#i promise i really do love this show but im just feeling critical tonight sorry
scattered-winter · 3 years
oh my GOD I do not have the mental energy to seriously watch the v5 finale 🤢🤢🤢🤢
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taeminie · 4 years
hi ali my love 👾💜 for your sleepover ask: Tell us your thoughts theories and favorite bits of still2gether ep 1!
KYLIE!!!!!!!!!! hi angel 💜 💜 💜 💜 💜 💜 💜 
 ohhh my god okay i will try but i dont wanna make it too long and bore yall to death so here i go doing it under a read more because it will be long, sorry.
thoughts: I LOVED IT. it was beyond my expectations. i feel like part 1 was a whole fix-up for the criticism in eps 12/13 and how they addressed the whole pam/mil situation at the hospital. and learning that wat was at the hospital from his pov was so smart i cant stress this enough. also both tine and sarawat apologizing and agreeing to communicate more and healthily yes we love to see it!! when they made the pinky promise of having a heart-to-heart next time something’s bothering them. that was so so important. i also loved how they addressed fan service in the beginning and wat being like “we’re a real couple we don’t need to prove it to anyone” that whole scene was really nice. so definitely aof took notes and listened and im just on cloud 9 about episode 1 like it was SO GOOD.
theories: ok i suck at theorizing but i got a few...
- i definitely think that we’ll get an eventual time jump in the finale where we see them married with kids or with a pet (maybe charlotte??) but yeah i feel like they’ve hinted too much at a proposal.
- not really a theory but i feel like we will get to see a special date for sarawatine (either anniversary or a b-day) because you know in the trailer how wat’s making wishes and there’s a whole voiceover of him talking to tine and wishing him happiness... i think they’re gonna start the ldr thing and wat is gonna surprise tine at some point. also because in the trailer when they introduce win as tine you literally see tine turn around and smile at someone so my guess is sarawat surprised him and the dolls are a gift from him but who knows...
- definitely wat is gonna find out about mil and he won’t be happy about it at all but that’s kinda obvious
- might be wishful thinking but i feel like we will get more “kiss till you drop” scenes and third times a charm u know what i mean..... but yeah *sigh*
- ohmfong and earnpear are gonna out of nowhere show up as canon in the last episode or so i wish haha fuck
favorite bits: 
- “you’re safe tonight” i already talked about this but that whole scene was soo beautiful, the way wat reassured tine and how he protects him!!
- i really loved to see the guntithanon brothers talking and actually having scenes together. like wat really has a brother and they didn’t forget it felt so refreshing to see
- another bit i absolutely loved was the scene in bed with sarawatine at the end of part 1 just because of the way tine was looking at wat???? we see wat always looking at tine like he hung the stars but seeing tine SOO IN LOVE really made me feel things. and my boy delivered the absolute horniest line in the whole episode looking like the puppy eyes emoji all around.
- i loved the scene with ohm fong and tine (loved that they talked about puak and pluem wasn’t just written off and forgotten) and i also loved the teasing and the fact that wat actually talked to ohmfong and asked them to talk to tine. oh and when tine said “i care about sarawat”.... yeah going back to theories i have a theory that tine will say i love you first in the show but dont quote me.
-  i absolutely loved when tine was practicing with a tutorial of sarawat teaching him!! that was so endearing and such a small gesture thats actually not that small and sucha tine thing to do. which brings me to the point that sarawat was jealous of himself... gay little wat smh. but honestly 2gether ep 9 is my favorite ep so the fact that they included those scenes where sarawat is telling him to imagine himself as the protagonist and you can tell even in ep 9 part 4 tine used that as encouragement and now he’s using it again. tine remembers the small things he really does and he cherishes wat soo much.
- ok last but not least the scene after the time jump when they’re sitting on the couch at home... something about confident tine knowing he played well and being like “all those ppl loved me!!” i couldnt stop smiling like that’s my baby!!! and i can’t wait to see more of him like this.
overall it was such a good premiere episode. it tackled so many important topics like healthy communication in relationships but also the whole cyber bullying storyline with tine...and some of our beloved fong’s quotes “you can’t make everyone love you so just focus on the ppl around you”... im gonna be in this high for longer than i thought because that episode just gave us so much more than i imagined.
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multicouple-lover · 4 years
M= Torres mom D= Torres dad S= Sage ( family friend)
G= Gibbs B= bishop T or N = Nick Torres
It was an average day for Bishop and Torres they didn't have a case so they were just doing paperwork they were all at their desks well except for Gibbs he was probably at the diner or who knows where but out of the blue Torres mom dad sister niece and family friend show up and when Nick looks up he is in shock to see his family there he then says
T: what are y'all doing here
D: to see if you can go to lunch we were out shopping and in the neighborhood
T: um yeah I guess we don't have a case we are just doing paperwork
*bishop walks in and her phone rings* *bishop has a worried look on her face*
T: hey bishop you ok
B: yeah I have to run an errand call me if we get a case please.
