#anyway that is a good sun necklace he got himself bc it made him think of will
ghosttotheparty · 2 years
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Mikaelsons Black History Month
First off, I’m starting by saying that even though it is no longer Black history month it will always be melanin everyday and black people every day. And everything else under the sun, and if you don’t like it then the exit is to your left. Everything you own in the box to the left
Being part of the Mikaelsons is very fickle business and be some bs. Like really, you’re here with supernatural beings who are over 1000 years old. Who have traveled the world, gained endless knowledge, seen a lot of bloodshed, but you know what they haven’t seen? Their token human (black ofc) being ignant for black history month, I mean who even fully celebrates? How does one even celebrate?
Granted, they’re not racist. But with the writing Julie Pleck did she was playing honestly. That was the worst writing I've ever seen since who knows when. Maybe the nine lives of Chloe king or something? But in my originals universe they were probably racist in the beginning to an extent then grew out of it.
Anyways, they never met someone who celebrated until they met you!
Now repeat after me: I’m black y’all, and I’m black y’all. And I’m black and black and black y’all! FYM
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Now…. picture this: A moderately quiet day in the Mikaelson household. Kol is minding his business for once, Rebekah is trying to find the perfect pics for her next instagram post, Elijah is enjoying a good read, and Klaus is organizing his art materials. But then here comes you, the human, opening the door and walking right in like you pay bills (none of them do but you get the picture) in the midst of the most deadly people. Walking in and greeting everyone, walking in with the most hotep, Dr. Umar bullshit getup they ever seen. Coming to America headass.
They recognize your footsteps from a mile away, so when you walk into the kitchen and no one really looks up at first it’ll be a sight to see a whole ass pelted lion on your back. The kente cloth hat (no idea the actual name for it, sorry babes), a saber tooth necklace (for my mans T’Challa), and the red stiletto nails with the afro out here banging.
Once Elijah is done with his page he looks up to greet you, but then stops… Bitch, fuck is you wearing? This was worlds away from the sweats, and skinny jeans you wore on the daily.
“Greetings Y/N you look…. Fashionable.” Mans didn’t know what to say. Did he miss something about your Africna roots? Was there a holiday he hadn’t heard of, doubt it, but what else was there?
“Thank you Elijah.” You fluff out your lion pelt for added effect, if there was ever going to be one time you outdo the Mikaelsons’ especially Elijah in being dramatic with a coat or cloak of somesort, it would be now.
At this point the Kol and Rebekah have already looked up and were confused. Why are you dressed like that?
Kol is the first one to speak up “Darling, Rebekah likes a fashion show more than anyone, but why do you have a lion… on your shoulder.”
Lifting up your large ass shades you supplied an answer: “Black History Month”
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They all looked at each other… they didn’t get it. Like they know what it is, but never actually understood how to celebrate and all that nor did they ever actually give it mind. When you saw that they weren’t making a connection, you started phase 1.
“Alexa, you know what to do.”
LMFAOOOOO you got the white people shook. Klaus just dropped one of his expensive ass bottles of art sealants and is vamp speeding to the kitchen to figure out what the hell is going on. Elijah having a mid century crisis on how tf they even found you and deemed you worthy of being in their presence so casually. Kol is having fun in the back, still laughing at your get up. And Rebekah wishes she went to the mall instead, she wanted a girl bestie and got you instead rip
“WHAT IN BLAZES- Y/N WHAT ARE YOU DO- WHAT ARE YOU WEARING! ALEXA STOP THE MUSIC-” And the big bad wolf has arrived. You put your finger to Klaus’ lips which stuns him bc… you’re still HOOOMAN like damn, death wish much? And you look this man, straight in his mit and say “Looks at, look at me” and pause for dramatic affect, “I am the captain now”
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Room silent as hell till Kol starts cackling
You’ve made Dr. Umar proud, the ancestors are shining on you once again
With that you lead into a whole speech about the black struggle and black history month, bottom line: REPARATIONS. Because being the only nigga in the Mikaelsons (we don’t claim Marcel) is exhausting, white people shit everyday that you complain about in their faces
TBH at this point they’re indulging you in this escapade.
First victim is Elijah, you ask for his wallet. He gives you a look, I mean he does technically give you what you want and whatever (when y’all dating, refer back to my dating Elijah post), so he ask you why. Reparations sis why, but then you stop yourself. This man gives you his wallet every other day, half the time you not even asking. What could you rob this man of…. Ah. You ask him for the deed of one of his estates in Prague, why? Because you bitches can’t even spell Prague. And under section S line 45 subsection Y it does state that estates are eligible for reparations. Fuck 40 acres and a mule, you got 300 acres, some stallions in the back, a quite possibly haunted mansion, and a heavy dicked (yeah I said it, a sis been trying to reality shift) original who will turn you out by the end of the day and the end of the month…. Wait till women's history month boo
We know his pockets figgity fat, and it would be figgity wack to not get some
Ngl you take Kol with you so he can buy you food. Granted, he knows what you’re doing, but if he’s going to spend money on anything it will be thawed and it will be music. However, one thing leads to another and you’re both at Wal-Mart waiting to find a parking spot. You stole one off a white minivan trying to move in. Not thinking anything of it because who in this small ass Mystic Falls ass, clown ass town really about it? Apparently Karen.
But you know who else what about it? Kol (tbh mans had nothing but time, and he claims you so why tf not.) he out here NY stomping on her and coming at her for badly glued extensions. Cheap ass bitch, ain’t even blend in correctly.
After that Kol and you left with some groceries, a new story to tell, and a chopped cheese.
With Klaus, he frfr wasn’t finna do shit. Being ordered my a human? Lmfao, go find another simp sis. But… once you suggest that his art skills may not be up to par on what you have in mind as a new family room piece for your house he’s all ears. He knows what you’re doing, but… he still wants to prove you wrong. But anyways, you give him a theme… reverse racism. IK y’all, it’s not a thing, but mans has ideas. And he outdoes himself. That and the recreation of the moorish chief bc that man...mmmmm that man was giving.
