#anyway fuck my stupid baka life etc etc etc
waitingforgodotyaoi · 6 months
in a piss poor mood. do not disturb turned on I do NOT want to receive texts. the very buzz of phone enough to be irritable. truly gone cunt mode I don't have anything left in the tank. listening to terrible country music that's how far we've fallen tonight
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In pain again and also convinced the whole world is out to get me. Nobody understands me like prince zam circa season four
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alldni · 8 months
do you ever think too much about how physically affectionate jack is with his friends. anyway.
and it’s like. yeah that’s probably just the way John barrowman is and it seeps into his acting. yeah jack is written as a flirt etc but
it’s like. when you’re watching him in torchwood ESPECIALLY but also in his later doctor who episodes after bad wolf it’s like …. He always always has a hand on his friends’ backs and shoulders and arms and he’s constantly pulling people to his chest and kissing them on the forehead when they’re the slightest bit upset or when you can see him feeling even a little bit of a rush of love or worry for them and it’s just like. is he doing this because he knows he won’t be able to later? making sure his love and care is imprinted on them and theirs on him? making sure their mark stays on him and lasts the millions of years he’ll be alive? anyway. fuck my stupid baka life
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dykephan · 13 days
hi, totally agree with you about the december getting together thing and just wanted to add on to a few points. One about online perceptions and stuff is they mightve both wanted to have this appearance of a cool, sexy, mysterious, emo guy on the internet who is "mature" and has casual sex all the time nbd lol and not wanting to seem clingy. Its kind of embarrasing to want more sometimes (its cheesy, its meant to be). For Dan I also dont think he would want Phil to see him as an obsessed fan (also the age thing) so putting up a nonchalant front would help put them on more even footing. For Phil its just like you already said mainly and not wanting to scare Dan off, following Dan's lead. Also Dan just getting out of a longterm relationship and being 18 he might not have been inclined to tie himself down quick when he was single for the first time in a bit, especially to someone who lives far away, but then obv realized this thing with Phil wasnt just going to be some casual fling. Also lol this "reveal" was not weird/ suprising to me bcos of my own experience of being with this girl for like 3 ish months had been friends previously we were having sex and saying we loved eachother etc but whole time being like we're not dating though lol
oh 100% agree, especially when you're at that age it's sooo embarrassing to admit you do want to find someone who cares about you and enriches your life and shares a future with you... it's so much easier to flirt with strangers online and pretend you're too cool to feel any particular way about it. like you said, i think it comes down to both of them realizing that this was not going to be some casual fling. and 2 months is honestly no time at all considering how much they had to think about & plan for!!
also yeah i agree it wasn't surprising to me it was more just like. first of all like holy shit why are you sharing this information with me unprompted are you sure you meant to say that?? second of all, i guess i didn't KNOW until i KNEW. it's one thing to look at the things they posted around that time period and make guesses, but hearing it out loud made me feel sooooo dumbfounded. idk why but that one hit me way harder than the tour bus thing...
anyway let me share a personal anecdote here because it's only fair after i've invaded their privacy i should embarrass myself a little fksjfks many years ago i started talking to a tumblr mutual and we got super close as friends, we spent literally hours talking every night and we'd even fall asleep on skype just to be with each other. i told her things i have still never told anyone else in my life. and ofc there was heavyy flirting which was fun except i have horrible commitment issues.. doing all this online didn't feel as scary and real to me. but then we made plans to actually travel and meet up, and i started getting. idk. itchy 😭 but i did go across the country to meet her and it was such a perfect weekend, she was so funny and beautiful and even more magnetic in person. it clarified my feelings about her in a way that chatting online never could, but also it scared the shit out of me and so when that weekend was over i went back home and i told her i couldn't do it anymore and that was it. we tried to be friends after that but it just wasn't the same and neither of us had our hearts in it. i still think about her and hope she's doing well but we haven't talked in years
so basically i'm living in the dark dan and phil timeline where they filmed pinof and then said okay bye dude 👍🏻 fuck my stupid baka life
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yourfirstnamealoud · 2 months
really sick as a dog today but like coming back from the walk-in clinic I noticed if I took a slightly less direct bus route home I could theoretically get the ride back for free as I still had transfer rights. And then that bus came late, like just a minute or two late, and I had to pay anyways. So I still paid and my feverish ass had to walk an extra 6 minutes in the heat. Whereas if I took the other bus I wouldn't have to walk hardly at all. fuck my stupid baka life etc`
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antilocalevent · 5 years
//Hi!! Is it alright if I make a request? I was wondering if you could do Bakugo(MHA) x chubby shy/nerdy reader? Where she has no power but Bakugo can't help but to be around her, protect her, etc and she thinks it's just because he feels sorry for her until one day where she's being bullied and he goes off on a rant that reveals his "secret" feelings? Maybe some fluff, cutsieness? :)
Bully A Nerd
Bakugo Katsuki x chubby! reader
TW: bullying, curse words(?)