*Torres is now worried*
S: ok I'm hungry how bout we go eat
*The rest say yes*
G: grab your gear where's bishop
T we don't know she got a phone and looked worried then she left she said to call her if we got a case
G well call her
*turns to his family with a sorry look on his face*
T raincheck
M: yeah
*leaves and calls bishop gets worried she don't answer* Gibbs phone rings he answers
Turns out it was bishop she is taking some time off because of family matters says Gibbs Torres automatically gets worried because it seems like she would have told him then he remembered there conversation last night where he let it slip he don't trust her like he used to because of case where she asked a question if it was possible he killed the guy and he was upset because he thought she trusted him more than that to even think that but I guess not so when he let it slip she said well I only asked because you were drugged and when he heard that he felt bad because he then realized she didn't want to ask the question but the team pushed her to because she was the closest to him so when he remembered that he also realized that since he didn't really trust her she didn't trust him only when needed which means he ruined a friendship that meant the most to him because over something that wasn't her fault at all. So after he realized all that he called her but she didn't answer he was worried she also answered his calls even if he hurt her she would answer that's just Ellie so he went to talk to Gibbs about it all. So after Nick explained everything he told nick where she was and that she had told him that last night along with some other things going on and to next time be careful what you say to her because next time I'm not going help you ok and to wait and till after we solved the case to talk to her. So after the solved the turns out the wife did it because he was cheating and was threatening to kill her. So nick quickly left as soon as possible but when he got out of the building he was met by Sage
S: hey I was just going to text you to see if you wanted to grab dinner
N: uhh maybe next time I have something I need to do
S: well let's go ill help you
N: uhh this is something I have to do alone
S: what is it
N: repairing a friendship that ruined
S: well let's grab dinner and you can tell me what happened and how you ruined the friendship and I can help you come up with a way to repair
She didn't even give him time to respond she started walking towards her car
N: maybe next time but I want to go fix it now
S: dang you must really love this friendship if you want to do it now and not just push it off till later or is this friendship with a coworker and it's just awkward at work
N: both she is my best friend who I can talk to about anything and I know she will always have my back
S: ok but you do know I'm always here to talk and will always have your back
N: thanks and yeah I know I will text you later and we can grab that dinner ok
S: yeah
Nick leaves and heads to Ellies house. Nick arrives at bishops house he gets out of the car and knocks on her door.
B: uhh nick what are you doing here
N: I came to apologize about what I said the other day
B: why are you apologize it was the truth wasn't it
N: well at that yes but then I came to realize that the others pushed you to do it
B: so instead of asking me why I asked you just get mad and stop trusting me and pull away and just think that you can come back and apologize and everything will be dandy right?
N: uhh yes
B: you know when you did all that it hurt right the one person who was supposed to be my best friend just pushes me away for something that the others made me do and stop trusting me Nick in our line of work we have to trust each other.
N: it was numb El I should have never done it and I only stopped trusting you because I thought you didn't trust me
B: come talk to me if think that I have always trusted that's not something I say that often you see nick I don't trust people right away it takes time for me to trust you the reason for it is because when I do I end up getting hurt you were the one person I trusted automatically I should have known better but I thought you were different I guess not
N: El I am different this wasn't on purpose I got caught up in my own self I didn't think of how it might affect you
B: yeah it always happens Nick I get when you were undercover you had to always watch your back and if one person hurts you then don't trust them ever again but Nick you aren't undercover anymore and we have known each other for 3 years and in them 3 years I opened up to you about things I never told anyone and in return when I hurt you not meaning to you push me out. I have one question though?
N: ok
B: why not just come ask me about because I thought you knew me better than that I mean when have I ever hurt on purpose?
