#anyway the family get very jealous when dami chooses one of their laps to sit in
hc that damian absolutely loves sitting in his mom's lap and talia when she was absolutely sure that nobody from the league was watching them would let damian sit in her lap and tickle his belly and he'd giggle and press his face into her stomach and then they'd fall asleep on the bed together and maybe if damian could work up the courage to ask his mom will ask, "amma do you love me?" and talia would go very still before pressing a kiss to his hair and respond "with everything that i am" and maybe if damian's feeling extra brave he'll wait until talia's almost asleep before asking "do you think baba loves me too?" and talia would reach down to pinch his chubby chubby cheeks and say "he already does. from your ten little toes to your chubby cheeks." and they'd curl up closer to each other and everything will go to hell soon and the cuddle sessions might get rarer and rarer and one day dami will move to gotham but that is then and this is now and right now dami has his amma's strong heartbeat in his ears and her arms around him and a head full of dreams about his baba and everything is okay even if it's just for a little while
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