#anyway sorry for oversharing in the tags. i just don't really know what to do
ferberus-skull · 1 year
man. i was all ready to reopen my adopt shops, thinking that i could do this. wrote out the posts and everything. but then got up to do something and now i'm just sitting here staring like. can i really do this?
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hey! im noodle, or Ellie, and i was tagged to answer some questions abt myself by the wonderful and very rad @theprocfilesystem, thank you so much!
relationship status: single and not at all looking. i don't know if i ever will be, tbh, mostly just because i don't see myself as the kind of person who would want to. but, since it's late, i'll go ahead and overshare that i do have a regular hookup going with my main gal lliJ (im left handed) that meets my needs for sexual expression quite adequately
favorite color: for a long time it was deep purple! it was my sadboy color for sure. now that im a girl, though, it just feels sad, so i decided my favorite color would be yellow! so, yeah, its yellow :>
favorite food: carne adovada, a New Mexican dish made with Hatch red chile and (usually)pork! red chiles are dried and ground, as opposed to the green variety, which is usually roasted fresh. sauces made with red chile tend to have a very dark, smoky flavor, and have a particularly exquisite spice to them. there are many varieties of a protein in a sauce eaten in/on some carbs, but a carne adovada burrito really stands alone, for me <3
the song stuck in my head: unfortunately, it's 'Hip to Fuck Bees'
the last thing i searched online: i had to start typing in the word 'etiquette' because i couldn't remember how to spell it, but the last actual search i made was 'wired switch controller'(im just gonna get the gamecube style one probs)
the time right now: 11 pm exactly
dream trip: honestly it's less about the location and more about me being somewhere with someone who knows the area and culture well. partially it's because i won't enjoy anything if i don't feel safe, and/or if i feel alone, and partially because i hate being a tourist. i just wanna be there.
something i want: ive wanted to get a PC for awhile, it's been years since i had one. it doesn't have to be super fancy, just something that can handle a half-decent DAW and, like, be able to play my metroidvanias (lone fungus is out now btw and it looks amazing!) cherry on top would be someone to help me get started using linux, bc windows and apple can both go fuck each other.
thanks again for tagging me UwU i appreciate u! i would like to nominate @star-crossed-animals , @spoopyscaryalien , @dominoscarsidedelivery and @zoeadrien but u dont have to if u dont want to! also if u wanna do these kinds of games but no one ever tags u, u always have my permission to say i tagged u :>
in addition i'm adding another question: whats a piece of media(book, movie, show, album/song, etc.) that you feel represents you or an aspect of you that you haven't seen a lot of representation for? i know it's kind of wordy, sorry. but for example, mine is bojack horseman. when i was deep in my dark times, there were so many things about myself i hated. i started watching the show around season two, and i saw some of those parts of me in bojack in a way i'd never really seen before in media. in diane i saw some too, as well as some of the things i'd forgotten i loved about myself, but it was mostly bojack. he is not a good character, or role model, and the fact that i related so much to him was disturbing, sure, but also strangely comforting at the time. as the show continued to air, i grew as a person. i never finished the last season. by the time it came out, my values had diverged so much from his that it was kind of hard to watch. and for all my mistakes, i'm so proud of who i am today compared to that lost, lonely, angry figure slowly torturing himself to death.
like i said, its late so im oversharing lmao anyways ty again and peas and love on planat earf ✌️
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intersex-support · 2 years
so this is probably TMI but if you don't want to read it, just delete this! I talk briefly about my vag and menstruation and sex, sorry, if that's not OK w/you please just delete, it's fine.
ok. so.
Maybe it's because my periods have always been a little strange, or maybe it's because I've always been really hairy, from my arms to having more hair than is typical for a "girl" to have on their face/legs/arms/stomach, or maybe it's because I've always thought my vag was strangely shaped, but I've always wondered a little if I'm intersex.
It's never been anything big enough to be obvious: like I don't think i have an enlarged clit, i don't have a beard, my periods are still fairly regular, even though ngl, my vag is really weirdly shaped and I've never been able to have sex or orgasm or even masturbate w/out pain, I've never been exactly strictly sure why I can't let the idea go.
