#anyway i just wanted to point out. he's a golden princeling he gets a high fantasy castle setting OBVIOUSLY he's the meg boy
lunetual · 1 year
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HAN NOAH ✧ ‘Wait For You’ Official MV
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zeitgeniesser · 2 years
nemeses are good
a wise old instagram post once told me: when you are annoyed at someone, how much of yourself do you see in them?
Boom. Gotteem. But forreal, I'm here for the spice, and the spikes, and the spite. Nemeses are good, baby. Find yourself a dark kermit. Let darkest timeline Abed show you who you really are, and who you really can be. And don't look too hard, they are aplenty in the mundane.
Here's the proof. Today at the Y, a prim rose-haired, nails-shellacked, nose ringed, queer-spectrum-ass-punk-ass-White kid pulled his lil tank top wearing punk ass up to the court where I had just put the finishing touches on a W and called next. Sensing something a little unusually electric, and competitively aroused by the princeling interloper, I jumped at the opportunity.
That's the stage setting, but first, some necessary backdrop:
For starters you gotta know I'm pretty decent at basketball. I'm YMCA good anyways. I'll let you place me on your own mental spectrum from amputated dachshund to LeBron.
Second: real recognize real. If you're discerning, you can measure a guy's rote ability pretty fuckin quick. And this dude was busy checking boxes. Legit handle. In-and-out dribble. Drag step. NBA range. Surprising bounce. Quickness. 5'8'' sure, but dangly earrings spoke for his confidence. And beneath the geniality, the high-fives, the lobe-to-lobe smile an icy and unmistakable competitive glimmer.
Third: it takes one to know one. Sure, I don't take it quite the distance as this fuck, but I'm standing there as the only other earringed, tank-topped, big-cheesin, skinny ass, punk ass Whiteboy in the gym. And I also don't like to lose. And certainly not under these circumstances. I get off on being the gangly charming hipster who's also capable of stacking Ws. This is a -- I want to have my cake and eat it in front of you moment. A howdy partner, this town ain't big enough for the two of us moment. That type of shit. I could go on.
So the game gets going. He's got his crew, I've got mine. It's not the perfect matchup but we end up guarding each other. I'm a sucker for a little narrative, a little juice, a dose of rivalry. It's conspicuously even. He's quicker, I'm taller. I post his ass up for a bucket. He hits a drag step fallaway on me. I choke out: "nice shot." I block him. He hits a deep three. I hit a deep three. ...
Between the fireworks there's a subtler tug of war happening. A clash of souls. A battle between light and dark. Smug and smugger. Alt and hip and cool and chill and good-at-basketball.
This is about who can win, yes, but it's really about who can win with the most stylistic nonchalance. Because in this flamboyant swashbuckle there is also a particular mantle of cool detachment at stake. The coveted victory that does not debase our personal brands. Brands built on years of breezy Golden Child achievement, "smart-smart" rep, effortless charm, chummy leadership (but NOT the bro-ey Crab Goyle & Malfoy variety), and against-the-grain visual affect. Grimy competitiveness certainly does not comport. But neither does getting run off the floor.
So what will the tone be? The urgency? The physicality of this dance? We let each other know in little ways. He sets an off ball screen on the first play. Daps up a teammate and drops some hoops jargon. "Good weak side rotation. Clean dive." Behavior that to the naked eye looks like nothing, but to a fellow shark sends a signal: I know what I'm doing and I really don't want to lose. Not so fast pal, from the jump I'm on him. Pushing slightly and not so slightly, hand on his ribcage, hard box outs. I'm telling him, I'm bigger than you are and you're gonna have to earn your points today. When he scores on me, even my "nice shot" is loaded. Motherfuckers don't get easy buckets on me because I'm good at basketball. There's a wintry respect in the air.
And then it breaks. We're all knotted up and it's late in the game. Little dude on their team goes up for a rebound. I go up for the same rebound. We both come down with it, four hands on one ball. I call jump. In pickup hoops you can call jump when two fellas are grappling for the ball. Usually stops things from getting messy. Gives possession to the team that didn't start with it. That would've been us. I knew that. Of course I did.
And so did he. I look over, his eyes are blazing through the thin curtains of his usual smug smolder, the cold steel of his septum piercing red with indignity. Seeing no legal challenge, but mad as hell, he storms forward, grabs the ball and proclaims "I'll shoot for it." In pickup hoops this is the equivalent of invoking trial by combat. No matter how sacrosanct the rule in question, you can always opt to leave it in the hands of the basketball Gods.
Well not really. You're fucked if you can't shoot.
He can though, and he drills it. Small recompense. Everyone and their grandma knows what just happened. Just like that, the mirage was shattered.
Salty ass motherfucker. Competitive slimeball. Two faced diva. And the worst yet: tasteless. Among the regular degular hooper crowd there's a special disdain reserved for frequent foul callers (and frequent foulers, which can lead to some dicey situations). Those who lace it up learn to understand the informal glue, the communal decorum, the unwritten expectations, the honor that holds together such a psychosomatic blob of sweat and ego. Beneath the aggression and chirping and competition there's a bond of good faith. Break it, and you might manage to mortgage the L for the asterisk. But the cost is steep.
The interloper had proven himself willing to engage in such a Faustian Verhandlung. In doing so, he exposed himself as worse than competitive. Competitive is a vice we can live with. One we can manage and trim and take for walks out on the basketball court so it doesn't shit all over our amygdala's carpets. But competition must make peace with the sour taste of defeat, the roommate who's existence it might prefer to ignore. And the landlord, your psyche, would do well to acknowledge even their more rowdy, less outwardly presentable tenants.
