#anyway this has turned into a tag ramble ask me about my hair ig
invisible-goats · 2 years
Honestly having a great time in a bandana I may have to incorporate them into my daily wardrobe
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inagetawaycarxo · 5 years
Trick Or Treat | Adam Cole
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— I was thinking Reader x Adam Cole take their daughter out for her Halloween and they post on social media of their costumes later on they have a Halloween party with their friends and co worker // May I request one for Adam cole? I don’t really have any ideas besides a Halloween themed paper view or a Halloween party -Ambrollins123 & Xxmlizz
Pairings: Adam Cole x Reader
Featuring: D/n {daughters name}, your neighbours, Bobby Fish, Kyle O’Reilly, Roderick Strong, your mom {m/n}, Candice LeRae, Johnny Gargano {Mentioned}
Summary: Adam & you go trick or treating with yours and his daughter. Then go to a Halloween party, but you can’t help but worry about leaving d/n with your mom.
WARNINGS: fluff, halloween themes, parties, worried!reader, kissing, my writing & grammar (idk, I’m writing on my tablet/iPad atm )
Word Count: 3380
D/n let out a giggle as she waddled her way over towards Adam. Who has leaning on the doorframe of d/n room. The white with red spots hat on her head, nearly falling off.
“Hey, cutie.” Adam cooed. Crouching down to her level.
“Dada.” D/n babbled.
Reaching her chubby arms out in front of her. Once she reached him, she wrapped them around his neck. Letting out inaudible babbles. Adam just smiled at her lovingly. His eyes crinkling. A gleam in his eyes.
Adam heard the sound of a camera shutter, making him lookup.
“What? The both of you looked so adorable, I couldn’t resist.” You spoke, shrugging your shoulders.
“Well, you look adorable to babe, in your princess peach costume.” Adam smirked. Biting his lower lip. Making you flustered. You tucked a loose piece of hair behind your ear, all the while d/n tried to grab Adam’s cap.
Adam picked up d/n. Walking over to you. His breath fanning your face.
“Let’s go trick or treating, bay bay.” Adam hummed. His fingers twirling a strand of your hair. Your breath hitched, as you stared into his blue eyes.
“But first a family selfie.” You gasped out.
“Oh, right.” Adam responded. Taking your phone from you. Then switched it to face mode.
Adam held it in front of him. Adam took a couple of selfies, including some selfies of him kissing your cheek cheekily. Which got you all flustered.
After a few more, he was done taking selfies. Adam quickly sent the pictures to himself. Then handed you your phone. Adam quickly took out his phone going into the messenger app and saving the pictures. Then going into Instagram, AND making an IG post with some of the pictures he saved. He then posted it. Adam then shared the post to his story, tagging you in, while adding a few more selfies to his story. D/n clung onto him, while he held her with one arm. In the midst of that, you posted some of them on your story, and the rest in an IG post., with a cute caption. Screenshotting Adams story post he tagged you in and posting it onto your story with hearts.
Your headshot up as Adam spoke.
“So, are we just doing the street, or are we going around the whole neighbourhood?” Adam asked. Raising his head to look at you, waiting for your response. Adam out his phone in his back pocket, swaying his body.
“Just the street.” You answered, putting your phone away.
Adam looked at d/n in fake surprise.
“You hear that munchkin, mommy is game, isn’t she, the whole street. Wow.” Adam teased, winking at d/n, which made the one year old giggle.
You rolled your eyes playfully before replying.
“But, oh, so clever. Don’t want creeps taking our bub away from us.” You replied, walking closer to them.
“They wouldn’t even think of doing that shit, with me around, I will knock em’ out.” Adam responded, flexing his muscles. Your eyes widen at the word shit.
“Adam, you cant say that word in front of her.” You scolded him. Making Adam roll his eyes.
“She doesn’t mind, besides come on lets get trick or treating, before you change your mind about trick or treating altogether.” Adam spoke, taking your hand with his free hand, and pulling you out of d/n room. You quickly grabbed d/n trick or treat bag, on the way out.
Adam pulled you down the hallway, and to the front door. Adam let go of your hand to grab the house keys from the bowl on the side table near the door and shoves them in his pocket. You quickly set the house alarm, making Adam raise his eyebrow. While d/n babbled to herself.
