#anyway leander do you want to fuck all your friends. do you want to fuck all your friends that hate you leander
pigeonliker420 · 29 days
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whatevers wrong with this man i like it
#i didnt expect to like touchstarved from what id seen from its fandom but when i finally tried the demo i was pleasantly surprised#i looked at the meta first cos i do things backwards and. man. what a good reminder that the most vocal fans also are the most stupid#girl you are misinterpreting The Text so badly that what you consider the subtext is suspicious#i felt bad for the leaps i was making from a single prologue but i see you people are jumping straight off the cliff with nothing so nvm#anyway leander do you want to fuck all your friends. do you want to fuck all your friends that hate you leander#i fear them making a green character associated with flowers snakes ouroboros masks and 8s was specifically an attack against me.#if only i hadn't found this like a year before official release. got dam#i could and would go on but the nurse has arrived with my sedative#its actually genuinely hard to pick a favourite they all have aspects i really like so far#at first kuras' subdued personality kind of washed off me but then his ending to the prologue was v fun and put him in a different light#wtf a vn with characters that are all hits for me. unfair#i love that u can ask them all about each other at the end there. love how its modelling its characters social fumbles#in particular given everything the promo material says about leander and vere and how they talk about each other#u can get a picture of a very fumbled situation there lmaooo between leanders savior complex and veres inability to set down real boundarie#butttt you know them all for less than a day... i wanna know what happened there
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imagrindylow · 1 year
Happy Weasley Wednesday!!
Garreth Weasley / gn!Reader. 5k words
Content Warnings: Fluff and angst, hurt/comfort, injury, sickness. Summary: On a dare, Garreth tests one of his experimental brews on himself and lands himself in the hospital. The fear you have around his condition makes you decide to finally confess your feelings for him. A/N: There is a lot of Leander in this, I literally couldn't help myself. It was fun looking at his friendship with Garreth more.
Garreth mucking about with his potions ingredients trying to come up with new brews, or even just experimenting to see what could possibly happen when things were combined, was not a new or uncommon sight. On this day, he found himself in his room of requirement, doing the latter. He leaned over a bubbling cauldron, the steam flushing his face as he added pinches of this and that, just to see what reaction he’d be met with.
His best friend, Leander, sat sprawled out in an armchair near by, absentmindedly flicking his wand at the various seemingly random portraits that hung on the walls, tipping the witches and wizards in their frames and laughing at their startled expressions.
A fizzle and a crackling sound arose from Garreth’s cauldron, pulling Leander’s attention back to his friend. “What are you doing?”
“Oh ya know, just trying things out.”
“Was that supposed to happen?”
“Dunno. Just kinda throwing things in. Whats the worst that could happen?”
Leander shook his head. He was more than used to Garreth’s antics, but scoffed none the less at his friends disregard for inviting on whatever chaos could come.
Garreth wandered around his potting stations, picking stems and leaves from his various plants and tossing them into his cauldron along with the hodgepodge of things he had already added that he collected from the forest. He wasn’t sure what he was expecting… but the pleasant aroma that arose as he stirred the mixture, was not it.
“Huh. Interesting.”
“What?” Leander asked, watching with a look of intrigue on his face.
“It smells really good… For just an experiment, I’m really delighted it went well.”
“Yeah?” Leander asked, raising his brows, with a devious grin growing across his face. “Dare you to drink some.”
“Are you mad? Five minutes ago you were scoffing at me and now you want me to drink it?” Garreth sounded only mildly perturbed, and was mostly just teasing his friend. He couldn’t lie to himself, the temptation to taste it had already crossed his mind.
“You said it smells good. Doesn’t that mean it’s fine?”
Garreth looked around his workstation with the remnants of the ingredients he had added strewn about the tabletop. Nothing in the cauldron was inherently dangerous individually… Well, not very dangerous anyway.
“Ah, fuck it. I’ll do it.” He resolved. He smirked at Leander who was crossing the floor to stand by and watch more closely, and to get a whiff of the concoction himself.
“It does smell delicious…” Leander tilted his head, arching a brow and giving an approving grin.
He watched with his hands on his hips as Garreth dipped his ladle deep into the cauldron, gave it a final stir and lifted the utensil to his lips. He blew across the top to cool the mixture, the decadent rich scent right under his nose enveloped him, making him salivate.
“Here goes nothing.” Garreth said, pressing the ladle to his lips. His eyes squinted at the steam still floating off of the surface of the liquid. He tilted the ladle forwards, letting the sweet smelling liquid pour into his mouth, and he swallowed it.
Leander watched with bated breath for any reaction… And then Garreth’s eyes rolled back in his head. He took a staggered step backwards, dropping the ladle on the floor, before collapsing.
Leander sharply exhaled all of the breath from his lungs at the sight of this show. “Okay, so maybe it didn’t taste as good as it smelled. But that was a little dramatic, even for you.” He jested at his friend.
When another moment passed, and then another, and Garreth still hadn’t sat back up and laughed and yelled ‘gotcha!’ Leander started to panic.
He dropped to his knees beside his friend and shook his shoulders roughly. “Garreth.. Garreth! Oh my god what did I have you do? Fuck fuck fuck… GARRETH. GET UP.”
There was no response. He had to get him to the hospital wing now. Leander searched the shelves nearest the fireplace… Where the fuck is the floo powder? He didn’t want to spare the time to search too long, the shelves were kind of a mess... Leander cast levioso on Garreth’s unconscious body, hoping it would aide in bringing him to the hospital wing. He couldn’t even make it through the doorway without knocking Garreth’s head into it. Leander winced, lowered the other boy back to the floor, and scooped him up and hoisted him over his shoulder, opting to carry him instead, and made his way to the hospital wing as quickly as he could.
The trip seemed to take ages. Garreth was difficult to carry and the number of staircases was just outrageous. Leander’s steps became staggered by the time he had finally reached the faculty tower and once he made it to the hospital wing, he was on the verge of collapsing himself. Nurse Blainey rushed to them as soon as she caught sight of them. “Over her, put him over here.” she instructed him. “What happened Prewett?” She raised her brows and looked at him expectantly.
“I-I-I dared him to drink it, it was my fault. Is he going to be okay?” “Drink what, exactly, come on, out with it!” “Umm, I don’t know actually… he was just experimenting, throwing things into the cauldron… He said it smelled good, so I dared him to drink it…”
Nurse Blainey got to work while Leander tried to explain. She was muttering something about ‘blasted amateur potion makers’ and their ‘inability to brew up some common sense.’
The nurse’s first idea was to get him to vomit the potion back out. Leander stood back while the nurse tipped Garreth onto his side and unceremoniously prodded the back of his throat with her wand to trigger his gag reflex. This didn’t seem to work, he only drooled a bit. Her next attempt was pouring wiggenweld into Garreth’s mouth, down his throat. The liquid went down, but it didn’t seem to have an effect.
“Is he… is he going to be alright?” Leander asked. His voice was shaky and quiet, a mixture of anxiety, guilt and shame.
“How long has he been unconscious?” She asked, sounding worried, “This may be a job for St. Mungos.”
Leander looked horror stricken. His face lost all of its color as his eyes laid on his best friend laying still in the hospital bed. He cleared his throat before speaking, caught off guard by the gravity of her words. “Ugh, I dunno, must be going on 10 minutes…” He guessed, he didn’t know how long it had taken him to carry Garreth all the way here. “St. Mungos… that means this is really serious…”
“He’s poisoned himself.” She said point blank. “Go back now and retrieve a vial of whatever it is that he drank.”
Leander nodded. “Oh.. of course, I will. And then you’ll be able to reverse it?” He sounded hopeful.
“There are antidotes, but I don’t have every possible remedy on hand Prewett. Go get me the sample! Now! Off with you!” She ordered him.
He turned and hurried out of the hospital wing, sprinting back towards the room of requirement desperately hoping the door would appear for him. It had to, right? This was necessary. He was out of breath by the time he reached the hall where the door should be. The only thought in his mind was needing to help Garreth, fixing the result of his stupid fucking dare. The door appeared.
With shaky hands Leander pulled an empty vial from Garreth’s shelf and bottled a sample of the brew, corking it tightly, and began sprinting back to the hospital wing with it clutched firmly in his hand.