Sorry for oversharing but I really wanted to ask, with those things in mind, do you have any idea what kind of intersex "condition" i would be trying to test for, if i asked a doctor? i want to try and get testing done, just because it kind of drives me crazy but I don't even know where to start.
anyways, tnx in advance if you answer, i really appreciate it.
Hi anon,
The first thing you could think about is if maybe the body hair is genetic; it could just be that somewhere in your ancestry there was just a lot of body hair. Sometimes people just have a lot of body hair and that's fine, if it's not causing you pain/distress (lots of ingrowns or mental distress for example), I wouldn't be too worried.
I would also look into things like vaginismus, having a tilted vagina, endometriosis (although if you find menstruation for you is okay I'd look more into the other ones), etc. We're not taught to take care of our pelvic floor needs, or that we even have them, but we all have a lot of muscles and hormones working together in our pelvic floors that often need attention (for all body types).
I wonder what you mean by your periods being a "little strange", and you don't have to elaborate if you don't want to but writing down and defining what you consider to be strange can be helpful for your own bodily understanding.
With all that being said, you could look into different variations/causes of hyperandrogenism (which we tend to get a lot of asks about, you could probably look up the tag here) like (N)CAH and PCOS. If you seem to relate to those then I think it's worth a shot to try and request getting bloodwork done to check your different hormone levels.
Thanks for sending in an ask :)
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books-and-catears · 3 years
Okay so I've been thinking of writing this for a while now. (Spoiler alert for chapter 16-20)
After MC is brought back to life, everyone approaches them as Lilith. And everyone seems to be all over them as if they weren't just almost killed by Belphie.
So MC feels uncomfortable over this whole thing. Not only do they feel like a replacement for Lilith but they can't even tell anyone about the trauma of almost dying cause they are demons, they can't possibly sympathize with human fragility. Well maybe one of them can.
The only brother who didn't know Lilith firsthand. The only brother who has spent centuries studying humans and reading all about their emotions.
Tags: Angst, Hurt, Comfort
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Only You
GN! Reader X Satan
"Ah MC...It seems you have only a week more left in Devildom." Lucifer announced in the middle of breakfast.
Everyone paused and stared blankly. Even Beel stopped chewing and put down his sandwich. You smiled, "Ah I was guessing it might be. Thank you for confirming, Lucifer."
One more week and then you could stop pretending to be okay. One more week of being Lilith. One more week of holding in your trauma. You smiled at the thought of being free of it all.
Everyone around looked dejected. Mammon was the first to break the silence, "Oi! You both are kidding right?!" Lucifer shook his head sternly.
"Ah how unfair! It seems only yesterday we met MC!" Asmo piped in.
"B-but we have so many animes left to finish in our watchlist, MC! And so many games we're still waiting for release!" Levi whined.
"So we can not have MC's cooking anymore?" Beel asked sadly.
"I barely got enough time with them! And you all are complaining?!" Belphie said, annoyed.
Satan was still silent. You looked at him only to find him staring right at you. You blush and look down, picking at your food. No matter how many times he did that, you still couldn't get used to it.
"You must have missed home a lot MC. Happy to go back?" Satan asked softly into your ear. You nodded slightly.
Then you felt your chest tighten. You did want to leave but that would mean no more Satan. You wanted to open up to him. If there was anyone among the brother's who could understand you - it was him.
After breakfast was over you stopped everyone before they left for class.
"Um..since it's my last week here, I have a request on how I want to spend it." You announced. All the brothers nodded and stared attentively.
"I will spend one whole day with each of you individually. And the order will be Beel, Belphie, Lucifer, Mammon, Levi, Asmo and Satan. Is everyone okay with this?"
Everyone shared confused glances at the sudden statement but obliged never the less.
The rest of the week flashed by and soon it was your last day. Satan's day.
You woke up early that day, already prepping his parting gift. A bookmark made of dried flowers, with two petals on top shaped like cat ears, inside your favourite book from the human world.
"MC? Are you awake?" Satan called out, after knocking on the door.
You were still dressed in your flimsy pajamas but who cares? You ever going to leave tomorrow anyway. You put on some cat ears and called out, "Come in Satan!"