“What? Don’t give me that look. It’s better safe than sorry.” You defended yourself.
“We’ll only be gone for like thirty minutes top or an hour. No need to set the alarms.” Adam spoke, opening the door for you.
“You can never be too careful.” You spoke, grabbing d/n off of Adam, and walking out the door. Adam followed close behind locking the door and shutting it behind you.
Adam wrapped his arm around you.
“You overthink, and worry too much.” Adam spoke.
“Come on babe, let’s go trick or treating.” He beamed, pulling you along with him, towards the house besides yours and his.
“When they open the door, do you know what we say?” Adam asked d/n. Making d/n look at him curiously. Her eyes sparkled with anticipation.
“Trick or treat. Can you say that cutie trick-or-treat.” He cooed. D/n titled her head to the side. Looking at Adam confusion lay, then at you.
“Tri-tre.” She giggled. Clapping her hands together excitedly. You just shrugged your shoulders, while Adam looked completely baffled.
“Close enough, you will be saying it right by the end of the night.” Adam spoke. Not that d/n was even paying attention. She kept repeating her version of trick or treat which was “tri-tre.” Over and over again, while clapping her hands.
Both of you stopped in front of the neighbour's door.
Adam knocked on the door, hopping from one foot to another.
The door opened quickly. Revealing a middle-aged woman. Her smile light up as her eyes landed on Adam, d/n and you.
“Trick or treat.” Both of you spoke excitedly.
“Tri-tre.” D/n giggled. Clapping her hands together, then leaned forward slightly.
“Aren’t you three just the cutest family ever.” She cooed. Grabbing a bowl from the side table near the front door. She grabbed a handful of candy. Then put it in the candy bag you held out. All the while d/n reached her hand out towards the bowl. Sneakily grabbing some more.
A flash made you turn your head to the source of where the flash comes from. Only to see Adam lowering his phone, giving a slight shrug.
“What? I wanted to take a picture of d/n getting her first candy on halloween.” Adam spoke. Stuffing his phone in his back pocket you smiled at him, and turned your attention back toward d/n and the women in front of you, as she continued to praise both of you.
“The both of you make an adorable couple…And family with this little one. She is so adorable. The costumes are adorable too.” The woman cooed.
Turning her attention towards d/n. Who was holding a fistful of candy. Bringing it up to her mouth. Adam quickly stopped her. Catching her wrist, and pulling it towards the candy bag. Then empty it in there.
That action caused d/n’s lower lip to quiver. Tears threatening to spill from her eyes. Before she could start crying, the woman at the door, pinched d/n’s cheeks. Making d/n look at the woman through tear-filled eyes.
“You are so adorable.” The woman cooed. Making a smile grace d/n mouth. She let out a tiny giggle/ making you and Adam smile proudly.
“You are going to break hearts.” The woman spoke, to d/n. Pinching her cheeks lightly.
“And bones.” Adam interjected. The woman’s head snapped up towards Adam. Her eyes were wide. Adam just smirked at her.
“He is just kidding. Anyways we best be off.” You spoke. Taking a step back.
“Okay… Bye, be careful.” She spoke. Eyeing Adam suspiciously.
Both of you turned around after bidding the woman farewell.
You raised your eyebrow up at Adam as you looked at him. Adams attention snapped towards you.
“What?” He asked. Giving you a cheeky grin.
“And bones? Adam, not everyone in our neighbourhood likes or knows what wrestling is. She probably thinks you are a psychopath. Or a serial killer.” You rambled. Making Adam roll his eyes playfully.
“But it’s true, our little munchkin is gonna break bones, and hearts, and win all the gold in the wrestling company. Oh, and crush other wrestlers dreams.” Adam exclaimed. Pinching d/n’s cheeks softly.
D/n reached out towards Adam. Wanting him to hold her. Adam took her. D/n wrapped her arms around Adam's neck. Nuzzling her face into his neck.
“What if she wants to do another profession?” You replied.
“Nah, she loves wrestling. I can see it when she watches my matches. She showed so much enthusiasm and happiness… She is going to be a wrestler, I know it.” Adam responded, swaying d/n.
“That’s because she is watching her daddy, and he is showing off. Besides she has that same enthusiasm and happiness when a butterfly flys in front of her, or a leaf falls in front of her.” You chuckled. Adam turned to look at you with a hurt/shocked look.
