#anyway time to bebop post when everyone's gone to bed
astromechs · 1 year
what's honestly brilliant about cowboy bebop, among the infinite things that are brilliant about it, is that a lesser show would've developed a romance between spike and faye just because they're the male and female leads, and in a lesser show that would've been tropey, boring nonsense.
but because this series is better than that, it takes its time to really develop these two characters as mirrors of each other — or, as i keep saying, the same person in different font. faye who doesn't have a past, spike who doesn't have a future, each ghosts existing and hovering outside of time in some way, occasionally colliding (clashing) somewhere in the middle. that ghost parallel is even made explicit, as well as many others (e.g., "i'm not the cautious/delicate type"). faye and spike are the only characters who meet gren; it's faye who meets julia, not jet, and it's spike who chases after faye when she's trying to get the truth out of whitney.
the movie adds to this with vincent, who is a foil for both spike and faye, and it's no accident that they're the two characters who actually spend significant screentime with him (and also both get their shit rocked by him, so that's fun).
and it's in this, the ways that the stories of these two are inextricably linked by the narrative, the way that this is given time, space, and care to develop, the way that plays out in how they interact with each other, that you begin to see the potential for something there. part of the tragedy, of course, is that this potential will never be realized — and this is how i still have brainworms about this approximately 15 years after i watched cowboy bebop for the first time.
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illegal-spiegel · 3 years
“We hug and yes, we make love, and always just say "Goodnight" (la-la-la-la-la). And we cuddle, sure I do love it, but I need your lips on mine,” you sing softly while swaying your hips, folding your laundry before placing it onto your bed. 
“Can you kiss me more?” you sing at the same time as someone else, turning to find Faye popping her head into your room as you both sing. “We're so young, boy, we ain't got nothin' to lose, oh, oh. It's just principle. Baby, hold me 'cause I like the way you groove, oh, oh. Boy, you write your name, I can do the same. Ooh, I love the taste, la-la-la-la. All on my tongue, I want it (la-la-la-la),” you two sing together before you break off with a laugh. 
“You know this song?” 
“Fuck yeah I do! Turn that shit up!” she shouts as she dances further into your room. You drop the pants you were in the middle of folding to face her. She picks up a bottle of perfume she got you while you pick up a stick of deodorant, singing into them as if they are mics. 
“I, I feel like fuckin' somethin', but we could be corny, fuck it,” you two start again, belting the lyrics at the top of your lungs. You two spit the ‘rap’ word for word, dumb smiles on each of your faces. Just as you reach the chorus again, you see a flash of orange out of the corner of your eye. You turn to see Ed and Ein, making your smile grow further. 
“Ed! C’mere!” you shout, waving her over along with Ein who is right by her feet. She smiles back at you and walks into the room, Faye continuing to sing as she waves her over. You hand her your deodorant before you pick up your toothbrush. She doesn’t know the song, but she has fun singing anyway. 
You three sing, and Ein who is howling and barking, until you see another flash out of the corner of your eye. You turn to see Jet and Spike peeking their heads in just as Faye and Ed had done. You smirk as the chorus ends and the next rap part comes up. 
“Pussy like holy grail, you know that,” you sing, making eye contact with Spike as you smirk. He raises a brow at the words, crossing his arms over his chest and leaning against your doorframe with a smirk. “All this ass for real,” you say as you sensually turn your back to him just to spank your ass, feeling his eyes follow the motion. You giggle when you see that he is indeed eyeing you down, his eyes sparkling with lust. He’s so easy to please. 
You girls, and Ein, finish your singing party and Spike and Jet playfully applaud you three, in which you bow in response. The girls thank you for the fun before they head out to go about whatever they were doing. Once everyone has gone, Spike saunters over to you and wraps his arms around your waist. “So, what was it you were saying about your pussy and ass?” he teases, leaning down to connect your lips. 
“Oh, you should’ve heard the other part of the song,” you tease, pressing your hands to his chest. He hums and lets go off your waist to back himself up and sit on your bed. 
“Well, go ahead then. Show me,” he purrs.
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bebopwhore · 4 years
Ballad of The Nightmare: Spike Spiegel x Reader
A/N: hello! This is my first fanfic I’ve ever written or posted and I am so scared! I’m a Spike whore which is why I made this blog. There aren’t enough Spike fanfics/imagines anywhere and it kills me! Shoutout to @ificouldhelpyouforget for having the best Spike writing! If there are any other great ones I’m probably missing please send them my way. Anyway I hope people read and like this, requests are very much welcome:) would love to hear some feedback. I have a part 2 coming if people actually enjoy this!
ps There’s an episode reference and I’m aware Faye wasnt actually in the scene I talk about but it’s just for spice✨
Summary: You’re a part of the bebop crew and after seeing Spike fall from the cathedral window while fighting Vicious, you have a nightmare about the whole ordeal ending way worse than it did and go check on his injured self.
