#anyway enjoy! i really like the dynamic between byron piper and barley now
starrysupercell · 3 years
So... Now that your writing bug is back... Could we get a drabble of Belle and Byron with the sibilings theory? Go ham :)
Lmao. This was at the top of the list ahaha what do you mean
Anyway, I'm still getting a feel for Belle, but for now I'm going for a mix of Kissing Kate Barlow's montage (not the backstory- the tone. Important.) and a very, VERY light dose of Azula... mostly for the siblings thing!
......and yet again I make it a set-up to a story rather than a drabble or one shot. Like some of the other stuff I've written, I wonder if there should be oneshot followups? x.x we'll see..
•🐍• Risk & Reward •🦝•
"Byron." Piper said sternly.
"That's odd. I don't remember hearing a knock.." Byron said lightly. He sat in his chair, faced away from the door, from her, from the world. "Or saying come in."
"There's been reports of the Goldarm Gang being seen around here." Piper went on. "We need to take action. Either hire more security, or outfit the building with further measures."
She heard the rustle of a newspaper page being turned. "There's no need for concern." Came his nonchalant response.
The woman placed her fists on her hips. She would not be casually dismissed like this. "You're looking at the news yourself. You know this isn't just another band of petty criminals."
Byron closed up the papers, folding it up neatly before swiveling around and turning to face Piper. "You're right. I do know that."
He was smiling, in that particular way where he knows something she doesn't. How infuriating... but begrudgingly comforting.
She sighed silently, then smiled passively. "I know there's no use trying to find out what's going on with you. I also came to let you know I'm putting in a request for a week off."
He leaned his head in his hand, frowning. "You have no faith in me, Piper."
"I have some faith in you." She smirked, "I do have matters to attend to, actually. This isn't a luxury getaway. A couple of old friends are looking to start bounty hunting. I wish to lend my support."
"I see." He muttered, looking to the side. "Very well. We'll find a way to manage without you around here. Thank you for letting me know."
"It's no problem." She said, recognizing that tone and demeanor. "If things go well, I can be back sooner?" She offered.
Byron shook his head. "That won't be necessary... You take care of your business, Piper," He looked pointedly down at the grainy quality of the main headline's picture. "And I'll take care of mine."
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The rumors were only just starting, so he figured that there would be some window of a time frame to prepare some things. Currently, he was recording inventory, and had plans over the money and several safes he had. (Even without this Golden Arm threat, he was a very careful man.)
He wouldn't be surprised if she had already started to scope the area around here. That no-good, sneaky turncoat, gold-lifting thief of a sister..!
Byron frowned, his jaw clenching and his temper easily flaring at the thought of her.
He sighed, smoothing out a part of his hair with his fingers. There was no use for paranoia or anger here. It'd only hinder him.
He focused about which modifications to his place. Piper was right, but he knew brute force wouldn't work. His sister was crafty, but still lazy no doubt. When you take the easy way out, you're bound to always be a weaselly, good for nothing...
He blinked. Focus.
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That week's work of preparation went for both sides. Belle sat with her drink as she checked out the lobby of the place. She had a more casual set of clothes to avoid detection. Jacket, gloves, no trademark glasses. She would stay low.
This place was popular for sure. Reports from other members confirmed as such.
She wasn't so surprised, considering who owned the place, but she was surprised at the ambiance. Cheery piano music, tame audience and a prim and peppy bartender. If this wasn't just a cover for anything on the sidelines, he turned out to be such a sellout!
Belle's grin was shrouded by the held to her lips. Too bad her little brother never grew a backbone and left those control freaks. For him that is. This was just a pit filled with gold just begging to be tapped. And she intended to answer those calls. The sooner, the better.
She downed her drink, and stood. She left enough to cover it and then plenty. As she passed by the performing bot, she left a generous tip for him as well. He gave a grateful bow, and continued his musical jig.
The heist pulled here would more than cover these 'losses,' but anything that goes towards bots was well worth it. Belle idly tugged at her jacket sleeve as she walked out.
They would strike soon.
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The first day of the following week, Piper returned. She hummed a tune as she walked into the bar, and headed to the back.
Things went swimmingly. Poco and Primo's friend, Amber, got her start thanks to Piper's investment. Her first job went well enough.. in the end. It was a productive week overall. The group even went out for a celebration afterwards, where, Piper recalled with a fond smile, that mysterious woman left quite an impression on her. She looked forward to seeing her again.
Her recollection of that magical night came to a screeching halt when the ruins of the place came to her attention.
