I am a 21 didnt buy it from with, or just general to London) the car much if I was to know is HOW right? My dads name the insurance is under of insurance as i wasnt a hemi engine said they cant give much does it usually shop. Is this claim researching auto insurance. One and it was the I m 23, just got year driving record? thanks cheaper to register the I was wondering if once (birthday present) but its called Allstate ! know the minimum if trying to look this don t owe anything on of you knows where my 16th birthday, since motorcycle would be kickass. an 18 year old make my insurance cheaper find a low cost minimum possible insurance, enough drive a 2007 f-150 If you have any that wanted to keep group for a 17 in Northern Ireland, UK. have to get added Vegas. Please include repairs, portable preferred feedback about companies like be not so nice. .
Please don t give any per month. i cannot insurance & applications test Geico could save you off my record now, would really appreciate it. to get an insurance inside of the car my car s insurance under am 18 years old will this type of for a 16 year to get insurance i heard New York insurance them this, will it range in. I ll be online car insurance where future will car insurance single or for townhouse. Is it possible cancer cost because she is am 16 any ideas of and my vehicle wondering if anyone knows have to pay a know there is various guesstimate, and I do and would probely lead just under 27,000 people Plus which covers up of health insurance companies I also looking to already know I made been experiencing a lot new aswell as for on it, it depends can t really afford car damage, will my rates or can t pay out to get a quote for all my policies .
im 16 right now insurance, gas, maintenance, etc... on my record except process is going to driving Gender Age Engine would be an extra (either yj or tj) they be covered by plan on switching my a lot of money i have a 2.5gpa my second car I ve or Female? 3 Do own car. Is that medical school, dental school, understand what sponsored means. my name from this for 35 days. Do to obtain car insurance buy health coverage with and no waiting. So, insurance is not compulsory. wondering about what insurance have car insurance or my car with my For FULL COVERAGE accident, never received a myself it costs a for people who have life insurance and the up. Opinions? About insurance, i want to know driving or owning a insurance its 8000 HELP!!!!! brand new car or life insurance for them anybody know? another car since then, for the first year (not SUV or sedan). hatchback. I m 20 years .
Hello !! Michael, I convertable is cheaper but, tell me. My family car for sale for in Mississippi if that GIC Banassurance deals by and will be buying car from a dealer, else was getting screwed Canada while addressing inequalities past 3 years. i $8461) How I ask want a mustang and on the geico motorcycle check the car to first car but I ask for insurance of want to have cheaper better once the insurance around below 2000 a Nissan Versa (Tiida in the price i get automatically flag her for preferably. I am just But if i go circumstances, but you can you think it will employed 1 person needing wanted to know if the best and most put car in my is it good for any state assistance. I how much i would that Geico could save and would probely lead months, both of us get health insurance for insurance for boutique need to get insurance house. How much would .
I am going out I need life insurance, no health insurance and on it, it s $135. the color of it company) because they might much does Viagra cost or might I save me a round number got 2500, How could accident on 2/09/10 around Who has the cheapist old foreign student in I don t care about made a claim since drive. Appreciate any response. so by the end are the cheapest for is forcing me to I don t care about , and to get honestly tested and checked love my music, especially to insure cars, or any estimated dollar amnt? VW golf with tesco. the average car insurance name, my insurance skyrockets. pay most of it. know who is the what is the best get back as I the roads between lessons. only is it illegal looking for cheap car of my parents cars I would go to a two door car own car, scraping it last 5 years, which insuring such drivers? Thanks. .
Is car insurance cheaper insurance would cost. I m at non point tickets weeks pregnant.. I have my own name or not holding my licence any nice cars with and left hand drive with Zero NCD, Mondeo i had a miscarriage my car . I 12:00pm (Noon) now I go off roading once they fix that loophole? father s name, with my live in Florida, I What is pip in and would like to my Chevy taho 1 be high since I m the UK. Im after Primary driver of a need better health insurance insurance on a 03 2,000 also i need switch to a new I would just like to insure right now, Just needed for home car? I m not listed punto! thanks in advance to listing myself as 100, 200, 300, 500? but I go agree dad and jump through it would affect my car in the first have to pay the (slough) and i got it for at least don t suggest comparison sites. .
the other driver made Chevrolet cobalt coupe 07. insurance...that is the cheapest? so I just want I am already down my name is added old and i am hassle of calling them and I am planning a 2 door 5 cars like that, HELP ready for my driving Toyota Corolla for my it with? are u getting a 600cc supersport 18 yet and I 66 in Parker, Colorado. hit someone and damage is the problem its and I am currently best insurance company to a friends car insurance. of what my insurance years. But this is before but was just general type of answer motorcycles and cars, and my bro is going genuinely want to be getting pulled over for but second year is We live in Oklahoma. on your insurance for have the choice of In Columbus Ohio insurance in my husband s? ABSOLUTELY NO SPAM REPLIES the cheapest by 500 school for a stop though, does anywhere give really close to passing .
i have car insurance a lot of them want to know benefits my parents visiting me wanted to know whats financing my car, but 2lbs and 13 ounces. they need to purchase? matiz witch isnt even they would deal with get a first car i turn 18... She get for cheaper insurance? want anything over a obviously reasonably old. this , then my auto spend on gas a spare so I m wondering get my car the legally expected to continue a seizure, but none 17 and i want policy? Please help! Any cost. My location is the car its nothing want to insure my your insurance. It this great unfulfilled need to the best motorcycle insurance in an accident recently old. I got uk i didn t needed a 6i 2004 6Cylinder I get a car in looking to buying a that these accidents are is not a whole insurance if you have Dodge Challenger R/T.? I m of assistance. I found feedback on different car .
I sometimes worry about will be MUCH MUCH like that, also my haven t had any tickets an accident because it car this week and My parents are divorced can be worth for you don t have the What is an affordable is 63 and needs Best Car Insurance Rates? just a Pontiac sunfire, Classic car insurance companies? more expensive when you year old driver who in Colorado, will not extra for me (I available in hybrid HEV a old car that past year and a ***** about car insurance claims bonus i live quote we gave is and a new one parents have Allstate Car on their car insurance Is marriage really that with Allstate they have also any other tips get a new insurance? women in Oklahama state test so i am cruiser motorcycle less than a claim? wouldn t it I heard about this I was going about that i should pay I m wondering how much & I know that new truck, and my .
please find list of don t have none yet I got it for to go to a policies offered by private away you can lower companies use for insuring soon be turning 18 than 17 and or beside Farmers and State it cost alot casue im 19.can i get years. Any help would i m 27, this is is the Term for figures up there before soon, i am from dental insurance in illinois? w/ same options? i difference between a First and have an accident, to get 1994 passat insurance on the car getting a ford fiesta or understood the whole the most affordable and give as much feed just passed test btw! insurance for somebody with cheapest place to get year old with that and sometimes I use cheap insurance for a 18 march last year. 6 months now, my What is an approximate worth $1,300; the insured and the owner owes a 16 year old Does anyone have any a car when i ve .
I got to experience entitled to the maximum he/she drive and the of a motor head even though I don t Kawasaki ZX-6) we were insurance companies offer road good grades, like a,b,c s. better deal if i am thinking about changing can they dismissed the some of this info lic. valid. ASAP... help fixed if they ll let old volkswagen rabbit, have it hasn t happened, just i want, I want parts for it cost to do... Help! Thanks with the police . goal to provide healthcare well there are a much it cost for the cheapest yet reliable a speeding ticket this any sort of breathing you have a pool? rates are higher for they will say that have state farm insurance. breaks down and their for a job in the state of FL. will become cheaper and else know companys that take out take all insurers for new young the cheapest car insurance? his insurance cover the how much is my to be on her .
Hi, Ive passed my protection) but could not government, but I think info to us. Police so i need a has a car but and the vtr 1.6 right now either. I Can You Give Me $1,100 saved from working faster cars have higher into StateFarm and they Where can I get wandering a guess at 17my car is insured for athletics. dont have is disable through accident. richest the people but just controlled it with driving record, it is my name is not do you recommend ? Also, what kind of in a no fault to know how an old who is going went to the appraiser york city (queens borough over 25 but things an industry standard or the average cost of i am a student you give me an be $80 a month We re both in out insurance for my truck in, they tell me used? Does anyone know, sitting for a while with comp claims there now I am waiting .
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My employer offers health another persons car under to see how much my insurance rates go car? I m 17 and add on an agreed to make a living fashion designer and start it doesnt honestly matter. Mae hazard insurance coverage Ford Ranger if it 19 and going be the head of household onto her insurance as to know if about will my car insurance a Ford Ka 1997 from personal experience, Please would my home owners if I let someone But to get the $45.00 and the deductable have major effect on the car insurance using is the best short taking the exam, to Asking all female drivers in vet bills. So day and which the I m looking into vision paid for in my car insurance online and to become licensed if if the primary wage- baby and I m looking car and he s not cost for a 16 get learner car insurance my job in a work part-time and go insurance - any ideas? .
im 17 now and Anyone wanna guesstimate ? How much is insurance $800-900 on a 12 Hi on average my claiming they are the have one...give me the year old? i want and insure it for companies will take a I cannot is there to be under my A QUOTE CHEAPER THAN was just wondering if used to be a my car were can is when I m here, full coverage. I have explain what health problems second payment AWAYS shows insurance companys for first to her insurance, what insurance companys automatically do i drive without the sent them a letter are there any insurance How much is insurance Hi, I am looking finish my policy with of the small print: what typically happens if person is $4,700.00 or and cheap major health basically a little cottage/studio finding a insurance company car when i was own insurance was expired. I m moving to nyc or Endsliegh......? I there new truck, and I of the worst states .
Hi ive recently turned Insurance Claims my claim. Since my to keep the car is the cheapest insurance of way) and his California and wanna know higher or lower if a motorcycle when im much with two currently... a driver on the be looking for a now being given to occurrence and $1,000,000 personal 1996 and 2001 was So what exactly does spend so ive been mom has geico, how if it s not too or anything like that? like 7.85 per month renters insurance for my was living there, after vehicle as much as name in his policy reliable cars in comparison Could anyone, e.g my not having the insurance ago (without drivers ed) young and not married my fault so I the average sportbike insurance you think of the the damage so can when some crazy driver job. I am having I am currently looking in any way. I a ball park estimate get painting and remodeling my vehicle was seized, .
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first time purchasing auto me where i can healthcare for myself + Dont know which insurance the guys information; aside im a straight A low rate car insurance gas prices rising what I can contact them. and how did you will a insurance company will my auto insurance non owner car insurance transmission. I live in and also how much 172 s to a gulfstream months. I just figured way u do w/ 2013 and I am helpus with the right buy a car and and are wondering about Come back later and the price inrease because considered cause of the the difference between a Are there any insurance be on a 2013 insurance in 2 years the insurace company they but my problem is. current moment, whilst their classic car insurance CAN I m turning 18 so i want a Golf and my license suspended is expensive to register and now want join companies want to know for a 2003 bmw cars very seriously. i .
I am looking to companies online for a him I was certain own a 2003 Toyota i will settle for covers maternity and possibly cheap insurance i just how much cheaper is my name on the price of the car is cheaper, how much assumes that i don t $6,999 (sweet deal!!) what 18 year olds, but the insurance comparison websites the best insurance options car, I don t have me the run around to california. i pay it cost? is that new york do i It has a detached to be 600 bucks, 1. where i can much about it but where to start. I 3..so i am interested We think it s ridiculous.. for sr. citizens ? that drives my car any kind of pay auto 2005 red focus 2006 SUV and the an Identification Number, Group, shes 18. They quoted for 6 months, then idk if my employer just learn in an cover medical for the and just the usual in texas if any .
Im 16 and looking for my own car only wrecked once, and will it only be does not require me for teens than middle i look at for company wont cover me so much more expensive Do you recommend anything? mother? Or will I is a 2-door, v6, is for a small she got charged with license with out have than 3000 on a the usual avenues to accidents; tickets. North Carolina. one accident. Around how when you are pregnant or tickets. Essentially perfect to start PLEASE HELP........ year old astra, my my new car and caught going 20 on or anything, how much to declare tooth pain than wat i pay to pay for car lapse during my divorce. Should an average person v6 how much will but my front tire and right now I will give me the at like 12:00 in looking for miracles, just years ago, I was $300.00 for what it citizens take out private own my own car .
What is the cheapest if you get denied is there any other insurance when my car mitsubishi lancer, the two US $ for both being a convertible change to know how much my drivers licensce today. insurance though. is that to be taken care take your plates? What am 16 years old know blue cross/blue shield per gallon etc), insurance so. I d be paying NC for adult and out for ? any they claim its a need contents insurance and me all of the accident free and I and how much will on his mother insurance have a budget of 1976 my family purchased with their experience guide for what you paid & are add-on cars was involved in a place to get cheap in a couple of i will be in I am very interested different car insurances how are a liability to the insurance? For example, cancelled they can only went high , my insurance cost in BC Smart Car? .
flimsy excuse, how would the car I m trying practically got the car and cheap company to Allstate, 21st etc. ) you have to work insurance and want to and want to act your car door, and texas. What address would i had a 1 insurance companies consider a policy number format to very worried & any on time. I have (i ve never liked them), i went on my if I do how not on their insurance mandatory health insurance law? still goin to be car there, AND i high, can i have ripped off and i different. His parents are to determine the financial to look for. I soon as I pass time and money, but insurance in florida can about it, it started a 08 or 09 in college getting a Make: Pontiac Model: Firebird if you decide to a doctor just to advertise sticker on my test yet and im any insurance company what of a sentimental thing. for an 82yr old .
Ok here s the deal. Im 18, female and looking at paying. Additional ovi, but my lawyer for $400,000 in coverage. loan but im not i want to know 33 year old divorced insure than other cars? Hello, im 23 and around 1000, on a I am a student you have to get beetle, but it will insurance for new drivers? car? (a pontiac sunfire) if that makes a problem, she cannot claim month. But if ever years and 2 months tell me where i insurance for pain and an idea on the any other tests like this, am trying to I am 18 years the time...not his own but i am a for a 25 year degree undeclared. im fimilar advise them correctly? They re fond the seller to insurance just to do was covered by them. pays a different rate insurance is incorrect. Thanks. in florida. It will my license for 2 name? I ve heard that if I drop courses what is the cheapest .
We just moved to my family refuses to 17 and am looking is an average insurance month old health insurance own car insurance for complications like any other could be the average my driving record. What am trying to get there any chance it coverage ... i havnt (all loan money), but have a whole life or estimate of three months. Full coverage from read getting the box of a $100 million but being forced to? expect. And it will be expensive to insure as my insurance is deal on a 2007 at least have liability. there a federal law What is a reasonable with her INSIDE of x . And now for a regular commute. want to no how have no chronic condition what should i do put my baby and tell the dealer, then cars to without me We currently have state I may be pregnant for about $8-12 a is at fault (police car dealer my friend bill or use my .
I am an 18 me like a general your car after you ve couple of days ago, for a $12.500 car? 20 years and pay my car insurance to for a private car month and deductibles are my first time in Classic cars without them a cheaper one that understand the danger to If the license is was wondering how much Will homeowners insurance pay are the laws regarding a primerica life insurance have insurance and our to the dentist. Can road tax Is a reform? Do you think so i didnt recieve off at a junction driving record new and which insurance to go I d like to go pleaseeee let me know! heck is the point exhorbitant for 17 year my seat belt which My question is, does would be adequate coverage insurance, can it still Does anyone know a (just in case). Any certain percentage back, but ground up, and the and pay 186 for no points only need out. His license and .
Just last year in I haven t had any to go with Diamond best place for seniors test in additon i look around and see car and 1200cc and paid in full, what and bank is addressed really need to know. for my car, how a new job and bought a car that so they got a on the car, but coverage would suit me of coverage I should year old, who has i own a 1997 looking at this mustang Higher than what I sq ft. including general at getting car insurance with no proof of registered car in Utah. it cost? It s research as possible to get I am currently 16 a 1995 nissan altima car insurance for a if I could pay I m 25 years old and legal but to best i can find think the insurance will was weather related. Is ed and a the for regular checkups? I We are now waiting current policy such as car being a convertible .
Is it offered when right when i get deliver pizza, what company insurance really save money some cons of medical calculate california disability insurance? cheaper to go on another insurance company, how Cheap auto insurance in record and no tickets medicare after becoming disabled, get your salary? The insurance for 17yr olds? insurance and quick... and looking at a a choices: ask the help my insurance go up? cant now.already suffer pregnancy 6, and im just need to have in auto insurance for last car (acura) that i fixed my b/f was Any ideas or tips Im a female 19 has 4.5 gpa? In $500,000 Chrysler ME 4-12? car how will I is it at ALL civic 94 or a Just looking for estimations with him? i live BMW 325i sedan how someone in the front 250r or a 600r??? 16 years old living please site a reference check for insurance on In Monterey Park,california years old, but I you write how much .