Warnings: a bit of violence, non detailed but mention of wounds, angsty, fluffy, a little language
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Vicious was running, running straight toward me with fire in his eyes. He was an animal and there was no stopping him, he was so close to grabbing my black coat trailing behind me. Arms suddenly shove me away from him and I tumble down to the ground. It was an armed green haired figure in his long brown coat. A quick scream came out of my mouth as soon as I realized what he was doing and my voice felt gone. “SPIKE NO” I managed to let out but it was too late, his gun was flung away from him. Vicious had him pinned to the ground ready to shred him to bits with his Katana. I was shooting and shooting from the ground but nothing could stop vicious. His whole body was bulletproof in that moment. In midst of his struggle Spike slowly turned his head to look at me, the katana was against his chest about to go against our wishes. “I love you” he mouthed and I had started sobbing uncontrollably screaming his name for the last time.
Feeling like she was being watched y/n’s body shot up, waking almost immediately as soon as the katana started to cut into the chest of her green haired angel. Burying her head into her hands and knees, her head continued to throb the headache from just a few hours earlier. Images of Spike’s bandaged body from his fall at the cathedral just the night before kept flashing in her mind.
She was very bitter at Faye for leaving him by himself and wouldn’t stop yelling at her once they got on the bebop with Spike and his broken bones. Every time Spike was seriously hurt he would try not to dump his whole weight on to y/n’s side but this round he did. He was nearly lifeless and it scared the shit out of her .
Shivering, she sighed a defeated puff out of her mouth. “stupid good for nothing bitch” she breathed out. She loved Faye like a sister but hated the choices that girl would make sometimes.
I sat up slowly and got out of bed. In just my night tank and shorts I threw on a light jacket and quietly stepped out of my room, closing my door slowly and being mindful of Spike resting on the big yellow couch just a few feet away. I really needed pain relievers but I also really needed to check on him. My heart ached no matter how many times ive seen him in this condition. I worried for him all the time and this nightmare didn’t help. Heading straight to the kitchen first, making sure I made zero noise I took a Tylenol and gulped it down with water and hurried to go be with my sleeping beauty
With the intention of feeding Spike if he woke up I had an orange and a water bottle in hand. I crept slowly out of the kitchen in the dark with nothing but Ed’s monitors being my only source of light. I turn the corner and there he was, bandaged like a mummy, multiple cuts on his cheek. He was snoring very lightly with his lips parted. He looked like an Angel who just fell from the sky. I frowned and sat on the coffee table barely a few inches across from him and stared. Stared into his closed eyes, begging for them to lift up. He was in a deep sleep. I took in the rest of his body and fought so hard not to touch it. I loved seeing his bare chest and collarbones any time I could, even if they were covered in gauze. At the end of his hour long workouts I always made sure I was in the living room so I could see his bare torso and pulsing veins when he headed toward the shower. Hopefully he hadn’t caught on to that. He’d always smile when he’d see me and give me the usual “take a picture itll last longer” comment. He was a flirt and so was I but we never really touched each other. Only when it came to saving the other’s ass.
I recall the time we were in Ganymede and there was a shootout in a restaurant involving this cult rat group of siblings. Jet, Faye, Spike and I were having dinner and spying on our next hit. Out of nowhere bullets started flying everywhere and the four of us booked it under the table. As soon as I got under, Spike pulled my arm into him very quickly and held me to his chest, wrapping his arms around my head to protect it. Soon his whole body consumed me. That was the first time I’ve ever felt so safe in my life. But why didn’t he hold Faye instead? Or at least the both of us? She’s a woman too? I kept thinking afterward. I didn’t ask him in fear of the moment being ruined but you can count on Faye to say what everyone’s thinking. Spike ignored her and Faye ignored the both of us the rest of that day.
I didn’t realize I was smirking til my attention was brought back to Spike’s injuries. Blood was seeping through the bandages of his left arm, I gently grazed his wrist and opened his arm up to rest on my thighs. Carefully grabbing the emergency kit left next to me I began to wrap it up some more as it wasn’t time yet to change the bandages completely. Being very gentle I studied his face for movement, but nothing. I loved tending to him, all I wanted to do was take care of him. I softly place his arm back where it was and a breath of relief washed over me for not waking him. He’d probably think I was a weirdo if he found me here right in front of him rustling my fingertips gently through his hair. Although he did like it when I would do that whenever he’d fall asleep in random places on the Bebop and I had to wake him up to go to bed. I giggled softly at the memories and missed his voice and soft demeanor towards me.
