#anyway i love them all i need to doodle tics friends more often
b0nelessdoodles · 6 months
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at this point i'm just an infomercial person trying to sell you goblin content i'd say i'm sorry but i'm not
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Kuroo headcannon memes
Camp NaNoWriMo Day Thirteen Request Complete!
i’m so tired that when i got to the mini-playlist question, i typed “kuroo” into my saved songs on spotify as if that would yield any results… it’s almost friday, thank goodness
and i guess very minor spoilers for the manga? it’s really just a small fact about kuroo we learn that really doesn’t have a bearing on anything plot-wise
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- admin rachel lauren
Headcanon meme time
⌆ a nervous tic or habit they do
Scratches the back of his neck or head sheepishly.
⏀ describe their usual smile
I think it’s obvious that he has a few different, fun grins. We have his Cheshire cat smirk; that feigned, pleasant one we saw him give to Daichi during the first Nekoma/Karasuno match. Although, closed mouth and half-lidded glare is his most standard one.
⇅ do they look up or down while thinking?
I feel like he does neither. He looks forward and totally zones out so it doesn’t come across as staring.
❧ describe their usual sleeping position
I’m laughing because canonically Kuroo sleeps on his stomach, with two pillows pressed to either side of his head. I can’t imagine it’s very comfortable. He’s so weird.
✑ describe something they like without naming it
When school lets out in August, he already has a weekend prepared to head to the coast with friends or family. He doesn’t mind sand at all because it washes off once he’s in the water anyway. Plus, his favorite past time is unnecessarily donning snorkeling gear.
✜ what’s their posture like in a normal situation?
I think he has a slight slouch when he sits. Otherwise, it seems like he’s got at least one hand in his pocket and leaning one way or another, trying to pose like a model.
❖ describe their hands
He’s got good hands. His fingers are on the longer side, but not too much and they have a wide span when stretching. They’re pretty calloused too (he is a middle blocker, after all), but they’re nothing to worry about.
❞ write a quote they would find themselves saying
You mean I can’t use Nekoma’s pregame motivational speech for this?  “Don’t sweat the petty things, and don’t pet the sweaty things” started as a one-off joke  in the club room when he was a second-year and Kenma hated it so much that Kuroo now feels the need to mention it at least once a week while the team changes after practice.
§ how would their hair gray? or would they lose their hair first?
I’d like to think he goes gray first, but the way he sleeps…he’s going to go bald first probably.
❤ describe how they show affection.
Lots of nuzzling, bad jokes/puns/pick-up lines to make you laugh, and hugs from behind are his go-to options but he also tries to bake you something sweet from time-to-time (it’s usually a box mix though because he’s got a busy schedule and baking from scratch is very time- and energy-consuming).
✭ what is one of their favorite items?
He still has the same volleyball the he and Kenma used when they played as kids. It’s pretty tattered now, but there’s no way he’ll throw it out. It’s far too important to him for many reasons. He keeps it wrapped in a towel in a plastic bin in his closet for now.
Super cool headcanon meme
2-4 songs that are probably on their iPod (Most of the songs I considered for this all tie-in closely with headcanons May and I are working on for a ballroom!AU and Kuroo’s best dances are all swing dances and sometimes the tango too so forgive me because I chose a lot of songs that would suit those dances for a Dancing with the Stars-style competition).
“Fools Gold (feat Too Many Zooz)” by Manican Party
“Creepin’ Up the Backstairs” by The Fratellis (this is more for Bad Boy!AU Kuroo but I can’t not think of him when I hear the song)
“Doncamatic (feat. Daley)” by Gorillaz
the one place they sometimes end up falling asleep – where they’re not supposed to
On the train home from school. Poor Kenma has been drooled on before.
the game they’d destroy everyone else at
His actual basketball are just average, but he can whoop some ass playing HORSE. Players on Nekoma’s basketball team have lost to him on occasion during P.E.
the emoticon they’d use most often
You know he abuses the sunglasses emoji (😎) but the nerd emoji (🤓) comes into play a lot if you ask him for homework help or study tips
what they act like when they haven’t had enough sleep
Super low tolerance for bullshit, more so than usual. Like that time Tora was shouting at night and he had to yell at him to shut up? Like that but constantly throughout the day until he can finally get some rest.
their preferred hot beverage on really cold nights. or mornings. or whenever.
