#anyway gus have fun being a boy bc it is NOT going to last
edoro · 2 years
Gus “haha isn’t it so weird that ALL of my friends are queer girls?” Porter is such an egg
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keitheaverage · 5 years
oh! forgot to say here but Yes I did see Cats 2019 and despite everything I did actually kinda like it Unfortunately
some (actually a lot of) highlights/key points I wanted to bring up (don’t know if anyone cares abt ~spoilers~ for this movie but jic I’m puttin’ all this under a cut):
Robert Fairchild fucking KILLED IT as Munkustrap. I was very impressed!
Loved this version of Jellicle Songs for Jellicle Cats. Got my feet tapping despite myself.
Jennyanydots ruthlessly eating the cockroaches that were supposed to be under her care. and just...Jennyanydots in general. That’s a big OOF from me, fam.
idk how to describe it (and as a Tugger Stan™ I know this is disgustingly on-brand) but it felt like Tugger got done kinda dirty? This is saying nothing against Derulo bc he’s very talented and you can tell he’s doing His Absolute Best with what small amount of screen time they let him have but I think the directors or whomstever in charge was holding him back a tick. Let him run insufferably buckwild as a Rum Tum Tugger should, you cowards. He clearly has the range.
That being said, the instrumentals for his song were funky fresh as all hell. Someone w/ the technology please do a mashup with the 2019 instrumentals w/ John Partridge’s vocals please. I want that. Please give me that.
(also the toe thing with Victoria?? like what are they trying to say? that RTT has a Foot Thing? is this how I had to find out that he had a Foot Thing??? don’t like that)
Lowkey was tempted to get up and go pee during Bustopher’s number. I mean, tbf this was never one of my fave songs from the production anyway, but Corden is.........defs not my first choice casting-wise. He was kinda insufferable, and not even in a fun way.
Rumpleteazer’s accent. I’m gay. That’s all.
Look, I’m not nuts about the whole “straight” Mistoffelees thing where he’s got that kinda shoehorned romance with Victoria (for the record, he’s a Bi Disaster and That’s That) but otherwise he’s just...an angel. He’s trying so hard. I recognize this and I love him. My darling boy.
Beautiful Ghosts was a nice song, I liked it! kinda felt just a touch out of place with the original songs, but...it was an otherwise nice addition. Almost cried a lil even!
can someone PLEASE get a tissue for Ms. Hudson. Her vocals slapped but GOD was her snotty nose distracting that whole time. 
For whatever reason, they turned the volume waaay down during Gus’ number? Not the folks behind the actual film, I mean the ppl working at the movie theater that I saw this in. So I had a hard time Getting Into It.
the part where Macavity Thanos-snaps Skimble out of the theatre cracked me up more than it probably should have ngl. Old Deuteronomy, I don’t feel so good...
Taylor Swift was Taylor Swift. I’m honestly kinda ambivalent to her at this point. Her role in this movie kinda made me think of Jared Leto playing the Joker in Suicide Squad: hyped the hell up by the PR campaigns for all of 8 minutes of actual screen time that was....eh, alright. I’m not mad at it. 
Wouldn’t exactly call her character “Bombalurina” tho (considering Bombi in the musical usually sings this song more as a Roast of Macavity than anything else; compared to Swizzle, who I guess is supposed to be Big Mac’s main squeeze and pumping him up as some Evil Sex God)
dude...Memory, though. Jesus. Hudson knocked it out of the fuckin’ PARK. You felt every last bit of Grizabella’s pain and emotion in her voice and facial expressions. I cried an embarrassing amount for someone seeing this film ironically for her 25th birthday.
Mr. Hooper I’m begging you to use more than one style of camera angle for solos. No disrespect to Dame Judy Dench but I would much prefer to not have her looking directly at me in her CGI cat regalia for five minutes to tell me that a cat is not a dog.
So that’s it! I saw Cats 2019 and...I didn’t hate it! It’s far from what I would consider the definitive production of Cats the Musical (thankfully we have Cats 1998 for that), but I enjoyed myself nonetheless.
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emeryst · 6 years
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➰ ( PARK JIMIN, DEMIMALE, HE/THEY ) *✧.:��░。 —- is that EMERY STEELE?! you know them, right? they are the 227 year old SEELIE !! they’re known for being WHIMSICAL & COMPOSED - but i'd be careful if i were you because they’re also SHREWD & EGOTISTICAL.
