#anyway so it slithers out of the egg shape slowly
ms-poltergeist · 2 years
If we have to wait for the last finale for Luz’s palisman I’ll be so upset. I need it to hatch early second special, the bond between a witch and their palisman is so important!!!!! It would suck if they hatched just to get Luz out of a sticky situation and then we never see them bond. I need to see Luz and her palisman being besties I need them to do that cute thing where it makes snakebat sounds at her and she understands it perfectly I need her to have it wrapped around her arm and stick out it’s forked tongue in affection I am so desperate for luz/palisman bonding. Dana I’m on my hands and knees
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pregmothy · 2 months
Naga king and his new human
You are the newest concubine in a Naga King's collection. In an agreement between his kingdom and yours, you were sent as a representative of your people to join the king's haram. You were at a sort of loss; you were but a small human in this swarm of nagas dressed in jewels and fine silks. They didn't have anything that fit you, so you had to make your own clothes from their silks and fix your own jewelry with whatever small pieces you could find. You felt out of place amidst their shiny scales. The great equalizer was, however, how you were expected to bear the king's children.
Again, you were a bit out of your element. Nagas were oviparous, and there was worry throughout the court if your body would be able to handle it. So until the day came, they decided it was best to get you comfortable with your expected duties with some "Exposure therapy."
You sat in on EVERYTHING, from lessons for the concubines to their cooking to cultural events to even bathing, which left you a little flustered. But not as much as the nightly duties; you sat in as the other naga tended to the king and learned a lot about naga anatomy in the process. Naga sex is so ROUGH. The first time you saw the king's two, not one but two, giant cock's emerge from his slit, you almost choked on your own spit. Long, thick, and TWO OF THEM, yeah, you now understood the apprehension, but you watched anyway. You watched as they kissed, long tongues slithering down throats, clawed hands grabbing at areas of exceptionally soft skin. It was a whole nother world compared to human sex. You watched as their tails curled around each other, and the king finally lined up one of this cock's with the concubine's slit; almost on command, the slit opened and gaped for the king, and he entered without a second thought. You sat there, watching their coiling bodies, and imagined yourself in the concubine's place, wondering if the king would do the same to you. You didn't have a naga tail, and you're almost certain your slit can't just open on command. Would he be rough with you like that? Would you like it? Would he coil around your body, bending your arms and legs so you couldn't move while he takes you without abandon? You hate to admit, or maybe you don't, that the thought of it riles you up and has you shuffling in your seat, hoping for some friction to relieve the minor but encroaching ache.
The birthing process was also a hurdle you had to overcome, so like with everything, you sat in on the other concubines laying their clutches. It was stressful in that room; surrounded by attendents, the room was hot and busting with energy. You watched as the concubines were tended to, almost pampered, as naga birth was less... active than human birth but even more lengthy with the large number of eggs they had to lay. You watched as each egg slowly slipped out of their holes, one by one, a wet plop accompanying their descent. You watched intently, the slight bump under skin as the eggs traveled down to their holes before falling out into the rest of the pile.
It didn't look pleasant, but it looked... stimulating. Your senses would be overwhelmed as your body pushes out egg after apple-sized egg. You watched, intrigued, facinated at how they could perform such a feat. You lay in bed at night, imagining how it felt. Did hormones numb the feeling, or could you feel every inch of each egg as they traveled through you? Did it feel good? The occasional wave of pleasure amidst a sea of discomfort. Each day, you watched, and each night, you lay staring at the ceiling as you fantasized about the shape and feel of every egg eventually passing through your body. After a while, you couldn't help but look forward to it. To the day you would finally be taken and made for sire a brood. While you're sure the experience may be glamorized in your sexually pent-up eyes, you can't help but fanaticize, obsess, or desire the experience. The passionate sex, the feeling of being filled with eggs, and the intimacy of laying them make your head spin in ways it never has before, and you don't know if you'll ever be the same.
Now, being all riled up at everything you've witnessed, the king was surprised at how eagerly you wiggled your soaked cunt against his cocks.
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clown-bait · 5 years
Monster Family (Monster Roommate AU) CH9
HIATUS OVER! Im back! I had to take some time off in the fall because holy hell life got crazy! But Im back and Im determined to finish this and get the story through IT ch2 idk how long that will take me but now that Im financially stable I finallly have time to write!
CH 9 Hospital
When you're on a diet the last place you want to go to is an ice cream shop where temptation surrounds you in every corner. For Pennywise staring at a room full of screaming crying infants was like standing in an ice cream shop with a growling stomach and the world's biggest sweet tooth. 
They were so helpless and plump he could just pluck one up and swallow it whole. No one would even notice! They're all just right there! The Adam's apple of his human form bobbed up and down as he gulped and pressed a hand to the window. 
"First time dad?" A man was speaking to him he sounded disgustingly confident and joyful.
"Yes." He answered distantly.
"Aw congrats son! My wife just popped out number 3 right there! Cute little tyke, those legs look like a future football star's legs I'm tellin ya! Nice and plump gonna be a strong runner!"
Robert Grey wiped his lips with his sleeve as he stared at the squirming drumsticks. 
"So newbie which one of the little rascals here is yours? Wait don't tell me, the one with the fish eyes HA!"
Robert held back a snarl. "My offspring have not arrived yet." He said almost ominously 
"Ah hell don't be nervous pal! You'll be fine!"
"I do not get nervous." Robert did growl this time. He wanted to leave not only because this human stunk of pork rinds and grass cuttings but more so that he was stressed being in this place. There was a lot of fear in these halls possibly some of his own. His mate's seizing body was still fresh in his mind and the blood from her head was still under some of his fingernails. She will definitely kill him when she wakes up.
"Mister um Grey? Your wife is…..well she's stable will you please come with me?" A nurse called to him. Finally an excuse to leave. 
"Go get em champ!" He heard the human male call out to him. The eldritch decided that none of his offspring will be participating in this game of footballs just to avoid ever encountering this loud individual again. 
"We don't know how to tell you this sir but your wife is….well she has no pulse... Medically speaking she should be dead.." Robert stood unamused at the door of a hospital room he really did not want to be in. "I'm aware of that." He growled at the confused nurse. He should probably make her not see the fact that leech was a card-carrying member of the living dead but to be honest he wasn't focusing too much on what people saw and did not see. Most of his attention was on the strange male who insisted they came here instead of home. He didn't like the smell of him and did not like that his mind was unreadable. All he knew about him was that he knew his mate and had more than just a guitar in that case he carried. 
When the man found them it was Robert Grey's face he wore while he stood in the middle of the road. The creature frantically licked his seizing mate whos swollen stomach flashed frantically with muffled light. No matter what he did, he couldn't get it to stop and his silver desperate eyes reflected back in the approaching headlights. The following conversation was a blur,  the man apparently had met them the night before on that wonderfully brilliant bender he went on. Something about getting his mate to the hospital something about a friend who worked there….
"Sir? Are you all alright? " The nurse asked and brought the eldritch out of his thoughts. He let out a very inhuman snarl and pushed past the woman "sir! We need to discuss this more there's the matter of an ultrasound and-" Pennywise slammed the door behind him. He glanced up at the scene before him; another nurse fussed over the unconscious vampire smearing ointment on her stomach as she lay as still as a fresh corpse. He did not like the way they touched her nor the smell of the bandages on her head.
"Oh you must be the father? We're about to take a look at the baby." She said cheerfully. Pennywise's scowl did not change. 
The instrument pressed into his brood and a fang twitched over his lip. How dare this filth touch his mate and his eggs. He moved to protect but stopped when little lights began to dimly glow beneath the surface of Leech's pale skin. The nurse was mumbling something about seeing babies then she froze jaw going slack at the sight of the monitor. The infant deadlights within his vampire all shined through the screen, paralyzing their victim while rotating hypnotically just like their parent lights. The eldritch finally softened his gaze at the sight of his offspring. Pride stole his breath away from him and his scowl slowly warmed into a smile. Not even born and already making kills. He understood it all now, pride in something other than himself. Was he crying? Can he cry? Pennywise was lost in pondering these new emotions not even registering that his mate had come to and had bitten into the brain scrambled nurse. Leech hissed as she sucked the life out of the woman reflecting soulless eyes at the dumbstruck cosmic horror who was still completely mesmerized by all the strange new parental feelings it was trying to process. He didn't move till the empty body fell to the floor snapping back to reality at the sound of the heavy thud. Leech returned to a reclined position resting her palm on her churning stomach feeling the happy buzzing beneath her skin coughing and wheezing as if the blood she just consumed was her first breath of life.
A tissue dragged over her lips and one of her eyes slowly opened to watch Robert hover over her. "You're in trouble." She muttered.
"When am I not." He smirked and licked the tissue before swiping blood from her cheek particularly hard. 
"You didn't even propose you dick!" Leech growled and gingerly sat up. 
"Was tired of being bothered." Her mate tossed the tissue aside and instead switched to running his thumb over her cool lips. He licked his fingers clean with a satisfied groan. 
"That's not really the point of getting married Pen." Leech replied quietly and the mood changed fast. Robert's hands pulled away from her and a coldness filled the air. The eldritch stepped back towards the door and Leech could see the hurt on his features even if he hid it.
"..........You do not want this?" was he sad? Oh great drama queen is upset. 
"Hey I'm having your fucking babies egg head!" She blurted out trying to get out of the bed but struggled from her size. Her mate was already getting ready to walk out. "Pen don't fucking jump to conclusions. I don't want this in the way you did it! That's what has me upset!" She felt fear in her throat followed by the pain of her own children feeding off her. Tears spilled from her eyes as ichor bubbled from her mouth. "I want it to fucking mean something to you, like it does for me!" She gurgled weakly spilling black goo from her lips to the floor. Her mate did finally stop trying to leave much to her relief. She coughed and gripped the bed tightly. "I didn't even get a bachelorette party…." She could feel herself panting and she shifted back to a reclining position. "Hey, I still love you, you big drama queen. Don't ever doubt that. Can we just discuss this post offspring? I got a lot on my plate right now."  After an uncomfortable silence he turned to her with wild golden eyes. "They look like me." Was all he said. 
"They eat like you too." Leech sighed wiping her own blood from her lips. Robert's lip twitched upward as Leech shut her eyes in relief "I hate saying this but-"
"You need my help."
"You're the one who did this to me anyway." The vampire groaned and shut her eyes. "I feel so gross and bloated." She felt a hand reach under her knees and another slither around her back lifting her with ease. "Who's being the drama queen now?" He finally grinned 
"Fuck you." 
"You've already done that darling." Robert smirked with pride kissing her bandaged head. Leech traced the nail of her thumb over his cheekbone and her eldritch leaned into the touch.
"Just mouth stuff then." She smiled and kissed his soft wet lips.  
"What the hell are you doing?! Put her back idiot!" The pair froze at the shout as two men burst into the room. Pennywise's eye cracked open and rolled to the side, eyeing them both with venom. "Oh christ, they killed Bridget." The doctor groaned. Herbert West lifted the dead woman's wrist and dropped it "I suppose I can use the body for research. This will be such a mess to clean, you people are nightmares to work with I hope you know that." 
"I thought you said you didn't work with the living doc." Leech grumbled as her mate eased her back down and stood guard in front of her bedside.
"Your buddy here called in a favor."
"The guy from the bar?"
"Call me Duke darlin, Duke Rivers! Found the two of you in the middle of the road, gave you a lift." 
"I don't remember anything after passing out." Leech grumbled gingerly touching her head. 