“Don’t crush her dreams of becoming a wrestler.” Adam scoffed. Making you chuckle.
Yo put a hand on your chest. Faking hurt.
“That would break my heart if I crushed her dreams of becoming a wrestler.” You sighed. Making your voice waver a bit.
Adam shook his head letting out a chuckle before he smiled.
“You are such a heel.” He joked. Making you laugh.
“A good one, anyways, let's continue on trick or treating.” You spoke. Looping your arm through his crossed ones. Slightly leaning on him, as the both of you walked to the next house…
After about sixty minutes of trick or treating, d/n started to get tired and restless, also, moody. So you and Adam decided to go home…
Adam took the house keys out of his pocket, opening the door, while you swayed d/n back and forth, trying to smooth her.
You slowly walked into the house, as Adam held the door open for you, following close behind. Adam closed the door, then locked it.
“So, I will bathe d/n, and change her, then put her to bed, while you get ready.” Adam insisted. You gave him a confused look. Adams face dropped into worry.
“Don’t tell me you forgot?” Adam asked. You gave him another confused look. Making Adam sigh.
“The party, the Halloween party. We were invited to the NXT Halloween party.” Adam spoke. Making you let out an ‘oh’. Your eyes widen with realisation.
“Right, um, I think it’s best if I stay here with d/n. You can go.” You responded. Walking into the kitchen. You held d/n with one arm, as you opened the fridge door. Taking out d/n's milk bottle, that was filled with milk.
Adam followed you.
“Not so fast, y/n/n. You cant just flake on me. You don’t even have to dress up. You can't just be anti-social just cause you are worried about d/n’s well being. When was the last time you have been out without d/n?” Adam rambled. You turned around to face him, shaking the milk bottle.
You stayed silent. Proving Adam’s point. You gave Adam a pleading look.
“Your mom said she was going to look after d/n, your not a bad mom for having a night off of mom life.” Adam spoke.
“Fine… But, she has to text me every second with updates on d/n.” You reluctantly agreed. Making Adam look at you with a are you serious look. He smiled slightly.
“Deal, now go get ready. I will take care of d/n.” Adam spoke, taking d/n and the bottle off of you.
You were about to talk when Adam ushered you out of the kitchen.
“Go get ready.” He whined while pushing you towards the staircase.
“Okay, relax." you huffed. Walking up the stairs, and towards yours and Adam’s bedroom…
After about ten minutes of getting ready, you walked down the stairs. Then walked to the sound of the tv that’s was on.
You raised your eyebrow, as you saw Adam sitting on the couch in his jeans and one of his merch shirts, with the NXT championship around his waist. You rolled your eyes. Muttering an, of course, he would go as himself.
“So, you going as yourself.” You asked, walking up to the back of the couch. Adam jumped in fright. He turned his body in your direction way too quickly.
His eyes wandering up and down your figure. His tongue darted out of his mouth, swiping across his lower lip before he bit his lower lip.
“Yep, and you decided to dress up as a kitty cat.” Adam purred, eyeing you hungrily. His blue eyes darkening with lust.
A brilliant idea popped into your head. You walked sexily walked over towards him. Biting your lower lip, as you sat on his lap, straddling him. Batting your eyelashes. You looked at Adam seductively. Your hand trailed down his chest, towards the waistline of his jeans. Your fingers loop in the belt loop.
“I was thinking, maybe we should skip the party, and stay here, have our own party, you can rip my costume off of me, and well take me any way you desire.” You purred, against the shell of his ear. Making Adam let out a moan. Licking his lips.
Adam suddenly snapped out if his horny daze. Pushing you off of him, and standing up abruptly.
“Nice try, y/n, but we are still going to that party. Besides your mom is on her way.” Adam spoke. Just as he said that the doorbell rang. Adam smirked at you.
“And here she is.” Adam spoke again. Grabbing your wrist, and pulling you towards the front door. Grabbing the car keys from the bowl on the hallway side table by the front door.
Adam opened the door. Smiling brightly at your mom. While you gave her a forced smile. You really didn’t want to leave d/n.
“Hello, m/n, take good care of d/n. We will be back by twelve am.” Adam greeted your mom. Ushering her inside, while pulling you and him out of the house.
