#if i just. refused to take sponsors for anything so i would never have to draw anything new... maybe.
ferberus-skull · 1 year
man. i was all ready to reopen my adopt shops, thinking that i could do this. wrote out the posts and everything. but then got up to do something and now i'm just sitting here staring like. can i really do this?
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leilakisakabiri · 13 days
Miami Hot Lap (CL)
Summary: You're forced to do a Miami Hot Lap with your boyfriend.
Warning(s): Just fluff.
A/N: Ahh I love this concept!! Requests are open for Charles and Lando.
Word Count: 800+
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Being invited to an F1 race through a brand seemed like a fun idea at first. You would get to see your boyfriend for the first time in weeks, watch the race in your hometown, and somehow still be able to call it work. It was a win-win situation.
That was until they approached you with a video idea.
"So since you're working with one of our sponsored brands for the weekend, a Miami native, and dating a driver, we thought it was only fair to ask you to do the Miami hot lap video." The F1 content manager explained.
"Miami hot lap?" You questioned, unfamiliar with what they wanted you to do.
"Yeah y'know just go for a few laps on the track with a driver. For you, it would be Charles of course." She assured.
You shook your head rapidly, shrinking back, "No thank you. I don't drive with Charles."
"But he's your boyfriend? Surely you've driven with him before?"
You sighed, "Yeah in a city, where he's forced to follow the speed limit, I would never be able to handle going that fast. He's too scary without restrictions."
She furrowed her eyebrows, opening her mouth to respond before she was cut off.
"Spreading lies about me again?"
You felt your lips upturn in a smile as he came up behind you, fingers entwining with yours as he kissed your cheek.
You turned to face him, attempting to be firm, "I love you, but I'm not driving with you." You repeated.
One hour later you found yourself being strapped into the passenger seat of his car, cursing yourself for giving in after he convinced you it wouldn't be that bad.
The camera sat on the dashboard, recording the both of you.
"Go slow," You warned, as he got the green light to pull away.
"We'll get no views then." He argued.
You started at him in disbelief, "Would you rather have more views on a video or have a girlfriend in one piece?"
It was quiet for a beat too long and you put your hand up, "You know what don't answer that. I don't want to know."
"So how do you like driving with me so far?" He asked once you made it past the first lap.
You nodded, "Not bad, right now I feel like we're going to get food."
He smirked, "Well in that case go on and get comfortable."
You eyed him skeptically but you decided to trust him, "Okaaay," you dragged out the word as you slouched a bit more in the seat, letting your body relax against the seat, going as far as to admire the view outside the window.
The peace only lasted for a second before Charles was slamming on the pedal, sending the car lurching forward at record speeds.
While he got a shot of adrenaline, you felt your stomach somersault as your body jolted backward.
“Charles. Charles!!” Your voice filled with panic, fingers grabbing onto the side of the car for dear life, eyes wide as you refused to take your eyes off the rapidly passing road in front of you.
He laughed at your reaction, only stopping once he realized how serious you were. He dropped a hand down to squeeze yours, reassuring you, “Relax I won’t let anything happen to you.”
The supposedly sweet action had the opposite effect, “Keep both your hands on the wheel!” You shrieked, sending him into another fit of laughter.
You put a hand to your forehead in shock and disbelief, "We're going to die."
You felt hysterical, and his shit-eating grin only irked you further.
"We're not going to die. I promise." He swore, trying to calm you down.
You shoved his shoulder, "Your promises mean nothing to me anymore Charles. We're going to die and it's all your fault." you deadpanned.
“Y/n amor I’m barely pushing 90 mph.” He revealed.
Your body froze, before finally losing some tension, “Oh."
You checked the meter seeing that he was telling the truth, "It feels a lot faster,” you argued, “Especially with the sharp turns," you elaborated.
He agreed with you but not before side-eyeing you, "Right."
"So should we go faster?" He proposed.
"Charles," You warned.
"Why so formal?"
You glanced at each other for a second and already knew what would happen from the unfiltered excitement in his eyes, "Hold on amour."
You watched in horror as the meter rapidly rose hitting up to 130mph, you mouthed a "help me" to the camera.
“I think I’m gonna throw up everywhere.” You groaned once the car had finally come to a halt.
Charles patted your head affectionately as you laid your head against your knees, “You’ll be ok.”
“No. I’m going to projectile vomit on this dashboard,” you warned, “I’m never driving with you again.”
He furrowed his eyebrows at your comment but didn't say anything, instead facing the camera.
"Well thanks for joining us today, if you want more videos like this-"
You lifted your head off your knees when you noticed he hadn't finished his sentence, finding him staring at you expectedly.
"Like and subscribe?" you questioned, voice hoarse.
"Exactly. See you guys later!" He waved bye to the camera and moved your head to lay on his lap so you could rest.
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imaginaryf1shots · 1 year
My Girls (I) | Max Verstappen
Words count: 1009
Driver!OC X Max Verstappen
Summery: Cecilia Hansson daughter of a Swedish billionaire, a race car driver, with a dream of making it big in Formula 1. However she has a few secrets that may hurt her as women are disliked in the sport.
Series Warnings: cursing, child abandment, absent father, drinking, car accidents, Jos Verstappen, misogyny, Christian horner (tell me if i missed anything)
This is a sort of prequel, just to set the scene. I already have over 20K written for this.
Series Masterlist
Max Masterlist
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Young drivers
When they first met, they were 10 years old. A karting competition, a usual thing for both of them, they both won a fair amount, both getting used to winning. However when they lost each one of them dealt with it differently. Yes Cecilia had a better car, but that never stopped Max from winning before. 
The race started as normal, as always Cecilia overtook all those in front of her and reached P2, with only Max being in front of her, with practised ease she overtook the boy coming out of nowhere it seemed. The boy frowned and pressed harder his car touching hers, Cecilia felt her car jolt, not knowing Max but knowing how some of the guys liked to race, she started focusing on evading him and out racing him. It was close to the end of the race anyways. Max did try to push her car a few times but everytime she slipped away or he just barely touched her. 
His dad will have his head for this. 
Once the race finished they got out of the car, Cecilia doing the little dance she always did when she won. She saw her dad and her brother cheering for her on the side. Taking off her helmet just as Max was coming up to her, he wanted to see who beat him, she took out her braid from her suit and turned to walk to her family when she saw Max.
Yes, his dad will definitely kill him.
“Nice race.” Cecilia said with a laugh before she slipped away to her family, her dad lifted her up in celebration, she was laughing her heart out, enjoying the moment. While Jos just stared down the family and his son, he walked up to her car inspecting it.
“They either got a sponsor or a whole lot of money.” Jos grunted a disappointed look on his face, Max was hopeful that seeing the car would make his dad not mad or disappointed in him. “But that doesn’t mean you couldn’t have won.”
Shaking his head he left his son and walked away.
Cecilia, Max and Pierre were waiting for the podiums, standing together. Cecilia turned to Max and held out her hand.
“I’m Cecilia.” She had a smile on her face with her white teeth, antagonising Max unknowingly.
“Max..” Said and refused to shake her hand, Pierre rolled his eyes at Max’s antics and shook the girl’s hands so as not to leave her hanging. 
“It’s okay Cece that’s how Max is.” He told her in French, Cecilia shrugged and refused to look at Max for the rest of the day.
The years went on after that and the group of future F1 drivers ran into each other a lot. Nearly no month went by without them running into each other, finding out more about the other, whenever Charles, Max and Cecilia raced together the trio were always close on the track, one of them always won. Giving credit to Cecilia she always tried to be nice to Max, however as they went into their teens he always just ignored her or gave her one worded answers. His dad did not like her at all, he found out about her family and their connections, and he knew it beat his, even if he was an F1 driver at one point.
When Max won a race at 15 and Cecilia came in P2, she did what she always does.
“Congratulations Max, great race.” The female smiled at the now slightly taller male, at one point she was taller than most of the guys but it seemed like her growth slowed with time and theirs picked up pace. 
“Why do you always do that?” Cecilia was both surprised and confused, she had no idea what he was talking about. This is the first time he’s spoken more than two words to her in the past five years they’d raced together. Both of them had done well in their careers getting sponsored and moving up. 
“What do you mean?”
“You always congratulate me and wish me a good race, always happy even if you don’t win.” Max explained his brain can’t comprehend how she just always seemed so happy and content and wishing her rivals good races, he heard her and Charles sharing tips and ideas, helping each other out. It’s something that he found do foreign and unusual, it left him puzzled. 
“Why not? I love racing, being good is besides the point, yes I like it, I love when I win, but I would do it regardless of if I won or not.” The smile on her face fell a little, she too couldn’t understand why this wasn’t something that Max understood, her family valued fair play, they said if you rise then you should rise with the people around you and good competition always made you better, always kept you on your toes. “Besides, if you weren’t good then who would challenge me? I love challenges.”
“That’s stupid, you’re weird.” Max muttered under his breath, but Cecilia heard him loud and clear. All signs of her happiness went out the window, her smile fell off completely. Max was startled by the stark contrast, how her whole demeanour flipt in one second. Her shoulder hit his as she passed him, her arms crossed.
After that day and for the time they raced together, before he went into F1 and she got pregnant, Cecilia never smiled at Max again.
Did it bother him? Yes. she always smiled at all the other guys but never him. He was only 15 but he understood the moment she stopped trying to talk to him what he felt. He had a crush on Cecilia Hansson. The daughter of a swedish billionaire. The up and coming female driver, some people said that she’d soon have a position in F1, just give it a few years. He silently hoped that she did, he hoped she’d make it into F1. He loved racing against her.
Next ->
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schrijverr · 9 months
Works Alone
When trying to pull the team together, Bruce’s ideas are dismissed, because he works alone. He goes home to his kids to pout about it.
On AO3.
Ships: none
Warnings: none
Bruce isn’t pouting. He isn’t! He’s not even a little bit miffed, because he doesn’t want the Justice League to succeed anyway. He doesn’t trust them, hell, he’s not even a full time member, he’s only playing along to keep the others in check. So why would he care?
However, attempting to convince himself doesn’t mean it is working or not clear on his face. The second he steps into the Cave, Dick comments: “Someone is pouty. Did anything happen with your new friends, B?”
He sounds a little too jovial about the whole thing for Bruce’s taste, because despite what he’s telling himself, he is pouty.
“Ridiculous. Father would never stoop so low as to pout,” Damian sticks up for him.
Damian had been sparring with Dick when Bruce arrived, but is now taking a break to drink some water. Seeing the two of them work together makes Bruce both feel better and more prissy, so he just grunts.
“He’s totally pouty,” Jason crows, from where he’d been ruffling through Bruce’s equipment. He would gladly give Jason all the stuff he needs, but Jason insists on stealing it, even if he’s stealing it in plain sight, which is more closely to just taking it.
“Take it back,” Damian frowns.
“Nah,” Jason says. “You know how he gets when y’all don’t come by enough. I mean, you shoulda seen him when Dickface first moved out. Man’s a pouter, I dunno what to tell ya.”
“What’s B pouting about now?” Steph asks, falling into the conversation since she’s only just arrived to start getting ready for patrol tonight.
“We don’t know yet, he’s still denying he’s pouting,” Tim calls out, not having looked up from where he’s working on the Batcomputer all throughout. “Though it’s likely something with the League, since he just got back from giving back up.”
Heads turn his way and Dick concernedly frowns: “Are you okay? Did they do something?”
There is a dark, yet gleeful glimmer in Damian’s eyes as he asks: “Do we need to go out there and vanquish these super powered morons, father?”
“No,” Bruce sighs, still a little miffed, though his mood has definitely been improved by his kid’s banter, as well as their worry for him.
“Then what happened, old man?” Jason demands. “Stop that vague bullshit you always do.”
“Oehhh, Jason swore!” Steph immediately chimes in. “I’m telling Alfred.”
“Don’t you fuckin’ dare,” Jason whips around to her, pointing his knife at her.
“Knock it off, I wanna hear why B is being pouty,” Tim interrupts them.
“Yes, cease this chatter,” Damian adds, a rare show of agreement with Tim. They’ve all been growing, Bruce thinks proudly.
“So what happened then?” Steph asks, rolling her eyes, though stopping her fight with Jason.
Jason luckily also lets it go for now, so Bruce can answer: “They aren’t working as a team. It’s just a group of skilled individuals now and it’s becoming a problem.”
“You’ve been observing that for a while, B. Why suddenly the long face about it?” Dick asks.
And now the embarrassing part, Bruce thinks as he admits: “John is trying to do something about it now. I offered my help, but he refused, stating that I don’t know how, since I work alone, while he has been in the army.”
It’s quiet for a moment. Then, the whole group bursts out in laughter.
“What?” Jason wheezes, while Dick cackles: “He actually said that? Are you for real? Oh my god.”
“I’m going to loose my shit,” Steph snorts, Tim chuckling in the background.
Even Damian is looking amused, although also slightly judgmental. He disdainfully comments: “They are not very bright and must lack observational skills, father. Are you certain you wish to proceed in sponsoring them?”
“Yes,” Bruce sighs again. He’d already had that conversation with himself. Many times. “There is a lot of potential there too. Which is what makes them dangerous. However, out there is dangerous too. They can protect like an army can. Like we can’t.”
“Tt, we can take on extraterrestrial threats and some villains,” Damian huffs, obviously displeased. Out of all his siblings, he’s been the most vocally against the Justice League.
“The brat has a point,” Jason surprises him by backing him up. “I mean, between us here and those still on the streets or running late, you basically have your own little army right here. Just recruit Wonder Woman and I’m sure we’d have a chance.”
“You just wanna work with Wonder Woman, don’t you?” Dick says, sounding a little smug as he slides up behind Jason to make a kissy face at him.