N: never
B: exactly so why did you think I would start now
N: I don't know I was just mad I wasn't thinking straight it's just I'm scared because I know that there is chance that one of the guys I put away can come back and my brother-in-laws death anniversary was yesterday so I was in a bad spot then it made me realizes how much of a target you could be so when I thought you didn't trust me I thought perfect your less of a target now I just didn't think how much it could hurt you
B: I can protect my own self Nick I've done it before I have been through a lot kidnapped tortured that's happened to before nick I don't need protecting
N: I'm always going to try and protect the ones I love and that includes you. So are we good
B: yeah just promise me one thing come and talk to me next time
N: I promise
B: want to watch a movie
N: yeah
Nicks phone rings
N: hello
S: hey you make up with her yet
N: yeah
S: ok since you made up with her want to go to dinner that you owe me
N: uhh I'm pretty tired maybe tomorrow
S: ok then goodnight
N: good night
Nick hangs up the phone
B: who was that
N: just a family friend she wanted to go out to dinner early but I said no because I wanted to come and apologize
B: you know you don't have to stay you can go have dinner with her right I'll be fine
N: yeah I know I just don't feel like going out and plus I dint have anyone to criticize or criticize me today and to be honest I kind of missed in so I'm going to make up for tonight *he laughs*
B: ohh ok that's how it going be huh *laughing while she says it*
N: oh what have I done *chuckles*
*they are both laughing* someone knocks on the door
B: ill be right back
Opens the door
B: uhh hi how can help you
S: is Nick here
B: uhh why
S: well we were supposed to have dinner but he said he to come and apologize to you then I called him a couple minutes ago and he said he was tired but I knew he was lying
B: uhh how did you know where I live
S: nicks mom told me when I aksed where he was because we were supposed to grab dinner then he blew me off so she told me where you lived so I could see if he was here
Nick comes up behind bishop
S: I knew you it you blew me off for her
N: I didn't blow you off we never had plans for tonight i said tomorrow night but how did you find know I would be here and where Ellie lives
S: nick im not an idiot I see the way you look at her you love her and you also said you were coming to aploigize I figured you would stay nad your mom told me where she lives
N: why did you come by though
S: to see if my suspicions were true and they were
B: what were your suspicions
S: was I talking to you no
B: your rightbut you were talking about me and that gives me the right to join ok honey
S: who do think your talking to sweetie
B: you who else would I be talking to
N: ok you need to leave sage
S: why
B: because we say so
S: ughh bye
They walk back over to the couch
B: I have a question
N: ok what is it
B: was she right
N: about
B: you loving me
N: uhhhh yes she was right
B: since when
N: I don't know a while ago but its ok if you don't feel the same way
She leans in and kisses him
B: who said I don't feel the same way
The End
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jadondonsancho · 5 years
Insecure. anyone.
Hey guys! I've decided to try my hand at this writing thing! This started as a chilly story but I decided to leave out the names so you can imagine it with anyone you'd like :)
My asks are open for any requests or constructive criticism, hope you enjoy!
Lots of love xxx
He came home upset. The result wasn't terrible, a clean sheet and a point meant a decent start to the season. But he wasn't happy. And the last thing he wanted was to come back home to you, knowing what was waiting. The night before an offhand comment he made, a stupid stupid comment he can't even belive he said had put him in the dog house. Deservedly. You hadn't even said a word, just ended the FaceTime.
As he pulled up to the driveway, he could feel his heart in his throat. Your car was still in its usual spot so he knew you were home. He couldn't decide if he was relieved you hadn't left or nervous about what was to come.
Today was supposed to be a great day, the first game of the new season, he was looking forward to spotting you in the stands as he always does. He knew you wouldn't show today but that didn't stop him from scanning every face in the crowd twice, just to make sure. Of course you weren't there, he didn't even know if you watched at home.
His key turned in the door as he took a deep breath, preparing himself for anything on the other side. What met him was silence. Unsure of whether to call out to you or not he placed his keys on the hook, right next to yours. Further proof you were still there.
The argument started when you had brought up, once again an article in a gossip magazine about him sleeping around with other girls. You knew better than to believe them but you let your insecurities get the better of you. Can he blame you? He's this ridiculously good looking footballer, it's no secret he's got money and let's be honest he was known for sleeping around before he met you.
The night before a home game meant he was staying at the teams hotel, as per usual you FaceTimed each other before bed. You had seen the magazine while doing some grocery shopping earlier that day, the headline imprinted in your memory. This was the 3rd one this month alone. You knew he hated to talk about it and you could understand why. Constantly needing to defend yourself to the person whose supposed to trust you the most must be exhausting.
He didn't need to defend himself though, all you really wanted was him to tell you that you weren't going crazy and that he loved you. Instead, he had scoffed and said "seriously? When would I have the time? I barley have time to sleep with you!", you could sense the irritation in his voice but at the same time, his comment stung. He had hit you right where it hurt.
Work had been stressful and he'd been away in LA for most of the summer on holiday, you had joined him for a week and that had been fun but unlike his, your job didn't offer you a summer break so it was right back home and seperated from him for a few weeks.
So to say things in the bedroom had halted would be an undstatement. And you felt guilty as hell, it wasn't like you didn't want to, God it had been so long it was pretty much all you could think about but between his preseason tour and your exhausting job you haven't had the time or the energy, life just kept getting in the way.
So when those words left his mouth, he pretty much confirmed all the things you had been mulling over for weeks. One; that he was getting tired of the relationship, two; that he resented you for not sleeping with him more often and three; that the tabloids were right.
You had watched the game on tv, despite your anger at him you couldn't resist. He played well but you knew he wouldn't be happy with his performance, the standards he holds for himself, ridiculously high. And he seemed distracted, which added to your guilt.
