#anyway yay NEW MIC CONTENT
bumackerman · 3 years
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^ see that? there is absolutely no way you missed that disclaimer if you understand the proper way to read english. but, let’s say you did miss it... here’s this message;
if you are under the age of 18, do not interact with 18+ adult accounts, or content.
there. hopefully you got the memo. if not, then i guess, one day, you’ll have the great opportunity to be featured in this brand new series of exposing, purging, and reporting minors! i mean... yay you?
disclaimer!; do not send any unnecessary hate to any of these people! it does not solve anything, and it could get you in trouble. just report, and block. thanks.
featured today, we have (drumroll please)... @/matching-with-my-demons!
warning: this post is very long!
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alright, so i don’t actually know for sure if he’s necessarily a minor, but i do know that he’s been lying his age, and many, many other details about his life, leading to him getting caught by yours truly.
from this point forward, i will be reciting a briefed account of what exactly happened from a collective point of view of all of the victims involved.
I. beginning.
so, (and i think all of the people involved can agree,) this person is a flirt. automatically. just giving everyone pet names, talking about doing stuff with us, role playing with us, you know. nothing too extreme. i wasn’t suspicious of him at this point. i mean, i was sure he was 18+. to be fair, he did mention that he was 21 turning 22. why wouldn’t we believe him? he was speaking like an adult.
II. little lies & suspicion.
now, i’m not saying that this is impossible, but at multiple times during our conversations, he’d mentioned that he was was fluent in seven languages. seven. it’s not entirely impossible, but you’d think that if english wasn’t someone’s first (of many) languages, they’d have some sort of accent, right?
not only that, but he stated that he was six years old when he moved to america from japan, and he hasn’t moved since. i know, i know, yeah, cool he knows a lot of languages, and he’s a foreigner. yadda, yadda. get to the point.
he said that he was of asian descent, and that his parents were both japanese, and they lived in japan their whole lives. where the hell is he learning all of these extra languages at the young age of 21?
if japanese is his first language, we can cut out the time needed to become fluent in it. next, i’m ignoring english, as he would’ve had from the age of 6 to 21 to become fluent in it, but somehow he claimed he wasn’t? (let’s not mention the obvious fake misspellings and misunderstandings of simple words.) how on earth would he have become fluent in (at least) five other languages in middle school-high school?
- he claimed that he was a 6’7, 21 year old (cis) male.
- said he was a stripper, bartender, and a sex worker (we’ll come back to that later).
- sent a picture of “his” chest, but it was 100% from google or some shit.
- (not judging anyone who does) he said that his body count was 74, but literally no one asked?
- he texted us when he “got another body” tf? we don’t care. carry on, i guess. (said he went on for like 7 rounds but... what?)
- talked about getting a vibrator stuck in his ass n his roommate had to get it out for him, but once again, nobody asked. °-°
- said he could bench 200 lbs. not impressive, just thought it was worth mentioning.
- said he had the same birthday as bakugou, which, okay.. (4/20)
- he made multiple channels in the server where he could roleplay with certain people, which, i, and a couple other people never used.
III. the voice chat.
after a while of all of us messing around, the conversation started to get heated, and some of us were teasing him, including me. we decided to get on voice chat (his idea), and he started talking into the mic. all of us were very confused, as he did not at all sound like a giant of a grown man.
but, despite this, we all warily continued, until he left the call. when he left, everyone who was participating voiced their current concerns, and laughed out our nervousness. that is, until he re-joined and everyone muted. he continued doing what he was doing until he “broke character”, stating he was a voice actor and it was hard to keep up that voice because it hurt his throat. i would’ve believed him if he didn’t sound the exact same as he did when he was “in character”.
after that, we were a lot more concerned and on edge about his identity, and i started to focus more on the shit he was telling us, hoping to find out who the fuck this person really was. i stopped interacting with him in a nsfw way, and mostly observed what he was saying, just watching from the sidelines.
II. the pictures.
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not only do the skin colors just not match up, the hands in each picture are totally different people. even if you take into account the lighting differences, the undertones should still be the same. these pictures are fake.
if you look at the fingers, you can see that the ones on the right are flatter, and shorter. if the hand on the left were to hold that phone, it would wrap all the way around the device.
from a common sense standpoint, we know that our palms are always lighter than our skin tone. the fact that the hand on the left is still darker, proves that these are different people. (not that we needed proof.)
also, if this guy is so muscular, why can he only bench 200lbs? and why is his wrist so skinny?
+ to me, the phone, (right image) and the quality of the picture, looks like a black iphone 4s. from what i can see, at least. meaning, if i’m correct, that picture is majorly outdated.
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for both pictures, he flipped the image so that we wouldn’t be able to find it by just by reverse image searching. luckily, one of the people involved was able to figure that out, and told me immediately.
III. ID check.
like i said before, a lot of us were starting to get really suspicious, but at this point, i thought i was the only one that was sketched out, so i issued another ID check.
(be sure to click on the pictures. one of them is really long. also, when reading, read the date and times that messages are sent. i was trying to lighten the mood and be nice, but it was honestly so offensive that he thought i was legitimately dumb.)
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so, obviously, these ID’s are fake. not only are the pictures the exact same, but the backgrounds are the same, the outfits are the same, the names are totally fake, and just, wow. i don’t really know how he thought that was gonna slip past me.
after i called both him, and @/yourmajesty-theking out, he went into his own discord and started ranting to some of the other people involved that he was freaking out because he didn’t have his ID.
remember how i said that he mentioned he was a stripper/bartender/sex worker? why the fuck don’t you have your ID on you if you claimed you were at work that day? you can’t get in without it. °-° just- everything he was saying didn’t come together cleanly. the timeline is all sorts of fucked up.
you can’t drive without an ID, how are you getting to work? you can’t get into a strip club without an ID, how are you getting in? you can’t serve alcohol without and ID, how are you a bartender? you can’t get an apartment without an ID, how are you living with a roommate?
he told us that he moved to america with his PARENTS, and somehow his grandmother is in america now? when did that happen? if you’re gonna lie, at least make it believable.
IV. conclusion.
anyway, do what you want with this information. the people in the discord all agreed that based off his voice and the evidence, that he couldn’t have been older than 15, and at most, 16.
though he hasn’t deactivated his account, the last time he was active was april 7, 2021 at 12:39am (EST) he claims he lives in cali, so i don’t know what time that is there.
thanks for reading. i’m sure i missed a lot of stuff, but for now, this is all i could put together. also, lmk if there are any spelling errors. i’m too tired to check.
like i said, if i get any hate for calling out a minor, you will be blocked/reported, and i will not hesitate to turn anons off for the time being. besides, saying dumb shit doesn’t affect me. just makes me laugh.
