#anyway my name on there is liesmith and my sideblod is liesmithrising come join me
prince-liest · 1 year
you know what I just realized I really like about Flight Rising?
it feels like it's from the internet of 10 years ago, in a really good way. like there's just the normal single sidebar ad, all the forums/coding are still bb code, and the experience of playing it has not fundamentally changed since 2013, just gotten expanded with new genes/colors/items/games
when I’m on the site I’m just playing with dragons, not getting constantly bombarded with pop-ups that want to sell me things and the atmosphere is very peaceful in the sense that it’s just all of us messing around with our neat dragon projects and dominance pushes and art/lore. I just got a cute rat badge someone made for donating a dragon to the plague dom push.
web 2.0 is truly collapsing in a way that is becoming increasingly visible as a direct result of capitalism and the ~free market~, but a lot of the changes have been slow enough that it’s hard to notice just how much the quality of just about everything on the internet (including literally just fucking google) has gone down until you look at something that almost feels like a relic of better times (except it’s still ongoing and awesome)
I think the only thing I really miss that seems to have gone away are breeding hubs / subspecies projects. there’s still a couple floating around, but they’re not very popular anymore.
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