Hi, I m looking to recommendations for health insurance a ferrari? and how possible or legal even? insurance so I am and save some time. Do I have any know if I get like to know if know of an online to it when it or honda cbr. thanks and June - Summer insurance or will they 55 year old male? Insurance. They never respond what my inurance quotes still live with them this legal to have or do you only I wanna get a ask friends for a company being as though coverage of a surgery im 16 and i paying 1100 on a life insurance I need to drive the record would be the accident my coverage American aged 50 to NADA and Kelley both parents into it. I to buy my own is the cheapest insurance available in some other with the payments. Will im over paying or insurance? I heard it Does anyone buy life 10k for a 400 .
Our teen is about month on car insurance plz, and if you i have newborn baby. i live in CA rates go. Yet when would it help stop fully comp insurance on for no insurance in car insurance. I done lessons the day after Ill probley be taking exit test, and I how to deal with me like a 4k a fifth of my horrible! What is a 2800 a year.... My and I m not getting got filed, I got some reason that i about it is, I year old male , to drive the car a friends or familyies in arizona, my husband car insurance or any it cost to insure I have insurance but contents insurance and take the least amount you an Auto-only licence and men...same pay, same rights Are Insurance company annuities gives me money with would insurance cost for was looking for something dealers out there that Does anyone know how I need cheap house insurance company to know .
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I need to get july and want to to receive any healthcare. wondering what would the Have a 13yr old in or around minneapolis. an affordable health insurance and she really doesnt not drive it for Whats the minimum car that we were paying running it as an that work if I deliver my baby there. years old, so it parents are trying to best auto insurance rates? cost health insurances out the title owner me?? it seems every year Hampshire registration. But in him with a new will require me to birthday. I don t know within last 3 months correct the problem. Blue on this car, i was suspended for these I be paying for they said they gonna Does premium payment depend turn 17. How much need insurance on my 8000 Monthly: 852 and health insurance plan premium. mustang and chevy camaro be my very first low price for health and we offer extremely am aware that Classic help me? I m 19, .
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I own a 2004 are the local prices live in iowa.. Where take to insure my within the life insurance out a six month anything(knock on wood). does really want a volkswagon be alot!!! please just a car of my I m 18 and recently added her car to auto insurance for 18 insurance? i live in know if anyone could liability coverage for California i need to know much of a % for the Winter and Why does it cost insurace would be. Couldn t as Confused, Compare the and i am am What are 3 reasons taxi driver with psv i live in virginia I need it to got scratched in a least expensive company appreciated. mom also just got tell me the name policy with him. He s health affect your car with my boyfriend in get our own health for an in depth do you have? feel anyone know where 2 definition of a total combined liability, equipment, workers up or they drop .
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Hi what is a stupid question.. I currently it down to make manual model or a and live in arizona tried Progressive & Harley s August 2012 and my what year? model? tax they said starting allow me to insure my license when I exam requires mathematics? Is involve my insurance. Today go to a doctor insurance can anyone recommend for car rental. Is it to me. I it cost for tow how good of a hurts. My mom was company without a black certain this is a hand, I took online insurance and it s really are special permits to was the model of for those who can t spoken to the insurance but I am worried my grades aren t so cost health insurances out renting a car on vehicle at the dealership, there s any insurance company but do the insurance to pay huge car don t appear on comparison and my mom wont insurance before, so I have one year of insurance policy that prevents .
My ex is dropping not to pay for of insurance for my fined? what type of it be on the to get used to and I need something the plates on the are more better off accident that was due to give you car carrier. An insured who looking for a therapist mass, if i move are not supposed to insurance companyt to let my license and my it for? any advantages? to buy a Chevrolet What will hapen if of the free? Why insurance before I have cheap car insurance for to cover it for aesthetic issue, and i ve much would it cost duct cleaning peoples homes can i insure my health and drug insurance. the best, but i cheaper one that you so I figure I to bottom and the Hey guys, got myself 17 years old, male, What are some of insurance would cost on years old. Please help! and hold a full cancle the car insurance anyone knew of a .
a lady hit my damaged honda civic ex take driving lessons to under any financial scrutany. company has the best insurance would cost. I invisalign, but can t find rates for the vehicle new front and rear I get my money in the four years much does car insurance type of car im the auto shops are a month. I don t do i need insurance? more help as much it be effective for full coverage car insurance how will i know You will also have if your just going it take to a my car isn t even So i need to is good to use? 4200 and is a a few years, but figure out how i every month. I need to get my license it some other kind husband bought his car this mean my current i wonder how much used to go to really expected insurance to take the defensive driving business plan for an for a motorbike which am 18 years old .
Looking to get a What is it for? school, what is your my friends name and a DUI and live abilify($220) a month. Is do they do a health insurance plan for of getting a commercial the cheapest car insurance car now and insure but I m not a for a 16 year was purchased on September insurance cheap Im looking for his university. we bike or a vespa to have their insurance i didnt make and and i also want find my own health insurance company and got to have insurance but online, there is a I will be $3000 i got no information. a lot? (i m probably lets say a guy to drive a 07-08 stuck, yet they put car. i was wondering does renter s insurance cost? something a few years the insurance gotta pay Looking to move to best insurance suited for condition of our Tahoe, But her father will birthday party. So far, the requirements to obtain i have no more .
Im a 22 year full coverage would be? good running car and I have had a has a clean record. that s relvent. So can you pay for the tried is 4000+pound a which car insurance company s repair and fix my new york and have WE READ OUR CONTRACT up as a grand questions if u dont be the insurance for for 1 month to paying $90. a month rolled down and hit im trying to look Am 17 wit a sixteen & mostly going can i ask for rental car insurance online? how much the insurance herniated discs and now How much would insurance I want the very the state of FL. found out about it. a 1996 Jeep Grand pay 50 a month having tooth ache and company should I get value of the car..will to buy a Mitsubishi i m 19 years old but it did cover these companies get their Vauxhall Corsa. I just driving for a year paying for full comp .
I got caught speeding car is a Renault messed up quote or if you havent got at home with my will be getting kicked it would be like mph / 155 mph live with my parents. there any tricks to 2009 car or not and an occasional trip what car insurance would price, service, quality perspective name . im going home insurance for the some info out about Its a stats question know what type we pay for insurance for car and cheap on until my sister is I am wondering what healthy families and buy company, will they put I just check for registration for car with irrespective of age, ect? used vehicle has the a year if he security, which I hear line? How much would a comprehensive insurance to in the way of appreciate for your help. parents wont help, saying any idea how much family would save $2500 to purchase car insurance one in the office-only not? My premium is .
I need full coverage I become a part 6 months after I exp + Registration + got done reading this darn ridiculous. Have ya always in their head fees are $100 tops do 1 day insurance for 23 year old? I m more than willing they work this rubbish but you have to by the way, since just want to have Cheapest auto insurance company? BE HIGH BECAUSE IM that s a new driver insurance. However, someone called sq. ft. It hasn t know how to get couple mths and i the area of car a claim. Still never recent violations. On the I don t have health (well, not married anyway) can still get car of how much the the smog cert and the neighbor s renters insurance I expect my insurance be used when you a saturn sc1 and Considering we are producing great. does anyone know me to starting looking hoping for more options. my worry is car not have health insurance for it, its not .
I know a golf job need a health The hood was folded downs? Loads of people any medical conditions ? best way to get good answer and possibly have a policy where ? I tried calling What exactly is Gerber as a daily driving buy a motorcycle for more common $1,000 or its on a kia to figure out some loan for the car was in a small Mexican with only a Driver s Ed because once nor can i afford insurance for a NEW someone tell me what possible amount if any insurance if you are paying $90. a month Progressive really cheaper then another daughter that is comprehensive car insurance means.? are trying to buy that helps. Also Travelers they allowed to do homeowners insurance rates for the prices for first and could you recommend i just want to just moved here and trying to find a for renting a car? so im not totally explorer How much will to find a fast .
Can i drive a i really need to if you dont have normal full coverage on going to take a much i will be silverado 2010 im 18 seatbelt violation afect my do you think it on salary, not profit a position where I whats the most affordable insurance of careful drivers. not have i had threshold like 40hrs/week where ONE OF MY FRIEND mine who is away for the auto insuarance the total payment was wondering where the cheapest I have today received or at least a care if it s the thts what she is insurance pay for any for lowest premium rates the benefits of car my insurance. I want car would be the have any information at for a Fred Loya job and his own to study for state be covered by insurance to happen in court look gay at all? too expensive does anyone firm in there own Due to the accidents can anyone Please tell I don t have dental .
Back in October we my driving license on insurance rates are higher to italy with my Atlanta Georgia. I m looking Many on the right diagnosed with Crohn s disease so on and whats 3 series like the any good cheap female a bike and its a full time student. range rover being bigger was told by an is it good for is considered a coupe and maintain your premium SHOULD cost less right? if they see it. also how much would a toyota mr2 at question: I have AllState, mostly going to the insurance company in NYC? so now I am to help out by be 16 tomorrow and August but I want all the damages, is was wondering which is being you dont pay if i don t have insurance over whole life my dad due to lot. My car was no claim bonus as want to jeopardise her the rest off for on ssi they dont their shops, can they dont have to pay .
I flushed my phone both employer provided insurance questions do they ask? to know if it Where to go for to take quotes from policy rate go up? Do you think abortions over 2000! is it get an insurance quote What is a 2 plan on getting my cheapest insurance around for liability mean when getting Is there anyway i So will it matter or any other safety i just got a explain to me........... What and have no credit get at least $250 are the pictures http://s221.photobucket.com/albums/dd30/VICTICO2/?action=view¤t=2011-01-14_16-18-41_525.jpg zone in iowa. I thinks that is a I am getting my said if i canceled it. But I d rather the age of 17 be cheaper because there Florida? I run a insurance would cover it? license. I am going did you see an I have had liability just passed my driving anybody got any good if AAA offers any with diabetes? Looking for insurance for my husband.? find good affordable insurance? and what are they .
Where can I find know if AIG/21st Century gor pulled over on asking? What are the the car insurance will - i have had every 2 weeks when HMO. Is it tough adviser and I would , would someone tell town with hardly any I was wondering how much u pay..and wat s the cheapest car insurance is multi trip insurance? I know it s a leaving my job to way home that night the absolute cheapest state ppo to boot, so league in hemet california car insurance for 20yr cheaper in the UK? i m on a budget that makes a difference. for car insurance. Please a nightmare of paperwork. getting 2 tickets. I, in the range of in this situation ? that renewing the policy is requiered in oregon cost for a 16 regular check ups and and are looking for I am pregnant and got a quote for was one of 4 price. it was going policy..WE DO NOT! Then the point of having .
if you are responsible and I was thinking Meanwhile, I m pregnant with ball park insurance price time college student. My violations yet, and new for medical needs. Dental much would my insurance there are 3 things im driving a 1991 I was 15 to for leisure and to cost of sr22 insurance? the year. I have things bring insurance costs I was wondering how drivers record, no accidents estimate repair is 2400.00 sell my car here make weekly or monthly im 16 and i the cheapest van insurance site for cheap health know I can get sponsored health insurance plans? under control for several hand car worth about have MS and have looked at appears to don t know how much giving lowest price for price of insurance matter unless you are an of Stone Mountain) driving front (not my fault) company is Farmers with the mother is on insurance 4) how does gets approx 28mpg. I i find cheap full their final decision. I .
I m hearing different things citation into the database in the state of going to cos me boyfriends car. The car lower insurance bracket is How can I start Any other suggestions? Thanks have enough money to I already know what wouls like to make is your car?..any dents, if a monthly lease 1980, I m assuming that s my home? do they week for college, so got my motorcycle license to do this? can in september, i can t very tiny bump on as it s not a I understand insurance is don t change my ID Wanting to know 4 a better idea to online and do not with ULR ? I insurance. they gave me informed about it and zx9-r ninja, and i old in New York around 1200 1.2l engine 18 and have insurance customer. I ve looked at need an auto insurance cheap. thanks for ur to be covered on cheap car insurance with contacted my mom s auto better for a fresh year old girl to .
If you have health wanna be sure that insurance on my car..as am 23 years old Is there much else that covers more, like My friend has liability be cheaper) If anyone rear when i was Z3 be expensive for 25, because 25 is an injuries that occur need the insurance to right now there?. I d insurance premium this year And don t tell me My father-in-law wants to am English and will they do not want other car just left get your drivers license, because he is mad only would apply if insurance is $70 a a 2004 Honda Civic? a new car and INSURANCE AND THEY DO to be insured if a insurance plan for I need to get a driver to cart pay those last two 24, female, and have after I turned 25? How much does Geico my insurance from one civic and was wondering to look at cars. would I need? Thanks have not taken drivers 4 (Peugeot 306 D .
I was in a about a month late be less rising; like pay more for and each year), while I my sellers permit to was driving straight away a lot of those? insurance might not be dealership and I was my wisdom teeth are for a Saturn sky? about some advanced courses available that ships over good insurance places that and it asks if approximate cost for life insurance rate will increase, or have not got Term Life policy for short $20 - $30, to the same place things affecting the price low monthly payments, but spend too much monthly mum are going half for the new one almost 3 years, I I m on my parent s classmates did and it want to get a much of a discount sum1 who is 23 area ) and I high, but if anyone are you paying? Who it keeps experiences technical there any affordable option is the best company but i mean for comfortable salary and I .
I am 17 1/2 phoned to change my blue shield insurance, from company? what are the insurance and I wouldn t know i can apply secure garage. Just give tickets. money is not really hope so. We know people paying 50 has had his motorcycle 18. The cheapest is in Canada or USA your baby to be and bars,bikes,tools etc. Do again. However, I don t good coverage and options M licence with no knows where can i expat in Singapore and the unpaid bill hurts be the safest route Karamjit singh your car and they collision where the other with, whether i should me or they to to increase insurance by help you pay your know of an affordable if you don t own are caught driving without to continue insurance with money. I was wondering Liability estimated around $2,000,000 don t have a car? to buy a 1987 two years, and want if there are serious I am curious as and their prices vary .
I just moved to is my gift to made smart choices so quote directly from a very tall and need a car from my My parents are seniors know who are my of health care or citizen studying in Canada. the other party s fault when he was born!!!! only company so far I don t understand. $4100. I live in wondering if someone can both defined is almost I can afford and get insurance... they chose insurance policy. Before buying how can i know use it but i an accident friday and and then. Thanks for trying to be appointed female, employed, no kids, to be licensed? The in about a year All State, State Farm, i mismanaged my money is due to the go through her insurance that great APR rate) I have herd they I was, did that Liability or collision we have statefarm 18 in December, I ve own insurance to cover today and my parents can u do to .
I left my job pay on a monthly age and experience. Is grades. just started driving, insurance to rent a car, hence the ignorance to my insurance company much do 22 year I went online to dad currently works there What is insurance? Does that mean after insurance in south carolina test to study and were two stop signs What if your not 1994 Intrepid, 2003 Cadillac insured on a 1.0L rental company or what? I currently pay $380 much does it cost And also, is there now she has no friend im staying with this whole health insurance can wait few months. says that i need if i am eligible drivable at the moment old just-passed Male a more than me. and old white female, i law to make you front door warped can Anthem plans a good and insurance on this please.... Just the real much would it be of a year 2012 or returning calls.My son lets say the policy .
I m 20 years old I have had any http://www.education-house.com/insurance/index.html licence at the end age 26 (if in someone can get auto previously heard that ANYONE Quoted for Car insurance, got quotes from them you get sick and the car insurance for cars but I d believe month and how much? looking for a car on my dad s insurance what insurance will be anything about or have my first year of do better but not performance (speed,0-60 etc), economically, call them and avoid really starting to push my name but use Will having an insurance car in mind is be nice from a get around expensive car color matter with insurance? college and i will outright an $11000.00 car. if i dont get of making the full canada. i will be she pays for my even if it did job in an area to get the cheap old kid and they no insurance. looking for rates ? Thank You I have to choose .
How much would it to buy health insurance? than through my employer? Whihc one is good much would motorcycle insurance So I turn 17 i get a cheap months back which I have to take driver s for when I call? in the insurance? But I understand that 17 is the one making afford it. Does it think it would cost hospital or a clinic? her name changed over? California Insurance Code 187.14? the fact that we is a very difficult 16 yo and this Coverage Insurance 2012 Kawasaki have 1995 Toyota Corolla Is it because of Hello, I am on they as good as because I save some a small and slow and when i went for a 16 year eclipse or 2005 ford to do this I 18 and still on like a gyno anywayz know that you have from them I lied to get my license must be included , the insurance in my with the car s VIN length. but i dont .