- bum <3
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yourcoffindoor · 4 years
Bulletproof Heart Pt.4
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AN: YAY its finally here! Thank you so much to everyone for reading and for your patience! This is the final part of this series. enjoy <3
"Y/N?" a gentle tap on the wall outside your bunk. It was Liz. "We have an interview with Spin in like 5 minutes."
You groaned and pulled your wrinkled sheet over your face, turning away from the sound of her voice, soft and hesitant as though she were afraid the slightest noise would shatter you further.
"You guys go without me," was your muffled reply, "I've hogged the spotlight enough anyway."
" Are you sure? They'll probably be pissed the lead singer isn't there."
"Then let them be pissed."
Liz lingered in silence for a moment before deciding it was best to leave you be. It had been a couple of weeks since you'd found out about Alex's little foray into filmmaking, and a gush of old trauma had emerged new again. All the work you had put in to rebuild yourself and to forge a new life had all but crumbled away in a matter of minutes, and you isolated yourself in response.
You stopped leaving the bus because of the stares. Once rumors had gotten out that there was video footage of you doing the deed, people seemed to glance over at you before whispering insidious somethings among their companions. You didn't need to hear their conversations to know just how humiliating their words were. Things took a turn for the worse when reporters began to have the audacity to ask you about the video, probing into if you were in a relationship with Alex. It was then that you realized he had sabotaged your moment, your success, and made it all about him.
You began to miss a few shows, something you had never done before. But you just couldn't bring yourself to give a damn. Your bandmates kept their distance, realizing you needed your space; but their concern was permanently painted on their faces.
"Hey Y/N," Gavin spoke hesitantly one afternoon, "You know...Gerard's been asking about you."
The sound of his name made your heart beat quicker. You hadn't made an effort to see him since the video came out. "Oh?"
"Yeah he really wants to see you. He's worried about you...we all are."
"I'm fine." you said curtly. "I mean, tell him not to. I'm fine. I just need to be alone."
"You sure? I think some social interaction might do you some good--"
"Gavin, I want to be alone. Please."
He merely nodded before heading out the bus door, finally giving you what you asked for.
Out of respect for the fans, you managed to pick yourself for performances again, but it felt like you were merely going through the motions, your passion nearly extinguished. You became angry at yourself for feeling this way, like you were giving up on yourself and your goals. Between sadness and guilt, there was no bright side you could look to as an escape.
Then, you ran into Alex.
This was what you had really been dreading. You knew how smug he must be, knowing he must've gotten under your skin, his favorite place to be. You'd snuck out of the bus for some much needed fresh air, but you didn't need to go far before you heard your name being called.
"Y/N! wait up!" a chill shot down your spine. You didn't turn around. Instead, you began walking faster.
"Hey, hey, hold on a second--" He grasped your arm, but you pulled it back so quickly it seemed to surprise him.
"Leave me the fuck alone."
"C'mon don't be mad."
You couldn't help but laugh at the nerve of his comment. "How could I not be? I didn't even know you had filmed me. I didn't get to agree to any of this! And then you decide to make it public? And you," you said, angry tears building up to a waterfall, pushing a fist into his chest, "you are a nightmare that won't go away! Why can't you just leave me alone?"
Alex was calm-- So calm that it only angered you further. "You're thinking about this the wrong way. The publicity could be great--I mean people are already eating it up. They love us together. Honestly? I did us both a favor." He smirked, making your skin crawl. "But there's something else, Y/N. Something you should remember." He leaned forward, speaking into your ear in a low, serpentine voice, "This is what happens when you think you can go off and make something of yourself without me."
You were speechless, your stomach dropping as if it had been kicked. "You're disgusting. I'm leaving."
"Going to see your friend Gerard? Hey, ask him what he thinks of our movie for me. I'm making another one with some My Chem fans anyway." He spoke to you with your back turned, already walking away, but you could hear him smiling.
You halted in your steps, torn between slapping Alex across the face, crying, or simply walking away. After a deep breath and far more self control than you knew you possesed, you chose the latter, swiftly walking back towards your bus to isolate once more.
The sun was revolting.
That was the first thought when Gavin flung open the curtain that marked the border of your bunk, your own personal ecosystem that no one had dared enter for the past few weeks. He kneeled on your mattress and reached over you to open the blinds on your wall, and you winced as the sun struck your face like a laser.
"Merry Christmas, Y/N!"
"Gavin, its August."
"Well it might as well be Christmas when you hear what I have to tell you."
You groaned and rubbed your eyes. "What is it? I'm prepared to be underwhelmed."
"I didn't even need to open that window! There's that bright and sunny optimism we've come to know and love."
You hit him with a pillow. "Out with it."
"Alex got--"
"ALEX GOT KICKED OFF WARPED TOUR!" Liz shouted, bursting into your bunk from out of nowhere.
"What the hell Liz! I wanted to tell her!"
"Too slow!"she teased.
Your head was reeling. "Wait, wait, wait....what? How?"
"Don't know all the details but it definitley had to do with his...activities. Turns out he was asking underage fans to flash him and his band to get backstage and shit. Someone snitched I guess, thank god. The whole band's been kicked off and banned from Warped tour.
For the first time in forever, you laughed.
You practically cackled. You laughed so much that it felt like you couldn't stop.
"I think we broke her." Liz muttered to Gavin.
"That's fucking amazing." you said, wiping tears from your eyes.
"It is, and its good to hear you laugh again." Gavin said. "Come out with us later, to celebrate."
"I will sometime, but I'm still not quite ready. People are gonna try to ask me questions, I just know it. I'm still not up for it."
Liz and Gavin nodded. "We'll be here when you are."
Later that afternoon a few quick knocks sounded from the bus door. You debated getting up to answer it, but human interaction was the last thing you wanted right now. There were a few more small knocks; and you able to ignore the unwanted visitor until, after a moment of silence, something slid under the door. Once you heard their footsteps disappear into the distance, you peeled yourself from your nest on the couch to investigate.
It was a white envelope with your name scrawled across the front. You hesitated for moment, wondering if another piece of your past was about to jump out and bite you. But after steeling yourself you pressed on, your fingers swiftly retrieving the mysterious contents.
