#i felt bad for the leaps i was making from a single prologue but i see you people are jumping straight off the cliff with nothing so nvm
pigeonliker420 · 25 days
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whatevers wrong with this man i like it
#i didnt expect to like touchstarved from what id seen from its fandom but when i finally tried the demo i was pleasantly surprised#i looked at the meta first cos i do things backwards and. man. what a good reminder that the most vocal fans also are the most stupid#girl you are misinterpreting The Text so badly that what you consider the subtext is suspicious#i felt bad for the leaps i was making from a single prologue but i see you people are jumping straight off the cliff with nothing so nvm#anyway leander do you want to fuck all your friends. do you want to fuck all your friends that hate you leander#i fear them making a green character associated with flowers snakes ouroboros masks and 8s was specifically an attack against me.#if only i hadn't found this like a year before official release. got dam#i could and would go on but the nurse has arrived with my sedative#its actually genuinely hard to pick a favourite they all have aspects i really like so far#at first kuras' subdued personality kind of washed off me but then his ending to the prologue was v fun and put him in a different light#wtf a vn with characters that are all hits for me. unfair#i love that u can ask them all about each other at the end there. love how its modelling its characters social fumbles#in particular given everything the promo material says about leander and vere and how they talk about each other#u can get a picture of a very fumbled situation there lmaooo between leanders savior complex and veres inability to set down real boundarie#butttt you know them all for less than a day... i wanna know what happened there
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firstelevens · 4 months
and if yes, then for the taylor swift lyrics prompts: sambucky and nr. 13 and 14 (not necessarily combined, more so you can choose which one you like best or do both, i don’t know :)) 🩵✌️ btw I love, LOVE your sambucky f1 au 🫡
This is part of a canon divergence AU that I'm hoping to write more of this coming year. It just fit the spirit of the prompt, if not the letter of it, so I had to throw a little standalone prologue out there. Hopefully you'll see more of this soon!
13. never called it what it was
“You don’t have to do this, you know.”
The voice comes from behind Sam, and he mentally congratulates himself for not jumping out of his skin in surprise. He knows that Bucky almost can’t help how quiet his footsteps are, but if Sam keeps getting snuck up on like this, his blood pressure is going to suffer.
“I know,” says Sam, and leaves it at that. He and Bucky have had this conversation a hundred times in the past two days, and the hundred and first is unlikely to be any different. He keeps his eyes on the lake in front of them and changes the subject. “Pretty sure it’s bad luck for us to see each other right now.”
“Pretty sure that only applies to real weddings,” is Bucky’s quiet reply.
Sam doesn’t know how to reply to that, so he doesn’t. He has the stray thought that they should work on the communication thing, maybe. His parents could have whole conversations in a single look across a room, in one touch of the arm. Sarah and Aaron would tie up the phone line for hours when they were first dating, even Sam and Riley had developed a language entirely their own.
In fairness, Sam thinks, those relationships had all had years to grow, and until forty-eight hours ago, Sam had no idea that he was getting married at all, much less to whom.
Privately, he thinks he might have jinxed it. After a five day period in which he’d re-materialized into existence, fended off an apocalypse, attended a funeral, and watched his best friend disappear to live seventy years of life without him, Sam had been certain that nothing could catch him by surprise anymore.
Then a woman in a crisp pantsuit had appeared at the lakeside property where they were hunkering down, carrying stacks of paperwork and photocopies of birth records from a hundred years ago. She’d sat down in a meeting room and reported to them what she’d discovered five years ago, right before being Snapped out of existence: that Bucky might have been from Brooklyn, but he hadn’t been born there, or anywhere else in America, and that the information had been easy enough to find that Ross’s people were sure to locate it as soon as the motion for a pardon was submitted.
It wasn’t hard to make the leap from there. Calling Bucky’s citizenship into question would be silly, but it would be enough of a distraction that Ross could mire the proceedings in bureaucracy and take Bucky back into custody in the interest of public safety. Sam didn’t imagine it would take too long for the paperwork to suddenly get lost after that, and with it would go any notion of Bucky’s freedom.
He remembered watching the Raft rise up out of the ocean for the first time. His whole life, the water had been home to him, but the desolation of that place had warped it somehow. 
That’s what Sam had been thinking of when he wracked his brain for a solution. That’s what he’d been thinking of when he turned to the lawyer and asked, “Well, what if he was married to an American citizen?”
Bucky, who’d spent the entire meeting until now sitting concerningly still, had suddenly whipped around to look at Sam, eyes wide. He’d felt Rhodey’s eyes on him, too, but the lawyer hadn’t blinked. In a few seconds, she’d sketched out a game plan on a legal pad, laying it out on the conference room table alongside all the other options she’d presented.
The first ‘You don’t have to do this’ had come shortly afterwards. Sam’s response had been the same then as it was now.
He feels Bucky come to stand beside him, his left hand resting on the railing a few inches from Sam’s right. The gold threaded through the vibranium sparkles in the sun, and he has the childish urge to trail his fingers over it.
“I’m disappointed,” says Sam, just to stop himself from reaching out. “I would’ve expected Princess Shuri to make a flashy black-tie addition to your arm for the wedding.”
“She added strobe lights, but they only work when it’s dark,” says Bucky, dry as a bone, and it startles a laugh out of Sam.
“At least we know the reception will be fun.”
Bucky hums in what he assumes is agreement. It’s quiet again for a moment, but he can sense Bucky shifting uncomfortably and he knows that there’s more.
“While, um– while we wait for the strobe lights to kick in, she did make us these.”
A crown of flowers suddenly appears in front of Sam, jasmine and jacaranda woven together with some kind of vine. He gingerly takes it from Bucky’s hand.
“Is…is this traditional? For a Wakandan wedding?”
“No,” comes another voice from behind them, and this time Sam does startle, nearly dropping the crown in the process. They both turn to Princess Shuri, dressed for a wedding and grinning cheekily at them both. “They’re not Wakandan tradition, but they are the kind of thing that Americans do when they get married abroad. I thought it might make the wedding pictures more believable.”
Sam laughs and perches the crown on his head. “You really do think of everything.”
Shuri’s mischievous smile softens. “I’m glad you’ve joined us here, Sam Wilson,” she says. “Nobody else appreciates my foresight.”
“Putting a bluetooth speaker in my arm is not foresight, Shuri,” says Bucky. “It’s just the product of a weird dream you had after staying up for forty hours in your lab.”
“It could be both,” protests the princess, laughing, and Sam can’t help but look over at Bucky, tired of sticking to peripheral glances.
He’s got the flower crown on his head, too, purple and white just like Sam’s is. His suit is a deep burgundy to complement Sam’s rust colored brocade, and Sam can only guess that Bucky received a visit similar to the one that Sam got from Ayo this morning. He’d opened the door to his quarters to find her holding a garment bag. She’d offered it to him and told Sam that she would be honored to see him marry James—it had taken Sam a moment to remember that his husband to be wasn’t actually named after a college mascot from Wisconsin—in the reds of her tribe. Sam, who’d spent the morning missing his family something fierce, had almost been too overwhelmed to thank her. 
Now, he can see that it was a two-pronged attack, and while Sam’s suit fits him pretty well, there’s clearly a tailor in Birnin Zana who had all of Bucky’s measurements stashed away on file somewhere, because the way that that jacket sits on his shoulders and hugs his arms could not possibly happen by accident.
When Sam manages to tear his eyes away, he only barely catches the end of Shuri’s sentence.
“...whenever you are,” she’s saying. “But I can stall, if you two want another moment here.”
“I think we’re good,” says Bucky. “How much time does anyone need to get ready for a fake wedding, anyway?”
Shuri tsks at him. “Perhaps you shouldn’t ask that question to someone who knows how long your spent on your hair this morning.”
Bucky makes a face at her, and Sam’s pretty sure that she blows a raspberry in response, but he’s distracted. Something about Bucky’s words feels wrong, even though all he’s doing is telling the truth.
He can’t get all caught up in that now, though. Instead, Sam turns to the princess. “I’m all ready to go, too.”
“Good!” says Shuri, clapping her hands decisively. “I’ll escort you in, Sam, if you will allow me. Bucky will follow shortly with Ayo.”
Sam tells Shuri that he’d be honored to walk with her and offers her his elbow, which she takes. They start to make their way to where the ceremony will take place, but Sam hesitates for a moment, looking back over his shoulder.
Bucky’s name comes out of his mouth before he can stop himself, and Bucky’s gaze immediately lands on him.
It’s not a fake wedding, Sam wants to tell him. You marry someone because you want them to stay and I think you should be able to stay. That’s not fake; that’s as real as anything else.
But he loses his nerve and just taps the flower crown on his head. “Your crown’s crooked. Just so you know.”
“Oh,” says Bucky. “Thanks.”
They look at each other for another beat, and Sam is so sure that Bucky is going to say something, but then he looks away, reaching up to fix his crown, and all Sam can do is let Shuri lead him away.
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ghostlywritten · 3 years
If Only I Had Stayed In The Shadows - Chapter Twelve
James Potter x OC
A/N: At last, the long awaited chapter. Sorry for the wait, my laptop has been failing on me. Hope you enjoy.
Words: 3,8k
Prologue  Chapter One   Chapter Two  Chapter Three  Chapter Four  Chapter Five  Chapter Six  Chapter Seven  Chapter Eight  Chapter Nine  Chapter Ten  Chapter Eleven
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It was the last weekend before the beginning of the exams for literally everybody. The library was packed with not a single seat unoccupied as well as the common room, where people had even taken to sitting on the floor to study, the dorms being too sitfling.
I had been one of the lucky ones to get a seat at a table, revising my notes with James next to me.
"How do you brew the Elixir to Induce Euphoria?"
"You add shrivelfig, porcupine quills and stir four times anti-clockwise. Then you add a sprig of peppermint, Sopophorous beans and wormwood and stir six times anti-clockwise," James recited, twirling a strand of my hair between his fingers.
"That is correct."
"Alright, your turn-"
"Hey, what about my reward?" James asked and I looked at him questioningly, "My kiss?" He pouted and I gave in almost immediately, not being able to resist his big earth-coloured eyes as I leant forward to press my lips against his.
"Hmm, that's it," he hummed approvingly and it made my face grow as I thought of him saying it during certain other circumstances. I was a girl, a sixteen year old girl, and of bloody course my mind would wander towards certain things that I could be doing instead of studying, now that I had a boyfriend...things, that I couldn't have had managed before on my own. And with a boyfriend as hot as mine I couldn't help but let my gaze linger whenever he stretched himself during Quidditch warm-ups, causing his shirt to deliciously rile up and reveal his abs, or watching him bite his lips whenever he concentrated hard on something, wishing he would bite me-
"Love? Cec? Hellooo?" James snapped his fingers in front of my face and I blinked. "Are you spacing out on me? Siriusly? After you dragged my ass to sit and study with you? Jeez, then ungratefulness stinks," he huffed in mock-annoyance and I shook my head to get the thoughts out.
"Sorry. What were you saying?"
"It's my turn. What colour does the Potion have and what is it for?"
"The colour should be a bright yellow and as the name implies, it's supposed to induce the drinker in a sudden euphoria."
"That is absolutely correct!"
"Of course it is," I replied arrogantly, flinging my hair before giggling. James smirked, leaning forward. "Come and get your reward then." My heart leaped in my chest but I managed to stop him with a hand on his chest. "Nah, I'm good," I teased with a shrug, briefly wondering where Marlene was. She would have been so proud of me right now. James frowned for a second before promptly throwing himself on me. "Uff, James!" I exclaimed, pearls of laughter escaping as he snuck his arms around me to lessen the blow of landing on the hard floor, pinning me down effectively with his body.
"How dare you reject my generous offer of rewarding you with a kiss?" James said gravely, chuckles drifting through his words, "You shall be punished with more rewards."
"Bite me!"
"Gladly!" I squealed as he started attacking my neck, nipping playfully at the sensitive skin.
"Can you stop with your childish antics?!” Lily's voice ripped through our laughter. She stood up with a peeved look, gathering her things. "Some people are actually trying to study!" She stormed off before any of us could form an answer.
James sprang up, adjusting his glasses as he held out a hand for me whilst looking after her. I brushed off any dirt from my clothes and went to sit down.
"I should probably go and check on her," he suggested and I wanted to ask why when he was already taking off.
"Alright," I said lamely to his back, watching until he disappeared through the portrait hole. I plopped back down on my seat, glancing at Alice, who was completely immersed in her notes, not even aware her best friend's departure. Looking down at my own notes, I tried to focus but my eyes kept drifting from word to word without taking anything in as my mind kept replaying the way James ran after Lily with little to no hesitation. 
'You're thinking too much into it...
...I wonder what they are doing right now...'
I sighed loudly, frustrated that I couldn't let it go. Peeking at the only studious girl at the table, I stood up. "I'm...gonna go to the loo," I excused myself and left when I received no response.
Walking out of the common room, I promptly slapped myself on the forehead.
Was I really going to follow them like a creepy, insecure girlfriend? Obviously.
Was I going to find them with the head start they had now? Obviously not. Dumbass.
Glancing back at the portrait of the Fat Lady guarding our entrance, I pondered whether to go back inside or try looking for them. Lily was most likely heading to the library to join Remus at his study table that he had occupied since this morning. I cringed at my own behaviour when I decided to look for them. 'Im just making sure she's fine so I can focus back on my exams,' I reassured myself, 'Nothing creepy about tha-'
"Oi, Cec," Sirius greeted me gruffly, holding onto my arm until I steadied myself as he had bumped against me quite strongly, "Sorry about that. Didn't see you from the corner."
"It's all good," I replied, glad for the distraction as I straightened my robe and looked up at him. He seemed distraught, his hair unkempt and his tie hanging loosely around his neck. I would have guessed he had a good snogging session if it weren't for the sad glistening in his eyes. "Hey Sirius," I called softly as he fidgeted, already turning away, "Is everything alright?"
"Hm?" he looked over his shoulder, his expression carefully blank, "Yeah, of course. Everything is fine. Why?"
I shrugged, not wanting to point out how he seemed less than his usual joyful facade. "Just asking. Where you've been anyway? I thought we would study together in the common room?"
His face twisted into something akin to anguish and I furrowed my eyebrows. "I was with Reg..ulus," he said, turning away.
"Did som-"
"Look, I don't wanna talk about it," he snapped.
"Sirius..." He stormed off towards the portrait hole and I was left staring after a back for the second time this day. I felt the worry built up, sensing that something bad must have happened. Because, no matter how hurt or angry Sirius was, he was always very good at hiding it. Unless he was drunk or something major had happened. And since he didn't seem drunk right now...my feet started moving before my mind had been made up, walking back towards the Fat Lady and pushing every thought of James and Lily into the back of my mind. This was urgent, my platonic soulmate was in pain after all.
Stepping into the common room, I spotted the black-haired boy rush up the boys dormitory and steeled myself before following him upstairs, hoping nobody saw me step to left instead of the right passage towards the rooms. I tentatively walked down the small hallway I had never dared to step in in all my six years before, searching the signs on the doors for the Sixth Year's dormitories. Pressing an ear on one of the doors, I listened for any sound. Fortunately, there were some shuffles and the familiar voice of my friend cursing as he dropped something heavy. Just as I contemplated on whether to knock, the door swung up revealing Sirius, who had rid himself of his robe and jumper, holding a bottle of Firewhiskey in his hand and the other tightly wound around the door handle.
"What are you doing?" he asked, narrowing his shining eyes.
"Just leave," he grumbled, his voice tense as he was holding back the tears that hadn't fallen yet. Dread filled me now as he rushed past me to the bathroom, shutting the door soundly behind him. Something was seriously wrong. This time, I didn't hesitate to follow him, pushing back the cringe at opening a boy's bathroom and peeking in. The room was empty except for one shower cabinet in the far back where the water was turned on, running at full blast.
"Sirius, I hope you are not naked, because I'm coming in," I warned, giving him a second before I opened the cabinet to find him sitting on the floor, drinking from the bottle of Firewhiskey as the water pattered down on him.
"Why can't you just leave me alone?" he mumbled, his voice thick and croaky from the burn of the alcohol, "I don't want to talk about it." He leaned his head back, closing his eyes as the water trickled down on his face and further, drenching his clothes.
"We don't need to talk," I said quietly, hoping he could hear me over the water, "I just wanna be here for you." And with that, I stepped in fully-clothed and closed the cabinet door behind me, sliding down next to him as I proceeded to get completely wet in a less than a few seconds. Sirius kept quiet, only raising his bottle to me before pressing it against his own lips when I shook my head, wondering which of the drops trailing down his face were from the shower head and which from his sorrowful eyes.
I wasn't sure how long we sat there but Sirius got up after what seemed like hours, clearing his throat as he lowered the water volume. "I'm...gonna get you the Invisibility Cloak so you can sneak out. Wait here." I nodded. "And don't turn the water off or someone might come in." I nodded again and he stepped over me, pushing the door open and disappearing from sight. I sighed as he left, trying to ignore the uncomfortable feeling of my clothes sticking to my skin. He came back after a few minutes with cloak and wand in hand, casting a Hot Air Charm over me as I got up and turned off the shower head. It was completely silent, but somber in some way as we proceeded to walk out of the bathroom with me under the cloak and him at the front. He held the door open, squinting to see if I had passed and I mumbled a quiet 'thanks' when I was out.
Nodding, he stepped out as well, shoving his hands into his pockets, having dried himself as well. "I will...see you around," he said, a softness in his voice and slightly slurring, "I'm just gonna head to bed."
I nodded before realising he couldn't see me. "Okay. Sleep well, Sirius."
"You too."
Turning away, I took a few steps when I heard Sirius whisper my name. "Cec, I- thank you. For being there," he stammered, seeming uncharacteristically unsure of himself. I wondered then, how many people he had shown his emotional side before. Guessing from what I knew about him, I would say it dwindled down to the four people he kept the closest plus maybe Regulus. It warmed me, that he now included me into that circle as well even if I kind of forced him to as I had followed him around. "Cec?" he called out questioningly, his grey eyes flittering around as he pondered whether I was still there or not. I quickly stepped back towards him, carefully taking his hand and squeezing it slightly. "You're more than welcome, Sirius," I whispered and his eyes softened when I raised my cloak to let him see me for a split second. "Good night."
"Good night."
Walking down to the common room, I noticed a considerably less amount of people were gathered around to study, mostly Fifth and Seventh Years. But Alice was still there and even Marlene had joined her, though her face rested on her notes as she drooled on them, fast asleep. Glancing at the clock on the wall, I noticed it was past nine o'clock. The thoughts of Lily and James that I had pushed into the back of my mind resurfaced and I swept the room with my eyes in search of either of them. There was no way Lily would have gone to bed so early on the last days before the exam and I briefly remembered all the times we had together to study until past midnight for our O.W.L.'s last year. 'Was she still at the library?' But the library had been closed for an hour now.
My stomach grumbled in that moment and the sound resonated throughout the otherwise quiet room. I blushed, despite the fact that no one could see me under the cloak, as a few heads raised in confusion. Only now did I realise how hungry I was since I had missed dinner and also skipped lunch earlier this day. 'A quick snack from the kitchen it is,' I decided, walking towards the entrance and out of the common room. 'And on my way I can make a short detour to see if Lily actually managed to convince Madam Pince to let her stay past the closing hours to study. Wouldn't put it past her to play the Prefect Card for this.'
Skipping down the stairs, I took the corridor to the library and found it entirely deserted. I sighed relieved, not knowing what exactly I was relieved for, as I turned away to head towards the kitchen. The halls were empty and dark, with the occasional light of the half-moon breaking through the tall windows and I breathed in the fresh air of a summer night, enjoying the peaceful silence as I strolled towards the kitchen.
But the peace would only last for so long.
I reached the corridor with the painting of the fruit bowl, fastening my steps as my stomach gave another protesting growl. Just when I was about to tickle the pear in the painting, anticipating all the good food the elves would cook in a matter of minutes, the door opened from the inside, nearly banging against my forehead. I stumbled back as the door swung to the side, revealing James. My heart skipped a beat in surprise but also at the sight of twinkling eyes that seemed unnaturally light in all the darkness surrounding us. Grinning, I grasped at the hem of the cloak, ready to spook him when he turned back towards the kitchens, engulfing his face in a warm glow of light coming from the big room.
A shadow crossed his features and he held his hand out for Lily, who was laughing softly as she took it, letting him help her out of the hole. "Thanks," she said.
"You are very welcome," James replied with a grin as the door shut close, engulfing us all in a sudden darkness. I blinked, squinting in hopes to see better as my eyes adjusted. For a second everything was silent before the two started walking. Biting my lip, I followed them before I could think about what I was doing. 'We are all headed to the same direction, I can't help it that I need to walk behind them. And since I'm not hungry anymore- oh, who am I kidding, I'm starving,' I complained to myself, cursing my brain for having the urge to spy on the two in all my insecure glory.
They walked in silence for a while before standing on the staircase.
"Thanks for the food," Lily spoke up as they waited for the stairs to stop moving, "I really needed it."
"Figures. You didn't eat anything today," James replied.
"How do you know that?"
"Eh," I could practically feel him blush as he stammered for an answer. "I just saw you and Cec studying all day, so I guessed that you hadn't eaten anything yet. Cec hasn't at least."
"Right," Lily said quietly, walking up the stairs as they stopped moving. I followed silently, watching the moon reflect on her brilliant red hair and noticing James did, too. "You know, I was surprised how you two suddenly got together."
"Hm?" James hummed, looking at his shoes as he stuffed his hands into the pockets of his robes.
"I mean, one day you were asking me out and the other you were suddenly hanging around with her and started dating," Lily said in joking manner and James chuckled along, though I couldn't grasp the joke in it. "It was...surprising, yeah," she ended awkwardly and the mood turned somber.
"Well, I guess it surprised a lot of people," James chuckled again, seemingly nervous as he ran a hand through his messy mop of hair. "But, Cec is great. She is amazing, really," he added, his voice turning steady and gentle, tugging at my heart strings. I felt a smile form on my face.
"She is quite great, yeah," Lily agreed softly. Now I felt bad for eavesdropping. 'You're siriusly messed up, dumbass,' I scolded myself. But I didn't stop. "I'm happy for you guys. It's nice to see Cec so happy and seeing a normal side of you."
James scoffed, "Normal?"
"What?" Lily giggled.
"What side of me has not been normal before?"
"I'm just saying, it's refreshing to know a side of you that wouldn't enchant cupids to read me sappy poems and throw pink glitter all over me," Lily recalled, laughing to herself as James blushed beet-red.
"Well, normal is overrated anyway," he muttered into his tie, smiling as Lily bumped her fist against his arms.
"I kinda miss it," she said and I noticed her eyes widen as soon as the sentence left her mouth. James' lips quirked up, his eyes shining. "Do you now?" he asked smugly, laughing as she slapped his arm.
"I mean," she started but paused. The mood turned slightly somber as she fiddled with her sleeve.
"You mean?" James prompted almost eagerly and I bit my lip, the tugging in my heart strings turning to harsh pulls.
Lily sighed, "It's nothing. Just, now that I know the 'normal' side of you, the one, you probably show to your friends and Cec...I think, all the stuff you used to do was quite endearing."
James kept quiet for a second. "You mean, when I endlessly chased after you?"
"All the things you did to ask me out. The cupids, the flowers, the sweets...," I distinctly heard Lily gulp as she stopped and turned towards him, causing him to falter in his steps, too. "I didn't recognise it back then, but it must have cost you a lot of effort and I think that's sweet..." James held his breath. "...and a little bit excessive." They both chuckled lightly before turning quiet, staring at the other.
"So, it was not for nothing after all," James muttered softly, almost as if he were dazed as he stared into her eyes. I clutched at the cloak tightly, feeling cold all of a sudden.
Lily cocked her head to the side, strands of red hair gliding over her shoulder like ocean waves. "Yeah. It did not get me to say yes back then, but..."
"But?" James pressed, taking a step forward.
Lily took a deep breath as if she were preparing herself for something, "But...if I had known this side of you before, I might have agreed. To- you know." I stilled, my tight grip on the cloak loosening slightly. James' eyes widened and I could see the elation spread through his face even if he didn't smile.
"To going out with me?" he asked breathlessly. Lily hesitated before she nodded. For a minute, we all stood in silence as James stared at her, dumbfounded. Lily's eyes flickered around as if she were scared to get caught. "Anyway, it doesn't matter!" she stated, too loudly for the quiet atmosphere, "I mean, you are with Cec now and you guys are happy."
"Yeah...yeah we are," James said, still in stupor.
"Yeah, so..." Lily gestured forward, turning to start walking again.
"But what if we aren't?" James spoke up, causing her to halt in her footsteps. My heart stopped.
"What?" she asked, looking at him over her shoulder.
It was James' turn to take a deep breath as if he were preparing himself for something, "What if Cec and I weren't happy?"
Lily furrowed her eyebrows. "What do you mean? You guys look besotted with each other."
"Yeah, that's the thing," James said firmly, determination flooding his features. "We look like we are besotted with each other. It was an act." I swayed slightly as if I had been punched in the chest. "It was just an act." It was just an act. The words seemed to echo in the hallway, pounding relentlessly into my eardrums as I stood frozen, staring the bespectacled boy.
