#anyway i am having lots of jesse in alaska thoughts today i love him so so much im đŸ«‚
thatunperfectworld · 7 years
Their Reaction To First Meeting You. (The Flash)
Barry Allen: You met when you first started working as Barry’s lab partner. You were sitting at you desk when Barry walked in, you looked up at him with a glaring expression “You’re late” you snickered to the tall boy and he glanced at you before walking to his desk just before you stood up “Are you always this late?” you had questioned him and he nodded “Have you got the files?” he asked “No, i’m casually reading your death certificate” you spoke sarcastically, Barry couldn’t help but shake his head into his hand. Your sarcasm was only the beginning of that relationship.
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Cisco Ramon: You were best friends with Barry since you were little but you went off to college for four years. When you got back Barry had to tell you everything, well except him being ‘The Flash’ and the team. But he did tell you about his friends and his job. Barry had invited you and some others out to the bar for some fun and you were running a bit late but you arrived shortly after they did. You walked up to Barry and told him you were getting drinks, before Barry could introduce you to the others you had smiled towards the other boy and walked off. Cisco took an immediate interest and turned to Barry “Yo, who was that hottie?” he asked before Barry laughed softly “Y/N, she just got back from college. She’s my best friend. She’ll probably be working at CCPD with me and Joe as a cop” he answered before Cisco turned in his chair to admire you. 
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Joe West: You were a new cop being put on the force, you had just moved here from England in hopes to become a cop. After landing the job they told you to come in and meet your partner, Joe West. You glanced at your watch almost panicking when you had one minute until 8. you finally got there as the clock struck hitting your shoulder against the wall. You hissed softly before you heard a chuckle in front of you, looking up you saw a man. He greeted you with a smile and you smiled back “Sorry, I’m a little clumsy.” you whispered softly “When I’m late” you spoke again and he smiled “You must be Y/N, I’m Joe West. I guess we’ll be working together” he smiled towards you before you nodded lightly. You could tell you two were going to be quite close.
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Harry Wells (Earth 2): You first met when he arrived, you were a meta and working with team Flash. You could control water, they called you “Water Siren” since you controlled it with your voice. Lately you had been feeling down about not having your powers since the meta you were fighting drained them from you. You were sitting in a chair when Harry had walked over to you “Everything okay?” he asked and you shrugged “Not really, feel kind of useless. What if I never get my powers back?” you asked looking up at him and he stood in front of you knelling down “Now I know that isn’t true, you are a strong adult. You will find a way to get them back. And with or without your powers Y/N you are still the most bravest person I know and that won’t change.” he whispered to you and you couldn’t help but smile at the tall man and whisper a soft ‘Thank you’
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Wally West: You were out on a walk by yourself at night, you and your dad had just gotten in a fight and you needed some air. The wind hitting against your wet eyes was painful but you didn’t want to go back. You were watching the ground when you accidentally walked into someone, looking up you saw a man in a black sweatshirt. He scanned your face before you blurted something “Wow, you’re cute” before realizing what you said he side smiled before shrugging softly and smiling. That night you two walked together and talked about everything. To you, it felt nice having a friend and maybe one day, it would turn into more. 
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Eddie Thawne: You were up in the training room when you heard the door open, you had been working at CCPD for two weeks now and you had a bad day. You had lost the bad guy you were chasing. You looked over to see a blonde haired boy come in grabbing some gloves. “Can I spot you?” he asked and you nodded once getting in position as he walked over holding it “G-” he went to tell you to start but you had already done that. Punching it with all your might you had finally finished moments after, the boy leaned his head against the large object and watched you as you took your gloves off. “So your Y/N?” he asked and you glanced at him nodding “That would be me, and you must be detective pretty boy” you replied back and he couldn’t help himself but to smile towards you with a soft nod. 
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HR Wells: You were at the coffee shop ‘Jitters’ having a light cup of coffee. You had just been fired from your job because you had accidentally lost the 5 dollars your boss had given you to keep safe. You thought it was a ridiculous reason but you understood because you were already clumsy. You heard someone walk in and come up to you “Why so blue?” he asked and you looked up and let a small smile “I got fired, for losing something my boss told me not to” you said slowly and he sat down “What?” he asked making a funny face in the process causing you to laugh softly “Yeah, but oh well. I hated him anyways. I’m Y/N.” you chuckled and he smiled “Call me HR” he said before pausing and starting again “Why don’t you come work at STAR Labs with me?” he asked you and you smiled widely before nodding “I’d love that” you answered back. Not only was that the start of a new career, but maybe something more. 
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Caitlin Snow: You were the new hire at S.T.A.R. Labs and today was your first day. You had walked into the lab and walked to the cortex were you were greeted by a young girl, she turned to you and gave you a small smile “You must be the new hire. I’ve heard a lot about you” she spoke softly. You smiled towards her “I am, and yeah same. Harrison told me so much.” you spoke lightly “I’m Caitlin” she smiled “Y/N” you smile back at her. She had that smile that made your heart patter and you couldn’t help but think of what your life would be like here on out. 
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Iris West: You were going to ‘Jitters’ for your interview for the job when you walked inside. You went up to the counter and asked for the manager when a young girl with dark hair smiled at you “He should be out soon, he’s with someone right this second.” she smiled towards you and you nodded “Thank you” you smiled walking to a seat. You had ended up sitting there for an hour when she walked over to you and sat down “Sorry he’s taking so long” she apologized to you “Oh don’t worry. With my family you learn to have patience.” you chuckled which made her follow in a laughter “I’m Iris by the way” she said softly looking at you “Y/N’ you said lightly scanning her eyes, you were caught off guard when someone called your name. Finally the manager had called you back “I look forward to working with you. good luck Y/N” she smiled and you nodded “Thanks” you said before walking back. 
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Jesse Wells: You were working at S.T.A.R. labs with your brother Barry when you went down to his secret room to sit and read for a while. You weren’t much of a social person so you stayed and read. You heard the door open and looked up to see a girl with short reddish hair. She smiled at you “Hey, you okay?” she asked and you smiled “Yeah, just reading” you replied quietly “What book?” she asked as you stood up “Looking for Alaska” you said softly and she looked at it then to you “I won’t spoil” she chuckled “Oh don’t worry. I’ve done read it three times” you laughed and she just let out a chuckle before looking down smiling. 
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(Not my gifs! Credit to the owners. Hope you like themm. Sorry some are longer or better than the others. It’s 1:30 in the morning xD Taking requests. xoxo) 
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