You immediately smiled. It was a card with a drawing of you on the front, in a style that was unmistakably Gerard's. You were on stage wailing into the mic, confidently waving your middle finger. You couldn't help but laugh.
Fuck em all. The world needs you out there. If you're feeling up to it, come to our set tonight.
Hope to see you there.
You closed the card and reveled in the much needed buzz of happiness it gave you. Gerard. You thought he would've have been angry with you since you had all but ghosted him these past few weeks, but that clearly wasn't the case. Your legs wanted to run after him, but you as you were covered in dorito dust and sadness, you decided to stay put. You'd make yourself somewhat presentable and then see their performance tonight.
You stood just off stage,  just hidden enough in your oversized hoodie to feel comfortable. Right before they began their set, Gerard turned and saw you, eyes widening with a glad surprise as though he hadn't thought you'd actually come. His expression quickly melted into a welcoming smile, and you couldn't help but break out into soft grin of your own.
The band greeted the crowd, already energized and cheering them on. You'd expected them to launch into a song, but instead Gerard began speaking.
"This is a special set tonight guys, because someone very important to me is here. Someone so strong, so kickass that sometimes I wonder if she's even a real fucking human being." He glanced over at you, eyes electric and impassioned, immediately i heat rise to your shrouded cheeks. "Well some asshole tried to hurt her. Tried to make her feel small. But I want her to remember she's too fucking amazing to ever let someone make her feel that way."
You could feel the sting in your eyes as tears began to build.
"And that goes for all of you out there, cause these same assholes have been messing with fans too. So if you ever see shitty ass rock dudes in shitty ass rock bands asking you to show them your tits for backstage passes, I want you to spit right in their fucking faces and yell 'FUCK YOU!”
The crowd went crazy, and you couldn't help but let out a small cheer as well, despite the tears streaming down your face.
"Y/N," Gerard breathed, "This is for you." and with that, the band launched into one of the most passionate sets you'd ever seen. You stayed for it all, loving every moment. As soon as it was finished, Gerard thanked the crowd and made a beeline off stage, directly where you had been stationed all evening.
His eyes were dancing with happiness at the sight of you, pumping with the adrenaline of performing, sweat still dripping from his dark hair. "Hi," he said,pausing for amoment as though he was holding back from so much more, "you came!"
"After the invitation I received? How could I not?"
"So you liked it?"He beamed, his cheeks, pink from exertion, reddened further. "I wanted to do like a mini comic but I ran out of time." As he grinned, fresh crimson gleamed from a small split in his lower lip. What you thought had been makeup turned out to be a genuine injury.
"You're bleeding." you observed softly.
His brows furrowed in confusion, a finger darting to his lip. He dabbed it, smearing blood onto his chin.
"Damn, again? Don't worry, it's nothing."
You didn't hesitate to grab a tissue from your pocket, step forward and gently press it against his cut. He looked down at you with affection, causing you to look away as your heartbeat picked up its pace. Instead you analyzed his face and noticed it was patterned with small bruises.
"Doesn't look like 'nothing' to me. What happened?"
It had been just the two of you speaking intimately just off stage, but crew and media began pouring through and milling about the area. You realized just how close you were standing to Gerard, and pulled your hand back when you noticed people watching. A pew passerbys patted Gerard on the back, offering their compliments of the band's performance. He quickly thanked them, barely turning his attention from you, afraid you might run off. He grabbed your hand, leading you to a quiet area.
"I may have gotten into a fight."
"What!? You don't even leave your bus, how did you get into a fight?"
"I had to. Someone very important to me was being hurt."
You stared at him for a moment, putting the pieces together in your head. Gerard knowing about the video, Alex's sudden departure from the tour...
"Gerard, you didn't."
"I did, and I'd do it again, Y/N. Besides, you can't say he didn't have an ass-kicking coming to him."
You let out a soft laugh, but your vision began to blur as tears welled. A swirl of emotions welled inside of you, tumultuous and much more than you had anticipated feeling tonight. You were touched that Gerard was so concerned about you. Embarrassed that he had to get involved at all. Glad that he did, after all.
At the sight of your tears, he stepped closer. It was him now who tenderly wiped your face, brushing away stray tears with his thumb.
"Jesus, Y/N, I can stand a few punches to the face but I can't stand seeing you cry."
That was all you needed to hear to get oceans pouring from your eyes instead of streams. You embraced Gerard, burying your head into his shoulder. Gerard folded his arms around you in response.
"Y/N I want to tell you...I mean I hope you know...just how important you are to me and how I feel about you. You deserve to be happy."
"You're so nice to me that I almost don't know how to process it." you admitted beneath an awkard, tear-ridden laugh. "Thank you. You need to know you're important to me too. I..I just--" You planted an aggressive kiss on his cheek, unable to express your myriad of emotions in words.
"There, I think that expresses everything."
"Everything?"Gerard asked, brushing a strand oh hair behind your shoulder, "There's a few points I'd like to add."
His hand cupped the side of your face and your lips met, softly at first, a salty mixture of tears and coppery blood. The kiss quickly deepened, caught in your own world, unable to get enough of the taste of each other. That is until Gerard winced and pulled back, blood dripping from his lower lip. His cut had only deepened from your exertions.
"We'll have to postpone this until that's better." you said, handing him another tissue.
"Damn. Kinda regretting that fight now." He laughed.
"Don't regret it. Besides, its not an entirely bad look on you." you teased.
A bashful expression crossed his face as he brushed his hair back from his face.
"I hate to say it but I have a press thing to do in a few minutes with the guys. Meet me in my bus later?" He said, offering another peck on your cheek.
"I'd be crazy not to." you replied, ambushing him with one final hug before he walked off.
You realized something immediately. Despite everything, the heartache, the surprises--you regretted nothing. And as you lifted your fingers to your lips, still buzzing from impact, you knew this had been a tour that changed your life, after all.
Tomorrow, you'd be back onstage, ready to begin again.
Taglist: @pacifymebby​
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eng-hypnosismic · 7 years
Buster Bros Interview with Animate Times
Check it-- Animate Times February Interview!
Another article for everyone’s beloved brother division, Buster Bros! Be sure to check out and support the original article as well!