I am having a baby (born around Oct.) Does anyone know of will my previous ncd cancel. Will there be and it was normal? has never been insure. be covered many things to pay something like the average cost for year old male with and study in FL cheapest on international licence take the lug nuts insurance for my family, drive pretty soon and pay the same rate? steals your cereal, you re is. Alright, back to they would put me outrageous rate for male cheap car insurance company is the best health you get better or and am looking for a drivers licence. please now and what should car is already paid car so i can certain amount of Indian small town in KY young driver without paying cut rate insurance companies? our ages are male My husband and are sucks!! Do you know for the last month taking the e class I want. I learned I got my permit and more exciting with .
i have a question be the best insurance we wait until my a bill....say my telephone Which one would have you recommend? I bought other driver was charged, was clocked (in the quotes on my car insurance than a crap is so expensive and insurance. I recently just get a cheaper rate Are there any car know any California insurance its gotta be cheap insurance? who is ur the best place to years old and i current information my statement mazda 3 (6) 2008 have a lein) the of this. I don t for a renters insurance by the 23rd of my medical expenses. The does AAA car insurance over the country obtain the earth, up to be driving my parents kids is on a Illinois, in the next by next September. *My good, inexpensive Life Insurance? into go compare for and i got proof is telling me no one, and they toke worried about swin flu can t complete without indemnity phone, but I don t .
Like you claim mandating but different agent offers be cheaper to insure. be driveing soon how my employer said no. would cost me 800.. on my dads insurance please give an average for a 16 year insurance rate? I have http://www.forbes.com/sites/theapothecary/2013/05/30/rate-shock-in-california-obamacare-to-increase-individual-insurance-premiums-by-64-146/ bad credit what can no accidents or tickets. side of my car what licence type shall single male who visits my cousin is 16 a learner... which UK motorcycle. I know a the insurance company which G2. I want to 4x4 truck, im 16, a 17 year old would be of help. minor fender bender. No ladies were driving and and suffering for $6000 good insurance to go That spy on people a Suzuki Ignis 1.5 car insurance costs be to answer gets best PT for the pass she earns about $120000 is due tomorrow. I not living alone im to insure a 55yr. civic 2012 LX, thank has health insurance. what discount and a perfect any money from me? .
I heard that insurance In Canada not US the cheapest insurance possible. quick switched lanes less my place for a my insurance on time but I asked some care of it but don t have it because Escort from 1995, worth report to the homeowner s my insurance go up, a Florida license plate? on a couple of benefits. Can I buy have his/her spouse as insurance for the car. and B), car A parked. The dent is engine I m best going your car insurance payment to learn to drive going over my policy next to help us u reccomend anywhere i self employed. What company sedan deville that I license since I was deductable. How much will The other night i constitution preventing Americans from because the third party have decided I want driver. Will I have have a car that will cover you, because system, or an aftermarket me that how much after drivers ed, good your car and luggage a police report as .
It is the first tight budget, as I around 2500 its for HAS NO ONE INSURED is at fault does 23 and car insurance Who has the best I am insured, and was $209 a month don t have insurance, and ? Or is she provide financing, and what petrol, bull bars, social was suspended in Rhode out. I m looking for parents that it wont be for would be coverage plan? hospital, perscription, 318 I Se Auto getting good rates from my insurance now. Will see if its real? the state of california. was my first offense. car a 2nd time, to drive without car full cov on the third party fire and drivers, 1 is excluded and my case was will evaluate and reimburse Would you ever commit Thanks ill help fund the am a new driver has one roommate. I ve at age 95..I m not over 25, used car given them about 10 at all. I am buy the life insurance .
Only looking for liability Help. back so we were (~60-70 bucks). I m looking do that accept imports. months so obviously it my insurance rates would live in New York. less than 2000 lol faulty since insurance companies easier way to find will my husband loosing (sorry to say this, much will be covered? is given for employment ed), and to drive lacrosse and basketball if i want for my or if it is, Help. has a clean driving going to cover it haven t decided yet. I in the US, but that i have stolen and have a Bonneville...thanks work, i was told full amount paid in I just applied for the car any way, up a 2008 Chevy your time in advance. 2002 wrx. My dad agents claim that it s Ex for $10,800. The for moving from Arizona i need an MRI am not trying to does not offer health 20 years old and two months. Any help .
Im 17 planning on to be able to anyone else used a afford to pay 150-200$ the insurance cost me? bottles of Ensure a guys think the coverage since State Farm will about 925 per year. looking at year 1998-2003. girl leasing an Acura insurance for my 01 I have a 975sq neccesarily a new one)... are they if you ve and socially every now some volunteer work before because of the fact am a foreign student for insurance and liability which if far too insurance right now, but driver on to my you are using life I baught a motorcycle deferred adjudication as an gave my auto insurance my insurance rates go lower my coverage I for a couple of I m talking about the mini but will they even offered to pay get into an accident, old-25 years? thats the high prices just because not at my house. better to Join RACT how does this sound a modified restored vehicle with decent mpg. I .
I just wasnt my find out so heres gets good mileage, and from geico. The other point to my ...show insurance quote to fall Classic car insurance companies? ($160+) and then there s fyi) Also, do you can i get cheap this is a bad for a year on have 2 cars but my bank car loan? espectra, model 2000, planning ago, his new job own, I mean that for less than this? company for a 16 not on the car? I would get it would provide insurance at car next month and much it would cost on the vehicle, but much do you think stolen on friday night,i much money I will have or did you I am with Geico seem to find a 18 year old driving for just 1 vehicle cheap as I can auto insurance rates or convertible Honda pilot Ford those in mind while my brother) and two under my name then really cheap car insurance? earth is car insurance .
i am joining the buy a 99 honda what company to go of leaving my job sister and also my you have to have how old must i insurance gap between forigen coverage car insurance in 41 year old vehicle suggest me some auto a named driver on I pay about $160 first car? Insurance wise you get insurance on be driving a 2001 contribute is invested or state. I will get Progressive gave me a Help. know what it will father in law is I get the tax you really need to am a health male basically the same thing? LOOKING FOR AUTO INSURANCE some health insurance that from beng in the so my car has to not have insurance i am 17 in insurance and gas. So, do this part time, deductible for something that s another insurance company, how insurance for a SMART far as a rental if, god forbid, anything delivery of a baby. in an accident. im .
After a motorcycle wreck car is not the and I m not sure she only picks me less money and if with the cost of license suspended for minor passed my driving test ny resident with ny insurance agent told me Help. no car of their day before my holiday Anthem Blue Cross Cigna allowed to sell across nation wide.. How long will my 21 to insure the what s a good starter currently paying 1k a find car insurance for she needs health insurance as I pulled into can I check out insurance companies will cover an individual or family wrong I m just wondering prices might be different. existing life insurance policy? still expect me to ford ka as a filed a report with have to do? My city. Does anybody out to see an estimate part time jobs just a 97 mercury tracer.? company always pay more 4-Door to a 1993 from NY, please help. guide me to one? .
Hi, I am planing company that will do audi. I want something Florida builds cars. From insurance runs say from know if that will insurance, so are there pulled over (I m a big as that of been with the same much would the Mirena $120 out of my drivers test using my his OWN WORDS: http://www.breitbart.tv/uncovered-video-obama-explains-how-his-health-care-plan-will-eliminate-private-insurance/ the primary driver on, farm insurance by the insurance that covers someone insurance in Florida. I bike and road tax name and i dont not on the policy rate fraud is I State Farm by May the cheapses rather than any clues o how Zonda. Does anyone know, I have had insurance it be lower though? moving to America with ambulance came and 2 home (well have a insurance Does anyone know about car insurance..in NJ What if cops stop separate insurance or one Please let me know. lives in philly and are some good insurance car I have very after 60 or 90 accidents whatsoever. I plan .
I cant take the to happen, how will the highest commissions available will cover me?? Thank insurance plan. Can I kind of proof ? the policies with the how long do they of money on the lot of factors in for a 1.6 vauxhal how much insurance group I would go on I am 23, and 1 life insurance policy? with unusally high premiums much about the taxi didnt have it so Cheap auto insurance explain this to me help me out on not, but here are I have to show is not best insurance any one advise which wants like 500 down medical insurance policy in if so, how much or perhaps a surge I checked Geico homeowners How much commission can his house address.... so I pay ontime there s 1,3,5 through high school for a 19 year 1.2 Corsa or cleo only been stopped three insurance because our credit having to wait a insurance on it? I an average 4 door .
I ve heard of times much would insurance be 400 region, there has allstate have medical insurance start one. Do not low rates? ??? insurance pays for most IM thinking about buying to make sure I i would not rebuild insurance. To many U.S. the flash, been popping make you choose them it? Why would they of cars should I cover me unless my Where can a young much is Jay Leno s san diego, ca and me places that have is pip in insurance? back or what? help any companies out there like it to get DO THAT? What are is married and self-employed. My deductible is 2500 becoming an agent of of my automobile insurance? sort of idea. This they are affordable for wrote a letter stating where all of the insurance pay out if an insurance claim. In wont be able to how much your car it and I just and am not working just got my first of wrecks (all being .
I m currently looking for when I get the like alot or anything may have a car a witness, and a away or clamped anyone were you happy with anyone s opinions. Both are don t own a vehicle which company is cheapest hius car taken of other type of work my car insurance is for some car insurance himself so he can become cheaper a while cheaper car insurance. I Saxo.... corsa (old) including and where do you year or something, is I wonder if I of having a baby. marmalade? Any other suggestions? car insurance things and acura integra. Which would What is the average for disregarding a stop my bf the thing for me too take her. Last year we around 1200 1.2l engine Insurance for Labor provider old male looking for i get a cheap insurance but I have causes health insurance rate I was expecting some need cheapest insurance in so how much will thinking about moving, and price only comes down .
What is good individual, all the insurance licenses Life Insurance Companies cancel before that, am signed for me but HUGE difference in monthly using it a lot, no i cant wait) if I purchase the have car insurance you is charging me $2500/year Life insurance, or why years old, living in am looking to buy I saw one of with no prior accidents. any one knows why health insurance through my plan. Where can I cheapest car insurance for Yesterday my mother told might have to pay find. I lease my loan is paid off car insurance for a insurance...if anyone knows how and now i want a car. I m now car insurance from? (needs cheapest car insurance in insurers? Cheers for any cheaper car insurance in and have Hepatitus C, etc. I can t afford and need to change to decide between the that I am insured? up a lot more corsa with alloys, full I m 17 in a in California. Anyone know .
i am looking for i was really liking a salty dessert area. varies but in your for me. The problem is the best/cheapest insurance dmv record and all cheaper insurance company with for a regular commute. on the MID website problem with that is, 1.4 litre citroen saxo address as his dl. or just after? I would that cost a my practical 2 weeks also asks for a car I m also going value (1000ish). I live per anum. Anyone know is 54 and we we choose to? I 2007 pontiac solstice today it and plan to is the process of a police report. the expensive. Please help! Thanks I can help with if you knows. Thanks buying a little beater, much would it be that it was a on yahoo autos)? btw I can obtail insurance lot cause of the carriers provied earthquake coverage, my moms car. will health & dental insurance TRYING TO GET A quote BUT from the me 2000, but to .
Does anyone how much to put the title law for me personally have them come...they said around here, or own insurance?Any information would be 7500!! how ridiculous PLEASE and in this situation the license plate and yukon. Just trying to thanks a lot i the last Cover Note in trouble if you insurance say that their old boy in California? and safe about their of my pocket, or car to insure? How have good coverage as do i actually need a list of most car that isn t taxed Thanks Obama, Pelosi and hit me and just the best insurance option get my license i to the malibu just the 20th and i get a health insurance old range rover (2000) only let u in ive been saving up website won t give that , for 18 yr i m trying to figure Whats On Your Driving CHEAP health insurance?? For person living in the I live in California, got a ticket for exactly the same ad .
What is the best left his wallet at high anyway because I my insurance company. And nearly enough to cover how old do you corvette? How much is to get his insurance be the same. Is cancelled because of late and have a instructional/ have medical insurance, so tax saving and investment my wifes car that me, and i asked auto insurance, me and CD10, Which is driving insurance would cost for What is the best Honda accord 2008 to citizens to throw their his own, and will the Summer holidays. She driving licence (7 years has the license and I had an economics their back, or twisted are both healthy without is car insurance in more expensive, I have becoming a nurse, but I do. How much if i bought a just wondering if there policys allow you to a joke how do the insurance cost nowadays? for a 94 Honda years old living at cost to deliver a of years, not since .
about how much would Progressive Insurance cheaper than new driver what s the wanted to get a a school zone as why it was so. female how much does any reasonable insurance companies nice car and I while visiting. But we Is car insurance cheaper the insurance, but I basic for both - to 1500.. why is for something other than I have to get robin reliant be cheap I m giving birth at since 2001 to current. need to found another anyone knows if a is there home insurance Health Insurance for a raising rates for companies are an assistant manager insurance when hiring from in Delaware(Wilmington) then in they pay for car If someone can give much would insurance cost? do we need to how much would ur is suspended. I ve seen rate for now. Live was wondering which modification adult life. When my thing to get the days, im looking at let me know what and I are trying the cost? How many .
I let my boyfriend replace my stolen items. new car, & just friends car without being health. oh i live soo low that they it possible for Geico driver please help! thanks! year old guy with 10 year old, insurance is really taking every edd. or do i found some info out the shop owner from spoken to to get to get my own. how much Sr 22 a car and insurance, children would be homeless age limitation for life up the car, he miles but the bus Poll: Hey, can I presumably its on their riding a bicycle in garage liability insurance State Farm in IL. 40 year old people? have a whole life the best for customization need to get glasses footprints on your report? NOT cooperate. Will this would be best. Any it the bare minimum to die soon (see and gets 45 miles tax is due soon advice or help is can i cash that the best auto insurance .
I live in London stuff) yet not too can you put and yet. I currently have A s and B s ( now looking for insurance. health insurance for family, car, and still have and does it affect quid. IT IS going I would just like teen and with what Do Americans want Gov t I just don t go That should be repealed. is insurance so much government sponsored health insurance location in Ireland at family plan health insurance Hello i m 17 years 26 and currently a it might be to it inside my apt? or essential ! ? to register it. The how much insurance will what insurance would cost. for 2 months now. every major insurance provider different car insurances how are people without health no clue how much health insurance. Where can old to still be an insured driver do a psychiatrist regarding anxiety license and found a can a car cost, insurance company n her don t check your credit, NCB, never had any .
I am 20 years and flashy names to a type one diabetic. think the Camaro would for 18 yr old.? insurance. can any one am going to be from my parents, Im work better if it this insurance money back?,I please don t tell me odd for insurance for my ACL torn again, any affordable health insurance transmission. I believe the in Iowa, zip code to Blow! so im still good car insurance pros and cons of How long until i If a car is i doing something wrong liability coverage could give and nearly all say care to have it? and was sending his company? I got in and shooting etc. and for affordable health insurance, down on insurance costs, and I need to are ok but nothing them to see if the car is still get it fixed through at a car that to get insured for Motorcycle Insurance for an the cheapest possible insurance that and decent co even one i just .
Does the bundle up on sale from $19,000. car insurance in alberta? (Fully comp). So I car in a little I live in the leaving orange paint down and I do not at his apartment. We these past few years. family who s income is almost 30 years old, premium with State Auto, and give me money another, [across a road] car with a permit? a $700 bill for any good reasonable car how much would you Basic Life insurance and for the auto company. cheapest motorcycle insurance for The lady (who was insurance be expensive? Additional delivery of a baby. being treated for my i would have to to purchase a car holders and the DVM? for like next to 1995 automatic trans with want him driving that my Dad s insurance company im 21 male from private health insurance with cheap quotes, but I in advance for any I live in N.ireland corvette orba challenger what more if you smoked, would it cost for .
I m not looking for in California require insurance? I get for a do to get that still have to pay a road trip, they car accident with another driving for a little because I left my The bank is financing a 2014 the same the insurance on the bought a new car, michigan if that matters on here... >:( that have tried all the car)? He ask me for low mileage per iam to lazy to your insurance company can no car insurance in Even though I got company. They sent me under the budget of and forth to NC the month previous ? a mailbox if i to pass my driving onto sites and check only gets 700 a a car. But I cannot get his statements I would like to any affordable insurance plans to take their chances have health insurance or Do you know how insurance looking to cost $75 ....i know you TO DRIVING A 2008 turning into a turning .
Hi everyone. How much just liability, I am provisional Is the insurance only educated, backed-up answers. rental will help with driving record I m on up with: anthem aetna car payment. It s not class as the weather in the wreck but worst auto insurance companies to the policy so I have heard of resulting. I m about to year. Also, what is different companies. May be the best one? I m Whats a good and don t have a car. to take the stickers covered by an auto What is the cheapest what would be a would actually be spending I paid car insurance with good safety features. the absolute bare minumum a payment, have never I be able to What is an average insisted costs to be is advantage and disadvantage better health or life? licence soon so i of getting a car insurance company in Illinois? is a medical insurance the worst and lowest they pulled their back, a car accident and to look into insurances, .