Jason just pushes his face away as he blushes and exclaims: “Shaddup, Dickhead.”
“Yeah, shut up! That’s the most sensible thing he’s said all his life,” Steph hollers.
“Kids, kids, calm down. We’re not disbanding the Justice League and adopting Wonder Woman,” Bruce interrupts, wondering how his life ends up with him saying sentences that he never thought he would be saying.
“I never said nothin’ ‘bout adopting her,” Jason scowls.
“Cuz you want to kiss her!” Dick sing-songs.
“Isn’t she like a few thousand years old or something?” Tim asks.
“Also not marrying Wonder Woman. Any of you,” Bruce says. “Why don’t we all just stay away from Wonder Woman. And the rest of the Justice League, which will continue to exist and not fall apart because they struggle at teamwork. Maybe John’s idea will work. It’s too early to say.”
All of them are giving him a judgmental look now and Bruce struggles to not react to it. It’s always harder when he agrees with them.
“But Green Lantern’s plan is hinging on esprit de corpse,” Tim says. “And that will never work, because it’s a military mentality and while you’ve been working together, there is no real interdependence outside a few emergencies.”
“Yeah, what Timmy said,” Dick agrees, gesturing towards Tim.
“I loathe to admit it, father, but Drake has a point,” Damian nods and that truly shows that it is a hopeless mission for John.
“We’ll just have to see,” Bruce says, deciding to end the conversation there. “Now get ready for pre-patrol brief. We have a few open cases to assign. Cass and Harper will soon be reporting from their early rounds, so get suited up.”
There are a few groans around him, but his kids grant him the mercy of dropping it. They probably know as he does that this won’t be the last time they discuss it.
Indeed a few days later, Bruce comes walking into the Cave again, trying not to let the thunder cloud above his head show too much. However, he knows his kids notice, some sending him a raised brow or an inquiring look. Bruce is glad that he’s come far enough as a parent that not even Dick or Jason are put off by his bad mood.
Dick is also the one to tentatively ask: “Not a good training session with the Justice League?”
“John has us running drills,” Bruce grunts. “It’s showing us each other’s moves and how to play into each other, but…”
“It’s not turning you into a team?” Dick suggest.
“Yeah,” Bruce says, sighing.
“Esprit de corpse,” Tim sing-songs, walking by with a steaming mug of coffee that he went upstairs to refill, ready to start working on the case he’s in the middle of.
Bruce ignores Tim, knowing he’s right, and pulls the cowl off to card a hand through his hair. “We don’t need to run drills, but we need to do trust exercises, talk with each other, get to know each other better, be- be-”
He doesn’t know how he wants to end that sentence, but Cass does, materializing out of the darkness in her sweats, she says one word: “Family.”
“I thought you didn’t like the Justice League,” Duke asks. Luke is covering his day shift today since the last few days have been busy for Duke, but as a true Bat, he doesn’t really know what taking a break means, so he’s in the Cave training.
“Hn,” Bruce replies, thinking. “I mean, I do like them, I just-”
“He doesn’t trust ‘em,” Jason says. He wasn’t supposed to be at the Cave, but it’s clear why he’s there when Bruce looks his way in surprise. He’s holding a box of files, likely stuff he needs for his organization, Bruce wouldn’t know. They’re at a point where Jason doesn’t kill and Bruce doesn’t ask.
“What? Why?” Duke asks. “You fund them and go on missions with them. Even share intell and use them as backup, despite the fact that there are metas and aliens among them. Why do that if you don’t trust them?”
“’Cause he’s also paranoid,” Jason answers for him. “He’s monitoring ‘em.”
“But also befriending them,” Dick says, defending Bruce. “He just needs to vet them closely first, before he does that.”
“Right, ‘cause he’s paranoid,” Jason says.
Duke looks at Bruce, who sighs: “They’re not wrong. The Justice League has a lot of potential to do good and they’re showing they want to be that goodness. But they also have the potential of mass destruction. We need to be sure they won’t be a threat and that we have the right contingencies, before we let them in.”
“Like I said, paranoid,” Jason repeats.
“But trying,” Dick adds.
“And is stepping in to help them get better teamwork going to backfire?” Duke wonders. “Like are we scared we’re going to teach them how to destroy everything as a team? Is that it?”
“No,” Bruce answers, before the peanut gallery consisting of Dick and Jason can. “I offered help to John, he didn’t want it. I don’t think they’re willing to listen to my opinion on it, since I work alone, so have no expertise.”
Duke snorts loudly at that, then suddenly says: “Wait, you’re serious?”
Bruce grunts as conformation.
“Why?” Duke asks.
“Paranoid,” Jason says, rolling his eyes, before hoisting his box up again, before walking off.
Meanwhile, Bruce actually explains: “I haven’t mentioned you, like I said I would. It’s best if they don’t know we’re connected, nor that Gotham hosts more heroes. Connections like we have could be exploited by them and Superman can do a lot more damage should he so choose than Killer Croc or Bane.”
“But they’re good guys, right?”
“For now,” Dick answers morosely. “I’m not saying I agree with B’s paranoia, I mean, I was doing team ups before him and it worked out fine for me without the layers of paranoid he has. But a lot of things can go wrong, especially when working with people that powerful. I also maintained a semblance of mystique just to be safe.”
“But you can try to tell them this isn’t working, right? They must see that it’s not,” Duke says.
“From what I’ve seen both Hawkgirl and Wonder Woman are warriors like John, so they think the same about this. Superman and Flash are office workers, they’d think of horrid team-building days. While J’onn is used to working together with people who can read minds,” Bruce answers. “Out of all of them, only J’onn might listen.”
Cass nudges him and signs: ‘You are not saying something. There is hiding in your shoulders and a bit of guilt in your jaw.’
“What are you hiding, B,” Dick prods, a little bit of genuine judgment and worry coming through the tease.
“It’s a risk to tell them,” Bruce answers sulkily, knowing it’s a little silly, but unable to stop his brain from providing pop-ups of all the ways it could backfire.
“B,” Dick whines, throwing himself to hang over him. “You can at least try.”
“I will, I will,” Bruce says, placating yet also meaning it. He wants to do right by his kids and they want him to have friends, most of them encouraging him with the Justice League.
And, he does. Tentatively he suggest doing some trust exercises among the drills they’ve been running. As expected he gets weird looks and even a scoff from Wally and a frown from Clark. But he manages to play into John’s ideas brotherhood, which means the others are forced to give it a try.
It’s not perfect, of course it isn’t. They still have to deal with the fact that they never agreed on a strategists or a leader of sorts. They still have to build an organization, a system, a proper way of working as a unit.
However, they are getting somewhere. Some prodding here and there helps and the more it helps, the more others prod.
Though it’s not until years later, when Damian is nearly outgrowing the Robin mantle, that Bruce finally allows them to meet his kids. To let them in on the inner workings of Gotham vigilantism.
Then John will point at him and exclaim: “You son of a bitch, you lied to me! You let me struggle on my own to pull these idiots together.”
And at that point, Bruce will be comfortable enough to ignore everyone’s protests and smirk: “I offered you to help, didn’t I? Too bad I work alone.” Making his kids – though they’re adults at that point – laugh like the day they first heard.
I think the League thinking Batman works alone is hilarious, especially if they establish later than the batfam
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earthtokhal · 4 days
It's 4 a.m., and I woke up still absolutely fuming about yesterday because where was Daniel's team? After everything that happened, where was his management team? Why did THEY allow this to spiral like this?
Daniel's take on all of this was fairly positive until he had a shitty quali and then once again got hounded by the same journalists asking the same questions and then it seems like he just simply accepted it.
I think vcarb, Red Bull, and Daniel's own management team severely mismanaged things.
The cash app guy deleting his video doesn't mean too much to me as I was also very surprised that he posted it in the first place because while he posted it from a "fan/friend" point of view answering in his own capacity, he indirectly answered as his company. He told us, through his own personal ig that the company didn't know.
I do not know what the sponsors have to say about this, visa, cashapp but Hugo, their weekend was greatly overshadowed by mismanagement. If this was to be his last, every single one of those sponsors could have capitalized.
After everything that happened with Mcalren, all I wanted was for him to leave on his own terms. Whether he decided to stay and drive for vcarb again, whether he decided to go to Audi or whether he got the Red Bull seat. I wanted him to be on his terms, but the constant talk surrounding his contract took away any chance of that happening regardless of how and what was decided and so I thought, if this was it, they'd let him announce it properly.
Horner, despite making all that noise about how Mclaren treated him, actually did something worse because Daniel trusted him. Daniel put his career back in Horners hand despite everything and trusted him. I do not think there's anything salvageable of their relationship after Spa and now this mess.
I find the timing of all of this oddly specific. We had so many people cryptic posting just two weeks ago, that photographer saying the general idea is that Daniel would take over the red bull seat and then we went to baku expecting a shit storm and it never came. We were just in the eye of the storm. When the "rumor" dropped this week, I thought what a coincidence that it happened just before media day, and so all the questions shifted from performance or what crash to Daniel and he stood alone in the lions den.
It seems like Red Bull hasn't decided (while it's likely looking like it is what it is) and they chose to remain hot and cold about it like they always have been and it absolutely spiraled.
The media surrounding all of this was absolutely atrocious. They allowed people with less impact on the sport to leave with more dignity. They tore him apart, they questioned every single thing until he stood there, tears in his eyes accepting it. This man is a veteran of the sport. A man whose legacy will have a direct link on the grid next year in Jack Doohan. A man who made an incredible mark on our current world champion. A man who had people looking at red bull last year going "they're always ruthless but this is their son."
And at the end of it all, when they backed him against a wall after a long, frustrating weekend, they're all writing messages for him. They wanted to have their cake and eat it too.
Regardless of what's to come, I hope Daniel is incredibly proud of his perseverance. I hope he knows that despite all the noise, he did what he intended to do, he fell back in love with the sport. He proved to himself he still had it. I hope he knows how many fell in love with the sport because of him and how many people learnt so much about his sport. I hope he truly knows the impact he had on this sport and how despite it refusing to love him back like he deserved, he had shone a light on it so bright that it went global.
Daniel Ricciardo will always be THAT guy, and I hope he knows it.
Whatever happens next, I'm glad I found him, and I'm glad I got to experience him being back on the grid.
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hazbinsillynight · 7 months
Radiostatic week 2024
Day 3 : Date night
Vox asked his nemesis out out of nowhere in the middle of a fight. Confused and surprised, Alastor accepted. Only now they both had to spend a night without killing each other!
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The Vee’s tower always appeared cold, calm, and threatening. The atmosphere has always terrified other demons but what they didn’t know was that inside the tower it was a different image that was given off.
It was warmer, and more welcoming, especially for the Vees who lived there and who after a long day of work only wanted to relax a bit. Sadly for them, the tower was never silent long enough for anyone to enjoy the calm and silence.
“Stop laughing dammit!!” Screamed the TV Overlord before throwing a pillow at his coworker and friend Valentino.
“I-I I can’t!!” The moth demon exclaimed, bursting into laughter, incapable of stopping.
“So Mister Vox, how does it feel to have a date with the radio demon? Your rival since always!” Velvet exclaimed, mimicking a micro with her phone, laughing as well.
“I didn’t ask him on purpose!! It came just like that. I didn't even want to ask him out!!” Vox screamed at the same time both stressed and angry. His answer only made Valentino laugh harder. “Val! I’m going to cut your fucking balls and shove them into your mouth!!”
‘Ouuuh Voxy I didn’t know you were in cannibalism kink! I’m sure Alastor’ll love that!” Velvet teased, causing Vox to glitch before his screen started showing multicolored bands and he rebooted.
“I think you broke him Vel.” The moth demon said, a bit more in control of his emotions but still laughing. 
“Come on, come on! We have to find him something to wear for the occasion or he’ll just wear his usual costume!” The social media Overlord exclaimed cheerfully, hurrying into Vox’s part of the tower.
“Alastor come on, it’s just one date. What can possibly happen or go wrong?” The princess of Hell said at the door of the room of her sponsor.
“Everything! As if I was going to go on a date with that stupid TV! As if I was even going to go on a date?!”
“But you promised Vox, I know you did, I was there.”
“I don’t care.” The red demon hissed, clearly refusing to go with every fiber of his body. Just why did he say yes?!
Everything happened so fast, he didn’t even understand it and he lived this moment two hours ago! They were casually fighting against each other like usual, except that Charlie was here since she accompanied him on one of his walks. Vox attacked them and Alastor made himself a pleasure to ripost and attack back. Or at least he was until that crazy dumb and stupid TV asked him out. He was so surprised by that that he nodded and accepted his request. 
Clearly, neither he nor Vox expected this situation but with Charlie hearing everything there wasn’t any step that could be taken back. Just what was the media Overlord thinking?! They hated each other for decades! This didn’t make any sense!
“Alastor, come on! Vox didn’t deserve to be left behind. You already said yes, just imagine how miserable he would feel if you didn’t come.” Charlie tried again behind the door.
“Then he would have what he deserved! What is wrong with him asking such things!!”
“Come on Nifty helped me choose some clothes for you. You know what, how about a deal? You won’t have to take part in the next week's bonding activities if you go on that date!” The princess said, finally getting the attention of the radio demon. “What do you think?” 
“I suppose I could make an effort. But if there is anything in his behavior that’s wrong I quit.”
“Of course Al! I don’t want to force you, just to give him a chance. Oooh, I’m so excited!! this is going to be awesome Alastor you’ll see! 
Vox never felt so stupid in both his life and his afterlife. Here he was dressed in the clothes Velvet and Val had chosen for him, waiting for the radio demon and ready to take him on a date. If he could just get really drunk and forget everything happened it would be perfect. But since when has his life ever been perfect dammit!?