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Aiming to elevate “Hypnosis Mic” to the level of the Kohaku Show! Interview with the three brothers of “Buster Bros!!!” - Kimura Subaru-san, Ishiya Haruki-san and Amasaki Kouhei-san
“Hypnosis Mic” - The unique mix of Hip-hop and the 2D world which raised waves of interests. Each Division released their own single about themselves, and now the Division Battles will soon unfold. Before that, “Hypnosis Mic” has already had various exposure and developments. How do the voice actors feel about this success? This time, we interviewed the cast of Ikebukuro Division, the three brothers of “Buster Bros!!!” -Kimura Subaru-san, Ishiya Haruki-san, and Amasaki Kouhei-san with this question in mind. How did they transform after rising to such huge, unprecedented popularity?!
Rap moves people’s heart —— Thank you for coming today. I feel that “Hypnosis Mic” has recently become really famous, have you ever noticed the popularity of your own work?
Amasaki Kouhei-san (hereafter, Amasaki): At first, the “Hypnosis Mic - Division Rap Battle -” MV was uploaded onto Youtube. And then it suddenly trended. When I saw that it was in first place, I was shocked (laughs).   I’ve never done something like “Hypnosis Mic” before, so I couldn’t predict what would happen. I remember being very happy when it placed well. I felt like “Maybe this could be some awesome content...?” (laughs). I was very grateful.
Ishiya Haruki-san (hereafter, Ishiya) : I was also told about the MV by the people from my company. They were all like “I saw you rapping!” I was surprised because the word “rap” is rarely mentioned in this industry. We also appeared in the MV, didn’t we? I said, “Isn’t Kimura-san a diligent rapper?” (laughs). Since I appeared after him, someone told me, “You are too plain...” I felt determined to diss him (laughs).
Kimura Subaru-san (hereafter, Kimura) : No no, we’re all cool, since we’re from the Ikebukuro Division (laughs). We are MC’s with pride.
 —— This was the first time Ishiya-san and Amasaki-san have rapped, yes?
Ishiya: That’s right. That was the first recording.
——Even though it was the first time, I remember being surprised by how well it was done.
Kimura: That’s why it surprised me too (laughs). I thought we wouldn’t be able to do it so quickly, but it only confirmed the greatness of voice actors (laughs). As expected, voice actors have good hearing. All that’s left now is to keep up the attitude. I tip my hat to them. Anyhow, it’s really taken form.  As you continue to do it, you add emotions to your rap through your character, so that the words stand out more. Voice actors know how to make a word stand out and how to put emotions in the lyrics. So when I think about it, for me, voice actors are amazing, but at the same time, they are a bit inferior (laughs). I’m joking, they’re amazing indeed. This is one of the contents in which I can compare the rappers. The response was too big, so of course, it is surprising. When people listen to the songs of “Hypnosis Mic”, they might feel “Finally, a taste of hip-hop!” “HiGH&LOW” became a hot topic, so it is finally the era where yankees are popular (laughs). It was the era of Herbivore Men before, and now it seems it's time for tough guys to be popular again, so there’s no way to bypass hip-hop.  
Thanks to the “Voice actors will Rap” breakthrough, I feel like it was possible to broaden the mindset of “It’s okay to listen to hip-hop”. I felt super excited sometimes, the first time was when I saw the number of views on Youtube, the second time, was how the public reacted to the events, when they raised their hands. When I look on Twitter, I see the fans say things like, “I don’t have a favorite, but I can’t hate the others you know?” “No, no what are you talking about, there’s one right there.” There seems to be some dissing going on among the fans (laughs). Seeing that, made me aware of the greatness of “Hypnosis Mic”.
A dance & vocal group, a entertainment project by EXILE TRIBE centering on EXILE. Besides TV dramas, movies, cartoons and animations, they also release music and hold experience events.
——You really do feel like cheering on the MC battles, it’s like this feeling was born around it. What do you think is the reason for such excitement?
Kimura: Isn’t it because Hayami Show-san (Jinguji Jakurai) is doing rap? (laughs)
Everyone: (laughs).
——That’s for sure (laughs).
Kimura: I already thought there’s something bigger (laughs). Afterall, it seems like it is unprecedented.
Ishiya: Maybe because it’s possible to feel the likelihood of it. Just from the first video, there wasn’t a unfamiliar fragment. There’s a feeling of expectation that makes you get into it, in my opinion.
Amasaki: The hip-hop boom began a few years ago and I think this is the perfect time. Those who started liking hip-hop recently and those who like anime and games, but have never had contact with hip-hop, can equally enjoy it.   I particularly like anime and games, so I like “Hypnosis Mic”, it may be because it was my favorite 2D world.
Kimura: “Hypnosis Mic” came from us who love hip-hop, so since there are plenty of rude words, it feels like it’s now or never. As a hip-hop lover, I want it to become huge. No matter how popular Freestyle Dungeon (2) is, I thought it would disappear after some years. But someday I noticed that it was doing pretty well, it seemed like people started searching for old CDs. I saw this vision.
But, when I talked to the staff members, they were counting on me (laughs). It was amazing, of course. So I felt like I was jumping up and down. It’s also nice that it’s not a solo battle; the teams are made of three people. For instance, if fans of Jiro (Yamada Jiro) are watching a battle and Jiro-chan is losing, him losing as only a part of Ikebukuro Division would make the fans feel less down. Fans wouldn’t want to see their favourite character losing, but if the defeat is shared by the whole team, it’d probably be easier to accept. The feelings of fans were well-considered.
And this is not just by chance. It’s unreasonable. So now the excitement is about “It will be like this” (laughs). Anyways, the excitement of the audiences is amazing.
※2:Freestyle Dungeon
A variety program broadcasted on TV Asahi. The appearance of rappers who have “Freestyle” battles, which requires improvisations of popular songs, have become famous amongst young people. It’s also one of the programs that shows the excitement of hip-hop nowadays.
——Has anyone ever directly said something to you?
Kimura: “Check it out, yo” (laughs). I also meet people that suddenly go “Thanks~”. And also some who say “What’s up” (laughs). It’s nice to see our audience using hip-hop slangs.
Amasaki: It feels like the distance is shorter now.
Kimura: A few times, they say “Yay~!” and high-five me (laughs). Once someone told me “I listened to the song” and I felt good.
Ishiya: I also got some letters. And in Twitter replies, some people would regularly reply with rap. I thought the girls who rap are amazing (laughs). And it’s not only girls, but some guys reply with it too. Kind of “It’s regrettable, but I’ll try my best”. Initially, the male rap fans seem to think that we’re “just that”. Then, I got a letter saying “Voice actors are supposed to sing, aren’t they? I’m amazed.” And with that I felt surprised and glad.