"It was an act?" Lily asked incredulously. James nodded. She turned towards him fully in disbelief. "You were acting like you were together?!" James nodded again. "Why?"
"I was trying to show you a more civil side of me," he said and my eyes widened. 'Be civil' I heard my own voice resonate through my mind. I tried to keep my breathing even as my chin trembled. "I wanted you to see what kind of guy I am since you wouldn't go out with me. I wanted you to see the real me. How I would be if we were together."
Lily stared at him. "I don't even know what to say...," she trailed off.
"Since you appreciated all the efforts I put into asking you out, you could appreciate this as well?" James asked hopefully and I was starting to feel sick. It was just an act. Something in me shattered. I turned away, trying to shield the little, constricting organ in my chest from his words.
"But wait, is Cec part of this? How is she managing to pretend this whole time?" she pondered and James' face fell. Noticing this, she narrowed her eyes at him. "Is she pretending, James? Does she know about your relationship being an act?"
James tensed up, biting his lip as he glanced away and it was all the answer that Lily needed. Her emerald green eyes widened. "James...," she breathed in disbelief, "How could you do this to her?"
"Listen, Cec won't take it too hard," James tried as Lily shook her head in disbelief, "She knows it's nothing serious. We've grown closer, yes, as friends."
"I don't think she sees it like that," Lily responded and I chose that moment to walk away. Because she was absolutely right.
Chapter Thirteen
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The truth about loving you
Polin Modern au
Part one
*Here it is - finally -part one! I hope you enjoy! *
Loving Colin Bridgerton had been the joy and the heartache of her life. It was time for Penelope to move on. He was never going to notice her. He was never going to love her the way she loved him. Always travelling, always seeking something... Colin was back in the small town of Grosvenor. But something was different and he had a feeling, it was him.
Also on AO3
Penelope Featherington was well aware that, generally, the idea of love at first sight was laughed at. In addition, the thought that a young woman who had just reached the age of sixteen should find the love of her life in such circumstances was preposterous to most people. Well, almost everyone, really.
But she had. Fallen in love that is. Deep, head over heels, irrevocably in love. With Colin Bridgerton, brother of her dearest friend Eloise. Tall, handsome, charming… kind. Yes, she knew within a few minutes of meeting him and of becoming mesmerised by his smiling eyes that he was kind. She knew that he loved his family to distraction, that he was decent, that he was caring and that he did not have one bad bone in his body. That whoever should be lucky enough to win his heart would be treasured and loved…
So, really, one could not blame her for the instant, fatal bolt of something that had left her painfully in love with a man who saw her, she shuddered to think, as almost another sister. And he already have plenty of those. Penelope, being somewhat shy (and certainly lacking in the kind of confidence that would have let her believe she had any chance of being seen in anything more than sororal terms) had hidden her infatuation behind smiles and blushing cheeks. She had told no one - not a single soul - and miraculously none had guessed. She daren’t divulge the deepest secret of her heart to anyone. It was her private treasure; every moment in his presence was a potent mixture of exquisite joy and painful torment. He was the sunshine of her life. 
And he was completely, utterly oblivious. He had been both the greatest pleasure and tragedy of her life. For twelve. Whole. Years.
Until one day, as she approached the age of 29 and began to have those philosophical internal conversations that one often has when reaching a significant age, she had a revelation. No more, she told herself, no more…
Something had to change. 
Part One
Twelve years, three months and two days of being in love with Colin Bridgerton
With a final few clicks, followed by a deep sigh, Penelope flicked the lid of her laptop closed and glanced at her watch. Six pm. That gave her exactly sixty minutes to prepare herself for the town Spring Gala - otherwise known as Lady Agatha Danbury’s annual party; held every April by the social leader of the small Oxfordshire town of Grosvenor, in which not a soul dared to miss either through fear of Lady Danbury’s interrogation at a later date or simply because it was the first post-Christmas social event, where the chill was finally fading from the air and the dark nights of December had been replaced by the tempting promise of the bright summer evenings to follow.
Penelope didn’t know if she had the energy to face the entire town, but go she would. Really, she should try and make the most of the evening. She would actually miss the predictability of life here. In Grosvenor, nothing of real substance ever changed. It was comforting, but it was a crutch. It was a life she had clung to to avoid making the hard decisions.
As she stood to leave her desk, her eyes fell upon a polaroid. It was a picture of Pen, her best friend Eloise and Eloise’s brother, Colin, taken at Christmas a few years ago, they all were wearing ridiculous jumpers and Colin was trying to stuff a whole mince pie in his mouth. A frown crossed her face. She grabbed the picture and tossed it into the first drawer of her desk, slamming it with a satisfying thud.
It’s time to grow up, Penelope, she told herself. 
It was time for a change.
After locking her door, Pen stashed her keys in her pocket and… nearly jumped out of her skin. Perched on the small brick wall surrounding her cottage was Eloise Bridgerton, her oldest friend, lit cigarette dangling from one hand and black leather jacket slung over her shoulder.
“Jesus, El, you scare me!” Her friend smirked and took a long drag of her cigarette. “And you know if your mother catches you smoking she will kill you.”
Eloise scoffed. “I’m 28 years old Pen. I think I’m pretty far past the age when my mother rules my life.” Pen gave her a pointed look as she put out the cigarette on the stone wall before slipping it back in the packet. “Okay, so she could make my life a misery. As you well know I smoke precisely three times a year: the Danbury party, the Smythe-Smith musical evening and Simon and Daphne’s Christmas Fete.”
Pen knew her thoughts on forced social occasions, they were very similar to her own. Forced socialisation was akin to mental torture to the middle Bridgerton sibling because, like Pen, she had little time for the more vapid members of town society, and sadly, they made up a high percentage of those one would meet on such occasions. Which was why, as ever, she was once again thankful for friendship with Eloise. They were as much alike as they were different but there was something intangible between them that transcended the ordinary. On a higher level, they just fit. Many a time they’d postulate over large glasses of wine about becoming eccentric spinsters one day, with a dozen cats each and a cozy little house that overlooked the sea. It was a comforting thought for someone like Pen, who usually avoided thoughts of the future.
Slipping her arm through her friend’s, Penelope pulled Eloise to stand and began to walk in the direction of the Danbury’s large, sprawling house.“And then why do you attend tonight?” Penelope teased, knowing fair well what the answer was.
“Danbury would have my head on a platter - and then my mother would serve it for dinner. You know how those two are!”
Indeed, Penelope was well aware of the friendship between two of the town’s grande dames, both forceful in their own way and both determined matchmakers. “I wonder who they are trying to set up this year?”
“Don’t look at me,” El spat with an incredulous look, “Mother let that go a long time ago.” “Hyacinth maybe?” 
“She’s far too busy with her graduate degree. She’s determined to get firsts across the board. She’s now onto her fourth language you know?” Pen did know El’s youngest sister had an uncanny knack with languages, it was unnerving really when noone else in her family spoke more than a smattering of bad French. She’d already also mastered Spanish and Mandarin - helped of course through the year she had spent travelling in China. Oh how Pen wanted to go to China… okay, perhaps not China, maybe she wasn’t that adventurous. But just anywhere other than here. “Pen?”
Eloise jabbed Pen softly with her elbow. “You like you are on another planet.”
“Just thinking,” she replied, not really being dishonest.
“Well I’m glad to see I am such scintillating company. I was actually trying to tell you I have news.”
Oh. News. Eloise had news? This was the moment Pen had been waiting for. She wanted El to know first, she hadn’t even told her mother yet...
Pausing, Penelope turned to face her friend and forced a smile. “Actually, I, too, have some news-”
Just then, a large pair of arms wrapped around Pen from behind, hugging tightly around her waist before lifting her and spinning her around. 
Oh God. She’d know those arms anywhere. She’d know that cologne. She’d just know it was… 
“Colin! Put me down!,” she screamed, wriggling from his grip, “I’m far too heavy!”
Feet landing back on the pavement, Penelope stumbled a second before spinning on her heel to face him.
“Nonsense, you are light as a feather Pen,” Colin replied, grinning as reached forward and pressed a loud kiss on her cheek - leaving the patch of skin his lips had touched tingling and a deep blush threatened to engulf her face. Thank god it was getting dark already.
“That was my news,” Eloise announced smugly, crossing her arms. “Brother three is back on British soil.”
Stunned was not quite the word to describe Penelope’s state of mind as she stared at Colin Bridgerton. Colin with his warm, wide smile and deep, dark eyes… eyes she had drowned in more times that she cared to count. His thick, brown hair had grown and now licked at the collar of his shirt. But otherwise, Colin had changed very little in the six months since she had last seen him - and indeed in the twelve years since they had met.
“Colin,” she began, still a little tongue tied from the brief kiss and, moreso, his entirely unexpected return, “But you were in Australia?” 
“I decided to come home.”
“Clearly,” she mumbled, her head whirl. He always had that effect on her. His mere presence sent her stomach into knots and her head into a whirl and thinking clearly was almost impossible. “How wonderful,” she added.
She was dizzy. She felt a headache coming on. Actually, she felt just a little sick. Why was he back? Why? He was supposed to be gone for another five months. She should really have guessed that this might happen, Colin’s plans were always flexible and his adventures were subject to whatever whim or passion he was currently in the midst of. Still, it was unlike him to return from a trip early. It would have made more sense for him to spend those extra months exploring some other little corner of the world( and giving her the time she needed). Time for Penelope to make all the changes to her life that her carefully made plans had necessitated. Time for her to finally get over him. Severing her childish adoration for this man was the only way of moving forward with her life and just as she was about to make the great leap into the unknown… there he was. Same old Colin. 
Damn, she was tired of loving him. Because the truth about loving Colin Bridgerton was that it was equal parts heaven and hell.
“Pen!” El shouted, breaking her reverie. “You phased out on me again.” Penelope gave a wan smile. “So what were you going to tell me before my idiot brother here interrupted us?”
“Oh,” she shrugged, “Nothing. Nothing at all.”                                                      
Lady Danbury, of course, had planned her event to perfection. A string quartet greeted visitors in the large, marble lined vestibule of Danbury Hall and uniformed wait staff meandered around the milling guests carrying shining silver platters of champagne and fancy-looking canapes. As the trio arrived, friends of Colin’s surrounded the siblings and welcomed their friend home. Colin had always been extremely popular. Between his good nature, sense of humour and ability to make whomsoever he conversed with feel important and noticed, he has managed to forge friendships with almost every inhabitant of Grosvenor. 
Seeing an exit, Penelope grabbed a flute of champagne from the first passing server and managed to sink down half of it in one swift gulp as she headed towards the large ornamental garden that was accessed from the house’s terrace. She needed a moment. She needed air. She needed to think.
He wasn’t supposed to be here. He was supposed to be thousands of miles away. 
She really had convinced herself that she was growing out of her feelings from him. It was quite ridiculous. It had been over TWELVE years. She’d mooned over him all through her teens and twenties, both cursing and thanking her friendship with Eloise for placing them in such close conspiracy. Being close to him and watching him over the years had only deepened her feelings whilst simultaneously feeding a torturous sense of insecurity. It was a curse. Any man she met was instantly compared with Colin. Was he as kind as Colin? Was he as generous as Colin? Did he make her laugh like Colin did? Did she dream of sinking her hands into his hair the way she did with Colin? Would he kiss like Colin... The list was endless. 
Admittedly, the few fleeting relationships she had found herself in over the years had little longevity in them on their own merit. If a man showed an interest in her she was flattered - and flattery led her to trying to like them too. But no matter how much she tried, it was impossible to force attraction, or even friendship, and spending an evening with any of them was a close second to a glass of wine and a good book. So almost permanently single, she’d hidden her feelings under the guise of a bright demeanor and focused herself on building a career and becoming more than a woman driven by her emotions. Well, she had tried. 
Tried and failed miserably as proven by her visceral reaction to his presence that evening. Who was she kidding? The only way to finally free herself from this madness was to take herself out of the equation. Physically.
With a sigh, she downed the rest of her glass and left it on a little decorative iron table that edged the patio. There was little use in ruining the evening by letting herself sink into a mood. Tonight he was here and there was little she could do about it. 
Colin was home. Jetlagged, overtired and not-quite sure exactly what the time was, but he was back in Grosvenor with his luggage already deposited in his childhood room at Aubrey Hall. As expected, nothing of any note had changed in Grosvenor in the half a year he had spent travelling across Australia. It never did actually. Not during his tour of Europe, his kayak trip down the Amazon nor those six months spent trekking in India. There was something comforting about that. Home was always home. With very little change to have to acquaint oneself with when returning after a prolonged absence.
Except… Well… She looked different. Penelope did. No, that wasn’t right. Penelope was the same as always. Pen was always there when he came back: she was dependable, as much a part of home as his mother’s Sunday lunches or the broken clock at the town hall - and inevitably joined at the hip with his sister Eloise. But something was different this time.
When he’d seen her across the street, he’d stalked up to her as he often liked to, picking her up and spinning her around - it was an old trick that had started so long ago he’d forgotten exactly how or why. Yet this time he didn’t just feel the sense of enjoyment in making his friend laugh, as he picked her up he had immediately noticed the curve of her hips and the brush of her breasts against his arm. Startled, he had let go, only for her to turn to him with flushed cheeks and sparkling eyes and- well -it was different. He’d always known Penelope was a woman, but tonight for some reason, he knew.
While he had been awake for over 30 hours (thanks to a delightful assortment of caffeinated beverages), he could not blame the tightening in his gut and the moment of breathlessness he felt in that brief moment on sheer exhaustion. In fact, he’d felt a rush of adrenaline and a kick of excitement, as if he had just discovered something new. Something that no one else knew. It was… unsettling. But not exactly in a negative way.
Puzzled and curious, Colin made light work of greeting those old friends who didn’t yet know he had returned and then left Eloise to be grilled by their sister Daphne and her husband Simon about just when she planned on moving out of Aubrey Hall. He slipped away quietly. The simple solution to his confusion was to go and talk with Penelope as he normally would. Surely that would settle whatever had affected him so much. He needed to have a nice, normal conversation with her. It was understandable, he supposed, for friendships to be a little strange after such a time. It hadn’t happened before between them, but still...
It was in the garden that he found her. The evening was still light, the sun turning a hazy orange behind the springtime clouds. He’d left Australia as the summer was turning to autumn and here he was about to experience summer yet again. The idea made him smile. Summer was always his favourite time of year. It seemed filled with so much promise - the days were long, the weather fine and even the gloomiest of souls could not retain their negativity when faced with an English summer’s day.
“Pen,” he said as he approached where she stood at the edge of the ornamental gardens. In one hand, she had a full flute of champagne and in the other an impossibly sized canape. She seemed to be studying the canape and deciding how best to approach it’s consumption - not easy when it took the form of an oversized base of puffed pastry topped with a heavy dollop of cream cheese and an artful sprinkling of caviar (Colin had always appreciated good food). Her eyes met his and she smiled, perhaps a little self consciously.
“Colin, I thought you were enjoying a hero’s welcome.”
He smirked a little, “I should hardly think my travels are an accomplishment. Indeed, mother sees them as somewhat the opposite.” His mother was actually very supportive of her son’s desire to see more of the world, but she had mentioned many times how perhaps spending every penny he earned on the endeavour was not the best forward planning. A large part of him knew she was right. The transient lifestyle he had lived for so long was starting to wear on him if truth were told. Not that the urge to discover new places would ever leave him, but perhaps the way it manifested in his life needed to change. More to think on later, he supposed.  “Anyway, I’m reliably informed that my mother is planning a welcome home and belated birthday party very soon. My loyal fans can fawn over me then,” he teased
“Oh,” Penelope gasped, “Your birthday was last month - I didn’t exactly forget I just - well, with all the travelling I didn’t even know where to send you a card. Here,” she said pushing the canape in his direction, “A present. I’m sure you are starving.”
“Oh no no no,” he chuckled, pushing her hand back. “I could not possibly deny you the pleasure of… that.”
Penelope frowned as she glanced at the oversized canape. Really, Colin was being a little cruel. Even he, who had never been accused of being small of mouth, would struggle to eat that with some semblance of dignity. But Penelope’s pouting pink lips were perfectly proportioned for her petite heart shaped face, forming a flawless pout as she considered the clearly impossible challenge. Colin, for his part, was seriously contemplating the lush fullness of her bottom lip until Penelope let out a deep sigh, opening her mouth wide and pushing the entirety of it inside. Colin sucked in a quick breath. As she chewed a drizzle of cream spread across her lip and he watched, hypnotised, as her tongue slipped out and cleared it away. There was something startlingly erotic in the moment and he found himself transfixed. Their eyes met as her jaw worked, the silence between them somehow startlingly loud, even as the sound of the party increased behind them in the house. Not breaking the eye contact, Penelope took a long sip of her champagne. “Done,’ she murmured softly.
The edges of his lips curled as he reached forward and brushed a crumb of pastry from her petal soft cheek. “Was it enjoyable?” he asked quietly.
Wordlessly, she nodded. 
And, hell, he had enjoyed it too.
‘Well then, I’d say I’m rather jealous.” He was overcome with a sudden urge to kiss her. He wanted to step closer to her, wrap his hands around the devastating curve of her hips, press his body to hers so those lush breastswere flush against his chest and then he would taste those maddeningly erotic lips. The idea pulsed through him. She was staring. Her blue eyes widening. He reached for the glass in her hands, intending to set it down-
Buzzz. Buzzz. Buzzz.
The moment was broken by the vibrations of a mobile phone. It took Pen a few seconds to acknowledge it was hers, a confused look crossing her face until she fished the device from her jeans pocket.
“Pen? PEN? Where are you?” Eloise’s voice bellowed down the line.
“Eloise,” she mouthed to him, though he had no trouble hearing his sister, who was never known for her subtilty. “You need to get here. Daphne is PREGNANT!”
“Oh,” Pen smiled, looking back at him. “I think we should head back to the others.”
Wordlessly he nodded. His sister - for whom motherhood had always been so important - announcing her first pregnancy, was certainly something he wanted to be there for. “C’mon,” he whispered, holding out his arm, “Time to play proud big brother.”
Further exploration of his newfound fascination with Penelope Featherington’s lips would have to wait.
Hours later...
The world was silent when they reached her cottage. An intrepid white cat darted across the street as a gust of wind rustled the branches of the small oak tree that dominated the garden of Penelope’s cottage. Despite the light chill to the air, she was wearing a warm coat of alcohol, her cheeks glowing as they always did when she had drunk champagne. Pleasantly tipsy, she leaned into Colin, his warmth comforting against her side as she fumbled in her pocket for her key.
“Thank you,” she said quietly as she opened the half gate that breached the stone wall around her home “But you really didn’t have to walk me all the way home. I’m a big girl, you know.” There was a double meaning to her words; yes she wasn’t exactly young, but she also wasn’t exactly small in size - the phrase ‘curves in abundance’ could have been written just for her, she had thought on more than one occasion.
“It was my pleasure,” Colin replied, “It was a fine excuse to leave before the revels became too tiring- you know these things can go on until morning and I already feel like I could sleep for a year.” With that, he yawned and ran a hand through his hair. Pen watched those lightly tanned fingers come through the dark chestnut locks and swallowed down a sigh.
“Well,” she nodded, “I’d say that it’s time to say goodnight.” For a second, she fidgeted, her keys jangling on her finger. Impulsively, she reached out her hand and immediately felt ridiculously awkward. She and Colin did not shake hands. She didn’t shake hands with anyone. Ever. She cleared her throat and felt her cheeks deepen in colour. Oh god. After their strange moment in the garden, things had felt almost normal between them as they congratulated Daphne and Simon and then passed the rest of the evening hearing stories from Colin’s travels and bringing him up to date with the (somewhat limited) local gossip he had missed. And so when he had insisted on walking her home, she hadn’t been overly wary. Yet now… now they were alone on her quiet street and he was staring at her so oddly that she was actually finding it difficult to breathe-
“Good night,” he said softly, reaching down to bring her into a hug. It was a beautiful, warm embrace, her face almost nestling against his neck so that she could enjoy his musky, soft cologne. This was nice. This was safe. Friends hugged.
She made to pull away, but he only loosened his grip a small amount. Looking up he was so very close. His dark, velvet eyes fixed upon hers. “Pen…” he whispered, a look of concentration upon his face. She tried to wriggle gently free of his arms, his close inspection feeling uncomfortable and somehow searing.
And then he kissed her. Just like that.
His lips were against hers, his hands slipped up her back, his mouth suddenly urgent and wonderful and if Penelope could have imagined his kiss a thousand times she could not have imagined this. He pressed her back against the door, his tongue sweeping into her mouth with a satisfied groan. Her hands, which had been limp around his neck, surged into his thick locks, the satin strands feeling obscenely good between her fingers. He pushed his hips forward, anchoring her in place, his mouth tracing her jaw and then her neck, one hand racing down to cup her buttocks and squeeze just hard enough to make her gasp in surprise.
Colin Bridgerton was kissing her.
Colin was kissing her.
Suddenly, she froze, pushing against his shoulders. “Are you drunk?” she panted.
“No,” he frowned, “Are you?”
“No,” she admitted, shaking her head. And, oh she was thankful that she would remember every moment of this...
Without her noticing, Colin had taken the key and opened the door behind her. Quickly,  they fell inside. Their arms instantly back around each other and the kiss resumed and it was intoxicating. It was magnetic. It was drugging… Penelope had never been kissed like this before. 
Colin was nibbling at her neck and pulling her shirt out from her jeans. She dug her fingers into the firm muscles of his shoulders and felt herself being swept away.
He paused and looked up. 
Penelope took a step backwards. This had to stop. It was madness.  “I-I can’t do this right now. I-”
His face creased in confusion. “Pen?”
She began pushing her shirt back into her jeans. “I need to think. I need to sleep. I-” She sighed and pursed her lips. She couldn’t believe what was happening. She couldn’t believe what she was doing.
He responded with a small nod and a whispered, “Okay.” He reached back and placed his hand on the doorknob, before adding, “Later?’
And Penelope tried to smile.
Colin left, the door closing softly, followed by the clip of footsteps and the creak of her gate. Quickly, she locked the door and then stared at it.
And then Penelope Featherington started to cry.
Oh god, what the hell just happened?
To Be Continued...
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estoniacobaltpayne · 3 years
Judgement Day
Chapter 3: Temptation
Summary: Desperate, a force user bargains for her freedom; if she acquires the ‘asset’ deemed top priority, she would be free from the life that has enslaved her. Years of training has prepared her, but she’s stubborn and unlucky and more often than not she’s biting off more than she can chew. Maybe pulling the long con is the only path to freedom, but if it is, there’s a Mandalorian blocking it.
Warnings: language, sexual themes
Parirings: Din Djarin X Reader
Prologue: Here!
Chapter 1: Here!
Chapter 2: Here!
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The air filling the cockpit of the ship is somehow both hotter than Arvala-7, and stuffier than Sorgan. The only sounds were the faint beeping from the dashboard, and the child’s playful cooing. Ragna sat in the copilot’s seat behind Mando’s left, and mulled over why she would bother to save him from the AT-ST walker back on Sorgan. What was the point? She just hindered her own damn plan! What the fuck is wrong with me? She thought hopelessly to herself.
Mando, in the pilot’s chair, was mulling over similar thoughts, and was just as confused. If Ragna was plotting against him, why would she bother saving him when she could have just as easily let him die? He wanted so badly to ask her why she helped him; to talk about the last few weeks and the child and her father and everything in between. He had to, really. He was going to. Yeah, he was going to.
But that’s as far as he got, because all of a sudden, another ship jumped out of hyperspace behind them and immediately got to work on shooting them down. Mando was quick to engage and fight back, but the abruptness of the engaging fighter caused all three of the them to be lurched from their seats. As Mando warded off the aggressor, Ragna leaped up to strap the child into the other copilot’s seat. She could hear an incoming message claiming that Mando’s insubordination to the Bounty Hunter’s Guild was to soon be his demise, but she paid little attention. The two hunters continued to converse, and after Ragna strapped in the child, she turned to help Mando. As much as she wanted to see him dead, if she didn’t help him take this other bounty hunter out, they’d both be nothing more than a waste of and in space. And then where would she be? She did her best to hold their opponent still using her abilities, but he was a slippery little bastard.
“I have an idea,” Mando declared. “I’m going to break. When I do, he’ll jut in front of us. You hold him still, and I’ll shoot. Brace yourself.”
And he did just that. (Y/N) braced herself on the dashboard, but the force of the manoeuvre was so strong, it threw her back onto the Mandalorian’s lap; she had no time to pay it any mind, because all conscious thought went into using the force to hold the other bounty hunter’s ship still. Once she knew their attacker had been terminated though, she began lamenting the fact that it was a random bounty hunter that was vaporised out of existence and not her.
Because being strewn across this man’s lap was bad enough, but looking up and meeting his visor’s gaze was worse. Instinctively, he had wrapped his left arm around her shoulders, and his legs had been spread further apart to make more room for her form. The two were unable to look away from each other- all reasonable thought had been thrown out the window, and they were stuck in time, once again. It wasn’t until the warning sirens blared out in panicked shrills that they pulled out of their trance. (Y/N) quickly stood up and moved back to the vacant copilot’s seat.