He rounded the corner and peeked into the living room to see if maybe you were watching TV, the room was empty. He checked the kitchen next, on the island was a plate of food. Like there normally is when he comes home late from a game. He couldn't help but smile, no matter how upset you were, you still couldn't stop yourself from taking care of him. He kicked himself for his stupidity, he couldn't believe how lucky he was to have you in his life and he hated making you feel upset.
He checked your home office before deciding you were probably upstairs in bed watching Netflix or something. Slowly he started up the stairs trying to figure out a way to apologize, trying to decide how to make it up to you. Gently he opened the bedroom door. There you were, eyes peeled to the tv screen. You were watching some sort of trashy reality show, the ones you had said were always a good distraction.
"Hey", he said lowly. Not wanting to disturb you too much.
You turned to look at him, the first thing he noticed was how puffy and red your eyes were. His heart broke knowing he was the reason for your tears.
"Hey", you whispered back before turning your attention back to the tv. No mention of the game, no indication that you wanted to indulge in any further conversation.
He stood their awkwardly at the door to his own bedroom, unsure of what to do next. All he wanted to do was give you the hug you so clearly needed but he didn't want to upset you more. "uhm, I'm gonna go take a shower, is it okay if we talk after?", he said warily.
"yeah I guess, whatever, I'm surprised you have the time", your reply was short, alluding to his comment the night before.
"babe c'mon", he sighed, "I'm sorry, I didn't mean it like that"
"well how the fuck did you mean it then? I don't think you could have put your point across any clearer!" you snapped turning to face him at the door.
"nah, nah, nah!" he shook his head taking a step toward you, "don't be like that, you know what I'm trying to say! Don't try and act like I'm the only one in the wrong here! How many fucking times are we going to have the same argument? How many times will I need to defend myself?"
Anger filled him again. He was exhausted and frustrated with this. Everytime an outrageous rumor was printed about him in the papers, another fight followed. He was done.
You froze, not expecting him to retaliate so harshly. Tears filled your eyes as you realized he was right, this was as much your fault as his and he had every right to be upset with you too. You still felt the need to defend yourself though.
"It's just so fucking frustrating, like you don't think I don't feel shit about our nonexistent sex life? You dont think I don't want to get back to how we used to be? So when you say shit like that and then add in my pre-existing insecurities, the fact that thousands of woman wanna fuck you in your DMs and then it being in all the papers that they have been...it just makes fucking sense that you would be sleeping around, you're not getting it at home, you look the way you do, you're a footballer for fucks sakes...im sorry I trust you, I do, it's just so fucking hard sometimes" your outburst hit him like a tonne of bricks.
You've had this argument so many times but you'd never actually said out loud how insecure you felt. How jealous you felt. For the first time he could kind of imagine what it felt like, he feels a similar way when he sees guys at the club look you up and down, or when one of his friends comments on your looks. It drives him crazy, but what you had to deal with was worse. Because it was everywhere, all the time. On Instagram and Twitter, in the papers, even in the whispers of people around you when you went out.
"babe...babe I'm sorry, I am. I really didn't mean to make you feel guilty or insecure. I love you, you know that right? And I'm definitely not sleeping around. Okay? You're the only person I'm interested in, the only person I want to sleep with and you genuinely have no reason to be insecure! " he rattled off, moving to sit opposite you on the bed. His hand gently reached up to cup your cheek. His thumb sweeping away the tears rolling down your face. "I am a footballer, but that doesn't mean you're not out of my league"
You grabbed his other hand with both of yours, placing it in your lap. His words temporarily causing you to smile. "I'm sorry I'm like this, I'm sorry I keep bringing this up", you replied looking down at his fingers intertwined with yours.
"hey, look at me", he tilted your head up with his finger so you could look him in the eyes, those beautiful eyes that drew you in all those years ago. "don't ever apologize, it's okay, I know it's hard but I promise you, you have my full attention, always. I love you" he continued.
"I love you too", you smiled at him, leaning in for a kiss, soft and gentle but full of emotion. Immediately making you feel lighter and making the tension in the room dissapte.
He pulled you closer, into a hug. The two of you sat like that, holding one another for ages, a much needed embrace.
"does this mean we can have sex tonight?", he asked teasingly, leading a reluctant laugh to escape your lips as you punched him playfully on the arm.