With a look at his phone, he noticed the messages from both his friends who were encouraging him from their home. Right, he could do this! And if Alastor desisted it would be even better, right?
Speaking of the devil, the radio demon came out of the front door of the hotel. He was wearing a white shirt covered by a red velvet jacket without any sleeves. His trousers and bow were black, and Vox could see he left his radio cane in the hotel. 
“This is stupid and I hate you for asking me out.” The radio demon said before Vox could even voice a word. Good thing because he was quite mouth-gaped here. 
“Well, I hate you for saying yes so I guess we’re even Al.” The TV Overlord hissed back before taking a deep breath. “I think you’re looking great.”
There he could do this! He could survive to this date even if it was with Alastor. Or at least that was what he thought before he saw the hateful glare the deer demon was giving him. Just what did he say wrong?! No no no no! He could do this! Alastor was just playing with his nerve to prove Vox was just a horrible date. Ah! He’ll see who’s the horrible date!
“I know you like spicy food so I booked a restaurant where they serve creole cooking. I hope it is to your liking. We can change it if you want.” The media demon said with the perfect smile he performed on the stage.
Alastor looked pissed but pleased at the same time so he didn’t know if it was a victory or not. He didn’t say no so it must have been a win right? 
“I booked the whole restaurant so we should be in a nice ambiance. “ Vox said under the approbating eyes of the radio demon. 
Now Alastor won’t lie if he said he was relieved by this news. Having a public while he was going out with Vox from all people was clearly something he wanted to avoid. 
“Thank you Vox.” He said, causing the other demon to look at him in shock. Alastor rolled his eyes and they both continued their walk to the restaurant. Like Vox certified him it wasn’t far and Alastor liked to walk; they left the limousine Vox brought with him.
The two Overlords finally arrived at the restaurant and just like Vox said it was empty, the only table left was for them and the whole room was illuminated with candles. An orchestra was playing classic jazz music in the back and the ambiance of the place reminded his old home of the radio demon. He looked at everything amazed and gladly surprised to discover a place like this in hell. It felt so nostalgic…
“Do you like the place?” Vox asked a bit nervously, this wasn’t the kind of restaurant he usually goes to but for this, he tried to put himself in the place of his rival. He knew the other missed his country and home more than him.
“It’s perfect…” Alastor said, still surprised. The look in his eyes expressed everything for him. “Thank you Vox, you don’t know how much this place represents for me right now.”
Vox blushed heavily when he saw Alastor’s smile. It wasn’t the same he was used to seeing every fucking day, this one was special, kinder and it was for him. Something in his heart got warmer at this thought. 
“I’m glad you like it, Al.”
The waiter guided them to their table and Vox came to pull Alastor’s chair for him. The radio demon paused suddenly a bit more nervously, which was unusual for! He was the Radio demon, the strongest Overlord that ever walked Hell, and Vox’s rival. He wasn’t some stupid enamored guy who would blush at every action of his date! No matter how gentlemanly he could be. 
With a look at the menu surprised when he saw they served demon meat. This place was a cannibal restaurant. The radio demon looked at his rival, a bit moved by the intention. The other Overlord chose the place really well. 
Vox looked a bit nervous, more than him if he could say. Alastor held a laugh, he always found it funny that the face of the media the entire Hell was a mess when it came to dealing with him. 
“It’s perfect stupid TV so just relax. You’re so nervous I bet the entire restaurant noticed it.” He said, chuckling at his nemesis. 
“I’m not nervous!” The TV demon exclaimed blushing before adding with a calmer tone. “I just want everything to be perfect.” 
Alastor raised a helbrow suddenly interested. If Vox put so much attention on this date why did he say that he was mad he accepted his proposition? This was getting interesting. Perhaps he could play a little with his stupid TV tonight.
“It’s alright Vox.” He said with a sweet smile, gently taking the hand of the other demon. 
The reaction of the media demon didn’t take long. The TV Overlord glitched a lot and for a few seconds, there were colored bands on his screen. When he finally came back to his senses he was bushing so hard it looked like his screen had a new color. Ah, it was so funny to tease him.
Neither of them took their hands off and the conversation continued. They talked about everything and nothing, the last tantrum of Valentino, the last crazy idea of the princess, the complaints of Husker, or the new obsession of Nifty. They even talked about radio and modern technology without tearing each other apart! It was a really good evening so it was without regret that when Vox brought him back to the hotel Alastor proposed to him another date. 
“Y-yeah it would be great Al!” 
Vox was overjoyed about the news. Alastor wanted to spend more time with him! Him! That meant the date he spent so much time on had been a success. Suddenly the radio demon took his hand in his and gently kissed it, causing him to glitch a little.
“I’ll admit I wasn’t really impatient when it came to this dinner with you but in the end, I had a lovely night. Thank you Vox. I’ll see you around next time.” He said before going back into the hotel, leaving a blushing, enamored, and happy TV Overlord outside.
“I look forward to it.” He said before zapping back to his tower.
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sagemoderocklee · 3 months
Hello, I hope you’re feeling well :).
I just wanted to have your opinion about Temari x Shikamaru? I love the way you write about them. I think Kishimoto would be jealous lol.
I also cannot wait for your updates, especially for “The Art of Love”. Please take care!
^///^ thank you so much anon! for the compliment and the well wishes!
all updates are currently only being done through my fundraising campaign for Palestinian families, but if you would like to see TAoL updated, that IS one of the fics that can be sponsored! The next chapter of TAoL is estimated at around 15k words for a total of $60USD in donations, which do not have to be all one person donating! I hope you'll consider donating to help families!
i absolutely LOVE ShikaTema and i love writing them into all my fics, even when they are barely there. their relationship had so much potential and then boruto ruined it.
kishimoto's problem--and thus Naruto's (and Boruto's) problem--will always be misogyny. i love all the girls (minus hinata), but no matter how bad ass or fun he makes them, they always suffer under misogyny (including Hinata), and so do their relationships--especially the romantic ones.
and this is getting extremely rambly so more under the cut
i think shikamaru and temari suffer more in boruto than in classic or Shippuden--i'd even go so far as to say that relationship suffers the most out of all the ones presented to us because the building blocks in Naruto/Shippuden never supported what Boruto delivered--but i cant speak broadly on that since i refuse to engage with boruto beyond some old silly jokes about metal looking like gaara. i do know through just hearing about it that temari gets the like the shrill, overbearing wife treatment, and obviously she went from being an active duty shinobi to being a housewife, which is so insulting.
if anything, shikamaru should be the stay at home parent. temari should continue her diplomacy work, she should not have just up and left her village for good, and she shouldn't be treated like an overbearing wife.
my preference is to always have Temari and Shikamaru split their time in Suna and Konoha. Shikamaru might ultimately end up being a stay-at-home dad but i do think he still wouldn't abandon his duties as the head of his clan. he'd have a proxy for when he's not in Konoha, but they'd still need to report to him regularly while he's in Suna, and he could always be recalled back to Konoha for big issues within the clan. i think at a certain point he does retire from being a shinobi to focus on the kids, while still being willing to be like a consultant for strategy if need be
but ultimately i think Shikamaru is just a wife guy. i think that's what was being set up for us. Shikamaru being this dumb pre-teen kid who thought girls were gross and was falling into these misogynistic ideas, only to have his world view rocked by Temari. i think she's the catalyst for his growth but not the sole reason for it. i think it was just like the women around him on a daily basis and his own just like growth as a person, but he needed someone to come in to put the first chink in the armor, so to speak. Temari was someone he didn't really know or have any notions about beyond her being a girl and what that meant to a 12 year old boy.
once she proved to defy his expectations and also challenge him, i think that's where he starts to grow.
i think temari and shikamaru's relationship has to be built on equity, respect, and understanding, which kishimoto and anyone else writing these relationships don't grasp.
one thing that should have been emphasized more, imo, is that Temari is on par with Shikamaru. i think she's a genius too, but she's not as lazy and bored by the world as he is, and i think that challenges him. i think she's interesting to him because she's his equal, and often times his better. like she pushes him. he's a lazy mf, but he's brilliant; she's brilliant AND not a lazy mf. she's driven, she's passionate, she's funny, she's playful, she's a lil mean sometimes but has a big heart...
like deadass shikamaru should WORSHIP the ground she walks on. he should be so in love with her, but he always keeps it close to the chest. he's not like tryna play it cool he's just like that. it's not like he's scared or even embarrassed, i just think he's reserved in how he shows that to he world, which works well cause i dont think temari is publicly very lovey-dovey either.
i think temari is just as in love with him--again equity and so on--but i do think she also has other priorities like her career. i think shikamaru could give a rat's ass about being a shinobi and the only thing he really cares about related to shinobi work is his teammates and his clan, but that's still all wrapped up in duty. temari is his choice. which i think is something that anyone from a clan really would be drawn to--clans are about duty, shinobi life is about duty. but loving someone outside of the clan, choosing who you marry--that's choice and that's freeing.
i think temari is freedom for shikamaru, and she needs freedom from him. he's not overbearing. he's not insecure. he's willing to do shit a lotta other guys wouldn't do--like be a stay-at-home dad. and he loves her without reservation and without expectation. i think for temari, expectation is the root of all evil.
she's the daughter of the 4th Kazekage, people expect things from her because of that. she's a shinobi--a kunoichi--a woman, so people expect certain things from her because of that.
get married. retire early. have kids. can't be too ambitious. not allowed on the council. so on and so on.
all these gendered expectations of her from the world around her, but not from Shikamaru.
like obviously he does wanna marry her and have kids, but it's not a demand. he never expects her to do anything she doesn't wanna do. and it's not like she doesnt want kids. she absolutely wants to get married and have a family, but she also wants her ambition. her career. her passion. she wants to change the world alongside Gaara, not sit idly by while the men in her life do and do and do.
shikamaru gives her that. she defied expectations because she didn't marry a man from Wind, she didn't retire, she's having kids who'll have dual loyalties which means from the council's pov her children aren't viable heirs to the Kazekage title, she retains all of her ambitions and passions and keeps fighting for the equity of women in the shinobi world.
Shikamaru is for Temari, what she is for him. he challenges her as much as she challenges him; he gives her what she needs from a partner, as much as she gives him what he needs. emotionally, mentally, and physically they both challenge the other, support the other, and understand the other.
they just make a good team. they make each other stronger and smarter and better, and they make each other happy.
anyways, this is all really rambly. not feelin that great today so i hope this rambling mess is fun to read!
thanks for the ask and for reading my fics <3
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captain-joongz · 1 year
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Pairing: non-idol!Kim Hongjoong x Reader (it's Hongjoong's POV)
Genre: angst
Summary: Hongjoong attempts to navigate a posh party after his whole life has fallen apart, while what he wants the most is standing only a few metres away from him. It doesn't help that he knows you want him too.
Word count: 3.8k
Warnings: it's very angsty, drinking, post break-up, forced break-up, controlling parent (let me know if i should add anything)
A/N: this whole piece is inspired by the song Heroes by David Bowie, it's just the right amount of emotional damage :')) also, this is my first time posting here, so I apologise if the formating is still a little wonky, hopefully I'll work it out soon :))
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“Just… Don’t forget to be there tomorrow, okay?” Seonghwa’s voice rang out in my car and I sighed. “Don’t worry, I know I can’t afford to miss a gathering like that. Everyone that means something in this city is going to be there.” My answer didn’t seem to calm him down whatsoever, even if I couldn’t see him through my phone screen I knew as much. I stubbornly refused to address what he was talking about and instead started talking business. After a while of mindless chit-chat he tried again.
“She will be there tomorrow… I’m sure you know that. Please, Hongjoong, don’t do anything stupid.” I knew he was just trying to look out for me but I couldn’t help getting a little annoyed with him. Even after all this time, you were still a touchy subject. I sighed again, this time louder. “When have I ever done something like that?” I attempted at a joke and got a little chuckle from Seonghwa in return. “Don’t worry, my best friend turned business partner, I’ll be the picture of sainthood and patience.” Then I ended the call.
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Needless to say, I was not that. I got to the garden party about twenty minutes ago and was already agitated beyond belief. Seonghwa hasn’t got there yet and I was stuck drinking white wine in a corner of a room watching old rich men laughing at stories that only old rich men find funny. I could feel my lips turning into a scowl and barely managed to look respectable and approachable to the top society.
Just a few years back, I was nothing. A little boy from a poor background who only dreamed big, but deep down knew that a world like this would never let him achieve that. I didn’t come from money like most of these men, I didn’t have centuries of generational wealth at my beck and call. I was the one they laughed at and looked down on, the one who had to fight for every penny they dropped.
I started a little company with my best friend, originally hoping to make our own indie clothing line. Just something small to give us enough money to live normally. But we needed funds to take off and so we started chasing after the kind of people we both hated begging them to sponsor us. That’s when you came into my life. And everything changed.
Back then I hated these parties as much as I do now but I didn’t know how to hide it yet. Seonghwa was much better at looking pleasant and entertained, I usually stood next to him burning holes with my eyes into anyone who wanted to talk to me. You swooped in, all wide smiles and melodic laughs and gave me a once-over.
“You look exactly how I feel.” It came out of your mouth on a laugh and I felt myself relax. “Also here to charm these bastards into giving you a bit of money?” I gave you a flirty smile and took a sip from my glass. I didn’t even remember what I ordered.
“Actually no, I’m here because one of these bastards is my father.” I froze and I heard Seonghwa next to me choke on something. You looked serious for a moment and then burst out laughing. And then you spent the entire night introducing us to people and whispering little sassy comments into our ears. I never knew one could have so much fun here.
I realised pretty quickly you are someone I will fall in love with. It never felt like a hypothetical. Loving you was absolutely inevitable. And when I did, you were there holding my hand whispering how you love me too. It was the best thing that’s ever happened to me. You were the best thing that’s ever happened to me. And then you were gone.