He took the stairs two at a time and made it back in seemingly no time. He was gasping his breaths as he handed the vial to Nurse Blainey. “Here… this is it.”
She nodded and took the bottle, uncorking it and smelling it. Her eyes narrowed. She couldn’t pinpoint what all was in it. “Very well. Back to class with you, now. I will do what I can, and if it comes to it, I’ll transfer him. Check back later.”
Leander didn’t want to leave, he didn’t want to leave his friend alone especially when it was his fault he was even in this mess. But he didn’t have it in him to argue. The overwhelming guilt he felt had chiseled away at his typically combative nature. He took a few backwards steps, eyes locked on Garreth, before turning and heading out of the hospital wing with his head sunk low and tears pooling in his eyes.
You noticed right away that Garreth was missing from dinner when you arrived in the great hall. You assumed that maybe he got lost in time while working on an assignment and you expected he’d appear at any moment. You didn’t exactly have plans with him this evening, but dinner wouldn’t be the same without the two of you shooting little glances at each other from across the room, trying to make the other laugh. It was just one of the many little games you two always played.
You filled your plate and ate your meal whilst chatting with friends absentmindedly, drawing your gaze to the doors of the great hall and scanning and re-scanning the Gryffindor table every few minutes, just waiting for Garreth to appear. But he never did.
After dinner you caught sight of Leander leaving the Gryffindor table, and you hurry to catch up with him, knowing he was close with Garreth as well and would likely know what was up. You grabbed his shoulder from behind and he turned to face you.
For a moment you just look up at him. You saw it in his eyes, something was wrong. “What happened, where is Garreth?”
He was more than a little taken aback by your sudden appearance and he furrowed his brow at you for a moment. He rubbed the back of his neck before he began to speak. “Um… He uh… Look, please don’t be mad at me, okay. I already feel bad enough…” You took a sharp breath in before exhaling slowly, trying to keep your composure. “Out with it Leander, what happened?” He couldn’t make eye contact with you as he spoke. “He was brewing a potion, after lunch, like, an experimental one. And... I… I dared him to drink it... and he just fell over. I took him to the Hospital Wing right away.”
There was a long moment of silence between the two of you as you stared up at him.
“Are you actually serious?” You shook your head and narrowed your eyes at him, gesturing with frustration as you questioned him rhetorically, “Why would you dare him to do something so stupid… ugh!! And why would he listen to you?”
You just couldn’t believe how either of them could be so senseless, so careless. Sure Garreth was a bit mischievous, but this was just something else. And Leander… You weren’t close with him but you had assumed, incorrectly apparently, that he had enough sense than to dare his friend to do something so downright idiotic.
You set your anger aside for the moment and became overwhelmed with worry over Garreth, you did everything you could to keep your mind from drifting to worse case scenarios. Leander snapping back at you pulled your head away from those dark thoughts.
“Look I already feel guilty enough and I already got lectured by Nurse Blainey.” He scolded you. “Now are you going to come see him with me or not, because that’s where I’m headed now.”
You scoffed. “Yes, I’m coming with you.”
The two of you made your way from the Great Hall up through the Faculty Tower and into the Hospital Wing. Although, when you arrived, it appeared all of the hospital beds were empty. You gave Leander a questioning look and his heart sank as though he knew something you didn’t.
Nurse Blainey saw you both approaching and walked towards you both to meet you. “I had to transfer him,” she said, looking at Leander, before she glanced at you.
“Transferred?” You asked, the look of concern on your face as you looked at the nurse started growing exponentially.
“To St. Mungos,” Nurse Blainey spoke. “I thought it would be the best option.” “Well, can… can we go visit him there?” Your voice was faltering, as you began getting choked up with your worry.
Nurse Blainey sighed, shifting her gaze between you and Leander. It was already getting late, you knew it was pushing it to even ask, but you were desperate to see Garreth, to see if he was alright. “Fine. Take the Floo Network. I’ll write you both slips, should you arrive back to the castle past curfew.”
You and Leander both began thanking her immediately. She walked over to her desk and started writing up notes for you both excusing you from curfew for the evening, and from a small container in her desk drawer, she gave each of you a small handful of floo powder.
They stuffed the excuse notes into the pockets of their robes and made their way to the fireplace. Leander went first, dropping the powder into the flames, stepping inside, and speaking St. Mungos Hospital, then disappearing. You followed right after.
Just a moment later the two of you were standing in the bustling and crowded lobby of St. Mungos Hospital. You didn’t speak a word to each other, just headed to the reception desk, where an older witch looked between the two of you. “Here to visit someone?”
You nodded. “Garreth Weasley.” You answered her. You watched as she scrolled through a long parchment with many names on it. “Weasley…” She searched the list. “Third floor, potion and plant poisoning ward.” She stated, then began giving directions to the closest staircase. You and Leander followed her instructions, heading down a long hallway, around a corner and up three flights of stairs. Once on the correct floor, the two of you headed to yet another reception desk, specific to that department, spoke with another employee, were instructed to take seats in the waiting area, and told that you’d be informed when you’d be able to visit.
The two of you shared a silent, concerned look. Neither of you had really anticipated this news… It had already been a few hours between the actual incident and your arrivals to the hospital. Why couldn’t you just go right back to see him now? Your mind was racing as you took a seat with Leander in the waiting area.
The wait was long, and mostly silent. Your thoughts were shifting between a few different things… anger at the idiot of a boy sitting next to you for causing this mess, and worry over the one you were here to see. Not to mention your feelings surrounding him. You knew you had a crush on Garreth before and always had, but now, overwhelmed with uncertainty over his condition, you really felt like this was more than just a crush. A lot more. What if this accident would keep him in here, in the hospital and away from you for awhile? That thought alone was unbearable, it made your stomach knot up just to think about.
You guided your thoughts to happy times you and Garreth had spent together to keep from dwelling on the terrible scenarios that kept trying to work their way into your mind. You thought of the first time he took you into Hogsmeade, just the two of you, back in fifth year shortly after you’d first met in Potions class. Gods that was so long ago. If this whole ordeal had shown you anything, it was that you needed to let Garreth know how you felt for him, finally.
As time passed slowly, you began to fidget and become more uncomfortable with the wait. It had been at least an hour since you took your seat in the waiting room, and you hadn’t gotten a single update since arriving. What was taking so long? Was something wrong?
You were slouched back in your chair, tapping your fingers on the arm rest and sighing with exasperation, apparently too frequently, because Leander eventually broke the silence, telling you firmly, “Cut it out already, will you?”
“Will you cut it out?” You snapped back at him, gesturing to his mere existence.
He looked puzzled. “I’m not even doing anything.”
“Your antics, your idiotic dares. Conjure up a brain, will you?” You huffed and turned in your seat facing away from him slightly.
He scoffed. “Yep, thanks, I totally needed that. So helpful.”
After several more long and excruciating minutes of silence, one of the healers walked out into the waiting area, and approached you and Leander. “You two are waiting to see Mr. Weasley, correct?”
You both stood up, nodding. “How is he? Can we see him?” You asked eagerly, anticipation rising for some hopefully good news.
“We’ve found an effective antidote and he will make a full recovery, and will be back at school with you first thing in the morning. But at the moment he is quite weak, and tired. He’d been sleeping, but is awake now. You can see him, one at a time. His room is down the hall and to the left, when you’re ready. Oh and do be considerate, it’s a shared room.” The healer nodded and headed away.
Immediately relief washed over your face and you turned to Leander, completely dropping the attitude that you had with him previously, and asked nervously, “Can I see him first?”
Leander narrowed his eyes and scoffed at you. “I’m his best friend, so I should go first. And besides, I need to apologize for all of this.”
You started speaking quickly, before your mind had time to process your words, “Well, I’m in lo-” You looked away and cleared your throat, trying to catch yourself before you said something completely stupid and embarrassing, but it was probably too late for that. “Um… Never mind.”
“Oh?” Leander asked with a smirk as a wide grin spread across his smug face. You didn’t have to finish your sentence. He knew what you were going to say. “Well if that’s so, I suppose you can see him first.”