"Good morning MC, I think you'll like what I've planned for-" Satan stopped in mid speech. His eyes widening at the attire that did a fine job of wrapping around your body seductively.
"Good morning...sorry I was too busy to freshen up haha.." You apologize. "Wait for me here, it'll only take me a few minutes."
Satan nodded, hiding his blush behind his golden locks falling all over his cheeks as he lowered his head. You sighed. How was he so beautiful early morning?
Satan held out his arm like the gentleman he was as you prepared to leave for your date. "Take my arm, MC. We have lots of places to be."
You chuckled and did as told. "I can hardly wait."
You spent the day as if you were in a Romance novel. Cat Cafe, the bookstore, walking in the park watching the setting sun, holding hands. Satan really knew the ways to your heart.
After the sun set, you returned to the house of Lamentation.
"Would you like to come to my room later? We could read your favourite book together one last time before you leave?" Satan requested, his fingers still interlocked with yours.
"Yes..." You nodded, "I was going to ask you the same..."
"I'll be waiting." Satan said, walking you to your room and reluctantly letting go.
After dinner when everyone was asleep, you sneaked into his room. He was wide awake, waiting. He was sitting in his bed in only his black t-shirt and jeans, reading a book. The room was dark with only candles providing enough light to read. He looked up when you called for him softly.
"Satan I'm here...sorry for making you wait.." You said sheepishly.
His eyes lit up and he held out his hand for you to take. "Come sit with me."
You joined him on the bed. He swiftly put an arm around you, holding you snug against him. You could smell his scent and feel his breath on your cheek.
"I got something for you. It's not much but.." You handed Satan your gift.
"A gift? For me?" Satan saw the cover of the book and flipped to where the bookmark was. "That's... beautiful. Thank you MC I can't believe you'd- wait what's this?"
He fished out a long strip of stray paper in the middle of the pages beside the bookmark.
You remembered what it was and tried to snatch it away. How did this even get in there?! What the hell?! "IT'S NOTHING!", You scream
Satan smirked as he held it beyond your reach and started reading it. "A poem for Satan? That doesn't seem like nothing MC."
You tried getting up to gain better access to snatch the paper from him. "DON'T READ IT I SWEAR IT'S NOT SOMETHING SERIOUS. I WAS JUST BEING SILLY!"
Satan tightened his grip on your waist and started reading it out loud to your utter humiliation. You struggled in his grip, gave up and hid your face instead. He stopped midway.
"You read it to me." He demanded.
"Like hell I will!" You rebutted.
"Please." He splayed out his fingers on your back holding you close. His locks tickling your nose.
"N-no. It's embarrassing. I can't-" You started but he looked so dejected you gave in. "Fine but you have to look away from me."
Satan swiftly turned his face away and nodded. You cleared your throat nervously and started.
"Dear blonde boy with the sea in his eyes,
I'll be gone soon, so I'm done with the lies,
I've liked you for a long long time,
But it's too late to impose now, so I guess it's fine?"
"You see me for me, like I see you for you,
Everyone else, they just put me in her shoes,
But these shoes don't fit, they're not mine
And I'm sick of having to toe this line."
"But with you, I'm better, I'm more like myself,
And I can't thank you enough for all your help,
For your kindness, smiles and touch,
You always save me when it gets too much."
You stop. The next part of the poem feels like oversharing. Maybe you should have talked to him about this first. He squeezes your arm, asking you to continue.
"Satan I should explain this-"
"I know. I've known this for a while. But I want to hear this first please continue."
Shakily, you continued.
"I feel his fingers on my throat, unforgiving and unkind,
Help it's getting dark...am I going blind?
I let out a tiny scream with whatever voice I have left,
You're the only one here who didn't turn deaf."
"So replace his touch with yours, with your fingers so gentle and nice,
Hold me, warm me, I feel as cold as ice,
I wish I was a kitten, in your care,
You may be full of wrath, but I was never scared."
"But I'll be gone soon, I don't want to return,
But for you my bookworm, my heart will yearn,
Blonde boy with eyes of sea,
One last time, will you kiss me?"