Leaning back, you looked him in the eyes once more and through a smile you replied, "you've gotta take a shower first, you reek"
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jawnjendes · 5 years
little fighter | shawn mendes
university au, shawn x goth gf
an: this is apart of @fourtristattoos spring fest. i didn’t go with the weekly theme but i did use a few of the prompts from the list provided, and i will continue to do so for this series until the fest is over. honestly, im really proud of this chapter in particular, and it would be cool if ppl read it or whatever. if you like whats going on here, blease check out my masterlist for this series :)
masterlist | series playlist
For someone who acts composed with no fucks to give, I harbor quite a bit of guilt. I've always felt bad about things I did or did not have control over. I came from a good family. My parents never divorced, and they supported me through and through. I was always a good student in school, I even got into not one, but three amazing psychology departments at different universities. I had good friends throughout my life. I loved and lost. I experienced things the typical human goes through, and that was before I moved to Canada.
I was quite lucky. Nothing tragic happened in my childhood or teen years to make me the way I am now.
No, I don't count my abnormal digestive issues as something tragic. It's not tragic. Besides, that started in my early adulthood and yes, I harbored guilt about that too because I was able to manage it without much hassle.
So tell me why my self esteem was so shot that I went after shitty people so they could love me the way younger me imagined. Tell me why I got so depressed before university that I stopped going to work and school. Tell me what I did that made me a nervous stick in the mud. When and why did my brain become my biggest enemy?
This isn't about my not-tragic backstory. This is about where I'm at now. I've done my crying and wallowing. I go to therapy and swallow my pills.
I'm worried this will be perceived as a “she got a boyfriend and now she's healed” trope. It's not that. Like I said, I've done my healing. The fact that I have Shawn now is a very, very fortunate bonus. I know my worth now, even though sometimes I feel like I don't deserve him. I know what I don't deserve, and that's every relationship I had before Shawn came along.
He wasn't ashamed of his own feelings. There was never a moment where he didn’t tell me how he felt about me. He wasn't afraid to tell people that I was his girlfriend. He was all but bursting whenever he talked about our families meeting. I know that's the barest of minimums, but you would be surprised at the amount of relationships I had that were 50% shame and 50% hiding.
Shawn was always going the extra mile for me. If my digestive system was messing itself up, he kept me bed bound at his apartment, and he nursed me back to health. If I was bored to death at work, he would come and visit me after my manager's shift ended. He would drive thirty minutes into town to bring me lunch as well.
Work. That's where this is going. I was sat in my tiny office with Manager Stacy and Coworker Jason, counting down the minutes to my break. It had been a long day, what with customers complaining about $30 oil changes, or telling me their life stories in a rude manner over the phone. I had to smile at gross older men staring down my shirt as they paid for their car service. Stacy was short tempered and tired, so she gave us hell for little things like the printer being out of paper. She yelled at Luca for slouching in his chair, and that prompted him to leave the room. At least he had the liberty to to do that. I had to stay at my tiny window and feel Stacy's third eye burn a hole in the back of my head.
I would have texted Shawn telling him to just take me somewhere for lunch as opposed to bringing me something, but I didn't want to get yelled at for being on my phone. I just pretended to add up gas receipts while periodically looking at the time on the computer.
Somehow, Shawn read my mind. I saw him enter the dealership from my post, and he was empty handed. Typically, he had a to-go bag from my favorite restaurant. He made eye contact with me and smiled, coming up to my tiny window. Before he could say anything, a male voice called his name.
A deep pit formed in my stomach as Luca excitedly came into view. He greeted Shawn with a handshake/bro hug and a “What's up, man?”
Not going to lie, I forgot they knew each other. I forgot that Luca gave Shawn the concept for his song Mercy, even though I skipped that song when it came on these days.
I grabbed my purse from under my desk as I let the two catch up. I told Stacy I was taking my lunch break and then stepped out of the office. I stepped up to Shawn, still feeling uneasy.
“What brings you here, man?” Luca asked him. “Need service on your car? Or are you finally trading that thing in?”
“Nah, I'm just here to see my girl,” he replied as he took my hand.
Luca tilted his head and pursed his lips the way he always did when he was confused. His eyes trailed towards me like he barely noticed I was there.
“You two?” he asked in disbelief.
“Four and a half months,” Shawn replied with a smile.
I couldn't help but triumph in the shocked expression Luca had on his face. I smiled a little bit.
“I thought you were lying about that,” he said to me.
“Why would I?” I asked in return. Then, I walked towards the building exit, dragging Shawn with me.
I'm not one for flexing what I got, but I was particularly happy about Shawn walking me back into the dealership when we got back from lunch. We went for sushi down the street and spent most of my lunch hour in the car. We were still in our own little world, I was genuinely smiling. Other salesmen who worked here had to do a double take because I wasn't doing the typical customer service smile.
We stopped at the door to my office. Shawn planted a quick kiss on me and promised to see me later. I couldn't help but watch him as he walked past the office window towards the exit. I was okay to think about our little world until the end of my shift tonight. However, I was snapped back into reality at the sound of all too familiar words coming out of the all too familiar devil's mouth.