“I miss you” I whispered, my finger tips still playing with his dark curls
I noticed my legs trembling out of lack of sleep. I shamelessly really wanted a smoke. Hesitant to leave him and without even thinking I kissed his forehead and snuck into his room and stole one cigarette. His scent consumed me the second I stepped in and I wanted nothing more than to stay in there.
I walked out and promised myself as soon as morning came i’ll fly out to Mars and get him a few more packs. I never owned any which is the funny part, Spike would always just give me his when he’d know I needed one.
I walked into the dark control center and peered out into the universe and lit the cancerous thing. I turned away from the windows and lounged on top of Jet’s shogi table. Feeling my back giving out, I laid down grimacing at the slight soreness my back pleaded. Feeling an empty void in my chest I mentally begged for Spike’s precense there with me. My eyes started to water.My biggest fear was him ending up dead before I told him how I felt about him.
I sat up as the tears started streaming faster and dabbed them away with my sleeve and I proceeded to consume myself in nicotine once again. I looked to my right and peered at Spike’s punching bag. Wanting nothing more than to be sitting here watching him release his anger on it when he would do so.
A knock came from the doorway
Oh shit
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Secret Temptation: Part 1 (Spike Spiegel x OC)
A/N: I realized that I never got this posted on Tumblr. This is a random concoction of words that takes place after the TV series in two parts. I pretty sure I was in a weird mood, so this is a little out there? A little risque? I don’t know. Enjoy it anyway! I’m checking over this while watching the rhyming episode of How I Met Your Mother and it’s so hard to read these lines without a rhyme. Also, the guy from Hamilton is in this episode. *not my gif*
Summary: Vida really enjoys bothering Spike and he doesn’t mind it as much as he lets on.
Warnings: Probably some language and there is definitely some suggestion. 
Words: 1.4k
There is a second part. If you want to be tagged in it, let me know!
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Vida Bell fell back on the small yellow couch, her head colliding with the fleshy part of Spike Spiegel's lap. His eyes shifted lazily from the monitor on the table to her making herself comfortable for a nap.
"Don't you have a bed to sleep in?" he said.
"But I aim to displease you whenever I can. I can't do that from my bed if you're out here."
Spike's gaze returned to his show. "Why didn't you leave with the kid?" he mumbled.
Vida patted his knee. "You would miss me too much, Spiegel."
"Have you been drinking again?"
She laughed and closed her eyes. "I wouldn't be so quiet if I had."
"Quiet isn't what I'd call this."
"You need to hang around me more often."
"I'll pass."
"Your loss, cowboy."
The gentle hum of the Bebop filled the air between them with the sounds from the television. Vida used it to lull her into a nap. The smell of cigarettes invaded her dream space while heat spread down from her head to the rest of her body. Deep mumbling directed her dreams, the ones she didn't see. 
Peace reigned until it was rudely ripped away. Vida's head hit the couch cushion and everything faded in her dreams.
Arguing came from the direction of the hangar, nearing just as Faye and Jet came in. Vida heard something about gambling woolongs away – a conversation had daily when Faye Valentine was around. The Spike and Jet were cheerier when she left on long excursions. 
Vida turned her head toward the back of the couch, wondering where her broody pillow wandered off to.
"Is there any possibility of silence anymore?"
What was lost was found once. She smiled at the sound of Spike’s voice.
"Not until Faye quits with all this gambling," Jet growled. "This is why your beef stew has no meat, Spike."
Hands gently lifted Vida's head and her pillow returned. She sighed as something warm covered her body, probably his jacket. The bounty hunter did have a heart.
"I see she's still the apple of everyone's eye," Faye said.
"Vida has no part in the trouble you cause. She does her job and doesn't abuse the money."
"Can you do this later?" Spike said.
Faye muttered something but Vida fell back into her mind's subconscious. She still heard the unintelligible sounds of her team and they painted images she wouldn't remember when she woke up an hour later.
Spike was gone again, so she stretched and rolled off the couch onto her feet. The nap was just what she needed before she finish off her day. 
Vida had plans to use her share of her reward money to get some beef for the crew. It was the least she could do for them.
Jet came into the living space and grinned at her, "Well, it's nice to see you awake again, Vida."