Which brings this boomerang home. I'm not always proud of my achievement complex, or competitiveness, or high horse but I do well to acknowledge it. Play whack-a-mole and it escapes in geysers of unbearable smugness in victory, and saltily gritted teeth in defeat. Of course, I can always run. Until the universe drops another hint. This kid on the court, this prima-fuckin-donna jabronie fauntleroy schmetterling showed me a mirror and I didn't like it. I don't want to fly so close to the sun, I want to sit in my fuckin swamp water snatching balls out the passing lane with my crocodile jaws, desperately and unashamedly hunting for a win and already at peace with a loss.
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moodring89 · 7 years
CH.3 Down the Rabbit Hole
Pairing: Jeongguk x Reader / Side Yoonseok Chapter Rated: M Genre: Fantasy, Hybrid AU (Prince Bunkook. Sue me.), Royal AU, Cinderella / Labyrinth feels Summary: Yoongi’s sister buys two tickets to the Autumn ball held at the Meadows, a notorious city known for its hybrid inhabitants, where she hopes to meet a certain bunny princeling. Previous Chapters: 01, 02
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He whispered the words, low, and intimate across her lips. “Beg for your prince.”
A/N: Hello! Sorry for the long wait, but my friend ended up staying a bit longer, and then all of those performances happened, and I had to record some stuff. I did work on it every night. Extra: I’ll be giving away some mediheal facemasks and photocards on my YT channel for reaching 100 subscribers in the next upcoming days. I’ll also be unboxing BTS albums in order and raffling off the photocard for each one (granted, if I don’t need it, although I have most of them already). International participants welcomed.   Chapter Three: House of Rabbits The room whirled on her, as though she were being swept across the floor still. She’d yet to physically move, a panic keeping her rooted to the spot. A new song had begun, couples dancing through the tension filled space between them – her, as well as the hybrid she’d assumed to be the prince. The fact that he didn’t even try to deny it, his expression steeled into one of easy composure, it made her believe it all the more. It was in the smallest of details; the description of his dark, yet charming doe-eyed stare written from one of her favorite articles, the warm smell of chai that still clung to her skin, with all of those terrible fucking facts that had never been brought to light. He tilted his head at her then, a faint smile touching the curve of his lips. Why though? Why even share all of those intimate details? He took a graceful step into the crowd, disappearing from her line of sight, there and gone like a goddamn phantom.   Soon the tip of a shiny dress shoe was nudging her. It was Yoongi, who appeared to look perplexed by her position, “So like, are you waiting to be dubbed? Why are you there on the ground?” She grabbed onto his hand when he’d offered it, “I met the prince.” “That was him…? He had too much leg if you ask me. Tall guys, they uh, just don’t add up. Maybe he’d be willing to donate some inches to charity?” She sighed, “Doubt it.” The moment Yoongi wanted to protect her from ended up happening anyway. That’s just wonderful, isn’t it? He frowned deeply in annoyance, “Was he not the generous prince you thought him to be? Short or not, I’ll knock him on his royal, pampered ass. Tell me what he said to you.” Oh, how she’d love to accuse the hybrid of popping every single one of her last bubbles, but there would be no justification for saying it. It was her fault for assuming his intentions from the start. “Nothing he said was wrong, really. It was just disappointing.” “See, that’s enough to piss me off, especially since I knew that this would happen. I knew it and yet I still played dumb. I allowed you to drag us here, thus going against our father’s wishes, which bee-tee-dub, not fucking cool. I’m going to be arranging fucking sunflowers and daisies for the rest of my life if he ever found out about this…” Yoongi paused, giving her a look of genuine concern. “Serious talk though, do you think I have a quiet rage problem?” She refused to answer his ridiculous question, asking, “Where did Jimin and Taehyung go?” “They left me, muttering something about being on time. That fairy is a pr-et-ty weird character. He told me to go save you from your curtsey, before the dance even ended, and then there you were, looking like a child who’d just had their chocolate milk slapped out of their hand.” The music stopped, followed by a sharp, loud chime of a bell. It drew everyone’s attention towards the back of the room, where all but one royal had remained seated. It was the hybrid she’d danced with, standing there in his fitted black three piece suit, infuriatingly handsome – she tried not dwell on it too much, however Yoongi’s comment about his long legs hadn’t helped. She was now appreciating how thick his thighs were in those tight slacks. Ridiculous. “I’d like to thank you all for attending my Coming of Age party,” Jeongguk started, bringing a hand up to untie the knot of his mask. “I could say that I’ve gathered you all here to celebrate you and me, us – humans and hybrids, but there was another reason.” Yoongi scoffed, not at all impressed, “This should be good.” She inched closer to her brother, “This guy is a real piece of work, cryptic until the very end.” All the times the scantily clad rabbit hybrids walked by, tall and slender – encompassing model-esque beauty with their arms poised to hold up trays of wine she’d kept rejecting. This next time around, she’d made sure to grab two glasses for herself, ignoring Yoongi when he reached for one. “Get your own.” Jeongguk lowered his head, removing his mask in one fluid motion. The dark, silky strands of his hair fell forward into his face. “The underlining reason, which I am hoping that you will all understand, and forgive me for, was to find my wife.” Gasps of surprise filled the room, hushing into a similar whisper of, ‘who is she?’ High from dancing with the prince, disappointed once she’d learned the truth, and she was hurt now, because of course. Of course Prince Jeongguk had himself a princess. Nothing felt true for her anymore, even the present reality, once so tangible, and absolute felt far from her reach.     “This kid is fucking married? He looks two,” Yoongi mused, voice practically dripping with sarcasm, doing his best to lighten the mood, because he knew. He knew that it must be a whole new level of suck for her. It was easy to tell how affected she was by the tense line of her back, the way her chest fell with every short, quick breath. Instead of reacting like everyone else was doing, she remained oddly silent. The prince exposed the rest of his handsome, royal hybrid features, as he lifted his face towards his guests. A set of rabbit ears the color of snow pointed upwards, ticking periodically. She could see the pale scar curved along his cheek, the straight bridge of his nose, the freckles marking his smooth, golden skin. Pieces fell into place, as she matched his eyes and lips with the rest of him, determining that Jeongguk was a daydream turned dark – a daydream personified. She was forced to look away, focusing on literally anything but Jeongguk, when Taehyung caught her attention, stepping out from the autumn gold tapestry that was hanging like a backdrop behind the royal family. Jimin followed him closely with a smudge in the glitter that had been brushed on his cheek. There was a glow to the fae’s skin that she’d rather not think too much about, instead wondering why the hell they were allowed to stand there all casually – so comfortably, and familiar. “When I was a child, I received a gift from the fae realm, one of their own, a fae-born who was blessed with the sight, capable of seeing into my future. In fact, he saw this very night. A night of which, we could not so readily believe in at first.” Jeongguk surveyed the crowd, assessing them with a long, critical stare. “He said that I would meet my princess at a ball that united the two major kingdoms, on a night where humans and hybrids joined in the Dance of the Meadows.” Yoongi rolled his eyes, closing his thumb to his fingers in mock-talk. “Blah, blah, blah, pre-destined fate, blah! I don’t believe in this shit. Let’s just go.” She slowly shook her head, “Not yet. Please.” Jeongguk placed his mask down in front of his father, before returning to the countless eyes on him. “I was told that my intended was to be human.” Yoongi nudged her, “Wife, princess, his intended, what, is he gonna say betrothed next?” The prince’s eyes flashed darkly, meeting the exquisite look of desperation on her face, watching as she grabbed hold of her brother’s sleeve. There was a moment between herself and Jeongguk that was severe in contrast, so completely opposite. Her deeply horrified moment of, ‘oh, no’ to his smug, unyielding, ‘oh, yes’. The rabbit hybrid’s body language exuded confidence, tongue shoved to the side of his cheek, feeling heated, and challenged. He dared her to prevent this, to stop this...   She shook her head at him, pleading, but he remained resolute in his decision. “The fae told me that I would receive a gift from my betrothed. He said…” Yoongi took a moment to pat himself on the back, “Nailed it.” “…that she would give me her first dance.” “Bitch probably didn’t know that it would be her last,” her brother snorted from beside her, when he noticed how quickly her skin had paled. Wait. He followed the heavy, meaningful stare that the prince was currently casting – the creepy motherfucker. He’d lined it up and traced it back to the person standing beside him, his sister who had gone very still. A human girl with zero dance experience – oh, sweet heavenly fuck, he was going to be a florist with a fox fetish. Her fingers felt numb, she couldn’t feel anything, “Yoongi, I…” The guests parted for the royal guards, their heavy boots scuffing the floors, heavy armor clinking with every bit of movement. The room had yet to stop its awful spin and she found herself falling backwards, her hand slipping from Yoongi’s jacket. The blonde turned with the motion, grappling for her when she was caught in a pair of steady arms. Yoongi blinked up, an eyebrow twitching at the familiar fox, overcome with worry, and fear. Hoseok spoke into the small, clear microphone by his mouth, maintaining eye-contact with the cat-like human. “The princess has been secured.” --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- “You don’t have to be so angry,” Jimin started, watching as Yoongi paced from one end of the hallway to the other. Angry? He was fucking livid. His sister collapsed right before him and there was nothing that he could do, other than to watch as Hoseok carried her away like some goddamn hero – the only thing missing was the white horse, and a silky half-unbuttoned shirt. Yoongi had followed after the fox, inwardly panicking all the way to the infirmary, where the door was promptly shut in his face. Jimin tried to reason with him, “At least I was able to see it before it happened. I was the one who asked Hoseok to catch her. You should be thanking me, human.” “Oh, don’t…” Yoongi stopped short to glare daggers over at the orange haired fae. Even with all the soft, warm mochi vibes that Jimin fully encompassed, nothing and no one was safe from the brother’s wrath. “Don’t pull that ‘human’ shit with me.” The hand on Jimin’s thigh twitched, Taehyung’s canines setting firmly. The wolf hybrid tried to search his sanity for a, ‘how to not growl in a human’s face, before biting it off 101’ guide, and was coming up short.   Jimin tried again, “Your sister is going to be fine. Please, I…” The blonde snapped, “Why? Because you can see it? Did you also see the part where I shove your wigs up your sparkly ass –” Taehyung barked out a humorless laugh, “If he did, I’m sure he would have also seen my rebuttal, followed by your funeral.” ‘Hyung, baby, angel, sweetie, my precious faeling…’ Jimin looked over at his hybrid, listening to his loud, clear thoughts.   ‘I promised you that I would not harm humans. I might break that promise.’ The fairy held Taehyung’s hand, smoothing his thumb over the top of it. “I know you’re upset, Yoongi and I wished that you were able to see what I can, because then you’d realize that we’re your friends. Close friends at that and your sister will be happy. You’ll both be…” Yoongi merely scoffed at his words, continuing on with his routine. Jimin carefully added, “You never do become a florist, by the way.” He paused at that, turning to regard the fairy, “Well, why the fuck not? It’s my father’s dream, therefore it’s my burden.” “Because that is not your fate. You are brother to the Princess of the Meadows. There is no turning back from here, there never was…” Not that Hoseok would have allowed such a ridiculous thing. Jimin tried to think of a scenario where Yoongi would leave and choose to never return. Or a situation where Hoseok would be okay with it, but both seemed highly unlikely. Maybe Jimin had shared too much, overestimated what kind of information humans could handle.   