*peeks in* hello it is I, ghost of the past here again. asdnf ok for whoever even remembers my very brief venture into this rp with this muse um sorry for disappearing life kicked me in the ass but here’s for round two!! ;; I’m actually superrr excited to get to do stuff with Em and yall pls come plot uwu
I’m gonna keep introductions to minimum-- I go by Fany, 26 years young, she/her most likely playing overwatch if you don’t hear back from me for a while. constantly melting from this damn heat my last 1.5 brain cells are doing their best O K
that’s good right.
I’ll work on pages as we go don’t @me 
I’ve revamped this muse juuuust a tiny bit. here’s what you should know
looks 22 he’s stubborn and clings to youthfulness. sue him
tbh partially also bc people keep underestimating him and. that works to his advantage oops
goes by ‘em’ sometimes, or if you fancy using that to emery he honestly doesn’t care. some may only know him as ‘gemma’ but more on that later..
most important thing perhaps is to make it clear that emery is by no means his real name ( neither is steele ), nor the only one he has taken to using over the years, simply one he’s settled for currently. for the past, oh, 90 or so years anyway
no one knows his real name beside his mom, and the seelie queen I would assume. unless there’s a seelie ( or even a merperson ) who was around when he was residing in the faerieland
speaking of, he was born in the faerie realm and lived there for the first 20 years of his life with his mom ( 1790-1810+ )
never saw his dad much, for reasons I’m not disclosing here other than the man being an unseelie & involved in some shady dealings >_>
mom wanted to move back to korea where she had lived part of her life, naturally emery followed along mostly just to help her settle down and to see what it was like, ever the curious soul
she got her hands on some land and started a small business making lavish traditional clothes which ended up getting her a hefty sum of money over the years, while he was mostly helping and doing his own things on the side, going cross country for mundane as well as seelie business.
spent some good 30 years there before he decided to start travelling across globe. which is more or less what he been doing since then, not settling down for more than a max 10 years at a time really. now he’s been living in wilshire for a good 2 years
I don’t want to name a specific timeline for where he’s been when cause yo if anyone wants to plot something that happened in the past in whatever country/city, I’m down! mostly boy’s been in europe tho. that said he has been in wilshire before too occasionally so a past plot based around the city could be done ( as long as it’s some 30+ years into past )
oh ye he’s LOADED
how he’s maintained that is another thing. from early age he’s been extremely interested in gemstones and their qualities and all that, how pretty you could polish them & adding his own magic into the mix he begun experimenting with making sort of charms out of them in the form of jewellery and soon found a genuine passion in the craftsmanship ( mean he went to work as a proper apprentice for years and all, under different people too ) and he’s amassed a pretty nice following of people who vouch for his ‘product’ being of highest quality and materials. or at the very least have heard of him by the name ‘gemma’. we’re talking of a sort of legacy garnered along 150 years of him doing this so.
word has gotten around within the downworlders circles as much shadowhunters, everything is custom made so you wont be able to just say oh I want this kind of thing and expect him to have it on the go oh no. it would take minimum 2 weeks. and he’s a strict perfectionist so even if you were fine with him applying some shortcuts while crafting pride alone would have him refuse
first of all you have to get in contact with him, which is harder than it should be these days since he’s not exactly advertising, though has been giving out business cards to select few cause they’re fun. so unless you specifically know him as the jewellery/charm maker ‘gemma’ honestly your best bet is to ask around the shadow market and someone might direct you to him
in addition to all that, he’s made a name for himself in the mundane world too by having lines of jewellery sold in boutiques all over for the last 30+ years. rumour is he’s retired - which is true - but nothing’s confirmed cause he’s an ass
no one knows it’s emery tho now cause with that whole thing he heavily altered his looks as well as what name he slapped on that entire thing when handling business. as far as mundanes know ‘jon kim’ has disappeared off the face of earth and he ain’t doing a thing to prove otherwise
ok so
lives close enough to wilshire in this huge ass 5 bedroom house legit cost him nearly 3 million oops
but listen, he needs the space for work ( has one room just for that ) and other stuff and a decent sized yard for gardening cause he’s growing all kinds of flowers & shit. some illegal but shh
actually no he legit has a whole lot of stuff some warlocks might need so ring him up aye. nothing comes free tho jsyk ;)
also may or may not have subtle glamours and all kinds of wards set around the property but don’t you worry about those
likes his peace and quiet too but is a highly sociable person. lives off gossip no lie. mostly bc he just borED
loves going out and just having fun with people in general, experiencing new things and sights, taking in the nature etc
does still visit the faerieland often enough to know what’s happening over there, though he’s a little removed from the inner circle of the seelies’. beside visits to the queen. he yet remains loyal to her and their people regardless how close or not he is to them now ( no but give him a seelie friendo someone pls ;w; )
he actually has come back to that realm several times over the years and in between travels, usually when there’s a war going on in the mundane world and he’s just. not in the damn mood to deal with that
now he’s also just. kinda unbothered by bloodshed?? doesn’t like participating personally but has witnessed enough in his lifetime it doesn’t really phase him
sometimes to the point of being unnerving like
during these past events/plot drops you bet he’s the one in a corner still sipping a drink and watching it all go down with mild interest, and annoyance bc thanks for ruining the party. again. wont lift a finger to help either. until there’s a weapon pointed at own face. in which case better start praying.