Not another word was said until they reached Tatooine.
Mando landed and exchanged quick words with the owner of the hanger before making to exit, off to find work. Ragna rushed out of the ship.
“Shouldn’t I come with you? You might need my help?” Ragna stated, realising that the Tatooinian dunes would be the perfect place to leave a Mandalorian corpse.
If that’s even what I want now. She was quick to push that thought aside.  
“No, stay here and make sure nothing happens to the child,” came the Mandalorian’s response.
She tried not to let her face drop in earnest annoyance. “Yeah, I suppose that’s my job anyways!” she responded, trying to appear lighthearted.
Well, she could make that work too, she supposed. As soon as the ship was stable enough to fly, she’d take the child and leave. It didn’t matter if the bounty hunter was left dead or alive after his excursion. She’d be gone, ship controls in one hand, and child in the other.
Gods, please let this work this round, she thought. She was starting to get the feeling that if she didn’t end this soon, she’d never gain her freedom from the Empire. Or worse- she wouldn’t want to gain it if it meant bringing harm to the Mandalorian and the child. Whatever happens to the Mandalorian and the child is not my damn problem! she kept reassuring herself. But the repeated mantra was quickly beginning to lose its effect.
Mando had found that his guard was slipping throughout this whole ordeal in bringing in Fennec Shand. Catching her shouldn’t have been so hard, and he knew for damned sure he shouldn’t have entrusted Toro Calican with jack shit. And yet here he was, moping on the back of a damned dewback. But it wasn’t even that which contributed the most to his mood.
It was (Y/N).
The sight of her strewn across his lap had been nearly too much. It had been a while since he’d been able to… take care of himself in any way, and an even longer time since he’d been able to do so with someone he cared about in any capacity. He tried to reason with himself that he didn’t hold a single iota of deeper feelings for (Y/N), but he was beginning to realise that he couldn’t keep pushing these feelings back, no matter how terribly they were conflicting with the logic that he usually kept on autopilot. And, oh, was the ingrained image of her looking up at him from his lap interfering with that autopilot. She was becoming a problem.
More than anything, she perplexed Mando to no end. She had had several chances to slip behind his back and betray him in any number of ways, and yet, she hadn’t. But then why had both Cara and Omera been unable to trust her? Sure she had been caught in the middle of some weird situations that she had been able to explain away as mere extenuating circumstances, but if she had been attempting to betray him this whole time, why did she bother to save him not once, not twice, but three times now?
And why did he like it so damn much when she feel into his lap earlier? Oh, man. That was going to a persistent little reoccurring thought, wasn’t it?
Meanwhile, Ragna was beginning to realise that enacting any part of her grander scheme was going to be easier in theory. While conning the Mandalorian was proving to be easier that she originally anticipated (or so she liked to think), it was the detail in the plan of finding a moment of solitude that was really bearing problems.
The mechanic who owned the hangar, Peli Motto, was yet another of such obstacles in her plot. She was always around; always shouting at her droids, insisting that Ragna help her with the ship, and then there was the incessant talking. Oh, the talking. Ragna’s patience was beginning to wear thin. If she spent half as much time focusing on fixing the ship as she did talking at me, I could have left already! Ragna found herself thinking more often than not.
It wasn’t until Ragna was reporting back to her father the next evening where she began to grow restlessly desperate. His words had been particularly harsh that night, more so than usual, and it caused an untameable panic to rise in her throat, and her mind recalled the fear she felt when she was taken as a child, and paralleled it to her hunt for freedom in the present. Ragna could do nothing but helplessly watch the images flash by in her head.
A younger, though still just as terrifying version of Ragna’s Imperial father dragged away from a burning city. Though just a child, the severity of the situation had visibly wised her up instantly.
“I don’t want to go! Leave me be!” the young girl shouted.
“Quiet, girl! You’d do well to learn your place!” the man spit back.
“No! I won’t go with you! I won’t!” she pleaded, tears running down her round, adolescent face.
The older man sneered and let out a cynical laugh. “Oh? And what, pray tell, do you intend to do to stop me?”
“I’ll fight! I’ll never be one of you! I swear it!” she thrashed in the man’s arms as he led her away from her burning home. She thrashed and thrashed until she tired herself out.
She remembers being awake as he carted her away. Across the galaxy. To the Imperial Cruiser she would be forced to know as home. She was awake to witness this, but she was numb.
She was numb when her new ‘father’ laid her down in her new bed and told her this was her home now.
She was numb when he took her to a wrinkly old man who had the same powers as her. The same powers that her family had died trying to shelter her from.
She was numb when the wrinkly old man told her he was the Emperor, and, lord, was she thankful she was numb when he tortured her into using the force that her family had kept her from using.
The memories faded with dark echoes of, “you must embrace your potential,” and, “we are the only ones who want you.” Years of this brainwashing had been lost on her; trying to make her believe her family- her real family- didn’t want her. But she knew they had broken her in so many other ways; she knew when they sent her out on her first mission. She was not even eighteen years of age, and yet, she had killed so many so easily. This, of course, was not the first circumstance where she had been made to take another’s life, but this was the first time she had actually enjoyed it to some extent. She liked to tell herself that it was just the thrill of being let out on her own for the first time, but deep down, she knew that that was not the case.
She couldn’t settle after her reverie; her anxiety was pumping her blood through her head too hard. She needed to go. Immediately. The ship, whatever state it was in, would have to do.
She desperately clambered out of the ship to fetch the child, who had been playing with Peli’s droids in the shipyard. But, oh, so conveniently, he was no longer there.
“Kid? Kid where are you!” she whispered around the shipyard, doing her best to not be noticed by Peli or one of her many droids.
She was not expecting another, unknown person to catch her, though.
“The kid’s stayin’ right here.”
So close. She was so damn close to obtaining her freedom. If it wasn’t for this new asshole, Toro-fucking-Calican and his damned existence, she’d have already been out of here. He knocked her unconscious with one of Peli’s wrenches before she even had a chance to turn around and stare him in the eyes.
When she came to a few hours later, Calican had Peli Motto held hostage at gunpoint. The child was held in his arms, close enough to gunpoint to be a problem. She reckoned that her best bet was to try and manipulate him into doing what she wanted, but either Calican was smarter than he looked, or his head was too thick to penetrate, because nothing she said was having an effect on him. Eventually, she realised manipulating his mind wasn’t going to work, either.
So, out of options, she pulled out one of her oldest tricks. She hated using it, really, and had only used it a handful of times. It left a sour taste in her mouth, as she was made to use it for the first time at only the age of ten to force a prisoner of war into giving information. When he didn’t… Ragna didn’t like to think about that.
And she didn’t like to think about the world tuning out around her; she didn’t like thinking about how, even though her hand was at least twelve feet away from his neck, she could feel the blood clogging on either end of where the force was cutting off his air. She absolutely didn’t want to think about the panic that was flowing through the areas in his veins that his blood no longer could. She didn’t want to think about the child that was calling to her through the force to stop. She couldn’t stop. This was what she was supposed to do. Designed to do.
Ragna didn’t hear the Mandalorian arrive in the hangar. Neither did she hear him calling out to her. She didn’t hear him the second time, or the third. She couldn’t hear anything outside her head and Calican’s; only his pleading in his head, his screaming, and the screams of her past drilling holes in her sanity.
She was violently ripped from her spiralling when Mando laid a gentle hand on her upper arm and whispered her name, her real name, into her ear. Calican doubled over and sucked in gulps of air. (Y/N) could only spin around and stare into the dark visor. Ironically, it was the lightest thing in her line of sight, the rest of the world still dark around her. He gripped her arm tighter and leaned in, whispering her name again as she began to come back into the real world.
“Your girlfriend’s a psycho, Mando!” Calican exclaimed, regaining his breath. He was quick to aim his blaster again, his aim trying to decide between Mando, Ragna, and Peli Motto.
Mando only shrugged his shoulder nonchalantly, his aim at Calican’s head not once faltering. “Yeah? That’s not sayin’ much coming from you.” Mando’s words were pointed, calculated; their intended effect to sway Calican punctual and precise.
But what Ragna couldn’t stop focusing on was that Mando didn’t deny Calican’s statement about her being his girlfriend. The logical side of her knew that Mando wasn’t going to go into details with this man; he’d be dead within moments anyways, so why bother prolonging the conversation? But another part of her, a part buried deep down, liked that he hadn’t denied it. Which was dangerous, Ragna concluded, and something that should not, under any circumstance, be further considered or dwelled upon.
Mando and Calican only bickered for another second or two before things got messy. Blasters started firing, and Calican dropped the child in favour of an extra appendage. Ragna knew this was her last chance to bolt; with the Mandalorian still preoccupied with a shootout with Calican, she scooped up the child, dashed up the ramp of the ship and ascended in to the cockpit, closing the doors behind her. She had to get this ship in the air. It was cutting it close- too close- with the Mandalorian still in the hangar, but it was what it was.
The blood pumping through her ears muffled the sounds of gunfire outside, which was to her detriment, because just as she was about to finish firing up the ship, the Mandalorian entered the cockpit.
“What are you doing?” he said, pulling her out of her trance-like focus.
Ragna jumped; how did he crawl himself out of that so quickly? Actually, she thought, I really shouldn’t be so fucking surprised, at this point.
She knew she had to get herself out of this one on the spot. She pulled a pleasantly surprised face and turned to face him. “Oh thank the maker it’s you, Mando!” She let out a fake breath she wasn’t really holding. Or at least, not for the reason she wanted Mando to think.
He just continued to stare at her inquisitively. “Yes, but… what were you doing, Ragna?”
She opened and closed her mouth a few times while she thought up a quick lie. “It… it was purely instinctual! I couldn’t let Calican get the child! I…” she called upon every acting skill she could muster to look truly defeated in the chair. “So I ran up here. If I locked us in the cockpit, he wouldn’t be able to get in! I thought that by starting up the ship, I’d have time to get away should he get the upper hand!”
The Mandalorian tilted his head in a patronising manor. “Really? You think Calican would be able to out-gun me?”
“Well, you were the one who got himself out-witted by the novice in the middle of the desert!” Ragna gave him a teasing look. “Perhaps your reputation no longer precedes you. Maybe you’re really just the ‘okayest’ bounty hunter in the parsec.”
Mando only shrugged his shoulders and dismissed her teasing, before ushering her up and out of the pilot’s chair. She was heading out of the cockpit when Mando let out a final, “good job.”
Her head spun around faster than the rest of her body could, leaving her in an awkward, disjointed position. It reflected her shattered inner thoughts quite fittingly, she supposed.
“What did you say?” she inquired. She had heard him just fine, but she was having a hard time believing that he had said it at all. It knocked the air out of her, and it showed in her words.
“You… you did the right thing. If Calican had gotten the upper hand, I would have wanted you to have taken the kid and bailed. And that goes for any situation in the future, too. So… good job.”
Ragna could only let out a pathetic ‘thank you’ as she exited the cockpit. How could he thank her? How dare he thank her after what she had just attempted, and then lied about? How dare he make her feel welcomed, something she hadn’t felt in such a long time, when she was doing everything in her power to double cross him? How dare he make her question every moral, or lack thereof, she was trained to push aside in favour of the advancement of the Empire?
How dare he tempt her out of the darkness she had shrouded herself in for personal security?
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missblissy · 5 years
Rebirth (Chapter Five)
Alastor X Human!Reader ((Reincarnation!AU)) 
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Prologue || One || Two || Three || Four || Five
Tagged: ((You can ask to be added to the tagged list!!)) @alastors-bambi @peachesandkats​ @riintss @destiny-in-the-universe​ @dadzawas-eyebags @daedaliaaan @putridjoy @shieldagentofthemonth @originofthedragonjim @animals4ever527 @jexinqq @chaotic-pansexual @geekin-about-alastor @keenhumanoidduckeagle @fafefae @honeydrops01010 @itz-kira @xoceanicgemzx @the-monochrome-jester @holdnyvaseline @temmieboi04 @ultimately-purrrfect @lukatherat 
You could still smell the herbs from a few days ago. You were in your kitchen making yourself something to eat. It had been almost two days and there wasn’t a single sign of Alastor or Eon. Your mind was busy with other thoughts anyways. Your father’s surgery went well and he was on a slow recovery. Hopefully, it helped with his condition, but you doubt it would slow down his one-way ticket to the grave. You took a small bite of the PB&J that you made and suddenly you didn’t feel so hungry anymore. 
Instead, you wanted to break down and cry. You leaned on your counter, looking down at the sandwich as tears began to well in your eyes. So much shit has happened these past few days. You moved and now lived by yourself for the first time in your life, you were going to college at the same time while looking for a new job, and demon decided it was going to drop an entire shit load of problems that didn’t even involve you. Just your soul. And on top of that, your father was dying. It broke your heart when you waited with your mother for him to get out of surgery. Your father was a strong and proud man and to see him wither away into a husk, a shadow of what he used to be... It was all too much. You couldn’t take it anymore.
The sobs came quickly. You crouched on the floor behind the counter and held your knees as you cried away. You felt as though the entire world was against you. You were thankful for the few people you had. 
You didn’t want to feel bad anymore so you did your best to dry your tears. As you stood back up you saw something on your counter that wasn’t there before, “Huh?” Next to your pathetic sandwich now laid a thick leather-bound book with a sticky note taped to the cover. You were ready to roll your eyes and dumb the book into the trash, you already knew it was from Alastor.
That’s when you felt the hairs on the back of your neck start to rise while a familiar dry static energy began to fester within your home, “Go away!” You yelled, “I’m not your wife! I don’t know you! And you don’t know me!” You were talking to the air, but you knew Alastor was here. You could feel his energy. You could even feel his eyes on you, even if he wouldn’t show himself and choose to hide, “Just because you could guess my favorite food and color doesn’t mean I’m still your wife! So what if we have similar taste in stuff! I’m not her! You don’t know anything about me. You don’t know my family, my friends, you don’t even know my birthday! You can’t name a single thing about me other than what you can guess off the top of your head!”
You wanted to cry again and when a tear dripped down your cheek, you tell he was gone. The static fizzled away into still air and the feeling of eyes on your vanished as well. The book was still there though. You kept telling yourself to just throw it out but another part of you wanted to see just what kind of gift Alastor had left you.
You sniffled and ran the back of your hand over your eyes to clean away the tears. You pulled the book into view and read the note. At first you couldn’t believe it, but... Alastor had very... very... pretty handwriting. It was perfect and drawn with pen and ink well. 
The note said: 
        I think I went about this all wrong, (Y/n). I should have given this to you in the beginning. I’m sincerely sorry. This used to belong to your former self. It’s your diary. To unlock it, you must use your blood. Just a pinprick should work. I hope this helps and answers the questions you’ve been looking for.
       - A   :) 
Was this for real? And he had to just add the smiley face? Ugh... You rolled your eyes and looked over the book. It didn’t even have a lock on it, so why the hell was he talking about using your blood?  When you opened up the book, you couldn’t believe your eyes. Every page was yellow and blank. Nothing was in the damn book! Was he just playing a sick joke on you?
There was only one way to find out. You flipped deep within the book and towards the middle. You took a kitchen knife from your silverware drawer. You cringed in pain as you pricked the tip of your finger and watched the blood pitter-patter onto the pages. Nothing happened at first and you were ready to burn the book and get some more herbs to make sure Alastor didn’t come back.
But after a minute or so your blood soaked into the page and words began to appear. The looked like they were written in gold. The ink was metallic and shiny. You brushed a finger over the words and felt the little rise and fall of the ink and space between each letter. It took a second for the page to fill with words. Okay... maybe he wasn’t lying and this was your past self’s diary. You went ahead and began reading the passage you had randomly opened up too. 
1939, December 29th:
     This castle I call my home is nothing but chains holding me down. I have spent the last... some 2,000 years at this post. I didn’t know that serving as the Gatekeeper of Hell was a “forever” kind of deal. I guess that's what you get for letting Lucifer be your boss. I wish every day that I could leave this castle. But soon again I will! The seventh year of my new sentence is coming up and I will be free to roam for another 365 days. Then for the next 6 years, I will be trapped in this castle again. 
     At least I have Alastor. This empty castle isn’t so empty with him around. He fills the hallways with songs and music, with smells of food I never knew existed. He makes me laugh, something I haven’t done in a long time. He makes me smile and when I cry he doesn’t run in fear like everyone else in my afterlife. 
     It’s been six years since I made that life-changing deal with an even bigger Devil than Lucifer. It’s been six years since Alastor manifested at the gates of Hell and offered me the salvation and freedom I craved. No, he wasn’t the deal maker. The spirit that was attached to his soul was. Eon. I sold what was left of my soul to him just so I could see the world again. 
     In just a few days I’ll be able to walk out of this castle and go where ever I want again. The first thing I’m doing is marry Alastor at the top of a pile of corpses that belong to every enemy I’ve ever made. I can’t wait to taste the blood and tears of them all. I will kill all of those fools who dared to call me a cry baby, to call me weak, to say my emotions meant nothing. Every time I shed a tear I turn into a monster and monster is what they will see. I will rip their heads from their necks. I will take their hearts and squeeze every drop of blood until there is nothing left. And I will do this with Alastor by my side, cheering me on as I finally get the justice and revenge I’ve so deserved.  
The words started to fade slowly and disappear again. You couldn’t believe what you were looking at. Once the passage was finally gone and the pages were blank again... You slammed the book closed. This was a dangerous thing. A tempting thing. 
It called to you like a song in the night. You could feel your entire soul reach out and try and open the book back up and read every word. Something about this book filled you with fear, curiosity and something else you couldn’t quite put together.
After several moments of fighting with your own thoughts, you decided that you’d read some more. You flipped the book back open. You choose a spot very close to the end and pricked your finger again. The blood splashed onto the page and soaked in much quicker than last time.
1996, February 4th: 
     Today I laid waste to another sector of Hell. When I came to my castle home, Alastor was waiting for me. I know I write about him to much, but he is everything that matters to me. This entire book could easily be mistaken for a stalker. Good thing I cursed it to never open for anyone, not even Alastor. I love him, but even I must keep my secrets too. That and I don’t want him to know how much I obsess over him. 
     For starters, it’s our anniversary. He always tells me, “I never wanted to get married! I never thought I would! Marriage was a waste of time in my opinion -Blah Blah Blah-” Same old stuff, then he’d leap into some musical number about how I changed that and how much he loves me and how happy he is to call me his wife. 56 years later and he’s still the same dork he’s always been. Sure, he likes to act tough, mean, scary and evil, but deep down inside that psychopath... is another even bigger and weirder psychopath. But that’s what I love about him. He’s such a strange creature. But I love him. 
     I love that stupid little tail of his that wags when he sees me or how he’d flip his tail all the way up as he danced around the room. I love that he chooses to sleep just because it’s a pastime I enjoy. Though he’ll always remind me, “You know, we don’t have to sleep, right?” Yeah, but I still liked to cling on to my humanity. And most of all... I love when he cries with me. It’s so hard for me to fight my black tears and to not let them stain my face. For so long, I never saw an emotion escape him. He even thought it was weak of me to be so emotional and we got into many arguments about it. However, he saw that it was just my nature to be like this. Now that we’ve spent 5 decades together, he shares all my emotions. The high and especially the lows. He’ll weep, shed tears, and tell me it’s okay. He’d kiss every single black tear away even when I turned into a monster... I have to remember though, I don’t turn into a monster. It’s just my natural demonic form that I suppress and hide and hold back. Alastor says he loves it more than the my... human look I take on. Maybe one day I’ll be strong enough to love myself the way he loves me. 
     I know... I know... I need to shut up about this man. But I can’t. He’s a person deep down inside. A messed up one, but still a person. He knows my pain, he’s seen my struggles. His life wasn’t much different from mine. We were both... innocent for so long until a darkness we couldn’t control grew from our pain and suffering. We joke about how we’d have gone to Heaven if only things were different... Is it bad for me to wish they were sometimes? What if we met when we were alive and still human? Would he still have become a cannibal? Would I still have committed suicide? If only we could have been there for each other sooner rather than later... 
The words started to fade again just as you had finished the passage. This book... It was going to answer a lot of questions. You felt an unknown connection to it. You slowly closed the book, deciding that for you’d put it away for now. You weren’t going to throw it away either. 
Something about the way your past self wrote about Alastor, about how much she loved him, it slowly changed your opinion of him. It got you thinking about how Alastor must have felt to have lost you. He spent 22 years searching for you, looking all over the planet and heaven above just so he could be with you again. It was romantic in a twisted way. You still couldn’t bring yourself to feel much for the demon other than anguish and pity. You felt sorry for him because you were not the same person. And you were beginning to learn that, yes, there were many things similar about you and your past self, such as your name and your looks, but you never had the same struggles.
You walked over to your bookshelf and squeezed the large leather book into a spot that barely fit. You had to get to your classes soon. You really didn’t have the energy to do anything and you were incredibly depressed. Your heart thumped loudly in your chest as you looked at the spine of the diary. You wanted to reach out and grab and keep reading and the thought of leaving it at home oddly upset you more. You knew you couldn’t bring it with you though. Not many people would be too pleased to see some girl cutting her finger dozens of times to read some magical book. You’d probably get thrown in some kind of crazy house. 
So, with a sigh, you tore yourself away from the book’s gaze and grabbed your bag. As you got to the door, you took one look back at the book. You stood there for a second longer than you should have then turned and gone out the door. 
 1933, March 3rd: 
     I couldn’t believe it. He’s here. I never thought he’d make it here but he is and he’s wandering around the castle. Alastor had finally died. He didn’t even wander through purgatory. He manifested before my eyes just in front of the gates. 
     I already love him but I will not say that allowed or anywhere else in this book. I can’t help but love him because he is letting me make a deal with the deadliest deal maker to have ever wandered to this side of the planet. 
     Eon. A spirit not even from this world, universe or dimension. He’s from a world so distant and far from this one that we know very little about him, other than that people wall him The World Destroyer. Apparently, it’s Eon’s goal to consume every soul in every universe and dimension. Lucifer warned me that making a deal with this creature would end in horrible ways. It didn’t seem that it ended that bad for Alastor, seeing as he was the one who summoned Eon here and sold his soul for the chance at unlimited power in the afterlife. 
     None of that matters now. I’ve made up my mind. I want to leave this castle and I want the ability to control my afterlife and what happens to me. I must go, Alastor is waiting for me and I can not wait to leave this castle wage war against all of those fools who laughed at me, all over those Overlords who think they're better than me. Alastor just wants to kill and feed souls to Eon, he wants to create chaos and topple over those in power so he can make his mark among the legends.
     I want revenge. 
Your eyes were heavy, they even had little dark bags under them. You had spent the last three hours reading the diary. Your finger was a dark purple color and you felt light-headed. You sat in your living room at the edge of your couch.
Almost two weeks have passed now since Alastor disappeared and left you this book. There was nothing coming from him. Normally you could tell when he was hiding somewhere in a dark corner or in the shadows. You’d feel his static energy wave off him, but there was none of that. Nothing. Not a single haunting. Had he finally given up? You weren’t sure. You didn’t think so. You cleansed your home but Vanderlinde said that you’d have to do it every couple of days, which of course you didn’t. You completely forgot to do that the second Alastor left the book for you. 
The book, however, was everything you may have asked for. You learned how Alastor had given everything to your past self. He loved you more than anything and you wrote about that often. He grew a rose garden around the castle your past self was trapped in every six years just so you’d smile. He murdered and tortured those who wronged you. He’d cook all of your favorite foods, even if they were mostly sugary pastries and candies, which you found out he hated. You learned so much about Alastor. He loved cooking, singing, dancing, making people smile and entertaining others to the point of laughter. He drank coffee every morning with you on a balcony overlooking the little empty Kingdom the two of you shared. He’d stand from the tallest tower and sing love songs to you while you worked at the Gates of Hell. He taught you to play the piano, how to better defeat your enemies, how to use Voodoo magic against the living and even the dead, he shared stories of his life and family and home, his dreams that never came true and his hopes that all but died until he met you.
You quickly learned that not every passage in the diary would show itself to you. You covered several pages with your blood but nothing ever happened. The only passages that would reveal themselves were the ones that mentioned Alastor. You weren't sure this was his doing or not because the book said that even Alastor couldn’t open it. 
You were very dazed and confused, you lost a lot of blood in this process. One more passage, you told yourself, then I’ll stop. Suddenly there was a knock at your door. You almost jumped out of your skin, “It’s open,” you called, knowing exactly who it already was. 
Sage kicked open the door and rushed in, “Where is he!?” She yelled as her eyes darted around the room, “Where is that talk show shit lord!?” She just got back from the hunt she was on. She texted you this morning that she’d be over as soon as possible
Maybe it was the lack of blood or the massive wave of depression that’s been with you for the last two weeks, but you couldn’t bother to get up from the couch. You just closed the heavy book and muttered, “He’s not here anymore,” Why did you sound so defeated when you said that?