You had barely finished when Satan spun around and cupped your face. He peppered some kisses on your lips, going upto your ear. He nipped at your earlobe and you let out a soft gasp. His face felt warm and flushed.
He placed his head against yours and sighed. "I can't get enough of you. How do I hold myself back when you're showering me with this much love and that too so beautifully?"
He wrapped his arms around you protectively. You instinctively buried your face in his chest and put your arms around his torso.
"You don't need to hold back..." You whisper.
Satan stiffens. "MC, you don't know what you're asking for."
You hold him tighter, lifting your head you place kisses on his jaw and nibble on his shoulder. "I know."
"Then I won't hold back any longer" He says, slowly pushing you down against his pillows.
He reached down and removed your slippers off your feet. "A part of me suspected you might feel this way. But you're not Lilith. You never will be and you don't have to pretend to be. You're MC. And that's all you need to be."
You looked away, outside at the moon. "Tell me honestly...if I didn't have Lilith's bloodline, would you all care the same way?"
Satan held your chin and turned your face towards him. He may never have been an angel but awash in this silvery moonlight, he certainly looked like one.
"Remember when I told you how much I hated being a part of Lucifer? And you told me that I'm my own person. You told me there was more to me than my wrath."
"Of course." You reached out to hold his face. "You're the smartest demon I know. And your love for cats and literature is unparalleled."
"Well then you're the only human who has swayed my heart. The human so strong and capable enough to bring a semblance for harmony to a dysfunctional family of demons." He smiled gently, running his fingers in your hair.
You felt warm inside. Atleast there was someone who liked you for you. You were so happy you could cry.
"As for what Belphie did, I made sure you never really alone with him." Satan said, now intertwining his fingers with yours. You give him a questioning glance.
"Remember the book of defense spells I gave you? I cast one on you whenever he's in the vicinity. It will render him useless if he dare attack you." He said, matter of factly.
"You knew...? But I never told anyone." You said, confused.
"I know. You held it in for our sake didn't you? You repressed it so much. I can't imagine what kind of hurt you went through." Satan's fingers tightened around yours.
"But one night, you fell asleep in the library. I went to put a blanket on you when I heard you mumbling for help. You kept saying it hurts and you can't breathe. And then you said Belphie's name and asked him to stop hurting you."
"I was so furious I rushed straight to the twins room. I was going to yank Belphie out of bed and renact what he did to you. But Beel woke up and stopped me. I told everyone in the morning before Belphie woke up. You've never been alone with Belphie ever since. One of us always stayed nearby."
You listened in utter shock. "You...you were protecting me all this time?"
Satan nodded, "Well I can't take all the credit. My brother's helped too. But just know that you're not a replacement for Lilith. And Belphie's an ass who doesn't know how to apologize. I'm sorry you had to go through that alone. I know it's your last night here, MC... so I'll make this one worth remembering."
You smiled and pulled Satan towards you for a kiss. "I'm glad I saved the best for last."
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transsexualhamlet · 2 years
ahaha aha aha i have found the oversharing ask bestie :)
100, 69, 88, 50
you have absolutely no proof i just picked random numbers that sounded cool fyi also send me some too
kaskdfghfdshaghhfsdhf hello neon :)
I already answered 100, it's in one of the previous asks so just go thru my ask tag if u wanna see :)
69-Can you be in love with someone and still fall in love with someone else?
I mean, duh, there's this thing called polyamory. And personally for me I don't get the concept of romantic love anyway so unless u have bpd there's not gonna really be one person who matters more to you than anyone else? Love is just a feeling that comes along sometimes just like happiness? I sometimes realize that I'm feeling it and it might be towards my best friend or my little brother or someone I want to be closer with and it honestly feels the same no matter what so I can't really give you an allo answer there i dont get this "falling in love" thing
88-Are you a jealous person?