will prob try to stare them down first bc excuse you want me to ruin this outfit you absolute heathen
see he’s been trained to fight too although he’s def not the best among faerie kind but can hold his own. it’s less of fighting more just whole lotta evading and letting his opponent tire themselves out like an idiot. bc that’s more fun
actually has no problem with seeing the clave burn down. might be aiding in that in the shadows ( has some.. questionable connections ) but like. not. directly. not in anyway that could ever be traced to him anyway
doesn’t necessarily want an all out war tho. that’d be just a hassle but he’s tIRED of shadowhunters and their righteous asses and superior attitudes. will still play nice with them ( most of the time.. some of the time. ) cause gotta keep up appearances and hey the more allies he can make the better
doesn’t have much of a problem with other downworlders. might clown them but means no ill I promise. had one nasty run in with a small group of vampires in europe back in the day which at the time left him on the verge of death and kind of shaken over the whole ordeal so. gets stupid tense when there’s more than two vampires in the same room
he’s the kind who acts being ( tentative ) friends with most everyone who he meets but no one really knows him. very guarded about his past & secrets and keeps everyone at an arms length, tho it might not feel like he’s doing that cause. yeah. it’s not out of ill will or anything. well, most of the time. he’s just careful over who to blindly trust– which is no one
likes messing with people but can be kind too. it all depends what mood he in and what energy you giving him
not exactly charitable, with money or anything but if you need help he most likely will agree to lend a hand. tho again, may not be for free
deep deep down wishes he could trust people, even one person enough to just be real with them and open and shit but also is well aware how dangerous that could be so. chooses not to act on those impulses of affection or whatever when they rise. tries not to at least
pansexual as hell. also stupidly picky so good luck with that
doesn’t do relationships anymore *addareyousureaboutthatgifhere* but who knows. prefers to keep it casual if anything does come to fruition either way
probably has a handful of enemies cause uh. kinda may have stabbed some people in the back along the way but in his defence they totally deserved it so. meh.
a hoe for quality fashion don’t even get me started. his style itself is all over he place but if emery is wearing it, safe to assume it cost a fortune
needless to say he wears a ridiculous amount of jewellery too most of the time you can hear him coming a mile away. avid fan of arm bracelets
as most seelies he also has a tattoo on his face. lets just, pretend it looks something akin to the shadow curving down his cheek an trailing along left side of neck and further down collarbones in this pic aight
tho a lot of the times it would be at least partially covered by makeup, which he uses regularly anyway
has a weird obsession with the ocean, and by proxy the merpeople so any of you guys out there hmu
tech-savvy. has all the latest stuff. also plays computer/console games cause why not, mundanes never cease to amaze him with their creations. not that he’s necessarily all that good but it’s for fun who cares
kinda all around restless and needs something going on at all times, even if it’s reading a book, attending to the garden, any small things
for him the whole bond thing seemed intriguing as well as spelled trouble but emery’s all about that also he was deathly bored aight plus may have a personal mission to carry out and any chance to fuck with shadowhunters is tAKEN THANKS
bonded with @urslashdw :  the chaotic gays™
wasn’t too happy to know the bond would last longer than a couple weeks, but has turned that into an asset. well, as much as it can be one. totally using her as an excuse to get to snoop around and may or may not be mildly manipulative towards her and using the connection to own advantage when possible but. ya know. has grown attached as you do so is a little torn over it.