"Shoulda seen that old bug of yours! What a worried wreck! Didn't I tell ya he'd come around?" The older man laughed then placed his coat on his shoulder. "I'll bet letting the doc take it from here, consider it my one good deed of the day. Come see my show sometime kid." 
"I- yeah, I think I will thanks." The man studied her as Robert shot a venom-filled glare in his direction then nodded at them as he slipped out. Leech barely had time to think before being roughly grabbed by the chin.
"You seem to be healing slow your um..species.. is known for regenerating yes?" West turned her head and pulled back her dressings.
"You think I'm sick?" Leech sat up taking her mate's hand.
"Do keep in mind I specialize in humans this is completely uncharted territory for me." 
"Well I'm human-shaped….most of the time…"
"I'll need you to go over weaknesses and allergies of both you and your...significant other. Something could have weakened you or the babies." 
"I have none!" Robert butted in with pride. 
"Yeah yeah lucky you." Leech grumbled. 
"And I believe I told you to wait till sunset but ohhhh no someone just haaad to go swimming."
"Oh shut up you were just as into it as I was."
"So you've been weakened by sunbathing despite knowing you're allergic to sunlight. And here I thought legendary monsters would be intelligent." The doctor sighed and turned the vampires head who hissed in annoyance. "Figures you are more vulnerable in your condition. By the rate your head injury is healing it'll take days instead of hours till you're on your feet. Hope the tan was worth it."
"Your bedside manner needs work doc." Leech muttered as he roughly redressed her wound 
"I work with the dead not the living"
"It shows." Robert nearly hissed not liking the way this other touched his mate so carelessly.
Leech rolled her eyes at him "So I don't know about you boys but i need another drink. Hook a girl up doc? Got any A negative? That shits rare!" 
"I would like a baby." The cosmic horror said cooly
"You already have babies Pe-.......wait…..no. oh no you are not eating a baby!"
"Peachy they are literally right there!" The eldritch's fangs split his face as he glared out the small window. His company looked mortified "Just one, one small soft and squealing."
"You are not eating a fucking baby!" Leech growled.
"I deserve one!" The disguised clown snarled glaring at his mate with vermilion eyes and a broken human face. 
"You already got my ass virginity today!" Leech snarled back rolling her eyes at the dramatic display.
"Things I did not need to hear at 5 am….. look I'm not stealing you rare blood types and infants for a grotesque gourmet feast. I will supply you with what you will need and then ask you people to get out of my hospital." The doctor grumbled and began to fuss with the corpse on the floor. 
 "Fine then Pen take me home, I'd rather rot in my own bed anyway." 
"I told you a couple days rest. You will live, are all of you this dramatic?"
"Only the pretty ones doc!" The vampire flashed a parting grin as they left the doctor to clean their mess. He was grumbling something about never working with the undead again. 
"You should be resting." Her monster’s voice hissed from under her bed. Leech shot a disinterested glance to the floor then back to her window. She felt a puff of hot moist air uncontrollably close to her face then heard a maw of teeth open "YoU sHOulD bE REsTinG." The eldritch gurgled.
"You realize the scary faces are gonna keep me awake right?" Leech cooly said and heard a set of jaws snap shut with enough force to break bones in two. 
"Things other than scary faces are keeping you up. I smell it on you." Her clown’s voice warbled out and Leech subconsciously moved for him to join her. 
"You ever look at someone you've never met and just feel like you know them?"
"No. But I am amused by this continue." The massive horror smiled through his words as he bullishly snuggled his way into his mate’s bed.
"I think I know the guy who helped us. I don't know why though." 
"Hmm too much stressing for you Mrs. Wise. But I will help put your mind at ease when you feel better. Promise promise." Leech felt soft nuzzles against her head as her mate ran his cheekbones over her skull like a cat. 
"I thought we agreed not to talk about that." Leech grumbled and turned to face her apparent "husband". "And its Grey. I like Grey on the end of my name."
"Someone's thought of this before!" Pennywise's smile widened. "Daydreaming about your clown my dear?"
"Don't embarrass me." Leech grunted and buried her face in his ruff. If she was alive, her face would be hot. "I'm not considering this official until we have a real ceremony and I get a ring. Call me old fashioned but your girl has standards."
"Hmm as you wish then Mrs. Grey!" He chuckled darkly smirking at her darkened cheeks and wide-eyed expression. 
"You fucking jackass." She muttered as her clown cackled grabbing her tight and tickling her skin. So much for bed rest.
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ask-chaos-kin · 5 years
Chaotic Adventures in Babysitting Chapter 3
This is one of the longer chapters being over 5000 words. Co-written with @royalbabble (I only own Wolves Bane, Chaos Kin, and Roseflame)
Everyone was slowly waking up from yesterday, Intelligent Heavy having been woken up by Rose hoping they would be able to make breakfast. Ass Pancakes was jostled awake not long after by both Intelligent Heavy and Rose.
“Huh? What?” He woke up in a slight daze.
“Can you make breakfast?” Rose asked. He nodded and got up with a groan, he had been taught how to cook by Chaos before. The easiest thing he could make was given in his name, though eggs and sausage where also an easy breakfast meal. While he started to cook he heard the front door open. He looked back to see Roseflame enter the house with Brutal, he wasn’t surprised to see Brutal covered in blood again.
“Yo if you’re joining us for breakfast, take a shower first and wash your clothes,” Ass Pancakes stated simply, Intelligent Heavy kept Rose from seeing Brutal by using his larger frame as a barricade. 
“There was some spindly little piker lurking around out near Spypers van,” Brutal said, hooking his thumb back outside, “Thought I’d take care of ‘em for ya,” He remarked. 
“Yeah, thanks for dealin’ with him,” Pancakes said, flipping a pancake to impress and distract Rose. Brutal took off his hat to observe the mess he’d made on himself.
“Where’s the showers?”
“Down the hall, third room to the left. I’ll bring you a spare T-shirt and jeans,” Pancakes started on making a special shape pancake for Rose. Rose caught a quick glance of the bird shape and began climbing the oven to get a better look. 
“Nope, don’t need you burning your hands kid,” Pancakes scolded, setting down the spatula and scooping her and handing her over to Intelligent Heavy. 
“I wanted to see the birdy,” She protested.
“You’ll see them soon. In the meantime. Why don’t you go wake up the others?” He asked her.
“Okay!” She giggled. Intelligent Heavy set her down, letting her wander away to wake up the others.
“Watch her. Please,” Pancakes gave a worried look to Intelligent Heavy. Intelligent Heavy glanced back and gave a reassuring smile as he followed after the child. Brutal sauntered off to the showers, slapping his bloodsoaked hat back over his head. Ass Pancakes prodded the food in the pan, scooping it up to flip it onto a nearby platter. He looked back and saw Roseflame still standing in the doorway. 
“What up?” He asked going back to the food.
“Nothing, just. You know, social interaction isn’t my-”
“You’re going back to your home aren’t you?” Ass asked looking back at her after moving more pancakes to the other platter.
“Yeah… yeah I’m heading back,” She rubbed the back of her neck.
“You stayed yesterday, you’re good,” He turned the heat down to low and walked back to her, “Just keep in touch, you and me know Chaos well. She has anxiety about being a freak even nearly 2 years after being one,” She nodded.
“I’ll visit daily,” He nodded and returned to food as she left to return back to her home, as secluded as it was.
Deep in the woods a shadow was slithering to a corpse, engulfing it in it’s shade and shimmering, amorphous form, slowly piecing it back together. All the meanwhile it was taking a form on the nearby tree stump, shaking its head in disappointment.
“Well, That plan went horribly,” Knenus remarked as Wolves Bane gasped for air.
“You couldn’t have intervened! You’re a demon!” He kept coughing up blood.
“Yes, but he’s a demon hunter. So no, I couldn’t intervene until later. Anyways nothing should be broken anymore. My guess is to head back and plan another attack. We’re some of the only demons around here for now,” Wolves Bane gave them a questioning look before returning to coughing up blood.
“Who’s the others?” He asked once he was finally done.
“Writhe and his host, Dr. Grave. But right now they’re out of commission, Nightmare Medic, and a few others,” Knenus started to list. Wolves Bane stumbled up, only to topple back to the ground with a whump. He spit out some dirt and rolled over on his back, thinking about the first Freak Knenus had listed off. He’d never heard of a “Dr. Grave” before now.
“How Strong was that ‘Dr. Grave’ guy?” He asked after getting more dirt out of his mouth.
“Extremely. It took a whole gaggle of Freaks to take him out,” Knenus looked to him knowing where his mind was going. She helped him up and took the two back to their base using a portal. He could rest up, no use in him wandering around in his dazed condition.
Brutal finished his shower just as the others were getting ready to eat breakfast. Just as Pancakes had promised. There was an extra large T-shirt and a pair of jeans waiting for him. His actual clothes must had been thrown in the wash. He rolled out the clothes and slipped into them, each article just a bit too big for his body. As he got dressed, he could hear jingling coming from the other room.
“Oh boy,” Brutal sighed, “Jester’s awake,” He could also hear a young girl giggling, must have been why they were so pressed on having him take a shower and wash his clothes; Don’t scare the little kid. Though he admitted that sometimes it was fun to do exactly that. 
He came into the kitchen and was none too surprised to find Count Jester up to their usual antics, flying around the room while bringing to life inanimate objects and making them move about. And sure enough, in the midst of the chaos was the little ankle biter herself. He just wasn’t sure who she belonged to. The moment Brutal stepped into the kitchen, Jester grinded to a halt in midair and zipped over to Brutal, faster than the homicidal Freak could react. Jester threw their arms around Brutal and pulled him into a bone breaking hug, lifting him clear off the ground with an uncharacteristic strength. Jester quickly set him back down, making Brutal stumble for a moment. For whatever inexplicable reason, Jester had taken to viewing Brutal as a sort of father figure, along with Pure, Gentle, and RED. Pure waved it away as Jester imprinting on them somehow, despite Jester being an adult, so no one really thought about it further than that. 
“Hey Brutal,” Chaos gave a small hello as she gave the child the drink she choose. There was no way the kid was hers, despite clear similarities in their faces.
“Who’s Brutal?” The child asked, by the sound of the voice, had to be in the middle of single digits. Around five, if Brutal had to hazard a guess.
“That’d be me,” Brutal said, stepping around into the child's view. 
“You have a weird name,” Rose squeaked. Pancakes laughed, who didn’t here?
“Rose that was rude. We talked about this,” Chaos sounded slightly disappointed in the child.
“Ah she hasn’t even heard my full name. Christian Brutal Sniper,” Brutal said, pulling up a chair, grinning at the child's confusion. She wondered why someone would be named Brutal Sniper. Chaos shook her head, she gave him the look to say don’t tell Rose her freak name. Before Brutal could say anything else, Jester scooped her up and flew around the room with her. Chaos just smiled warmly at the scene then turned her attention to Brutal.
“So, what brings you to this neck of the woods?” She asked, sipping her morning cup of Dr. Pepper.
“I’ve been lookin’ for more people to kill. I was humiliated back in Grave Manor and Im not going to let that pompous asshole make a fool out of me. So I was walking by to see what blokes were nearby that I could get my hands on when I found this Scout Freak lurking around outside the base,” Brutal explained. 
“Wolves Bane? The guy who sent us to the Slender dimension?”
“Yeah that’s the bloke,” Brutal said.
“Guessing you chopped him into little bits?” She said, was keeping an eye on Rose as Jester flew her around the room.