Ok so Google wanna hoe me, but there was a painting of a black man in a kkk cloak and behind him were white people being hung from a tree. Say what you want, but that photo was fire. If any of you seen it please share it below.
Rebekah tbh wants no part in this, but I feel like she’d gave when you ask her to give you all the finest dresses bc it’s an excuse to exhaust Klaus’ money.
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Through the month you give the Mikaelsons a run for their money, and maybe sanity. Klaus is in the back trying to research who tf Dr. Umar is and why is he your inspiration
They had to pull you back when the sheriff asked you for your ID. You ask why you needed white man paperwork!
You are pleasing the spirits, what bonnie could never do lmfaooooo. The powers of you enemies aren’t prospering this month nor next month.
You’re not poor this month, anything you poor of is pouring a little more (bars nigga)
LMFAOOOO imaging asking the fam to go to paris, like, they not invited it’s a self trip funded my the Mikaelson Y/N Trust Fund of Public Decency ™
Klaus would be the first one to speak because this man is TIRED, “Love, why do you need a trip to paris? What’s in Paris?”
Knowing better, you look to Kol to answer the question, “I don’t know, Kol, who’s in Paris?” Niggas b. Niggas in paris…. Lemme chill
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blackberry-gingham · 4 years
Got to be honest... I love the mermaidau! theme too. Could you pls give us a pt2 cause I need to know how is their rlp gonna evolve. (Feel like even writing a hole 2k word fanfic with this au and im not ashamed 😂)
(Pst, anon is referring to this request!)
Mwaaaha yeeees... YEEEEES !!!! I'm so glad you guys like this au lmao 😂😂 All I have to say is, I hope y'all can come through with this mermaid au when summer hits, bc that's my JAM 😤
Even if I don't get another mermaid au request until then, like please y'all, I'm begging you lol
But anyways, tumblr has decided that doing all four on here is too long, so I’m posting half now and I’ll link Paul and Ringo before the day’s over! (Also bc I lost like half of Ringo's story last night, and I have to rewrite it, so rip :') ) Enjoy!
Paul and Ringo this way!
It's quite a bit before George can see you again
He had to take up a job, even with school, and practice, and family, and friends, and the occasional gig... just to save up
But when he finally got enough to buy that bike... It was all worth it
It's almost as prized a possession as his guitar, and the very next day after purchasing it, he loads up a blanket and some food and heads off for the lake
The ride from home to the water is a bit long, but nothing he can't handle
At long last, he arrives at the tiny pier and he can hardly contain himself as he sets the kickstand and grabs his things
He rushes down and sets up shop
In his excitement, George has forgotten to consider whether or not you'll even show...
But he doesn't want to give up yet
So he waits
And waits
And after a few hours pass by, he decides he might as well have his lunch instead of skipping rocks and wading in the water all afternoon
George swims over to the edge of the pier and clasps into the plank to hoist himself up
But before he can complete the maneuver, he finds himself jerked back down again
It's gentle enough that he doesn't get submerged, but it's certainly enough to give him a start
He splutters and flails a little, turning around as quick as he can to see...
Oh, it's you...
George breathes a sigh of relief, even as your eyes watch him from just above the water line, your hair floating on the surface like an angel
Your eyes go wide in excitement, and you peak your head all the way above the water, giving a soft gasp of surprise
"It is you! I can't believe you came back!"
George's heart hammers in his chest, whether it's from the surprise, the physical activity, or something else... He doesn't know
"O-of course I am! I said I would, didn't I?"
You laugh, "So you did! ...By the way, what have you got up there?"
George looks over his shoulder to the picnic basket that's clearly in view, then back at you
He waves you over and pulls himself up at last
When he's turned around, you've disappeared and George's heart drops
Well, not for long. A moment passes, followed by a huge splash as you jump from the water to the pier
It's not a perfect jump, as you need to pull yourself up a bit, but you make it well enough
George is halfway through unloading the basket, but he finds himself incredibly distracted by your tail
He doesn't mean to be rude it's just... It's almost like you weren't real before now
The tail is nearly twice the length that human legs would be. It tapers all the way down to a fine and delicate point that flares out into a transparent, forked fin
There are smaller fins like this along the rest of your tail, George notes, providing gorgeous accents to your shimmering iridescent scales
You swish your tail behind you, feeling a bit shy
George shakes himself out of his stupor, "Oh, sorry! I just... Wow"
You huff a laugh and mumble a thanks, not quite out of the awkwardness
"Um, here, I brought you something", George hands you a carefully wrapped sandwich
You give it a sniff and wait for George to taste his first
It tastes fantastic. Unlike anything you've ever had before
George tells you it's called a "ham and cheese"
Before you know it, the two of you jump into a whole conversation about life above and below water
You talk all afternoon and into the evening. George, doesn't even realize how low the sun's set until he takes a moment to stretch and look up
"Oh, I suppose you should be going..."
George looks at you and then the water one more time
It's like a pool of gold out there, the orange and yellow reflecting so beautifully on the water
"Say, how about one more swim?", George nods towards the water
Needless to say, you both race in for a last dip
You swim laps around George as he move slowly through the water, and you find yourself growing bored rather quick
"Ugh, here hold on!", You laugh and roll your eyes as you latch onto George from beneath
He doesn't protest, and you tow him easily back and forth through the water
It's not as fast as you could go, but it's faster then George has ever achieved on his own
It's actually great fun, but all things must end, and after a few rounds you glide to a stop surrounded by golden ripples
You sigh and look around, letting him go, "Sorry, it's late. I didn't mean to get so carried away..."