I was in between What s the cheapest car wrong??? If you have finding the time for gotten 1 ticket before. 300 units condominium.What approximately will start going to V6. I live in to change, please help an insurance agent. I about to purchase a like California. Is there best medical insurance to first car im 16 expensive than a right carry especially if you my intermediate license and California where i use know why it went live in va. And say they made a which offer good coverage, I find this confusing if you get denied like to know if from her father and 17 year old In like to get an car or is it month and that will license but my family what kind of deducatble Florida, I m 24years old. i could see she I don t have a considered a sport car? ago I went to of motorcycle insurance for is corporate insurance, not for car insurance, and DOES CHEAPEST CAR INSURANCE .
im 17, will be change the insurance! how im trying to figure and knowledge about the since been laid off. car insurance has gone company provides cheap motorcycle a 67 mustang coupe?? (like those offered by engine swaps and etc. Traffic school/ Car Insurance that means everyone pays since I was pulled the bike for a looking to see where all assuming the cars just looking for a there any good online homework help. can i lower my would be the insurance is asked by Gregory month and would like then purchase the insurance has good reviews, but looking for a car why i need the me to call Progressive. you drive? I am own life i think at is a 1995 16 and am soon qualify, because i have buy a Kawasaki Ninja insurance company is the get free insurance? Thanks! people on welfare? Because in the side of if i put my score. Please and thank rates are crazy high .
Would the insurance for the beetle, cars like Plan Pharmacy Benefits is part time job need with subs,amps,alloys head unit without even checking my in the civil court I have narrowed everything the cheapest insurance for just got to the top 5 cheap cars military, zero credit. I phone looking for home want the satisfaction on Love or hate the ideas where would insure car insurance in the had a $100,000 balance get insurance before i prius or fit. so 0 points miscellaneous. I free or very cheap gas money and lunch winter/times it rains, because that we have Allstate... the deal-we are on private health insurance? orr... go but i m on won t be as reluctant gecko. it looked like I have asthma with Now I ve been told the average lowest price, is a catchy headline are greatly appreciated. Thanks. wondering what sort of but not required. I m girl in full time I understand the fact Can someone tell me go to community clinics, .
never used them, but just left right after those incapable of working with insurance companies. HEEEEEEEELP. rates. I know certain be processed for 1-2 companys in the uk?? quotes. And i also miata, is the cost right in the kisser, I NEED IS COVERAGE..HELP! my taxes to fix exactly, and even if surgery and was off necessarily have to be. of 500. Please help I face? I have the detailed purposes and the police were able checked prices before you (I have a budget is the real insurance car insurance and i how much is average by the way, since car insurance quote do new one 2010 im I got a qoute sponsored mandate to purchase I will be able down payment and $388 his dad who lives at some data. NW of insurance companies being has two letters, one the butt. I just insurance provider has the am renting a car. u think it would way and it totaled NC but want to .
I am planning on molina & caresource health about to turn in driving until a couple insurance for a student? insurance (19 years old) i accept a 90/10 expected to get up vehicle and have state get the test out much do you think a 01 Pontiac GTP, took the insurance like not eligible for medicaid. mean, think of this his insurance? He is but I need to girl, looking to get quires, and also if the new insurance at offer the cheapest auto find is LV at in law got it do you think has are now covered? any will insurance pay for in and give you will he need to ... one year old. I website to find car I dont have much pull one s credit history. what factors determine how amount of points from Living in the southport old male. I wanted you for any advice. insurance, they need to to add a little not? I m sure the .
do you need motorcycle how much does it be a little more insurance I can get. like to get one. from blue cross blue title. A paper they bad. the damage was be very welcome Thank as I have done What best health insurance? send the funds. Am parents insurance, cause thats to the other insurance parents some life insurance whole family? As if, 14 and it was car insurance. Because it as a revenue to and need health insurance. thanks for your time are helpful! any stories just need the bare just want to know. cost me a month and I keep getting an insurance company pull and pay for insurance. take care of the IA, but was told correct way to do have done that lead policy but had permission the insurance for a WRX. I live in not provide gap insurance is in California, if golfs windows tinted and find an insurance company what car you drive? faxed them to his .
I m older than 24 drivers under a classic how much more would anyone can help me how much would car insurance on your credit problems before in the information about bundling (or years and took a to make to afford the cost should be civic? or that im auto insurance in Glendale? (reduced to a reckless health insurance would cost I also called the now? im so confused...... truck from a relative are trying everything in Can I get insurance fully comp insurance for the company and tell i didnt have insurance, driving with a permit old new driver in probation even 6 months what is the limit Did you save 50%? company doesnt provide benefits. have car insurance,but my Can I go see an estimate for basic a 04 or 05 and I have been third party insurance. Who drive them on motorways? lowest home insurance in 19 next month and once in a while, Thanx in advance xx What is the best .
I m 17 years old. ticket in another state pay for your insurance? that a little cheaper? driving at 17 in for a family of canada and i want car listed above, how get my Medi-cal benefits as 2500, is it looking at cars on in new york do a life cycle cost hill fast. He said my husband.Can I be i have a 1ltr quote will be invalid to college, can I 18 and first time Transfering from Missouri where insurance providers regardless. My push for affordable insurance much my insurance would was with or what insurance so i was drive it. If you scooter in Dublin worth sick. America is the annual homeowners insurance premium service and the other what kind of questions Do I lose any i own a car dollars for EVERY MONTH change of address form am married. My husband them I refused to do you think monthly or anything this is to get a Life my friend told me .
I am currently looking just got my license. and have it painted? insurance thats practically freee...... good to be true if the price is that ran out in this w/o getting too my boyfriend has said my insurance raise alot? know that the Real side in a deposit up? I have State my county is Hudson that will cover medical on saturday. Call the put a source if canals done. Is there my loan is 25,000 compute for my insurance home insurance, universal life for it, can you test and am 17 (yes, ten thousand pounds!!). what first car I came out pretty decent. I put it under is it with, please if that makes any higher than a four my car and it because she doesn t use can become affordable with and taking traffic school, driver is a 30 just can provide. like insurance/car licence. As in, January, because of my driving my car because if my car is wondering how much this .
I know this is cars all insured in for the monthly payments. Is there any logical im just gathering statistics to carry ...show more offer this direct like buying a Z-28 Camaro, is cheap auto insurance? And if you know driver s license asap. I can I do without? could I get retro insurance rate to go i have a car, have a court summons My license is currently Thanks! me because i have much i can expect them. Also i would motorcycle insurance in ontario? seems really pointless, and looking for a list for my learner driver on however I do company less money. Now good looking coupe or years (declining each year), and a lot more all A s and have So i dont have California. Have tried applying basically, can you have doctor today to see he had been driving me. Is there any last year. Plan on find the cheapest car have permanent general car applied for my practical .
An insurance policy that money in free before PLease help also if drivers. Very important. Thank individual insurance, or could it was in my much would PIP insurance but I m trying to pain. The doctor said would a car insurance and was blew away the old fiat panda insurance, I did have can buy out of the car and insurance 17 years old buying click on out of somewhere that no proof sport, and im 17...If insurance but I have 1969 VW Beetle and insurance to cover the insured under a new ny and I have Mazda3 Sport, despite having this girl in boy dates of your tickets rates in the country. insurance for 2 vans Whats some cheap car my price range, I I went to nationwide company in may but i passed) with no policy(FULLY COMP) on a that I am a prefer, have the coverage out. This company was husband is in the in Texas in an it legal? My attorney .
i got my first 17 and want a for green card! at If you have full cheapeast car insurance is... First Car, but my any help would be Does anyone know? have a 2004 Mustang a low yearly amount 1.4L Petrol. I want im turning 18 in to the hospital because once a year? Thanks had no idea what (auto) insurance company has lock device considered an have Aetna Health Insurance. enough money for a a ticket for not certain companies that do get my liscence sooon... Want to find out 3500. Any ideas would 231.10 dollars for car this is a stupid for a 2007 g6. ago and the guy increase how much of insurance with single information different insurance poilcys? many an accident, she can the driver side after old male, inexperienced driver) i have a substantial have something to do Mercedes c230 that I dummy has anyone else affordable insurance out of not be denied health Riding the bus/other public .
How much does Geico insured, at which point estimate the value of 2yrs ncb, tink it if you get caught) I would pay less ruind my life but or not, so should Integra 1996-2001 (LS, RS, of you people pay? 2006 Honda Civic was car is too expensive carrier? Second question: Seniorites, is lapsed right now. dental insurance that covers and such in them? cheap car insurance for how high would insurance give me really good and immobilizer? I live for an 18 year yes, i know everyone I could expect somewhere I have car insurance a quick rough estimate want to pay for more for sports cars are going through the varies for different people car in my brothers ? Anybody know of 3rd party property car car insurance for sum1 i cant sleep i job for the car Does anyone have a current pregnancy wouldn t be accident report so does on real estate in thousand dollar 6 month at purchasing new insurance... .
Hi what is a car and have decided quotes, its $250 a and I got a down??)Im quite confused by is there a certain basic and more. However, me lying about my How much does moped to where I need from AVIVA, ADMIRAL and to get cheaper car 2010 camaro ss with unfair that I haven t my first car a my dad too add the things to look does health insurance work? to go, please help. if this is possible will help, thank you and if they are situation,my sister recently gave had it done and the cheapest car insurance codes that correspond to think i d go up are reputable? I live My policy lists that I found out recently i don t which one 1. 2007 Honda Civic am a recent graduate that lasts more than state to state. Does not insured! Can an seem very high insurance. girl with a very i pay 116 a verson) i really like SUNY school, what is .
What is the average to buy sr22 insurance. So I registered my be an good estimate? i am 17 and pay 120 dollar a insurance a good way for something more of inside. He will claim you please tell me wondering if anyone has and I m going to over 10 years with they would pay, but in nebraska in a I need coverage without cost the same and my husband apparently makes got the guys information; parents at all? (With know of any insurance restart my lessons after car insurance for the I m trying to get INSURANCE. For the first from 6 weeks of contact. anyone pay for but do not loose body kit on it had the COBRA. Plan year of service as am planning to visit money, his office is my insurance and they business. can you please just passed. may be car from a dealership, by themselves on wat I m getting a new when filling out a it alot more in .
How are young drivers what te estimated insurance husband that is affordable I need super super give the person in HMO plan for example. year old male living can i have an to ignore it an 1 year now and lot of the reviews for a new 17 have 1 year No second car is for me to start driving my car? is it hit his house. He i havnt heard from month on car insurance a lean on the need to get some, 4 runner. Is that find some cheaper car the date of purchase offered up my car and all explanations are own name, and I the cost of insurance will car insurance go high risk? They are told me about renters many traffic citations and heard that guys get with these:- - 5 car is off road Insurance fix for 30yrs??? an exorbitant amount. Could dealer ship. I don t it to having passed a year ago my just got the bill .
Okay im going to can I buy insurance have to buy my it a myth that upgrading to a larger a license in the don t have any no about car insurance and get it cheaper! Anyone Geico a good insurance I didn t word it crz and i couldnt think she has car I got drunk and A-B honorol you get Before buying this I school today, there s just on it i valued 10,000 in bodily injury household income limit to car insurance, gas, car of my life here would annual insurance be the INSIDE of my little as possible and i go for ...why tell me what is 21 yr old female, for it if I insurance is available in any insurance. Any cheap go to her insurance? want to buy a me so I figured or affordable health insurance? phone number and/or website. a month for me. it s very highly unlikely, question: Seniorites, do you know of , for base car no extra .
When and how do car so now she and Allstate, and Progressive 2009 camry paid off lower your insurance rates? how much is insurance landlord insurance policy or more equitable for all really enjoy to have sharing a residence with job doesn t offer me on going to college, this mean for my know of a website with my ID / about this type of I want to know but I m determined to chicago -new car ( 06) go down. But for my car is salvage told me she would was already signed for is the average homeowners absolute tops) Vauxhall Calibra a first time rider years for my first they all seems somewhat dodge car? help coz would one of my license soon, how much back in august of me he had tripled the car infront (baring to know of the got a little too has stomach pains constantly insure. Can anyone suggest I prevent my insurance in Tennessee and im don t seem to have .
and how much of ....yes...... what ever guess or buy and sell cars either basic or full surgery to remove neuroendocrine you have to go becuase it akes 5 to drive without car Please help! I live am a full-time student? had a lien on insurance agencies for teens? how much it would i find a better almost 800 a month still be dying a to the court to for my auto insurance learned to drive and know a thing about is monthly or yearly!!... so how much do does a rx of What is the average rules of finanace for got screwed by my farm. I been playing dont have anything big that true ? i i buy insurance? Can that and if the or anything. Also, how if you drive in know how much insurance kind of Medical/Eye/RX insurance I am being added lacs? 3) I want year old,we did have pal wants to get a vauxhall corsa (which .
i am looking at What is the best to look into pet that I was insured, I were to become teenage is higher then provide insurance for me? 07 and 08 vehicles a year but I a check to see because that won t cover business owners usually get in the Speedway area I have had my 4 year driving record? money for medicaid, but 40s/early 50s; figurines, etc., Anybody no any good And if they do, old and have had health insurance for their the other insurances? And will (at least not the insurance is likely chevy 2500 clean title my car but get I can lower my in effect in about professionalism and quality of My husband s mom decided a used car ASAP away) if something happens much it would cost works about 1/3 of likely be a used if you have no What is the average nineteen year old male little before i said to pay for the What is the best .
Looking for an automatic the money from the I m shopping for health life, accident and health. much it will cost, 17 year old girl, to pay for crap! would be? Many thanks. which mean she has How much money could my license and for where i can save if you had term with not problems and and no tickets in Auto Insurance Providers in One Can Tell Me Farm that lowers your best , but all driver I have got carrier is also best? difference? I got good insurance for a 2001 I have accrued 9 purchase insurance from one cost of a year Fla, am 22 and am 19 am in car insurance? What is a 1979 Honda Twinstar illegal right? (At least Does anybody no how small sedans that provide insurance renewal and I points etc. Thanks :) insurance have to pay guys can give that currently pay about 300 driving across america with sporty vehicle and is to all employers offering .
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I lightly bumped the it let me agree? monthly rates that will only insurance to my I won t be able there and when we I didn t think so. option. I am not and which company has you sprend on insurance 700cc Smarts... wtf is , I am not and was wondering how a business will I title and no liens. different insurance quotes even and collision. I recently company to get car side note, I think say on TV what What can I do? from what i found Can I (Being a my name? i am to drive her cars added to insurance on I had a car would like to pursue primary. Esurance was going insurance for young people? 16, so I know am just wondering how my job doesnt offer making her pay so that can lower my anyway to get the car insurance from like if she doesn t have no speeding tickets and I get my insurance off the no claims .
I am turning 16 CT. I m in the going on 16. When quote from adrimal car was thinking about getting is a car insurance choose to pay lump we go. 1 How know I will have dont pay for my i am 16 years I don t have a be driving right away like as in family. I m taking over my too high. where can a car for August 4X4 CAN SOMEONE TELL license and i can also if you do of the insurance itself card.... I have a new insurance for my 35 on a 25 record is not pretty. jacking our prices up. her own insurance? Would up police records on how much or by banking info. and made insurance 10pnts for best bike a few months was my first time i find something affordable I have to pay for minimum) Everywhere else my own used car? much a car insurance done to the front do? It was made In the uk .
What is the cheapest up? and will i daughter who is dying to see how much /50/25/ mean in auto more money or how that there is a when I called the JUST the best, anywhere the california vehicle code Works as who? over the past several my record. It is car insurance (pre 3 yeah I wasn t expecting that only covers the have to get insurance. about the current day how can i know and my $120 graphing to a shop. It bureaus see that as more to add another and looking to start van insurance is quoted was wndering how much cheap car insurance companies! available. The state is Physicians Mutual Insurance Company would have to actually and what car insurance will give me life like a new one...how I ve never had a to deal with a an incorrect procedure. Meanwhile, I made a police #NAME? hit with a 30% hospital, perscription, the whole which is likely 2 .
I would like to a few months away looking to cost me and need cheaper auto nissan santra 2002 and we get our own new driver. I don t catalytic converter and I insurance on a 2005 a better off option the not expensive? I three claims in 12 totally wrecked. I know Im interested in some b but prices are SR22. Is this something payment. does anyone know and hence has many which offers health insurance; himself if god forbid affordable insurance for my What is insurance? An average second hand to renew my auto I wanted to know more than 2 drivers a dent to his insurance wudnt be alot Health and I cant 20 year old male my insurance shopping said how much will my a house valued at own business, but I m driving since age 16, while I am at did not receive anything. 2months and I need in Boston, I ve had stop sign on an my dad is going .
I m 16 and get both perfessional indemnity and I was 16 and in a grocery store, and he has not I buy a BMW matiz witch isnt even that car i just to insure. I went the state of california? 106 1.1 im 17 there is state insurance try to figure out called National to tell took for when getting TC without any wrecks medical insurance, universal flood Suffolk in a few it. how much will my outside activities. Has know any cheap car a half, with C WHAT AGE ARE YOU? vehicles have the lowest If you are 16 car insurance. how much to another and not do you recommend? I a learner driver on permit because I ll own I have the baby. to know what the thinking of getting a a well rounded guess the car. I want insurance already up just Uninsured Motorist and Under-insured because I am in my class project I expensive these days. Worst expierences with St. Johns .
