#anyway im just half listening half planning out aus because i cant be bothered to pay real attention to v5
scattered-winter · 3 years
oh my GOD I do not have the mental energy to seriously watch the v5 finale 🤢🤢🤢🤢
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backtobasicbellas · 6 years
If you’re accepting, an AU of Zadison I would love to see: zadison in harry potter, where madison’s a slytherin and zoe’s the hufflepuff or gryffindor she knows she shouldn’t hit on out of rivalry but divination says they’re meant to be :D Your fics on AO3 about them were FANTASTIC, by the way! Thank you for those.
who’s to fight it? (it’s your future)
words: 3,017
(this truly got longer than i expected but…here it is! also check out madison and zoe’s hogwarts moodboards i made)
When Professor Day pairs her students up for her activity of the day, Madison is pleasantly surprised when she finds herself working with Gryffindor Zoe Benson.
Madison wasn’t really listening to any of Professor Day’s lecture, but she’s pretty sure it has something to do with killing a plant and then reviving it or something dumb like that. Either way, Zoe’s smart and was probably hanging onto their professor’s every instruction.
She adjusts her silver and green tie as Zoe approaches.
“Were you even listening at all?” Zoe lightly teases.
Madison rolls her eyes. “We’ll be fine.”
She and Zoe aren’t friends - Madison would really rather not call a Gryffindor a friend - but they’re friendly enough towards each other. Madison has a reputation of being a bitch, which she proudly encourages and lives up to, but Zoe has never once seemed afraid of her or judgemental of her.
Of course, Zoe isn’t excused from Madison’s jabs, but she always takes them in stride, either rolling her eyes or shrugging it off. Madison kind of admires that, really.
Actually, Madison’s always thought Zoe’s cute. She’s kind of hot too, like when she’s kind of pissed or when she wears that proud smirk when someone tries to correct her in class only for them to be incorrect and Zoe to be completely right and follow through with an execution of whatever spell they’re learning.
However, Madison would be caught dead before she ever hit on a Gryffindor. She’s a Slytherin for crying out loud; she can’t go around fraternizing with the likes of Zoe just because she’s cute and Madison’s bored.
(And yes, it might be because Madison is a little competitive and their two houses have a rivalry that runs deep.
So what?)
“Are you going to get us started or should I just do it all myself?”
Madison quirks an eyebrow at Zoe’s slight hint of sass, clearly impressed. Zoe only looks at her expectantly, so after a moment Madison lets out a scoff.
“Fine,” she says before she’s waving her hand over the plant and murmuring a few words in latin.
The plant wilts on command, looking very much dead, and Madison turns to Zoe with a smirk.
“See? Easy.”
Zoe simply rolls her eyes at Madison, now placing her hand over the plant and reciting a few different words in latin.
Madison can’t help but be slightly entranced; Zoe recites spells with such conviction and focus. She turns her head when Zoe finishes, watching as the plant comes back to life effortlessly, like it’s been meant to do that all along.
“Miss Montgomery, Miss Benson,” Professor Day says with a smile. “Excellent execution.”
Zoe beams. “Thank you, Professor.”
Madison snorts when Professor Day passes. “See? I told you.”
Zoe rolls her eyes and laughs, and Madison tries not to be so affected by the pure sound.
And Madison wants to add something else, something that she knows can get Zoe’s cheeks to match the red on her own tie, but she stops herself.
She can’t do that, not with Zoe.
Madison knows she’s a powerful witch.
She’s known it for as long as she can remember, both of her parents coming from a magical line of wizards and witches tracing all the way back as far as Madison’s concerned.
However, the one thing she doesn’t seem to be mastering any time soon is divination. She just kind of thinks it’s ridiculous, who even needs divination  that seriously anyway? Madison’s a firm believer of creating your own future - or whatever bullshit people spew out these days.
This particular frustration, however, comes to her in divination class because Madison sucks at every kind of divination. What’s even more annoying though is she sits next to Nan, a Ravenclaw who somehow knows things most people don’t, and she’s really fucking good at this.