George wades just inches away from you, "No no, it's alright! I um, I had fun"
"Really?", You smile
"Really...", George floats a little closer to you, and you can feel his warm breath caress your hair, "In fact, m-maybe we could do this again sometime?"
Before he even gives a thought to what he's doing George's lips meet yours halfway, pressing far softer then you'd expect from a rough teddy boy like himself
It's one of those kisses where you don't even have to think, or give subtle hints
Everything just feels right
Your heart does a flip when you separate, and George sticks by his promise
It gets to the point where you have a schedule to meet each other, getting the most out of your daylight hours
From now on, no more waiting
Just you, and him.
John's been visiting you for quite some time now, bringing you shiny things on occasion, but mostly just enjoying your company
You're on a first name basis and everything
It's strange almost, John feels quite special
After all, he might be the only lad in all of England to befriend a mermaid!
Although lately, he's been feeling... Different about you
He must be mad
But it's just...
You're so sweet, and kind, and you listen and understand him like no one else ever has before, an-
He must be going mad
That would certainly explain why he's buying you a locket with his latest savings
It may be from a second hand store, but he knows you'll love it
The locket is shaped like a heart and made of brass
The metal is a bit tarnished but the small heart shaped ruby in the center is bright as ever
It's perfect
John takes it home and hides it away from Mimi
She doesn't know about you, but she has some suspicions about a girl...
That's certainly not something John wants to talk about, so he's trying to be as covert about you and him as possible
But before he can hand off his gift to you, he needs to sneak one of Mimi's pictures of him
She has a few up in the attic, which John is easily able to swipe and cut out to fit in your locket
There. Now it's perfect
John gets a good night's rest and heads out bright and early to your cove the very next day
He arrives to find you splayed out on a bed of shells and trinkets, sun bathing
"Hello birdy!"
You spring up and turn to face him, "Johnny!"
Patches of sand stick to your skin, shimmering like glitter in the sun
John whips off his leather jacket and shirt as he goes to sit beside you before removing his boots and socks as well
It's a bit of a custom for him ever since he started feeling comfortable around you
The beach is rather hot, yes, but more so, he likes that you make him feel confident enough to take all that off in the first place
You don't know this, but it's a huge sign of the trust he has in you
The two of you talk and catch up a bit on the few days you were apart
John tells you about school, and you about your adventures at sea
Both of you are equally fascinated about each other's worlds, and both wish a bit that they could live like the other does
You've offered to take John out to sea, but he's not to keen on wading that far out in the ocean
When the conversation starts to run dry, John remembers his gift at last
"Oh by the way, I brought you something..."
You perk up, not suspecting anything other then the usual shiny pebble or coin
But then again, John seems... Different
You could swear you see a blush climbing his cheeks
"I uh, saw this and thought of you...", He holds out an old, worn locket. The Ruby heart and tarnished brass flash and glint in the sunlight, mesmerizing you
You gasp softly, and reach for it slowly, as though you're dreaming
"Do you fancy it?", John asks nervously
"John, this is beautiful..."
You click the heart open and reveal a raggedly cut picture of John smirking back at you from behind a heart shaped lid of glass
You trace your finger along the picture's edge, a trance like glaze over your eyes
"I um, I thought maybe you could wear this one... You know, that way you could always have me with you when you go out to sea... Or... Something", John mumbles, wondering if he sounds even half as stupid as he thinks he does
He peaks over at you once, then twice as you look at it in silence
"It's alright, you don't have to-"
"Could you put it on me?"
John looks stunned, as though he's surprised you actually like his well thought out gift
"Uh, I- sure"
You hand him the necklace and turn
John lifts it over your head and lowers it slowly
The metal is warm from John's hands as it touches your skin, and John fastens the clasp in a jiffy
"There you are..."
You turn around again, eyes shining brightly with joy, the heart clasped in the palm of your hand
A knot forms in John's stomach, seeing you look so happy with him like that, and suddenly he feels sick
He has to say it
He knows be does
He has to tell you now, or it's going to kill him
And yet, if he does tell you, that might kill him too
"Ugh, I must be mad..."
You quirk an eyebrow, "Wha-?"
"I love you", John blurts it out as though it was tortured out of him
It's not very sweet, or romantic, or charming...
No, it's actually much more like he just spat on the sand and continued on
But you know John by now, and to you, it's more then enough
You put your hand over his and lean in to press a gentle kiss to his burning cheek
"I love you too Johnny"
John's breath hitches in his throat, and looks at you with a gaze he's never given any other woman in the world
"Really?" His voice is the barest of whispers
But you don't need to answer, John is already pulling you in for a kiss as he lays back on your small pile of treasure
It's not his first make out session, and it won't be his last
But with you? Right here, on the beach, in the warm sun, laying cozied up on his bare torso?
It's the one he remembers most, for all his life
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scandeniall · 4 years
Playing Games
Pairing: Iwaizumi x Reader, mention of akaashi x reader
Request from @mel-melona: hi! I saw that you opened song requests and thought I’d drop one here if you’ve got time. So here’s the vibe, Playing Games by Anna of the North 
wc: 1642
summary: A story in which you and iwaizumi break eachother’s hearts again and again.
Breaking your own heart. It was something Iwaizumi never considered. Throughout the years he’d thought heartbreak was at the hands of others. But, to an extent, he was right. As he scrolled his instagram a simple picture completely shattered his own heart. You had been seated on the lap of none other than ex fukurodani setter, Akaashi Keiji. What stood out even more was the way your hand extended to show the shiny diamond resting on your ring finger You were officially gone, and it was all his fault.
“Let's get married.” It was the first thing you’d ever said to him. You guys were 8 years old. The way You’d ran up to him at recess caught him off guard. The flowers held tight between your fingers couldn't have been for him. The dirt staining your outfit was an indication that you’d just picked the flowers. “No.” It was the first thing he ever said to you. The way your eyes filled with tears made the young boy uncomfortable. However, before he could apologize, or cry because you were crying a voice interrupted. “Iwa-chan, you made them cry.” That was how you wound your way into Iwaizumi’s life, and the first time he broke your heart.  