“Yep,” Brutal snickered, “I’ve been itchin’ to get back my killin’ spree ever since Jester broke me out of that weird trance. Thanks for that by the way,” Jester gave Brutal a thumbs up as they flew by.
“Have you seen Roseflame by any chance? The girl we dragged here from that Slender Dimension? She was around here yesterday but I have yet to see her this morning,” Chaos asked him. She appeared to be worried for Roseflame, even though the newcomer has proven she can handle herself.
“She was here this morning. Don’t know where she headed to after that,” said Brutal, rubbing a crick out of his neck. 
“She headed back to her own base. Social overload,” Pancakes set down a bowl containing scrambled eggs.
“She has her own base?” Asked Brutal, leaning over to peer into the bowl. 
“She found an abandoned place and set up a home there. She says it has something to do with her not used to being out in the open with so many people,” Chaos explained. Everyone at the table promptly ducked as Jester flew by again, shaking the table and everything on it. Pancakes grabbed the bowls and platters to keep them from falling off the tabletop and huffed after the jovial Freak before they darted back into another room, Rose hanging onto their back. 
“I don’t blame her,” Brutal observed, getting back up and fixing his hat, “Especially with them around,”
“I’m half tempted to bring them down a notch-” Pancakes began, opening his hand to summon his warhammer.
“Hit Rose. Those eggs will be your grave,” Chaos snapped, her voice a harsh growl. Pancakes slowly backed off, mindful of the threat. 
After the brief exchange, Pancakes set up everything at the table, with Jester finally setting Rose down in a chair before hovering down to sit beside her. While everyone ate, Rose was curiously hanging around Brutal, trying to find out more about him. She reached up and tugged on his shirt to get his attention. Brutal glanced down to the small girl in the middle of eating a large portion of pancakes and eggs. 
“What?” Brutal asked, taking a napkin from the center of the table. 
“Where are you from?” Rose asked, Chaos knew that now that he’s responded he will never get away from the questions about him.
“Australia,” Brutal said bluntly, taking another bite of his food.
“Do you kill people?” Everyone went silent for a moment, worried she already knew about Brutal. Then again his name didn’t help in this current situation.
“Yep,” Brutal said so nonchalantly that one could be forgiven for thinking he was guilty of only some trivial wrongdoing. 
“Why?” Chaos was about ready to either leave the room or smash her head into the table. Pancakes was preventing either of them from happening however. Rose seemed genuinely curious of Brutal still instead of fearful of him.
“I just do,” Brutal said with a shrug, wiping his hands with a napkin. 
“He’s tried to kill me!” Jester piped up, grinning, “The only reason he can’t is because my body isn’t actually made of flesh like everyone else. The only way to really hurt me is to break my artifact,”
“Can we not give my niece nightmares!?” Chaos barked slightly angry at the two for being so nonchalant about it, “She’s not like us, she’s full human,” That’s when Rose looked to Chaos.
“What do you mean Aunt Lily?” She sighed, she didn’t know how to explain it to her. Spyper raised a hand, gesturing to Chaos to let him explain.
“We’re what are known as Freaks. We have powers and abilities that make us not entirely human. A lot of us have superhuman strength,” Spyper started, looking to Brutal, “Some of us have a heightened knack for inventing,” Spyper looked to Intelligent Heavy, “Some of us can alter the very fabric of reality,” Spyper looked to Count Jester, “Some of us have extremely powerful magic,” Spyper looked to Chaos, “And some of us can teleport,” Spyper pointed to himself.
“That’s my gimmick to Spyper,” Chaos intervened.
“What about him?” Rose looked to Pancakes.
“I’m unique, got quite a few powers. Including summoning weapons out of thin air-”
“Most of us can do that,” Chaos elbowed him in his side.
“He can go inside a can and jump around with it!” Jester added, “I can do something similar, but I can’t move my artifact around when I’m in it,” Rose seemed interested to see what all the others could do.
That’s when the phone started to ring. Chaos answered it and moved into another room.
“Can you guys show me some of your abilities?” She looked to everyone else around. Pancakes shrugged, he didn’t see any harm in it. Pancakes started by going into his can and hopping onto the table.
“See? I can move around in this thing,” He said as he bounced around the table. Intelligent Heavy was stacking forks, spoons, and knives to make a small tower.
“If I had actual mechanical parts, I could make something much more impressive,” He said, pulling his hands away from the utensil tower. Spyper pushed his chair out and got up.
“Watch this,” He grinned. His body began to shimmer, and Rose went wide eyed when his form became so translucent that she could see straight through him. Then with a loud hiss, Spyper disappeared. Rose gasped and looked around, standing up in her chair. Another hiss came from behind her, and Spyper tapped her arm, having teleported right behind her. She started to giggle as she came to realize exactly what was going on.
“Show off,” Ass Pancakes groaned coming out of his can of Bonk. 
“Oh come on show us what else ya got!” Brutal laughed, smacking Pancakes arm with the back of his hand. Pancakes summoned his warhammer not a second later.
“With pleasure,” He screamed and directed an attack at Brutal. Intelligent Heavy went over to Spyper who now had Rose in his arms. 
“This could get a little ugly.” Spyper commented as Pancakes missed hitting Brutal, there was about to be a fight for sure, at least everyone got some food in their system before this. Brutal rolled out of the way.
“‘I’ve been itching for a fight since mornin’!” Brutal cackled, pulling his Tribalman's Shiv out of nowhere and charging Ass Pancakes. Before the two could really cause damage a purple cloud of particles appeared and the mass inside punched Brutal directly in the jaw, making him stagger backwards. Brutal has plenty of brute strength, but not much physical toughness.
“Not in front of my niece!” Chaos rolled her arm before angrily glaring at Pancakes. His warhammer disappeared and he retreated to his can and went to hide on a high shelf, “Anyways,” She started, “Slight change in plans for today. My team found Nightmare Medic’s lair. Apparently a group of BLU’s have gone off the grid and that’s where they are. They requested backup. I know it’s only been 6 months since the whole Grave deal but you guys mind helping out?” She asked the rest in the group.
“What about Rose? You don’t plan on taking her with to take on Nightmare Medic, right?” Spyper asked with concern in his voice.
“No, god no. I’m gonna leave someone here I know can protect her from Wolves Bane while we’re out,” She explained looking to Brutal.
“Him? Are you sure that’s a good idea? You do know who Brutal is right?” Intelligent Heavy asked calmly, questioning her thought process. Brutal glared at him but shrugged either way. 
“What about Jester?” Brutal said, craning his head up to look at the flying Freak, “They’re pretty good with kids,”
“Jester was also the reason we were even able to have a chance against Grave in the first place,” Intelligent Heavy protested, standing up, “They were the one able to reverse the effects of Termination, they were the one that came up with the plan to even kill Grave in the first place, they were the one able to see inside his mansion. They had the magic and firepower we needed to take Grave down. If anyone’s going with us, it’s them. If Jester can defeat Grave, they can defeat Nightmare Medic,”
“Then who the Hell is staying behind?” Brutal asked indignantly, throwing up his hands. 
“I could if Brutal is too much of a pussy to stay behind,” Ass Pancakes stated getting down from the shelf, promptly being smacked upside the head by Brutal himself. He was shocked by the fact that it happened so quickly, not with an immediate retort. He sulked while Jester snickered at him. 
“I would do anything if it meant I could go back to massacring blokes like you,” Brutal snapped. He stormed off to the laundry room to fetch his clothes, “I’m comin’ with ya! I ain’t stayin’ around here and lettin’ you have all the fun,”
“I’ll let you show Rose how to throw a knife properly if you stay,” Chaos called out, hoping to persuade the murder happy Freak. She knew that if it worked she’d regret it but at least then she’d have Pancakes with her to help rationalize out a plan. Then again, Brutal was the one with the strength to pose a physical threat to Nightmare Medics host. Whether or not he could actually win in a fight was a different story however. 
Brutal came back in his usual black and red attire, brushing himself off.
“Nope, i’m coming with ya. I’ll probably get thrown around a lot because that seems to be a running thing with me these past six months, but I’m not letting you have all the fun,” 
“Looks like your stuck with Rose then Pancakes,” Chaos jested, patting his shoulder. He just shrugged.
“Oh well, I’ll keep an eye on her. Don’t get too hurt out there,” Pancakes said, shrugging off the gesture. “But fuck you,” he looked at Brutal with anger in his eyes. Brutal clenched his fists and stepped toward the smaller Freak.
“I could break you like a motherfuckin’ twig right now-”
“Alright that’s enough!” Jester shouted, punctuating their annoyance by slamming their fist onto the table, a surge of blue energy sparking up from them, shoving Pancakes and Brutal away from each other. Everyone stared at the Freak, a bit taken aback by their sudden outburst. Yellow sparks flew off of their body for a moment and their cape and the ends of their hat shook on an invisible wind. Jester took a deep breath and raised their hands to either side of their head  before angling their hands towards Pancakes and Brutal, as if to shout something at them. Spyper looked at the child in his arms, she had fallen asleep at some point during the arguments.
“You three are lucky the child is currently asleep,” Spyper huffed before handing her off to Pancakes. He brushed himself off and fixed his hat.
“I’ll go start the van,” He said, “We can stop by a scrapyard so you can grab whatever you need to make something that could help us along the way,” Spyper said to Intelligent Heavy. 
“You guys can catch up. I’m teleporting there. I’ll take Mr. Stab first ask questions later here with me,” Chaos said, grabbing her sword. She stepped over to Brutal and clapped her hand over the Freaks shoulder, concentrating on the location that her team had described. She craned her head to Jester and Pancakes, who were now the only other people in the kitchen. 
“Both of you be careful, I’ll see you there Jester.” with that her and Brutal were gone in a puff of purple flecks.
“Welp, since you’re gonna be the only one here, lemme give you a parting gift,” Jester said, pulling off their hat and reaching into it like a magician, their hair puffing up in the process. They pulled out a small cube and handed it to Pancakes and placed their hat back on their head. 
“What’s dis?” He looked at it, confused. Out of all things to be given, some random cube was Jesters thing. He swore he would never be able to grasp their mindset.
“Twist the top,” Jester snickered. Pancakes sighed. He swore to God, if this was another one of Jesters tricks… He tentatively opened it and peeked in. There was a bright orb inside it that glowed blue.
“It’s a little pocket of my own powers!” Jester cheered, “If you come across a problem that needs some finessing, just open that up and the magic will take care of everything else,” Jester explained.
“Huh, thanks Jester!” Pancakes closed it and put it in his bag, “Good luck against Nightmare Medic. Heard he’s pretty close in power to Grave,” He rubbed the back of his head. 
“Or is Grave close in power to Nightmare?” Jester asked with a doofy grin. Pancakes sighed and walked into the other room, “Who put you on the planet?” Jester scoffed.
“My Momma,” He responded while putting the sleepy Rose on the couch.
“Well, anyways, I’m off!” Jester waved and turned into a cloud of blue smoke and darted off outside. Pancakes heard an engine start up, and he peered through a set of windows, watching a van take off into the sky with Jester flying along beside it. He hated that he wasn’t going to be able to see the action first hand but then again, he’d rather not nearly die.
Wolves Bane watched as Spypers van took off with Jester flying right beside it. There was no way he could resist trying to mess up Chaos’ base while she was gone. Slipping into the underbrush, he snuck up to the house and peered through a window, watching Ass Pancakes lounging around the living room scrolling through TV channels, Rose was asleep on the couch.