The doors to the infirmary hissed when they parted, the doctor from earlier stepping out into the hall, hands tucked inside his lab coat. He nodded towards Jimin and Taehyung, somewhat lazily, “Tae, Jiminie.” “Seokjin-hyung,” the wolf hybrid greeted back, a bright, boxy smile beaming up at him. The elder didn’t know what to do with it, to be honest.   The physician then looked over at Yoongi, who was visibly incensed and worn, pale hands clenched into tight fists. It was like the kid was ready to throw down. Seokjin adjusted his glasses, “You’re the girl’s brother I take it? Your sister is going to be alright. She woke up a few moments ago asking for you. You should go in and see her.” Yoongi didn’t need to be told twice, as he walked briskly through the doors without so much as a thank you.   “He looked ready to hit me. Glasses and all,” Seokjin said, finding that he was amused, despite the rather violent scenario. “I probably would have let him. My life needs the excitement. No one ever gets sick or injured around here.” Jimin hit the doctor’s arm, playfully, “That’s kinda dark, hyung-nim.” “What is my life, really? I could be on Lunar or at Star’s End, saving people.” Seokjin grew animated, throwing his hands about, practically shouting. “But, no! Instead, I’m stuck here, taking care of young maidens with fainting spells.” “Happily married to Namjoon,” the king’s admiral reminded him, raising an inquisitive brow at his husband. Oh, how Seokjin loved to loathe him. The deep timbre of Namjoon’s voice surrounded the royal physician, when he teased, “So excitable this evening. Care to extend the same amount of enthusiasm in the bedroom?” Taehyung covered his eyes with both his hands, not that it would at all save him from what his ears were currently hearing. The sight was somehow worse to him, than the words. Jimin’s skin glowed prettily, especially whenever he saw Namjoon and Seokjin in the same room together. It was a form of energy for him. He slipped his fingers through Taehyung’s and felt as the wolf’s heat engulfed the cool temperature of the fairy’s skin. “You conceited prick.” Seokjin lowered his voice, as he stepped closer towards the admiral. “Do you really think I’m that easy?” “I don’t think it, baby,” Namjoon said, dimples on full display, and eyes alit with a familiar hunger. “I know it.” Taehyung groaned loudly, as he hid himself into the crook of Jimin’s neck and shoulder, placing small bites there, one bite in particular causing the fairy to squeak. He couldn’t resist.   ‘Do they have to fucking do this right here? Right now?’ Seokjin crossed his arms, thoroughly annoyed then, “Why the hell are you even here? Shouldn’t you be scrubbing the king’s boots to a shine or ironing the prince’s royal uniform?” The admiral’s long, fluffy tail swished, patiently, “The prince is inquiring about the state of his bride.” Seokjin practically snorted, finding the reasoning weak, and offensive towards the girl in the other room. “Well, if he’s that pressed about it, maybe he should come and see her for himself.” The physician went to turn away, when the cat hybrid grabbed his arm, preventing him from leaving. Namjoon gave a slow shake of his head, “You know that’s not an answer I can return with, sweetheart.” He removed his husband’s hand, fixing him with a heated glare. “Sounds like you’re shit out of luck, then, pumpkin.” The side of Namjoon’s mouth twitched into a smirk, the short puff of laughter he emitted was close enough to reach the doctor’s skin. So close, too close. Namjoon and Seokjin, the cat and dog hybrids, opposites who attract, married for three long, confusing years – night and day, yet complimented each other so well, stuck somewhere between overwhelming love, and hate. “What a nuisance,” Seokjin sighed. He was finally able to breathe once the cat hybrid was gone, having taken the hint. “That’s Jeongguk’s princess?” Jimin nodded, happily, “She’s pretty, isn’t she?” The physician shrugged, “She seemed nice enough. Not that it’ll do her any favors. The prince doesn’t play well with anything soft or nice. At least, maybe now I can look forward to a pregnancy.” “Christ, you’re a bitter biscuit this evening,” Taehyung muttered, distastefully, as he uncurled himself from Jimin, to instead take the fairy’s hand, and pulled him up. They helped each other stand with most of Taehyung’s weight settling against the small fae. “I’m taking Jimin away from you people.” “You people?” Seokjin laughed. “Like you’ve never had a bad day.” Taehyung nodded, agreeing with him, “Sure I have, hyung, but you’re having a bad life.” Seokjin didn’t feel that it was necessary to argue against the truth. “Isn’t it nice being in love, Seokjin-hyung?” Jimin smiled, eyes arched into two crescents of happiness. In was during the couple’s haste to leave, that the fae-born left behind traces of his magic, sparkling particles gleaming back like diamonds behind each step. Yoongi stepped inside the room to see that his sister was already up on her feet, folding the blankets that she’d been resting on. It was a nervous habit of hers. “Look at you all conscious and whatnot,” he said, taking in bold décor of white, wild alpaca with gold trimmings. It was a bit too elaborate, even for the royal medical wing. “You’ve always had bouts of anxiety, but you’ve never passed out before. Are you alright?” She shrugged, unwillingly to look at him, “I don’t know, really. The ridiculously handsome doctor said that I’d be fine, but I just found out that I’m the uh, the thing, the princess thing.” “You’re not though,” Yoongi insisted, not wanting her to be afraid, or stressed out over it. At least, not more than she already was. “You’re not getting married. You’re not a princess. You don’t have to do anything, just because that asshole said that it was meant to be. Haven’t you watched the recent Disney movies? Princes aren’t even the male leads anymore. The second leads triumph these days.” “I kinda felt this way since the moment I heard about the prince. Like, on the radio, on TV, or reading those stupid articles. I always