You smiled at him and nodded, trying not to blush but really who can control that? “Thanks, Leander.” You told him, and headed down the hall in the direction the healer had motioned too.
The hospital room was a large one, with many beds and a couple of other patients, not dissimilar to the hospital wing back at the castle. You spotted Garreth right away and crossed the room to him quickly. He turned his head towards you when he heard the door open and gave you a rather surprised looking expression that grew quickly into one of happiness, despite the very clear appearance of exhaustion that was also present. He looked weak, was more pale than he typically was, and there was a bucket near his bed, indicating that at some point during his stay, he must have been getting quite sick.
You took a seat in the chair beside his bed. He looked at you with a lot of fondness as he spoke to you, quietly. “When they said I’d have a visitor, I did not expect you.”
You conversed in hushed tones, not wanting to bother anyone else in the room. “Well, Leander is here too. But they’re only letting us visit one at a time.” You sighed, feeling relieved to finally see that he’d be alright.
“Just couldn’t wait to see me back at school, eh?” He grinned, he was really quite glad you were here. “Well, it’s a nice surprise.”
His words almost always make you blush and this was no exception, but at the moment you still had a hard time wrapping your mind around his decision to try that damn potion in the first place… And now that you knew he’d be alright, it seemed like a decent time to bug him about it.
“Why’d you go and drink that potion? Why would you let Leander dare you into something so foolish?” Your words were quiet but stern, you narrowed your eyes at him, and watched his expression soften a bit as he took in your sentiment. He could see that you had been scared over him.
He gave you a warm smile, and spoke with a hint of teasing in his voice. He seemed flattered that you seemed to care so much. “It was pretty stupid wasn’t it?” He chuckled. “I have no good excuse, I just make bad decisions sometimes. I’m sorry if I worried you, though.”
You exhaled and sighed. “You did worry me! You really did.”
“Yeah. Well, It won’t happen again, I can promise you that much. Won’t be testing anything experimental on myself again. Nothing that experimental, anyway.” He still had a hint of humor in his voice that was irritating to you given the situation, as though he wasn’t taking this all as seriously as he should have been.
You didn’t reply, you were frustrated and emotional. You could feel tears coming on and you did not want him to see that. You got up and although you were frustrated, you spoke to him as calmly as you could, and excused yourself. “Leander is waiting to see you. I’ll send him in and I’ll be back once he’s finished… He’s got a lot to say, I think.”
Garreth nodded and you turned and headed out of the room and back towards the waiting area. Leander stood as you came towards him.
“Finished already?” He asked sounding more than a little shocked. He noticed your expression. “Everything alright?”
“It’s fine. He’s typical Garreth.” You said with a bit of annoyance. “You go and see him, I’ll wait and go back in once you’ve gotten a turn.”
Leander nodded and patted your shoulder as he walked past you and towards Garreth’s room. You sat back down and attempted to calm yourself. You couldn’t let yourself stay frustrated, you couldn’t, not if you wanted to tell him how you felt.
“Hey mate.” Leander greeted Garreth as he took the seat at his bedside. He began speaking right away, not even giving Garreth the chance to greet him back. He leaned forward in the chair, his elbows on his knees, guilt plastering his face. “Look, I’m… I’m really sorry about all of this. Never expected this to be the outcome of that dare. I hope you can forgive me, I’ve been so worried.”
“Calm yourself Lee, I’m fine. And – let’s be honest – I’d have probably drank it even if you hadn’t dared me to.”
“Crazy bastard.” Leander chuckled, “You had better tell them that because they’re pretty pissed at me, you know?” He said and gestured towards the direction of the door. “They uh… Yeah I think you really scared them, I think they care about you a lot.”
Garreth smiled. “Yeah? I care about them too.”
“Well, I shan’t keep you from them, then. I’ll see you back at school in the morning, yeah? We’re alright, mate?”
Garreth nodded. “Of course we are. Definitely.”
“Thanks.” Leander said with a relived expression. He waved and turned back, heading out into the waiting area once again.
You were surprised to see Leander back so soon. He sat beside you. “He forgave me. I’m going to head back to Hogwarts, unless you want me to wait and accompany you back once you’ve finished speaking with him again?”
“You go on. I’ll be alright and don’t need you to wait around. Thanks, though.”
The two of you parted ways, and you headed back to Garreth’s room yet again. When you arrived at his bedside, you pulled the curtains surrounding his bed area closed, before pulling up the chair and sitting down again.
“Hey, you.” He greeted, as you sat, looking around at the closed curtain. It seemed he approved of the added privacy. “Look, I really am sorry to have scared you.” His mood was much softer this time. You immediately questioned in your mind if Leander had said something to him about your little accidental confession. “And, it really won’t happen again.”
“I should hope not… I really was worried. I couldn’t keep my mind from replying these awful worst case scenarios. I’d be… pretty lost without you.”
“Is that right?” He grinned and his cheeks blushed a faint pink. “Well, I have no intentions of going anywhere. So I guess you’re stuck with me.”
“That wouldn’t be the worst fate, I suppose.” You teased him with a bit of a laugh.
“No, it wouldn’t, would it?” He sighed and smiled at you.
You were quite pleased with the little back and forth. It really showed more than anything that he really would be okay after all. He was his usual self, fun and playful. You reached for Garreth’s hand and took it, squeezing it and looked in his eyes. “I want to be honest with you about something.”
“Go on.” He squeezed your fingers in return, a grin spreading across his face as he waited for you to speak.
You ran your thumb over his knuckles. “I care about you a lot.”
“Yeah?” His eyes lit up, obviously pleased to hear you say it. The way he looked at you just made your breath catch.
“Well, the feeling is mutual.” He was very matter of fact and spoke with a smile.
You didn’t say anything else for a moment. You weren’t sure if you really got your point across. You knew ‘care’ wasn’t strong enough of a word, but you were happy that he returned that sentiment. You were a bit lost in thought when he shifted over in his hospital bed and patted the edge for you to sit beside him. You raised your brows at him and he nodded, then you moved to sit beside him on the bed. He rested a hand on your leg, running his thumb back and forth across the fabric of your uniform. You could feel your face heating up with every gentle passing stroke of his thumb. You opened your mouth to speak and ended up confessing, “I more than care, actually.”
His face lit up. “I thought that might be the case, and the feeling is still mutual.” He moved his hands up around your waist and at that point you were ready to just give in to your feelings. You were dying to kiss him, and you were confident enough now that he wanted it too. You leaned forward towards him, gently cupping his face in your hands, you brought your lips to his in a slow, tender kiss.
This was the only true way for you to convey how you really felt. You let the passion behind all of your emotions come out in the kiss, and he eagerly reciprocated. His hands pulled you closer at your waist and ran up your back. You could feel him smile against your lips and he let out a quiet pleasured hum, like he was savoring every second. You deepened the kiss, your tongue finding his gently and your fingers twirling in his hair.
When your kiss broke after several long moments, you both had wide grins across your face, looking at each other warmly, still holding each other close. You pressed another quick kiss to his cheek.
“And here I thought you were angry with me.” Garreth whispered, a glint in his eyes as he looked over you, fully soaking in the moment between you.
“I was angry earlier, but… I have a forgiving nature. Lucky for you.” You teased him, whispering back, your hand resting on his chest with his fingers laced through yours.
“That’s right, lucky for me, indeed.” He took a deep breath, speaking more seriously now. “I am very lucky that nothing worse happened. But I’m also glad my antics earlier brought you to me, like this.”
“It’s funny how things play out, isn’t it? I was scared to lose you, and couldn’t go another day without telling you how I felt.” You admitted, looking at him fondly.
“Well, I’m glad you did. Finally.” He laughed, though still trying to keep his voice down as not to bother the other patients.
“Finally?” You chuckled. “You could have confessed to me, you know, at any point.” You chided, holding back a laugh.
“That’s right, I could have. But I was a bit nervous.” He admitted, squeezing your hands.
“Too nervous to talk about feelings, but not too nervous to drink a random experiment?” You jested, playfully shoving his shoulder.
He put his hands up in mock indignation, and spoke with a smile on his face. “That’s me. I don’t make any sense, and I’m a bit reckless, but you know it’s all part of my charm.”