Kimura: I once received a direct message on Twitter saying “I am always ready for battle, please let me join Ikebukuro Division!” (laughs). And he’s a high school student so he said, “I’m also doing rap in high school and I got some reputation for my lyrics, I think I can show a sharp rap in the battle scene.” At first I thought “Don’t be conceited!”(laughs), but he was super passionate, and even sent me a YouTube link of his own rap. Such approach exists. Isn’t it amazing? The reaction wasn’t simply “I watched it”, “I like it”, nor “It’s cool”, but “Let me in, please!” (laughs). It’s absurd, but I thought I was one of the influences.
 ——It’s something you’re longing for, isn’t it?
Amasaki: I think that we have a lot of power. Whether it’s the power of a movement, to write an e-mail with rap, to use the rap terms... That’s what I put in a direct mail. I felt that I was moving a lot of people. Rap says that the power to move people’s heart is amazing.
As Someone Who Does Hip-Hop—— Have your impressions of “Hypnosis Mic” changed after working on the project?
Ishiya: My impression hasn’t changed. Since the first time I went to the recording studio the staffs’ intensity has not changed, even now they’re still on fire. It was as if I was burning (laughs). At the very beginning, we too, of course were very anxious. I think the staff must have been anxious too, but they didn’t show it at all. Because that intensity is always there, for about half a year it was like a machine gun, “Next one! Next one!” is it not coming out? It’s amazing, isn’t it?
Amasaki: Also, we didn’t think we would become regulars on the Nico live broadcasts. I think doing character rap battles, in a good way, granted me the privilege of trying out various things. I got to use the dummy head mic for recording, and tried a lot of new things; it was really fun.
——Has your perception of rap changed?
Kimura: My awareness has changed just a little bit. The songs I usually listen to are now used for collecting ideas, since then I’ve been listening to hip-hop as someone who also does hip-hop. Being involved with “Hypnosis Mic” means that I’m no longer a fan. Becoming a rapper myself of course means that I can’t be fan, right? That’s why it’s a great way of saying it, but listening as a kind of rival or listening as a teacher makes me stronger. It’s like looking for songs that give off a feeling of “Please teach me about rap”.
When it comes to the rappers’ characteristics, I started analyzing common phrases and such. “So with this person’s coolness and this person’s coolness all put together, then it can be super cool!” Something like that. So I began to do my research.
Amasaki: Because I was late touching up on hip-hop culture, it’s still a few years too early for me to get a feel for it, but still, my impression from then is much different from my impression now. Hip-hop really is still underground, it’s kinda bad.
Kimura: No, it’s super bad (laughs).
Amasaki: (laughs). There is that image, there are a lot of explicit words used, I really did have a scary impression of it. Since joining “Hypnosis Mic”, I’ve started to like rappers that don’t use lies. I really like raps with feeling. That's how it is; disses aren’t always insulting, and fighting doesn't have to be fighting. Even I’ve seen rap battles, it’s not just throwing raps at each other, there’s a proper handshake at the end. There are also proper rules in place; out of all things, what they were doing really changed my impression.
Perhaps I don’t know everything, but up until now I thought it would be good not to be afraid of touching upon it.
Ishiya: For me, “Hypnosis Mic” is the first time I’ve touched upon rap. That’s why the first time I heard it, my ears couldn’t keep up. It gave me a feeling like “Eh? Eh?” (laughs). No words came to mind. So I thought about adding rap to my daily life, I watched “Freestyle Dungeon” to try to understand how the rapper’s song always flow with such intensity. Yet, at home I mostly play songs that are calming (laughs).  And then, before I knew it, my ears were able to keep up. Both Amasaki-kun and I came up with the same opinion by ourselves, like when your opponent puts you down and you look clearly for a way to stand back up, to mutually respect and praise each other is the kind of rap I like a lot.
After all, I had a scary image of it to begin with. I easily thought it gave a “Yay~!” like feeling. But that wasn’t it. If you look properly and logically there’s a punchline. It’s as if there’s a story waiting to be completed; in between the disses there is always a story. And, the people that love rap look like they’re playing as a team in hip-hop. That’s why I think, as a member, it’s important to take to heart an emphasis of teamplay. I understand that there are things you can do with words by turning them into rap, my view on rap has changed greatly.
——I see. As expected, the two of you began listening to rap.
Ishiya: I have. It’s become part of my daily life now.
Amasaki: Until now, I really tried not to familiarize myself with it (laughs). I thought it would be nice to think that it was cool. I think it’s a good thing to be able to truly say how cool it is.
Why not go with everyone? —— Since the conversation topic has changed, and since the three of you are together, please tell us the PR point of Ikebukuro Division.
Kimura: Uhh... A sense of security (laughs). If it’s something Ikebukuro Division has and the others don’t, it’s a sense of security. I mean, they’re never going to betray each other (laughs). Calling it a bond sounds a bit weak, but these three will never betray each other, nor will they lie. In that sense, our point is how we’re so united. Like Yokohama Division would totally betray each other (laughs).
Ishiya: Because they’re corrupt (laughs).
Kimura: Yeah, yeah (laughs). That’s an important part of Ikebukuro Division, along with being their strength.
Ishiya: The bond of blood is strong, isn’t it?
——Compared to other divisions, their sense of unity feels more innocent.
Kimura: It’s because we have a supernova. Saburo is a middle school rapper! (laughs) Way past a newcomer. Way too strong (laughs). Middle school students who can fight against adults are cool. His future is worth looking forward to (laughs).
Amasaki: Thank you very much! (laughs)
Ishiya: Also, the names are easy to remember. Even the people who say “I can’t remember names” are sure to be able to remember Ikebukuro Division.
Kimura: However My mom is super oblivious (laughs), she kept saying, “I can’t remember their names”. So when I told her “It’s okay if you remember them as One, Two, and Three,” she remembered them as, “Ichitaro, Nitaro, and Santaro”. She was so close, but it’s not that rule (laughs).
Everyone: (laughs).
——That’s (laughs). I feel that when you first hear about “Hypnosis Mic”, you think of Ikebukuro Division.
Ishiya: While the music is strong, it’s also standard, so there’s a sense of security. It’s also a great introduction.
Kimura: These three are a team, but their personalities are the most different. So there’s a good balance as a team. While every team has a team color, Ikebukuro has red, yellow, and blue. It’s like all of “Hypnosis Mic” is displayed in Ikebukuro Division. Since this team has that kind of root, after listening to Ikebukuro Division, you have to listen to all of “Hypnosis Mic”. It’s like going ahead and passing us (laughs).