felt drawn to him, like I’d end up here somehow, and now I am. Drifting, not going anywhere, doing anything, almost like I was waiting for it this entire time.” She took note that even though Yoongi was shaking his head, he also wasn’t denying it. “Tonight he told me things that should make me hate him and all of the good things I thought about him were reversed, yet I can’t be too angry with him. The moment he started talking about his princess, I knew. I knew that it was me.” The doors suddenly opened, Seokjin stepping back inside his office. He picked up his medical pad, scribbling something down, before he asked, “Reunited, have you?” A short brown tail wagged beneath his lab coat, matching the smooth dog ears atop his head. The dog hybrid punched at a sore muscle in his back, wincing. He’d ask Namjoon to use him as a scratching post later, maybe get a massage out of it. He continued when the siblings didn’t respond, having broken up a tense moment, “Hoseok should be here to escort you to your chambers or so I’ve been informed, though honestly,” Seokjin walked closer to them. “I feel like they should let you go home, let you think on it a bit, so that you can formally accept or decline Prince Jeongguk’s…” Yoongi raised a brow at him, “Decline what, exactly? He didn’t even ask for her permission. No, he’d practically announced to both kingdoms that she already belonged to him, as though it were fact, like she’d accepted it. Done deal.” Believe it or not, Seokjin sympathized, “That’s because of Jimin’s gift, I’m afraid. So, even if she wasn’t prepared for it her whole life, the prince was, and has been for a long, long time now.” It gave her the fucking chills – hearing that last bit, trying to digest it. All that she could think about were those set of dark eyes and Jeongguk’s glossed, red lips. The way he stared her down, confessing, and informing her that she was his, all hot and accusatory. There was no way she’d be able to engage in more ‘conversations’ with him. Hoseok knocked before entering, deciding not to skimp out on his manners, despite several long years of friendship. The fox hybrid bowed to the physician, again to Yoongi, and once more to the princess. “Oh, stop bowing to me, goddamn it,” Seokjin cursed, tossing his pad onto his desk. “We’ve been over this!”   Hoseok gave a slow blink, lips falling into a visible frown. “Holy fuck, you’re testy, hyung.” Seokjin cocked his hip, irritably, “Yeah, well, what else is new?” Yoongi felt as his entire world shifted off its axis, he was a fucking mess, a mess – because Hoseok was wearing a mask the first and second time they’d met, but now he wasn’t. The fox hybrid looked even more ethereal at the present, as Yoongi dared to trace the line of Hoseok’s petite nose, the crease of his eyes, the smallest hint of double-lids. Hoseok’s face was honestly exceeding Yoongi’s expectations, especially when – fuck – he smiled, two dimples awaiting him. The human was convinced that the fox wouldn’t think twice about eating him whole, with his too big teeth, sharp and pristine. Yoongi would allow it. “Yoongi…” The blonde’s name rolled off Hoseok’s tongue in such a way, that both men found it mutually enjoyable, but for two separate reasons. “I wanted to apologize to you for earlier.” It was time for petty Yoongi, which was something that could not be helped, even if he’d actively tried. “Oh, you mean for running off with my sister without saying a word to me? Or how about when you left me in the hallway, lost, and sick with worry?” Hoseok narrowed his eyes a fraction, invested in the way Yoongi’s slick, pink mouth formed into a pout whenever he spoke. It was a goddamn distraction. “Are you trying to upset me?” The blonde was taken aback for a moment. He swallowed, thickly, “Uhm…maybe?”   “I’ll show you to your rooms,” Hoseok tone was glacial, as he dismissed their conversation. This time the fox had made it a point not to bow to Seokjin, leading the siblings down the vast, wide hallway. He filled them in along the way, “The princess will sleep in the Queen’s quarters. Yoongi, you’ll be expected to sleep in the King’s quarters.” “It’s not that I don’t trust you, but I don’t fucking know you,” Yoongi said, as he tried keeping up pace with the hybrid, who’d even made walking look graceful, even in all of his armor. “I’d rather not be separated from my sister, in a place that is unfamiliar.” “Brother or not, no man is allowed to enter the Queen’s quarters, unless he is one of my guards or a royal, which you are not.” Hoseok stopped for a moment, doing a rather obvious sweep down the length of Yoongi’s body, before resting upon the blonde’s newly flushed skin. The fox offered, “Unless you would like to join me on my patrol this evening? I’ve been tasked to stand outside the princess’s chambers.” “Doesn’t sound like I have much of a choice,” Yoongi said, as though it wasn’t something he utterly yearned for. The shameful things he’d do just for two more seconds with Hoseok.       Beside him, his sister took in the art that lined the walls, “All these pieces are beautiful. Is it from the same artist?” “Taehyung has painted dozens for her majesty,” Hoseok said, bringing them down another corridor. The lights were becoming warmer, a woodsy and floral scent hitting their noses in pleasant wafts. “Every year for her birthday, he paints her something new. That’s why the art fluctuates in skill. Taehyung was a mere boy when he started the tradition.” The blonde pointed to the framed art, skeptical, “The wolf hybrid drew these?” She nudged her brother with her elbow, teasing him, “Wolves or foxes, Yoongi? You and Taehyung talked about it forever. What did you decide on?”   