Well again, I think this is the mental illness. I am a haver of bpd and rejection sensitive dysphoria I am super sensitive about everything and if anyone I care about is doing anything with anyone else and paying attention to anyone else without me i will get very angry and offended and not know what to do with myself so ! yes I would consider myself that. nikolai core I suppose. Diagnosing him with bpd because I have it! kinnie moment! if my Person exists outside of being with me i Die for realsies
50 is also in a previous ask kaskdghfshdfi sorry you're like the tenth person to ask me stuff from this i promise i dont hate you<33
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anastasiaskarsgard · 5 years
Destiny of the Damned
Part 1 - Meeting Roman
Chapter 3 - Zombie
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"Why wouldn't you go on dates? They're fun. Even if you end up never speaking to the person again, how else are you going to embarrass yourself singing karaoke, or bowling, or playing putt putt golf, or laser tag?" I asked.
"I'm more interested in fast forwarding to the end of the date." He smiled and winked at me. "Besides, I don't think I've ever done any of those things you said... Ever"
"Whhhhhhaaaaattttttt? Shut your dirty whore mouth." I exclaimed wide eyed with my mouth hanging open.
"What? That stuff is too cheesy for me. I've got a lot on my plate, I don't have time for nonsense."
"When I grow up, I wanna be just like you." I say like a smart-ass, resting my chin in my palm as i lean on the center console "Ok change of plans. We are now going to this address." I keyed in the new information into the navigation.
"Is this like your favorite place?" he asks with a smirk.
"No, I've never gone, but I remember reading about it."
"So any address you ever see, you remember forever?" he asks incredulously.
"Yes. Anything I read or see, I remember. Not so much what I hear always."
He raised my hand to his pillow lips and gently kissed along my knuckles and across the back of my hand. He took my index finger into his mouth and gently sucked on it, turning his lustful gaze on me with such intensity, i could feel the heat in my core. I could see how he got his reputation, and Although it felt nice, I blurted out my first thought.
"I bet you made out with your hand when you were a kid huh? Like when you decided to practice?"
He froze and removed my finger from his mouth and turned to me rolling his eyes, "Don't you find me attractive?"
"Duh." I giggled.
"Duh?" He shook his head and dropped my hand putting both hands on the wheel and staring ahead with a sour look on his perfect face.
I stare at him as he continues to ignore me. Good fucking luck buddy. I got my phone out and opened my karaoke app. I turned the radio off and selected a song I figured everyone knew; "Zombie" by the Cranberries.
"Excuse me, I was listening to that." Roman said, flashing me an annoyed look, as he reached to turn his radio back on, but I karate chop his hand at the last moment, and he lets out a yelp in surprise.
"Hiya!" I shouted playfully. "We are going to sing karaoke on the way and get that off your bucket list."
"I wasn't aware that was on my list." He said icily, staring straight ahead again looking even meaner.
"Brrrr. It's so cold in here... must be you." I take my seat belt off and lean across the center console and breath hot breath on his throat and then lick all the way up to his ear, and then gently kiss his cheek. He visibly melts and lets out a low growl and pulls over. As soon as the suv was in park, he picks me up completely and sets me in his lap before crushing my lips with a frantic kiss. I could feel him getting aroused since I was in his lap, and I pull away to look at him, both of us already out of breath. We lock eyes and he opens his mouth to speak, but thinks better of what it was he was going to say and just returns my gaze with a half smile playing across his lips. I search his face, taking in the Gorgeous green color of his eyes, his pillow soft lips, The little line in the middle of his nose, the hardly noticeable scar on his cheek, his severe cheekbones, the way his face looked almost perfectly symmetrical. He was so beautiful. What the hell do I have to lose here?
"What are you thinking about?" He asks as I lean in to kiss him again.
"How someone so beautiful, can be so lonely." I say against hi lips without thinking. As soon as it comes out, I want to slap myself.
"Who said I was lonely?" He says almost shyly. 
I meet his eyes and tenderly kiss him. I place my hands on each cheek and nibble on his bottom lip ending in a drawn out smooch. I open my eyes and he is staring at me thoughtfully. I nuzzle my nose against his cheek and I feel him relaxing, before he snaps to attention, glring at me suspiciously. 
"Tell me What.You. Want. From. Me."He commanded. His eyes never leaving my own, his intense gaze willing me to tell him what he wants to know. I don't think he knows what it's like to hear no. I try to think of the answer to his question, because I am just as curious what the answer is. finally I think I have the answer. 