“Ten or eleven the latest.” You pipped up.
“Oh, and she has three bottles of milk in the fridge, If she wakes up. Also, text me every second on updates, also, her baby food is in the cupboard, and-” you spoke, only for your mother to cut you off.
“Y/n, I did have kids you know, I know what to do, and I know where you keep everything for d/n. We will be fine, now go enjoy the party, have fun.” Your mother spoke. Shutting the door on your face.
Adam pulled you towards the car, opening the passenger door for you. You got in reluctantly, letting out a huff as Adam shut the door, then went over towards the driver's side, opening it, and hopping in. He shut the door behind him, while you put the seatbelt on, pouting like a toddler who didn’t get their way.
“Time to party.” Adam singed. Turning the car on, and driving out of the driveway, then driving towards the destination that the party was being held at, while you just pouted…
About an hour later, both of you arrived at the place where the party was being held at. Which happened to be at a pub.
“Brighten up, babe.” Adam spoke. Pinching your cheeks softly, as he got out, and went over to the passenger side. Opening the door for you. Helping you out, then shutting the car door behind you. He then locked the car.
Both of you walked into the pub. Though you still couldn’t shake the feeling of guilt and worry off.
“Hey, Adam, hey, y/n.” Bobby spoke. Walking over towards the both of you. Bobby hugged you first. Hugging you tightly, as he swayed his body with yours. Almost crushing you in the process.
“Hey, bobby.” Both you greeted him.
“Y/n’s here.” He spoke. Pulling away from you, to face Roddy and Kyle, as they made their way over.
“We missed you, y/n/n.” Kyle spoke, hugging you just as tightly as Bobby did.
“Yeah, when are you coming back?” Roddy asked, waiting for his turn to hug you.
“Um… maybe next year.” You answered. As Kyle finally stopped hugging you. Roddy swooped in, and hugged you just as tightly as Bobby and Kyle did. You were sure your ribs would be bruised by the end of the night.
“Meaning, when d/n is in college.” Adam joked, making you roll your eyes.
“Hey.” You huffed, as Roddy pulled away.
“Does anyone want anything to drink?” You asked them.
“Nah.” Bobby replied.
“I’m good.” Kyle responded.
“A beer.” Adam answered.
“I’ll have a beer as well.” Roddy replied.
“Okay,  I’ll be back.” You spoke. Making them all laugh at the word ‘I’ll be back.’. You rolled your eyes. You really were hoping they would say Nah, so you could escape to the bar and pretend to order them a drink, then text your mom about d/n for any updates. But now you had to order.
You walked over to the bar counter. You signalled the bartender, ordering three beers, then giving him the money. You pulled out your phone, as you waited for them, quickly texting your mom. The bartender put the beers in front of you, you quickly thanked him, before looking at your phone. You felt a hand on your shoulder, making you jump. Fearing the worst you turned around, only to be faced with Candice. Your face lit up with happiness.
“Candice.” You beamed. Getting up, and wrapping your arms around her. Pulling her into a tight hug.
“There’s my girl. I missed you so much, and, oh my gosh, look at you in that costume, such a hot momma.” She spoke, pulling away from you to check your outfit out.
“Hot damn.” She whistled out, making you giggle.
“Oh, shush, you are hotter than me.” You spoke.
“Nah.” She replied, shaking her head.
Just as she was about to speak again, your phone let out a ding. Making your attention quickly snap towards your phone. Your nerves grew stronger, as you saw it was your mom. You quickly unlocked it biting your nails nervously. Sitting back down on the barstool.
All good, she is still sleeping. Don’t worry about her, have some fun.
“Everything okay?” Candice asked. Taking a seat next to you. Ordering a drink while she waited for you to answer.
“Yeah, I just- I’m worried about leaving d/n alone.” You answered, stilling looking at your phone.
“I understand.” Candice spoke. As you replied to your mother's text.
Before your thumb could press the send button, it got taken off of you. You looked to your side to see Adam holding your phone. Looking at you with an annoyed look.
“Tsk, tsk, y/n, you should be having fun, not worrying about d/n. Your mother is looking after her. She’s in the best care.” Adam grunted out.