“This couldn’t be any easier.” Wolves Bane smirked to himself. He grabbed the clasps of the window and pulled up, but the window didn’t budge. He then kneeled to his shadow in defeat, “Hey Knenus, mind getting in there to unlock the window?” He asked her, they rolled her eyes.
“Just get your shadow in there and I’ll take care of the rest., She sighed. He raised up just enough to get his shadow casting into the living room. The shadow shimmered and shook for a moment, and the latch holding the window came loose. Wolves Bane carefully opened the window and started to crawl through with a slight crash. He scrambled to get up and right whatever it was he had knocked over.
“What the hell was that?” Pancakes called from the living room. Wolves Bane scrambled to a hiding spot, if he was caught there was a very high possibility he’d never be able to get back in. Pancakes walked into the kitchen and looked around. He turned his attention to an overturned potted plant. He sauntered over to it and placed it back on it’s table, peering around the curtains near the window to check for anyone who was hiding. He frowned and closed the window, latching it again before returning to the living room. 
Walking into the room, Pancakes found that Rose was gone from her spot, leaving a small indention in the blankets. Pancakes ran over to the couch and looked around.
“Oh fuck I don’t need this shit now,” He groaned, sprinting off to Rose’s room. 
Wolves Bane peered from behind the sofa, Rose strapped to his back, still fast asleep. Wolves Bane looked to where Pancakes had run off to and back towards the front door. He booked it from his hiding place and violently jiggled the door to try and unlock it, waking up his passenger.
“PANCAKES!” She screamed from the living room, now kicking to wrench herself free. Wolves Bane tried to cover her mouth, but he was too slow. Pancakes came crashing through to the living room, his warhammer in hand. 
“HEY!!” Pancakes shouted, making Wolves Bane jump. The Freak stared at him for several seconds before Wolves Bane throw open the door and made a wild break for it towards the woods. Pancakes sprinted after him, waving his warhammer around with frenzied wrath.
“HEY!! BITCH GET BACK HERE!” Pancakes screamed, lunging at the other Freak.
“Nice try Pancakes! I’m off!” He spread his wings open ready to fly off.
“No you’re not,” A woman’s voice called from behind a tree. Not a second later a square shovel came out of nowhere and smacked Wolves Bane directly in the face with a solid whack. Rose was sent flying off his back as he fell backwards. Pancakes rushed forwards and caught Rose just before she hit the ground. Wolves Bane on the other hand was sent sprawling to the dirt, knocked out cold. That’s when Roseflame came out from the shadows.
“Troubles?” She asked stepping over the knocked out demonic freak.
“Fucker came into the base and tried to kidnap her,” Pancakes said, shaking his head. 
“Yeah, seems like the kinda low life to do that, You okay Rose?” She looked to the child in Pancakes arms.
“N-no...” She strained, starting to cry as the shock began setting in. Pancakes looked down at the crying child and bit his lip, unsure of what to do to calm her down. Then a lightbulb went off in his head. He slid his hand into his bag and felt around for the cube that Jester had given him. Pulling it out, he twisted the top off and let the magic do its work. A few streaks of sparkly blue and yellow magic twisted its way out from the orb, dancing around in the air in a spiral, slowly floating over to Rose. Pancakes and Roseflame watched as the magic condensed and puffed into a miniature, translucent version of Count Jester. The Jester clone came up to Rose and waved to get her attention. It raised its hands up and before their very eyes a stuffed bunny plush puffed into existence with a soft pop in the air. The tiny Jester handed the plush-which was larger than it-to Rose. Rose smiled and took the bunny, holding it to her face as she slowly stopped crying. The tiny Jester gave a slight bow before disassembling back into strands of magic that blinked out of existence.
“Now that’s Grade A magic,” Roseflame smiled as Rose fell back asleep in Pancakes arms. Pancakes clipped the cube close again and grinned at it.
“Jesters magic really can do anything huh? If only it wasn’t so damn inconsistent,” Pancakes remarked. 
“It’s Count Jester we’re talking about, I only heard about them until recently and everything points to them being a bit beyond all of us in the crazy side,” Roseflame chuckled as she looked to Wolves Bane behind them. He was slowly getting back up, took him a while to even become conscious,  “You got him or should I?” She asked, getting her bat out.
“Nah I got ‘em” Pancakes said. He handed Rose back to Roseflame and summoned his warhammer and began marching towards the gangly Freak, “Just stay down buddy this will only take a second. FORE!!” Pancakes drew his warhammer back and swung with enough force to send the Freak flying skyhigh off in the other direction. Pancakes put a hand over his eyes to keep the sun out as he watched Wolves Bane go, “Damn, I never get that much air,” Pancakes snickered. 
“Hole in one if he lands in a trash can,” Roseflame betted, walking over while keeping an eye on the silhouette in the distance.
“Either that or lands right in front of one of the other Freaks. How much ya wanna bet if he comes across Painis or Cakehole?” Pancakes joked, his warhammer disappearing. 
“20 he lands in trash, 40 He lands in front of Painis, 60 he lands in front of Cakehole, You owe me 80 he lands ass up,” Roseflame had her wallet on hand.
“How much for all four?”
“Add it up, I’d owe you 200,” She cou;dn’t see where he was thanks to the trees, “Think the mini jester can help out with this little bet?” She asked her partner in crime.
“Um…I don’t really know how much power Jester put in this thing, but I can try,” Pancakes said. He took out the cube again and twisted the top off. The orb inside glowed for a moment and the magical strands danced their way out and collided together to make another mini Jester, this one pink and orange. It grinned and turned to the trees and raised its hands to them. With a series of booming snaps, the trees shook and trembled and bent out of the way to give a clear view of where Wolves Bane would be landing. At the same time, two pairs of binoculars popped into existence right in front of Roseflame and Pancakes. The pair took their binoculars and looked forward.
“Thanks Jester,” Roseflame smiled to the mini Jester. The tiny replica smiled and bowed again, it’s small form deconstructing back into pure magic as it disappeared like the first tiny Jester, “I should get to know them a bit more, they seem like a nice person,” Roseflame thought aloud. She re-adjusted the napping Rose with her left arm while using her right to look through the binoculars.
“Yeah, they’re real nice. To be honest the only other Freak I can think of that’s even close to Jester in that way is Polite,” Pancakes remarked, watching Wolves Bane as he began hurtling to earth. Both watched in a mixture of anticipation and worry.
He landed ass up in a trashcan. It tipped over and Wolves Bane came tumbling out, right in front of two Freaks who had been walking by. From the looks of it, they were neither Painis nor Cakehole, but two other completely different Freaks. 
“Uh...Looks like he landed in front of Soupcan and....a BLU Vagineer, I think?” Pancakes queried. He snickered, “You owe me 100 bucks though,” Pancakes laughed. Roseflame groaned, handing Rose back to him to get out her wallet.
“Here, take your money like the bitch you are,” She took out one hundred dollars worth of twenties and stuck it in his shirt.
‘-EY! I have pockets! And a bag!” Pancakes protested struggling to both hold Rose and get the money out of his shirt. She snickered as she watched him struggle. After she had her fun for a second she took the money and moved it to his bag.
“I ain’t getting close to your thing to put it there,” She said, pointing to his pockets, “Anyways, we should probably head back to the base. A lot of people have tried to get the stuff in there from what I heard,” Roseflame suggested, walking back to said base.
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wootensmith · 6 years
“Bloody whine is driving me up the wall,” growled Blackwall, shattering several crystals with the flat of his blade. “It’s like the dreams after the Joining,” agreed Brosca. “Except worse. It’s Stone song gone sour.” “The King sent us to aid Kal-Sharok last year in pushing back the Qunari,” said one of the Legion dwarves, shoving his shield against the red walls and crushing the smaller crystals. “They’d found the infection in one of their roads. Studied it. It shouldn’t sing, they told me. The Stone was dead in Kal-Sharok, it’d been dead for centuries. Even the lyrium couldn’t be heard. Not the way we hear it, anyway.” He grunted, slammed his shield into a large growth. “But it sang, just the same. They were excited. Thought it meant their Stone would be reborn. They were trying to grow more of it when we left. Half-wonder if that’s where the topsiders got the idea.” “Unlikely,” said Solas, wincing as a shard cut his heel. It mattered little. “The magisters drew it first from here and have been attempting to use it since the first Blight. It is worrisome that Kal-Sharok is encouraging its spread. But—” he sighed, “It is too late for us to intervene now. We must hope that our friends will discover it before our work is undone.”
“Maybe they’ll cure it,” said the Inquisitor. “Maybe it really will bring back their Titan. And they’ll use what you found to heal the red lyrium.” On any other day, he might have argued with her. He might have doubted and pointed out the likelihood that the dwarves of Kal-Sharok would only infect themselves in addition to the corpse of their Titan. But so close to the end, he could not begrudge her optimism. He couldn’t bring himself to think realistically. Or at least— he couldn’t bring himself to speak it aloud. “Perhaps you’re right, Vhenan,” he said instead, kissing her hand. The air was damp and chilled, but buzzed with the lyrium. It made Solas’s skin prickle uncomfortably. The footings of the temple and the evidence of elven masons had long since dwindled away, leaving only the large empty tunnels. There had likely been no living presence here since Corypheus had brought the lyrium back. Darkspawn, certainly. Long slashes from claws interspersed the crystals that jutted from the walls, and the stench of old decay still lingered. But they saw none. Not until they’d descended to the massive cliff that ran along the edge of a ruby desert plain below. “This is it,” said the Inquisitor as the dragon was wheeled to a stop and the large company stood peering over the edge. The song of the lyrium was overwhelming here, the glow like the living fire of an active volcano below them and shadows writhed like moving clouds over the surface of the plain. Cole moved quickly, slipping a journal from the Inquisitor’s pack and spreading it before them. “Thank you, Cole,” she said with a sad smile, and held a corner of her map with her remaining hand. “There is a road down to the plain— here. But Andruil’s remaining records seem to hint at that peak—” she raised her hand, pointing to a distant hill. It pulsed and glowed. “That is Anaris’s stronghold. That is the source of the Blight, if there ever was one. The darkspawn must be thick across this entire area.” Blackwall whistled low. “There are— thousands.” “Those are just the ones we can see,” said Brosca. “Aye,” said one of the dwarves. “You could fit the whole of Orzammar down there— but it’s the tunnels where they’ll group tightest. We’re seeing only the tip of the lode. There’s no way we can defeat them. It’s madness. Even in our heyday the Legion would never be able to take on so many. Nor the Wardens. It’s slaughter.” “That isn’t our task,” said a woman beside him. “Our task is to get the Inquisitor to that peak. The archdemon draws the darkspawn and we cut a path through the remainder to get her there.” “We’ll be dead before we get halfway, Sigrun.” “We’re the Legion,” she said. “Already dead anyway. This is what we swore to do. If this is where we return to the Stone— well, our Thaigs were all one once, weren’t they? All things flow back to the dust.” Brosca laughed. “Ever the optimist,” she said. “You aren’t allowed to die without me. Not until the mountain.” She called back to a small cluster of Wardens. “Bring the beast. It’s time.” She glanced at the Inquisitor who was staring intently at the map. Solas watched a drop of water splash onto the rough page, slithering through the ink. “Do you— want to do this privately?” Brosca asked. “Please,” answered Solas. “It will make the spell— easier to complete.” The Warden nodded. The dragon was brought to a halt a the edge of the cliff. Blackwall handed the Inquisitor a knife. “For the ropes, when you’re ready. They’re enchanted. Solas— won’t be able to break them without your help.” He gave Cole a wooden bowl and a large vial. “For the— the Blight. So he can draw them.”  Cole took it with a frown but did not protest. He turned to Solas and clasped his arm. “I’ll get her there,” he said. “I swear it.” “I know you will, Warden,” said Solas. “Thank you.” “Maker— or— something watch over you.” “An ocean of sorrow does nobody drown. Within My creation, none are alone.” Blackwall nodded. “You’d think, knowing what I do, that it wouldn’t help, hearing that. But it does.” He let Solas’s arm go and followed the other Wardens and the Legion down the long road toward the valley.