The sun had started to set when the three of you started to make your way home. You stayed after school to watch the practice of Kitagawa Daiichi’s boys volleyball team. Your friends had made the team with ease years ago and as the three of you were almost with junior high you took every chance you could to see your boys play. “You didn’t have to wait on us you know.” You only shrugged. “I like watching you play Iwa. You're really cool” Had the golden hour sun not been illuminating you guys, you might’ve noticed the redness that crept up his ears. “Aren’t I cool too (Y/N),” your third party exclaimed. “You’d be cool if you stopped overworking yourself shittykawa.” You couldn’t help but laugh at the scold, and it was the first time Iwaizumi noticed how amazing the sound was.
“Besides, I’m gonna really miss you guys.” The words came out quietly, both boys brows furrowing with confusion. “I thought you were applying to Aboa Johsai too.” Iwaizumi covered the frantic tone with a cough. He remembered how he blamed it on dirt flying into his mouth. Even at 14, it seemed weird but you let it pass. The reality of what you were able to tell your best friends settling in. “I’m moving to Tokyo after this year ends. I’ll be going to Fukurodani Academy.” That was the first time you broke Iwaizumi’s heart.
He promised. He promised he’d only be a phone call away, and that nothing would change. You would talk or text everyday and it would be like nothing changed. The tears that drowned your pillowcase currently made you feel like otherwise. It was halfway through 1st year and not only was it harder to make friends in Tokyo, but you couldn't even turn to your best friend/ After All, he was the reason for the tears.The summer before you left you and Iwaizumi found yourself in your first relationships with one another. Shortly after you admitted that you would be moving after your last year, Iwaizumi admitted to having a crush on you. The awkward conversation consisted of him telling you that he thinks that he likes you. “Or I just really like your laugh and your smile, and jokes.” 
The two of you ended junior high and went into your first years of high school despite living in two different places. The promise of taking the train every weekend to see one another sounded good in the head of two early teens who were still in the honeymoon stage. However, the distance wore and as Iwaizumi and Oikawa began getting more and more involved with one volleyball there was no time for you. “Someone at school confessed to me today. I don’t know how I feel.” The admission not only led to a breakup, but the second time Iwaizumi broke your heart.
“Shhhh your parents are home,” you laughed against his lips. You were met with the hands on your hips sliding upwards and fingers beginning to move rapidly along the skin of your waist. The legs you had tangled with his began to twitch and you had to slap your hand over your mouth to keep from laughing loudly at the way Iwaizumi’s hands tickled you. The two of you had made up shortly after your “‘breakup”. If you could even call it a relationship given how young you were. Now halfway through your third year, you tended to travel to Miyagi twice a month to see your childhood friends. You always told your parents that you were staying at your cousin’s for the weekend, however would always sneak out with their help. You tended to find yourself sharing whispered jokes and soft kisses with your first love. 
“Are you sure you have to go back tomorrow,” The groan vibrated against your neck from where Iwaizumi had his lips rested. “We can always just skip school and stay like this.”  Your hands lightly thread through the soft strands. “Our parents would absolutely kill us. Besides I promised I’d help Akaashi, with some science problems tomorrow.” You didn’t notice it but something kin to jealousy flickered through his eyes. It was lightning fast, and he composed himself even faster. The two of you weren’t dating by any means, the distance not being worth it. Those were his words not yours. However, he didn’t know you were that close to the setter. “Is that the setter?” Iwaizumi knew the answer. Afterall, you helped with the volleyball on occasion, and could be seen hanging out with them on snapchat sometimes. Your nod of confirmation only prompted home to continue. “I didn’t know you two were that close.”
“I’ve gotten close with everyone on the team.” He doesn’t miss the way you stress the word and has to force himself not to sound like a jealous asshole. “Besides, he has the same teacher I had last year and I still have those notes.” The warmth on his body fades as you sit up, eyeing him silently. “You know, you two resemble each other. Dark haired, pretty eyed. Handsome. Maybe I do have a type.” The last words come out as a tease. However, at the slightest indication of you being interested in Akaashi, you broke Iwaizumi’s heart for the second time. 
Iwaizumi remembered how you cried when he told you that he was going to college in California. Your puffy eyes and reddened face made his heart ache, however he still found you to be the most beautiful person in the world. The night before he left he gave you a necklace. Just a simple silver chain that had been his, but he rarely wore. He told you it was to remember him by and for you to still feel close to him. The two of you promised to keep in contact, an unspoken promise to pick things up one day.
However, that never happened. You’d visited him once down in California and he took you to a few parties, at which he ended up ditching you halfway through the night. It wasn’t intentional, but his new life without you just seemed more appealing. The crack in our heart so tiny it was practically unnoticeable.The following days he’d apologize, with  a gentle caress along your jaw and a sweet kiss to match. Still the two of you had no title. When you returned back home, you’d two worked out a time schedule in which you two would talk. Slowly his calls became less frequent and you found out he’d be out living his new life. Your face time Netflix party dates with Iwaizumi eventually dissipated. As the cracks in your heart continued to grow, you began to find solstice in your old friend Akaashi. However, whenever you seemed to start moving on in your own life, your first love found his way back into your life.
A simple text checking in to tell you that he missed you. To a random call while it was 3 am for him, because he wanted to hear your voice. And then he got too busy again. Too busy to confirm that he was out safe, or to remind you how much he cared. Each time the once tiny crack grew bigger and bigger. Although it was unintentional, his arrival and departure served as a silent reminder to not move on. Too keep waiting on someone who just wasn’t willing to keep you. At least not in the moment.