——Some time has passed since you’ve become a team, have your opinions on each other changed?
Kimura: It has, a lot. Lots and lots.
Ishiya: There wasn’t any for me. I first thought they both have strong hearts, and wouldn't flinch easily and I was right. You can see a glimpse of it. They keep a firm hold on what they want to do. After seeing their strength, I thought I should show my strengths as well.
Amasaki: Me too, my impressions on the others didn’t change, but I didn’t expect to like hip-hop this much. I never really touched it, so I could have missed out on something I came to love. So I’m glad I’m involved in this production.
Kimura: Everything changed for me. First of all, the raps are quickly improving. It shows in the recordings along with the freestyles we do during lives. There are some people who say “I like it” but don’t listen to it often. But these two listen to it a lot (laughs). They really do. So it’s not the fake type of love, but true love, and they fall deeper and deeper into it. When these two say they love hip-hop, it’s no lie. They keep searching and searching for more.
It’s quite rude, but honestly, at first I thought they were not fit for hip-hop. But it was nothing like that (laughs). They became great rappers. My thoughts in that area changed. Now we have a bond that can’t be compared to anything else.
——Is that why a part of you is excited?
Kimura: It’s very exciting, since I had no idea where it was going in the beginning. I thought they would definitely say, “This guy is annoying” (laughs). But these two accompany me, and say things like, “Recently I’ve heard that-”, and we talk about hip-hop together a lot. Things like that make me happy. I’m really sorry I had filtered out everyone like that. Everyone was genuine (laughs).
——(laughs). We didn’t hear most of your story, but it’s about time to wrap up. Finally,  please leave a message for the people who are enjoying “Hypnosis Mic”.
Amasaki: I was really pleased with the large response. At the same time, since it is reaching the eyes of so many people, I have to properly push myself and show how much effort was put into it. It’s a bit different from pressure, it’s like motivation. I would like to grow with the characters, and I hope to stay as the three from Ikebukuro Division, so for everyone to enjoy and for me to keep working with “Hypnosis Mic”, I will do my best.
Ishiya: With “Hypnosis Mic” I found myself to love hip-hop. And it became a part of my daily life. Also, just like Jiro, I don’t want to lose to Saburo (laughs). We don’t want to lose to each other, so there’s a part of us being good rivals. Additionally, I don’t want to lose to the other divisions. To do that, we must become stronger, since we are lacking in many areas. But I think wanting to continue as the three of us is a motivator. So, to the people who are cheering us on, I want people to listen and fall in love with the songs.
You can use us as a springboard to jump further and further into this world. I, myself, am still in the midst of jumping in, so I hope you use “Hypnosis Mic” as a gate into other opportunities. So, as the gate, I believe we have to hold ourselves up firmly. We just started this year and we hope to hone our skills to defeat our brother (laughs). I hope you support us.
Kimura: I believe in the possibilities of “Hypnosis Mic” and will fight the big mouth of hip-hop (laughs), I plan to change the Japanese music industry; so will everyone change it together with me? (laughs)
Everyone: Yeah!
Kimura: I feel like everyone will change it with us. I want to appear on Kohaku Uta Gassen (1) (laughs).
Ishiya & Amasaki: Kohaku!!!
Kimura: (laughs). Climbing higher and higher, like Kohaku. I want us to be like that. “Hypnosis Mic”’s All Stars was also appealing. Well Kohaku Uta Gassen is just a checkpoint (laughs). I feel like we should reach that first, though. Please support us! Or rather, would you like to reach it with us? In that way, we hope to work with you.
——Then please let us interview you when you reach Kohaku (laughs).
Kimura: Gladly! (laughs) But I think we’ll say the same thing as we did today (laughs). “I never imagined this would happen... (shaky voice),” or something like that.
Everyone: (laughs hard).
——(laughs). I look forward to it! Thank you very much!
1. 紅白歌合戦 Kohaku Uta Gassen, is a music program/variety show that happens yearly every new year’s eve. It’s arguably THE biggest regular program in Japan. “The honor of performing on Kōhaku is strictly by invitation, so only the most successful singing acts in the Japanese entertainment industry can perform...Even today, a performance on Kōhaku is said to be a big highlight in a singer's career because of the show's wide reach.” (Wikipedia)  
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elizabethschoices · 7 years
The Freshman, Book 4, Chapter Four: My Thoughts
So like, why bring luggage in the place if you were just gonna leave the next day? Seriously, save the arm work and just grab a few clothes to wear to bed and then to get dressed in the next morning. I’m either efficient or lazy.
So we’re going to go to a club, and apparently we gotta get there early because it fills up fast. Chris says we just had lunch, but then James explains that it’s in Manhattan, which is two hours away, more with traffic. Which means we gotta go now.
Someone texted James, and he got all frowny-faced. Who is it? Is it Yasmin? Some other chick? MOFO WE JUST BROKE UP LIKE?!?!
It’s his friend Teddy (Let’s have a game on the Teddy Picker) and apparently ol’ boy is trying to make it big in comedy. He invited James to open mic night. Apparently James has to rain check for poor timing. And I’m sitting here like bruh, fuck the club let’s go have a laugh.
I’m up for some comedy. Aww, Chris mentioned Tyler. I miss him! He’s always been a sweetie and a good friend. I wonder how he and Abbie are? Hopefully the exact opposite of Zack and Brandon.
Yay, we’re gonna go see a show! I’d much rather go to stand-up than some stupid club that’ll be jam-packed with too many people.
By the time we get to Soho, it’s late afternoon and walking through the streets. Judging by how Zig and Zack (lmao alliteration buddies) are talking about how casually everyone is dressed, I sense a premium clothing option coming up. Yaaay.
So we get to the club and apparently it’s some kind of secret shit because James knocked and then a god damn eye slit opens up. They want a password.
Hello, The Freshman, allow me to introduce you to some bullshit trope we used in Rules of Engagement.
Whatever. Now we’re in the club and Teddy is on stage now. He was kinda hot until I lifted my iPad up a bit and actually looked at him.
Also, I don’t care what your joke is. If it ends with the punchline being ‘floundered’ then your joke isn’t fucking funny. Oh god is this guy gonna flop? Are we gonna have to act like we think he’s hilarious?
Apparently Teddy is actually pretty funny. I’ll believe it when I see it.