"I want you Roman. And I want you to want me. But not the easy way" I said pressing my hand down on his stiff erection. "I want it from here." I placed my hand on his heart and placed his hand on mine.
He looked a little nervous, and broke our eye contact and looked out the window. He chuckles uncomfortably shaking his head, "If you knew me, the real me... you wouldn't say such a thing. I'm ugly and I'm incapable of love. Giving it or receiving it."
My heart broke for him. What could be his reason for saying such a thing? People don't say stuff like that for nothing. This boy had some deep issues and some serious baggage. i let out a big sigh, as  I crawled back over into my seat.
"I should take you back." He said, not making eye contact.
"I'll fucking climb through your doggy door if you try to escape me now." I teased.
He smiles in spite of himself and turns to me with his eyebrow cocked, "I don't have a doggy door."
"It's easy enough to make one." I say seriously as he searches my face for something. 
"Great you're a psycho," He laughs. He was trying not to smile but he couldn't help it. He tried a few times to go back to his brooding mean mug, but then hed glance over at me, and break out into a smile again. "I like you a lot. You're crazy." He leaned over to kiss me gently on my lips, running his fingers into my hair, before pulling away, and turning on the car. "Now let's try this again shall we?"
He truly was breathtaking when he smiled. It was then I decided I wasn't going to be cautious or hold back. I was just going to give 100% and hope for the best. Worst case scenario; i get to have a night with Roman Godfrey, Best case, well I wasnt sure what the best case was but i bet there was a Pinterest or two dedicated to it. 
"You remind me of her so much. Your attitude and free spirited carefree nonsense..." He said wistfully.
"Letha?" I asked.
He nodded slowly.
"She must of been a fucking legend," I joked."Time to sing fool!" I howled.
"You really don't forget do you?".
"um, nope. I'll go first, and you can see how I do it and then, we will switch, and you sing while I drive, and so on and so forth."
"What makes you think I'll let you drive my car?"
"Because I can afford to replace it and you don't give a shit about material possessions anyway." i huff.
He laughed and agreed.
"Prepare to be entertained!" I belt out "Zombie" like i  was on stage performing for thousands. I knew I was an excellent singer and I wanted to impress him and it was clear i Had.
 "Could you sing one more song for me?"
"Sure. What song you wanna hear?" i asked excited he liked my singing.
"Geri by Super Humanoids."
"Oh I like that song." I found the song and started to sing. I decided to use two voices for the man and the woman singer. I sounded kinda silly but I had good range and could do high notes as easily as very low notes. It was actually a challenge sounding so ridiculous and we both laughed and laughed when the song ended.
"Switch." I yelled.
He sighed dramatically, but he pulled over. I jumped out my side and he stepped out walking around the front of the car. Just as we were about to pass each other, I grabbed Roman by his blazer and pushed him against the grill kissing him hungrily. He was all for it and switched positions with me pressing me against the large Mercedes symbol. I reached for his belt buckle and looked at him for permission.
"Wow really?" He hissed mischievously.
"I'm giving you 100%, I'm not being afraid of you, I'm trusting you." I looked up at him innocently. "Can we try that?"
"I don't know beautiful. I've never done that, and we hardly know each other, and you don't want to try that with me." He said looking everywhere but my eyes.
"Yes I do." I stated. "Don't be a pussy, what are you afraid of?"
He looked down at me, still hesitant but with a sparkle in his eye. "I'm terrified of you."
"wow. honesty. youre turn. ask me anything!"
"Tell me your darkest secret... " it was an order, but he wasn't trying to compel me. This was sincere curiosity on his part.
"wow you don't fuck around! Well the date might be over when i tell you, but here goes.' why this question I scream in my head, before blurting out, "I killed my parents, I'm not sorry, and if given the chance, I'd do it again." Shit. That was a bit of an overshare. I could of left out the last half.
Romans eyes grew wide and his eyebrows shot up as he took a few steps back from me. "Fuck baby, you don't gotta tell me why, but did they deserve it?"
"Yes." I said without hesitation. My heart sank as he looked at me strangely, unreadable to me.