Eventually texts turned into once a month, and then once every few months, and then only on holidays and birthdays.However, Iwaizumi would miss the subtle mentions of Akaashi and the way the relationship began to blossom. He’d waved it off as the two of you just being friends as his chance slowly diminished. 
As Iwaizumi read the caption, he’d found out the two of you had been dating for the last 3 and a half years. You looked so happy. The two of you are 25 now, and he had every intention of returning back home for a while, hoping to reconnect with old friends, including you. As he observed the picture, he picked up a tiny detail that anyone else would have bypassed. Zooming in, he noticed you still wore the silver chain of his. His heart briefly raced, but another look at the way your eyes shined brighter than all the stars in the sky said it all. He had lost you. Maybe not as a friend, but as a lover. For the last time you broke Iwaizumi’s heart.
a/n: i just binged this out and now its 3am but im gonna post it now anyways. This was fun and I hope i did it justice bc obviously this isnt a happy ending type song. But it was also fun to just write. Anyways thank u for requesting and song requests are open: check this post for rules (ish)
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playmebackwards · 5 years
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hey y’all, i’m velouria and i’m always late to the frickin party! well, better late than never, right? i’ll introduce you to all my kids but first up, binyamin ‘benny’ katzer, jewish werewolf with a whole lot of trauma!
&. 【 sh, do you hear I WAS A TEENAGE WEREWOLF by THE CRAMPS playing ? that must mean BINYAMIN ‘BENNY’ KATZER is coming, the 23 year old CISMALE that goes by HE/HIM, currently employed as a GRAVEDIGGER AT OLDGATE CEMETERY. they’re a WEREWOLF in oldgate for eh, i’d say about TWO MONTHS. tough luck, huh ? least they got their REVERENT, INTELLIGENT, GUARDED and FEEBLE stuff to fall back on. anyway, it’s best to get out of here. their ( silver chai necklace glinting in the sun, worn comic books with the spines cracked, a bookcase filled with mel brooks films, bits of leaf found in dark blond hair nowhere near the forest ) vibe gives me the creeps !
trigger warnings: mentions of bullying, mass murder/massacre, ptsd
grew up in santa barbara, ca in a conservative jewish family (conservative as in the branch of judaism, not like republican lol); the younger brother of tovah katzer, park ranger. binyamin grew up as a regular class clown, a rather jovial kid that used humor as a defense mechanism. he was a decent student, but suffered from bullying over his small stature and religion.
because of the bullying at school, binyamin grew very guarded and only felt very close to his mother. though he had a few good friends in his social circle, he was very much a nerd and somewhat obnoxious, so he wasn’t well liked by most of his grade. he had a pleasant relationship with his older sister tovah but they were not socially close, even as children.
a stereotypical nerd, he spent most of his free time playing violent video games or at school band practice. he grew up very observant of his religion and spent a lot of time at the local jcc.
benny, as he was commonly called by his peers, wanted to be a stand-up comic as a teenager. his hero was (and still is) mel brooks, humor was the only way benny could really relate to other people and it shielded him from the world when relating to others only ended up hurting him.
as the years went on and high school was coming to a close, things lightened up at school and the bullying ceased majorly from its height in middle school and early high school. while he was never considered popular, it wasn’t so hard to get up and go to school in the morning during his junior and senior years.
he chose to go to usc santa barbara since it was a state school and not too far from his childhood home. while his dreams of being a stand-up comic had diminished, binyamin was still considering it when high school came to an end, but ultimately he picked a computer science major at his father’s insistence that he have an actual career, and if he really wanted to do stand-up comedy, he’d at least have something to fall back on if it didn’t work out.
usc santa barbara was a lot different from a small suburban high school and binyamin felt isolated and elated simultaneously. a few people from his former high school also elected to attend ucsb, so he had a social circle he could rely on but he was also able to branch out and accumulate new friendships from the people in his classes and social clubs at the school. by his junior year, binyamin had carved out a good group of friends.
benny had always known his family was different; his father, while a good man, was often quite secretive and left for weeks at a time. they blamed it on his work, but it seemed these business trips would always take place around the full moon. it wasn’t until his older sister tovah developed her shifting ability that their parents revealed that their father is a werewolf; they were unsure if, being the children of just one werewolf and a human, that the werewolf gene would pass onto the kids. while tovah had shifting ability, binyamin didn’t develop his at the same time and by the time he was 19, they were all pretty sure only tovah was a werewolf like their dad.
but that was only until he was 19. while on a road trip for spring break with his college buddies, a man sabotaged their vehicle and then hunted them down with a rifle, picking them off one by one. (think wolf creek and texas chainsaw massacre) benny was the only one to survive—all thanks to his inner wolf. halfway through the event, benny finally acquired his shifting ability, tearing apart his assailant and ending the massacre. benny doesn’t remember much about the event, only that some of his friends had animal bites on them, and he feels an immense amount of guilt over the very idea he was responsible for any deaths (besides the killer).
the nevada farmhouse massacre, as dubbed by the media, split benny’s life into parts: before, after. normal, werewolf. having developed ptsd from the event, it took years for benny’s life to get somewhat back to normal. he avoided leaving the house, taking care of himself, scaring his family. while he was cleared of all wrongdoing by the cops, benny hasn’t forgiven himself, though he’s not exactly sure what he did or did not do during that time. after a year or so, benny went back to college, but in ohio instead, trying to get as far away as possible from california as he could. he completed his remaining credits for college and earned a degree in computer science. he started to go by the name b. chayim katz.
working as an i.t. specialist for a little while, things were going good for him, but then it was discovered that he was living under an alias in akron and his location/information posted on all the true crime subreddits/blogs. fearing further harassment and having another breakdown, benny called finally his sister tovah, a park ranger in california, and they made plans to live together as benny couldn’t handle being by himself.