I’m stopping here jesus take the wheel thanks bye!
so ye if any of you wanted to plot come at me~ don’t have any proper pages up yet bc i’m tired and lazy just ask me if you wanna know something. seriously, I love rambling about my muse I promise it’s no problem at all
guess there’s a few roles I wouldn’t mind seeing filled so here’s a bullet point list if anyone gets an idea or wants to brainstorm specifics!
friends ( very broad term )
old friend/acquaintance ( someone he goes waaaay back with )
business acquaintance ( whatever it may be )
old flame ( could have ended on good or bad terms, should have taken place a good while ago. bonus points if they still have a piece of jewellery em made for them )
booty call ( for convenience sake :p )
enemies/frenemies ( i feel this is just him with most shadowhunters?????? maybe he betrayed/tricked you and you’re just endlessly bitter. but look, it’s your fault for trusting him at all. em probably feels bad about it now???? or just classic hating each other’s guts )
literally anything??!
actually gimme someone who was in europe during the whole vampire attack shenanigans and helped him out ( em would feel indebted. )
also someone who may also be okay with bringing down the clave and they lowkey vibing. but in secret.
idk man the messier the plot the louder i get for declaring my love for it so bring it babes~
also omg if I had a plot with you then you’d want to actually.. you know.. put in action now I’d be okay with that lmao
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loving-jack-kelly · 7 years
Psych AU
Is Shawn, obviously
Cop dad, troublemaker because he liked disrupting his dad’s authority, actually very smart but does his absolute best to avoid people knowing it
His dad figured out he had a photographic memory when they were like, watching a movie, and Jack called out a mistake that nobody believed was real until he rewound and showed them, and then trained him to be super observant
His dad really wanted him to be a cop and Jack refused out of principle
Never held a job for long because as soon as something else caught his eye he’d go for it
Usually squeaked by on stretching pay from a job for forever, living in a tiny apartment, and doing art commissions when he could get them
Is really good at reading people from what his dad taught him
A Chaotic Good in its purest form, he’s always trying to help people but gets in his own way with his antics
Is Gus
Jack’s best friend while they were growing up
Was very respectful of authority and balanced Jack out, until Jack got him in on his schemes and then they were the terror of every adult in town
Pharmaceutical salesman, knows so many medicines off the top of his head
Drive a Blueberry and Jack makes fun of it but actually loves the car
Lawful Good, always obey the rules unless Jack makes him do otherwise, has a hard time lying
Lassiter, obviously he’s Lassie guys
Head detective, very put together and capable
Solves cases all the time and hates that Jack also solves cases all the time
Acts high and mighty but really does care about everyone
Juliet, Crutchie is Jules
Shows up and Jack is instantly like oh boy that crush hit me over the head with the velocity of a 747
He’s a transfer detective who’s worked his whole life to get where he is despite being an amputee and having a prosthetic
Jack acts like his crush is a joke but means it 100%
Crutchie is very capable and kicks ass and hates being underestimated because it’s almost kept him from achieving his dream before
When he was first trying to get to be a police officer he almost wasn’t allowed into police academy because they thought his prosthetic was a hazard and it took him his entire time to convince them otherwise
Now he won’t let anything get in the way of his being the best detective he can be
At first Jack bothers him because he had to work so hard to get where he is and Jack just shows up and starts solving crimes without seemingly a second thought, but Jack grows on him
Chief Vick
Is technically the interim chief but she’ll death glare anyone who calls her that because she deserves to be full chief and everyone knows it
Very skeptical of Jack and thus Davey but they are efficient and so she lets them keep working
Jack likes calling in tips to the police when he solves a case on his own because he thinks it’s funny that he can solve crimes from his couch that the police can’t
Eventually he calls one in and they call him in, he assumes it’s for like, reward money, but actually they suspect him in the case because he was right but it sounded like insider knowledge
He doesn’t want to admit he figured it out because of his observance and memory, but they’re going to arrest him, and he noticed the front desk cop was superstitious and so on a whim claims to be a psychic
Spot, the would-be arresting officer, is like, no way, that’s fake, psychics don’t exist
But Jack uses the things he noticed while waiting to be seen to “prove” that he’s psychic and everyone kind of starts to believe him because how else did he know so much about people he’d never met before?