"That's so fucking hot." He closed the gap between us and pulled me over to the passenger side of the car, seating me on the seat, facing him as he stood between my legs. His kisses were so fevered and desperate. It's like he was starving and I was the only cure to his hunger. He stripped my shirt off and whimpered when he saw my breasts in my sexiest lace bra that only covers less than half my breasts, and at 36D, that's quite an eyefull. He slipped my nipple into his mouth, circling each nipple several times before sucking on them hard and then lapping at them back and forth at a feverish pace. He pulled my panties off, but left my jean skirt on, and plunged his fingers inside my soaking wet core, using his thumb to rub circles on my clit.
I reached down and unbuckled his belt and pants, freeing the biggest penis I had ever seen. It was more girthy then usual and quite long. No wonder he was so arrogant. "Let me suck your cock please." i stated. I have an admitted oral fixation, and quite enjoy wrapping my lips around a nice cock. theres something about making a man melt, and be putty in your hands, that gets me excited. 
"Yes mam." Roman said breathing heavily and groaning as I run my hand up and down his shaft. He backed up and I got on my knees assessing his cock. My god IT IS EVEN BEAUTIFUL! How is he so perfect? I opened my mouth as wide as I could and barely fit it inside. I had no gag reflex, but even with that advantage, I could only handle a little over half of the total cock in my mouth. I used my hands to work the rest of it, making sure to play with his balls and look up at him now and then. 
He moaned "oh baby, You're so fucking good at that. I swear baby, you are the fucking best blowjob ever and that's saying a lot." He was breathing heavily and watching every thing I did with great interest. "Can I fuck your little pussy now please? Cars keep passing and totally know what we are up to, so we need to hurry, but first I need to bury my cock deep inside of you."
I stood up, wiping drool from my chin, and bent over the seat, offering Roman to take me from behind, but he flipped me around crushing me with his lips as he shoved his cock deep inside me. I couldn't help but to cry out. I'd never felt so full, it was amazing. Anyone that ever says size doesn't matter, is a fucking liar. If I hadn't been so wet, it may have been an issue, but luckily I was embarrassingly dripping.
"I want to see your face as I fuck you, is this ok?" roman moans kissing me deeply again.  "Why do I feel so fucking attached to you like I'm in fucking love with you? What have you done to me angel?" He whimpers as my breath hitches and i nod that I am ok, so he picks up the pace and I scream out his name.
"Harder Roman! It hurts so fucking good. Fucking break me baby,I'm gonna cum, don't you dare fucking stop." I held on to him as I felt my orgasm building up to near spilling over when I felt his teeth sink into my shoulder causing my release to hit me like a tidal wave and I bite him back, Digging my teeth in his collar bone, tasting his blood splash into my mouth.
"Where do I cum?" He asks frantically, peering into my eyes, pupils blown out, looking fucked out and helpless.
"Back up." I ordered. He did so and I got on my knees and opened my mouth as He shoved his cock down my throat and convulsed, shooting his load down my throat. I get up and he grabs my face smiling.
"Baby you look so fucking crazy. You bit the shit out of me." He says pulling me to the rear view mirror, to see the blood and drool all over my face. 
I grabbed some napkins out of the glove box and poured the remainder of my water on it, so I could clean off my face. I did the best I could and got in the driver seat. I looked over at Roman and he had this dopey look on his face. "You okay?" I asked.
"I think I'm smitten." He said dreamily. "That was so fucking hot, I will go play fucking mini golf or fucking bingo or wherever the fuck you want,I don't give a shit. I want to make you happy."
I looked over expecting a joking demeanor but there was none. He was serious. I was right about him, he just needed someone to love him most. He needed to be the boss and in control and to feel special and I was going to give him that.
"You've got me 100% Roman. Now choose a song. Don't think I forgot!"
"Do we get to do that every time we switch because if so, I'm gonna have a fucking marathon karaoke session up in this motherfucker." he said with a twinkle in his eye. 
I genuinely laughed with him, intoxicated by this strange feeling we were feeling. Happiness and attachment, were no friends of mine but for once i wasnt afraid,which was insane! If there was ever a boy to be afraid of, he was it, but not tome. To me, he was just perfect.
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