they decided to move to oldgate, louisiana, where tovah could continue being a park ranger and benny didn’t know what he was going to be (though he had a degree in computer science, it had been tainted by the doxxing), but he couldn’t be in ohio anymore and he vowed never to live on the west coast again. #anustart
the siblings katzer have only been in oldgate for two months now, benny picking up a job as a gravedigger at the cemetery as it would give him something to do and very little interaction with people. they haven’t registered with the local pack yet, figuring they’re the only wolves in town, but the katzers have always been on the outside of wolf society due to their religion and their general quiet nature. they’re not rogues/lone wolves, but they try to keep to themselves as much as possible. benny definitely ain’t no alcide lmao.
a fellow werewolf! the first one, besides his own sister, that benny comes across in oldgate, and really anywhere. the katzer wolves tend to keep to themselves, not exactly labeled omegas but they don’t subscribe the whole macho persona that a lot of packs have going on.
someone to recognize him! while benny was never a celebrity, anyone that’s a true crime fan would be sure to recognize him as the farmhouse case has been covered in many podcasts and blogs. as he left ohio because he was recognized, he’d be totally freaked out by someone in this new small town realizing who he is, but the connection in question agrees to keep his secret/not harass him abt it.
someone he can get close to! benny is very reserved and quiet, even before the massacre, but doubly so now. he doesn’t talk very much, rarely makes eye contact, and spends most of his time alone; it would be very nice if someone could coax him out of his shell and become a good friend to him. extra points to anyone that wants to turn this toxic later down the road and have them manipulate benny, bc i’m fucking messy lol.
someone that’s very anti-werewolf! since werewolf society is still in the dark compared to the vampires and benny doesn’t make his wolf status known to most people, the person in question doesn’t know he’s a werewolf and basically talks shit abt them all the time. benny’s too afraid to speak up and let them know how much they’re insulting him lmao.
i can’t really think of anything else right now! but message me to plot and we’ll cook up something fun :) im me on here or ask for my discord!!
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bourbonbucky · 6 years
to the winds (away from the calm eye)
thorki, 3K words, unedited, E rating. posting to tumblr bc i don’t really like it?? but i finished it and i want to put it somewhere? eh, i’m just having one of those days where i don’t like how anything i write comes out. 
The night Thor was born a freak tornado wiped out three quarters of his hometown. He was born in a kitchen, the only home untouched in a three mile path of destruction. His home was the last home with power in a fifty mile radius of the storm. He was called a miracle, born of thunder, storm-breaker.
Thor would wail into the silence of the night, only sleeping peacefully if the sky quaked and the rains fell.
Priests hailed his birth at the local temple. A sign of prosperity for their future.
Thor’s first memory was walking up to an altar clothed in golden robes. He remembered lightning striking just outside an open window and laughing as everyone around him cowered in fear.
Thor never knew the name of his father and by the time he was eight years old his mother had passed from sickness. He stayed in the temple after that, raised by the priests of a dead god. They would whisper at night, desperate prayers even as they knew they wouldn’t be answered. Dead gods could not grant their favor.
Thor was angry. He didn’t know how to be anything but angry.
When he was twelve he began learning to fight, and the priests were proud at how natural he was. He grew strong with little training, invigorated by having a way to relieve the rage that had grown in him.
That was the first time he met the transient priest, Loki.
There were many priests that traveled, but very few who honored the dead storm god. This man came in with flowers and herbs, and richer offerings of good meat. The priests knew him, though some seemed fearful.
He kept his distance from the attendants and priests, but Thor couldn’t help walking right up to him during a meal.
The man’s bright eyes turned to him, so green they hardly seemed human. He tilted his head and offered the space on the bench next to him.
“What’s your name, little priest?” He asked.
Thor plopped down easily and began digging into the food he’d gathered. “I’m Thor. You?”
A dark eyebrow arched. “Were you originally named for the dead god, or re-named?”
Thor ate a piece of juicy meat he pilfered from a cook with a weakness for puppy dog eyes. “I’ll tell you if I can know your name.”
A look crossed the man’s face, taken aback for only a moment before it dissolved into a smile. “I’m Loki.”
Thor stopped chewing and stared at him. “Do I know you?”
Loki swallowed roughly, control of his face slipping for just a moment before he wrestled it back. “I’ll tell you if you answer my question.”
Thor gave a lopsided grin. “I was re-named after my mom died, but everyone called me that when I was born anyway. I don’t remember my other name.”
Loki hummed reached over to squeeze his shoulder. “I think the name suits you.”
The priests seating around them were staring openly, but neither he nor Loki paid any mind.
Thor didn’t bother asking his question again. Loki left the next day and that night Thor found a necklace under his pillow.
It was a hammer, intricately carved and heavy. The pendant alone was the size of his hand and the chain it hung on was made of thick gold links. Thor put it on and once he did he couldn’t bring himself to ever take it off.
The priests noticed the pendant, but said nothing. Thor found for the first time in his life that he could sleep peacefully on quiet nights as long as he wore it.
He asked the head priest when Loki would return.
Thor trained more heavily during the summers and filled in his wide frame as he neared adulthood. He built muscle with work and combat practice. It was an old tradition, but suited him well.
He got stretch marks across his biceps and on his thighs, faint lines of pink that faded to white. They stretched across his skin like lightning.
When a boy his age smiled at him and leaned in for a kiss, Thor thought about the priest who gifted him his necklace.
The quiet of his nights ended after six years. Thor dreamt, and nightmares took him. For the first time in so long he woke up screaming. He felt as helpless as a child again.
He prayed to a dead god with his name and felt hollow.
Loki found him splitting firewood one afternoon. It had been many years since Loki had come, and Thor was considered an adult by all rights now.
He thought Loki should have looked different. Older. All that changed was that his hair was longer. Now he seemed barely older than Thor, his face smooth and eyes bright.
His eyes fell on the pendant and he smiled. “Hello, Thor.”
“Loki.” Thor lodged his ax into a log and walked up to the priest. “How long will you be here?”