“It’s not hard,” Nan shrugs when they study Tessomancy.
Madison’s gaze snaps up from her stupid tea leaves to glare at her classmate.
“We get it bitch, you’re some prophet or some shit,” she sneers.
Nan is unbothered by her jab though, and goes back to her tea leaves. Madison peers at her own just to see nothing more than soggy tea leaves that should probably be thrown out.
Madison is honestly ready to give up on the class - who cares if Professor Goode borderline fails her, really it’s just stupid divination - when they get around to crystal gazing.
“You want me to look at this dumb crystal ball and see my future?” Madison scoffs. “This class is so dumb.”
Professor Goode gives Madison a look. “Will you just try it, Madison? Nan will help you.”
Nan smiles at her, but Madison only rolls her eyes and lets out another scoff. Professor Goode sighs and moves on to another set of students, clearly just as exasperated with Madison as the girl is with her class.
And it takes some push and pull from both of them, but Madison finally gives in, relaxing completely and the fog finally decides to change.
What she sees confuses her and intrigues her all at the same time, and when Nan asks what she sees, she’s back to her normal self.
“None of your goddamn business.”
(She thinks about it the rest of the day, the rest of the week.)
Madison refuses to talk to anyone - especially Nan, who somehow looks like she knows exactly what Madison saw - about what she saw in that stupid crystal ball.
She doesn’t tell anyone because it’s stupid and dumb, and how accurate is this shit anyway?
Yet it feels like she can’t escape it, no matter how hard she tries because she’s in the library - thank you Professor Goode for being an ultimate pain in the ass - when she sees none other than Gryffindor Zoe Benson.
It wouldn’t be such a problem seeing Zoe - besides the fact, you know, most Gryffindors are the biggest pain her ass - but when she sees the brunette she’s immediately brought back to divination and what she saw and really, she’s still trying to wrap her mind around it.
That stupid crystal ball made one thing very clear: she and Zoe are supposed to end up together.
Madison almost scoffs out loud in the library when the thought appears in her mind again because just look at Zoe. She’s got her nose buried in a book and looks actually pleased to be spending an afternoon in the library of all places reading a book. Her eyes are lit up with wonder and she’s so lost in her reading and - okay, she actually looks kind of cute like this.
But the point is, how the fuck is Madison even supposed to end up with someone like Zoe Benson?
Zoe’s, like, a complete nerd even if she is friends with Mallory, who’s one of those popular Quidditch players. And more importantly Zoe’s a Gryffindor. Madison knows better than to date someone like that; she’s a goddamn Slytherin for crying out loud.
Zoe Benson is starting to pop up everywhere.
They’re in the same year so seeing each other around isn’t much of a surprise, but Madison swears the universe is out to get her.
She feels like everywhere she turns, Zoe is somehow also in the same place at the same time. Madison’s passed her in the hallways between classes and to and from meals more times than she can count. When she has to go to the library, Zoe is in there either by herself or with a friend or two studying or reading.
(Which, Madison will admit sometimes she plans her trips because she knows a certain Gryffindor will be in there.
Sue her.)
It’s getting ridiculous actually, how all she can think about is Zoe and her dumb smile and how smart she is and how she doesn’t take anyone’s shit and -
God dammit, Madison. Get a grip.
“You’re thinking too loud.”
Madison whips her head to look at Nan. The girl is writing her notes in her notebook, not even bothering to meet Madison’s gaze.
“What are you talking about?”
“If this is about whatever you saw when were crystal-gazing, it’s obviously going to happen,” Nan states in a matter-of-fact tone as she finishes writing the last of her sentence before dipping her quill into the ink while Madison gapes at her. “So you might as well stop fighting it.”
It’s now that Madison wonders if it’s even possible for the likes of wizards and witches to be clairvoyant because she’s pretty sure Nan is. It’s like she’s in Madison’s head.