Word count: 1.2k
A/n: This is not the best, but the ask reminded me of my favorite BNHA fic ever ’Plums and Peaches’ by miggiisawesome, like go read it, it’s so good!
Yours and Bakugou’s relationship was.. interesting, to say the least.
Your parents knew each other so you knew each other practically since birth. When Bakugo came to kindergarten with his quirk and you were told that you would never have one, it was.. heartbreaking, to say the least. But Bakugo was there by your side as you cried, telling you you won’t need a quirk, as he would protect you, of course, he comforted you in his usual, Bakugo fashion.
“Stop crying baka! It’s not like you would have a great quirk anyway! But now that you’re completely defenseless, I guess that as the next number one hero I’ll have to protect you.” the 5 year old Bakugo said with crossed arms and a scowl on his face to hide his blush, “But don’t think I’ll enjoy it! It’s just that you’re so pathetic you’ll probably trip and won’t get up!”
But despite his unusual way of comforting, you stopped crying and hugged him.
Years went by and you went to the same middle school. If being quirkless wasn’t enough of a reason to be bullied for, you were also a chubby and nerdy person, which some people just saw as an even bigger opportunity to make your life a nightmare in school. You often remembered the day in kindergarten, but as time went by you found out Bakugou must have just pitied you that day, not wanting to hear your dumbass crying any longer. Sometimes during middle school, Bakugou was the thing adding the fire to shatter all your hopes with his rude comments towards you. What you didn’t know was that Bakugo would make the life of everyone who bullied you a hell in return.
After middle school, you left for medical school while Katsuki went to UA as he always dreamed of, and you thought that that was the end of your weird relationship. But as it turned out, you were once again proven wrong as every day after school, Bakugo would be waiting for you at your school gate, saying he was walking past, despite his school being at the other side of the town. You didn’t question it, mainly because of the fact that when you did he threatened to blow your face off.
After another hell of a day, you wanted nothing more than some peace and quiet, just to forget about all the comments everyone said. But as it turned out, luck was not on your side as you saw your bullies stand in front of school, with their usual, shit eating grins and sinister eyes to welcome you. You hanged your head low, just hoping you could pass by them this one time.
‘Not today please, just not today.’ you desperately pleaded in your mind, you mentally cried out when you felt your self tripping over the foot your classmate put out, but luckily regaining your balance before you could fall down.
“Watch that fatty, it looked like she could cause an earthquake if she fell.” They laughed, as if it wasn’t the only thing they could do.
You just shook your head and kept walking, just ignore them and they’ll leave you alone, hopefully.
“Where do you think you’re going idiot? You owe us an apology for almost killing us with your fatass!” One of the boys said as he grabbed your wrist and spinned you around.
As fast as his grip on you came it was gone, and you saw your bully fall to the floor, eyes wide.
“The fuck you think you’re doing, you ugly ass idiot?” the much too familiar furious voice of Bakugou came from behind you. “Huh? No words? Not suprised, what else to expect from brainless extras like you.” Bakugou said with a grunt as he glared them down.
“You- you’re the kid who won the U.A.’s Sport festival! What are you doing here?” One of them stuttered the opinion of them all as they stared at him.
“Well currently I’m ruining your little fun, and let me tell you, you stupid ass motherfuckers, if I catch any of you doing this type of shit again I promise you I’ll blow your fucking face off and then make you think about every single fucking thing you did, you piece of trash, I can guarantee you by the I’m done you’ll be nothing more than a fucking stain on the wall,” you held Bakugou’s arms back, not wanting any of his on-going threats to become reality right now, as you dragged him of the school premises, watching your bullies face wall white faces stuck in the same position, you were sure they heard his screaming even as you were a street over.
When you were sure Bakugo calmed down a bit you slowly let go of him, and watched as he put his hands in his pockets and didn’t stop muttering grunts and threats.
“When were you going to tell me?” He asked, but it felt more like a demand, as his piercing eyes locked onto your’s.
You looked away, “Tell you what?”
you said quietly, trying to play it off, but you knew he wouldn’t buy it.
“Stop playing stupid and answer me idiot! When were you going to tell me you were getting bullied by a bunch of low life’s?” he asked annoyed as he watched you look away.