Loki looked off toward the small temple and hummed. “I'm not sure. I've nowhere to be in the next few weeks.”
Thor's face lit up, he couldn't hide his excitement. “Weeks?”
Loki nodded and a small smile curled his lips. “I’m surprised you still remember me.”
Thor touched the pendant that say heavy on his chest. “This stopped my nightmares for a long time. I wanted to say thank you.”
“You have nightmares?” Loki asked, eyes darting back to the pendant at Thor's chest for a moment.
Thor nodded. “Terrible ones. I only sleep well if there's a storm.”
Loki regarded him with a puzzled look. “Tell me about one of your nightmares, I may be able to help.”
Thor took a deep breath and tried to shake the nervousness constricting his throat. “Sure. The first I remember having is… very violent. Just to warn you.”
They moved to the cord of firewood and took seats, Loki at his right side.
“It's alright, Thor, I'd like to hear whichever you’re willing to tell.” Loki's voice was calm and it helped keep Thor even.
“Okay. I have this nightmare that my eye is getting gouged out. They’re also cutting open my belly with a knife, and I can feel it. I can feel them gutting me and ripping my eye out of its socket. I always wake up screaming and crying from that one.” Thor put a hand to his stomach and another to the pendant. “I'd stopped having it when you gave this to me, but it came back a few nights ago.”
Loki only nodded, his eyes steady on Thor's face. “Have you ever left this place?”
Thor shook his head. “I was born here. I'll probably die here.”
A gentle hand grabbed his and Thor looked at where Loki was touching him. His skin was cold as ice and Thor felt soothed after so long under the sun.
He met Loki's eyes and felt a bit unsure of himself as his stomach flipped.
Loki smiled. “You're an adult, are you not? What holds you here?”
Thor opened his mouth, then closed it. The temple existed before he was born and it would exist after. He had no family, no friends to speak of.
Loki took his silence as an answer, it seemed, because he was quickly pulling Thor to his feet. “I can take you anywhere, if you'd like. We can work through your nightmares and make them end.”
Loki's voice was animated, his eyes bright. It was infectious and Thor found himself smiling.
“Can we leave tonight? We'll make offerings to the dead god and leave.” Thor readjusted his hand to hold Loki's, his grip tight.
An end to the nightmares. He couldn’t imagine.
Something flashed in the priest's eyes for just a moment, then he was nodding. “Of course. We shouldn't forget the dead god.”
Thor knelt at the old stone altar with Loki at his side and knew that before this moment he'd never known peace.
There were traveler’s cabins all through the woods, and Loki found one just big enough for the two of them. The cot was overly small, but Thor had slept on the actual stone floor in the basement of the temple for making trouble as a child, so he could handle it.
The night was quiet, and Thor’s chest felt tight. Loki had given him a tea made from small, red flowers that was fast putting him to sleep.
His eyes slipped shut before he knew, his ears straining to focus on the sounds of Loki moving about.
Darkness came, and nothing more.
Loki woke him early in the morning, a steaming mug in his hands. Thor sat up with a slight wobble and accepted it with a grin and a quiet thanks.
They sat side by side on the cot, stealing warmth in the unheated cabin. Late summer was fading quickly, the fall approaching too fast for Thor’s liking. Winter didn’t have the right kind of storms to keep his mind quiet.
Though, with Loki, maybe it wouldn’t matter.
Fire consumed his skin, eating away at him. He fought through it, stronger than all of them. Then the moon fell out of the sky and Thor felt his heart stop. His friend, his dear friend was dying. He could hear screaming in the distance, and explosions. They hadn’t killed the demigod, and they’d wished they had.
Hands grabbed him, yanking him back. Someone screaming his name.
“Thor!” Loki?
Thor spasmed and fell off the cot, his chest heaving and body covered in sweat. He braced himself on his forearms and let his head drop forward as he struggled to breathe.
“That… was a new one.” Thor panted.
Loki grabbed his face and forced his mind to focus. Thor slipped one hand over Loki’s and closed his eyes as he leaned into the touch. Dawn hadn’t come yet, but he knew he wouldn’t get anymore sleep.
“It was a new nightmare?” Loki asked, gently pushing him to sit upright.
Thor nodded. “I saw strange things. I was on fire, fighting someone, and the moon fell out of the sky. I felt like, like I knew him. I was heartbroken and angry, and then I felt someone grabbing me.”
Loki’s mouth dropped open as he spoke, and he took several deep breaths. His hand was shaking.
“Are you alright?” Thor asked.
Loki nodded. “I know where I want to take you, but it will be a long journey on foot. It could take us months to get there.”
Thor swallowed, not overly thrilled about the idea of camping so tired from fighting his sleeping mind. But still, what was a few months if meant an end?
“This place, it can make the nightmares stop? Are you sure?” Thor reached out and grabbed Loki’s hand, drawing idle patterns in his palm.
Loki opened his hand to give Thor more room, his eyes rapt at the motions of Thor’s fingers. “I know it will.”
A small, tired smile pulled at Thor’s lips. “Then I’ll follow you.”
Loki showed him how to forage for the valerian that was used to make the sleeping tea, as well other herbs and roots that could be used for anything from cooking to medicine. Some nights, even without the tea, Thor didn’t have nightmares. His dreams were as intense, but filled with much different material.
A blush crept up his cheeks as he watched Loki sharpen a blade, remembering the dream that woke him that morning.
He’d seen Loki on his knees, dressed in gold chains and green silk. Thor’s cock was in his hands and pressed against his lips.
Loki looked at him and smiled and Thor forced himself to look away.
They didn’t find another traveler’s cabin by the time the sun was setting, so Loki had them set camp and create a makeshift shelter. The skies were clear, so there was little worry over rain.
Loki curled into his side in the light of the fire and Thor’s mouth went dry.
