#anyway this changmin.
jinhogae · 3 months
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brother-emperors · 9 months
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And the experience of each man was peculiar. For Pompey's name and power were greater in the city when he was away from it, owing to his campaigns; but when he was at home, he was often less power­ful than Crassus, because the pomp and circumstance of his life led him to shun crowds, retire from the forum, and render aid to a few only of those who asked it of him, and then with no great zest, that he might keep his influence the more unimpaired for use in his own behalf. But Crassus was continually ready with his services, was ever at hand and easy of access, and always took an active part in the enterprises of the hour.
Plutarch, Crassus
from the vault of half finished one shots and rejected scenes! what a pair of guys! some real complementary personality stuff going on with these two!
bsky ⭐ pixiv ⭐ pillowfort ⭐ cohost
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kokobopam · 9 months
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Happy 20th anniversary to my favorite duo in the world, TVXQ! I hope we can spend many more years together!
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ugartecoco · 6 months
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drastic-mermaid · 9 months
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happy 20th anniversary TVXQ!!! (as a changmin stan i'm legally obligated to do some shitposting for the occasion)
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dakbees · 2 months
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© pH
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deobis · 2 years
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230224 Roar || Sunwoo 
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theinfinitedivides · 10 months
i have no f*cking idea what just happened in the 20&2 trailer. 10/10
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kwangyanese · 10 days
they did rising sun again.....!!!
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grimmshood · 2 months
wait no completely opposite oc lore . Ive decided nospin exist in /cycles and that cycles took place before they died . easy yo do that cause it gives me up to 2020 for the latest it couldve taken place in. its definitely during or after 2016 so they wouldve been alive at that point and i can have them as incredibly niche side lore. this also justifies me drawing them interacting qith deen and co yayyyy
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sanstropfremir · 1 year
if eric nam asked you instead of mark lee which 5 idols, out of any idols, you could put together to form a supergroup, who would they be?
taemin ten chen kyungsoo sungkyu EASY. would the group be a mess? absolutely. but would the music be insane? also absolutely.
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possession1981-moving · 9 months
da wonhajana don’t you want it huh?
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nicohischier · 7 months
pat pat i did such a good job choosing biases, three of them are 0218 bdays that’s a normal birthday to bias ratio i’m sure
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secret-code · 2 years
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》 q » whisper activity behind week #1 ♡
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perffvme · 1 year
* continuación de esto .
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" te habría invitado antes, pero no quería que aya y ki te espantaran " bromea, aprovechando que su mejor amiga aún no llegaba para pelear con él. recordando a su vez la presencia de tercero, le observa con curiosidad; era raro verlo tan tranquilo, pero sabía que no podía confiarse, kiyoung era bastante impredecible. " no tenemos ningún problema con que estés aquí, en serio no te preocupes " reitera con voz suave, depositando un beso en su mejilla. es en ese momento que ayame decide aparecer, provocando que soltara una risa. " no actúes como si fueras siempre muy puntual " molesta por costumbre, antes de responder interrogante. " no lo sé, pensé que tal vez llegaría contigo. ¿empezamos a preparar todo mientras lo esperamos? "
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apenas logra llegar a la cuenta mental de setenta y tres cuando escucha su nombre, cometiendo el terrible error de dirigir su mirada hacia la pareja. estomago se contrae y manos se cierran en puño sobre sus piernas, considerando el salir sin más y librarse de la tortura. sin embargo, parte egoísta (y masoquista, supone) lo mantiene firme en sofá, porque dejarles solos le parecía algo mucho peor. por ello, cuando ve a ayame entrar por la puerta, kiyoung siente que podría correr a ella y lanzarse a sus pies en agradecimiento. " le mandé un mensaje, pero no ha respondido " habla, voz sonando ronca y monótona. " y changmin tiene razón, es bueno tener público de vez en cuando " dice a hua, retomando previa conversación, observándole de soslayo al levantarse del sofá para tomar su guitarra. / @grccve
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jinhogae · 2 years
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btob’s minhyuk / huta about changmin
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