#anyway i love it i love him i love tragic men with unfulfilled dreams
kinardgo · 2 years
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mark webber x brutal mixtape. halftone inspired by @queerbenched.
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k-odyssey · 4 years
Dramas I’ve Been Watching in April
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It’s that time again when I tell you what I’ve been watching and if I liked it (without spoilers). As always it’s a long post so everything’s under the cut.
I was struggling to find the other ones so now they’re all tagged monthly posts. (I don’t know that anyone else needs to find them, but I do. It’s like the index page on my blog.)
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When the Weather Is Fine (finished)
Seoul music teacher leaves the city and her unfulfilling job for the countryside, reconnects with adorable highschool classmate. They heal from the past together.
Mentioned in the last post and all other my blog. I said it was feel-good and having finished it, I stand by that. The great thing is, even when what’s happening with the leads isn’t great, there’s always another storyline to balance things out.
It looks so good. I love the fashion, which is almost exclusively thick jumpers and warm coats and gloves.
There’s two readings of the ending, one more positive than the other. But either way the finale is worth watching for Jang Woo’s little speech about happiness and mundane things.
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Meow, the Secret Boy (ep18 of 24)
Cat adopted by unwilling new owner discovers he can turn into a human around her.
Started this one last month with hopes of cute romcom but it’s too weird to ship at this point. For me anyway.
It is, however, ridiculously funny. But I can’t watch more than one ep at a time due to the aforementioned weirdness. So I haven’t caught up yet.
Cute second couple, though.
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Skate into Love (finished)
Star hockey player is reunited with the girl he hated in primary school at age 18, decides to take revenge.
It becomes more about how to navigate a relationship when you have an entire childhood of history and Olympic dreams. Also meddling parents and manipulative admirers.
Did I fast forward a bit? Yes. It’s 40 episodes after all, and the drama is edited to be a bit slow I think. You can easily watch it at the 1.25x speed. There’s plenty of supporting characters with their own stories, some more interesting than others. But I still found it worth watching.
I love the leads! And they actually grow, individually and as a couple. They both make mistakes and apologize and move on together.
While I’m here, let me mention that there are decent kisses!
Here’s what I wrote about the drama in the beginning.
If you don’t mind spoilers, here’s more thoughts.
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Joy of Life (finished)
21st century character is sort of reborn in what looks like ancient china, with memories from his past life intact.
It’s been a long time coming, but I finished it!
By a long time coming I mean I started this drama in... December? Which might as well be a century ago at this point. I mentioned it here in January if you missed that.
46 episodes is a lot for me, especially if the drama is no longer airing. If I don’t watch it as it comes out, I 100% will end up taking up to 6 months to finish it. That’s just my brain.
The drama itself is a delight! Both funny and heartbreaking. Lots of intrigues and politics, but not in a boring way. It definitely keeps you on your toes.
Wan’er being one my faves (I don’t care if some find her plain), I was sad to see her character fade in the background as the drama progressed. The lack of romance from ep35 or so might be why it took so long for me to finish it. I love my romance ok?
Also this is season 1 of at least 2, so the ending is... an interesting and shocking one.
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A Piece of Your Mind (finished)
Two people dealing with the loss of loved ones help each other through the darkness. Also there’s artificial intelligence involved.
I thought the fact that there was AI would mean the plot would inevitably end up where it usually does for this genre of kdrama: some evil person or entity trying to acquire the technology through legal or illegal means. Thankfully, that never happens. It’s not that kind of drama but a sweet melo.
Did you know I love Jung Hae In? I have that one post about him where I say exactly that but in more words and I’m always happy when it gets notes. The thing is, I don’t mind that he’s been playing similar characters lately. On an emotional level, his portrayals always work. I can’t look away from his eyes. Especially if he’s about to cry. He plays “overwhelmed with emotion” so well whether it’s anger or sadness or love. Plus, I’m all for kinder and softer male leads.
I know Chae Soo Bin from 3 other dramas and they were all comedy I think. I didn’t know she had the range! It was a good surprise to find that she could play a more poised character. I love her in this.
Is it because I’ve been re-watching One Spring Night but this drama looks so bright! In a good way. I love the light and colours. Especially at sunset. Plus all of the snow in the beginning, and Soon Ho’s plants!!! Also I love how they film through windows and play with reflections.
I’m sad they had to cut 4 episodes but they managed to wrap things up pretty well.
So many great characters. And I love that there’s several very strong non-romantic relationships. Soon Ho and Ha Won for example. As someone who wants to scream anytime I hear “men and women can’t be friends”, I love that these two are best friends. Also the boarding house scenes were great. Especially once Min Jung and the medical student moved in.
More thoughts about the AI.
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Hyena (finished)
How do I describe Hyena?
It’s an unusual love-to-hate-to-love. Two resourceful, rich-people’s lawyers cross paths and well, sparks fly.
It’s not cute and fluffy. They defend the worst people and with questionable means. They have ethics but they’re different from mine.
