#anyway my guys are IMPOSSIBLE to make on picrews
madeimpact · 10 months
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Because these guys all have the same gotdamn hairstyle: Sora, Roxas, Ventus, Noctis, Prompto. These are rough ideas and I'm probably going to want to draw them later but just some picrew brainstorming for fancy ball outfits teehee
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kninedlog · 10 months
Since my own art is trash credit goes to this person for the best interpretation creatable -
twitter: https://twitter.com/hunblooms
instagram: https://instagram.com/hunbloom?utm_medium=copy_link
The picrew itself: https://picrew.me/en/image_maker/626197
OC # 1 : Meet Anthony Andrews more formally known as Mr. Andrews
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The beginning | Previous | Next
(I'm trying to merge The Andrews and my other oc's into the story as best as I can without changing too much. As I do truly love the orginal and full fnaf story esp. SB; I love what creative minds and the fandom together have created more. So, please take any major changes with a slight grain of salt and move on. 'Tis a fan story.)
- Late 1979, a young spry, fresh out of highschool guy, named Mr. Andrews met a guy nicknamed Bill durring their time in college. Bill was speed running his way to a robotics degree, Andrews could see the man had some help back where he came from unsure of how or where though. As someone with his already preexisting knowledge felt a little taboo in these parts. He should know that best, being the weird one out in the robotics major of all places for just simply being good at it and the top of the class until Bill came around and knocked him to number two just because of speed. However, he didn't mind nor really cared about the man. That was until the campus spread with rumors that Bill owned a business. A children's pizza joint for family and fun times that had animatronic robots as the entertainment. That caught his attention.
-While Bill was busy rushing through the courses he needed workers to help keep the animatronics that were already there spic and span while he was away, he couldn't just leave his business partner to handle it all, it'd just be too much for him. So Andrews approchd and showed off a bit in class to get Bills attention for the job.
-It worked. All he needed was a small time engineer. Not anything really fancy. But, if Andrews could do more that'd be a plus! But truly he was just looking for someone to keep the upkeep while he was busy with learning and his partner was busy with the restaurant biz.
-Andrews happily accepted as he simply wanted the extra cash, being a small time waiter and bartender was not cutting it for the big ambitions he had dreamed for. Besides he was never really a people person. Robots and computers understood him more anyway.
-Working at the main location as it was the closest, young Mr. Andrews got to meet an at his prime, Henry Emily. A name that was thrown around a lot at the campus for his solo business venture through Chica's Party world. A place most of the campus students favored than fredbears before the two companies merged to make the Diner. Andrews never really picked a side, he didn't care enough.
-Andrews was then trained and heavily watched over by Henry. Simply doing his daily task of checking, basic tuening and cleaning everyday for a surprisingly three digit stack at the end of every week. However Henry started to notice a shine, a glow about the young adult who worked so feverishly and passionatly perfect at his job that he wanted to indulge in a little bit of curiosity.
-Andrews was then randomly asked to create a new animatronic for them to present. Something more marketable then useable. Just a test. He assured the boy they were never gonna use it, the man was just simply curious. Curious to see how truly in love the young one was to the craft of robotics and the science within it.
-Andrews delivered ten-fold. Billions of papers stack and stacks of notebooks and loose leaf were piled onto the surprised owners desk the next morning. The man couldn't have made all these the night prior could he!?
-Each few pages dedicated in intricate detail to a single idea. All different, all unique, all spectacularly futuristic with AI emotional programming and features that by today's time were impossible. Yet maybe plausible in the near future.
-Andrews wasn't just a simple robotics and computer science major, he was a visionary. A genius. An inventor. But he sadly didn't have the funds nor space nor help or crew create what he wanted. Not to mention that with these blue prints and designs, it would need to be a few years before something of this calibur could be made. Still Henry was fascinated and intrigued. He decided to hire the boy full time the second he and William graduated together. That's when Andrews finally knew Bill's full name.
-From that point forth he was now officially Fazbear entertainment's head engineer and technician employee, ready to hop from location to location where they'd need him to fix things right on up!
- FOUR YEARS PASS. IT'S 1983. Since the Diner chain would barely need his assistance anymore with the booming business that's been surrounding it, Andrews was moved to the newest spin off location Freddy Fazbear's Pizza, with the same working position as before but also a co manager. He was offered the role of head manager but he turned it down. Too much pressure, too much people, he'd rather just robot.