Sage was a little stunned by your state, “Are you okay?” She closed the door behind her and came to sit next to you on the couch. She was your best friend, more so than you were with Vanderlinde. However, you felt some kind of betrayal that she never told you about this huge secret part of her life. Ya know, the whole demon hunter slash witch thing? Yeah, that kind of upset you. 
“I’m fine. Just... a lot is going on right now,” You confessed, “Not so much the demon haunting my house thing. Alastor hasn’t shown up since Van and I cleansed this place. It’s more so... just life and shit,” It wasn’t a total lie. You were stressed about your father and still not having a job. Your bank account was starting to get dangerously low. 
That’s when Sage noticed the book in your lap. She pointed to it, asking, “What’s that?” 
“Just a diary I’ve been keeping,” Again, not a total lie, “Nothing cool,” 
She didn’t say anything for a second and you wondered if she knew you were trying to cover up something. Eventually, Sage just shrugged and said, “Okay, well, I brought some stuff that might help you out if that dumb ass shows his stupid face again,” Sage took the backpack off her shoulders and set it down next to your feet, “There’s even a little guide book in there that I made for you. Basic magic stuff that anyone can do. Rituals, cleansings, crystals, herbs, blessed water, and bones. Pretty much everything you’ll need,” 
“Thanks,” You mumbled as you pulled the bag closer to you. You didn’t think you’d need any of that stuff seeing as Alastor kind of gave up on bothering you. The first sign of a fight and he turns tail. From what the diary told you- that was very out of character for him. You had a feeling he’d be back but you weren’t sure when or for what, “Hey- actually, I have question,” You peered at your friend. There was something bubbling in your mind that you had been wondering about. You knew the internet wouldn’t have this answer so maybe your friend did. 
She gave a small smile and said, “Okay, shoot,” She seemed more than happy to help. 
“Um... Would you actually know how to... summon a demon?”
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damndaehyung · 3 years
Tyler Lee Must Die ll PT 1
Daniel Choi John Tucker Must Die Au
“So i don’t suppose you are actually going to stick around this time? You know maybe have a sophomore slump on campus,” Emily said as she pulled at her garlic bread tearing it to tiny pieces, a nervous habit she had since she was a baby.
Daniel raised an eyebrow running a finger around the rim of his glass, “Emily you do a sophomore slump isn’t a good thing right? It usually means you didn’t do as good as your first attempt,” he frowned. “Surely my lovely baby cousin wouldn’t be suggesting that i would flop at an art degree,” he snorted. He joked about it but in all honesty, he wasn’t doing well with online learning, infact he was doing so bad that Caleb and Dongwoo had told him he’d would be missing out on the entirety of the Spring/Summer fashion season and Fall/Winter was up for discussion depending on his grades.
“No what i was hinting at was you staying on Campus so i have someone i know i can completely rely on,” Emily sighed, a small frown making its way onto her lips. “I know i should be able to handle it on my own and i have been, I made a bunch of new friends , even gotta job - in the cafe down the road,” she added. “It would just be nice to have -”
“Your favourite cousin here as well,” Daniel suggested with a grin. “Aww Emily you are such a cutie,” Daniel cooed. Emily’s cheeks turned an adorable shade of pink and eyes narrowed.
“I take it back leave -” Emily huffed taking a bite of her garlic as threateningly as possible, which in Emily’s case was not very threatening at all. Daniel snorted, swirling his wine around before taking a sip, looking around the restaurant, nose scrunching up as he watched a guy kiss attack his girlfriends neck. Daniel scrunched his nose up, straight people - disgusting, he contemplated grabbing one of the rolls and tossing at them but thought better of it, it would be such a waste of bread.
“Oh you noticed Tyler Lee,” Emily said rolling her eyes. “Apparently he is a big deal,” she scoffed. Daniel smirked glad that Emily seemed to still find men disgusting, one good thing about him staying on campus would mean he could make sure she never grew to be interested in some good for nothing man.
“I mean with the way he is attacking that girls neck i can see why, it’s not every day you get to see a vampire in real life,” Daniel commented with an eye-roll. “How is it that I, a gay man, know more about woman erogenous zones, than that guy,” he said shaking his head.
“Well i get the feeling that her pleasure isn’t number one on his list,” Emily said. “And please never say erogenous zones again, you spent way too much money on this meal for me to vomit up because you decided to try and make me sick,” she joked.
“Erogenous zones,” Daniel said with a smirk. “If you want a tip the most pleasurable spot on a man is -” he started to speak before a piece of garlic bread landed in his hair. Daniel blinked owlishly pulling the piece of garlic bread out of his hair and glaring at Emily. “Seriously Em,” he shook his head.
“And who is that?” Daniel whispered to Emily nodding towards the shorter barista he hadn’t been able to keep his eyes off. Emily swirled around to see whom he was talking about, one day he would talk to the girl about not been so obvious.
“Oh Sungjae,” she said raising an eyebrow at Daniel. “One of my new bosses so whatever you are thinking no -” she said seriously.
“Emily,” Daniel sighed dramitically, “What i am thinking would get you a promotion and a raise,” he commented wriggling at Emily, images of what he could do to Sungjae floated into his head, he liked what he saw a lot.
“Gross,” Emily said nose scrunching up. “And knowing you i’d be fired in a week if you actually got your way,” she huffed. “And really i thought M would be your type,” she said looking over to the other barista, he was indeed an attractive guy, those dimples he was flashing every customer was enough to make Daniel aww but the way Sungjae was putting down a frat boy who thought he was above lining up was more interesting, plus something about Sungjae was doing it for Daniel.
“I mean he is okay -” Daniel shrugged, “If they were up for a threesome i wouldn’t say no,” he said as Emily made a vomiting sound. “Look Emily, I won’t do anything too bad, I’ve been thinking having an actual boyfriend might be nice, just for a little bit, so is he single or -” he asked.
“I don’t know,” Emily said with a shrug. “No go find a booth, I gotta get back to work before just your mere presence gets me fired,” she said shoving him towards a free both. “Go,” she huffed.
“Fine, fine,” Daniel laughed. “Go make some money,” he said. Daniel wrinkled his nose opening the menu, eyes flickering across it. Maybe Emily will actually be nice and send Sungjae over to him to take his order.
He was broke out of his fantasy before very feminine giggles and a low moan coming from the both behind him. His eye twitched in annoyance why were hets so gross. He scoffed counting to ten in his kind normally he’d turn around give these people a piece of his mind but he didn’t want to cause a scene at Emily’s work. She’d never forgive him, plus he didn’t want his first interaction with Sungjae been him potentially getting thrown out of his cafe.
“Ty stop,” the girl giggled. Yes please Ty stop, Daniel didn’t want his ear to start bleeding. It seemed for a moment that “Ty” listened to his girlfriend because there was silence, beautiful wonderful silence that Daniel really should have appreciated more, until a loud groan and Ty proclaiming how much he loved it when his girlfriend spoke French. Daniel had never been more disgusted in a language in his life infact France as an entire nation had been wiped by him and that half of Canda that spoke that bastardized version of French.
Much too Danie’s relief Ty had suggested he and his partner ‘go somewhere more comfortable’, Daniel nose scrunched up in disgust but he supposed he should be thankful they were actually leaving. It seemed he was being rewarded for being a good cousin because he spotted his barista boy making his way over. It seemed this couple had something against him because by sneaking out of their booth had blocked Sungjae from getting to him. He glared at the couple getting a proper look at the guy, recognition hitting him, it was the wannabe vampire from the restaurant but the girl he currently had his arm wrapped around was not the same victim. He almost felt sorry for the girl, or he would have but given she had in a hand in causing Daniel’s temporary deafness and blocking him from meeting his new beau he felt no sympathy - some people were so selfish.
“So you are really doing the whole college thing?” Joshua asked nose wrinkling in disgust as he sat on the edge of Daniel’s bed, Daniel hummed in acknowledgement as he riffled through all the ‘gifts’ he had received, designers had sent him the newest ‘ready to wear’ pieces in hoping he would become a walking billboard for them and Joshua had come bearing gifts to apparently mourn his career. “Why can’t you just sleep with a few professors like i did?” he asked laying back on Daniel’s bed.
“Because unlike you I have some standards,” Daniel snorted. “I take it this is from you?” he asked holding up a little black bag with the words for your pleasure on it.
“Since when?” Josh laughed. “And maybe, or maybe some designer really wants you to be their ‘muse’,” he said with a giggle. “But seriously Dae, you are doing this? I mean early morning classes? An ungodly amount of hoodies? Pretending to care about your schools pride?” Josh said disgust getting clearer with every word. “Babe there has to be a way out of this, i can’t let my best friend slash greatest rival go down this path,” he whined.
“How are you being a bigger sook about this than i am,” Daniel laughed. “I thought you’d be happy, maybe now you can finally get booked,” Daniel said earning a pillow to the face. “But really i will be fine, I’ll just go to class, hang out with Em and hopefully hook up with her cute boss,” he said with a grin.
“Hopefully hook up?” Josh questioned. “Since when do you have to hope to hook up? Oh god you’ve been here five minutes and your already losing sex appeal, next thing you’ll be telling me you’ve got a boyfriend and a cat -” he gasped. “No no,” he said shaking his head. “I can’t let this happen, c’mon lets get going we need to get you dicked down properly,” he said a determined look on his face.
“What you can’t do that yourself anymore,” Daniel teased climbing on top of him. “Oh that’s right you could never keep up with me could you,” he said leaning down so their faces were inches away from each other. “Joshie, your heart is racing and I can feel you against my thigh - you wanna tell me again how i lost my sex appeal,” Daniel whispered in Josh’s ear causing the shorter boy to throw him off him. Daniel winched landing with a thud, asshole.
“I hate you,” Josh pouted. “But seriously let's go out, I have some shopping to do and after that we can go out for dinner and then hit a club unless of course you’ve got some college frat party you want to go,” he said leaning down to look at Daniel, a shit eating grin on his face “Should i get you a snapback just incase.”
“Haha,” Daniel deadpanned, “And mock it all you want but you know i would look amazing in a snapback or beside a frat boy,” he huffed.
Josh shook his head, “The fact that you even said that proves that you desperately get out,” he said swinging his legs over. “I can’t have people know my old hook up is hanging out with frat boys, my reputation will be ruined,” he sighed dramatically.
“Your reputation, “ Daniel snorted. “Sweetie everybody knows exactly what you are like,” he said, causing Josh to roll his eyes.
“Yeah yeah, anyway let's get going, I am bored and way too hot too be stuck in your bedroom,” he said, leaping up. Daniel rolled his eyes biting back the truth which was he wasn’t hot enough to be in Daniel’s bedroom.
“Ugh it’s them,” Josh groaned with an eyeroll. Daniel downing his sake, gesturing vaguely for Joshua to continue. “The couple who thought they owned the La Perla store,” he huffed. Daniel scoffed in recognition, ah yes he remembered Joshua complaining about them, Joshua’s shopping included picking up some garter belts because apparently one of the many, many people he was seeing was into that and when he went to go get them a couple was treating the store like their personal property and having their own little fashion show. Daniel who choose to stay outside spent his time playing on his phone outside of the store and really could have lived without knowing any of it.
“Where?” Daniel asked. “And why do we care?” he said bored. The dinner had been going so well, The Araki, a wonderfully exclusive restaurant that focused on Japanese cuisine. It had them reminiscing off their times spent in Japan back when they were more friends then whatever they were now and now he choose to focus on a couple who couldn’t care less about him. “Oh do you want to join in? Make it a ménage à trois?” Daniel teased.
“He isn’t my type, I like pretty people,” Josh commented. “And over there,” he said barely nodding in the direction. Daniel raised an eyebrow pulling his phone out and making sure it was in selfie mood, in the corner of the screen and saw the couple Joshua had been referring to.
Daniel’s eyes narrowed as he placed the phone back down. Ofcourse it had to be him, Tyrion or whatever his name was. This was the third he had seen this guy out with his girlfriend and once again the girl was completely different from the previous. “Do you know him?” Joshua asked. “Please tell me you haven’t,” Joshua said. “Dae, that isn’t the barista is it because if so i don’t care what Cal says i am taking you with me,” he huffed.
“No, not exactly,” Daniel said. “And don’t compare Sungjae to that,” Daniel snapped. “No, apparently he is the college casanova,” he said rolling his eyes. “If you are finished we can just go, I seem to distinctly remember you mentioned something about going to a club to get me dicked down,” Daniel laughed. Joshua just grinned pretty much leaping up. “Let’s get you laid baby.”
“Look what i got,” Joshua said, bouncing over to Daniel, looking the very image of sin, blonde mused in every direction, lips swollen, neck littered in hickies, shirt hastily buttoned up and fly undone.
“An STD? Daniel said, raising an eyebrow taking a sip of his rum and coke, looking at him judgemental. The night that was supposed to be for him, had quickly turned to Joshua ditching him pretty much on arrival. Daniel couldn’t even enjoy his drink in peace though because despite being in the VIP lounge he had been hit on by several men and even a few women - none of which was his type. Looks like it would just be him and his hand tonight.
“Funny,” Joshua said with an eyeroll, sliding into the booth. “Apparently frat boys have a use after all,” he giggled holding up two baggies, one was obviously pot but the other was a bag full of tiny white tablets. Daniel’s eyes widened as harshly told Joshua to put them away. He wasn’t one of those ‘don’t do drugs’ kind of people, he himself had enjoyed a joint every now and then but that was it. He had told Joshua many times that he wasn’t interested in any hard drugs but the boy just rolled his eyes and told Daniel to stop being a baby.
“Joshua,” Daniel sighed. “Why would suddenly start trusting frat boys?” he asked.
“Well since one of them had a massive di-” he started before bursting out into a fit of giggles. “Don’t worry i already tested the products , it safe and its good really good,” he said sliding closer so he was practically on Daniel’s lap . “Don’t you wanna have some fun Dae?” he offered, hand reaching out and caressing Daniel’s face. Daniel shook his head seeing how bloodshot Joshua’s eyes were.
“Okay,” Daniel said causing the other boy to grin leaning forward, Daniel moved just in time to dodge Joshua’s kiss, instead the boy landed awkwardly on his jaw. “But first we have to get you some water, don’t want you passing out before we start do we?” he said as Joshua groaned but shook his head.
“Okay you stay here, you can be a good boy for me can’t you pretty?” he whispered into his friend’s ear, sliding out from underneath him.
Once he escaped Joshua’s grasp he made his way over to the bar, pushing past the mess of bodies on the dancefloor. He finally got to the busiest part of the club, the bar. Squeezing next to a couple who were pushed up against each other, giggling like stupid school kids.
“Hey what can i get you?’ One of the staff asked looking at Daniel before Daniel could respond. The couple pulled away from each other, the male letting out enough annoyed huff. Daniel turned to them, shaking his head as he saw who it was. Ofcourse it would be him, apparently all straight couple’s in the greater London area included Tyson or whatever his name. “Is there a problem?” the bartender asked.
“No,” the girl, notable a different one responded, two girls in one night - what a classy guy. “It’s just we had been waiting here for a while,” she said. Daniel had to bit his tongue to stop himself from pointing out that maybe the whole attached at the lips, hips and whatever other areas were intertwined together probably didn’t help out getting their drink.
“Right,” Daniel said , “Look, can I just get water and whatever this lovely couple is having infact double it,” he said before anyone could say anything else. The bartender nodded turning to the couple to ask what they are having before taking Daniel’s card and returning with it and a bottle of water a few seconds later before turning to make the couple their drinks. Daniel started to push away before the guy grabbed him, Daniel swore if he started some sort of i don’t need your charity or don’t buy drinks for my girls bullshit he would honestly lose it.
“Here,” he said shoving a few 50 pound notes into his hand. Daniel looked down,tempted to throw it on the floor but deciding he didn’t need an extra drama. He nodded quickly pushing past him and back to the VIP booth only to find Joshua making out with some guy.
Why does he even bother.
Fifth and last
“Was that that Typhoon guy and another girl?” Daniel asked incredolously as he saw Tyler sat on the campus greens with yet another girl. “It’s the fifth one, doesn’t he get tired?” he said. As M who offered to be his tour guide laughed. “Seriously does he have a magic dick? Why would all these girls waste their time on him?”
“Why does it bother you?” M asked raising an eyebrow. “Does young Daniel have a crush?”
“On that man?” Daniel asked before laughing. “Sweetie no ,i want to suck your bestfriend’s brain out through his dick, pretty sure Taylor isn’t my type,” he said bluntly ignoring the way M face contorted in disgust. “I am just confused, straight people make no sense, why would you want five girlfriends,” he said nose scrunching up at the mere thought.
“Well technically it’s only four girlfriends,” M said, “that we know off,” he shrugged. “But the girl he is currently sitting with his little sister, “ M supplied. “How they are related i will never understand, Tara is pretty cool while Tyler is -”
“A whore?” Daniel offered. “But still four girlfriends,” he shook his head.
“Yeah it’s pretty awful, he even has a whole system,” M said frowning. “He dates girls from different cliques because he knows they would never talk to each other,” M explained, how M knew this was not Daniel’s concern but he felt a brief respect for the Tybalt guy, he was creative. “And he tells them that if his mother finds out he is dating anyone she will tell the basketball coach to drop him, so they all keep it a secret,” M continued.
“And the believe that?”
“Love is blindness Daniel,” M laughed.
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Posted 5/25/2020
This is the opening to Ancif.
Under cut due to length.
You had only recently bought a house -more of a small Victorian style manor- in the deep forest, a couple miles off from the thin suburbs, just under a high cliff that was just under a quarter mile high. You had your own reasons for moving so far out; mental issues, family, an ex, health, or just liking the charm the house had.
Even though it was a good hundred or so years old, it had been lightly renovated, no water damage, excellent electrical wiring, no breaks in the interior or exterior, and was just great overall. And, to make sure you didn’t waste hundreds of thousands o n bills, the water supply was from fresh water lakes and rain, electric and heat was solar powered, and was overall self sustained.
Not to mention the area surrounding. Just a couple hundred yards away was a rather large deep tropical water lake that once connected to the ocean a century ago, which held a vast ecosystem and half the forest was the manors property, so you could fish at the lake, plant food, take down trees, build structures, and do whatever you wanted.
Of course, that didn’t mean you would never have to go into town. You still had to go into town for groceries, work, or for buying things for your house and other non-essential bills. 
As these passing thoughts went through and out of your mind, you turned the corner as you drove the large U-Haul towards the obscured residence, the waning gibbous moon shining light onto the narrow dirt road narrowly escaping being concealed by the branches and leaves of the mid spring trees.
As you drove at a low speed, you caught glimpses of different animals around. Was.. Was that a wolf? A.. rather.. large one at that? No! Of course not.. You’re mind must be hallucinating due to lack of sleep from prepping to move, loading your things in alone, and it being rather late -quarter passed two. 
Finally, after a minute or two, the house took shape in front of you in the clearing. 
As you parked the U-Haul and stepped out, you were greeted by a.. large red fox with black markings sitting on the steps that lead to your front porch.
For some reasons, you didn’t feel fear when seeing the canine, and they didn't seem to mind you, even tilting their head at you curiously.
“Hey there,” You greeted softly, crouching to the ground and stretching out your hand with the palm up as they backed away some but did not flee. “Aren’t you gorgeous. Beautiful patterns and a magnificent coat.” You muttered softly to yourself.
This brought the fox in, stepping over to you hesitantly, and then sniffing your hand, which was then that you saw two things. One being they had a duo of scars on their and the second being a glimmer from under their lips, which drew a surprised gasp to leave you, making the fox jump back.
“Oh, you poor thing..” You muttered, gently drawing them closer.
The small fox seemed to have calmed, gently setting their chin onto your hand as you brought the other up to pet them gently, your soft gaze connected with their -now- relaxed gaze, soon gently caressing their ear as your thumb came close to the top of their scar, before a loud call of a bird broke the serenity and the fox's’ head shot up and they quickly disappeared into the forest, but not before a large bird-like shadow crossed over the ground in the moonlight, making you look up in confusion.
Shaking your head some to clear your groggy mind, you stood and headed for the door, a key in hand to unlock the house. As you inserted the key, you heard a creaking from above on the roof, turning around some with furrowed brows.
Probably just a bird. After all, the call you heard told you so.
As the door clicked open, you stepped inside, having to give yourself a moment to cough from the accumulated dust from the house having not been used in quite a bit.
As your eyes adjusted to the dark, you couldn’t help but be a bit surprised upon seeing some cloth covered furniture already here -none of which was yours. 
“Huh,” You muttered in a small laugh. “Someone gift these to me or are they haunted had the previous owners didn't want any spirits coming with them?” 
With a light smile, you went to the wall to  switch on the light, only to near shriek as you felt a mass of fur brush against your leg out of no where.
Quickly flipping on the light and whipping your head around to stare at the floor, you felt your suddenly high nerves calming as you saw a one eyed black puff ball of a cat.
“Aw, hey there sweetie.” You greeted, crouching down to be level with the cat, holding out your hand for them to sniff, resulting in the cat taking a small whiff before nuzzling the backs of your fingers.
“Aren’t you just a darling?” You cooed softly, gently petting the cats head, before your eyes caught on a reflective glimmer from the tree line a few yards away from you porch.
Standing, you then grabbed your keys for some sort of weapon and walked out onto the porch.
“Hello?” You called out loud enough to be heard, but not enough to disturb the sleeping ecosystem. “Is this your cat? I didn’t know. I just moved into this house.” You explained to the night, waiting a few seconds before a light smile cracked your lips. “Maybe leaving the city was good for me.. I’m pretty much talking to myself, aren’t I Little Kage?” You whispered, crouching down to the cat once again, petting them once again, before both your heads shot up at the sound of quiet hissing.
They, however, seemed to calm and instead take interest in the looped chain of the house key held loosely in your hand.
“Oh? Like the key, do you?” You asked with a light laugh, slowly turning your attenuation to the cat once again. “Beautifully crafted, isn’t it? I heard it’s made from steel and a hint of brass and titanium. You’ve a nice taste.” You commented, tilting your wrist down so the key caught and glimmer in the moonlight. However, before you can react, the cat was running off into the forest, your hand suddenly bare from the metal shape.
Looking down at your empty hand, then your gaze going up to follow the mischievous glint in the cats eyes as they glanced over their shoulder with your key hung from their mouth, before leaping off into the forest.
“H-Hey! I need that! Get back you thief!” You yelled, getting up and sprinting off after the reason black cats can be called bad luck.
After a good ten minutes of running and effectively loosing the cat, your body decided it needed a break and bent over, panting heavily as you felt nauseous from all the running. 
Your gaze, however, shot up when you heard a lot of rustling from a bush a few yards in front of you. This wasn’t what put under a terrified freeze. The sight of ruby red eyes stared back into yours, a few inches taller than what you would be standing up. 
The piercing red had you pinned in place as the orbs seemed to have a mist surrounding them. The way they seemed to radiate anger, danger, and.. hunger finally made your body move with a fearful shudder.
You immediately took off once again, a new rush of adrenaline filling you and pushing aside the feeling of sick. 
Behind you, you could hear whatever that was chasing you, gaining quickly at inhuman speed.
Soon, however, you tripped over an uprooted tree root, falling and rolling down a slope. After gathering yourself, you sat up, only to have three pairs of glowing eyes of three large shadowed figures staring down at you.
One was a dark orange speckled with blurs of yellow and brown which held some concern, one a light wine red which had irritation, and the last had a large red one with a tiny flickering second and held a desperate hunger. All of them, however, had shock in their gazes, as if you had stumbled in on a secret meeting that wasn’t supposed to be known about.
It was then that your ears heard the deep hissing above you from where you fell. The glowing red eyes stared down at you with seemingly hatred. 
This was all you needed to clamber up and to run once again, pushing passed the full pair of red and orange eyes, and bolt once again.
There was no way you could fight whatever these were. Were these the forest spirits that teens had talked about after they came out traumatized and scared, wide eyed and once the bad kid now turned silent? 
Ether way, you had to get out of the forest and back to your place. Screw that cat! If it wasn’t for them, you wouldn’t have to be chased down by angry creatures that seemed to want to kill you!
It wasn’t only then that you realized you were going up hill. The only hill around was the cliff that overlooked the forest on all sides except the one you were scaling. However, it was way too late to turn back now as it seemed the red eyed hissing spirit had been swapped for the flickering eye spirit, deep growling and panting coming from them as their gaze stayed locked on you, freezing you to the core with cold terror.
It wasn’t very long until you were shoved to the ground with the massive snarling spirit above you, finally being able to see their face.
They were a rather masculine skeleton with a large build, huge sharp canines or teeth in general, and a broken skull. He also had a single torn blood red wolf ear. But what surprised you the most was the desperate look as he suddenly buried his face against your neck and took a deep, shuddering breath, seeming to visibly relax... Before suddenly getting thrown off of you. 
Towering over you now stood a shorter, leaner skeleton with an agitated look. “You fucking idiot!” The skeleton shrieked, his attention completely on the other who he’d pushed off of you. The idiot was on his lower arms and knees, seeming in a trace as he stared wide eyed at the ground, saliva dripping from his jaws as his gaze slowly lifted to you.