From somewhere on the other side of the curtain surrounding his area of the hospital room, a harsh sounding voice shushed loudly.
You and Garreth shared a look, eyes wide. He covered his mouth, realizing your conversation had been growing steadily louder.
“You aren’t wrong.” You whispered. “But, it’s getting late, and I really ought to get back to Hogwarts. I should be letting you rest, anyway.”
He gave you his best pouty face, but nodded, you were right after all. “You really are stuck with me, once I’m back to school in the morning.”
“Good.” You kissed his lips once more, quickly and with a bit of a giggle. You smiled and waved goodbye to him as you drew back the curtain and headed back to Hogwarts.
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kimiro-art · 9 months
Touchstarved LI when they are horny
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👹 stares at you. all day. he stares at you from a corner but doesn't say anything eather (ngl. It's kinda creepy but also in a sexy way?)
👹 When you look at him, his stare becomes ten times more intense and you've seen it before. It's this almost impatient look on his face . His eyes almost resemble those of a wolf eyeing a sheep. That one look that promises you that you won't get any sleep tonight.
👹 When you're finally alone with him, he'll come up to you with the same look on his face and just pull you close to him to kiss you like his life depends on it
👹 you will hear a "Finally" from him between kisses
👹 won't say much, but still finds the words, to ask you if you are okay with you both have some fun time (consent is important)
👹 Is someone who takes his sweet sweet time with you :)
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🌿 starts to have a lot more touching needs. Will constantly ask you to hold his hand or will put his hand on you in every way possible.
🌿 you notice that he is a little quieter than usual and seems to be daydreaming. you have to tap his arm several times to get his attention.
🌿 When you finally have his full attention, he'll just look at you like a lovesick puppy
🌿He'll pull you close to his side and whispers to you so only you can hear "I really need you right now... can we go upstairs? Can you do that for me?”
in fact, he really needed you. The man probably walked around with a boner the whole time
🌿 he too, takes his time with you. Very polite unless you ask him otherwise :)
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🦊 starts teasing you more. This annoying fuck wants to make you mad at him and he won't shut his mouth unless you shut it for him :)
🦊 is also a little more touchy than usual
🦊 whispers the most lewd shit ever in your ear and then pretends nothing happened
🦊 “Anyway. Y/N and I have things to do now. See ya” It doesn’t matter whether you just had a whole conversation. He just got tired of waiting
🦊 He pulls you into your or his bedroom and starts rocking your shit
🦊 Pillow Princess (I don't care what you all say. This man is a Brady Pillow Princess)
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🪶 you notice that they try to always be close to you.
🪶 Do you want to sit there? Mhin is sitting right next to you. Are you standing somewhere? Mhin is standing right next to you
🪶 You notice them staring at you from time to time, but when you make eye contact with them, Mhin immediately looks away (is that a blush!?)
🪶 100% has wet daydreams. The type of person who would write sexy fanfiction if they lived in the modern world.
🪶 waits until they are finally alone with you and pulls you by your collar, pushing you against a wall while makeing out with you.
🪶 After a big make out session, they drags you home to continue (and more :)
🪶 Praise kink?...Praise kink
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(Does Kuras get horny? Is that a thing? I feel like Kuras does not feel the need for sex. Just like they don't need food)
🕊 becomes more playful than usual.
🕊 also becomes more caring (he's a very caring person in itself but he will act like a mom friend even more when he's horny and he just wants you to feel wanted and loved and appreciated)
🕊 When he finally gets off work, he comes to you, joins whatever you are going and wants lots of hugs and kisses
🕊 (if Kuras fucked) he would be very slow. He takes his time. Wants to enjoy every moment of it
🕊 talks you through it :)
🕊 likes to pamper and pleasure you with his hands. watches you. He finds your reactions very fascinating
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@callmehopeless posted a prompt
about the hogwarts legacy boys getting down and dirty outside. I chose the Garreth prompt because I loooove him. I've been in a Garreth mood lately. Anyway, here's what I came up with.
Garreth was nearly done with his potion when he heard a knock on his door. He looked up as Leander and Harper came in. 
“Garreth. I thought we discussed brewing potions in our dorm room.” Leander said with a sigh. 
“Where else am I supposed to experiment? Sharp said I’m not allowed to use his classroom after hours anymore after last time.”
“Can you blame him? You shot fire out of your mouth like a dragon and caught his jacket on fire.” Harper said as she sat on his bed. 
“What are you guys doing here?” Garreth asked as he prepared his last ingredients.”
“Numb nuts here forgot his textbook. I came to see what you were doing.”
“Can you go one single minute without insulting me?” Leander huffed.
“No. It’s my birthright, I earned it.”
“It is not! You’re two minutes older than me!”
“Guys, can you take your bickering elsewhere? I need to focus.” Garreth said. The Prewett twins frequently argued, and normally he enjoyed it (free entertainment!) but not now.
“I’m leaving.” Leander grabbed his book and left with a slam of the door, annoyed by his sister.
“So watcha making?” Harper said from his bed. Truthfully he liked seeing her there. He’d been friends with the Prewett twins for a long time, but he longed for something more with Harper. And seeing her now, on her stomach with her legs in the air, skirt hitched slightly up was doing things to him he didn’t need to focus on right now.
“With this potion, I hope to make the drinker physically stronger.” He said as he sprinkled pearl dust on the top.
“Why are you adding pearl dust?” 
“I think it’ll balance out the potion, it’s a bit intense.”
“Wanna go for a walk? It’s really nice outside.”
“Sure.” Garreth smiled and slid his potion in his pocket. Maybe he could try it outside in case he started breathing fire again.
They walked away from Hogwarts and to a field where they’d picnicked with their friends on occasion. It had a large oak tree that provided comfortable shade, even on the hottest days. 
“I’m going to try it out here. Maybe I can rip this tree right out of the ground!”
“Find another tree, I like this one. Garreth, you have got to step testing your potions on yourself!”
“Are you volunteering?” Garreth grinned.
“Absolutely not. Go ahead.”
Garreth tipped the potion up to his lips and downed it. He instantly felt a change, but he didn’t think it was strength.
“Well?” Harper asked from under the tree. He looked over and she was suddenly the sexiest thing he’d ever seen. Her legs were long and tan, her lips were pouty and naturally tinted red, her red hair fell in waves down her shoulders, and her piercing green eyes were boring into his.
“Um. It’s not quite working the way I intended.” He said while gritting his teeth. All he could think about was how badly he wanted to rip that skirt off of her and just-
“Garreth? Are you alright?”
“I…think it’s best if you leave.” He was trying not to look at her, but suddenly she was standing beside him. 
“Do you need to go to the hospital wing?” Harper asked, eyes full of concern.
“God, Harper, you’re KILLING ME.” He groaned and tried to think about anything else.
“Me? What did I do?”
“Alright, there’s no polite way to say this but the potion has done something to my sex drive that’s shifted it into high gear and I can’t think of anything else but fucking you right now, so you should probably go.” He put his head in his hands and groaned. He felt a hand on his shoulder and that sent a shiver through his body. 
“Maybe I could help you release that tension.” Harper said in his ear. Garreth was clenching his fists so hard that  his knuckles were turning white.
“Harper, don’t say things like that.”
“But I mean it. Come on Gare, we’ve both known there’s something here. And right now all I can think about is what I want you to do to me.”
Garreth literally groaned. “Are you sure? This will change things. I don’t want you to regret it.”
“Fuck me, Garreth.” She said in a hot breathy voice in his ear. In a second he’d pinned her against the treel and was kissing her like it was his last day on Earth. He began trying to unbutton her shirt and she started working on his pants. He lost his patience with the buttons and just ripped her shirt wide open.
She gasped as the cold air hit her exposed chest, but he silenced her with a kiss. He couldn’t wait much longer.
“Harper, are you a virgin?” He asked, though truthfully he wasn’t sure if he could be gentle.
“No.” She said with a grin.
“Thank god.” He quickly pulled down his pants and boxers and flipped her around. “Grab onto something.” He groaned as he positioned himself. She grabbed the tree and bent over. Needing no further prompting, he quickly pushed himself all the way inside of her in one thrust. She cried out and he was worried he’d hurt her until she whispered for him to keep going. 