Coffee is very much needed in the morning for him, but unless he really needs a pick-me-up in the afternoon, he sticks to two cups in morning, max. He can drink it black, or with sugar or milk/cream as long as it’s not too sweet.
how they like to comfort/care for themselves when they’re in a slump
He’ll text someone he knows he can have a good conversation with, even if he as nothing to say. He just wants to hear from someone who genuinely is pleasant to interact with or can make him laugh.
what they wanted to be when they grew up
He’s another one who always wanted to be a volleyball player, but he played doctor a lot when he was very young and it’s his back-up plan even to this day. (How ambitious of him!)
their favorite kind of weather
Kuroo’s the kind of person who believes their birthday season in the best season, so overcast, blustery autumn afternoons are his favorite. They’re perfect for snuggling up with a loved one too.
thoughts on their singing voice (decent? terrible? soprano? alto?)
His seiyuu may be able to sing, but it’s ten times more hilarious to think that Kuroo is an awful singer. Like, there are some songs he can sing fairly well, but his range is so limited and naturally all the songs he wants to jam out to are way too high for him.
how/what they like to draw or doodle
He draws poorly proportioned animals with shaky lines. Mostly just in your notes though, and never his own. They’re actually pretty funny since he has them say a witty one-liner too.
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The art of revising by hand
By Cara Benson
Returning to pen and paper
As a young adult, I found my own writing practice after university by scribbling randomly on napkins or on the backs of overdue rent bills. I loved looking at all sorts of materials as a possible canvas and feel now that these artifacts can exist as works in and of themselves. With the digitization of, well, everything, these handmade words exude an aura of an original, as one of our most original cultural critics so famously put it, that Times New Roman could never emulate.
There is a bevy of information conveyed in the representation of language by hand that does not come through in the typed text. There's so much character and emotion in the loops and points. It’s almost a version of speaking. I enjoyed writing like this so much that I came to rely on the personality my cursive or block or inkblots carried. But it didn’t take more than a few seasons for the mesh bags I was using as storage for my notes to overflow. So I decided it was at last time to transcribe my writing into documents. Now I was face to face with the nakedness of my words, laid bare in type on a utilitarian, letter-sized page formatted for predetermined fonts. I was stripped down to the quick, I felt. What would these symbols say without my penmanship to help them along?
It was a stunning lesson, and one I am continually learning. My writing goes off into the world without me. I am not there to explain or amend or encourage or detract or further its course into the reader’s mind or heart in the slightest once it leaves my domain. I don’t say this to bully myself into writing better (as if!), but to help me to see the letters as typed on the page in front of me as cleanly as possible. What are my tics or hiccups that I like or need to push to the side? What am I actually communicating?
Here’s the other thing that typing my writing does that handwriting doesn’t: I am afforded a streamlined process for rewriting. It’s one thing to dash a ditty interestingly on the white space of a coffee maker manual (I still relish this hybrid form), but it’s quite another to put together one thousand words for a column or three thousand for a story or, aesthetes forbid, sixty thousand or more for a book specifically geared toward mechanical reproduction (although I just heard of one writer who wrote her entire novel by hand!). For me, you better believe I’ll be clicking on spell check, thesaurus, and “save as” at the very minimum. For my most recent book, I’ve got almost one hundred drafts in succession up to the current near-ready version.
But here’s where my old habits can be of use. Sometimes, to open up a paragraph or few pages that refuse to cooperate on rewrite after rewrite, I go back to my postcollege writing roots. I sit at the table, grab my familiar friends the pen and the pad, and, without the excerpt I’m reworking in front of me, I literally re-create, by hand, the troubling section through a combination of memory and invention. This loosens everything up and shakes the words out of the bag. By forcing me to let go of awkward sentences that I’m holding on to because they set up ones that I love (that should also be sacrificed) and helping me smooth out some tripped-up syntax, this process can be productive in a way that working onscreen inhibits.
I am so grateful for this tool in my writer’s toolkit. It has liberated both me and my texts from an overbearing approach to “getting it right.” Suddenly, perfection matters less because the handwriting makes the process less formalized. I get to play again, and that’s often when my better writing happens anyway. Heck, my next book even has reproduced doodles in it! Not that that’s the whole book. There’s a good 61,472 words that were very much not all written out by hand. I can tell you, though, that I reworked my opening by hand one morning, and I couldn’t be more pleased with it.
A version of this article originally appeared on GrubStreet
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Cara Benson
Cara Benson is an award-winning writer whose work has been published in the New York Times, Boston Review, Best American Poetry, and in syndication. Her online home is carabensonwriter.com.
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