-Durring his time at his newest location he used up all the money he had saved previously from four years ago to finally start working on a project he plans that he would fully end up passing over as a gift to his kin. Well that's if he would ever have kids, no woman would ever glance his way or give him the time of day. That's until he met the future Ms. Andrews at a company after party night on location where he found out she worked as a waitress.
-The two started to mingle, flirt, and eventually become an item. Jordan loved watching the man she would marry one day work, found it fascinating how he knew all these codes and sequences, how in the zone he would become, sure it was a bit scary. Sometimes she couldn't even get him to eat or go to the bathroom, pry him away from that damn table or computer, how he would just push himself to and over the limit just to get a single finger to move. But how he would put this peice here and that there when building together a gift for something he only hopes and prayed was a possibility someday was still so amazing and greatful. She envied him. She envied him a lot.
- Still well early into the year the idea that he had heard his bosses talk about time to time had become a reality, an idea that frankly he had slight suspicion was stolen from him. I mean a robot that can move around freely and not have to bolted somewhere in place. That was one of the many of hundreds ideas he had scattered on Henry's desk that day. But then once he heard the idea came from William and that the robot would also double as a suit, Andrews then got freaked out. The awful amount of possibilities that could come with that were suprisingly not endless but gruesome.
- Could he say this right in front of the man's face? Absolutely the fuck not! That's his boss, he didn't want to eat fired! Plus he has a strange feeling he'll be used as a guinea pig for the idea if he did. So he kept his mouth shut, forced out a smile and gave a thumbs up and continued to watch from the sides. If there was one thing Andrew was best at, it was keeping his name out of anything and staying out of trouble.
-One day tragedy hit the company when one of the founders children died due to a very tragic chain of events. This left a shock of nerves spiked at the new Andrews houshold, a shotty two bedroom apartment in a complex. Right when Jordan found out she was positive too. Henry and William both told Andrews to keep continuing his job at the spin-off location despite the tragedy struck at the Diner. Nothing had happened at the spin off so it was fine. Plus they would need him to keep the golden suits that were now stored in the back the same treatment he was giving the new wonderful four.
- He listened and went back to work but had a feeling that William needed a talk, he looked so . . . Out of it. So he offered to let the man rant his heart out to him over drinks, to mourn and get emotional with someone that will keep their mouth shut at the local pub Jr.'s
-After a few small drinks and deep talks, with Jordan as added company, William wanted to drive them back home, do a good deed for a good deed ya know. Out of all them William wasn't as drunk and was to chilverous and proud to let Jordan drive. He claimed he never let his wife due to how "bad" she was which was a funny laugh. They agreed and off they went but half way home they crashed. It wasn't that bad, no serious damage was done to the car. William and Andrews were fine, dizzy. Maybe left with a tiny concussion, but Jordan wasn't so lucky.
-At the hospital William was apologetic to the nines. He didn't mean for it he didn't realize how drunk he was. Andrews was calm he was collected and he was reasonable. He told his superior that it was alright. Jordan, although heavily reluctant, made the more probable choice to live and get another chance at giving birth, but lost her first child in the process due to the injury she received.
-The Andrews house hold has never been so quite, so very quiet. Mr. Andrews continues his job in due diligence until the night after his successful testing of the security puppets visual recognition to color, AT THE DINER, Charlie Emily dies from a random act of violence by an unknown killer at the back of the restaurant he first started. He takes a few days off and just like thing only got worse.
-AT THE LOCATION HE CO-MANAGES FREDDY FAZBEAR'S PIZZA; one new kid gone, another gone. Another, another. He had it after one, after Susie went missing and stayed home later, picked back up the waiting tables and bartending the weekdays and leaving his job earlier to not be associated, but he still felt guilty and awful that he had no idea what to do. Once the third came around he just fell off the grid. Stopped showing up and started focusing on his and his new wife's life together. Using the sudden suprise marriage and honey moon as an excuse before completely quitting when they returned.
- He completely cut himself off from anything Freddy Fazbear's for a long long LONG time. Putting his free time into the gift of a life time. And watched as a bystander as a the company he used to love and cherish, the men he used to aspire to and admire break down.
- Then his first child was born.
The beginning | Previous | Next
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Picrew Time!