“I- I wasn’t going to.” You quietly said “Why would I tell you anyway? I don’t even know why you stood up for me! All you did in school was make fun of me, and then suddenly you start coming to see me everyday and act like some sort of body guard?” You slightly raised your voice as Bakugou looked away with a grunt. “No words? Cool I’ll just go, so you can come up with some stupid exc-”
“You really are stupid, aren’t you?” Bakugou’s low, quiet voice stopped you as you were walking away, “All this motherfucking time all I did was run around you in school and try to catch your attention like an idiot!” he yelled as he threw his hands out off his pockets.
“What.. what do you mean by that?” You asked, your eyes wide with disbelief as you tried to process his words.
“I mean I like you, dumbass!” he said with a red face as he looked away, which was good for you as your face matched the color of a tomato.
Hearing your lack of response he huffed and put his hands back in his pockets and turned around, “You know what? Just forget I said anything, I knew you-”
This time it was your turn to cut him off as you grabbed his hand, “I like you too.” you said and pecked his lips, watching his face flush even more red again as his eyes widened and he turned away.
You laughed as he said “Whatever..” in a very tsundere Bakugo way, and grabbed your hand in his, starting to walk as you smiled and followed.
You could safely say that the bullies were not going to be a problem anymore.
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katsukikitten · 5 years
what about bakugou with an s/o that is a bad influence (she manipulates him, makes him mad/jealous for fun, says his friends talk badly about her even though they dont, etc) and his friends are having none of that so they talk with bakugou and make him realize what kind of person his s/o is
Anon I hope I wrote this to your liking enjoy!! Sorry it took forever
You dodge a searing punch from the ash blonde just in time to catch his wrist. Both of you are breathing heavily. Both of you fighting for over twenty minutes.
He wrenches free and both of you disengage for the time being.
"What's aaahhh wrong aaahhh Y/N?" Bakugou keeps his hot smug ass smirk despite having to pause to speak.
"Hhhhaaahh aahhh Nothing Suki. I think you can't handle all of this." You gesture to your body mockingly while his smirk goes wider. He rolls his shoulders before getting back into fighting stance.
"Looks to me like there isn't much to handle."
You lunge, ready to punch that smug ass look off of his face.
"BAKUGOU KATSUKI!" A shrill voice yells out and he looks away at the last second catching your fist with his strong jaw.
Oh here we go.
You topple on top of him, having expected him to be braced for the blow. His hands rest on your hips before another scream is let out. Bakugou's girlfriend stomps in her red bottom heels your way.
"What the hell are you doing with that slut? I told you not to hang out with her you stupid shit? AND NOW SHE'S SITTING ON YOU!!!"
Katsuki lifts you by your hips and places you on your feet as he stands.
"Does she ride your dick too?" She screams and you roll your eyes, "Or is that apart of your endurance training?!"
"Oh shut up. You know God Damn well Katsuki is too loyal to cheat on you." You roll your eyes again, nerves frayed at the end from her presence alone.
Bakugou cuts you a look as his girlfriend fumes.
"Babe. Enough."
"Enough? She just talks badly about you and tries to beat the shit out of you. She's trash. She makes everyone in the dorm turn against you. I should leave you for that cutie Deku." A blush settles over her boojee cheeks. Bakougu's fingers twitch with subtle pops.
"Hey I'm right here. If you have something to say then say it to my face." You snap, hating this vile woman that Bakugou has been dating the past three months or so. Sure she was hot as fuck, long hair, dressed nicely, gorgeous face and ass for days but damn.
She was just such a bitch. You grind your teeth, wishing you had been braver four months ago.
Bakugou again gives you a sharp look.
"Oi." But there is more to it. He wants you to stop because he knows she will get in your face and she WILL get her ass whooped.
At least that's what you tell yourself.
"Fine." You snarl, Bakugou says nothing and slips his hand to the small of her back.
"Have you been hanging around Kirishima too? He's a bad influence and *below* you. And stop talking to that ugly bitch, Y/LN. She clearly wants to take you away from me." She goes on even as he guides her away.
You thought that would be the last straw on the camels back, that he would break up with her after speaking so lowly over his two best friends.
But Monday morning proves other wise.
You enter class and spy Katsuki already sitting at his desk. Delight fills you when you see that stank ho Emi is no where in sight.
You thank Kamisama she is in a different class.
You assume your normal spot when she isn't there, hopping onto Katsuki's desk top, bitching about the paper that is due.
Bakugou says nothing as he glares up at you before he places his palm beneath the desk, settling off an explosion large enough to flip it. Your heart tears into pieces, hurt painting your features as the ejection from your seat goes in slow motion. Its inevitable, you're gonna land on your ass.