You didn’t want to be, I knew that. It was your father. I met him a few times after you introduced us and he figured out pretty quickly that something was happening between us. And he didn’t like it. One day he called me into his office for lunch. When I came he only looked at me over his desk.
“My daughter will marry someone better.” That was all he said.
“Leave her alone.”
I didn’t.
We both agreed on continuing our relationship and that we would keep it a secret. Me and Seonghwa managed to sell our idea to a big wig that owned a few luxury hotels and he agreed to sponsor our humble beginnings. At this time Wooyoung and Yeosang joined us, after we hired them off an ad to model our clothes during the business meetings. Finally, our dream was taking off. It worked for a little while. You helped us a lot back then, helping us with ideas and even some sewing when we needed every hand we could get. The project was our baby, us five.
With time we grew tired of sneaking around. We became careless, too in love to think about the consequences of being seen together or getting caught by your father. And so one day we were.
Unfortunately, I don’t know the half of what happened, you didn’t want to talk about it too much. But I knew enough to understand you were leaving. I’ll always remember your teary sad eyes as you were walking out the door.
“He’ll sink your company if I don’t leave. I can’t do that to you Hongjoong, not after you worked so hard for it.”
After that I haven’t seen you again. I heard about you here and there, after all I was still in the same social circles as you. But I knew you weren’t allowed to talk to me. I would catch glimpses of you out of the corner of my eyes and then you would disappear into the crowd. That was all that was left of us.
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It’s already been three hours since I came here and I was officially tired of small talk. Everyone asked me the same questions, they all wanted to know the same things.
“Congratulations on your latest release, Mr. Kim. I heard it was a success,” said one of the men my benefactor brought over to my corner. I gave him a tight-lipped smile.
“It was a joint effort of the whole company,” I replied politely and looked over his shoulder to see Seonghwa laugh at something Yunho said. They came here together about 40 minutes after me due to having to solve some issues with a design we were currently working on.
“Speaking of company, I remember when it was just you and Mr. Park. It was a pleasant surprise to meet Mr. Jeong too,” said someone else, I wasn’t even paying attention to who.
“Yes, yes… There’s eight of us now, thanks to the endless support of Mr. Byun we were able to expand rather quickly,” I gestured at our sponsor and gave a business smile. “It’s a big relief as we now have enough hands on deck to work comfortably.” Conversation moved on for a little bit and I dissociated again, not listening to a single word until I felt Seonghwa move to my side. When I looked up at him he looked extremely nervous, but before I could ask one of the men directed the topic back to me.
“You know… I really wasn’t expecting you to show up. Considering…” he chuckled a little bit and I felt myself stiffen. There was a mean glint to his eyes and I knew they all will properly enjoy making me uncomfortable with this.
“Yes, considering…” someone else added with a smirk, “Have you met the host of tonight’s party yet?” Silence fell and everyone looked at me expectantly. The host of tonight's party, as in Mr. Lee – as in your father. Even though our relationship was never quite made public, it was a well-known matter. Just as our break-up, no matter how hard Mr. Lee tried to make it disappear. He was thoroughly embarrassed by his daughter entertaining the advances of such a low-born as me, but his desperation to keep this all under wraps was what made it even juicier for everyone to talk about. That’s how I found myself in this exact same position every time I chose to show my face at these events.
Before I could say something, Seonghwa stepped in with his gentle polite shut-down. “Yes, we’ve all said our hellos to him when we came here,” he said and smiled in that way me and Yunho knew meant he was two minutes from distributing slaps. It was a lie, but one said with such nonchalance that everyone believed this boring outcome to be true. They hoped for blood and instead got this. From there the conversation quickly moved on to different topics and no one brought it up again. Eventually the men saw someone more interesting and dispersed, leaving only me, Seonghwa and Yunho.
“Thanks, if I had to answer that one more time I’d murder someone,” I said to Seonghwa with what was supposed to be a laugh but instead came out as a bitter chuckle. My fingers tightened around my glass and I attempted to calm the swirling vortex of uncomfortable emotions currently wreaking havoc on my psyche. Admittedly, I was doing a pretty shit job at it.
“Man, these vultures really never change,” Yunho whispered with a smile and clasped his hand on my shoulder. He squeezed few times to give me courage and then let go. I smiled tiredly at him and clanked our glasses together. “That they never do…”
I was glad both of these men were here. Where Seonghwa was all cold and polite, Yunho came in with amusing stories and boyish charms. Once you started listening to him, he soon had you wrapped around his little finger and you found yourself hanging onto his every word. It was very useful at directing conversation and distracting people when they started asking stupid questions.
Seonghwa hasn’t said anything yet and when I looked at him, he was still watching me with that same sadness and nervousness from before. “You haven’t left this spot since you came, don’t you at least want to move into the garden for a little while?” he said finally and I realised he was in his full mothering mode. As I opened my mouth to give him a funny retort, my eyes flitted around the room and suddenly I was looking straight into your eyes. The words got stuck in my throat and instead came out a little strangled noise of surprise. You waved at me subtly and smiled a little. I awkwardly did the same. Then you turned around and walked out. My hand automatically reached for a fresh glass of wine and I drank it in almost a single gulp, which freaked out Seonghwa.
“Maybe we should go, we did what we came here to do anyway…” he said and reached for me but I refused. “If we leave now it will be considered in bad taste,” I retorted, “Don’t worry about me, go out there and make me proud. I’ll just stay here and keep myself out of everyone’s way.” Yunho laughed at my words but Seonghwa still looked concerned. In the end, he let himself be dragged out into the gardens. I stood there alone. Right, since you left, I was anyways.
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I kept myself occupied by drinking, which wasn’t really the best idea. When I looked out of the window again, it was already dark outside and most of the people moved back in. You were back in too. I heard you, heard your laugh as you held conversation with someone. It felt as close as if you were standing right next to me, laughing to something I said. As if on instinct I looked after the source of the sound and our eyes met for the second time that evening. You nodded. I did too. I felt Mr. Lee burning a hole into my side with his eyes just as I saw Seonghwa warningly shake his head. So I looked back down, right into my drink and wallowed in drunken self-pity.
I knew I should let it go. I should have let it go by now. It’s been months. But I couldn’t. I couldn’t make myself stop thinking about you, about us. How could I when you were so abruptly torn out of my life? Inappropriate relationship my ass. Embarrassment my ass. Everyone knew anyway. That I love you and you love me. I didn’t understand why it was a problem. I guess I just wasn’t good enough. Wasn’t wealthy enough. I would still take care of you, better than anyone could. I would give you anything, everything you asked for. So why? Why was it a problem?
I took another sip from another glass and looked at you again. I could feel Seonghwa’s disapproving energy from across the room but I ignored it. Things started blurring together, so I just stood around frowning and drank. When I could see clearly again you were gone. I lost you a long time ago and yet you still disappear.
The party was still in full swing, people now drunk enough to loosen up. All around me it was buzzing with laughter and small-talk, the men switching to joking about their wives while still pretending to talk business while the ladies emboldened by alcohol started making eyes at the young waiters. I made a disgusted face and prayed for these poor souls.
I couldn’t see Seonghwa nor Yunho anymore either and I was trying to persuade myself to move so I could find them and we could finally leave. But before I managed to move a single finger a voice tore me out of my thoughts. A sweet familiar voice.
“Hey…” It was you. You were standing on my right, close to the doors that led outside. I didn’t even notice you get there, too preoccupied with feeling sorry for myself. My heart was beating out of my chest. It was beating so hard I was afraid it was going to jump right out, right into your hands. That’s where it belonged anyway.
“Hi.” I croaked out and then embarrassedly cleared my throat. You laughed. God, how I missed that. I was just stuck looking at you with heart eyes, not even comprehending that this was really happening. Suddenly I realised that the room quieted down a little bit. The people that were present pretended to still have their conversations while straining their ears to listen to us. A fierce wave of anger ran through me but it died down as soon as I saw you gesturing to the open door.
“Do you maybe want…?” you didn’t even have to finish and I was already moving out with a scowl on my face aimed at everyone who was watching us with curious eyes. As soon as I came out panic hit me and I turned around. You must have seen the fear and laughed a little. “My father is currently in the saloon playing billiard and smoking cigars with the esteemed gentlemen, so it’s okay,” you said and sat down on of the chair on this little balcony. It was overlooking the prettily light up gardens. It was almost a romantic setting if the situation was different. I chuckled bitterly and sat down into the other chair.
I took the time to look at you properly. You were wearing a light pink dress. It was a very conservative cut, making you look almost like a happy housewife from the 50s. I let out another chuckle and you only raised an amused eyebrow at me. Your hair was longer too.
“I see that father has a say in your wardrobe too, now.” It wasn’t the best opening line. Definitely not something you say to someone you haven’t seen in months. The amusement was replaced by sadness and you looked really awkward for a moment. I wanted to slap myself for ever even opening my stupid mouth.
“You know, have to make the right impression…” you said quietly and silence took over. I hated it. I hated everything and most of all I hated your father.
“You realise that he’s going to hear about us talking anyway, right?” I asked you and took a sip. It was the last of wine I had, so I just set the glass on the table and instead nervously played with my fingers. Not holding anything allowed me to see just how much were my hands shaking. I looked over and you were also nervously smoothing out your dress over your thighs.
“Yeah, well, he’s going to kill us both but whatever,” came your response. You wanted it to sound nonchalant but we were both too anxious and running on pure adrenalin. But then you gave me a blinding smile and my heart almost broke all over again.
“Yeah, yolo or whatever,” I mumbled and looked into the garden. I heard you laugh and forbid myself from looking. My hands started to rise so I could drink but halfway through I remember I finished it already. So I let them down again. It was the middle of summer but thanks to the late hour, the weather became much more pleasant. I loosened my tie and made myself more comfortable in the chair.
The silence was slowly becoming oppressive as neither of us really knew what to say to the other. I gritted my teeth together and slowly counted the uncomfortably spent seconds slowly ticking away.
“I’m engaged.”
It felt as if the whole world was suddenly thrown askew. If I wasn’t sitting it would feel as if I was falling down the stairs. Slowly I turned to look at you. There were tears on your face. I realised that my eyes were also getting wet. Shit, either I’m too sober to have this conversation or I’m too drunk to not make a fool out of myself. My hand subconsciously moved to lay over my heart, as if to check if it was still beating. It felt as if it wasn’t, wouldn’t really surprise me.
“So this is why you wanted to talk outside…” I said slowly and suddenly my words were slurring more together. It was hard to speak over the emotions of my whole life crumbling to dust.
“Don’t you want to know with who?” you asked quietly. I could see you were too afraid to look at me properly, only glancing over from the corner of your eyes. I scoffed at your question.
“I can imagine with who. Your father has a clear type,” I said bitterly, “Probably with someone that can afford to golf with him in the country club.” You were silent and I knew you were crying. So I turned around again and looked into the garden, stubbornly ignoring the tears about to drop from my own eyes.
“We could run away together…” you whispered and I spun around again. “What!?” I almost screamed that and then checked if anyone inside heard. It seemed that no one noticed. I turned to you again. “What do you mean? Are you serious?” It was absolutely stupid idea. I started regretting not being more drunk. But then I looked at your face and saw your desperation and I realised. You mean it. You’re absolutely serious.
A lightning of hope flashed through me so strongly it almost jerked my whole body. But as soon as it appeared it was gone too. There was no way anything good would come out of that. Your father would cut you off and he’d make sure none of us ever found any respectable job. I couldn’t take everything away from you like this. I wouldn’t. Still I smiled at you and said yes. We both knew.
“We could, you could come to live with me and Seonghwa. He’d nag us all the time but all of us would have movie nights…” I whispered and finally felt the tears trickling down my face. I didn’t even bother to try and wipe them away. When I looked over you were crying too.
“We could just get up right now and leave and never come back,” you said. Neither of us made a move to get up. We just looked at each other. “I would help you with your company, I’d sew again…”
“We’d live off convenience store snacks and whatever Wooyoung brought over for us.” We laughed at that, remembering how he was always pretending to be mad at us for eating at his place too much.
“We’d be together forever… We’d win…” you whispered and I couldn’t hold back the sob that fought its way out. I had to turn away from you for a moment to try and compose myself, even though I heard you crying right next to me. We knew it was impossible, but for a few sweet moments we let ourselves imagine our life together. No one spoke then and after a little while I heard rustling of you getting up.
I didn’t want to look. I didn't want to see you leave and I didn't want you to see me cry. But I knew I’d never see you again and everything be damned, I wouldn’t waste my last chance to lay my eyes on you.
You smiled and even with your face all wet and red and puffed up from crying, you were the most beautiful creature I’ve ever seen.
“I better go,” you whispered again and gestured to the door, “before my dad finds out.” I laughed at the irony of the words. And then I nodded. “Yeah… See you.” The hopeful tone I said those words in was completely against my will. I wouldn’t. But I wanted to believe. You didn’t reply to that and then you slipped inside, forever slipped out of my reach.
I don’t know how much time passed, but when Seonghwa found his way to the balcony, I was still numbly sitting in the chair looking out into the gardens with dried tears on my face. Within few seconds he was on me, holding my shoulder and looking at me with gentle sad eyes, asking me what happened. I was silent. When he was guiding me back inside, I was silent. When Yunho saw us and walked over with concern written all over his face, I was silent. When we were walking out, while we were driving back home, when we were standing in the elevator taking us up to our flat, I was silent. All I could do was wish. Wish we could be heroes, just for one day.
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A/N: hope you liked it! don't be shy ^^
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Thinking about baby sano in the new future and everything.