Hoseok tilted his head at him, curiously. “Wolves or foxes?” Yoongi tried not to look completely mortified, as he was rudely put on the spot, “I only wished to know the difference between the two.” The fox stared, expectantly, “And what did you learn?” “Uhm, nothing really. I mean, foxes like to eat fruits and meats. Wolves are bigger and foxes have smaller snouts and uhm,” Yoongi felt his skin becoming increasingly hot, flustered by his lack of informational intake, and ashamed by the purpose of it in the first place. He’d wanted to learn more about Hoseok. If he’d known the hybrid’s horoscope or blood type, he would have dug into that shit, too. “I forgot all of what Taehyung said, honestly. He was too busy nibbling on his fairy and my sister turned into a curtsey statue, so...” Hoseok grinned broadly at him, which unsettled the blonde – greatly, not knowing what the hell it was for, or why it was the sexiest thing – ever. It made his head feel all dizzy. They stopped in front of the two guards that were currently stationed in front of one of the many bedrooms. Both hybrids greeted the fox their highest respects. “Here we are…” Hoseok said, gesturing towards Yoongi’s sister. “We’ve expanded the general duties of the Queen’s ladies in waiting. You only need ask and we will send them to assist you. Sleep garments, as well as bath preparations have all been prepared for your stay.” She shyly looked at him. “Thank you…” Hoseok bowed his head, wild red hair falling with it, “Princess.” She didn’t have it in her to be rude and tell Hoseok to shove off with the formalities (much like Seokjin had), that she wasn’t, in fact a princess. There was a terrible look of concern written on Yoongi’s face. It was a look that she’d probably never stop receiving, for as long as she was alive. And even though it warmed her heart, she didn’t want him to worry. “Stop looking so glum, chum. I’m fine, really, like, I’m kinda digging this.” She spoke the next bit quietly. “Seriously, tug on that tail. Do you see how fluffy and cute it is?” He squinted at her. “What in the fuck are you on about?” “Good night,” she said, sending a wink Hoseok’s way. The fox wasn’t as nearly rude to her as her brother, as he sent one back. Once the door closed behind her, Yoongi felt the heat returning to his face again, stifled by fox’s obvious attention, “When is your birthday?” Hoseok relieved the two guards with a flick of his wrist, waiting until they left to answer Yoongi’s question, “I’m younger than you. So, do you mind if I call you, ‘hyung’?” The tops of Yoongi’s cheeks were practically the color of rogue, deep and noticeable given his pale complexion. He nodded, “How do you know that I’m older?” Hoseok brought his hand up, stopping just out of reach of the human’s face, intending to touch – to feel if Yoongi was as warm as he looked right then. But then the blonde had closed his eyes shut, preparing himself for it. It was fucking adorable, so the fox dropped his arm down, “Jimin told me.” Yoongi grit his teeth, “That fucking fairy, with his stupid sight.” “Mm,” Hoseok hummed, utterly enamored, “That fucking fairy, hyung.” Jimin had told him to beware of the human with the cat-like eyes, pouty mouth, and shitty attitude. Beware he did, but he wasn’t prepared for Min Yoongi.       --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The room was brighter than she was expecting, since the décor had reflected nature thus far, dark woods, and autumn. Now she was confronted by pastel purple and white oak furnishings. The light switch had a dial, which she’d lowered for the sake of her eyes. She approached the queen sized bed, unsure of what to do with all of its space. She’d never had a bed this big before, still using the twin mattress from when she and Yoongi had bunk beds. There were outfits strewn across the quilt, all of which were dresses. They were far too delicate, too rich in the material, certain colors picked out to compliment the season. She was almost afraid to touch them. Would they all fit? Were they seriously, like seriously all for her? She doubted the likeliness that they were hand-me-downs. These people were royals – she was in a freakin’ castle, but nothing felt real to her yet. There was a nightgown at the very end of the bed. It was made up of a sheer, silky fabric. These were pajamas? The hell… What the hell was she doing here? Her heart seemed to have already accepted what her mind couldn’t, apparently. All of these things felt right, yet undeserved; Jimin’s friendship, Taehyung’s art, Seokjin’s underlining, albeit bitter concern, the awkward, yet strong flirtation between Yoongi and Hoseok, but most importantly, the dark stare that followed her every movement – the implication that she belonged to Prince Jeongguk. She picked up the pair of satin panties spread neatly atop the gown, frowning at them. The style would be the only difficult part about this, probably. She brought the sleepwear to the adjoined bathroom, once again visually assaulted by how spacious, bright, and gorgeous – white rabbits against purple pasley patterns, white marbled floors, and a porcelain clawfoot tub that could accommodate five, easy – what in the fuck. She was half-tempted to step outside her room and demand her brother go get the measuring tape. He should have chosen to rest for the night, since he was clearly missing out. It took awhile for the bath to fill up, so she decided to look through the bath oils, immediately snatching up the lavender, and pouring it into the running water. Turning off the faucet, she removed her clothes, and sank down into the tub. Her toes poked out from above the warm water and she could already see the blisters beginning to form. Taking off those heels was the smartest thing she’d done all day. Everything else had been off. She’d thought of other possible responses that she could have, should have said to the prince. Or maybe she shouldn’t have passed out in the middle of having a staring contest? She also should have known that it was him sooner, the way he’d looked at her, the way he spoke, and carried himself. It always seemed like the articles exposed so much, but they didn’t do Jeongguk any justice. It was safe to assume that the articles were false anyway, given the information he’d supplied her with earlier. After dwelling on it for a bit more, she went through the ritual of drying off, and changed into set of the silk and satin nightmares, wanting to cringe at her reflection. She stepped out into her bedroom, where it was freezing cold upon her damp skin. The wick of an old lantern faded dully, as its fire burned out. It’d been set down by the twin doors to the balcony, the same doors that had been left ajar, although she couldn’t recall opening them in the first place. Despite her better judgment, she chose to walk closer towards the open draft. There was a soft hum flowing through the wind, and she knew it was him, had felt him there, before confirming it with her own eyes. A long, white bunny ear twitched when he picked up on her steps coming closer, turning away from the sky to face her. The prince was dressed in a white silk button up, the fabric much like her own sleepwear. Perhaps the intention was to match one another. She took in the hard, exposed lines of his chest, sinking her teeth into her lower lip. There was a thick choker wrapped around his neck, the white material standing out against the beautiful golden color of his skin. “Princess.” “I’m not a princess,” she said, deciding that it would be wise not to step any closer to him. He shook his head, “No, not yet.” ‘Soon,’ he thought.   “Maybe not ever, your highness.” He smirked at her then, eyes dancing with amusement, all red cherry lips and precious bunny teeth. “Jeongguk is fine behind closed doors.” She tucked a strand of wet hair behind her ear, “How about, ‘lying scumbag’? Does that work for you, too?” “That mouth of yours,” he breathed, indulging himself with the thought of destroying her. He’d make her beg for it. “Runs in the family,” she said, hating how much she enjoyed the banter, and how it excited her. “I also love this whole, gonna sneak into her chambers while she’s taking a bath thing you have going on. Not creepy at all. Quality husband material right there.” “That – well, I wasn’t particularly interested in having a confrontation with your brother right at the moment.” Not that Yoongi would be able to take him on, physically, anyway.  “Good. You should be afraid of him.” The hybrid took slow, presaging steps towards her, “Do you have any idea how difficult it was, waiting over a decade for you, knowing who you were the moment I first saw you.” It was with each word that the distance between them continued to dwindle. “Being so close, finally able to touch you?” She shook her head, backing away at the same steady pace that he was coming forward. “You know that I don’t know what that’s like. Who would?” He waved a finger at her, insisting, “But you do to some extent, though. You wanted to see me tonight, did you not? You’ve read all the articles on me, enough to form quite the biased opinion. You even went as far as to defend me.” “Yeah and it was against yourself, which is just ridiculous,” she said, jumping when her back met the bedpost. He was already there in her space, curling his hand around the wooden pole behind her head, and using it as leverage. “See, I’ve lived as though I belonged to someone, and I’ve had so many opportunities to misbehave myself...” Jeongguk pressed the length of his body against her own. “Now that you’re finally here, I can stop feeling so guilty, and I can’t stop waiting.” He cupped the side of her face into his palm, dragging his thumb across her plush bottom lip. The prince paused, until their eyes were leveled, and spoke the next sentence very seriously, “I’m going to ruin you.” “Yoongi is…” she murmured, intending to call for her brother, but her voice was so faint, like her heart wasn’t in it. In truth, she didn’t want them to be interrupted. The prince was intriguing. He was a goddamn enigma, so beautiful, and enchanting – so very fucking wrong, in so many ways. This was fate working its hand, twisting her from the inside out, and tying them together in some neat, fucked up bow. “This mouth never knows the right things to say, now does it?” It was more of a statement, than a question. Jeongguk closed his thumb and pointer finger down on her lip, pulling gently. “You need a lesson in basic manners.”   “Me? What about you. I’ve never been touched so freely in my life and that’s coming from a commoner. This is a very direct, indecent way of going about things between us. Besides, I hardly know you, or at least, the real you. And just because we’re destined to be together, does not mean that it’s going to absolutely happen.” There it was. It was that spark – that beautiful, wonderful spark that had Jeongguk so fixated and smitten with her earlier. There was much for her to learn, especially about fae-borns, and the sight. Her naivety and innocence was a charm all of its own, but that fire was something else. It was a potent dose of eroticism, igniting every dominant impulse the hybrid possessed. “You’re mine, human. You already know it,” he said, releasing her lip to press the full weight of his body against her, heavy, yet comfortable. The prince was so close now, that she could smell a pleasant mixture of the cologne he’d bought from Star’s End and the mint from his breath. She could see the scar upon his cheek, pale against his golden skin, a dark freckle here and there along the opposite side of his face, and beneath his lower lip. The tip of his nose was a soft pink, the same flushed hue around his darkening eyes. And it was positively daunting, to be so wound up on the inside, to want, and crave the touch of another being so badly. The smug look on his face made it obvious that he knew of her dilemma, that it was only a matter of time. “Yes,” she agreed with a sense of finality, releasing a shuddering breath, “But I’m also old fashioned.” “There were too many people hovering around you tonight. If I don’t scent you, I’m going to lose it.” Jeongguk sniffed at her audibly, filling his lungs with the more prominent smells still lingering on her skin. “It’s muddled any traces of me.” He leaned back to look her in the eye, “Give me your permission. Tell me that I can do it.” “And here I thought you were going to be a complete monster, taking whatever you wanted,” she said, a small smile touching her lips. “What if I say no?” “Then you’ll get to witness one of the rare luxuries of seeing me do the begging.” “And if I still say no?” “I’d rather you didn’t, princess.” She grew still, shoulders tense, “Don’t call me that. I don’t like it.” He decided against advising her to get used to it. “Now say the words.” “You have my consent.” “Good human,” he’d practically purred out, voice becoming thick. Before she even had the chance to reply, he was pressing her more firmly against the bedpost, the wood digging into her skin. The hybrid’s fingers were in her hair, moving it all to one side with the strands curled between his knuckles. He used the tight grip to tilt her head back and to the side, exposing the soft line of her throat. There were only a couple of times Jeongguk could remember being this territorial. One of which, was when he’d received his precious fae-born. His childhood friend, Taehyung had taken a liking to his fae, leaving kisses on the fairy’s cheek, smudging up the glitter. The same glitter that would end up stuck to Taehyung’s face. The prince had spent long afternoons cuddled up with the both of them, visibly pouting, and nosing at their necks. Then there was now, this very moment, making him feel so stilted and broken. Jeongguk wasn’t used to needing anything, from anyone. The faint smell of lavender and Hoseok, even Seokjin was on her skin, even after she’d washed for the evening. It made him feel possessive on a level that was out-of-fucking-control, and foreign. He wasn’t used to feeling so unhinged by someone, his fingertips burning until he’d been allowed to properly touch her.   