#anyway im the blue haired queer your mama warned you about
the-axe-and-flail · 1 year
I just realized I haven't really introduced myself yet so let's change that!
My name is Kay, and I'm 35, agender (any pronouns work for me, though I usually use they/them in reference to myself), bi af, and an obsessive autistic.
The Fandoms I primarily draw/drabble for are currently Dragon Age, Demon Slayer, and Otome, though here you'll only see the Demon Slayer pieces. (@otomesass is where you can find much more, like kpop and some personal project stuff too!)
I am always open for suggestions, and you're more than welcome to jump into my inbox to suggest things you'd like to see, but there are a couple rules!-
Keep it simple- please don't request a whole ass scene with 30 characters and a full background. I mainly drawn in linework and will occasionally paint, but for the most part know when I draw requests it'll almost always just be sketches (unless the topic catches my fancy... I've been known to go overboard 😅) Please keep requests to 1-2 characters, or a third if they're minor (like X,Y, and a baby).
I will NOT under any circumstances draw ship pairings with adult and minor characters. Yall take your tanjiro/kyojuro (just for example) bullship elsewhere bc it's not happening here. Same goes for incest parings. I also will not draw smut for minor characters either.
Be nice when you request things please! I do this for free, don't be an ass.
I will draw smut, fluff, or anything in between, but even I have my limits. Please don't request things like CNC (I get it, it's my problematic fave too), or anything remotely touching on Dubcon. It's impossible to write consent into a snapshot so I won't even touch it.
I WILL draw for all body types, genders, and orientations. Gay, trans, fat, whatever! Just make sure you state that in your requests so I can give you what you want!
I will draw OC/Character, but I need references for your OC. I'm not here for character design (though you can ask to commission some!) So I need a solid reference to work from :)
And last but not least- be patient with me as art is something I do for fun and will not tolerate demands. I also reserve the right to refuse any prompts that make me uncomfortable or feel I would not be able to adequately do justice to.
With all that out of the way, I'm very much looking forward to drawing some of your requests and characters!
My ask is also open for things like headcanons, opinions (lord knows I love to give those lmao), and also just to chat :)
Enjoy this selfie of me on my way to see the Demon Slayer season premiere in theaters as a little intro~
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