Now she meets Takemichi at a younger age and Mikey knowing what happens to his family. Is gonna make sure their happy.
Early years
Of course Mikey definitely wanted Baby Sano and Raidon to be friends in this future after hearing how loyal the boy remained to his niece, he "accidentally" got the two to meet one day. 
Shinichiro still refuses to let his little girl befriend a boy, he tried every trick in the book. From calling boys gross and talking about cooties. But baby Sano is a determined girl and clung to Raiden. 
Emma is definitely the aunt who spoils Baby Sano, doing her hair and always ready to give any advice. Steals her niece away for spa nights/weekends, where they just bond and catch up. 
Mikey is the worst when it comes to spoiling her, Baby sano can't do anything wrong in his eyes because she's a little angel. Their always spotted holding hands while walking the streets looking for Dorayaki.  
I saw a comment somewhere saying Baby sano will have scary dog privileges. Which is definitely true not only has she Toman on her side but also Tenjiku and the Black Dragons. 
Let's move on the influence she grows up with now, not only just Kisaki but Koko. She learns tricks and habits from all of them. Koko teaches her how to make money and save money. Kisaki is not only helping her with school but also how to learn information about people. 
Izana is competitive with Mikey and both these boys are equally protective.  Definitely skipped school to go with Shinichiro to go drop her off the first day at school. Izana takes her around roppongi letting the girl just go try the different food and entertainment.
 Poor Shinichiro has to set up schedule for the two boys because their both greedy and hate sharing. So they each have their own day with her and once a week the whole family has a dinner.
Teen years. 
I was trying to think which sport she would like since she definitely grew up rough housing and "fighting" her uncles. I'd go with hockey, soccer or volleyball. Not only does her family show up but the gangs too. Baji and Kazutora definitely try to encourage her not be scared to be more rough. 
Shinichiro is spotted holding up a banner to cheer her on, Takeomi had tried talking her out of it. While Wakasa is amused with how embarrassing his friend can be at a school event. 
It doesn't matter if she does sport or prefer other clubs. She has all the encouragement she needs. Whichever clubs she joins it is always sponsored but certain two, who will wave her off for being worried. 
She's definitely at the wedding with the rest of her family, if you thought she was spoiled as a kid. She even more spoiled now, especially with her two devoted uncles. Izana being protective because he cant imagine her ever getting hurt, whenever he goes to help orphanage I just imagine him seeing baby sano in that situation and he has the urge to help.
She sometimes help around her father's shop or else she will be spotted in the pet shop helping the trio. While bullying Baji about his studies.
Since she grew up with Luna and Mana, she still hangs out with the girls. I feel like their all super close especially Mana and Baby Sano.
Shinichiro still doesnt fully trust Raiden, because his little girl should never ever date. But he has accepted the boy in a way because he witnessed Raiden stand up for her etc.
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silverskye13 · 1 year
Rereading Redstone and Sculk, got to chapter 7, and suddenly was overcome by curiosity about how Evil Xisuma and Evil Beesuma see each other. Brothers? Awkward distant cousins? Pretend they don't know each other? Something actually approaching friendship? Would love to hear if you've got ideas for this
Hello you've unlocked my hidden lore that I didn't think was going to make it into anything because I can't contrive a reason for it [yet].
Putting under the cut because this got a little long! Sorry for the rambling :'D
So in RnS, Evil Xisuma is the functional admin. He has access to creative mode, and all the god-like powers that entails. When hels was smaller and newer, he used it to wreak havoc. Now, he mostly just uses it to stave off boredom. Given he's also the richest person on the server [god powers makes that easy] he's also a Colosseum Patron.
There's a small list of Colosseum Patrons who remain mostly anonymous [because there's a lot of betting involved with the Colosseum, and the betting gets less interesting when the self-proclaimed leader of hels announces who he's supporting. Everyone rightly assumes he picks the most likely to win]. Other patrons are The Demon [Hels!Impulse] and Etho's Hels, though I doubt we'll ever have a reason to meet him.
[takes a deep breath] Okay! Now that that's out of the way--
EX and EB actually used to have a lot of dealings with each other, since before Helsknight came around and took the Hels Champion title, EB held it. EX was his patron -- which mostly meant sponsoring his gear and occasionally footing bribe money to throw matches. EX has a massive superiority complex though [god powers does that to ya] so he never really saw EB as an equal or a friend. Mostly he was an asset, and a boredom killer. EX was capable of being civil, pleasant even, but he was also always quick to remind EB that he had motives for everything he did, including anything nearing friendship. When EB lost the Championship to Helsknight, EX dropped him like a hot rock to try and patron the knight instead. Helsknight refused his patronage though, so after bouncing around a bit he's settled on a new hels to the arena, because hey, underdogs are always interesting, right? [He's Evil Sausage's patron, something the up-and-comer takes a lot of pride in.]
EB for his part sees EX as like, his out of control older cousin. You know, that one cousin who lived in the same town as you and went to a lot of parties and generally caused trouble, so when you inevitably saw their teachers in high school, they threatened you within an inch of your life if you acted like them? [Maybe that's just a me thing? Hopefully not.] EB is a lot more chill than EX, and realizes he gets a portion of his reputation from sitting in EX's shadow. He doesn't like it, but he's gotten used to it, and sometimes the immunity of being related to the most important person on the server is nice. If nothing else, EX's pride won't let something happening to EB go unpunished -- no one makes the Xisumas look bad. Their reputations are inherently linked. He thinks EX's company is fine in short bursts, and they do still talk on occasion, whenever EX visits the Colosseum, but EB would be lying if he said he wasn't relieved they weren't a patron/fighter duo anymore. EX's unsolicited [and often impossible] advice on how to make a "cool and interesting match" was never something he enjoyed listening to. They do both share a love of mischief and redstone though, and have been known to swap prank ideas -- though EB will noticeably tone down EX's suggestions when he does them.
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somedaylazysomeday · 1 year
Good Intentions Part Twelve
It's time for your next payment, but no one seems to be in a good mood.
Rating: Mature, lemon, etc. Minors DNI!
Word Count: 5,000 words
Warnings: mentions of sex as terms of a bet, minor arguments, descriptions of poverty in the Undercity, unprotected piv sex, anal fingering.
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“Hey, can you take a look- Oh,” Arunn stopped short just inside the entrance of the Haven. “Are you going somewhere?”
You were, in fact. It was time to make another payment and you were already halfway through the door. There was no way to say no without giving an obvious lie, so you nodded. “I have an errand I need to run.”
“Today?” Arunn pressed, eyebrows arching sharply. 
He had a point - the Haven was incredibly busy. Shockingly, the influx of work to be done was not due to a flood of Undercity residents desperate for release from Shimmer’s grip. Instead, it was because the Haven had become a make-shift community center. You had been helping people with job applications all day. 
Jazper and his business contacts were preparing to open various establishments, and opening dates were drawing ever-closer. They had promised to employ as many Undercity residents as possible. Despite their doubts - ones you had admittedly shared - the people of Piltover’s Undercity were flocking to fill the positions. Maybe it was just from the novelty of being part of something new, but you sheltered a private hope that your work had left at least a few people free of their Shimmer addiction and ready to work toward a better future. 
Either way, the Haven was full of hopeful job applicants who wanted to hone their application or interview skills, you still had Shimmer addicts to help, and your staff were all feeling overwhelmed. Leaving then made you feel like an absolute monster, but there was nothing else you could do. If your last meeting had proven anything, it was that Silco would not accept a postponement.
Still, you could hear the guilt heavy in your own voice as you said, "I'm really sorry, but… well, I can't put this off any longer. But it shouldn't take long. Not if I can help it." 
Arunn's brows lifted even higher at your muttered addition. "Is everything okay? Do you need someone to go with you?" 
"No," you refused hurriedly. And then you winced again. You needed to emphasize the importance of you leaving, but not worry him enough that he might follow you. It was a difficult line to straddle, and you seemed to be failing miserably. 
So you forced a smile and a small laugh. "Just a meeting with one of the Haven's sponsors. They're a little intimidating, but nothing I can't handle." 
"Are you sure?" Arunn asked dubiously. "Sounds like you could use some backup." 
"Honestly?" You made a show of glancing around, ending with a pointed look at the stack of resumés in Arunn's hand. "I think the biggest help is if you could keep things under control until I get back." 
He looked only slightly more convinced by your reassurance, so you kept going, shifting tactics to teasing. "Or do you want to go because you need some time away from the Haven? Tell you what: if you cover for me today, I'll make sure you have a chance to escape the prison for a while."
Your chuckling fell into a silence that had grown uncomfortable. Arunn was watching you with something like offense on his face. “I love the Haven. I understand how important this work is because I’ve been someone who needed that help. This place saved my life, and I would never call it a prison.”
“Arunn,” you faltered. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to imply that-”
“You better get to your meeting,” Arunn told you, already turning away from you. “I’ll make sure everything is okay here.”
Arguments sprang to your lips, but you caught sight of the clock as you moved to follow him. You really were running late, and missing your meeting would only mean that you would have to set aside another time to make your payment to Silco. So you left the Haven, guilt twisting uncomfortably in the pit of your stomach.
Even with the half-argument you’d had with Arunn, you were still distinctly worried that he was going to follow you out of concern for your well-being. So you took a more convoluted path to the Last Drop, quickening your pace in a bid to keep your travel time minimal.
Your sense of direction was good and you knew you would eventually end up at the Last Drop, but your journey took you through some unfamiliar sections of the Undercity. At one point, you passed into a section of the city where the air was so rancid that the buildings had bricked up their windows. Fortunately, there was an air station nearby where you could stand for a few blessed minutes, hacking and coughing until your lungs recovered enough to move on. 
The steep incline of the road - little more than an alleyway between the windowless buildings - brought you to comparatively fresh air and a small square at the junction of several crooked streets. The middle of it was dominated by a large statue, one totally unfamiliar to you. 
Despite the rush you were in, you paused to study it. The statue was of a large man with kind eyes. Rubble and metal streamed backward from the place where he stood, seemingly forced out of place by the large gauntlets that had been carelessly tossed to his feet. The man was dressed in what passed for casual clothing in the Undercity, plenty of belts and pockets in which to hang or store weapons or money so they couldn’t be stolen easily. His hands were bare, though, cradling a pipe that boasted glowing ‘tobacco’. 
Vander, the Hound of the Underground and Hero of the Lanes, a small sign proclaimed in neat lettering. 
With a name to put to the face, you glanced up at Vander once more. You had never heard of him, despite having worked in the Undercity for as long as you had. Still, you couldn’t help thinking that Vander looked like he had been an honorable man. He must have been, if the poverty-stricken residents of the Undercity had loved him well enough to dedicate the funds for a statue. The only person you knew offhand with enough money for that was Silco, and he seemed unlikely to put up a statue of anyone but himself. 
A few children ran past, startling you out of your reverie. The next moment, you had started moving once more. You were still late and you had already spent too much time away from the Haven.
When you arrived at the Last Drop, it was still empty. Clubs usually were in the early afternoon. The only one there to greet you was Sevika, lounging in a booth with a glass of amber liquid in her hand. 
“Took you long enough.” She jerked her chin toward the staircase. “He’s waiting.”
You nodded, not bothering to offer an excuse as you turned for the staircase. The perfunctory knock you offered at Silco’s door was left unanswered for a few moments; unusual for Silco. Still, he called for you to enter and you obeyed. 
When you stepped inside, he was seated in the throne-like chair behind his desk. He made no move to turn around or look at you and you frowned. Silco liked his power plays, but they were usually more about making you wait while he finished scrawling instructions on the papers that littered his desk or giving orders to Sevika. This was new. 
“Silco?” you asked. “Is this a bad time?”
The moment you asked it, you cringed. Even if it was a bad time for him, it was the only time you had. 
“Come here,” he said, shutting the question down entirely without an answer. 
You were hesitant as you crossed the open space in front of Silco’s desk. Did you think he was going to do something dangerous or violent? Not necessarily, but you had never seen him in a mood like this, either. But you found yourself standing beside his chair without anything bad happening, and your pulse slowed slightly. 
Silco was relaxing in his chair. At least, that’s what you assumed he was doing. His posture was a touch less upright than normal, his head actually touching the headrest. It was a minor change, but still out of character for him. 
Before you could figure out the best way to ask what he was doing, he gestured to the window. “Look at her.”
Obligingly, you looked, though you weren’t sure exactly which ‘her’ he was talking about. The day was surprisingly clear for the Undercity. You couldn’t see much of the buildings nearby, so you assumed he couldn’t. The sky overhead was a glum-looking gray, but it was paler than it typically was. Overall, none of it was overly impressive, so you carefully asked, “The sky?”
And the soft awe in his voice abruptly made sense. Silco was a practical man, too focused on reality to spare time for lofty ideals. But there was one area in which he could rival the most fanatical council member of the City of Progress: his zeal for the Nation of Zaun. 
Fortunately, you were spared the effort of inventing an answer by Silco's continued reverie. 
"She is changing. That sky was as dark in day as at night only a few short years ago." One corner of his mouth lifted. "How far we have come." 
You frowned. The sky was still dingy and filled with soot on a good day, but Silco was acting as if the battle had been won. 
“How far we have left to go,” you corrected, wavering when Silco finally looked your way. You gathered yourself enough to insist, “On the way here, I saw a half-dozen homeless citizens of Zaun. I passed through a stretch of air so rancid that the air station was almost at capacity. I understand that the sky is lighter and that’s good, but as long as Piltover continues to profit from the pollution produced to power their half of the city, we haven’t come nearly far enough.”
Your impassioned speech ended, leaving the office in silence. Silco seemed to be considering your words, which was more than you had hoped for. You wouldn’t have been shocked if he had killed you on the spot. 
