#anyway its not a coincidence that the teacher who went to my boss and demanded that i not be allowed to work with her school
boot-prints · 2 years
Made the mistake of scrolling down the Hogwarts Legacy tag for a while, gonna blacklist it now so I can't keep doing it because it's not a helpful or productive thing to do. It's all kinds of infuriating though.
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nsyaf-journal-blog · 7 years
Close up & personal.
I realize that I haven’t really tell much about myself. So I hope it’s still not too late for some introduction though I should have done this from the start.
Almost 1993: I was born to this world and I am supposed to be a 1993 baby but my mum told me that I would have went to school later so she requested to let me see the world earlier.
1997: I was enrolled into a kindergarten school at En-Naeem Mosque. Can’t recall my childhood that much but all I could remember was being scolded and was punished for not wearing the school hijab and I didn’t know that I couldn’t. Poor me. Oh and I still remember I had a crush on my classmate hahahaha. kecik2 dah pandai nak crush2 eh.
1998: Mum decided to withdraw me out of that school coz I think I made a lot of trouble hahaha but honestly I didn’t know real reason. What I remembered was it was my holiday period.
1999: Got into Yio Chu Kang Primary school and guess what? I got into the same class as the guy I had crush on during my K1 days. Coincident? I don’t think so!!! It is fate! HAHAHA. Okay enough of my old crush already because I can’t even remember what was his name but I know it started with A. Hi A.
2000: Oh then mum decided to transfer me to Hougang Primary School. Pretty sad because I know I couldn’t see A again. Okay whatever. But I was the pioneer batch for this school because it was newly opened.
2002: I was in the afternoon session so mum made me to do some house chores. So I woke up and did the laundry (yes, just 9 years old and was already trained) but I think I was lengang kangko-ing because I felt that I still have lotsa time. Until I realized that I was going to be late for school. But I would be dead if I haven’t finish the laundry. I thought, that this would be the only time I would be late anyway. So I carried on with the laundry like a boss. Then I happily came to school late so I had to sit at the side of the hall. And there was this prefect (who used to be my classmate when we were enrolled) that came and approached. She asked why was I late? And I admitted that I was doing laundry. And guess what????? She accused me of lying. Then I cried like a baby hahhaahha. But hated that prefect eversince because she so sombong. Lek ah girl, baru je prefect. pfft.
2003: I didn’t know what the hell is wrong with me but I was at my rebellious stage at this point of time. I hang out with kids that your parents warned you about. They told me to do bad stuffs and I stupidly followed. But no worries, I know my limit just felt like I was brave to do things that I shouldn’t. Probably got some bad reputation among my old classmates already but I didn’t really care. And I was so lazy. I failed all my subjects that landed me to EM3. (during those years EM3 was probably the worst group of people).
2004: It was a wake up call when I realize what I did the previous year, was affecting my future. Although I was still in the same class with the same group of people, I was on my own. I studied hard.
2005: Then I received my PSLE result which I didn’t even know when it was released that my form teacher had to call my home and told me to come and take the results. *smakes forhead* But it was all smiles when I came. The teachers congrats me for making to the top of the cohort. I felt that my two years was payed off.
2006: Got into Hougang Secondary School that was just opposite the school with happening memories (my former primary school). Nothing much about this school because I didn’t socialize much because of who I am.
2010: Got into my dream course Digital Audio Video Production which I have been aiming for because I know of my talent back then. And this is where I met my Four Loves too. Though we rarely catch up on each other now because I believe that everyone has their own commitments.
2012: Then my results were just average so I couldn’t go to Poly yet and due to the lack of demand of job in this line of industry, I decide to change to a non-related course with DAVP). But I still love what I do and do what I do. Though I haven’t fully decide on what I wanted to do in life, I took Higher Nitec in Electrical Engineering. And I had to secretly (not a secret anymore since I admitted here) admit that I felt ‘popular’ just because I was surrounded by male friends hahahahah. What the hell, I know. But I didn’t know how to groom myself at that time so I guess I was quite a turn off. But I was so proud to show off the business girls that I have lotsa guy friends. But when I think about it now, I don’t think the girls even care. Maybe aku je yang nak step hotstuff hahahahha
2013: Most students got into Poly at the age of 17. I got into Ngee Ann Polytechnic when I was 21. I think I was the oldest girl in that cohort. Was I missing a lot? I don’t think so because I learnt and grew when I was in ITE so I didn’t regret anything. But I should be rewarded for long service award for studying.
Now: As you all knew from reading my previous blog post, I am currently working in a total different line since it was difficult for a lady to be in that line (because of numerous failed interview from a certain companies which some even admitted that they are just looking for males only because it was too dangerous. stereotyping much? if only i could expose your company for making such remarks hahahhaha) But I love what I am doing currently anyway so I think there is a hikmah for me not getting into any of those ‘dangerous’ jobs.
I used to keep my past a secret when people ask about it just because I want them to have the best impression of myself. But as I grew, perfection is boring. My flaws has made me discover things others might not be able to & that’s the beautiful side of life. 
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