This game stresses me out sometimes. So we ditched a club for a comedy show and missed his show? Or did he finish it out and we got to see the rest? I’m lost and a detail-oriented person, Pixelberry.
Yeah, I’m not a fan of yours, Theodore.
So if we’re good friends of James, what is Teddy? Absolutely none of these options, that’s what. Whatever, I’m single so I’ll flirt. He’s *shudders* easy on the eyes.
Yeah, no, I take it back. He’s not hot and he’s damn sure not funny. His jokes are old and stale, and I can’t actually hear his delivery so it’s technically not applicable, but in my head that sucks too. He’s a god damned Amy Schumer.
I like him more when he’s not trying to be funny. We shake hands and then he squeezes into the booth. Together we all watch other stand-up artists perform, and then the emcee asks if anyone else wants to perform.
MC volunteers Zack (heh puns sort of whatever Tyler would appreciate it) who says he’s not that funny. I think he’s pretty humorous. Zig is probably funnier though, tbh. But Vasquez gets top marks.
(“Top marks for not tryin’!”)
Chris is such a Mary Sue, omg. Knock everyone’s socks off? Who says that? Ngl, probably me at some point.
God dammit MC I can’t be funny on command. I’m just a salty bitch. Oh fuck I brought the joke book no. This dumbass thinks a fucking joke book will woo the crowd who came for funny shit, not stupid, unoriginal stuff THAT SOMEBODY ELSE CAME UP WITH AND EVERYONE ELSE KNOWS. I hate my MC.
Ohh, roasting. My area.
I. Love. Zig.
The group is okay with it so we head onto the stage. Thank fuck she’s not gonna read out jokes from the book. I’d have deleted the app, s2g.
Yet implies we’ll be roasting ourselves. Well that’s no fun, having self-awareness. Breaks up her narrative without actually developing the character!
They say intelligent people have a hard time finding love. They say the same thing about assholes.
We’re gonna roast Zig because I’m sure there won’t be any ties to my failed relationship with James because that’d just be too hard.
Someone should pull MC off the stage because this is not funny at all. Ever noticed that when you try to do humor, you aren’t funny? But when you’re not, you can be hilarious?
Jfc so what you’re the Deborah of the group also what happens if you’ve named your MC Deborah? #NotAllDeborahs
I wear low-riding jeans, thank you very much.
Not funny, 0/10, thumbs down, DO. NOT. RECOMMEND.
Zack decides he’ll get on stage and I hope he’s actually funny. I don’t have high hopes. It’ll probably turn into a meltdown about Brandon and the single life.
Sad music and talk about being single already. Fucking A, man. Hopefully it perks up.
No audience would say 'tell me about it’ about this shit, you cannot fucking play me Pixelberry.
I gotta lay off Louis C.K.
Zack has probably from the minute we met him been all about Brandon. What does he actually like? Idfk. Outside of Brandon, who is he? His entire story arc seems to revolve around crushing on Brandon, being in a relationship with him, struggling with long-distance with him, and then finally missing him post-breakup. I’m ready for a change, Zack.
Also, I came for comedy, not for Slam Poetry.
I hate this book.
Can it end? Please?
Do I want to go to Club Fuse? No, I want the chapter to end.
Is Teddy seriously trying to give us tips? Or wanting to collaborate? Or an experienced guy wanting to get some tips from two people who don’t know the field? Idk anymore, man. This has turned into some Full House type shit.
MC spots a red pantsuit and lmao Hillary Clinton, 2k16. Kaitlyn is calling us now. Honestly, despite previously not liking her all that much because of Book 3, I’ve cooled off a bit. She’s pretty cool for the most part. And I think this book would be ten times better with her in it full-time. We’ll see what happens when we get to her.
Again, wtf was the point? We got her approval on the outfit that I’m not going to buy, big fucking whoop. No new information was presented. No drama bombs. Absolutely nothing to forward the story in any way. This is all just filler content. This is just a bullshit story for money and not for the sake of telling a god damned story. I’m legit considering not reading this book any longer. But I need diamonds, so I’ll do it anyway. Doesn’t mean I’ll waste my time reviewing it.
We’re sticking to our old clothes.
I’m ready for this chapter to be over. I’m not even trying anymore. Ugh.
We get to the club and flirt with Teddy a bit, he bullshits with Zack. Asks for roasting tips. Hm. I am pretty fucking good at it.
He leaves. Another pointless conversation. MC says he’s into Zack? Good god shoot me. Teddy was screaming 'fuck me MC’ but nooo, we’re gonna turn it on Zack because why the fuck not, not like my MC is single, right?
I hate, hate, hate this book.
It’s great 'cause he’s fucking friendly, idk.
Also, MC, fuck off. He’s heartbroken still about Brandon so stop pushing him to someone else. He needs to fucking heal and he can’t do that by just “moving on” all of a sudden.
Zack says Teddy is into us. Fucking obviously. And of course this moron is gonna say he’s into both. I truly hate my MC. The boys come back with drinks. Fucking give me twenty, I wanna die.
And now we get the 'Zig is bi’ drop which would be fine if we weren’t talking about Teddy who is not fucking hot.
MC wants to go dance. Fall down and get trampled then, bitch. Ugh. I am so salty right now. Sorrynotsorry.
I am not wasting diamonds on Teddy. Let someone else grab him, idgaf. And great, throw Zig at some one-off character instead of me, someone who is single and also the main character.
Zack starts panicking because there are too many people and didn’t he happily go mosh last book? Whatever. I’m happy we’re out because the club wasn’t our scene.
We eat hot dogs for dinner and chill out. We start singing. Someone throw us a dollar or something. Or shoot us. I’m open to all kinds of things.
End chapter. I’ll consider reviewing the next one tomorrow, since I’m a week behind it but also very much hate this book right now.
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jaquandor · 3 years
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I finally broke out the microphone and tripod kit that I got a couple months back for use with my phone. I don't do a whole lot of video content, but I want decent sound when I do, and my main camera does great video footage but the sound is awful and the camera has no mechanism for an external microphone. Hence, this kit, which will alleviate my big peeve: wind noise. I like to record outside, but wind is a common thing where I live, and the mic on my camera picks up the slightest wind and amplifies it very annoyingly. A friend and I shot a video recently that looks great, but the sound makes it virtually unusable as is. Hopefully this will solve that problem! I have no problem shooting video on my phone; my current phone does nice video and I'm planning an upgrade this fall, anyway. Yay, new tech!