Wow. When was the last time i posted about my OCs on here? I don't even remember what's public information and what isn't at this point. I apologize so much for anyone who may have wanted to see more of them. I kinda got sucked into the vortex of Splatoon and i was living and breathing and dreaming about sea critters every second of the day. My every waking and sleeping thought was cephalopods. I'm not going to claim i'm not still obsessed with it. (I mean i think i may have joined my short list of special interests is how obsessed i am) BUT I will try and work on more pokemon stuff as well. I mean Pokemon has been a special interest for as long as my memories go back so i'm definitely not giving it up any time soon, it's just that sometimes my hyperfixations posses me lol. ANYWAY enough rambling, i made my various pokemon OCs in a picrew i found.
The Picrew can be found here. And the images will be under the cut to avoid making this post 3 miles long.
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Nova! I didn't have the correct hat available or his vest but oh well. I love her so much. The beloved of all time.
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Sana! Her jacket may be the most impossible thing ever to try and make in picrews but i love her anyway! She is genuinely so much fun to draw i really should doodle her again.
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Orion! The guy who started it all. The very first who would soon be followed by Ai. I love Orion so much, they are just such a good character. He is literally everything I love in a character all smushed together. And oddly enough he's everything i love to SEE in a character, not everything i love to MAKE. Which is very different from how i usually design characters.
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And here is Ai! I love her so much but it was a real struggle making her work here.
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And here's Cherry! All she wants is what's best for Sana, but that may not always be the easiest considering how much of a magnet for trouble he is.
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Ew british- kidding, kidding. Oliver is definitely a fun character. They are the guy(gender neutral) of all time. May be cocky by why wouldn't they be, i mean they did fight hard and well to become Galar's newest champion.
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Wyvalin Leblanc. Dragon tamer in training and childhood friend of Hime. He suffered an accident involving a Zweilous that left him with serious injuries and persistant pain all throughout childhood that continue to have lasting effects to this day. But his cheery attitude and support from his pokemon mean he's still working with dragon types.
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Merida Blackwood. An extremely anxious teenage girl who can always been found hiding behind Wyv. Her name be Marida, but almost everyone except Wyv calls her Hime. Hime isn't her real name, it's a nickname from an online friend that stuck. It isn't that she tries to ignore people, it's just that her words always seem to dry up the second she needs them.... And yet despite everything she still wants to journey with Wyv and push herself outside of her comfort zone.
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So, as I said in a previous post, I spent the whole night yesterday making picrews, and I thought: “Why not make picrews of the fictional family that I love more than everything in this world?”
Anyway, here they are! This is a close representation of how I picture the Hyde family whenever I think about the TSG universe (I am going to come up with a different name for this universe one day I promise). I am also going to give you guys some glimpses about their quirks and their personalities, so, click on the thingy if you’re interested on reading that.
Unfortunaly, it was impossible to make Jackie and Gracie’s eyes the way I picture them (mismatched, lol. I know this is a controversial topic but every single time I see the show I notice how Jackie’s eyes are different colors and I add that to every single one of my fics. It’s one of her little flaws that only makes her more perfect). So just pretend that one of their eyes is blue-ish, and the other one is green-ish.
Oh, and as I post more and more picrews, you might notice that out of all the adults characters from the TSG universe, Jackie’s the only one who doesn’t have any wrinkles. Years of a very strict skincare routine payed off really well for her.
Hyde grew his beard back, mostly because I always picture him with a beard when he’s older. Oh, and sorry for the lack of sunglasses, he stopped wearing them everyday when Dylan was a baby (he kept taking them off his face and throwing them at the ground lol).
On the left, we see Layla, the eldest and the wisest from all the three kids. The age gap between her and her siblings is big, so they always run to her when they need advice about something. 
Layla’s a lot like Jackie, she cares about her looks, she’s a social butterfly, and she’s probably the most popular girl in school. She’s not shallow though, nor does she have the superiority complex Jackie had in the first few seasons of the show, Hyde and Jackie made sure to raise her well. 
Layla’s also a bookworm, and a big romantic at heart. One of her dreams is to publish an epic romance novel, and writing is probably one of her favorite things in the entire world. She has this little red notebook filled with heart stickers in the cover where she often writes poems -- and Jackie is the only person allowed to read said poems.
Her hair is naturally wavy (as showed in the picture), but she starts to straighten it when she’s older. She grew up in the 90s after all.
Then there’s Dylan, or as I like to call him, the Hyde’s little evil spawn.