It left only Cole and the Inquisitor standing before the massive beast. “I wish to stay,” said Cole. “She will not be able to hear you without me. She’ll be alone—” The Inquisitor shook with a low sob. “Of course, Cole. I am glad you are here for this,” he said, wrapping an arm around her. She could not look at him. “It is only changing a mask, Vhenan,” he whispered, “I will still be me. And I will ever love you. A little longer, and then all the masks will be gone. All the pain and fear and sorrow behind us.” She reached for his face. “I worry about what it will leave in its wake,” she said, her fingers resting on his cheek. “Only love. Only peace.” He pressed her into him, trying to imprint the shape of her into his memory. “Ar lath ma, Vhenan.” “Say it again, once more,” she said, her voice wavering beside his ear. He pulled back to look at her. “I love you. Long after this body. Long after this world. Until even the Fade releases your memory and crumbles away.” He brushed the tears from her face and kissed her, pulling one last time from the anchor, buying her as many breaths as he could. “Whatever happens— even should we fail, my happiest days have been with you, Solas, just as you are,” she said. “If I had it in my power to return that joy to you—” “You do,” he insisted. “You have.” “Ar lath ma,” she said. He leaned into her, closed his eyes and reached out for the beast’s mind. Delaying would only draw out their misery. There was resistance, the beast did not want him. It threatened him with images of violence and flame. He tried to reassure it, redoubling the spell, sending it thoughts. Of protection. Of battling darkspawn. Of shielding its clutch of eggs. The beast subsided at last. Solas felt a yank and then—
Heavy. He was so heavy. Things bit at him and massive muscles ached and strained against the biting bonds. The Inquisitor’s voice cried out in anguish and he twisted his head, marveling at the strange colors the beast saw. She was crackling with light, gold and green, struggling to hold on to his sagging body. It was disorienting, seeing his own empty flesh. More disturbing even than seeing himself in the veilfire memories or in the paintings they made of his stories. It might have distressed him, had her grief not crushed him. He strained against the ropes, craning to reach her. She had not looked up at him. He called out and it erupted in a hissing roar. Felasil, he told himself, you have a dragon’s tongue now. Cole helped her place his body on the dirt. She brushed his dead face, still ignoring the dragon. “He’s safe,” said Cole softly. “Just somewhere else is all.” She nodded and looked up at last, but did not release her hold on the corpse. I should destroy it. Release her from her protection of it.  He twisted his head slowly toward Cole. The boy nodded. “He wants you to let go, Inquisitor. Put his body down.” “But I can’t— just leave him here. Something will hurt him. Or—” she shuddered. “Consume him.” “It isn’t him,” said Cole. “Just like me. I’m not— Cole. Just inside him. But I’m me still. Solas is there.” He pointed toward the dragon. Solas lay down and the ropes slackened slightly. “He wants you to step away. He’ll get rid of it so you don’t have to see.” She shook her head. “No, Cole. He’ll need it, when this is done.” No, Vhenan. No, I’ll never need it again. “He isn’t coming back. He doesn’t want to.” She stared down at his corpse. Solas thought they were at an impasse. She would not leave it and he could not do this without her. It was not a weakness he had anticipated. What would she tell me if I were in her shoes? He wondered. What story, what truth, what lie would she use to make me release her? He growled in frustration. She didn’t look up. Vir sulevanin, he thought. A life for a life. Tell her, Cole. Tell her ‘vir sulevanin’. I release what is most precious. It is her turn. “I don’t think she’ll—” started Cole. Tell her. “He says, ‘Vir sulevanin’. He has done a great service in your name. You cannot refuse him. This is the payment. You must let him go. You must go on so that he can, too.” She sobbed, but her hands slid away from his body and she rose, stepping away. Cole reached down and took the jawbone pendant. “You can’t— he loved it,” protested the Inquisitor. “He does,” said Cole. “He wants it with him. Not this part—” he untied the jawbone, discarding it. “Only you. Only the memory of you.” Cole approached him, tying the leather band around one scaled forearm. The veilfire glimmered. Cole stepped back and grasped the wooden bowl, holding it up to Solas’s snout. “I’m sorry, my friend. It is the only way they will hear you sing.” Tel’abelas, Cole. It is a poison I have long accepted. He lapped the spoiled blood. It tasted rotten and stung. The beast’s mind recoiled and lashed out, attempting to struggle. Solas soothed it as well as he could, tightening his control over it. It is necessary to protect your nest, he told it. The sting spread, branching through his neck, arcing through his wings and  the dense body. The taint was swift. Solas knew he would not be able to hold his sanity long. A few days perhaps. He hoped it would be enough. “You should release him,” said Cole. “The time for you both is shorter and shorter.” The Inquisitor took a few steps toward him. He lowered his head toward her and she reached to touch his nose. “Are you in there?” she asked. He nuzzled against her. “Yes,” she answered herself. “I can feel you now, without the Veil.” She stroked his face. “I’ll let you go now. I love you. Don’t forget how I love you, even if the Blight takes everything else.” He felt the binds wriggle as she sawed them and then snap free. He stretched tentatively, feeling the odd expansive unfolding of his wings. She stepped back. Cole pulled her farther away. “It’s time to go now,” he said. “You don’t need to see.” She looked back at him as Cole led her down the road but didn’t struggle. Solas waited until she was out of sight and then took a deep breath and opened his throat. His body ignited and blackened in moments.  He turned away and leaped from the ledge, spreading his wings. He swooped low over the plain before the wind caught and he soared again. The red lyrium’s song was loud and hypnotic. He joined its melody watching as a group of Hurlocks turned as he swung over them. He circled in large arcs as the song poured forth from him and slowly made his way toward the red mountain.
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spiritwatch · 4 years
05/07/2020 - Trapped on a cursed island with robots, aliens, and ghosts
It started with a group of us being shipped over to live on a haven-like island. We only knew half of what we were getting ourselves into but agreed anyway. I’m assuming it was because we really didn’t have any other choice.
The town we arrived in was quaint and a beautiful mix of traditional European architecture and modern designs. The roads were a mixture of cobblestone and gravel and small, round islands of parks and greenery spotted around the land. We were brought to a waiting area by the water where we were told to wait until someone came to assign us our houses. So we obediently waited on those wooden benches by the lake until night fell and the lampposts around us automatically illuminated at their designated times.
My eyes began to wander and I was the first to notice the strange lights and shapes in the clouds.
“Look there!” I whispered to the others. “Does anyone else see those?”
The shapes began to clarify within the clouds as massive UFO’s with their windows and light beams faintly glowing as to not attract too much attention. It was almost comical to me that they were exactly as the media stereotypically portrayed them. They whirled around the area, seemingly surveying, momentarily stopping every now and then to beam something upwards towards them. Instead of shock and terror, we all stared in awe and wonder, as if something we knew for years had just been confirmed.
Then a noise drew our attention back into the village.
Large, egg-shaped robots as large as a car were wheeling around, their four legs extending their bodies up and down as necessary to attend to the houses and buildings. Some were repainting the roofs; others were unscrewing the windows to a veranda to rearrange it.
“So that’s how they do it,” a girl whispered a few seats away from me. 
We were all aware that while living in his haven-like neighbourhood, we had a very strict curfew that must never be broken. We were free to do whatever we wanted within our homes afterwards, but it was absolutely mandatory that not a living soul was out on the streets past the assigned times. Seeing these robots, with their menacingly large sizes and hands transformable into several different tools, we were the first to visually confirm why.
But now what about us?
The realization that we were - although unintentionally - breaking curfew washed over us. Were we safe? What would happen if we got caught? It technically wasn’t even our fault.
Then the new realization that maybe we were purposefully being left out hit us like a rock.
Sensing that everyone was getting restless, I took over, apparently more than confident I knew what I was doing. Gesturing to another boy, I called out to him. “___, shine that flashlight you have onto ____’s glasses so we can lead them further away from us.” At least we’ll feel safer if they weren’t in our vicinity.
They did as they were told and the flight flashed brightly into the trees further down the waterfront, attracting the attention of the robot just at the top of the stairs from us and the other ones around that area too. When they manoeuvred away, the whole group breathed out a sigh of relief.
It had been a few days since our arrival and the same people were called back to that meeting point by the water again. This time, several people were looking wide-eyed and dazed despite all the others outside of our group appearing fine. The only people that weren’t losing (or haven’t already lost) their minds were me, a little girl who took a liking to me called Olivia, and a few other young adults, including two of my childhood friends, Thomas and David.
After a few moments of sitting, a group of townspeople wearing ceremonial robes surrounded us with smiles on their faces, singing a haunting song about sacrifices and life beyond the grave being a wondrous place. They handed each person a thick canvas book, bound together by string and leather. The inside pages were empty except for the first one which held a table of contents. There were four listed:
1. Entering the home. 2. Witnessing the beauty of Heaven. 3. Accepting the song and curse of ____. 4. The End.
Several cold realizations hit me upon reading these and I looked to my friends in fright. The song the group had been previously singing was the one titled in the book. Does that mean we’re already nearing “The End”? What does “The End” even mean? Either way, I knew it couldn’t be good for a whole chapter to be titled “The End”.
“Maybe it was just a typo,” Thomas suggested, shrugging. He wrapped his arms around me. “Don’t worry about it, babe, I’m sure it’s nothing. Maybe it just means the end of our initiation.”
“I don’t know about that,” David said lowly. “Haven’t you realized how strangely everyone else is behaving?” He rubbed at his arms, his dark skin forming goosebumps despite the warm weather. “Something’s been weird about how they’ve been treating us since the day we got here.”
Olivia tugged at my skirt. “Do you think they put a curse on us?” She asked fearfully, edging closer to me.
“I really hope not,” I mumbled.
Thomas, being the usual, carefree boy that he was, lifted Olivia off the ground and over his shoulder. “Nah, don’t worry about it,” he chuckled while spinning Olivia around to her glee. “Let’s just enjoy the new life we have here! Firstly by,” he grabbed me around the waist, picking me up. “Enjoying the water!”
“W-wait, Thomas,” I laughed, a hint of panic in my voice as I realized his intentions. “D-Don’t you dare!”
Laughing his loudest, he jumped into the water with the two of us in his arms.
For a few minutes, it did feel like nothing was wrong. Maybe I was just imagining things or thinking too much. Little did I know that this was the last time we would ever see each other alive again.
Something stirring in the water caught our attention and I called for David to quickly take Olivia out of the water.
“What’s wrong?” Thomas asked.
I pointed at the shape forming in the water, just peaking its head above the surface. It was...a horse made of water? Whether it was harmless or not, I knew it wasn’t happy with us disturbing its peace in the water and wanted us out immediately. Sensing it rearing up for a charge, I yelled for Thomas to swim away.
“Swim!” Being too far from the ladder back up to the walkway, we swam as fast as we could away from the creature to find any way out of the water, eventually coming to a bridge and small platform hidden away from the water where we easily climbed onto and away from sight.
Strangely, we weren’t alone.
There was a pink Pegasus lying there, gravely injured with a huge gash on its side and blood pooling around it.