Your gaze, however, was on the newer skeleton. He had a dark brown colored feather wings from his wrists to his lower back, also having a slight beak-like jaw that came out some and had a gold-like tint. He seemed to have a light orange-red shoulder feather.
Your attention was soon snapped from him as a tall and lanky skeleton gently tugged you up. “Human? Are you alright?” He asked in concern, but you recognized the rust-like magic color. He was the one who towered above you along side the flicker magic skeleton after you fell getting chased by the first spirit -who you could guess was also a skeleton. 
Rusty helped you stand as Feathers tried to keep Flickers attention off of you, which seemed impossible as he stared right through the smaller skeleton and straight at you with desperation, need, hunger, and fear. 
It only took a second, before both Feathers and Rust were pushed down and Flicker was after you once again. 
You bolted once again, like a scared rabbit. Little did you know you were headed for the three-way cliff.
A yell from Flicker was all it took for you to loose focus and take a run off the cliff.
Was this how you died?
Trying to settle alone? Getting hunted by monster forest spirits? 
As some tears filled you eyes as you braced yourself for the ground which was hundreds of feet away, the world jolted as wind -instead of coming from below- gently whispered passed your face as a deep voice grumbled curses.
After all the excitement, a small glance up at a grey-white face with blue eyes was all it took before your mind went black, as did your sight as consciousness slipped your mind.
The sun gently filtered through the windows and onto you through the fluttering blankets that replaced curtain.
As you sat up, you winced as you held your side.
Looking down after lifting your shirt, you saw a large bruise. 
It was then you saw the bottle of water and pill bottle beside it, rested by a folded note with.. animal parts surrounding it?
You wondered what each of these could be used for, before a headache hit you and you quickly downed the pills and started to read.
‘Dear new owner, I’m sorry for all the excitement last night. Some of us were excited to meet you, others upset at your arrival. Try to be more careful when entering the forest. Some parts are off limits. Don’t bother trying to tell anyone about what happened. No one would believe you. -Mono’ This part unnerved you, despite the carefully placed and neat writing, but the small round deep blue stone lined with black and white veins held a sense of security.
‘Hello human! I am excited to meet you, but glad the others had got to do so! Don’t be afraid to ever find me! -Talie’ This writing was slim, but sort of bold, bigger than the previous one. Despite the short pair of lines, a small smile was brought to your lips. This was paired with a small cream colored shell, the cream paired with a soft brown speckled with red and sandy yellow.
‘Greetings human! I hope we can meet in person soon! You are a rather magnificent being! Very, very pretty! -Invei’ Despite the handwriting that was a bit shaky and curved, this made you on edge. Who was this? Who had seen you enough to analyze your face? Despite this, a soft blue pearl was in duo with this part. 
‘Hey human. Hows your knee? You fell pretty hard last night. Careful when you come into the trees. Call my name when you hold a clover. I’ll guide you safely for whatever you want up until you leave. -Al’ The loosely drawn letters with such an uneven pattern gave you a bit more ease than the actual words. A unlike all the other writings, this held no gift.
‘Human, I apologize for chasing you last night. I simply didn’t like you naming my cat nor touching him. However, you moved into the house he was staying, so it wa-’ At this point you lost interest in this part as it irritated you. You did however, look at the name ‘-Viper’ Paired with Vipers note was your house key!
‘What’s up human? Ya like the dirt do much you fell for it? That’s not alright y’know. Rather filthy, dirty even. -Domni’ Your nose wrinkled some from the jokes as a small sigh left your mouth. A red scale was settled next to this section.
‘How stupid can you get?! Why would you ever go into the woods known for traumatization, disappearances, and death?! Humans are still stupid after all this time? Next time don’t go jumping off cliffs! You’re lucky Mono had been there to save your ass! -Centri’ Not gonna lie, Centri sounded like a dick, but it was better than him not caring, you guessed. He had a feather with his note, starting with black and fading to the rusty red coloring half way to the tip.
‘Are you alright human? Ren hit you hard. Are you hurt? Good. Maybe you’ll learn to stay away from my brothers nesting peak! He’s the only reason you aren’t torn apart and eaten! But’ a spacing. Hesitation, maybe? ‘try to be more careful. Thank you for being kind to me. -Relia’ There was a tuft of black and red fur with this. Odd.. reminds you of the large fox you’d encountered.
‘Hello new friend! I am writing on the behalf of my brother. He wants to apologize for the actions he undertook last night. He was rather hungry last night and the others have constantly moved prey out of our land so you can surely understand what happened lest night. I can’t wait to meet you! In fact, let’s meet tomorrow! -Inten + Ren’ Duo with this font was a co-dominant red and white rose head with a small fluffy black feather curled around the side.
With a slight smile, you placed these objects onto the table in a display and sat down for a bit longer, before deciding to get up and start cleaning the house and move things inside.
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The Milo Murphy’s Law Wiki Guy AU: Balthazar Cavendish Vs The World: Chapter 1: Prologue: The First Domino Falls
The stage is set.
The curtain parts and we are greeted with a big ass title card that states in what can almost be described as a whisper that the year is
2141 The place? Marlborough Lines, Andover, Hampshire, in the United Kingdom. 51° 12′ 32.72″ N, 1° 31′ 17.65″ W.
As we cross non league football grounds, a railway station and a flour mill, we can see a mostly industrial town, in which the clouds are grey, yet cool.
Not your stereotypical English weather here, folks!
In this sort of lifeless small town, rooted in traditional thinking, we approach the very basis of this old timey tree of a town: Marlbourough Lines, the official Army Headquarters of The United Kingdom.
At first glance, the building would seem unimportant to most: Beige walls, multiple green doors, surprisingly miniscule.
In fact, its most striking external feature would be its oddly shaped roof.
Ah, but you see…
It is what inside that is important.
And it is definitely true with Marlborough Lines, and as we enter the doors, the hustle and bustle of Behind The Scenes army management is shown to our curious eyes.
Here you will not see men and women in green practice their shooting, however.
Here, my dear friends, is where we find the minds behind the operations.
Men in dark blue high neck tunics and elaborate headwear shuffle along importantly, discussing matters with a dry, formal air.
Everything, even the most trivial of conversations is gravely important.
Bushy beards and wrinkled faces nod and harrumph, and sounds of hurried typing and fax machine dials reverberate in a light room.
One of these bearded men, a Sergeant Arthur Wilson, former bank clerk from Thetford, Norfolk, currently twiddling his thumbs and pacing agitatedly near a big, wooden brown door, made of the oldest and finest yew,  is tasked with a most unenviable errand: Deliver the Chief of the General Staff bad news.
The polished wall clock tick tocked the seconds away, causing more and more sweat to glisten on Sergeant Wilson’s forehead, as he took out a hankerchief to wipe the droplets away.
“Just get it over with, Arthur old boy…”, he told himself, trying to ignore his heart’s desire to leap out and travel the world as a minstrel.
Or a dog show judge. He hadn’t chosen yet.
“You may come in, Sergeant Wilson.”, the gruff yet deathly serious commanding tone of the Chief of the General Staff sounded from within the office out to poor Arthur’s ears.
Arthur gulped, his throat almost croaking like a toad as he edged nervously towards the shiny brass metal door knob.
As he wiped his brow once more, he tried to settle his irate nerves.
“Take it easy, old chap. It’s just routine. Yes, routine.”
He nervously turned the handle.
“Why, you’ve told him this a million times.”
Of course, a small voice inside him couldn’t help but retort “Well, he’s also massacred you every single time you’ve said that.”
But there was no time to dilly dally.
Otherwise Arthur would get massacred twice.
And there were only so many times that could happen in a day.
Arousing last bits of blind courage, Arthur swung the door open wide, entering the office with a frenzy.
“Sir, I have bad news to report!”, he shouted out in attention, saluting the currently turned with his back to him chief.
The office was quite a sight to see: Swarms of medals decorated the walls, maps and diagrams of key hot spots and defensive positions hung on every spot that wasn’t filled with pictures of important people meeting the Chief, and shelves upon shelves of thick, detailed books on military history stood proudly, knowledge practically oozing from their yellowing pages.
However, that was not what caught Arthur’s eyes, and certainly your eyes would agree.
All eyes would and should dart towards the Chief himself, his imposing and towering stature present even when seated.
His back was hunched in thought, but since no one could see his eyes, no one could tell whether said thoughts were stormy or cordial.
One thing for sure: He would not like the news.
And that was immediately apparent in his dark, turquoise eyes that almost cut Arthur to ribbons without a single word.
The rest of the slaughter would be done with his piercing and sharp voice, one that could slice through air like it was… Well, air.
“What… Bad news, Sergeant?”, The Chief asked with a decidedly displeased tone.
Sergeant Wilson took a moment to breath as his voice trembled.
“Well… You see… It’s about… Um… Oh, you know…”
“This never gets easier, does it?”, he thought to himself.
The Chief, his rifle green high neck tunic and monocle now present, stood up, his large form now even more apparent as he strode towards Arthur, each step echoing in the halls of Arthur’s mind.
“In actual fact, Sergeant Wilson, I don’t know. If I did know… The matter would have been resolved long ago.”
His hands crossed behind his back, his head now lowering to meet the meek man below him, The Chief stared him straight in the eyes. The whites of his eyes to be specific.
“Refusing to report under order could lead to serious trouble for you.”, He said with way more than a hint of a threat in his words.
He tugged at the cross adorning Arthur’s chest.
“Would be a real pity if someone as essential as you lost their privilege to serve the Queen’s army over something as trivial as… Bad news.”
His words were loud and clear, and as Arthur gulped one last time, he choked out the message he so feared.
“Understood sir. It’s… It’s about your son, sir.”
The Chief’s composure died alongside Arthur’s words, his monocled eye twitching and his dulcet tones now replaced with rage and frustration.
“You don’t mean…”
He seethed and huffed, slamming the door aside, knocking Arthur down to the ground with a loud thud.
“Back to your duties, Sergeant Wilson!”, The Chief barked as he marched down the hall towards the entrance doors with great intensity.
“I will deal with Balthazar personally!”
As the doors swung wide and the sun invaded the premises, a doozy Arthur weakly saluted from the ground.
“As you wish, Chief Cavendish…”
1. Just seeing that there’s a title and a tagline and that this story is finally happening is magical to me. A friend of mine and I came up with this back in October 2018, and I’ve been adding more and more to it ever since!
2. Believe it or not, back when I was consistently making stories for the wiki, the plan was to post this on December 2018 (preferably Christmas). There would be a sequel (which I hadn’t chosen yet, and would end up becoming WaffleTail’s requested “Is This A Crossover Fanfic?”) and the threequel, “The Question”, was scheduled for Serend’s birthday. As you all know, the reverse happened.
3. Only a few things were clear to me from the start: The title, the plot (at least, parts of it), the villains and the ending. The musical parts were only thought of back in September 2019 after a first viewing of Steven Universe: The Movie left quite the impression!
4. The purple font that stops after Cavendish is on purpose: Purple is the official BI-Sexual color on the LGBTQ+ Flag. It represents his denial. The World is black because most of it (outside of a few close friends) want him to be someone else.
5. I like the intro! The story is written as a movie, a musical and a play, so the whole curtain shebang was fun to add!
6. I must say that another inspiration comes from MelissaFan’s musical about Milolissa! It sparked something in me, so thanks, Colleen!
7. 2141’s green font (that you can't see) is because of Cavendish, and because it felt kind of soft and homely, before everything goes to the shit.
8. Every detail in this one, from the military uniforms to the longitude and latitude to the locations are accurate. Lot’s of research for this one!
9. It was fun writing this chapter! This story HAD to be different to my usual stories, so I spend a lot of time on locations. It feels slower than most of my work, and it was fun to try doing that!
10. It is what inside that is important isn’t very subtle, true.
11. Arthur Wilson is one big “Dad’s Army” reference, and I love him for that!
12. In general, writing this scene was so different! It really feels like nothing we’ve seen before in the AU, which is most of this story. It’s easily the most mature, adult and sad story yet, and it takes us to places we’ve never seen!
13. And we finally see Cavendish’s Dad! He did appear as a ghost in “This Date Must Work” but it is here that is his true debut! He doesn’t feature that much (in fact, once this prologue ends, you won’t see him again until the end), but he is important! His presence is the reason Cavendish is the way he is, and he is arguably the biggest figure in Cavendish’s life!
I’m sure some of you may find this chapter a tad disappointing: Only 1k words? And it’s not even about Cavendish? Yes, I get you. But don’t worry! Not only is this chapter important, it will  be continued on Monday, where some REALLY big things happen!
In short: Lil’ Cavendish. Nuff said.
Please share your thoughts on this one! I’d be more than happy to answer all maner of praise, critique and questions you may have! Here, on FF.Net, Ao3 or Tumblr, I’ll take anything!
See ya then!
The Milo Murphy’s Law Wiki Guy.
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kitchenwitchbae · 5 years
The Sound of Magic; Prologue
Julian slid deeper into the shadows in the alley next to the witch’s lair. He hadn’t seen or spoken to the witch … for many years. He pushed through his own negative thoughts of the witch, determined for once to not lose his nerve. For these missing gaps in his mind, for the curse upon his throat, for the answers, he must confront his past. And he must do it tonight. The key burned in his pocket; he’d kept it, all these years. Even if the witch wasn’t home, he’d be able to search the rooms that he did remember. The back door was covered by shadows and it was ridiculously easy to slip up to the threshold. The key weighed heavily in his fingers, he nearly dropped it twice. As he slid the tarnished metal into the lock, he paused, sensitive ears twitching at the low flowing sounds.
He briefly looked over his shoulder for a moment before looking back at the door. The sounds were coming from inside. Strange. He hadn’t known the witch to sing. Granted, he doesn’t know much about them anymore. Perhaps…
Julian eased open the backdoor, internally blessing the gods that the witch kept the hinges well-oiled. The singing grew louder and if it were possible, more beautiful. It couldn’t be the witch. So who…? He left the door open behind him for a quick exit and stealthily crept forward into the hallways shadows.
The lights were still lit in the shop, the gentle glow beckoning him forward. The leather of his gloves creaked slightly as he balanced himself against the wall before leaning ever-so-slightly forward to peep into the room. He almost fell over.
A young woman (short, long brown hair in a braid laced with ribbons, deliciously curvy - bad Julian!) danced about the shop, vocalizing luscious notes without words into the air sparkling with magical motes of silver. A cloth followed her across the room. He watched, eye widening as he realized what she was doing.
With every high lilting note, the cloth lifted itself, dusting down a bottle or a box. With every low sustained note, it slid across the shelf or surface, wiping it down. Every vibrato caused the cloth to swirl in the air, both sending sparks of silver magic and dust motes into the air. He only began to blink again when his eye stung like the Devil.
The young woman was singing magic. He’d never seen or even heard of anyone doing magic like this. He felt almost as if he were intruding into something he wasn’t meant to see. A strange feeling for him. It grew, twisting in his stomach, although it had to fight with the butterflies to form. Perhaps he should just-? But what of his answers? She should be able to answer some of his questions, at least telling him where the other one was or when he could expect them back.
She sang a high quivering note and finished her vocalizing. The cloth spun itself clean in the air and gently floated down to the woman’s outstretched hands. “Thank you so much,” she said quietly to the cloth, folding it neatly in her nimble fingers. “I appreciate your help.”
Her voice pierced his heart, making him grimace as a familiar pain shot through his mind. Damn headaches, not now!
She froze.
She turned, brilliant purple eyes skittering across the shadows. “What’s going on? Who’s there?”
He stumbled backward as a single harsh note escaped her lips and a tongue of fire appeared in her hands. “I warn you not to play with fire!” she sang out to the hallway, the fire leaping about in her hands like a living thing. His feet, moving without his command, took him down the hallway and he found himself breaking free of the shadows to run through the open door.
He didn’t touch it, not daring to call more attention to himself. His boots carried him across the cobblestones as he hightailed it from the alley before she or her fire could follow him. He ran. 
Many turns later, he was sure she nor the ever-present palace guards had followed him. He ducked into an alley behind his favorite tavern, The Rowdy Raven, and slumped against the wall. He pulled off a glove and placed his bare hand over his heart. It pounded under his long fingers and he sucked in a shaking breath.
Her voice came back to him, the soft ‘thank you’ and the sonorous melodies that wove themselves into her magic. His headache doubled, but this time, he ignored it. This was worth remembering. She was worth remembering. And something else nagged at him from the back of his brain.
Next time, he’d get her name.
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bearogenes · 5 years
Dear Bearogenes: I worry that I’ll never find someone.
I'm a trans boy and I worry sometimes that I'll never find a partner who wants someone like me. I don't know why I am sharing this with you other than you feel like a safe space.
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I will always be safe space. My home is a haven of peace, tranquility, safety and trust and this blog is my virtual home so those rules apply here as well. Don’t apologize for using your voice and reaching out. You’d only need to be sorry for not doing so because it would deny me the chance to take this moment with you and use it to impart a bit of my hard earned wisdom with you and those who read my blog.
It can be easy to ‘tune out’ messages that call out things like identity amid the static of our increasingly factionalized world, but my work is entirely in defiance of such things. It is always about being human. I may address those definition points that people use to help understand themselves, but I want them to also understand that beneath that lies the real person and that is who my response is written to. 
It can feel like ‘never’ may be the most likely expectation when you think about finding love because ‘yet’ is still in play. You have yet to find what you’re looking for and so ‘never’ becomes an acceptable way to excuse the cowardice of surrendering the implicit hope that yet entails. If that sounds cruel, it should because it is meant to wake you up because I truly wish you to see what I am about to show you.
At night, the sun will never come up for the same reason that you’ll never find a partner: it hasn’t happened yet. Every time I hear a someone say “I’ll never be..” or “I’ll never find…” it frustrates me because those words become prophesy. You begin to believe them, accept them and even feel like that’s ‘right or proper’ somehow but I have something to say on that idea as well.
There is no such thing as ‘right’ or ‘just’ in the mechanics of the universe. We invent those terms, we give them rules and identify what is and isn’t them, but they are nowhere to be found in the natural world. They are the sole province of opinion and superstition. They are bitter pills dispensed by ideologies that punish instead of elevate those who walk this earth and are the ‘excuse’ given to people enacting vengeance or acting on their base violent natures.
Concepts of mercy, justice, honor, glory, all of them, are figments of culturally accepted imagination. The universe doesn’t even recognize them as anything more than fairy tales and so they are. They are a construct we created to serve a moral compass that has become twisted into weapons instead of teaching tools. The good are rewarded and the evil punished. Strange how that doesn’t work out.
If we wish there to be more in this world than chemicals and forces, principles and laws, then it is up to us to create them, to reinforce them and re-envision them as time goes on. We must believe them real and we must act on them to make them so but they do not exist independently of our own desire for a world that somehow makes sense. It doesn’t always, the world can often seem like a madhouse run by the patients, but that doesn’t stop us from trying perhaps too hard to give it some kind of order. It’s how we explain things to ourselves so we feel better about bad things in our lives. The fact of the matter is that it’s just not at all how reality functions but that won’t stop us from trying to make it that way.
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The heart is an impatient thing and a terrible paradoxical thinker when left unchecked. It understands eternity but has the patience of smoke on the breeze. It wants everything now, to drown in laughter and joy this very moment and every moment forever. The heart is the child that lives within us all, but reality requires us be more than childish. We have to be resolute, determined and most of all hopeful, to make it through the times between tick ‘I’m alone’ and tock ‘I’m not’.
That’s the secret however. When you find love, everything past becomes prologue to the ‘ever after’ feeling of this new story and all pain is simply prelude to the joy that follows. The waiting becomes a footnote, a rehearsal, and you barely remember that feeling of absence or being alone. You may wait a lifetime, but even if it were to show up in the last minutes of your life, not a single moment would have been wasted. You just have to make it there and you’ll understand what I mean.
That’s why you have to put ‘yet’ in the place where ‘never’ sits in your thoughts. Never is a silly word, as are all generalities, because they are in essence lies told to reinforce a desired (or dreaded) feeling. “I’ll never find a partner’ is no more accurate than “Man will never fly”. The mad fools who stuck wood to steel and shoved it down a hill didn’t give up believing in their dream and did not stop working toward it only to wind up doing the impossible: they flew.
Your heart must be the same way. You may never have flown before, but after this moment the only thing you can say that IS true is that you haven’t flown yet.
Yet is temporary, irritating and can be daunting at times, but it is not permanent. Don’t let the wrong word change the story in your head because that lets it change the one in your heart. All that believing in “never” does is keep your eyes pointed to the ground, your expression crestfallen and hopeless, and makes you withdraw from the light because ‘what’s the point, you’ll be alone anyway”. Never is a lie and it’s time to replace that lie with the truth.
That can be a hard trick though because the lie is comfortable. The lie means no risk because you don’t believe you’d be ‘rewarded’ or ‘succeed’ so it eliminates the chance of pain for nothing. That is why I called it cowardice, because it sacrifices hope in exchange for nothing and somehow tries to make it right or just to do so. It makes me ask a terrible question in return when faced with that kind of ‘prophesy’ in play:
Think of how long you’ve felt alone. How long you’ve felt wrong or undeserving. Be honest with yourself about it. How long have you hated yourself so much that you think yourself unlovable? Think about how that made you feel and what it made you do. Did you meet the gaze of everyone you met, shake every offered hand, share every laugh that happened around you, or did you close your eyes and walk past the person smiling at you or trying to start conversations. Why bother right? It’s not like they wanted something more from you.
Given how the universe actually works, in all that time do you have any idea how many times you walked right past happiness, how many times you shrugged off the compliments love was trying to pay you, and worse how many times you buried your eyes in the ground and narrowly avoided realizing you are beautiful?
THIS is the price of never. It makes itself come true but not because the world doesn’t have it in store for you but because YOU never. You never meet those gazes, share those laughs, smile and say thank you to a compliment. You never take the chance that the hand reaching for you wants to see if you are real because to them you couldn’t possibly be, having walked into view after exiting their dreams. You choose this when you believe in never and after long enough you become the Never.
It’s time to start becoming yet.
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You, and all who feel like you; that there’s no place or hope for you, need to abandon never and learn to accept yet. It’s hard because it means risk, it means that dreadful waiting, but yet has hope of becoming the past while never can’t ever be. There are things you can do to change never into yet, but you have to accept those risks in order to make them happen.
When you think, stop yourself the moment you say to yourself ‘this can never happen’ and replace it with ‘this hasn’t happened yet’. Instead of “I’ll never find my partner” say “I haven’t found him yet”. Try it and you’ll see the difference and if you can’t then you keep doing that until you start to.
So simple a thing can be a profound change in you well beyond even just your way of thinking.It can lead you to meet that gaze, share that smile, shake that hand or even (dare I say it) accept the compliment someone might seek to give you.
It doesn’t mean you leap into every pair of arms that happens by, but it means you don’t keep your eyes cast to the ground so that you never see that they are there to begin with. It means instead of hanging your head that you might see a little sunlight instead of the shadow around your feet. It means so much more than this: it means that love has a chance to replace yet.
Promise me.
Promise me that when you begin to hear yourself say never that you will stop right there and forcefully remind yourself that the correct word is yet. You’ve been using the wrong word your whole life and now it’s time to learn to use the right one. It’s like calling a television a bathmat. It’s just the wrong word you’ve learned to say out of habit and it’s time to break that habit. You have to take this step to take the next one and the one after that and so on because life is a journey and not a series of destinations.
Restore your hope, disregard that fallacy of never, and take the first steps towards something better even than yet:
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My best, as always, goes with you.
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sparklingdali · 6 years
Ogniem i mieczem: PAS DE TROIS BALLET AU 
Due the popular demand I present a short prologue for the two people who showed interest @bachaboska and @meadowlarkx.
This is something me and @thecrystalmadness have been working on. I blame her for making me write this as I would never in my life consider writing modern day AU and ballet. Thanks for ruining my summer. 
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It took a while till they arrived at the house of the Kurcewiczs because Wasyl was slowing them down, stopping to point out various crosses atop church rooftops with an excitement that went beyond understanding. His brothers were, however, completely accustomed to it by now.
“He always does this,” said Symeon a little defensively but neither him or Mikołaj complained, they just looked deadly bored. Bohun didn’t understand half of what Wasyl was talking about because his appreciation of churches began and ended with a hazy memory of one with round domes coated in gold that he must have seen in Kiev as a child. When looking at them now he mostly only felt relief he was no longer forced to go to masses like in the children’s home.
“We will just have to wait for him,” continued Symeon with a side look that spoke volumes. Bohun felt almost offended, as he was never rude towards Wasyl and actually helped Mikołaj beat a few guys at school for making fun of him. But Symeon was fourteen, two years older than them, tasked with the thankless job of trying to pull his brother through basic education. Being in the same class with him and having to listen to snarky remarks  on his brother’s intelligence only increased his protectiveness. Bohun knew Wasyl should have been going to high school by now, though he couldn’t really determine his age.