Strong arms catch you princess style and instinctively you wrap your arms around a thick neck.
"Bakugou..." Kirishima sounds disappointed as you cling to him, "She could have gotten hurt."
"She shouldn't have sat on my desk. She should've had her guard up. And why the fuck do you care what I do?" He growls as he flips his desk upright with his feet pressing against the back legs. Your eyes narrow to slits and for the first time in a long time your feel real rage burning in your stomach towards Bakugou.
But your rage does not burn as badly as the tears forming in your eyes. You know exactly why he is acting this way.
"Emi is such a bad influence on you Baka!" You yell, gripping into Kirishima to keep yourself in check, "We've been over this a thousand times. Please. Listen to us, she's making you a paranoid asshole!"
"Don't be so harsh about the seat, Katuski. Y/N is right. She's manipulating you for some reason. We're saying this as your friends." Eji says softly, still not putting you down onto your feet, which was probably for the best considering what comes out of Bakugou's mouth next.
"Neither of you are my friends so fuck off and die." His voice holds real disgust when he speaks and you hold your breath, counting down slowly to keep that temper of yours in check.
But that dumb ass method never worked.
Kirishima glances down at you and sees your reddening face. You try to push off of him harshly but he keeps his grip tight as he brings you to your seat in the back of the class room. Knowing full well what would happen if he put you down.
Someone was going to get a punch in the face. Whether it be Katsuki or Emi he wasn't sure.
"Thank you so much Izuku-kun for the training this past Sunday." Nails grate over a chalk board as Emi comes to view at the door, "Can we train again sometime soon?"
"Sure." Izuku replies, unkowningly digging his own grave.
Anger swells in your chest as quickly as Bakugou reacts. Practically jumping to the door and grabbing Deku by his shoulder.
"What kind of fucking training?" He clamps a live hand onto Deku's shoulder. Small explosions burst onto the emerald haired boy point blank. He hisses out a cry but knows better than to provoke an already enraged Kaachan.
"Oh babe don't be so dramatic. It was simple basic training. You know similar to what you so with that slut." She smiles her petty smile before adding, "Let's try for tomorrow Izuku-senpai!"
She hugs him full on even with Bakugou gripping onto his shoulder. She is sure to press her boobs against Deku's chest earning a full face of blush. Red lingers on his throat before she let's go not even a word of goodbye to her ACTUAL boyfriend.
You bite your tongue and remind yourself that he said the two of you weren't friends.
Days meld into weeks as Bakugou trains alone, relishing the solitude for the first week and a half. But one day he catches your laughter and when he sees you training with Kirishima he begins to watch daily.
Keeping an eye on the competition or so he says.
At first you two are all laughs lightly sparing and heavy on the cardio.
He knows you suck at cardio. He's been trying to build your endurance since the two of you met.
Don't get it fucking twisted, he wants to be number one.
Will be number one.
But he wouldn't mind you being a close second.
So to watch you having such a good time with his other "best friend", the very same best friend that came to rescue him during that league of villains arch.
The best friend who risked his life, teamed up with shitty Deku and held out his hand for him had his stomach twisting in knots.
Bakugou knew that Kirishima saw his heart, his true heart and that deep down he wasn't such a bad guy. He cared for his equals deeply and once Bakugou acknowledged that care he would do *anything* to keep them safe.
But did you know that?
I guess it didn't fucking matter. Bakugou was sure to fuck it up anyway.
Like he did all of his good relationships. I mean look at Deku...
Katsuki didn't know he was going to manage to really fuck this one up especially not the very next day.
"I'm serious babe. She's spreading rumors that I'm sleeping with everyone in my class. You know I would never." Emi cries, literal tears flooding down her cheeks. Even managing to hiccup at the end. Katsuki feels torn he knew you could be petty but this low?
He looks down at his red faced girl friend and wonders for a fraction of a second.
Could someone fake cry this well?
He thought not, so he stomps to his class room during this break to confront you.
Since Bakugou's last comment you had wiped him from existence.
At least that's what you tell yourself. Careful to avoid him during class and free time. Trying and failing as Aizawa shamelessly pairs the two of you together often.
So break is your only time for peace considering Bakugou always goes to her classroom.
Confusion twists your features as you see a fuming ash blonde making his way to you.
You bite your lip to keep from lashing our and look away, giving Kirishima your full attention once more as he asks for your advice on Mina.
Bakugou doesn't care that he is interrupting as he slams popping palms onto your desk, the wood beneath charrs with snaking black fissures.
"Are you talking about my girl Y/N?" He snarls, eyes narrowed in on you.
At first you're taken aback in disbelief?
Where in the fuck would he get that idea?