But I recognized her, happiness upon the recognition bubbling inside me. As she lifted her head weakly to see who it was that had joined her, I slowly approached her and gently placed my hands on her uninjured back. “Oh my god, it’s you,” I whispered in shock. “What are you doing here? What happened?” Looking up to meet her eyes, she stared at me, unwavering. Afraid that she wasn’t recognizing me, I raised my palm closer to her head for her to smell my scent. Maybe she would recognize me then?
To my joy she nuzzled her face into my palm. ‘Of course I remember you,’ I heard a voice echo in my head.
“Oh! Is this the Pegasus you told me about from before?” Thomas asked, making the connection. Apparently, I had told him about my previous encounter with the magical creature before arriving to the island.
Nodding my head, I searched around for a sharp object. “Man, why is it that whenever I need a knife, I can never find one? She needs my blood to heal faster.” But as I was about to send Thomas off to find one, the Pegasus motioned me over.
‘Here, I’ll do it,’ she offered, and I brought my arms closer to her. She gently bit at my skin, tearing a pinpoint wound on my arm so she could gently lap at the blood trickling out. Almost instantly, I could see the gash healing itself back up and the colour returning to her coat.
She thanked me warmly, warning me that something evil was watching over me and my friends and that if I wasn’t careful, I would lose everything.
I was in one of the large churches’ washrooms, the florescent lights above us flickering as I watched a snake strike a cat to death. I held Olivia close to me, holding her face to my stomach to prevent her from seeing. But instead of consuming it, it turned to me, hissed, and slithered away.
Then a gruesome scene flashed in and out in time with the flickering lights, showing me a large pool of blood on the floor and haunting words scrawled on the mirrors warning me of death. Trying to remain calm as not to scare Olivia, I calmly told her that we should give the cat a proper burial.
Wrapping up the body in my jacket, Olivia and walked down the hall towards the cemetery located in a giant courtyard within the church. But the sight of the courtyard terrified me and it wasn’t at all like I remembered it to be.
Instead of neatly mowed grass and organized gravestones, the ground had all been upturned and piled up unevenly, as if there were too many bodies to bury that they were overflowing. The gravestones were all askew and dirt-ridden, many more unmarked crosses overpopulating the area than those with names. The surrounding trees were decaying and brittle, the roots intertwining with the weeds and vines strewn all over.
“Do you want to help me find a open spot to bury the cat?” I asked Olivia, trying to hide the horror in my voice. Completely innocent and unaware of the scenery and what it means, she nodded excitedly, rushing off to find one. I called after her, suddenly afraid. “Wait, don’t run! You’ll fall!”
And fall she did.
I watched her foot get stuck in a particularly soft spot in the mud and her leg sank downwards. Unbalanced, she toppled over onto her back and I gasped in horror as a sharp twig stuck itself straight through her chest.
As if the pain hadn’t registered yet, Olivia blinked in shock, turning to me with a confused look on her face. “Uh...I think I’m hurt,” she coughed tearfully. I rushed over, abandoning the cat’s corpse to the side. Pulling her out, I took off my sweater to make a makeshift support around the object like I remembered in First Aid to keep it from moving. Cradling her in my arms, I screamed out into the empty hallways for help as Olivia fainted.
After some desperate attempts, David rushed down the hall with the girl who had used her glasses from the beginning of it all. “I figured it’s be helpful if I brought David. It looks like snakes don’t like to be around him.”
“Yeah, they seem to just run away from me whenever I walk towards them,” David affirmed, shrugging his shoulders.
“I figured he could protect you as you two find help for the girl.”
The last thing I remember afterwards is sitting in the hospital with a paling Olivia in my arms.
Additional Thoughts:
Oh my god this dream was so loaded that I’m surprised I remembered it all (although I did rush to record this the moment I woke up). Let’s go in order:
I’m not quite sure where the thought of aliens and UFOs came from but apparently they represent unfamiliarity and isolation in dealing with situations. Maybe the whole idea of being shipped to live on a dystopian island is about my feeling really alone these days when dealing with my stress and the insecurities I feel about myself.
The people that appeared in my dream don’t represent anyone in my life, so I’m not sure where they came from either. My suspicion is that they’re physical formations of what I want in my life: a young child that looks up to me and depends on me, a brother-like figure that I can depend on, and a love interest that deeply cares for me and my well-being.
The book I saw could mean my search for knowledge considering the only thing I’ve been doing these days is study for this test. And judging by the chapters in the book, I’m assuming its foretelling has to do with how this test is part of my future and it’s yet to be seen how it’s going to contribute.
I know the horse-shaped water is from what I’ve seen from Frozen 2 (lol) but the Pegasus is definitely new. What was interesting is that my dream me already met with this creature prior to this encounter. I know sometimes my separate dreams bleed into each other with the plot but I can’t remember ever dreaming about a Pegasus before...unless I have and just forgot. Either way, Pegasus apparently represents agility and swiftness, while a “talking horse” is supposed to represent a form of higher knowledge that is trying to convey some sort of message to me from my subconsciousness. Since the colour is supposed to represent something, I wonder if the fact that it was pink and required my blood to heal means something. Maybe it’s a part of me that I need to take care of more?
As for the darker half of my dream involving the snake and the cat’s death, the snake is supposed to mean a sense of fear and worry (which makes sense) and the symbol of a cat dying could represent a loss of individuality and lack of independence. With this combined together, I suppose this could, again, relay back to my test and my worries about it controlling my life and how I’m not able to do the things I want when it’s in my life. The blood everyone and my cries for help for Olivia are also symbols that apparently represent my emotional cry for help as I struggle. Watching her being impaled straight through the chest could mean a burst of emotion as well.
0 notes
fearofaherobrine · 8 years
Roleplay Server Log #139
“Aqua the Water dragon, Cuddle pile”
[gem] -over chat to doc- doc I think my egg is hatching.
[Doc] Shit... Endrea? Can you take care of it? Gem is calling for me.
[Endrea] - I can try...- She's never had to do this before
[Doc] Just make sure they have food and water okay? I'll come right back when I'm done with Gem.
[Endrea] Nods-
[gem] -is in the pond at her home she is keeping the egg near it because the egg was found in water-
-The egg is quivering and squeaking loudly-
[Doc] Is zipping along with the spider pokemon clinging in hir mane-
[Doc] Gem! Where are you?
[gem] i'm in my pond at my house
[Doc] Lands nearby- Lets me see! Oh it's the water one! How exciting!
[gem] -is letting the egg touch the water- I wonder how a dragon egg from in water would be like.
-The egg sends ripples across the water as it shakes-
[Doc] Is tapping hir paws with excitment-
[gem] -is trying to splash water over the egg to help it-
-A crack spider webs across the egg, small pieces begin falling away-
[gem] -watches the egg fall apart in her arms-
[Galvantula] is on Doc's forehead- leaning way over to see the rocking egg
-A small dark blue dragon pops out with a distressed squeak, it has small fins on it's head, a small sail going down part of it's back, two front flippers and to fins towards the end of it's long tail to help guide it through the water-
[Doc] It's beautiful! Like nothing I've ever seen before!
[Galvantula]- ZZZrp!
[gem] -lets the egg into the pond- it's a very pretty dragon
-The dragon easily slips into the water, it's gills pumping hard so it can breath properly-
[Doc] Yeah, I think this one wil have to stay here with us. There isn't enough water on the other seed. Hopefully they don't butt heads with Lapras or bug the shit out of Herabrine.
-It's curiously watching them from under the water-
[gem] -is still standing in the pond- they seem small enough to stay here in the pond for now.
-It slowly raises it's head out of the water with a squeak-
[Doc] Somehow I think that won't last...
[gem] -rubs the dragon's head- yea but by the time the out grow it they will be safer to be let into the ocean not just a new born.
-Spins around in the pond-
[gem] awe you're so cute
[Doc] Of course! Just saying though, they grow up fast.
-It sniffs Gem's feet under the water-
[gem] -sinks into the pond so she is fully under water-
[Doc] Speaks loudly- Well, they need a name so I can hook them to respawn. Shall we pick something gender-neutral since we're not sure what they are yet?
[gem] -still under water- lets name them Aqua.
[Doc] Is already making an anvil tag and clicks it on the sinious shape. - There you go.
[Aqua] Darts away as soon as it's named-
[Doc] Should I throw in some fish?
[gem] -opens her arms to hug Aqua- if you would like.
[Doc] Spawns a couple of plain fish that are much smaller then the baby dragon to be either food or compnay.
[Aqua] Is searching for food and snaps at the fish, gumming on them-
[gem] I think they are too solid for them.
[Doc] We need aquarium flakes... - Xe takes out a fish and makes it fall apart into pixels before scattering a few of them on the surface of the water.
[Aqua] Creates a ring of bubbles around the flakes before darting towards the surface to grab them-
[Doc] Nice trick
[Aqua] Goes to explore their pond more-
[Doc] Makes more flakes and gives them to Gem like a stack of seeds.-
[aven] -come out of the house- what's going ... -see Galvantula then starts screaming- AH!
[gem] -pops out of the water to grab them and see what aven is screaming about-
[Doc] It's okay! My pokemon evolved!
[aven] -is still screaming as she is backing up completely scared of Galvantula-
[Doc] Rears up on hir hinds to keep the spider on hir head way out of reach- Aven! It won't hurt you!
[gem] I don't think she will stop she has a phobia of spiders.
[Aqua] Splashes a little-
[gem] -splashes back-
[aven] -is cowering next to the steps-
[BEN] Comes out and pulls Aven into a hug- Hey, calm down, I'm right here
[aven] -hugs ben tightly- spider.
[BEN] - Shhh it's okay, I'll go kill it, don't I always?
[aven] yes
[BEN] Kisses the top of Aven's head before standing and drawing his sword- Okay, now where did this spider go?
[Doc] Is looking embarassed, the Galvantula just looks at hir upside down and shrugs-
[BEN] - Looks around and finally spots it- Oh...
[Doc] Waves- Hi BEN! Wanna see the new baby dragon? It's super cute.
[BEN] - Oh not another one!
[gem] it's a water dragon -still standing in the water-
[Doc] Chuckles- well we are intending to put them in the pocket game I made, but this one's a bit different. It's going to need to stay here.
[Aqua] Tries to squirt BEN-
[BEN] Shrieks and darts back to Aven-
[Doc] Looks at the baby- That wasn't nice! Shame on you!
[Aqua] Trills-
[gem] Aqua no.
[Aqua] Trills again-
[Doc] Shakes hir head. - On a server full of pastas and griefers, you'll fit right in.
[BEN] - No water, bad water
[gem] no squirting aven or ben aqua. -is talking in a scolding manner-
[Doc] Maybe you should put some glass block walls around the pond just in case.
[Aqua] Does a little jump out of the water-
[Doc] Well at least we know Aqua is healthy.
[gem] I will add enough to help block them from squirting anyone.
[Aqua] Gums on another fish-
[Doc] Tosses out some more flakes-
[Aqua] Noms on them-
[Doc] Cute little bugger. Well... if you've got this in hand, I'm going to scamper. No need to further upset Aven and BEN, it was only haste that caused me to bring Jolti-I mean Galvantula over with me in the first place.
[Aqua] Squirts Gem-
[gem] -doesn't mind the water- I will take care of aqua ben and aven from here.
[Doc] Thank you Gem. - Does a little graceful turn and heads back towards Lie's house.
[Endrea] Between watching her children and tending the animals, the children have taken more time-
[Doc] Comes back into the yard- Are you doing okay Endrea?