Wasyl finally stopped blabbering about the difference between the rib vault and the fan vault so they resumed walking. After a long time they finally reached the Rozłogi Street, which gave the whole neighborhood a name. Bohun could see this was a much better looking place than the one he was living in with his foster parents. They passed small villas with neatly mowed lawns, surrounded by tall white gates and expensive looking cars, that gleamed in the afternoon sun, although none of them could rival Burłaj’s proudly displayed old broken polonez in the backyard. Bohun never realized that the Kurcewiczs were kind of rich and suddenly felt out of place in his hand-me-down clothes and shoes, of which he was already the third owner.
“Byahvyou to our royal estate,” said Mikołaj in bad imitation of French when they reached a cube-like modern house with a huge steel gate that one could almost admire for its unapologetic ugliness. “Jean, don’t just stand there, open the door for our most esteemed guest.”
Bohun laughed while Symeon rolled his eyes and pressed a chip on his key-chain to a blinking box on the wall. The gate suddenly opened. Despite Mikołaj’s jokes the camera at the top of the gate still made him feel like he was infiltrating the place. He wondered why they had such big security here. Bohun followed them along the stepping-stone path with a wide grin, admiring the trees lining it, branches bent under the weight of the cherries.
They played with a ball for a while in the playground behind the house, enjoying the warm weather. Wasyl was clearly dominating the game, being the fastest and biggest of them. Despite Bohun’s many attempts to catch up to him and retake the ball for his team, he didn’t succeed even once.
He barely remembered the last time he felt so carefree and normal. He liked Burłaj but there were too many children in his house. The older kids rarely did anything else in their free time beside trying to sneak out for a smoke and a few drinks, which Bohun found quite boring. The only one with whom he formed a fragile bond was Horpyna and she was a huge weirdo.
He recalled the first time he met her, being bored out of his mind and lying atop Burłaj’s car. A scraping sound woke him from brooding. He cracked one eye open and saw a shadow of a gangly girl with messy hair.
There was something unsettling about her and the dark glint in her eyes only added to the menacing impression. Years spent in the children’s home honed his fight or flight reflex (being no coward he mostly went with fight) and his senses were telling him this older girl was not to be messed with.
“Looks like old Burłaj went looking for stray cats again, huh? Aren’t you adorable,” she cooed.
“Who the fuck are you?” Annoying right from the start, Bohun thought.
“Haven’t learned how to say hello?”
“Hello, bitch.”
She laughed. “My, my, such refined manners. Pray tell, were your parents junkies or filthy pedos?”, she asked as if this was a perfectly normal thing to talk about. Bohun, thought he had seen a lot in his life, couldn’t find any response to that.
“Have you met Big Foot already?”
“Yeah… I did. I don’t like him.”
“Perfect. You have a nose for sniffing out the bastards. Wanna put spiders in his bed?”
Bohun looked up with interest, but cautiously stopped himself and asked.
“Why do you need me for this? Afraid of spiders?”
“Excuse you, I love them”, she said mock offended. “But I can’t actually put them there, he would immediately know it was me.”
“What’s in it for me?”
“Don’t tell me you’re scared.”
“No. I will do it. But I want something in return.”
“And that would be?”
“Never call me adorable again.”
Horpyna cackled.
Big Foot’s shrieking was to this present day still a fond memory.
“Let’s go inside and change. Dinner is in about an hour and Mother will be displeased if we’re not prepared,” Mikołaj said dramatically.
They lead him inside the house. Bohun didn’t have much time to look around, as they quickly dragged him upstairs in front of the bathroom.
“You go shower first, Stinklord, we have to settle something.”
Mikołaj ignored Bohun’s indignant huff and laughed. Just before he shut the door, Bohun caught a glimpse of him clenching his fist into a ball hovering above a flat palm.
“And don’t you dare to cheat again, Wasyl,” was the last thing he heard until he stopped paying attention.
Bohun showered quickly since he didn’t want to get yelled at for wasting water. He dried himself with his dirty clothes, unsure of which towel to use, and put on the shorts and the t-shirt in which he went to Hopak after school. He passed Symeon on his way out who had obviously won their little game.
“You can watch TV in the kitchen if you want. Mikołaj and Wasyl were blathering on about some stupid reality show,” Symeon said with disgust and closed the door behind him.
Having no idea where the kitchen was in this big maze of a house, Bohun only knew he had to take the stairs to get where they came from, but the moment he ended up on the ground floor he saw that all doors looked the same. A single door was open so he decided that one was his best bet, although Bohun wouldn’t peg the soothing music coming out of it as typical for ‘stupid reality shows’.
His suspicions turned right when Bohun found himself in a mirror-clad room with a high ceiling. In the middle was a girl that couldn’t have been much younger than him holding her leg up straight.
She didn’t stay there for long. As if on command, she spun around and made an elaborate jump. Bohun immediately noticed that despite leaping so high her landing was smooth and her legs didn’t buckle at all. She started spinning again and then made several deliberate steps on her toes towards the handrail where she went on to do some routine that looked complicated at first but the more he watched her the more he saw the individual moves flowing after each other in perfect synchronization. It was captivating and while he didn’t think about it in those words, the elegance and beauty of what he saw completely enchanted him. It reminded him, out of all things, of his mother, walking on an upturned bench and swinging her leg, jumping and landing and he couldn’t tear his eyes away.
When the music faded softly away, he shouted: “That was really good!”
The girl turned her head towards him abruptly, dark eyes wide. He was already walking towards her however, seeing fear on her face replaced by caution. What was she afraid of, Bohun thought with amusement.
“How did you do it? Like this?” He executed the standing split with a grunt, showing off a little. Most people couldn’t do what he did, even if he got a lot worse at it since he had stopped training with mom. Stretching while brushing his teeth in the morning or doing headstands and flips to freak out his roommates really didn’t cut it. As he watched himself in the mirror, he was far from the easy elegance in which the girl did what he was trying to do.
He finally let his leg down and turned back to her. “I haven’t even told you my name! I’m Jurko. You’re the cousin, right? “
She did look nothing like the Kurcewicz brothers who all had dirty blond hair and were pretty fair skinned in comparison to her.
“I’m Helena,” she said a little defensively, as if she was disappointed that he didn’t know her name. She turned away and resumed practicing.
He began to imitate her slowly and while Helena was watching him with squinted eyes, as if she couldn't decide if he was mocking her or seriously attempting to follow her dancing. Soon a small smile appeared on her face and only grew wider when she saw his reflection in the mirror as he tried to do a pirouette and ended up feeling dizzy.
Helena looked like she wanted to say something a few times and now she finally gathered the courage.
“Alright then. First position, put your feet apart like this.” Her voice quivered at first, but as she continued talking, obviously knowing a lot about ballet, it changed and Helena recited the positions in a decisive, loud voice, actually reminding him of one of his despotic teacher’s at school.  It would probably annoy him if she weren’t like ten, making the whole affair amusing instead, especially since she liked to use weird french words.
“Now second position, third position. Put your arm a little higher, yes, you’re doing great,” she said enthusiastically. “Fourth position aaand...fifth position!”
He thought that he more or less managed to do everything she told him to. They went through the basic positions for a while but it started to bore him a little. So he asked her if she would show him how to do the pirouette again.
“Also what about this?” He furrowed his eyebrows and attempted to stand on his toes. His ankles gave out immediately at first, not used to balancing his center like that, and he fell down rather spectacularly. Helena snickered. Grinning, he immediately stood up to try again. This time he persisted for all of three seconds. Helena’s snickers turned into a full-belly laughter. Bohun was positively radiating with glee, her giggling only making him want to try harder.
“We should try the pirouettes. You need special shoes for pointe, they have hard soles to help you stand on your toes. Also it’s mostly for girls.”
“How come you don’t have shoes like that then?”
“You aren’t allowed to start too early because it damages your feet,” Helena explained seriously. “But I will be getting them in a year and half!” She turned on place, excited.  “Now the pirouette!” The tone of her voice changed again into a command. She ran towards him, showing him what to do with his feet.
“You put you foot here,” her fingertip went into the notch at the top of her knee. “And stand really straight. Like somebody just jabbed you into ribs.”
“Please don’t do that,” Bohun was standing upright on one of his legs, perfectly balanced but obviously concentrating very hard to be so.
“Like when I showed you how to do plies, you need to keep balance there,” she said while putting hands on her hips. “And then you turn into the fourth position.”
Helena watched him with wide eyes as he imitated her. She then continued to show him how to position his arms and demonstrated the pirouette several times while he watched.
“Also remember you are not trying to go around but up,” she said but Bohun was no longer listening, spinning at the spot at first in disjointed fashion and stopping a few times, but gradually imitating pirouette.
It was harder than it looked like. He stopped the attempts after a while, feeling sick.
“Oh, I forgot!” Helena covered her mouth. “You need to keep your eyes on the spot otherwise you will get sick.”
Bohun had hands over his face, thinking for a second he might really be, but then he only ran his fingers through his overgrown hair. “I think I will do it with closed eyes for a bit.”
When he lifted his leg and started spinning, Bohun finally felt like he got it. Somehow, it seemed easier with closed eyes.
“You are really good,” the awe in her voice prominent. “I can’t believe you are picking this up so fast. Did you ever do ballet before? Maybe when you were little? I started at four!”
Bohun, terribly proud that he managed to learn the pirouette, made a few more attempts. This was exactly just as much fun as it looked, he thought. When he finally stood with both legs on the ground, tired, there was a small smile on his face.
“No. But I will show you what I did.”
Bohun went still and sized the amount of space in front of him. He jumped on his hands, did a handspring, then immediately pushed himself off with his legs again in the air, stopping at a head stand. There he turned his eyes toward Helena who was clapping her hands excitedly and smiling.
“You are a gymnast!”
Bohun put his feet back to the ground, wiping his hands. “Not anymore, but I used to be. I just do hopak now with-”
He suddenly stopped. In the door stood an older woman with a stern face and long blonde hair tied into a tight ponytail. Seeing him freeze, Helena turned to face the woman, who in return gave Helena a reproaching look. Bohun decided this must be her aunt.
“Is this what you call practice, young lady?” she scolded her. Then turned her icy gaze towards Bohun.
“I’m sorry, madame,” Helena said without looking up, sounding dejected.
Kurcewiczóvna was a witness to a scene which she didn’t prepare herself for. Helena had terrible tendency to just dance whatever she wanted to when left alone which she could at least forgive but there were times when she found her still stretching over some book half an hour after she should be already dancing. And now apparently forsaking ballet altogether over playing gymnastics with some friend her boys brought from school.
“And who are you?” she turned towards the boy who was staring at her with almost open mouth. But he quickly recovered:
“It’s Bo-hun. Hello, madame,” he for some reason bowed and gave her a cheeky grin. “I came with Mikołaj.”
After a long pause Kurcewiczóvna said slowly in an absolutely unimpressed voice: “Hello.”  She was wondering where her sons picked up this insolent brat. “Would you excuse us for a moment? Why don’t you go play with Mikołaj?” she asked with a smile that didn’t quite reach her eyes.
Helena, who was until now biting her lip to not laugh at her, became very somber, suddenly trying to act like the perfect image of an obedient and respectful pupil.
“But we were practicing ballet before. I was teaching him basic positions and how to do a pirouette. Here, please show her!” she turned with pleading eyes to Bohun. “He’s really good.” she whispered.
Bohun got into first position with an inner grace not possessed by many in his age, eyeing her expectantly, almost challenging. Kurcewiczóvna saw the determination on his face and while she was this close to telling the boy to get lost, something in that look made her change her mind.
“Very well. If you want to show me something, lets put on some music first,” she said with a smirk pulling at the corner of her mouth. Helena was already scrambling towards the CD player.
“Put on the little swans we did yesterday.” Kurcewiczóvna had to halt Helena’s another attempt at having her listen to Giselle. That girl sure was obsessed, even though she should be preparing for the upcoming performance and not wheedling out of her a new costume for ballet she at this point had no chance of dancing in.
Bohun was just standing there awkwardly in the meanwhile, scratching his ankle with the other leg. Kurcewiczóvna thought she will at least get some low entertainment out of this if nothing else.
She was proven wrong. He didn’t even wait for instructions when the music started playing and just went straight to the basic ballet positions. Bohun’s moves were unpolished for sure, but what he lacked in precision he made up for with enthusiasm. It was quite a joy to watch him because even when he made a mistake his relaxed expression didn’t change. This was a complete opposite of Helena who after any misstep bit her lip painfully no matter how many times she reprimanded her for it.
Even more striking was the way his movements connected with music. Musicality was a huge part of being a ballet dancer and while technique could be learned, hearing well and reacting appropriately to what your ears processed was the core. Helena was good at this too but she thought too much during dancing and could be easily distracted from concentration.
When the boy started doing pirouettes, it was obvious he only just began to learn them so she stopped him after a while.
Overall she was impressed. He even danced with a certain dramatic flair, Kurcewiczóvna thought with a hidden smile and asked Bohun, who was trying to catch his breath at the moment:
“You said you were Bohun. And your last name?”
“That’s my last name. I’m Jurko Bohun.” He sounded almost defensive.
“Which school are you going to?”
“Copernicus Middle School.”
Kurcewiczóvna rolled her eyes. “What dancing school do you belong to? Who is teaching you ballet?”
“I’m not doing ballet. I only do traditional.”
“And you never did it before?”
She stayed silent for a while and then, as if she suddenly remembered something, ordered sharply: “Let’s go eat dinner. Practice is over.”
Later that night while on her way to the bathroom, Helena heard her aunt talking on the phone with someone. She stopped abruptly and listened, thinking she heard something about a great talent. A small hope rose in her heart. Maybe aunt was talking about her?
“I understand you’re skeptical, but wait until you see him. He has a certain... je ne sais quoi. No experience at all, my sons brought him home from Hopak.”
Silence. Saddened, Helena realized they must be talking about Jurko.
“Alright, but I can guarantee you’ll regret this. I wouldn’t be surprised if Chmielnicki got his claws in him eventually. You know how he likes to take an interest in street rats.”
The silence went for a little longer now.
“Okay, I will send him to you next week.” Helena couldn’t see her face but she knew her aunt was smiling. She remembered that victorious smile from the many pictures of her holding golden medals and flower bouquets. Just as Helena was quietly scuttling away, she heard:
“You too. And please do try to be nice to him, would you, Jarema?”
Not a kid fic. For the rest of the story they are adults though they don’t always act like it. It’s also Jan/Helena/Bohun, with Jan just conveniently absent before the first chapter.
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FGO Destiny Awakenings: Fuyuki Singularity Prologue pt.1
“If you're expecting prince charming to wake you, then I got bad news for you my friend." 
-- The robed figure to Ritsuka in the latter's dream
On top of the snowy mountain, there was a lone white dome-shaped building. Despite it was early morning, the dark clouds and snowstorm covered the blue sky. A pair of footsteps trod hurriedly against the snow towards the door.
The moment they were close, the door opened in their presence. Not wanting to lose any seconds, they made a quick dash into the entrance.
Once the door behind them closed, the pair were breathing heavily. The orange-haired girl wearing a white coat and black pleated skirt, whined while panting, “Oh… My god…. That was close, Ritsuka….!”
“You…. Don't say, Ritsuko…!” The raven-haired male teen panted. He was wearing the same white coat, but with dark-colored pants instead.
Taken her breath back, she glared at Ritsuka and chided, “Well, who was the one who can't wake up when I'm reminded to wake up early?”
“Remind me to have 10 alarm clocks blast beside my ears, Ritsuko,” Ritsuka suggested with a roll from his eyes. Though as she mentioned, he remembered the cause of their lateness.
A dream, a peaceful dream it was. A dream of a tower surrounded by flowers…
“Whatever you say. I'm not at fault if you can't hear them when being buried by books again, Ritsuka.” Ritsuko replied with a snark towards her older brother.
Walked towards the door in front of them, a voice spoke from the surroundings, “---Base sequence confirmed to be human genome.
“---Spiritual Vessel's attribute confirmed to be Good Neutral.
“Welcome to the museum of humanity's future.
“This is the Human Continuation Facility, Chaldea.”
The siblings glanced one another with confusion.
“Humanity Continuation?” Ritsuko voiced out.
“Maybe it's a group of mages doing a project in understanding human lifespan?” Ritsuka guessed and shrugged.
He, too, confused as his younger sister of the robotic introduction.
Before them, two panel appeared raised from the ground side by side. On the panel, there was a green-lit up square area with a human palm shown. Saved their questions for later, the siblings went to the respective panel each.
Placed their hand to palm on the screen, a green circular light below them scanned from toe to the head. Followed by that, the same robotic voice called, “Name?”
“Fujimaru Ritsuka.”
“Fujimaru Ritsuko.”
Seconds later, the robotic voice replied to them, “Fingerprint authentication, vocal authentication, and genetic authentication all clear.
“Magic Circuit measurement…… Completed.
“Registered name matches. You have been acknowledged as a member of the primates. Pleased to meet you. You are today's last visitor. Please have a good time here.”
The panel before them lowered and disappeared into the open hole. Once it closed, the siblings let out a sigh. Ritsuka was the first one to voice out, “Talk about lucky that they still accept us…”
“Maybe they weren’t so strict on lateness, consider the time they have given us.” Ritsuko agreed with a yawn escaped her lips. But, she then tilted her head and pondered, “But calling us primates…”
“You’d wonder if they are trying to mock every new employee to show their status,” Ritsuka suggested. That word didn’t escape from his ears too. It ticked them, but what better way to survive their first day of work was to accept it begrudgingly.
“My apologies,” The robotic voice returned seconds later and informed. “Another 180 seconds are needed to complete the admission procedure.”
“What?” Ritsuka and Ritsuko shouted in unison.
“During that time, please enjoy a mock battle.” As the robotic voice announced, the surrounding room changed. Ritsuka saw a faint blue light surrounded his sister. Ritsuko noticed too and realized her body digitized.
“Ritsuka–!” Ritsuko called out in panic, but her hand outstretched to her brother never reached to him.
Before Ritsuka could reach for it, only the graze of her fingers touched his before disappearing.
“Ritsuko!” Ritsuka called out for his sister in the midst of the now white room.
The robotic voice announced, “Regulation: Senior Contracted Servants: Saber, Lancer, Archer.”
Soon the room changes to an open-field with the robotic voice announced again.
“Your score will not be recorded. Please feel free to enjoy it as you feel like. Booting Heroic Spirit Summoning System - Fate. We hope that you will have a good experience as a Master for these 180 seconds.”
A large room with a globe lit up with blue light, the blue rectangular holographic screen appeared and disappeared by the command in the room. Inside the room behind the globe, voices of worry and fear echoed.
“The Shiva Lens has detected an abnormality!”
“Coordinates confirmed!”
“Abnormal value rising!”
One after another, workers in turquoise- and orange-colored uniform typing anxiously on the keyboard.
Their eyes shifted often between the screen and the large globe outside the room.
“Laplace is getting a read on the situation.”
In the center, a white long single braided-haired woman wearing a black coat and orange dress stood. She was biting the nails on her thumb, orange orbs focused right at the globe too. Her jaw dropped open, muttered, “The light…”
Behind her, a man dark prune messy long-haired wearing a green top hat and matching coat stood up from his seat. He spoke towards the woman in front of him, “Chaldeas was created from a reproduction of Earth’s soul. If the light of that civilization is extinguished…”
The white-haired woman turned around with a confident posture. “Gather humans who are Master potentials right now! We’ll move from Rayshift experiments to actual use!”
Faced back at the globe, her orange orbs gazed with a determined expression. “Unless we regain the light of Chaldeas, humanity has no future.”
“My my, what a unique meeting we have, Master. I foresee our meeting would be much later with your sister together. But, this itself is an interesting outcome too.”
“Who on earth…?” Ritsuka wondered in his thought.
Despite his body feeling heavy, Ritsuka tried to open his eyes. His blue orbs only noticed a blur gaze of what seems of flower petals fluttering in the sky. His nose smelled fresh scents from the surrounding flowers.
He remembered coming out of the simulation, and into a hallway. Ritsuka remembered he needed to find his sister who disappeared beside him. Next thing, he realized he was here and…
He focused on the blurred hooded cloak figure standing above him. He was unable to make out the rest of the features, only the serene smile.
The figure once again spoke in a refreshing tone, “Looks like you’re still walking between the line of reality and dream. Perhaps, our formal meeting would be of another time when you dream in your slumber.”
Before Ritsuka could even ask, he found his eyes heavy and drifting back to darkness. The figure crouched down and put their hands over his eyes and chuckled, “I see that my companion is here to wake you. Till we meet again, young Master of Humanity’s hope…. Fujimaru Ritsuka-kun.”
“Fou……? Kyu…… Kyu?
“Fou! Fuu, Fou!”
“What’s…… That sound… Some… Animal?” Ritsuka thought.
He groaned when he felt something licked his cheek. Opened his blue orbs, he noticed a white squirrel-like creature looking at him. Before he could learn anything, it at once leaped off from him.
Ritsuka shifted his view and found a girl crouched down before him. The girl had pale violet bob hairstyle with her fringe covering her right eye.
She wore a pair of spectacles, white-grey hoodie, and black office dress beneath it. In his eyes, she doesn’t seem like being a staff here. But also, she didn’t seem to be a new employee that just joined too.
“Uhm, it’s neither morning nor nighttime, so please wake up, Senpai.” The girl said to him, noticing Ritsuka was still showing a drowsy expression.
Blinked his eyes twice, her words processed into his mind. Ritsuka tried to sit up but staggered as his body wasn’t fully awake yet. Once in a comfortable person, he asked, “Who are you…?”
“That’s a hard question to ask suddenly. Maybe I’m not important enough for you to know my name?” The girl answered with a polite yet blunt tone.
“Huh?” Ritsuka leaned his head forward, confusion and doubt worn on his face.
Noticed the change in his expression, she corrected, “No, I do have a name. I do have a proper name. But I never had the chance to use it… I’m afraid I don’t leave a good first impression…”
Ritsuka sighed, thought to himself, “There’s more to a first impression than just telling your name…”
With a quick glance of his position, he shook his head to rid of the drowsiness then asked, “Where are we?”
“Right. That’s a simple question. I really appreciate it,” The girl replied. “This is the passageway from the front gate to the Central Command Room, which is in front of the Main Chaldea Gate.”
“Uh huh…” Ritsuka nodded to himself.
“Ahem. Anyway, can I ask you a question, Senpai?” The girl asked again a second later.
“You were asleep, but I don’t see why you’d sleep in the hall.” The girl wondered.
“Did I sleep here?” Ritsuka repeated her question in his mind. Another glance of the area, he definitely wasn’t at the entrance after thinking with a clearer mind. If that’s true, then the dream of the robed man told him was true.
“Can you not sleep unless you’re on a hard bed?” She asked again with a blunt tone.
As though on instinct, he replied with a snark, “Yes, actually. If it’s not a tatami, I would bother my sister– Ritsuko!”
Remembered his reason for leaving the gate, Ritsuka quickly stood up to resume his search for his sister. But, the sudden drowsiness hit his head.
The girl let out a quiet gasp and reached her arm out to steady him, “Are you alright, Senpai?”
“Fou, fou!” The white squirrel creature squeaked worriedly.
Escorted Ritsuka further down in the passageway, they stopped at a bench area with a vending machine beside it. Once the young girl set him down, she headed to the machine and pushed for a drink.
Returned with a mineral water bottle, Ritsuka took the handed bottle and mouthed a quiet ‘thanks’ to her. Without ado, he twisted open and gulp it down as though he never drank for days.
In silence as she watched, Ritsuka drank finish the whole bottle and heaved a sigh. She queried to him, “Are you feeling better, Senpai?”
“Yeah, thanks for the help. I appreciate it.” Ritsuka nodded with a smile. But, there was still fatigue within him. His lips showed a tired and weak smile.
“Fou! Kyuuu~! Kao!” The white squirrel creature squeaked and went to its companion.
“I completely forgot. I still haven’t introduced you yet, have I, Fou-san?” She turned back to Ritsuka and introduced, “This squirrel-like creature is Fou-san.
“He’s a Privileged Life-Form allowed to walk freely around Chaldea. Fou-san led me here, and that’s how I ran into you, Senpai.”
With a nod of understanding from Ritsuka, Fou squeaked, “Fou. Mmkyu, Fou!”
Fou jumped off from the girl and ran off to somewhere. As she noticed Ritsuka’s curious expression, she answered, “He ran off somewhere again. He does that sometimes, just walks around.”
“I’ve never seen an animal like that,” Ritsuka said, turning his focus back to her.
“Yes, he normally doesn’t go near anyone aside from me, but he seems to like you, Senpai. Congratulations. Now you shall be the second caretaker of Fou-san in Chaldea.”
At her smile, Ritsuka returned with a wry smile. “I’m not sure if I’m honored to be a caretaker…. Ah, that’s right!”
His hand outstretched to her, he introduced himself, “I’m Fujimaru Ritsuka. Ritsuka is just fine. I didn’t make a good first impression, but please take care of me.”
Examined his hand for a moment, she looked to see the friendly smile on him. A moment later, she took his hand and smiled, “Please take care of me too, Ritsuka-senpai.”
“Senpai, huh..?” Ritsuka wondered with curiosity after being constantly addressed as that title.
“Come to think of it. Senpai, were you looking for this Ritsuko-senpai earlier?”