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technteacher · 5 years
Daily News Roundup: ZombieLoad is the Latest Threat to Intel PCs
Last year saw the release of the Spectre and Meltdown vulnerabilities, but researchers warned that this pair of flaws was just the start of something bigger. ZombieLoad is the newest vulnerability to leverage a similar type of attack.
While there isn’t a lot to say about ZombieLoad that hasn’t already been said, here’s what you need to know. First off, it affects nearly every Intel processor made since 2011. Secondly, since it directly affects the processor, it’s OS agnostic—this flaw is present on Windows, Mac, Chrome OS, Linux, and pretty much any other operating system that runs on an Intel chip.
The good news? Most of the major players have already patched the vulnerability (or will do so very soon)—Apple has a fix for every Mac and MacBook released since 2011, Mozilla is making sure Firefox is safe,  Microsoft is rolling a fix out to Windows, and Amazon is deploying a patch for AWS. Google said that most Android devices aren’t vulnerable—you know, since most don’t use Intel chips—but a patch has been developed and will need to be distributed by manufacturers. Affected Chrome OS devices are good to go as of Chrome OS 74, though it may cause a bit of a performance hit until the permanent solution becomes available in Chrome OS 75 as the temporary fix disabled hyperthreading.
Without getting overly-technical, ZombieLoad does its thing by leveraging something called, get this, a zombie load. A zombie load contains clusters of data that the processor can’t, erm, process, so it has to request assistance from microcode to avoid crashing. The ZombieLoad vulnerability allows attackers to leverage this process to access any data currently loaded in the processor’s core in real-time. Since the processor sees all, you can imagine why this is such an issue—usernames, passwords, sensitive account info, and the like are all potentially at risk here.
On the upside, researchers only recently found this vulnerability, and there’s no proof that it has been leveraged out in the world yet. Now that the word is out, however, it’s sure to pique the interest of every wrong-doer with the know-how, so it’s critical that you make sure to patch your devices. Install those updates, folks! [TechCrunch, The Verge, Wired] 
In Other News
Disney buys Comcast’s stake in Hulu, OnePlus officially announces the 7 Pro, Google is getting more ads, Facebook brings back “view as public,” and more.
Disney now has full control of Hulu: Disney is poised to buy Comcast’s stake in Hulu and will take full control of the streaming service effective immediately. Nothing will change in terms of content as of now, as Comcast agreed to extend the licensing of NBCUniversal content until “late 2024.” After that, however, we’ll have to see. [Ars Technica]
The OnePlus 7 Pro is official: It features a notchless 6.67-inch 90 Hz QHD+ display with a 93 percent screen-to-body ratio and pop-up selfie camera, Qualcomm Snapdragon 855 CPU, up to 12GB of RAM, and other beastly specs. All for a starting price of $669. It’s a monster. [OnePlus]
New Google ads are coming: Google announced all sorts of new ads yesterday, mostly for mobile. Google Search is getting more intrusive ads, as is the Discover feed. Yay? [The Verge]
Facebook is bringing back “view as public”: Remember the Facebook feature of old that allowed you to see your profile the way others saw it? Well, it’s coming back—hopefully, it’s more secure this time. [Engadget]
AT&T will pull content from Netflix for its own thing: You ever sit back and think “man, if only there were 17 more streaming services with all different content!” Well, boy, do we have good news for you! AT&T is gearing up to launch a streaming service, and when it does, you can say goodbye to things like Friends and The Office on Netflix. Great. [Android Police]
Google to pay some Pixel owners in a class-action lawsuit: The suit states that the company knew the original Pixel had a faulty mic, yet they sold it anyway. Now Google will have to pay up to $500 to some users. All Pixel and Pixel XL devices made before January 4th, 2017 are covered. [The Verge]
A new Mortal Kombat movie is coming: Look, maybe you don’t care about this, but I’m already hyped. I need more live action Baraka. [Engadget]
Google is combining and renaming a bunch of services in its latest shift. First off, Google Trips, Flights, hotel search, and similar services you probably didn’t know Google offered are going to be a singular service called Trips. You can check it out now. Secondly, as previously rumored, Google Express is becoming Google Shopping, and it’s getting integration with Google Images, Discover, and YouTube. This will make it even easier to buy things using Google Shopping. They’re coming for you, Amazon. [The Verge, Android Police]
from How-To Geek http://bit.ly/2w930kl from Blogger http://bit.ly/2W5Repg
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art of atrocities: biliahthesegagamer+announcement
Hello my people, this is kristoph martinez saying oi mate, it's the first art of atrocities in 2017(yay…). So this is the first review of the year and I'm happy to say I'm now accepting requests(mainly because I'm tired of doing the same shit other people have done on YouTube, mainly cause overall, I hate using the deviantart search engine and for that matter any engine to look up art under the qualifications to be on art of atrocities, and speaking of) I've got quite the drama king of cringe, today I look at….biliahthesegagamer(I know he's going to make a video on me) Anyway biliah is a very infamous figure from DeviantArt back in 2015 making two types of art, which are either…. 1.crappy Ms paint drawings of hairstyles for pokémon(?) Girls 2.crappy Ms paint drawings of vore, inflation, fat tumors or as he calls them his BIG BELLIES Now, you're probably wondering why I typed that in all caps, well I’ll get to that later. So yeah, that's the the case of his art, and if you're wondering how garbage this guy’s art is, all of his art is crappily cropped out pictures from cartoons with horrid circle tools stomachs. He also has a YouTube account (for any who aren't informed), which is about the same quality if not worse. His videos (or the main three I'm talking about) are him acting like a juvenile, using that crappy Windows movie Maker application, him yelling into his mic about BIG BELLIES and HOW SEXY THEY ARE, and typing with the skills of a drunk, autistic, brain dead arthropod about the same thing he yells about in his videos. Overall, this guy is a really, really talentless and endlessly butthurt creature with the insatiable urge to fuck a tumor with a navel, who acts like a 2 year old when he's in his twenties or thirties. Yes, his content is garbage, but it wasn't enough to piss me off. Now, I know I've already said this, but I'm now taking requests for artists, video games, music, youtubers, even memes, I'm doing this for a new series I want to start, so leave your suggestions for what I should review. Rules: -No freemium games -No troll artists(they will be on art of atrocities) -You may send me good artists as recommendations And that's all, this is an anundeadpezdispencer, saying happy new year and goodbye        
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