“Fucking whore…”
My smile dropped, but I was ready to roll my eyes and move on. Shawn, on the other hand, stopped in his tracks and turned on his heel. He went up to the window and looked directly at Luca.
“What did you just say?” he asked, leaning on the little ledge. He was smiling, but it wasn't hard to tell that he was annoyed.
“I'm just calling it as I see it,” Luca replied with an all too casual shrug. “She tell you what she got up to before you came along?”
I know I said I was about to let it go… but I ended up barging into the office and going right up to Luca. I grabbed the arm of the chair he was sitting in and forcibly turned him towards me.
“You don't get to do that,” I said loudly, not caring about my professional reputation at the moment.
Luca had an amused look on his stupid face. His dimples showed, and he was trying not to laugh.
“No - you don't get to act like I don't exist and then get salty because I found someone who's way better than you will ever be!” I pointed a finger at him. “You're the last person who gets to call me a whore! You broke the pieces of me that I gave you! You toyed with me for two and a half years, you manipulated and used me and you do not get to call me a whore because I decided I deserve better! You don't get to make any criticisms about my life. Get fucked!”
Silence rang through the tiny office. Jason and Stacy were standing at the back, mouths open. The smirk on Luca's face had vanished, and his face flushed with embarrassment. I was ready to throw hands if he dared to speak.
Then, Shawn spoke. “Let's step out for a second.”
My eyes darted to him. He nodded his head to the side, towards some customers who had lined up behind him. One was a girl about my age who was smiling at the tea being spilled. Behind her was an older couple who looked annoyed at my lack of professionalism.
“Go,” Stacy piped up in her stern manager voice. “I'll help these guys.”
I sighed angrily and went out the door again. I muttered an “excuse me” as I went past the small line of customers and I walked past Shawn. He quickly followed me, telling me to slow down.
“Hey!” He jogged up to me as I stepped outside into the oncoming night. He grabbed my hand to stop me. “Honey…”
I wanted to childishly pull away from his grasp and fold my arms. I wanted to run back inside and drop kick my coworker. Steam was still blowing out of my ears, and I wanted to fucking fight.
“Does he always say things like that?” Shawn asked.
“Yes,” I grumbled, looking out at the shiny new vehicles that were displayed in the parking lot. “That's all I am to him, that's all I've been to him since I broke up with him.”
“And you just let him get away with it?”
My seething eyes now pointed at my boyfriend. I yanked my hand away from his and flailed both my arms as I unleashed another bout of rage. “You think this is the first time I've yelled at him? You think I always just lay back and take it all the time? I'm always sticking up for myself in this god awful place because I'm the bitch who doesn't smile! Nobody here has my back! My own boss didn't even say anything to him! If you think I'm the type to take-”
Shawn quickly held his hands up, trying to calm my hysterical movements. “Okay, okay! I'm sorry. I know you don't take anyone's bullshit. He deserved to get yelled at. I would have done it myself, but you're my little fighter.” He offered a smile.
If there was any special nickname he had for me that wasn't the typical “honey” or anything involving my all black attire, it was that. “Little fighter.” Hearing it helped diffuse some of my anger.
I finally felt rational enough to take a deep breath, calming me down even more. Shawn offered his hand, but I wasn't ready for that just yet.
He thought otherwise. “Please, just take my hand.”
“I am a fighter,” I said, folding my arms. “I did not go through various amounts of bullshit to let some fuckboy tear me down.”
Shawn just looked at me for a moment, then he agreed. “That's right.” He was still holding his hand out. “And you're very cute when you're angry.”
I rolled my eyes. “You know, I wanted to kick the shit out of my coworker, but since you're here…”
He chuckled. “Okay, okay. What I meant is, I'm just glad you know your worth. And seeing you stand up for yourself is probably the hottest thing I've ever seen you do.”
Now I took his hand. “Shut up.”
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oppa-smut · 7 years
BTS Reactions
“The members are in the dorm and find you sleeping, but they're horny…”
He would come from the shower, hoping that you’re ready for him to devour you. To his surprise your asleep in his shirt, which is a couple sizes too big and some shorts that you had left last time you visited. The oversized tee defined your curves nicely, making it even harder for him to deal.
He desperately wanted to kiss you and leave love bites all over your body, but you looked so peaceful, so he decided to wait.
“Y/N, you're taking care of me in the morning, understood?”
Excited to see you in the new outfit he just bought for you, he waited outside the door. A couple minutes passed and he becomes impatient.
“Y/N, what are you doing? It’s not much to put on…”
A couple more minutes pass, and he’s furious and worried. He pushed the door open slightly wondering if you had got injured or if the straps on the top piece were to complicated to figure out. Disappointed to see you soundly asleep on his bed, but relived to find out that your o.k, he let out a small sigh. Your sleeping face made him want you even more, but waking you up would make him feel guilty.