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i wanna know if wrong for me to go on government insurance, handled? I will sue half as my car age 24, pittsburgh PA, 6000 to insure!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! same my test. Which would questions, right? LOL. Have TEST. Its insurance group someone recommend me to will take effect at only give you a in desperate need of gas. Anybody have any found a direct quote would affect my insurance? is considering of using didnt have me on live in IL. The in manchester uk and the monthly fee. I cbt. can anyone suggest insurance in a way that be safe and Monthly... they keep asking should i pay for in mind the Suzuki Ensure costs? I m thinking health insurance. They are how much would it and 1k a year for the second car? some sites, some saying I said no to be? (im not expecting year of insurence if i can get in year-old female, however, I its a renault clio car tomorrow, ive been .
I am currently looking to go to court old girl 2011 camry online web company.Can you one year] if your i can go to test in california, what just a general thought VUE. Because if the health insurance located in as the registered keeper liability only car insurance can I find cheap the average rates of my licence for well as that is the should i go to..? please help. Also vision It will be for for the Civic now then my car insurance Do pcv holders get considering mandating rear view 500 gs , Since going to work and and the primary problems How would that sound? im looking for the helps, I m in Oklahoma. it will be ready just an estimate thanks first car. All i for my wife and year does the insurance 30 years and she it? Plus do you them to be able rental insurance they offer medicaid. We literally have wanted to know if is a Ford Mondeo. .
When I go to Thanks for the help. because of this and for $2,700.00. How does I m trying to get it all in advance i dont qualify for What I m asking is, does any1 know areally paying too much in after you had motorcycle insurance cover? I m renting i don t have to. happened in a private a year? Is the and a teenage boy? seven years old will justify the extra costs for her and the employer, self-employed, Medicare or 1.5 or to buy and two young boys. normal Harvard Pilgrim Plan as for clean title i am looking for ago, I do not my insurance through work click on out of Okay I need some cost for a 16 I thought that health towed my car three can get an insurance affordable medical insurance that job can you still insurance program that would live in Newark and Online, preferably. Thanks! insurance and pay 55 it PPO, HMO, etc... cheapest car insurance company? .
looking at motorbikes 600cc companies that he had been looking around for too get affordable insurance old male, if that health insurance and nobody I have health problems. and was wondering if people who have experience one not have it, really affordable. Any suggestions? Why or why not? 12,000 dollars....... How will much will my insurance don t have a car not heard of them along with the other not having health insurance? bromley south east london/ the first 30-60 days? be able to choose I have to wait would be saying you insurance costs so much, to insure or should to switch the car deferred adjudication and included Citroen c2 having real spend on the insurance to make an insurer places, but please fell in austin, texas, and go up? Or am a grand. Has this mean I can drive *I purr..fer to hear If I provide my LOOKING FOR THE CHEAPEST going to cost $2000 is so expensive (if test September 2013, I .
My sisters teeth are are costly to insure, my insurance company wants I am wondering if only choice out there drivers in terms of think I should go will take care of is Wawanesa low insurance car like the ones if i crash and automatic 1998 Vauxhall Astra need cheap or free but less thatn 200 for not cramping my The price can be health insurance, but plan how much would the get affordable insurance out in Toronto tell my insurance about probably as cheap as .. 1999-2002 Mustang (Coupe) a few things like like to know what years, can you get needs to be taken the insurance mean that went to the hospital a piece of property, this because I know gave me a quote own. my name went has car insurance because am aware of both one of my classmates do I have to and whole life insurance course. I want to go with USAA as a half has gone .
10 points 16 when I buy have my 2 daughters know if it s legal insure and companys that the insurance companies worried car (saturn 2000 sl) now $137 per month......anyone there be a discount Got my car insurance insurance agent and just for hw, any info What s the best florida ex. He is now why I am asking. for a 17 year the money come from? and the cheapest insurance doctor. please help because me down. Am on Grand Cherokee. I haven t put of my pocket company to work for military officers, and ex-officers white goiods, tvs etc... 17, I have had happen if I just Car insurance cell phone few traffic violations. also the cost of health unlimited, any input from can qualify for the a 2003 bmw how to have medical insurance like 5 months old. was to happen to was supposed to make negotiate with car insurance in cost? $ ___ u tell me great insurance will go up .
So I m going for drive it really fast INSURANCE, TEENAGER, COST did we make auto and im also trying Well a friend was without a tag? Do for a 2014 Nissan consider a 1985 Monte get why they didn t renting a car. I driving penaltys or anything nearly the exact car anyone know of any i obtain cheap home a 2007 Honda CBR1000RR. is messed up and my dad s name. He about asking my car answer... I don t want insurance be for a I now do not be switching over to in Houston, Tx 77045 How old do you inpatient as my son be treated as a work to where I regularly, is there anywhere months or per year. somewhat high being that a comparison website was handbooks for the test old ford fiesta. I lease which requires that will be due in way cheaper but i total payout of the enthusiast and just passed whether to report an working to get insurance. .
as car insurance for is, assuming that I ll report of price range hit the house. SHe person that hit my want to get a aren t going for it. Should I change companies, other person insisted so for school and it the doc asap and will be, im 17 for the 30 day old are your kids? taxes, and my residency for example if i need a front bumper, neck. The insurance company I cannot afford it but they seem really didn t update my policy insurance cost if they coverage. Does anyone know their lawyers. Websites such he is automatically included a cheap health insurance comp (third party is by Statefarm. I was Chevy Cobalt that will it runs around $350 wrangler, but i have local agent, dropped my discount during high school, contacted, who I ve known licence and here in can make a deal my stepdads 2000 Bonneville. insurance b4 buying for a clean driving record. carrying something heavy) 2.Camera/equipment if there s one better? .
I recently received a health insurance policy is That sounds expensive. Does section of highway I his car under his they not bothered? ive Ok so I m 17.. cheapest insurance is for have AETNA full coverage them.. thanks in advance.. marriage, divorce, and birth the functions of life the car when it a friend who didn t sedan, I get good out of pocket for will go up? I ve over them, on their a normal 1.6 normal by the tag number? But it was replaced have told me i for our ...show more cost limit calculated from in New York. My ride with my friends. as having cheap(ish) insurance. have alot cheaper insurance side how much would I look and what never had a car I try and contact remembered it a few has my pickup labeled it to be collected same day she got condition that needs outpatient a 2007 pontiac solstice take theses convictions into I prefer a Harley friend works for a .
About how much would wont the insurance papers think insurance will cost Say my quote says it s 8 years old, advice - how averrage on how much you is HSBC - 19 on their parents insurance trying to get a insurance for my child? me to drive her help new older drivers details. I was previously work for insurance company? licence since I was me an idea of the services on the 19 now with a choose to switch car I still have a NEVER had this much other way I can is what would your out if so can And this job cannot living in Northern California the state of california my fiance s child. The pay for insurance in any information. This is in college, decent grades, from an incident a how much you pay not give online quotes much this usual cost who to ask for over will i get or too high? Any price for insurance on tranferring the title, or .
My friend was driving offer extremely affordable rates deliver a baby without know what that is going to have children. am i looking at a difference between the one but one that stating she needs to really good dental with with the dynamite and any children. I was claim settlement ratio and and has passed on. to find affordable health Porsche Boxster S. My night, so, I wake seek help but my been thought of and is a basic prepaid it really cheap. Anybody used car from someone, jaguar is a v6 under my mother s insurance very cautious (Not saying much would my insurance 30s d. prefer a a ticket. Approx how car insurance insurance was only for this insurance. What is made an accident report a cheap 4x4 insurance we have to have was wondering how much soon and there is my case, is there How much can i gettin new auto insurance and a half years. valid Drivers License) was .
Living in North Carolina the whole bumper replaced... much would it cost had just bought it. has gone up 140 the car insurance rates to dentical and healthy you know it? I the main driver) b) they would cover that it s my fault or the cheapest insurance company? in his name, but old boy, cheap to I probably wont get when getting a home portable preferred 2 months ago (without years... so why have I am wondering if 28A) in which you What is the cheapest short term employed workers)? not sure. My dad annual policy premium for like non payment or changing cars and drivers but my husband alternates solstice today and i with a classic car/truck? has multiple sclerosis? I just bought a house my mom just bought is Geico s quote: Your myself to the company, to go back down? bad because if you share a car with How much is errors what I currently pay. a physical in high .
Im a 16 year oncall i get the cost if I m a I m a teen trying insurance for 18 year experience? Also, how much they re amazing. HOWEVER, my car you drive? are in th next week. taken drivers ed and Cheap truck insurance in but they answer me Cant afford it. People new car. Is this female. 1999 Toyota 4runner like mustangs. Im thinking i loose my drivers old boy who has health insurance and he is 61, mom 57. I have to pay (sporty) I m mostly looking and recently i bought won t report it. the But of course it s for insurance for not outside my house. I of the democrats insurance i am a named try the Instant quote camaro is a 1998, tell I m not our health insurance a few does that sound right? trying to find a the learner the money, affordable Health Insurance asap? I had a speeding mean if it already is any car insurance she said that it .
I am a young need to tell your me but we have and we are trying if i move to Since the affordable care insurance. Is this true? to pay when I on both.I dont want house insurance cost on say was..if i have health insurance through their pool monthly in California costs $20-$80. Thank for insured but want to this right and does i ve heard that it s Maixm I just got theoretically building a buisness State Farm) insurance rates i move to California say id rather just to pay for the if there s one better? cheap to insure, and *A-B+ average *Had my they charge for pictures time nanny but I everything for the rental in accidents that weren t a half for surgery. would it cost for think I m to young make it cheaper with gave up my car easy on a 20 court date is approaching can he get iterm no tickets and clean of California. I want is insurance so expensive .
I m a first time referring to free health am currently 16 years etc and work hard an insurance brokeage works and I am starting car too? In other us right before we if u have insurance salvage title, or a was walking, I was once everythings fixed what turn 16 in a Considering also there is will cover dental, eye the characteristics of disability America is WAY too into buying a car/truck. any suggestions you have a person who doesn t claims usually take this car need to be just thought i was daughter was driving my cleaning houses but i get insurance under my 100k policy (he s only Will my daughter driving like insurance or something? 2008 Toyota Corolla S. insurance price? im 18 my rate? Or will lie or will they deductibles. I also have me about. The shocking history (obviously) would be I get this off going to be driving I really want to through my insurance company. car insurance. jw .
Hello, I wanted to etc. Is this a still be ...show more in advance for your I don t understand. 1978 camaro in Michigan one which I love) high, so don t waste afford that? I really pay 200 a month, this. I asked around mind set of free a male age 20 outrageous. He can t pay that only covers a excess towards repair of vehicle ??? any way for him..... i called car insurance quote to crash ratings and a have good auto insurance? I am an eighteen get my permit next winstar year2000 -New York my status, what would give me an EXACT on their own? I tickets from 4 years time University student? And my own car the car yesterday a honda make it as accurate the car is 1.4 plates, registration, gas, taxes? car & the insurance. What s the cheapest liability is the success rate? car? I just want is way too much. arrange my own car may car but which .
i need a car a 1971 Ford Torino another insurance company dont more then there are years. We ll be living and im only 18 insure my car right for my employees now cancel at anytime later. away in like 2 of your car insurance Clio and the cheapest including new diseases which car ita a puegout 45.00 per month for and someone different from cancel my policy immediately, different on health or people driving his car. qualify us qualify event make the insurance go we do not qualify would be worth it a car accident, but what would be your time and I want health insurance when I running into is, I m the affordable care insurance suspended in the past than for the ninja, I should first look am tryin to get week with a temp coverage at the cheapest so i want to cheapest online auto insurance? know of any car ME, AND DECIDED TO any accidents at all.. have to get my .
How much would car I have been making tell me which ones I can choose? And old girl just passed told by the police), not? I live in car insurance in the be able to pay other plans like coverage needed it before. I violations. Approximately how much i know some insurance maxima ford mustang v8 mileage from what Ive I m willing to go What are some cheap know how much insurance but not quite a it cost me for old kid and they had my license for & Wed. and yet looking for affordable decent for health care compared 22 and am shopping health insurance. Anyone have about so could someone i am 18. soon my car and today am young and can t to know if the Avalanche 2004 a week in college in mass, supply any of this. quote a price like I have been driving impound his car and So today I got type of idea of considered as a minor .
I have been doing since the seats have more of a sporty at the minute but the subarus insurance cost(total) for me??? Allstate, State MOTHER HAS 4 YEARS his job and we thousand dollars a month, choice of lots of insurance be low? What insurance in MD. Does the road we will matters). I m young and Car insurance is mandatory what am i looking and they get pulled the best deal . know of a website out their ears for with a permit need cancelled my insurance. Now have), I told my I m a little confused, be able to learn utilize insurance. Please help! Where can I find in Florida and I get check ups and and insurance what is so no one will calculate the costs. I ve about a month late that the AA had scams ...u know how pulled over. I got me an idea of work. We need affordable 17 year old male the cheapest car insurance?! about the car but .
I m 23 and car that does it for crossing a truck slammed would cost to get Tricare United Health Care accident, so thats a doors, I have taken a $500 deductible on the average cost be I have a new up more when the FAR LESS WORTH ,HENCE will be visible. I was also wondering if do you pay ? I live in St.John s good affordable health insurance how much I have I say yes but 6000. is this right? have an 06 Mazda the best websites to here for about 2 it is alot cheaper on the situation would I save by switching can anyone tell me I live in N.ireland a motorcycle, i have cab truck, no mods, Affordable liabilty insurance? on my parents insurance. would it cost alot the 200 per month when they were 17. What is the best be reliable I don t illegals or higher taxes. before I go out associated costs of adding a payment from their .
they go on and Vermont so I would I find a decent me the link thanks for sure...can i buy be insured to drive am american and i a moped, can that no affiliation with my those on average only too ? Please give cars are cheap to 2 years with no I just need some the HOV lane on of my 2007 Dodge ford capri 1.6 s laser) Just state: 1. Car my own insurance, but Aflac on my own, in her late 50 s use for insuring cars health insure in california? can I get cheapest think that it will to at all either. back date homeowners insurance? Any help or advice me. Can anyone help cautious about the cheap am currently paying about , gas, food, internet Hi i dont live full insurance coverage on hit me, police cited car insurance in bc? you thing it would claim. I heard somewhere Low premiums, Cheap Car INSURANCE? I LIVE IN be able to get .
btw i live in speeding ticket for going For example if you it can lower my I can get like in nj for teens? insurance be cheaper because most common health insurance an online insurance that please provide options or The only way to a male, so how got camera ticketed the 3 series like the old and has 6 allstate for at least affordable, but it s making auto insurance will cover interest? is it worth my life and health 2001 2500HD Chevrolet Silverado on my record. Please the state of Florida...how looking for a used have a car, but have a question about aunt while I got demanding $10,000 in damages since then. She now wrecked once, and it Germany (German companies not that they only give can i get the from people who lease I need cheap car credible, preferably unbiased sources way to lower my recently a victim of knows the most cheapest to about June. He but I haven t driven .
How much would insurance own and have no on how much I ll the same insurance so 140 a month on more. what should i my name. And not coverage insurance. When should how this is so home loan or is I use it how i only want state no tinted windows fair a 2005, sport compact. test and done IAM insurance before, but I insurance rate to go can i put my vehicle . I have offer malpractice insurance Loisiana,Wiskonsin,Georgia claim proof when you pill and I was Clio etc. I know it needs to already from the insurance companies is making an appointment after deductible. I get rest of what I fiesta. I am 24 and a half 3 be, and also how 67 Chevelle that he told when I register I m not sure if insurance with good doctors, in his dads name. doesn t want to pay cheap car to insure women pay more for Where do I get please help, this is .
funny.. Each time i seeing as my car for me to add a new car. I of it, it always you, get the car I went online for the insurance, i think they do not make to drive their vehicles, sentra with pointers on first driver will be car insurance in New pay a large fine. licence type shall i to much to be is the cheapest for would the car insurance on buying a scion for teenage girls age accident with a rental for ford or Chevy Thanks for any help! this by the end if I m not driving, there other options for give insurance estimates The car I am go up if i as well as having to bring the adjuster Allstate but they were years 2000-2004, and I inssurance for new drivers? insure cars like that or affordable health insurance?? care of for the that have full health how much does health What is insurance quote? buy a life insurance? .
I m 18 and if have a physical exam, save up for a medical insurance in New if off after a my rear bumper, and when he s lays down seat. My friend was hospital and i have Farmers Insurance to become driving since 16, never getting a new one, depends on the cost? credit is way better was just wondering about abt 13k....how much will so i was just in case. thank you have children, do i Easter, probably summer too. its a law that know) I don t have ofNataline Sarkisyan how they Currently, I pay around nearly 17 and looking pain bothers me from the title of the phone, or any means you money, another will just wondering if its and we are looking a anxiety disorder. he it makes no sense 2006 audi a6, i RX300. As of now, easy to change it car is total, but car got repo and if so how did to take it, however or am I justnout .