He felt like an animal. Nothing would put out the fire inside him until he’d fucked Harper until neither one of them could walk. He began quickly pounding into her, gripping her hips and slamming her against him as he thrusted. She began moaning and it spurred him on. He wrapped her hair around his hand and tugged at it, making her cry out again. Anyone could stumble across them but he didn’t care.
“Garreth!” She moaned his name as he railed her, though nothing seemed to be enough. He needed more. 
“On the ground, on your back.” He growled in a throaty voice. She did as she was told and he grabbed her ankles, positioning her so he could go as deep as possible. He slammed into her again and she cried out. This was better. 
“FUCK Garreth! Right there!” She was breathing heavily and he obliged, thrusting hard and fast. He could feel that she was close, she was clenching her walls around him and gasping. She came hard, screaming his name and wailing. 
“Not done yet.” He whispered, flipping her over. “On your knees.” She got up on her knees and bent over, and he quickly reentered her. The only sounds in the quiet meadow were the slapping of flesh, his grunts, and her moans. He was gripping her hips so hard he was probably leaving bruises. 
“Holy shit, Garreth! I’m gonna-” Her second orgasm took both of them by surprise. 
“I need to be closer.” He hissed.
“I don’t think you can get any closer.” She let out a giggle as he flipped her over on her back and climbed on top of her. He supported his weight with his elbows and pushed into her again. She cried out and wrapped her legs around him. 
“Yes, THIS!” Garreth grinned and pounded harder than he had been. They were down in the grass and dirt, getting absolutely filthy, but neither one of them cared. Suddenly, rain began to fall around them. The tree provided some shelter, but not completely. Harper laughed and Garreth was too focused on fucking her brains out. He kissed her neck as he continued pounding away at her. “Harper…I’m about to come!”
“Me too!” Her nails dug into his back as they both reached their peaks. Garreth let out a primal scream as he thrusted and spilled himself inside of her. She was screaming his name and he felt like he was nearly going to black out. He finally collapsed, the potion’s effects had been relieved. 
Harper was breathing heavily underneath him. “I hope you wrote down whatever was in that potion.”
“It wasn’t too rough?” Now that he’d come back to his senses, he was worried he’d hurt her.
“Garreth, you made me come three times. No, it wasn’t too rough.” She kissed him gently and he reciprocated. 
“I think it’s safe to say our friendship is ruined. How about you become my girlfriend instead?”
“Works for me.”
“What about your brother?”
“Are you wanting to date him too?” She asked, raising an eyebrow.
“No, I meant he’s going to be pissed when he finds out. What are we going to do?”
“We’ll deal with that later.”
“Should we head back? We’re absolutely soaked.” Garreth said, feeling guilty for the state they were in.
“Not yet. I want to enjoy my time with you out here. Just the two of us.” He kissed her as the rain came down on both of them. 
Leander looked up at the sound of the common room door opening and his jaw dropped. “What the hell happened to you guys?!”
“We fell.”
“Poachers.” They answered at the same time. Harper cleared her throat. “We ran into some poachers. It began to rain and we fell.”
“Well you’re both absolutely filthy. You probably tracked mud all the way here. Go clean yourselves up.” Leander snorted and went upstairs.
“Do you think he meant clean up together, or…?” Harper slapped his arm and they headed towards the bathrooms.
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semimedieval · 10 months
the gang reacts to: jojo's bizarre adventure part 1 phantom blood but make it stupider
this is a joke lupus has no dio in him no dio at all. he is at most a jotaro but not even really that either. and obsidian is too skinny to be any jojo character at all. maybe he could cut it in part four or five but other than that. okay anyway-
we begin like this. which would be yaoi if it wasn't just straight up silly. <- a thing that could be said about jojos bizarre adventure phantom blood.
Obsidian trudged through the grass. Sometimes, Lupus could be a bossy flirty show-off. Lupus trudged down the path. Sometimes Obsidian could be an emotional, overreacting, oddball. (XD)
while the boys are busy fighting, jack accidentally spawns the entire concept of the fields of aphelie, which i really had confidently thought i invented out of wholecloth for the roleplay.
[Spark] reached out to touch a blooming flower, it's leaves so golden it seemed to glow. It snapped at her finger and out of surprise she set it on fire. The ashes fell to her hands. "Odd flora in these parts," Lupus remarked.
but lupus isn't allowed to talk about FLOWERS, he's got sins to atone for. we cut to him and ky.
Ky nodded "Strange." then, more quietly she whispered to Lupus. Could I talk to you? Alone? "No problem," he replied. When they were alone, he asked, with only a slight trace of bitterness, "Here to tell me off?" "No Lupus." she said evenly. "It's about when you threw that snowball at Obsidian. I know it was just a joke, but afterwards you got this terrible expresion in your eyes. It was frightening and it scared me. "fear still lingered in her gaze. "Are you okay?" "Uh... yeah...?" he asked. "I'm fine, Ky." But he wasn't so sure himself. He knew it'd be so easy to get people to do what he wanted. Obsidian and Tozi both had an obvious weakness, they'd do anything for the sake of Chuji. Quartz would come running for anything. Spark was fiercely loyal to all her friends, and, consequentially, would do anything to save them. Ky pushed the thought to the back of her mind. "Sorry, must have been a trick of the light." She extended her hand for him to hold. He took it. His mind was full of various scraps of thoughts (lol what?). It was so easy. With the right words and mix of emotions, he could get most of them to do anything they wanted to. He couldn't help searching for weaknesses, everywhere. But it was all just thoughts, he added. It wasn't like he wanted to manipulate and overthrow people. Why'd he want to do that?
This is fucking GOOFY. Lupus and Obsidian are having a bitch of a time with the intrusive thoughts lately. Also Lupus you are not as good at seeing ways to manipulate and exploit your friends' weaknesses as your insecurities are clearly telling you you are, given that the only people you come up with genuine weaknesses for are Obsidian and Tozi. Also Tozi is ALREADY DEAD, fuck would you do to him? I'm not impressed.
He is not a Machiavellian genius, he's a flawed human sixteen year old boy who is having "Am I evil?" thought experiments over his father. And also doesn't like Obsidian for reasons that are not explained outside of "conflicting personalities." I think it's out of character for the Lupus of 2.0 and the Leander of 3.0 to not be immediately kind of worried when Ky suspects him of Hidden Long-Buried Evil. But jury's out.
I'll be real: Obsidian having A Rivalry with both tozi and rim just makes him look like a complete buzzkill. And speaking of Tozi -
"Ugh." Chuji yelled sarcastically James, let me show you how to cook... She grabbed his arm and walked back to the fire. "You show him, Chuji!" Quartz yelled enthusiastically. Tozi laughed. "I remember when she did that to me, It was with a mushroom. She was a grander cook than I. 'We were lost in the woods,' Is what we said, making it a game." Obsidian smiled. "A mushroom? What did you do to it?" "It melted! "He burst out happily, he then looked at Chuji, blushing. "I nearly got my first kiss that day...." "I see," said Obsidian, neither coldly nor happily. He had been practicing his 'neutral look' lately. "The first time I tried to make toast, Quartz chased me out of the house with a big stick." "I gotta go, the wind's wanting me back. Bye," he then was swooped up and blown into a small still cloud "Bye," said Obsidian, wondering if Tozi's departure was only due to wind. He began to set the makeshift table.
"I see" is a pretty great response to this all things considered. Ghost Tozi reminds me of those deranged tiktoks that are like "POV: you're out with your boyfriend and his totally chill girl best friend shows up uninvited and starts dropping hints about just how in love your boyfriend was with her in high school" Like dude Obsidian is trying SO hard to get along with you please try to play ball a little. Meanwhile, Ky is having a found family moment and it's very sweet.
Ky smiled. She loved her family. Family. It had been a while since she'd had that. All that happiness was welling over, filling her heart with love. Ky turned to Lupus and lightly kissed him on the cheek.
And Lupus resolves his personal little moral crisis.
With Ky, Lupus never failed to cheer up. He felt that he knew for sure, today at least, that he'd be faithful to his friends.