But then Katherine hires him as a consultant for a case that they can’t solve because she figures he can’t do much harm when they’re about to lose the case to higher ups anyway
So Jack shows up to Davey’s job and is like, dude, I have a job and you have a job with me, let’s go
To which Davey responds, no way am I doing anything with you, your last five job attempts have been disasters
But Jack convinces him eventually and soon they have an office and a private investigative business
Davey constantly threatens to tell everyone that Jack isn’t a psychic but he never would because Jack really is solving crimes and they’re best friends
Jack flirts. With literally anyone. Even when it’s entirely inappropriate. Davey does his best to keep him in check. It doesn’t really work
Jack his sister just died don’t flirt with him
Jack her best friend is missing
Jack he’s the bad guy
Jack she is literally trying to murder us stop complimenting her form
Jack he
Jack she
He’s so ridiculously bi people genuinely think he’s joking like they think he’s straight making gay jokes because of the sheer number of times he flirts with guys and girls all the time
He does his best to seem as immature as possible, but he has a pretty high emotional intelligence
For a while, Crutchie is dating a guy who’s similar to Jack, which makes Jack sad because he wants to be dating Crutchie but Crutchie has never seemed interested
Eventually Crutchie overhears Jack talking to Davey about him and Jack says that he’s willing to just be friends if that means Crutchie is happy, only he wants to be happy too, and he can’t imagine being happy without Crutchie because he’s pretty much fallen in love with him over the years they’ve gotten to work together
And then Crutchie eventually gets together with Jack, after he gets out of his other relationship
Dating Jack is essentially dating both Jack and Davey because they’re always together
It also ends up being much like babysitting sometimes, because Jack gets into all sorts of trouble and Davey only does so much to stop him before joining in
Also when Jack proposes his speech (taken directly from Shawn’s proposal bc tbh it was an incredible proposal) goes like this:
Charlie Morris, I do not believe in love at first sight, because I didn’t even need to see you to know I wanted to spend forever with you. That didn’t make any sense. Scratch that. I have spent my whole life running from one thing to another, quitting and running and quitting and running and pretending that my destiny was to drive a wienermobile.
Davey: He was young and afraid of commitment.
That’s true. But I’m not that young anymore. And I’m also not afraid. Because when I’m with you, Char, I’m just fearless and unbreakable.
Davey: Like Samuel L. Jackson.
Jack: No, Samuel L. Jackson was the glass man.
Davey: Not emotionally, Jack, not emotionally.
Jack: Okay, dude, well dial it back just a teeny bit.
Davey: *choked up* Okay.
I know that I come with baggage, and a best friend who’s not going anywhere. Ever. But I promise you that from this moment forward the only running I will be doing is into your arms, and I will never stop holding your cold little hands or losing myself when I wake up in the morning and look at you and recognize how frickin’ lucky I am.
Davey: *in the background* Oh my gosh, oh my gosh, it’s happening, say yes, say yes!
Crutchie: Yes, yes!
Jack: Okay, well technically, you just said yes to Davey.
Crutchie: Well ask me, Jack!
Crutchie, will you marry us? Me? Mostly me? Even though Davey is always gonna be part of the deal and one day he’ll have his own Crutchie and we’ll be one big family and we’ll have dogs, all rescues, and kids, probable before we’re sixty. Just marry me so I can show you how amazing our life will be together?
Davey was crying by the end of it and Crutchie said yes, obviously, please do yourself a favor and watch the scene from the real show it’s cinematic genius.
Spot meets Race and for pretty much the only time in his life opens up easily and right away
And then it turns out Race is the criminal in the case they’re working on and Spot has to arrest him but he promises to wait until Race is out of prison and they end up together anyway
Now for the true reason this au works: the quotes. The dialogue. All of these are direct quotes from the show.
Davey: You named your fake detective agency "Psych"? As in "got you"? Why didn't you just call it "Hey, we're fooling you and the police department; hope we don't make a mistake and somebody dies because of it."
Jack: First of all, Davey, that name is entirely too long; it would never fit on the window. And secondly, the best way you convince people you're not lying to them is to tell them you are!
Davey: How do you just eat when there's a dead guy laying there?
Jack: What, is that rude? Am I supposed to share?
Jack: Good morning, detectives! Are we collecting donations for the policeman's ball?
Spot: We don't have balls.
Jack: I honestly have no response to that.
Crutchie: You're not hired. I can't pay you. If it turns out there's something to it, I'll make sure you get put on the case. That's all I can do.
Jack: Crutchie, I'm quite sure we could work out some kind of services exchange. You see I like to do some sketching myself and sometimes I need a model.