As I have mentioned here, it was Hee Jae that grabbed my attention. Joo Ji Hoon is a brilliant actor.
The drama is fast-paced and I watched it in like a week.
Read this post I wrote at the end if you want to know more and don’t mind mild spoilers.
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The King: Eternal Monarch (ep2 of 16)
King with a tragic family history finds the door to a parallel universe.
Technically I’ve watched 2 eps and like 15 min of the 3rd ep.
I’ve decided to give it at least 4 episodes. I still haven’t caught up.
Main appeal for me: Woo Do Hwan. He’s not the lead though so there’s that.
I don’t usually pay much attention to that but since I edit them for this... the posters aren’t great? And none of the ones I’ve found have the standard format so I had to choose between cutting the title and cutting off half of Lee Min Ho’s face.
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Love is All (ep4 of 26)
Historical romcom. I kinda didn’t pay attention to ep1 so I’m not super clear on why the male lead is hiding his identity but he is. He’s left the capital to become a county magistrate in a small (?) town. There he meets a romance writer who becomes his adviser.
They fight all the time.
Also she keeps unknowingly declaring her love for him because she knows him by name and has a crush on him, but he’s living under a false identity. So she’s annoying him a lot but also complimenting him all the time and he’s not indifferent.
Fun supporting characters.
Is it kinda cheesy? Yes, but that’s what I typically watch cdramas for.
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How to Persist until the Anointing Is Put to Use
Then shall the kingdom of heaven be likened unto ten virgins, which took their lamps, and went forth to meet the bridegroom.
And five of them were wise, and five were foolish.
They that were foolish took their lamps, and took no oil with them:
But the wise took oil in their vessels with their lamps.
Matthew 25:1-4
Will you use the gift that God has placed in you? How sad it is that many talents are never used. In the famous parable of the ten virgins, only five of the virgins actually used their oil for the wedding. The other five virgins ended up going back home frustrated and unfulfilled.
Many start out well but are not able to get to the place where the anointing can be used practically.
I remember sensing the call of God many years ago. I was a student and I would dream of preaching and teaching. This was a call of God being stirred up by the Holy Spirit. One day, it occurred to me whilst preaching that I had fulfilled a long-standing call.
Many people are called in their youth but miss the road that leads to practically using the anointing because they do not take the necessary steps. In this chapter, we will discuss how five out of ten virgins were able to persist in their calling until they actually used their gift.
Step 1: The Step of Virginity
Then shall the kingdom of heaven be likened unto ten virgins...
Matthew 25:1
In this story, only virgins carried the oil. Virginity is a sign of purity. Blessed are the pure in heart for they shall see God. It is the pure in heart who end up seeing the anointing and the power of the Holy Spirit. Virginity is a sign of purity that is not easy to see. The kind of purity that is needed to obtain the anointing is often difficult to see.
It is only God who sees the heart and judges accordingly. That is why people are often surprised at who God uses. They expect that God would use somebody else but God looks at the heart. Practise your Christianity before the Lord so that He is impressed. If He is pleased with you, you will receive the anointing.
Step 2: The Step of Phronimos
And five of them were wise (phronimos)...
Matthew 25:2
The virgins who used the anointing were described as wise virgins. The word “wise” comes from the Greek word “phronimos”. This means to be sensible or practically wise. This kind of wisdom is different from the wisdom that makes you intelligent or clever. This word speaks of being sensible, level-headed, reasonable, and practical.
Many anointed people are not sensible or practical. Because of this lack of wisdom, many anointed men and women are not able to persist in ministry. Often, being sensible or practically wise makes you look unspiritual. It also has a way of making you look as though you have deviated from spiritual things. Yet, it is this practical wisdom that causes ministers to last longer.
Relaxing and resting often look like unspiritual, off-track activities. Taking your tablets everyday may not sound powerful or anointed, but it is sensible. Playing golf may look like a deviation from spiritual activity. Yet, it is this key that the five virgins had that enabled them to attend the wedding and use the anointing.
Wisdom is a key ingredient to arriving at the place where you use the anointing. Someone had a vision in which three angels, Faith, Hope and Love were battling on behalf of the saints. Faith, Hope, Love and the saints of God were losing the battle. Suddenly, a fourth angel appeared and that angel was Wisdom. As soon as the wisdom angel appeared, they began to win the battle.
This vision shows the importance of wisdom in our fight to serve the Lord. The absence of wisdom in your dealings can greatly set your ministry backwards. Financial problems, health problems, administrative problems and managerial problems will always hamper the anointing on your life. In the end, you will not be able to live long enough to practise all that you know and to use the anointing.
One day, I spoke to a young pastor who had begun a new, independent church. I sensed the presence of God and the anointing on his life. I also sensed that he was at an important crossroads which would make or break him. He would either go over or sink under. The key that would help him survive and persist so that the presence and unction in him would be put to the fullest use was the key of wisdom.
Oh, how I pray for wisdom! With wisdom, you can survive and stay out there longer. You can achieve what God has in store for you only through the key of wisdom.