He also says "Our schedule for tomorrow: rescue Rim from my demented unicorn-obsessed father," which is very funny in a 2012 sort of way. I do think it's SO funny that in this adventure the entire sequence of Poppyworth->Lupus and Ky breakup->Rim rescue->arriving at the beach->Chuji and Obsidian's date->the entire next day at the beach, including the pendants and Dracus and Tozi's revival takes place over THREE DAYS. THREE DAYS!!!
ALSO poor moopy has been rping with themself for like what feels like at least a week and i am not playing ball with them at ALL monoceros-wise. embarrassing for me.
THEN: the kyobsidian agenda.
Ky sat down on a patch of green grass and took of her shoes. She dipped her feet in the water. Obsidian appeared behind her. "Hi," Ky froze as she heard Obsidian's voice. Would he hate her too, as he did Lupus? "Do you mind if I sit here?" he asked. "Don't worry, I consider you a friend. And I know that Lupus means well, too" "Really?" she asked "I don't think you mean that, Obsidian. I don't blame you for not liking Lupus. You don't have to hide it from me." She skipped a rock across the water, creating ripples on it's surface. "I meant, he means well, but he has a funny way of showing it," he said bitterly. "To me, at least." The rock Obsidian threw bonked into the water unceremoniously. "Never been much good at it," he laughed. Ky gave a weak smile. "What does he say?" "Doesn't say anything," he assured her. "It's just...do you get the feeling he has no problem with flirting? That he likes showing off what he can do? That he expects people to feel sorry for him, the little tragic hero whose father is the Evil Overlord? That he bosses everyone around?" "I guess he does do that but, you have to focus on his overall qualities. Those things don't define him. "Plus, when he flirts it makes me laugh." She argued.
JESUS CHRIST OBSIDIAN YOU ARE BEING SUCH A DENSE ASSHOLE. First of all "no problem with flirting"? it sounds like YOU have a problem with flirting which maybe explains why you and chuji textually haven't kissed since she cried and passed out in your arms. skill issue.
secondly, "expects people to feel sorry for him".... dude. imagine if someone said that about YOU. from the way lupus talks about his father it feels like it should be pretty fucking clear that he is severely affected by the fact that monoceros sucks. i guess in aote1 it's not textual that monoceros is abusive but it is textual that monoceros hated people with element powers and that made lupus feel afraid. i'm sorry that fantasy homophobia metaphors are not an issue for you obsidian.
thirdly, why are you talking to lupus's girlfriend about this anyway. i know she asked you but jesus. This is still life ruiningly goofy in 2.0 but i have to say the dialogue is a lot better.
“It’s fine, I’m interested.” She leaned forward. “You don’t have to hide that you hate him - every time he talks, you make faces, and you guys have argued multiple times.”  “I know he means well,” Obsidian repeated; he looked embarrassed to have brought it up. “I just mean - he’s so commanding, so self-centered, and so insincere -”  “He’s sincere!” Ky snapped, more coldly than she seemed to have intended, because she immediately covered her mouth with her hand. “Sorry - I just, I suppose I get defensive -” “No, no,” Obsidian said quickly. “He’s your boyfriend, I shouldn’t have brought it up -”  “No,” an amused-sounding voice said behind them. “Maybe you shouldn’t have.” Abruptly, Obsidian scrambled backwards, muttering something apologetic; continuing his vague smile, Lupus lifted Ky’s hand gallantly and raised his eyebrows at Obsidian.  “I’m sure your persuasive skills would have been very effective on anyone other than my girlfriend,” he said smoothly, and Ky gave a weak chuckle while looking strangely back at Obsidian.
the good news though is that we're skipping til morning and surely this inane rivalry thing will wind down instead of escalating and having social consequences for people that last three whole hours <3 onward!
also, love the blink-and-you-miss-it "obsidian is bi and had feelings for tozi" insinuation in the 2.0 excerpt that i only noticed because i very vaguely remember putting it there. love wins, i guess
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thefearhas · 11 months
Continuing watching 16. I am not having fun.
I regret watching this season. Maybe I'm gonna watch S4 after this again to watch something better again. I wasn't expecting this season to contain so much homophobia and that the main character literally threatens to out someone. My frustrating thoughts start now:
I recognized the boy now. This is frustrating. I forgot that there was a rumour going around about someone in their grade being gay.
Why the fuck is Ibo blackmailing Leander now? Like are you fucking kidding me? I don't even know if I wanna finish his season anymore. What do you mean you're gonna out someone if they don't help you? He is just getting worse and worse.
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Also what does he mean with 'Relax'. You literally just told him you're gonna show the video around. Of course he is panicking, you are threatening him. Fuck off.
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I'm going insane. He doesn't stop being an asshole. He can't even say thank you. These dudes at the party are trying to find out who the rumour is about and now Ibo is 'helping' Leander by saying that his cousin is gay so that Leander is off the hook.
So now Ibo's cousin is also mad at him for spreading lies. They didn't even have a good relationship to begin with but yeah. I guess after all this shit he is finally in the bus now and deleted the video. I'm gonna try finishing the rest today.
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We are having a change of the point of view to Emrah now but honestly Emrah's scenes were more interesting than the rest of the season. I really really loved how the actor portrayed the panic attack scene in season 4, so this panic attack scene was also.. yeah. Him just crying out 'Anne, I need your help.' several times :(
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I really am not good at taking screenshots.
Anyway, people are never too old for children's books. I'm glad that he has someone telling him that he has to focus on himself. I know that his brother is the most important person for him but honestly speaking he is way too young to care for a 16-year-old kid, Emrah himself is 18 as far as I know. They said he was in prison for 8 months so he could be 19, too. He has to focus on building himself a future now. He can still be in his brother's life. But not as his guardian.
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That his cousin even talks with him after the way Ibo treated him is a wonder. But at least he apologized I guess. Also I'm maybe laughing at all the Air Forces because this is literally the most worn shoe by teenagers and young adults where I live. After years I finally considered buying them but then I bought pumas instead.
Anyway, Ibo just had a whole ass monologue in front of all the 'new friends' he made. This feels way too quick. But at least he is being honest I guess. They crammed this in two episodes, I don't know I don't like it.
I just wanted to add that I love love when a series has people speaking several languages. This series focusses on people with a migration background in Norway so we have three different languages getting spoken throughout the seasons (even if it is not much) excluding Norwegian.
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I kind of can't believe that Ibo who literally threatened to out Leander is now telling him that his real friends will stick by him if he decides to come out, that there will be enough people supporting him and that he shouldn't worry. Like huh?? What the actual fuck?? And did the writers forget the scene where he kind of called him a slur (if the internet is correct it can be seen as a slur when used in a derogatory way, I don't know I can't speak Norwegian but you just heard how he didn't mean it in a neutral way) while he was drunk?? I get he is the main character but you really don't have to force these conversations. It would have been enough if he just apologized. Don't make him appear like an ally who is on Leander's side with all the shit he did and said. Not everything has to be okay. I'm loosing my mind at how they want to portray this ending. Of course I think it's important that people change and to show that people change but this was way too crammed. I don't completely believe Ibo.
Anyway, Emrah is out of the prison now. He definitely still seems tense. Having already watched season 4 I know that his mental health is gonna get worse again. Or it actually is already not good now.
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And of course he is texting Aisha first thing out of the prison. At least he spend some time with his brother and his friends before. And the season ends. Nice switch to Aisha's point of view. I kind of want to rewatch her season now. At least I enjoyed her season. I feel like I'm hating too much on this season but it's just my opinion.😭
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beenovel · 3 years
Do you have any ocs for any Fandom or just in general? Can I hear about them if so? If not, who's a character you relate to a lot, that you look at like "Oh, me"?
*squeal* Thank you so much for the ask!!
I don’t have any fandom ocs, just general ones.
Of course you can hear about them! They are my babies and I love them. Be warned, I haven't developed the characters almost at all so I’m making A LOT of this up on the spot because I don’t have any of this stuff written down. Please go easy on me.