Don’t get me wrong here, Dylan is literally so sweet, and he cares about his family more than anything in the world. He’s a sucker for his mom’s hugs and he wants to be like Hyde in the future, but he also has a lot of pent up energy, which tends to put him into some pretty funny situations.
Dylan has a partner in crime, his name’s Jordan and he’s Fez and Laurie’s son (I’ll post a picrew of him later too). I’ve based Dylan and Jordan’s friendship on the Weasley twins from Harry Potter, they are natural pranksters and they drive Laurie and Jackie insane. Red helps the duo out with their pranks sometimes, claiming it’s “payback” for all the years he had to tolerate his son and his dumbasses friends mooching off him and making his life “miserable”. Dylan and Red also have a cute bond, we’ll see more of that in the sequel.
As he grows older, Dylan gets tall. Like, Jackie’s a midget next to him, guys (that doesn’t stop her from coddling him though). No one knows where he’s got that height from, and he uses that to his advantage (by placing Jackie and Layla’s Pop music CDs on high places that they couldn’t possibly reach just to mess with them. Oh, and he also joins the basketball team lol).
He’s very protective of his family, like, really protective, and he doesn’t take shit from anyone. He has a special soft spot for Hannah (Eric and Donna’s younger daughter). Hannah is a year older than him, and she’s hearing impaired. One day a guy from school stole her hearing aid to mess with her, and he got the beating of a lifetime. Dylan was suspended and Jackie went to the school to yell at the principal and defend her son, because she’s that kind of mom.
Don’t get any wrong ideas about Dylan and Hannah though, they were raised like siblings.
Dylan’s very into cars (another thing in common he has with Red), and when Hyde finally gives him the Camino, he babies the fuck out of it.
And last but not least... Gracie. Or Erica, as Eric likes to remind everyone about it.
Gracie will only be three years old in the sequel, so we won’t see a lot of her personality, but as I said many times, I do plan on writing one-shots about the kids when they’re older once the sequel is done, so...
Hyde has a special nickname for her, he calls her his little “Goldilocks” because her hair is curly and it’s almost a golden color. She’s a very smart kid and she’s always drawing.
Seriously, Jackie and Hyde’s fridge is filled with Gracie’s drawings, it’s the sweetest thing. They never threw a single drawing of her away, they always keep them, and they incentivize her as much as possible when she’s growing up.
She grows up to be an artsy person, and she’s very talented. She’s not a social butterfly like Layla, nor is she a “badass” like Dylan, she’s an introvert, she likes to stay home with her parents (she loves her parents so much) and have movie marathons with them on the weekends instead of going out to party.
She hangs out a lot with Katie (Fez and Laurie’s youngest daughter), who’s her best friend and her complete opposite, they have a bunch of sleepovers where they watch a ton of horror movies together and stuff their faces with ice cream. Their friendship is really something else, and she’s the first person Gracie comes out to (yup, Gracie’s a lesbian).
Gracie and Eric are very close, and she gets him very into Harry Potter. It’s funny, because Eric insists that he’s a Gryffindor, and Gracie tells him he’s totally a Hufflepuff, which makes him mad and they end up bickering because of it. But overall, they love each other a lot, and Eric’s a father figure to her.
Her relationship with Jackie and Hyde is beautiful. She’s not afraid of asking them for cuddles when she’s feeling down, and they are literally her biggest supporters. When Layla moves out for good (insert very sad Jackie and Hyde noises), they turn her room into a mini art studio for Gracie, and she spends most of her days there, listening to music and painting whatever comes to her mind.
Wow, I got really excited and I ended up talking waaay too much, but well... I love this family so much, I couldn’t help myself.
If you have any questions about the TSG sequel or about the characters in general, please feel free to send them to me!
Posting picrews of the Forman family next!
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selfshipstuff · 4 years
positivity time
I feel like spreading some positivity today, so even though I don’t talk to any of you much, COME GET YALL JUICE!!! Seriously tho, you deserve to know you’re appreciated, even if the appreciation is quiet. (Also, without exception, you are ALL Babey. Love you guys!!!)