“What am I going to do with you Y/N?”
Jimin desperately needed some time alone with you. Dance practice was hard enough, but the time spent in the recording studio was excessive. He hasn’t seen your face in a while, so tonight he was really excited to show you how much he missed you. He walked into the room to find you sprawled across the bed in only a towel. You were exhausted as well, so after a warm shower you let the bed take you away from the world.
Jimins face became hot. He didn’t know what to do. Sure he could wake you up, but the towel would fall off and make the situation awkward. The thought of you naked made him want to follow through with the idea, but he knew you’d be angry.
“Y/N, why do you tease me like this…?”
You two discussed the movie you were going to watch from the day before. It was something you two weren’t so interested in so you could fool around and not worry about missing anything. He found you on the couch comfortably positioned and fast asleep. 
He was really hoping on showering you with love and compliments on your body, but you seemed content so he didn’t even attempt to wake you. He covered you with a blanket at headed off to his room.
“At least she’s happy…”
Tae was getting a bath ready for the two of you. The water was warm and candles were lit. It was unusually romantic but he did it just for you. A lot of preparation went into this surprise, but to his dismay you were fast asleep in his room. 
He was angry and was planning on fucking you senseless after the bath. He was tempted to wake you up, but he soon realized that he would just have to deal with it for the night.
“Aghh jagiya, why are you so cruel?
You were determined to finally spend some time with Jungkook, but his Overwatch addiction was getting annoying. Whenever you asked for him to come to bed he would always ask for one more round. Which turned into two, then three, then four…
Eventually your sleep got the best of you and you fell asleep on his bed. After the 9th round, he decided to look for you hoping that you were still awake. He really wanted to hear you moan his name while he tormented you, but by the time he had finished his gaming session, you were out cold.
“Y/N I’m so sorry, I know how much you wanted me. Tomorrow, o.k?”
Jin was ready to dominate you as soon as he arrived. He fantasized about burying his face in your chest and pounding you into submission all day. He was distracted during practice and made numerous mistakes while reviewing songs for an upcoming performance. 
“Y/N, are you home?”
You were home, but not awake. You were comfortably sandwiched in between the blankets and pillows and completely forgot that you promised Jin that you’d give him your all tonight. 
“Y/N, why would you do this to me. You promised”
(constructive criticism please guys. It would be nice to tell me were to find even more GIFs and what words i should change)
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multicouple-lover · 4 years
This is just a random one shot I thought of
*M= Torres mom D= Torres dad S= Sage ( family friend)
G= Gibbs B= bishop T or N = Nick Torres
It was an average day for Bishop and Torres they didn't have a case so they were just doing paperwork they were all at their desks well except for Gibbs he was probably at the diner or who knows where but out of the blue Torres mom dad sister niece and family friend show up and when Nick looks up he is in shock to see his family there he then says
T: what are y'all doing here
D: to see if you can go to lunch we were out shopping and in the neighborhood
T: um yeah I guess we don't have a case we are just doing paperwork
*bishop walks in and her phone rings* *bishop has a worried look on her face*
T: hey bishop you ok
B: yeah I have to run an errand call me if we get a case please.
*Torres is now worried*
S: ok I'm hungry how bout we go eat
*The rest say yes*
G: grab your gear where's bishop
T we don't know she got a phone and looked worried then she left she said to call her if we got a case
G well call her
*turns to his family with a sorry look on his face*
T raincheck
M: yeah
*leaves and calls bishop gets worried she don't answer* Gibbs phone rings he answers
Turns out it was bishop she is taking some time off because of family matters says Gibbs Torres automatically gets worried because it seems like she would have told him then he remembered there conversation last night where he let it slip he don't trust her like he used to because of case where she asked a question if it was possible he killed the guy and he was upset because he thought she trusted him more than that to even think that but I guess not so when he let it slip she said well I only asked because you were drugged and when he heard that he felt bad because he then realized she didn't want to ask the question but the team pushed her to because she was the closest to him so when he remembered that he also realized that since he didn't really trust her she didn't trust him only when needed which means he ruined a friendship that meant the most to him because over something that wasn't her fault at all. So after he realized all that he called her but she didn't answer he was worried she also answered his calls even if he hurt her she would answer that's just Ellie so he went to talk to Gibbs about it all. So after Nick explained everything he told nick where she was and that she had told him that last night along with some other things going on and to next time be careful what you say to her because next time I'm not going help you ok and to wait and till after we solved the case to talk to her. So after the solved the turns out the wife did it because he was cheating and was threatening to kill her. So nick quickly left as soon as possible but when he got out of the building he was met by Sage
S: hey I was just going to text you to see if you wanted to grab dinner
N: uhh maybe next time I have something I need to do
S: well let's go ill help you
N: uhh this is something I have to do alone
S: what is it
N: repairing a friendship that ruined
S: well let's grab dinner and you can tell me what happened and how you ruined the friendship and I can help you come up with a way to repair
She didn't even give him time to respond she started walking towards her car
N: maybe next time but I want to go fix it now
S: dang you must really love this friendship if you want to do it now and not just push it off till later or is this friendship with a coworker and it's just awkward at work
N: both she is my best friend who I can talk to about anything and I know she will always have my back
S: ok but you do know I'm always here to talk and will always have your back
N: thanks and yeah I know I will text you later and we can grab that dinner ok
S: yeah
Nick leaves and heads to Ellies house. Nick arrives at bishops house he gets out of the car and knocks on her door.