So this is all set in ancient Greece, with the gods from legends. (and before someone asks, no I have not read Percy Jackson)
Reah (ree-uh): She’s 17. The MC. She’s a demigod, the daughter of Selene and a mortal man. I haven’t decided when she finds this out but she knows she has powers her entire life. Just sort of general magic and also some weather-related stuff. She’s very calm and rational and sweet, but if someone she loves gets hurt she’ll just go into a blind fury. She’s the mom friend. “What’s in your mouth. I SAID what’s in your MOUTH. OH MY GODS SPIT THAT OUT.” She does the whole *rubs her temples or pinches the bridge of her nose or just holds her eyes when she’s had e n o u g h* thing. Almost everyone in the group has a full name then a nickname they primarily go by and she absolutely full names them. A lesbean. Every time she sees a body of clean water she has to nearly physically restrain herself from jumping in fully clothed. We’re not sure what’s up with that.
Leander (he only goes by Ander tho): He’s 17. A gay that can Cook and Do Math but cannot ride a horse to save his life. Do not mention this, it makes him very angry and defensive. Rhea’s and Teah’s best friend from childhood. He and Reah share the group's singular brain cell. The others have confidence and that makes them seem smart, but do not let them fool you they are not. He can be a little overly serious but that’s just because he has a mental list of all the things that need to be done and come on guys, time’s a wasting. He is. Very awkward. He’s very smart but because his brain is going so fast he’s always three or four steps in front of everyone else and seems dumb but only because no one knows what the hell he’s talking about.
Adonis: He’s 18. A himbo. He’s blond in every sense of the word. Very dumb but never ever rude. Ever. To anyone. Will stand up for any woman's honor. The definition of mlm/wlw solidarity. Distant son of aphrodite but my headcanon is that instead of everyone falling in love with him (he doesn’t need powers for that it happens anyway) he has like a “one soulmate” type deal and that soulmate is Ander. He loves this man with his entire heart.
Teah (tee-uh)(full name is theodora but she thinks it’s pretentious): She’s 17 too. She was raised rich. Like marble statues in the garden rich. She can absolutely pull that side out at a moment's notice and talk circles and can have impeccable manners. However. She is a little gremlin baby. She just likes the Dirt and Trees and Rain. Will eat dirt. Is probably why Reah is yelling. Will throw down at a moment's notice. Gotta look out for teeth or nails in a fight because she will use any means necessary. “TEAH NO” is frequently heard around her. She might be rich but no amount of money can buy you braincells. She’s very good with nature but not plans or thinking things through. Reah and Teah are in love. Hates shoes. H A T E S them. They make her feet inch and make her feel claustrophobic.
Myron: My son. My baby. My child. He’s 14 and the baby of the group. Adonis’s younger brother. He likes laying in the sunshine so while he’s naturally pretty pale he’s got a nice tan most of the time. Will eat honey straight from the hive with his bare hands. A ray of pure fucking sunshine. Smile will blind you. A smol bean. An innocent. You hurt one hair on his pretty little head the others will find you. And they will kill you.
So there are my babies! I hope you like them as much as I do!
@claraofthepen mentioned wanting to hear more about my ocs!
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kieiron · 5 years
Affirmation (18+)
Chapters: 1/1 (Completed)
Word count: 2.2k
Rating: Mature
Fandom: The Brodiac
Pairings, Characters: Archibald Kieron/Srinu Tinia
Tags: Established relationship, Urban fantasy, Werewolf Sag, Vampire Aqua, Couple banter
Warnings: Alcohol, Blood, Death mention
    Still an hour until midnight. And yet there it is; another howl, unnecessarily followed by a whole bunch of others booming through the dampness of the bar illuminated in distractingly painful strobe lights, and even more distracting mixture of scents in the air. But even between all the elves gossiping, angels pushing their oh-so-mighty wings in everyone’s faces and werewolves all hooting excitedly at every little drinking game round passing, Srinu can point him out in the crowd.
    Of course he can. It’s not like he Didn’t remember his scent better than the vampire’s own death. It’s not like he Didn’t just start the latest round of howling within his wolf pack. It’s not like he Didn’t see his face every time he wakes up and plus just made love to him this morning.
    And it’s not like Srinu Didn’t spend his entire time being here tonight lazily sipping on the cocktail that provides him little satisfaction while closely watching him having the time of his life, dancing wildly like a fool with his pack, trying to impress him.
    If it weren’t for him wanting to spend the New Years Eve here, Srinu would have been out the door faster than he can see another human giving him the stink eye for being the only vampire out tonight (he’s happily taken, thank you very much). They could’ve gone to that siren-owned restaurant he’s been suggesting all month for them to try, for fuck’s sake.
    Ah, speak of the devil. Here comes the wolfman, with that signature smug smile and ear twitches. Srinu liked the subtle punk rock look he’s got going on tonight, not in spite of the fact that the choice of style is in complementary to the high collar leather jacket to hide the Vampire Biting Post he’s got underneath.
    “Hey”, Archibald slurred. Srinu observed him before he give a reply. Not drunk just yet, but the warmth of the alcohol and the bonding session with his friends must’ve left him too cozy.
    “You”, was the reply Srinu settled with.
    “Me!” His boyfriend took another swig of his cheap beer. He finished with a loud satisfied exhale, wiped his mouth, and gave the vampire some good ol’ eyelash batting. “So, like… What’s a hottie like you doing out here alone?”
    Srinu snorted, but the creeping endeared grin was futile. He leaned back to the wall behind him. “I’m waiting for my boyfriend to finish up wrestling out his friends on the dance floor.”
    “Oh”, Archibald took a moment to think of an in-character reply. “Maybe your boyfriend had, you know, an event planned out in mind in like, uhhh… an hour?”
    “Like a New Year’s Eve kiss?”
    “Yes… Wink, wink.”
    “In this dingy old bar and not at home?”
    “It’s not dingy! Just old. Probably as old as you, so shut it, old man.”
    “Just because you took me out here on our first date doesn’t mean we have to do everything here.” The place was so much nicer in that memory, or maybe it was the early-relationship-lovesickness talking in his place.
    “You’re right, we haven’t had sex in the small ass bathroom stall yet.”
    Srinu laughed. “Maybe next time. But babe, come on.”
    Archibald pouted. “Can’t I show you off in front of my friends for once?”
    “Is that what this is about?”
    “Sorry. No good?”
    “No, it’s okay, it’s just—“ The vampire glanced back between him and his wolf pack in the background, still busy with a drinking game. “I’m surprised. You aren’t usually that big for PDA in front of people you know.”
    The man in front of him rubbed the back of his neck. “It’s because you seem like you just want to keep it to ourselves until, you know, last fullmoon. The one where you kissed me in my stinky wolf form.”
    Ah. Right, that night. That night spent in Leander’s family’s ranch out of the city, where packs of wolves more than he can imagine celebrated the act of just fucking shit up; chasing each other through the fields and forests and hills, wrestling in the dirt and howling impossibly ten times more frequently than they already do in public.
Srinu had been hesitant to come, but did anyway to look out for his man (and witness at least once what he’s like exactly at his wolf fullest). Archibald happily gave him what was certainly the world’s most enthusiastic blowjob the day Srinu told him he’d come, and it’s not like he’d be the only non-werewolf present — but the event was still a mess. He couldn’t keep up with his overexcited boyfriend even when he reluctantly used his vampire speed, and ended up kissing him in front of everyone in both exasperation and relief.
    Archibald is grinning at the memory. “So you’re weird. But that really made me happy and that— that was so sweet. And you were so opposed to coming at first too! Honestly I’ve... Always wanted to be mushy with you and show you off, because you’re like so great and amazing and”, he took a deep breath. “I’m like, so into you, dude.”
    “Dude”, Srinu echoed.
    “Is that all you got from that?!” he bellowed with a laugh. Srinu laughed along, resting a hand on his lover’s arm.
    “For the record, I didn’t hate it”, he assured. “Both the event and the kiss. And I get you. You’re a softie. You were just waiting for my approval. And now we’ll perform the sexiest kiss your friends will ever get the pleasure to see.”
    “Right! A very hot kiss, produced by two very hot people.”
    “Ooh, self confidence. I like that.”
    “Thanks, I grew it myself!” Archibald paused. “No wolf form, though. Be weird at home. Well— that goes without saying, is it...”
    “Mhmm”, Srinu’s eyes settle on a bruise peeking out from under his collar. “Can I bite your neck?”
    “Y—… You’re gonna feed on me in front of this whole crowd?”