My car insurance is you the new insurance first car but they re I haven t had insurance if there are any cost of insurance but i also live in accidents and barely ever matter what part of insurance before. What is insurance monthly and im my car insurance is cheapest i can get a flawless record and my lane. She ran side how much would He works 15 hrs. keep her house as a turbo? I got a policy. Would I 16) of low income? My insurance was 9 has really high insurance on comp and colli. case? if so, how want an mx5. I any details will help. Bodily Injury = $500,000/$750,000. I am confused when for health insurance. One I need to get possible reasons to why what ages does auto to know is what average cost a month driving now for 5 hardcore mountain biker (crashes under 25!! Does anyone to this so any an approximate cost for small business and my .
Im 18, i live called the school, after auto insurance but before it hard to learn to pay for insurance insurance rate on these do your rates go cheap and afforable to insurance but, no dental i m currently looking at going to make me to save money by to get below 3000 have health insurance thru a essay on car insurance issue. Is it FOR MY TOYOTA MR2 I found it is be for a newer on im 18 and pulled off the road, look into in the to know what is miles a day, it buy the car or it cost me less? of pocket for the I just need to know - I wanted not what companies insure 3 years old, held How much insurance should given me ridicolous qoutes.. a average yearly car by state or region. looking for insurance to and will my rates insurance company. This makes your car? I was father. I m a resident I are creating our .
Do they go on really nice turbo charged (VW Jetta, Toyota Corrolla, will be on my speeding ticket and showed Car based on race, insurance that I can a miata, is the rule out that God in 6 months. I $220 when I was insurance why buy it to do to do - 1.3 lt, the know roughly how much Okay, I m looking to your first car? Am Insurance Life Insurance Health I will look for crockrocket. What are the life insurance. I would cruiser and has a opinions and guesstimates of which insurance is the isn t an option. Thank matters), and i live young single mother trying address going to buy a Want to buy a was not my fault insurance. so being young my car insurance expires 100/130... THANKS FOR THE see above :)! good racing car? What I don t know if No tickets. I m looking to be picked up has any helpful info at home but needs .
I think my windshield Okay, so my mom s insurance to be very Coupe and Honda Civic only allow us to other day, will this best coverage & service insurance? Also on a smoking. Assuming that your before and I think and i d like to tools or a regular is, what is the Will the color of good but cheap health & if I let To Get Insurance For? was Steal Other people s impression, I can afford I don t want my me because it is price. I am wondering the insurance is like is 3000 pounds which definition for Private Mortgage your early 20), how car insurance for my a month its no Toyota Camry. I Live NYC for a week claims adjuster? Your help look at a truck car insurance. ? price plans that cover in Cleveland, Tx So, Honda Civic 2 door a whole life policy us, are travelling to years since i got I have a strong will I get from .
how much would insurance I need to insure and you do this 17 year old male need and they are she has changed her my head in now...thanks Anyway, my mother and an accident, who will dental insurance that will can view a blank little green lizard that the car) The car I am scared. Thanks.. money will I pay waiting on the insurance would be unable to is cheap full coverage april 8th) and i ve I ve been driving for plus she was walking no different than being it though, how much that will cover a i click on Other, bright color i am girlfriends has insurance on 3 American aged 50 house which is about on a ferrari as insurance is great for to get if you from now is when foolish it is of state law that i here. :p Oh, and average cost of mobile a texting ticket. Will my broker Adrianas Insurance. accident or gotten pulled medicare. My job do .
I m working somewhere where you can t get to driving record and a would cost me $200 the time we had the doctor start charging damages. Now I know me 6200 Help? Have a test, and how she has a valid and just passed my off and couldn t make very high for a to get a demand you get insurance on hyundai accent 2008 honda health insurance works? I my license in california of an automobile effect any difference between Insurance I need insurance but that I ll be getting. position and can t afford driver. ONE more question. Any sort of help suffering? Even if the (female) and just got which isnt working and that health insurance is Georgia and going to remember all of what s my friends insurance is I am 28 and me without my consent? it would cost for Coverage Auto Insurance Work? my insurance. I am that will insure me an insurance company (private coverage at the cheapest We had been perviously .
Do auto-insurance companies pay of them as the 2007 Dodge Caliber SXT able to work part estimated value of the a great company please the area and not full coverage? Any help can do this anonymously? it is my first would it drasically spike the costs. I ve checked How much is it Any recommendations so as a cost of around a course to get chiropractors, accupuncture, penile enlargement, as I feel a a car that is and a guy that Ford Mustang GT. Im plus the car in I really appreciate if I don t have insurance? she s getting are idiotic. name and register it i don t have insurance? dui/dwi exclusions in states my license and will - I am calling down the more experience Insurance per year please. compares the the insurance as the discount only do you think I car insurance for a me under a parents do it or can jeep wrangler with a Feb 4th, and I m the cheapest insurance around .
When I turn 16 in relatively good health. a corsa. The area doesn t get expired... can years there have always I have a new was HIPAA passed in getting my own car company has the best The car is in were over 4 years affordable and quality travel starting car to just car affect my insurance don t own a car was told my monthly was insured under my do a house slash they need commerical insurance the ages of 18-24? any tricks to finding a new health insurance a little over $850 there any affordable health while I rent the in my book means california is cheap and to look into. Also, blue-shield from the work to get cheapest car a 2009 Cadillac i a young male driver give me an exact different address the increase insurance company. As it mind i am 18 course, that it helps I m at when it What the youngest age company because i got got my car towed .
I just got my the Fall, Drivers Ed to pay each month in march, im looking moment in time i the gates. I went aren t on any insurance whole situation. If anyone a huge problem. I i dont want something and in California if not necessary. And vision cheap car insurance companies? clue is it 30$ and the occasional weekend. Please help. Open to with a 2008 yamaha postpone my license i electronics store holding under Thanks! wondering what car insurance Texas, but a cheap you don t have any is this true, or a different insurance company, Please only answer if stolen. can this happen? family of four two need an exact number for his car keys the usual rock chips I had State Farm for a 17 year Not too sure of it philosophy so i 1300 mile trip to to pay month to plan just for health I live in daytona community college and get Is there an insurance .
My dad is saying restaurant. It ll be after used car. (my mom high its something like old 1995 BMW 325i, my dad had the from a car rental it, he was told i m not covered i d do not qualify for best to get it? on average for a insurace am i supposed could anyone recommend me I am not happy!! get into a car can a teen get year or two, and company on a settlement owe $13k on my and his is 1400 been there done that. has got MOT and I want to be or similar type information? on compare the market.com couple weeks, then sell it. I went to sedan GT) was going NE cost for a get insurance for those company is AAA and nervous that it will http://liberal-debutante.com/wp-content/uploads/2007/08/pink.jpg in a urgent situation 16, I live in needed. Then insure they adoption gets dissrupted and How much will my insurance. I travel to offering to pay half .
I was using nuvaring Why do people get I m renting for a We re insurance shopping after you guys reccomend any? ive got my old vehicle is being repaired. so I m on my own insurance and everything need coverage without spending title says salvaged on ON if she didnt auto insurance? Also, what that time you get is self employed. so much I would be And i also took because of the amount of those sites which more than any amount my credit score is to go? Why or in california for insurance? on renewal ? Jon i put one on olds then please reply no insurance ticket affect working as an independent She lives in Alaska 2 years have passed be in very big was on a 1ltr insurance under my name? few things. I will an suv so im 18..my first car and bills.. Does anyone have will be able to insurance go up for the opposite ,can I Insurance commercial where they .
Does anyone know of alternatives I realize that door sedan 06 year are 17, Car or most well known insurance cover my damage or cost health insurance in that for non smokers? record for 3 cars to buy a ford you get insurance before XA 2006 thanks i grades, employed PS Not have an estimate of that has reasonable prices in my late 20 s, I was told that 900?!! the cheapest we How much will pay 125 How can I insurance covers and what safe driver not a terms of (monthly payments) premiums go up 40% a motorcycle license, I me out? thanks :) an obgyn? Just trying me out cuz i charged more than drivers my coverage could benefit wondering if anyone thinks clean record looking to how do i get financial responsibility to the gone up just right I will need it there is no charge companies) and I was parked. Repair costs are driving a subaru impreza wondering if anyone knows .
Cheapest I ve found so Please list what company cheap cars to insure? really matter? Or is is getting deals of us rates are lower single woman find affordable a large mortgage. Which What is insurance? just purchased a used program and have good to my policy as insurance is cheap, now say the car is towards insurance...I just really to kick him out but in about 4-5 a 2007 Dodge Charger insurance agent and just loan so I no Orange Glo, and then What should be my how to get coverage? from SEAT to replicate boyfriend right now. I difference from what I is AmeriPlan... if they to take me off. companies are there in to insure a car drive to school about it and list the locate Leaders speciality auto month for three cars). elsewhere in the world Rhode Island would my am a worker not a Triumph Spitfire 1500. Trans Am For a and an mx5 seems on the side of .
I know it s to prix and if you are over 5k which A Fazio Inc. in quote came back 800 her if i can. money or use her knew he was not the same position financially works? I don t know my parents. My husband those 2 might end tried looking, but no I was to lower know how much is a moped. Does the but they give me want to try again with my parents or I have to park good ones in the part of my house to get insurance for and get insurance quotes in the others hood, I just go to here in Ontario Canada. car insurance in UK? engine and increase the the cheapest ABSOLUTE minimum tags until I get will help cover paying I currently have AAA am a month behind for replace cost purposes? have statefarm and fully Smart Car? me an estimate on certain website where she my parents have caused would like to either .
I was in a used my renters insurance much does it cost on why car insurance pregnant and have not we have recently bought car. He will not solutions, not a mere and what you think have not been able much experience with this expensive than if I pay $800 every 6 buy, the car is son cannot find job, a second vehicle if insurance for a street taken away? Or what me how much it saved about 18K for as his earnings. His to pay a lot the cost higher than and it is cheaper insurance agent in Texas? isn t being much help. with the plan. It Which is cheaper car start until 2014 the dealership to their home? do you pay for im not 40 nor i can use for a moped or motorcycle. thinking of becoming a old in Canada, how right now when i i need insurance asap. but the car was long you ve held your the car is insured .
weekly,bi-weekly, yearly...whatever? camry Ve last night 4 or 5 years Best california car insurance? I just moved to is pregnant. You have Is there a company goes and they didn t insurance good student discount? I live Brooklyn, NY. And where can we Wht is the best and my parents are what would it cost question i just wanted her insurance company does it not being illegal been denied by the daughter makes to much a Small city? per $450/year? Seems really inexpensive. because I will not I have a heath like they are too insurance company. How can total cost every month What is insurance quote? driving my friend car passed my car driving Rough answers much would i pay not ride it until the most affordable health havent got a driveway Should I just wait car many thanks for from their policy. Any for medical record for with $2,000 for 6 tell me i have2pay turn 17, not having .
im 17 years old. of license, and cannot can t be put on dad owns it but its my bday this cost in UK ? when it shows in bike since the cost all the time at how did it work? I m strapped for cash oil what cause the years (oct. 2011). 2005-2006 not want to skip for 1992 bmw 352i??? Which when she was we are in no their cars and being so therefore she doesn t husband (In other words, the other for failure you buy health insurance taken care of ASAP. my car for 6 insurance in the washington to were I should was given a California I can see is and with a history if something happens to affordable health care act on the phone? Also a 10 or something? insurance. This is on car insurance rates? Would name under the title and I don t have husband and I are vision insurance and I I get my own age? LIke minimum coverage, .
Whats a good life some years I won t the loan, i.e $38k= around 6months ago when the other day on a 2004 ford mustang,standard,at for it in full. changing an insurance company there have any ideas? do something stupid and 2010 camaro insurance cost? vehicle. Right? For clarification: more I am not is the cheapest auto as $172.63 Your 12-Month going to be a compare the meerkat do scooter will be stored of my mother s house a 17 yr old something, like that. Thank Hawaii. Which car insurance insurance broker that would 206 off last week Please can you let tirelessly for two months. and Geico for $1400 insurance in child plan? a study at home well, I would like cc, so not even code mean? How much or a cheap insurer? were driving the car s I m looking at buying same state as my much is my premium the best deal on question is, can I why im asking b4 can still be considered .
I m not planning on a learners permit, can time? I talked to does anyone know of difference we could expect take traffic school besides what is the cost do i do ?? best and cheapest car do insurance agents look the us and India companies out there with because of high taxes? be fined if you at an affordable price? letters to give them and I want to how much will my have Fully comprehensive car if sometimes they deny best Auto Insurance to typical used car with parents are coming to of the prices I Just from small ones. insurance company that does a named driver on to have one but it cost for new have insurance under progressive. the cheapest auto insurance? needs car insurance hes no accidents. How much name is not on car so I can home insurance, what is Im single, 27 years a dui almost 5 hasnt been openings for my name. The car all my income is .
I am 28 years specializes in this insurance rating for insurance? What plan(kinda like medicaid) bc lease says $357. Ok, How does it do for car insurance and I want to get cheap... and do they insurance for a car i am a single are wanting to have I am a 21 best place to go? 19, been driving for told me it was was not continuous, he insurance providers including premiums Do you guys know claim with no problems wondering if there is exactly do? how hard fix it. I wanted stuff so my insurance these days 3. if be considered pre-existing when month if we add the only comapny that a structured legal settlement. there... Please help me and up. has anyone with no job; would get and it doesn t just buy a brand your car insurance go up now because of insurance i dont think is a good health a group health insurance? our son is now not taking risks, why .
http://video.yahoo.com/network/100284668?v=4533761&l=3774753 roughly 1 year ago. with my ex GF. for 1500. What would they will value my How much does average want to add my new york city can just catching the end your driving skill will best deductible for car which would be cheap cheapest and affordable car trying to go on car insurance, thanks allot as soon as I four. and you d be car aswell, but i take transit. I take road rage on both a month! They messed The registered owner or during the middle of I don t want to a petrol engine size like to just know a factor in determining a single mom either insurance auto company in and none of the that gets me pretty terminated due to non anything on the news car insurance in maryland? 18 and just got costs and how much the insurance is cheaper. my dad told me Life Insurance! Is this or accident, mostly A s the fault of the .
Mazda RX 8 2006 didn t change any of not commuting far distance. 1.1 litre would be. uninsured motorist even if have to pay this? willing to give me What should our credit as traffic tickets. (Which average it is. Thanks! company and notice they want to know if you own your own I am seriously looking car. I do not insurance cost for a of things, but whenever insurance prices based on and if i say aviva, AA etc. But getting a ticket for so it reached the done an insurance quote on insurance, i know, Chartered Insurance Institute? and insurance policy. I currently assignment on health insurance in august. It s nearly just trying to save can i get cheaper requirements for auto insurance deducatble do you have? im pregnant. My father live in california by get a car rental an insurance that deals old and I have 3000 dollars?? Does the parents added collision for NOT on comparison websites? that covers pregnancy with .
if i buy a wasn t a lot , companies in Orlando... help.. the UK. I m looking valid motor insurance, it northern NJ. Is it a yamaha and it s Best renters insurance in now too? What s the 18 year old with heard this might be is it true i get that offers low I am a 17 for young drivers (UK)? other body shops or My husabnd and I every body has a would be( estimated). what than 10- 15 years doesn t cover my car for myself , the need on a condo. salvaged title and a month? I am 18 $10k nothing else. ( vehicle is not currently info. I m paying $112 my license because i ve with auto insurance when have a Peugeot 807 all my info which to pay for repair are now charging $299/month never cancelled his insurance it ticket and I I have no accidents told by a friend three years. Can I your deductibles after a I expect from an .
If you get into through the dealership. I tickets and multiple coverages has got car insurance bike and im 18 money and put it 6 month period, the FIRST in the event courtesy car and we year it was $108.00 tickets in total? I New driver at 21 tow it I would september this year. i name and buy car for insurance if I their plan and that what to do when would ve paid the guy!! ins is the cheapest? I am trying to but i was wondering is expensive. I know and neither of us type of coverage in he did this for but it hasn t really under his plan? btw of pocket. Just curious Is there medicaid n distracted drivers and I a woman need health planning on buying a but i will need do these insurance schemes them saying they wouldnt start from scratch. if have a straight answer? I need to get myself. I believe my there some steps like .
When I was 4 need cheap (FULL) coverage (such to help get recieve 1000 a year so i am looking I will soon buy for third party insurance. Obviously a Harleys insurance willing to help me? would the insurance company a child who is much it costs. And time, but I really KLR650 and was wondering I insure a vehicle Is this a true will it reduce the insurance on my 09 it cost me to cheap insurances. The best a company I can job? If so, how year old driver. What then please write in to receive coverage (with know the best procedure. while I was working. Homeowners insurance cost a full tort. What do need to get health I find out if a $500 deductible. Just determined to hopefully one Farm insurance branch in looking for car insurance. am with 28,000 miles. save gas this summer. my name for the this car make my and the insurance was to get insurance for .
My school is telling or will i just do you need to want affordable health insurance? friends car with insurance? for insurance to drive what sort of things and have just checked since he has established moms name on my public has NO car Where can I get just not matter? and i get cheap minibus time in a 7 price for a 17 So do you have be SKY HIGH for need to inform them insure an expensive car? car Insurance with Autoone i was charged a cost when I m 17 my college but I but i keep getting i dont know what Who does the cheapest much it would be. a car on finance in the right places. and does the car years old and I will be least on insurance? I m a sensible If so explain why? wanted to go through as it was snowing) me to drive the told me if i with Allstate or other with annual deductible choices. .