[Endrea] - Not so much...  I've only got about half of the horses fed
[Doc] Here, I'll help you. - Grabs a hay bale in hir claws and rips it up to distribute the flakes.
-The horses happily begin eating-
[Doc] Is there anything else to do?
[Endrea] - Just the dogs and pigs
[willow] -is once again trying to get into the dog pen-
[oak] -is helping-
[Doc] Bustles about doing as Endrea indicated, the Galvantula helps too, even though the dogs seem a bit afraid of it.
[Endrea] - Willow no!  You'll gt hurt!
[willow] -manages to get over the fence and starts to waddle over to the dogs-
[Galvantula] Grabs the baby dragons in it's many limbs and hops back to Endrea with them
[Endrea] - Thank you- She takes her misbehaving child and then remembers that Lie built a pen out front- I'll be right back- She goes and puts both babies in the pen out front of the house
[Doc] Ha. Time for a time-out for naughty little dragons.
[willow] -makes wining squeaks-
[Doc] Thanks for not running your mom ragged like that Ashe
[Endrea] - No Willow, liquid will hurt you and dogs slober a lot
[Ashe] - What does that mean?
[Doc] Making her chase after you until she's really tired.
[willow] -wines more-
[Ashe] - Oh...  Can I go see Uncle GG now?
[Doc] Let me write him a note and see what he's doing- starts typing in the chat-
[Doc] - reads the chat- He says he'll come over here.
[Ashe] - Yay!
-There's a bit of a bellow from high up and a gush of wind pushes them all back a little as GK lands with a thump and a huge flap of wings. -
[GK] I heard someone wanted to play?
[Ashe] - UNCLE GG!
[GK] You're talking already? Ashe. I'm impressed.
[Ashe] - I can read too!  But we only have two books and mama says we have to stay outside today...
[GK] Really? Dam- I mean shoot! You want to go get more books?
[Ashe] - Yes please!
[Gk] Is it okay for me to take him for a bit Endrea?
[Endrea] - Go ahead, I have to keep an eye on these two anyways
[Gk] Grins- You want to ride me or walk kiddo?
[Ashe] - Ride!  Ride!
[Gk] Hunkers down so he can climb up and then puts his head near Endrea to whisper- Don't worry, I'll keep him away from the adult books-
[Endrea] - Thank you
[Lie] Is getting a bit hungry but doesn't want to leave CP by himself-
[Notch] Is reading a book while Stevie naps.
[Stevie] Starts waking up- Father?  I'm hungry...
[Notc] Oh, Okay! I'll make us some lunch.
[Stevie] Opens his eyes and makes a distressed noise-
[Notch] What's the matter? Are you sick?
[Stevie] - No no no no no!  That's wrong!  It's weird!
[Notch] What's weird?
[Stevie] - The hair!
[Notch] Oh! It was a gift from Doc. Don't you like it? I think it looks nice.
[Stevie] - NO!  IT'S WEIRD!
[Notch] Oh... don't be like that Stevie. My head was cold, and I don't actually like being bald.
[Stevie] - But it's weird!
[Notch] Slumps a little - I still think it looks nice....
[Stevie] Whines-
[Notch] Then this is an important lesson Stevie. Your appearance should always be what makes you happy. You can't live your life trying to mold yourself to other peoples expectations. It only makes you sad, and it's dishonest.
[Stevie] - But it doesn't look right...
[Notch] You thought your brothers eyes didn't look right either, and you got used to that, didn't you?
[Stevie] Thumps feet on floor as he sits on the bed- Yes...
[Notch] Well there you go. Come on, lets get you some food.
[Stevie] - Okay...
[Doc] Slithers up onto the walkway and changes in the hall before tapping on Lie's door. The Galvantula decides to wait in a nook at the apex of the ceiling.
[Lie] - Come in
[Doc] Comes in quietly. - Are you feeling any better?
[CP] Is still tightly curled up-
[Lie] - There hasn't been much progress, and I'm getting hungry but I don't want to leave him
[Doc] I'll get you some food. Be back in a jiffy - heads back down the hall
[Lie] - Thank you!
[Notch] Is bustling around near the furnace while Stevie eats a sandwich. - Oh hi Doc. Busy day?
[Doc] You have no idea...
[Stevie] - Hi Doc!
[Doc] You're looking chipper Stevie. Having a good day?
[Stevie] - Mmhm!  I went and, and, I sheared some sheeps, and I played with Hope too!
[Doc] Aww, did Rose get sheared too?
[Stevie] Shakes head- I tried, but I couldn't catch her
[Doc] She's too small and fast huh? She's a cutie. You guys mind if I use the other furnace? I'm having an idea...
[Notch] Sure, go ahead.
[Doc] Thank you. - Xe pulls out some iron and forms it into a heavy pot and starts rooting around for herbs in the trunks, making a stock with the fish pixels and adding garlic and onion as well, ground into bits between hir gloves.
[Notch] That smells interesting...
[Doc] Maybe good enough to tempt two hungry little cats.
[Stevie] - More kitties?
[Doc] Just your brother and Lie. They're snuggled in their cat shapes.
[Stevie] - Why?
[Doc] Cp had a bad day. She's comforting him.
[Stevie] - Okay
[Doc] You guys want some too? It's a big pot.
[Notch] Sure- holds out two bowls. - You can at least try it Stevie.
[Stevie] - Yes father
[Doc] Gives them each some and divies out the rest into bowls to put the excess away before turning to take some back up to the bedroom.
[Notch] Passes a bowl to Stevie and takes a long drink of his own. - fishy. But good.
[Doc] calls back over hir shoulder- You're welcome-
[Stevie] Takes a sip- Blech!
[Doc] from the next room- I heard that.
[Stevie] Covers his mouth with a hand-
[Notch] Giggles-
[Lie] Is licking CP's head-
[Doc] Comes back in. - I made you guys something special. - Xe sets down a wood block so it's touching the bed near them and sets two bowls of the warm fish soup on top of it.
[CP] Finally lifts his head, his eyes are dim and almost hollow looking-
[Doc] Strokes his head gently. - Come on. I know it hurts, but you can't waste away. Have a little food.
[CP] Lays his head back down-
[Lie] - CP please...
[Doc] Please... we just want to help you.
[CP] Small noises-
[Doc] Lie... you eat. I know you must be starving. I'll keep him warm.
[Lie] Carefully pulls herself away from him so she can eat-
[CP] Has a near panicked expression as his mate starts leaving-
[Doc] Gathers Cp in hir arms and sits cross-legged in front of the bowls. Cp is close enough to touch Lie's tail with his own while she eats. Doc pets him very carefully.
[CP] Just slumps, he has no motivation at all-
[Doc] Scoots a little closer so the other bowl is near enough that he can smell it. - I know you feel cold and sad right now. But making yourself sick and hungry won't help you feel any better.
[CP] Turns away from the food-
[Doc] Is just holding him - I'm sorry Cp. But at least he got to see you one last time, and you know now for sure that he was not the one who tried to kill you.
[CP] His ears flatten a little in guilt-
[Doc] You didn't know. And no one is blaming you.
[CP] He starts crying again-
[Doc] Hugs him close- Just try and focus on everyone who's still here for you. You have a family and people who care about you. You're not alone.
[Lie] Stops eating to lick at CP's face again-
[Doc] Gives him a small kiss on top of the head. - We love you. Don't force yourself to suffer silently, we're here to listen if you want to talk about it.
[CP] Finally makes an effort to move and pulls himself off of Doc's lap and flops onto the bed again-
[Doc] Is that how I motivate you? Just annoy you with love?
[Lie] - A feat only you and TLOT seem capable of achieving
[Doc] Funny, I feel like I'm not doing it intentionally. Maybe because we've both been intimate with him but aren't his actual mate?
[Lie] - Who knows- She's only had about half of her bowl but she returns to CP's side to curl up with him
[Doc] Well if that's all he needs, I can do it easily. Being mad at me certainly seems to get him moving any other time. - Xe does as good of a catloaf as xe can manage in a human body and gets right in the little red cats face. - I love you Cp.
[CP] Tiny grumble-
[Doc] Peppers his head and ears with sweet little kisses- Especially when you're like this, because I can just love on you and theres not squat you can do about it because you're cute and tiny and soft.
[CP] Makes a meek little swat at Doc-
[Doc] Mock scared face- Oh noes! Cp is gonna kick my butt! But wait, he can't cause he's too busy being fluffy and adorable.
[CP] Huffs and slumps, not caring anymore-
[Doc] Goes for the chin scratch.
[CP] Doesn't care-
[Doc] Don't you have a happiness flower Lie? Something to raise his spirits a bit?
[Lie] Hesitates- I have one that I made while very happy...  But I don't think it makes others become happier.  And I don't think I can get into the right mind set to make one right now...
[Doc] Oh.... well it's probably not a good idea to force someone to not feel something anyway. Dammit... I wish I could talk to him directly.
[Lie] - Could TLOT temporarily connect you mentally?  He does have more experience than me...
[Doc] Only if he wanted to make an exchange with me, like he did with you. Somehow I don't think that's appropriate.
[Lie] - Then I have no idea
[Doc] He can't stay a cat forever anyway. Unless that's all he ever wants to be again.
[Lie] - I think we just need to give him time...
[Doc] Well then I'm going to feed him at least. -Xe makes a quick statick hole over Cps belly and pours the soup in before closing it up again.
[CP] - Doesn't even acknowledge that it happens-
[Doc] Sends a message over the chat - Deerheart? Can you teleport to me? I'm inside so please don't change first or you'll bang your head.
[Deer] - Oh, sure- Within a moment she's there, wearing only Doc's spare coat
[Doc] Oh, Deerheart... you look way too good in just my coat. But what's needed is a gentle touch. Cp's had a death in the family, he's very upset. I know you can understand the hostile mobs at least, can you try and get through to him?
[Deer] - Me?  Wha...  What would I be finding out?
[Doc] Just talk to him. I can't listen to him in this shape and there's a good chance he doesn't want to talk to me anyway. He's just.... very sad. He found his real father just in time to see the poor man glitch out of existence moments later.
[Deer] - Oh CP...- She crawls onto the bed and lays curled near the red cat, she reaches out and gently pets him- CP?  Please talk to us...
[CP] - Nothing to say...
[Deer] - There has to be something to say...
[Doc] I know your head is full, that's why you've gone so quiet. Let it out. You'll feel better.
[CP] - I'll be fine...
[Deer] Can't help but smirk a little- Well at least your catch phrase is still going strong
[Doc] I'm glad you kept what he gave you, you have something to remember the good times by.
[CP] - But Stevie has nothing...
[Deer] - Now that can't be true.  Stevie probably has something from him too...
[Doc] Stevie has Markus. And Markus will gladly take your father's place. Even if it's only until Stevie isn't a child anymore. Stevie also has you. You're his hero Cp.
[CP] Scoffs- Some hero I've been...
[Doc] You've been protecting him since the potion hit him. His face lights up when you come in the room. He loves you, worships you. As far as he's concerned you can do no wrong.
[CP] Curls up tighter- Just leave me the fuck alone...
[Deer] - CP...
[Doc] The Ais told me something interesting Cp. A name, someone your father was protecting. Does the name Flux mean anything to you?
[CP] Ears flick back- I think I vaguely recall him saying that name once when he thought we were asleep...
[Doc] I think she might be your mother. And theres a chance that she, as we suspect Deerheart may be, was or is; a creation of your home server in response to your fathers loneliness before you were made.