B: uhh nick what are you doing here
N: I came to apologize about what I said the other day
B: why are you apologize it was the truth wasn't it
N: well at that yes but then I came to realize that the others pushed you to do it
B: so instead of asking me why I asked you just get mad and stop trusting me and pull away and just think that you can come back and apologize and everything will be dandy right?
N: uhh yes
B: you know when you did all that it hurt right the one person who was supposed to be my best friend just pushes me away for something that the others made me do and stop trusting me Nick in our line of work we have to trust each other.
N: it was numb El I should have never done it and I only stopped trusting you because I thought you didn't trust me
B: come talk to me if think that I have always trusted that's not something I say that often you see nick I don't trust people right away it takes time for me to trust you the reason for it is because when I do I end up getting hurt you were the one person I trusted automatically I should have known better but I thought you were different I guess not
N: El I am different this wasn't on purpose I got caught up in my own self I didn't think of how it might affect you
B: yeah it always happens Nick I get when you were undercover you had to always watch your back and if one person hurts you then don't trust them ever again but Nick you aren't undercover anymore and we have known each other for 3 years and in them 3 years I opened up to you about things I never told anyone and in return when I hurt you not meaning to you push me out. I have one question though?
N: ok
B: why not just come ask me about because I thought you knew me better than that I mean when have I ever hurt on purpose?
N: never
B: exactly so why did you think I would start now
N: I don't know I was just mad I wasn't thinking straight it's just I'm scared because I know that there is chance that one of the guys I put away can come back and my brother-in-laws death anniversary was yesterday so I was in a bad spot then it made me realizes how much of a target you could be so when I thought you didn't trust me I thought perfect your less of a target now I just didn't think how much it could hurt you
B: I can protect my own self Nick I've done it before I have been through a lot kidnapped tortured that's happened to before nick I don't need protecting
N: I'm always going to try and protect the ones I love and that includes you. So are we good
B: yeah just promise me one thing come and talk to me next time
N: I promise
B: want to watch a movie
N: yeah
Nicks phone rings
N: hello
S: hey you make up with her yet
N: yeah
S: ok since you made up with her want to go to dinner that you owe me
N: uhh I'm pretty tired maybe tomorrow
S: ok then goodnight
N: good night
Nick hangs up the phone
B: who was that
N: just a family friend she wanted to go out to dinner early but I said no because I wanted to come and apologize
B: you know you don't have to stay you can go have dinner with her right I'll be fine
N: yeah I know I just don't feel like going out and plus I dint have anyone to criticize or criticize me today and to be honest I kind of missed in so I'm going to make up for tonight *he laughs*
B: ohh ok that's how it going be huh *laughing while she says it*
N: oh what have I done *chuckles*
*they are both laughing* someone knocks on the door
B: ill be right back
Opens the door
B: uhh hi how can help you
S: is Nick here
B: uhh why
S: well we were supposed to have dinner but he said he to come and apologize to you then I called him a couple minutes ago and he said he was tired but I knew he was lying
B: uhh how did you know where I live
S: nicks mom told me when I aksed where he was because we were supposed to grab dinner then he blew me off so she told me where you lived so I could see if he was here
Nick comes up behind bishop
S: I knew you it you blew me off for her
N: I didn't blow you off we never had plans for tonight i said tomorrow night but how did you find know I would be here and where Ellie lives
S: nick im not an idiot I see the way you look at her you love her and you also said you were coming to aploigize I figured you would stay nad your mom told me where she lives
N: why did you come by though
S: to see if my suspicions were true and they were
B: what were your suspicions
S: was I talking to you no
B: your rightbut you were talking about me and that gives me the right to join ok honey
S: who do think your talking to sweetie
B: you who else would I be talking to
N: ok you need to leave sage
S: why
B: because we say so
S: ughh bye
They walk back over to the couch
B: I have a question
N: ok what is it
B: was she right
N: about
B: you loving me
N: uhhhh yes she was right
B: since when
N: I don't know a while ago but its ok if you don't feel the same way
She leans in and kisses him
B: who said I don't feel the same way
The End
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