“You are correct,” he agreed eventually. “And I assure you that I have no intention of halting Zaun’s forward progress.”
“I would expect nothing less,” you told him, a smile tugging at your mouth despite yourself. 
Silco tilted his head back, watching you from under heavy lids. “Perhaps it should not be a surprise. You yourself have caused some change in Zaun.”
That made you pull up short. “I- What?”
“Shimmer usage has started to drop,” he informed you. “The effects are most noticeable in the district immediately around the Haven, but there are impacts across the city.”
“Are you sure?” you asked, heart pounding so hard in your throat that your voice wavered slightly. “I would think it’s temporary at most. Maybe more people overdosed than usual and no one has taken their place yet.”
“Are you questioning how I monitor my business efforts?” Silco asked, waiting until you shook your head before he added, “I am certain.”
For the second time since you had entered his office, you thought there was a real chance that Silco would kill you. After all, he seemed certain that you had disrupted his drug sales. Nothing you had ever heard about Silco suggested that he would take that lightly. But Silco didn’t make any move toward murder, eyes turning back to the window as his head tipped back to rest on the seat once more. 
You let out a shaking breath. Asking too many questions seemed like a good way to end up with a slit throat, but you had to push your luck if you wanted to move on. “What does that mean for us?”
Internally, you cringed at the way you had phrased that. You weren’t in a relationship with him, you had a semi-coerced business deal with a strong dash of blackmail. So why had you sounded like a teenager terrified that she and her boyfriend were breaking up?
Thankfully, Silco didn’t comment on it, though his lips curled once more. “Our deal will continue as it always has. If my Shimmer is not enough to compete with the efforts of a small philanthropic outreach, it is my fault, not yours. More immediately, it means that I am ready to accept your payment when you are ready to offer it.”
“I’m ready now.” Your small shrug was wasted on Silco, who seemed utterly fixated on the sky beyond the panes of his window. 
“Good,” he said simply. “Disrobe.”
That was abrupt, but you did as he instructed. This was a strange meeting, and you didn’t want to be the reason it got any stranger. And yet… perhaps it was conceited, but you were a little taken aback when Silco didn’t watch you undress. Normally, he paid close enough attention that you could feel his eyes on you. That day, he just kept staring through the window. 
You stood awkwardly when you were bare. Silco didn’t move and you were starting to feel flustered by his lack of attention. But then, you had offered to return on a different day and he had refused. 
“...Where do you want me?”
Silco inclined his head. “Look out of the window.”
Your nerves were singing, urging you to peek carefully around the corner, but you knew what Silco wanted. So you turned, presenting him with your bare back as you faced the intricate panes of his window. 
In your heightened awareness, sensations beat at you, each one demanding your attention. The ledge that lined the bottom of the window pressed into your thighs. You could feel the warmth of the weak sunlight as it emanated into the shadowed coolness of Silco’s office. The solidity of the wall beside the window met your hand as you reached to steady yourself. You could feel when Silco stood, sense when he moved closer. When he finally touched you, it was as if something under your skin rose to meet his fingertips, eagerly closing the distance between you.
Silco’s palm flattened between your shoulder blades, resting for a moment before he trailed his fingertips down your spine. The touch was slow, deliberately mapping all of the spots where you were the weakest for him. You found yourself widening your stance as he reached your tailbone. 
Rather than continuing further down and to the places where you were starting to get uncomfortably warm for him, Silco stepped forward and pressed himself against the rounded softness of your ass. He was still buttoned into his trousers, but you could feel him straining behind the layers of cloth. 
“Lean forward,” he instructed. 
You did, one hand braced against the wall to keep yourself mostly upright while the other pressed against the glass. It was an awkward position, leaving you bent at the hips and leaning toward the glass in order to accommodate the space claimed by the bottom ledge of the window. 
Of course, your appreciation for the position skyrocketed as Silco’s fingers danced their way up your inner thighs while he ground himself against the rapidly swelling lips of your sex. Those fingers traveled up and in, dipping into the heat of you before darting away once more. 
“Are you ready for me?” he asked, his voice gravelly. 
“Yes,” you confirmed. Your voice wasn’t gravelly in the slightest. In fact, it was nearly a squeak. 
He pulled away from you, only far enough to free himself from the confines of his trousers. Even then, he stayed close enough that his knuckles brushed your ass as he unbuttoned the fastenings at his hips. 
You were dancing in place, swaying back and forth even as you were keenly aware of how you were positioned for him. Your splayed posture was something you probably should have objected to, especially since it wasn’t the most comfortable, but all you could focus on was how intensely eager you were to feel him inside of you. 
When Silco pressed against you once more, he had placed the tip of himself against your entrance. One of his hands was locked around your hip, holding you in place with a grip of iron. The other drifted to the apex of your thighs, parting your folds to tease at your clit. You let out a moan, trying and failing to buck against his hand. His hold on you was too firm for you to have any wiggle room. 
Instead, you were pinned in place, hovering between the bookends of his hands and your own as he speared deep inside of you. His touches, minimal as they were, had brought an intense reaction from your body, which welcomed him inside with a flood of wetness. 
You gaped, seeing the ghostly reflection of yourself in the glass panes of the window as you adjusted to the stretch. It seemed to be just as overwhelming for Silco, if you were to judge by the hiss he released as he buried himself deep. He was only a pale smudge in the reflection of the room provided by the window, too faint to make out any details, but the sound of his pleasure seemed to curl around you. You were surrounded by the soft static of an overwhelmed Silco. It was one of your favorite noises, and you eagerly pressed back against him. 
Silco tensed briefly, then began to withdraw. Given the strangeness of his mood that day, you weren’t sure whether he was going to start fucking you in earnest or leave altogether. 
“Hold on,” he warned, and that gave you all the answer you needed. 
You had exactly enough time to adjust your handholds into a bracing grip before Silco started to methodically take you apart.
His pace never increased into something you would call ‘frantic’, but it was steady and firm. Each press forward left your hand pressing heavily against the window while each withdrawal pulled you away until you nearly lost contact with the glass entirely. You weren’t passively accepting him, either. The small movements of your body took on a rhythm that matched his: hips shifting forward and back in a perfect counterpart to his thrusts. You could only hope it was impacting him as strongly as it was you, or you would be in trouble. 
Silco’s length pushed a little deeper on his next stroke, leaving you gasping as you clenched around him. He withdrew without missing the rhythm he had set, but you pushed back harder against him the next time he delved into you. As a result, he slammed into you instead of continuing the almost gentle glide he had kept up to that point. 
You made a small noise, a mewling appreciation for the sensations that filled you and Silco broke his silence once more. “Do that again.”
Finally, a command you were eager to follow. When Silco withdrew and thrust back into you, your counterthrust left him spearing so deeply that you both let out matching gasps as your muscles locked down and pulsed around him. 
“Finished already?” he asked. 
You shook your head slowly. “No, that wasn’t… I’m not sure what it was, but I haven’t come yet.”
“A state we will rectify in due time,” Silco assured you - not that it had ever been in doubt. “For now, let’s continue.”
And that was all the warning you got before he picked up the thread of his previous pace, though you were now participating just as actively as he was. 
The glass of Silco’s window seemed to be getting cooler against your palm, but the more likely explanation was that you were getting overheated with your rapidly approaching orgasm. Your breaths were growing louder, both from exertion and anticipation, and Silco was wringing little noises from you constantly. 
“Sil- angh - Silco, I’m close,” you panted out, voice heavy with tension. 
“Hmm…” he drawled, only a little unsteady. “Let’s see if we can’t push you over the edge.”
Silco pulled away the hand he had been using to tease your clit - a hand you had unknowingly started using as a support. Without it there, your body collapsed forward against the shallow windowsill. For a wild moment, you wondered if he had decided to kill you for the Shimmer decrease and would shove you though the window, but doing so with a terrible pun wasn’t really his style. Both of your hands pressed against the glass as you caught yourself, barely managing to prevent a face-first collision.
Meanwhile, Silco was putting his newly freed hand to good use. He levered your leg up until it was supported by the edge of the window frame, leaving you open for him. The shift in angle made your body tense up and you gasped out half a warning before you were drowning in the pleasure that was trying to sweep you away. 
It was difficult to hold yourself up with arms that wanted nothing more than to go limp, but you didn’t think Silco would stop if you concussed yourself on his window. No, his own pleasure was his highest priority. You managed to support yourself with numb limbs while the feeling of Silco working inside of you pushed you higher and higher. You couldn’t even see through the window anymore, though you couldn’t be sure whether you were blind with pleasure or it was fogged by the heat pouring from you and Silco. 
When the pulsing of your muscles slowed - or, more accurately, slowed as much as your body seemed to be capable of while still being tormented by Silco - you were impressed to find that your leg was still on the window. Your core was still exposed to Silco, and you were almost embarrassed to realize that he had watched your orgasm tear through you. Interesting - you would have thought you were beyond shyness by then. 
Silco, however, didn’t seem to be lost in anything other than your current activities. You felt a finger brush just below the place where you were stretched around him, then it was gone again. His steady thrusts kept you from focusing too heavily on that, but it all made abrupt sense when that finger reappeared, pressing firmly against your rear entrance. 
Your mouth opened, but whatever you were going to say disappeared, washed away by the deep moan you gave as your body let him in. That lubricated finger sank deep even as he kept fucking into you. In the back of your mind, you were grateful for your recent orgasm. Doubtless, it was the reason he had entered you so easily. The forefront of your mind was occupied by how incredible it felt.
“Good girl,” he murmured from somewhere just behind your ear. “Letting me in so easily. How does it feel?”
“It- it feels… ooohhhhh…” Your nonsensical explanation seemed to please Silco immensely, since the slight pumping of his finger increased in speed. 
“I’m close,” he reported. “Do you have one more for me?”
“I’m not sure,” you told him honestly. “Maybe.”
Silco seemed to take that as a challenge. The pace of his hips picked up, as did the occasional thrusts of his finger. You writhed at the alternating sensations, but Silco was nearing his peak faster than you were doing the same. 
“Tou- touch yourself for me,” he ordered, the slight waver in his voice not detracting from his steely tone.
You complied, your fingertips finding and rubbing at your clit despite the awkwardness of the angle. The hand on your waist tightened as Silco’s thrusts stuttered once- twice- 
He pulled out of you, spilling on the floor with a low and passionate growl. You had been right - you weren’t quite able to hit a second orgasm, but Silco’s dual withdrawal from you set off an aftershock so strong that you nearly considered it the same thing. 
You recovered quickly and started to feel embarrassed about the way you were sprawled across the shallow windowsill, baring your most private parts to the office. You pushed yourself up on arms that trembled beneath you… especially since you still only had one foot on the floor of the office. 
A gentle touch eased your leg down from the sill, catching it before your tired muscles slammed your foot against the cool wood of the floor. When you looked, Silco - leaning heavily against the wall - was watching you with an expression of mingled concern and pride. “Do you believe you will recover?”
“Eventually,” you admitted. “And you?”
“I am unsure,” he said, dropping heavily into his chair. His trousers were still unbuttoned, pale skin flashing between the panels. It should have given him an air of ridiculousness, but instead, he looked utterly satiated. “But it was well worth it.”
The office was quiet as you both caught your breath and you began to dress. Silco tossed his handkerchief over the mess on the floor as you swiped at the smudges your hands had left on his window. 
“Two weeks,” you said, mostly in a bid to break that silence. It was starting to feel uncomfortably heavy. “Any certain time?”
“I was uncertain whether we should bother setting a time,” Silco said coolly. “You seemed to thoroughly disregard our schedule for this week.”
You winced. While you didn’t like the idea of being answerable to Silco, you did feel like he deserved some kind of explanation. “I ran into a slight problem in leaving the Haven. It won’t happen again.”
“Problem?” he asked, pausing in the process of straightening his tie. You nodded, focusing your attention on the shoes you were putting back on. Silco didn’t seem willing to let the remark go unexplained. “If there is a problem with the Haven’s security, I must know about it as soon as possible so I can take action-”
“No, nothing like that,” you interrupted. “I just had a minor situation with Arunn.”
“Arunn,” Silco repeated slowly, amusement on his face. “The ex-Shimmer addict you rescued from the streets? Yes, and how is your charity case turned assistant?”
A dozen replies fought to leave you, all varying degrees of bitter that would get you varying degrees of murdered. So you held them back and settled for, “Angry with me, thanks for asking.”
“And he tried to prevent you from leaving?” Silco asked. 
“No, he- well, I was worried he would follow me,” you explained. Silco’s expression turned thoughtful, which instantly sent terror running up your spine. “But nothing to worry about. Like I said, it won’t happen again. I’ll figure out some way to handle things until we go back to meeting on a monthly basis instead of every two weeks.”
The air seemed to thicken in the room, as if you had dropped some kind of bombshell on Silco with that. Even the slight effort of focusing on your clothes was almost more than you could manage when you could feel Silco’s mismatched gaze burning into you. 
“Is our bargain such a bad one?” he asked eventually. The question - deceptively soft and pleasant - made your nerves scream with tension. 
“No, but-” Your heart gave a painful thump when you realized you really didn’t think it was a bad deal. “But I can’t be seen in public with you, or even coming to the Last Drop. It’s tricky to make payments.”
Silco nodded, slow and thoughtful, but didn’t say anything. You really didn’t want him to have too much time to think, so you took a step closer. “Can I ask you something?”
“I believe you just did,” he said. “But yes, you may?”
“Do you- Well, have you found out who attacked the Haven?” you asked, nervously twisting your fingers together. 
“Yes, I have.” Silco’s face was impassive, though the skin around his lips had tightened almost imperceptibly. “The attack was ordered by a chem baron named Errul.”