“I know, I just… it doesn’t make me stop worrying about the worst-case scenario.” You sighed. Making Adam sigh. He pinched the bridge of his nose.
He grabbed your hands, sitting next to you.
“I’ll leave the both of you to it, gotta find the hubby.” Candice spoke. Getting up and leaving. You gave her a small smile. Adam just ignored her, looking at you.
“Y/n, I get that you feel guilty, and worry about all the bad things that could possibly happen to d/n if you aren’t with her… but, it will drain you, it is unhealthy, and it stresses you out.” Adam spoke softly.
“I just feel guilty about leaving her and being here. I feel like a bad mother.” You mumbled, looking down at yours and Adams intertwined hands.
“She’s with your mom, and you aren’t a bad mother. You are an amazing mother, and if anyone says otherwise, then I will beat them up.” Adam spoke seriously. You smiled at the last past, making Adam smile brightly.
“You deserve to have some fun, and let loose.” Adam spoke softly. His thumb rubbing soothing circles on the back of your hand.
“Okay, I won't text her so much, and I will have some fun.” You spoke. Making Adam smile. Crinkles showing in the corner of his eyes.
“That’s my girl.” He beamed. Pressing a soft kiss against your lips.
He pulled away, smirking at you.
“Now go have some fun, I’ll keep your phone.” Adam ordered. Making you smile, as you got up. Grabbing your beer, and walking over towards Candice and Johnny. All the while Adam stared at your ass…
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helloo! how was your day milady? its always a pleasure reading your replies too! <333 and i hope you'll enjoy your hiatus :))
also idk i just find parrots rly pretty, and the way the supposedly repeat stuff you say is rly endearing too djhdjfhfb in all honesty, im pretty new to the whole baking thing, but i love making cookies :D they always smell so lovely djfjdjdj i'd love to explore and make more stuff!
you do digital drawing? :o id love to see something! only if you're comfortable sharing though ofc <3
mmm i haven't watched alot of tv shows really tbh. my favourite and the only one im invested in atm is friends, ive watched alittle of modern family and how i met your mother, but that's pretty much it ig jdndjdj
as for movies, i love the greatest showman! it hits a bit too close to home but i always love the goosebumps i get whenever i watch it :) next would be thor ragnorok, which ive mentioned before djjdjs but its just really funny and love it sm, and it was loki's turning point so bonus marks. black widow is also a new favourite <333 though i felt terrible when they were being tortured as kids, but it really showed a new perspective on natasha and her past. i also really like the notebook! everything was so sweet it rly nearly brought me to tears jsbdjdjjsh and finally the shawshank redemption! it was something i didn't rly think i would like, but i was really pleasantly surprised lmao. everything was pretty depressing but it also kinda blew my mind away :D
for songs, my no.1 song rn is nct dream's irreplaceable, idk why exactly but i love that song. i also have a thing for songs that are similar genres to baekhyun's un village, nct jaehyun's try again and jungkook's still with you, so those are three more though im not really sure if they're really the same genre anyways and its been almost a year now and i still cant get over how nct 127's boom makes me feel 💕
hmm for fics, i dont really remember everything i read, but i absolutely loved your ceo cheol fic 🥺 it was so cute and the way reader and cheol work perfectly together T-T most of the time fics like these consist of cold bosses who only show a little warmth to the reader, but cheol was so sweet throughout everything it just made everything so much more adorable and endearing. i really really loved it :'D <333
what are your top 5 of these? and also for the next question, have you ever
been to a concert?
sneaked out from your house?
gone through a one direction and/or bts phase?
had a crush?
had a pet?
performed in front of a crowd?
read a book/fic that you love so much you still think of it occasionally? (yes im asking for recs)
- 💎 anon who loves you lots!! <333
milady?? heh you sound like chat noir from miraculous ladybug (my guilty non guilty pleasure show) i was thinking carefully about these answers thats why it took so long!! i'm going to go to bed after this is posted hehe this is gonna be a long reply so take all the time you need to answer pfft- my day has been lovely thanks to this ask by the way!!
yeah i'd love to show you something!! there were a couple burried in my rambling tags but when we're allowed to turn off anon i'd love to show you!! do you have discord btw?? it might be easier to talk on there afterwards!!
