#anyway keep me udpated on how u decide to read them and if u like them!!
obrother1976 · 11 months
hey uce read a song of ice and fire right? im interested in the series but it seems so unapproachable bc of the sheer volume of it and also the fact that it isnt even finished. Do u have like any advice ig? Like should i just read everything there is, or is there a certain point where one is better off just stopping reading or anything?
Außerdem hast du die Bücher auf Deutsch/Österreichisch gelesen? Weil ich hab die ersten 4 Teile auf Deutsch Zuhause rumliegen, aber irwie isz ja jeder Teil auf Englisch dann 2 Teile auf Deutsch und ich weiß nicht ob es sich dann lohnt es auf deutsch zu lesen?
totally get that it seems really really intimidating to start them. its like the boomer one piece in that way but basically the way i did it was i started w the basic a game of thrones book, then clash of kings, a storm of swords, a feast for crows and at that point i stopped.
i didnt read any of the ones that came before that (fire & blood, a knight of seven kingdoms) and i dont think u should start with those either bc theyre more of a thing for ppl who want a prequel to the others, in a way where its like u read them to go "omg thats the guy that did that which is mentioned in/ has consequences in (insert game of thrones book)". i would really just recommend picking up the basic first book ("a game of thrones") and going from there, bc it introduces all the important characters and u'll see pretty soon if it interests u & if u want to read the other books. no sense in trying to plan out what u're reading after that from the start bc it'll just be really overwhelming.
also cant say if u should stop at the same point that i did (i rlly only stopped bc i kinda got bored of it a little, like i just wanted something new) but i would generally recommend just going w the flow kinda. as far is i know theres not any drop in quality in the later books so if u do decide on reading all of them u should be totally fine.
+ ich hab sie nur auf englisch gelesen, aber ja soweit ich weiß sind die deutschen bücher ein bisschen kommisch aufgeteilt in mehrer teile. sollte aber eigentlich keinen großen unterschied machen. falls du sie doch lieber auf englisch lesen willst (aber eben auch nicht quasi unnötig geld ausgeben willst weil du sie ja eh theoretisch schon zu hause hast) kannst du einfach auf libgen.is nach denen suchen und sie da runterladen
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