“You’ve grown into a beautiful man, Thor.” Loki grabbed his hand and brought it up between them, appraising with deft fingers. “Strong, as well.”
Thor turned his hand over so his callouses faced them. “You think?”
Loki laughed softly. “Well, I don’t say it simply to give you an ego.”
He clasped his hand over Loki’s, intertwining their fingers. “I always thought you were beautiful, too.”
“I’m flattered to have made such an impression. You only saw me once when you were a child, after all.” Loki’s thumb pulled away and rubbed against the side of his hand.
Thor hummed, a smile on his lips. “You know, you never answered my question back then.”
Loki made a soft noise in question.
Thor gripped his hand tight. “Do I know you?”
Loki’s thumb stilled, and Thor could hear him swallow. “You do.”
A breath passed between them before Thor spoke again. “Did I know you before you came to the temple when I was a boy?”
Loki turned Thor’s hand around and pressed it to his forehead, his eyes slipping shut. “I’d hoped these questions would wait until we were up the mountain. There’s so little I can explain down here.”
Thor eased his grip. “But you’ll explain?”
Loki nodded against his hand. “In full, I promise you.”
“Do you know the cause of the nightmares, is that why you know how to fix them?” Thor asked.
Again Loki nodded, this time opening his eyes and turning just enough to look at Thor. “If you can wait until we’re up the mountain, I will answer any questions you have. I wish we could do it here, but I lack the resources.”
Thor’s brows furrowed. “You’re not a transient priest?”
Loki smiled and lifted his head. “No, I’m not. But I’m the only one who can help you.”
It wasn’t an answer, not even close, but Thor took it. He remembered the first time he saw Loki sitting in the dining hall removed from everyone. The priests had whispered, fearful and reverent at once. They warned Thor not to get too close, but Thor never would have listened.
Loki’s eyes and face had drawn him in, beckoned him closer and closer. Where the priests kept several paces away, Thor felt compelled to get as close to Loki as possible.
Now, travelling with him, Thor felt the same compulsion like a moth to a porch light.
The sound of Loki’s breath lulled him to sleep.
As they neared the base of the mountain sleep was a luxury Thor forgot he ever had. He woke screaming more often than not. In his dreams he was gutted again, but unlike in his childhood, he felt everything. Loki kept his face carefully expressionless, a blank slate devoid of any tell as to what he thought.
Thor was angry all the time, the way he was when he was a child. His only release was hunting, so they ate well.
Months slipped by and Thor felt like he was nearing the end of his life. This trip would kill him if the lack of sleep didn’t do the job first.
Loki could hike longer than any man Thor had ever met. Even when Thor was close to passing out from exhaustion, Loki didn’t seem phased.
They made quick progress through the forests, but still Thor could barely sleep.
He laid in bed and stared up into the dark canopy of trees. Something was wrong with him. It always had been.
A gentle hand landed on his shoulder, pulling him out of his head. Loki laid down beside him and rubbed his scalp. Thor fell asleep in seconds and slept until the sun woke him.
Loki wasn’t next to him when he woke.
“This should be the last hike. We’re almost there.” Loki told him, grabbing his arm to pull him along faster. “Just a couple more miles.”
Thor nodded and ignored the burning in his legs and his lungs.
It was a temple. The place Loki had brought him to was an old ruin, ancient looking. Walls were carved into the mountain while others had been built out from it but since fallen. Thor’s mind was silenced on this holy ground. The moon above him seemed brighter, like it was calling to him.
He whipped around but Loki was gone.
“Loki?” Thor called, but received no response.
Thunder filled the air, lightning flickering through the clouds in the distance. Thor took a breath and thought he could almost feel the electricity inside himself. Buzzing, climbing up his spine, threatening to overtake him.
He turned back around, to see if Loki was there, but all he saw was the altar.
Wind pushed at his back, shoving him. Thor frowned and took careful steps to the center of the temple ruin. A raised dais had been carved into the floor. He could see in his mind where chisels would have broken away the stone to create this.
His legs carried him up the worn steps, moving ever forward to a tomb. The lid on top had writing he felt he should know, but couldn’t read. Inscriptions littered the surface of the grey stone, pictures and other carvings telling a story. It was about the dead god. This entire place was dedicated to the dead god. Thor could feel it in his heart the way he could feel it when the priests back home sang their praise.
He pressed his hands to the lid of the tomb and pushed with all the strength in his body. It slid away and fell to the ground, cracking in half from the impact. There was no body to greet him, no bones, no armor even. Just two weapons. A hammer and an ax.
Thor grabbed one in each hand and lifted them. Then his vision whited out and he fell.
Visions filled his mind. Memory, he realized. His memory.
The way the gods split among themselves and began to fight. How he had tried to stop it, tried to keep them united, tried to beat down the shadows of rage that overtook beings he’d known for thousands of years.
Then he lost. They gutted and killed him. Except. Right.
Loki had stolen his weapons, the last remnants of his soul. Thor had thought Loki had betrayed him, but Loki had saved him. Without these weapons he never could have been resurrected.
Thor opened his eyes and found himself on his knees in his own temple, electricity rolling over his skin.
Soft steps approached, and he turned his head to see Loki coming to him.
“Thor?” Loki said, his voice soft and uncertain.
Thor breathed and sent his weapons to their resting place safe in his own power, ready to be summoned again whenever he wanted. His heart beat in the clouds above, the rhythm playing out as rolling thunder. Loki’s eyes widened.
He stood and walked to Loki, wrapping his oldest friend in his arms. “You found me.”
Loki sobbed and clung to him, fingers digging into his reborn flesh. “I’ve searched for seven centuries.”
Thor pressed a kiss to Loki’s jaw, then another to his neck. “Thank you.”
They held each other, safe under the moon, safe in the temple, safe as their lips met and their bodies came together. Thor would never allow himself to be stolen from Loki ever again.
Every god who had betrayed them would know his wrath.
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