@robotarmjokes​: Hey, D. I know you often have trouble believing this but you’re genuinely so sweet and valuable; everything about you is super valid and I’m really glad I got the chance to meet you! Even with your struggles, you’re still here, and it shows through the positive impact your presence has on the community-- I’m proud of you, y’know? I’m so happy that you and Rhys found each other, and I’m also really happy for you because you’ve made a lovely little found family with all your platonic F/Os as well; you deserve to be loved. Try and remember, you’re wonderful, and your existence is appreciated, ok? You’re stronger, more capable, and more loved than you know. ♡
@astralshipper: Astra, you’re adorable. You’re super sweet and I know for a fact that you’re really, really compassionate-- to the point that I think one of the first things anyone would ever notice about you would have to be your empathy. You’re always reaching out to make sure everyone is okay, and you’re so wonderfully kind. Your sense of humor is also really good, and you’re notably observant-- there’s a lot of things to admire about you! I’m really happy we bumped into each other through the community, although it would be impossible not to-- you’re kind of a big light in it, you know? Like, a huge source of positivity. Anyway, all of your ships are so sweet and valid, and I want you to know I’ll always support you in them. You’re so loved, ok? Never forget that. ♡
@rain-selfships: Rain-- there’s a lot of cool things I want to address about you, but first, let me just say I’m so proud of you!!! I know you’ve been struggling, but you’re handling it-- regardless of how you feel you’re taking it, you’re getting through it and that’s what matters. Your tenacity is amazing, and don’t think I haven’t noticed you posting more often recently! I’m so happy for you! I’m really glad you and Dick have been doing well, and I want you to know that you’re really, truly appreciated. My experience in the selfship community wouldn’t be the same without you in it, and I want you to know that you’re so valuable, ok? You’re beyond priceless, and it’s more than ok to need comfort and support, especially during the tough times. Hang in there, ok? I know you’ll get through it. ♡
@alotta-lovin: Sunny, babe!!! You already know how much I adore and appreciate you (hopefully !!!!) but I know I’ve been quieter recently. Therefore: TIME TO SCREAM IT FROM THE ROOFTOPS!! Listen, ok… you’re so much lovelier than I can completely describe in a single paragraph, but I’m gonna try and cover the basics. I admire you. I don’t say it often, but it’s true; you’re tenacious and immovably kind. Your loyalty and compassion are boundless, and there’re hardly enough words in my vocabulary for your thoughtfulness. All in all, you’re one of my best friends, and I can’t even express how grateful I am to have you in my life! Things are hard sometimes, but just know that you’re tougher, and you have people there to support you! We’re rooting for you!!! I know at least there’s me and all your F/Os-- Cronus, Steve, Robin, Dean, Reggie, everyone!! You’re so valid and you know I’ll be appreciating and supporting you!!! Love you!! ♡
@tsundere-doods: Audrey, sis, you know I love you. It’s been like… what, 3 years now? 4? I don’t know, but it’s been a while, and I’m really blessed to know you-- I can’t imagine my life now without you in it. You’re super valid and sweet, hella cute, and you’re stronger and more loved than you know. I know you struggle with those ideas a lot, but they’re true. (No, I don’t take “constructive criticism”, so shh. No denying your loveable-ness on my watch!!!) Listen, okay? You’re my big sister and I’m always going to love you. I’m always going to support you. You’ve been such a huge presence in my life over the past few years, and I wouldn’t change that for anything. I’m sure you already know this, but your ships with your babes are all so fuckin’ valid, and that is 100% a hill that I’m willing to fight on-- not die on, because it’s a battle I will win. I know things are rough, but you’ll get through them just like you always have so far. I’m so proud of you, sis! Seriously!! Also, you’re lovely and cute and loved beyond measure. Got it? Ok!! Love you!!! ♡
@creative-robot: Robo pal. Robo buddy. My fellow enby afraid of using the trans flag even tho we shouldn’t be since we aren’t cis. My dude, I never talk to you but you’re always in my notifications and I promise I think about you,, honestly like 75% of the time I don’t know what your posts are about but I still read them anyway because im lov u. You’re probably the main reason I got into picrew and now it’s like a whole-ass addiction so honestly thank you skjfdkg,, Also you’re hella valid??? Like for real. (Honestly I’m not even sure you’re a selfshipper?? But bless you you’re wonderful and lovely and you deserve the validation regardless. However I am genuinely unsure so do please tell me if you are because I want to support you ok.) Anyway love u pal, you’re very valid. Continue on with your pokemon and picrew shenanigans!!! ♡
ERGH there’s way more people to validate but I’m out of energy for now so this will have to do!! But believe me !!!!!!!!! I will be back and that is a THREAT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Love you guys kjsfdkgj ♡♡♡
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