Crutchie: Huh! [gets up and walks from the room]
Jack: Was that inappropriate? ...Felt OK.
Jack: Don't panic. Those bites are consistent with a T-Rex bite.
Davey: You know that?
Jack: Yes, I know that. [shows picture of himself in the mouth of a T-Rex skeleton] I was banned from the Wyoming National Museum for that shot. The bruises didn't go away for a year, but it was totally worth it. It was my best screensaver ever!
Crutchie: Jack, how do you know this?
Jack: The same way that I know that as a child Spot wanted nothing more than a pony.
[They all look at Spot]
Spot: Oh, come on. Who didn't?
Davey: Anyone who wasn't an 8 year-old girl.
Spot: I hate snow globes.
Jack: Huh. That's strange, because my psychic sense told me specifically that snow globes didn't give you nightmares of being trapped in a clear ball with snow that burned your skin off.
Spot: Who keeps telling people I like snow globes?!
Jack: I don't think anyone's here.
Davey: How sure are you?
Jack: Fairly to pretty damn.
Jack: Davey, don't be a myopic chihuahua. I have a full-proof plan that solves the case and gives the Chief all the credit.
Davey: What is it?
Jack: Actually, all I have is the phrase "I have a full-proof plan." Beyond that, I'm wide open.
And so many more these are all from like the first three seasons of eight the whole show is like this it’s incredible and I love it
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taehcns-blog · 7 years
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henlo everyone !!!!!!!!!! my name is clove, i’m eighteen, use he/him pronouns, & i’m your resident boy group enthusiast™ hittin’ the tags to bring you my precious angel hwan taehan ! he’s genuinely a mf puppy and all he wants to do is sip on lattes, wear cute clothes, & stare at boys bc he’s waaay too awkward & innocent to approach one whoops !! either way, you can read more about him below so have fun & if you wanna plot lmk !!!!!
( tw. ) ─── depression. death. homophobia. underage sex. typing errors.
001. ooookay gang, this is gonna be v messy and i apologize in advance, but i wanna get this up so i can start writing with all of you sweetie pies, kapeesh ??? anyway ─── taehan was born in the jinhae-gu district of changwon city, south korea. his parents owned and operated a restaurant in the area for 8 years prior to his birth, and even after he was born, the two of them kept their business up and running for much longer !!!! he spent lots of time becoming acquainted with customers, their children, and being almost the face™ of the restaurant, and he adored all of the attention he got ! he wasn’t a shy kid, and often made friends v easily so he was well-liked, and his parents felt almost too lucky to have a son as handsome, sweet, and friendly as he was !!!!
002. however, as he got a lil older, his family was beginning to realize that he was different. unlike most of his friends growing up, he was clearly a lot more feminine than them, and he loved things that not many little boys did at his age. instead of working on the family car with his father, he much preferred to bake things with his mother. he liked playing with dolls, his favorite color was pink, and whenever the neighborhood boys and him would play, he’d always taken on the role of the princess, or the mother, or the ‘girlfriend’ whenever they’d get involved with all of that. both mom and dad kinda shrugged all that off as a phase and didn’t necessarily wish to change their child in anyway ─── after all, he was their pride and joy, so to them, he was still v perfect ... however, it wasn’t like that for lots of others.
003. all of the people that once adored him would now try to ruin all the fun he had, and his parents were p much pissed about it tbh. whenever he’d be running about the restaurants with his dolls, some customers would take them away from him and say that dolls were for girls, or that pink was a girl color, etc. and it began to leave a sour taste in all of their mouths. taehan was beginning to question literally EVERYTHING bc like, he had never once been told that he acted weird or like a girl before ... and it kinda fucked with him ??? like what did that even mean ya feel ??? it was then when he began to ask his parents tons of questions about how he acted or how he was naturally, and they had a hard time explaining to him that some people were just mean and didn’t understand him and that helped him feel better about all of it, but apart of him after that always felt weird. 
004. in school, he thought he’d thought that he’d make tons and TONS of friends bc everyone seemed to like him around the restaurant and his neighborhood. he got along well with girls, but lots of the boys were mean to him; calling him names, treating him bad, and overall, making him feel even more like an outcast than he already did. whenever he’d go home and tell his parents about what was going on school, they would do their best to talk to his teachers, and the principal, but none of them really did anything to help the situation. however, after years and years of him enduring all this bullying, his family decided it’d be best to just relocate elsewhere. their restaurant wasn’t doing too well in the area anymore, and they wanted bigger, better things, so they packed up all their things and moved to seoul, which is where his mother was from initially, and he was excited to be near his grandma, who he always had a wonderful relationship with !!!!!!