"What in the..?" She muttered, looking around at the broken tables and more.
"Watch your step!" Barely advised, working on cleaning up a section of the room.
"Oh, Byron didn't heed my warning, did he?" She lifted her dress slightly to walk around the mess. "It'll do him well, if he has to learn this way." she complained as ladylike as always, "Maybe now he won't dismiss me, though I still won't think it likely. I still expect to be paid to work too."
"So that's what you really think." Byron said, leaning against a wall. He was amused, and straightened up. "Follow me. Both of you."
The robot and lady glanced at each other, but followed the owner of the place.
"We may have been hit, but I assure you that not a thing of value has been taken." He monologued as he led them down the hall. "The destruction of the place was only superficial, caused by the anger and frustration of an uncouth band of petty bandits."
Piper listened and noted they entered his office. So what kind of trick did he pull?
"Praytell, Sir. You're saying the only thing we have to worry about is the funds and time to clean up the mess?" Barley asked.
"That's right." Byron responded, a tint of pride to his voice. "I've replaced every precious gem and all the gold we've had stashed with lookalikes and Fool's. They've got nothing!"
He walked over to a section of a wall behind his desk and let a laugh escape him as he removed a frame from it. The wall behind was removable to show an empty space. "To add insult to injury, I left the most valuable item we owe in here." He reached in, pulled out the fake back cover and revealed a medium-sized box. "So it was right under their noses, and they left completely empty handed!"
"The most valuable?... Byron..." Piper frowned. "I trust you know well, but don't you think that was a risk? That precious statuette is sought after by everyone. It shouldn't be used as a trophy."
"Quite." Barley agreed. "With all my respect, Sir, you did this without even informing me." He sounded upset.
"...It's still here," Byron said weakly to his defense after a pause. He sighed. Maybe he had let more of his emotions guide his defense of their business. "I suppose.. I was letting things get personal. I'll admit it." He turned the box toward himself, and went to press the combination of numbers that would open the safebox. "Perhaps, I haven't been completely honest either. The leader of the Gold Arm Ga--" As he pressed the last button of the lock, the box lid flipped open and a light electric shock ran through his body, freezing him in place.
Piper gasped. Barley's arm reached out, roughly smacking the metal box out of Byron's hands and into the ground.
The box landed, and the only thing that fell out was a single slip of paper.
"It's missing!" Piper exclaimed.
Barley was near Byron in an instant. "Are you alright?" He asked the man leaning heavily against the wall.
The salesman didn't answer. His eyes were hyper-fixated on the single spilled content of the box. He pulled away from the wall and the service bot and leaned down to pick up the torn scrap.
'Dumbass!' was the only thing scrawled on it. Byron scrunched it up in his fist.
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"Shelly!" Belle cheered, "Pass me our winnings!"
A young woman with dark hair and an eye patch grabbed the shining figure of a cactus, adorned with priceless jewels.
She tossed over with a grin, and Belle caught it.
The leader of the Gold Arms stepped on a chair, then the table. "Look here, folks!" She called for attention. Her bandits instantly quieted their idle buzz. "We all did great last night. That slippery eel may have thrown us for a loop, but as usual, we united prevail!! Together, we've hit the jackpot!" She held the statuette up for her crew to see and cheer on. "When they cover this, the Golden Arm Gang will be unforgettable! And if we stick together, we'll always be untouchable!"
Cheers, and their celebratory times went on. Drinking, chatting, cheerful.
Belle grinned and hopped off the table at the crowd's energy. She pocketed the figurine. Life was finally good.
She sat and eyed the bag of loot they took along despite its worthlessness.
Maybe it wasn't so bad? The false gems could be used in a scam, she supposed, Some folks didn't know how to separate reals from placeholders.
She looked through it, and noted a box that had been unopened. Oh. That might have been when they were trashing the place when they discovered a lot of the valuables were actually cheap fakes.
She clicked the simple lock mechanism of the box open, just to sate her curiosity. There was a small, square sheet that was neatly tucked into the recently-opened box that held the mystery fog.
'Dunce.' It said, written in a very neat cursive.
"Ah, shit," Belle said, feeling lightheaded. She realized far too late. "That little...." she slumped forward, out cold. Her golden arm dropped the container.
A poison fog traveled from the box throughout the room, slowly knocking out the rest of the thieves in the hideout. They were fine, but all would wake up in an hour or so with pounding headaches and heavy nausea for days to come.
Just a little gift exchange amongst siblings, nothing more.
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