He let go – curling himself into her, bending her with the shape of his body, ready to claim and suffocate her in a manner that only hybrids would truly know and comprehend. He buried his nose behind her ear. The reaction was immediate, a startled gasp, followed by her small fists closing into his shirt. He traced over her skin, lips slowly dragging whenever he inhaled, becoming familiar. Intimacy was different for humans and she would need more reassurance, than he would. He brought a hand to her waist, kneading the skin there none too gently. The moment she tensed up was when he’d made a noise deep from within his chest, so pleased by her complacency, the way she tasted on his tongue, felt beneath his fingers. Her thighs closed tightly together, the action painfully obvious given the fact that they were flush against one another. The heady scent of her arousal saturated his senses, pupils dilating. He pulled them away from the bedpost, the back of her legs meeting the side of the mattress, until she fell against it. The firm, full press of his body had her pinned to the surface, his arms caging her in. He watched her with a quiet calm, eyes darker than they were before – if possible. It was like staring into pools of black, depthless, and intimidating. Her hands slipped away from his back, resting them beside her head in an act of submission. “But I’m also old fashioned,” Jeongguk mocked, using her words on her, in the same tone. She turned her face to the side in an attempt to escape the heat that was currently swallowing her whole. What an asshole. The satin panties were well on their way to being ruined, her lower stomach aching the moment he resumed teasing his mouth along the side of her neck. The sharp graze of his teeth against her skin made her sigh out a sweet, blissful sound that went straight to his hardening cock. It made him more eager, more desperate for her, as he slowly left bruises along her neck, marking her carelessly. Her legs fell apart when he pushed a thick, strong thigh between them, one of her own captured – he could feel it, nestled against his length – and heard her gasp, as though she’d just discovered it. He gave an experimental rock of his hips. The rough fabric of his slacks could still be felt beneath the layers of her gown, her eyelashes fluttering. “You’re perfect,” he breathed, teasing his lips along the line of her jaw, out of reach from what the hybrid wanted to consume next. She gained chills when he curled his hand around the front of her throat, a gentle pressure pulling her closer to him, bringing her mouth inches away from his own. “I’ll give you the stars if you beg me for them. All you have to say is, ‘please’.” He whispered the words, low, and intimate across her lips. “Beg for your prince.” She raised her head a fraction, pressing her neck further into his grip. It caused their mouths to brush, hot and purposeful, eyes watching one another. She released a shaky exhale, “No.” He thumbed over the soft skin of her cheek, pulling her in for a kiss – keeping their mouths firmly sealed. She reached up, hands tangled in his hair, traveling upward to something much, much softer, and velvety. He reared back with a gasp, the length of his rabbit ears slipping through her fingers. Dark brown eyes stared down at her accusingly. “I didn’t know you were – I mean, you’re so sensitive. I’d say I’m sorry, but –” He cut her short, taking her bottom lip between his teeth, tugging gently, before running his tongue across it. The hybrid settled more of his weight on top of her, as he brought his other hand to the hem of her gown, adjusting the fabric so that it wasn’t in the way. Every touch felt like fire that was steadily melting her through, her hips moving against his thigh in earnest. The hand that was at her neck went to her wrists then, easily pinning them both above her head, and down to the mattress, while the other slid to the curve of her ass, better helping her move in rhythm with him, grinding into her slow and hard at first. The seam of his slacks dug into her sensitive skin, the flimsy material of her panties doing little to separate them, the friction maddening. “Say it…” He pulled back far enough to look at her lips, all red and swollen, then back to her eyes, defiant and heated when she said it again, “No.” “No,” he echoed, before leaning down and slipping his tongue past her lips, filling her up with warmth, and sweetness, before it was all gone. The mattress sank under his weight, when he got off the bed. Her heart was racing, watching as he adjusted the choker around his neck, tucking in the shirt that had come out of his pants, which – holy, fuck, he was big – the thick length of his cock straining against the tight fabric. There was a dull ache in her stomach. She could practically feel her arousal soaking through her panties, yet he was distancing himself. He was distancing himself all because she wouldn’t beg him for it. It was with a cocky smirk, that he tilted his head at her, “Come to me when you’re ready.” This time he took the door leading out into the hallway, where the guards would be waiting, along with her brother. He cared not at the moment. The grim look on the prince’s face was enough to silence Hoseok, who’d been readied to ask him an entire list of questions. Resting against the fox hybrid’s shoulder was Min Yoongi. He was in a deep slumber with Hoseok’s cloak resting just under his chin. The prince merely raised a brow, before wobbling down the corridor, unashamed. The shower would be scorching hot, the running water loud enough to muffle her name rolling off his tongue. He’d slick himself up with oil and come hard into his fist, picking up from where they’d left off, envisioning the way she’d beg, and cry so sweetly for him. Desperate for him… Just like he’d been desperate for her all these years.
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