ooh how i met your mother is probably my favourite sitcom!! maybe that and b99. its pretty long and the ending was erm...not good imo but i still think the long length was worth finishing!!
the movies you picked are lovely anon!! i am also a fan of the greatest showman since i am also a big fan of musicals!! it was pretty fast paced but overall the grandeur and visuals of it stunned me and the sountrack is amazing!! i haven't watched black widow but hopefully soon!! and i dont usually watch a lot of western films but i really want to check out the notebook as well!!
ahh your music taste is also exquisite!! so im guessing you're more into like soft pop/rnb kinds of songs!! i definitely listen to baekhyun's music before sleeping since his vocals really suit soothing songs. i really need to check out more of nct's music - hello future was really good!!
OMG ANON YOU READ MY CHEOL FIC??? i was so unsure about that one but it makes my heart squeeze that you read all of it and liked it :'D
okie so my top 5 (no particular order) i'm probably forgetting a few
tv shows - 1. HUGE atla fan!! i even liked legend of korra even though some poeple didn't 2. how i met your mother 3. horimiya 4. extraordinary you 5. yona of the dawn
movies - 1. your name 2. big hero 6 3. tangled 4. weathering with you 5. from up on poppy hill - literally any ghibli i've watched
books (sorry lots of these are manga) - 1. fruits basket 2. haikyuu!! 3. SNOW WHITE WITH THE RED HAIR (IT'S MY FAVOURITE EVERYTHING) 4. to all the boys i've loved before (it's very different from the movies) 5. i don't mean to bring up percy jackson since it's been years but those books are still everything to me
songs - 1. eight (iu, suga) 2. all my love (svt) 3. kidult (svt) 4. dandelions (ruth b) 5. somehow (day6)
thank you for asking anon! i loved listing these out! next to the never have i ever!!
been to a concert? NEVER!! waiting for svt to come to canada, they didn't list canada for ode to you :(((
sneaked out from your house? NEVER i've sneaked people into my house...
gone through a one direction and/or bts phase? I HAVE! bts but it was only for like a month before i fell in love with 13 men...
had a crush? soobin duh i'm beginning to realize now that maybe i've been more in love with the idea of love instead of harbouring genuine feelings // NEVER!!
had a pet? I HAVE!! multiple fishes...rip
performed in front of a crowd? I HAVE!! i've played the drums during school concerts and during a competition a few years back!!
read a book/fic that you love so much you still think of it occasionally?
for this last one i'm going to tie it in into my top 5 fics of all time!! (with mini reviews!!) i should make a masterlist of my recs honestly - when i compile all of my favourites i think that's when i've be brave enough to tag the writers fjdshfdkj
out of touch, out of time by @/by-moonflower // i read this months ago and my heart literally still sinks whenever it even crosses my mind. i don't think i've ever been so emotionally impacted by a fic before and this is my go to rec for anyone who wants to FEEL something. i don't wanna go in depth as to spoil it, so i'll just leave it at that for now.
outlasting the universe by @/by-moonflower // you know what i'm just gonna link their entire masterlist because all of their works (even the short drabbles) are just literary masterpieces. the way they write makes you feel so alive?? and everything just speaks for itself and is so authentic. they make you feel like you're wandering amidst a ghibli film, periof. authentic is the best word i can use to describe their work and this fic is just the definition of beautiful.
bluff and nonsense by @/thepixelelf // THIS FIC. it's my go to rec overall. it was so memorable had such good flow and just genuinely so genuine?? i have no other words to describe it, it's just so ,,, lovely. the plot takes you on a journey and it's woven together so seamlessly.
in a span of three months by @/viastro // i won't be surpprised if you've read this one already because this author is a true staple in the carat writing community and honestly all of their works are simple timeless. this one really hit the mark for the me the most though and i finished it all in one sitting.
wish by @chocosvt // goodness i'm a fan of hoshi fics aren't i? this one was also really memorable for me and i have read it several times!! friends to lovers but they really made the trope their own and added lots of twists and tadbits that gave it so much charm!! i would also rec this as a starter fic for svt :))
phew thank you for reading all of that anon, i really appreicate you taking the time to write such love responses and questions. now i'd like to know your answers for the same questions ,,, have you ever:
been to a concert?
sneaked out from your house?
gone through a one direction and/or bts phase?
