#anyway this is way longer than i thought it would be so congrats if youve gotten this far
lakesbian · 11 months
How do you think Alec would have handled getting the Valkyrie treatment? Being made into a puppet in the same way that he did to other people, his sacrificial suicide being subverted by another cape who uses people as tools but in a much more complete and permanent sense, coming back wrong and having his cape identity irrevocably a part of his body and self, and no longer being able to take off the mask, is this anything?
see i've rotated this extensively in my mind before because i think coming up with how a cape's design would turn out if they got glastig uained is a really fun exercise (do that shit to lisa for some Fun eyeball body horror!!) but i'm struggling to come up with what would happen to alec :( the most obvious answer is the crown becoming like. Attached. to his head. but id ont know if that's too far out there. there's also the concept of having his face frozen in a permanent smirking expression but i feel like that would go Too tragically counter to the point of a 'surprise hes back again' au wherein he would be expected to. yknow. realize and experience some of his feelings again at some point. so yeah i'd need someone else to help me figure that one out.
anyway the actual experience of being glastig uained. if i recall correctly in ward brian says it was basically just like waking up feeling like everything from before he died was just a few days ago not Years ago so i don't think alec would care that much that someone was using his ghost or whatever for shit while he was dead, relative 2 all the other problems in his life. wouldnt even notice with the type of shit hes got going on. the big reason why this au doesn't really work is that it's just Wildly Unproductively Depressing. it seems like ciara only starts bringing random people back by the time aisha is like. what. 20?
it works Fine and Actually Thematically Interesting Well that brian is like oh FUCK youve GROWN UP when he gets back because it's relevant 2 their sibling dynamics. but it does. it does not work if alec gets back and aisha is like 20. it's just depressing. from alec's PoV it would be "congrats you've been brought back into a world where your best and only friend is too old and character-developmented for you to actually have a close connection with even though for you it feels like she was still your age only a few days ago and also your fucking shit ass siblings are here too and btw the world ended so all of the nice luxuries you were enjoying previously are not options anymore. go feed the earth gimel sheep boy." and from aisha's perspective her best friend would be back but in a monkeys paw way where he did not get to grow up with her and he's still little and sad and fucked up and more like one of his siblings that she's caring for/trying to help vs the equal best friendship she Wants but Can't Have because he is Fifteen. so now everything sucks and is sad for everyone involved. :(.
i would say "on the 'up'side this is a hot new contender for scenarios wherein lisa could feasibly decide alec is her new sopping wet fixer-upper" but she already has an even more absurd and unstable option (that one cop) so as usual alec remains background. btw he would be offended on taylors behalf that lisa had replaced taylor with victoria (who he does not like because shes annoying) and entirely oblivious that taylor had ever thought or said anything about him being sucks and utterly lacking in interiority. AUs that have potential to be funny wrt alec's interactions with the other undersiders but are wildly fucking depressing when you get to his interactions with aisha.
if we fudge a bit and say ciara brings him back like riiight after gold morning aisha would only be a bit over a year older than him so that's more doable in terms of character development and eventual reconnection but it'd still be a mess. i'm not articulating my explanation of how aisha's character development works rn and i don't feel like saying something wrong so i'll just leave it here but trust me it'd still be a mess. maybe an interesting one but a mess
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phlondie · 3 years
but also okay adding to that last post bc my tags got waaaayyy too long, i really do think its interesting to see how the dynamic between dan and phil and their fanbase has shifted post-coming out
bc i wasnt super invested in them before interactive introverts so sometimes i’ll go back to old dnp moments and realize like man... some people *really* disrespected their boundaries. like yeah that full time internet homo moment was funny, but you know how it happened bc dan had just read the word “homo” in the chat? like.... its wild to think people were actually taking the time to watch these liveshows and fucking calling dan slurs. i feel like we’ve moved worlds away to where they give us a lot of leeway to say whatever tf we want on stereo bc they feel confident enough that shit like that wont happen anymore (and i do think they have a moderator to screen things beforehand but still)
and i really do think the change started during interactive introverts, not necessarily just after they came out. I think it was something about realizing how much older we were than they expected, and how many of us are queer too, and ofc i really dont know what the demographics of their fanbase was back in like 2014 when i started watching them but i think the stereotype was that their only fans were 12 year old straight girls (which is also fine btw! but i do think it changes things to realize that their fanbase has a lot more in common w them in terms of age and queerness. but i also dont think being a young straight fan is wrong or automatically makes them unimportant)
anyway sometimes i think about all those old moments and i feel so uncomfortable imagining what they thought of their fanbase, how they felt they were perceived, and ik dan talked about that in BIG. so its really nice to have clear confirmation that they dont like hate us after all of that (not to homogenize all of us ofc) bc honestly if i’d gone through what they had, i might want to step out of the spotlight forever, or at least distance myself from youtube.
and okay theres def something to be said for it being lowkey unhealthy to be genuinely validated for some celebrities who dont know me to say that they enjoy doing liveshows where they can interact w us, or even making content that they know we like (as in joint content, like ik their solo stuff is fine but they know and we know most of us are primarily here for joint content).
idk where im going w this, its just honestly fascinating to think about dan and phil as like, a textbook case study on how stan culture manifests (in bad ways and good ones and some gray area in between)
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thelifetimechannel · 6 years
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