“I didn’t see anything,” she snaps, trying to brush off the conversation as she turns her attention back to her half-written notes. “And even if I did, I wouldn’t care. This shit is stupid.”
Nan simply says, “I think we both know I’m right.”
A scoff drops from Madison’s lips as she turns and looks at Nan again, expecting the smaller girl to at least elaborate. When Nan doesn’t, Madison rolls her eyes and grabs her quill pen from the ink bottle, trying to block out all and any thoughts of the crystal ball and Zoe Benson.
When Madison walks into Professor Goode’s classroom well after classes have finished, she’s greeted by a slightly confused look.
“Miss Montgomery,” she greets with slight confusion, but a smile nonetheless. “What can I do for you?”
“I was wondering if I could practice my crystal-gazing,” Madison tells her a little too simply. “Nan has been trying to work with me outside of class, but, you know, kind of hard to actually practice without a crystal ball.”
Professor Goode is surprised by her answer, but she lights up at the prospect of Madison actually putting in effort to succeed in her class. The Slytherin resists the urge to roll her eyes at the expression.
“Of course,” Professor Goode nods, standing from her chair and making her way to the back of the classroom.
Madison follows her slowly, arms crossed and fingers tapping against her robe.
Professor Goode retrieves one of her crystal balls and hands it over to Madison.
“You can use it in here,” she informs the young witch. “Just make sure you put it back after.”
Madison offers the tiniest of smiles. “Thank you, Professor.”
Professor Goode gives her one last nod before she returns to her desk in the front of the classroom.
Madison slips into the first row of desks she sees and places the crystal ball in front of her. She exhales slowly, letting herself relax before she focuses her attention on the crystal ball before her. It takes a few moments, but the fog is beginning to clear.
The first scene she sees is herself and Zoe in an empty corridor, this Madison pulling Zoe by her collar and kissing her senseless. She watches as Zoe giggles against Madison’s lips and Madison smiles against her lips.
The next scene must be a few years later, Madison guesses they might even be graduated from Hogwarts by then, but they walk down a street, holding hands. This Madison looks happy and her eyes shine when they look at this older Zoe, who is pulling her along and into a bookstore.
The following scene brings Madison to what looks like a flat. She recognizes herself and Zoe, a few years older than they were in the last scene. Zoe is curled up on the couch reading a book. Older Madison enters the scene, wearing an oversized sweater and probably not much else, and she walks behind the couch before she’s leaning over to wrap her arms around Zoe’s shoulders from behind.
Zoe shifts back comfortably against her, and Madison lets out a content sigh before she’s leaving kisses all over Zoe until Zoe cannot focus on her book anymore. Zoe tugs Madison over the couch with a yelp from the blonde, and they’re laughing and kissing and saying “I love you.” This Madison is wearing a ring.
The final scene Madison sees is much farther in the future. She and Zoe are white-haired and old and everything Madison somewhat dreads about aging, but they are in a kitchen where Zoe cooks dinner and Madison is perched at the counter watching. Zoe lets Madison taste whatever she has cooking and Madison beams at her before Zoe is kissing her sweetly. This Madison’s eyes are full of love and appreciation and something Madison has always been longing for.
When the fog fully returns, Madison blinks a few times before pulling herself away from the crystal ball. She’s quiet after, mulling over the scenes she’s seen again and the thoughts running through her mind.
She returns the crystal ball and quietly thanks Professor Goode before walks out, trying to truly process what she’s known for weeks.
She and Zoe are meant to be.
It’s the weekend trip into Hogsmeade and Madison decides at the last minute to go. The weather is nice outside; it’s evident by the sheer increase of people on the train this time around and how excited they are once they arrive, practically flying out of the train as soon as the doors open.
Madison takes her time and strolls around; it reminds her often of when she was much younger and her parents would talk of taking a trip to Hogsmeade back during their days at Hogwarts, telling Madison that she’d long for her weekend trips there.
She’s passing by Honeydukes when she recognizes a certain brunette wandering the street by herself. For a moment, Madison hesitates. She chews her bottom lip, almost stopping in her tracks.