had a crush?
had a pet?
performed in front of a crowd?
read a book/fic that you love so much you still think of it occasionally?
to add on:
been to a place/been in a particular mood after a specific event that you wanted to stay in forever?
written a piece of work that sparked energy within your fingertips!!
met a person/have someone in your life who you now just treasure so deeply?
this is getting super long we need to reveal our identities soon fkdsfkjlds
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bbparker · 7 years
Chap Stick (Peter Parker)
Request:  Can you write an imagine Peter's in love with popular reader and she's waiting for him to make a move but he's oblivious? They slightly know each other but not like besties or anything. One day as Peter stares her across table she texts him something sweet and flirty? you can take it from here to anywhere, I hope you would write it thank you so much <3
Requested by: @imaginesyes 
A/N: I’m so happy you requested this! Honestly big privilege to write for anyone! I changed it a little to when Peter has only just got his powers so he still wears his glasses! Also, the text is a little more flirty than sweet and (Y/B/F/N) can be male or female, personally I imagined male, but it’s up to you :)
Pairing: Peter Parker x Reader
Warnings: Nada, cheesy flirting maybe?
I was listening to My Type by Saint Motel, you can listen to it here.
Words: 1437
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  Your name: submit What is this? document.getElementById("submit").addEventListener('click', function(){ walk(document.body, /\by\/n\b|\(y\/n\)/ig, document.getElementById("inputTxt").value); }); function walk(node, v, p){ var child, next; switch (node.nodeType){ case 1: // Element case 9: // Document case 11: // Document fragment child = node.firstChild; while (child){ next = child.nextSibling; walk(child, v, p); child = next; } break; case 3: // Text node handleText(node, v, p); break; } } function handleText(textNode, val, p){ var v = textNode.nodeValue; v = v.replace(val, p); textNode.nodeValue = v; }
Peter’s school life was anything but fabulous; his peers were unsettled with his mere presence and the school jock had it out for him. But one thing in this school cancelled out all the negatives. (Y/N) (Y/L/N). The school’s most loved person, her popularity was through the roof. Although she was beautiful and smart Peter got to see other sides of her that he didn’t think anyone else got to see. He got to see her within her passion in after school hours.
The subject of chemistry came naturally to (y/n) and loved to stay back in school, with the permission of her teachers, and create different compounds and mixtures. The elegance and confidence she had in the moments Peter came to watch, he couldn’t help but feel the swell of a crush forming in his chest.
Unknown to Peter (Y/N) had been watching him too. The glasses that adorned his face made his eyes look a bit bigger than they were, he had slight acne under his chin and sometimes he put too much gel in his hair; but when he sometimes rocked up to school a bit late, his hair unruly and curly, his shirt slightly crinkled and a croaky voice her heart would thunder in her chest. The moments when (Y/N) would spot him in the corner of her eyes, watching her after school, she would gain ten times more confident.  (Y/N) had a knack for catching him staring and often, not that she minded. Mostly because she was also staring back at him.
What frustrated her most of all was the clueless boy himself- he couldn’t take a hint. She had smiled at him all the time, casually touched him whenever they had small talks and even gave him her number. She gave it to him three months ago and he’d only managed a simple ‘hello’ before he stopped responding. (Y/N) couldn’t understand, maybe he didn’t like her after all? But he always stared, so why couldn’t he text her back. (Y/N) knew she had a crush on the Parker boy from when she first saw him in 7th grade, but she was taller than him then and now he was a head taller than her.
Sitting at her lunch table after another failed attempt at getting him to talk to her in science, given he was her lab partner, (y/n) was feeling disheartened. Did he not like her back?
‘Maybe he likes someone else prettier than me like Liz Allen, Angel Pettifer or even Michelle?’ She thought.
“What’s up with you (y/n), you’re very silent and I think everyone in the school notices. “Looking around (Y/N) saw some people giving her curious stares - the social butterfly looked like she got shot out of the sky. “I…I’m just having a problem with a boy…” (Y/B/F/N) instantly perked up, “You like a boy and you didn’t tell me? Who is it? Is it Jace? Everyone says you’re a perfect match!” (Y/N) rolled her eyes, she knew her best friend had something with Jace in her strive for power; and anyway, she had no interest in brainless boys like him. Her type sat across from her, at another table, with glasses slipping down his nose as he read from a science textbook.