“Yes. She’s my sister who came with me together today. She was at the first gate with me earlier but she–!”
“Ritsuka!” A familiar worried and relief voice shouted at him.
As he turned around, a familiar orange-haired girl ran and gave him a brief hug. Ritsuka returned it before his attention focused on the coming footsteps.
Within view, an unknown top green hat man with dark prune long messy haired man and eyes closed approached them. He then said, “Ah, that’s where you were, Mash. That won’t do, you know, wandering around without permission…”
When he noticed Ritsuko and her brother, he spoke, “I see, you’ve found your brother, Ritsuko-kun. You’re……”
“Thank you for bringing my sister here, sir. I’m sorry for the trouble I’ve caused on the first day.” Ritsuka bowed from his sitting position.
The man nodded in understanding, “I see, you’re the rookie who just got assigned here. I’m Lev Lainur. one of the technicians employed here. And your name is?”
“Fujimaru Ritsuka pleased to meet you,” Ritsuka answered.
“Hm, Ritsuka-kun,” Raised his right hand up, the wristwatch on his wrist showed a holographic identity card of Ritsuka. “So you’re the last of the 48 candidates invited here. But, that’s strange…
“Your sister is the 48th candidate… No matter. Welcome to Chaldea. I’m glad you’re here. I heard you and your sister was selected out of many public applicants, how long was the training?
“A year? 6 months? 3 months?” Lev asked.
Despite it’s a polite question he asked with a matching smile, both Ritsuka and Ritsuko flinched in synch. Ritsuko smiled and said, “Well, we’re selected no doubt as you said…”
“But, we got 30 minutes to zero experience. Considering both of us stalked by your staff in pressuring us to join,” Ritsuka thought. A strong temptation he had to give that honest reply.
But, he smiled like his sister and added, “I’ll leave that to your imagination.”
Lev chuckled and raised one of his brows amusedly, “I see that you already know how competitive it is in here. You’re going to hide your info from your rivals?”
Mash’s voice interjected Ritsuka’s words, “Dr. Lev, Ritsuka-senpai, and Ritsuko-senpai training were less than a few hours. I think it’s from their embarrassment.”
With the cat out of the bag, Ritsuka flinched and sigh to concede. Ritsuko nodded and said, “She’s right. We have no experience and lack of training too for this job.”
“Oh? Well, now… I see,” Lev nodded in understanding and explained. “We had an emergency opening for applicants to fill out numbers. So you’re one of them.”
“That’s right,” Ritsuka answered with his sister nodded in agreement.
“So, you two were part of them? Do forgive me, I was inconsiderate,” Lev apologized, but, he showed towards the siblings an assured smile. “But please don’t be discouraged because both of you are a public applicant. We need all of you for this mission.
“38 elite mages, plus 10 talented public applicants… Or, 11 public applicants now. Somehow, we were able to gather all possible candidates. That’s something to rejoice over. This year, 2016, all possible candidates capable of Spiriton Dives were brought to Chaldea.
“If there’s something both of you don’t understand, feel free to ask Mash or myself anytime.”
At that friendly smile, the pair brightened up with a smile. Ritsuko replied, “Thank you very much, Prof. Lev!”
“Thank you for the help, Prof Lev,” Ritsuka replied with a small bow.
“Hmm? Come to think of it, what were you talking about with him, Mash?” Lev now turned his focused on the bespectacled girl, rubbing his chin. “That’s not like you. Did you know each other before?”
“No, I’d never met Ritsuka-senpai before. I saw Ritsuka-senpai sleeping here, so I just…” Mash shook her head.
“Sleeping? Ritsuka-kun was asleep, here?” Lev’s tone laced with complete surprised and astounded.
Ritsuko tugged her brother’s shoulder, repeated, “You’re sleeping here?! And, I ran through the hallways just to find you, Ritsuka!”
“H-Hey! It’s not like I wanted to, you know. That simulation from earlier had worn me, but…” Ritsuka let another yawn escaped his lips. “I didn’t think they’d drained out of most of my energy.”
“And you’re certain it’s not from the lack of sleeping from reading again?” Ritsuko narrowed her eyes, raised her finger up to poke his cheek.
“Yes, I’m certain, Ritsuko,” Ritsuka rolled his eyes.
Realized what they meant, Lev interjected, “Ahh, both of you went through the simulation when you entered, right?”
From the nod of their head, Lev showed an assured smile again, “Spiriton Dives can get to you if you’re not used to them. After the simulation, the gate must’ve opened, and you walked over here before you returned to consciousness. It’s a type of sleep-walking. When you fell, Ritsuka-kun, that was when Mash spoke to you.”
Nodded his head, Ritsuka acknowledged, “Well, that makes sense…”
“Except, for that weird guy. How did he know I was sleep-walking?” Ritsuka wondered in his mind but left that for later. As he stood up, a dizzy spell hit into his head. Before he collapsed to the ground, Ritsuko caught hold both of his shoulders.
“Ritsuka, are you really okay?!” Ritsuko’s asked with a worried tone.
Ritsuka shook his head and smiled, “Yeah. Maybe sitting for too long was a bad idea.”
The pale color of his face and the weak smile didn’t convince anyone. Lev approached Ritsuka and said, “You seem to be fine as you said, but I’d like to take you to the infirmary just in case…”
Before Lev could take Ritsuka’s arm, a beeping alarm sounded from his watch. He raised and look at his watch, and his brows furrowed after what he had read. Lev faced back to the siblings and said, “Sorry, hang in there a little longer. The Director’s orientation is about to start. Both of you should hurry over.”
“Director?” Ritsuka repeated.
“The Director’s the director. The person in charge of Chaldea, and the commander of our special missions. Since you’re a rookie from the public, you may have only seen the pamphlet?” Lev explained.
At their synched nods, Mash nodded in understanding, “It would appear so. Since the Director’s profile hasn’t been made public. Senpais has no connection to the Director. Only mages from families that have been around for a century show respect to the Animusphere names.”
“Well, whether you know the Director or not, it doesn’t affect your work as a Master, so it’s not a problem. But it’s good to not get on her bad side. If you wish to work in a peaceful environment, better hurry.”
“H-Hang on! What’s this orientation about in the first place?” Ritsuko clarified quickly, noticing both Mash and Lev were about to walk off.
Lev stopped and turned to Ritsuko, explained, “I almost forgot, do forgive me. The orientation is to greet the Master candidates assigned here today like the both of you, Ritsuko-kun, Ritsuka-kun.
“In other words, it’s for the big boss to welcome the careless newbies. Since the Director is not the type to forgive and forget if you show up late, you’ll be on her radar for the entire year. The orientation begins in five minutes in the Central Command Room. Go straight down this hall. Hurry.”
“R-Right, thanks! Can you walk, Ritsuka?” Ritsuko turned to her brother.
Ritsuka gave a weak nod, answered, “Yeah…”
Noticed the worried expression remained on Ritsuko’s face, Mash turned to Lev, “Dr. Lev, do you think I’ll be allowed to sit in on the orientation, too?”
“Hmm? Well, if you stand back way in a corner, I think she’ll look the other way.” Lev answered as a memory flashed in mind, but also gained curiosity at her request, “But why?”
Mash turned her head to the siblings. “I just thought I should help Ritsuko-senpai to bring Ritsuka-senpai to the Command Room. It’s possible she would have trouble that Ritsuka-senpai might fall asleep on the way again.”
The professor brows furrowed with worry. “Hmm… If I leave you alone like this the Director might yell at me… I should tag along, eh?”
Decided to another smile, Lev said, “Well, if that’s what you want to do, Mash, go ahead. You okay with that, Ritsuko-kun?”
“A-Ah, yes!” Ritsuko turned to Mash and bowed her head, “Thank you for the help, Mash-chan!”
“I’ll be in your care then, Mash…” Ritsuka gave a weak smile as thanks to the bespectacled girl.
With a nod, Lev spoke, “Let’s head to the command room, shall we?”
Ritsuko put one of her brother’s arm over her shoulder, while Mash put over the other. The three followed Lev leading them with a brisk walk at a careful pace.
End of Fuyuki Prologue part 1
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Takara Yamada’s Hero Academia, Season 1 Episode 3 [Eijiro Kirishima/OC] [Female!Aizawa/Hizashi]
Just a warning, this might be the longest chapter yet. Just because I tried to fill in gaps between the last episode and the entrance exam ten months later, as Takara wasn’t involved with Izuku’s training. 
Takara Bio link: Here
Prologue : Here
Episode 1 link: Here
Epsiode 2 link: Here Anyway, hope you all enjoy! 
Quick taglist: @dailyojiromashirao, as usual. I love you, sweetie! Also, I’d like to tag @elite-guard-hardygal bc they are the SWEETEST ever and I really loved talking to them! If anyone else wants in on the taglist, please just let me know! 
For now, let’s get to the story!
God Bless and Good Day!
~The Lupine Sojourner
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The next few days, Kāsan and Otōsan didn’t let me out of their sight at all. That meant I did homework at Otōsan’s radio station until Kāsan picked me up, and I hardly saw Toshin-Oji at all. They were both mad I let myself get wrapped up in a villain attack without a license and even a plan beyond backing Izuku up. I was also featured on the news as a ‘brave young woman’ and ‘a real hero’, even being recognized on the street, which was always weird.
Regardless of how heroic my actions were, my parents said during one of their multiple lectures, it was reckless and could have gone badly. I’d accepted their words and explained that I’d just wanted to help my friend, but it didn’t help. By the time half a week had gone by, we’d all sat down and talked it out. I’d promised not to involve myself in any more heroics and they agreed to ease up a bit.
Now, I sat with Toshin-Oji and hummed as I wrote in definitions on a worksheet. “So...your parents were mad?” He asks. “About the sludge villain situation?” I nod glumly.
“Yeah, but at me, not you. They wouldn’t let me out of their sight!” I sigh and put the paper aside for the moment. “They didn’t like that I ran into such a dangerous situation head-first without thinking it through too much. They do appreciate my heroic attitude and willingness to help, though.” I muse.
“Well, they were worried you’d gotten hurt.” Toshinori points out. “As your adopted parents, they’re in charge of you. They must’ve been terrified when they heard what happened and were most likely keeping you in their sights because they wanted to keep you safe.” I blink. I hadn’t thought of it like that.
“Takara, it’s very admirable to want to be a hero, but you have to understand that, right now, there are a lot of situations you aren’t prepared for. While helping those who need it is what a hero does, you also have to consider your limits.” Toshinori eleborates. “Most likely, that’s what worried your parents so much; they were afraid you’d gotten involved in a situation beyond your limits.” I squirm. He was talking like Kāsan and Otōsan had.
“Yes, sir.” I mumble. He ruffles my hair.
“That being said, the way you handled yourself and your Quirk was outstanding!” He cheers. “I saw you ready to attack, but you held back, knowing it was illegal. That was smart thinking, finding what else you could do, instead.” I giggle.
“Thanks, Toshin-Oji.” I reply. He then stands.
“Now, I’m making rice and sausage for dinner. You like Yum-Yum sauce?” I nod eagerly.
“Yeah!” He laughs and begins making the rice.
“Alright. I’m gonna give you the recipe. It’s up to you to make it, okay?” I nod.
“Yessir!” I cheer and set to work. Toshin-Oji turned on Dad’s radio show, and I caught Dad replying to a few callers wanting his opinion on the villain situation I’d been involved in. It was still a hot topic, even half a week later, mainly because the city hadn’t seen any incidents like it since. And the fact that it was my Dad’s radio show and his daughter been involved in a dangerous situation.
Of course, despite Mom advising against it (villains might try to hurt her to get to us, she said), Dad couldn’t resist telling people for long that he and his wife had adopted me and as such I was sometimes brought up on the show.
“Well, listeners, I’ll say this; my little girl showed amazing initiative, but could have easily gotten hurt, and the boy would have likely been injured, too. Luckily, she was able to defend herself and the boy as best she could and the situation didn’t get out of hand, but it scares me to think what might’ve happened if All Might hadn’t been there.” I blush. It was reassuring that, once Dad had calmed down, he was proud of what I’d done, despite being terrified of the unknowns. I knew Mom felt the same way, deep down.
“You best believe that little girl will be a great hero one day.” The caller muses. Dad chuckles.
“I couldn’t disagree there, my friend. She’ll be one of the best. Now, unfortunately, we’re out of time, but call again sometime, okay?” Dad replies and the man thanks Dad before hanging up. The next few callers are actually commenting on All Might’s punch changing the weather briefly. After all, there’s only so many times Dad can essentially repeat himself before he stops answering that type of question. I frown.
“Did you really change the weather?” I ask. Toshin-Oji chuckles.
“Yeah. My smash swirled the clouds closer and somehow that made it rain for a few seconds.” He explains. I grin.
“That’s so cool!” I cheer. He grins.
“Thank you.” A comfortable silence settled over us as I resumed making the sauce. Soon enough, we were seated and eating.
“...Mom said you were going to be teaching at UA.” I note, to resume conversation. Toshin-Oji nods as he finishes his bite.
“Yes. I can’t spend as much time as All Might anymore, and this is as good a way as any to ease out of the spotlight somewhat.” I nod.
“I’d say so.”
“Speaking of UA, are you going to take the entrance exam in February?” He asks. I nod.
“Yup! I’m graduating middle school this year, and Mom and Dad both work there now, so it’ll be easier for everyone.” Toshin-Oji smiles.
“There’s nothing wrong with that, but if you don’t want to, I’m sure they’d let you go to a different- -” I shook my head. Shinso didn’t say much, to anyone, but I liked to think we were growing closer as this last year of middle school progressed. And, as his friend, I had to be there to support him and make sure he didn’t have to put up with the ‘brainwashing villain’ thing anymore.
“No!” I interject. “I want to go to UA. There are a lot of kids from my class that are going to try out for the top school. My friend, Shinso, wants so badly to be a hero, but he’s always treated like a villain because he can brainwash people. I feel really bad because there’s not much I can do to change their minds. They always think he’s got me under his spell or something, so I want to be there to encourage him and help him prove to the world that he can be an awesome hero. And it’s where Mom, Dad, and you went, so it’s gotta be the best, right?” He chuckles.
“You sound like that young man.” He says. “Young Midoriya’s always rambling about wanting to be a hero and wanting to make it to the top.” I raise a brow.
“You’ve talked to him?” I ask. Toshin-Oji nods.
“I’ve come up with a plan to help him get in shape for my Quirk before the entrance exam, actually.” My eyes go wide.
“Yeah. I admire the kid’s spirit and ideals. He’ll make a great successor.” I smile. I’d given it some thought and I’ve decided I don’t care about the spotlight. If I got it, great. If not, too bad. As such, I wouldn’t be a good successor for him.
Whatever gave Toshin-Oji that amazing power, I didn’t want to ruin it. It deserved the spotlight, so let Izuku have it.
“So, how are you getting him ready?” I ask.
“He’s cleaning Dagoba Municipal Park.” I nearly choke on the bite of food in my mouth.
“Wait, what?!” I’d passed it numerous times and it was just a gross pile of trash now.
“Yeah. He’s a hard-worker. He can do it. I planned out a routine for him and everything. He’ll be done by the exam.” I suddenly realize that I need to start practicing myself. Maybe get better with earth before February. Yeah. That’s it! I’d practice in my spare time and try to get a lot better so I can fight even without water. Of course, I should look up hand-to-hand routines, too. Never know what’ll be on the exam. “Hey, Takara!” Toshin-Oi cries, drawing me back to reality.
“You gonna finish your food?” I nod, resuming my meal.
“Yeah.” I’d go to Dagoba and maybe help Izuku a little. Not much, but whatever I can do, I’ll do. Maybe I’ll try to freshen up the sand or something, make it look like it used to. I had to get used to bigger formations, anyway, if I stood a chance at UA. Determined, I finished my food, helped clean up, and wrote in the last few definitions before the time Dad was picking me up. Then, I got in an hour or so of TV time with Toshin-Oji before Dad rang the doorbell continuously. I sprang up and all but wrenched the door open to make it stop.
“Hey there, Tik-Tak!” I roll my eyes at the nickname, but leap into his arms.
“Hi, dad!” I squeal, letting him kiss my cheeks repeatedly before returning a single one to his cheek. “How was work?” He chuckles, putting me down and ruffling my hair as we walk into the apartment.
“What? You didn’t turn on the radio?” He asks with mock hurt
“Of course I did! We didn’t catch all of your show, though.” I reply.
“That’s alright.” Dad replies. I hug him again.
“I did hear the part about the sludge villain.” I murmur. “Thanks, dad.” He hugs me back, scooping me up and plopping me in his lap when he sits down.
“I meant every word, Tik-Tak.” He then looks at Toshin-Oji. “Sorry about not letting you see her.” He apologizes meekly. “We felt it best not to let her out of our sight til we cooled down a bit.” Toshin-Oji smiles, hands up.
“I respect that. It was probably best, really. I sometimes can’t help getting involved in things I probably shouldn’t.”
“Yeah. I do the same thing sometimes.” Dad replies, bouncing me slightly. “It’s just that Shota and I panicked a little when we saw our kid on the news, in the middle of a fire and a villain situation. Can’t tell yah how relieved we were when you showed up.” Toshin-Oji smiles, putting a hand on the back of his neck.
“I should’ve leapt into action the moment I arrived, but I hesitated. The kids didn’t.” I sigh.
“All I did was put out some of the fire and try to protect Izuku.” I point out. “I probably could’ve done more. I might’ve even been able to get the hostage out, if I’d used my Quirk on the villain.” Dad wraps me in a hug.
“And that would’ve gotten you, and most likely us, in serious trouble, young lady.” I knew that, but it didn’t make it any better. “That’s why I’m so proud that you restrained yourself to the legal limits on what you could do, Takara.” He says genuinely. “But you have to understand; as your parents, when we saw you in danger, your mother and I were so afraid we’d be too late and something would happen to you.” I nod meekly, not up to a verbal response. He then goes to stand and I get off his lap quickly. “But enough about that; it’s your mom’s debut anniversary and I cut the show a little short so I’d be able to surprise her with dinner and a nice cat-themed chocolate cake for afterwards. She’ll be back in two hours. You up for it, Tik-Tak?” I grin, nodding with determination.
“Let’s do it!” We wave goodbye to Toshin-Oji and Dad drives home as fast, but still safe, as possible.
The door opening is our cue. We know better than to jump out at her, so we sit on the couch (using the sound of the TV as cover) and pretend we’ve been there as she approaches. “Hi, Kāsan!” I cheer.
“Hi, Musume.” She replies happily as I get up to hug her. “You father behave himself?” She teases, knowing we can be a little crazy around the house sometimes without supervision. I nod.
“Yeah. I kept him in line.” She smiles as Dad walks over, playing it as cool as ever. All that’s left is to suggest dinner and head into the kitchen. We hadn’t done much decorating, just a hand-made ‘Happy Debut Anniversary’ banner, but still we turned off the lights.
“Oi!” He protests with mock offense. “I resemble that remark, thank you very much, young lady!” He drops the facade and grins at Mom, kissing her soundly in greeting. “Have a good patrol, Tsuma?” He asks, hugging her. It was a pet name he’s been calling her for years now.
“I did, Otto.” She replies, smiling. Dad nods, slowly ending the hug.
“Well, hope you’re hungry, cus Tik-Tak and I are about to eat the house.” He cries, clutching his stomach over-dramatically. Mom tsks at him as she walks toward the kitchen. Dad winks at me and we follow.
“You’re so over dramatic, love.” She scolds fondly, shaking her head. He grins.
“I know, but you love me.” He wraps his arm around her shoulders and pecks her temple.
“I do- -wait..” She takes in the banner for a split second before Dad spins her around.
“Happy debut anniversary!” Dad exclaims, plopping her down. She genuinely laughs, a rare treat.
“You’re amazing, Otto!” She says, kissing him again. “You remembered the day of my debut.”
“Of course! It’s also the day I knew I was in love with you for real. You took that gang out single-handedly before I got there!” I hug Mom as she tries (fails) to hold back her emotions, snuggling into Dad’s chest.
“It’s also the day you proposed after just a month of dating.” She adds, chuckling. I’d heard the story before and grin every time. They were too cute!
“Well, when you know, you know!” Dad protests happily. “I knew I wanted to marry you and, for some reason, you said yes!”
“I said ‘fine, Hizashi’ because your screaming had nearly deafened me and I wanted you to stop talking. I then played along with the wedding cus it seemed easier than refusing at the time.” It was Mom’s ultimate tease, but Dad knew she was teasing, so it was a bit of a draw. Still, she liked to poke him with that every once in a while.
“Well, it was spur of the moment, but then you said ‘fine’ and I was in too deep to pull out, so I rolled with it.” He replies petulantly. It was his usual response. They then laugh and ladle out soba. I grabbed a bowl and two rice balls and we ate in comfortable silence while watching some movie on the TV, Dad nuzzling against Mom and Mom reciprocating.
All in all, a perfect evening.
“You’re up early, Musume. Where are you going?” Mom asks two days later, sipping her before-work coffee. I grin.
“Running!” I reply.
“Yeah! I wanna start getting in shape for the entrance exam.” I explain. She smiles.
“Alright then. Don’t go more than thirty minutes, alright? You need to get your body used to exercise.” I nod, tying my shoes.
“Yes, ma’am!”
Turns out, running is no joke! When I get back, Mom and Dad were gone and I am shaking and almost regretting starting this. Maybe thirty minutes was a little much for just starting out. But that’s the price I’m willing to pay to be ready to knock everyone’s socks off at the entrance exam! 
I go through some stretches and drink chocolate milk as suggested and let my breath catch up with me before I go to the garden. I then do some more stretching while making different formations like rods, blocks, and walls. Keeping them maintained while stretching, I hope, will end up making me better at multitasking in a fight. I had no idea what was waiting on the exam, but I knew I wanted to be ready.
Unfortunately, I felt a draw on my energy pretty quickly, but doggedly kept trying.
After ten months of exhausting training, as well as trying to get a handle on my earth Quirk, it was the morning of the exam. Of course, Mom and Dad were able to drive me. I walked with them, knees shaking as I stepped through the gate. “It’s so...big!” I breathe in awe.
“And you’ll be a student, after today, Tik-Tak.” Dad replies, clapping my back with a solid ‘thunk’ and ruffling my hair. I chuckle.
“That’s provided I pass the exam.” I point out. Dad waves absently.
“It’s a piece of cake, really. You just gotta beat some bots. That’s it!” I pale.
“Kara, you’ll do fine.” Mom assures me. It was rare she used her nickname for me, so I can’t help smiling.
“Right!” I had to start thinking positively, or I’d never get through this! I happen to spot my school’s group and jog over, waving goodbye to my parents. One of the teachers and kind of an aunt of mine, Nemuri, or Midnight, was passing out test cards to everyone with numbers for assigned seats and the battle center we were going to. I happened to be in A. I look over and notice Shinso. I walk over as we head into the testing hall to take the written exam. “Hey.”
“Hey. Good luck, yeah?” I nod. 
“Yeah!” We find our seats and within minutes, we begin. It was harder than I thought, but I had a decent grasp of the material discussed and finished soon enough. Ectoplasm, another teacher here, was using his multiplying Quirk to proctor the test. I passed my answer sheet to him when I was finished and waited at my desk. Shinso was done minutes later and we smile at each other and I try to think of formations that could help in the physical exam coming up. When Ectoplasm dismisses us, we head as he directed to an auditorium and find our seats.
“What’s up UA candidates?” Dad calls as upbeat music plays in the background. I smile. He was going full-on DJ mode. I wonder where Mom is. “Thanks for tunin’ in to me, your school DJ!” The lights around the outside of the ring came on and Dad was revealed. “C’mon and lemme hear yah!” I was too embarrassed to start a response, and no one else did, so echoing silence filled the room. “Keeping it mellow, I see.” Dad chuckles. I feel bad for him, a little. “That’s fine. Let me get straight to the main show.” Maybe if he acted more like a teacher and less like a radio host, he’d get more of a response, but I suppose it’s also just Dad’s personality. He was too hyper for nervous students. “Let’s talk about how this practical exam is gonna go down, okay? Are you ready?!” He calls in a sing-song voice and I nearly reply, but catch myself. I’d single myself out if I did. People weren’t likely to join me and I can hear Izuku going geek-mode at Dad and smile. “Like your application says, today you rockin’ boys and girls will be conducting ten-minute mock battles against faux villains in super suburban settings! After I drop the mic here, you’ll head to your specified battle centers, sound good?” Still no response. “Okay?” He presses. Finally, I roll my eyes. If someone didn’t reply soon, he’d go nuts.
“Got it!” I call back. Dad beams up at me.
“Thanks, listener friend!” I was grateful he didn’t go further as he gets back to explaining. “Okay, okay, let’s check out yer targets!” On-screen, pixelated models appear for each type of robot, with labels ‘1P’, ‘2P’, or 3P’ on them. “There are three types of faux villains in every battle center. You’ll gain points depending on the level of difficulty, so choose wisely. Your goal in this trial is to use your Quirk to raise your score by shredding these villains like a mid-song guitar solo. Buuut, check it!” He continues, pointing a finger into the crowd to emphasize his point, shaking it back and forth. “Let’s make sure we’re keeping things heroic; attacking fellow candidates is a UA no-no, yah dig?” About five rows in front of me, a student stands up.