005. however, on the drive over there, his family was involved in a car accident that, unfortunately, ended up killing his father. sick with grief, his mother, and himself, didn’t think that life would ever be the same. their move to seoul was now in a different light ─── instead of setting their sights on bigger, brighter things, the two of them moved in with his grandmother and built themselves a new life from scratch. his mother worked the dry cleaning and seamstress business that his grandmother had owned for p much all of her life, and it was a rough time all around tbh. although still a resilient child, he longed to see his dad once again, but he knew that that would never, ever happen... and it made him v sad. his mom never really bounced back from all of it, and even after years had passed, she’s still grieving in her own way. however, life went on, and things got better, but with age came a ton more complications in taehan’s life ... and he often longed for the time things were simpler when he was with his mom and dad at the restaurant in jinhae-gu.
006. in middle school, he was often a wallflower and an outcast, and many of his peers didn’t necessarily feel the need to hangout with him, and it sent him into a bit of a downward spiral. once puberty hit, he began to understand why so many people thought of him to act like a girl in lots of ways. he’d look at boys and stare at them longer ; often liking their appearances and figuring out that girls didn’t make him feel that way whatsoever. he’d often talk to his mom about it, and she said it was normal, and that nothing was weird. she had a good friend when she was younger who liked other men, and she was understanding of all of that. even though at home he felt safe, he became worried that others would bully him if they ever found out the things that were on his mind, so he never confided the truth about himself to anyone ever. he didn’t want his life to be ruined, or to be embarrassed. however, in high school, things seemed to look up for him... but not for long lol rip.
007. he met a boy that he like high-key had a crush on ... and out of the blue, the two of them began to form some sort of friendship. none of it was too serious or whatever. they were kids, and they were just having fun and stuff. however, the more time they spent with one another, the more that taehan was FALLING for him real hard and like ..... all he could think about was the other boy, and he wanted to be around him all the time, and he’d get v jealous whenever he’d choose other friends over him, etc. and it all get low-key messy. so, he asked his mother’s advice and she told him that it may be best to tell his friend how he felt, so the next day, he did just that... but it didn’t end well at all. see, at first his friend said he felt the same way, and one thing led to another and they began to kiss and mess around... however, his friend had his webcam on while they were in his room and recorded everything ... and it got around the school and his friend was exposed as a total snake bc all of this was a dare from his other friends. i hope that made sense lol. needless to say, taehan was totally MORTIFIED and refused to go to school after that ... and his mother felt v bad
008. after that, he spiraled into a horrible depression ... and his mom sent him to a therapist that she’d been seeing for the last few years, and he was prescribed an anti-depressant. the first month on the meds were absolute hell, and his therapist was there to guide him all through it ... but once that trial period was over, they helped level him out a lot ... and he knew there were lots of things he still needed to get over from his past and his present, but he liked that he didn’t feel like ending it all whenever he got into his depressive episodes. to this day, he still takes his meds and sees a therapist, and he’s glad for that. he switched schools after that and felt a lot better, making more friends, and graduating with lovely grades to bring him to his loving and supportive family !!!!! now, he’s going to college and studying business, much like his father, and hopes to reopen the restaurant that his family had at one point in time ... as well as maybe venture into the world of fashion. 
009. he’s still living at home with his mom and his grandmother, and they love him to bits, but whenever he saves some money, he does wanna try living with a roommate or by himself to see what all of that’s about !!!!!! he’s just a simple boy going through life and figuring his shit out, y’know ???
( connections. ) ─── lots of friends tbh. they can be whoever. he trusts women more, obvs, but he’ll be happy with any male friends, too. they’ll help kinda bridge the gap of men he has in his life. potential romantic interest. pls you’ll give me all the fluffy feels that i need to BREATHE ok. this can start however and we can build it up from scratch, or have them be friends that slowly fade into a couple idek. i just neeeeed it. the dude that fucked him over in hs. this could be ANGST city but i kinda want it if anyone’s down lol. a female friend he may have used for a beard at one point / bff. c’mon... think of the CUTENESS. they can be v protective of one another and affectionate with each other, and they’re basically soulmates, but they’re in no way attracted to each other so they’re just bffs. anything else tbh hmu with any ideas !!!!!!!
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