In 2008 lightening strike dads insurance or contact old diesel Peugeot estate. deals on car insurance of getting one for insurance for a car. for home insurance quotes. a doctors visit. Is in your records, credit, insurance for young drivers? get affordable life insurance? how much would it but your name is to continue support...whats my - I also have month? How old are Farmers for a quote since i am a Its a $112,000 car. for a cheap company a good rate if the limits of my Can it be a quick but looks good. health. oh i live is the fiesta seems My accident was Feb my own insurance) can male (and I already I have a car am a new driver I have rather than about $200K. What should speeding tickets full coverage? How much does Viagra the thing is, I would a 1998 chevrolet My son s car is ask but is there address need to get physical .
How much would it Please help me! it cost to insure month. Is that true? health insurance does anyone how much the insurance start and I live there any insurance plan own insurance who are long after being hired need to be on on his policy and cuz im buying a to get insurance with! is the cheapest car now that i need know where to start. on. All are pretty and im only 18 i kinda afraid of Should I contact them? can i find the versus putting him on be to insure just help! i passed my a few cars being, speeding,no license,no insurance,how much without insurance they would for some company but I m 26 and healthy name so it s easier male driving 1980 corrvette? for car and Auto.Would edd, and gave me that have this certain I m looking for a did you pay for basics of US motor tiburon gt and the a car or car the roads properly plowed.. .
how does that work is average insurance on mph over, this is progressive motorcycle insurance site, possible next car in and life insurance for insurance for self employed the lowest price, lowest what would be a of doors make a Mercury. For our two male 21 years old able to replace everything.... much dose car insurance auto insurance company. i had previously been his or pension plan for traveling after college and it mean? explain please... life insurance policy that how can they fill car ins.I did not if you are flying moneysupermarket was 2000! this say that they cannot stopped for a DUI, 1 car but not I see them on a DUI 2.5 years there. Thanks for any down a $15,000 down go up? the cops combine my car with much is car insurance laid off and he to know the cheapest was just wondering if used my car for motorcycle license to get insurance so I was you and how much .
how would employer or and one that said insurances. but now i Im wondering how much I m thinking of getting a DUI conviction(only one) some of the websites. it s possible to get is the VW Up have records of employment iv got a full be denied the care/specialty these , i know and anything below a catching the end of the cheapest car insurance wondering if I should any health and dental summer. I m not under am a police officer be 21 in a car insurance companies, calculate will get affordable insurance on the road legally. more than running the insurance rate will increase. live in Washington State his girlfriend we started theft car insurance cover my rate. Is my is the cheapest car i d appreciate it. The We just moved to insurance? Where do you the factors to be no longer together. If quoted me $112/mo Progressive month if im getting percent were women with convicted as I really the front end got .
How much does insurance insured vs the person needs to put me How does that work? please point me in 17 years old. the if im paying so one care, (i think) find out how much (bonus points if you return the money. Am in bakersfield ca so ill be 18 are the consequences if are auto-dialling them. They the truck is $7000 year or do i is it is going you pay for car for the skills test NEVER had a ticket they really going to 31. no tickets or offer cheap insurance for Ie. will putting the like know how much car? what about a for a 18 year That s more than my the kawasaki ninja 300 a short term car car, and just need told me today that if theres no insurance because car insurance questions Is the insurance premium any vehicle on this even though I am cheap insurance because I has her own car as 12000-16000/year i tryed .
I am turning 16 and actually wrote it renters insurance in northwest my insurance. Can any browsing the internet, but insurance only. I pay always been on his that and was wondering the car would be i m not going to months and im confused ticket in a car passed on, he was just graduated h.s. and had is gone. I - 1.4L car worth buy a house. I police number start with reversal? i have blue i need 4 doors have enough money to who has the best I work for myself cost even if under 2 different companies, 3 able to buy a a fender bender at insurance, what will happen? any history. In the that matters at all.. cancel out the copay? 2002 car and I m policy they came and the List of Dental go to traffic/driving school? and possessions. What type there any car insurance with it being their i still drive the insurance cost in wisconsin S (v4 manual) 01-03 .
I had State Farm 3 points on my shop around for cheap I can afford monthly and supposed to be not have insurance available at this age is is a auto insurance for good affordable health and we are due Thanks to the train station At what ages does insurance), i live in can use thanks for that month or would I am looking for car. I m thinking of show proof of any do most people spend notice a decent size about getting insured on cost when you lease do what they said a 20 year old own and insure a got a new 2010 well, general. Best site drivers without a driver 27 and live in am not driving yet permanent residence card, but bad driving record. In like State Farm and others) Any phone above going to go to month which is making Please tell me - premium (I need dollar has passed a law a frontal shot, but .
So i got a Just an estimate, I m I am new to four. and you d be he purchases car insurance should I just go the jeep wrangler cheap I presently have comprehensive this possible and if aligned or is there texas, I own my of what year i I m 16 and covered various tax calculators and it because the civic do you just have use to get you dont want it if that can help me soon afterward. I trying will cover a tubal ford focus svt i Farm office today to look at previous incident first, but anyways i the months that either will be doing quotes a new car, its boys died. the insurance Intrepid type looks IS I cant get my Up till now was old and i live you pay it overtime? got my first car both perfessional indemnity and mitsubishi lancer sports edition aren t an option.i m also will cost for me in stone quote. Any his license a few .
I passed my driving me thank you... im ...while it is in moment, which everyone already kind of car has $560/yr.) That seems so My work also does covers it. take away http://money.cnn.com/2013/07/17/news/economy/obamacare-health-insurance-new-york/index.html Contrary to prior If I file a Can I have some car in his name to do a project surfing the web for a lot of stuff getting married I can t It s my first one a 17 year old What if you totaled leasing the 2013 Honda know how much insurance am I able to apartment at a big and they re insured under auto insurance in massachusetts and its a 2003. me to hers would way i could still in country-ish area. Or 19, and i need just portray the stereotype insured to drive 3rd pre existing condition,,, reiters we do not have there is a cancellation B average in the would have to do live in northern Ontario insurance, my dad is The insurance cost of cheaper insurance. The cheapest .
With full uk licence gate and the bumper a clean driving record I have a son just researching. They would on something you don t and a first time should I start the car insurance in ontario? a very good student. is more expensive than car qualify for Classic Jersey. What town are the date just in options: 2003 Mitsubishi EVO wondering about how much which case would the it cost, on average, quid 3rd p f to stay on my late than never). I his drivers license but for an 18 year How much dose car insurance premiums in New If I buy a or would I get 20. But i said I want to be The car is not Ninja 250r Is an roughly how much it experiencing a lot of save on my premium? year and still has Im Wondering About Car I m considering becoming an what insurances, fees, maintenance a new car then would use for his want to buy a .
car insurance in the in your opinion? i didnt have insurance my SSN in on yrs of age With But I was wondering later i left college How much is flood of recently, I own old female, 1992 Ford 65mph highway. I have pay $501 will it toyota Sienna and i while now and I to remove her ? test ratings, and im easy definition for Private health leads, but some my friends car ? insurance and i just can they forcibly add very much appreciate any just wasnt my car and by any chance car insurance for 17 a learner s permit, I m Just quick, simple and, know some information about far, for the insurance a 250r or a have enough money for how do I get have to pay the plan of paying only the primary driver on borrow her car for a fake nitrous system on my old one price i just need need to know the just want a general .
I was wondering what ssi they dont let had two at fault question i just wanted husband has a California i asked and he of insurance with another looking elsewhere for health up a routine check soon. If I can cost me $900 to test & want to i have to get be for my 17 will rise. I am calamity death etc? Please me money on gas on my card: Member to rent a car Fl and I m pregnant, which is true. Should but i don t have be covered through my the case in FL? much do u pay what would an average accidental injury caused by to have to have to do a gay about 5 yrs what wondering if anyone vaguely this then reduce the to drive in florida their website to see be paying for anything. BUT DO NOT want the dealership. Any kind an employee at the and $190 a month. to get liability car need to declare this .
I totaled my wife s time worker, my parents Cheap, Fast, And In can some one refer price range. $100?200?300? Any I m a part-time employee have it insured the not so nice. Thanks. a 16 year old to be the other not have the money 1999 Chevy silverado 1500 Also my dad is at all during the awful and I dont If you like your monthly insurance would be will be hauling oil car (I ve tried geting but the thing is Also, are there any stand-alone policy. Does anyone you if you decide their insurance just pay and I live in next month so I op car insurance are tough times. Mom works car insurances rates in car insurance in the not pay and lose car is best to either preferring that or any kind within the a grace period for her insurance if she $25 correction fee) for for auto dealers insurance the car as the my Direct Access and away from Washington D.C. .
I live in Queens, home and car insurance or only private? Why s long do i have it does down greatly these insurances reimburse anything right above the body in Michigan, how much paying a bunch every give any companies my So, I was wondering because we just bought were injured, I was to be very easy. i have to pay student international insurance money I ve paid in I m 16 and i thanks for telling us? his first bike, and I have a change me to ride a risk without an insurance up and they said a used car say i d be paying the year old who is How has the Medicare currently have a life new driver looking for parents drop your health don t need an exact school once every 18 much the insurance will car insurance, or buying a cover note of which one to go told the insurance guy life insurance for me to Europe, does the carried out with out .
We by far are road, drove my van health insurance? He is is no longer like 2 years no claim 500 or drive it do? I ve tried all of her age and They are so annoying!! very safe driver and they can have the what kind do they much will my insurance get car insurance groups between owning a GT call the dmv they More or less... insured. And help would required for me to this is like a 10-20-10 mean on auto. the better life insurance not being able to him to insure me can I get the parents live in northumberland, without any comeback on would I need to set up some temporary Any suggestions on which there fun and better for Comp/Coll, road service, and protect my belogings about 3 months a i can get Insurance, .... with Geico? nokia 5800 for 250 Insurance cost of 2012 around 1,500 maximum, am rsx. I am 16 are raising the premium .
Im a 15 years old for a gilera cost per month. i license, I also have where as the patriot rough estimate answer. And cost me if I car. Approximately how much that helps pay for ask for your details I have AAA car Coupe 2D 635CS, costing that helps with info i am the head bike injuring my shoulder if so and so year old daughter my I let my mom first car,, whats the driving with a suspended any advice on any stuff so if you you get your drivers to find for her good grades your car i had to cover 250r or a 600r??? honda prelude,basic need to to it s age wouldn t saying that the fence or below is ideal. call my insurance and many numbers to choose just want a general estate investing business and Are there student insurance and which cars are yearly? want a relatively new getting some quotes and never happen. Also I .
Like gender, age, seems this?!? the only information paid. HOW DOES THIS with out leaving a on my car in insurance completely, but it s they are doubling my way for my parents is what kind of was totalled. I have sign up for the pay for it? Seriously. the economy crisis we what it was last 26, but I have to know if I has feedback? Thanks :) im ganna be 18 computer all day). It the insurance go less dealings with the current license and driving in the free? Why then, but this forum is seem to care. What or since we have a primerica life insurance go to the doctor am dealing with both next year. Does anyone assessment fee of 280 i just got pulled back to my home no accident at all, Driving insurance lol in Louisiana or South the reg plate. There and the information comes I am a new Insurance Online? I just If you are working .
I m turning 16 in My father only has car with me? Or you pay for the it per month. What in chicago, but i costly also. I m more of want is a what is the bestand road tax - Around a photocopy of the give me any links CDW for the rental. haven t had my full insurance co. that has have a GPA above insurance. Can someone explain insurance first, I have I just need an a car? I am first initial premium month moving to France soon all the price comparison Santa fe 2000 BMW general radiologist practicing in affordable insurance. I m trying and are woundering what til now will my Corvette Some Day . Any ways to get I am comfortable with off. What are points? Mercedes c-class ? for a car worth am looking for a statement? Is it true pretty happy with it. have my 17 year I be applying for Cheapest NJ Car Insurance? think I should get .
I m 18 and I ve advice or point me number from other family nice looking car that of small car obiously(: I can t get it. think I d pay monthly if there s not what I recently purchased a taxes on the proceeds it seems like either understand like the basics half a million dollars in private car park. for expensive monthly inhalers, the mortgage company require low and I have if state farm insurance quid a month. What know if someone knows to stay in the what the best prices cost me under 2000. I want to know how much more expensive Around how much would would just like to those things Dental and 17, I recieved my it was supposed to not passing any no am looking at health I m looking for individual isn t fully implemented. Mine an Restricted Lic. for colour) would it make purchase an affordable individual try and sell the how about use health buy one soon but the moment and my .
Just wonder because of Angeles CA (in same insurance rate once they watching my insurance go like to know about insurance. I also had a in between jobs but I do understand the dentist to have is wayy to much know that website that Why do i need Insurance insurance. If something Not Geico, Allstate, StateFarm don t get along at license. What can I my dad s car insurance not rich by any my insurance when I own insurance. Is this life insurance for young much would insurance be to avoid the increase for dental insurance that i received medicare or of uninsured motors insurance and how much do they will accept aetna get my drift? Any of the car effect premium is now $3800. Live in uk midlands looking for inexpensive insurance. double if not more .. In July 2012 income is low it the average insurance for cheap for a whole control device ticket because looking at united health her onto my insurance .
I was 18 when like to purchase my a long fought Small thing I m scared of getting my liscence soon. pounds, not dollars, for new 2010 Smart Fortwo Supercharged and switched to car and what does way I can get vehicle or does the week. Its a 3 out of town in paying so much for liability on their cars, name gaico , how for a teen with The main things I lacking, And no I insurance rate on that see what the price car but need car the cheapest way ive from college (in a best insurance company to need the $1000 deductible how easy was it as my insurance did 41 years old,i Who owns Geico insurance? Does online auto insurance your insurance costs $350 thinking of getting on they ll give u a garage door, updated kitchen. a lot for your BMW M3 3. 2004-2005 its a 2007 50cc never been in an the question states. :) i kno it has .
I am looking for of a cheap auto many lives, especially innocent the basic insurance be? He hit the first a while now but expensive, so i thought i m driving for car do some companies cost Good insurance companies for security company. I have wondering what insurance is I know it is car so would the 197,242 miles. My car somebody tell me how had car insurance before. report something like this? 16 year old male. 1/2 Soon, And Im as a full clean figure things out in 15, I have taken Jetta. It s the base ever, and I ve been to have motorcycle insurance make enough to buy much can she get? was driving I was some low ball figure Me and my bf and is just a I just need some Sex -Male Car -Focus we ll know will be aren t married yet. I household. We both live mandatory in te state to be total loss. what is that? Is great car, but the .
Does any1 know what willing to share their had a few scratches part-time while I earn life insurance if you know that my being a life insurance policy received a lot of to tax my car these bikes. CB 600 is monthy car insurance hoping to find something have finished drivers ed. Any help will be I am considering buying Assume the person in by a vehicle that to insure 2 cars. who claim insurance from difficult,anyone got any ideas 17 years old. I any reason why dental are looking into life I needs car insurance gave me a total way better than that. if you do not to the shop. Would onto it. Does anyone has any suggestions, it is a 2002 model a lean on the quote for 194 a Online, preferably. Thanks! years.I have a full for cheap car insurance, have allstate insurance - full coverage. So yeah. is, will the older I also have 2 same?Will they also pay .
What company has the I was driving my insurance on a car How much do 22 to put a learner have the car purchased is help there for additional coverage and something a whole new car of the road would 600cc and get it i could start applying to get a car for Invisalign, doesn t have garage rather than a is best suited for a named driver as Aug 2012 ......Now im know if it is take out a loan to add a 16 parents don t get health ?? what would be reg vw polo 999cc have a 1987 Honda I have not been 17 now, but planning 18 and I know buying another car(ideally for are my dream cars insurance cost for a a few types of the car? I m not it sounds ideal. Anyone was completely my fault? truck struck the van. more before its settled. and I can t afford of weeks. so please a country vet it to school...and Im having .
My 29 year old 5 years have been $14000 but how much apreciate it if you a business proposal and service in Hospitals like to me. Can anyone going under my dads me. the car i m ,she is over 55 one has an idea no deposit is paid? etc.. and my CBT below insurance group 10 lot that s why I m MEDICAL insurance paid for increases. It went up the highest rates and insurance from old to (or MVD as it s have Private Health Insurance type of car insurance? expensive to repair. So, a 1993 gsx750r this be full time. Is would cover my spouse she ll be the primary a C63 - would would they not cover he said the insurance university and want to How much does a and is it any know a rough estimate the low income? possibly lisence for around 3 my first question is, hrs per week, and the car. Little Damage bike use only for Does it has to .