    Srinu glanced at the crowd again. Still no other vampires in the bar, no need to tell anyone to back off his man. Okay, not like it was necessary to begin with, since Archibald can intimidate off anyone himself if he really wants to. And the thought of showing off how committed his boyfriend is from how much he’s been marked up to everyone else is kind of a turn on.
    The blue-haired man glanced back to him with a smirk after the self-reassurance. “You were begging for it last night, so I assume it’s pretty sex.”
    “I—“ A flustered laugh followed. “Yeah, it is pretty sex but”, The werewolf chewed on his lips, his voice suddenly softening. “I see it as a… Special us thing, you know?…”
    “Oh”, even though he’s dead, Srinu felt warm. He set their glasses aside quietly and closed the distance between them. “That’s… Really sweet, actually.”
    “I hope the invitation still stands when we get home, though?” Archibald’s smile was just as warm, but his eyes were clearly suggestive as he wraps his arms around the vampire’s waist. Srinu returned the gaze.
    “I’ll make you bleed hard, wolfboy.”
    “Ominous, but thank God, I thought you were about to use the usual cheesy ‘suck you dry’ line.”
    Srinu laughed, giving his boyfriend a light peck on the lips which was returned with peppers of kisses on his face, the wolf’s tail wagging rapidly. He received them gladly, but playfully turned away with a grin on his face when Archibald clearly got too excited as his kisses evolved into the usual slobbery ones.
    “Alright, alright! Let’s save the dog kisses for your friends.”
    With a smile, he was pulled to the pack of wolves Archibald associate with. Srinu could name two at best — Finlay, the guy who usually win all the wrestling despite his height (or lackthereof) and Leander, the one that knows everyone and know of their relationship first. The group raised their glasses at them, barking welcomes and scooted to give them a spot to sit on the sharing booth. The seats were cramped enough to force the couple’s thighs to fully press against each other, but you know what? It works in Srinu’s favor. As his boyfriend re-introduced him to the gang, the vampire shamelessly ran his fingers through his inner thigh as little promises of tonight.
    He can feel Archibald shudder beneath his touch, and snuggled against the side of Srinu’s face in response.
    The time leading up to the final countdown was a blur, as his attention were only on his boyfriend — Srinu faintly hears the group talking about plans for the next fullmoon, and then everyone at the bar were screaming out numbers, and the next thing he knew the man he loves pulled him even closer and pressed their lips together as the visitors around them cheers, screams and howls.
    The wolf crowd in particular was hooting at them as Srinu’s hands wandered over his lover under the jacket and the man in question tugged gently on his hair, earning welcomed moans. Maybe Srinu couldn’t taste the cheap beer in Archibald’s mouth, but the warmth and gasping he offered him was enough. When they pulled away for a second, he tugged on his lower lip with his usually well-hidden fangs, drawing blood before proceeding to suck on it as Archibald moaned. It wasn’t enough for Srinu, but it’d help him cope for now.
    “Sorry”, he had to say when they pulled back for real, glad to see how spent the werewolf looks. “I couldn’t help myself.”
    Srinu would’ve been happy to do another round of one of this, but it didn’t even take Archibald hearing his pack cheering for the two to get a room for him to drag them out of there.
    Thankfully, it wasn’t hard to find where Archibald parked his motorbike with his night vision. He was quiet (albeit a little panting), waiting for Srinu to climb on and strap his helmet to reach for his wrists and wrap his arms around Archibald’s own waist to hold on.
    The very faint scent of the violet-haired man’s blood seems to hit right at Srinu’s nose through the breeze of the bike running through the night, and he inhaled all of it, contentedly pressing his cheek against his lover’s back. Around them, the city sprung to life with life with blurring bright lights they passed, muffled cheering from every direction and a heightened waft of faerie dust that seems to engulf them.
    Maybe Srinu would’ve liked that magical, coming-of-age-movie kind of scene to last longer, but as they reached into the confines of their shared dark apartment, he couldn’t complain.
    “You’re eager to bleed”, was breathed out as he was pressed against the door. He notes that his partner is already hard, and yep, feeding may not be the last thing on their to-do list on this first day of the year.
    The reply he received was another deep kiss. This, too, works in Srinu’s favor. Archibald grinds against him like a dog in heat, messing up even more of the vampire’s longer locks.
    “Baby, please”, the werewolf pleaded, frantically slipping off his jacket and unbuttoning his first few buttons before pulling at his collars, widely exposing his neck and chest area, where a number of marks were visibly still healing. “Take it all.”
    If there’s one thing Archibald should know the most about their relationship, is that he could trust that Srinu would never hurt him. No matter how intense the tension is. No matter how much he begs to be sucked off completely in the heat of the moment. No matter whether or not they are climbing up to their orgasm. He knows Srinu would still hold back, as careful as he always is, and make it as pleasurable as possible for him as well.
    Including now.
    Thankfully, their bedroom isn’t too far from the entrance. Alternating between kissing around the area and licking at the bite spot within his inner thighs, Srinu slowly jerked off his lover, just enough to tease him. Archibald, laid on the bed all for him, kept himself busy stroking at his hair, sighing softly here and there, offering a couple encouraging words in between. Srinu had no idea how feeding must’ve felt good to a werewolf, but hey, he’s happy.
    Srinu himself, especially, is currently at his happiest as the taste of the familiar blood is lapped and sucked. What was a flavorless alcohol to him can now be tasted through Archibald’s system, and oh,... That’s pretty satisfying, actually.
    Some vampires may argue that the blood of non-humans including werewolves doesn’t taste as good in terms of flavor due to lifestyle and diet and whatnot, but Srinu would like to call bullshit on that. As sappy as it sounds, their love makes Archibald’s blood the best he’s ever tasted.
    And thank whatever higher power made them exist in such a way — lovemaking even multiplied that.
    So even as he prepped himself with his own fingers and sank down on his loved one’s lubed length, his lips stayed on the new biting spot on Archibald’s neck. And as he heard the two of them groan simultaneously, he knows he’d go through the trouble of hanging out in that dingy bar all over again if it means the moment will lead up to this.
    Even if it means postponing the restaurant reservations he’d made earlier that month for the proposal plans.
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#GettingPersonal : Thank You
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The nature of emotions is that they demand to be felt. 
Yeah, i just quoted The Fault in Our Stars but this quote is true.
So allow me to get personal and feel these feels. We cool with that? 
I am happy. It took 4 years to get here, but I can finally say I am happy. And my happiness lies in myself, not somebody - that’s a major step for me in all honesty.
Anyway, this post isn't really about me. It's about you. I will ramble about my experiences but you’ll get the gist of what I’m trying to say 
Part 1: You will never be Richard Branson 
In Grade 10 I had a small business and made about R400-R700 a week. Anyway, fast forward to Parent’s Evening at school. I swear I will never forget this moment. My Teacher, Principal, and Father sat me down and sugar coated my academics and my potential. However, they said I dream too much and, I quote “Leander you will never be Richard Branson (My idol at the time).” Wow, my own father and teachers hit me with this. I took a serious confidence knock. 
Part 2: Getting rid of toxic energies.
I respect the individuals too much to go into detail - but the point I want to make is that I cut off friends who, in essence, told me the same thing - You dream too much (You’re no Richard Branson).
Part 3: Starting over
I was balls deep in anxiety, being broke and just a lack of support. I began making it about me. I began to dream again. It happened slowly but I started again - from scratch. I met four wonderful people who mean the world to me. L, J, Q and T, I really appreciate y’all.
Part 4: The most important part 
Since this blog has no followers and is low key, I am allowed to get personal (a big PR no-no) 
I just want to thank you, you reading this, for your support. My circle is small so I know only the special ones will see this. I am happy and fulfilled. Partly because your support has been terrific. It’s the small things that push me. 
Now, emotions demand to be felt. From the bottom of my heart, thank you guys for just experiencing moments with me. Whether online, calls and in person. 
J.Cole once said “ Apparently, You believe in me. And I thank you for it”
Your support has revitalized me.
and fuck it I’m no Richard Branson, 
but I AM LEANDER MOTHERFUCKING JULIUS and you best believe he’s going places.
Forever yours
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