“Errul,” you mused slowly. The chem barons were reasonably well-known to the people of the Undercity, mostly because their wealth was vast compared to the average resident. “Isn’t he supposed to be really lazy and kind of… friendly?”
“A front,” Silco told you. “A disappointingly successful one. In truth, Errul is one of the most ambitious and vindictive Barons in Zaun. Myself included.”
You nodded, but were at a loss as to how to continue the conversation. You didn’t necessarily want to ask Silco to kill Errul, but he had attacked the Haven and that had been the plan… Would it make you complicit to ask for some kind of a timeline?
Fortunately, Silco continued his explanation without waiting for a response from you. “He went into hiding as soon as the attack was completed. When he resurfaces, I’ll kill him.”
“I would like to know when that happens,” you decided, choosing practicality over sentimentality. No, you didn’t want to be directly responsible for ending a man’s life, but it would be nice to know when you could expect to lose the security guards who roamed the Haven. 
One side of Silco’s mouth lifted, but the smirk came nowhere close to reaching his eyes. “Rest assured, my little philanthropist: when the Haven is safe, you’ll be the first to know.” 
You nodded, filled with a sense of relief and a hint of inexplicable disappointment. “So, two weeks?”
“Two weeks,” he confirmed with a nod. When you moved to the door of the office, Silco kept pace at your side, as if he were escorting you. “Continue the efforts at your outreach. If nothing else, I relish a challenge.”
You studied him, eyes traveling between foamy green and fiery orange without finding anything concrete in either. So you simply nodded and turned to leave. 
In the moment when you closed the door behind yourself, you heard Silco mutter to himself. It was almost inaudible with the noise of the Last Drop waking for the evening and the barrier between you, but it sounded suspiciously like, “I’ve always had a soft spot for revolutionaries.”
Author's Note - Silco in a bad mood that isn't just him being straight-up pissy? I'd be worried, too! Especially if my hard work with Shimmer addicts was finally starting to pay off... Thanks for reading!
I don't offer taglists for explicit works, but you can find other fics on my masterlist! Also, if you think you may have accidentally skipped a chapter, you may want to check it out! I was shadowbanned for a few months, so it's possible you missed something.
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dreadark · 6 months
6 and 7!
orv ask game
6. whats a headcanon you have that you absolutely believe is canon?
1865knw like... that he exists. and he ends up traveling with their group. please
i mean it just makes sense right. yjh obviously cares about him, i think at that point hsy has most of 1863hsy's memories so it's a similar deal there, abfd isn't hsy's sponsor anymore... etc etc here's how kim namwoon can still win !!
(i want to try writing smth about this but i have to reread orv first... and probably take notes this time there's so much going on
7. conversely, whats a headcanon that youre just pulling out of your ass but you love anyway?
that one of the abyssal black flame dragon's stigmas is a partial dragon transformation
does this really matter to anything? no but would it be cool as hell? Ye s
if jhw can have angel wings hsy can have dragon wings!! and claws. and fangs. and
also abfd said he could do that and he would never make things up. Surely,
though han sooyoung can just change the form of her avatars right (...what are the limits to this exactly? beyond mana usage...?)
she probably says something like eh i thought this sponsorship would come with more useful stigmas and then abfd refuses to talk to her ...until she recites one of his "summoning" chants to make him happy. sorry i love hsy and abfd...
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verishii · 1 year
I'm very much invested in this Hunger Games AU now and would love to hear about the others!
Good news for you, i would love to talk about the others!
Obligatory read more added as to not clog up dashes, but reminder that I'm not super well acquainted with everyone so if you have ideas of your own I'd love to hear them!!
District 7 baby and uh. holy shit. her games were Intense
Extremely underestimated before the games, not by choice as Johanna did but because she was genuinely just soft and sweet and refused to go into the games being anything less than she 100% was. She wasn't going to die a false version of herself.
So Imagine The Surprise that was when sweet Gem, a tribute who never once went to the weapon stations in training and instead looked at plants and snares, was fucking lethal.
Didn't go to the weapon stations because she already knew how to swing an axe - no, she gathered knowledge on areas she lacked. Like she assumed everyone else was doing.
There is very few moments in which the Career Districts feel like they were embarrassed. There is even fewer times the Capitol feels so thrown off about a games conclusion.
Post games she tries to remain active in her district - has a small herb garden she'll hand out, helps out with local infrastructure. If we go with Ethos in district 7 she and him regularly spar - she always wins, but it keeps them both busy.
Unfortunately, by being herself the Capitol turned her into a propaganda play. One of those "even if they look like people, the districts clearly aren't like you and I!" spiel.
Due to that she tries to distance herself from the games, partly because she doesn't want to cause trouble for any tributes and current victors but mainly because she doesn't want the attention. Being gawked at like you're a lion choosing to wear a human skin isn't fun.
District 9 and like a couple other victors in this AU, should not have won. His games were like a series of miraculous fortunate events and near misses that extremely stressed his mentor out.
He swindled almost every single tribute in his arena, and caused rifts when he didn't even mean to. Taking off with your groups supplies isn't great, but when a canon goes off and your group assumes that one of them killed him and stole their stuff? Well, that takes care of that. Imagine the remaining survivor surprise when Scar was not featured in that nights broadcast of the dead.
Charmed a whole lot of people in the Capitol through this, though. So ontop of his insane luck and people skills, he also had sponsors willing to help him out because he made them laugh.
Honestly his games were more comedy of errors than anything. He killed no one, and his final opponent died via anaphylactic shock. Dude had an allergic reaction and gave Scar the win.
Scar did not expect to win the Hunger Games, so he did not try to win the games. He made peace with his death, and decided to live out his final days in joy and luxury. He wandered the arena, messed with people for fun, created structures out of twigs and rocks and sand.
You can imagine his own surprise when he won. You can imagine the oh shit realization he had when he knew that with surviving came another arena - one he can't prance around in with no care for his own safety because it wasn't just his life on the line anymore.
Post games, he still has plenty of fans. What a wondrous example of how the odds may truly be in your favour, the Capitol says. Look at him paint, look at his cat, isn't he still so funny? So oblivious! No spacial awareness! How can he be a victor, haha!
Scar is forced to walk a tightrope that very few can see. He can't show that not killing is an option, so he's a jester. An outlier. He has forced the Capitol to forget that he's an actor with a quick mind, that the alliances he formed and then promptly broke were because of his personality instead of his knowing of what to say to get the other to agree. He is putting on the performance of a lifetime.
District 3 and Capitol golden boy, the people love him there. In fact, Grian mainly lives at the Capitol because the constant travel between his district and there was surely becoming too tiresome for him, so might as well cut out the middleman!
Because of that most district citizens (with the exception of the career districts) see him as a traitor, meanwhile all the younger Victors are like 'Holy Shit. They can just, do that?' while the older ones are just like 'Alright what's the game plan. How Do We Prevent Another Doc, Cleo or Ren Situation.'
Game wise he won via rewiring the arena to fit his needs and creating explosions using stray scraps he could scavenge, plus the detonator mines at the cornucopia. A notable moment from his games is when he took out five people at once, three of which were careers.
His only alliance was with a boy from district 4 named Taurtis, and it was Grians own creations that killed him by accident. Coincidentally, post games he has focused more on creating then tinkering. Funny that.
Grian didn't become friends with the other victors until later - and then he was the one to pull Pearl into the group with them. It wasn't out of hatred or anything, he just felt like he couldn't connect with them and that they wouldn't want him anyways. The Capitol had declared them fundamentally different - where their prisons bars were rusted his were gilded. Grian was precious. Grian was theirs. There is a moment late one night when Grian is overlooking the city and he realizes that even if he were to die, they wouldn't let him stay dead. They would force his heart to start and make his lungs breathe through machine power and even in death he wouldn't get to belong to himself.
Xisuma and Mumbo reaching out and enveloping him into the group really helped him. The Capitol wants him so bad? Fine, he'll be their downfall. Collect their secrets and learn the weaknesses and tear it all down. Viva la revolution.
District 1, and one of the older victors. He didn't want to ever enter the games but volunteered, because like False he was the most fit. During his time there was less focus on the glory of the games in his district, less thought that it was an honour to participate, and more a sensibility thing. If you have the best chance to survive out of everyone here, it is your duty. If you don't then you are condemning someone else to death.
Impulse just wanted to take over his fathers gem processing company but no, he had to be talented. His games were very much bog standard hunger games, and a career win was expected. Not many people were shocked that he came out on top.
His return home was met with nods of approval and cheers. He did his duty, he brought the district more food, he saved a life - now he got to choose what to do. Mentor if he wanted, or take on his fathers business like he originally wanted - district 1 had enough mentor candidates already.
There is something terribly isolating about having everyone shrug their shoulders at the worst experience of your life. To become forgotten by the masses because the blood you shed wasn't interesting enough. To be 18 sat in a too big house with the echoes of screams in your ears, and the names of those whose life you cut short already forgotten because these children had the audacity to be mediocre.
Joe, False, Keralis and Xisuma got it - understood what he was feeling. It was little wonder why Impulse grabbed onto them so tightly.
Seeing Doc win the next year made him wonder if it was better to have the world ignore you for meeting expectations, or adore you for surpassing them. If he had the right to feel both bitter and horrified.
Watching his district over the next 23 years glorify the games and make competing in it an honour, to receive revered looks while out and have small children say they want to become just like him, it is something he can't quite describe.
No one else will, so Impulse remembers. Impulse will continue on living because twenty-three others did not have a choice, and to throw that away would be cruel. Impulse will preserve.
District 8, his games were Also very average.
I am going to be so honest here, i do not know enough about Joe beyond his friendship with Cleo and that he's been apart of hermitcraft for a long time to do him justice. I know he is weird. i respect that. i love hearing his parenting stories - none of this transfers to my hunger games au well. joehills community help me please.
He was Cleos mentor and immediately brought her into the gang. She Will Be Supported In These Trying Times.
District 5, and his games were notable in that it was an arctic tundra based arena with the only living thing and place of warmth being a massive sprawling tree in the cornucopia. It was not one of the games that went on for very long
This was, as expected, Not a great arena for him. There is something that most people overlook though - climbing a tree and climbing a wall is not that different, all you have to do is look for footholds that can bear your weight. Taking over the tree wasn't expected from him, but he did it.
Burning the tree down when it came to the final six was also not expected from him, but boy did he do that. Losing his eye was worth it, he says. In the Hunger Games you have to gamble so the odds may be in your favour, and with some gambles you lose.
Iskall has said a lot of cool things about his games, about how it was all strategy. It was not. Iskall pulled things off, went "how did i do that?", shrugged and then did it again. It is the victors best kept secret.
District 4, his games were a bit unexpected in that a career pact did Not form, mainly because Keralis just found the others uptight and it caused a rift. The fractured pack meant the other careers - whose plans and strategies revolved around the usual alliance until the final ten - were easier pickings.
Keralis of course made no such plans or strategies around that, and sufficiently won doing so. Post games, quite a few people thought he did it on purpose so the tougher competition would be taken out and the next few games were watched with baited breath to see if the traditional alliance would continue on, but he quite simply did not like their vibes. If he is going to spend his last days, he will not do so with those he does not enjoy.
Keralis did not get the Gem treatment purely because he was from a career district, his niceties and soft voice made no one question his lethality. The fact he has remained so is a welcome surprise, however.
With victors, there is often an unspoken sense of camaraderie. An acknowledgement that you, too, went through hell. That you, too, are a monster. You are not alone in your sins. Even with that, the most to be expected was a nod of recognition from across the room. Most victors prefer to be solitary. They may bond with victors that share their district, but otherwise go on their own. Even when you are no longer in the games, you are still in the arena, and it is better to not be attached lest you have to throw your fellows under the bus to save your own skin. He, Joe and Xisuma were the first ones to really get together and form friendships outside of their own districts.
He finds it difficult to connect with his own district after everything. He tries. He does. But the faces of his former neighbours no longer look the same, and in a career district he should have been safe but some people won't look him in the eye anymore. His fellow victors from his district should be his friends but it - it feels hollow. There is no love there.
District 11, and youngest victor to ever win the hunger games ever. That alone had every older victor immediately sweeping him up and going, "alright, our kid now." Joins the group of 'never expected to survive but somehow, they did.'
Mumbo was genuinely a talented kid with a knack for gadgets, but also extremely lucky. His gangly arms and legs let him scamper and get away quickly, but also compact himself into small spaces to survive. His district gave him enough background to know how to deal with hunger, how to step lightly, and how to hide. He was like a multi-tool, a swiss army knife of survivability.
Mumbo only had two kills the entire game. One was a calculated risk, a growing desperation clawing in his chest as the numbers dwindled down that he may actually somehow survive this, and the other an act of mercy. The latter death haunts him in his dreams, even if he does not know why. He's forgotten his first kills face.
Post games he mainly tried to shut himself away, which didn't work. Being the youngest victor meant people had expectations, meant people wanted to see what made him so great. First year post games he was paraded around like a show pony, but it introduced him to most of the other victors that took him under their wing.
Mumbo mentors. There is little to no victors in 11, and he had to take his part. The first year he mentored both kids were older than he was, and died in the bloodbath. He tries his best but Mumbo is not like them and even if they accept his aid there is something in their eyes that lets Mumbo know they find him lacking.
His friends are perhaps the only lifeline he has that keeps his head above water and away from sinking completely. Mumbo was not made for this type of life, he knows. He does not have the grit for it False does, or the showmanship like Scar. He is smart, he is funny, he is kind - but he is not what they want him to be, and having his name brought up every time some poor kid gets selected for slaughter causes an ache. When he realized he was older than any of his tributes will ever be, he vomited.