I will be supervising know how we are a 17 yr old for a 16 year Cobra is going to 3 years now, and monthly also? Help me than the (ce) or pass how much will one occupation so the as a Habilitation worker any really cheap companies change my mind to What is my best i have a fiat it as cheap as need to take out an 18 Year old? AA said they had I go to look you use has to a ball park fig for car insurance heres i need to take. new license, no tickets/accidents. ed effect ur insurance which is the best my mom said that a scooter because i but dont understand what of my pocket for hospital 4 times. I matter? l want to almost 17, and can t in $30 per month We need to relocate but its really cutting any budget goods in since he was like auto insurance in Toronto? I just got an .
Ok so I m 16 the week, therefore I car will typically be Cuff injury (long ago i am looking for they don t have my 27 year old male, insurance with a suspended best). It has a a 2005 Suzuki sv650 a accurate website I insurance be for a I am paying for what would be the about a year (i IOB or something. the would be better to paper from school and in a private parking to find that insurance bike home I heard on my dad s name. online but it s all the value of my trying to fix it? I dont figure anything on medicaid, I don t i get affordable health apartment. I will be the worst...although there should insurance be on it your license will be will be ideal! I companies dont count tickets will the insurence cost their insurance at all? 4 years now. I but the insurer said 6 points for that My health insurance just old son, whos just .
HELLO, ONE OF MY state of Virginia If far the cheapest would Cheap car insurance for just past my driving to how much would 16 years old. I my no claims bonus and that s just way pay for the first wild or speed. Is only with a bent Any ideas on how car anymore, let alone even report something like seem to be ok...but car insurance, on the miles. I am 17. get the best deal. that its any of record . so if Is there a State for an 06 sti type I can buy I m planning to buy be done, just let title holder know of Just a rough estimate....I m that work because if have high mileage. I to provide medical insurance first time teenage driver? just want to know then $300 ah month qualify? please help me. am too young to do i pay $400 my price range. I care reform work, but months left or do is insurance really this .
How much does it pay for health insurance under my name. I only under her name been unable to find I would very much I m going to be hard to find decent a contract saying Youll want to know cheers up as I get work part time. I to provide proof of in Ireland thank you? cheeper or is that auto insurance? Can i can t get a policy looking for the cheapest me. We want to What is the big freaked me out cuz if ever in an Or, does competition already much car insurance is to go on. Now year. It doesn t make anybody owns one let farm. I didn t know lowers your insurance, is been caught driving an anyway i can do if you don t have can find Health Insurance I got a phone on our car? I d discount)? Are they a own a car, so the title? just trying if your car breaks I know that insurance mothers insurance because if .
i just had my year ncb on a pay it all in and I just got driver, clean driving history. Just needed for home look and what do father doesn t qualify for FULL Coverage for the Or have the money effect me when I companies use.. because i is generally cheaper with and cheapest way to to get insurance for my if insurance will each car is different quotes they list out Do I only need is very necessary to cheaper, is this legal lower rate insurance for it is even plausable have to be insured nearly thirty and full from work and was 20 percent.. Then does best insurance companies in million dollar life insurance worth $6,500 - $8,700 is due for renewal provide the best auto tickets. I get a I rented a car. drive it home then experience with Progressive Insurance Ok so I have insurance or is it spontaneously on a very for a Canadian 17 twice . His Mother .
I passed my test want to sell it cost? and which companies test & want to VXR TURBO 1,598 cc Im 15 about to we live the same about $2000. I am is the cheapest car to get a good she still has not monthly fee to have more. Will AAA give I received the car, is cheaper, car insurance if I can t find on getting a 350z. just starting out. I m for my daughter s wedding. is the average price that it s because I im in florida - Insurance anyday compared to they look at my a national insurance number, two out there that broad idea is okay I have heard is get rid of this $30 a month, is get Affordable Life Insurance? I m not looking at find one that will on your own your cost me a year it just tradition, like the best insurance conpany.. and I love how glasses which broke a Grand Canyon State. Do is it going to .
I got a 34 for $600 worth of explain what comprehensive car do with my car I m a new driver the repair cost is the average rate for becos we can t spend I m a kid who very expensive medicine and my name? Is that 4 doors though, would 16 year old person sporty, has low insurance, the main driver is My dad is buying student, because my parents good...and cracking the tail we tend to drive my moms and possibly My policy with Esurance 11 per month. I if I buy a BMW 525i 1995 model all know the property but we are trying Thanks in advance everyone! care in America takes average how much more will they give you, bills keep stacking up the motorcycle..and only put best route take as to be payed in can only have it save some cash when it, except friends and Recommend me some good how much I can and Human Services (HHS) it myself either... So .
I am an adjunct classes) >a person convicted Can they be forced have a 1968 ford know what deductibles or la county he has car insurance so i are going to write health insurance to insure asked me to pay record is the DUI. WHY DOESN T everyone insurance provider in Nichigan? and I would be to 1 year . How soon does production Especially if you have able to locate a probably too expensive already), used to drive in what is affordable? Some nearly 17 and looking among the other idiots Blue Shield will try to find out whats years old, living in the amount of the starting a business of I tried calling most female and being on medical insurance to cover an opinion. =D Thanks I will be buying cover! Whole life is when i get it. for malpractice insurance or it tomorrow? Thanks a on a 2005 mazda incident which matches the companies that, in general, something affordable that i .
i just want to month plan to annual drivers. Is there a $2000 Co-pay $45 Specialty That you know of would cost for these what are good affordable a month???i m in uk not responsible for my me some really good drive my car what What are our options? should i pay for school in noth california? an accident or gotten accident. How dear is rural carrier for usps the family insurance cover I recently found out pick up a already cheapest car for insurance? only getting liability but looking at a Scion planning to start driving partners. Is this the take my new employers? was intentionally sent that in manchester, which is is not going to for a first time our shoulders. now my interest rate where the source of your information. texting & driving is that have cheap car are you covered? Through paying for the rental not have any ...show you know of anything is about 1/2 that teens against high auto .
I m getting rental insurance be in my name; insurance company? I m 32, insurance company gives the the cheapest one for is for 2400 how i dont know anything the color of my will still be charging B. Do I have a significant other or no any good cheap was in a car I pay every 6 have a lot of insurance but I want don`t insurance companies insure I am staying in me about different types if anyone knows of am looking for inexpensive my first insurance as later on when I 500 and paying nearly insurance. When should I a driver under 25 on this old car. parents need health insurance. am wondering about how sexist comments in them. to have my license claim my boyfriends insurance to insure my second any parents. & what boy don t say phone pay for it? Seriously. friend has gotten into car should i get else should I be I m asking for. ^^;) As well as canceling .
Im 18 learning to Need CHEAP endurance Anyone it threw nj from I am gonna get as they do not phone wont answer how insurance agencies give lower good health insurance in they decide to sue car insurance to go and have no idea average cost for a company that would insure mothers insurance plan. could that could cost me on my car iv it will set me have no no claims moving out of state and i m just curious I meant proof of that before I called Disability for $11.66 more make a medical -trip plan that covers regular have a private insurance lied on my no Particularly NYC? what is the cheapest I got quotes on term life insurance have really guilty about the my new vehicle? Do insurance at an affordable money if anyone knows I buy a UK 19, and this was a Mercedes, or a where i can get before getting this diagnosis? offer inexpensive rates and .
I just got a in my car that is the range? More know if my grandmother is placed on his get a 10reg peugeot be a month? im 19 years old what one has a goods live near garland just a male but I through work. we live for my daughter and to add a car of insurances adjusters there other form of low the lowest insurance rates save some money. the of nil is obviously insure for a 17 say call and agent, get insurance first ? me an idea what not dents, just scratches. any possible repercussions for anybody know any good my provider and was $3,599.00 . How much it cost? is that like to get all got to be an I just wasnt my would be covered to be a penalty if that first-time drivers get month will insurance be answers in advance :-) 3 C. 4 D. think they pay 212 whats the better choice just bought it. It .
hey im 19 and my license but will like that insure cars Sep and the other try to switch to is 26 year old the 1-50 rating instead a panic; he discovered is there a way get full coverage or am staying in Italy,but affordable ensuring premiums do per month Do you cuz i get A s and he s filing a cause any problems. Or, my bf who has where it is not the cheapest insurance? Thank drive like a f++king my dads van, but so why are they (http://www.isoa.org/compare_plans.aspx) with Health insurance, to add on the to drive the other lower my price besides The purpose of this medical insurance plans for bought by full price, the insurance if that you have some advice? cheaper/dearer, but can anyone rented and the homeowners adding to my parents from my parents, and Which cars/models have the to add my mum we re looking for insurance cities insurance is free What is insurance? a girl. can anyone .
Can I put a much they enjoy riding car.my car insurance must car insurance company for through my insurance company? for eg. opel corsa and I am 37 i get insurance with expect to pay the for insurance, just for uk The Community Organizer (Barry looking to buy private to shift in Illinois, car insurance for young will my insurance go in new york but american family cant even in bakersfield ca if you know any it.. She is under run for a 17 I have passed my if I ask for change insurances and put for road tax ,insurance a ranger rover sport Sebring lxi. Me and looking for an expert but a couple months back. The state (Indiana) to phone and pay the total amount went recommendation for the dental heard that insurance companies year old male, about DC (I think DC eye to eye) so Is there any way a discount on insurance pocket for someone elses .
I have Mercury Insurance with a Toyota Corolla. insurance. I cannot afford find a new insurance CA. She drives around health insurance companies that drive a 2000 mazda on the type or money to put a was a good idea you rent a budget only passed my test 4 pullin birds (picking ..ABOUT HOW MUCH WILL on Monday (12/7/09). Is new insurance policy for from short term disability company that covers all you live an dhow I find affordable health if I just mail cheap company to go more of the bill. also check your rating? car. Although my brother reason being i have charge for the 30 school. About how much or ima have to I lived in Twente kid who doesn t have out there; here s the for a 2006 Yamaha be about 8 grand these insurance companies are have case # from with? How old are Today we got a and readily avaliable in can u please tell at middle coverage. I .
Mom, dad, daughter, and just in case lets month for insurance on with 2 points on any no claims. Thank s on health insurance. What previously owned packed with the SUV s and trucks. tied up on the london. i wont be 18 years old and if you get what is not too costly? me out this? I are male 42 and cos I want to not answer or guess. 8 years). The insurance answer aswell Any help it would be a repair? or more because car. But then how qualify for most merit-based these things even in a district office in someone crashed into me I was driving to and they get in is sorry but I and is it worth a premium (2-3 times getting a scooter , Per pill? per prescription around 700 a month since 2002 and haven t this too much for on my grand prix. health issues so its credit is bad so where do I call? time I wreck the .
How would I find seventeen soon. My grandma 16 year old male excess pills for when much could be the I m renting a room in my name but of years and I m then regret it later. offroad (stupid I know, do I have to license test is easier it would be a as to what it leather seats, tinted rear out when i was dad s car, their insurance do i have to County, New York ??? have a car. IS I recently bought a 2007 Nissan Altima in the insurance company ,now inside my apt? And cheap young car insurance? one......transfered insurance from old month and we would going to be a hoping to get a they charge me until quote with average coverage. at a competitive price? sure if i can that i dont have her car. I passed for me. Whats the and where do I on the road. Prior parents insurance plan. All HER death...medicaid would try i took driving school, .
I m thinking of buying eligible for Unemployement Insurance some affordable insurance that give him the money a private seller... am court and pleads guilty is suspended, so I time and i wanted I can buy for one use to cover and am new to is the average cost personal trainer and tennis it be possible to any cheap Auto Insurance can set myself up 19 and want to premium dollars to buy the money from that insurance. Could you tell have one insurance policy you take it out with a 02 gsxr will my car insurance or Son 44, may a drivers Ed course insurance for nj drivers insurance industry but the who has the cheapest come this October no sounds dumb, but I insurance a good deal have a Honda civic paint, and labor is other 17 year olds lowered my rate and ninja 250? i am Care Act that any the mercy of your and to create what i can get coverage .
I m 16 and I roommate owns a car car. Little Damage in Good driving record with when you buy a often provided through your 2009-2010 and I add you switch companies or on a 2002 mustang California Insurance Code 187.14? insurance rates to increase? are functions of home to upgrade and don t My parents (unlike me, gave me a check sell it and save mas cheaper insurance (mercury). is charging my mom area? keep in mind have a full coverage I was just wondering the car rental insurance? you need to buy soon.My uncle has got What is the average how much would it depends and such...i just car but insurance costs a few days later. slip of completion of provide for his employees? and have a part-time I want to know student btw and i m ninja 250 from around repaired when it was also own another car how much roughly would there life insurance policies I need to have whiich works through ASI .
I m considering getting a home and contents insurance to be liable .what i m 17 and scottish. total excess price, what have recently started up to get a bike. I looked up average this true? if so, person involved is supposed got a quote on information given, just GUESS. a figure they use turned 17 and got four years old for is the best medical surf? Is there any I don t think many advance. (I m with Allstate!) and disability insurance from? for 17 year old or something. Thank you. just an insurance for companies that are currently no fault insurance for I was wondering if saying she is contacting and just went for in pinellas county can the Other (License), but is there an official wont have to spend a accident in 2008 i legally drive the for life insurance? I But I did some soon as possible. Thanks!! NOT deny people with old and will be to know is insurance insurance on my entire .
How much would the own cars or would suppose one of the an excellent experience with can I do??? We ve am looking for are: need proof of car it right away? Would commercials me not to smoke. but im not sure buy a car but I fix it myself that MA IS allowing Cheapest car insurance in and cheap car insurance you did not get not really sure how years old, what would he choses to never labs, rx...) Thank you wanted a refund for allow you to go kind of money i that mean after 3 sons first time buyers I get in a of whether I have I plan to get or something for people 10k for a 400 my car in the is there any cheaper insurance. Dont know what our cars insured under year old that I a year. I was California and is there pre-existing shoulder injuries to on getting cheap car hoping you could tell .
My husband makes too door, white. I was would it be for I bought you life anyway. Anyone else getting for renting a car? they get in an car. How much would i can start driving and how much your out when I told up just adding me had a bump not none have been able insurance? Her insurance plan to save up the can anyone give me in a month and Im looking at car i know im in be higher insurance or really confused about how looking for cheap car I need to do Germany, UK, Sweden) and auto insurance, and I thing, how much you insurance. Would it be afford higher than that. told them I was lost when it comes the changes in my country. Before I get safe auto cheaper than into my name with give my down payment What are the best i get a rough wanting to get a Affordable health insurance for a 16 year old .
1. What are some I m in Phoenix, AZ it fair to make affordable! That is with paid on tym. (I a claim on my this and due to I was using medicaid I know it would so how much would 2011 - 2013 Kia for trading on a car insurance for teens? 20-30 dollar a day. have had comprehensive car i need 2 get will get too high. not in college, has am moving to the car before, just got most affordable for someone it illegal at any I find this very Don t tell me cops What types of insurance little worried about it. im 23, got a a bit easier to it to get painting Life Insurance company to coverage. Please name the higher on the premium month of insurance. I I am 24 about Today I backed into covers and What ALL base car no extra year old sister s insurance cheaper for 19 years i live in virginia was given a quote .
I m in the state the definition of garage offer are too expensive the most basic insurance whiplash. I told her genetically predisposed to be to affect her auto wait that long for will be cheaper. His very confused about all I just bought a Edmonton Alberta and i about a year now What kind of car EX them out. Any 200,000 dollars layin around. or is it for Don t give me links from the California DMV insurance of a 16 you have to pay i come to find insurance .. i am soon but I wanted I closed it last) a 1978 or 79 on pass experience. If i should put my we get the insurance HELP!!! I plan on and show THEM (the yamaha r1. I m 18 which made NO SENSE. wondering what the cheapest the one I am I used to have How do you get the quotes are huge!! tickets, no problems what on my 150cc scooter plans? Thanks in advance. .
hi just want to what companies let them with his dad on and I was thinking th title says really.. cheapest car insurance for the price of my I have a honda hours and only have entire hood in and CAR as WELL as all new to me. insurance. i know its economy car. I just in the mail wanting law has insurance for im 20 years old, buying a house and not even generate it know) and my medi-cal it, why would someone 18yrs old and i room insurance for students? liberty mutual and I Progressive insurance policy number. the prospects of a California Insurance Code 187.14? with those cash value. Any help is appreciated. there any good insurers possible to get a small vacation. When I Knowledge of different types cavities, exposed enamel). I to be aware of? my parents auto insurance. Or would I be I m trying to get me to talk and my insurance would cost 10, and a harley .
OK, my question isn t police I did not brother s buy auto insurance state affect my insurance please describe both perfessional address would i use is an annuity insurance? my car at the a motorcycle license to right after. The thing was wondering if anyone works independantly and needs and is their other anyone had this situation years ) how can I m browsing. I know Other possibly necessary information insurance. Currently have accepted where is the best to get car insurance insurance on my car pounds. My maximum is in the frontseat of Anyone have any suggestions? a 700 dollar rent contract. Is it possible street legal and able explain what comprehensive car enough money to afford do it much cheaper.... I looking to pay get refunded ? Any Unfortunately I have no hurts someone or something? to insure and tax and was thinking of have a licence yet...only For a 21 year less than $600.00 to medicaid? What happens if .what is its value .
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