"You and Faye sort out that argument?" she asked.
"You know Faye. She got mad and went off somewhere else. More woolongs will disappear and it'll start all over again. Dinner won't be much tonight. Again."
"I've got dinner tonight, Jet. Make sure you're hungry."
"You're the best damn thing to happen to the Bebop," he said. "I can't wait to see what you whip up."
"Let me grab some ingredients before we take off and I'll make sure you, Spike, and Faye eat well for once."
"Thank you, Vida. How about you bring Spike with you? He could use some time off the ship. I don't think he's done anything all day."
Vida shrugged. "Maybe. He's seen enough of my pretty face today."
Jet laughed and Vida left him with a lazy wave. Her tennis shoes squeaked on the floor as she meandered around searching for the lanky bounty hunter. 
Her first stop was the room Spike always went to work out. He wasn't there. She made her way to the sleeping quarters and bumped into him as he came out of the living room.
"You're a hard man find in this hunk of metal," Vida smiled. "You're gonna come with me into town. I'm getting things for dinner."
"I think you're capable of shopping alone."
"Yeah, but don't you want to choose what meat I get?"
Spike eyed her curiously. "You have enough for that?"
She chuckled. "I don't spend my money like you lot. I like to save for special things like good food."
He frowned. "Fine. I'll go."
Vida grinned and the two of them left the Bebop.
The streets of the city were still as busy as ever as the sun went down. Several people bumped into Vida who pushed them back. Spike watched, amused by the woman until he decided he didn't want an angry Vida shopping for dinner. He nonchalantly walked ahead of her to take the brunt of the pushing.
Vida smirked at the hunter. She wormed her way into his battered heart even though he deflected her for years. Since he was saved after nearly dying at the hands of Vicious years ago, his hardened heart softened ever so slowly. Vida guessed the loss of those that kept him in the past freed him from the dream he thought he lived. 
Boy, did she have a soft spot for Spike Spiegel.
They arrived at the grocery store and slipped inside. Vida grabbed a basket, grabbed Spike's hand, and dragged him to the meat section. Pure bliss was on his face as he stared longingly at the display case.
"Hamburgers or steak?" Vida asked.
She laughed. "I wish. If I get steaks, we can't get anything else to go with it. I know we have veggies on the ship, but I don't know if you want something to go with the meat. Hamburgers allow for more options."
Spike stared at the selection, trying not to drool over it. He sighed. "Steaks."
"You got it, boss," she winked, sauntering up to the counter to get four steaks. Vida let go of his hand to do so and rested her arm against her back, just above the curve of her butt.
The tall bounty hunter smirked at her and put his hands behind his head. His mouth stayed in its place after she turned around with the container of meat.
She raised an eyebrow at him. "What's with that face?"
He started whistling and walking toward the front, ready to leave. Vida rolled her eyes and jogged over to him to shove the food into his hands. She was going to cook, but Spike was going to be the sweetie to carry her groceries no matter his protests. She'd make sure his steak was cooked perfectly for his help.
Jet, Spike, and Vida all lounged in their seats, empty plates in front of them, including the one meant for Faye. Spike and Jet decided she wasn't coming back before it'd go bad, so they took one for the team and split it. They did give Vida a piece of each of their halves as a small thank you for her wonderful cooking.
"Too bad Faye missed out," Vida said, sitting up and stretching. She started gathering up the dishes only to have Jet stop her.
"I've got those. You enjoy yourself right there."
"Aw. Thanks, Jet. I'm glad I'm still the apple of your eye." Vida chuckled at his salute and she grinned at Spike. "Good dinner?"
The bounty hunter watched Jet leave and pulled Vida toward him. She stood with her legs on each side of his knee, her hands resting on his shoulders. His hands gripped the flesh of her thighs and he stared at up her with a smirk. Spike's lips pressed against her hip, making her laugh.
"I'll take that as a yes." She took one step back to bend over and bring her face level with Spike. "I made yours special, ya know."
"Really? There was something different about it. Now I would like to know what's for dessert."
Vida leaned in closer and tempted him with very little space between their lips. "Unfortunately, there's no time for dessert until dear Jet makes his way to bed. He could walk out at any time."
"Sounds dangerous," Spike said.
"Mmhmm." She winked at him and went back to her seat, lying out in a tempting display.
Jet came back out then, plopping down in his seat to watch television. Vida's eyes met Spike's knowingly and she stuck her tongue out of one side of her mouth. 
The lanky hunter let his chin rest in the palm of his hand with a pout on his face. Jet was too focused on his show to notice.
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