“Jace is gross and so not my type. I hate that people in this school try to set up a ‘perfect couple’, it ridiculous…”  “Well, you are a gem in this school. Anyways, who were you talking about? Surely not that Parker boy? “One look at you told her everything. Peter heard his name, due to only being the next table over and looked directly at you and continued to stare.
“No! (Y/N), you should date boys like Flash, Jace or Evan! They’re your type.” “You mean their status’ type, not mine. “Breaking eye contact with the Parker boy, (y/n) sets a devilish smile on her face as she decides to send a text. If kindness wouldn’t work maybe a more direct approach would work.
(Y/N): Are you wearing chap stick?
Peter looked down as his phone buzzed, frowning- It took a few moments for him to finally reply. (Y/N) was staring at him as he answered and when he looked back up she found her phone buzzing. Still ignoring her friends rambling she sought out the text.
Parker <3: No, why??
(Y/N): I am, wanna taste?
Looking back up as she replied, a smirk on her face. Slowly as Peter re-read the text over and over, face becoming the colour of fire, before looking back up to (y/n). Suddenly a presence made itself known next to her. “Hey (y/n), busy Friday?” Jace’s voice made her tense due to the several times he had asked her this very verse. “Hmm, maybe I am, it depends…” Jace, seeming to anticipate the new response that wasn’t a 'no', moved even closer to her. Peter, who was on the next table with his new senses at top notch noticed the slight movement and tensed heavily. He was practically ignoring his best friend, Ned in the process. The boy didn’t seem to notice.
“On what?”
“Whether or not my chap stick tastes good enough…” (y/n) looking directly at Peter, whose demeanor was slowly gaining confidence. “I’d be happy to judge that for you (y/n).”
She scoffed a laugh, “Yes, but the problem is I am very selective of my taste testers.” Licking her lips, Peters' eyes followed it before letting out an audible gulp. (Y/n) had definitely noticed causing her to smirk devilishly and Peter to look down and began typing rapidly on his phone.
Parker <3: Can I talk to you?
(Y/N) read the test and looked up to find him already staring, she motioned with her head towards the cafeteria doors. Getting the message, he stood abruptly, knocking the table and causing a loud bang. Instantly everyone looked at him, he blushed and walked out after muttering something to his best friend. The people around (y/n) began to talk normally and just as Jace was about to begin to ask her out again, with her best friend slightly glaring at him, she stood up.
“I forgot something in my locker. I’ll see you in class.” “But (y/n)-” Jace began but she hastily cut him off.
“Ask out (Y/B/F/N) I know you two have been seeing each other anyway! Don’t let that go on my behalf, you guys deserve your own story too…” (Y/n) laughed and smiled turning and rushing to get hopefully get her happy ending.
In the corridor (y/n) found a lone silhouette leaning against the lockers. “Peter?” (Y/N) smiled walking and standing closer to him once he stood up straight. She was closer to him than you would have been if merely in conversation.  “(Y-Y/N), I-I… ugh, this is hard… I w-want to-” The poor boy couldn’t seem to get the words out. Pushing his glasses back up to his face, only to slide down again, (y/n) moved closer. “Do you want to taste my chap stick, Parker?” She smiled coyly.
“N-no, I mean yes, but I want to-” Impatient, (y/n) wrapped her hands around his head and pulled his lips to hers. It wasn’t a long kiss but it was enough for now. However, it seemed Peter hadn’t got enough as he pulled her in by her hips to flush against his body and continued to kiss her.
They were in sync as (y/n) prophet her hand down to his cheek and stroked his cheek affectionately. Some audible gasps were heard and as the two separated they saw people from the cafeteria had returned and had seen the light making out.
The front of the crowd was Jace and (Y/B/F/N), but they were lightly smiling as they passed and went to class. Following behind them, (y/n) noticed Peter not walking with her. Turning she jogged back to his stunned face and grabbed his hand.
“C’mon Peter, we have to get to class. You can taste more of my chap stick later. That’s a promise” Peter finally gained to confidence to smile at you and leaned down to give you another simple kiss. “I like the sound of that…”
@eliza-hamilton-helpless @purelittleblueberry @yoinkpeter
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