Doc and Cubfan are currently discussing seeing if they can get Mumbo transferred over to district 3 - getting him out of a mentor role would do him well, and Mumbo is a certified genius. They're trying not to be hopeful though, due to district 11 being agricultural focused Mumbo would have to be caught up to speed on certain things (and he would understand it too, the audacity of being talented) so the Capitol may not consider it a worthwhile effort.
Note: The others will get put in a separate post, because i am Running Out Of Room and also this has taken me like all day LMAO. I don't watch enough Jevin, , Hypno, XB, or Beef to have any solid ideas or characterization. I'm very sorry about that, but if anyone has ideas i would love to hear!!
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creachureboy · 1 year
Koito/reader platonic modern au hcs
(can also be read as romantic if you want :])
Gender neutral reader, Koito's like your best friend here
And this is kind of long. Again
He keeps pulling you out of your comfort zone, whether it's by bringing you to a place you've never been or taking you sightseeing far from home. You always hate him for it at first until you actually start to enjoy the thing he's introducing you to. And by the end he's always so proud of himself for helping you find something new that you like.
One time you went to a clothing store just to buy a new pair of pants or something, meanwhile Koito was off finding outfits for him and yourself. He absolutely insisted to try on the outfits with you and yes you model and take photos in the fitting rooms.
He takes the best selfies and photos like dude its insane. Either he's secretly really good at photography (wouldn't be super surprising) or he just has the best phone camera (also wouldn't be surprising).
His room is always tidy always how the fuck does he do it. And if he sees your room is messy, whether its when he comes over to visit or if he's just being nosy during a video call, he becomes the mom friend and motivates you to tidy up at least a little.
He's sweet in that he invites you out to eat at fancy places but he fucking. He just calls it lunch. Like "oh im gonna go get lunch with them :)". As if he's not shelling out ridiculous sums of money just to eat there.
Dw abt going broke though he'll sponsor you.
Honestly you're a little worried that he'll get his generosity taken advantage of. If you're ever out shopping with him and you refuse to buy something that you want because you've already exceeded your budget, he'll offer to buy it for you and won't ask for anything in return. Something something "your company is a gift enough already".
He likes to invite you over to his house to watch movies or binge shows. He prefers it to the cinemas cause he can't make commentary in public without disturbing people - and he makes so much commentary dude. Sometimes you have to pause what you're watching so he can give his input, and sometimes you end up having a full on discussion about some really trivial aspect of it.
He loves and hates watching cheesy horror films. Love because he finds them so fun to take the piss out of (ignore the fact that he screams at the top of his lungs at jumpscares - not even screams of terror, he makes full-on war cries), and hate because of how dumb the characters can be sometimes.
And when there are two characters who get along really well in the show/ movie, he'll point and go "that's us". Or if the characters are bickering over something trivial he will also say that.
Definitely wears some kind of perfume or cologne. You really can't place your finger on the smell but it is somewhat flowery. When you go back home after spending time at his house you smell like it.
Can and will whoop your ass in smash bros. And he'll do it with the prettiest characters on the roster. And also Ridley because who wouldn't want to be a space dragon for a little while?
You made the mistake of having a sleepover with him and you ended up being part of his 20 step skincare routine (it was actually relaxing, but you're hesitant to admit because you complained about it at first, and Koito would definitely say "I told you so")
It's hard to buy him gifts cause if this man wanted something he'd just buy it. So you write him cards and appreciative messages and he loves it so much. You wouldn't be surprised if his love language is words of affirmation honestly.
If you ever have to call him for company in the middle of the night for whatever reason, he'll be a little cranky. And you'll be worried that you're bothering him but he'll be like "shut up I'm not gonna hang up till I know you're fine"
If youre ever sick he busts the damn door down to make you food and stuff. But he's a little noisy which doesnt help but he's just aggressively supportive so you can't be mad.
Sometimes you and him send each other random screenshots or pictures you have saved that reminded you of each other. He always has the gall to caption each thing he sends with some kind of lighthearted insult or something.
Wine aunt energy, need i say more ?
Absolutely adores internet slang and uses it in verbal conversation, hes so fucking annoying in that he says lol and lmao out loud while he laughs. Like. JUST LAUGH.
Sends you links to youtube videos with timestamps of his favourite moments.
Tends to show up at your house uninvited, he'll just text you that hes otw. But even then the only reason he gives you a text in advance is bcs of the time he came over and you were in the shower. He made a mental note to always give you a heads up because he did not appreciate having to wait outside your front door for however long you took to shower while he frantically spam called your phone which you oh so conveniently didn't bring with you.
He has the cutest mom apron in his kitchen.
He helps you with self care but in the jackass way where if he knows you skipped brushing your teeth, hes gonna bother you until you do it. If you skipped a meal for no good reason hes gonna be on your ass for that too.
He's a little clingy in that if you skip replying to him for just a day without saying why, he's gonna be concerned, so just let him know that youre doing alright.
When he vents to you, it's a whole long winded spiel. Usually he can figure his feelings out by himself but he just needs an ear. And you'll be there listening for so damn long as he rambles and doesnt give you a chance to interject unless you raise your hand or something.
Also his room is so cozy, so so cozy. Complete with a beanbag and soft cushions and his own TV.
Has offered to do your makeup before. And if you dont wear makeup, he will still offer. And if you know how to do makeup then he'll give his advice here and there and ask for you to try your usual look on him.
Whenever he drives he doesnt listen to the gps. He thinks he knows what hes doing and usually he does, but sometimes the gps goes "in 200 meters, turn left" and he'll be like "no i know a shortcut." And then the gps will recalculate the route and the journey will take an extra 15 minutes.
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So I watched Oppenheimer
Disclaimer: I am writing this review and analysis as an independent critic and am not sponsored in any means by any major film corporation.
Never before have I expected a biopic turn into a psychological horror film in its third act. There were no winners in this movie and it was overall dramatized to distinguish fact from fiction.
Not gonna lie, I hardly knew anything about the details of the Manhattan Project or who Oppenheimer even was before watching this. Probably because they never taught us this part of history or I just forgot.
I’ve been doing some research over the past couple of hours since watching the film. That is, I watched ‘The Day After Trinity’ and read through some Wikipedia articles. This movie is so beautifully that I refused to believe that a good chunk of it was based on real history because of how the story was told to make it look like we should feel sorry for what Oppie went through (YES I REALIZED THAT THEY NAMED THE MARS ROVER AFTER THIS GUY HALFWAY THROUGH THE FILM. SUE ME). I don’t feel empathetic for what these scientists did. They wanted to play God and played God they did.
From what I could find, mostly everything in the film DID happen to some extent. The only thing that stuck out to me (plot-wise) is Oppie’s relationship with Niels Bohr not being as structured in the film as it was in real life. I think they meant to Max Born at the beginning of the film, but it is true that Bohr did eventually ended up working on the Manhattan Project (though the movie tells us that Bohr left Los Alamos fairly quickly after his escape from Copenhagen). The other being that they left out the feeling at Los Alamos during the scene before the realization of sheer horror of what they had done should have been ‘thank god it wasn’t a dud’ - actual testimony from Frank Oppenheimer.
Other than that, from what testimonies I heard and what I have read, a LOT of the movie is fairly accurate to how events played out over a period of time between the 1920’s all the way up to 1958 during Lewis Strauss’s Secretary of Commerce hearing. Even small details like Oppie’s hat and even most of the actors looking nearly identical to their real-life counterparts during the time the movie happened was really well done.
I give a standing ovation to the costume and makeup departments and artists who worked on this film because if Einstein’s look was all done by hand with no CGI involved, I would have thought the man himself rose from his grave just to star in this film.
And all the actors did a fantastic job playing their roles. Gillian Murphy as Oppenheimer was fantastic and brought a sense of humanity to the role. Robert Downey Jr had me do a double take because this is one of his first movies post-MCU (I initially thought it was his first but then I completely forgot that trash fire of a movie that was Dolittle that my mother and I went to see and I’m glad after three years I have forgotten about that dumpster fire) and is it very refreshing to see what he is capable of now that he doesn’t have to be Tony Stark 24/7 since he is free from the reigns of Disney. It was seriously satisfying for him to be able to drop the F-Bomb. The quipiness of his acting is subdued in this film, but Stark left some scars on the way he acts and it still kind of peeks through during certain scenes. Also, to finally have him be in a more villainous role was a good change up for his acting career (if this movie had a true villain, it would be Strauss since he resented Oppenheimer IRL, not sure if it was simply because of berating during a hearing about isotopes, but he hated the man’a guts to slander him as a Commie due to the people he associated with and his “left-wing views”).
Another thing that I did not understand is why did the hearing scene have to be in black and white while the rest of the scenes were in color. And I want to know why people kept putting marbles into those jars.
I can’t complain too much, because as jam-packed this story already is at 3 hours, if every little detail was put on the screen, Oppenheimer would have longer than the Director’s Cut of the Lord of the Rings Trilogy. And I know Critikal said that this movie flew by despite its run time, but I disagree. It was very fast paced until the climax of the movie, that being the bomb drop. It was there that the movie started to crawl a bit because it is here that the results of both hearings (the one taking place in 1954 and the other in 1958) are coming to a close and they are trying to squeeze in any remaining characters that are relevant to the plot their final time to shine before the movie ends.
Overall, this movie is a solid 8.5/10.
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chowtrolls · 7 months
Yes please, I would love to hear about your descendants!
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"Wonderful! Now, mind you, I only have two descendants of my own.
Juleus and Augest. Or as some may know them, Jules and Dr. Auggie. Auggie is the eldest. I've spoken with him several times. He looks more like Necrol than he does me but he wouldn't know- he was hatched blind! He's an astronomer, studies stars and they way he believes they communicate, studies radiowaves and all sorts of fancy science I'm not privy to. Not Fleet sponsored, mind you, he's one of two who has managed to avoid the Fleet. Smart bastard. Considers himself unremarkable because of a lack of a title, but if anything his dedication to keep going despite honor says more than any title can. He's got no descendants of his own.
Juleus, however...he doesn't look a thing like me. Not sure where he sprouted from. He left the hive early to be a pirate, followed by his moirail Brutus. From what I hear, Juleus was quite the first mate! That's where he earned his title, after all. Where Augest has avoided buckets, Juleus...well, there's a handful of crude jokes I'll refrain from making. Juleus was sort of...grandfathered into the Fleet. The story goes that Brutus got their ship captured, and Juleus negotiated trading his freedom for theirs. Using his status as a Monark freed his captain, but ultimately left himself trapped. As such, he developed an obsession with creating the perfect descendant. The perfect Monark to take over his spot. Most did not survive, but I'm more than happy to dig into those who have.
The eldest is Archai. Juleus got close with Chai, but she was hatched with a weak immune system. I believe the way Juleus went about creating his descendants was by mixing castes with himself. He tried fuchsia and fuchsia here. Good in theory, but ultimately produced a sickly grub. Though she tried, she simply couldn't stay healthy. I've had lots of conversations with Chai. She's very sweet, very patient. You'd never guess how far she got. She spends her time studying art history now! A wonderful change of pace for her. On Alternia, she has access to the medications she needs to stay healthy, and hasn't had a flare-up in some time.
Next would be Jawska. Or JK, as he prefers. Juleus tried rust and fuchsia with this one. Jawska is the second Monark who managed to avoid Fleet service, but he isn' without hardships of his own. From what he said, MegaDad kicked him out at a very young age to prevent Juleus from finding him. JK is a scrappy, intelligent, but surprisingly meek fellow. You can really see the lowblood in him when he gets cornered. Quick thinker, very hardy. Juleus would've had a successful heir, even with JK's bad back. If you ask me, it's a good thing he never found him. JK was a tattoo artist, shifted gears to being a seamster, and has started to shift back into art once again. He only came to my attention after a random attack seemingly killed him. My good friend Sinopa took care of it, and now Jawska is right as rain again. He's shown me pictures of his moirails, they make a cute trio.
That leads me to the twins. Now, you may be unaware, but Juleus is incapable of harming children. Maybe it's some old pirate code he follows, but he refuses to harm a child, no matter the cost. He didn't want twins, so he picked the strongest of the two, and told a business partner to get rid of the other. Rather than doing that, Boznik decided to keep Bruuno, and raise her himself. Whether he did a good job or not is besides the point. Bruuno is better known as Bruuno Sinopa, international rockstar and lead of his little band Whysteria. A different last name can't hide just how much of a Monark he is- spitting image of myself, if you ask me. Juleus had the most success with these two, combining fuchsia and purple. As such, Bruuno retained the powers I myself has, though they're more like chucklevoodoos. I'm not even sure she's aware of it!
Then Leonra, is his twin. Where Bruuno got chucklevoodoos, Leonra has the strength of a purple and a fuchsia put together. Leonra was the most successful of Juleus' attempts. But telling Leonra what to do is like telling telling a fire not to burn. Juleus lost any possible chance of Leonra taking his spot the second that kid realized how strong he was. Now, I'm no pushover. I may look like a rusty old man, and sometimes I sure feel like one, but you don't obtain the title Annihilation for nothing. I've been in plenty of fights, I've mediated plenty more. And not even I would want to be on the wrong side of Leonra's anger. I was discussing this with a peer the other day- Leonra has the training of the most elite soldiers the Fleet has ever produced, the logical thinking and problem solving capability to rival a damn computer, and lacks the empathy and bloodlust that is often a General's downfall. And yet, all he wishes to do is build his own things, do his own thing. Truly admirable.
The youngest two Monarks are Shiloh and Rumble. Shiloh is Bruuno's descendant, and Rumble is another of Juleus'. However, last I heard, Rumble is safe and away from the Fleet. And Shiloh is happily cared for by Bruuno. I've yet to meet Rumble! I believe she's the result of Juleus and his current matesprit. I have met Shiloh though. She's a very sweet girl."
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