And why the fuck would he believe that *you* would shit talk Emi behind her face?
Because you were brave enough to say it to her fucking face.
The very same face who stands in the hall peeking in, mascara running but her lips reflect something else.
A smile pulls at her lipstick coated mouth, twisting it upward with malice.
The dots connect themselves, glaring her down before you meet the heated gaze of your *former* best friend.
"Ah no Suki, I don't speak her name because I don't like the taste of *shit* in my mouth." You say calmly, even leaning away from him. Hands resting behind your head. Angry pops echo around the room before he shoves the desk into your unguarded gut.
"Cut the shit smart ass!" He snarls, looking down his nose as if you were the garbage that stood gazing into the classroom. Watching what her web of lies has spun.
You see red and like a bull you charge.
"You want ME to cut the shit? But your girlfriend with her half ass head game is perfectly fine to manipulate you and spread lies?" You stand, slamming your hands against the desk, splitting it in two.
He grabs onto your collar, pulling you past the fallen desk.
"You're pushing it, Y/N." His free hand pops in warning and you snarl.
"Good. That's exactly what I want to do." You hiss and he shoves you away, slamming you into the cinderblock wall behind you
"Guys." Deku and Kirishima say in two different tones, "Let's calm down."
"CALM DOWN?" You yell, slamming your fist into the wall behind you. A hole crumbs and the kids in the back of class 1B peek through the three foot tall and two foot wide hole.
"THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS CALM NOW!" Air whips around you as your power swirls in the small class room.
The special thing about your quirk was the angrier you were the stronger and faster you got.
The only down fall after your heart rate reaches a certain rate it will take hours for you to think logically.
"Oh shit!" One of them exclaims as you lunge fist reared for contact, Bakugou side steps at the last second, letting a large point blank explosion to erupt near your face.
When the smoke clears red eyes are met with glittering dangerous eyes. He smirks, he should have know that blast wouldn't have knocked *you* out.
Fists are exchanged and blocked by both parties. One fueled with pure rage while the other is backed by heated blasts. The ash blondes forearms are starting to turn into a sickening blackish blue but his snarl never wavers.
Both of you slide back a few feet, huffing hot breath.
"Azaiwa Sensei is going to be here soon!!" Kirishima shouts, "Bakugou you can't afford another demerit!"
His voice goes unnoticed by both parties as you both lunge.
Kirishima sees what Bakugou does not, you've been storing some of your rage, a lot of it for Katsuki himself, and you're about to unleash it in a deadly final blow.
Ejirou rushes, hardening his skin to its highest level as he steps in front of Bakugou, forearms crossed and braced for impact.
Your fist finds rock hard flesh, knuckles sliced before you push harder growling aloud as you do.
Harden skin chips before a sickening crack rings out, causing Kirishima's left arm to go slack as both the red head and the hot head slam hard into the chalk board, almost busting though the wall.
At this point you don't know when to stop, the blood dripping from Kirishima does not put a falter in your step as you jump fist raised again.
Aizawa enters the room at the right time, activating his quirk but it cannot dissipate the rage that you feel.
Hot tears well in your eyes as you continue to beat your fists against jagged skin.
Shredding your hands against the sharp rocky flesh.
"Fuck you Bakugou. Fuck you. You're so God damn blind!" A raw scream escapes your throat but still you take it out on Kirishima, "She's laughing even now! You're nothing but a hot toy to her!"
Two sets of red eyes look at you with hurt, one more so than the other before they glance at Emi.
Who struggles to switch her facial expression from delight to shock.
Scarlet eyes narrow with new found rage.
"Y/LN!" Aizawa says darkly, sending out his scarf to pull you from Kirishima as if you were a rabid dog, when he pulls you to him he clamps a strong hand on the back of your neck.
"I think you need to be in isolation for a few." He squeezes the colum of your neck and you snarl, still ready to fight, '
"Kirishima, Bakugou, meet me in my office in ten.
It had been a long time since you've been put in the isolation chamber but somethings never change as the same person that pushed your temper enough to send you there the first time is the cause of it again almost two years later.
They will keep you quirkless until your heart rate has significantly lowered.
Emi stands petrified, not only from your power but from you calling her out. Kirishima passes her with out a second glance but Bakugou stops, eyes averted.
"Bakugou, Baby I can explain. Sh..she's jealous.." She stammers reaching for him but he shoots a deadly glare to her. She physically shrinks back, taking a small step as if his gaze was smoldering up close.
After a moment he speaks in a tone much darker than you've ever heard, pops echoing down the hall carrying the venom of his tone along with it.
"Hope this is what you wanted. Fuck you we're over."
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