The rivalry inside of her won’t just quit it - this much she knows - but she thinks about what her future’s supposed to be like. She reminds herself how the Madison she’d seen in the crystal ball had everything that she’s felt like she’s missing and has been longing for.
She quickens her pace, falling into step with the other girl.
“What, did all your friends ditch you?”
Zoe looks at Madison and shakes her head, a smile appearing on her features. “Hello to you too, Madison.”
Madison gives her an amused look. “Let me guess, you told them you were going to Tomes and Scrolls and they  all decided they have better things to do.”
“And what’s wrong with Tomes and Scrolls?” Zoe asks, mildly offended.
“God Benson, you’re such a nerd,” Madison tells her.
“Some of us actually enjoy learning, you know.”
Madison smirks. “I know; you’re kind of hot when you’re all concentrated in the library.”
Initially, Zoe’s cheeks flush. She ducks her head, attempting to let her face hide the way she’s been affected by Madison’s words. Madison resists lighting up at the reaction.
“I…Are you spying on me in the library, Montgomery?”
Madison shrugs, tossing her hair behind her shoulder. “I know how to appreciate a view when I see one, that’s all.”
She notices how Zoe bites her lip, but not before a smile starts to spread. Her cheeks are still flushed, and she’s left somewhat stuttering because Madison is completely catching her by surprise.
Madison knows she’s got Zoe right where she wants her.
“Come on nerd,” she says suddenly, beginning to walk ahead of Zoe.
“Where are we going?”
“Did you not want to go to Tomes and Scrolls?”
Zoe frowns. “You just…”
Madison rolls her eyes, reaching out and pulling Zoe’s hand to tug her forward. “Let’s go before I change my mind.”
Zoe looks from their hands to Madison’s expectant expression. She manages a nod, letting Madison hold her hand until the blonde lets go.
And Madison may complain about books and how boring it is the whole time, but she sure has fun making Zoe blush and stutter with every other comment.
“Madison, I’m trying to study,” Zoe huffs. “You should be too, you know.”
“I’m tired of studying,” Madison tells her. “Can’t we like, do anything else?”
“And what would you like to do?”
Madison’s eyes light up, she smirks.
Right where she wants her, yet again.
“I could think of a few things I’d do to you.”
Zoe blushes furiously, Madison’s name coming off as a hiss on her lips before she’s turning back to her books and pointedly not looking at the blonde.
Madison grins wide, leaning back in her chair comfortably.
Hogsmeade becomes a regular activity for Madison and Zoe, as in going together.
This time when they go, Madison slips her hand into Zoe’s like it’s the most natural thing in the world. There’s slight surprise on Zoe’s face, but she doesn’t say a word.
Madison holds her hand for basically the whole trip, with exceptions of entering stores and eventually the pub.
Zoe doesn’t mind, she likes when Madison intertwines their fingers, how someone who outwardly seems so cold feels so warm in her grasp. She doesn’t pull away even when Madison has her flushed and stuttering, like always.
(And sure, maybe Zoe’s friends raise their eyebrows, and she owes them an explanation later.
But Madison’s threatening look is enough for them to mind their own business for now.)
Madison swears she’s waiting for Zoe to finally make a move.
She is, but Zoe is just so adorably cautious, so afraid for pulling the trigger and going in.
So Madison gives in.
Zoe is in the middle of explanation some spell or another to Madison when Madison tugs the front of her sweater and pulls her in. Their lips meet and it’s clear Zoe wasn’t expecting this at all, but she melts when Madison kisses her and it’s enough for Madison to know this is exactly where she needs to be.
“Oh,” Zoe says when Madison pulls away.
She looks dazed and utterly adorable and it’s hard enough for Madison not to pin her up against the wall immediately.
“What?” Madison asks playfully, an amused expression on her face. “You didn’t think I was flirting with you just for fun now, did you?”
It makes Zoe laugh before she replies, “You’re such a smart ass” and pulls Madison in for another kiss.
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