Step 3: The Step of Knowing the Lord
But he answered and said, Verily I say unto you, I know you not.
Matthew 25:12
This is a very important step on the way to using the anointing. Without knowing God, you cannot survive. God is not a set of principles and neither is He a law book. He is Jehovah and you cannot go to Heaven without knowing Him. You cannot serve God with a “how to” book. You cannot go and live in someone's house if he does not know you. Why do you expect to live eternally in God's house when He does not know you and has no relationship with you?
Spend time seeking after the Lord. A daily quiet time, a daily personal time with the Father will change your life more than ten thousand church services which you attend.
Step 4: The Step of the Extra Mile
The wise, however, took oil in jars along with their lamps.
Matthew 25:4, NIV
The step of going the extra mile is a great key to actually fulfilling the call of God. Unfortunately, Christians do not know that the devil is going the extra mile to keep them out of the call of God. The devil is working overtime to deceive even the elect.
I have realized that Christians who don't go the extra mile for fellowship, soaking in the Word, prayer, and fasting, for example, do not amount to much in the ministry. Five of the virgins were ready to make the extra effort and to find some extra money to go the extra mile.
They made assurance double sure that they were going to be part of the wedding. The other five assumed that they would get in anyway. They took the ministry for granted and assumed that it would always be there for them. How wrong we can be!
The result of this tragic presumption was that they were left out of the glorious opportunity to partake in the wedding. May you not be left out of any spiritual impartation because you fail to pay the extra price necessary for the ministry!
Step 5: The Step of Tarrying
While the bridegroom tarried, they all slumbered and slept.
Matthew 25:5
Two types of tarrying are necessary for the anointing to become effective.
The first type of tarrying involves waiting for years until your time of fruitful ministry arrives. When the bridegroom tarried, all the virgins slept. There is nothing wrong with sleeping. What matters is to still be around when the right time comes. The five foolish virgins did not know that they would have to wait a long time to be able to use their gift.
Dear Christian friend, if you are not prepared to wait for several years for the right time, the right place and the right people, you will probably not amount to much. A certain level of ministry is realized only after many years. That is why it is important to start ministry early so you will be alive when that day comes.
The second type of tarrying involves praying and waiting on the Lord for hours. Without tarrying, you are simply not going to experience God's power and anointing. Tarrying takes up a central place on the road to practically using the anointing!
Step 6: The Step of Not Partaking in Other Men's Sins
And the foolish said unto the wise, Give us of your oil; for our lamps are gone out.
But the wise answered, saying, Not so; lest there be not enough for us and you: but go ye rather to them that sell, and buy for yourselves.
Matthew 25:8-9
It is also important not to partake of other people's sins. Many people who are called will end up not fulfilling the call. Through laziness, sin and many other excuses, they will fail to do what they must do. Such people can easily take you along and drag you down with them.
The five wise virgins recognized that they were about to be drawn into a problem they did not have. They were about to become a part of a group to which they did not belong. They would soon be equally disqualified if they listened to these people.
It looked as though they were being asked to be “kind” and to “share” what they had but actually it was a temptation to forfeit their ministry. They said, “...not so, lest there be not enough for us and you.”
Do not forsake your ministry for anyone. Neither your father, your mother, your husband nor your wife must be able to keep you from God's purpose. Children are no excuse to keep you from your calling. Don't join the people who have sacrificed their call for family, finances and comfort.
You are different! You have gone the extra mile. You ought to enter and fulfil your ministry for the glory of God. 
Step 7: The Step of Ever-Readiness
And at midnight there was a cry made, Behold, the bridegroom cometh; go ye out to meet him.
Then all those virgins arose, and trimmed their lamps.
Matthew 25:6-7
God can demand your life from you at anytime. God can also send you at any time. The bridegroom decided to have his wedding at midnight. This may sound unusual but that was what he decided to do.
You cannot tell God to call on you when you are ready. You cannot give God a time to call and check on you.
Sadly, this is what many of us do. You hear them say, “Wait till after my graduation.” “Wait till after I get married!”
When you ask them to do the work of ministry they say, “Wait till after I get my new nationality.”
“Wait till my children complete their school term, then we as a family, will be available.”
“Wait until I pay for my house then I will apply for full-time ministry.”
“Wait until I buy a new car.”
“Wait until after my promotion; then I can serve God.”
This is one reason why many people never practically use their mighty callings and gifts. They are just not ready at the time God calls on them. They wish God would call them at a more convenient time when they would have rounded up various things they are involved with. However, the bridegroom calls at midnight! The bridegroom arrives later than expected and there is simply nothing you can do about it.
It is time to respond immediately! If you hear His voice, do not harden your heart! Do not disrespect Him with your flimsy family excuses!
All those excuses simply abort your opportunity to use the oil! Remember that the devil is going the extra mile to prevent you from ever using that precious gift!
Watch therefore, for ye know neither the day nor the hour wherein the Son of man cometh.
Matthew 25:13
by Dag Heward-Mills
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