[CP] This catches CP's attention-
[Deer] - Someone....  Like me?
[Doc] Perhaps, and the sooner you're up and around the sooner we can go back to your home server to search for code traces.
[CP] Tail flicks a little-
[Doc] I don't know about you guys, but I'm excited by the prospect either way
[CP] - We'll see...
[Doc] Tiny quirk of a smile - At least I have your attention. Curious cat.
[CP] - Shut it
[Doc] Ah a little flicker of flame from the ashes, that's encouraging.
[Deer] Flops on their bed- Well I don't know about you Doc, but I'm rather comfy here
[Doc] Yeah I was kind of contemplating a nap. These two would probably enjoy the warmpth. Shame the room isn't bigger.
[Lie] - Hey, I like small spaces
[Doc] Thats' because your second form is adorable and small my crafty little floof.
[Lie] Sticks her little tongue out-
[Doc] Ack! Deerheart she attacking me with cute! I'm slain! - Flops with hir tongue out
[CP] Sighs and curls into Lie again-
[Deer] Laughs- Oh dear, what ever shall I do?
[Doc] Be even cuter! Avenge me!
[Deer] - I can't and you know it
[Doc] Awww, curses! Actually.... You guys stay here, I'll be right back. -gets up and leaves the room
[Deer] - Hm?
[Doc] There's some shuffling and the sound of someone going outside and coming back in. Doc returns with a lot of small noises and a full armload of squirming creatures and the Galvantula on hir heels. The very confused Vulpix is dumped on the bed along with Rose, Hope, the baby wither and Cp's chain chomp.
[Hope] Immediately scampers over to Lie to snuggle with her-
[Rosebud] Bleets and stands shakily on the bed-
[Doc] Gently herds everyone into comfy positions on the bed.
[Notch] pokes his head in - Uh Doc? Why did you bring a sheep into the house? - Notices Deerheart nearly naked- NEVERMIND. I'll leave you to it!
[Chomp] Bounces happily around the bed-
[Doc] Guides Deerheart down so they're both snuggling the cats between them. - There you go Cp. You're surrounded by love.
[CP] - This is not very comfortable...
[Doc] Is it because I'm next to you?
[CP] - Partially
[Doc] Nothings perfect, go to sleep Cp. Lie is right there so you don't have an excuse this time.
[CP] Grumbles but presses closer to Lie-
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Yvonne Part Three
The Last Edition of my Friend Yvonne on Film
Over the past few months of my gap year, I have come to dearly appreciate school again. Not that I didn't appreciate academic life before, in fact I reveled in it and that it provides so much creative freedom (to some extent) and an audience of people essentially obligated to see/hear/observe your ideas and dole out feedback. When I chose to take a gap year, I knew I would miss school, but at that point (the end of senior year of high school) during the throes of IB exams, I was fucking exhausted and duly needed a hiatus.
But what I didn't realize was how lonely a gap year can be.
What I've temporarily bypassed by taking a gap year is constant social exposure. No longer am I waltzing through hallways and classrooms interacting with friends, teachers, administration, strangers, etc. on a daily basis. I do converse with my coworkers, but customarily those chats are in regards to work-related topics and not interests, hobbies, and other conversational topics. That's what I miss about school, which I never considered I would, given that I limited my mingling to be almost exclusively in school. Even though I love(d) my high school buds amazingly, after the final bell rang I would always require time to myself to recharge for the next day.
But now I don't have that. But I'll manage don't worry. It's not forever.
Besides, I keep myself constantly occupied with Greater Than Nine, photography, art, writing, college applications, retail work and other various pursuits. It's incredible, but I don't really have an immediate group of artsy people to bounce ideas off anymore. But in a way it's a great learning experience, as I now have to problem solve without assistance, advice or feedback from others. Everything can be an educational experience as long as you interpret it as one.
Anyways, given my current lack of social interaction, I do not have any new friends. However, I supplement that by trying my best to maintain communication with people I was great friends with while in high school. One such friend is this lovely lady Yvonne, whom is featured in this lil' series. I've touched on why Yvonne and I share(d) a remarkable friendship in a copious number of past posts, notably Yvonne Part One and Yvonne Part Two, but there are still many other posts where I speak to our relationship.
Behind the Story
Anyways, for these photographs, I turned off our overhead lights and spotlights to solely have sunlight shining in. The weather that day was gloomy and overcast, so such natural light was much darker and helped create a much different mood for these photographs than those with artificial lighting.
I wanted to bring in an air of mystery and suspense to these photographs. Some features were already in place: The white sheet, the vignette created by the camera lens, the oftentimes shotty and irritability of the camera's focus, Yvonne's yellow lace blouse, and her dark hair. Overall my goal was to create an atmosphere as if the The Haunting (1963) met The Addams Family (1964) met a Technicolor film met a smidgen of contemporary fashion. A mishmash of different influences to morph into the mood portrayed in these photos.
I'll describe the story portrayed in these photos, so that you can better understand the concept.
I hope it's entertaining at the very least.
The Actual Narrative
It's a balmy summer's day, and there is a girl. She prances around a meadow barefoot and dressed in her yellow lace blouse and denim shorts. She is not alone in the meadow; surrounding her in between the stalks of grass are butterflies, grasshoppers, dandelions and buttercups, all culminating to a tranquil yet buzzing aura. Cicadas in the trees provide a metronomic serenade as a backdrop to the scene's merriment.
Nearby is the reason for her presence; a family reunion of which she is a part. Under a large canvas tent, are tea and sandwiches, deviled eggs and Shirley Temples. The women don sundresses and straw hats and exchange garb about career pursuits and daintily gloat of their children. The men wear t-shirts or pinstripe button-ups with trousers and boast of their sector occupations or squabble of baseball brackets. The young people wear playsuits or sprightly denim pieces. They play at the edge of the shade provided by the tent, with balls and bubbles and twigs. 
  The girl is years older than her younger relatives, so she remains alone, but occupied. She is lively and adventurous, an untainted and headstrong spirit, laughing gleefully as she explores the meadow. She is not fearful of insects, nor afraid of rampant rocks or splinters. She knows what her true fears are and they are not found in this serene stage.
As she pads through her surroundings, one bare foot after the other, she eyes details that her junior cousins would neglect. To the left a fallen tree painted in lichen and moss, with three snails oozing along. To the right a trickling creek, an object of runoff from the nearby river. As she moves on, she notices a faint trail lined with daisies and forget-me-nots and ladybugs lonesome. Intrigued by the path, she stands on a small boulder in the vacancy it presents among the grassy space and peers onward. As the trail vanishes in nearby distance, she can discern through a copse of willows the silhouette of a looming structure. Curious as to what it could be, she remembers why she is there in the meadow. With her right hand grasping a tree trunk on the side of the path, she glances over her shoulder. The women are chatting. The men are chuckling. The children are zooming to and fro. They will not note her absence, at least for a while. Besides, it will only be temporary. Just for a peek.
Making her mind, a mischievous smile touches her face and she turns towards the trail. She treads carefully, ensuring she doesn't trip while gazing mesmerized through the trees at the shape ahead. In her hypnotization, she does not notice a rusting sign dangling from an old metal gate with faint marks of warning. Even had she seen it, it would not have deterred her. She is fascinated and curious; thriving on the thrill of an unaccompanied adventure. 
When she exits the grove, the trail ends, and before her stands a desolate mansion. Immediately she detects it was once a lively and grand house. There are remnants of hand carved trimming, and immense vertical windows. A stone stairway lined with elegant iron guard rails escalates to the entryway. Despite its apparent grandeur, the manor appears dingy, with peeling paint, shattered panes of glass and a purplish-grey hue to every detail. The wrought-iron fence is rusting, the window frames are flaking and the barrier of the third floor balcony sprawls on the canopy sheltering the front stoop and porch, having abandoned its prescribed post.
But that's not to say that nature is not impeding and reclaiming the space. It is apparent upon first sight. Vines slither up the crumbling siding, and the distant buzzing of bees alerts there is a hive dribbling with larvae and honey. Sparrows dogfight, dragonflies dart from left to right and the front yard is overrun with wildflowers. 
Curiosity confirmed, a distracted grin spreads across her face as she ventures forward towards the gate leading to the front steps. As she pads through the floral undergrowth, she glances up at the daunting structure, but is unfazed by its sinister yet dreary state. Stopping at the front door, she sees a knocker, shaped as a roaring lion's head with a spindly spider inching down the nose. Knowing all too well that the house is abandoned, she bypasses the knocker and turns the solid brass doorknob. The massive door creeps outwardly open to reveal a shadowed foyer. The interior appears to be entirely crafted from mahogany; the floorboards, the trim and railings all the same deep woody shade. Mirrors line the walls and every piece of furniture is cloaked with a white sheet. The end of the entry hall ends in a choice of three directions. Sitting rooms and entertainment spaces to the left and right, and a murky corkscrew staircase leading to the upper levels. The girl sets her sights forward and pads up the staircase, her right hand grazing the mahogany railing as she ascends, and leaving gentle footprints on the creeking dusty floor beneath.
Coming round the stairway's bend she notices a friendlier air. At the top is a hallway leading to the left and the right. Adorning the wall are oil paintings of lilies and ponds and peaches. Her hand skims the wall's surface as she glides left towards a mahogany door opened slightly ajar.
The door resists minutely to her gentle pushes due to decades of dereliction or as if hiding something, but finally it submits and slowly swings inward. The space behind the door is a bedroom, however at first glance it was difficult to place, as almost the entire room is veiled in white sheets, even the floor. But upon more careful inspection the sheets resemble the forms of lamps and side tables, armoires and chaise lounges, and an enormous four-poster bed. She sees that this room, while still tinted a purplish-grey like the rest of the mansion, has been lit by a tremendous French-window on the front facing wall of the house. She tiptoes over to the window and peers out. Over the copse of trees she can view the reunion! Deep in her excitement and joy in the meadow, she had not noticed the manor rising in the festivities' backdrop. Perplexed she failed to see this, as observing is a favorite of hers, she steps over to where the veiled bed stands, only three meters away from the window, and plops down on the sheet-covered floor beside it. If she so chose, she could simply lean back against the bed to watch her extended family, but not wishing to disturb the carefully hung sheets, she suffices with the floor.
It is here on the floor, in front of a four poster bed cloaked by white sheets, in a decrepit, dusty and ominous abandoned estate that we imagine these photographs were taken. Her surroundings are shadowed, eerie and grand, yet she is undisturbed by such characteristics. Because she is headstrong and self-assured, she can be joyful and cheery no matter the state of her environment. Had a photographer waltzed in to shoot snapshots of this girl as she was, these are what s/he would have seen. A girl in her world, dressed how she wants, being who she wants; carefree and smiling nonetheless. 
That lil' narrative more or less describes the mood, atmosphere and story behind these photographs. If it helped clarify things, wonderful! If not, well... I either did a shit job writing, a shit job developing the mood of the story, a shit job creating a world from which these photographs could come from, or you just didn't get it. Any of those are equally possible, but there's a tad more blame placed on my shoulders than yours. Because if this narrative didn't make any sense whatsoever, than I did a poor job conveying my thoughts, with the consequence being your difficulty understanding. So please don't feel bad if it doesn't make sense. In fact, if it doesn't make sense to you, please leave a comment with feedback so that I may use that information for future photographic reasoning narratives.
Anyways, thank you to Yvonne for being a snazzy-ass model. Can't wait to reunite in a few weeks.
And thank you, to you, for reading.
And as always,
Thanks for popping by.
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