“Excuse me, sir, but I have a question.” He calls. A single bulb is turned on to illuminate a young man with black-blue hair (undercut barely visible from the angle I saw him from) and tan school uniform on.
“Hit me!” Dad replies eagerly.
“On the print-out, you’ve listed 4 types of villains, not 3.” I roll my eyes as the guy points out what he means on the sheet. Great. A stick-in-the-mud perfectionist. “All due respect, but if this is an error on official UA materials, it is shameful.” I bite my lip, irritated. I’m sure Dad would have explained that other type of robot soon enough, if this guy had been patient. However, Dad listens attentively, nonplussed at the insult to his workplace. “We are exemplary students, and we expect the best from Japan’s most notable school. A mistake like this won’t do.” He then turns and points behind him to Izuku. “Additionally, you with the unkempt hair; you’ve been muttering this entire time. Stop that.” He demands tersely. Izuku looks mortified and Shinso has to put his foot on mine to stop me rising. “If you can’t bother to take this seriously, then leave. You’re distracting the rest of us.” Izuku claps his hands to his mouth and offers an embarrassed, muffled ‘sorry’ as the student then turns back to Dad to hear his reply.
“Alright, alright, Examinee number 7111.” Dad replies, waving his hands up and down as if to calm the student down, then gives him a thumbs up. “Thanks for calling in with your request.” On-screen, the final robot appears with the label ‘0P’ above it. “The fourth villain type is worth 0 points, so that guy’s just an obstacle we’ll be throwing in your way. There’s one in every battle center, kind of a hurdle for you to avoid. It’s not that it can’t be beat, but there’s...kinda no point.” I don’t think Dad’s saying everything there is about that robot, but keep my mouth shut. “I recommend my listeners try to avoid it and stay focused on the ones topping the charts!” The student bows.
“Thank you very much. Please, continue.” He says, sitting down again to a few murmurs about this new development. Dad raises his arms and silence falls.
“That’s all I got for you today, so I’ll sign off with a little present; a sample of our school motto. As General Napoleon Bonaparte once laid down, ‘A true hero is one who overcomes life’s misfortunes’. Now that’s a tasty soundbyte. You ready to go beyond?” I can’t help the hype I feel at the prospect of testing myself in the battle center as Dad finishes with a ‘let’s hear a Plus Ultra!’. I can’t help shouting it out and, surprisingly, a few others join in. “Good luck out there!” With that, Dad steps off the stage. We stand and make our way out of the auditorium.
This was it. Just a short bus ride, and the physical exam would begin! My knees shake so bad, I might end up knocking them together.
How would I do? What would I do?!
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shogetsus · 6 years
Stripes of Auburn, Eye of Sapphire
Prologue Pt. I
Read on Ao3 | Read on FFN |  Masterlist
Some disclaimers to go by: - While this starts off as a sort of retelling, the story becomes quite canon divergent at a certain point. The only true retelling – to my standards, that is – is just the prologue when all the characters are introduced as in canon. - With that said, regardless of this narrative diverging from canon, there are heavy, full on spoilers for Masamune and Shingen’s route. Don’t say I didn’t warn you! - While MC’s name is Mai Mizusaki, it’s not truly my intention to portray her exactly as how her character is in the manga version. Only took her name by default to be honest, there’s not really too much into it. - I also made the decision to extend the wormhole’s apparition from three to six months, but this is only to my personal benefit and consideration. To be honest, I just think three months is just a very short span of time for everything that happens.
A gleeful smile clings to her lips, turning to the starry sky in sheer delight, free and careless as a bird. It has taken so long and almost taken too much of her, but finally, finally, her efforts bore fruit.
She’d just gotten her dream job! She’s really, really going to be a fashion designer! Good riddance, matte-gray cubicle! Good riddance, piles upon piles of resumes! Cheers and so long to all those suckers who’d strongly believed she wouldn’t make it!
I bet grandma is so proud of me now…
With a full and unabashed grin, her first resolution is to get all her partying out of her system in the next couple of days, with some of her friends currently staying or either visiting Kyoto. It surely won’t be easy to get used to the hurries and constant activity of such a big city at first—that, she’s pretty much sure of, as for being a small town girl—but regardless, that’s far from being one of the biggest challenges she’s faced.
And she does like some good challenges. Where’s the thrill and excitement of life, otherwise?
It’s been some time since Mai hasn’t felt as proud of herself as of then, and her feet are glad to show that, leading her into a stroll through the streets of Kyoto. Recalling something, she brings a magazine from her purse, titled ‘A Traveler’s Guide To Japan’s Hottest Warlords’. The cheesy title makes her chuckle in amusement once again, knowing the most basic reason she in fact got that has been for the whole silliness of it. However, Kyoto’s truly a hub of historical activity, and that guide promised to have plenty of information on good sightseeing spots.
Stopping at a red street light, Mai flicks through the pages, honey-colored eyes falling upon some—supposedly so—familiar names. ‘The Peerless Warrior – Yukimura Sanada’, reads the top of the page. Who this guy was famous for, again? Much to her family’s concern, she’d crammed for Japanese history last. And to point that out, for a so-called guide on ‘Hottest warlords’, having that one as an introduction is just about a tad bit disappointing.
But just this once, she actually didn’t get that book for some eye candy, and so Mai opts out on scrolling some more. Quick enough, there’s another name that rings a bell.
‘The One-Eyed Dragon – Masamune Date”
That one, she’s more familiar with, and there’s been quite a bunch of historical dramas made about him as well. Ah, ‘The One-Eyed Dragon’… Mai can’t help but savor that name, feeling too nice when rolled over the tip of her tongue. And that eye patch as portrayed on the picture? Well, well, apparently she has finally gotten to the real deal of that magazine, something about the intensity depicted in that one single eye making her bite her lower lip in excitement. It’s really too bad he’s not from Kyoto, though, or else she’d be visiting every single museum or sightseeing made about him.
With a certain itching, Mai drops the evident eye candy displayed all over the magazine for the time being. “Mmh, let’s see. Where’s the closest place I can visit?” She mumbles to herself.
Apparently there is one nearby—a stone monument to Honno-ji, carved at the ancient temple’s original location. Next to the map of the site, there’s a full page dedicated to the most famous man tied to that location; the notorious ‘Devil King of the 6th Heaven’, Nobunaga Oda.
And that is a man Mai can clearly remember. After all, and if she recalls it right, he almost unified all of Japan under his rule. That’s not something to go by unnoticed. Along the pages, it reads, “In the year 1582, betrayed by Mitsuhide Akechi, Nobunaga committed suicide amidst the fiery wreckage of Honno-ji.”
… Or as Mai recalls it better, “In 1582, Nobunaga’s ambitions burned in a coup!”
Amused after noticing she still remembers her past old mnemonics, her feet guide her across the map leading to where Honno-ji once stood. However, her face winces with disappointment as she makes it to the place.
So… this is it? Really? It’s just a simple, somber monument—and pretty small as well.
“So much for ‘the best sightseeing spots of Kyoto’, huh?” Her lips purse into a frown, wondering if the almighty Nobunaga Oda would be as disappointed as she is as of then. Regardless, Mai stands there for some more time, trying her best to picture how the famous temple would have been.
Not much later, another visitor joins her at the monument; a young man with thin glasses and a tad bit messy brunette hair. The fact of him wearing a lab coat in public clearly makes him stand out. Is he a doctor? Nah, probably not, Mai assumes, looking too young and probably just about her age, instead assuming he most likely is a med-school student.
Standing silently beside her, his eyes are fixed on the monument stone, his expression too serious, almost contemplative—Mai can’t help it when her eyes drift to him instead. In her defense, he clearly is more intriguing than a chunk of rock, after all.
Her thoughts vanish in the next second after a drop of rainwater falls on her nose, blinking and turning to the sky. All so very sudden, dark gray clouds are looming over them, making Mai frown in concern. Where did those clouds come from? It was a clear sky just moments ago!
“Oh, no…” Without any advice whatsoever, the clouds abruptly break open and the tiny drops give way to a downpour.
Her companion doesn’t seem to be surprised, however. “Talk about poor timing,” His voice drifts over before the storm roars over and muffles it down.
“’Clear skies, all day and night’, it said. Stupid weather report,” Mai opts out for a small chit chat, already glancing around them for the closest shelter, growing annoyed.
The man’s glasses glint as a thunder breaks through, giving her a somewhat worried once-over. “Are you alright? You have an umbrella?” His serious expression doesn’t waver, yet he seems as polite as for asking.
“Well, yeah, but back at my hotel,” Mai grunts, anticipating the immediate struggle of removing her wet bangs off her face, getting soaked within seconds.
Her gaze drifts from past the man’s shoulder to his face, yet only for a split second before the two of them come to a startle—a fierce lightning bolt striking through and coming down before their very faces. Mai can’t help but screech, but the sound is muffled as they’re left to watch the stone monument in front of them shatter into pieces. What the heck!?
She’s forced to blink past the thick downpour and the blinding light from the bolt, never having seen such a thing that close before. The man’s arm makes way to seemingly push her back, “Careful, miss—!” His voice is tinged with panic and Mai can only watch in a blur as her companion struggles to get a hold on her.
Overcome with fright as she is, she tries grabbing his offered hand but, for some reason, it warps and bends into a thick, overwhelming darkness, eventually disappearing. Dizziness overtakes all her senses, squeezing her eyes shut to fight the feeling of gagging and pass out altogether, heart hammering its way out of her chest.
What the hell is happening?
For what it could be a brief moment or days later, the dizziness finally recedes, but as Mai dares drifting her eyes open, her sight gets obscured once more with streams of billowing hot smoke. Her limbs shake violently, weak and sick to the core, and a heavy cough makes its way up her throat, sheer confusion getting a stronger hold of her. One moment it was just raining and then, there’s not even a hint of humidity around her.
She blinks harder to adjust her sights, but her sense of smell wasn’t deceiving her in the first place. Where am I? How did I get in here? Her heartbeat pounds in her ears, adrenaline flushing through her veins—for the hot smoke can only mean one thing…
This place is on fire!
With an urgency that could only attribute to the most basic human sense of survival, she covers her mouth and leaps on, a shot of adrenaline numbing the shaking of her legs and arms. Looking through the suffocating smoke to catch a glimpse of the lab coat from her last living companion, the man isn’t anywhere to be seen. There’s no shattered monument either, or even the cold concrete under her scraped knees.
Instead, her eyes lay over the most unbelievable sight—a man, dressed in a suit of ancient Japanese armor.
Her eyes almost bulge out and her breath catches on her mouth, taking too long to process what she’s seeing. The man seems to have passed out on the middle of the floor, but to make everything even worse, barely a second later, the thick smoke gives way to the silhouette of another man, this one appearing to hold some kind of walking stick.
It doesn’t take much longer for her brain to put two and two together, and not even the roaring noise of the roof falling apart makes Mai drift her eyes away from the newcomer. It’s not a walking stick, it’s a sword!
Sparks from the flaming paper wall illuminate the sharp edge of the metal blade, rising and pointing in direction of the fainted man. “Hey, you, look out!” Mai’s tongue is faster than her brain, crying at the armored man clearly about to be butchered.
Mai’s heart and breath stops, struggling not to fall herself into sheer panic—and justifiably so—but for some miraculous reason that shout seems to work, the figure with the menacing sword going still. A second later and apparently without a second thought, the figure turns and flees from the scene.
Without giving herself a moment to question her eyes, Mai crouches beside the unconscious man, shaking him urgently. Her efforts make way to a brief success, eyes drifting open lazily.
“W-who are you?” It’s the first he wonders, his voice gruff yet apparently stressing himself to give way to a tint of demand.
“No time for introductions. Come on, we have to get out of here!” They’re on a building on fire, literally about to fall apart at any moment, and with a man undoubtedly out to kill that one. If there’s a time for questions, that’s clearly not the one. “Take my hand!”
Apparently holding onto the same urgency as her yet still struggling with an understandable dizziness, he complies and takes Mai’s hand. As she hauls him to his feet, the next moment they’re running for their lives through the blazing fire. A column roars at her right as it falls apart before her eyes, clutching the man’s hand harder and sharply tugging him closer to keep him from facing a cloud of debris flying straight to them. She forces her feet to keep running despite the smoke threatening to burn her lungs, sheer adrenaline pumping through her veins.
It’s a miracle, but they manage to make it through, almost tripping with a set of stairs but finding a way out to the open regardless. Her legs are screaming in pain, knees and elbows skinned, thighs with burns in some places, with one sandal left behind. Thankfully so, the real sting hasn’t arrived just yet, leaving Mai to spare herself a moment to stare at the building they’ve left behind, panting hard.
At first sight, it looks out to be a… temple—or was, most precisely, considering the fact of it then being engulfed by uncontrollable flames, the whole structure already falling apart. Mai blinks again past the smoke and debris, her brain refusing to cooperate and process what her eyes are witnessing.
I must be dreaming. This has to be a dream…
Beside her, her companion seems to be slowly coming to his senses, panting slightly and coughing away the remains of the hot smoke. “Someone tried to do away with me while I slept? Audacious, but foolish…” He growls, clearly aggravated. “Killing my guards and getting that close to me is another matter.”
Mai gives him a brief once-over to check up on visible injuries before returning to the burning scene on display, getting hard to tear her gaze away from such a horrible sight. “… Woman, let go of me.”
A tug at her hand makes her realize she was still gripping him for dear life, her knuckles white. “Oh, right. Sorry.” She lets him go without hesitation, forcing her own fingers to pry themselves open.
The man she’d rescued then turns to look her over thoughtfully. “You saved my life.” He says with clear surprise in his voice, straightening his back, his chest still rising and falling as he slowly seems to be regaining his breathing. “You may be some woman the monks snuck in for amusement, but I owe you my thanks regardless...”
The innuendo isn’t lost in her, meeting the man’s eyes. “Oh, really? I must have missed all the amused monks in the massive fire we just escaped from. I don’t even know how I got in here,” Mai frowns, adrenaline slowly yet surely wearing down after getting some clearer air into her system. However, that also gives way to an impending rush of questions after questions.
Who exactly has she just saved? Why is he dressed like a star in a poor samurai drama? And why does he speak like one too? But his eyes look proud and brutal and, most importantly, all too genuine in his demeanor. To make it worse, she can tell by a mere brief look at his clothes that they are, in fact, authentic—and just as much as that sword hanging on his belt.
Suspicion narrows the stranger’s eyes as he acknowledges her. “What are you staring at?” He muses, brows knitting in a frown. “You surely know who I am…”
“I really don’t…” Mai doesn’t actually know what else to say, blinking in confusion. “Should I, though?”
The man seems taken aback by the admission, tilting his head back. “You saved me without knowing who I am? Not expecting a reward or favor?” He doesn’t seem to be letting that surprising—for him, that is—fact take over, an amused smirk clinging to his face. “So be it. I shall tell you my name.”
Leaning closer to her, a glint of pride and something more dangerous crosses his eyes, brighter than the reflection of the blazing fire dancing across his dirty face. “I am the man who will rule over all under the sun—“
Mai’s heart skips a beat, something akin to danger coursing through her. Abort, abort, abort! Her brain seems to shout. “Actually, you really don’t need to tell me,” She blurts out, unconsciously taking a step back and procuring herself some distance from that devious look in that man’s face.
As if he just took a slap in the cheek, the stranger blinks once. “What?” Mai’s aware she’s being pretty much rude, but her instincts are stronger, getting the feeling she most certainly will not going to like whatever it is he has to say.
Then again, his stunned look doesn’t last for long, a long, amused laugh echoing its way far into the night. “You’re a curious one, woman. No one has spoken so imprudently to me before…”  Mai doesn’t feel up to join his sudden mirth, however, not finding anything about the situation funny in the slightest.
And, wow, that wicked smile could really kill a kitten.
“You intrigue me, which is almost as worthy of praise as saving my life.” He looks inclined to admit, the pride in his eyes also reaching his lips, quirking up into a grin. “I am the Lord of Azuchi Castle and Daimyo of Owari, Nobunaga Oda.”
A moment goes by, then two and then three, until her brain finally makes a connection. Her eyes go wide and mouth hangs open, jaw falling to the very floor. “Wait, what.” It’s all she can mumble, removing some bangs off her face as if that mere action would make her sense of hearing some more clearer. Did he just really say his name is Nobunaga Oda? Nah, I don’t buy it.
But as she returns to glance at her surroundings, her honey eyes turn towards the gate of the burning temple. The sign on the gate hasn’t yet fallen victim of the blazing fire and wreckage, engraved with a name she’s just read moments—or is it hours? Or days?—ago, deeming it unmistakable:
Her shoulders slump down, limbs threatening to stop keeping her standing—if she wasn’t truly shocked at the horrible sight of a temple being engulfed in flames, she can certainly assure she is then.
With her brain still struggling to make any sense of the situation, Mai opts on for keeping herself together and just go through the basics of it. “Um, pardon me for asking something as strange as this but… what year is it?”
Thankfully so, he doesn’t seem to be taking too much into it. “It is 1582. Why?”
Memories of a sentence she’d just read not so long ago make a resurface. “In the year 1582, betrayed by Mitsuhide Akechi, Nobunaga committed suicide amidst the fiery wreckage of Honno-ji.”
As if that recalling had just hurt her eyes, she shakes her head sharply. I’ve got to be dreaming this. There’s absolutely no way this can’t be a dream. Following her most rational thought, she raises her hand to her cheek and pinches it hard. Okay, that hurt. There goes the dream theory…
But does that possibly mean she’s back in time to the night Nobunaga Oda died?
The aforementioned man looks amused once again, the wickedness in his eyes gleaming even brighter. “Why are you pinching yourself for? I’ve given my name. It’s only fair to hear yours.”
Pushing the situation even further, he closes the distance between them, taking Mai’s chin in his hand and forcing her to meet his eyes. “Tell me your name.” The self-proclaimed Nobunaga Oda all but demands, undoubtedly savoring the way he intends to corner her—if the near devilish look in his face is anything to go by.
She gulps hard, knowing there’s no use with denying him such a thing.
“M-Mai, it’s Mai. Mai Mizusaki…”
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isuzukuretsuki · 6 years
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I finally fucking did it.
I’m finally done Saeran’s route completely, bad ends and everything.
But at what cost my sanity
Anyway I already shared my some of my thoughts on Saeran’s route here and here but I really want to put a more cohesive post about Saeran’s route because I loved this route to hell and back and no words are ever going to completely express this but I want to try anyway. Rest is under cut. 
I’m gonna say it right now but Saeran is like the Jieun of Mystic Messenger. Basically his route is so high up there and is so superior to the other routes (in my opinion only!!!!) that he (and Seven) practically carry Mystic Messenger. This boy makes this game. He’s the damn star of this game. Mystic Messenger would be nowhere near as good of a game without his character and his story; and I would be nowhere near as invested as I am without him. Hell, if it weren’t for Saeran, this game wouldn’t even be memorable to me. If you were to ask me to do a “pros and cons” for Mystic Messenger as a game, the first pro I’d put down would actually be “Saeran”.
Saeran’s route is just..... I can’t even begin to talk about it? It’s absolutely amazing. It’s one of the very few routes that are both very emotional driven and also very well written in terms of plot and pacing. I feel like a lot of otome games usually sacrifice one for the other but Saeran’s route isn’t like that at all. It made me feel tense, anxious, genuinely heart broken, thrilled, satisfied and over-the-moon happy all at the same time. This is literally one of the first times that I actually cried tears of happiness from playing a game. But for all the emotional roller coaster that it is, it’s also very well written and it didn’t feel like any of the plot points were dragged on for too long though the Zen and Yoosung chats were completely unnecessary and could have been completely cut out. Rika and her dumbass cult subplot is also skirting on thin ice but it didn’t get too bad. Though Rika was an insufferable little bitch but this post isn’t about her.
While Rika sort of became a joke of a villain and became less threatening and more annoying, her annoying presence combined with the Prime Minister plot still made the conflict feel very tense and you could feel how high the stakes were. This is a big step up compared to the original story where the stakes were so low that they had to use cliche cardboard cut out drama queens like Echo Girl, and the Choi sisters just to make petty, stupid, lackluster drama because Cheritz doesn’t know How to Pace their overarching storyline.
But anyway!! I didn’t think I’d be able to love Saeran’s character more prior his route but his route definitely blew me away to the point that my love for Saeran is so high that it’s probably on a whole other astral plane.
Like. His character development is incredible. His character is incredible. Out of all the Mystic Messenger characters, he definitely has by far the best and most well written arc out of everyone. While I’m still kind of iffy about his implied DID / multiple personalities mumbo jumbo... it could have been worse *glares at how they handled Rika’s mental illness in the SEs*. I’m kind of cheesed how they left it vague in the end but a part of me also feels like if Cheritz tried to elaborate on it more they’d just end up digging a hole for themselves because their ability to properly write mental illness isn’t... the best. Despite the rocky bumps, I still do think that they did Saeran justice though, so I’m satisfied enough.
Watching Saeran overcome his demons and grow as a person was just so, so fulfilling... like he’s come so far and no words can even begin to describe just how proud I am of him. I remember I said before prior to Saeran’s route release that Saeran’s happy ending isn’t really in the secret ends because his defection from Mint Eye/recovery is all forced and dictated by those around him (literally just like how all his actions in Mint Eye was forced by Rika) but it doesn’t have to be forced. And this route has proven that point beautifully: unlike in the SEs, in Saeran’s route, nothing is forced on Saeran. You see Saeran rise up, take charge, and make his own decisions for himself and it’s far more fulfilling than any bullshit “”happy ending”” he got in the secret ends. It’s less of MC saving Saeran and more of MC encouraging Saeran to save himself and I love it.
There’s literally no other character that has wormed their way into my heart the same way Saeran has. Saeran isn’t fully recovered by the end of his route but I just have so much hope for him. He was given literally one, slim shot at freedom and happiness and he took the leap of faith despite all odds being against him like a trooper, so how can I not be so proud and happy and hopeful for him.
The flower language surrounding his character was absolutely beautiful. Unlike in V’s route where all the metaphorical talk about the sun just got annoying and outright insufferable, the flower language surrounding Saeran gave his character so much more depth, especially considering how passionate he is about flowers. 
Speaking of V’s route... V’s route doesn’t even hold a candle against Saeran’s route and I’m not just saying this because I’m Saeran bias. V’s route felt like a god damn rough draft for Saeran’s route for fuck’s sake. This is literally like the Chojiro-Gekkamaru issue all over again. You can obviously tell that the writers put a lot more thought and care into curating Saeran’s storyline compared to V and on one hand it kinda sucks how much V got the short end of the stick, but on the other hand, I’m so glad Saeran’s route wasn’t the same chaotic disaster as V’s. Sorry V fans, V’s route did not do it for me.
Also!!!! The ost? INCREDIBLE. This also extends to V’s route. I’m still kind of annoyed that the beautiful ost that played in Another Story’s prologue which was universally acknowledged as Ray’s theme turned out to be Rika’s theme (I feel duped) 
Literally.... the ost just keeps getting better and better. Every new ost piece in Another Story is absolutely phenomenal. Saeran’s theme in particular, from “Endless Struggle” to “I am the Strongest” just SCREAMS his character so much like his theme songs Embody his character. The composer deserves a freaking medal because I don’t think there will be another otome game with ost topping Another Story anytime soon.
Speaking of medals, his god damn voice actor deserves a medal too. Like I thought Saeran’s va’s performance was top notch in the secret ends but Saeran’s route really showcases just how talented this man is at voice acting. Sujin Kang Did Not Disappoint. He’s by far the strongest va in the mm cast imho.
Honestly if you thought I couldn’t gush more at how much I love Saeran’s route, his ending movie was stunningly gorgeous. “Four Seasons” is definitely my favourite song out of all the Cheritz songs. The melody is beautiful, the singing is beautiful and the lyrics fit Saeran so much. Watching the ending movie at the end of the roller coaster was just such a satisfying way to end it.
Actually... what was more satisfying was being allowed to vote for a charity group for Cheritz to donate their profits to. After playing through Saeran’s route, and watching the horrific child abuse that Saeran had to go through, voting for “Happiness for all Children” just felt so... fulfilling? Wholesome? I know a single vote isn’t actually going to do much in the long run but just the thought of being able to make even a tiny difference in the real world made me feel happy. I don’t have a soft spot for children, but when presented with the option to vote for a charity group immediately after Saeran’s route, a part of me was just screaming “vote for Happiness for all Children because absolutely no child should ever go through what Saeran went through in real life”. I know Saeran is a fictional character and MM is a fictional story but some of the shit just felt... so real. It made me fear that a child in real life might be going through something similar and Saeran’s route made me realize that I really don’t want that at all.
TLDR; SAERAN’S ROUTE IS ABSOLUTELY INCREDIBLE AND AMAZING. Not only was it really well written and really emotional, it seriously moved me in a way no other game has ever. I love it to the depth of my bones and I’m glad that they gave Saeran such a phenomenal route because his character is amazing and he really deserves the love he got.
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